Yaesu FT-680R Instruction Manual

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL FT-680R YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD. TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS, ‘SEMICONDUCTORS ACCESSORIES FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS AND SWITCHES UNDER CABINET SWITCHES INSTALLATION OPERATION CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE AND ALIGNMENT PARTS LIST Cae) oy a i) (a) (6) on cs) (10) ay as) (8) FT-680R MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLLED 6 METER ALL—MODE TRANSCEIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FT-680R is a revolutionary, high performance SSB, AM, FM, and CW transceiver for the most demanding 6-meter operator. Controlled by a NMOS 4-bit microprocessor, the -680R features full PLL synthesis in 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 20 kHz, and 100 kHz steps. The extremely compact size of the FT-680R makes this model particularly well suited for mobile use, The microprocessor chip allows never-before-possible operating flexibility. As many as four memory channels may be programmed to your favorite frequencies, and by switching to the MEMORY SCAN position, all four memory channels will be scanned. Digital display of the operating frequency is provided. The front panel meter consists of a string of bright LED's, for casy monitoring of the received signal strength and tiansinit output. The standard microphone features the normal PTT switch, up/down scanning controls plus a tone call button for repeater operation, Among the convenience features of your FT-680R are receiver offset tuning for CW, AM and SSB, and a digitally synthesized dual VFO system, We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety, so as to derive maximum benefit from your new FT-680R, an exciting breakthrough from the communications experts Yaesu. SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL, Frequency coverage: '50.00000..53.99999 MHz. Modes of operation: ‘SSB (USB), CW, AM and FM SSW, AM, CW. 10 Hz, 100 Hz, | kHz FM 1 kHz, 20 kHz, 100 kHz Power requirements: 13.8 volts DC, negative ground Current consumption: DC 0.5 amps receive DC 3.0 amps transmit Antenna impedance 50 ohms Case size: 60 (H) x 180 (W) x 240 (D) mm Weight: Approx. 2.9kg ‘TRANSMITTER Power input: SSB 20 watts PEP FM/CW 20 watts DC AM 8 watts DC Carrier suppression Better than 40 dB Unwanted sideband suppression: Better than 40 dB, Spurious emission(SSB): At least 60 dB down Frequency response: 300-2700 Hz (~6 dB) FM Deviation: 25 kHz Microphone impedance: 600 ohms. RECEIVER Sensitivity: SSB,CW 0.5 nV for 20 4B S/N FM 0.35 wV-for 20 dB QS AM 1.0nV for 10 dB S/N (@ 400 Hz, 30% MOD) Selectivity: SSB,CW 2.4 kHzat 6 dB down 4.1 KHz at 60 dB down eM 14 kHz at 6 dB down, 25 kHz at 60 dB down AM 4 kliz at 6 dB down 15 kHz at 60 dB down Image response: Retter than 60d Audio output impedance: 8 ohms nominal Audio output: 2.0 watts @ 10% THD Ic: MC1496G. MCI4011B MC14560B MC14028B MC14069B MC14002B HATSLOS uPC7808H uPCSTTH, HPCIO37H uPC2002V uPCTR0SH uPD4094B uPDISII-II 7C9122P TCS081P TCS082P SNi6913P SN76S14N HDIOSS1 MB87I8A, TAT612AP FET: 2SK19TM-Y SEMICONDUCTORS 2SKISTMGR 3 3SK30AY 1 2SKS1 1 3SK59Y 2 3SK73¥ 8 28A715C 28A733P/Q 28C535A 28C535B 28C732TM-BL 28C733P 28¢945P. 28¢945Q 3 28C945K 28C1583 28C1674L 28C1815Y 2SC181SGR 2sc1945 28C20021. C2 28C2166 MPSAI3, Diode: 1S188EM 181007 181555 182209 UOSB 18853 10D1 MV104 HZ11B4. TLG-205 TLR-208 TLR-226 FD: LD8231/F1P9CS Specifications subject to change without notice or obligation ACCESSORIES Microphone (13090028) Power Cord (79002805) Spare Fuses (SA) (0000005) Stand (R0062300A) Miniature Phone Plug (P0090034) Mobile Mounting Bracket(R0062900) TONE IN Connector (P0090174) lea lea. Tea, Tea. Tea. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS AND SWITCHES i720 20 89 10 112 13 | ‘The FT-680R has been designed for ease of opera tion. However, the operator may not be familiar with some controls since the FT-680R utilizes modern computer technology. Be sure you thor- oughly understand the function of each control and indicator before operating the equipment. (1) SQL, ‘The squelch control quiets the receiver in the absence of a signal on FM, It should be set to the point where the background noise just disappears, in order to provide maximum sensitivity @) vor This control is the main ON/OFF switch for the transceiver, and it also sets the audio output level to the’ speaker. Clockwise rotation increases the audio output level. (3) STEP The 3 positions of this switch control the tuning rate of the MAIN DIAL, as shown in Table 1 MAIN DIAL FREQUENCY | COVERAGE PER S STEP SWITCH POSITION I SSB/AM/ 5 | tone | iz 20 kHz M 100 H 20 kHz | | F [tke 100 kez | Table 1 (4) MEMORY This switch selects the M: mode (Memory Sean) or one of the four frequencies that the operator has programmed into. memory. Memory scan control is exercised via the UP/DOWN switches on the microphone. (3) MAIN TUNING KNOB The tuning knob is used to control the receive and transmit frequencies over the entire 6 meter amateur band, It is activated when the DIL button is pushed. When the transceiver is initially tured on, the display will indicate $0,000,0 MHz , and the dial may be tuned from that point to the desired operating frequency. (6) MODE This switch selects the mode of operation: SSB (Single Sideband), AM (Amplitude Modulation), CW (code operation), and FM (frequency modula- tion). (7) MIC The MIC jack is used for the microphone input, PLT control, and scanner control lines. (8) S/PO A string of LEDs provides indication of signal strength and relative power output, (9) ON AIR ‘This indicator lights up during transmission. (10) BUSY/MOD This indicator has a dual function: it wil light up when the channel is occupied, or indicate modula: tion during FM transmissions. (11) CLAR Indicator This lamp pushed. is when the clarifier switch is (12) Low This lamp lights when the HI/LOW switch is in the LOW position. (13) Digital Display The digital display indicates the operating fre- quency. In the priority mode, the character “P™ will be illuminated at the far right hand side of the window. Also, memory channels will be indicated for easy frequency reference, (14) T.CALL When this switch is pushed, the PTT line will close, and an 1800 Hz tone will be transmitted for accessing repeaters, (15) CLAR The clarifier switch allows #10 kHz offset of the receive frequency from the dial or memory fre- quency. Clarifier tuning is accomplished via the main tuning dial, When the CLAR switch is pushed, the scanning step selector should be set to 10 Hz or 100 Hz; if not, control will be returned to the main dial, with the clarifier being disabled. (16) M (Memory) This switch is used for programming a frequency into memory. (17) VEO A/B TXA This switch, when pressed, allows split operation using the two internal VFOs. (18) PRI While operating in the dial tuning mode, the PRIORITY switch allows scanning of the main dial and one of the memorized frequencies every 5 seconds, The SCAN switch controls the stopping of the scanner on a busy or clear channel. (19) F.SET ‘This switch, when pressed, clears all digits of the operating frequeney below the step frequency you are using, (20) HI/LOW ‘This switch, when pressed, reduces the transmitter power from 10 watts to 1 watt RF output. (21) MR (Memory Recall) This button transfers frequency control from the main dial to the memory channels (22) NB (Noise Blanker) This switch, when pressed, activates the noise blanker for minimizing pulse-type noise. (23) DIL (Dial) This switch, when pressed, transfers frequency control from the memory channels to the main tuning dial, YM-40 MICROPHONE CONNECTIONS REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS AND SWITCH () ANT This is the main antenna connector (2) TONE IN CONNECTOR This connector is provided for the (optional) ex temal FIS-64E ‘Tone Encoder, which synthesizes 32 CTCSS or Tone-burst frequencies (3) KEY This is the k xy jack for CW operation (4) EXT SP This is a miniature phone jack for connection to an extemal speaker. Insertion of a plug into this jack automatically cuts off the internal speaker. (3) BACKUP When this switch is placed in the ON position, and DC power is still connected to the POWER con. nector, the memory circuit will still be held in operating condition, If DC power is removed though, the memorized frequency will be lost Tx TONE INPUT (ppr00035 9) RET INPUT (erp 029) TONE IN CONNECTOR (6) POWER This receptacle accommodates the power cord, A fuse rated at S amps is located in the power cord, WHEN REPLACING FUSES, BE CERTAIN TO USE A FUSE OF $ AMP RATING OUR WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER DAMAGE CAUSED BY USE OF AN IM- PROPER FUSE —wnt 1 t | a We KEY CONNECTIONS UNDERSIDE CABINET SWITCHES. (1) SAT (Satellite) This switch allows the operating frequency to be changed while transmitting. This feature is useful especially for satellite operation, for it allows the operator to zero on the proper frequency within the satellite passband. Neither VFO A/B TXA nor the CLARIFIER function works when the SAT switch is placed in the ON position. (2) SCAN ‘This switch will select scanning stop on a busy or clear channel in the FM mode. Manual scanning stop is also provided on all modes. (3) RPT (Repeater) The switch will shift the transmitting frequency +1 MHz or —1 MHz for repeater operation. 5a . FUSE ej FUSEHOLoER POWER CORD CONNECTIONS INSTALLATION ANTENNA CONSIDERATIONS, The FT-680R is designed for operation using an antenna presenting a $0 ohm resistive lead. The automatic final transistor protection circuitry will reduce the power output to protect the transistors when a high antenna SWR is encountered. ‘The SWR on the antenna should, if possible, be kept below 1.5: 1 at all times to secure full output from the transceiver. In most cases, coverage is a function of antenna height. The antenna for base station operation should be located as high and in the clear as possible. Vertical polarization is standard for FM communications in most areas, so be sure that your antenna is oriented appropriately. Popular anten- nas for base station use include the 5/8 wavelength vertical or one of the many stacked dipole arrays. For accessing repeaters a long distance away, a Yagi or other high gain directional array may be required. Do not economize on coaxial cable, as much power can be wasted in lossy transmission ine, For mobile use, the RG-S8A/U type of coax may be used. To minimize loss, use the shortest length that is possible. For base stations, use type RG8A/ U- coaxial cable, For very long runs, type RGITAJU, aluminum-jacketed “foamflex” coax, or air dielectric “heliax” cable may be used, The optional antenna duplexer AD-I allows the operation on both 50 and 144 MHz using a single antenna (RSL-SO or RSL145). See your Yaesu dealer MOBILE INSTALLATION For mobile service, the FT-680R should be in- stalled where the digital display, controls, and microphone are easily accessible for operation. The transceiver may be installed in any position without loss of performance, A suitable location would be atop the transmission tunnel. A universal bracket is supplied with your transceiver for mobile installation. Refer to Fig. 1 for mounting dlotails 1, Use the universal mounting bracket as a template for positioning the mounting holes. Use a 3/16" diameter bit for drilling these holes, allowing clearance for the transceiver, its cables and microphone, and its controls. Secure the mounting bracket with the serews, washers, and nuts supplied, as shown in the drawing, 2. ase the transceiver ito the guide rail, and slide it into the desired position. Tighten the knobs on the outside of the universal bracket to secure the transceiver 3. The microphone hanger may be installed wherever vonvenient for access to the micro- phone. Power connections should be made directly to the suilomobile battery Routing through the cigarette: lighter may cause the lighter fuse to blow if the fuse is not of sufficient rating. As well, connection directly to the battery allows the memory circuits to ren vated witen the ignition is turned off using the BACKUP switch. AD-1 ANTENNA DUPLEXER stano Figure 1 Connect the RED lead of the power cord to the POSITIVE (+) battery terminal, and connect the BLACK lead t0 the NEGATIVE (-) terminal Wit is necessary to extend the power cable, se #16 AWG insulated copper wire, and use the mnininmam length practicable to reduce voltage drop. | WARNING. | NEVER APPLY Ac POWER TOTTHE REAR | PANEL POWER JACK OF THE TRANS- | CEIVER, NEVER CONNECT A DC POWER SOURCE OF GREATER THAN 15 VOLTS TO THE REAR PANEL POWER JACK. | ALWAYS REPLACE FUSES WITH A FUSE OF THE PROPER RATING. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THESE SIMPLE PRECAUTIONS | WILL VOID ALL WARRANTIES ON THIS EQUIPMENT. AW OOOOH HK OOOOSS MOUNTING baacker Connect the power cable to the POWER receptacle ‘on the rear apron, connect the coaxial cable from the antenna to the rear apron ANT receptacle, and connect the microphone to the jack appropriate for the microphone in use. An external speaker may be connected to the rear apron SP jack, if desired. Use the speaker plug supplied with the transceiver. Insertion of a plug into this jack auto- matically cuts off the internel speaker BASE STATION INSTALLATION A base station mounting stand is supplied with your transceiver, to provide easier viewing of the display and controls, A powsr supply capable of supplying 5 amps at 13.8 VDC is required for operation from AC mains. The FP-80 AC power supply option provides the required 13.8 VDC for the FT-680R transceiver. See your Yaesu dealer. FP.80 POWER SUPPLY OPERATION The all solid-state design of the FT-680R means that tuning procedures are very simple. The follow- ing paragraphs will describe the tuning procedures for receiver and transmitter operation, INITIAL CHECK Before connecting the transceiver to the power supply, be certain that a fuse of the proper rating is in use, and that 2 50 ohm antenna has been connected to the antenna jack. FREQUENCY SELECTION USING MAIN DIAL When the transceiver is initially tumed on, the digital display will read the preset frequency 50.000.0 MHz, and frequency control will be via the main tuning dial. Af priority operation, pressing the DIL button will return control to the main dial. Rotate the dial to secure the operating frequency desired. Since tun- ing steps depend on the combination of the MODE switch and STEP switch as shown in Table 1, ws the synthesizer step for easy tuning, When the upper or lower bandedge is reached the next synthesizer step will automatically be to the opposite bandedge, Thus, after 53.999. MHz, the next step is 0,000.0 MHz. While transmit ting, the operation frequency can not be changed in any operation modes except the satellite mode. sr memory, scanning, or RECEIVER OPERATION Preset the controls and switches as follows: MODE - Desired mode SQL. Fully counterclockwise STEP Desired synthesizer step. VFO A/B TXA.... VFO“A” position SCAN MAN position RPT SIMP position All other switches should be turned off initially. Rotate the VOL control clockwise to turn the transceiver on and adjust for a comfortable level. (1) SSB and AM modes ‘Using the main tuning dial, tune in an SSB or AM signal. The STEP switch should be set to M or F position so that you can secure the operating fre- quency desired in 100 Hz or 1 kHz steps, When you get close to the desired frequency, set the STEP switch to $ position for 10 Hz step in order to tune in the signal smoothly. When pulse type noise such as ignition noise is encountered, press the NB (noise blanker) switch (2) CW mode With the clarifier off, tune in a CW signal. When the incoming signal is tuned to a beat note of 800 Hz, your transmit frequeney will coincide with, that of the other station. If another beat note is desired, or if the other station drifts, then use the clarifier function, (3) FM mode Using the main tuning control, tune in an PM signal for a maximum and steady S-meter reading and a clear, natural voice output from the speaker. Set the STEP switch to the M (20 kHz) position, as almost all FM stations use 20 kHz steps. When you! change the operating mace from SSB/AM/CW to FM, all the digits of the operating frequency below 10 kHz will clear by pressing the F.SET button. When the channel is clear, rotate the SQL control to the point where the background noise is just silenced, Do not rot te the SQL control much beyond this threst will not respond to weak signals. The BUSY/MOD lamp will light up when the squelch circuit is opened, If the Smeter wobbles, OF IF ICIS tMpos- sible to obtain clear audio, it is possible that the incoming signal is on another mode such as SSB. 1 point, or else the receiver ‘TRANSMITTER Before transmission, be certain that the frequency fon which you are going to operate is clear to prevent interruption of the other station’s opera tion. I is important that an antenna or dummy load be connected fo the antenna jack at all times, (1) SSB mode Set the MODE switeh to SSB and close the micro phone PTT switch, The ON AIR lamp should tight up and if you speak into microphone in a normal voice, the $,PO LEDs will light up according to the relative output power. 2) AM mode Set the MODE switch to AM and close the micro-

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