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Action And
Name Of Drug Frequency Adverse Effects Contraindication Nursing Responsibilities
And Route

Generic: 15 mg Action CNS: Oversedation,  Known  Tell patient to take

2 tablets May potentiate the drowsiness, amnesia, hypersensitivity to drug with or without
midazolam HS effect of GABA, headache, involuntary benzodiazepines or food. If patient is
depress the CNS, and movements, nystagmus, to any component of taking it as a sleeping
suppress the spread of paradoxical behaviour or Dormicum. pill, take drug before
Brand: seizure activity. excitement. going to bed.
 Severe respiratory
Dormicum Indication Cardiovascular: Variations and hepatic  Advise patient to
Disturbances of sleep in blood pressure and pulse insufficiency, sleep avoid alcohol and
rhythm, insomnia esp. rate. apnea syndrome, grapefruit juice while
difficulty in falling myasthenia gravis. taking the drug.
asleep either initially Respiratory: Apnea,
or after premature decreased respiratory rate,  Those with acute  Tell patient if he
awakening. hiccups. angle closure misses a dose take it
glaucoma, shock, at his next scheduled
Gastrointestinal: Nausea, coma, or acute dose.
vomiting. alcohol intoxication.
 Warn patient to avoid
 Children. hazardous activities
that require alertness
or good coordination
until effects of drug
are known.

 Tell patient to store

the drug in a cool, dry
place away from the
reach of children.

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