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Drug Data Classification Mechanism Indications Contraindications Side Effects Nursing responsibilities

>patients with CNS: confusion, Before:

Generic Name: Amide derivative; Action: >Ventricular hypersensitivity to amide- tremors, stupor, *monitor vital signs. Make
Lidocaine hydrochloride antiarrhythmics A class Ib antiarrhythmics arrhythmias type local anesthetics restlessness, light sure BP, RR, and HR are
(lignocaine that decreases the caused by MI, >those with Adams-Stoke headedness, seizures, normal.
hydrochloride) depolarization, cardiac syndrome, Wolff- anxiety, lethargy, *Inform pt about effects
automaticity, and manipulation, or Parkinson-White hallucinations, and drug info. Tell pt drug
Trade Name: excitability in the ventricles cardiac glycosides syndrome, and severe nervousness, may cause soreness.
Xylocaine during the diastolic phase degrees of SA, AV, or paresthesia, muscle During:
by direct action on the intraventricular block in twitching *Give IM injections in the
Min. Dose: tissues, especially the the absence of an artificial CV: hypotension, deltoid muscle only.
1mg/kg by I.V. Purkinje network. pacemaker. bradycardia, After:
Onszet: Cautions: arrhythmias, cardiac *monitor drug leves,
Max. Dose: IV: Immediate >pt with 2nd degree heart arrest isoenzymes, for toxicity, ,
300mg I.M. IM: 5 to 15 min block or sinus bradycardia, EENT: tinnitus, side effects and vital signs.
Peak: heart failure, renal or blurred/doubled vision *tell pt to report
Contents: IV: Immediate hepatic disease GI: vomiting discomfort or adverse
Lidocaine hcl, sodium IM: 10 min >elderly and those who Resp.: respiratory reactions.
chloride, sodium Duration: weigh less than 50 kg. depression and arrest *if arrythmias or signs of
hydroxide, hydrochloric IV: 10 to 20 min Drug to Drug Skin: soreness at toxicity occur, stop drug
acid IM: 2 hr Interaction: injection site and notify
Half-life: Atenolol, metoprolol, Others: anaphylaxis, prescriber/physician.
Availability: 1½ to 2 hours (may be propranolol: reduced sensation of cold.
Infusion; Injection for prolonged in patients with hepatic metabolism of
IM, direct IV, and IV heart failure or hepatic lidocaine, increasing risk
admixtures disease.) of toxicity
Cimetidine: decreased
Routes: clearance of lidocaine
Intravenous, increasing toxicity

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