What Is A Team Leader in Nursing

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After doing this assignment wrong the first time, and not fully understanding the roles of being a
team leader. I went back to the basics and found this information from my nursing fundamentals book. It
explains the role of the nurse in management of client care as well as what the team leader in nursing is. I
feel that after reading the information in the book as well as reflecting back on what I did v/s what should
have been done I realize now that I was not the best team leader I could have been. I also realize that
there is more to being a team leader then just showing up and doing a few short assessments helping
with linen changes, and giving reports. I have learned that ³All´ members on a nursing team work together
under the direction of the physician to help the patient return to his optimum function as quickly as
possible. The team leader's responsibilities are:

(1) To attend change of shift reports. The change of shift report may be given to the entire oncoming shift
in one area or it may be given in "walking rounds." In walking rounds, the departing nurse moves from
patient to patient as he or she gives the report to the oncoming staff. This enables the oncoming staff to
view the patient's equipment and dressings as the departing nurse reports what has occurred during her

(2) To assign personnel. Personnel assignments are made with the patient's needs and each team
member's proficiency in mind. The team leader reviews the nursing care plan, provides each team
member with a written assignment sheet, and discusses the assignment with each member. The team
leader also assigns breaks and lunch time.

(3) To assist team members with patient care. The team leader may assist with patient care as needed,
but usually supervises the care that team members provide and sees that the goals of patient care are
being met. He also explains procedures to team members.

(4) To coordinate staff activities. The team leader coordinates staff activities to ensure quality patient
care. The team leader attends patient care conferences and provides input to the Nursing Care Plan. He
keeps abreast of any changes in patient status. He ensures utilization of quality assurance and infection
control policies.

(5) To motivate the team. The team leader motivates the team to give skilled nursing care. Self-esteem,
status, affiliation with others, affection, giving, accomplishment, and self-assertion are regarded as
secondary needs. These needs vary in intensity with various individuals. The team leader must do or say
those things, which will influence the team members to act in the desired manner (give skilled nursing

(6) To make final rounds. About one hour before the shift ends, the team leader should begin final rounds
to observe and assess patient care and patient needs, and to see that everything is in order before the
staff goes off duty for that shift. In making final rounds, the team leader would include the following:

(a) Check for completion of assignments.

(b) Check input/output (I&O) sheets.

(c) Check intravenous (IV) infusions and nasogastric (NG) intubations.

(d) Review nursing documentation.

(e) Talk to the patients. Gather information for the change of shift report. Listen for compliments or
complaints concerning nursing care.
(f) Thank team members and give constructive feedback to those team members who were unable to
complete their assignments.

As a team leader I don¶t feel I was able to do as well as I could have, firstly I was unaware of the
team leaders over all job and its role in client care. I do feel however that if given another chance to be in
this role it will be played out differently. I hope to learn from the mistakes I have made and continue to
grow in knowledge to be able to use the skills I have been taught to the best of my abilities.

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