International Accounting Standards: Illustrative Fund Financial Statements
International Accounting Standards: Illustrative Fund Financial Statements
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International Accounting Standards
Illustrative Fund Financial Statements
Year ended 31 December 2001
This publication by PricewaterhouseCoopers provides two illustrative set of financial statements, prepared
in accordance with International Accounting Standards, for an open ended fund and secondly for a closed
ended fund. These financial statements include the disclosures required by International Accounting
Standards and Interpretations published up to and including March 2001. The example disclosures in these
illustrative financial statements should not be considered to be the only acceptable form of presentation.
The form and content of the Company’s financial statements are the responsibility of the fund manager, and
other forms of presentation which are equally acceptable may be preferred and adopted, provided they
include the specific disclosures prescribed in International Accounting Standards.
These illustrative financial statements are not a substitute for reading the Standards themselves or for
professional judgement as to fairness of presentation. They do not cover all possible disclosures required
by International Accounting Standards nor do they take account of any specific legal framework.
Depending on the circumstances, further specific information may be required in order to ensure fair
presentation under International Accounting Standards and we recommend that reference is made to our
separate publication ‘International Accounting Standards – Disclosure Checklist 2001’. Additional
accounting policies and disclosures may be required in order to comply with local laws, accounting
standards and stock exchange regulations.
Structure of publication
Operating and financial review – general 2
PricewaterhouseCoopers 1
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
‘‘Discuss the company’s financial condition, changes in financial and market conditions
and results of operations for each year and interim period for which financial statements are
required, including the causes of material changes from year to year in financial statement
line items, to the extent necessary for an understanding of the company’s business as a
whole. Information provided also shall relate to all separate segments of the company.
Provide the information specified below as well as such other information that is necessary
for an investor’s understanding of the company’s financial condition, changes in financial
condition and results of operation.
1. To the extent that the financial statements disclose material changes in net sales or
revenues, provide a narrative discussion of the extent to which such changes are
attributable to changes in prices or to changes in the volume or amount of products
being sold or to the introduction of new products or services.
2 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
1. Information regarding the company’s liquidity (both short and long term), including:
(a) a description of the internal and external sources of liquidity and a brief discussion
of any material unused sources of liquidity. Include a statement by the company that,
in its opinion, the working capital is sufficient for the company’s present requirements,
or, if not, how it proposes to provide the additional working capital needed.
(b) an evaluation of the sources and amounts of the company’s cash flows, including
the nature and extent of any legal or economic restrictions on the ability of the
company to receive or pay cash dividends, loans or advances and the impact such
restrictions have had or are expected to have on the ability of the company to meet
its cash obligations.
(c) information on the level of borrowings at the end of the period under review, the
seasonality of borrowing requirements and the maturity profile of borrowings and
committed borrowing facilities, with a description of any restrictions on their use.
2. Information regarding the type of financial instruments used, currency and interest rate
structure. The discussion also should include information on the currencies in which
cash and cash equivalents are held, and the use of financial instruments for hedging
D. Trend Information. The company should identify the most significant recent trends in
underlying investments, economic growth of territories in which it invests inflation and
bid prices since the latest financial year. The company should also discuss, for at least
the current financial year, any known trends, uncertainties, demands, or events that are
reasonably likely to have a material effect on the company’s performance, or that would
cause reported financial information not necessarily to be indicative of future operating
results or financial condition.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 3
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
General information
1p102(b) ABC Fund (‘‘the Fund’’) is an open ended investment company registered with limited
liability in [name of territory under jurisdiction] on [date] under the provisions of the [name
of the relevant legislation in the territory under jurisdiction]
1p102(a) The Fund’s shares are listed on the [name of city] stock exchange. The address of the Fund’s
registered office is as follows: [address of registered office]
10p16 The Fund’s financial statements were authorised for issue on [the date] by [the name of the
body that gave the authorisation].
1p102(b) The principal activity of the Fund is investment holding with an objective to achieve capital
growth by providing exposure to the S&P 500 share index whilst providing protection
against capital losses for a proportion of capital invested in the Fund.
4 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Balance sheet 7
1 Accounting policies 10
A Basis of preparation
B Foreign currency translation
C Derivatives financial instruments
D Offsetting financial instruments
E Interest income
F Sales and repurchase arrangements
G Available-for-sale and trading securities
H Cash and cash equivalents
I Taxation and deferred tax
J Share capital
K Dividends payable
L Net asset value per share and earnings per share
M Expenses
3 Interest income 17
5 Related parties 17
8 Margin accounts 18
11 Available-for-sale securities 20
13 Accrued expenses 20
14 Share capital 21
15 Dividends payable 21
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International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Income statement
1p77 Expenditure
Management fee 5 12,594 14,043
Custodian fee 5 3,401 3,741
Auditors fee 24 23
Directors fees 5 87 83
39p170(c) Interest expense 550 600
Other operating expenses 2,057 4,239
6 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Balance sheet
Due to brokers 9 75,719 17,944
Derivative financial instruments 10 108,317 87,750
Due under repurchase arrangements 12 21,939 22,041
Accrued expenses 13 1,085 2,189
PricewaterhouseCoopers 7
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
[In the prior year all available-for-sale securities were considered as current investments that by their
nature were readily realisable and were intended to be held for not more than one year. Therefore, all
gains and losses on available-for-sale securities prior to adoption of IAS 39 were taken to income
statement. However, if ABC Fund had considered available-for-sale securities as long-term investments
then ABC Fund would have a revaluation reserve on the balance sheet due to the revaluation of such
investment securities. Such a revaluation reserve would need to be transferred to retained earnings on
the date when IAS 39 is initially adopted, in accordance with the transitional rules of IAS 39.]
8 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
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International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
1 Accounting policies
1p91(a) The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set
1p97(b) out below:
A Basis of presentation
1p11 The financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards.
1p97(a) The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the fair
valuation of available-for-sale securities, financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading
and all derivative contracts.
21p43 The measurement currency of the Fund is USD and not [insert the name of the local currency]
reflecting the fact that the ordinary shares of the Fund are denominated in USD currency and the
Fund invests principally in USD denominated assets.
E Interest income
1p99(a) Interest income is recognised in the income statement for all interest bearing instruments on an
18p35(a) accrual basis using the effective yield method. Interest income includes coupons earned on fixed
income investment and trading securities and accrued discount on treasury bonds, commercial
papers, floating rate notes and other discounted instruments.
10 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
PricewaterhouseCoopers 11
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
I Taxation
1p99(m) The Fund is domiciled in [insert the name of the domicile] which is an Offshore jurisdiction and
is exempt from paying income or capital gains tax of that jurisdiction. The Fund pays an exempt
company fee charged at a rate of LC [insert the amount in LC] per annum.
The Fund currently incurs withholding tax imposed by certain countries on investment income
recorded gross of withholding tax in the income statement.
In limited events, a fund may be subject to capital gains tax in which case the following policy
may be applied:
The Fund also incurs capital gains tax imposed on holders of securities by certain countries.
Capital gains are recorded gross of such taxes in the income statement.
Deferred tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising
between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial
12p58 Deferred tax related to fair value remeasurement of derivatives, available-for-sale and trading
securities is charged to the income statement.
J Share capital
32p18 The Fund’s ordinary shares with discretionary dividends are classified as equity.
On the issue of preference shares, the net issue proceeds are credited to share capital (par value)
and the balance to share premium.
On redemption of preference shares, the cost of the redemption is charged in part to the share
capital account (par value), share premium account (the amount initially credited on issue) and
the balance to other reserves.
[In certain territories the full amount of any redemption may be charged to share premium when
permitted or allowed by legislation]
K Dividends payable
10p11 Proposed dividends are accounted for when they are ratified by the Annual General Meeting.
32p30 Once ratified, dividends declared are then recognised in equity in the period in which they
are declared.
12 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
M Expenses
1p77 Expenses are accounted for on accrual basis. Expenses are charged to the income statement
except for expenses incurred on the acquisition of an investment which are included within the
cost of that investment. Expenses arising on the disposal of investments are deducted from the
disposal proceeds.
1p46(d,e) (In the notes all amounts are shown in USD thousands unless otherwise stated)
PricewaterhouseCoopers 13
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Debt and Equity based futures and options (net) 110,950 10.68
Total investment securities 665,296 64.07
The Fund’s overall market positions are monitored on a daily basis by the Fund’s manager and
reviewed on a quarterly basis by the board of directors.
Further details and comparative amounts for derivative financial instruments and investment
securities are presented in notes 10 and 11 respectively, of these financial statements.
At the balance sheet date, the Fund was exposed to equities within the S&P 500 index as follows:
825,476 1,082,069
The range of the S&P 500 option index strike prices vary from 1,375 (2000:1,385) to1,445
(2000:1,455). The S&P index at 31 December 2001 was 1,385 (2000:1,395)
14 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Due under repurchase
arrangements 22,041 – – – 22,041
Other liabilities – – – 107,883 107,883
PricewaterhouseCoopers 15
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
E Currency risk
The Fund has no significant currency risk because substantially all assets and liabilities are
denominated in US dollars.
[If significant currency risk exists then a table would be required]
16 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
3 Interest income
2001 2000
Available-for-sale securities:
39p78 Foreign currency gains and losses – –
39p170c(i) Other market gains and losses 33,194 23,116
Available-for-sale securities:
39p78 Foreign currency gains and losses – –
39p170c(i) Other market gains and losses 2,288 5,027
47,941 224,892
5 Related parties
24p22 Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or
exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions.
The Fund is managed by XYZ Investment Management Limited, an investment management
company incorporated in [name of country.] Under the terms of the Management Agreement
dated [date], the Fund appointed XYZ Investment Management Limited as a manager to provide
management, secretarial, registrar and administrative services to the Fund. XYZ Limited receives
from the Fund in return, a fee based on the net asset value of each class of fund payable quarterly
in advance using the annual rate of 0.60%.
During the year, the Fund paid management and administration fees to the Manager, as disclosed
in the income statement. Out of this fee, the administrator’s, Registrar’s and the Investment
Advisors fees were paid.
The Fund has engaged the services of XYZ Custody Bank Limited, a fellow subsidiary company of
the manager, to provide custodian services for a fee as disclosed in the income statement. The
fees are charged on a scale of 0.075% per annum on the first USD 5 million of the Fund, then
0.04% thereafter on the net asset value of the Fund.
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International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
No deferred tax arose during the year (2000:nil) as the Fund did not hold any securities subject to
capital gains tax on disposal.
The adjusted net asset value per share is calculated in accordance with the memorandum and
articles of association and is based on the mid market prices instead of the bid prices that are
used in the financial statements and the number of participating preference shares in issue at the
year end.
33p49 Earnings per share is based on weighted average number of participating preference shares 25,183
(2000: 30,088) and net profit attributable to the shareholders of USD 84,196 (2000: USD 263,693).
8 Margin accounts
Margin accounts represents the exchange traded futures contacts’ margin deposits amounts held
with brokers.
18 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
109,817 (52,427)
S&P 500 Index derivatives
Index options – bought and sold 55,755 (24,790)
Index futures – bought and sold 53,695 (31,100)
109,450 (55,890)
125,350 (32,400)
S&P 500 Index derivatives
Index options – bought and sold 57,982 (26,700)
Index futures – bought and sold 82,368 (28,650)
140,350 (55,350)
S&P 500 index and interest rate futures are contractual obligations to buy or sell financial
instruments on a future date at a specified price established in an organised market. The futures
contracts are collateralised by cash or marketable securities and changes in the futures contracts
value are settled daily with the exchange.
39p170(g) The carrying amount of financial assets pledged as collateral for liabilities is USD 42,900
[2000:USD 38,300].
39p170h(i) The fair value of collateral that has been accepted and the Fund is permitted to sell or repledge in
the absence of default is USD 54,600 [2000: 48,950].
39p170h(ii) The Fund has not sold or repledged any collateral during the period.
39p170h There are no significant terms and conditions associated with the use of collateral.
S&P 500 index and interest rate options are contractual agreements under which the seller
(writer) grants the purchaser (holder) the right, but not the obligation, either to buy (call option) or
sell (put option) at or by a set date, a specific financial instrument at a predetermined price. In
consideration for the assumption of exposure to the movements in the index or interest rate risk,
the seller receives a premium from the purchaser.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 19
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
2001 2000
The Fund’s risk management policies and strategies on derivative financial instruments are
discussed in note 2 of these financial statements.
11 Available-for-sale securities
2001 2000
On 1 January 2001, the Fund adopted IAS 39. The effect was to revalue all investment securities at
market bid prices instead of mid market prices. See statement of changes in shareholders equity.
An analysis of the investments held by the Fund at 31 December 2001 is given in note 2.
39p170(d) Included in the trading securities were securities pledged under repurchase agreements with
other counterparties whose market value at 31 December 2001 was USD 21,939 (2000: USD
22,041). All repurchase agreements are maturing within twelve months from the inception.
13 Accrued expenses
1p72 2001 2000
Management fee 670 1,132
Custodian fee 415 1,057
1,085 2,189
20 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
14 Share capital
1p74 The authorised share capital of the Fund is USD 1,000,000(2000:USD 1,000,000) divided into
19,998,000 preference shares of USD 0.05 each and 100 ordinary shares of USD 1 each.
All issued preference shares are fully paid and have been admitted to the official listing of the
[name of ] Stock Exchange. Preference shares carry one vote each. They are entitled to dividends
and to payment of net value on liquidation.
The 100 nominal ordinary shares are in issue and each carries one vote. They are not entitled to
dividends but are entitled to repayment of USD 100 on the liquidation of the company.
Movement in issued preference share capital during the period was as follows:
Preference shares are issued and redeemed at the option of the holders at prices based on the
value of the net assets of the Fund at the time of issue/redemption.
15 Dividend payable
10p11 At an Annual General Meeting on [date] 2002, dividends in respect of 2001 totalling USD
10p12(b) 35,250 (2000: USD 36,255, 1999:USD38,801) will be proposed. The financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2001 do not reflect this resolution, which will be accounted for in
shareholders equity as an appropriation of retained profits in the year ending 31 December 2002.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 21
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of ABC Fund (the Fund) as of 31 December 2001 and the
related income and cash flow statements for the year then ended. These financial statements set out on
pages xx to xx are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of [or ‘present fairly in all material respects’]
the financial position of the Fund as of 31 December 2001 and of the results of its operations and its cash
flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Accounting Standards.
The format of the audit report will need to be tailored to reflect the legal framework of particular countries.
In certain countries the audit report covers both the current year and the comparative year.
22 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
General information
1p102(b) ABC Fund (‘‘the Fund’’) is a closed ended investment company registered with limited liability in
[name of territory under jurisdiction] on [date] under the provisions of the [name of the relevant
legislation in the territory under jurisdiction]
1p102(a) The Fund’s shares are listed on the [name of city] stock exchange. The address of the Fund’s
registered office is as follows: [address of registered office]
1p102(d) The fund has no employees.
10p16 The Fund’s financial statements were authorised for issue on [the date] by [the name of the body
that gave the authorisation].
1p102(b) The principal activity of the Fund is investment holding with an objective to achieve long term
capital appreciation of its assets through investment in selected Malaysian unlisted equities.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 23
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
24 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Income statement
1p75,77 (all amounts in EURO thousands) Notes
Year ended 31 December
2001 2000
1p75 Revenue
39p170(c) Interest income 8,317 12,714
Dividend income 54,884 57,431
Gain/(loss) on disposal of available-for-sale securities 3 (12,785) 49,423
1p77 Expenditure
PricewaterhouseCoopers 25
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Balance sheet
(all amounts in EURO thousands) Notes As at 31 December
1p66,67 2001 2000
1p66(c) Financial assets
Cash and bank balances 121,295 163,366
Due from brokers 7 56,056 83,655
Available-for-sale secuirities 8 1,619,222 1,447,104
Sundry debtors 4,789 5,273
1p66(h) Trading and other payables
Accrued expenses including performance fee 68,514 67,221
Due to brokers 7 97,658 39,985
26 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
[The pre-IAS 39 fair value gain that had been reported in equity continues to be reported as a
separate component of equity since the investments have been classified as available-for-sale
securities and the Fund has adopted the policy of reporting change in fair value directly in equity
until the available-for-sale securities are sold, collected, or otherwise disposed of or determined
to be impaired. However, if the Fund were to adopt a policy of reporting fair value gains and
losses on available-for-sale assets in income, there would need to be a reclassification within
reserves from fair value reserve to retained earnings on adoption of IAS 39.
The Fund had invested in unquoted equity securities which were carried at fair value based on
price/earnings ratios and discounted cash flows at 31 December 2000. Under IAS 39, the Fund
has classified these securities as available-for-sale securities on 1 January 2001 and carried them
at their fair values based on price/earning ratios and discounted cash flows. Accordingly,
adoption of IAS 39 did not result in any adjustments to the opening reserves on 1 January 2001.]
PricewaterhouseCoopers 27
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
Adjustment for:
Dividend income (54,884) (57,431)
Tax 5 8,233 8,614
Interest income (8,317) (12,714)
7p20(c) Net losses/(gains) on disposal of investments 3 12,785 (49,423)
28 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
1 Accounting policies
1p91(a) The principal accounting policies adopted in the preparation of these financial statements are set
1p97(b) out below:
A Basis of presentation
1p11 The financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standards.
1p97(a) The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the fair
valuation of available-for-sale securities, financial assets and financial liabilities held for trading.
21p43 The Fund’s shares are marketed to European investors. Consequently the measurement currency
of the Fund is EURO and not [insert LC name] reflecting the fact that the ordinary shares of the
Fund are issued in EURO. Distributions to the investors are also made in EURO.
D Interest income
1p99(a) Interest income is recognised in the income statement for all interest bearing instruments on
18p35(a) an accrual basis using the effective yield method. Interest income includes interest earned on
cash deposits.
E Available-for-sale securities
39p10 At 1 January 2001 the Fund adopted IAS 39 and classified its investment securities as available
39p68 for-sale. The Fund intends to hold the investments for an indefinite period of time.
1p99(i) All investment securities are initially recognised at cost (which includes transaction costs). The
securities are subsequently re-measured at fair value. Fair values for unquoted equity instruments
are estimated using price/earnings ratios and cash flows. Fair values for quoted equity
39p66 instruments are based on quoted bid prices. Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair
value of equity securities classified as available-for-sale (including any inherent currency gains or
39p70, 102 losses) are recognised in equity as they arise. When the securities are disposed off or once they
39p167(b) are impaired, the related accumulated fair value adjustments are included in the income
statement as gains and losses from investment securities.
39p103(b) [Note – the Fund could adopt the alternative policy under IAS 39 under which gains and losses
arising from changes in the fair value of available-for-sale securities are recognised in the income
statement as they arise.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 29
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
G Taxation
1p99(m) The Fund is domiciled in [insert the name of the domicile] which is an Offshore jurisdiction and
is exempt from paying income or capital gains tax of that jurisdiction. The Fund pays an exempt
company fee charged at a rate of LC [insert the amount in LC] per annum.
The Fund currently incurs withholding tax imposed by certain countries on investment income
recorded gross of withholding tax in the income statement.
In limited events, a fund may be subject to capital gain taxes in which case the following policy
may be applied: The Fund also incurs capital gains tax imposed on holders of securities by
certain countries. Capital gains are recorded gross of such taxes in the income statement.
Deferred tax is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between
the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements.
12p58 Deferred tax related to fair value remeasurement of available-for-sale securities is charged to the
fair value reserve in equity.
H Share capital
32p18 The Fund’s ordinary shares with discretionary dividends are classified as equity.
I Dividends payable
10p11 Proposed dividends are accounted for when they are ratified by the Annual General Meeting.
32p30 Once ratified, dividends declared are then recognised in equity in the period in which they
are declared.
30 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Open Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
K Expenses
Expenses are accounted for on accrual basis. Expenses are charged to the income statement
except for expenses incurred on the acquisition of an investment which are included within the
cost of that investment. Expenses arising on the disposal of investments are deducted from the
disposal proceeds.
1p46(d-e) (In the notes all amounts are shown in EURO thousands unless otherwise stated)
402,805 24.63
1,500 Shares of [name of the entity] 120,766 7.38
1,800 Shares of [name of the entity] 139,265 8.52
900 Shares of [name of the entity] 78,900 4.83
800 Shares of [name of the entity] 44,281 2.71
383,212 23.44
1,200 Shares of [name of the entity] 101,350 6.20
1,500 Shares of [name of the entity] 105,809 6.47
900 Shares of [name of the entity] 98,750 6.04
1,100 Shares of [name of the entity] 103,641 6.34
409,550 25.05
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International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
423,655 25.91
The performance of investments held by the Fund is monitored by the Fund’s manager on a
monthly basis and reviewed on a quarterly basis by the board of directors.
Comparative amounts of equity investments are presented in note 8 of these financial statements.
As at 31 December 2000
Cash and bank balances 122,365 – 41,001 163,366
Available-for-sale securities – 1,447,104 – 1,447,104
Other assets 88,928 – – 88,928
32 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
B Currency risk
The Malaysian ringgit rate of exchange ruling at 31 December 2001 was 3.12 to the EURO
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International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
47,941 224,892
4 Related parties
24p22 Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or
exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions.
The Fund is managed by XYZ Investment Management Limited, an investment management
company incorporated in [name of country.] Under the terms of the Management Agreement
dated [date], the Fund appointed XYZ Investment Management Limited as a manager to provide
management, secretarial, registrar and administrative services to the Fund. XYZ Limited receives
from the Fund in return, a fee based on the net asset value of each class of fund payable quarterly
in advance using the annual rate of 0.60%.
During the year, the Fund paid management and administration fees to the Manager, as disclosed
in the income statement. Out of this fee, the administrator’s, Registrar’s and the Investment
Advisors fees were paid.
The manager is also entitled to a performance fee first payable on 31 January 2003 and annually
thereafter. The performance fee is based upon 5% of the net realised gains less realised losses on
investments. The amount accrued includes a provision for fees that would become payable if the
investments were sold at their carrying amounts.
The Fund has engaged the services of XYZ Custody Bank Limited, a fellow subsidiary company of
the manager, to provide custodian services for a fee as disclosed in the income statement. The
fees are charged on a scale of 0.075% per annum on the first EURO 5 million of Fund, then
0.04% thereafter on the net asset value of the Fund.
Shares held by related parties
Parties related to the manager held shares in the Fund during the year as follows:
2001 2000
Directors remuneration
The listing of the members of the Board of Directors is shown on page [insert page number with
list of directors] of the annual report. In 2001 the total remuneration of the directors was EURO
87 (2000:EURO 83).
12p82 No deferred tax arose during the year (2000:nil) as the Fund did not hold any securities subject to
capital gains tax on disposal.
34 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
6 Net asset value per share and earnings per ordinary share
2001 2000
33p10 Earnings per share is based on ordinary shares outstanding during the year 31,120 (2000: 31,120)
33p49 and the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of EURO 21,073 (2000: EURO 74,508).
8 Available-for-sale securities
1p72 Equity investment securities by sector
2001 2000
1,619,222 1,447,104
On 1 January 2001, the Company adopted IAS 39 and values investment securities at fair values
based on market bid prices where available and otherwise using industry models based on
price/earnings ratios and discounted cash flows.
A more detailed analysis of the investments held by the Fund at 31 December 2001 is given on
note 2 of these financial statements.
9 Share capital
1p74 2001 2000
Authorised share capital
20,000,000 ordinary shares @ EURO 0.05 par value 1,000,000 1,000,000
Each issued and fully paid ordinary share is entitled to dividends when declared and carries one
voting right.
PricewaterhouseCoopers 35
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
10 Dividend payable
10p11 At an Annual General Meeting on [date] 2002, dividends in respect of 2001 totalling EURO
10p12(b) 36,255 (2000: EURO 38,801, 1999:USD42,550) will be proposed. The financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2001 do not reflect this resolution, which will be accounted for in
shareholders equity as an appropriation of retained profits in the year ending 31 December 2002.
36 PricewaterhouseCoopers
International Accounting Standards – Illustrative Closed Ended Fund Financial Statements
ABC Fund – Year ended 31 December 2001
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of ABC Fund (the Fund) as of 31 December 2001 and the
related income and cash flow statements for the year then ended. These financial statements set out on
pages xx to xx are the responsibility of the Fund’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those Standards require
that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial
statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
In our opinion the financial statements give a true and fair view of [or ‘present fairly in all material respects’]
the financial position of the Fund as of 31 December 2001 and of the results of its operations and its cash
flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Accounting Standards.
The format of the audit report will need to be tailored to reflect the legal framework of particular countries.
In certain countries the audit report covers both the current year and the comparative year.
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