Binder1-1997-12-07 - RFB TO USDJ

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Robert F. BIerios
10635 Patrick Avenue. I-Iudson. FL 34669

Decembu 7.1997 Receipt for Cenilied Mail: P 118678830

Revision I pe< Recept fex Cenified Mail P 118 678 831

u.s. Dq>u_ of JuoIice

Washington. D.C. 20530
Isabelle Katz Pinzler Acting Assistant Anomey General
Civil RighlS Division
Attention: Diane C. Roberts

Re: U.S. Department of Justice file reference: IKP: OCR: DJ 144·17M·O

Dear Ms. Roberts:

Thank you for your two paragraph letter. of October 10, 1997 postmarked October 15, 1997
received October 18. 1997. in answer to my letters to the Department. See yours italicized below.

This is in reply to your correspondence to the Department. We apologize for the delay of
lhis response.
You have not provided suffjcient infonnation to enable us to determine whether a violation
of federal civil rights statute is involved. If you will provide us wich a more specific statement of
me circumstances involved in your complainI, me matter will receive our carefuJ consideration.
Your apology. of course. is accepted; neither is there any shortage of evidence. Quiet the contrary.
It may well be a matter of having more than needed. In a number of cases, all that is needed is
that which is not just over my/our signature. but just that which is over the other party's own
signature or that of their staff which is essentially the same. I have hours of audio tape recording
which you mayor may not want to use for us. I don't regard it as crucial. Maybe the greatest
advantage is that its existence, I most strongly suspect. is widely enough believed to make the
wrongdoer think twice before denying, for example.

I interpret your: the matter will receive our careful consideration included that the United States
Department of Justice without hesitation or mental reservation and without other disclaimer. has
committed itself and its resources to see that full and complete justice is rendered leaving nothing
material undone: such is my wife Ruth Blevins' (1923-1997) and my most solemn and sincere
request. and just as she pledged her all to that end. so it has always been. and remains as to me.

That which she thought then. and which, in fact. was to become her death wish. she spoke to me
for the first time on May 6, 1992 I not rou 10 see tfw tber tu:t 'ft'Iyt'I romig, 10 #hem foe JrbM
tbt:r hire " ' " 10 roo' So speak I. Tyranny succeeds in direct proponion to the do-nothingness
of the citizenry. We were but two. I am but one. So we were committed. so 1 continue in this
matter against wrongdoing tyranny oppression. My homing stone is simple: no one was ever
created to do wrong with impunity. Such is the harmony strength and support of all worthwhile
endeavor whether it be family friend fraternity courtship community stale or global ....

Ruth's reference then was basically: Dorothy Wanke/Colonial Penn Insurance Company; William
R. "Bill" Webb's benefactors. Henry Hanf!; and Jack B. McPherson; Steven Moss: A.O. Bonati:
William R. "Bill" Webb and his law finn partner James Waller Dodson and their staff and firm.
Carlson. Meissner. et al.: the State of Florida Department of Insurance and Treasurer: Montgomery Insurance Company Legal Services; Mitchell L. Meeks/Barr. Murman, et al.: Judge W.
Lowell Bray. Jr. The list would grow.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·97 Page 1

At the time of her death on January 11. 1997 at 7:35 PM. her reference had grown to include:
Humana HMO; Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO: Columbia HCA: Colonial Penn Insw-ance Company
lawyer Kenneth L. Olsen; Florida Bar: The Governor(The office of The Governor; Sheriff Lee
Cannon: State Attorney Bernie McCabe; Judicial Qualification Commission: State Farm Insurance
Company: Bay Area Legal Aid; Tammy Layman and Michael Layman: John Short: et aI.

Is it possible that even our President is disproportionately greater concerned over Human Rights
denial over.;eas. than here at home. including right here in Pasco County. Florida. or is it that he
knows more about what's going on overseas than what's going on at home. particularly right here
in Pasco County. Florida? Let's hope it's the laner. Anyway. it's not what he thinks. but what the
United States Department of Justice does or does not that concerns me, no end. For better or for
worse: this matter is going to showcase: our Community; our State: and our Federal Government.

This is the oo1y case I have ever known whereby the wronged party, or any party, cannot retain
further representation, and cannot get trial by jury, albeit some of my wife Ruth Blevins' claims
and my claims have been filed, demanding and requesting jury trial/trial by jury. Other claims
cannot even be fLIed: the foregoing. and worse, with all the inherent irreparable damage!

I share your concern as to delay. In my case. it goes to the very core of my complaint: the impact
of having hired a total of four lawyersJ1aw ftrmS, all of whom are legally obligated to represent. all
of whom refuse to represent. and secondary to the foregoing, I find it impossible to hire more. I
would think thaI the foregoing alone constitutes violation of federal civil rights. if not why not?

Gang Rape Government Lawlessness Enforcement Enslavement Life Endangennent Stamping out
Patriotism and Hwnan Rights. all the foregoing and worse: is what it amounts to here in Florida up
through the State level. God forbid, that's what it amounts to on up through the Federa1level!

One person to whom I looked, in vain. for help. and who claims to have sat for a tenn on the State
of Florida Supreme COW1. claims that THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION is in error. that it
does not say what it means and mean what it says! He. of course. is in error. harmful error! We
don't need lawyer.; or anyone else wrongfully chipping away The United States Constitution.

He claims thaI (our initial attorney, now a judge, and still my lawyer. still legally obligated).
William R. ~Bill~ Webb cannot be held to obligation of contract, because it would be enslavement!
He makes an excellent point: one we need to keep in mind as we continue to wade through the
madness of this matter. What does he call that which we have faced and I continue to face
because of William R. "Bill" Webb. and others we have had to face because of him?

Reality calls it: enslavement: heinousness: incarceration, without due process; cruel and unusual
punishmenC wanton destruction/lmpairment of inalienable rights: gross impairment of life liberty
and the pursuit of happiness; attempted murder; contributing to my wife Ruth Blevins' demise:
anempted eradication of probiry(mtegriry, and patriotism; disgracing our community, our State.
and the United States of America; all the aforesaid and worse.

Woe be to live in the self acclaimed greatest society that has ever been. where a doctor can commit
malpractice. the victims try to drop the matter. but the doctor ~pushes a button" thus absolutely
ruining their lives. and does it with impunity. as aided and abetted by the victims' very own
lawyers. the State of Florida. et aI. Where am I, in China. Of in these United States of America?
Such as the foregoing, continues from December 1987 with no escape in sight, save death itself.
such was Ruth's escape on January 11. 1997 at 7:35 PM,

The 1st hired was anomey William R. ~Bill" Webb: the 2nd, attorney Jack B. McPherson; me 3rd.
attorney Mitchell L. Meeks. and the 4th: attorney Carol Ann Volini. The first two unjustifiably
refused to ftle. The third filed. but unjustifiably refused to pursue as ftled. as did the fourth .

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 2

[Page 3 is missing]
Was it intentional or were they playing it that close in getting her turned around? Through her
babbling as if someone had a knife at her throat. she managed to tell me that the hearing had been
reset for October 13. 1994, and that we've got to get this sealed. Of course, and we wanted it
settled as she said she would do and not as Judge Bray and or Colonial Penn dictated!

She had made such statements as: They are going to pay dearly for these seven years of grief they
have caused you (poor people). I hope they have deep pockets. I hope they have plenty of
insurance, and he needs tainted, referring to anomey Meeks. Judge Bray dismissed without
prejudice in regard to Colonial Penn complaint.

And in regard to William R. ~Bill~ Webb. Judge Bray included. " And the Court notes for the
record that Mr. Webb has previously withdrawn and does not at this time represent anyone."

We must interpret ~represent" to mean "legally obligated to represent" in which case Judge Bray
has made his patent lie a matter of Court record. Why did William R. "BiW Webb not give some
real evidence. and why did Judge Bray not demand iL We will pass this way again. However. at
!his juncture we rerum to square one which predates me SOurce accident.
During 1972 I was doctored into depression and likewise kept in it for six years at which juncture I
gave up on the medication and the medicine and by summer of 1984. I felt sure that I was cured. It
had taken early retirement and lots of golf in the sunshine and dogged determination. Even so.
had it not been for Ruth. I could never have made it that soon. I miss her. She was my all.

On September 11. 1986. Ruth and I were hospitalized; she in the throes of her life shortening life
crippling near fatal. then and there. heart aneurysm; I with heart arrhythmia which posed no
serious threat provided I followed doctors orders. She was immensely less fortunate.

She was given zero to four years to live, the more the stress or strain or mental anguish. the closer
it was expected to be to zero. To minimize such stress. she was ordered to live a quiet in home
indoor lifestyle. And yet. she did survive precisely ten years plus four mo nths to the very day.
Fwthermore. the lifestyle she was forced to live was anything but. a quiet in home indoor one.

Based on the foregoing, she would have been expected to live at least until 2006. had it not been
for the more than nine years of stress due to (a) wrongdoing having emanated fro m our claims
source accident of December 22. 1987 (b) wrongdoing having emanated from an accident of
December 8. 1995, and (c) wrongdoing having emanated from two HMO's and Columbia HCA.
Figw-e.s or lack of same. ultimately. it is UP to a jUlY to deckle.

Albeit our heart specialist (Dr. G. Natarajan). had informed Ruth thai stress and not smoking was
the culprit. she never again smoked. which with walking exercise. logically helped. Interestingly.
she was more hooked on driving. than she had been on smoking! Driving, she regarded as
essential mentaJ,lphysical therapy. It proved to be precisely and tragically such.

Our claim source accident of December 22. 1987. ended our walking exercise. Her driving ended
on January 17. 1996. due to a heart attack resulting from State Farm insurance Company
wrongdoing. itself having stemmed from the accident of December 8. 1995 and having involved
State Farm (committing a felony) forging my signarure, thus removing our vehicle rental coverage.
Ruth and I engaged in walking exercise daily together, whereby she was able to do over 1(2 mile
with a short rest en route. In addition to walking with her. I did over tWO miles. normally in
approximately thirty minutes, and on occasion. a bit less. Given my background. I fell right into it.

In her case. it built up from a short walk of twenty five feet down our driveway. By December
1987, as soon as that. she had made a near miraculous comeback. The damage that the aneurysm
had done to her heart was. however. beyond repair.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·1997 Page 4

L-_________________________________________________ __

And to slow its worsening: protecting her from undue stress, always remained a grave concern.
Doctors err. she held on until January 1997.

18649-28 HSMV ACCIDENT REPORT NUMBER 104691571 show, thal Dorothy Wanke alone
was deemed negligent (Violation of Right of Way). Nevertheless, at the scene, in the presence of
witness of record. et aI .• she made taunting remarks to me. even claimed the accident was all my
fault and ordered. me to not deny it. She reported no injury. I was injured and profusely bleeding,

My injuries were several. and some proved to be permanent or lasting. See: hereinafter including:
IN AND FOR PASCO COUNTY, CIVIL DIVISION Case Number: CA9l·6383 Division; "H"

In responae 10 Ms. Wanke', assaul~ I had a Pasco County, florida, Deputy Sheriff promise me that
the vehicles would not be moved until a proper authority (Florida Trooper) arrived. They were
moved. However, the overwbelming evidence against Ms. Wanke was Dot materially impaired.

I informed the ho.spital staff of Ruth's condition, and that because of it. they were Dot to contact
her, but were to contact our daughter Connie, who brought Ruth to the hospital where they joined
our daughter Kimberly and me. The Trooper joined us at the hospital and confmned thaI Ms.
Wanke alone was at fault and had been appropriately charged.

On December 23. 1987. I reported the accident to our own carrier State FamvClaudia. and then to
Ms. Wanke', carrier Colonial Penn Insurance CompanytMs Maggie Harris. Ms. Harris (0)
volunteered. that it sounded as if I had a good claim against them «(b) committed as to loss of
vehicle use, up 10 at leaat $16/day, and (c) alleged thal I was negligent and thal they would prove
it by the audio recording. that I then declined to give. She symbolically. anempted to contact me
too late: just after we had hired representation. so hired because of Re: false allegation!

Also on said date. we visited Henry Hanft. MD. strictly for follow-up as to my ankle injury. The
soft cast was removed. and after he had inspected the anlde (at a distance of say four feed. the cast
was replaced. I needed to return on December 28. 1987 to see whether by then. the ankle was fit
to receive a wallcing cast. the firmlbard type. The ankle was not fit. and with damaging results!
Dr. Hanff. made no comment as to my other injuries, including those of my head and face. itself
remarkably swollen and discolored. while my head was "semi mummy_likeft bandaged.

At this juncture. I include some very enlightening infonnation: William R. ftBillft Webb's list. &me
li1cen the list to being no more thaD. the mere tip of one of an octopus' tentacles. The list itself
reaches Washington OC! How much further can the tentacles reach? Included is
U. S. Congrewnan Michael Biliralcis whom I have tried to contact. but am turned away by his
front person who was not very nice about it. ItI!'.:: I.Z'l"I'ER. Of' .JUNE 23.1994 WD.J..IAM R. WEBB TO ALBA
JOSEPH S. ALEXANDER, atty., .. 16 Drew St, Clearwater. fl 3A61~ll 813/<W9.()6()6
SAM Y.ALLGOOD. JR, atty., 5645 Nebrub Ave .• New Pan Ridwy. FL 3-i652-2648 813/848-2593
ALLEN P. ALLWEISS, atry.. 5SOSaody HooIt Road, Sl Pewnb.ra Be-ach, FL 33706-1213 8131360-3007
MICHAEL D. ALLWElSS, atty., FO'W'Ier &I: White, P 0 8oJ: 1418. TamJM, FL 33629-6038 813/228-7"11
DAVID L. ANDERSON. atty.. 850 Oovt. Drive, Suite 2, Ne. PcI1 R.ictwy. FL J.4654.5511 81318A9-8507

BEVERLY ANDRINGA. State AtlDmey's Office. PO 8oJ: 5Ol& C1c&/"W'lfef. FL 34618-5028 813~1
HEOOORE D. AYLWARD, M.D.. 5320 Aspen. New Pan Riciwy. fL 813/347·5326
JON It BARBER. atty., 7"55 38Ih Ave N, Sl PetenburJ, Fl ))71 B- 1l2.8 813/3S4-3800
BRUCE BARNE. affiliatim?
ANTHONY S. BAITAGLJA. &tty.. Bawali.. Rau, et at PO 80:11 41100. St PetersburJ, FL 33743-1100 8131381·2300

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 5

ROBERT O. BAUER. JR., atty •• Bauer, Mariani, 1550 S HiihlandAve •• St. PetenburJ. FL 34616-2353 81~1-4727
FRANK P. BlANCO (01), any .• 8830 Muaachusetta Ave., New Pan Richey. FL J.4653 8131843-0097
GUS M. Bll...IRAKlS, any.. "'538 Barteh RdHoliday, FL J.469O-5532 8131937-3226
STEVEN c. BOOTH. atty., BoOOl &: Cook. 7510 Ridce Road. PonRichey, FL J.4668..7028 813J8.42--9105
WAYNE J. BOYER, atty•• PO Do:r: 10655 C1earwaler, FL 34617-8655 8131733-2154
Wn.LlAM P. BREWTON, atty .• 708 E Meridian Ave, Dade City. FL 33525-3838 904/567-5171
IKE BROWN, affilialion?
SHAWN A. BURXLIN. atty •• Quesada &: 8urkIin, 1421 Court St. See F, Cleanrller, FL 304616-6172 8131442-9999
ROBERT P. BYEUCK, any .. raJ: &: Grove, PO Boa 1511, St. petenburg. FL 33731-1511 813Al21-2080
CORUS CAMPBELL, affiliatioo?

JAMES CAMPBELL. atty •• 5930 Main St.. New Pat Richey. FL 34652-2116 813/347-3942
JAMES C. CAMPISI. atty .• 2739 US Hilhw.,. 19Sce 301. Holiday. FL 34691-2703 8131938-2806
THOMAS W. CAREY, atty .• Carey &: F1orin. 28059 US H.,,. 19 N. 3rd F1. Clearwller, FL 34621·2620 8131796-6581
CASEY K.. CARLSON, atty .. Carlam. Meimer, Webb, et al., 2.50 N Belcher Rd See 102 Clearwater, FL 813/343-1562
EDWARD D, CARLSON, atty .• Carlam, Meissner, et a1.. 250 N Betcher Rd Ste 102. Clearwater", FL 813/+43-1562
OBERT J. CARROLL. any.. Perenic.b, et al., 1875 N Belcher Rd Sle 201, Clearwater. FL 34625-1447 8131'196-3282
NANCY CAVEY, any.. III Seccnd AYe NESte 7fl2. St. Pe1erltuJ. FL 34734-7508 8131894-3188
FREDERICK CHASE, 1R... any" Owe &: Gilmore, 7620 Ave., New Pon Richey. FL J.465J..- 3022 813/349-2296
JOSEPH M. ClARClAGLlNQ, atty., Ciarcia&lino" Coyle. 200 Minor Lake Drive N, St. Petenlburg. FL 8131898-8000
DUDLEY J. CLAPP m, aIty~ Office ciThe Public Defender, 5100 144m Ave N Ste Bl00, Clearwater, FL 813/464-6516
"HAP" CLARK. PucoCounry, FL Commiuioner 813/847-2411
AMY COHEN,IllY.• Lulur" Auoc. 905 E. M L Kina Jr. Ste 400 Tarpon ~p, FL 3J6Q2...4312 8131937-9577
J.. HARRIS COOK. auy~ Booth .. Cook, 7510 Ridp Rd. PCl1 Riebey, FL J.4668.7028 813/842-9105
WAYNE COULTER. atty~ 7920 US 19 80x 279, PM Richey. FL J.467J..0279 813f8.48-3404
LESTER T. COY, aay.. 104 US 191201-A, Holiday. FL ).4691·5635 8131938-9099
v RONNIE G. CRIDER.IllJ'.. Carleon. Mei&.sDer, Webb, 4625 E Bay Dr. See 225 Cleanrater. FL 3462A-6868 813/531-8070
DOUGLAS CROW.IllJ'., PO BoJ: 5028, Cleanrater, FL 34618-5028 8131464-6221
QAR.Y L. DAVlS.Ilty.. Brick .. Davis, 9-436 Reaency Park BYd., PCl1 Riebey, FL J.4668..J9.45 813J8.47-3121
JAMES E. DEAXYNE. JR. atty., 2101 Fifth Ave N, St. Petenburg. FL 33713-8013 8131321-9001
HARVEY V. DELZER. atty., 7920 US Hiahw.y 19, PO 80x 279, PM Richey, FL 304673-0219 813f8.48-3404

OEMS M. DeVLAMlNG. &tty.. 1101 TwnerSt.. Cleanr.ter. FL J.4616-04105 8131461-052.5
AUBRY O. DICUS, JR., &tty.. RalI.qlia. Rou, Dicua" Wein, 80z 41100, St. Pecenbq, FL 33743-1100 8131381-2300
DANIEL D. DlSXEY, IllY., 6008 Main St. New PM Richey. FL 34653-3326 813/S42-2702
JAMES W. DODSON,Itty.. Cariaon, Meiuoer, et Il, 2.50 N Belcher Rd Ste 102 Clearwater, FL 34625-2622 813/443-1562
JOSEPH G, DONAHEY, JR..IllJ'.• 2454 N McMullen 800ch Rd SOIA, ClellWaJer, FL 34619-1)34 8131726-4781

THOMAS J_ DONNELL(E)Y, Illy.. 1172 BmwncU Sc See I, Clearwater. FL 34616-5711 813/4614955

JOHN DURNEY.lfftlliation?
DAN K.. DURYEA.aty.. Duryea" S1&ter. 36402 US Hwy 19 N. Palm Harbor. FL34684-133O 813/786-&130
JAMES T. EARLE, JR., atty., Earle I: Earle. 100 2nd Ave S See 400, St. PeteraburJh. FL 3371)1-4 813J1J22-6OOO

MATTHEW D. ELROD. atty.. 5645 Nebruka Ave.. New PM Richey, FL 34652-2648 8131848-2593
MARY ELLEN EMERY. atty.. 5924 Main St.. New PM Ricbey, FL 304652-2716 813f8.48-1m
EDWARD S. ENO,IllY., TanDey, Fude, et ai, 2454 N McMullen Bootb Rd., Cleanraler, FL 34619-1334 8131726-4781
GERALD A. FIGURSKI, atty .• Martin Ii Fiaunki. PO 80x 786. New PM Richey. FL J.4656-{I786 813J8.42--3439
WIL FLORIN. atty .. Carey 8t Florin, 28059 US Hwy 19 N 3n1 F1. Clearwater, FL 34621-2620 8131796-6581

ED FOREMAN. aIty .. lOO2ndAve.. N Sit! 300. St. Pett'r1hq. FL 33701-3338 813/894-1559

PATRICK F. GAFFNEY. atty.. 2348 & Point Rd. CIeIA'Iter, FL J.462.5-1428 813l796-m4
EDSON L. GARRABRANTS. JR.. atty .. 6008 Main Sc New PM Richey FL 34653-3326 813J8.42-2702
vGREGORY G. GAY, atty., 5318 Balaam St. NPR, FL 34652-3 813/849-1122
DAVID C. Gn..MORE. atty., Chue &: Gilmore, 762IJ Musachu.5etta Ave. New PM Richey, FL 813/3492296

SONDRA GOLDEN7ARB, .tty.. 2454 N McMullen Boom Rd SOIA, Clearwater, FL34619-1334 813/726-4781

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 6

STEVEN A. GOLDMAN, M.D. FACC PA, 5723 Hiah. New Port Richey, FL 813/849-8'n1
LARRY D. GOLDSTEIN, atty., 600 49th St:N See A. St. Peterabura, FL 33710-7300 813/327-6688
DR. BURT GOLUB, MODS 12427 Clock Tower IIkwy Bayonel Point, FL J.466 813/868-7930
LARRY J. GONZALES, atty., 400 E S &e 500, Orlando, FL 32801-2813 -"07/422· 1574

LORRAINE B. GREGG, atty., Carlson. Meissner, ~ at. 761. Mau' Ave. New Port Richey, FL 34653 813/847-2737
GLEN E. GREENFELDER. atty .. Greenfelder, Mander, ~ at. 103 N Jed St. Dlide City, FL 3352.5- 3828 904f.;67 -0411
v FRANK l GREY, &tty.. 5341 Main St. New Port Richey. FL 34652-2713 813/847· 1103
RAYMOND O. GROSS, atty.. Grou &: Kwall, 133 N Ft Huriaon Ave, Clearwater, FL 34615--40S4 813/441 ....947
MARGARET B. GROWNEY, atty., 7455 38th Ave, St. Pecersb.q. FL 33710-1228 8131J8.4.-3800

JAMES C. HADAWAY, atty.. Fowler, While, ~ at PO 80. 2917, Clearwater, FL 34617-2917 813/446-8525
MICHAEL E. HALKITIS. atty .. 10036 Cuey Dr, New Port Richey. FL 34654-3512 8131856-7109
D. KEITH HAMMOND, any.. 6008 Maio &. New Port Riebey. FL 34653-3326 813/842-2702
T. PHILLIP HANSON, JR.. dy.. Greenfelder, Mander, ~ at. 103 N Jed&. Dade City, FL 3352S-.3828 904f.;67-0411

1. BEN HARRELL. any .. PO 80z 786. New Port Richey, FL J.4656.0786 813/842-309
MICHAEL 1- HASTINGS. atty., Hutinp &: Eatreicher, 600 111 Ave N SIC! 306, St. PetenbJrJ. FL 33701 8131895-3600
J. KEVIN HA YSLETI', atty.. 2.50 Belcber Rd N St:e 102, Clearwalel', FL J.462S-2600 813/443-1562
JACK HELINGER, atty.. Loude:rback &: Hdin&er, ISO 2nd Ave N See 1210, Peterabq, FL 33701-3342 813M96-21.7
JAMES A. HELLICKSON, atty.. L&rJo. 305 Bamboo Ln. FL ~ 813/530-6221
STEVEN HERMAN,Ill)'.. 38537 5th Ave, ZepJyrhill&, FL 33~33O 8131788-9994
GARY A. HEWETSON, atty.• 101 Belcher RdS See F, Luao. FL 34641-3356 813/531 ·5888
ANN HIl..DEBIlAND. Commiaait.ner, Puco County. FL J.465.4 8131&17·2.411
SAMUEL R. HILLMAN, atty.. 1356049Ib. St:Ste -4-A. Clearwater, FL J.4622 813/571-2211
CLYDE HOBBY, atty .. 6917 StRd 54, New Port Riebey, FL J.465J-6023 813/847-5854

AJ. IVIE. atty .. 724 E Meridian Ave PO Boz In6, Dade City, FL 335~ln6 904/567-3110
JOSEPH L. IMBURGIA. DVM, 8117 Little Rd, New Port Richey, FL J65.4 8131&12-7350
WILUAM KALEEL. JR., atty .. Kaleel &: Kaleel, 3819 Cenrnl Ave. St. Petentu&. FL 33713-8339 813/321-07....
DONALD KALTENBACH. atty .. 7026Littie Rd, New Port Richey. FL 34654--5512 813,/842--9758
KY M. KOCH. atty., 630CheIInUt St. Clearwater, FL 3461~5337 813/+46-6248

JOHN A. KRENTZMAN, atty .. Fowler. While. Gillen, ~ ai. PO 8oJ: 2917. Clearwater. FL 34617·2917 8131446-8525
y FL CRAIG L LAPORTE. atty.. Riley, ProIy &: Laparte. 11914 Oak Trail Way, Port Richey, FL ].4668..1037 813/863-1 553
EDUARDO R. LATOUR.Ill)'.. Latour, 905 E M L Kina. Jr. Dr See 400, Tarpcn Spin.., FL J.4689-4815 813t937-95n
RICHAIU> R. LOGSDEN, atty.. 1423 Ft. HaniIooAve, Clearwater, FL 34616-2002 81~9
A.R. MANDER m. atty., Greenfelder, Mander, ~ a.l.. 103 N 3rd St, Dade City, FL 3352.5-3828 9041567-0411

DECLAN P. MANSFIELD, atty., 8JOO Muaachuaettl Ave, New Port Richey. FL 34653 813/843-0097
TIMMOTHY K. MARIANI. atty., 1550 Jiiahlaud Ave, Clearwater, FL 3461~2353 813/441 ....727
RUSSELL O. MARLOWE, alty .. Brick &: Davia, 9436 Relency Park Blvd..Port Richey, FL ].4668..39-45 813/847·3121
OT AENRE E. MATOS, M.D.. 53JO Georze &. New Pm Richey, FL 34653 813/B49·2OI)5
BERNlEMc:CABP., (Ben.d ...... ,k.) &aU! AalJmey PO Boa 5028, Cleuwater, FL 34618 81Jl.464-6221

JOEA. McCLAIN, atty.. 402Q.ureh St:PO Soz4, Dade City, FL 33526-0004 813/567-5636

DON McKAY, alty .. 5623 US Hilhway19Sce I06-A, New Port Richey, FL 34652-3751 813/348-0581
H. MARY McKEOWN. any.. 7.55 3&h Ave N, St. Peterlbura, FL 33710-1228 813/384-3800
JACI:. B.lIId'IIEII:3ON,atty., 6640Congreu St, New Pm Richey, FL 34653-2804 8131848-8892
MYRON J. MENSH, atty.. 5263 Central Ave, St. Petm.bura, FL 33710-8141 8131321-0754

RICHARD L MENSH, Ill)'., 5200 CerutaI Ave PO Boz 14409. St. P~ FL 3373J-..4409 813/321-1000
ALAN SCOTT MILLER. atty., 5645 NetrukaAve, New Port Richey, FL 34652-2648 813/848-2593
KENNETH R. MISEMEltIll)'., 5645 Nebruka Ave, New Port Richey, FL 34652-2648 813/848-2593
TOM MITCHELL, atty., 5332 MaiD St. New Pm Richey, FL 34652-2509 813/847-2288
MlCHAEL N. MURBURG, JR.. any.. PO eo. 503. Cryst.aI Beach, FL 34681 8131845-6333

DAVID J. MURPHY, any.. &e SOl, 103 N 3rd St. Dade City, FL 33525-3828 9041567-0411
DAVID E. OLSON, Ill)'.. 3530 US Hilhway 19, New Pm Richey. FL 34652-62.57 813f}38-2854

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 7

GEORGE M. OSBORNE, atty., -433 -4Ih St., St. Pereraburg, FL 33702-2803 813/823· 1519
H.JAMES PARKER. atty.. 820-4 Maaaachu&ettl Ave, New Port Richey, FL 3-4653-3108 813/845-8787
ROBERT L. PAVER. atty.. l502ndA't'e N Ste 1280, St. Pctenburg, FL 33701·33-42 8131821 ·3996

DONALD R. PEYTON, atty.. 7317 Liule Ad, New Port Richey, F1. 30465+5519 813J8.48.-5997
SHELTON PHD..IPS, atty .• 3819 ceolral Me, PO 80s: 1-4333, St. PetenburJ. FL 3373J.-..4333 813/321-074-4
JED PITI'MAN, County Cled:. Puco County, FL 3-4654 813/847·2.411
ARTHUR C, POLLACK. M.D., Pollack &: Saperstein, 5321 Grand Blvd. New Port Richey, FL 813/S42-2510
WM. G. PONTRELLO. atty., 619 0leItDUl Sl, Clearwater, FL 34616-5 813/442-{)09

ROBERT W. POPE, atty.. PQpe &: Hennmaer, 20371&1: Ave N, St. PetersburJ. FL 33713-8801 8131896-6633
F. WALLACE POPE.1R.. atty., 911 CbatnucSt PO Bcu 1368, Clearwater, FL 34617·1368 8131461· 1818
DOUGLAS PRIOR. atty.. 5560 Roosevelt Blvd Ste I, Clearwater, F1. J.462O..3-438 813/53S-0777
,PETE PROLY, atty., Riley &: Proly,1191-4 Oak Trail Way. Port Richey, FL 3-4998-1037 813/863-1553
BRUCE PRZEPIS, atty.. 7627 Little Rd. New Port Riebey. FL 346S4-5525 813/8-41·9594

GEORGEC. PSETAS, atty., 6710 Embuly Blvd '105, Port Richey, FL J.4668 813/8-47.{)4n
JOHN RENKE, atty., 7637 Littie Rd. New Port Ricbey, FL 30465+5525 813/8-47-627-4
MARTIN ERROL RICE. atty., 696 btAve N, &e -400 PO 80:1 295, St. Pefer&bq. FL 33731..()2()S 8131821-48&4
BART A.. RD...EY, atty., Oak Trail Proleuional CenIer 1191-4 Oak Trail Way, Port Richey, FL J.466&.1037 8131863-1553
JACK RILEY, atty., 2325.5ch Ave N, St. PeterJbura. FL 33713-7005 813/327""""'7

CHARLIE ROBINSON. atty., -410 Soutb Lincoln Ave, Clearwater, FL ).4616-5826
CLARKE ROBINSON, atty .. S011&1: Ave N &e 900, St. PelerlbwJ, FL 33701·3716
THOMAS D. ROEBIG, JR., atty., Rep Bnk aI.", 28059 US Hwy 19 N, 3td n Clearwater, FL 34621·2620
JAMES T, RUSSELL, atty" PO 8o:r 51, Nobietown. FLJ.4661-0051
BARRY SALZMAN, atty., S29-41h St N, PO Bcu1191, St. Petersblq, FL 33731· 1191


G. LARRY SANDEFER. atty.. 1101 Belcher ReI S &e F, Larao. FL 3-4641·33.56 813/531·7875
ROBERT SANTA LUCIA, atty.. Tew, z.mber-I:: BameI, 2655 McCormick Dr, Clearwater FL 34619-11)-41 8131799·2882
DON SIMON, ally., Simon I:: Couch, 5801 Ulmertcn Rd&e 100, Clearwaler, FL J.462O..3951 813/531 ·2002
H. CURTIS SKIPPER, atty., 56.S3 Main St. New Port Richey, FL J.46,52-263S 813/847·0913
SALLIE D. SKIPPER. atty.. 5653 Main St. New Port Richey. FL J.4652..2 813/847.{)913

MARK SPENCE, atty .. 6400 Madison St. New Port Richey, FL 3-4652-23-42 813J8.46-1 m
N, JOHN STEWART.JR.. atty.. 5-435 Main St. New Port Riebey, FL ).4652.25()04 81/8-47-1116
ROBERT D, SUMNER. StAtty Bernie McCabe'a Off' 106 S 6Ih St. PO BJ: 10047, Dade City, FL 33526-10047 90-4156?·5658
ELOISE TAYLOR, atty.. 11912 Oak Trail Way, Port Richey, FL J.4668..1OJ7 813~7OJ
BOB TEAGARDEN, Not listed ill : Dade City, St. Pefer&bq. Tampa. or Clearwater, FL

STEVE THACKER. atty., J,(f1 SouIh EwinaAve PO 80:1 1808, Clearwater, FL 34617·1808 813/446-0525
vlOHN THOMPSON, Itty., 1221 Tarpon Ave.. PO 80s: 1757 Tarpoa Sprinp, FL 3-4688-1757 813J934-73n
RONALD G. THORNTON, atty.. 'Ibonuon. Tomnce, 6645 Ridae Rd&e 1 ,Pm Richey, FL J.4668.6838 813/84S-622A
ALFRED W. TORRENCE, JR., atty .. Tbc:rtOD. Torrence, et aI., 6645 Ridae Rd. Pert Riebey, FL J.4668..6838 813/8-45-6224
GEORGE E. TRAGQS, atty., 600 Cleveland St See 700, Clearwlter, FL J.4615--4158 813/4-41·903{I
~ ,

-"ALEX TRULUCK, Itty.,1300-4lh St N, SIe 1-49, St. PeteraburJ. FL 33716-2939 8131576-3193
HUGH G. UMSTED, atty., Brick &: Davia, 9436 Relency Park Blvd, Port Riebey, FL J.4668.-39-45 81318-47·3121
T.R. UNICE.JR..I!Iy., Tew. ZiDober, etaL. 2655 McCormick Dr, Clearwater, FL 34619-1041 813/4-42-4978

PHD.. VAN ALLEN, JR., atty., 2600Ft Kina Hijhway, Dade City, FL 33525 904{521--4333
COLLIN D. VAUSE. atty.. &etscm U, CoUese riLlw, 1-401 61S1 S. 66, St. Petenburg. FL33707·32A6 813f3.45-1121

LEONARD M. VINCINTI. atty., 28050 US HiFwlY 19 N, SIC -401, Clearwlfel', FL 3-4621 ·2629 8131725-9767
LEN VlNCENTZl affiliation?
RONALD D. · CHIP" WALLER, atty" 5332 Main St. New Port Richey, FL 3-465Z-2509 813/847·2288
;lCLAUOIA WHEELER. atty., 5930 Main &. New Port Ricbey, FL 3-4652·2716 813/8-49-3518
SUSAN C. WD..KERSON, atty., 11912 Oak Trail Way, Port Ricbey, FL J.4668..1OJ7 813/863-1037

LOU wn.LIAMS, bailiff, PucoCoooty, FL J.46S.4 813/8-47·5878
RICHARD C. wn.LlAMS,JR., atty., 6337 Gnnd Blvd, New Port Richey, FL 3-4652·2312 813J8.49-2269
SAMUELJ. wn.LIAMS, atty., 6337 Grand Blvd. New Pm Richey, FL 3-4652-2312 813/849-2269

RFB to USD112-7-1997 Page 8

TED WILLIAMS, affiliation?
DAVID J. WOLLINKA, atty .• 2312 US Highway 19. PO 80. 3649, Holiday. FL 34690-0649 813,937..... 1n

JAMES L. YACAVONE. atty .• Fowler, White, cl 11. PO 80. 2917. Clearwater. FL 34617·2917 813/446-8525
SYLVIA YOUNG 813/847·2411
THOMAS J. ZADECKI. atty .• 7627 Littlc Rd. Ncw PM Richcy, FL 34654-5525 813/845-0253
CHARLES ZINN. atty., PO 80. 7508. St. Pcterslxq, FL 33734-7508 813f894..3188
FREDRIC S. ZINOBER. atty .• 2655 McCormick St. PO 80. 5124. Clearwater. FL 34618-5124 813n99-2882
CARLOS ZUBILLAGA. M.D .. 4620 Profcsaiml1 Lp. Ncw PM Richcy. FL 813/847-1618-Tarpon Springs 813/934-7797

On December 24. 1987. we hired anomey William R. MBill" Webb - Carlson. Meissner, et al.
Before we hired them
(a) we advised anomey Webb of our health problems
(b) filled him in on the source accident and following evenlS
(c) accepted as his solemn promise that he would send a demand letter and sue Dorothy
WankeIColonial Penn Insurance Company if they failed to met it. and
(d) took him at his word. without disclaimer, that we needed to keep a claim related diary.

Taking him at his word and as self defense, we have kept a diary every way but via TV VCR.
We have hours of audio tape recorded word of mouth including by William R. "8ill" Webb:
James Dodson: Colonial Penn, Dr. Steven Moss. the State of F1orida, anomey Jack B. McPherson.
Montgomery Ward Legal Services. anomey Mitchell Meeks: Sheriff Lee Cannon. et al.

On or about December 26. 1987. attorney Webb's paralegal investigator. Mr. Nikitas Hourdas
came to our home to take accident related pictures. We had been informed he was going to do so.
It looked like a step in the right direction; they. however. vitiated it.

On December 28. 1987. Dr. Hanffihis PA Mr. W. John Gill pul a pain generating (lower leg) Casl
on me. Even as he was applying the cast, it commenced causing new pain. and before we
departed. I had to hold it in the horizontal, to make it bearable. Furthermore. it became worse. to
the extent that it had to be removed on the same day. about ten hours after application.

We had been informed by Mr. Gill and a female staff member that the cast would be weight
bearing within one to two hours. take our choice on which of the two to believe. Also. we were
repeatedly promised. by the same two, that before we left. we'd have a pain relief prescription.

However. as we prepared to stop at our neighborhood pharmacy. the prescription was not to be
found. Having left the doctor's office. at or about 11:30 AM, we arrived home at noon. and Ruth
immediately called. Their mistake: but said they would call in the prescription by 2:00 PM.

Before Ruth left for the Pharmacy at or about 5:15 PM. I was long overdue for the medicine. At
my injunction. our daughter Kimberly had gone., and I was left alone. Ruth was at the pharmacy,
battling it out over the phone to get the prescription called in. while I was at home. trying in vain
to get through to have someone attend to the cast. It was at or about 6:15 PM when Ruth returned
with the prescription. Whereupon I explained my lack of success in getting through the answering
services of (a) Dr. Hanft, and (b) Dr. Steven Moss.

Given her experience with one or both of the answering services, while she was at the pharmacy,
she was in no mood for the asinine stalling and harassing. she encountered when she called Dr.
Moss' answering service penon, whom she stopped immediately! She informed him, that either he
put us through to someone to help us. or she was going to report him! Evidently. that brought
success. where I had failed. Righe away. Dr. Moss called. and decided to have the cast removed!
Having seen to it that the cast was removed. Dr. Moss scheduled a follow up with him. That
caused me to leave Dr. Hanft on December 30. 1987.

RFB to USDJ 12·7-97 Page 9

M I retrieved my things from there, the lady receptionist, asked me why I was leaving them. I
briefly explained the circumstances to her. It was a cordial exchange. Dr. Moss postpOned the
appointment until on or about January 4. 1988.

When we arrived. he with a female beside him. dictated his refusal into his hand held micro mini
audio tape recorder, similar to the one via which Ruth was recording. No one asked permission to
record. He repeated. that he had no expertise. He like. Dr. Hanfr. is an orthopedic surgeon.

Ultimately. I inquired of him, that if he had no expertise: why was I there? It would have been
immensely less damaging. had he just refused himself and let it go at that, but instead. he
wmecessarily meddled: referred us to others. including Dr. A.O. Bonati. Medical malpractice
lawsuits against him were. or were to become. several. We got caught in them. However. all was
well. long after attorney Webb's call on or about February 1, 1988. during which he came for Dr.
Hanft against us!

Records from Dr. Moss fail to mention any recording. and fail to reveal my records alleged to have
been sent to him from Dr. Hanff. I handled attorney Webb's aforementioned call. Meanwhile he
had relegated us to dealing with him via Ms. Czinzi BarteUs and Mr. Nikitas Hourdas. Both. like
attorney Webb himself. have unjustifiably damaged us.

Ms. SarteUs became known for her refusing to allow us to talk with attorney Webb. while Mr.
Hourdas (like attorney Webb), refused to get Colonial Penn to do anything whatsoever to help. He
even scoffed at the idea that Colonial Penn had committed to pay, as much as they did, in fact,
eventually pay. at my one on one behest.. with respect to vehicle damage and vehicle rental.

Mr. Hourdas claimed, that Colonial PennIMs. Harris' commitment was oral, and would come
down to their word against mine. a liar's contest. he added. We had needed no stronger
justification to do the extensive audio tape recording. that we had already commenced.

Attorney Webb alleged he was in receipt of my records. and further alleged that they were from
Dr. Hanff. who has progressed to bizarre methods including sending the police after me to prevent
releasing the records to me. People remind me that Dr. Hanff. is required by law to release them.
I remind them. that we're in Florida. more specifically: West Pasco County. florida!

Attorney Webb informed me that the records included an item he referred to as really something:
that this Gill. this PA really blasted me. Why was attorney Webb not blasting the PA and Dr.
HWf?: Attorney Webb's being hard wired in the reverse direction. evidendy dates from the instant
he learned (maybe on the very same day it occurred?) of the Dr. Hanff/Mr. Gill bad. cast incident.

I received the records on or about February 2. 1988. and found them to reflect untruths. and as
attorney Webb had alleged. the article "alleged ~ to have been solely the work of the PA. really was
something. and he really did blast me. It was a red herring to camouflage malpractice and in the
process it exacerbated it!

Jims! The tfemgr .. ,igoowablr .'_'om neetr bttqnd • (1" • ."",. ..... ' How many of the
remaining 170 who attorney Webb listed as his lbunon pusher> benefactors. could have done so.
could have put a hit out on their opposition. could yet do the same to us and/or others. Consider
the extended influence of the list itself in the Same category: frightening!

The article has eannarks as having been concocted by other than the PA: attorney Webb. logically.
The article even alleges. that I had threatened WIth my attorney . Who would that have been?
Anorney Webb is only the second attorney we'd e ver had. The first. 1952, was young H. O.
Anorney Fmkleman who was attorney Webb's antithcsLS anomey Finkleman was "for" us.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 10

Yet another of their hallmarks of infamy. is how they primarily anacked Ruth. while making it
appear that they were primarily attacking me. never mind that they do not mention her. she is the
more vulnerable and therefore she is the prime target Attorney Webb is assumed to have known
as much. and is responsible for making others involved thus aware. As might be expected: the
other records are also falsified. It, however. has bacldired on them.

Following the coming for Dr. Hanft against us on or about February 1. 1988. attorney Webb
(0) again made himself inaccessible. instantly after said (phone) call

(h) again relegated us to dealing with hi" staff

(c) refused to acknowledge receipt of my letter of February 13. 1988 via which I protested hi"
coming for Dr. Hanff against us, plus the fact that he refused to forward it to Colonial Penn but did
forward them a copy of Dr. Hanft's malpractice assault on us which, of course, stemmed from the
December 28. 1987 bad cast ordeal. just the founh day after we had hired attorney Webb

(cO refused to advise us that on February 22. 1988 he rejected a Colonial Penn offer. leaving us to
learn of it in April 1998 through the State of Florida Department of Insurance and Treasurer
(Re: Colonial Penn's letter of April 14. 1988 to the Department) and.

(e) also refused to acknowledge receipt of my letter of February 25. 1988 via which I asked hi"
help regarding a claim related vehicle rental financial crisis, leaving the issue still open to date.

We discharged attorney Webb and his firm. Re: our single sentence letter of March 21.1988, hand
delivered by Ruth to anomey Webb/his staff on said dale: Effective jmmedjl'ely we are
discontinuing with you and yOW' fum.

. "'~g March 1988. near its end. attorney Webb's benefactor and replacement anomey Jack B.
~ / l ~.cPherson withdrew.
He not only lacked grounds, but had forfeited the right to legally withdraw.
N jI O~to )1Iis withdrawal. in fac~ occurred within the three business days that belong strictly to the client.
tol1j<, I~i:> During April 1988 the State of Florida Department of Insurance and Treasurer promised and then
6J'L ...... !oJ refusedto have Colonial Penn remove their allegation that I was negligent, while no mention was
~"i .. made of the Accident Report, which showed that Colonial Penn's insured alone was negligent,

During May 1988 Colonial Penn kept tightening the dealing one on one requirements until they
ultimately required verification over anomey Webb's very own signature. thaI we had
discontinued with him and his flI'Dl. That. of course, he refused to give. Re: Colonial Penn had
kept the matter oral. However. once we had allowed anomey Webb to return. they dropped the
restriction and solicited us, in vain. by lener. as if anomey Webb did not even as much as exist!

During May 1988. on or about the 22nd. I called and Ms. Bartelb conflmled that attorney Webb
would not confirm to Colonial Penn that he was off the case, and that he would not even as much
as talk on the phone with them. She then asked whether I wanted to re-hire him. He had delivered
his message. as aided and abetted by his benefactor attorney McPherson. State of Florida. Colonial
Penn. and by his very own agent Ms. Barrels.

It was supposed to have been I re-hire, which requires a new contract. However. no new contract
exists! The lUbiliry far that lies with attomey Webb. So, what we have is: he and his firm were
fired but never re-lUred. The other aspect is. chat before he was fired, he had rendered the contract
voidable: void as to him and his firm but not void as to w. unless we so elecU?d. H&d we known.
we would nor hive to Iud fired him, but simply left him and his rum legally obligated to fulfill
obligation of contract pro bono and possibly be additionally liable.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 11

Or, he having voided che contract as CO himself. we could have voided it as to us. whereby it never
had any legal existence or effect. and could in no manner have life breached into it.

At what point in time, or by what event. he rendered che contract voidable as co him and his firm.
is not material, as long as ic occurred. inasmuch as it voids che contract as to him and chern but not
as co us. unless we so elect, and well have not so elected. Therefore. William R. "Bill" Webb·
Carlson. Meissner. et ai. continue under conrract co us/me from day one. They are obligated to
execute the contract pro bono and are additionally liable, Civil and Criminal. ill no manner
overlooking the enonnous monetary magnitude as to punitive damage.

Had attorney Webb accepted chat we had discharged him, he would have found himself at a
distance from us that would not aIJow him to do that which he could do at close quarters: continue
to not represent us but to represent himself and Dr. Hanff against us. with the spin-off benefiting
Colonial Penn 1n.surance Company. et ai.

That. of cotme, explains why he wanted to come back and be near us. continuing to masquerade
as our attorney and doing as much damage to us as he could get by with. not only until we gave
him lhe ultimatum of represent us oc else. bur also rhereaftec, continuing even now.

On May 25. 1988. we did not re-rure him: just allowed him to resume. We were ignorant of the
Law. He is asswned to have known it. and to have made it known to us, but he harmfully did not.
Evidently: not sati.sfied with just resuming in said manner, he wanted to humiliate us in the
process, as he tried, in vain, to force us ask him to resume! That we flatly refused to do!

He then instructed me to commence visiting a Dr. Paul F. Wallace. two trips and over 200 miles
total. with Ruth doing all the driving: not a best of things. given her condition: already known to
anorney Webb. Now. we know that "much too soon" meant NEVER: if left to him and his finn!

Via letter during October 1988. attorney Webb informed me, that Colonial Penn had made an
vehicle damage settlement offer. Via my letter of October 26. 1988. I rejected it and, sent him the
required two estimates. the lowest of which was the least I would accept ($2.987.00) which was
paid in January 1991, in spite of him. his fum and their unlawful withdrawal.

He doesn't mention the offer of February 22. 1988 that he rejected. Also. via said letter. he
confinns that they were to present our claim and, with it. my auto damage repair demand: if
greater than Colonial Penn's offer.

I again audio recorded attorney Webb on November 17, 1988. I was received coarsely, vulgarly!
Not knowing whether Ruth was also on the line. he informed me thaI he had seventy -goddamn-
files 10 review that day, and thought I had -piaed- Dr. Wallace off.

He went on to inform me. that I was to take more therapy and was to check back with him in eight
weeks. Dr. Wallace returned my call on November 21, 1988. and asked me whether I wanted to
settle my claim? I answered: yes!. Hence his repon of November 22. 1988. a copy to me from
him and another to me from attorney Webb.

Via Said report, Dr. Wallace

(a) informs attorney Webb that both Ruth and 1 have heart illness and in her case it is serious and
that she apparently has a short time to live (b) informs him that I had gotten off and was trying to
keep off the medication I had been taken (1972- 1978) for depression (c) informs him that I was in
tears over the grave outlook with respect to Ruth. and (d) informs attorney Webb that I had
reached MMlIMaximum Medical Improvement. His prognosis squares with Dr. A.D. Sonan's of
eighl months earlier. with which we were willing to go. as early as May 25. 1988. Re: when we
acquiesced to attorney Webb's return.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 12

Fwthermore, excluding the depression matter. what Dr. Wallace told attorney Webb concerning
our health. squares with what we had already orally told attorney Webb. Good to have it in
writing! In other words. having received Dr. Wallace's report. attorney Webb could no longer get
by with claiming he did not know of the grave nature of Ruth's illness. which he treated heinously.

During January 1989. we received a letter from attorney Webb. hence the meeting of February 10.
1989, during which he promised: that within the very next two weeks. the demand letter
presentation would be sent. and that he would call us on (Monday) February 13, 1989. However. it
was September 19. 1989 before he would allow us to contact him.

Meanwhile (a) we tried in vain to contact him well into March 1989 (b) we backed off and
allowed him time that we could ill afford (c) Ruth was rudely turned back by Ms. Battells during
the last of July 1989. and (<I) (called on August 2. 1989 only to be shocked by the news that our
representation had been twned over to a Jim Dodson. who. during my immediate call back. I was
told was an attorney. and was with their other office in distant. toll call area, Clearwater. Florida.

I show over ten dollars in calls to that number only to be (al informed by anomey Dodson that the
demand letter would be mailed by noon on August 3, 1989. and (b) to be shut out on said date.
He refused to receive or return calls. and refused even to acknowledge receipt of my mail to him.
Re: my lener of August 10. 1989 and of August 18. 1989. FinaOy. on September 19. 1989.
attorney Webb returned my call of said date!

I audio tape recorded the call. in it's virtual entirety. Incredibly, he personally evaded making any
reference to the (unnecessary step) demand letter. He came across dry mouthed. He came across
as one who was facing a situation so novel that he had totally discounted it until our calls came
pouring in as of the last of July 1989, ever tightening the chances of his lawfully escaping!

He came across as one who had shockingly been caught in his trap he had set for us. He
ultimately came across as one whose boundless ego demanded rehabilitation. and that concerned
me more than the rest combined! A virtually parallel set of circumstances would occur
commencing near the end of June 1994. whereby his expanded villainy would come to fore!

During the call or September 19. 1989. he failed to hoodwink me with respect to what had
occurred during February 1989 and thereafter. And that. of course, included that he had attorney
Dodson take over our representation. Appearing to have to some extent, regained his salivation, he
admitted that he broken his solemn commitment of February 10. 1989. but promised he would get
the matter all straightened out, jwt who was in charge of our representation. and that he would call
me on the very next day, and he would try real hard to do it. The call ended on a cordial note.

He commenced the call with such as, listen, I got a message you were dissatisfied that I let a law
firm partner look at your file! I let him know that looking. was in no manner the problem! That,
however. did Dot dissuade him from continuing to babble on and try to exonerate himself: yet
another taboo if one dares take the Florida Bar seriously. to say nothing that at the time, he is
reported by them to have been sitting on their panel. Given their across the board 98/2 in favor of
the complained of lawyer. and we have a virtual zero chance as to an outsider complainanL Read
the books, basically by lawyers. who say. forget the Bar! Get the lawyer before a iury! In Florida?

As prior indicated. having exhausted his excuses, he then promised that he would straighten
matten out and would call me back the very next day. However. on September 29. 1989. Ruth
and I found ourselves in a meeting with him. Dot knowing why we were there: for his proposal.

In the process of making his proposal, he left and returned a number of times without even as
much as excusing himself, and uttered -oon shit' clearly heard by Ruth, and me. Hark back to
·gndd.... md pisaed. during my November 17. 1988 audio tape recorded phone call to him!

RFB to USDJ 12-7-1997 Page 13

During said meeting. he made a proposal of which he volunteered. not even his very own law finn
partners agreed. neither did he claim that it was even as good as the in place but obscenely
overdue demand letter. itself be failed to mention. Nevertheless. the proposal would get him out
of sending it. As we departed. and just out of his hearing. Ruth asked "What do you think?" I
answered. that it looked like something (favorable to us) was fmally going to be done. Twenty
minutes I..". (as we dined). , answered "' THINK. WE'VE BEEN HAD!

For more than three daYS we writhed as in the bowels of hell. I myself rested neither day nor nighL
I doubt whether Ruth fared any better. We agreed that it was the most stressful time of our lives.
including thaI we felt inextricably trapped.

Accepting his proposal. would be tantamount to endorsing all be had done to us in the past and
likewise would pre-approve worse to come! It seemed. it was either accept it or flre him and face
what we did secondary to our having fired him on March 21 . 1988. As it turned out, we neither
had to accept nor fIre!

In reality it boiled down to: we had fulfilled obligation and he had not! We knew it, and above all,
he is assumed to have known it. It was yet another event to further punish us for his wrongdoing!

megally protected by the system. he was in great shape. Legally. he was and is in grave shape: (.)
he had rendered the contract voidable: void as to him and his fum but not void as to us. because
we did not so elect and (b) a State judge who grants a withdrawal impairing obligation of contract.
is himself in violation of mE a>NSITlUI1ON OF mE UNITm srATES. Re: Article I.

The foregoing notwithstanding. if a State judge's ruling is not challenged, it may well stand,
including under Color of Law: about which. it buns not to know. We learned tragjcally!

Our two letters of October 3, 1989 puts the whole matter in focus: get on with doing that whiGh he
had not done, but had promised to do in getting himself hired. allowed to return. and endured. or
come up with a mutually acceptable alternate. He unlawfully withdrew. We were stuck with it!

Having had himIbis staff verify receipt of said letters on said date; baving not had any other
response, and lDlwilling to allow him to pull another stunt such as he had when we fired him and
his fum, , called on October 4, 1989 and insisted that he return my call! His return call came in
and was concluded all between 6:00 and 6:30 PM on said date.

As we commenced. I got right into. my still unanswered accident related vehicle rental financial
crisis letter of February 25. 1988. I was still suffering the loss. Furthermore. by that time, Colonial
Penn owed in excess of $10,000.00, based on what they eventually paid. He stiffed me right there
as he barked: Bob! Bob! Do you. . . . me to rqaUk1ll you! How absurd! Absolutely: Rum and I
wanted to commence being be represented! Was he going to do ie. DC' force us to have others do it?

I put a question to him that had every right to be asked and be answered sensibly: that depends on
how much we owe YQU! He claimed that he didn't have it figured. I asked him to give me an
estimate ... that I would wait. He stiffed me on that too!

He expressed. that it was not going to work that way; that he was going to withdraw and lien the
file. I expressed that he had done nothing (for us). He responded that it did not matter. I
expressed that I thought he needed to have Court permission to withdraw. He expressed that he
did not because: 'lJIJUl.AlJ(HAPNCll'I!KENlfU?D!

So that was the game be bad been playing? From the rime he heard that Dr. Hanft had put the bad
cast 00 me, he and attorney Webb bad evidendy determined that they were going to make us rue
the day that we everbearcl of Wjlliam R. "Bill" Webb andiorHena Hanif. MD!

RFB to USDJ 12-7- 1997 Page 14

It was no less than a four pronged assault aimed to (1) punish us for having fired him (2) run the
clock out on Dr. Hanft being sued for medical malpractice (3) punish us in behalf of Dr. Hanft and
(4) come as close as he could to time barring our complaint. and punish us relentless in the
process. As to Ruth, it amounts no less than attempted murder with heinous crime tagged on!

Had he covered all the bases? evidently he thought so! He thought wrong! We were dumb but we
would learn, and we were commined even unto death, as he was to learn!

In any event. given his connections, why should he worry? Did his benefactors include the Sheriff
who himself is a Florida lawyer, and could he be counted on to unlawfully help? Yes! Did his
benefactors include the State Attorney and could he be counted on to unlawfully help? Yes! Did
his benefactors include a fellow lawyer who was also a United States Congressman and could he
be counted on to help? Yes! Was the United States Anorney General also a Florida lawyer? Yes!
Could she be counted on to protect him and his protectors? What choice has she? Thq hare
ri'i*' ~00UfI&I widJ -rnoo wlPr0iqgofoJDr deaI:Iq.. hire tlaernot?
Our letter of October 6, 1989 (confirmed by them as having been receive on said date).
acknowledges anorney Webb's withdrawal. unlawful though the withdrawal is. the lener.
nevertheless, limits the scope of his deception: that alone a gain of heroic magnitude!

Prior to our letters of October 3, 1989, all or virtually all of our outgoing letters had not been dated
and signed as having been received. In fact. our letter of March 21, 1988 whereby we
discontinued with anorney Webb and his firm. was itself hand delivered on the date it carried.

It was also sent to others. however. William R. "Bill" WebbJhis staff did not sign as having
received ie neither to this day has attorney Webb acknowledged it or that we fired him (and his
ftrm). His wording was that he and his firm "still" represented us. Obligation to represent: is The
Key! Attorney or not, withdrawal or not, it's: who is legally obligated and to what extent


I wanted to confirm our telephone conference of October 4. 1989 in which you reconfirmed
that you did not desire to furnish a statement to the insurance company that I felt would be helpful
in obtaining a settlement of your case, even after understanding chat 1 would. of cow:se, be present
during chat statement and understanding chat if it was necessary to file suit, one of the first events
that would take place would be that the arromey for me insurance company would be entitled to
take your sworn statement. You further expressed dissatisfaction over the marrer of your
represencation and I advised you that you had me absolute right to obtain other representation if
that was your choice. You advised me that you wanted to know what the costs would be thar you
owed in the representation and that would be a factor in terminating the representation or not.

I advised you that I felt that there had been a breakdown in the a.ttomey / client relationship and
that I was withdrawing from any further representation of you. I have enclosed a copy of
correspondence sent to the carrier scating same. 1 have also enclosed a statement for costs that
have been expended.

Re: the foregoing as iralicized constitutes the salutalJon of anomey Webb's lener of October 9.
1989. and the body of it in its entirety. There is nothing there that justifies withdrawal. and there is
little need to give it any attention in that respecl. However. I use it as an opportunity to point out
even further. the extent of his absurd and irreparably damaging deception.
\L'/o..) (\( ~!J
There was a telephone conference. I did reconfirm thai I did not wanl to furnish a statement which
I was in no manner obligated to furnish. I "did nOl~ express dissatisfaction over the maner of my
representation for none ever existed!

RFB to USDJ 12·7· 1997 Page 15

I complained of reyme representation which is all that had existed. and with the resultant
irreparable damage! I did answer that whether we continued with him depended on how much we
owed him. I had every right to ask. and he was obligated to answer. and to do so with
forthrighmess. and not use it to attempt to exonerate himself or his finn.

I don't really care whether he felt there was a breakdown in relations. inasmuch as we had in no
manner caused it. neither does he dare claim thal we had. which leaves one possibility, does it not?
The absurdities of all absut<lities: it took him from March 21. 1988 until his 1euer of October 6.
1989 to confmn to Colonial Penn that he was no longer on the case, when legally he was. and is!

On October 16. 1989. I made • less than twenty minute call to Colonial Penn. wherein they
removed their claim thal I was negligent My approach: prove it or remove it. as I challenged their
agent Mr. George E. Cox. Jr., to review the applicable Florida Traffic Accident Report with me.
We had not much more than commenced to do so, when he expressed. that I was not negligent.
and then, asked what I was willing to do.

That's whal the fabe allegation was about cheat u.s via compromise! That's what I had expressed
to anomey Webb. including via one of our two letters of October 3. 1989.. I reminded Mr. Cox.
that the allegation was to be removed and at once, or else Colonial Penn would face me in court.
and soon! Whereupon. be informed me that I would need an anomey: an audio recorded, piece
of umolicited advise in keeping with their damaging duplicity. ~. J 'V - 7. Ij
f 0;

refer, of course, to their forcing us to hire lawyer after lawyer. while claiming they would rather
do business one on one: absurd. They know how to control and conspire with lawyen with more
assurance that it will not backfIre than is the cue when dealing direct with the claimant. and to
asswne otherwise is to be unrealistic. In our cue. they got cau.ght all three way fraud (1) dealing
direct with us (2) with lawyers posing as our lawyers and (3) through their own #1 Hired Gun.

That it was I who ultimately had Colonial Penn remove the allegation, constitutes by legal
deftnition a Colonial Penn/Attorney William R. "Bill" Webb. and flllJl/anomey Jaclt B. McPherson!
the State of Florida conspiracy. including criminal felonious conspiracy does it not. and if not. why
not? Removing the allegation in no manner compen.sates for the damage it causes, and as to Ruth
that is a most seriou! offense. finally. heiDi fully aware. that the closer to the statute of limitations
the "...,rs their leverage: Colonial Penn: attorney Webb. and attorney Meeks, played it to the hill

Before we reached attorney Webb's second of three successors, anomey Mitchell Meeks: Dr. A.O.
Bonati. having depleted the easy PIP money. and having botched the flI'St surgery, had refused to
do the !UbsequeD.t surgeries, he'd said would be needed. in order to bring my ankle to maximum
medical improvement. still short of being made Whole. Dr. Wallace also, said there would be
residual impairment. The basic difference was, that it cost about two ti.mes as much as Dr. Wallace
expressed. To discourqe the planned subsequent surgeries, Dr. Bonati proposed a most grisly
procedure that included (a) poking a hole through the ankle area (1,) severing the right side tendon
(c:) poking it througb the bole. and (d) splicing/grafting it onto the left inside tendon. Grotesque.

Standing before us and his assistant Fran, Dr. Bonati tossed my letter to him, in the waste can
while ordering me to not write any more to him . apparently not knowing and/or not caring that his
receptionist had verified in writing, receipt of the letter. and had run me a copy, which I retain.
Ruth had watched aghast (on their closed circuit TV) as be botched the first surgery. He turned up
in the hire of the very lawyer to wbom Anome y Meeks palmed us off: (Rob Carr). Dr. Bonati was
SlJP.POICd to be sued by attorney Meeks and fum and by no one else. And, had there been fast and
easy big money there, they logically would have done so.

At Dr. Bonati's. they seemed to be super paranoid about the possibility of being audio taped and
about being caught themselves audio taping.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·97 Page 16

On one occasion. while Ruth and I waited alone in a room which had a human skeleton hanging
near the opposite wall. I limped toward it as I remarked what a fine place inside it's skull it would
be to hide a recorder. It was removed within the minute! On a later occasion, his nurse Fran.
virtually forced a book from my grasp. She then leafed through it, and fmding no surveillance
devise. surrendered it.

I count fifty letten or SO between Colonial Penn and us from the time anorney Webb unlawfully
withdrew, and when we hired his second of three replacements: attorney Mitchell L. Meeks-Barr.
Murman et al. All we had to show for it then and to date is a comparatively paltry $3.761.60: not
much of a return, for all these years, with the inherent immense irreparable damage, basically
because anorney Webb represented not us/represented Dr. Hanff; Colonial Penn: et al. against us.

The aforesaid amount represents the $2,987.00 for vehicle damage plus $774.60 partial payment
for vehicle loss of we. By Colonial Penn's very own commitment, vehicle loss of use had grown
to more than $18. 272.00 @ $16/day. Re: Ms Maggie Harris. audio tape recorded. on or about
May 5. 1988. However. they had forfeited their right to enforce that figure. and were obligated to
pay the going rate. which at the time of the accident was $21/day, which then gives a total of. say
$23.982.00. Subtract the paid $774.60 = $23.207.40: to date still owed as a base figure.

Factor in: escalation plus interest; plus Ruth virtually always served as my chauffeur. Factor in her
condition. plus punitive damage, and we come up with the ultimate realistic number.

By the time we realized the statute limit was 4 y~. not 5. it was near the end of November 1991.
That left us three weeks. We did not want to hire another lawyer except to file our claim. and then
allow us to continue dealing direct. with that added leverage. We had not only become lawyer
shy. but had been convinced by Ms. Bartells. that attorney Webb was demanding full cut. We
remembered that about a month prior, that we had joined Montgomery Ward Insurance Companies
Legal Services Plan: to have them send letters. make wi1ls. and give legal advise.

We learned that. indeed. their MPlan Lawyers-Law Firms Mwould handle the filing problem. and the
plan guaranteed a close by lawyer-law firm was available: Robert H Lecznar. He said he could do
it. and it would cost $500.00. We approved. He reversed. wanted a full cut. To us. that meant 1/3
or less left for us. Montgomery Ward had lied to us. and would continue to lie. and would
eventually, unlawfully refuse further .service, and refund our money. which is not full remedy.

The next nearest was Barr. Munnan, et al. of Tampa. Florida (over 100 miles/trip 400 total to be
lied to and otherwise punished)_ They assigned attorney Mitchell L. Meeks. and on December 4.
1991 we made contact with him personally. It had taken us a week to break through to him. He
accepted our proposal, that he simply ftle for us. but no distinct date was set to meet with him. He:
informed us that there was only one cut and that it Was divided out. What a (temporary) relief.

After hanging up the phone, we discussed the maner and decided that maybe he could be our full
fledged anomey. However we were still concerned that we might get another Manorney Webb."
Therefore. we called back. and informed him of our bad experience at the hands of attorney
Webb. including that we had felt that we were being coerced, $1,500.00 to $6.500.00 total close
out. Re: our meeting of September 29. 1989 with him. Re: attorney Meeks' audio taped reply:

Ultimate/y. the claim is YOurs. mister Blevins. II's not mine. The decision as to whether or nor to

\'I us:
~., ,---:
foregoing consistent with the.
You. the client. have the right to
make the final decision regarding final settlement of a case. ... However. you must make a final
decision to accept or reject a settlement. We made a final decision to reject the Release In Full.
That decisjon Was unlawfully overturned! Re: Case Number: CA91-6383 Division; ~ H"

RFB to USDlI2-7-1997 Page 17

After hearing that we might hire him on a regular basis. he urged us to come in that very day. We
went there two days later. on December 6. 1991. and were so taken in by his lies. that we hired
him and his firm on the spoL On December 9,1991 we delivered the fLle (hundred! of pages).

Once aboard, he violated virtually everything of any decency/eviscerated us! Having withheld the
STATEMENT OF CLIENT'S RIGHTS from us, he used the filing of our claim against us: waited
until next to the last day to flIe .. However. punitive damage lawsuit, and felony, I am sure, could
and can still be fLIed. We were ignorant of such things, and he kept w as ignorant as he could.

I audio recorded us as I reminded him that he was obligated. (Re: the Florida Bar) to advise us of
the best alternate. In our case, it was not contingent but flat fee being the better. Whereupon, he
advised me that he would not have taken the case on a flat fee basis. That does not exonerate him
but further incriminates him. A junior partner of less than two years with the flI1ll, maybe putting
the screws to us could have garnered senior status? Say. $ looked good!

He kept us on needles and pins on the filing matter. He played it so as to coerce U! into an inferior
settlement whereby he would not even have to me! Where Ruth was concerned. it is a very
serious offense! Ultimately, of course, he did me. Then he flatly re~ to follow through.

Log Book Entry Re: December 16, 1991 Monday, attorney Meeks called at 2:10 PM. I returned call at 2:30 PM. He reponed he had talked with Colonial Penn/agent Mr. Genrge E. Cox, 1r.
who had made a $35,000.00 Release In Full offer. We rejected iL
It even excludes Ruth's pain and suffering, which he included in his ftling, and excludes the
$250,000.00 land improvement loss. which as it turned out. he did not include in his filing.

Log Book Entry Re: December 16, 1991, I have begun to question his motive! I believe he is
focused on SIhr without regard to the fact that our contract with him is contingent fee: the
foregoing at the expense of justice and fair play. I intend to write. and personally deliver a letter 10
him, thus heading off any thought he may have of under filing, in order to force us into a pre-jury
acceptance. My ankle gave way (collapsed) three times as I tried to walk in the public library.
Ruth who had waited in the car, said she had seen me almost fall as I entered the library.

Albeit we had hired him OD December 6. 1991 and had kept after him thereafter to not take such
risks, the filing was done on Thursday December 19, 1991, which was just a single day away from
the last day before the claim would have been time barred. He had played the filing for virtually
all it was worth, in order to coerce us into an unfair settlement, thus allowing him to not even file.

Log Book: Entry Re: January 21, 1992, I came down with the flu and canceled my golf for next
day . January 29. 1992 W since Tuesday, ankle is worst since I can remember (b) Anomey Meeks
called at 1:53 PM. The call ended at 2:10 PM. During said call: he ,aid he would give us $40,000
clear to settle. We could not bring further suit against Dorothy Wankel Colonial Penn. He says it
would not keep us from suing attorney Webb; Dr. Bonati, et al. Need that in writing

Log Book Entry Re: January 1992, He says we will have 10 advance S7.500·S10,000 for litigation.
should we decide. That's incredible! Had we not decided 10 sue, we would have hired him merely
to rue and not as our full fledged anomey. He has a short memory! He further states that, expert
testimony on the land development impainnent; and on my ankle would round out the $7,500.00 •
10,000.00 as I read him. The $40,000 clear to senle, is in contrast to the minimum of $366,110.00
he was supposed to sue for. and which Colonial Penn/agent Cox had not turned down prior 10 our
hiring anomey Meeks. Mr. Cox had merely asked me whether I could justify it. and I had
answered that I surely could. That sort of thing is all in a day's work: for an industrial engineer.
including myself.

Our land improvement project had been impaired at least $250,000.00.

RFB to USD112-7·97 Page 18

The rest was within policy limit of money still there ($100,000.00 policy limit on bodily injury for
Ruth and me, add the $16.238.40 property damage still there and still owed = $116.238.40).
Those are low figures on the property damage. Furthermore, punitive damage (which itself is
replete via attorney Meeks filing), had not even been included. What we wanted. had been
promised, then denied, was and is: get Colonial Penn. et al, before a jury!

Via the offer we made to attorney Meeks. which he rejected. and then tried to revive: our claim
(except punitive damage?) would have been closed out even before he had to file. Having failed in
holding his delayed filing as a gun to our head, he commenced to thw hold a new one: his threat
to withdraw. He exploited that we were exhausted, and that lawyers were ever harder to hire.

Log Book Entry Re: January 1992. he said that closing out with Colonial Penn would not keep us
from suing attorney Webb; Dr. Bonati, et aI. We may need that in writing. Furthennore, he
refused to do it, albeit he should have but did not make such disclaimer before we hired him.

His assertion that we would have to advance at least $7.500.00, does not square with the
STATEMENT OF CLIENT'S RIGHTS: itself. he withheld from us. This is a prime example of his
trying to apply the contract not only as a contingent fee agreement. which it is, but apply it
otherwise such as suited his scheme to defraud and exploit us.

STATEMENT OF CLIENT'S RIGHTS 8.. . . Until you approve the closing statement you need
not pay money to anyone including your lawyer. 10.... However, you mwt make a final
decision to accept or reject a settlement. Our final decision to reject was unlawfully overturned,

Furthermore, attorney Meeks did not collect any money on our behalf. quite the contrary. Did he
think he had a claim on what we had collected almost a year before we hired him. He seems to
6383 Division; "H" "He explained that advances on the settlement proceeds had previowly been
made to Mr. & Mrs. Blevins in the amount of $1.770.75 prior to my representation in this maner. M

The foregoing sentence refers to what Colonial Penn;Mr. Dave Seavy is alleged by attorney Meeks
as having told him. This is yet another matter of our being punished and exploited even more due
to Colonial Penn and attorney Meeks catching themselves in their very own trap they laid for us! /

The advance was not the orphaned or bastardized $1,770.75. but was $3,761.60, and it was not
paid to us, but to me, and was [or property damage, never mind. Colonial Penn/agent Mr. George
E. Cox, Jr. pulled the $1,770.75 from the wrong fund. and was reminded of it, immediately by me,
including via. my letter to him: so, their claims to the contra.ry, it can't be accepted as an oversight.

What it really amounts to is. that if attorney Meeks had a claim to the $1,770.75. he had a claim to
the $3,761.60, and to the $2,170.75: the draft for which Mr. Seavy gave us at the time and place
he refused to give w the Release In Full draft. That inconsistency constitutes fraud. The PA home
office, we and Mr. Dave Seavy mention the $2.170.75 draft. but who else, if anyone, does?

Attorney Meeks demanded that on March 5. 1992. we meet with him face to face at his place,
without regard to the fact that we informed him we had not gotten over the flu and therefore were
not up to driving (the trip of over 100 miles) . Therefore our daughter Kimberly chauffeured.

Immediately upon our arrival. Kimberly, read our heart doctor' note to attorney Meeks, and then
handed it to him. The note. warned against SUbjecting Ruth to undue stress. such as might be
generated by meetings. He refused to go forward with the $250,000.00 land development
impairment issue. Then he herded us into a room with orders to read and sign his (unnecessary)
contract amendment within forty five minutes, or else he would withdraw and lien the file. !- ...t _ ~ EI./rt;
RFBtoUSDJ12.7. 1997Page19 8f1
Kimberly reminded him. that in repeatedly coming in and prodding us. he was impairing the
deadline he had given us. He left long enough for us to vote unanimously to walk out without
saying good bye. He ran after us, and managed to have us return. not to the room but. to his
office. when and where. he sweetened the pot by $500.00. allowing us to deal direct with
Colonial Penn on Property damage. which had become in excess of $20.000.00.

We signed under stress duress and soft deceit. which accounts for the fact that we never really got
a chance to read his proposal until we arrived home. We found we had been tricked! Sweetening
the pot and his commitment that we could deal direct with Colonial Penn had lulled us into a false
sense of trust. Was there no end to the fraudulent tricks he had in his bag?

His proposal was such as to bar any fwther action against Colonial Penn. I called the very next
morning and strongly protested. He claimed. that he had made it plain to us that it was a final
sen1ement with no further recourse.

He gave me his employer. just a couple days to get whatever I could from Colonial Penn on
property damage. Our signing his proposal, was based on our accepting $50.000.00 as Release In
Full. excluding whatever we could get from Colonial Penn on property damage.

We did not need his permission to deal one on one. However we were beat to pulp. and with
JawyetS becoming ever harder to hire, mollycoddling him, seemed me way to go, up co a point!

Attorney Webb had once and for all. grossly compromised us as to retaining other representation.
Indeed, after attorney Volini. who would be the next following attorney Meeks, it has become
impossible to retain another. Under such circumstances, who would ever ~ to become
involved? It's not just the fact that the (total of four to date) lawyers-law finns, refused to
represent. unlawfully or otherwise. it is the immense and irreparable damage they cause. The
greatest factor is attrition/devastation .. . a grave concern under any set of circumstances. Given
Ruth's condition. it was the medically predicted difference between life and death.

Attorney Meeks. further expressed that Colonial Penn would not deal direct on any matter while
we had an attorney representing us, that they knew the law. We, of course, knew otherwise.
Colonial Penn themselves had solicited us to deal direct. Re: May 1988. Funhermore, one law
finn (Cook of Tampa. FL). made it crystal clear that. if we hired them. we would have to deal
direct with any insurance company on property damage. and they would. off the record, assist us.

I contacted Colonial Penn agent Mr. Dave Seavy and. he expressed that the money for property
damage wasn't there. Why not? $20,000.00 of which o nly $3.761.60 had been paid. means that
$16.238.40. was there.

Unless. they had conspired with anorney Meeks and bargained it away. It and more Was there via
punitive damage. However. they are not going 10 pay that shon of a jury, We were sure that
bargaining it away had occurred. and to get anything more at all from Colonial Penn. that they'd
specify as property damage would prove more is there: the $16.238.40 minus whatever followed.
We agreed to accept $400.00 to prove our point.

As prior stated. the draft was not for $400.00 bUI was for (400 + 1.770.75) or $2,170.75. Also as
prior indicated. I find that the only reference thai Colomal Penn had made to said draft was made
via an inquiry from the Pennsylvania home office 10 me ovenly. and via Mr. Dave Seavy on the
sly . The home office. however. failed to make menllo n of the Release In Full.

Just why that is true, leaves the answer to logic .. Had the Tampa office deceived the home office
into thinking the Release In Full in full had not been VOided. or was it a home office/fampa office
conspiracy. and was that true as to the wrong fund fraud? Re: the $1.770.75 from bodily injury.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·1997 Page 20

Attomey Meeks ftled our complaint to include Ruth as a claimant at least as fully entitled as
myself. Once so med. he and Colonial Penn conspired to not only exclude her but to wrap every
potential into one package. They billed it as policy limit. It was nothing of the sort!

Colonial Penn had managed to cheat us through anomey Meeks in a manner far greater than they
were able to do in dealing one on one with us, and that accounts for why they stalled around until
we had to hire yet another successor to attorney Webb, which as it turned out was attorney Meeks.

On March 24, 1992, Ruth chauffeured us 10 Tampa. florida bul had missed locating Colonial
Penn. Then on March 25. 1992. our son·in-Iaw Larry chauffeured us there where we picked up
the $2,170.00 Propelly damage draft from Colonial Penn agenl Mr. Seavy, who aI thai time and
place. refused not only to give us the Release In Full draft. but refused to allow us to see it, neither
did it exist! What did exist was fraud. The 550.000.00 Release in Full was not there! They had
fraudulently presenled a I..... amounl, by $\,770.75.

Anomey Webb', letter of OCIober 6, 1989 10 Colonial Penn/George E. Cox, Jr. includes "I would
further request that that not issue any settlement drafts without my name appearing on them." In
all cases. except the Release in Full draft. Colonial Penn disregarded said request. Had we been
able to see it, we could have detected the shonage. and spiked it as fraud right then and there!
Furthermore. they and attorney Meeks are assumed to have known, it was fraud and that we could
not have had any control over it. In fact, Colonial PeruvMr. Seavy later admitted as much. and yet,
attorney MeeIc.s and finn refused to 80 against Colonial Penn but came against us!

We arrived at Barr. Murman. et alA (say 11:00 AM) on March 26. 1992. It was as billed. our very
last meeting with attomey Meeks. Having arrived. we still needed evidence that we had attended.
I am SW'e they were confident we would not show! In fact. attorney Meeks had scheduled another
in our very own time slot! Could he be with them and us simultaneously? By greater odds than I
can comprehend. that one was: Ms. Jenny Costa.

We had neither seen not talked with her except for a few hows during an evening some eight
years prior! Eerie! Jenny was there with two friends (relatives). and they agreed that we could
audio tape our conversation with them. We had our proof. and then they declined to represent her!

Some may fmd it fascinating that anorney Meeks had claimed to us that he did not handle medical
malpractice suits and had thus dumped us off on another attorney. and yet he'd had Jenny come in
to take her as a client albeit her complaint too, was a medical malpractice one. Had he accepted
her. he must have figured we would catch him up in that too.

As the meeting commenced. attorney Meeks gave us fifteen minutes to sign his contract variation
which would have supplanted the agreement we had signed on Match 5, 1992. We advised him
that we were sticking with the aforesaid, and if he did not do likewise. he was in breach-of·
oonlrllCt! !Ie expressed thai he would fighl me all the way 10 the Supreme Coon. 1 advised him
that he would still be in breach-of--contract.

He had left the door wide open which linked the room we were in with the waiting room. A figure
appeared in that doorway. Ruth asked "Who are you?" He answered: rm Jim Murman. I warned
her not talk to him; she'd get DO place with him. that he's the one who'd harassed us no end last
nigh!! WhaI are _ doing here, Ruth asked.

He informed her. that he had dropped by to see how his man/protege was making out. He then
departed, leaving the door as open as he had found it. Anomey Meeks then said: I am asking you
to leave my offiCe. Whereupon we (our son·in· law Larry, Ruth and n
departed. We received a
leaer dated on the date of me meeting. from attorney Meeks via which he.seemed really paranoid.
thinking we had audio rape recorded him!

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He advised me to destroy such tapes as if there is some Jaw which forbids one to audio tape as a
means of self defense. Any such law would be unconstitutional: other lawyers agree.

We audio recorded as Ruth and I talked by phone Mr. Seavy. who tried to get us to donate the
$1770.75 to square their books. He pleaded that both he and Mr. Cox had done wrong. and if it
leaked out. he would lose his insurance agent licenses. He was trying to get us to aid and abet?
That's also. what his giving us a draft not for $400.00 but for $2170.75 was all about. Once we
rejected getting him out of the mess that Mr. Cox and he had created. he showed no further interest
except to express: he'd just have to take his lumps, and to withdraw his offering us attorney Olsen.

In trying to dupe us. Mr. Seavy had offered to lend us their lawyer Kenneth L Olsen to go against
their partner in crime attorney Mitchell Meeks. and I have audio recorded proof of it. Re: our rapist
Colonial Penn. had attorney Olsen take us to court on two occasions. But. once he learned that we
would not aid and abet in their fraud. he commencing in 1996 has declined to communicate.

On March 26. 1992. attorney Meeks was unlawfully granted withdrawal. Re: IN THE CIRCUIT
PASCO COUNTY. CIVIL DIVISION Case Number: CA91·6383 Division: "H"

We were denied being there or even knowing where it was to take place. Re: until the meeting of
March 26. 1992. attorney Meeks, had maintained we could be present. even encouraged it. Then
during said meeting. he answered, what would you do there. Bob? We: would have told the truth!
The truth stood to expose the essence of what had happened to us from day one.

Anorney Meeks. would not even let us know anything except, that on said date. he was sure to be
granted withdrawal! We suspected. and evidence suppons. that the withdrawal affair. et aI. was
and is a (payola) mail order business! Among other ways the court "seems to have been deceived"
was that he failed inform the Court of his refusal to honor the March 5. 1992 contract revision.
What kind of a conspiracy goes on between the anorney and the Court to obstruct justice?

Almost two and one half years later. I myself read it into said records, the fact that both attorney
Meeks and Colonial Penn were in breach of contract since March 25/26 1992. Re: IN THE
FOR PASCO COUNTY. CIVIL DIVISION Case Number: CA9f.6383 Division; "H" With such
incriminating evidence right before their eyes. why do these judges dare grant withdrawal?

Anorney Meeks would have had to drive essentially the same route as we had driven a number of
times. and therefore I do not think he could have made it to the hearing by the time he said his
hearing was to be. The court record for the date in Question does not show a time of a hearing.
Furthennore. the judge's name is a stamp and not of the handwriting style.

On the same date it carried. April 14. 1992. we received notification that the court had distributed
funds. which being the issue of the voided Release In Full. never had any legal existence or effect.
The disbursement aWarded. clearly in breach of contract: anorney Meekslhis fum. all he had asked
for. when neither he nor his firm were legally entitled, even had the money. legally existed.

We were awarded what was left. However. we of necessity rejected it. How could we accept
money which had no legal existence without. ourselves being wrongfully involved as a result. We
could have processed the $2170.75 draft, but we did not. How can they ever be that much trusted?

Receiving the notice on the same date the alleged hearing is alleged to have occurred: in and of
itself arouses suspicion. We had not only been denied being at the alleged aforesaid hearing. but
had been so denied all hearings prior to it. Funhennore. happenstance prevented. yet another
repeat in August 1994.

RFB to USDJ 12-7·1997 Page 22

We regarded having not been advised of said disbursement as the last suaw in regard to Ruth's
first breakdown since her initial hean aneurysm of 1986. On May 6. 1992. I delivered her at brink
of death to \he hospital. As they departed with her, she said to me: 11IID1QI1D_hith!raet
!!IJi(s corrflIlD ,.", tr !!lilt h!r /me cUJe ID mel" One said don't include the foregoing,
that the Department doesn't care whaI Ruth said. It's history and pan of her legacy and belongs.

Near the end. she came to express that she could not afford to allow herself to think of anything
but just staying alive. She had other worries: Humana HMOiColumbia HCAJSwe Fann Insurance
Company ... that she was in no manner able to ignore. Indeed. could she ignore the rest?

Those May 6. 1992. words were expected to have been her very last words to me and among her
very last under any circumstance. On or about May 19. 1992. she underwent open chest surgery to
implant a comparatively bulky heartbeat restoration devise, which no doubt prolonged her life.
albeit we very much questioned whether it should be done. particularly at the time. given the risks!

We backed off to alJow her to recover as much as was reasonably expected. That was cut far too
short when in August 1994. Colonial Penn sent their lawyer Kenneth L. Olsen against us. That was
secondary to my response to the Colonial Penn home offiCe letter concerning the $2.170.75 draft
having never cleared. with no mention of the not cleared Release In Full draft. It seemed they
were more ~ in wiletlltt I had died. than they were about the draft itself. I responded by
informing them thaI the Tampa Office needed some stem attention. Then I had talked to agent
Alice (Sumercamp) of \he Tampa olfire. I had had expressed, that were I in their client Dorothy
Wanke's shoes, I would suing my insurance company for mal-representation.

Attorney Olsen sent his fU'St letter to our former address when he is no question assumed to have
known our next address, this one: 10635 Patrick Avenue. Hudson. FL 34669.

Had the people at the old address not known. our current address. we would have once again been
denied knowing there had been a hearing until it had occurred.

He had a number of choices, the besc let it ride as they had been doing since they voided the
Release In Full; the worst, being precisely what he did. Except to keep us from the hearing of
August ':; 1. 1994, there is no reason why he did not send the notice of the hearing to this address!

He could have, in fact. sent it to both addresses. However. 1 doubt few would disagree that the
idea is to not unnecessarily give ones opposite nwnber an advantage. Likewise. I doubt thaI few
would argue that the Bars bend over backwards (98/2) to rule in favor of the (dues paying)
attorney. Books by lawyers. say don't fool with the Bar. take the anomey before a jury. Either one
is a loser for me in Florida: the Florida Bar fails me, and a lawyer cannot be found to help me.

We had found out in advance of the August 31.1994 hearing. So whaI? Tbey were apparendy
absolutely confident that the maneuvering had assured that -if" we were there. we would be there
representing ourselves pro se: lambs for the wolves!

For no particular reason, we did not reveal. until in chambers: that indeed, we had managed to hire
attorney Carol Ann Volini. truly our eleventh hour attorney. as attorney Olsen referred to her. We
had managed: to hire her through Montgomery Ward Legal Services, the second and the last as,
Montgomery Ward. without advance notice. canceled: our policy. thus rendering it void as to them
but not as to tl!. because we have not so elected.

IN AND FOR PASCO COUNTY, CNll. DIVISION Case Number: CA91-6383 Division; "H"
Judge W. Lowell Bray, Jr. the presiding judge dismissed the case of us against Dorothy Wanke
and Colonial Penn.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·97 Page 23

In the process. he refused to consider what the Case Number: CA91 ·6383 Division; RHR records
clearly showed. the fact that anomey Meeks andlor whomever had deceived the Court. and that
Judge Bray. the evidence clearly before him. had disbursed funds which had no legal
existence: were the issue of the voided Release In Full. Furthermore. he did not have the
authority. It was clearly an impairment of obligation of contractls and thus at odds with THE

We. as well as our daughters Connie and Kimberly. and the Press (Tampa TribunelMr. Bill
Harmon) were in attendance. We would have been on the highway headed for home. had it not
been that we were still in the building discussing with The Press what a rotten deal we had been
dealt. It was good bye Press and all other media: TV and Radio. Out comes the Bailiff and herds
us back into chambers. Judge Bray reappeared and granted a continuance. He had. he said.
discovered that we did have an anomey: anorney Carol Ann Volini.

She had told him what we had told him. He admined her. He had rejected us. I understand. THE
UNITED STAfFS CONSTITUTION guarantees one the right to represent themselves pro se.
Judge Bray expressed that it looked like she (anomey Volini) is going for RLoss of Consortium. R
Anomey Meeks. clearly included loss of consortium. and punitive damage in filing our complaint.

We did the same via our item. I read into the records during that August 31. 1994 hearing. The
item had been dictated by. and then read back to. and approved by anomey Volini. before we left
home on lhe day of the August 31. 1994 hearing. Therefore. it is no surprise that it squared with
what anomey Volini claimed to the Court. and yet the Court record excludes Judge Bray as
expressing. that it looks like she. is going for loss of consortium. What is going on? Why all the
cover-up. or whatever? Did they think: we could not read. and would not come by the Court
records? Why are they held above the Law? Why are we held not Law worthy? Florida.

There are other errors. However. anomey Volini had stopped their steamroller dead in its tracks!
Furthennore. she did it by remote control. phone ca.lls. and fax from Ocala, Florida. evidently
without even as much leaving her office. They would need to regroup! The continuance was
moved from September to October. which had had given them six weeks in turning her around.
What did they accomplish in that span of time?

Among whatever eLse. they (.) had anomey Volini anempt in vain to build a case against us and
decided to grant her an unlawful withdrawal anyway (b) figured a way to fake the Court records to
make it appear that anomey Webb was no longer legally obligated to represent us (c) figured out
how to dismiss without it appearing to be an impainnent of Obligation of Contract, thus trying to
make it appear not at odds with the United. Stated Constitution: on October 13. 1994 dismissing
without prejudice, on August 31. 1994 having dismissed without such disclaimer.

We had our daughter Connie and Kenneth Joshua Swann (a family acquaintance/state officiaV
politician) there on October 13. 1994. Ruth had become too ill to attend. and should not have
attended the hearing on (her birthday), August 31. 194. Having seen what the court was capable
off. I dared not attend. I figw-ed they would go to great length, trumped up charges: contempt of
coUIt, or whatever. I figured. they would throw me in jail at least until attorney Webb would be
sworn in as judge. I have never been jailed. but have nightmares that I have been.

After the hearing. Connie and Ken met us in the parking lot. The !lew' K.c:g had!JPf"1lPV He said
he had fnrmftop his eXPreSS reason for attending; to read into the Court record Our document.
That's unbelieyable! We have sad concern for him that he saw fit to so devastatingly betray us,

Connie expressed that the air in Judge Bray's chamber seem to hiss with intimidation against her
and Ken. She said that Judge Bray had departed in such a rush that she did not have time to speak
her piece. which could have included reading the document Ken had volunteered to read for her.

RFB to USDI12-7-1997 Page 24

Anorney Olsen advised her. mat she did not have me right to get judge Bray to return.
Strange: our opposite number would be giving advise to us/our representative.

The case was dismissed withQut prejudice. which as I interpret it, me Court had agreed wim us:
that the Release In Full had been rendered void. thw leaving the door open for Colonial Penn to
be sued anew for whatever. punitive damage included. but not so limited.

That's a far cry from Judge Bray's decision before anomey Volini entered. whereby he had
dismissed without such disclaimer. WI!; it because of anomey Volini. or because he had become
aware of our own level of knOWledge. concerning Contract Law I!; rooted in me U.S. Constitution?

He granted anomey Volini withdrawal albeit what she told the Court included patent lie and would
not have made sense even if true. She claimed great difficulty in dealing with me. illogical and a
bald·faced patent lie. no less! It is illogicaVunrel!;onable to assume that one hires one. and men
make it impossible for them to do that for which they were hired. The claim that I had done so WI!;
the strength of her case.

Furthermore. we even installed. a very expensive Fax machine. bl!;ically for her convenience.
She used it to intonn us she WI!; not going to do that which she promised. This reeks of attorney
Meeks' ongoing allegation that came true: that the Court granting his withdrawal WI!; an absolute
certainty. We thought he WI!; bluffing/that it would be tougher.

Why do they even bother to explain to the Court other than to simply ask for withdrawal? The
obviow answer is that they go further simply for the benefit of the records and not just the Court
records. Anything can be put in the records. and the Court can grant withdrawal on1y if they do so
wilhout impairing the Obligation of Contract/s. Re: The United States Constitution.

Not just in the case of each and every claim related lawyer law fum we hired. but in all other such
cases as well. we fulfilled Obligation of Contract and there can be no evidence 10 the contrary.

Had he nOI been thus disposed. he need nOl have bothered to attend the hearing. Had he not been
convinced that he needed to do more to enhance his being sworn in I!; judge while still our
anorneytlegally obligated to represent us: he need not have sent Sheriff Lee Cannon to commence
terrorizing us on October 18. 1994. Had he not seen a need for further intimidation and cover·up:
he need not have sent his letter dated October 20. 1994. the second day after the initial terrorizing!

Commencing in 1992, we have resided at our present address: 10635 Patrick Avenue, Hudson
Florida 34669 and have all time had a phone which on October 18. 1994 was functioning, I!; WI!;
its answering machine. I!; was our fax machine. And on October 15. 1996. the same was true.
except that the fax machine had been removed. With anomey Volini oul. we decided to give il up.

~J I ~t all times material to the aforementioned October 1994 through 1996. and to date. our dwelling
A"i itself was. and is situated on our thickly wooded nine acre estate. so far back in said woods, that
•\ . the dwelling could not be seen from the road. neither could cries from within the dwelling be
J u heard by any neighbor. I add. that during being terrorized by Sheriff Lee Cannon on October 18.
1994 and on October 15. 1996. we dared nOI even speak above a cupped hand whisper. except
during the 1996 event. I very quietly called our daughter Kimberly from our bedroom closet.

On October 18. 1994 at or about 9:55 AM. Ruth and t returned home from Pasco County
Government Center. near the Sheriffs office. where we'd put in our order for the Court records. At
10:00 AM. we sequestered ourselves in our bedroom. door locked. and the window double layer
blinds closed. We. however. were not sure. that the outer doors to our dwelling were locked!

At 10:16 AM. we heard a loud knocking near the fronl door.

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The knocking was accompanied by a loud voice proclaiming: we have a Criminal Action
Complaint to serve! We peered out so as to detect, without ourselves being detected. NAZI

We saw a hatless, otherwise unifonned, and armed (female) Pasco County, Florida. Deputy
Sheriff. at the front door, and saw a so outfitted (male) Deputy milling about menacingly on our
front lawn·space, thus appearing to be there to, "take us out" should we evade the other.

Ruth whispered, maybe we should answer the door. that we always had; that maybe the Criminal
Action Complaint concerned our neighbor. They had a number of times: reported that dogs had
attacked (even killed) their livestock. I responded, by forbidding the door be answered as I then
expressed: RlU W!BB IS RRH1NJ) 1ll§' Am be DI!

As they moved alternately from front to back of our dwelling, we could hear such as: they are in
there! I can hear them talking! They are here! Their car is still hot! After the commotion had died
down, we waited for approximately an hour. Then we (a) very quietly unlocked our bedroom
door, and (b) at least as quietly. we progressively opened the door. and peered out into the parlor,
expecting to see one or more Deputies. ready to pounce!

It was. in essentially the same manner. that we made our way to our daughter Kimberly's home.
then to our daughter Connie's home. then back home. All the time, we had taken devious routes.
including, of course. while on our very own thickly wooded nine acre estate. Kimberly's son.
Nathan was supposed to return with us, but there was a delay. He did. however, live with us for a
considerable period commencing soon thereafter. We ultimately sent him away, for his safety ....

We dared not stop to check the phone until our return. even then we did not know whether it had
been tapped! Nevertheless. we commenced calling the Sheriff's Department. They confinned that
attorney Webb was behind the Criminal Action Complaint. inasmuch as it was his staff. who they
claimed. had launched the Complaint. as it had not been anomey Webb. either way!

The Deputy on the porch, it turned out, was Matemowski (mother of our grandson's close friend
and classmate). She had left, but we managed to persuade her superior Deputy Allison to come to
our home. on an invited no surprise visit. to have the face to face confrontation that they had used
as an excuse to invade and terrorize us, not even using our functioning telephone to forewarn us!
Having done their initial terrorizing and departed. they showed a reluctance to return to do the so
called essential face to face confrontation .. They had. for a time. forfeited the element of surprise!
They would regain it, and they would use it!

Deputy Allison, informed us that the source of the Criminal Action Complaint. wu that we had
called a considerable number of times. I informed him that the count was probably twice the
number claimed: that after all, he is our anomey. Seeming to have been caught off guard, he
responded: he says he's not! I responded: The Law says he is! That ended the argument.
However. they continued to maintain that. our calling anomey Webb's office. constituted Criminal
Activity. The following day or so, we managed to get Deputy Matemowski to come visit us.

Jackbooced Gescapo Style, she oommenced by djctating; she would ask and. we would answer! I
informed her that it was going to be an equal opportunity exchange. or no exchange. She
simmered down and the rest of her visit was cordial enough. She conceded that the calls did not
constitute Criminal Activity, but that it could possibly become Criminal if continued. Be that as it
may. the point was that it had not become Criminal Activity as to us (but had as to them).

On or about October 24, 1994. a letter was received from anomey Webb. It was dated October 20.
1994 and was the first that included Ruth in its salutation. The letter was so intimidating. that it
forbade us to answer the leaer itself. It, however. failed to even as much as allude to the raid.

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This, like his bogus withdrawal letter of October 9, 1989. I suspect. is just the kind of stuff he
feels he needs in his file to exclusively flash at those who may want to take a look. I would think.
that if it can be avoided. not many (including the firm's heads) will ever see the entire record.
Having received said letter from attorney Webb. we had Deputy Matemowski, again pay us a visit.
during which we allowed her to read the original. and gave her a copy to take along. Both she and
Deputy Allison, had maintained that we lacked legal criteria to allow them to go for us against
attorney Webb. as he had sent them against us. EYidently in Florida. one single lie. from one whQ
has access to the system. is worth all the truth from one who does not!

We informed. Deputy Matemowski. that now they had the legal criteria. not verbally. as attorney
Webb had wed against us. but in writing, even over attorney Webb's very own signature! Deputy
Matemowski seemed speec.h1ess. and left in such a hurried and apparent confused manner. that I
had 10 rush to the door and call oul to her. to make sure she had taken her copy.

That was the last contact we had with her. except at school function, and while dining at a fast
food. We had our grandson Zackary along, and when he asked, why was it that the Matemowski
parents seem to shun us. we advised him that when he was older. perhaps he would be allowed to
hear and understand. He seemed to accept that. How does one explain to their 11 year old
grandson. that his close friend's mother is a terrorist. or whatever. has assaulted the grandparents?

We tried in vain to get a response out of Sheriff Cannon personally. Then. once it was a virtual
certainty that anorney Webb was going to be sworn in as judge while still our anomey, still legally
obligated to as besl he could, fulfill obligation of contract. out came Sheriff Lee Cannon.

On January 28, 1995 our grandson Nathan. called from Hemando~ Pasco Community College. He
informed me that anorney Webb was going to be sworn in there. We had figured Tallahassee.

I had sent my protest package to the Florida Bar there. so it would reach in time to be presented ..,'
before anorney Webb would have been sworn in as judge, and yet not give them time to put a stop
to the protest, including. by fwther Criminal Activity, no longer limited. to anetnoted murder!

We figured there was a direct link between the Tampa branch of the Florida Bar and attorney
Webb who. I feel sure. was on the grievance committee even after he had been elected.
Furthennore, anomey Webb had demonstrated, that to become judge, he would commit murder,
having already COlllllJitred attempted murder and not just as to the Ocwber 18. 1994 incident!

Furthennore. in twning in his partner Mr. James Waller Dodson, we had. in fact. also turned in
ringleader attorney Webb. It was in regard to the matter of attorney Webb having turned over our
representation to anomey Dodson, whose wrongdoing had added six weeks to the ongoing delay,
of sending the demand letter. thus they aided and abened each the other.

We had turned attorney Dodson in to the Florida Bar as having caused six weeks of
procrastination, when in truth. he was part and parcel of the delay that dates back to when attorney
Webb fmt learned that Dr. Hanft had put a bad cast on me. which considering the closeness of the
two. logically could have occurred the very same day. Therefore. the Florida Bar. in ruling that
the six weeks did not constitute procrastination. ruled that none of the other constituted it. The
Florida Bar's very own Rules peg procrastination as a top taboo! But: WE ARE IN FLORIDA!

Rules ResuWirls Tbe Fbida S. RULE 4-13 DILlGENCE "Perhaps no professional shortcoming
is more widely resented man procrastination. A client's interest often can be adversely affected by
the passage of time or the change of conditions: in extreme instances, as when a lawyer overlooks
a statute of limitations. me client's legal position may be destroyed. Even when the client's
inrerests are not affected in substance, however. unreasonable delay can cause a client needless
anxiety and undermine confidence in the lawyer ~

RFB to USDl12-7-1997 Page 27

The Florida Bar (as is the case with all Bars) is packed with the right stuff. The problem is. that
like the lawyers themselves. the Bars pre-commit themselves in one direction, and then act or rule
in the opposite. In attorney Webb's case we were not only bucking the Bar's overall 98% or more.
against us; we faced the added WebbIBar connection. which by itself, gave us no real chance.

At Community CoUege. anomey Webb's benefactor, Bailiff Lou Williams. welcomed us with open
arms. until I presented my sealed letter of protest and let it be known that I wanted it read to the
person in charge before the swearing in took place. and that it was against attorney Webb. Then
the Bailiff threw me out. and even threw Nathan out simply because he admitted to being with me!
In the parking lot. Nathan and his friend/classmate Nikki. brought up that our civil rights had been
violated. She showed no interest to attend. nor did I dare. And so, Nathan returned. and sat by his
professor: Dr. Hollingsworth, a former commissioner, who was to run and lose to the machine.

As they sat there, a Deputy Sheriff sat for a while close by. He informed Nathan that if he caused
undue disturbance. he would be "taken out" as opposed to "have to leave." Taken out. is their
police force parlance for "shot dead." How does that square with human rights in China?

Just as the ceremony was on the verge of commencing. Sheriff Lee Cannon came out the lower
door and introduced himself. Why had he been in hiding since the terrorist raid? He informed me
I could attend the ceremony but if I caused a disturbance. I could be held in Contempt of Court.
that it was that kind of an event.

I advised him. that I had no intention of attending, that once I had delivered my letter of protest.
and had been ensured that it would reach the proper people in time. my job was done. He then
suggested a meeting which occurred in his office on February 2. 1995. In attendance at the'
February 2. 1995 meeting: Sheriff Cannon; his note taker. Ms. Vicki Clark: our daughters. Connie
and Kimberly; and. of course myself. Ruth was, much too ill to attend. All agreed that the affair
could be audio tape recorded. and enough of it was.

The meeting had not much more than commenced. I had challenged any law that allowed him to
do what he did on October 18. 1994 whereupon. he informed me I would have to leave.

Connie. Kimberly, and I were very troubled. that they had even crossed our property line on
October 18, 1994. to say nothing of what followed. Having been thrown out, I repaired to his
receptionist's room. We talked of Little League. She and Connie worked together in it.

Through the door. I could hear Sheriff Cannon's abusiveness being fielded. soft voice. by both
Connie and Kimberly. He eventually invited me back and soft-soaped me as he had come to do
with Connie and Kimberly. once his caustic approach had apparently run its course. He claimed
that he had to do as be had done on October 18. 1994. or else there would never be enough time
to get the job done. That does not square. Up 10 then • it had been a one and only!

He would continue to harass. Routine calls were turned into harassment. Even when we reported
that we had a two person eye witness account of criminal mischief. they refused to pursue it and I
had to keep after them in order to get them to even write it up. It was an event whereby a
neighborhood truck. had repeatedly backed o ver our mail box. The lady who saw it even
identified the truck.. Last time I heard, they and the Florida Highway Patrol were still passing it
back and forth. albeit both had interviewed the witness. and also had interviewed the owner.

They even inquired of me as to whether we had relatives in the area and answered it was so they
could also protect them! Protection? Harassment! Re: another criminal mischief act reported
incident was, where someone had. in the cover of night. dug up and taken away our hedge
between us and our neighbor Mr. Brian Tuomey who had confessed to Ruth that he had
beforehand repeatedly parked his boat trailer on the hedge. as I took photos of it and the hedge.

RFB to USDI 12-7-97 Page 28

Our Stale Representative CJr:bn A Flewitt'. grandmother. Oessie: for years our close acquaintance.
lives directly aaoss the street from Mr. Tuomey: on close terms with Debbie's father. Jimmy.
While we were visiting Dessie on the very day we reported the hedge being dug up. I purely by
chance. noted tools in her garage such as I had not seen prior. such as would have logically been
used to dig the hedge. Dessie corrunanded me 10 not touch them. that they belonged MJirruny!"
Debbie promised 10 help us in regard to the attorney Webb ordeal. but then copped out. As I was
finessing the matter. Debbie (quick: on the take) had quipped: He's still your anomey. right?

She left us high and dry and palmed us off on Representative Mike Fasano. to whom we could not
even contact, could not get past his coarse mannered front person. It became the same with
Debbie's persons after her cop out. Her excuse was a likely story: she didn't know the territory.

She did not even know we were not in her disaict: a convenient coincidence. I fmd obnoxious. My
request and reason was. that it was. nevertheless. her responsibility to see that Mike followed
through! Was it lines on the eanh. political andlor political embarrassment actual andlor potential?
Re: the aforesaid family tie with Sheriff Lee Canon/anomey Webb and even the State of Florida
via Mr. Tuomey. Politicians are politicians!

On another call. Deputy Labbe went to considerable trouble in anempting to be let in the back
door rather than simply knock on the front. Having failed to gain entrance via the back door. and
then inspect our quarters. and having returned 10 the front. I heard him on his phone express. I
don't know. I couldn't get in to find out. Harassment! What did he expect to find? It was a maner
of harassment. I ultimately resorted 10 answering that nothing illegal was on our property.

On yet another call. we allowed Deputy Labbe to handle a repon to read. and he refused to return
it until he had an opportunity to take it along and make copies of it. And. even then. it was
returned only after we had reported him to his superior who by that time. could have made copies.

Those are just a sampling of the several occasions where they did not come by swprise. neither
did they come uninvited. but. nevertheless. used the occasions to harass.

There continues. for example. the almost endless number of strings. none of which any have dared
puB. lest they unravel the whole fLlthy garment. from Sheriff Lee CannonIWilliam R. ~ BillR
Webb,state Anomey Bernie McCabe, on up to who knows where! They also should begin to
marvel at why this case remains open, even though we ourselves have aied to close it

I see it as God's doing. that he is not finished with this maner. rm with him. If I had any doubt as
to who was in charge. it vanished when we found Jenny Costa in anomey Meeks' waiting room.
and scheduled in our very own time slot with him. As prior pointed out, we had been in contact
with Jenny only once, and that was 8 years prior. and just for about 3 hours. The odds on just
seeing her there. boggles the mind. Add the voided Release In Full ... what odds do we have?

The difference between it being closed as to Colonial Penn. came down to a mere maner of them
not giving us the Release In Full draft. and for the full amount That would have left only punitive
damage. not agaimt their insured, but against memo Lawyers pursuing such as that. we have
found 10 be non existent. Why bite the biggest (and filthiest?) hand that feeds them?

At the February 2, 1995 meeting, in trying to sidestep the anomey Webb matter. Sheriff Cannon
made reference to the hedge incident. and informed us that he had learned that RIM did not even
own the property. an untruth be could have learned by checking with the occupants, the records.
or even with us. We held the mongage and the people have. in fact, defaulted. See hereinafter.

Note that Sheriff Cannon's reference excludes Ruth. That had become typical with anomey Webb;
not SO with anomey Meek.!.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-97 Page 29

Anomey Volini. however. refers to me. as if it were not both Ruth and I who hired her. Does she
claim. that she does not still represent Ruth? Does the Court care?

In 1995. we reported the anomey Webb/Sheriff Cannon terrorizing incident of October 18. 1994.
to State Anomey Bernie McCabe. anomey Webb's benefactor. to whom the Sheriffs Depanment
dumped us, regarding said incident The Sheriffs Depanment still maintained that they had a
Criminal Action Complaint against us. If so why had they backed off from serving it?

Or. why did they fumble around with it instead of right away refening it to the State Anomey. or
why does State Anomey McCabe also refuse to pursue it as well as our complaint regarding the
October 18, 1994 terrorizing? That incident, we called by its righdul name: Anempted Murder!

Furthermore, what gave them the confidence that they could anack us in such manner with
impunity? Did they have prior approval from attorney Webb's benefactor Bernie McCabe, or did
they assume it? We never were able to contact Bernie McCabe personally. But. we contacted his
subordinates Beverly Andringa and Robert Sumner. both of whom anomey Webb also lists as his
benefactors, and both of whom rudely turned us away.

Prior to our October 1995 complaint. State Anomey Bernie McCabe's Mr. Steve Ponet' had
informed us that we did not have grounds for Criminal Action. but that it is a Civil maner. J feel
sure it is both. However, by claiming it did not involve Criminal. Mr. Porter anempted to exclude
it from the Stale Anomey's realm of responsibility. That's what claim killers get paid for ..

The only evidence we have as to the State Anomey's follow up. is the certified mail stub we
received. which could be claimed was for receiving an empty package. for example. So much
for certified mail. We favor the method of having the recipient date. sign and return a copy in our
stamped and self addressed envelope we send. Bonus-wise. it exposes those who won't conform.

In 1994. we irreversibly. gave up our Medicare supplement. only to become victim of the recently
much maligned HMO and HCA conspiracy. The HMO programs we joined were Humana. and
Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare and more. The HCA was the Columbia giant. Were it to do over,
I would rather pick with the chickens ... if I had to. in order to keep what we had before HMO.

Also. the people to whom we sold our former residence. have defaulted on the loan we carried.
and there seems to be nothing I can do to bring them to terrm: can't find representation. I have
always felt that they and Mr. 10hn Short were in conspiracy against us. and recent events have
bolstered that feeling. They deviously tried to get me to allow them to buy the mortgage.

Mr. 10hn Short. the one through whom the loan was arranged. having failed a number of times to
follow our clear instructions. ultimately did follow them. only to threaten to undo the whole
transaction, unless we paid him for his craftiness. We paid every cent he asked. and have not as
yet: turned him in to the Real Estate Board. Fo rget the Sheriffs Department.

The same 10hn Short had been our Sheriff, concerning which. The St, Peter.sbwg Times won a
Pulitzer, regarding their exposing his ongoing in volvemenr in corruption: yet they refuse us!

Maybe someone needs to win a Pulitzer on exposing them and the Tampa Tribune. and the media.
radio and TV. all of whom have refused to help. rI"IOSl of whom show no caring. some of whom
are downright abusive. and but a few of whom express empathy: fine. but it falls woefuUy shy!

Some have suggested getting on a talk show. wriung .il book .. . even the Republican Party •. _ .

On December 9. 1995. we discovered that our car had burned during the evening of December 8.
1995. Our first thought: William R. Webb and/or Shenff Lee Cannon is behind this.

Rm to USDl12·7·97 Page 30
We asked our home owners and auto carrier. Stale Fann Insurance Company. to demand an arson
investigation. They refused. Furthermore it was confirmed by documentation from their very own
files. that they had fcwml mr Pmflmr: tin. mnnyigg "",irk,....' wid! eft"",. g .... pacpg;!l,

Furthermore. they did it while Ruth was in the Hospital undergoing the open chest surgery. At the
time, she was our boolckeeper, and had a keen eye for detail. Knowing my shortcoming in such
matters. I tried to at least measure up to her effort.

State Farm claimed. that I had approved the removal. over my very own signature. I told them that
it came at a stressful time. and that I would check to make sure. Indeed. I found that I had been
very careful in making sure that our records and theirs showed what had occurred.

I had noted on the bill reference that I kept. and on the returned draft. that I had in no manner
asked them to remove the rental coverage. that it did not make sense that I would have done so
when we needed it at least as much. if not far more than we had for years.

They claimed that their microfiche records in Jacksonville. FL showed I had authorized the
removal. over my signature. I challenged that allegation!. They sent me a copy. We received it on
or about December 13. 1995.

It was in no manner my signature, and one who did not even know handwriting from a crooked
stick, could have told the difference at a mere glance. They still maintained that we had no rental
coverage. Thus we had to give up the rental. with most tragic consequences"

It was while Ruth was trying out a non rental replacement. that she suffered her worst heart anack
ever. Even her heartbeat restoration implant all but failed her. However, had it not been for it. she
slim to no doubt, would have died on the spot.

As pointed out near the beginning of this letter, she considered driving to be crucial. The
aforementioned event was on January 17. 1996. and from there she never drove again. and lasted
less than a year! Fortunately. we were close to our area HCA Hudson-Bayonet Point Hospital.
Even so. they informed us that she was not expected to have made it to there. and informed us she
may nOI make it through once there. It was touch and go for days. and the first time she could not
recall precisely what had occurred after her arrival whereupon she lapsed into a coma.

Once we failed to assure State Farm. that we would not drop the matter of the forgery (a felony).
they came at us with a vengeance: canceled our home owners and made it clear that they would
have canceled our auto insurance as well, had it not been guaranteed renewable. They set us up
by lies and harassed us by phone and by letter. even after having been advised repealedly of the
grave nature of Ruth's illness.

Their answer to the car insurance being guaranteed renewable. is that. they simply refuse to
service iL That fact is preserved on a message left on our answering machine by our very own
primary agent: Mr. Tim Holladay, who even refuses to allow our certified mail to him to be
accepted. I have noted to them that I pay under stress and duress. Furthennore. their wrongdoing.
is assumed to have been a contributor to Ruth's demise.

On October 15,1996 at 4:48 AM. glaring lights began to be played on the front of our dwelling.
and were clearly visible from our bedroom albeit we had not one. but double thick. shades closed.
and brilliant shafts of light came through the edges of the shades! The foregoing continued until
5:01 AM. and was accompanied by a voice andlor voices and an alternate violent rattling of our
front door and of the very window of our bedroom where Ruth lay on her deathbed. One of his
Deputies. advised me that we were most likely listed as troublemakers. meaning that they were to
cause us trouble any time they could. That was mOSI enlightening.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-97 Page 31

The one doing the terrorizing turned out to be Deputy (Sgt.) Nagy. His boss (female) Lt. Davis
wants the credit. SItOOfI 1« Cmoon 1tiqwH, ... It the time, YR foe IUJccDoa. I had contacted
his opposition. which as it turned out., slim to no doubt. had been but pseudo or token opposition.
That left me with the distinct impression thai. I'd been better off talking with Sheriff Cannon
himself. inasmuch as he wouldn't have been able to smoke screen the October 15. 1996 ordeal.

We handled the terrorist assault as we had handled the one of October 18. 1994. inasmuch as we
again kept as quiet as possible. and would not allow contact to be made: being well aware that
once contact was allowed. they would be able to further exacerbate the matter to whatever extent.

I made it to our bedroom walk-in closet. from where I immediately called our daughter Kimberly.
They had left by the time she arrived. However. her headlights glaring on the front of our
dwelling. struck new teITOr! We also contacted our other daughter Connie. who like Kimberly.
had no problem relating to the incident. They had been kept abreast of matters all along.

I claim that that, like events that preceded it. said incidenc of Occober 15. 1996. constitutes
anempted murder. heinous crime, and is an assumed contribution to Ruth's demise.

We joined Humana HMO effective through 1996. and joined Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare and
More HMO. effective first thing 1997. However. with grave consequences, they refused to allow
it to be that way. It was January 6. 1997 before we could get: Humana to stop. Blue Cross to start!

Customarily. I had covered all bases along the way. We had long since considered. even as much
as the threat of Humana/Dr. Mattiong remaining. itself to be a damaging menace. To rid ourselves
of them. was precisely why we joined Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare and More! Before we
joined Blue Cross. we had contemplated changing from Mattiong. to another Human Primary Care
Physician. but were informed. that the one we had picked was even worse.

We found Hwnana to be all that some. if not. indeed all HMO plans are billed to be: Kll.L FOR
PROFIT, if it comes to it! Given their influence on the hospitals. even on Columbia HCA which
itself is reputed to own some ten percent of all our hospitals nationally. and we have a silUabon
that is diameuically opposed to what it was before me HMO plans gained such prominence.

Note me bad media bom are getting particularly more and more within the this past month. IT IS

During our hospital stay of September 1986 and Ruth's stay of May 1992. we were covered by a
non HMO. and it was as different as day from nighL Then we were treated with respect and
dignity. After we joined the HMO plans. we were treated inhumanely. heinously. It became as if
the hospital hated the HMO arrangement. and were venting their anger on Ruth and me, et aI.! I
have discussed the HMO's with a number of physicians. and all of them (other than the HMO
primary care physicians). express utter contempt for HMO's!

And yet, many, but in no manner all. of them as well as the HCA hospital chain. apparendy feel
compelled to go with the flow. and as a result: the patient pays. and pays dearly . even with their
life. when it comes down to profit or no.

I stopped (as late as 1996) at Eckerd's pharmacy to get Ruth's prescription. which the HMO
Primary Physician. Dr. Mattiong had ordered. The pharmacist (Gary Grant). wilhout hesitation.
flady refused to fill it! He informed me that there is no way she should take it. I inferred. that he
felt sure it could be fatal: otherwise he would have checked. or had us check. with Dr. Maniong!
I can think of few if any ways that the HMO's and HCA could have exploited Ruth's vulnerability.
that they did not at least attempt.

RFB to USDJ 12·7-1997 Page 32

They claimed that their Stretcher-Limo service did not apply because I was able to drive, and cart
Ruth to and from, and I did, albeit I too was a heart patient

It was Stretcher-Limo driver our former son-in-law. who at the hospital. informed us that his
company did, indeed, perform the service. and did collect from Humana for doing it.
Furthennore. on that particular occasion. he alone brought Ruth Home, helped her safely up the
steps and into the house: typical of his company. Others take at least two.

On one occasion. the hospital released Ruth, and helped her into our car while it was raining. We
got caught in a downpour between the car and the house. and I had to virtually carry Ruth up the
steps and into the house. In the process, she and I got soaked! With her remarkable susceptibility
to Pneumonia. that was gross mistreatment, for which both Humana and Columbia HCA are liable.

Two Columbia HCA hospitals are material: the one at New Port Richey. FL, and the one at
Hudson-Bayonet Point. itself three miles from us against say. fifteen to the other. The driving time
and such. is in direct ratio.

The last time Ruth left never to return alive. she was not sent directly to Hudson-Bayonet Point.
but was sent there round about via the New Port Richey Hospital. Arbors at Bayonet Point
Hudson. nursing care center and then to Hudson-Bayonet Point. when, In fact. she should have
and could have been sent direct to Hudson-Bayonet Point at the very onset.

I talked to a doctor's aide. She informed me that Humana planned to start sending the patients to
distant New Port Richey. even the ones who resided virtually on the Hudson-Bayonet Point
Columbia HCA door stoop! I passed it off as some cracJcpot plan they had come up with which
would in no manner ever come to fruition! But no. it happened on that. or the very next day!

Humana took Ruth from here. under the pretense. that they were going to take her for checkup
and bring her back. as they had customarily done. Next I knew. Ruth talked to me from Dr.
Mattiong's office, and told me what was going on. They were not going bring her back home,
neither to the nearby HCA! They were taking her to distant New Port Richey HCA!

Once there. Ruth called and was typically very much disturbed. that they were, once again. going
to prematurely release her. I called Dr. Maniong's office. and Becky and/or Debbie informed me
that they were sending Ruth back home. that it was best for her. Instead of around the clock
attention. it would be sweating it out to see whether the home care nurses would even show!

And. they were going to have a death watch come in so Ruth could cry on their shoulder. Ruth
had clearly rejected that option. and the rest of us had agreed. and yet they continued (0 try to
force it on us. even sent their feces contaminated equipment to here!

I went to the New Port Richey HCA. and talked with Ruth. and wanted to talk also to Dr. Maniong.
As we talked. Ruth pointed out Dr. Mattiong as he passed by the door a number of times . He was
due to visit her. but did oat. I was sitting facing Ruth with my back. to the door. I went to the desk
and. asked that he stop in to see me. They informed me that they would give him the message.
He never allowed cootact with me. As prior indicated. neither did he send Ruth home. nor to the
Hudson - Bayonet HCA nearest here. but sent her to Arbors at Bayonet Point Hudson. located en
route from here to the HCA. A horrific option. as it twned ouL

I think her appearance alone showed that she should not been sent there. but should have been
sent to close by Columbia HCA. I arrived at Arbors mere minutes ahead. and before I left. I had
given them my pbone number. and they had promised to call me in the event that maners
worsened remarkably. They had left for Columbia HCA at or about 5;00 AM. and it was at or
about 8:00 AM. that they left me a message.

RFB to USDJ 12·7·1997 Page 33

Realistically, they had left Arbors with Ruth in her state of unconsciousness. It is harsh reality
that she was admitted to Columbia HCA in that condition, or even worse: near the brink of death.
Arbors did DOl want her to die on their watch. hence the panic. What were the hiding? Was
someone on routine rounds lucky enough to find Ruth unconscious but still barely alive... ?

Had she been here, she could have very probably died before I realized it: same as evidently all
but occurred at Arbors. That as well as the otherwise unnecessary detours, squares wilh Humana's
philosophy: Kill if Need Be For Profit! The proof is as clear as it ever needs to be, and I find no
one willing to debate it! In fact, many profoundly agree. It's hard to deny the self evident.

I pre approved a surgical procedure that I saw as not likely to be life threatening. Nonetheless. I
may not have done it. based on events which followed. They wanted to do a tracheostomy. They
said they needed my signature. I advised them that they did not have it in admitting Ruth.

They claimed they did. They opened the register and pointed to it, and closed the register before I
had a chance prove to them that it was not my signatwe. Neither, could it have been my signature.
They reopened the register, whereby I pointed out that they had been mistaken. Whereby (Diane)
claimed.. Ruth had nOOded approval, witnessed by two, one of whom. had then signed Ruth in.
Why the switch? Why the ad hoc, ex post facto?

They kept badgering me and it became a major issue, resulting in them, even launching patent lies
against me. once I 'd declared, my position immovable. They even managed to ally Connie and
Kimberly against me until Marsha Wilde, told them absurd falsehoods as if she had been a first
person eye witness to that which in no manner occurred: an error that both Connie and Kimberly
pointed out to her. and advised her that such was not in my repertoire. They gained an audience
with the top: Mr. T. Rice. who agreed to not have Ms. Wilde there.

I felt that it was not only unnecessary for me to sign for the tracheostomy. but that I'd be signing
Ruth's death warrant! I still feel that way. They did not get my signature. They did, however. get
Ruth's and our daughters' approval. and yet the tracheostomy was never done. Why?

They did not want a deceased's approval. neither did they want just any surviving relative's
approval. except my own, and over my very own signature! Logically, when they admitted Ruth.
They had fraudulently established that they did not need my approved.

They needed to tum that matter 180% in order to protect their very own derriere. and to blazes
with Ruth's well being. The facts are there. Let them live with it. as do I. Albeit the tracheostomy
was never done. the tubes were removed from Ruth for a day or so, long enough for us to have
our last strictly oral. and absolutely priceless exchange with her. Had Ruth not commanded it. via
her very short/and very last phone call, that I be there. I may well have missed the occasion: so
effectively had I come to be intimidated and harassed by the HMO's and HCA.

On January 6. 1997. a nurse, bending close to Ruth. and in loud voice. informed Ruth that she
had, good news: Humana was finally off the case. Ruth's hearing was going. and I can only hope
that. she heard well enough to comprehend. Just Ruth. the nurse and I were present. On another
1997 occasion. a (no name tag) female, across Ruth's bed: from me. tried to start a rhubarb,
claiming that Humana was still on the case. I gave her the quiet sign and managed to get her out of
the room and beyond Ruth's hearing.

Then and there. I offered and she rejected the contracts that proved: last thing 1996 Humana HMO
was out. fllSt thing 1997, Blue Cross Blue Shield Medicare and More HMO was in. She informed
me that contract or no. Humana would be in charge until Ruth's release: her demise. no less! I
doubt I had come even within anns reach of her. and yet. when Ms. Marsha Wilde played it
second hand, or fabricated. to Connie and Kimberly. it came out bizarre.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-97 Page 34


Ms. Wilde. claimed that I had pinned the female against the wall or in a comer and had tried to
make her eat the paperwork! That was the Jast straw for Connie and Kimberly. finally they
believed what I had been telling them with respect to just who we were dealing. At no time
thereafter was 1 to be caught even on the grounds without one or both of them at my side. except
when, natw'e's call separated us!

Thankfully. I was there. to hear Ruth's very last audible words to me: Hi Sweetie. In a way, it was:
Good-bye Sweetie. I shall never forget the endearment of the occasion. never mind. that the. close
at hand. reinsertion of the tubes into Ruth's throat. put an end to oral exchange. ~you mentioned
my husband. Have you seen him? Is he here?" Those ~Hemingway" efficient phrases. I found on
a note she had scribbled to the staff. at a time they were claiming. "Ruth was no longer with it."

NUBe Diane had asserted to me, that Ruth had given up. . .. I asked her to accompany me to
Ruth's bedside. that we had no problem facing such maners head-on. She declined. I asked
Ruth: "00 you want to die?" With a fierce look of detennination on her face. she looked at me as
if I had gone nuts. and nodded: NO! I rephrased the Question: "Do you want to live?" Even more
profoundly she nodded: YES! I asked Diane to come in and wimess it. and again she declined.

One other thing: top to bottomtbottom to top. the guards sided with me. How many times had they
seen as similar scenario played out? That takes some guts. Their jobs could have been on the
line. That is proof enough that. probity. integrity ... has not been entirely eradicated.

Ruth's demise has in no manner. meant an end to the attacks on me! Quantum leaping to August
1997. Dr. Hanft's agent Mr. Aaron Royer. called me and was tape recorded threatening to have my
phone services cut off. However. he ended up offering to say a prayer for Ruth. and by giving me
his solemn promise that he would send a notarized copy of my records to the United States
Department of Justice, and further promising to send me a copy. The closest I could come to him
thereafter. was to be referred to his answering machine.

Dr. Hanff had sent, not the Sheriff who has jurisdiction. but the New Port Richey Police who have
no jurisdiction, after me. They would come here. but not if I kept a closed door between us. Our
son Brent, accompanied me to the New Port Richey Police Station. and as he had ultimately agreed
was best. delivered my written response. Meanwhile I was keeping on the move. and was being
followed at a distance. and by stealth. by an number of their prowl cars. Sensing what was up. I
stopped at a yard sale. Brent had seen the last maneuver. of them turning off the main street in
back of me. Brent. had evidently sensed, well enough. what they were up to!

They snatched my drivers license from me, and made taunting remarks, including · You want to
play hard ball?" "So you want to be a mister tough guy?" And. they claimed that my merely
driving on their streets, gave them the right to interrogate me." My hands were shaking, and I
answered their Questions. that all I was trying to do was stay alive .... Glad it was no back street!

They threatened to take me to court, whereupon I asked them to call State Anomey Bernie
McCabe, and find out whether he wanted me to be in court. They seemed to be calling from their
car, and when they returned. all that was wrong was suddenly all right. The departed and so did I.
A week later. I received my drivers license they had confiscated. They retwned it by certified
mail. I received no apology from them. neither from Dr. Hanff. nor his. nor from Bei! & Hay, P.A.
On two comparatively recent occasions. I have been stopped by the Sheriffs Deputies.

Neither time did they press the issue after, they learned who [ am and where I am coming from.
Each knew us. The last was Deputy Labbe. I take little comfort in such an apparent turnabout in
their attitude. and wonder just what's behind it. One thing has not changed: they still refuse to take
appropriate action in my/our behalf. Commencing With the two HSMV code violations, they
express that they are letting me off light because I am iI nic e person. It's not always easy.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-97 Page 35

What took them so long? We could have used that back on October 18. 1994 and hence. most
profoundly on October 15. 1996. Re: the deathbed assault. I am quite sure they have strong
reason believe that, indeed. the U. S. Department of Justice has entered. I am also sure that prior
to that. they knew. that the FBI had already been thus solicited. One deputy, even asked me to
reveal who of the FBI. I had contacted, and what branch office.

I doubt. however. that they are aware. that the FBI (Tampa included). expressed to me, that it was
great. that I had audio taped these claim related wrongdoers. They further expressed. that I should
by all means hang onto the tapes. and advised me, to write a letter to ~Janet Reno ~ that it might
take two months. but that she would answer. There seems no real doubt. that at least up to and
including. State Attorney Bernie McCabe. they've gotten wind that the USDJ is on the case.

That would account for Dr. Hanffs Mr. Aaron Royer. backing of when I mentioned the U. S.
Department of Justice, as has been the case with attorney Larry Hart of attorney Webb's fonner
law fum Carlson. Meissner, et al. The Florida Bar seems curious. Furthennore. the State of Florida
Department of Insurance and Treasurer (Bill Nelson now at its head) has sent me a, now fallen by
the wayside, notice that in two weeks I would be contacted regarding my latest oral complaint:
made to them at a time when they were coming down hard on Prudential, while having refused all
the years to take appropriate action against Colonial Penn. and Montgomery Ward Legal Services.
and more recently against State Farm whose forging my signature could land some behind bars.

Colonial Penn's lawyer, Kenneth Olsen. has refused to answer Ruth's last two letters. both of which
were, by design. from Ruth alone. We wanted to remind them of her being an equal claimant.
Both letters dealt with one subject and avoided any other handle: What makes Colonial
Penn/attorney Olsen think that anomey Meeks is entitled to any money? ThaI was the ultimate!

Having received a copy of attorney Olsen's letter of May 31, 1996 to attorney Meeks, but no other
response, Ruth's next letter was a virtual reprint including that it reminded, attorney Olsen that it
was he alone she had asked and from him alone she wanted the answer. He has never answered.
Italicized: attorney Olsen's letter of May 31. 1996.

Dear Mr. Meeks:

I received a letter dated May 30. 1996. from Rum E. (Elvada) Blevins - che subject of which
discusses your entidement to money.
Since any entidernent to money between yourself and the Blevins is a maner between me
two of you - I thought it would be more appropriate if you were to respond to her if indeed you
care to do so.
The Blevins apparendy have no interest in receiving the monies we have repeatedly
tendered in the past.
Thank you.

Very truly yours


How could either of them explain away something that never can have legally existed? They
couldn't! Two more had rounded themselves up! Perhaps attorneys Meeks and Webb, should
have taken a cue from at least attorneys McPherson and Volini, neither of whom staked any claim.
and were paid nothing as far as we know. However, I strongly suspect that Colonial Penn had
paid off at least anorney Meeks. Attorney Volini. and Judge Bray. if not. indeed, the State of
Florida Department of Insurance and Treasurer. Nothing else combined makes as much sense.

RFB to USDJ 12-7-97 Page 36

With respect to, State Anomey Bernie McCabe on down. their recently going, suspect overboard
in becoming laissez faire. I do not question whether it is 100% genuine. Neither do I Question the
harsh light of reality: that whalever the future. we of necessity. must deal with the past in ilS
absolute truth. as best we can reasonably perceive it at the time and the place.

Ruth's expertise included private secretary with all the skills that the vocation implies. not limited
to but including expen typing. shon hand. computers. . . . However. the hean aneurysm she
suffered on September 11. 1986. put an end to all that and more.

It was in answering the Dr. HanffJMr. Webb February 1988 assault on w. that cawed me to dust
off an old typewriter. from our garage and get going two finger style as it remains. From then if
not before, they've held w, now me in slavery.

Since then I have typed not just millions of characters but. indeed. millions of words. case related.
I have the spent ribbons and ink cartridges to prove it. 1 have moved up from that old typewriter
to this "State of The Art" Brocbe:I' WP-7SSOJ Wl1i.tperW.r:der'word processor. on which I now type.

I have lost count of the reams of paper @ 500/ream. Ten years ago this month. the source
accident occurred, and Ruth rested not until January 11 . 1997 at 7:35 PM. assuming, of course.
that her soul can rest until justice is rendered. This particular letter alone. represenLS over five
hundred, two fmger, typed pages. That alone translates to hundreds of hours hands on.
Furthermore. it continues an around the clock crucible with no guarantee of any relief in sight.

COMES NOW the plaintiffs. ROBERT BLEVINS and RUTH BLEVINS. husband and wife. by and
through their undersigned anomey. and sues defendant. DOROTHY WANKE. and individual. and


1. This is an action for damages that exceeds $10.000.00 in amount.

2. Plaintiffs. ROBERT BLEVINS and RUTH BLEVINS. are individuals residing in the
State of Florida, Pasco County.

3. Defendant. DOROTHY WANICE. is an individual residing in the State of Florida, Pasco


4. On or about December 22, 1987. Defendant. DOROTHY WANKE. owned and

operated a 1986 Buick Vehicle. Florida vehicle license number BUU40K. and was operating said
vehicle on the public highways of Pasco County. Florida. to wit. on State Road S5 at or near the
intersection of Windsor Mill Road.

S. At that time and place. Plaintiff, ROBERT BLEVINS, was operating a 1976
Volkswagen automobile.

6. At that time and place. Defendant. DOROTHY WANKE. negligently operated her
vehicle in such as way as to violate the right of way of Plaintiff, ROBERT BLEVINS. and to cause
a collision between vehicles driven by Plaintiff. ROBERT BLEVINS and Defendant. DOROTHY

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7. As a result. Plaintiff. ROBERT BLEVINS. suffered bodily injury and resulting pain and
suffering. disability. disfigurement. mental anguish. loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life.
expenses of hospitalization, medical and nu.r.;ing care and treatment. loss of earnings. loss of
earning capacity. and aggravation of previously existing conditions. The losses are either
permanent or continuing, and Plaintiff. ROBERT BLEVINS. will continue to suffer these losses in
the future.

WHEREFORE. Plaintiff ROBERT BLEVINS. demands judgment for damages against


Plaintiff RUTH BLEVINS sues Defendant. Dorothy Wanke, and alleges:
8. RUTH BLEVINS realleges paragraphs 1 through 7 as if fully rewritten herein.

9. At all times material herein. RUTH BLEVINS and ROBERT BLEVINS were and are
husband and wife.

10. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence of DOROTHY WANKE. Plaintiff.
RUTH BLEVINS has been and will be deprived of her husband's services, comfort. society and

11. As a direct result and proximate result of Defendant. DOROTHY WANKE. Plaintiff
RUTH BLEVINS has suffered mental anguish. depression, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of
life. loss of earnings. loss of earning capacity. and aggravation of previously existing condition.
The losses are either permanent or continuing, and Plaintiff. RUTH BLEVINS. will continue to
suffer these losses in the future.

WHEREFORE. Plaintiff RUTH BLEVINS demands judgment against defendant DOROTHY


12. Plaintiffs reallege paragraphs 1 through 11 as if fully rewritten herein.

13. At all times material herein. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY
was authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Florida. and was engaged in the
business of selling and providing. inter alia. liability automobile insurance.

14. At all times material herein. Defendant. DOROTHY WANKE was covered by an
automobile insurance policy issued by COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY. including.
inter alia. coverage for bodily injury liability, and property damage liability.

15. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY failed 10 properly

investigate and evaluate Plaintiffs claims for bodily injury. property damage and loss of
consoniurn for an extended period of time so as to indicate complete disregard for Plaintiffs
legitimate claims.

16. Defendant was dilatory and caused unreasonable delays in the handling of the
Plaintiffs claim for bodily injury benefits so as to indicate intentional disregard of Plaintiff's rights.

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17. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY. ,aised cemin defenses to
the property damage claim and to the bodily injury liability claims arising out of said accident
which were urueasonable. not well founded. and in some instances patently false. in reckless
disregard to our rights.

18. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY's agent made taunting.

unprofessional and demanding remarks in the scope and course of his handling of lhe bodily
injury liability claim.

19. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY. engaged in 'epetitive

conduct of bad faith in this case, and such bad faith conduct was committed in numerous similar
cases, to evidence a degree of reckless disregard of the rights of the Plaintiffs herein and a general
business practice of bad faith.

20. Defendant. COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY, <lid not anempt in good
faith to settle Plaintiffs clairm herein when. under all the circumstances. it could and should have
done so.

21. Defendan~ COLONIAL PENN INSURANCE COMPANY, failed to propedy settle

Plaintiffs claims herein when the obligation to sett1e those claims had become reasonably clear.

WHEREFORE. Plaintiffs demand judgment against Defendant. COLONIAL PENN

jlNSURANCE COMPANY and Defendant, DOROTHY WANKE, jointly and sev..-ally, and
request a trial by jury on all issues so triable.

The foregoing. I think is verbatim. however. if otherwise. it still captures the essence of claim filed
on December 19.1991. by Mitchell L. Meeks. Esquire. Barr. Murman & Tonelli. P.A. Post Office
Box 172118, Tampa. FL 33672-0118, Phone (813) 223-3951, florida BM Numbe1': 834505.

The foregoing needs to be updated and the several other complaints need to be formally filed. and
in no manner under-filed. The wrongdoers have nOl only left themselves open to be sued. they
have outright demanded it!


Editor: Pasco County Sheriff Lee Cannon knows that rulings that could compel him to answer
questions posed by Clyde HoeIdtke's defense attomeys are still under active consideration by
Judge Wfllism Webb. So Cannon makes an unexpected visit to the judge's chambers. He tells
the presking judge in the HoeIdtke case that forcing him to testify will have a ·chilling effect· on
his ability to manage the Pasco County Sheriffs Office.

The only clliling effect here is that a man who is supposed to be an attomey spits in the face
of ethics that are held supremely sacred in the legal profession. He insanely proposes that his
management ability, or lack thereof, is a factor the judge should consider in his decision.

I have seen Judge Webb in action. He is soft-spoken, disciplined and unquestionably

powerfti in word and action. I am positive his reaction to Cannon's unsolicited intrusion into the
sanctity of judicial matters will not end at the bench conversation with the affected attomeys.

What tid Cannon expect to accomplish by this visit? Influence? Intimidation? Threat?

Whatever Ils purpose, his dangerous means to an unstated end typify a common thug.
Sprina HiD

RFB to USD] 12-7-97 Page 39

Italicized above: is an item from The St. Petersburg Times. December 10.1995. Who is florence
Vidiksis. and what makes her think that the legal profession and the media hold anything sacred?

Why is someone not even in this County so interested in red hening blasting Sheriff Cannon as a
vehicle for promoting William R. "Bill" Webb? The St. Petersburg Times was back of both Webb
and Cannon and are apparently still back of Webb, maybe even both. They would no more than
the man in the moon print any of the irrefutable proof that! have on both of them. Furthennore. is
the above article and an piece to make it look like they are not still brothers Siamese?

To answer that one. neither they nor I have to go any further than the unlawful heinous way they
conspired to get William R. "Bill" Webb sworn in as judge while still our attorney. Sounds like
they jointly "think" that. aided and abetted by the press. they have themselves a pretty slick
promoter. None of scrutiny will likely swallow such scrap. They had better stayed home!

Furthermore. what is it with these. who will not pick up where our other lawyers left off? Could it
be that it is not allegiance to William R. "Bill" Webb after all? Perhaps they need to be given more
credit. Perhaps they realize that once he rendered the contract void as to himself and his finn.
there is no money there! Perhaps they realize that they would be faced with the impossible:
breathing life into a contract which cannot in any manner have life breathed into it.

I think that William R. "Bill" Webb's benefactor and first of three replacements was simply in and
out to help William R. "Bill" Webb deliver his message that the claim was not going anywhere but
backwards with or without him. However. I think the next replacement anomey Meeks. wanted to
make a killing at our expense and maybe climb up from junior partner to senior partner in the
process. and that blinded his knowing what was involved.

As for the third replacement and the last to date. attorney Volini, I think she was sincere.
Particularly given our case related experience at the time. I don't think she could have fooled us.
particularly Ruth. I have always regarded it as a tragic burlesque that she was turned about-face.

It has come down to (a) lawyer suing lawyer (b) lawyer suing insurance companies for the
company's own wrongdoing (c) the State being sued while suing others and all of it pro bono ....
It's a filthy garment that guarantees total unravel. pull on any thread. None of them gave integrity
or probity a chance. The questions and the liability are great beyond category. The core being
that we have been denied access, representation and trial by jury. Their bane their curse is that we
have done nothing unlawful. indeed, nothing wrong. In our the wronged party's place how would
they have acted. based on how they have as wrongdoer?

There can be no closure, neither can the wounds heal. nor the scars be erased. I must live with
whatever compensation I receive which cannot ever be enough. However. the thorns have lheir
rose: it's all right here. what's wrong with our legal system, having emanated from a ten year old
still unsettled claim that has always been as airtight as it has ever needed to be.

I want you to see that they get what's coming to them for what they have done to me!
Ruth Elvada Denniston Blevins (1923 - 1997)

At this juncture. for those inclined toward justice. I have said enough. For those not so inclined. it
would be useless to say more just as it will have been useless to have said as much

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