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The key takeaways are that Aroma Finance is proposing a solution to authenticate users and businesses on blockchains by collecting distributed user data, automating policies and operations, and focusing on data quality, control and risks.

Aroma Finance is trying to solve the problem of lack of user identity on blockchains, which makes widespread adoption difficult and allows criminal activities like money laundering.

The main components of Aroma Finance's solution are collection of distributed user data, automation of policies and operations, focus on control and risks, data quality and monitoring, communication and transparency, and a comprehensive authentication process.


A solution for the authentication of users and businesses on the

blockchains network

v 1.0

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1.Abstract ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 3

2.Summary ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 3

3.Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ............... 6

4.Solution ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 9

4. 1: Collection of distributed user data ................................ ............................. 9

4. 2: Automation and standardization of policies and operations ......... 10

4. 3: Focus on control and risks ................................ ................................ .......... 10

4. 4: Data quality and monitoring ................................ ................................ ....... 11

4. 5: Communication and transparency ................................ ......................... 12

4. 6: Suspicious activity report ................................ ................................ ............ 12

4. 7: Comprehensive authentication process ................................ ............... 13

5.Technical S tructure: ................................ ................................ .............................. 14

6.Development Team ................................ ................................ ............................... 17

7.Roadmap ................................ ................................ ................................ ................... 17

8.Token Information ................................ ................................ ................................ . 18

9.Token Economics ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 18

10.Contact Information ................................ ................................ ........................... 19

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Aroma Finance: A solution for the authentication of users and businesses on
the blockchains network.

1.Abstract: The biggest goal of cryptocurrencies is to become a tool

of the biggest problems in this way is not to identify users. This unknown
causes an acceptance of a currencies in the real world. But what is the
solution? On the other hand, there is a positive point for many people and
businesses, and on the other hand, many daily exchanges will challenge
people. The network is trying to solve this problem, It is if the
privacy of individuals is maintained and the current problems can be
resolved. We introduce the practical tools of authentication in blockchain
networks. Aroma Finance goal is to create a blockchain network parallel to
other networks that will be achievable with the possibility of authentication
in blockchain networks.

2.Summary : The architecture of all modern blockchains su ers from

a number of problems, one of these is the lack of clarity in the identity of
the users, which makes their acceptance very di cult by the general
public and the community. These problems have caused the main
purpose of the cryptocurrencies, namely, the use of currencies to be
used in the daily nancial transactions of the people. Currently the
biggest advantage of encryption, investment, and money laundering, as
well as money laundering and criminal operations, and this eld is
distancing itself from its original ideal. One of the biggest problems
currently is complicated, long, and unintelligible who have no identity

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and are unknown. We explain the above problems with a few simple
examples, Suppose Michael wants to buy a website domain using a
crypto currencies, the service provider will send his wallet address and
payable amount to Michael, then Michael gets his destination address
into his wallet, but when the transaction fails, she gets stressed out and
checks the characters again, for if the slightest mistake is made in
involving the long and complicated characters of the destination 's
wallet. To confirm the transaction, that amount will be lost forever in the
network and no one will ever have access to it. On the other hand, if the
operator is involved in the domain sales, or send a wrong address to its
customers for any reason. Customers do the transaction, and the
accounts are deducted from their accounts. But this asset will never
reach the company and no one can return it. Now Suppose that none of
the above steps will occur, and Michael does the transaction correctly
and the estate will reach its destination properly. But if the service
provider doesn't make a decision for any reason why he doesn't give
Michael services. Michael can't prove that she deposited money in the
company's account and through the legal system, he can 't follow up his
money transfer. Because the company can claim that the address
Michael has deposited will not belong to their company and they haven't
received any money. On the other hand, governments need funds to
continue their lives. If the financial turnover of the companies and
individuals is not known, it is virtually impossible to compute the tax and
governments cannot calculate the income or property of anyone and
one of the biggest sources of income from many of the world's
governments is to collect taxes from people and businesses. Let's
assume that instead of using the payment method, Michael would
choose to choose the payment option in the traditional manner. In this

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case, the company sends account number to Michael. These numbers
usually have a certain form and are very simple. Then Michael enters
the bank system and carries out the characters. And in the next phase,
the company name appears on the bank page. That is, this address
belongs to the company. Michael assures the company's name that the
characters are correctly imported and approves the transaction calmly,
without any apprehension. It then sends the money to the company and
buys the domain without any problems. On the other hand, the
government can examine the transaction and by calculating the profits
of the company, calculated and received the company's sales tax. This
applies to exchanges between individuals. The original idea of the
agoman project begins here, where, for example, Michael wants to pay
for his housekeeper's salary and according to your appointment
between Michael and the housekeeper, Michael is required to deposit a
certain amount every month to the housekeeper's account. And this
process is very simple every month, so that the caretaker sends his
credit card number, usually a very specific format and a number of
simple short numbers for Michael. Michael enters the porter's card
number in the bank system and in the next stage, the porter's full profile
includes the name and name on the screen and, without examining the
characters again with uncertainty, without worrying, he acknowledges
the transaction, and if the housekeeper later claimed that he had not
paid his money, he had to prove that he had paid the porter's pay. The
government is also able to accurately calculate and receive the tax of
Michael and the caretaker on account of the accounts. However, if this
transaction is to be carried out using a system of currencies, many
problems include not specifying the origin of origin and the destination
as well as the possibility of making mistakes by one of the parties, and

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the loss of the asset and if the porter claims that he has not received his
salary, Michael can't prove that he paid his salary. Agoman is a solution
for solving problems and it causes a currencies to be used in the
everyday transactions of people and organizations.

3.Introduction : Nowadays, authentication is one of the most

important part of people's lives and where you're going to have
sensitive activities such as dealing, creating accounts in money
exchange, transferring ownership, opening bank accounts and
obtaining a loan, you need to prove your identity. However , today's
systems are highly complex and weak, and security shortcomings of
such systems have frequently led to financial fraud, money laundering
and other financial crimes. For example, the information and identity of
the clients of the concentrated services has been disclosed and abused.

On the other hand, the identification or Know Your Customer or Or

briefly "KYC" is a long process regardless of its application. The sheer
volume of paperwork associated with such processes has led to
inefficiencies in data collection from customers to inefficiencies in data
collection in centralized systems. This unstable, complex, and uncertain
environment has enabled the aroma finance to cope with the blockchain
based solutions to match customer recognition laws. The blockchain
technology allows the creation of a distributed general office that can
be shared with all network users. In other words, thanks to blockchain
technology, there is no monopoly authority and therefore, unlike the
client - server model or the client - server model, there will be no single

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The blockchain database is inherently immutable, and this feature
makes the database information much more reliable. Such databases
can be used to store the profile of individuals in a way that is quite
trustwo rthy. It differs from other systems that the information stored
on this type of system is shared among all members of a network. By
means of encryption and data distribution, the possibility of hacking,
removal and manipulation of recorded information is almost destroyed.
Consider the blockchain as the archive where the information is
recorded. It may not be so different from what you are familiar with, Like

By using a blockchain, many people can enter into a database of

information and users can also control how to record and update

The structure and type of work of this technology are not very different
from Wikipedia's website. Articles on Wikipedia's online encyclopedia
articles are not a product of a writer. Anyone can publish on this site by
observing Wikipedia's laws. So in Wikipedia, not just one person
controls the information.

However, with deeper checks, the differences that make the Chinese
block technology unique become clear. While both run on distributed
networks (Internet), Wikipedia on the World Wide Web (WWW) is
designed using a "client server" model.

This means that on Wikipedia, data are stored on a centralized server.

Even if users don't, one or more people have control over all the data
and they can change or completely eliminate them.

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In Wikipedia, a user (client), with permits specified by the system, may
change all or some Wikipedia entries stored in a centralized server.

Each time a user accesses the Wikipedia page, they receive an updated
version of an article in the database (master copy). But the main
difference is that database control is still retained with the editors of
Wikipedia, and the control of the accesses and permits is maintained by
a central authority. In a way, Wikipedia administrators can delete an
article at any time. However, in blockchain, database data owner is the
same network users, and the information is not clear on it.

This technology can have many other uses except digital currencies,
and where the need for a space to store data and relieve the need for
trust is possible.

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4.Solution : In the future, the blockchain applications in consumer
recognition and authentication can greatly reduce the costs of any
industry that relies on authentication, because blockchain technology
enables institutions and other institutions to use a secure, organized,
and unified model for data management.

In the following we refer to some points in the use of blockchain in the

authentication process.

4. 1: Collection of distributed user data

With a blockchain technology - based customer recognition system,
financial areas do not need to perform authentication process.

Currently, the data are collected and stored in a centralized system,

such as a repository. To achieve this data, customer recognition
services must share their customer data with firms that need these
data. By applying blockchain - based solutions in the customer
recognition process, the data will be available on a decentralized
network and so, different companies and entities can access the data
via private key after obtaining permission from the user.

Since the data are captured only after confirmation or authorization,

this system customer recognition is based on blockchain provides
better security to protect the data. In this system, unauthorized access
to the data is not possible and as a result, people have more control
over their data.

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4. 2: Automation and standardization of policies and operations
Organizations, businesses and other institutions collect customer data
every day. Almost all aspects of daily life, ranging from paying bill to
booking, our personal data, especially the name, address, card number,
and … are required.

Considering the recent advances in standardization of customer

recognition policies and the increasing amount of data collected, it is
now possible to use the blockchain - based solutions to use smart
contracts to implement the control and operational processes.

Customer recognition workflow routing (duplicate activities required to

authenticate customers) can be facilitated through cryptocurrencies in
smart contracts and standardization across the industry. This can
enhance the efficiency of systems based on blockchain authentication
and reduce the need for manual monitoring.

In addition, improvements of Digitization techniques also help to

implement multi lingual solutions using translation tools and smart

4. 3: Focus on control and risks

The financial domain can reduce potential risks by limiting the amount
of human input data. This is possible through standardization within the
industry. Data holders can also monitor the protection of their data,
because people are asked to direct access to different companies
directly. This solution reduces the likelihood of error or fraud.

Blockchain is allowed to automate important legal activities, including

risk assessment procedures associated with money laundering. This
helps to limit the potential risk and thus reduce the risk of customers.

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This way, the solutions to customer recognition and combating money
laund ering based blockchain can make a big difference in how to check
access and security of identity. Therefore, in the coming years, a large
amount of investment will be done on solutions to customer recognition
and fight money laundering based on blockchain.

4. 4: Data quality and monitoring

Blockchain is a barrier resistant to fraud. The data is logged in the
blockchain general ledger upon entry, and after registration, they will be
immutable. Encryption keeps the data stored on blockchain. These data
cannot be modified without the consent of more than 51 % of the

The client - server system performs a silos - based system to store data
in financial institutions; in this system, entities store data for their
central servers when required. And these data are not shared with
other entities. In this case, only the data can be accessed by the internal
system rather than by any other external broker. This means that any
organization that needs to follow customer recognition guidelines must
go through the authentication process itself.

On the other hand, the blockchain -based solution allows the creation
of a general office that allows the data to be stored on a single and
accessible platform around the world. Therefore, any person who has
received a license can access this information.

This could lead to improved monitoring of data and helps institutions

identify fraud and fraud cases as early as possible. As a result, the
amount of financial crimes will decline and there is no need to pay
heavy fines for violating the rules.

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4. 5: Communication and transparency
Blockchain platforms will enable active monitoring of everything,
ranging from account opening to daily transactions. When these new
platforms are integrated with intelligence contracts that provide criteria
for identification of criminal activity, entities can be notified of any
financial violation at the lowest possible time.

The unchanging attribute of the data on blockchain is also highly

effective in establishing trust between the parties involved in the
authentication process. Confidence in the data stored on the software
blockchain software will no longer be required to perform secondary
authentication or information review.

Finally, a distributed ledger system will save the communication

process and reports more efficient as well as in time and expense. Since
the warring parties can have access to reliable data, errors and crimes
will be detected faster. The effect of this attribute on the mistakes will
stand out, because in conventional and traditional systems, it takes a lot
of time to identify, report, and remove errors.

4. 6: Suspicious activity report

Currently, the process of authentication takes days or even weeks. For
this reason, the expense that financial institutions should consider to
conform to the judicial laws is rapidly increasing, because the industry
is trying to get ahead of the financial swindlers or terrorists.

Using a common general ledger where several different financial

institutions manage and sustain it, all individuals and entities can
monitor the process of authentication and regulate it. Any change or

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update on customer data will be available to all network members. By
direct access to a common general ledger, it is no longer necessary for
organizations and institutions to identify more time - consuming
processes of detection and report their report.

4. 7: Comprehensive authentication process

The solution validation and encrypted authentication helps financial
institutions explore the identity of individuals with greater speed. This is
necessary for legal compliance of the data protection process as well as
prevention of fraud.

At the same time, the rise in demand for allowing users to do their
financial tasks online puts a new challenge on the financial sphere. The
se curity deficiencies caused by the software failures or the theft of
smart devices require a safe and safer solution to satisfy the security
concerns of the users.

Security, which offers a decentralized model based on blockchain,

reduces the likelihood of fraud. Although a hacker can still access some
sensitive information in the event of a device being stolen (for example,
a smartphone), the hacker will not be able to change or misuse the data
due to the immutability of the data recorded on the blockchain. In
particular, authentication solutions cause substantial change because
it can increase the level of security and customer satisfaction.

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5.Technical S tructure:
Agoman is a totally decentralized network that real people and
businesses can use and create a profile for themselves and identity
information includes the name, last name, company name, identity
numbers, Logo , image and other information they need in addition to
their address. Also, the wallet and money exchange companies can
browse through the agoman network before performing the
transaction and display the target address specifications to the user.
This allows users to reduce the error of the users to a large extent and a
less amount of transactions may end in the missing and lost

For convenience of use and privacy of people, each account in the

agoman network has three keys: one public key and two private keys.
The public key means identifier that it is completely unique and can be

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sent to others. The first private key is used to observe the profile
information, including the name and the node's address. And the
second private key is used to edit, change and add content to profile.
The ne twork information is stored in encrypted and non -centralized
data. In addition, users have to pay fees to create their profile in the
network, which is paid via the agoman network, which is called the 'ago'.
In the early stages, the Ago Token will be launched on the Smart Chain
Bainness platform, the reason for this choice is the existence of low
fees, high speed, security and semi -centralized Bainance network. But
in the next steps, 'ago' tokens will be launched on the Agoman network
platform. All network operations will be carried out using the network's
native token, the 'ago'. The Agoman network consensus mechanism will
be a combination of proof of work and proof of stock. Both of the above
methods have their own disadvantages. Using the consensus
mech anism alone will expose the network to an attack of 51% and
consumes a lot of energy. But it makes the network more concentrated.
And consumed energy is a certain kind of support. In the demonstration
mechanism, the possibility of a 51% attack on the minimum amount is
possible. The problem is not high energy consumption. But it's not as
decentralized as the consensus mechanism.

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Also, the wallet and money exchange companies can browse through
the agoman network before performing the transaction and display the
target address speci cations to the user. This allows users to reduce
the error of the users to a large extent. And a less amount of
transactions may end in the missing and lost transactions.

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6 .Development Team
We are experienced blockchain experts & full - stack developers with a
track record in decentralized projects.

Our Team

1 .Hosein Nikmaram -> CEO at Aroma Finance and Coina

2 .Reza Hoseini - > -CTO at Aroma Finance and CEO at Direx

3 .Sadegh Abedi -> Solidity Smart Contract Developer

4 .Reza Naja - > Content Production Manager

5 .Rasoul Abdi - > Software Engineer

We‘ve successfully launched the Coinance and Direx projects prior to

Aroma Finance and we‘re happy to be expanding more into the Binance Smart
Chain community .

7 .Roadmap
Q3 2020 Start of project

Q4 2020 Onchain -side architecture

Q1 2021 Whitepaper

Q2 2021 Platform Development

Q2 2021 Issuing of Agoman tokens

Q2 2021 Listing in dexs, exchanges and etc

Q3 2021 Initial Exchange O ering

Q4 Mainnet

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8 .Token Information

Contract Address:

Token Name: Aroma Finance

Symbol: ARFI

Decimals: 18

Network: Binance Smart Chain

Spec: BEP- 20

9 .Token Economics
Total supply 1000000
47% Ecosystem
20% Development
10% Team
10% R&D
10% Promotion
3% Advisor

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10 .Contact Information
Would you like to learn more about our project ?

[email protected]

Twitter :

Telegram :



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