Power Sector in India Project

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The electricity sector in India is predominantly controlled by

the Government of India's public sector undertakings (PSUs).
Major PSUs involved in the generation of electricity include
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), National
Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) and Nuclear Power
Corporation of India (NPCI). Besides PSUs, several state-level
corporations, such as Maharashtra State Electricity
Board(MSEB), Kerala State Electricity Board, (KSEB),in
Gujarat (MGVCL, PGVCL, DGVCL, UGVCL four distribution
Companies and one controlling body GUVNL, and one
generation company GSEC), are also involved in the generation
and intra-state distribution of electricity. The PowerGrid
Corporation of India is responsible for the inter-state
transmission of electricity and the development of national
The Ministry of Power is the apex body responsible for the
development of electrical energy in India. This ministry started
functioning independently from 2 July 1992; earlier, it was
known as the Ministry of Energy. The Union Minister of Power at
present is Sushilkumar Shinde of the Congress Party who
took charge of the ministry on the 28th of May, 2009.
India is world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for
3.4% of global energy consumption. Due to India's economic
rise, the demand for energy has grown at an average of 3.6%
per annum over the past 30 years. In June 2010, the installed
power generation capacity of India stood at 162,366MW, while
the per capita energy consumption stood at 612 kWH. The
country's annual energy production increased from about 190
billion kWH in 1986 to more than 680 billion kWH in 2006.
The Indian government has set an ambitious target to add
approximately 78,000 MW of installed generation capacity by
2012. The total demand for electricity in India is expected to
cross 950,000 MW by 2030.
About 70% of the electricity consumed in India is generated by
thermal power plants, 21% by hydroelectric power plants and
4% by nuclear power plants. More than 50% of India's
commercial energy demand is met through the country's vast
coal reserves. The country has also invested heavily in recent
years on renewable sources of energy such as wind energy. As
of 2008, India's installed wind power generation capacity stood
at 9,655 MW. Additionally, India has committed massive
amount of funds for the construction of various nuclear reactors
which would generate at least 30,000 MW. In July 2009, India
unveiled a $19 billion plan to produce 20,000 MW of solar
power by 2020.
Electricity losses in India during transmission and distribution
are extremely high and vary between 30 to 45%. In 2004-05,
electricity demand outstripped supply by 7-11%. Due to
shortage of electricity, power cuts are common throughout
India and this has adversely effected the country's economic
growth. Theft of electricity, common in most parts of urban
India, amounts to 1.5% of India's GDP. Despite an ambitious
rural electrification program, some 400 million Indians lose
electricity access during blackouts. While 80 percent of Indian
villages have at least an electricity line, just 52.5% of rural
households have access to electricity. In urban areas, the
access to electricity is 93.1% in 2008. The overall electrification
rate in India is 64.5% while 35.5% of the population still live
without access to electricity. According to a sample of 97,882
households in 2002, electricity was the main source of lighting
for 53% of rural households compared to 36% in 1993. Multi
Commodity Exchange has sought permission to offer electricity
future markets.

• Generation
○ 1.1 Thermal Power
○ 1.2 Hydro Power
○ 1.3 Nuclear Power
○ 1.4 Renewable Power
• Transmission
• Distribution
• Power for ALL by 2012
○ 4.1 Objectives
○ 4.2 Strategies
○ 4.3 Rural electrification
○ 4.4 Subsidies

Grand Total Installed Capacity is 162,366 MW.
Thermal Power
Current installed capacity of Thermal Power (as of 06/2010) is
104,424 MW which is 63.7% of total installed capacity.
• Current installed base of Coal Based Thermal Power is
86,003 MW which comes to 53% of total installed base.
• Current installed base of Gas Based Thermal Power is
17,221 MW which is 10.61% of total installed base.
• Current installed base of Oil Based Thermal Power is
1,199 MW which is 0.74% of total installed base.
The state of Maharashtra is the largest producer of thermal
power in the country.
Hydro Power
India was one of the pioneering countries in establishing hydro-
electric power plants. The power plant at Darjeeling and
Shimsha (Shivanasamudra) was established in 1898 and 1902
respectively and is one of the first in Asia. The installed
capacity as of 2008 was approximately 36,877. The public
sector has a predominant share of 97% in this sector.
Nuclear Power
Currently, seventeen nuclear power reactors produce 4,560
MW (2.81% of total installed base).
Renewable Power
Current installed base of Renewable energy is 16,492.42 MW
which is 10.12% of total installed base with the southern state
of Tamil Nadu contributing nearly a third of it (5008.26 MW)
largely through wind power.

A power transmission cable operated by BEST in Mumbai, India.

Transmission of electricity is defined as bulk transfer of power
over a long distance at high voltage, generally of 132kV and
above. In India bulk transmission has increased from 3,708ckm
in 1950 to more than 165,000ckm today(as stated by Power
Grid Corporation of India). The entire country has been divided
into five regions for transmission systems, namely, Northern
Region, North Eastern Region, Eastern Region, Southern Region
and Western Region. The Interconnected transmission system
within each region is also called the regional grid.
The transmission system planning in the country, in the past,
had traditionally been linked to generation projects as part of
the evacuation system. Ability of the power system to safely
withstand a contingency without generation rescheduling or
load-shedding was the main criteria for planning the
transmission system. However, due to various reasons such as
spatial development of load in the network, non-commissioning
of load center generating units originally planned and deficit in
reactive compensation, certain pockets in the power system
could not safely operate even under normal conditions. This
had necessitated backing down of generation and operating at
a lower load generation balance in the past. Transmission
planning has therefore moved away from the earlier generation
evacuation system planning to integrate system planning.
While the predominant technology for electricity transmission
and distribution has been Alternating Current (AC) technology,
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology has also been
used for interconnection of all regional grids across the country
and for bulk transmission of power over long distances.
Certain provisions in the Electricity Act 2003 such as open
access to the transmission and distribution network,
recognition of power trading as a distinct activity, the liberal
definition of a captive generating plant and provision for supply
in rural areas are expected to introduce and encourage
competition in the electricity sector. It is expected that all the
above measures on the generation, transmission and
distribution front would result in formation of a robust
electricity grid in the country.[23]
The total installed generating capacity in the country is over
148,700MW and the total number of consumers is over 144
million. Apart from an extensive transmission system network
at 500kV HVDC, 400kV, 220kV, 132kV and 66kV which has
developed to transmit the power from generating station to the
grid substations, a vast network of sub transmission in
distribution system has also come up for utilisation of the
power by the ultimate consumers.
However, due to lack of adequate investment on transmission
and distribution (T&D) works, the T&D losses have been
consistently on higher side, and reached to the level of 32.86%
in the year 2000-01.The reduction of these losses was essential
to bring economic viability to the State Utilities.
As the T&D loss was not able to capture all the losses in the net
work, concept of Aggregate Technical and Commercial (AT&C)
loss was introduced. AT&C loss captures technical as well as
commercial losses in the network and is a true indicator of total
losses in the system.
High technical losses in the system are primarily due to
inadequate investments over the years for system
improvement works, which has resulted in unplanned
extensions of the distribution lines, overloading of the system
elements like transformers and conductors, and lack of
adequate reactive power support.
The commercial losses are mainly due to low metering
efficiency, theft & pilferages. This may be eliminated by
improving metering efficiency, proper energy accounting &
auditing and improved billing & collection efficiency. Fixing of
accountability of the personnel / feeder managers may help
considerably in reduction of AT&C loss.
With the initiative of the Government of India and of the States,
the Accelerated Power Development & Reform Programme
(APDRP) was launched in 2001, for the strengthening of Sub –
Transmission and Distribution network and reduction in AT&C
The main objective of the programme was to bring Aggregate
Technical & Commercial (AT&C) losses below 15% in five years
in urban and in high-density areas. The programme, along with
other initiatives of the Government of India and of the States,
has led to reduction in the overall AT&C loss from 38.86% in
2001-02 to 34.54% in 2005-06. The commercial loss of the
State Power Utilities reduced significantly during this period
from Rs. 29331 Crore to Rs. 19546 Crore. The loss as
percentage of turnover was reduced from 33% in 2000-01 to
16.60% in 2005-06.
The APDRP programme is being restructured by the
Government of India, so that the desired level of 15% AT&C
loss could be achieved by the end of 11th plan.[23]
Power for ALL by 2012
The Government of India has an ambitious mission of POWER
FOR ALL BY 2012. This mission would require that the installed
generation capacity should be at least 200,000 MW by 2012
from the present level of 144,564.97 MW. Power requirement
will double by 2020 to 400,000MW.[26]
• Sufficient power to achieve GDP growth rate of 8%
• Reliable power
• Quality power
• Optimum power cost
• Commercial viability of power industry
• Power for all

• Power Generation Strategy with focus on low cost
generation, optimization of capacity utilization, controlling
the input cost, optimisation of fuel mix, Technology
upgradation and utilization of Non Conventional energy
• Transmission Strategy with focus on development of
National Grid including Interstate connections, Technology
upgradation & optimization of transmission cost.
• Distribution strategy to achieve Distribution Reforms with
focus on System upgradation, loss reduction, theft control,
consumer service orientation, quality power supply
commercialization, Decentralized distributed generation
and supply for rural areas.
• Regulation Strategy aimed at protecting Consumer
interests and making the sector commercially viable.
• Financing Strategy to generate resources for required
growth of the power sector.
• Conservation Strategy to optimise the utilization of
electricity with focus on Demand Side management, Load
management and Technology upgradation to provide
energy efficient equipment / gadgets.
• Communication Strategy for political consensus with
media support to enhance the general public awareness.,
Rural electrification
Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Uttranchal, Madhya
Pradesh etc are some of the states where significant number
(more than 10%) of villages are yet to be electrified.
• Number of Villages (1991 Census) - 593,732
• Villages Electrified (30 May 2006) - 488,173
• Village level Electrification % - 82.2%
Several state governments in India provide electricity at
subsidised rates or even free to some sections. This includes for
use in agriculture and for consumption by backward classes.
The subsidies are mainly as cross-subsidisation, with the other
users such as industries and private consumers paying the
deficit caused by the subsidised charges collected. Such
measures have resulted in many of the state electricity boards
becoming financially weak.

India's Power Sector Liberalisation: An Overview

A new policy of opening electricity generation to private

participation was announced by the Central government in
October 1991. Then, in May-June 1992, a high-level team
consisting of the Union Cabinet Secretary, Power Secretary and
Finance Secretary visited the USA, Europe, and Japan, to
invite foreign private sector participation in the power sector.
Foreign companies returned the visit to India and found the
electricity establishment offering concessions and incentives
that were hitherto unheard of in the power sector business.
Reasons for inviting private sector participation
In 1990, the situation facing the energy sector in India was
roughly as follows. The central government – the conventional
source for funding power projects -- was believed to have
reached its limit as far as funding was concerned.
The Indian electricity sector had virtually no surpluses to make
available for investment. The World Bank had stated in 1989
that requests from the electricity sector of developing countries
added up to $100 billion per year. In response, only about $20
billion was available from multilateral sources, leaving a gap of
about $80 billion.1 Hence, it was suggested that the only
possible source of funds was the private sector and, in view of
the fact that the Indian capital market did not appear to be able
to make a significant contribution, that the foreign private
sector should be welcomed.
It was also hoped that there would be a side-benefit regarding
the unacceptably low system efficiency of the state electricity
boards. This efficiency would be improved through the often-
claimed better management and higher technical performance
of the private sector.
What has happened
By August 1995, about 189 offers were received to set up
private power generating projects of over 75,000 MW, at an
investment of more than
Rs 2,76,000 crores2. These included 95 projects with an
aggregate capacity of 48,137 MW, awarded through
Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) or Letters of Intent, and
32 projects (costing more than Rs 1,000 crores each) with an
aggregate capacity of 20,697 MW, awarded by international
competitive bidding3. Of these, eight were considered for
counter-guarantees by the central government.
17 private power projects were accorded the Techno-Economic
Clearance (TEC) by the CEA, till March 1996, according to a
statement of the Minister of State for Power4; these reached a
total of 31 by March 19985.
In December 1998, the Power Ministry asked all the IPPs to
achieve financial closure by March 19996.
Table 1 lists the available information on the status of private
power plants.

In fact, very few private projects have actually been


(1) the 235 MW gas-turbine plant at Jegurupadu (owned by GVK

Industries, CMS Energy (USA), APSEB, ABB and the Hongkong-
based Asia Infrastructure Fund, and constructed by ABB on a
turnkey basis).

(2) the 515 MW combined-cycle gas-turbine (CCGT) plant at

Hazira (of ESSAR Power)

(3) the 172 MW naphtha-based plant at Vijjeswaram (of the

joint sector Andhra Pradesh Gas Power Corporation Ltd.)

(4) the 160 MW ccgt plant at Baroda (of GIPCL) and

(5) the 826 MW (740 MW) naphtha-based plant at Dabholb of

the Dabhol Power Company, a joint venture of Enron, MSEB.
Problems encountered
The stakeholders in the power scenario are the generators --
independent power producers (IPPs) and/or state undertakings,
the distributors (at present the State Electricity Boards), the
government (central and state) and the consumers
(commercial, industrial, and others), as well as households
(with and without electricity). Attention will now be focused on
the problems noted by the private producers and the electricity
establishment in the course of constructing
new power plants.
Problems mentioned by private producers
Litigation/renegotiation leading to delays
For several reasons, for example, high costs, environmental
impacts, and perception of financial irregularities, there have
been protests against some power plants. Litigation, as also
renegotiation of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) have
caused long delays in project completion, so that construction
has not been completed as scheduled. For instance, the
Mangalore Power Company's PPA for a 1,000 MW coal-based
plant was originally signed in 1993, re-negotiated in November
1997, and has yet to be resolved.

Financing problems
Compared to typical commercial projects, infrastructure
projects yield relatively low returns and have long payback
periods. Consequently, power plants have been perceived to be
commercially less profitable. Such projects were, therefore,
undertaken by the public sector. Private promoters face
difficulties when trying to obtain funding, as bankers are
unlikely to agree to loans with a maturity higher than three
years, to match the tenor of their deposit liabilities. Even
financial institutions (FIs) find it difficult to extend loans
commensurate with the long payback periods of power
Moreover, the State Electricity Board (SEB) is invariably the
sole purchaser of the power that a private sector generator
generates. That being the case, the private sector "will not take
the risk of not being paid"16 by SEBs in poor financial health.
The SEBs are also unlikely to get backing from financial
agencies for their commitments to purchase electricity from the
private producers. Hence, counter guarantees from the Central
government have been sought.
Some counter-guarantees from the central government were
eventually obtained in the case of six of the eight "fast track"
projects. Even with these counter-guarantees, promoters tend
to wait for other arrangements such as fuel supply agreements
to be finalized.

There are other options that could be considered for dealing

with the financial problem, such as:
(a) an escrow account -- into which the cash inflows of the SEB
are deposited and to which an independent power producer
(IPP) would have first access in case of defaults by the SEB
(b) an agreement by which the IPP could supply electricity
directly to buyers, through the existing lines
(c) an irrevocable letter of credit, favouring the IPP on certain
conditions being met and issued by a highly rated
bank/financial institution, -- guaranteeing payment on behalf of
the SEBs.
With regard to escrow accounts, financial institutions are said
to be limiting their loans to IPPs at the SEB's "escrowable"
capacity. It is recommended that the amount in the escrow
account should be 9.25 times the monthly tariff payable by the
SEBs, that the escrow account should be charged exclusively in
favour of an IPP with a provision to assign the same to lenders
of the IPPs, and that the escrow account should be established
before financial closure.
However, problems exist even with the escrow mechanism.
Several states have signed a large number of PPAs with an
aggregate capacity higher than could be supported by way of
escrows. For example, in Madhya Pradesh (MP), the SEB has
signed PPAs aggregating to about 6,500 MW and of these, nine
projects totalling about 4,600 MW have already received the
CEA's techno-economic clearance. In contrast, leading financial
institutions have assessed the total "escrowable capacity" of
Madhya Pradesh at only around 2,561 MW.18 Similar problems
also exist in some other States.
In addition to the over-estimation of escrow capacity, there are
two problems:
(a) distribution regions that guarantee payment through escrow
accounts could be "cherry picked" by the independent power
producer leaving the SEB with the unremunerative distribution
regions to service its other commitments, and
(b) the existing stakeholders in the cash flows of SEBs object to
such agreements. For instance, the State Bank of India (which
provides overdraft facilities to the SEBs) is refusing to lift its
lien on the receivables of the SEBs. Further, at a top-level
meeting in January 1998, banks pointed out that state
governments were not paying their dues on bonds issued, but
were issuing more and more guarantees! Other sources of
funds are limited. While private power projects in industrialized
countries raise funds These have been described in detail by
Credit Analysis and Research

Institutional investors (insurance companies, pension funds,

etc.), in India these usually invest in some waya in government
undertakings, limiting the sources for private power projects.
Hence, as compared with the investment requirements of the
private power sector estimated at Rs 292,500 crores for the
next decade, the maximum borrowing from Indian FIs/banks is
pegged at 40% of the outlay or Rs 117,000 crores19.
Risk sharing
The many risks perceived by private producers20 are usually
addressed in the PPAs.
Construction risk: This is the risk of the project not being
completed on time and within the budget. To counter this risk,
provisions for liquidation damages to cover the costs of delays
are included in the engineering procurement construction (EPC)
Market risk: The market risk includes demand risk and price
risk. A demand risk is avoided by the "take or pay" stipulation
of the PPAs, according to which the SEB agrees to pay the IPP
the "availability" rate regardless of the number of Kwh actually
obtained. Similarly, the price risk is avoided by the tariff
structure in which all costs of producing power -- fixed (interest,
depreciation, O & M, insurance, taxes) and variable (fuel), plus
a return on equity (ROE) are assured.
Fuel-supply risk: This is the risk of not obtaining a timely
supply of the appropriate fuel. To counter this risk, IPPs either
sign long-term contracts with the public sector supplier (for
example, gas from GAIL) or acquire a captive source (for
example, a captive coal mine). For, liquid fuel transportation
sometimes presents a problem, because oil suppliers do not
guarantee transportation between the port/refinery and the
power plant, necessitating a contract with the Railways.
Exchange fluctuation risk: The problem of losing at times
when the rupee falls is avoided either by demanding payment
in dollar terms or by ensuring foreign payments into an
international escrow account.

Obtaining clearances
There are numerous clearances -- statutory and nonstatutory --
to be obtained for starting a power project.22
The statutory clearances include cost estimate clearance,
techno-economic clearance (TEC) from CEA, water-availability
clearance from the CWC/State government, pollution clearance
from the SPCB/CPCB, forest and environment clearance and
rehabilitation and resettlement clearance from the MoEF and a
The IDBI has been financing purchase of indigenous equipment
by various SEBs through its bills rediscounting scheme.

The SEB/state government clearance.

The non-statutory clearances include land availability from the
State government, fuel linkages from the Departments of Coal
and Petroleum and Natural Gas, transportation of fuel from the
Departments of Coal/Petroleum and Natural Gas, and the
Ministries of Railways, and Shipping and Surface Transport, and
financing from CEA/DOP/Department of Economic Affairs/FIs. All
these can result in considerable delays and thereby cost
escalation. However, from August 1996, power projects with
investment of # Rs 1,000 crores have been exempted from CEA
and environmental clearances. The earlier limit was Rs 400
crores, but it has been suggested that this limit be raised to Rs
4,000 crores. Several "fast-track" projects were however, above
this limit.

Obtaining fuel linkage agreements

Fuel linkage agreements (including licences for importing fuels
- coal, naphtha, diesel and LNG or higher grade Indian coal)
have, at times, been difficult to obtain. In addition, the rules
pertaining to the use of some fuels have not been clear or have
been changed. This indecision has delayed several projects.
Furthermore, the charges that have to be paid by the IPPs have
been regarded by them as being too high, as they include
charges for commitment, import-handling, service.
Environmental problems
Some requirements of the Ministry of Environment have been
unacceptable to the IPPs. For instance, after 9 years of
generation, a 100% ash utilization for coal plants was required.
Power companies were also expected to develop ash products
and market them.

Problems faced by the SEBs Unacceptable PPA terms -

not viable for the SEBs
According to the terms specified in some of the purchase power
agreements (PPAs), the country would have to pay an
exorbitant price for foreign participation. Several harmful
features are listed below.
Assured high PLF:
Plants were to be assured of electricity sales at PLFs of $
68.5%, these high PLFs being buttressed by power purchase
agreements. This commitment implies that during the daily off-
peak hours and the monsoon season, the existing plants would
have to be backed down, resulting in uneconomic plant
dispatch (that is, lower cost-per-unit power
would be replaced by higher cost power). Considering that
several existing thermal plants that can operate at higher than
68.5% are backed down in periods of good reservoir inflows in
the southern region, the situation would only be worsened.
Further, if the real ailment of the power sector is a shortage of
peaking power rather than energy, then the addition of base-
load power stations is not likely to provide a solution.

High Return on Equity: A relatively high ($ 11%) rate of

return (ROE) was promised to the investor, at a capacity
utilization of 68.5%. This return would be increased if the
utilization exceeded this level. More importantly, these returns
were to be guaranteed by the central government if the State
Electricity Boards were unable to pay.
High capital costs of private plants:
The capital costs of some projects (as per their PPAs) were
much higher than those known to be incurred both abroad and
in Indiaa where international competitive bidding did not take
place. For example, the capital cost of Phase I of the Enron
(Dabhol Power Company) LNG-based plant was Rs 4.23
crore/MWb or $1,366/KW (. Rs 2,942.6 crores27 for 695 MW). In
comparison, in the USA, a basic 300 MW coal-based steam-
electric plant (about 30% more expensive than an LNG-basedc
plant) required about $1,100/KW in 1990 prices, which works
out to about Rs 3.4 crores/MW @ Rs 31/$28, and NTPC's 645
MW gas-based Kawas projectd (commissioned in September
1993) at Rs 2.4 crore per MW29,30. In addition, there were
payments in the deal for equipment/consultancy/recurring
expenses to affiliates of the owner-firms. All this led to critical
comments and some renegotiation. The Enron project (Phase I)
cost was reduced, as was the Cogentrix 1,000 MW project cost
(from Rs 4,387 crore to Rs 3,950 crore)31. However, a part of
the reduction in costs is claimed by critics to be cosmetic32: for
instance, the Enron-LNG facility appears under operating rather
than capital cost, and customs duty reductions have been
reflected as capital cost reduction.
In cases where the prices of equipment are fallinga, adherence
to the PPA prices would be uneconomical for the power
purchaser (the SEB).
• The National Working Group on Power Sector had in a
detailed September/ October 1994 study shown that the
capital costs of both combined-cycle gas-turbine and coal-
based plants are lower with indigenous technology.
• This included items such as "pre-operative" expenses of
Rs 547.26
crores or Rs 0.787 crores/MW which inflated the capital
• A combined-cycle plant involving a gas-turbine driven by
natural gas
would cost roughly about $ 600-700/kW and a similar
plant driven by LNG would cost perhaps about $75/Kw
more for the LNG-handling equipment. Thus, a LNG-based
combined-cycle plant should be about 30% cheaper than a
coal-based steam-electric plant.
• This project was executed on a turn key basis by Alsthom
of France.
This has been experienced in the international market.

High tariffs: In addition to the capital component, the variable

costs chargeable during the life of the projects are expected to
rise, allowing the escalation of the costs of various components
-- fees (such as Management Fee, Testing Fee, and
Commissioning Fee), insurance charges, "tax incremental
charges", etc., to be passed on to the purchaser.
Unfavourable financing: The rates of interest payable on
dollar and rupee debt have been fixed as on the date of
financial closure. Up to this stage (that is, financial closure and
securement of counter-guarantees), the perceived lender risks
and the corresponding rates of interest are relatively high.
However, as the project progresses, the risk falls and the debt
could be refinanced (that is, interest rates can be lowered
though re-negotiation). Despite this, the utility is still bound by
the fixed rates.
Further problems
Technical losses and improvement of the T&D system
Increasing the generation capacity is necessary but not
sufficient for supplying electricity to consumers; the
transmission and distribution system has to be extended and
maintained to ensure the efficient evacuation of power from
the generation sites. Without improved T&D facilities, the
technical inefficiencies will continue.
A separate trading enterprise for T&D (for example, GRIDCO in
Orissa) that needs to collect a certain ROI would entail much
higher tariff-rates which some consumers may be unable to
Commercial losses on the T&D system
The losses incurred along the distribution system due to theft
of electricity have not been addressed by introducing more
generators into the system. In fact, the SEBs' financial
position would worsen if electricity purchased at higher prices
(the costs-plus-return formula) were not paid for by the users.
Privatisation of the T&D system
Private participation in the transmission and distribution of the
electricity system has also presented problems. The evaluation
of assets in cases of transfer to new owners has to be carefully
worked out. For joint-venture
undertakings between an SEB and a private firm/consortia of
firms, the SEB is liable to lose control. In addition, the SEBs
sometimes define the requirements for transmissions contracts
a such that there are very few companies capable of fulfilling
the criteria as defined, so that negotiation is
even more difficult.
Non-subsidized electricity
The consumers (mainly domestic and agricultural)currently
provided electricity at subsidized rates would be unable to
handle "user-cost recovery", that is, to pay cost reflective
tariffs. Further, if only these consumers are left to the SEBs,
their financial position would be far worse than at present.

Fuel imports
In spite of the availability of indigenous sources of electricity (--
hydro-power, coal, biomass), foreign power producers tend to
opt for imported fuel. The larger the number of foreign power
producers in the field, the greater will be the country's
dependence on imported fuel for power generation, worsening
its debt levels still further.

Recent institutional developments

The problems experienced seem to have triggered discussions
on the power system as a whole and have spurred on the
restructuring and regulation process. This is being described

Regulatory commissions
The Indian Electricity Act of 1910 and the Electricity (Supply)
Act of 1948 were amended in 1996 to enable the setting up of
state and central level electricity regulatory commissions. Each
state and union territory was to set up an independent State
Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC) to
deal with tariff fixation, that is, to determine the tariff for
wholesale or retail sale of electricity and for the use of
transmission facilities. Some states have established their
regulatory commissions, while others are in the process of
For example, the minimum qualifying criteria listed in the
request for qualification for the Mangalore Evacuation Project
stated that the lead promoter "demonstrate successful
development in the past of EHV systems (operating at not less
than 380kV) of not less than 2,000 ckm(Charged Kaons at the
Main-Injector) and at least 10 EHV sub-stations (operating at
not less than 380 kV)".

At the centre, a Central Electricity Regulatory Commission

(CERC) has been formed to deal with all state-level appeals and
inter-state flows39. From 1st April 1999, the Central Electricity
Authority (CEA) has entrusted the CERC with the task of
regulating power tariffs of central government power utilities,
inter-state generating companies and inter-state transmission
tariffs. An important objective of the CERC is to improve
operations in the power sector, by measures such as increased
efficiency, big investments in the T&D systems, time-of-the-day
pricing, and power flow from surplus to deficit regions.41
Further, the Central Government or the CERC can grant a
transmission licence to anyone to construct, maintain, and
operate any inter-state transmission system under the
direction, control, and supervision of the Central Transmission

Restructuring of the SEBs

The Power Ministry has circulated detailed guidelines on power
sector reforms to SEBs. The SEBs are expected to "unbundle"
their activities, trifurcating them between generation,
transmission and distributiona. The process of reforms should
take place in a phased manner: independent divisions should
be created and then "corporatized". The amendment to the
Electricity Acts also provided for private investment in
transmission and the CERC has sent guidelines to the SEBs
regarding their granting licences to private sector undertakings
for the transmission of power.
Regional Electricity Boards (REBs)
Regional Electricity Boards (REBs) have been given (in
November 1996) the authority to decide on plant despatch,
that is, to decide which plants should be operated to meet
demand and those that would have to back down in case of a
fall in demand, on the basis of the merit order operation clause.
To strengthen grid management and enforce grid discipline, the
REBs have been granted legal status.44 However, doubts have
been expressed regarding the efficiency of coordination
between the REBs, the SERCs, the CERC and the CEA.

Foreign equity participation

Foreign equity participation up to 100% has been extended for
electricity generation, transmission, and distribution (except for
atomic reactors).

Fiscal measures
The tax holiday, granted to the power sector, has been
extended up to the year 2003. This trifurcation has already
been effected in the state of Orissa,
while in Haryana, the Haryana ERC has granted a license to
Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam for transmission and

Mega-power policy
This policy -- formulated in October 1998 for large power
projects at strategic locations -- is applicable to then
construction and operation of hydro-electric power plants of at
least 500 MW and thermal plants of at least 1,000 MW. The
project promoters are insulated from the lack of credit-
worthiness of the SEBs because electricity can be sold either
directly to a "cluster" of large consumers or to the Power
Trading Corporation (PTC) which can withdraw funds from the
State's central share (Central Plan Allocation, etc.) if the SEB
defaults on its payments. There will also be benefits for these
mega power projects: customs duty on the import of capital
equipment has been waived, and some sales tax/octroi
concessions have been provided. However, the reaction to the
mega-policy has not been
very favourable. Representatives of SEBs oppose the idea of
the mega projects bypassing the SEBs and attracting large
customers. IPPs feel that this policy will be a hindrance to
smaller projects, and would prefer that the concessions
extended to mega projects be extended to all IPPs.

New financial arrangements

Additional institutions
For the purpose of financing the power sector, new
arrangements have been made in recent times. These include
setting up of the Infrastructure Development Finance Company
Ltd., broadening the scope of the public sector Power Finance
Corporation (PFC), allowing an active role for the PFC in
negotiating loans from international banks and foreign capital
markets, constitution of a Power Development Fund by the
Power Ministry for speedy implementation and execution of
power projects as also to finance feasibility studies for setting
up power plants, mooting a Power Trading Company (PTC) to
purchase power from power-surplus regions and sell it to
power-deficient regions, launching of "Infrastructure Bonds"
to channel household savings to the power sector, and
involving provident funds as a potentially important source of

Sources of finance still limited

According to the Asian Development Bank, in November 1996,
Asia required $100 billion a year in capital to develop new
power generation plants, of which only 5 - 10% could be met by
development banks. Hence, internal generation of funds is still


IPPs have not yet made major contributions

Quite contrary to the confident expectations in 1991-92, the

private sector has hardly contributed thus far to bridging the
power demand-supply gap. Only a few IPPs have actually
commenced generation, perhaps due to the problems
experienced. However, if all the projects under consideration do
come on stream, the share of private producers will increase

Public sector undertakings retain their importance

Public sector undertakings have continued to remain the main
players in the field, particularly as they have been constructing
generating plants on, and even ahead of, schedule. For
example, Karnataka Power Corporation Ltd.'s Raichur TPS Units
V and VI and National Thermal Power Corporation's
Kayamkulam TPS are being completed ahead of schedule.

Excessive focus on supply rather than development and

The growth-oriented supply-side consumption directed
paradigm seems to have dominated the decision-making in the
energy-sector, to the exclusion of end-use efficiencies. A
development-focused end-use oriented service-directed
paradigm, promoted among others by the International Energy
Initiative52, shifts the emphasis from increased consumption to
increased energy services. It explores the possibility of lowering
the investment required -- either by decreasing the energy-
intensity (energy required per unit of GDP) and/or by
decreasing the unit cost of installed capacity (say, Rs
The former can be lowered through improved efficiency in
electricity use (i.e. demand-side measures)53, while the latter
by reducing the electricity costs per unit (less expensive
generation options, reducing T & D losses and/or generation at
the consumption sites through non-conventional decentralized
technologies). Apart from the improvement of end-use
efficiencies, the efficient production and transmission of
conventional energy and the harnessing of non-conventional
decentralized sources of energy could be quicker and could
reduce the financial requirements of the power sector. One
must endeavour to arrive at a mix of technologies centralized
generation, decentralized generation, and efficiency
improvement, to bridge the demand-supply gap at the lowest
possible cost.

Efficiency and costs of supply

If the cost of supplying electricity through private producers
was expected to be lower than that of state-run plants (due to
higher efficiency, etc.) this cost-reduction has not occurred. The
proposed electricity tariffs (including fuel escalation, etc.) at
private plants appear to be higher than those of similar plants
at state undertakings (for example, electricity from coal-based
thermal plants). Hence, even if these plants are technically
more efficient, this benefit may not reach the consumer.

System losses
Adding the costs of transmission and distribution (including
system improvement and maintenance) to the generation costs
at private plants would result in even higher tariffs. Further, if
system improvements were not brought about, the technical
losses currently suffered by the SEBs
would hamper private distributors too. Thus it would be useful
to concentrate on improving the efficiency and thereby the
financial position of state undertakings. It is not clear whether
or not "commercial losses" or
theft can be reduced by private suppliers; obviously if these
losses were avoided, their operational efficiency would be
higher than that of the SEBs. However, there is no reason to
conclude that in dealing with as many dispersed connections as
the SEBs, private suppliers will be more successful at
eliminating theft. Further, it does not seem likely that
restructuring of the SEBs, that is, assigning the activities of
generation, transmission and distribution to separate
organizations can improve this situation, except that the brunt
of such losses would be borne by the distributors alone.

Surplus energy/capacity
In some regions of the country, with the completion of projects
under construction, there has come to be (except perhaps
during periods of peak demand) an excess of electricity
availability over that required by customers at the tariff
payable. This surplus may not have occurred if electricity
connections were extended to all homes, and if rural areas
were supplied throughout the day. However, with these
consumers unlikely to be paying the PPA tariffs for electricity,
commissioning of new private power plants could lead to a
The electricity surplus is also due to the present industrial
recession, coupled with the shift of several industrial units to
captive generation because of their earlier experience of
inadequate/unreliable grid supply.
However, an upswing in the industrial cycle could expand the
electricity requirement, so that the current surplus position
may not be sustained.

Development needs may be undermined

Some customers -- lower-income households and small farms --
may be unable to afford electricity at its marginal cost. Thus
far, electricity has been subsidized by the State for such
consumers. However, it seems likely that profit maximizing
private power producers/distributors will jettison
public benefits and economically weak consumers (connected
and yet-to-be-connected). Correspondingly, the SEBs' financial
position would worsen further if they lost only their higher
paying (industrial and commercial sector) consumers to private
power suppliers.

The fundamental problem of private power projects

The importance of the state in the power generation sector has
not lessened in spite of the entry of the private sector. In fact,
the delays in the projects of the IPPs reveal that the IPPs need
the intervention of the state in
innumerable ways even though the constant demand is for the
state to vacate the power sector and leave it to the market.
This contradiction is primarily because of the intrinsic long
gestation and payback and low interest rate of these projects.
Commercial ventures are associated with a much shorter
payback period and a much higher interest rate which justify
the risks involved.

Public debate and informed discussion

Thanks to controversial power projects, there has been public
debate and informed discussion. However, there should be
greater transparency in decision-making, greater public
participation (particularly from civil society) and greater spread
of information.

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