203 Dbms Question Bank

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I Test Your Skills:

(a) State Whether the Following Statements are True or False:

1 Data is also called metadata.

2 In DBMS, data files are the files that store the database information.
3 The external schema defines how and where the data are organized in a
physical data storage.
4 A collection of data designed for use by different users is called a database.
5 In a database, data integrity can be maintained.
6 The data in a database cannot be shared.
7 The DBMS provides support languages used for the definition and
manipulation of the data in the database.
8 Data catalog and data dictionary are the same.
9 Using database redundancy can be reduced.
10 Metadata is also known as data about data.
11 Structured query language (SQL) and query by example (QBE) are the
examples of fourth generation language.
12 A feature of relational database is that a single database can be spread across
several tables.
13 The primary difference between the different data models lies in the methods
of expressing relationships and constraints among the data elements.
14 The plan (or formulation of scheme) of the database is known as schema.
15 The physical schema is concerned with exploiting the data structures offered by a
DBMS in order to make the scheme understandable to the computer.
16 Object-oriented data model is a logical data model that captures the semantics
of objects supported in object-oriented programming.
17 Using a set of files is better than using a database.
18 Data redundancy means multiple copies of the same data item.

Ans. (1)(T), (2)(T), (3)(F), (4)(T), (5)(T), (6)(F), (7)(T), (8)(T), (9)(T), (10)(T), (11)
(T), (12)(T), (13)(T), (14)(T), (15)(T), (16)(T), (17)(F), (18)(T)

(b) Multiple Choice Questions:

1 Which of the following is related to information?

(a) Data
(b) Communication
(c) Knowledge
(d) All of these.

2 Data is:
(a) A piece of fact
(b) Metadata
(c) Information
(d) None of these.

3 Which of the following is element of the database?

(a) Data
(b) Constraints and schema
(c) Relationships
(d) All of these.

4 What represent a correspondence between the various data elements?

(a) Data
(b) Constraints
(c) Relationships
(d) Schema

5 Which of the following is an advantage of using database system?

(a) Security enforcement
(b) Avoidance of redundancy
(c) Reduced inconsistency
(d) all of these.

6 Which of the following is characteristic of the data in a database?

(a) Independent
(b) Secure
(c) Shared
(d) All of these.

7 Relationships could be of the following type:

(a) One-to-one relationship
(b) One-to-many relationships
(c) Many-to-many relationships
(d) All of these.

8 In a file-oriented system there is:

(a) Data inconsistency
(b) Duplication of data
(c) Data independence
(d) Al of these.
9 In a database system there is:
(a) Increased productivity
(b) Improved security
(c) Economy of scale
(d) All of these.

10 VDL is used to specify:

(a) Internal schema
(b) External schema
(c) Conceptual schema
(d) None of these.

11 The DML provides following functional access to the database:

(a) Retrieve data and/or records
(b) Add (or insert) records
(c) Delete records from database files
(d) All of these

12 4GL has the following components inbuilt in it:

(a) Query languages
(b) Report generators
(c) Spreadsheets
(d) All of these.

13 Which of the following is database element?

(a) Data
(b) Constraints and schema
(c) Relationships
(d) All of these.

14 What separates the physical aspects of data storage from the logical aspects of
data representation?
(a) Data
(b) Schema
(c) Constraints
(d) Relationships

15 What schema defines how and where the data are organized in a physical data
(a) External
(b) Internal
(c) Conceptual
(d) None of these.
16 Which of the following schemas defines the stored data structures in terms of the
database model used?
(a) External
(b) Conceptual
(c) Internal
(d) None of these

17 Which of the following schemas defines a view or views of the database for
particular users?
(a) External
(b) Conceptual
(c) Internal
(d) None of these

18 A collection of data designed to be used by different people is called.

(a) Database
(c) DBMS
(d) None of these

19 Which of the following is an object-oriented feature?

(a) Inheritance
(b) Abstraction
(c) Polymorphism
(d) All of these

20 A physical data models are used to

(a) Specify overall logical structure of the database
(b) Describe data and its relationships
(c) Higher-level description of storage structure and access mechanism
(d) All of these.

Ans. (1)(a), (2)(a), (3)(d), (4)(c), (5)(d), (6)(d), (7)(d),(8)(d),(9)(d),(10)(d),(11)(b), (12)

(d), (13)(d), (14)(d), (15)(a), (16)(b), (17)(b), (18)(a), (19)(b), (20)(d)

(c) Fill in the Blanks:

1 Data is raw__________where information is _____________________.

2 Two important languages in the database system are (a) ________and (b) ______.
3 To access information from a database, one needs a ________________.
4 SQL stands for__________________.
5 The four components of data dictionary are (a) ____________(b)____________,
(c)_______________ (d) ___________________.
6 The two types of data dictionaries are (a)_________________and (c)__________.
7 CODASYL stands for_________________________
8 LPTF stands for __________________
9 In mid-1960s, the first general purpose DBMS was designed by Charles Bachman
at General Electric, USA was called ______________________.
10 First recipient of the computer science equivalent of the Nobel Prize, called
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Turning Award, for work in the
database area, in 1973 was ________________.
11 When the DBMS does a commit, the change made by the transaction is made
12 Relational data model stores data in the form of a ______________
13 A subschema is a ____________of the schema.
14 The conceptual/internal mapping defines the correspondence between the
______________view and the _________________.
15 Information Management System (IMS) was developed jointly by
_______________ and _________________.

Ans. (1)(Fact, Processed data), (2)(DDL, DDM), (3)(DBMS), (4)(Structured Query

language), (5)(entity, attribute, relationships, key), (6)((a) Active data dictionary,
(b) passive data dictionary), (7)(Conference of Data Systems Languages), (8)
(List processing task force), (9)(integrated data store), (10)(Bachman), (11)
(Permanent), (12)(Table), (13)(Inherits), (14)(Conceptual, Stored
database), (15)(IBM, North American Aviation)

II Short Answer Type Questions:

1 What is database system? Explain.

2 What is the meaning of data independence and data integrity?
3 Explain operational data, schemes and instances.
4 Explain Data models.
5 What is database management system? Why do we need a DBMS?
6 What is data dictionary? Explain its function with a neat diagram.
7 What are the components of data dictionary?
8 What is entity and attribute? Give some examples of entities and attributes in a
manufacturing environment.
9 Why are relationships between entities important?
10 What is the difference between a data definition language and a data manipulation
11 What do you mean by redundancy? What is the difference between controlled
and uncontrolled redundancy? Illustrate with examples.
12 Define the following terms:
(a) Data (b) Database System
(c) DBMS (d) Data Independence
(e) DBA (f) Data Integrity
13 Who is DBA? What are the responsibilities of a DBA?
14 Discuss advantages and disadvantages of file-oriented system.
15 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS.
16 Explain the difference between external, internal and conceptual schemas.
17 When the following SQL command is given, what will be the effect of retrieval
on the EMPLOYEE database of M/s KLY System Ltd of Table.
WHERE EMP-NO = 123456;
WHERE EMP-LNAME = ‘kumar’;

Table - EMPLOYEE file of M/s KLY System Ltd.

10651 Mathew Thomas 4000 India Mumbai DP 2431322
11223 Smith John 4500 Italy Rome MFG 2423206
12345 Kumar Rajeev 6000 India Delhi DP 2427982
12324 Martin Jose 3500 India Jamshedpur HR 2437981
10987 Singh Abhishek 4800 USA NewYork MFG 2147008
11122 Parasar Alka 5100 USA New Jersey HR 2145063
16524 Kumar Avinash 6500 UK London MFG 2407841

18 What is logical data independence and why is it important?

19 What is the difference between physical data independence and logical data
20 Describe the structure of a DBMS.
21 Describe the main components of a DBMS.
22 What is a transaction?
23 What do you mean by a data model? Describe the different types of data models
24 Define the following terms:
(a) Data independence
(b) Query processor
(c) DDL processor
(d) DML processor
(e) Run time database manage.
25 How is traditional file processing approach different than DBMS approach?
26 What do you mean by generalization and specialization? Explain with a suitable
III Long Answer Type Questions:

1 Describe the three-tier ANSI-SPARC architecture. Why do we need mapping

between different schema levels? How do different schema definition languages
support this architecture?
2 Discuss the advantages and characteristics of the three-tier-architecture.
3 Discuss the concept of data independence and explain its importance in a database
4 Explain the difference between external, conceptual and internal schemas. How
are these different schema layers related to the concepts of physical and logical
data independence?
5 Describe in detail the different types of DBMS.
6 (a) Make an ER diagram for a library system? Clearly mention all the entities
their attributes and the relationship among the entities.
(b) Map this ER model into corresponding relational model.
7 How does the concept of object identity in the object-oriented model differs from
the concept of entity in the entity-relationship model, and tuple equality in the
relationship model?
8 What are the software components in a client-server DBMS? Compare the two-
tier and three-tier client server architecture.


I Test Your Skills:

(a) State Whether the Following Statements are True or False:

1 In 1980 Dr. E.F. Codd was working with Oracle Corporation.

2 Cardinality of a table means the number of columns in the table.
3 In the RDBMS terminology, an attribute means a column or a field.
4 A candidate key is an attribute that uniquely identify a row in a table.
5 The foreign key and the primary key should be defined on the same underlying
6 Superkey is an attribute, or set of attributes, that uniquely identifies a tuple within
a relation.
7 A table cannot have more than one attribute, which can uniquely identify the
8 Having clause is equivalent of WHERE clause and is used to specify the search
criteria or search condition when GROUP BY clause is specified.
9 The DISTINCT keyword is illegal for MAX and MIN.
10 The transaction control statements manage all the changes made by the DML
11 Foreign key in a relation is one arbitrarily chosen from the set of candidate keys
of that relation.
12 NULL values are sometimes permitted in primary key attributes.
13 Some information is useless.
14 NULL values are sometimes permitted in foreign key attributes.
15 Data independence means each piece of data in the database is independent of
other pieces.
16 In nested queries, one SELECT statement is written inside another.

Ans. (1)(F), (2)(T), (3)(T), (4)(F), (5)(T), (6)(T), (7)(F), (8)(T), (9)(T), (10)(T)
(11)(F), (12)(F), (13)(T), (14)(F), (15)(F), (16)(F)

(b) Multiple Choice Questions:

1 Who developed SEQUEL?

(a) Dr. E.F. Codd
(b) Chris Date
(c) D.Chamberlain
(d) None of these

2 Which of the following is used to get all the columns of a table ?

(a) *
(b) @
(c) %
(d) #

3 The first commercial RDBMS is:

(b) DB2
(d) None of these.

4 Which of the following is not a DCL statement?

(a) Rollback
(b) Grant
(c) Revoke
(d) None of these

6 Which of the following is the result of a select statement?

(a) Trigger
(b) Index
(c) Table
(d) None of these

7 Which of the following clause specifies the table or tables from where the data
has to be retrieved ?
(a) Where
(b) Table
(c) From
(d) None of these
8 How many tables can be joined to create a view?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) Database dependent
(d) None of these

Ans. (1)(d), (2)(a), (3)(a), (4)(a), (5)(c), (6)(c), (7)(a), (8)(c)

(c) Fill in the Blanks:

1 The relational model is based on the core concept of ___________________.

2 Degree of the table means the number of __________________ in a table.
3 A domain is a set of _______________________values.
4 The smallest unit of data in the relational model is the individual ___________.
5 A __________________ is set of possible data values.
6 A table can have only one _____________________ key.
7 Tuple relational calculus was originally proposed by ______________ in _________.
8 SQL was first implemented on a relational database called _______________.
9 DROP operation of SQL is used for ________________Tables from the schema.
10 The ____________________clause specifies a summary query.

Ans. (1)(Relation and set theory), (2)(Number of columns), (3)(Legal or atomic

values), (4)(Field), (5)(Field), (6)(Primary), (7)(Dr. Codd, 1972), (8)(System R),
(9)(Deleting), (10) (Group by)

II Short Answer Type Questions:

1 Why null values are introduced in the database?

2 What primary characteristics should OID posses?
3 Define the referential integrity constraints in Relational Databases.
4 Why we may choose to define a view?
5 Why can we have only one primary index on a file but several secondary Indexes?
6 What is the retention option in a Network Model?
7 Explain union compatibility of sets? Name the operations for which the
condition must be checked.
8 Name the situation in which DBMS approach is not suitable.

III Long Answer Type Questions:

1 Write SQL statements to perform the following operations on the EMPLOYEE

data file of M/s KLY System Ltd., of Table
Table - EMPLOYEE file of M/s KLY System Ltd.
10651 Mathew Thomas 4000 India Mumbai DP 2431322
11223 Smith John 4500 Italy Rome MFG 2423206
12345 Kumar Rajeev 6000 India Delhi DP 2427982
12324 Martin Jose 3500 India Jamshedpur HR 2437981
10987 Singh Abhishek 4800 USA NewYork MFG 2147008
11122 Parasar Alka 5100 USA New Jersey HR 2145063
16524 Kumar Avinash 6500 UK London MFG 2407841

(a) Get employee’s number, employee’s name, and telephone number for all
employees of DP Department.
(b) Get employee’s number, employee’s name, department and telephone
number for all employees of Indian origin.
(c) Add 250 in the salary of employees belonging to USA.
(d) Remove all records of employees getting salary of more than 6000.
(e) Add new employee details, whose details are as follows: employee no.:
106520, last name: Joseph, first name: Gorge, Salary: 8200, country:
AUS, birth place: Melbourne, department: DP, and telephone no.:
2 Explain the following with their advantages and disadvantages:
(a) Hierarchical database model
(b) Network database model
(c) Relational database model
(d) E-R data models
(e) Object-oriented data model.
3 Describe the basic features of the relational data model. Discuss their advantages,
disadvantages and importance of the end-user and the designer.
4 A university has an entity COURSE with a large number of courses in its catalog.
The attributes of COURSE include COURSE-NO, COURSE-NAME and
COURSE-UNITS. Each course may have one or more different courses as
prerequisites or may have no prerequisites. Similarly, a particular course may be
a prerequisite for any number of course, or may not be a prerequisitie for any
other course. Draw an E-R diagram for this situation.
5 A company called M/s ABC Consultants Ltd. has an entity EMPLOYEE with a
number of employees having attributes such as EMP-ID, EMP-NAME, EMP-
ADD and EMP-BDATA. The company has another entity PROJECT that has
several projects having attributes such as PROJ-ID, PROJ-NAME and START-
DATE. Each employee may be assigned to one or more projects, or may be
assigned to a project. A project must have at least one employee assigned and
may have any number of employees assigned. An employee’s billing rate may
vary by project and the company wishes to record the applicable billing rate
(BILL-RATE) for each employee when assigned to a particular project.
By making additional assumptions, if so required, drawn an E-R diagram for the
above situation.
6 Draw an E-R diagram for an enterprise or an organization you are familiar with.
7 What is meant by the term client/server architecture and what are the advantages
and disadvantages of this approach?
8 Differentiate between schema, subschema and instances.
9 Consider the following relational schema
Account (account-number, branch-name, balance)
Loan (Loan-number, branch-name, balance)
Depositor (Customer-name, Account-number)
Borrower (Customer-name, Loan-number)
Write queries in SQL for the following:
(a) Find all loan numbers for loan made at Bombay branch.
(b) Find all customers who have both a loan and an account at the bank.
(c) Find the average account balance at each branch.
(d) Find the number of depositors at each branch.
10 (a) How is traditional file processing approach different than DBMS
approach? Explain.
(b) Why can we have only one primary index on a file but several secondary
(c) How is 3 NF different from BCNF? Explain.
(d) Define the terms: DDL, DML and DCL.
11 (a) Discuss the architecture of database management system and draw the
architecture diagram.
(b) What do you mean by generalization and specialization? Explain with a
suitable diagram.
12 Discuss the different types of data model. Give the importance of it.
13 (a) Discuss the purpose of normalization & normalization process. What are
the normal forms? Explain with suitable example.
(b) What is transaction? Explain acid properties of transaction.
14 (a) Define concurrent access of database. What are the reasons for which
concurrency control is required? List the rule of serializability. Write
suitable example for mentioning reason of concurrency method.
(b) What is transaction? Explain acid properties of transaction.
15 (a) What is dead lock? Explain dead lock handling techniques with
appropriate examples.
(b) How can the database be recovered through Shadow Paging Scheme.
16 Write short notes on (Any Two):
(a) Data Warehousing
(b) Distributed Database
(c) Object Oriented Database Management System
(d) DBA

I Test Your Skills:

(a) State Whether the Following Statements are True or False:

1 In 3NF Relation should not have a non-key attribute functionally determined by

another non-key attribute.
2 Every relation is 3NF is also in BCNF.
3 If X > Y, then Y X (Y functionally determines X)
4 A relation schema R is in 3NF if every nonprime attribute A in R is fully
functionally dependent on the primary key of R.
5 Second normal farm is based on the concept of full functional dependency.
6 The transitivity inference rule of functional dependency states:
(X Y, Z Y)│=X Z.
7 The normal form of a relation refers to the lowest normal form condition that it
8 Normalization of data helps in reducing insertion, deletion and updation
9 The normalization is carried out in practice so hat the resulting designs are of high
10 If a relation is in BCNF then it is also in 3NF.

Ans. (1)(T), (2)(F), (3)(F), (4)(F), (5)(T), (6)(F), (7)(F), (8)(T), (9)(T), (10)(T)

(b) Multiple Choice Questions:

1 If every non-key attribute is functionally dependent on the primary key, then the
relation will be in:
(a) First normal form
(b) Second normal form
(c) Third normal form
(d) Fourth normal form

2 Given the functional dependencies

X W; XY; YZ and ZPQ

Which of the following doesn’t hold well?

(a) XZ
(b) WZ
(c) XWY
(d) None of the above

3 Relations produced from an E-R model will always be in

(a) First normal form
(b) Second normal form
(c) Third normal form
(d) Fourth normal form

4 Third normal form is inadequate in situation where the relation

(a) Has multiple candidate keys
(b) Has candidate keys that are composite
(c) Has overlapped candidate keys
(d) None of the above

5 An attribute of one table matching the primary key of another table, is called as
(a) Foreign key
(b) Secondary key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Composite key

6 If a relation scheme is in BCNF, then it is also in

(a) First normal form
(b) Second normal form
(c) Third normal form
(d) Fourth normal form

7 A primary key when combined with a foreign key create

(a) Parent child relationship between the tables that connect them.
(b) Network model between the tables that connect them.
(c) Many-to-many relationship between the tables that connect them.
(d) None of the above.

8 The set of permitted value for each attribute is called its

(a) Attribute set
(b) Attentive range
(c) Domain
(d) Group

9 The airline reservation system, the enables are date, flight number, place of
departure, destination, type of plane & seats available. The primary key is
(a) Flight number
(b) Flight number + place of departure
(c) Flight number+ date
(d) Flight number + destination

10 A functional dependency of the form XY is trivial if

(a) YC= X
(b) YCX
(c) X C =Y
(d) X C Y and Y C X
(c) Fill in the Blanks:

1 Normalization of data helps in ___________redundancy.

2 An attribute of relation schema R is called as __________attribute of R if it is a
member of some candidate key of R.
3 A relation schema R is in ______________if whenever a nontrivial functional
dependency X  A holds in R, then X is a super key of R..
4 In 1NF Relations should have no _________attributed or nested attributes.
5 A functional dependency X  Y is a _____________if some attribute A € X can
be removed from X and the dependency still holds.
6 A functional dependency is the property of the __________.
7 The normal form of a relation refers to the __________ normal form it meets.
8 Normalization process was first proposed by ___________.
9 The process of storing the join of higher normal form relations as a base relation,
which is in lower normal form is known as____________.
10 The multi-valued attributes that are themselves composite are called

Ans. (1)(minimizing), (2)(prime), (3)(BCNF), (4)(non-atomic), (5)(partial

(6)(semantics), (7)(highest), (8)(Codd), (9)(Denormalization), (10)(Nested)

II Short Answer Type Questions:

1 What is a functional dependency?

2 What are the possible sources of information that defines the functional
dependencies that hold among the attributes of a relation schema?
3 What is meant by the closure of a set of functional dependencies? Illustrate with
an example.
4 What is a minimal set of functional dependencies? Does every set of
dependencies have a minimal equivalent set? Is it always unique?
5 What does the term unnormalized relation refer to?
6 What undesirable dependencies are avoided when a relation is in 2NF?
7 Define Boyce-Codd normal form. How does it differ from JNF? Why is it
considered a stranger form of JNF?
8 What is meant by the attribute presentation condition on decomposition?
9 What is the dependency presentation property for decomposition? Why is it
10 Why is a multivalued dependency? What type of constraint does it specify?
When does it arise?
11 Define fourth normal form. When is it violated? Why is it useful?
12 Define fifth normal form. Why 5NF is also called project-join normal form
13 Consider the following database relation containing the attributes:
Book-Id, Subject-Category-of-book, Name-of-author and Nationality-of-author.
What is the highest normal form satisfied by the relation.
14 Let R = (ABCDEF) be a relation scheme with the functional dependencies
CF, EA, ECD, AB. What is the key for R?
15 Consider a relation R (A, B, C, D, E) with the following dependencies:
Is AB a candidate key of this relation? If not, is ABC? Explain your answer.
16 Consider the following; F = {AC, ACD, EAD, EH} and
G = {ACD, EAH}. Check whether they are equivalent.
17 Consider the following functional dependencies in a database.
Date-of-birth  Age
Age  Eligibility
Name  Roll-Number
Course-Number  Instructor
Roll-Number  Name
Course-Number  Course-Name

State the highest normal form of the:

Relation (Roll-number, Name, Date-of-Birth, Age)

III Long Answer Type Questions:

1 Define first, second, and third normal forms when only primary keys are
considered. How do the general definitions of 2NF and 3NF, which consider all
keys of a relation, differ from those that consider only primary key?
2 Prove that any relation schema with two attributes is in BCNF.
3 Determine all 4NF violations for the relation schema R(X, Y, Z, W) with
multivalued dependencies X Y and XZ.
4 Prove that a functional dependency satisfies the formal definition of multivalued
5 An instance of a relation schema R (ABC) has distinct values for attribute A. Can
you conclude that A is a candidate key for R.?
6 Explain Oracle & Architecture.
7 Explain shared Database Access Mechanism in detail in Oracle 8 Architecture.
8 Explain oracle software structure.
9 Explain database storage and database protection.


I Test Your Skills:

(a) State Whether the Following Statements are True or False:

1 The granularity of data item in a database can affect the performance of

concurrency control and recovery.
2 In optimistic concurrency control technique the three phases are in the order:
validation phase, read phase, write phase.
3 Shadow paging is recovery technique in a database.
4 A schedule S is called serial if, for every transaction T participating in the
schedule, all the operations of T are executed non-consecutively in the schedule.
5 A schedule S of n transactions is serializable if it is equivalent to some serial
schedules of the same n transactions.
6 A binary lock can have three states.
7 A transaction is either performed in entirety or not performed at all.
8 The changes applied to the database by a committed transaction may be lost
because of some failure.
9 The isolation is enforced by the concurrency control subsystem of DBMS.
10 The read set of a transaction is the set of items it writes.

Ans. (1)(T), (2)(F), (3)(T), (4)(F), (5)(T), (6)(F), (7)(T), (8)(F), (9)(T), (10)(F)

(b) Multiple Choice Questions:

1 The concept of locking can be used to solve the problem of

(a) Lost update
(b) Uncommitted dependency
(c) Inconsistent data
(d) Deadlock

2 In transactions, in ACID property A stands for

(a) Atomicity
(b) Acidity
(c) Alphabetically
(d) None of the above.

3 Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a

shared lock on R.
(a) It will result in a deadlock situation.
(b) It will immediately be granted.
(c) It will immediately be rejected.
(d) It will be granted as soon as it is released by A.

4 A schedule S of n transactions is serializable if it is equivalent to some

(a) Serial schedule of the same n transactions.
(b) Non-serial schedule of the same n transactions.
(c) Serial schedule of different n transactions.
(d) Non-serial schedule of different n transactions.

5 In two-phase locking protocol.

(a) All unlocking operations precede the first lock operation.
(b) All locking operations precede the first unlock operation.
(c) Locking and unlocking takes place simultaneously.
(d) None of the above.
6 Transaction timestamp is:
(a) Not unique for each transaction
(b) Larger for older transaction
(c) Unique identifier assigned to each transaction.
(d) None of the above.

7 The granularity of a database item can be chosen to be

(a) A whole file
(b) A database record
(c) The whole database
(d) All of the above.

8 If the complete execution of the transaction(s) takes the database from one
consistent state to the other then that property of transaction is called:
(a) Isolation
(b) Durability
(c) Consistency preservation
(d) None of the above

9 Which of the following is not the state that the transaction undergoes?
(a) Failed
(b) Active
(c) Partially committed
(d) Non active

9 Which of the following is not state that the transaction undergoes:

(a) Failed
(b) Active
(c) Partially committed
(d) Non active

10 Timestamp can be generated by:

(a) Counter
(b) Current date/time
(c) None of the above
(d) Both (a) and (b)

Ans. (1)(a, b, c), (2)(a), (3)(b), (4)(a), (5)(b), (6)(c), (7)(d), (8)(c), (9)(d), (10)(d)

(c) Fill in the Blanks:

1 Transaction processing systems are systems with large databases and hundreds of
________________users that are executing database transactions.
2 The size of a data item is called its_________________.
3 A transaction is ___________preserving if its complete execution takes(s) the
database from one consistent state to another.
4 In two-phase locking in shrinking phase, during which existing locks can be
________but no new locks can be acquired.
5 The main goal of recovery is to ensure the _____________property of a
6 A serial schedule shows __________ processing because no interleaving of
operations from different transactions is permitted.
7 A timestamp is a unique ________ generated by the system
8 Locking data item prevents multiple transactions from __________ the item
9 LOCK(X) = __________then the item X cannot be accessed by a database
operation that requests the item.
10 ___________ operation sets the LOCK(X) to 0

Ans. (1)(concurrent), (2)(granularity), (3)(consistency), (4)(released), (5)(atomicity),

(6)(Inefficient), (7)(identifier), (8)(accessing), (9)(!), (10)(unlock_item(X))

II Short Answer Type Questions:

1 What is meant by the concurrent execution of database transactions in a multiuser

2 Discuss why concurrency control is needed and give examples.
3 Discuss the different types of failures. What is meant by catastrophic failure.
4 Discuss the actions taken by the read-item and write-item operations on a
5 What is the system log used for? What are transaction commit points, and why
are they important?
6 What is a schedule? Define the concepts of recoverable, cascade less, and strict
schedules, and compare them in terms of their recoverability.
7 Draw a state diagram, and discuss the typical states that a transactions goes
through during execution.
8 What is the difference between conflict equivalence and view equivalence?
9 What is serial schedule? What is a serializable schedule?
10 What is the difference between the constrained write and the unconstrained write
assumptions? Which is more realistic?
11 Define the violations caused by each of the following dirty read, nonrepeatable
read and functions.
12 What is the two-phase locking protocol? How does it guarantee serializability?
13 What are some variations of the two-phase locking protocol? Why is strict or
rigorous two-phase locking often preferred?
14 Compare binary locks to exclusive/shared locks. Why is the latter type of locks
15 Discuss the problems of deadlock and starvation, and the different approaches to
dealing with these problems.
16 Describe the wait-die and would-n-wait protocols for deadlock prevention.
17 Describe the cautions waiting, no waiting and timeout protocols for deadlock
18 What is a predicate lock?
19 What is a phantom record?
20 Discuss the problem that a phantom record can cause for concurrency control.
21 When are batches used?
22 What are intention locks?
23 What is multiple granularity locking? Under what circumstances is it used?
24 What type of locks are needed for insert and delete operations.
25 What is a timestamp? How does the system generate timestamps?
26 What are UNDO-type and RE DO- type log entries?
27 Describe the write ahead logging protocol.
28 Describes the UNDO and REDO operations, and the recovery techniques that use
29 Identify three typical lists of transactions that are maintained by the recovery

III Long Answer Type Questions:

1 Discuss the timestamp ordering protocol for concurrency control. How does strict
timestamp ordering differ from basic timestamp ordering?
2 Discuss two multi-version techniques for concurrency control.
3 What is a certify lock? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using
certify locks?
4 How do optimistic concurrency control techniques differ from other concurrency
control techniques?
5 Discuss the typical phases of an optimistic concurrency control method.
6 How does the granularity of data items affect the performance of concurrency
control? What factors affect selection of granularity size for data items?
7 What is the system log used fro? What are the typical kinds of entries in a system
8 What are checkpoints, and why are they important, what are transaction commit
points, and why are they important?
9 How are buffering and caching techniques used by the recovery subsystem?
10 Describe the shadow paging recovery technique. Under what circumstances does
it not requires a log?
11 What is the difference between the UNDO / RE and UNDO/NO-REDO
algorithms for recovery with immediate update? Develop the outline for an
UNDO/NO-REDO algorithm.
12 Discuss the immediate update technique of recovery technique in both single-user
and multi-user environments. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
immediate update?
13 How can recovery handle transaction operations that do not affect the database,
such as the printing of reports by a transaction?
14 What are the before image (BFIM) and after image (AFIM) of a data item? What
is the difference between in-place updating and shadowing, with respect to their
handling of BFIM and AFIM?

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