Neville Goddard at Max Long Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
Neville Goddard at Max Long Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
Neville Goddard at Max Long Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
If you want to understand "TheSecret" / Law of Attraction, read the books written by the authors
below. [ READING LIST ].
Read, "Awakened Imagination / The Search" by Neville Goddard. Master the chapter, "The
Pruning Shears of Revision" ... On page 73, you will find a mention of The Secret. ~~> Read it
online :: Lecture 324 "The Pruning Shears of Revision" [08/08/1954].
Read page 109 to 118 of "Resurrection" .... It contains Neville's manifestation secret (Law of
A lecture given by Neville Goddard about Law of Assumption, now know as the Law of
Attraction ("The Secret").
"I Remember When" by Neville Goddard (Neville Lecture: April-10-1968).
~ >> Neville Goddard Class Instruction 1948: Powerful manifesting technique; transform
your world, fast.
Quotes by Neville Goddard.
The secret behind "The Secret" / Law of Attraction. ::
Neville Lectures (audio)
Max Freedom Long: Hawaiian Huna prayer method For Clearing / Emotional Freedom.
Huna: A Polynesian Psycho-Religious System. As elucidated by Max Freedom Long.
Simeona prayer: The Ho'oponopono Process.
"Light-Switch Huna: A Simple System for Using the Huna System Without Theories, History, or
Explanations of Special Terminology." by Dr. E. Otha Wingo.
"Minds: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's Science of Health & Happiness" by Ervin Seale (ISBN-10:
"The Complete Writings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: Vol 2" by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
(Author), Ervin Seale (Author) (ISBN-10: 0875166016).
"The Complete Collected Works of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby" by Phineas Parkhurst
Quimby (Author), Quimby Society (Editor) (ISBN-10: 0615237843).
"Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: His Complete Writings and Beyond" by Ronald Hughes.
"The Quimby Manuscripts" by Horatio W. Dresser (ISBN-10: 0766140520)
"The Philosophy of P. P. Quimby" by Annetta Gertrude Dresser
"The Healing Wisdom of Dr. P. P. Quimby" by Mason A. Clark
"Quimby's Science of Happiness" by Erroll Stafford Collie
"Quimby's Technique" by Horatio W. Dresser
"Other Quimby Writings and articles"
Phineas Quimby Resource Center Archive.
"Science And Health, With Key To The Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Miscellaneous Writings" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Retrospection and Introspection" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Unity of Good" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Pulpit and Press" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Rudimental Divine Science" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"No and Yes" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Christian Science versus Pantheism" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Message to The Mother Church, 1900" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Message to The Mother Church, 1901" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Message to The Mother Church, 1902" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Christian Healing" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"The People's Idea of God" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"The Manual of The Mother Church" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"The Secret" by Irving C. Tomlinson.
Christian Science.
Mary Eddy Baker Institute.
"Riches Within Your Reach: The Law of the Higher Potential" by Robert Collier.
"Be Rich: The Science of Getting What You Want" by Robert Collier.
"The God in You" by Robert Collier.
"Prayer Works" by Robert Collier.
"The Secret of Power" by Robert Collier.
"Million Dollar Sales Letters" by Robert Collier.
"The Robert Collier Letter Book" by Robert Collier.
"The Law of The Higher Potential" by Robert Collier.
"The Lost Word of Power" by Robert Collier.
"The Life Magnet Volumes 1-5" by Robert Collier.
"Renew Thy Youth Like The Eagle" by Robert Collier.
"The Secret of Gold: How To Get What you Want" by Robert Collier.
"The Magic Word: "L-I-D-G-T-T-F-T-A-T-I-M" by Robert Collier.
"The Amazing Secrets of The Masters of The Far East" by Robert Collier.
"The Secret of the Ages" by Robert Collier.
At all times and under all circumstances, and in spite of everything that appears to the
contrary, only hear and repeat good only: take a radical stand for perfection.
Print & Read~> "Wake Up And Live: A Formula For Success That Works" by Dorothea
Brande. [PDF].
Success formula that can prosper you And Your Life.
How to invoke Christ consciousness (and all its power), An Ancient Thanksgiving Success
Formula, Blessing has Multiplying Power, Chemicalization - A Cleansing, Healing
Process, How To Be Blessed With Forgiveness, How To Produce Wonderful Changes, How To
Restore Your World To Perfection, How To Seal Your Good and Make it Permanent, How Your
Prayers Of Protection Can Help Others, How to Claim Life's Vast Benefits, How to Tap
Universal Wisdom, The "Thank You Box" Brings Success, The Divine Law Of Hidden
Justice, The Easy Way To Unfold Your Good, The Power of Written Prayer Statements, The
Protecting Power of Love, The Restoring Power of Praise, The Way to Opulence, The Wise
Men's Christmas Gifts To You. Law of Attraction.
A good night’s sleep brings more benefits than just the satisfaction of having slept well.
[✓] "The Master Key System" by Charles Haanel. [ PDF ] :: Part 1 to Part 8
Happiness / joy / mood elevation at will: reticular activating system.
The Superhero Effect: The Undercover Phenomenon; Finding Your Life Purpose Awakens a
Hero Within You.
SILVA METHOD: Tips To Make "The Secret" / Law of Attraction Work For You
INSTANTLY: Silva Intuition System: Intuitive Mind. :
Silva Intuition System: Watch The Intuitive Awakening; You CAN reach your goals and live
your purpose. [pdf] Silva Intuition System Webinar with Laura Silva and Vishen Lakhiani.
Vishen Lakhiani ( talks about Silva Intuition System.
How To 'Trick' Your Subconscious Mind Into Getting You Everything You Want In Life —
By Using Your God-Given Power of VISUALIZATION. ~ ~ > > "Your Power of
Visualization" by Dr. Frederick Eikerenkoetter (Rev. Ike).
"The Life Visioning Process: An Evolutionary Journey to Live As Divine Love" by Michael
Bernard Beckwith. Life Visioning (Audio Course), The Life Visioning Process, Life Visioning
(Kit) AgapeLive ::: LearnOutLoud ::: PDF
Your Vision And Goals: How To Create Lasting Changes in Your Life by writing down a
'Vision' of what your Ideal Life is like | By Dan Pena (@DansPena).
"It Works" by R. H. Jarrett | The famous little red book that can make your dreams come
Solar Plexus.
Mirror of the Mind Visualization Technique: The mirror of the mind technique is to go to
alpha brain wave level, visualize the problem in a blue framed mirror and then change the
mirror’s frame to a white one and visualize the GOAL or INTENDED state inside that framed
mirror instead.
How to get what you want every time.
"The Complete Vision Board Kit: Using the Power of Intention and Visualization to Achieve
Your Dreams" by John Assaraf.
John Assaraf's Vision Board Secret.
"The Dream Big System: The Key to Living The Law of Attraction" by Jack Canfield.
How to Make Your Prosperity Wheel: On the website, click "Prosperity Wheel"
Your Vision Board and Gratitude Journal for the iPhone and iPod Touch. ::
Helene Hadsell’s secret to winning anything: “4-Step Manifestation Secret.” Helen Hadsell is
“the woman who wins every contest she enters.” She uses spiritual principles to win contests.
(1) "The WISH Craft Exercise" by Helene Hadsell. ::
(2) "The Winning Sage" by Helene Hadsell. ::
Law of Attraction ("The Secret"): Use Alpha Level to think, create, innovate & pull ideas out of
thin air.
"The Zend-Avesta" Translated by James Darmesteter.
[PDF] : [Archives] : [The three volume Avesta series and the five volume Pahlavi series].
Edgar Cayce ("The Sleeping Prophet"): The Akashic Records.
"All you may know of heaven or hell is within your own self." - Edgar Cayce.
: EdgarCayceTv
: @EdgarCayceARE
Edgar Cayce
Video 1 of 5. :: Video 2 of 5. :: Video 3 of 5.
Video 4 of 5. :: Video 5 of 5.
: "Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records" by Kevin J. Todeschi.
: "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus" by Edgar Cayce.
: "Many Mansions" by Gina Cerminara.
Channeling from the Akashic Records: How to access the Akashic Records (past and future life)
through astral projection / astral travel.
Serotonin "...regulates mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and some cognitive functions
including memory and learning..."
"Wake Up And Live: A FORMULA for SUCCESS That Works" by Dorothea Brande.
"The Law of Psychic Phenomena" by Thomason Jay Hudson.
"The Psychology Of The Emotions" by Theodule Armand Ribot.
"The Impersonal Life" by Joseph Benner.
"I Am That" by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
"Unto Thee I Grant" by Sri Ramatherio.
"The Infinite Way" by Joel Goldsmith.
"The Dhammapada" by Eknath Easwaran.
"The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras" by Sri Swami
"Life & Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East (Boxed Set)" by Baird T. Spalding.
"The Secret of The Ages" by Robert Collier.
"The Life Power And How To Use It" by Elizabeth Towne.
"Thought Are Things" by Prentice Mulford.
"The Edinburg Lectures On Mental Science" by Thomas Troward.
"The Dore Lectures On Mental Science" by Thomas Troward.
"The Creative Process In The Individual" by Thomas Troward.
"Bible Mystery And Bible Meaning" by Thomas Troward.
"Secrets of Self - Hypnosis" by Gilbert Oakley.
"Helping Yourself With Self-Hypnosis" by F. S. Caprio and J. R. Berger.
"Get The Life You Want" by Richard Bandler.
"Richard Bandler's Guide To Transformation" by Richard Bandler.
"The Silva Mind Control Method" by Jose Silva.
"Demonstration" by Mary Baker Eddy.
"Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself
unreservedly to it." - James Allen.
"A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He
should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a
spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being; but
whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought forces upon the object which he has set
before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty, and should devote himself to its
attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings, and
imaginings. This is the royal road to self-control and true concentration of thought. Even if he
fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is
overcome), the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will
form a new starting point for future power and triumph." - James Allen.
"To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks
of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make
all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish
masterfully." - James Allen.