Identity Theft and Fraud Division: Customer Guide

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Identity Theft and

Fraud Division


Introduction and Initial Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1. Contact the Credit Bureaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2. Contact Financial Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3. Report to Law Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4. Visit the FTC Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

5. Additional Resolution Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

6. Tips for Protecting Yourself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Letter Templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

FTC Uniform Affidavit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

AIG Identity Theft Claim Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Correspondence Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Resources to Assist You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Let Us Help. AIG Identity Theft Division understands the stress and strain the theft of
your identity may create for you, and we are committed to helping you gain closure and
resolution to the matter with this Identity Theft Customer Guide. Resolving issues
related to identity theft can be a time consuming and frustrating process. In order to aid
you in this process, we have gathered information from a multitude of sources to provide
you with a convenient reference guide and tool for tracking progress.

This guide serves as a comprehensive assembly of procedures for resolution, contact

information and protective measures for avoiding identity theft in the future. To begin the
recovery of your identity, follow the steps summarized below and work through the more
detailed steps in the subsequent pages of this guide. We have also provided useful
contact information for government agencies, non-profit organizations and companies
who may be able to help you with this process. Please read all of the steps carefully
before you begin.

Initial Steps:

(1.) Call the three major credit bureaus and ask that they place a “90 day fraud
alert” on your credit record. This alert notifies creditors to contact you by
phone before issuing new credit in your name and makes it more difficult for
an identity thief to open new accounts in your name. You will also need to
send follow-up letters to ask that an extended fraud alert be placed on your
record. Phone numbers and addresses can be found on page 32 of this guide.

(2.) Contact both by phone and in writing all financial institutions in which
fraudulent activity occurred (use the letter template provided on page 14).
You will also need to contact any government agencies where your
information may have been used fraudulently (for example: the IRS, health
care providers, state licensing boards, etc.).

(3.) Immediately report any fraudulent activity to local, state or federal law
enforcement agencies and request an "identity theft report." (Law
enforcement agencies include: the local police, your local Postal Inspector,
Attorney General, FBI, Secret Service, etc.).

(4.) Go to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website

( or call 877 ID Theft) where you will find an ID
Theft Affidavit (the Affidavit can also be found on page 22 of this guide).
Complete the affidavit and make enough copies to attach to any letters you
send to the various agencies and financial institutions.

(5.) Review the Additional Resolution Resources section contained in this Guide
for instructions on how to obtain additional ID theft assistance and contact
information for relevant government agencies. This resource can be found on
page 32 of this booklet.

(6.) Institute protective measures in your life to minimize future exposure to
identity theft. Please see our suggestions on page 10 of this booklet and the
additional resources section on page 32.

(7.) As you work though the resolution process, complete the AIG Personal
Internet and Identity Theft Claim Worksheet on page 27 of this booklet.
Record any expenses that you have incurred as a result of the fraud and send it
to the address indicated for review and claims processing. You can use the
log located on page 30 of this guide to document your expenses and record
notes on your conversations. It is important to keep a log of expenses for us
to help you, but it will also help you receive possible restitution from the
courts and tax deductions for fraud losses. Save copies of all documents and
correspondence related to your identity theft resolution, including receipts for

(8.) Please read your Identity Theft Customer Guide thoroughly before you take
corrective action. Then, follow the steps suggested and keep as much
information as possible so that you can help yourself and law enforcement.
Make sure you follow up every conversation with agencies and businesses
with a letter (return receipt requested) summarizing the conversation and keep
copies for yourself. You may need to make copies of these letters and
documents for us and other agencies as well. It is also important to maintain
an organized file of all of these documents so that you can find them easily
when needed throughout this process.


Now that you have read the summary of steps, you will find more detailed instructions
related to each of them in the following section. Please be aware that some of the steps
below overlap one another and may have to be done simultaneously. Certain fraud alerts
and reports require information and evidence from other actions and reports.

1. Contact the Credit Bureaus and Send Follow-up Letters

Your first step should be to contact all three credit bureaus using the toll-free phone
numbers below and ask that a 90 day fraud alert be placed on your record. This tells
creditors to call you before issuing new credit in your name. If you provide your cell
phone number as your contact number, it may be easier for them to reach you when you
wish to obtain credit than if you provide your home phone number. They might tell you
that you only need to call one of the agencies and they will contact the other two . Since
this does not always happen as it should, we suggest that you call all three credit bureaus
yourself. You should also request a free copy of your credit report. Once you receive
this report, review it for fraudulent information. You are entitled to two free credit
reports in the twelve months after your identity theft event.

Equifax: (800) 525-6285
Experian: (888) EXPERIAN (888-397-3742)
TransUnion: (800) 680-7289

Under federal law the credit bureaus are only required to place a fraud alert on your file
for 90 days unless you write a letter and submit an "identity theft report" and affidavit
asking for an extended fraud alert.

After calling the credit bureaus to place the 90 day fraud alert and after you have called
the financial institutions who issued fraudulent accounts asking them to close those
accounts (detailed in the following section), you will need to send a Follow-Up Letter to
the three credit bureaus (Return Receipt Requested) asking that an extended 7 year
fraud alert be placed on your account and that the fraudulent information be blocked. A
letter template has been provided on page 12 (labeled “CB”). Be sure to include:

(1.) A cover letter listing the inaccuracies due to fraud in your credit reports. Such
inaccuracies include incorrect names, social security numbers, addresses,
accounts and fraudulent inquiries. (Fraudulent inquiries are companies that
received your credit report without your permission for the purpose of issuing
credit to the impostor.)

(2.) A copy of your identity theft report from law enforcement (see Section 3 on
page 5 of this guide for details on how to obtain this report).

(3.) A copy of your completed ID Theft Affidavit (found on pages 22-26 of this

(4.) Copies of your Proof of Identity (such as a driver's license and utility bill.)

(5.) Please note that you may need to send additional letters to the credit bureaus if
any additional fraud occurs. You must document all new fraud using the same
format and process as above. Use the addresses located in the Additional
Resources section of this guide which begins on page 32.

(6.) If you live in a state that allows a ‘security freeze’ to be placed on your credit
profile (such as California, Texas, Vermont – among others), you may write to
the credit bureaus and ask them to prevent your credit report from being
released to any potential creditors unless you provide them with permission.
Current information on state guidelines on security freezes can be found on
the website of the National Conference of State Legislatures
( Each state that
allows a form of a ‘security freeze’ has unique rules, but essentially you
request this in writing and the credit bureaus then send you a password which

you may use to allow certain creditors (if you are purchasing a car, for
example) to view the credit report and restrict access to all others. This is a
safer means of protecting your credit than a fraud alert since some companies
will ignore the fraud alert and additional fraudulent accounts may be opened.

Please be aware that, while a fraud alert and security freeze on your credit report will
help protect you from additional fraud, it will slow the process should you need to
obtain credit.

2. Contact Financial Institutions and Other Agencies by Phone and In Writing

Upon review of your credit reports and fraudulent documents, correspondence and
account statements, follow these steps:

(1.) Call all institutions (these may be lenders, credit card companies, banks,
etc.) at which fraudulent activity occurred and -

(a.) Record the phone number, date of call and name of contact using the log
on page 30 of this guide.

(b.) If your legitimate accounts have been used fraudulently, cancel the
accounts that have been affected by fraud and open new accounts with that
institution. Request the account closures both orally and in writing. Request that
all fraud documentation be sent to you and the law enforcement investigator who
wrote your identity theft report. Ask the creditor to notify the credit bureau that
the account reported is a fraudulent account and that they remove it from your
credit profile.

(c.) Cancel any new accounts that were opened in your name by an identity
thief and make sure that they are closed and removed from your credit profile by
checking your credit report again.

(d.) If you have legitimate accounts that were not affected by fraud and you
are worried that the impostor has your information, ask that a Fraud Alert be
placed on your account profile with a new password instead of canceling those
accounts. Never use your mother's maiden name or your social security number as
your password. If you are still worried, ask for a new account number to be
assigned. Leaving the legitimate accounts not affected by fraud open is important
because it helps you maintain your good credit.

(e.) Confirm that the institution has your correct address and delete any
fraudulent address, phone numbers or other fraudulent information.

(f.) Request that all future correspondence with you regarding changes or
additions of names to your legitimate accounts be made to you in writing at your

home address or by fax at the fax number you provide. If they have any questions,
they should call the phone number that you provide.

(2) Write letters to all institutions at which fraudulent activity occurred by using the
letter template labeled “(FI/C)” on page 14. According to federal law, victims of
identity theft can gain access to records from a business that issued a fraudulent
account because of an identity theft (for example: applications for credit, sales
receipts, copies of checks and other records). You must provide a copy of the FTC
affidavit, government-issued identification and a copy of an identity theft report
from a law enforcement agency. The business is required to provide copies of these
records to you within 30 days of your request at no charge. You may also request
that copies be sent to the law enforcement investigator as well.

Always use certified mail with a request for a return receipt and make copies of the items
sent to an institution or creditor. Store your records in a safe place.

3. Report to Local Law Enforcement Authorities

In addition to calling the credit bureaus and the financial institutions to report the fraud
and close fraudulent accounts, you need to call law enforcement. File an "identity theft
report" with your local police, sheriff, Postal Inspector, FBI, Secret Service or Attorney
General. Any law enforcement agency will suffice. You may need information from the
financial institutions and credit bureaus described in steps 1 and 2 of this guide.

Even if the criminal has stolen your identity in a different state, you should call your local
law enforcement agencies for a report. If the crime was committed in another state, you
may also contact the FBI and the Secret Service. Do not be upset if the police do not
investigate. They have limited resources. The most important thing is for them to write a
report because that will be necessary to clear your good name. You must have an
"identity theft report" from law enforcement in order to ask the credit bureaus to place an
extended fraud alert on your file.

Be sure that the report lists all the fraud known at the time and be prepared to contact law
enforcement again to add to the report if you receive new evidence of further fraud. You
must get a copy of the "identity theft report" to send to the credit bureaus, the financial
institutions and necessary government agencies to clear your name. Some police agencies
may offer you simply a report number. This is not enough and, if this happens, call the
attorney general of your state.

In order to request a report, follow these steps:

(1.) Tell law enforcement what has happened to you and how you learned of the
fraud. Write a point by point history to give to law enforcement before you
meet with them to make their job easier. Be calm, be polite and be helpful -
even if you feel frustrated.

(2.) Show law enforcement the credit reports - but do not give them copies. (Those
reports have sensitive information which becomes public record if you give it
to them.) Instead, make a list of the fraudulent activity you found on each of
the credit reports i.e.: Equifax (list all fraud) Experian (list all fraud) and
TransUnion (list all fraud). Give law enforcement a copy of the document
listing the fraud and fraudulent accounts. Keep a copy of this list for yourself.
Make sure law enforcement attaches this document to the report and/or
includes it in their report.

(3.) Give copies of all evidence of fraud (letters from creditors, collection letters,
etc.) to law enforcement. Let them know you will provide further evidence
from financial institutions to help them.

(4.) Get a copy of the identity theft report from law enforcement as soon as

(5.) Document the steps you have taken by writing them down and keeping this
with your file.

(6.) Attach a copy of the police report to all future written correspondence you
send as you try to resolve fraudulent activities.

Be polite but persistent with the police because in many areas they are not sufficiently
staffed to deal efficiently with your identity theft.

4. Visit the FTC Website for information and resources and to make a complaint:

Call 1-877-ID-Theft (438-4338) or visit their website at The FTC

has many resources to provide you with additional information and suggestions for
resolving your identity theft, statistics on fraud and current news releases related to
identity theft. Do the following:

(1.) Complete the Identity Theft Affidavit included in this Customer Guide
(page 22). The Identity Theft Affidavit serves as a level of proof of your stolen
identity and summarizes the events. You will need to make as many copies of
this as necessary to send with your letters. You should also update it as new
events occur.

(2.) Please know that the FTC does not take on individual cases. If you wish
to call in or e-mail a complaint to the FTC on their website to let them know of
any problems you are having with a creditor, credit reporting agency or law
enforcement, they may refer you elsewhere for more advice. It is their job to take
action against companies with deceptive practices or major violations of the Fair
Credit Reporting Act.

(3.) Document the steps you have taken by writing them down and keeping
them with your file.

(4.) Attach a copy of the Identity Theft Affidavit to all future written
correspondence. This will serve as further proof that you are a victim for all
agencies and financial institutions. It will save time so that you will not have to
re-explain what has happened to you to everyone with whom you correspond .

5. Additional Resolution Resources

Stolen Checks

If any of the following have happened, call the financial institution involved: you have
had checks stolen, checks were fraudulently created with your bank account number to
steal money from your account or accounts were fraudulently established in your name.

You will also need to contact the appropriate check verification companies by phone and
by mail. Your bank should be able to provide you with a fraud affidavit and tell you
which check verification companies are reporting your name. Put stop payments on any
outstanding checks about which you are uncertain. Obtain new account numbers for your
checking and savings accounts. Give the bank a secret password for your account (not
your mother's maiden name). If your checks are rejected at stores where you shop,
contact the check verification company that the merchant uses. Consult with your
institution’s fraud department and send a follow-up letter using the attached letter
template labeled (FI/C) on page 14 of this booklet.

Notify the local Postal Inspector

If you suspect that a perpetrator has filed a change of address in your name with the post
office or if a fraudster has used the mail system to commit Identity Theft at a different
address, notify the Postal Inspector. (Call the U.S. Post Office to obtain the appropriate
postal phone number (800) 275-8777.) Find out where the fraudulent credit cards,
account statements, etc. were sent (you will see this information on your credit report).
Notify the local Postmaster to forward all mail in your name to your real address and
request that the mail carrier be advised accordingly. If possible, purchase a locking
mailbox for additional security. Send a follow-up letter using the Letter Template labeled
“(GA/F)” on page 17.

Additional information on postal fraud can be found on the U.S. Postal Service

ATM Cards

If your ATM or debit card has been stolen or compromised, immediately call the
financial institution to file a report. You must report fraudulent activity as soon a
possible to minimize your financial liability (usually within 60 days). Cancel the card
immediately and consider replacing a credit card branded debit card with a regular ATM
card that only allows transactions at bank machines. Such an ATM card can only be used
to deposit funds or get cash. It cannot be used for purchases unless you use a pin
(password). An impostor using a credit card branded debit card (i.e. with
Visa/MasterCard logo) can make purchases by forging your signature. This could drain
your account before you have an opportunity to review such charges. It is safer to use a
regular credit card for purchases instead because you have the opportunity to review the
billing statement before you pay. To protect your ATM card, obtain a new password. If
your ATM or debit card has been used fraudulently, have the bank close your checking
account and open a new account. If you do open a new account, be sure to notify any
companies that are making authorized deposits and withdrawals from your account of the
change. Follow-up in writing using the Letter Template labeled “(FI/C)” on page 14.

Social Security Number (SSN) Fraud

An identity thief may have used your SSN to apply for a job, file taxes, obtain your tax
refund, etc. Call the Social Security Administration and request a copy of your
Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement. Review it for accuracy and report any
fraudulent use of your SSN. Follow-Up in writing using the Letter Template labeled
“(GA/F)” on page 17.

Social Security Administration

Report fraud: (800) 269-0271
Order Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement: (800) 772-1213


Whether or not you have a Passport, U.S. Department of State Passport office using the
address provided in the Additional Resources section on page 32 and advise them that
you were victimized by Identity Theft. Follow the instructions provided to you by the
Passport office and confirm the conversation in writing with the attached Letter Template
labeled “(GA)” on page 17.

Additional information on passports can be found on the U.S. Department of

State’s website:

Phone Service

If your long distance calling card has been stolen or you discover fraudulent charges on
your bill for your land line or cell phone, cancel the account and open a new one. Select
a new password to be used and request that your account be “password flagged” for any
future account requests. Follow-up in writing with the attached Letter Template labeled
GA/U (page 20) and addressed to your service provider.

Driver’s License Number

You may need to change your driver’s license number if someone is using your number
as identification. Fraudsters often have false driver's licenses created from criminal
sources. These look like real documents but are not and the state license bureau cannot do
anything to stop the impostor from using a fake license. Call the state office of the
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to see if another license was issued in your name.
If your license has been used, go to your local DMV to request a new number. Ask for
the DMV’s complaint form to begin the fraud investigation process and place a fraud
alert on your profile. Send supporting documents with the completed form to the nearest
DMV investigation office.

False Civil and Criminal Judgments

(1.) Fraudulent Civil Judgments (as a result of actions taken by your

impostor): Victims of identity theft sometimes find that civil judgments have
been entered in their names (for example: bankruptcy, personal injury for
accidents, caused by their impostor, collection accounts, etc.). If you learn
that a judgment was entered or there is a lien against your home or property
due to a fraudulent judgment, you must contact the court and the attorneys
involved to get a copy of the file. You will need to notify the attorneys and
the judges to clear your name. Contact our offices immediately if you are
served by a court to determine if legal fees are covered by your policy. You
may need to hire an attorney to help you resolve the judgment because the
issues will be complex. Follow-up in writing with the attached Letter
Template labeled “(GA/C)” on page 19.

(2.) Criminal Actions, Arrests, and Judgments Caused By Your Impostor: If

you have been wrongfully accused of crimes committed by an impostor, it can
be very frightening and challenging. You should notify us immediately and
contact the police department and the court in the jurisdiction of the arrest.
Also contact the state Department of Justice and the FBI. Ask how to clear
your name in your state.

Tax Fraud

If you suspect tax fraud, you may request a transcript of activity for your tax ID number
using Form 4506 at

6. Tips for Protecting Yourself

1. Check your credit reports at least twice a year. You are entitled to one free
credit report from each of the three major credit reporting agencies each year.
Contact them at or toll free at 1-877-322-8228.

2. Do not provide any personal information to a third party unless you are
confident of the purpose and feel secure that the information will not be misused.
Never give information by e-mail.

3. Shred or destroy any documents that contain personal information before

putting them in the garbage.

4. Remove mail from your mailbox promptly. Get a locked mailbox if possible.

5. Notify your financial institution immediately if you suspect your accounts

have been compromised or if you have lost any cards or checks.

6. Keep a list of all account numbers in a secure, confidential place in case you
experience problems with lost cards or theft of checks.

7. Place only minimal personal information on the top of your checks. (Initials
plus last name and address.)

8. Do not store or write PIN information on plastic cards in pocket books or


9. Report any suspicious activity to law enforcement and your financial


10. Be sure to carefully review all account statements regularly. Notify your
financial institution immediately if there are discrepancies.

11. Ask service providers to stop using your Social Security Number as an
identifier. Ask for a different ID number.

12. Review your Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement from the Social
Security Administration annually.

Identity Theft and
Fraud Division


(CB) Notification of Fraud to Credit Bureaus


To: Fraud Department

Credit Bureau:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I called the fraud reporting number of your office on ______ (date) to inform you that I
have been the victim of identity theft. I would like to request that an extended fraud alert
be placed on my file, that you send me a free copy of my credit report and for your
assistance in clearing my credit. This is a formal summary of the information that I have
about the fraud at this time. On ________, I became aware that I have been the victim of
identity theft. I learned about the theft of my identity in the following manner:

I have completed the Federal Trade Commission’s ID Theft Affidavit and have attached
it to this letter. I am requesting the following (check all that apply):

Place an extended seven year Fraud Alert on my credit file and stating that no
credit is to be issued in my name without the credit grantor first calling me at the
following telephone number: _____________.

I learned from a credit grantor that a fraudulent address has appeared on my

report. Please correct your records to show the address listed at the top of this
letter. This has been my address for the past ___ years. Do not change this
address without written verification from me.

Please immediately block the following fraudulent items so they do not

appear in my report:

1. Incorrect Social Security number: __________________________________

2. Incorrect Addresses: _____________________________________________
3. Unauthorized Credit Card Accounts:

4. Unauthorized Credit Inquiries (creditors who received my report without my
permission): _______________________________________________________

Immediately cease selling my name to any credit grantor or other agency.

Take my name off all promotional lists permanently.

Notify all credit grantors and/or other agencies who have received my credit
report within the last year that there has been fraud committed against me. Copy
me on all correspondence that you send to the credit grantors.

Please send me any booklets or documents about my legal rights and any
additional information to help me deal with this fraud situation.

Thank you for your immediate attention to the items above. I look forward to receiving
my credit report, the items requested above and any other relevant information from you
about how to address the fraud and correct the fraudulent items on my credit report.

You may reach me during the day at _____________ and during the evening at
_____________. Please direct any correspondence to me at the address on the first page
of this letter.

Sincerely ,

Enclosed copies:

1. Government issued identification to verify my identity (i.e. driver’s license).

2. Utility bill to verify my address
3. Completed formal FTC ID Theft Affidavit
4. Identity Theft Report from law enforcement agency (Report Number ______).
5. Other: __________________________

(FI/C) Notification of Fraud to Financial Institutions and Credit Grantors


Account Number:

Fraud Department:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to you to report that I may have been the victim of identity theft. (Check all
that apply):

Please place a fraud alert on the account number referenced at the top of the

My address was fraudulently changed. Please refer to the correct address at

the top of this letter and make all appropriate corrections. The address above has
been my correct address for ____ years.

My checks were stolen or lost. Please close the account and open a new
account in my name with a new account number.

My credit/ATM/debit was stolen or lost. Please deactivate the card,

close the account and open a new one in my name with a new account number.

There are certain account activities/charges on my account which I did not

make. I have highlighted these fraudulent charges on the statement(s) attached.
Please remove these charges along with any finance charges or other charges
related to the fraudulent activity. Upon completion of your investigation, please
alert the appropriate credit bureaus of the correction to my information.

I would like to have my account ‘password flagged’. Please provide me with

the appropriate contact and procedure for having this done.

The following accounts were fraudulently opened in my name. Please close

these accounts: ___________________________________________________

Please note that I notified you as soon as I learned of the fraud and I will
not be responsible for any charges to any accounts fraudulently opened in
my name. Immediately close the account(s) and inform the Credit
Reporting Agencies that it was fraudulent and that it should be removed
from my credit profile. Do not sell or transfer any debts related to the
fraud and do not turn these accounts over to a collection agency. Please
respond to me in no more than thirty (30) days of your receipt of this
letter. Once you have completed your investigation, please correct any
errors on my account and provide me with an accurate statement of my

Based on Federal Law (The Fair Credit Reporting Act), please

immediately send me copies of the following within 30 days:

1. The address, phone number and password for the fraudulent

account opened.
2. The original application and/or forged signature or electronic
3. All copies of billing statements and any other correspondence
related to this account.
4. Any other information regarding this account.
5. Any fingerprints, photos, or video of the impersonator.
6. Application records or screen prints of Internet/phone applications.
7. Statements.
8. Payments/Charge Slips.
9. Investigator’s Summary - electronic or otherwise
10. Delivery addresses.
11. All records of phone numbers used to activate the accounts or used
to access the accounts.
12. Any other documents associated with the account

Please copy my fraud investigator at ___________________ Police

Department at this address __________________________________ on
the items requested above.
Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to receiving the information requested
above at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at
________________ .


Enclosed copies:
1. Government issued ID to verify my identity (i.e. driver’s license)
2. Utility bill to verify my address
3. Completed FTC ID Theft Affidavit
4. Police Report from law enforcement
5. Other:_________________________

(FI/CV) Financial Institution – Check Verification Problems


Financial Institution:
Attn: Fraud Department

Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently learned I have been the victim of identity fraud. An imposter has used my
name, Social Security number and other identifying information to gain credit, open
accounts and commit other acts fraudulently. My checks may have been stolen or forged
as well. This has led to problems with check verification companies declining my checks
in spite of the fact that I have been working with you to resolve this problem. I would
like to request the following:

That you provide me with the names of the check verification companies with
whom you do business and may be reporting my checks as bad or fraudulent.

Information on how to contact the check verification companies who may be

reporting fraudulent information using my personally identifying information.

I am requesting a formal investigation by your agency. I have enclosed a copy of my

identity theft report from my local law enforcement agency and my completed FTC ID
Theft Affidavit. Please provide documentation of all evidence of the fraud to me and my
fraud investigator at this address: ____________________________
________________________ within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Please do not change my address without verification from me at my home address

(provided at the top of this letter or by phone at this number_____________________.

Thank you for your assistance.


Enclosed copies:
1. Government issued ID to verify my identity
2. Identity Theft Report from law enforcement
3. FTC ID Theft Affidavit
4. Utility bill to verify my address
5. Other: _________________________

(GA/F) Notification of Fraud to Government Agencies


Government Agency:
Attn: Fraud Department

Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently learned I have been the victim of identity fraud. An imposter has used my
name, Social Security number and other identifying information to gain credit, open
accounts and commit other acts fraudulently. This person may have used my information
in the following manner:

(For Postal Inspector) My address was fraudulently changed. Please forward

all mail to the address at the top of this letter and provide me the contact
information for the mail carrier so I may alert him/her.

(For Social Security Administration) Someone has attempted to work

fraudulently using my name and/or Social Security Number. Please provide me
my Personal Earnings and Benefit Statement.

(For IRS) I am concerned that the impersonator will use my Social Security
number to adversely affect my taxes. Please note my address above and notify
me if you receive tax information from a different address.

(Passport Agency) I believe someone may have gotten a passport in my name.

Please investigate and provide me with any relevant documentation.

Please place a fraud alert on my account to help prevent this from happening again. I am
requesting a formal investigation by your agency. I have enclosed a copy of my identity
theft report from my local law enforcement agency and my completed FTC ID Theft
Affidavit. Please provide documentation of all evidence of the fraud to me and my fraud
investigator at this address: ___________________________
________________________within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Please do not change my address without verification from me at my home address or by

phone at this number_____________________.

Thank you for your assistance.


Enclosed copies:
1. Government issued ID to verify my identity
2. Identity Theft Report from law enforcement
3. FTC ID Theft Affidavit
4. Utility bill to verify my address
5. Other: _________________________

(GA/C) Notification of Fraud to Courts about Civil Judgments



Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently learned I have been the victim of identity fraud. An imposter has used my
name, Social Security number and other identifying information to gain credit, open
accounts and commit other acts fraudulently.

Due to the actions of this imposter, civil judgments have been wrongly entered against
me. I would like to request that all documentation concerning any judgments entered
against me in the past ________be sent to me at the address provided at the top of this
letter. I have provided any information I have about these judgments here:

I am requesting a formal investigation by your agency. I have enclosed a copy of my

identity theft report from my local law enforcement and my completed affidavit from by
the Federal Trade Commission. Please provide documentation of all evidence of the
fraud to me and my fraud investigator at this address: ____________________________
___________________________________ within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Please do not change my address without verification from me at my home address or by

phone at this number_____________________.

Thank you for your assistance.


Enclosed copies:
1. Government issued ID to verify my identity
2. Identity Theft Report from law enforcement
3. FTC ID Theft Affidavit
4. Utility bill to verify my address
5. Other: _________________________

(GA/U) Notification of Fraud to Utilities


Utility Company:
Attn: Fraud Department

Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently learned I have been the victim of identity fraud. An imposter has used my
name, Social Security number and other identifying information to gain credit, open
accounts and commit other acts fraudulently. Some of the accounts opened in my name
may have been utility accounts (such as electricity, telephone, water). The only accounts
that should be open in my name and with my billing information are the following:

Electricity Provider:

Telephone Company:

Water Utility:

Cellular Telephone Company:



Please place a fraud alert on my account to help keep this from happening in the future. I
am requesting a formal investigation by your agency of any accounts other than these
opened with my personal information. I have enclosed a copy of my identity theft report

from my local law enforcement and my completed affidavit from by the Federal Trade
Commission. Please provide documentation of all evidence of the fraud to me and my
fraud investigator at this address: ___________________________________________
_____________________________ within 30 days of receipt of this letter.

Please do not change my address without verification from me at my home address or by

phone at this number_____________________.

Thank you for your assistance.


Enclosed copies:
1. Government issued ID to verify my identity
2. Identity Theft Report from law enforcement
3. ID Theft Affidavit from the FTC
4. Utility bill to verify my address
5. Other: _________________________

Federal Trade Commission’s Uniform Affidavit

This document was developed for the Federal Trade Commission in Washington, D.C. by
law enforcement, members of the financial industry, privacy advocates and others to
provide a uniform reporting mechanism for Identity Theft victims. Although companies
are not required to accept this specific affidavit, it is hoped that the new federal
regulations will recommend this specific affidavit to be accepted by all companies in all

Please use this form and update it frequently with additional information. Keep hard
copies and a copy on your computer for easy amending.

ID Theft Affidavit

Victim Information

(1) My full legal name is

(First) (Middle) (Last) (Jr., Sr., III)

(2) (If different from above) When the events described in this affidavit took place, I was
known as
(First) (Middle) (Last) (Jr., Sr., III)

(3) My date of birth is ____________________


(4) My Social Security number is________________________________

(5) My driver’s license or identification card state and number are


(6) My current address is

City ___________________________ State _________________
Zip Code ______________

(7) I have lived at this address since ____________________


(8) (If different from above) When the events described in this affidavit took place, my
address was

City ___________________________ State _________________
Zip Code ______________

(9) I lived at the address in Item 8 from __________ until __________

(month/year) (month/year)

(10) My daytime telephone number is (____)____________________

My evening telephone number is (____)____________________

How the Fraud Occurred

Check all that apply for items 11 - 17:
(11) ❑ I did not authorize anyone to use my name or personal information to seek the
money, credit, loans, goods or services described in this report.

(12) ❑I did not receive any benefit, money, goods or services as a result of the events
described in this report.

(13) ❑My identification documents (for example, credit cards; birth certificate; driver’s
license; Social Security card; etc.) were ❑stolen ❑lost on or about __________________.

(14) ❑ To the best of my knowledge and belief, the following person(s) used my
information (for example, my name, address, date of birth, existing account numbers,
Social Security number, mother’s maiden name, etc.) or identification documents to get
money, credit, loans, goods or services without my knowledge or authorization:

______________________________ ______________________________
Name (if known) Name (if known)
______________________________ ______________________________
Address (if known) Address (if known)
______________________________ ______________________________
Phone number(s) (if known) Phone number(s) (if known)
______________________________ ______________________________
Additional information (if known) Additional information (if known)

(15) ❑I do NOT know who used my information or identification documents to get

money, credit, loans, goods or services without my knowledge or authorization.

(16) ❑Additional comments: (For example, description of the fraud, which documents or
information were used or how the identity thief gained access to your information.)

(Attach additional pages as necessary.)

Victim’s Law Enforcement Actions

(17) (check one) I ❑am ❑am not willing to assist in the prosecution of the person(s) who
committed this fraud.

(18) (check one) I ❑am ❑am not authorizing the release of this information to law
enforcement for the purpose of assisting them in the investigation and prosecution of the
person(s) who committed this fraud.

(19) (check all that apply) I ❑have ❑have not reported the events described in this
affidavit to the police or other law enforcement agency. The police ❑did ❑did not write a
report. In the event you have contacted the police or other law enforcement agency,
please complete the following:
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Agency #1) (Officer/Agency personnel taking report)
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Date of report) (Report number, if any)
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Agency #2) (Officer/Agency personnel taking report)
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Date of report) (Report number, if any)
_____________________________ _________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)

Documentation Checklist

Please indicate the supporting documentation you are able to provide to the companies
you plan to notify. Attach copies (NOT originals) to the affidavit before sending it to the

(20) ❑A copy of a valid government-issued photo-identification card (for example, your

driver’s license, state-issued ID card or your passport). If you are under 16 and don’t
have a photo-ID, you may submit a copy of your birth certificate or a copy of your
official school records showing your enrollment and place of residence.

(21) ❑Proof of residency during the time the disputed bill occurred, the loan was made or
the other event took place (for example, a rental/lease agreement in your name, a copy of
a utility bill or a copy of an insurance bill).

(22) ❑A copy of the report you filed with the police or sheriff’s department. If you are
unable to obtain a report or report number from the police, please indicate that in Item 19.
Some companies only need the report number, not a copy of the report. You may want to
check with each company.


I declare under penalty of perjury that the information I have provided in this affidavit is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

________________________________ _________________________
(signature) (date signed)

Knowingly submitting false information on this form could subject you to criminal
prosecution for perjury.


[Check with each company. Creditors sometimes require notarization. If they do not,
please have one witness (non-relative) sign below that you completed and signed this


_______________________________ __________________________
(signature) (printed name)

_______________________________ __________________________
(date) (telephone number)

Fraudulent Account Statement

I declare (check all that apply):
❑As a result of the event(s) described in the ID Theft Affidavit, the following account(s)
was/were opened at your company in my name without my knowledge, permission or
authorization using my personal information or identifying documents:
Creditor Name/Address (the company that opened the account or provided the goods or
Account Number:
Type of unauthorized credit/goods/services provided by creditor:
Date issued or opened (if known):
Amount/Value Provided (the amount charged or the cost of the goods/services):

Example National Bank
22 Main Street
Columbus, Ohio 22722
auto loan

❑During the time of the accounts described above, I had the following account open with
your company:
Billing name: _____________________________________________________
Billing address: ___________________________________________________
Account number: __________________________________________________

Identity Theft and Fraud Division Claim Form

Instructions for Completing the Form

1. Complete all fields in print using a black-ink pen

2. Leave fields that are not applicable blank
3. Indicate all charges incurred under applicable categories and attach
corresponding receipts to the form when finished
4. Sign and Date the form and have it notarized
5. Include a copy of the identity theft report from law enforcement
6. Include a copy of your FTC Affidavit
7. Copy the form and corresponding receipts prior to sending it to the claims
processing center
8. When completed, forward the claim form to:

AIG Identity Theft Division

80 Pine Street, 13th floor
New York, NY 10005

Policy Information

Master Policy Holder Number:

Program Name:

Claimant Information

Claimant’s Name:

Claimant’s Address:

Claimant’s Phone:

Claimant’s Email:

Loss Information

When did you learn about the fraudulent activity? (date) (if you know)

When was the first fraudulent activity committed? (You may just attach the
FTC Affidavit).

Describe the nature of this fraudulent activity:

For further instruction: Call 1-866-IDHELP2 (434-3572)

Out-of-Pocket Expense Report

*Notations for Type of Expense: SP = Standard Postage, AF = Application Fees, C =

Courier, CR = Credit Reports, P = Phone Charges, O = Other [Notary Fees, Re-
application Fees, etc.]

Date Type* Reason for Expense Expense Amount

Lost Wages Expense Report

Date # of Hours Reason Wages Lost

* For lost wages, please include a copy of your pay stub as well as a note from your HR
department that the time taken from work was identity theft related.


Declaration: the undersigned declares that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, the
statements set forth herein are true. The company is hereby authorized to make any
investigation and inquiry in connection with this notification that is deemed

Claimant Signature: Date:

___________________________ ____________________________

Subscribed and sword before me, the undersigned, at ____________ on the

____________ day of the month of ______________, 2005.

Notarization: Total pages attached:

___________________________ ____________________

Notary Signature: Date:

___________________________ ____________________

False information: Any person who, knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance
company or other person, files a notice of potential loss under the aforementioned policy number
containing any false information, or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information
concerning any fact thereto commits a fraudulent act, which is a crime.

Correspondence Log

This correspondence log is designed to help you keep track of your correspondence, time
and expenses related to your identity theft event. It is meant to serve as a tool to assist
you, not to replace the claim form. Please use this information to fill out your claim
form, but you will still have to complete the claim form in this booklet.

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________

Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Date: ____________ Company or Agency: ___________________________________

Name of Person: ________________ Title: ____________________________________
Phone/Fax/Email: ________________________________________________________
Time Spent: __________________ Expenses Incurred: ________________________
Certified Mail Date: ________ Response Date: ________ Call Back Date: _________

Resources to Assist You

Identity Theft and Privacy Protection Consumers Union

Publishes Consumer Reports magazine and also acts as an
CALPIRG (California Public Interest Research Group) advocacy office for consumer legislation.
A research and lobbying consumer group that address issues
of identity theft and consumer issues. 1666 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 310
Washington, D.C. 20009-1039
1107 9th St., Suite 601 Phone: (202) 462-6262
Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: (202) 265-9548
Phone: (916) 448-4516 Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Electronic Privacy Information Center
Monitors federal legislation and encryption policy pertaining
Center for Democracy and Technology to freedom of expression issues on the Internet.
The goal of this organization is to bring democracy to the
Internet. 1718 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
1634 “I” Street NW, Suite 1100 Phone: (202) 483-1140
Washington, D.C. 20006 Fax: (202) 483-1248
Phone: (202) 637-9800 e-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (202) 637-0968 Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Federal Citizen Information Center
Referral to appropriate agency
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (800) 688-9889
Provides policy makers with realistic assessments of power, (800) 333-4636
promise and problems of information technology.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
P. O. Box 717 For cellular phone and long distance fraud.
Palo Alto, CA 94302
Phone: (650) 322-3778 Consumer Information Bureau
E-mail [email protected] 445 12th Street SW, Room 5A863
Website: Washington, DC 20554
(888) 225-5322
Consumer Action Credit and Finance Project Email: [email protected]
Provides publications on secured credit. Website:

717 Market Street Suite 310 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
San Francisco, CA 94103 The FDIC supervises state-chartered banks that are not
Phone: (415) 777-9635 – complaint hot line members of the Federal Reserve System and insures
Phone: (415) 255-3879 – publication orders deposits at banks and savings and loans.
Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs
Consumer Federation of America 550 17th Street NW
Association of 240 pro-consumer groups whose aim is to Washington, DC 20429
advance consumer interest through advocacy and education. Phone: (800) 934-3342 or (202) 736-0000
1424 16th St. NW, Suite 604 Website:
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 387-6121

Federal Reserve System Internal Revenue Service
The Fed supervises state-chartered banks that are members Office of the Privacy Advocate
of the Federal Reserve System Room 7050 OS:PA
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
Division of Consumer and Community Affairs Washington, D.C. 20224
Mail Stop 801 Fraud: (800) 829-0433
20th St. and Constitution NW Taxpayer Advocates Office:
Federal Reserve Board Phone: (877) 777-4778
Washington, DC 20551 Website: or
Phone: (202) 452-3693
Website: Junkbusters Corp.
Provides self-defense against privacy-invading marketing
The Federal Trade Commission
Identity Theft Clearinghouse P.O. Box 7034,
The Consumer Protection Mission of the FTC is to protect Green Brook NJ 08812
consumers from companies that misinform or overreach with Phone: (908) 753 7861
regard to our economy. Website:
Identity Theft Clearinghouse
600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Please do not send requests to be removed from marketing
Washington, DC 20580 lists to this address.
Phone: (877) IDTHEFT (438-4338) Junkbusters only operates online. Requests may be mailed to
Website: the Direct Marketing Association.

The Foundation For Taxpayer and Consumer Rights National Center for Victims of Crime
Non-profit organization to support consumer rights. Refers victims of crime to local services. Provides
1750 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 200 counseling and victim services. Publishes bulletins on
Santa Monica, CA 90405 various criminal topics.
Phone: (310) 392-0522
Fax: (310) 392-8874 2000 M. St. NW, Suite 480
Email: [email protected] Washington, D.C. 20036
Website: Phone: (800) FYI-CALL or (202) 467-8700
Identity Theft Prevention and Survival
Provides assistance to consumers and identity theft victims National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
with resources, books, and legal assistance. Attorney: Mari The NCUA charters and supervises federal credit unions and
Frank insures deposits at federal credit unions and many state credit
Mari J. Frank, Esq.
28202 Cabot Road #300 Compliance Offer, National Credit Union Administration
Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 1175 Duke Street, Suite 4206
Phone: (800) 725-0807 or (949) 364-1511 Alexandria, VA 22314-3437
Fax: (949) 363-7561 Phone: (703) 518-6360
e-mail: [email protected] Website:
National Fraud Information Center
Identity Theft Resource Center Consumer Assistance Service
Provides support and assistance to victims of identity theft. Phone: (800) 876-7060 – help line for victims of fraud
Co-Directors: Linda Goldman-Foley, Jay Foley Website:
P.O. Box 26833, San Diego, Ca. 92196
Phone: (858) 693-7935
e-mail: [email protected]

National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA)
Refers victims of crime to local victim assistance programs. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
A non-profit consumer information, privacy protection, and
1730 Park Rd., NW advocacy program.
Washington, D.C. 20010 Beth Givens, Director
Phone: (202) 232-6682 Hotline: (800) 879-6682 3100 5th Ave. Suite B
Website: San Diego, CA 92103
Phone: (619) 298-3396
Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Fax: (619) 298-5681
The OCC charters and supervises national banks. If the Website:
word “national” appears in the name of a bank, or the initials
“N.A” of its name, then the OCC oversees its operations. Private Citizen, Inc
Provides information and assistance on how to get rid of
Customer Assistance Group junk mailers and junk callers.
1301 McKinney Street, Suite 3450
Houston, TX 77010 P. O. Box 233
Phone: (800) 613-6743 Naperville, IL 60566
FAX: (713) 336-4301 (800) CUT-JUNK (288-5865)
Website: (630) 393-2370
Email: [email protected]
Office of Privacy Protection-California Website:
Provides information for consumers and victims regarding
California and Federal Law. Social Security Administration
400 “R” Street, Suite 3080 Office of Inspector General
Sacramento, CA 95814 Social Security Administration
Phone: (866)785-9663 Office of Communications
(916) 323-0637 Suite 300 Altmeyer Building
Website: 6401 Security Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21235
Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) To report Fraud: (800) 269-0271
The OTS is the primary regulator of all federal, and many P.O. Box 17768
state-chartered thrift institutions which include savings banks Baltimore, MD 21235
and savings and loan institutions. To order Personal Earnings and Benefits Statement: (800)
Office of Thrift Supervision Office of Inspector General:
1700 “G” Street NW (800) 269-0271
Washington, DC 20552 Website:
Phone: (202) 906-6000
Email: [email protected]
Website: US Department of State
Passport Services
Privacy International Consular Lost/Stolen Passport Section
A public interest research group that deals with privacy 1111 19th Street, NW, Suite 500
issues at the national and international level. Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 955-0430
1718 Connecticut Avenue. NW, Suite 200 Website:
Washington, DC 200009
Phone; (202) 483-1217
Email: [email protected]

U.S. PIRG Global Payments, Inc.
U.S. Public Interest Research Group, the national lobbying Attn: Fraud Dept.
office for state PIRGs. 6215 W. Howard
Edmund Mierzwinski, Director Niles, IL 60714
218 “D” St., SE Phone: (800) 766-2748
Washington, D.C. 20003 Fax: (847) 647-8023
Phone: (202) 546-9707 Website:
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Shared Check Authorization Network (SCAN),
Electronic Transaction Corp.
U.S. Postal Inspection Service 7805 Hudson Road, Suite 100,
475 L’Enfant Plaza West SW Woodbury, MN 55125
Room 3100 Phone: (877) 382-7226
Washington, D.C. 20260-1000 Fax: (800) 358-4506
Phone: (202) 268-4396 Website:
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Consumer Affairs
The SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Assistance P. O. Box 4451
serves investors who complain to the SEC about investment Houston, TX 77210-4451
fraud or the mishandling of their investments by securities Phone: (800) 710-9898
professionals. Fax: (713) 332-9300
SEC Office of Investor Education and Assistance
450 Fifth Street NW
Washington, DC 20549-0213 Consumer Reports: Information Brokers
Phone: (202) 942-7040 Federal law allows all consumers to obtain one free specialty
Website: consumer report per year from major Specialty Reporting
Agencies. If someone has used your name and social
U.S. Trustee (UST) security for employment purposes, get health care, etc. you
Contact the Trustee in the region where fraudulent won’t find that information on your credit report. It’s a good
bankruptcy was filed. idea to check these information brokers to see what
Website: information is collected and sold about you.

Check-Verification/Check-Guarantee Firms: Prepares and maintains information on consumers for
insurance, employment and tenant history.
Certegy Check Services, Inc.,
P. O. Box 30046, or
Tampa, FL 33630 Phone for free auto or homeowner’s insurance report:
Phone: (800) 437-5120 (866) 312-8076
Fax: (727) 570-4936 Phone for free tenant history report:
Website: (877) 448-5732
Phone for free employment background check
Chexsystems, Consumer Relations, (866) 312-8075
7805 Hudson Rd, Suite 100
Woodbury, MN 55125 Medical Information Bureau (MIB)
Phone: (800) 428-9623 A nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency that
Fax: (602) 659-2197 collects, profiles, and maintains records concerning life,
Website: disability and health information for insurance purposes.
Cross Check (Check Center Inquiry) Toll free number (866) 692-6901
P.O. Box 6008,
Petaluma, CA 94955
Phone: (800) 843-0760

Credit Card Companies: TransUnion

American Express To report fraud: (800) 680-7289

Phone: (800) 528-2122 Fraud Victim Assistance Division
Website: P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92834-6790
MasterCard Global Service Center
Phone: (800) 307-7309 To order copy of report: (800) 888-4213
Website: P.O. Box 6790
Fullerton, CA 92834-6790
Visa Assistance Center Website:
Phone: (800) VISA911 (Hotline)
Website: To opt out of pre-approved offers of credit for all three credit
reporting agencies:
Credit Reporting Bureaus: (888) 5 OPTOUT [(888) 567-8688] This will stop the credit
reporting agencies from selling your name and
To order your free reports from all three major credit creditworthiness on promotion for five years. If you wish to
reporting agencies once a year: opt-out permanently you must write to each of the agencies
Call 877- 322-8228 or visit at the addresses above.

Equifax Data Compilers:

To remove your name from lists that companies rent and sell,
To report fraud: (800) 525-6285 write or call the following companies:
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Mail Preference Service
Direct Marketing Association
To order copy of report: (800) 685-1111 P.O. Box 643
P.O. Box 740241 Carmel, NY 10512-0643
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 Website:
Federal Trade Commission Do Not Call Registry
Experian (formerly TRW) 1-888-382-1222
(Must call from the phone number that you wish to register)
To report fraud: (888) 397-3742 Website:
Experian Consumer Fraud Assistance
P.O. Box 9532 First Data Info-Source Donnelley Marketing, Inc.
Allen, TX 75013 Data Base Operations
416 S. Bell
To order copy of report: (888) 397-3742 Aims, IA 50010
P.O. Box 9532 Phone: (888) 633-4402
Allen, TX 75013
Legal Resources:

Center for Law in the Public Interest

Non profit law firm that specializes in public interest
litigation and counseling on public policy.

3250 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 300

Santa Monica, CA 90405
Phone: (310) 314-1947
Fax: (310) 314-1957
Email: [email protected]

Criminal Justice Information Services Division
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20535-0001
Phone: (202) 324-3000
National Fraud Info Hotline: (800) 876-7060
If someone has committed a crime using your identity, write
to the FBI and ask for your criminal history include your
fingerprints and a check for $18.00 explain that you are a
victim of identity theft.
IFCC (Internet Fraud Complaint Center) FBI

National Association of Consumer Advocates

1730 Rhode Island NW, Suite 805

Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 452-1989
Fax: (202) 452-0099
E-mail: [email protected]

National Consumer Law Center, Inc.

Provides case assistance and legal research. Provides
representation for low income and community based

77 Summer St., 10th Floor

Boston, MA 02110-1006
Phone: (617) 542-8010
Fax: (617) 542-8028
E-mail: [email protected]

National Association of Attorneys General

Consumer Protection and Charities Counsel
750 First Street, N.E. Suite 1100
Washington, D.C. 20002
Phone: (202) 326-6000
Fax: (202) 408-7014

U.S. Department of Justice, Identity Theft Information



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