Adjectives Ending in Ed and Ing

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Adjectives ending in Ed and Ing

ED Form We use it for describing our feelings.

ING Form We use it for describing things.


Molesto - molesto Annoyed Annoying

Asombrado - Asombroso Astonished Astonishing
Aburrido – Aburrido Bored Boring
Confundido – Confuso Confused Confusing
Asqueado - Asqueroso Disgusted Disgusting
Avergonzado - Vergonzoso Embarrassed Embarrassing
Extenuado - Extenuante Exhausted Exhausting
Entretenido - Entretenido Entertained Entertaining
Asustado - Aterrador Frightened Frightening
Frustrado - Frustrante Frustrated Frustrating
Interesado - Interesante Interested Interesting
Sorprendido - Sorprendente Surprised surprising
Cansado - Cansador Tired Tiring

EXERCISE: Write feelings according to the following situations:

The situation The feeling Describe the feeling

I spilled water on my pants.

She can’t understand math.

I worked all day long.

He can’t read the map.

They are watching a horror


I want to study French.

The show was fan to watch.

He's picking his nose in public!

My daughter snores every

This fly keeps buzzing around
my head.

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