Operative Orthopaedics Stanmore Guide 2010

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The Stanmore Guide

Edited by
Timothy Briggs MD MBBS (Hons) MCH (Orth) FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Ed) MD (Res)
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK

Jonathan Miles MBCHB FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK

William Aston BSC MBBS FRCS (Tr & Orth) (Edinb)

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
First published in Great Britain in 2010 by
Hodder Arnold, an imprint of Hodder Education,
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This book is dedicated to all hard-working orthopaedic trainees whose enthusiasm for learning and
patient care was our motivation for creating this book.
Tim Briggs, Jonathan Miles, Will Aston
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Contributors ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xiii

1 Anaesthesia in orthopaedic surgery 1

Hui Yin Vivian Ip and Michael Cooper

2 Tumours 6
William Aston and Timothy W R Briggs

3 Surgery of the cervical spine 14

Raman Kalyan and David J Harrison

4 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine 26

Mathew Shaw and Sean Molloy

5 Surgery of the peripheral nerve 45

Gorav Datta, Max Horowitz and Mike Fox

6 Surgery of the shoulder 59

Omar Haddo and Mark Falworth

7 Surgery of the elbow 79

Deborah Higgs and Simon Lambert

8 Surgery of the wrist 100

James Donaldson and Nicholas Goddard

9 Surgery of the hand 114

Norbert Kang, Robert Pearl and Lauren Ovens

10 Surgery of the hip 145

Jonathan Miles and John Skinner

11 Surgery of the knee 172

Lee David and Timothy W R Briggs

12 Soft tissue surgery of the knee 200

Jonathan Miles and Richard Carrington

13 Surgery of the ankle 218

Laurence James and Dishan Singh
viii Contents

14 Surgery of the foot 230

Simon Clint and Nick Cullen

15 Limb reconstruction 258

Robert Jennings and Peter Calder

16 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery 267

Russell Hawkins and Aresh Hashemi-Nejad

17 Amputations 293
William Aston and Rob Pollock

Index 301
William Aston BSc MBBS FRCS (Ed) (Tr & Orth) Mike Fox MBBS
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK

Timothy W R Briggs MCH (Orth) FRCS (Ed) Nicholas Goddard FRCS

Medical Director and Consultant Orthopaedic Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital,
Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, London, UK
Stanmore, UK
Omar Haddo BMedSci MBBS FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Peter Calder MBBS FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Whittington
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Hospital, London, UK
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
David J Harrison MB BS BSc (Hons) AKC FRCS
Richard Carrington MBBS FRCS (Orth) Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Spinal Deformity
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Unit, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust,
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Stanmore, UK

Simon Clint BSc MBBS FRCS (Tr & Orth) Aresh Hashemi-Nejad FRCS FRCS (Orth)
Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Clinical
Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Director, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust,
Stanmore, UK, and Honorary Senior Lecturer,
Michael Cooper BSc MBCHB FRCA University College London, London, UK
Department of Anaesthetics, Royal National
Russell Hawkins BSc MBBS MRCS (Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic
Nicholas Cullen BSC MBBS FRCS (Tr & Orth) Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Consultant Foot and Ankle Surgeon, The Royal
Deborah Higgs FRCS (Tr & Orth)
National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore,
Lee A David MBBS MRCS (Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth) UK
Consultant in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery,
Max Horowitz MBBS
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust,
Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic
Maidstone, UK
Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Gorav Datta MD FRCS (Tr & Orth) Hui Yun Vivian Ip MBCHB MRCP FRCA
Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust,
Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Stanmore, UK
James Donaldson MBBS BSc MRCS Laurence James BSc MBBS MRCS (Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Fellow, Royal National Orthopaedic
Hospital Trust Rotation, Stanmore, UK Trust, Stanmore, UK
Mark Falworth FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Orth) Robert Jennings MBBS BSc MSC MFSEM (UK) FRCS ED
Consultant Shoulder Surgeon, Royal National (Tr & Orth)
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore,
x Contributors

Raman Kalyan MRCS MD FRCS (Tr & Orth) DNB ORTH Lauren Ovens MbChb MRCS
D ORTH (Eng) Specialist Registrar Plastic Surgeon, Royal Free
Clinical Lecturer/Specialist Registrar, Royal National Hospital, London, UK
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Robert Pearl BSc FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Norbert Kang MBBS MD FRCS (Plast) Specialist Registrar Plastic Surgeon, Royal Free
Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Hospital, London, UK Rob Pollock BSc FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National
Simon Lambert BSc FRCS FRCSEdOrth Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, The Shoulder and
Elbow Service, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Matthew Shaw MBBS FRCS
Stanmore, UK Specialist Registrar, Royal National Orthopaedic
Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Jonathan Miles MBCHB FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, Dishan Singh FRCS (Tr & Orth)
UK Consultant Foot and Ankle Surgeon, Royal National
Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK
Sean Molloy MRCS MSc (Orth Eng) FRCS (Orth) John Skinner MB BS FRCS (Orth)
Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, Royal Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and Honorary
National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust, Stanmore, UK Senior Lecturer, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Trust, Stanmore, UK
Operative Orthopaedics: The Stanmore Guide aims This guide will serve junior trainees as they
to provide practical instruction in elective enter their surgical training and will acts as a
orthopaedic surgical procedures. Each chapter has revision tool for trainees sitting the FRCS (Tr &
been written by a consultant orthopaedic surgeon Orth) examination, which has evolved into a
and a trainee. It covers the list of procedures format emphasizing the importance of surgical
identified by the Specialist Advisory Committee procedures and the relevant anatomy.
as key in the field of orthopaedic surgery and The variety of equipment and instruments
presented as they are laid out in the training available to today’s orthopaedic surgeons is mind-
syllabus. boggling. The one essential tool for a surgeon in
It provides an explanation of orthopaedic training is an understanding of the basic
surgery from preoperative planning and consent, techniques, upon which all procedures depend.
through approaches and operative technique to The consistent and organized style of this book
postoperative care. Each procedure is described in will teach these techniques and enable its readers
a simple and consistent format to enable the to think logically and ‘keep a steady nerve’
reader to describe and carry out safe, evidence- in the potentially stressful situations of
based approaches and common operations. It independent operating and the FRCS (Tr & Orth)
contains key references and sample viva questions. examination.
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Thank you first and foremost to all of the trainees been vital to provide clear and well-illustrated
and consultants who have given generously of guidelines for the reader.
their time, knowledge and experiences to produce A huge thank you to our respective wives and
such informative writing in each chapter. families for putting up with us during this project.
Hodder Arnold have supported us admirably Final thanks go to Professor Briggs for having
from the first idea right through to final the idea of writing this book in the first place –
preparation of the book and their contribution has another professorial idea conceived in the bath!
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Anaesthesia in orthopaedic surgery
Hui Yin Vivian Ip and Michael Cooper

Introduction 1 Postoperative care 4

Preoperative assessment and guidelines 1 Viva questions 5
Intraoperative techniques 3

In elective surgery, standard local fasting times
The orthopaedic patient cohort is medically must be adhered to. A typical regimen is given in
diverse. Patients come from the extremes of Table 1.1. Food includes milk and fresh fruit
age, they may have complex causal pathology juices.
and, as they age, the patients develop multisystem
co-morbidity. The breadth of surgical inter-
Table 1.1 Fasting times
vention is great, ranging from procedures such as
arthroscopy causing minimal physiological
disturbance, to procedures that test, and often
Typical foods
Solid Water Breast Formula
surpass, the physiological reserve of an individual
food milk milk
patient. As such, the conduct of an individual
Fasting 6 hours 2 hours 4 hours 6 hours
anaesthetic is customized to the medical demands
of the patient, the requirements for the surgical
technique and the limitations of the institution in
which the surgery occurs. In trauma it is assumed that gastric emptying
stops at the time of injury. Fasting time is
calculated as time of intake to time of trauma. The
situation is further complicated by opiate
PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT AND analgesics that prolong gastric emptying and
render fasting times difficult to interpret. In these
circumstances the need to proceed with surgical
intervention may override fasting policy and
This is the process of assessing the relevance, surgery proceeds.
severity and treatment of the patient’s medical
pathologies. This allows referral for better AIRWAY
treatment (‘optimization’) and quantification of
the risk of adverse perioperative events, including A range of bedside tests exist that aim to predict
death, to be discussed and documented. Factors difficulties in maintaining an airway or intubating
specific to anaesthesia, such as a possible difficult an anaesthetized patient. Individual tests perform
airway, may also be considered. Central guidelines poorly and are not relevant here. Of particular
exist to inform the ordering of preoperative relevance in orthopaedic surgery are the
laboratory tests. challenges that a rigid cervical column or an
2 Anaesthesia in orthopaedic surgery

unstable cervical column may cause. The are especially useful for patients who are unable
challenge of rigidity may be a difficult airway and to perform exercise ECG due to
a difficult laryngoscopy. The challenge of an musculoskeletal disease or severe
unstable column is to prevent cord injury. Both cardiopulmonary disease. Perfusion defects of
are initially assessed with plain radiography. the myocardium under physiological stress
Specialized investigations to delineate pathology indicate coronary insufficiency.
include computed tomography (CT) and • Cardiopulmonary exercise testing – this is a
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). dynamic test that predicts the patient’s
anaerobic threshold. As such it tests respiratory
CARDIOVASCULAR ASSESSMENT and cardiac reserve. It reflects other factors such
as motivation, mobility and nutrition. It can be
This is aimed at quantifying the ability of the used to predict the risk of surgery and obviate
cardiovascular pump to increase work to match the need for other tests such as angiography or
perioperative metabolic demands. It is an echocardiography.
assessment of reserve and of the risk of adverse • Coronary angiography – this is used to visualize
events such as an acute coronary syndrome. Key coronary arterial flow and disease. This is often
clinical markers are described below. the end point of coronary investigation and may
allow treatment by stenting and angioplasty at
Exercise tolerance the same time.

For patients having major, non-cardiac surgery,

inability to climb two flights of stairs confers Hypertension
increased risk of major postoperative
Stage 3 hypertension (systolic blood pressure [BP]
complications but is not predictive of mortality.
=180 mmHg or a diastolic BP =110 mmHg)
should be controlled prior to surgery. A recent
Previous myocardial infarction meta-analysis found that patients with mild or
moderate hypertension and no evidence of end-
There is a risk of recurrent perioperative
organ damage were at no increased perioperative
myocardial infarction (MI), which has a 60 per
risk. End-organ damage includes left ventricular
cent mortality rate. The longer surgery can be
hypertrophy (ECG criteria), a history of
postponed after an MI, the lower the rate of
cerebrovascular accident (including transient
recurrent MI (Table 1.2).
ischaemic attacks), renal insufficiency and retinal
Table 1.2 Percentage risk of recurrent myocardial
infarction (MI) at different times post MI Heart murmurs
Time since MI Risk of recurrent MI The valve pathology underlying murmurs may
<3 months 5.7 per cent have significant implications for anaesthetic
4–6 months 2.3 per cent technique. Lesions that limit the cardiac output
>6 months 1.5 per cent (most famously aortic stenosis) can cause
profound hypotension as the heart cannot
increase cardiac output to maintain blood
Typical investigations used to quantify cardiac pressure as vascular resistance drops. This is most
reserve are listed below. marked with neuroaxial anaesthesia and can cause
• Exercise electrocardiogram (ECG) – helps to morbidity due to organ hypoxia. For example,
determine any coronary flow limitation when coronary perfusion may become critically low
cardiac work increases. resulting in an acute coronary syndrome.
• Thallium scintigraphy and dobutamine stress Echocardiography is useful to determine the
echocardiography – these dynamic ‘stress tests’ nature and the severity of the valve lesion.
Intraoperative techniques 3

RESPIRATORY ASSESSMENT productive cough or objective symptoms

(pyrexia, fatigue, myalgia, anorexia) should only
Preoperative assessment determines the severity proceed if it is an emergency surgery. The risk of
and potential reversibility of respiratory laryngospasm and bronchospasm is increased.
pathology. Disease states limit gas flow, gas Viral myocarditis may also occur, leading to
exchange or both. The end point of respiratory cardiac failure or even death in the perioperative
disease is hypoxaemia and tissue hypoxia. This can period. Guidelines commonly suggest a 4- to 6-
precipitate organ failure with serious adverse week delay from the start of respiratory tract
outcomes. Common pathologies are described infection to elective surgery.
Groups at special risk
Cerebral palsy patients may have poor bulbar
Stable asthma is usually benign. However, some function and weak cough, which puts them at risk
anaesthetic agents can trigger bronchospasm and of aspiration, and they have a higher incidence of
are avoided. Conversely, some result in postoperative respiratory tract infection. This is
bronchodilation and are favoured. Assessment exacerbated by any cognitive impairment that
should include spirometry and peak flow reduces their ability to cooperate with
measurements. Preparation may include physiotherapy and interventions such as non-
bronchodilator premedication, e.g. salbutamol. invasive ventilation. Low tone neuromuscular
Some anaesthetists choose a regional technique to syndrome patients are at risk of postoperative
avoid airway instrumentation and opiate use. respiratory failure and plans will include intensive
care, possible postoperative ventilation and
Chronic obstructive airways disease tracheostomy formation. Of note, volatile
anaesthesia is usually avoided in this group due to
Gas flow and exchange are limited. These patients the risk of rhabdomyolysis, renal failure and
are at risk of postoperative respiratory failure due hyperkalaemic cardiac arrest.
to atelectasis and segmental lung collapse. This
causes hypoxaemia. Assessment should include RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
spirometry (a forced expiratory volume in 1
second greater than 1 indicates an ability to clear Biccard BM. Relationship between the inability to
secretions), oximetry (and perhaps arterial blood climb two flights of stairs and outcome after
gases) and an assessment of exercise ability. A major non-cardiac surgery: implications for the
baseline chest radiograph may be useful but is by pre-operative assessment of functional capacity.
no means mandatory. An ECG may show signs of Anaesthesia 2005;6:588–93.
right heart strain and is also indicated as this group Howell S, Sear J, Foex P. Hypertension,
is likely to have coexistent cardiovascular disease. hypertensive heart disease and perioperative
Preoperative and postoperative chest physio- cardiac risk. Br J Anaesth 2004;92:570–83.
therapy is essential. Anaesthetists will tend National Institute for Health and Clinical
towards regional anaesthesia in respiratory Excellence. Preoperative Tests: the Use of Routine
cripples to minimize the chances of postoperative Preoperative Tests for Elective Surgery. Available at:
respiratory failure. Opiates are a potent source of www.nice.org.uk/Guidance/CG3 (accessed 8
respiratory depression and, coupled to sedation April 2009).
and pain, can be a powerful trigger for respiratory
Respiratory tract infection
Discussion of the selection and conduct of
This is often viral. Upper respiratory tract individual techniques is beyond the scope of this
infection is most common. Patients with chapter. The technique chosen is dependent on
4 Anaesthesia in orthopaedic surgery

the patient, hospital, procedure, surgeon and Contraindications

anaesthetist. There is little conformity of opinion.
• Refusal
GENERAL ANAESTHESIA • Local or systemic infection
• Allergy to agents used
This is the most common option and is entirely • Coagulopathy
appropriate for most procedures, environments • Anticoagulants (relative contraindication)
and patients. It is a balanced technique of increase the risk of haematoma at the site of
analgesia, muscle relaxation and sedation. This is infiltration, around nerves or in the epidural
confirmed by data review as exemplified by recent space. Aspirin is not a contraindication
publications concerning primary joint

PERIPHERAL REGIONAL ANAESTHESIA Some body surface procedures are amenable to

surgery using local infiltration alone.
This is the placement of local anaesthetic adjacent
to individual nerves or plexus of nerves to
produce a zone of sensory and motor block. This POSTOPERATIVE CARE
may be the only mode of anaesthesia. More
commonly, it is a pain-relieving adjunct to general ANALGESIA
anaesthesia or sedation. As such, opiate use is
minimized and patients may actually mobilize Simple analgesics
earlier. Clearly, there may be conflict with
masking neurological injury. Heavy-handed These can be very effective for mild and moderate
anaesthesia may produce prolonged motor block pain. Common drugs are paracetamol and non-
to the detriment of the patient. Increasingly this steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Best effect is
modality is preferred for primary arthroplasty, gained when they are given regularly, ideally after
with clinical spill into other techniques. a loading dose in theatre. In more severe pain, they
are still useful adjuncts with well-documented
NEUROAXIAL LOCAL ANAESTHESIA opiate-sparing properties.

For lower limb procedures, spinal, epidural or Oral opiates

combined spinal–epidural blocks can provide
complete analgesia and motor block. As above, These include codeine derivatives, complex
they may be used alone or in conjunction with agonists such as tramadol and morphine
sedation or general anaesthesia. They are often the derivatives. These are well recognized for more
technique of choice in those with respiratory severe pain and can be used regularly, with
disease in an effort to minimize opiate-induced stronger alternatives available for breakthrough
respiratory embarrassment. Outcome evidence is pain. Newer derivatives such as oxycodone
poor. However, there is some literature base to provide excellent pharmacokinetics with twice
support this practice. They are a valuable tool to daily dosing of modified-release compounds
reduce opiate use and have been associated with a providing 24-hour analgesia supplemented by
lower incidence of deep vein thrombosis and short-acting versions effective for breakthrough
lower perioperative blood loss. This may no longer pain.
be valid in light of new advances in thrombo-
embolic prophylaxis and other anaesthetic Systemic opiates
techniques available to modulate perioperative
blood loss. However, these techniques are an For severe pain, intravenous opiates may be given
important part of a multimodal approach to fast as patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). This allows
track surgery. the patient to titrate their own dosing. It is
Viva questions 5

effective, safe and popular. Better pain scores transmission. However, red cells are vital to
and fewer side effects (nausea, vomiting, and oxygen delivery and haemostasis. The trigger will
sedation) are regularly received using this depend on the predicted continuing blood loss,
modality of opiate delivery compared with the patient’s co-morbidities and symptoms.
intermittent intramuscular dosing. Other routes Typically a haemoglobin concentration of 8 g/dL is
such as transdermal delivery are available. These taken as acceptable.
take a long time to reach a steady plasma
concentration and are similarly slow to decline DISPOSAL
when discontinued. This inflexibility makes them
difficult to use in the perioperative period. They High-dependency care may benefit many
are more suited to long-term use in chronic pain orthopaedic patients. Delivery of this will depend
syndromes. on local protocol and infrastructure. Clearly, those
at increased risk of organ failure or requiring a
higher level of nursing supervision should be
Local anaesthesia
placed in an appropriate environment.
Local anaesthetic techniques may be continued
into the postoperative period. These provide
excellent analgesia with minimum side effects.
However, immobility may be a problem. Well-
conducted blocks in units used to managing these Fischer HBJ, Simanski CJP. A procedure specific
patients are very successful and do not need to and systematic review and consensus
delay mobilization. recommendations for analgesia after total hip
replacement. Anaesthesia 2005;60:1189–202.
OXYGEN Fischer HBJ, Simanski CJP, Sharp C, et al. A
procedure specific systematic review and
Oxygen therapy should be given to patients with consensus recommendations for postoperative
an epidural infusion, or PCA, which contains analgesia following total knee arthroplasty.
opiates. This supplemental oxygen maintains Anaesthesia 2008;63:1105–23.
alveolar oxygen tension longer if respiratory Fowler SJ, Symons J, Sabato S, et al. Epidural
depression and hypoventilation occurs. Supple- analgesia compared with peripheral nerve
mental oxygen used for the first 3 days post- blockade after major knee surgery: a systematic
operatively can also minimize the risk of review and meta analysis of randomized trials. Br
perioperative ischaemic events. Clearly, patients J Anaesth 2008;100:154–64.
with respiratory pathology (respiratory tract
infection, atelectasis, thromboembolism) will be
relatively hypoxic and oxygen therapy is an Viva questions
1. In patients with hypertension, how would you
FLUID MANAGEMENT determine whether elective surgery can
The goal of intravenous fluid therapy is to
2. What are the contraindications to neuraxial
maintain normovolaemia. This allows adequate blockade?
cardiac output and, assuming a reasonable
haemoglobin concentration, tissue oxygen 3. Why is a respiratory tract infection a
delivery. Maintenance water and electrolytes need problem?
to be supplied and ongoing blood loss 4. Who should receive oxygen therapy in the
compensated for in the form of blood substitute, postoperative period?
or blood itself. Triggers for transfusion vary. Blood 5. When could an echocardiograph be the
is expensive, immunosuppressant, associated with preoperative investigation of choice?
worse outcome and a vehicle for disease
William Aston and Timothy Briggs

Needle biopsy of bone 6 Bone cyst curettage ± bone graft 10

Open biopsy of bone 8 Malignant tumour principles 11
Excision of bursa 9 Viva questions 13
Excision of benign bone tumour 9

tract will need to be excised if malignancy is

The type of biopsy needle should also be
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING considered. A fine-bore needle, through which an
aspiration can be taken, is usually unsuitable to
Indications make a diagnosis in bony lesions, unless pus is
aspirated from a sequestrum. A thicker-bore
To obtain a histological diagnosis so that further needle (11G or 13G), capable of boring through
treatment can be planned. the outside of the lesion and taking core biopsies
such as a Jamshidi needle (Fig. 2.1), is preferable.
Lesions that are closely related to neurovascular
structures, where a needle biopsy would put these
structures at risk.

Consent and risks

• Neurovascular injury and infection are the main
• Possible tumour seeding
Patients should also be warned that a second
needle biopsy or open biopsy may be necessary if
inadequate tissue for histological diagnosis is

The needle entry point and tract needs careful
thought and should be planned by the surgeon
performing the tumour resection, as the biopsy Figure 2.1 Jamshidi needle
Needle biopsy of bone 7

For tumours that have a large soft tissue pass directly to the site of the tumour and through
component or that have destroyed the cortex, a only the myofascial compartment in which the
Trucut or Temmo (preloaded) needle can be used. tumour is located, preferably through muscle and
These take a slice of tissue and come in 11 and 14 away from the neurovascular structures at risk. It
gauges. should aim to take a representative sample of the
tumour, which can be identified on pre-biopsy
Anaesthesia and positioning imaging. The needle is passed after a simple stab
incision in the skin, with a no. 15 blade.
Needle biopsy can be done under local, local with
sedation or general anaesthesia. For children, hard Deep dissection
lesions and lesions which may be difficult to
access, a general anaesthetic should be used. The needle is passed through the stab incision and
Positioning is dependent on the area to be directly to the area being biopsied, under
reached and if necessary the imaging modality radiological control if necessary.
being used.
Technical aspects of procedure
Multiple core biopsies are needed, aiming to
Landmarks and incision minimize diversion from the tract. If unsure
whether representative tissue has been taken, a
The line of the biopsy should be sited in the line frozen section should be undertaken. In cases
of a possible future surgical incision, so that it can where preoperative imaging is atypical or where
be excised at the time of surgery (Fig. 2.2). It must infection is suspected, samples should also be sent
for microbiology.
The needle should not be passed through the
lesion into normal tissue. For lesions close to
joints, the needle must not pass through the
capsule and therefore potentially contaminate the
joint. It may be necessary to drill the bone prior to
needle insertion in sclerotic lesions. Careful
handling of the specimens is important so as not
to destroy the microarchitecture. Discussion with
the histopathologist will elucidate whether they
Biopsy wish to receive the specimen fresh or fixed in

Use Steri-Strips.

• Neurovascular and routine observations.
• Local pressure in the case of vascular lesions.

Figure 2.2 Position of biopsy for proximal humeral
tumour – in the line of the deltopectoral approach, but Saifuddin A, Mitchell R, Burnett S, et al.
slightly lateral so that the needle passes through the Ultrasound guided needle biopsy of primary bone
deltoid muscle and avoids the cephalic vein tumours. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82:50–4.
8 Tumours

Stoker DJ, Cobb JP, Pringle JAS. Needle biopsy of SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
musculoskeletal lesions. A review of 208
procedures. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1991;37: Landmarks and incision
The incision should be in the line of a possible
future operative approach so that the biopsy tract
can be resected with the specimen.
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING Dependent on the location.

Indications Technical aspects of procedure

• Patients who are not suitable for a needle
It is important to minimize potential
complications of biopsy such as infection and
• Patients in whom tissue from a needle biopsy
haematoma as a poorly performed biopsy carries
was insufficient to make the diagnosis
significant morbidity. The tourniquet should be
Open biopsy can be incisional where a sample of deflated before closure and, if a drain is used, the
the lesion is taken or it can be excisional where exit point should be in the line of any further
the whole lesion is removed. Excisional biopsy is incision.
generally reserved for lesions which, on radiology, Only one compartment of the limb should be
have diagnostic features of a benign lesion. violated during the approach. Muscles should be
split and meticulous haemostasis applied to
minimize haematoma formation and spread of
fluid through tissue planes. The area to be
Lesions where a satisfactory needle biopsy can be biopsied should be carefully exposed, taking care
performed. not to disrupt the capsule or expose more of the
tumour than is necessary. If a capsule is opened
then it should be closed carefully.
Consent and risks A representative sample of tissue should be
taken to include the transition from normal to
• Neurovascular injury
abnormal tissue if possible. If there is any doubt
• Infection
then frozen section should be undertaken to
• Seeding of the tumour
ensure a diagnostic specimen.

The incision should be planned with the surgeon
and be made in the line of the surgical approach
that will be used to remove the tumour. POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS
Thought should be given as to how to localize
the tumour, e.g. with image intensifier Neurovascular observations.
intraoperatively if necessary.
Anaesthesia and positioning
Ashford RU, McCarthy SW, Scolyer RA, et al.
Regional/general anaesthesia and patient Surgical biopsy with intra-operative frozen
positioned to enable good access. section. An accurate and cost-effective method for
Exision of benign bone tumour 9

diagnosis of musculoskeletal sarcomas. J Bone Joint Technical aspects of procedure

Surg Br 2006;88:1207–11.
Mankin HJ, Lange TA, Sapnnier SS. The hazards Depend on the location.
of biopsy in patients with malignant primary bone
and soft tissue tumours, J Bone Joint Surg Am Closure
Pollock RC, Stalley PD. Biopsy of musculoskeletal Routine.
tumours – beware. A NZ J Surg 2004;74:516–19.
EXCISION OF BURSA Routine and neurovascular observations.


Chronically infected or thickened bursae.
Consent and risks
Common indications
Risks are dependent on the location of the bursa.
General risks, such as infection, apply as well as • Impending fracture, e.g. aneurysmal bone
stiffness of the surrounding soft tissues due to cyst
removal and postoperative scarring. • To prevent further bony destruction and/or
functional loss in aggressive lesions – e.g. giant
cell tumour
Templating • Mechanical symptoms – osteochondroma
• Pain – osteoid osteoma
Plan and approach depends on site. • Risk of malignant transformation.

Anaesthesia and positioning Contraindications

• Regional or general as appropriate No definitive characterization of the lesion on

• Positioning as appropriate. either imaging or pathology.

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Consent and risks

Landmarks and incision Depend on anatomical location and pathology of
the lesion.
Depend on location.

Superficial dissection Templating

Through skin and tissue planes taking care not to The approach depends on access required to
disrupt the bursa if chronically infected. perform resection and reconstruction if necessary.

Deep dissection Anaesthesia and positioning

Removal of entire bursa carefully protecting Usually general anaesthesia and routine
surrounding soft tissues. positioning.
10 Tumours

Landmarks and incision
As per preoperative plan.
• Risk of fracture or repeated fracture
The exposure is dependent on the anatomical • Failure of other methods of treatment, such as
location and whether the plan is to perform a steroid injection into the cyst.
curettage of the lesion (intralesional excision) or
to excise it (marginal excision) and reconstruct it. Contraindications
It is usually unwise to attempt tumour excision
and reconstruction through ‘minimally invasive’ If radiology is not classical of a bone cyst, then
approaches. histopathological diagnosis should be sought.

Technical aspects of procedure Consent and risks

Again, these depend on procedure and location. If • General risks and that of recurrence
en bloc resection is planned then reconstruction • Depend on the location
options need to be available, including any
autograft or allograft necessary, in conjunction
with any hardware for fixation. If curettage is Operative planning
planned, graft or adjuvant treatments, such as
cement, liquid nitrogen or phenol, may be Planning of the approach to allow good access to
required to fill/treat the resulting cavity. the whole cyst while not threatening the physis or
Necessary imaging modalities need to be nearby neurovascular structures.
available, such as computed tomography for
localization of an osteoid osteoma or image Anaesthesia and positioning
intensifier to localize a larger lesion.
General anaesthesia; positioning depends on the
access required.
Routine – procedure dependent. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND Landmarks and incision

Utilization of a recognized surgical approach in
• Routine most cases.
• Weightbearing and physiotherapy regimen –
depend on procedure. Dissection
RECOMMENDED REFERENCE Dissection to bone, following described
approaches and avoiding neurovascular structures,
Malawer MM, Dunham W. Cryosurgery and exposing the periosteum over the length of the
acrylic cementation as surgical adjuncts in the cyst. The image intensifier is often necessary to
treatment of aggressive (benign) bone tumours. locate the lesion or to confirm the position and
Clin Orthop Relat Res 1991;262:42. extent of the cavity.
Malignant tumour principles 11

If the cyst is close to the growth plate, the

cortical window is made distant to the physis;
2.5mm drill curettage of the growth plate is avoided as this
holes Holes joined
with may lead to a growth disturbance. The cyst can be
apart osteotome grafted with a cancellous or corticocancellous
to create a autograft from the ileum, tibia or fibula. An
Extent of window allograft may also be used to fill the defect.
cyst The cortical window, if large enough, may be
(a) (b) replaced and held with a screw or periosteal
Figure 2.3a,b Technique for making a cortical window
for curettage of a bony lesion Closure
Technical aspects of procedure
Once the cyst has been located, a 2.5 mm drill bit POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS
is used to drill (at 5–10mm intervals) the outline
of a cortical window through which curettage is Restoration of the range of motion of
going to take place. By drilling it confirms the neighbouring joints is undertaken as soon as
presence of the cyst and avoids stress risers in the possible. Weightbearing status is dependent on the
bone or the propagation of a fracture. The holes anatomical location and the size of the defect.
are joined up with a small osteotome or saw blade
Once the cyst is entered, thorough curettage can
take place, attempting to remove tissue from all Aboulafia AJ, Temple HT, Scully SP. Surgical
bone surfaces. A communication is made from the treatment of benign bone tumors. Instr Course
cyst to the medulla of the bone to allow the cyst to Lect 2002;51:441–50.
fill with blood (which reduces recurrence rate).
Screening with an image intensifier (Fig. 2.4)
confirms that the whole cavity has been treated.


Common indications
• Excision of an isolated primary tumour
• Excision of a primary tumour with metastatic
disease depending on life expectancy
• Excision of isolated metastases
• Excision of a fungating tumour for local control
• Excision of tumour recurrence.

• Poor life expectancy
• Co-morbidities
Figure 2.4 Screening the extent of the cavity to be • Malignancies treatable by chemotherapy alone
curetted such as lymphoma.
12 Tumours

Structures at risk and the method of

Consent and risks
reconstruction have to be considered. Surgical
Depend on the anatomical location and magnitude approaches that are not routinely used may have
of the procedure. to be employed and plastic surgical techniques
may be necessary to provide soft tissue coverage
after resection. In cases of highly vascular tumours
Operative planning or particularly renal and thyroid metastases,
preoperative embolization should be considered
The tumour, the surrounding compartments and to reduce the intraoperative blood loss.
the whole bone must be satisfactorily imaged to
allow adequate planning of the procedure and Anaesthesia and positioning
reconstructive method. This will usually involve
plain films, computed tomography and magnetic General or regional anaesthesia as appropriate and
resonance imaging. positioning to allow sufficient access.
Planning of the surgical approach needs to
enable sufficient access to remove the tumour and SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
any structures to be sacrificed to ensure tumour
clearance with wide margins, which means Landmarks and incision
removal of a layer of the normal tissue
surrounding the whole tumour (Fig. 2.5). Depend on anatomical location of the tumour.

Dissection must enable removal of the tumour en
bloc with a layer of normal tissues surrounding it
to provide a wide margin. In some cases
neurovascular structures may be preserved and
therefore a marginal excision around these
structures is performed. Postoperatively, an
opinion regarding adjuvant therapy is obtained.
However, if cure is sought, and the neurovascular
structures are involved then they must be
Marginal Wide
Radical sacrificed. This may mean an amputation or
excision excision reconstruction of the vessels.

Technical aspects of procedure

Intralesional Margins and structures to be sacrificed can usually

excision be anticipated from good-quality imaging.
However, during the procedure the surgeon needs
to decide, based on experience and the feel of the
tissues, what has to be sacrificed, in conjunction
with the imaging.
The parts of the procedure that have the easiest
anatomical access are undertaken first. Samples
from remaining surrounding tissues are sent for
histology if the resection margin is questionable.
Figure 2.5 Intralesional, marginal, wide and radical Intraoperative frozen section can be used to
margins for the excision of bone and soft tissue ensure an adequate resection margin if there is
tumours. (Note the diagram shows a soft tissue lesion) any doubt.
Viva questions 13

The wound should be thoroughly washed with • Weightbearing and physiotherapy – depend on
water (as water is highly hypotonic, it may aid in procedure.
lysis of any spilled tumour cells) after removal of
the tumour. If any spillage of the tumour or RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
invasion of the capsule of the tumour has taken
place intraoperatively then after washing, new Enneking WF, Maale GE. The effect of
instruments, gloves and gowns should be used for inadvertent tumour contamination of wounds
reconstruction and/or closure. during the surgical resection of musculoskeletal
If it is found postoperatively on histological neoplasms. Cancer 1988;62:1251.
examination that an inadequate margin has been
taken then a repeat wide local excision should be RECOMMENDED REFERENCES (FOR
considered. WHOLE CHAPTER)
General information relating to all of the above
Closure topics can be found in:
Enneking WF. Musculoskeletal Tumour Surgery.
• Routine closure
New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1983.
• Drains to be placed in line of incision to
Malawer MM, Sugarbaker PH. Musculoskeletal
facilitate tract excision if re-excision is
Cancer Surgery Treatment of Sarcomas and Allied
Diseases. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
INSTRUCTIONS Sim FH, Frassica FJ, Frassica DA. Soft tissue
tumours: diagnosis, evaluation and management.
• Routine J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1994;2:202–11.

Viva questions

1. What do you know about the biopsy of a 11. What are the indications for excision of a
tumour? malignant bone tumour?
2. How would you perform a biopsy of a bony 12. How would you plan the excision of a
lesion? malignant bone tumour?
3. How would you perform a biopsy of a soft 13. What are the principles involved in the excision
tissue lesion? of a malignant bone tumour?

4. How would you choose between a needle 14. What is the difference between an open biopsy
biopsy and an open biopsy? and an excision biopsy?
15. What does a marginal resection mean?
5. What must be avoided during biopsy?
16. What is the difference between a wide and a
6. How would you excise a bursa?
radical resection?
7. How would you make a cortical window in 17. How would you ensure that you have an
bone? adequate biopsy?
8. How would you treat a benign bone cyst? 18. What do you understand by the term limb
9. What are the indications for excision of a salvage?
benign bone tumour? 19. Why might it not be possible to salvage a limb?
10. What considerations have to be taken into 20. Where and by whom should a biopsy be carried
account when excising a benign bone tumour? out?
Surgery of the cervical spine
Raman Kalyan and David J Harrison

Anterior approach to cervical spine (C3–T1) 14 Halo vest fixation of the cervical spine 21
Posterior approach to cervical spine (C2–C7) 18 Viva questions 25
Posterior approach to upper cervical spine (C1–C2) 20

Halo vest fixation

Cervical spine Clinical range of Radiological upper Radiological lower

motion spine (C1–C2) range spine (C3–C7) range
of motion of motion
Flexion 45° 15° 40°
Extension 55° 15° 25°
Lateral bending 40° 0° 50°
Axial rotation 70° 40° 45°

Position of arthrodesis – Herniated disc from degenerative or trau-

matic causes
• Maintain the sagittal contour (lordosis) and avoid – Osteophytes
local kyphosis
– Bony element (traumatic causes)
• During anterior inter-body fusion surgery, the graft – Subluxation of the vertebra due to degenera-
or artificial cage selected is wedge shaped with
tive process
greater anterior vertebral height
– Tumour
• The rods are contoured into lordotic shape during – Infection
posterior fusion/stabilization procedures
– Congenitally narrow canal
– Ossification of posterior longitudinal liga-
• Anterior intervertebral fusion:
– Degenerative pathology
ANTERIOR APPROACH TO THE – After anterior decompression for above
CERVICAL SPINE (C3–T1) indications
• Anterior stabilization
– Degenerative subluxation
Indications – After decompression/fusion
• Cervical disc replacement
• Anterior decompression for spinal canal or – Degenerative disc disorders
foraminal stenosis: • Biopsy/excision/drainage of collection
– Presenting symptoms – myelopathy, – Tumour
radiculopathy, neurological deficit – Infection.
Anterior approach to the cervical spine 15

Consent and risks Operative planning

• Dysphagia: 50 per cent in short term; 10 per An image intensifier should be available from the
cent long term (more common in multilevel start of the procedure. If an operative microscope
surgery, longer retraction time, older patients). is to be used it should be pre-booked. Some prefer
This complication can be reduce by keeping to use magnification loupes, along with headlights
retraction time to a minimum, using smooth for improved illumination of the operative field.
contour retractors, lower profile plate, good All radiological investigations should be
tissue handling and haemostasis. available. Check/pre-order the specific implants
• Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury: 0.2 per cent; it and instrumentation.
produces paralysis of one side of the vocal cord, If iliac bone crest graft is required, then the side
and leads to hoarseness of the voice, airway and draping need to be pre-planned; a tri-cortical
problems and aspiration. More common in the graft is best. In high-risk cases, the spinal cord
right-sided approach. The reason for its integrity is monitored intraoperatively using
vulnerability on the right side is because of its evoked potentials (somatosensory or motor) and
course, as it crosses from lateral towards the this needs to be organized.
trachea in the midline, in the lower part of the
neck. Some consider it to occur due to the dual
compression of the nerve from the self-retaining
The operation is performed under general
deep retractor on the lateral aspect and medially
anaesthesia. The head end of the patient is
by the cuff of the endotracheal tube within the
positioned opposite to the anaesthetist; therefore,
trachea. This can be avoided by relaxing the
long tubing is needed which requires to be safely
retractor often and deflating and reinflating the
placed and well secured. The outer end of the
cuff after application of the retractor
endotracheal tube is positioned and fixed away
• Other neurological injuries: superior laryngeal
from the side of the incision. Prophylactic
nerve, hypoglossal nerve, sympathetic nerve and
antibiotics are given as per protocol.
stellate ganglion
Place the patient in a supine position on the
• Spinal cord injury
operating table with or without Mayfield skull
• Vascular injury: inferior thyroid artery, common
clamp attachment. Head ring and adhesive tape
carotid artery, vertebral artery, internal jugular
are used to position the head securely if the
Mayfield clamp is not used. The Mayfield skull
• Haematoma
clamp attachment provides a three-point rigid
• Visceral injury: oesophagus, trachea
cranial fixation and allows greater flexibility in
• Infection: 0.5 per cent
positioning of the cervical spine and better
• Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak and fistula: 0.1 per
visualization during imaging. It is particularly
useful in surgery for cervical spine fracture. It
• Death: 0.1 per cent
enables better control of cervical spine position
and allows change in position and manipulation
during surgical procedure.
A rolled up pad or saline bag or sandbag is
Risks for fusion/stabilization placed between the scapulae to enable slight
extension of the cervical spine as desired. The
• Bone graft donor site morbidity head is minimally rotated to the opposite side of
• Non-union/pseudarthrosis: 4–20 per cent in the planned approach to enable better access. The
single level fusion, 25–50 per cent in multilevel head end of the table is tilted up to minimize
fusion venous bleeding. The foot end of the bed may
• Implant pull out/failure need levelling to prevent migration of the patient
• Anterior graft migration down the bed. To enable adequate visualization of
the lower cervical spine an image intensifier is
16 Surgery of the cervical spine

used and for improved access, broad strips (10 or

15 cm [4 or 6 inches]) of adhesive are used to pull
the shoulders down and anchor them to the
operation table.
The accessibility of the image intensifier and
the ability to visualize the required field must be
checked. The positioning of the image intensifier
and the microscope during the procedure needs to
be planned.
C1/2 Lower border
C4/5 Hyoid bone
Choosing the side for the approach C5/6 Thyroid cartilage
C6/7 Cricoid ring
C /T1
For the upper and middle cervical spine, the right- Sternocleidomastoid
or left-sided approach can be used. Right-sided
approach is usually preferred by the right hand
dominant surgeon and vice versa. The site of the
pathology (for example in tumour) can some-
times influence the choice. Figure 3.1 Anatomical landmarks and levels in the
For the lower cervical spine (C6 and below), anterior approach to the cervical spine
some prefer the left-sided approach, because of
the increased risk of injury to the recurrent
laryngeal nerve injury with the right-sided The following guidelines can be applied for the
approach. transverse incision for the approaches to the
If previous surgery has been carried out on one following vertebral levels:
side of the neck, then the opposite side will be the • C3 and C4 level – level of the hyoid bone or
preferred choice of approach. two finger breaths below the mandible
• C4 and C5 level – level of the thyroid cartilage
Choosing the incision • C5 and C6 level – level of the cricoid cartilage
• C6 and below – two finger breaths above the
Depending on the number of vertebral levels to clavicle.
be exposed, the incision can be transverse, oblique
or longitudinal. For fewer vertebral levels The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
transverse or oblique incisions are used and for muscle and the midline are identified and marked.
broader exposure longitudinal incision is
preferred. Incision
The cosmetic appearance is better with
transverse and mild oblique incision along the The skin incision extends from the posterior
neck’s skin creases/cleavage lines. border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the
midline, extending further if necessary.
Superficial dissection
Few palpable structures in the anterior aspect of
the neck, give an approximate estimation of
the vertebral level and incision (Fig. 3.1). It is Structures at risk
common practice to use an image intensifier to • Longitudinal and traversing veins in deep cervical
identify the level of the incision and the incision fascia
site is marked.
Anterior approach to the cervical spine 17

• Inferior thyroid artery muscle can be divided if it traverses the operating

• Carotid sheath (enveloping the common carotid field or if an extensive approach is required.
artery, internal jugular vein and vagus nerve) This dissection exposes the carotid sheath and
• Trachea and the oesophagus the pretracheal fascia (Fig. 3.2). The carotid pulse
• Recurrent laryngeal nerve and superior laryngeal is palpated and the pretracheal fascia incised
nerve medial to the carotid sheath using blunt dissection
(peanut surgical swab). The carotid sheath
enveloping the common carotid artery, internal
The platysma muscle is cut in the same direction jugular vein and vagus nerve are retracted
as the skin incision or split longitudinally along its laterally and the trachea and the oesophagus are
fibres. The platysma is supplied by the cervical retracted medially. The prevertebral fascia and the
branch of the facial nerve and it receives its longus colli muscle are visualized.
branches in the mandibular region, superior to the
incision site. However, dividing the platysma does
not cause any significant morbidity. Deep dissection
The anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
is identified and the deep cervical fascia is incised
medially. The longitudinal and traversing vein
Structures at risk
may need retraction or ligation. The sternocleido- • Vertebral artery
mastoid muscle is gently retracted laterally and • Sympathetic nerve and stellate ganglion
the strap muscles and thyroid gland are retracted • Spinal cord injury
medially. The superior belly of the omohyoid

Pretracheal fascia Trachea

Thyroid gland Platysma

Deep cervical
sheath Sternocleidomastoid

Figure 3.2 Superficial dissection

18 Surgery of the cervical spine

The prevertebral fascia is incised with blunt POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND

dissection to expose the anterior surface of the INSTRUCTIONS
cervical spine with the two longus colli muscles.
The right and left longus colli muscles are stripped Prescription of neck collars varies according to the
subperiosteally from the anterior vertebral bodies, pathology, type of surgery/stabilization and
using cautery and maintaining good haemostasis surgeon’s choice.
(Fig. 3.3). The smooth-ended retractor blades are
placed underneath the two longus colli muscles to POSTERIOR APPROACH TO THE
improve the exposure; this helps to protect the
oesophagus, recurrent laryngeal nerve, trachea and
carotid sheath from injury by the retractors.
The appropriate level is identified using a bent PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
needle as a marker (bent at about 1 cm to act as a
stop) seen on a lateral radiograph using an image Indications
intensifier. After the level is identified, the further
procedure of decompression, fusion or stabiliza- • Posterior stabilization/fusion:
tion is carried out. – Trauma, degenerative subluxation, after
• Posterior decompression of the spinal canal or
Closure foraminae stenosis:
After removal of the retractors, special attention is – (Presenting symptoms – myelopathy,
paid to haemostasis of all the layers, as a retractor radiculopathy, neurological deficits)
could have acted as a temporary tamponade. Also, – Degenerative pathology – facet joint arthritis,
check for any injury to the visceral structures. osteophytes, ligamentum hypertrophy,
A deep drain is placed with care and kept for 24 instability
hours. The platysma is approximated well by – Trauma (instability, bony and disc encroach-
interrupted suture. The subcutaneous layer is ment)
closed by 2–0 Vicryl. Skin is closed by – Others – congenital stenosis, ossification of
subcuticular stitches or skin clips. Check for posterior longitudinal ligament, tumour, etc.
bleeding at the Mayfield clamp pin site and apply – (Posterior decompression is preferred to
Opsite spray or dressing as required. anterior decompression in multilevel (>2
levels) degenerative stenosis if suitable)
• Biopsy/excision/drainage of collection:
– Tumour
Larynx – Infection.

Consent and risks

fascia • Haemorrhage: usually caused by straying away
Carotid sheath from subperiosteal plane and entering
intermuscular plane. Extension of the exposure
Longus colli lateral to facet risks bleeding from the segmental
vessels and venous plexus. Cervical canal also
has a rich epidural venous plexus which can
bleed profusely
Vertebral artery • Dural tear
• Cord or nerve root damage: (rare). It is important
Longus capitis to use bipolar cauterization while controlling
bleeding near the cord and nerve roots. Cord
Figure 3.3 Deep dissection
Posterior approach to the cervical spine 19

handling needs to be kept minimal and care shoulders down, and the position of the image
taken not to plunge instruments into the intensifier and microscope is checked. The head
interlaminar space. The laminae can be end of the table is tilted upwards to minimize
surprisingly thin and fragile venous bleeding.
• Vertebral artery injury: (rare). Vertebral artery is
at risk when the exposure extends over the
transverse process and in surgery involving C1 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
and C2. Injury bilaterally endangers the blood
supply to the hindbrain Landmarks
• General morbidity and mortality are shown to be
Identification of the level is important to avoid
increased in patients of older age and those with
unnecessary dissection of the wrong levels. The
external occipital protuberance and the longer
spinous processes of C2, C7 and T1 vertebrae are
easily palpable landmarks to guide the location of
Operative planning the incision. An image intensifier can also be used
to verify the level as needed.
An image intensifier should be available at the
start of the procedure, for example to check for Incision
spine alignment during positioning in patients
who have instability of the cervical spine. The A midline straight incision centring over the
image intensifier is also used perioperatively to exposure required. The skin in this area is vascular
identify level, check spinal alignment, and check and thick and adrenaline can be injected to reduce
implant, screw and graft position. For other bleeding.
considerations at this stage, see ‘Anterior approach
to the cervical spine’ (p. 14). Superficial dissection
Anaesthesia and positioning
Structures at risk
The operation is performed under general
anaesthesia. The patient is placed in the prone Segmental vessels and venous plexi (bleeding is
position on the operating table. The head end of much worse if dissection strays from the midline or
the patient is positioned at the opposite side to into muscle. Lateral extension of the dissection
the anaesthetist. The long anaesthetic tubing is beyond the facet joint risks bleeding from the
secured safely. segmental vessels).
The head is positioned in a special head ring
or brace, or held by a Mayfield skull clamp The fascia is incised at the midline. Retractors and
attachment, which provides three-point rigid palpation are used to keep dissection in the
cranial fixation, allows greater flexibility in midline. The nuchal ligament is split in the
positioning and better visualization during midline and the spinous process is reached. The
imaging. The eyes should be protected spinous processes of C3, C4, C5 and C6 are
appropriately during prone positioning. During normally bifid.
exposure the neck is positioned in slight Using Cobb elevators and diathermy, further
flexion, to allow easier dissection and avoid skin dissection is carried out in the subperiosteal plane
creasing. reflecting the paracervical muscles off the spinous
The spinal stability needs to be taken into process and the lamina, either bilaterally or
account and the spinal alignment to be checked unilaterally as required. The extent of lateral
with imaging if necessary. As with the anterior extension depends on the procedure planned, e.g.
approach, broad strips (10 or 15 cm [4 or 6 need to expose the facet joint or transverse
inches]) of adhesive tape are used to pull the process.
20 Surgery of the cervical spine

Deep dissection (Fig. 3.4) approximation, typically with subcutaneous



• Dura
• Cord and nerve root Prescription of neck collars varies according to the
• Vertebral artery pathology, type of surgery/stabilization and
• Epidural venous plexus surgeon’s choice.

Care should be taken to avoid plunging

instruments into the interlaminar space. If POSTERIOR APPROACH TO THE UPPER
required, the ligamentum flavum is detached from CERVICAL SPINE (C1–C2)
the inferior lamina using a spatula, Kerrison punch
or triple zero curette. Further laminotomy, The approach is very similar to that of the lower
laminectomy or laminoplasty are carried out as cervical spine and it is recommended that this
needed. section is read in conjunction with the previous
• Approximation of fascia with musculature and
the nuchal ligament Indications
• Approximation of the subcutaneous tissue and
the skin. The posterior neck skin is thick and, • Posterior stabilization and fusion (C1–C2,
owing to skin creases, it is better to keep the occipitocervical):
neck in slight flexion if possible to attain better – Trauma

Spinous Fascia




Vertebral artery Vertebral body Anterior tubercle

Figure 3.4 Deep dissection

Halo vest fixation of the cervical spine 21

– Degenerative subluxation Superficial dissection

– Following decompression from other
• Posterior decompression: Structures at risk
– Spinal canal stenosis from various aetiologies,
• Suboccipital venous plexus
e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, trauma,
• Vertebral artery
degeneration, tumour.

Consent and risks See ‘Posterior approach to the cervical spine’

(p. 18). The Cobb elevator and diathermy are used
• Similar to posterior approach of C2 to C7 to separate the musculature from the occiput
• Haemorrhage: the venous plexi are rich around (superior nuchal line to superior margin of
the C2 nerve root and posterior to C1–C2 facet foramen magnum). Subperiosteal dissection is
and they tend to bleed profusely carried out separating the muscles from the C1
• Vertebral artery injury: vulnerable at C1 level, and C2 spinous processes and lamina, taking care
passing through the foramen transversarium of of the interlaminar spaces, venous plexus and
the C1 it turns medially and runs in the groove vertebral artery.
of C1 to pierce the posterior atlanto-occipital
membrane and enter the foramen magnum Deep dissection
• Nerve injury: the greater occipital nerve (branch
of posterior rami of C2), third occipital nerve If required, the ligamentum flavum is detached
(branch of posterior rami of C3) and suboccipital between C1 and C2 and the posterior atlanto-
nerve are prone to injury if you stray away from occipital membrane between occiput and C1,
the subperiosteal plane, while dissecting laterally using a triple zero curette, spatula or Kerrison


Operative planning INSTRUCTIONS
This is similar to the posterior approach of C2–C7. Prescription of neck collars varies according to the
Three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) pathology, type of surgery/stabilization and
reconstruction is needed to plan the appropriate surgeon’s choice.
angle for C1–C2 transarticular screw fixation.

Anaesthesia and positioning HALO VEST FIXATION OF THE

See ‘Posterior approach to the cervical spine’ (p. 18).

• Cervical spine trauma (temporary or definite
• External occipital protuberance in the posterior
stabilization), e.g. odontoid and upper cervical
aspect of the skull in the midline (midpoint of
spine fracture, fracture of the occipital
the superior nuchal line)
• The spinous process of C2 vertebra (the longest
• External stabilization following surgery as a
in the upper cervical spine).
primary stabilizer or as an adjuvant, e.g. after
An image intensifier can also be used to verify the osteotomy for ankylosing spondylitis
level as needed. • Instability due to infection or tumour
22 Surgery of the cervical spine

• Paediatric patients – trauma, post fusion, Operative planning

scoliosis and other pathologies
• Halo traction (halo-gravity traction, halo- Templating
wheelchair traction, halo-pelvic traction) – The patient’s head circumference and chest
trauma, scoliosis, post surgery, etc. circumference are measured to determine the
crown and vest size, respectively. The
manufacturer of the halo vest provides a rough
Contraindications guidance with regard to selection of the sizes
(paediatric, small, medium and large). The halo
• Active infection at the pin site area or in the
ring can be trialled to check that it provides a
area of the skin covered by the vest.
clearance all round the head circumference of
• Patients with conditions where pin purchase in
1–2 cm. Availability of the correct size of the
the skull bone is unlikely to provide adequate
crown and vest, and other equipment and
support for the required duration, e.g.
materials, is confirmed.
rheumatoid arthritis
Three or more people are usually needed for
• Doubt about patient compliance, under-
the application of the vest and for log rolling the
standing and ability to cope, e.g. dementia
patient, if required. The nature and type of the
• Patients experiencing recurrent, significant
neck instability should be taken into account by
the surgeon. An image intensifier can be used,
if needed, to assess cervical position. A crash
trolley should be available for emergency
Consent and risks
• Pin loosening: 36–60 per cent (The pin should
be retightened regularly using 8 inch-pounds
torque (2–5 inch-pounds torque for children). It Anaesthesia and positioning
is retightened 48 hours after initial application
and thereafter every week. If the resistance is The operation is performed under local
not met after a few full turns, then a fresh pin is anaesthesia, enabling recognition of any changes
applied in a new adjacent location as in the neurological status during the procedure
appropriate. This complication can be minimized and manipulation. General anaesthesia is
by selecting appropriate pin insertion site on the occasionally required if concomitant surgical
skull, adopting perpendicular pin insertion angle procedures are carried out.
and using the correct pin insertion torque A hard cervical spine collar is applied for
• Pin site infection: 20 per cent provisional additional support, to improve
• Pin migration and dural puncture stability and prevent neurological deterioration.
• Loss of reduction: More common in anterior The patient is positioned supine, with the head
column insufficiency/poor reduction/poorly close to the edge or beyond the edge of the bed,
fitted vest mainly in obese or very thin so that the posterior portion of the ring can be
individuals positioned appropriately. Most modern systems
• Pressure sores and skin problems underlying the have either the posterior position of the ring open
vest area or curved superiorly to enable easy positioning. If
• Restricted ventilation and pneumonia slight extension of the cervical spine is desired to
• Restricted arm elevation improve alignment, then a saline bag is placed
• Scar between the scapulae.
• Dysphagia: 2 per cent. Can be prevented by The positioning of the image intensifier during
avoiding immobilization at extreme range of the procedure needs to be planned. The
neck extension accessibility of the image intensifier and the ability
to visualize the required field must be checked.
Halo vest fixation of the cervical spine 23


Selection of pin insertion sites Supratrochlear nerve

Anterior pin sites Frontal sinus Supraorbital nerve

Anterolateral aspect of the skull, about 1 cm Safe zone

superior to the supraorbital rim, above the lateral
two-thirds of the eyebrows (Fig. 3.5). This site is
optimal (relatively safe zone) for the following
• It is lateral to the frontal sinus, supratrochlear
nerve and supraorbital nerve (structures at
• It is medial to the temporalis muscle (pin
penetration can lead to pain during mastication
and speaking), temporalis fossa (thin bone) and
zygomaticotemporal nerve
• There is adequate skull thickness
• It is below the equator (largest circumference)
of the skull (prevent cephalad migration). Figure 3.5 Safe zones for anterior and posterior pin
Posterior pin sites
solution and is infiltrated with local anaesthetic
Postero-lateral aspect of the skull at the 4 o’clock solution.
and 8 o’clock positions, roughly diagonal to the The pins are positioned in the corresponding
contralateral anterior pins (Fig 3.5). These sites holes and advanced through the skin as
are: perpendicular as possible to the skull surface. (A
• Below the equator of the skull, but still 1 cm perpendicular bone–pin interface enables
above the upper tip of the ear increased contact area of the pin tip and so better
• Where the skull is more uniformly thick purchase). The patient should gently close the
• Away from at risk neurological and muscular eyes and relax the forehead when the anterior
structures. pins are fixed. This avoids skin tethering and
problems with eyelid closure. Direct insertion of
Halo application pins into the skin without a prior skin incision is
preferred. A single-use torque-limiting device,
Appropriate sterile precautions are undertaken which breaks off when a torque of eight inch-
during halo ring application using sterile pins and pounds is reached, is available in some halo
ring. Care is taken to avoid injury to the eye systems. These are used to advance the pins if
during the procedure. available; if not a torque-limiting screwdriver is
The halo ring is positioned about 1 cm above used.
the superior ear tip and eyebrows, but below the The pins are tightened in diagonal fashion, by
equator of the skull. They are temporarily working on the contralateral pins concurrently
stabilized using three positioning baseplates (Fig. (see Fig. 3.6). Each pin is secured using a locknut
3.6) at the 12 o’clock, 5 o’clock and 7 o’clock to prevent loosening. The locknuts are tightened
positions. The appropriate locations for the pin gently, as over tightening can result in backing out
sites and the corresponding holes in the ring are of the pin. After the locknut comes in contact
identified. Hair is shaved or trimmed over the with the ring, it is tightened further by one-eighth
posterior pin sites, if required. The skin over the turn with the spanner supplied. If skin tenting is
chosen pin site area is prepared with antiseptic noted around the pin, a skin release can be
24 Surgery of the cervical spine

performed with a scalpel. Now the secured halo An image intensifier may be used to check the
ring can be used to control and position the cervical spine position and to enable correction
cervical spine for further procedures. under image guidance. All of the fixations are
retightened when a satisfactory position is
Vest application achieved.

The posterior and anterior halves of the vest are

separated, but left connected to their respective Halo application in children
two upright posts. The bolts, nuts and the
Multiple pins and low torque techniques are used.
connectors are loosened but dismantling of
For older children, the torque used for pin
various parts of the vest is best kept to a
application is 2–5 inch-pounds. Six pins or more
minimum, to avoid confusion and save time. After
can be used. For children under 3 years, 10–12
the neck is stabilized to the trunk manually, the
pins can be used. A CT scan of the skull helps
trunk is lifted or log rolled for the placement of
to plan pin placements, by avoiding thin bone
the posterior vest and the two upright posts.
and suture lines. The pins are hand tightened
The anterior vest is applied next. Both halves of
only. Custom-made halo vest components may
the vest are connected and tightened to a level
be required or a plaster jacket can be applied
that will allow two fingers to slide between the
vest and chest. The patient should be able to
breathe comfortably. Both the shoulder straps are
also fixed and tightened. The two right posts are POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
connected loosely to the right connector and INSTRUCTIONS
similarly the left two posts are connected to the
left connector. Both the connectors are then If an image intensifier was not used, a radiograph
slackly fixed to the halo ring. The head and neck is used to check the alignment.
are positioned and all the bolts and nuts are Forty-eight hours after application the locking
tightened after placing the posts and connectors in nuts are unlocked and all of the pins retightened
the appropriate position. Attach the spanner to to 8 inch-pounds. The locking nuts are
the front of the anterior vest for quicker access, to retightened. The pins and other fixations must be
deal with any emergency that requires vest rechecked regularly – at least every 2 weeks
removal. thereafter. Regular care is required for the pin
sites and the skin under the vest. Regularly check
imaging as appropriate, as loss of reduction is
common. One spanner should always be attached
to the anterior vest and the rest of the application
tools and spares to be kept by the patient.


Bauer R, Kerschbaumer F, Poisel S. Atlas of Spinal

Operations. New York: Thieme Medical
Publishers, 1993.
Clark CR. The Cervical Spine, 3rd edn.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Raven Publishers, 1998.
Nordin M, Frankel VH. Basic Biomechanics of the
Figure 3.6 Pin sites and temporary positioning Musculoskeletal System, 3rd edn. Philadelphia:
baseplates Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001.
Viva questions 25

Viva questions
1. How do you position a patient for anterior 7. What are the structures at risk during a
cervical spine surgery? posterior approach to the upper cervical spine
and how are they avoided?
2. Describe the steps of the anterior cervical
approach and the reasons behind them. 8. How do you apply a halo to stabilize the
cervical spine?
3. What are the structures at risk in anterior
cervical surgery and how are they avoided? 9. What complications occur in halo stabilization
of the cervical spine?
4. Describe the radiological signs indicating
cervical spine instability. 10. How is a halo vest looked after following
5. Describe how you will position a patient for
the posterior approach to the cervical spine.
6. What are the structures at risk during a
posterior approach to the lower cervical spine
and how can they be avoided?
Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine
Matthew Shaw and Sean Molloy

Thoracic anterior decompression/fixation/fusion 26 Lumbar disc surgery 40

Thoracic posterior decompression/fixation/fusion 28 Facet injection 42
Scoliosis surgery 30 Nerve root block 43
Caudal epidural 36 Viva questions 44
Lumbar decompression/fixation/fusion 37

THORACIC ANTERIOR • Anterior chest wall pain

• Major vessel damage: 2–15 per cent
• Neurological compromise
• Cosmesis of scar
• Thromboembolism: <1 per cent
Indications • Back pain
• Wrong level surgery
Anterior instrumentation of the spine is indicated
in degenerative, traumatic or pathological
processes that cannot be addressed adequately
Operative planning
with a posterior approach or by a posterior Recent radiographs must be available with
approach alone. These include: appropriate scans (computed tomography
• Fractures of the middle and anterior columns, [CT]/magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]). The
whereby the vertebral body is unable to take thoracic spine is a common site for wrong level
load thus leading to further collapse/kyphosis surgery, and radiological markers can be used if it
(Fig. 4.1) is thought that level identification may be a
• Compressive pathologies, including fracture, problem. Appropriate vascular/cardiothoracic
tumours and disc prolapses compressing the advice and assistance should be on hand.
cord anteriorly.

Contraindications Anaesthesia and positioning

Anaesthesia is general, with or without the use of
• Poor respiratory function (likely to lead to
a double lumen endotracheal tube (depending on
increasing morbidity)
whether the lungs need individual intubation).
• Medical resources not able to deal with
The lateral position is used. A sand or bean bag is
complications and morbidity of procedure.
commonly placed underneath the operative site to
aid exposure and to open the disc spaces.
Consent and risks The patient is secured using an anterior
• Mortality: <1 per cent superior iliac spine (ASIS) support with a
• Respiratory infection (common) posterior support on the lower back. A support is
placed high on the thoracic spine posteriorly and
Thoracic anterior decompression/fixation/fusion 27

the patient further secured using tape fixation and Approach

an arm gutter for the top upper limb. The
operation table should have the ability to be able An incision is made in line with the selected rib.
to ‘break’ and the patient positioned over this in The fat and superficial muscles are cut in line with
order to manipulate the operative site the rib. Occasionally, some muscles can be split in
preoperatively and intraoperatively. line with their fibres to provide a minimal access
approach. The periosteum is dissected off the rib
(with an elevator) and the rib is circumferentially
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE freed from the underlying soft tissue. Rib cutters
are used to remove the rib and the underlying
Landmarks pleura is carefully incised and the lung protected
with a chest pack. A rib spreader is then
The approach should go through the bed of the positioned.
rib two levels above the superior vertebra that The posterior pleura is incised and a plane
needs to be instrumented. It is possible to extend developed protecting the segmental blood supply.
the incision to reach an inferior level but much The spine, discs and segmental vessels are now
more difficult to get higher in the spine once the exposed.
incision is made.
The segmental vessels in the area of interest may
need to be sacrificed. The discs are incised and
removed piecemeal, removing the cartilaginous
endplates aiding fusion. If performing a
vertebrectomy/corpectomy, the discs above and
below the vertebra in question are removed
before removing it piecemeal. Implants can then
be positioned.

On closure, a chest drain is inserted and the chest
closed in layers. First, 1 Vicryl is applied to the
pleura and transverse thoracis and then each
individual layer is sutured. Second, 2-0 Vicryl is
placed into the fat layer and a subcuticular layer
applied to the skin to give the best cosmetic

Postoperative care and instructions

Adequate analgesia is achieved by means of
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), intercostal
blocks or paravertebral catheter. Neurovascular
observations are continued. The chest drain is left
on free drainage and removed when drainage is
satisfactory – this is often taken as less than
125–150 mL/24 hours.
Figure 4.1 A thoracic flexion compression fracture with A postoperative chest X-ray is mandatory to
kyphosis check that the lung is fully inflated.
28 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

Figure 4.2 Thoracic vertebrectomy with posterior stabilization for a solitary metastasis


Ikard RW. Methods and complications of anterior • Respiratory status does not allow for prone
exposure of the thoracic and lumbar spine. Arch positioning
Surg 2006;141:1025–34. • Coagulopathy.

Consent and risks

• Neurological injury (higher rate in the thoracic
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING spine as canal dimensions smaller)
• Wrong level surgery
Indications • Blindness: 0.02–0.2 per cent
• Thromboembolism
• Unstable thoracic fracture (often in association • Respiratory infection
with a sternal fracture) (Fig. 4.3) • Failure/fracture of fixation
• Posterior cord compression from a tumour or
degenerative process
• Palliative procedure for an anterior tumour or Operative planning
compressive pathology, where the patient’s
condition does not allow for an anterior Recent radiographs should be available and a CT
approach or MRI scan available in theatre at the time of
• Disc pathology as part of costotransversectomy surgery. Identifying the correct level in the thoracic
• Coronal or sagittal deformity correction. spine is more of a challenge as the reference points
Thoracic posterior decompression/fixation/fusion 29

Figure 4.3 A fracture dislocation of the thoracic spine stabilized with posterior thoracic rods and screws

of the sacrum or C2 are not there to refer to. It is pressure on the patient’s axilla, which could cause
important to check the number of ribs a patient a nerve palsy. Padding is used under the patient’s
has on plain X-ray, as these can be used to mark elbows to avoid an ulnar nerve palsy. There must
the skin using fluoroscopy prior to incision. be no pressure on the eyes and, if possible, the
table should be slightly head up to decrease
Anaesthesia and positioning central venous pressure.

The patient is positioned prone over a Montreal

mattress, Jackson table, four-post frame or similar.
The arms can be placed by the patient’s side or Landmarks
out in front (depending on the level of surgery and
the need to use X-ray). It is important that the Figure 4.4 provides useful reference points in
shoulders are not hyperflexed or abducted (<45° identifying the correct levels. In thin patients, the
abducted and <90° flexed) and there is no ribs can easily be felt and counted. The vertebra

T2 Superior border of scapula.

T2/3 Suprasternal notch.
T3 Medial end of spine of scapula. Spine of T3 is posterior end of oblique
fissure lung.
T3/4 Top of arch of aorta.
T2 T4 End of arch of aorta. Azygos vein enters SVC.
T2/3 T3 T4/5 Manubriosternal junction. (angle of Louis). Start of arch of aorta.
T5 Thoracic duct crosses midline.
T4/5 T7 Inferior angle of scapula.
T5 T8 Caval opening in diaphragm. (IVC & right prenic nerve) Left phrenic
pierces diaphragm. Hemi-azygos veins cross to left.
T7 T10 Oesophageal opening in diaphragm. (oesophagus, branches of left
T8 gastric vessels, vagus nerves)
T10 T12 Aortic opening in diaphragm. (Aorta, azygos vein, hemi-azygos vein,
thoracic duct) Coeliac axis.
T12 Splanchic nerves pierce crura. Sympathetic trunk passes behind medial
arcuate ligament. Subscostal bundle passes behind lateral arcuate
Figure 4.4 Thoracic structures corresponding to various vertebral levels
30 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

prominens can also be used as a reference to authors preferred method is one of piecemeal
centre the incision. In general, either the ribs or removal of the spinous process followed by
the spinous processes can be counted to obtain removing the lamina using an up-cutting punch.
the correct level. The pars should be left intact, with at least 5 mm
remaining laterally if instrumentation is not
Incision undertaken or this will cause destabilization of the
An incision is made in the midline, centred on the
appropriate vertebra. Note the pedicle entry point Closure
will be above the spinous process of the vertebra
counted and therefore the incision should allow Closure is in layers. A drain may or may not be
for this. inserted.


Skin, fat and fascia are incised and haemostasis Adequate analgesia is provided by means of a
obtained. The paraspinal musculature is then PCA or epidural. Neurovascular observations are
stripped from the spine. The orientation of the continued, and the patient is allowed to sit up to
transverse processes is more vertical in the any angle.
thoracic spine and the facets more horizontally Postoperative X-rays are obtained (chest
positioned relative to the lumbar spine with the radiograph may be needed if costotrans-
patient prone. versectomy was performed and a chest drain
The important landmarks to identify are the inserted). The patient is initially given a walking
transverse process, the medial and lateral borders programme and a list of exercises. Lifting
of the facet joint and the pars. All three landmarks anything heavier than a kettle is not
need to be seen in order to be able to safely recommended for the first 6 weeks.
instrument the spine.
Cinotti G. Pedicle instrumentation in the thoracic
The entry point for pedicle screws varies spine. A morphometric and cadaveric study for
throughout the thoracic spine. From T12 to T8, placement of screws. Spine 1999;24:114–19.
the entry point becomes more cranial and more Kim YJ, Lenke LG, Bridwell KH. Freehand pedicle
medial, and then above this it becomes lower and screw placement in the thoracic spine: is it safe?
more lateral again. The medial and lateral borders Spine 2004;29:333–42.
of the facet joints give the medial and lateral
starting points for the pedicle screws. In general,
this is at the junction of the medial two-thirds and SCOLIOSIS SURGERY
lateral one-third of the joint. All screws are angled
medially. In the craniocaudal plane the pedicle PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
angulation is approximately 90° to the trans-
lamina line (a line drawn across the lamina above Indications
and below the screw insertion).
Decompression can be undertaken using this • Severe deformity
approach. If instrumentation is planned, the • Curve progression
authors prefer to do this before the • Radicular pain or neurological deficit
decompression begins as this allows some (degenerative cases)
protection of the neural elements. There are many • Back pain failing conservative management
ways of decompressing the spinal cord; the (rare – degenerative cases more common)
Scoliosis surgery 31

• Neurological conditions where progression is • Imbalance can occur in either the sagittal or
certain and respiratory function affected coronal planes
• Cosmesis. • Back pain (fortunately uncommon)
• Injury to the thoracic duct
Contraindications • Major vessel injury
• Blindness: 0.028–0.2 per cent
• Minor curves For posterior procedures:
• When the patient’s expectations do not match • All of the above complications apply to posterior
the surgeon’s approaches to surgery, however, neurological
• Poor respiratory function likely to lead to complications are probably slightly more
prolonged ventilation common in the posterior approach and obviously
• Spinal dysraphism, leading to a high rate of there is no risk of damage to the thoracic duct
neurological complications (relative). • Posterior approaches involve a significant scar,
which sometimes stretches from T2 to the pelvis
Choice of approach • Blood loss with this approach can be
considerable if not controlled adequately
• There is an increasing trend towards posterior- • Wound infection rates are probably slightly
only surgery. However, much depends on the higher with this approach
characteristics of the curve and on the surgeon’s
training and preference
• Thorough discectomy is only possible with an
anterior approach and thus very stiff curves Operative planning
may benefit from anterior release prior to
posterior surgery. Scoliosis surgery is a major undertaking which
• Thoracolumbar/lumbar curves are often treated should be performed in specialist centres. This
with anterior instrumentation, especially if chapter cannot cover every condition related to
there is no thoracic curve. scoliosis and their management but aims to give
• Posterior instrumentation allows fixation to the some general guidelines and advice to the
pelvis – an advantage in long fusions in the orthopaedic trainee.
elderly and in non-walking patients with Scoliosis is a diverse condition being mainly
neuromuscular-type curves. divided into degenerative, idiopathic, congenital
and neurological causes. Planning for these groups
will obviously be different but there are some
Consent and risks general principles:
Complications will depend on the approach. • All patients should be seen by a specialist
Anterior approach for idiopathic scoliosis: experienced in the treatment of scoliosis. All
• Mortality: 0.03 per cent patients should have a full history and
• Respiratory dysfunction/chest infection examination including birth and family history
• Neurological deficit: complete 0.03%; and any other medical problems likely relating
incomplete 1.5 per cent to their scoliosis.
• Non-union needing metalwork revision: 5 per • All patients should initially have
cent anteroposterior and lateral films of the whole
• Failure to achieve complete correction with spine. This will help in the overall planning of
residual curve or rotation surgery and assess spinal balance. If surgery may
• Damage to sympathetic chain leading to be indicated, the patient should be counselled
neurovascular change in the leg with regard to the risks involved and a whole
• Infection: 1–2 per cent spine MRI performed. This test, in the authors’
• Inequality of spinal balance and uneven shoulder view, is a mandatory requirement prior to
height surgery to exclude abnormalities of the spinal
column which could lead to an increase in
32 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

neurological complications. These include access to the discs that are to be removed. An
syrinx, cord tethering and Chiari malformations indwelling urinary catheter should be placed pre
of the brainstem. operatively.
• Following a (normal) MRI scan, patients are Patients receive a general anaesthetic. Hypo-
again counselled with regard to the risks and tension during anaesthesia is advantageous as this
benefits of surgery. A multidisciplinary team is may decrease blood loss. A double lumen endo-
needed, especially in the neurological scoliosis tracheal tube is helpful but not always necessary.
• Patients need to be medically assessed if they Posterior procedure
have co-morbidities. For posterior procedures, the patient is laid prone,
• Paediatric review is important and social issues often on a Montreal mattress. This mattress has a
need to be resolved before surgery, as do the central cut-out that allows the abdomen to hang
issues of care following the procedure. free. This decreases the epidural venous pressure
Recovery is often lengthy in these patients. and the intraoperative bleeding. Arms should be
• Lung function tests are useful as well as a chest placed with the shoulders no more than 90°
X-ray and electrocardiogram (ECG). abducted and the elbows should be bent to no
Anaesthetic involvement is required early to more than 90°.
optimize the patient preoperatively. Gel pads should be used to pad the medial
• Bending scoliosis films should be performed epicondyles of the elbows to prevent ulnar nerve
prior to surgery. The purpose of this injury. The patient’s position should be slightly
investigation is to assess the flexibility of the head up to decrease venous pressure around the
curve which will in turn help the surgeon head and there should be no pressure around the
decide which levels need to be fused. Curves eyes. Cut-out foam or gel head supports are useful
are tremendously variable in their shapes as in controlling the head while avoiding pressure on
well as their flexibility. This is dependent on the the eyes.
patients’ underlying condition as well as the age Pillows should be placed underneath the
of the curve. patient’s legs with the knees slightly bent. In all
• Cord monitoring should be used during the spinal procedures, mechanical deep vein
procedure and an intensive care bed should be thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis should be
booked prior to the procedure. considered.

Anaesthesia and positioning SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

Anterior procedure Anterior procedure
The patient is positioned in the lateral position
with the convexity of the curve facing upwards. Landmarks
The patient should be placed over a ‘break’ in the Prior to surgery, the appropriate planning X-rays
table in order that this can be manipulated during should have been performed and the levels of
the procedure. A sandbag should be placed under fusion decided. It is common for anterior
the apex of the curve. The patient should be procedures to be combined with posterior
supported on the table by means of a side support procedures and the anterior procedure may
behind the pelvis and behind the shoulder blades. simply involve a release and removal of the
The patient is padded with gel mats in order to proposed discs or may involve instrumentation.
avoid local nerve compression syndromes. A Ribs should be counted on a plain
pillow is placed between the patient’s legs. anteroposterior X-ray. Ribs should then be
Elastoplast tape is used to secure the patient on counted up from T12 if this is palpable. The rib
the table. The patient is then rolled back slightly bed that should be entered should be two levels
to allow ease of access to the surgeon. Opening above the superior vertebra being instrumented
the convexity of the curve allows for ease of due to the downward slope of the rib cage. For
Scoliosis surgery 33

example, if T9 needed to be instrumented and this entering the pleural cavity, the costal cartilage is
was the most superior level, the incision should be incised and the abdominal musculature divided
made through the bed of the seventh rib (Fig. inferomedially to allow exposure of the lumbar
4.5). levels. Care must be taken to avoid damage to the
The authors find it useful to use a marking pen peritoneum. The retroperitoneal fat is entered
and to mark the spinous processes of the deep to the costal cartilage, and the peritoneum
thoracolumbar spine. The incision is then marked then reflected anteriorly with careful finger
inside the extremes of the curve. dissection and the use of gauze swabs as necessary.
Dissection is carried down to the spine, anterior to
Approach the psoas muscle. The diaphragm is divided with
An incision is made in line with the proposed rib. electrocautery, leaving a peripheral cuff of around
Skin, fat and muscle are incised in line with the 2 cm of diaphragm to repair to later. Marking
rib. Haemostasis is obtained and self-retainers are sutures may be inserted to help the repair later.
placed. The periosteum is split on the rib and The great vessels and viscera are carefully
retracted off the rib. The rib is circumferentially reflected anteriorly and protected with blunt
cleared of periosteum and followed posteriorly as retractors throughout the procedure.
far back as possible. Anteriorly, the rib is exposed
to the costochondral junction, and then cut and Procedure
removed. The underlying pleura is exposed and
Once the spine is exposed, individual segmental
carefully incised, opening the chest and exposing
vessels can be tied, cauterized or preserved. Disc
the lung. Wet chest packs can be used to retract
material is then removed piecemeal until the
the lung superiorly. The posterior pleura is then
posterior longitudinal ligament is seen.
visible and this is incised taking care not to
Sympathetic nerves should be preserved if
damage the underlying segmental vessels.
If the planned release or instrumentation will
It is important to appreciate the rotation in the
cross the thoracolumbar junction, the diaphragm
spinal column as this considerably alters the
will need to be taken down. Either before or after
normal anatomy and whereabouts of the spinal
canal. Cartilaginous endplates are removed using a
Cobb, osteotome or curette. Ideally, bony
endplates should not be breached as this markedly
increases blood loss.
Pleura over esophagus When performing an anterior release or
Pleura over instrumenting the spine anteriorly, the removal of
azygos vein disc material provides an excellent fusion bed.
The removed rib can be broken into pieces and
used as autograft. When instrumenting the spine it
Pleura over Pleura over
is important to understand the rotation of the
intercostal medial end curve and the relationship of the vertebral body to
vein of rib the spinal canal. In the thoracic spine rib heads are
a good guide to the screw insertion point and give
Incision in
pleura Pleura over the posterior margin at which the screw can be
paravertebral inserted. Following disc removal it is possible to
Intercostal ganglion guide screws in parallel with the endplates of the
External suface of vertebra being instrumented.
retracted rib
In correcting scoliosis it is important to achieve
a ‘cadence’ of screw insertion with the apical screw
being most posterior. This will assist in the
Figure 4.5 The selection of rib level in anterior scoliosis derotation of the spine. Bicortical fixation is
surgery beneficial and aids stability. Following screw
34 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

insertion a rod is applied. The screw and rod are spinous process around the neck and this can
applied to the convexity of the curve and therefore often be palpated. It is possible to count down
compression in between individual screws aids from this level to identify the most superior
reduction (Fig. 4.6). Following reduction, the vertebra that will be instrumented. Alternatively,
screw heads are given a final tighten. an X-ray can be used or a shorter incision made
and the ribs identified intraoperatively and
Closure counted upwards from T12.
The posterior pleura may be left open or closed
depending on the surgeon’s preference. The chest Incision
wall is closed in layers and a chest drain inserted
and sutured in. An incision is made to the required level as
previously described.
Posterior procedure
Landmarks The subcutaneous fat and fascia are incised. The
It is vital to identify the appropriate levels in the spinous processes are identified and subperiosteal
thoracic spine. C7 is usually the most prominent dissection is performed. This is extremely

Figure 4.6 Anterior scoliosis correction

Scoliosis surgery 35

important with such large wounds, as dissection in trajectory is more horizontal in the curve
the wrong plane will lead to excessive bleeding. concavity and more vertical in the curve convexity
Gauze is used to pack the wounds on each side because of the associated rotation of the spine in
to limit blood loss. Gel foam combined with scoliosis. Spinal cord monitoring is mandatory
adrenaline can also help in this regard. Dissection throughout this procedure.
is carried out laterally in the lumbar spine to the Screws need not be inserted at every level.
transverse processes in order that pedicle screw Screw sizes are usually between 5 mm and 7 mm
entry points can be identified. In the thoracic in diameter and vary in length from around 25
spine, the dissection is carried laterally to identify mm to 50 mm. Every surgeon will have a
the transverse processes and the lateral edges of particular construct which he or she uses. In the
the facet joints. upper thoracic spine, pedicle screws can be used
alone or in combination with lamina, pedicle or
Procedure transverse process hooks.
Pedicle screw fixation in scoliosis is challenging. Before rod placement, de-cortication is
Rotation makes for difficult pedicle screw extremely important. Facets are destroyed and
placement. In the sagittal plane, screw angles can lamina de-corticated in order for fusion to occur.
be judged from a 90° line to the lamina above and Rods are then inserted. There are several ways to
below the level being instrumented. In the reduce the spine, and the authors’ preferred
transverse plane, screw angles may be judged from method is by derotation of the construct
a Kocher placed on the spinous process. This sequentially from superior to inferior.
technique gives a guide to the amount of rotation Pedicle screw fixation is a very powerful
in a particular segment. In general, the screw technique for reducing spinal deformity (Fig. 4.7).

Figure 4.7 Posterior scoliosis correction

36 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

Cross-links can be added to the construct to have a CT scan to identify the position of the
increase strength and load sharing. Many metalwork.
alternatives exist for bone grafting with some
surgeons preferring local bone graft alone whereas RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
others use a variety of bone graft substitutes/
allograft and types of bone morphogenic protein Baig MN. Vision loss after spine surgery: review of
(not to be used in the growing spine). the literature and recommendations. Neurosurg
Focus 2007;23:E15.
Closure Weiss HR, Goodall D. Rate of complications in
The spine is closed in layers with a watertight scoliosis surgery – a systematic review of the Pub
closure being of great importance. Med literature. Scoliosis 2008;3:9.

Thoracoscopic anterior correction

This technique is not commonly used. It offers the
ability, by means of a minimal access approach, to
correct scoliosis with the use of a thoracoscope.
This leaves the patient with four 2 cm cuts
overlying the ribs laterally, which certainly gives a
good cosmetic result. This technique has a steep • Acute/chronic sciatica
and long learning curve with extended operating • Spinal stenosis (though they are more
times in the initial phase. Some concerns remain commonly treated with nerve root blocks or
with regard to the degree of correction obtained lumbar epidurals).
and the success of fusion with this approach.
INSTRUCTIONS • Coagulopathy
• Previous failed procedures.
• Neurovascular observations and analgesia are
used as needed.
• Oral intake begins with clear fluids and signs of Consent and risks
ileus are watched for.
• Failure of procedure to work
• Postoperative haemoglobin and renal function
• Epidural haematoma
levels are checked.
• Temporary loss of bladder and bowel function
• The chest drain is removed when 24-hour
drainage is satisfactory, e.g. <125 mL.
• The patient can sit to any angle and mobilize as Operative planning
pain allows.
• Postoperative chest and spine X-rays are taken. All X-rays and scans should be in theatre at the
• Some surgeons fit their patients with a custom- time of surgery; a preoperative MRI scan is often
moulded thoracolumbar orthosis for up to 6 performed.
months postoperatively. This requires casting a
few days after surgery, once the patient can Anaesthesia and positioning
stand for 10–15 minutes.
• Neurological injury – in patients waking up There are many different ways of performing this
with complete motor and sensory loss the procedure. A caudal epidural can be performed
hardware should be removed immediately, with under local, sedation or general anaesthesia. The
adequate blood pressure maintained, and authors recommend a short general anaesthetic,
steroids should be considered. Patients in whom with the patient positioned prone over a Montreal
root compression/injury is suspected should mattress.
Caudal epidural 37


Landmarks The patient can be discharged on the day of

surgery, once they can pass urine postoperatively.
The insertion point for the caudal needle lies at An outpatient review of the result of the epidural
the most superior margin of the gluteal cleft and is arranged in 4–6 weeks.
is felt as a ‘defect’ or opening in the sacrum, the
sacral hiatus.

Fluoroscopy is used in a lateral position to check PREOPERATIVE PLANNING

the needle position, and 5 mL of Omnipaque 300,
mixed with an equal volume of saline, is inserted The area of spinal fusion is controversial and a
and an epidurogram taken (Fig. 4.8). Once the discussion of all the arguments for and against its
needle is seen to be in a good position, the local use in spinal practice is beyond the scope of this
anaesthetic mixed with steroid is injected. chapter. It is fair, however, to state that there is no

Figure 4.8 An epidurogram from a caudal epidural

38 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

ideal solution for back pain and most procedures • An MRI scan is ordered preoperatively. Blood
with or without fusion are performed for leg tests may be indicated preoperatively to
symptoms. Fusion is needed in cases of instability exclude infection where discitis is suspected.
or where decompression is likely to cause Scans should be reviewed with the patient. All
instability in the long term. forms of conservative treatment must be
exhausted before spinal fusion is considered.
Indications The patient’s expectations must be managed
in order to achieve the best result. It is sensible
• Spondylolisthesis for the surgeon to meet the patient several
• Lumbar spinal trauma times pre operatively.
• Spinal stenosis associated with instability or • An anaesthetic assessment may be needed
degenerative disc disease preoperatively. A cell saver should be
• Degenerative deformities. considered for extensive fusions and if
deformity correction is to be performed, spinal
Contraindications cord monitoring should be undertaken

• Smoking (may lead to non-union) Anaesthesia and positioning

• When the patient’s expectations are not in line
with the surgeon’s views The patient should be preferably positioned prone
• Waddell’s abnormal illness behaviours, e.g. and on a Montreal mattress or Jackson frame. The
widespread non-anatomical pain, pain on axial mattress has a central cut-out, allowing the
compression or rotation, straight leg raise which abdomen to be free during the operation. This
improves with distraction and general over- may well contribute to limiting blood loss. If
reaction to pain fusion is not planned the spine can be flexed to
• Back pain is the main symptom (proceed with facilitate the decompression. The arms are placed
caution). on arm boards with the shoulders at 90°. It is
important to check that there is no pressure on
the eyes or the ulnar nerves at the elbow and that
Consent and risks the shoulders are safely positioned.
• Nerve injury: 1 per cent Anaesthetic is general, postoperative pain relief
• Cauda equina injury: 0.1 per cent can be augmented with an intraoperative epidural
• Infection: 1–2 per cent and the catheter can be left in postoperatively.
• DVT/pulmonary embolism: 1 per cent Hypotensive anaesthesia is useful in reducing
• Improvement in symptoms: 85 per cent for leg intraoperative blood loss.
pain; no change 10 per cent; worsening 5 per
• Non-union: 5 per cent
• Dural tear Landmarks
For a guide to surface anatomy please see Figure
4.9 – note that the thoracic levels relate to the
Operative planning scapula and thus will change if the arms are not by
the sides. In addition, the level of the top of the
• A full history and examination is taken from iliac crests varies from the L3/4 disc to the L4/5
the patient. Specifically, symptoms of spinal disc, especially with transitional lumbosacral
stenosis, nerve root compression, involvement vertebrae, and correlation with plain X-rays is
of bladder and bowels are enquired about important. X-ray guidance can be used at the start
• Plain X-rays are taken to exclude deformity and of the operation to mark levels and, once a level is
fracture, and to use as a baseline for levels confirmed, it is possible to count up or down on
intraoperatively the spinous processes.
Lumbar decompression/fixation/fusion 39

Soft tissue is stripped off the spine laterally

until the transverse process is clearly seen. A
Holman retractor can be placed over the lateral
edge of the transverse process to aid in retraction.
T3 The pedicle in the lumbar spine corresponds to
the junction of the transverse process, superior
facet and the pars. The superior facet can be
removed to aid visualization of the pedicle
entry point as long as this is not at the top level of
the fusion. Bleeding must be controlled at all

L4 Procedure

S2 Structures at risk
• Dura
• Nerve root
Figure 4.9 Anatomical levels in the lumbar spine
Once dissection is complete, it is important to use
X-ray guidance to mark the correct level. This can
Incision be done by means of a marker on a spinous
process or pedicle.
Following adequate positioning of the patient and Once the level is identified, screws can be
level identification, a midline longitudinal incision inserted as necessary. Screws are inserted at the
is made. confluence of the pars, transverse process and
facet (see Fig. 4.11, p. 36). Following screw
Dissection insertion, rods can be inserted and distraction or
compression applied as needed. Following
Subcutaneous tissues, fat and fascia are incised in instrumentation, decompression can be
line with the skin. Haemostasis is obtained. A undertaken if required.
Cobb retractor is used to put the paraspinal There are many ways of performing this
musculature under tension. Diathermy is then procedure, and the authors’ preference is to use a
used to resect the musculature off the posterior burr and an osteotome to remove the lamina.
vertebra. On an initial first pass the muscles are Nerve roots are then explored and an
dissected from the spinous processes and laminae undercutting facetectomy can be performed using
onto the medial border of the facets. It is an osteotome or up-cutting punch. It is important
important not to damage the facet joints and that nerves are decompressed both in the lateral
while performing a fusion, the superior facet joint recesses and out through the foramen. The
in the fusion should be protected and not foramen can be enlarged by applying distraction
violated. through the screw construct.
The wound is packed on each side and deeper Dural breach occurs in up to 5 per cent of
retractors inserted. When performing an instru- procedures and can be repaired using 5-0 Prolene
mented fusion it is important that the pedicle suture by means of an interrupted or continuous
entry points are clearly seen. In the lumbar spine technique. Other options include blood, fascia or
this involves the visualization of the pars, and fat patches, dural ‘glues’ or membranes designed
the junction of the transverse process and the to seal dural leaks, such as DuraGen.
facet. The wound is closed in layers. If a dural leak has
40 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

occurred it is advisable to either not insert a drain • Epidural haematoma

or if a drain is inserted to have it on free drainage • Dural tear: 5 per cent
to encourage the leak to seal. Maintain the patient • Infection: 1–2 per cent
supine for 24–48 hours following the operation to • Wrong level surgery: <1 per cent
encourage healing of the tear and to avoid the • Cauda equina: 0.01 per cent
complication of low-pressure headache. Mobiliza- • Ongoing pain
tion should not begin until the patient can sit • Post-discectomy instability leading to back pain
without headache. • Blindness
INSTRUCTIONS Operative planning
Neurovascular observations are undertaken, and An MRI scan is performed prior to surgery. Plain
drains, if used, are removed at 24 hours. The patient X-rays are useful in assessing transition levels in
may mobilize as able and can sit to any angle (if the lumbar sacral spine. Symptoms should be
there is no dural leak). Analgesia, postoperative reviewed prior to surgery, as there is a good
bloods and X-rays are recommended. chance that the patient will have improved since
last being seen in clinic.
Malter AD, McNeney B, Loeser JD, et al. 5-year Anaesthesia and positioning
reoperation rates after different types of lumbar
General anaesthesia is used. Hypotension during
spine surgery. Spine 1998;23:814–20.
the anaesthesia procedure is useful as this may
reduce epidural bleeding. The patient can be
positioned in one of several ways, and the authors’
preference is to position the patient in the knees
LUMBAR DISC SURGERY to chest position (Fig. 4.10). This position is
initially difficult to master but has the advantage
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING of opening the interspinous spaces and allowing
easier access to the disc in question. The patient’s
Indications knees are moved so they are under the patient’s
abdomen and a box is placed underneath the
Lumbar discectomy is indicated for patients who chest. Side supports are used to stabilize the
have failed 6 weeks of conservative measures in patient. A bar is placed behind the patient’s
the treatment of an acute disc prolapse. Early buttocks to support the trunk. Positioning of the
surgery may be indicated for patients who are patient on a Montreal mattress, a Wilson frame or
incapacitated by pain or in those who have painful a Jackson table is also acceptable.
motor loss or symptoms of cauda equina. In the knees to chest position it is important to
adequately pad the patient’s pressure points
Contraindications including ulna nerves, shoulders, knees and feet.
The eyes must be free of obstruction.
• Coagulopathy
• Waddell’s abnormal behaviour signs (relative) SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
• Neurological symptoms not matching MRI and
clinical findings. Landmarks

Consent and risks The authors prefer to mark the level pre- and
intraoperatively. A needle is placed in the
• Nerve root injury: 1 per cent prepared skin at the point which it is estimated
that the target level sits. A cross-table lateral X-ray
Lumbar disc surgery 41

Figure 4.10 The knees to chest position for lumbar discectomy

is taken. The needle is adjusted and inserted onto level and therefore cross-table fluoroscopy is used
the spinous process of the correct level. An with a McDonald elevator in the canal.
estimate of disc level can be taken from the An interlaminar window is then developed. In
surface landmarks (see Fig. 4.9, p. 39). some cases very little bone needs to be removed in
this process. In arthritic spines the dissection can
Incision be difficult and a substantial amount of bone is
resected. It is important not to remove more than
The level involved is marked with a needle, and one-third of the facet as this may cause instability
the skin incision is centred on the marker. warranting further procedures.
The dura is carefully exposed and, as the
Approach window is expanded, the nerve root is found and
protected. Before the disc material is removed, it
The fat and fascia are incised in line with the skin. is essential that the nerve root is identified.
Diathermy is then used to dissect the musculature Sometimes the disc lies below the posterior
off the posterior elements of the spine.
Haemostasis is obtained. The soft tissue is swept
laterally using a Cobb elevator. The outer aspects
of the facet joints are identified.
It is important for the operating surgeon to be articular
able to identify the important landmarks as well as process
the correct level. The lamina of the vertebra above
the disc is identified and the inferior edge
delineated. The ligamentum flavum should be Descending
identified and then incised. A McDonald elevator process of
can be used to protect the underlying dura. If it is Cauda
difficult to expose the dura, or there is a very vertebra
narrow interlaminar window, it is sometimes
helpful to start removing the inferior border of the Posterior
Spinal nerve longitudinal
superior lamina. The ligamentum inserts into the
underside of the lamina and therefore once the Herniated disc
(with overlying
attachment has been released the ligamentum veins)
opens like a ‘curtain’. Once the canal has been
opened it is important to again check the operative Figure 4.11 The operative view in lumbar discectomy
42 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

longitudinal ligament (PLL) and at other times, DISC REPLACEMENT SURGERY

with large prolapses, the disc will have ‘broken
through’ this layer. When the PLL is not breached Over the past 2 decades there has been increasing
this will need to be incised before the disc is interest in the use of lumbar disc replacement.
removed. Several types exist using different bearing surfaces
including metal on metal and metal on
Procedure polyethylene. Centres of rotation can be fixed or
mobile. The long term outcome of these prostheses
Nerve root retractors are used to protect both the is still unknown and the authors advice is to use
cauda equina and the nerve root as the disc is these with care; fusion still remains the most
incised. The disc is then removed piecemeal. The widely accepted treatment for discogenic lower
amount of disc that is removed from the disc back pain. Disc replacements are inserted via an
space is highly variable and surgeon dependent. anterior extraperitonneal approach which is
For large discs it can be very difficult to retract beyond the scope of this chapter.
the cauda equina enough to expose the disc. In
these cases it is sensible to extend the size of the POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
interlaminar window and possibly even perform INSTRUCTIONS
hemi- or total laminectomy. This manoeuvre will
then allow adequate retraction and visualization Neurovascular observations and analgesia as
of the disc and nerve root. required are provided. The patient is allowed to sit
The authors like to wash out the operative field to any angle and should be seen in the clinic in
with saline and insert an epidural catheter for a 6–8 weeks.
‘one shot’ epidural for postoperative pain relief.
The catheter is then removed. RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
Tafazal SI, Sell PJ. Incidental durotomy in lumbar
Closure spine surgery: incidence and management. Eur
The fascia is closed with continuous 1 Vicryl and Spine J 2005;14:287–90.
the fat opposed with 2-0 Vicryl. Then 3-0 Weinstein JN, Tosteson TD, Lurie JD et al. The
Monocryl is applied to the skin with Steri-Strips Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial (SPORT)
and an Opsite dressing. JAMA. 2006;296(20):2441–2450.


Over the past decade there has been a drive by
industry and surgeons to perform procedures PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
through smaller incisions in the hope that by
minimizing local trauma to the tissues, recovery Indications
improves and postoperative pain reduces.
The term microdiscectomy has been coined for • Lower back pain with facet joint arthrosis
discectomies using a microscope. This improves • Pain in the lower back on extension
visualization of anatomy through a smaller • Failure of conservative treatments, including
incision. The basic technique remains the same. physiotherapy.
Newer retractors are also becoming more
widely available. These retraction tubes allow for Contraindications
incisions of 2–3 cm and often have inbuilt lights
and even cameras to improve visualization. These • Coagulopathy
retractors may come more into widespread use in • Inability to tolerate injections or have
the next few years. anaesthetic/sedation.
Nerve root block 43

Consent and risks NERVE ROOT BLOCK

• Failure of treatment/short-lived effect (high risk) PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
• Infection (uncommon)
• Known nerve compression, seen on MRI, not
responding to normal analgesics or conservative
Operative planning treatments
• As a diagnostic test for an equivocal MRI scan
All patients should have at least a plain X-ray
• Patient in the acute phase of a disc prolapse in
prior to the procedure. In reality, most patients
severe pain and unable to mobilize.
have had an MRI scan before injection.

Anaesthesia and positioning • Coagulopathy
• Inability to tolerate injections or have
Patients are placed prone. The procedure can be anaesthetic/sedation.
performed under local anaesthesia, sedation or
general anaesthesia. Consent and risks
• Failure of treatment/short-lived effect (high risk)
• Infection (uncommon)

Approach and procedure Operative planning

The authors’ preferred method is to perform facet All patients should have at least a plain X-ray
blocks under CT control with an experienced prior to the procedure. In reality most patients
radiologist. Without this facility, blocks can be have an MRI scan before injection. Nerve root
performed with fluoroscopy in theatre. The angle blocks can be instigated on a clinical basis alone if
of the C-arm needs to be adjusted in order to there is delay in obtaining an MRI.
allow for the obliquity of the facets in the lumbar
spine. Needles can be placed within the facet joint Anaesthesia and positioning
and checked by means of insertion of Omnipaque
dye. The authors advocate performing up to three Patients are placed prone. The procedure can be
bilateral levels in one sitting; 2 mL of local performed under local anaesthesia, sedation or
anaesthetic and steroid combined are introduced general anaesthesia.
into the facet joints.


The authors’ preferred approach is to use CT
Neurovascular observations are carried out. The fluoroscopy and an experienced radiologist to
patient is allowed home when comfortable (same perform this procedure, but it can be performed
day) and asked to keep a post-procedure pain in theatre using X-ray guidance. A 22G spinal
diary. A clinic appointment is made for 6 weeks to needle is manoeuvred, via a posterolateral
review symptoms. approach, into the spinal foramen. Omnipaque
44 Surgery of the thoracolumbar spine

dye can be used as a position check, before RECOMMENDED REFERENCE

injecting local anaesthetic and steroid locally.
Wagner AL. Selective nerve root blocks. Tech Vasc
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND Interv Radiol 2002;5:194–200.
As per facet injections.

Viva questions

1. Describe the relevant surgical landmarks when 10. Which nerve runs in the lateral recess at the
planning an anterior approach to the T10 L5/S1 level?
vertebral body.
11. Describe your intraoperative and postoperative
2. What are the indications for performing an management of a dural tear.
anterior approach to the spine?
12. What might be the presentation and
3. Describe where the segmental blood supply of management of an acute epidural haematoma?
the vertebral body lies in relation to the disc.
13. Describe the approach for a lumbar discectomy.
4. At what level of the thoracic spine does the
14. What nerve root would be compressed by an
inferior border of the scapula lie when the
L4/5 far lateral disc?
arms are by the sides? Where, in relation to the
spinous process, does the corresponding pedicle 15. An L4/5 left-sided paracentral disc protrusion
of the same vertebra lie? will impinge on which nerve root?
5. Describe what steps you would take to 16. What is the incidence of nerve root injury with
minimize wrong level surgery in the thoracic a discectomy?
17. Describe the orientation of the facet joints at
6. What role do chest drains have in thoracic different levels of the spine.
spinal surgery?
18. Following temporary success of facet blocks,
7. What factors are involved in selecting patients which other radiological procedure can be
for scoliosis surgery? performed with potential for longer-lasting
8. Give a brief account of the preoperative
management of a patient due to undergo 19. Which nerve root leaves the spinal canal via
scoliosis surgery. the L4/5 foramen
9. Describe the positioning and the peripheral
nerves at risk from prone positioning of a
Surgery of the peripheral nerve
Gorav Datta, Max Horowitz and Mike Fox

Carpal tunnel decompression 45 Principles of surgery on peripheral nerves 53

Ulnar nerve decompression at the wrist 48 Principles of brachial plexus surgery 56
Ulnar nerve decompression at the elbow 51 Viva questions 58

Operative planning
History and clinical examination remain the
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING mainstay of diagnosis. It is essential to examine the
entire limb as well as the cervical spine to exclude
Indications a ‘double-crush’ lesion. Nerve conduction studies
are useful and should be available on the day of
• Median nerve compression neuropathy at the surgery. They are considered essential in cases of
wrist recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome and complex
• As part of a fasciotomy for compartment upper limb lesions. Prolonged sensory latency is
syndrome/decompression after distal radial the earliest and most reliable nerve conduction
fracture abnormality. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• Drainage of sepsis. is rarely indicated, unless there is clinical evidence
of a space-occupying lesion causing the
Contraindications symptoms. Conventional radiography is not
generally indicated. Consideration should be given
• Active overlying skin infection
to extraneous causes such as diabetes mellitus,
• Uncertainty over diagnosis – may warrant
rheumatoid and other arthritides, amyloidosis and
further investigation before proceeding.
thyroid dysfunction; where appropriate these may
also require investigation prior to operation.
Consent and risks
• Nerve injury: median nerve injury <1 per cent; Anaesthesia and positioning
palmar cutaneous nerve injury <1 per cent
The procedure may be carried out under local,
• Radial artery injury: <1 per cent
regional or general anaesthesia. Most primary
• Failure to relieve symptoms: 1–10 per cent; the
decompressions are performed under local
incidence is highest in heavy/repetitive manual
anaesthesia. A local anaesthetic consisting of 1 per
cent lidocaine and 0.5 per cent bupivacaine in a
• Pillar pain: quoted at up to 10 per cent, this is
1:1 mixture is infiltrated into the wound prior to
tenderness around the site of ligament release
surgical draping. General anaesthesia is usually
• Scar tenderness: the incidence is reduced by
reserved for revision procedures.
massage in the postoperative period
The patient is positioned supine on an
• Complex regional pain syndrome (rare)
operating table and the arm is positioned on an
• Infection
arm table in supination, with a padded lead hand
46 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

used to maintain finger extension. A tourniquet is ensures that proximal extension avoids the palmar
inflated to 250 mmHg. In obese patients, a cutaneous branch of the median nerve. The extent
forearm tourniquet is recommended. is from the distal volar wrist up to a few
millimetres proximal to the superficial palmar
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE arch. In revision surgery, the proximal extent is
increased: this is curved to run along the ulnar side
Landmarks of the palmaris longus tendon (Fig. 5.2). This
avoids crossing the wrist joint crease at a right
The tendon of palmaris longus (absent in about 10 angle and, once again, minimizes any damage to
per cent) is easily seen and palpated by opposing the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve.
the thumb and little finger and then flexing the
wrist to around 30°. The distal end of the tendon
Motor branch
bisects the anterior surface of the carpal tunnel.
of medial nerve Palmar cutaneous
Other useful landmarks include the thenar skin branch of median
crease (running at the base of the thenar nerve
eminence) and the transverse skin crease of the
wrist joint (running parallel to the joint line). The longus
transverse wrist crease marks the proximal border
of the flexor retinaculum. If the thumb is
outstretched to 90° a parallel line drawn across Median
the palm in line with its distal border represents nerve
the surface marking of the superficial palmar arch:
this is known as Kaplan’s cardinal line (Fig. 5.1).
Figure 5.2 Extended incision for revision/complex carpal
tunnel decompression
The incision runs a few millimetres to the ulnar
side of the thenar skin crease, in the line of the
long axis of the ring finger. This ensures that any
scarring is well away from the median nerve and
Structures at risk
• Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve is
at risk if the skin incision is angled to the radial
side of the forearm
• Deep motor branch of the median nerve (due to
variation in its course) – staying on the ulnar
side of the median nerve minimizes the risk of
FRC damaging the structure
M • Superficial palmar arch
• Median nerve

The exposure continues in line with the skin

incision until the superficial palmar fascia is
exposed deep to subcutaneous fat. Occasionally
Figure 5.1 Surface anatomy of the wrist and hand. K, the belly of flexor pollicis brevis (FPB) is
Kaplan’s cardinal line; M, median nerve; R, recurrent superficial to the fascia and is divided. The fibres
motor branch; PCN, palmar cutaneous nerve; U, ulnar of the superficial palmar fascia are incised in the
nerve; H, hook of hamate; PL, palmaris longus tendon; same line.
FCR, flexor carpi radialis tendon Retraction of the skin flaps will reveal the
Carpal tunnel decompression 47

dissection, it is prudent to stay on the ulnar side of

the median nerve to prevent damage to the motor
Transverse branch.
carpal Median External neurolysis need only be performed if
ligament nerve the nerve is adherent to adjacent structures.
Internal neurolysis is not performed.
The tourniquet should be released prior to
wound closure. It is important to check for
reperfusion of the nerve and to ensure adequate
haemostasis before skin closure.

Extensile measures
These are generally not necessary for standard
Figure 5.3 Release of the flexor retinaculum carpal tunnel surgery and are reserved for specific
insertion of palmaris longus into the flexor Proximal
retinaculum. If it is in the way, it can be retracted
The approach may be extended proximally to
to the radial side: this exposes the median nerve.
expose the median nerve in the forearm. This may
Careful dissection through the flexor retinaculum
be required in cases of fracture fixation with
is recommended until the nerve is visualized. A
concomitant carpal tunnel decompression.
McDonald tissue dissector is passed between the
Extension is gained between the tendons of flexor
plane of the flexor retinaculum and the median
carpi radialis and palmaris longus. The nerve lies
nerve. The dissector must be used with caution
on the deep surface of flexor digitorum
and should elevate the retinaculum and not press
superficialis in the forearm. The median nerve is
down on the nerve. The flexor retinaculum is
retracted to the ulnar side and pronator quadratus
incised with a scalpel, cutting down onto the
incised to access the distal radius.
McDonald tissue dissector, which lies over the
nerve and protects it (Fig. 5.3). Distal
The nerve is released from proximal to distal. In
The incision may be extended distally with a
revision surgery the nerve should be dissected out
zigzag incision (Brunner incision) to access any
proximal to the wrist crease. The perivascular fat
digit, providing a complete palmar exposure. This
pad is the distal border of the flexor retinaculum.
is useful in procedures requiring the drainage of
This must be retracted to visualize the distal end
of the ligament to ensure complete decom-
pression. The proximal end of the wound should
also be retracted to ensure complete release under Closure
direct vision with either tenotomy scissors or a
Skin closure is performed with 4-0 interrupted
nylon sutures. An occlusive dressing is applied,
The deep motor branch of the median nerve
followed by a compressive hand dressing. The
can have a variable course. Usually, it arises on the
compression dressing should allow immediate
radial side of the median nerve as the nerve exits
mobilization of the fingers and wrist and should
the carpal tunnel. The nerve continues radially,
not be excessively bulky.
entering the thenar muscles between abductor
pollicis brevis and FPB. However, variations may ENDOSCOPIC DECOMPRESSION
include a motor branch arising from the median
nerve within the carpal tunnel, running distally to Endoscopic decompression may be performed
pierce the retinaculum supplying the thenar through the Brown two-portal or the Agee single
muscles. Bearing this in mind during the portal technique. The main proven benefits of the
48 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

endoscopic procedure are restoration of normal

grip and absence of a painful scar in the early ULNAR NERVE DECOMPRESSION AT
postoperative period. The procedure, however, has THE WRIST
a steep learning curve with complications ranging
from nerve injury and an inability to see PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
anatomical variations to incomplete release.
Decompression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist is a
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND relatively uncommon procedure. Nerve com-
INSTRUCTIONS pression may be associated with space-occupying
lesions, anomalous muscles or trauma. It is
The bandage is removed 3–7 days following
imperative that the patient is examined from the
surgery. The sutures are removed and advice on
cervical spine downwards, and clinical findings
scar massage given 10–14 days postoperatively. It
should be correlated with neurophysiology.
is imperative that patients are encouraged to
mobilize their fingers from day 3 onwards. They
should also be counselled that it takes 6 weeks to Indications
regain their pinch grip and 3 months to achieve a
power grip. • Decompression of the canal of Guyon
• Ulnar nerve repair at the wrist (e.g. laceration).
Cobb T, Dalley B, Posteraro R, et al. Anatomy of Contraindication
the flexor retinaculum. J Hand Surg Am
Active overlying skin infection.
Graham B. The value added by electrodiagnostic
testing in the diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome. Consent and risks
J Bone Joint Surg Am 2008;90:2587–93.
Green DP. Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 5th • Nerve injury
edn. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2005. • Vascular injury
Hankins CL, Brown MG, Lopez RA, et al. A 12- • Infection
year experience using the brown two-portal • Failure to relieve symptoms
endoscopic procedure of transverse carpal • Stiffness
ligament release in 14,722 patients: defining a • Scar tenderness and hypersensitivity
new paradigm in the treatment of carpal tunnel
syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg 2007;120:1911–21.
Rotman MB, Donovan JP. Practical anatomy of the Anaesthesia and positioning
carpal tunnel. Hand Clin 2002;18:219–30.
Smit A, Hooper G. Elective hand surgery in The procedure may be carried out under local,
patients taking warfarin. J Hand Surg Br regional or general anaesthesia. A local anaesthetic
2004;29:206–7. consisting of 1 per cent lidocaine and 0.5 per cent
Steinberg DR. Surgical release of the carpal bupivacaine in a 1:1 mixture is infiltrated into
tunnel. Hand Clin 2002;18:291–8. the wound prior to surgical draping. There
Thoma A, Veltri K, Haines T, et al. A systematic should be a low threshold for general anaesthesia
review of reviews comparing the effectiveness of if more than a simple exploration is being
endoscopic and open carpal tunnel decom- considered.
pression. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004;113:1184– The patient is positioned supine on an
91. operating table and the arm is positioned on an
Upton ARM, McComas AJ. The double crush in arm table in supination, with a padded lead hand
nerve entrapment syndromes. Lancet 1973;ii:359– used to maintain finger extension. A tourniquet is
62. inflated to 250 mmHg.
Ulnar nerve decompression at the wrist 49


Landmarks The incision lies in between the two landmarks

(hook of hamate and pisiform) and runs distally for
The hypothenar eminence and transverse wrist approximately 4 cm and proximally for 3 cm (Fig.
skin crease are important surface landmarks. The 5.5). It is curved to the ulnar side, on crossing the
bony landmarks of Guyon’s canal (Table 5.1) are wrist flexor crease, to overlie the tendon of FCU.
palpated and marked; the hook of hamate lies 1
cm radial and distal to the pisiform, which is easily Superficial dissection
palpated at the base of the hypothenar eminence.

Table 5.1 Boundaries of Guyon’s canal Structure at risk

Floor Pisohamate and pisometacarpal A crossing cutaneous nerve between the ulnar
ligaments, flexor retinaculum and nerve and the skin exists in 15 per cent of cases
opponens digiti minimi
and must be protected.
Roof Volar carpal ligament and palmaris
Medial wall Pisiform, flexor carpi ulnaris and The subcutaneous fat is incised to the deep fascia
abductor digiti minimi of the forearm. The tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris
Lateral wall Flexor digiti minimi, hook of hamate (FCU) is identified and the fascia is incised on its
and flexor retinaculum radial border. The FCU tendon is retracted to the
Proximal extent Flexor retinaculum ulnar side revealing the ulnar nerve and artery
(the artery lies radial to the nerve). If necessary,
Distal extent Fibrous arch of the hypothenar
the incision is followed proximally to release the
distal aspect of the antebrachial fascia.

Deep dissection
Once the nerve and artery are identified
proximally, they are traced distally where they
enter Guyon’s canal. The volar carpal ligament is
Ulnar proper incised taking care not to damage the nerve or
digital artery (Fig. 5.6). The hook of hamate is then
nerve to the
4th common identified. Incising the edge of the hypothenar
small finger
digital nerve muscles reveals the deep motor branch as it
Hypothenar Thenar muscle continues around the hook of hamate.
Incising the volar carpal ligament, the palmaris
Deep motor brevis muscle and the hypothenar fibrous tissue
will decompress the ulnar nerve within Guyon’s
of the ulnar
nerve canal. The nerve need not be completely
Pisohamate circumferentially dissected out as this may
ligamnet devascularize it. Distally, the interval between the
pisohamate and pisometacarpal ligaments is
explored for any masses, fibrous bands or fracture
fragments. The superficial branch passes
Palmar carpal
Ulnar Ulnar superficial to the fibrous arch of the hypothenar
nerve artery muscles. The ulnar artery must be examined at
this point to ensure that it is free of aneurysm or
Figure 5.4 The relations of Guyon’s canal thrombus – it should be smooth and not tortuous.
50 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

Ulnar nerve

Ulnar artery
Flexor carpi ulnaris

Figure 5.5 The incision for ulnar nerve decompression at the wrist

Despite the ability to accurately diagnose the Extensile measures

site of compression, surgical decompression
should involve exposure of the nerve from the The incision may be extended proximally to the
distal forearm to the hand distal to the forearm. The deep fascia is incised on the radial
bifurcation. The commonest causes of border of FCU. A plane is developed between the
compression are ganglia, other space-occupying FCU and the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS),
lesions, fracture fragments and a thrombosed ulnar retracting the FCU to the ulnar side, revealing the
artery. The tourniquet should be deflated to ulnar nerve.
ensure that there is no iatropathic injury of the
ulnar artery and to achieve haemostasis. Closure
Skin closure is performed with 4-0 interrupted
nylon sutures and a bulky, compressive hand
dressing is applied.


carpi ulnaris
The bandage is removed 3–7 days following
surgery, and active finger motion is encouraged
at all times. Sutures are removed at 10–14 days

Green DP. Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, 5th
edn. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2005.
Volar carpal Ulnar nerve
ligament and artery Polatsch DB, Melone CP, Beldner S, et al. Ulnar
nerve anatomy. Hand Clin 2007;23:283–9.
Waugh RP, Pellegrini DV. Ulnar tunnel syndrome.
Figure 5.6 Incision of the volar carpal ligament Hand Clin 2007;23:301–10.
Ulnar nerve decompression at the elbow 51

Anaesthesia and positioning

THE ELBOW The procedure may be carried out under regional
or general anaesthesia.
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING The authors prefer a medial approach as this
avoids incision directly over the nerve. It also
Indications allows early visualization of the medial
antebrachial cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The
• Ulnar nerve compression with or without patient is positioned supine on an operating table
recurrent subluxation of the nerve and the arm is positioned on a padded arm table,
• Exploration of the ulnar nerve in trauma. in supination, with the shoulder externally
rotated. If a posterior approach is used, the patient
Contraindication is positioned in the lateral decubitus position with
the arm placed in front of the chest, resting on a
Active overlying skin infection. padded arm gutter. If a tourniquet is used it is
inflated to 250 mmHg. The authors do not
routinely use a tourniquet as pre-infiltration with
Consent and risks
local anaesthetic mixed with adrenaline provides
• Nerve injury to the ulna, median or the medial excellent postoperative analgesia as well as a clear
antebrachial nerve (the commonest at 4 per field for surgical dissection.
• Medial elbow tenderness: 10 per cent SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
• Failure to relieve symptoms and recurrence: 10
per cent Landmarks
• Elbow stiffness: 5–10 per cent
The olecranon can easily be palpated posteriorly
• Elbow instability associated with medial
as it is a subcutaneous structure. Similarly the
epicondylectomy: 1–5 per cent
medial epicondyle is easily palpated. The nerve
runs between these two structures and is at its
most superficial at this point. Figure 5.7 shows the
Operative planning relations of the ulnar nerve at the elbow.

A full neurological examination of the upper limb

must take place. This should include an
examination of the cervical spine as well as
Biceps muscle
eliciting Tinel’s sign at the elbow and wrist. Unlike
in carpal tunnel disease, neurophysiological Brachial artery
examination should be performed in almost all Brachial nerve
cases. Flexor-pronator Arcade of
mass Struthers
It is the authors’ preferred choice to manage the
Flexor Medial intermuscular
majority of cases with simple decompression. Other
carpi septum
options include partial medial epicondylectomy or ulnaris Ulnar nerve
nerve transposition procedures (which can be muscle
Medial epicondyle
subcutaneous or submuscular). Partial medial
epicondylectomy can be useful where there is Osborne’s Articular branch
significant extrinsic pressure on the nerve (e.g. an fascia
osteophyte). Transposition remains controversial
Motor branch Cubital tunnel retinaculum
because of an increased incidence of haematoma (Osborne’s ligament)
to FCU
and infection without convincing improvements in
results. Figure 5.7 The relations of the ulnar nerve
52 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

Medial approach proximal to distal. The veins lying on the dorsal

surface of the medial intramuscular septum
The medial incision starts 5 cm proximal to the should be identified and coagulated. The nerve is
medial epicondyle and extends distally to lie traced into the two heads of the FCU to ensure
medial to the ulna distal to the elbow joint. It is release distally. At this stage it is important to
advisable to place the skin incision anterior to the identify and protect the motor branch to the FCU.
medial epicondyle so that the nerve does not lie The nerve should not be dissected from its
directly under the skin wound. This prevents groove as this may lead to subluxation and
scarring directly over the nerve and the medial devascularization. After release, the elbow is
cutaneous nerve of the forearm branch can be moved through its full range; the nerve should be
visualized. It is also less likely that a painful lax in full extension and should remain in the
medial pressure area will occur. Subcutaneous groove in full flexion. Residual adherent
tissues are reflected proximally and distally structures should be released and if subluxation is
exposing the cubital tunnel retinaculum. a problem then medial epicondylectomy or
subcutaneous transposition should be considered.
Posterior approach
This is recommended for the identification of the Medial epicondylectomy
nerve in complex elbow trauma.
This procedure is useful in patients with a medial
A longitudinal incision is made in the midline
epicondyle fracture non-union or space-occupying
approximately 5 cm above the olecranon. The
lesions within the cubital tunnel (e.g. medial
incision is curved laterally around the lateral side
osteophyte, exostosis or ganglion). Routine
of the olecranon process and then curved medially
decompression is performed, after which the
so that the incision lies over the middle of the ulna
common flexor origin is elevated off the medial
distally. Curving the incision laterally moves the
epicondyle in a subperiosteal manner.. A sleeve is
suture line away from the midline and avoids any
left around the bone to ensure smooth closure and
potential pressure area over the olecranon process.
haemostasis. A partial medial epicondylectomy is
The subcutaneous tissues are then dissected
performed with a narrow osteotome; bone wax
medially to expose the medial epicondyle. The
can be placed on the exposed cancellous bone.
advantage of the posterior approach is that
The periosteal sleeve is closed over the epicondyle
frequently patients may have other elbow
stump with a heavy Vicryl suture; this should be
disorders requiring surgery (e.g. rheumatoid
done in full extension so that an extension lag is
arthritis) and further incisions may be performed
through the same scar. The disadvantage is that
The anteroinferior medial collateral ligaments
considerable dissection is necessary to expose the
must be avoided and no more than 20 per cent of
medial side adequately.
the depth of the epicondyle should be excised to
prevent elbow instability.
Deep dissection
The ulnar nerve is identified proximal to the Subcutaneous transposition
cubital tunnel by blunt dissection. It is first
released at the arcade of Struthers (the hiatus in The theory behind transposing the nerve is to
the medial intermuscular septum through which reduce tensile stress on the nerve. This occurs
the ulnar nerve enters the posterior during traction on the nerve in flexion and leads to
compartment). The roof of the cubital tunnel is an increased intraneural pressure and flattening of
Osborne’s ligament (the cubital tunnel the nerve around the medial epicondyle. This
retinaculum) proximally and Osborne’s fascia increased pressure may cause temporary
(the deep component of the aponeurosis of the ischaemia.
two heads of FCU) distally. The nerve is followed The medial intramuscular septum must be
distally and Osborne’s ligament is incised from divided to ensure tension-free transposition. It is
Principles of surgery on peripheral nerves 53

essential that the longitudinal vascular supply of Waugh RP, Zlotolow DA. In situ decompression of
the nerve is left intact and that the motor the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel. Hand Clin
branches are protected and allowed to move with 2007;23:319–27.
the main body of the nerve.
Once the nerve is decompressed and easily
transposable anterior to the medial epicondyle, a PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY ON
subcutaneous fascial flap is elevated with a scalpel. PERIPHERAL NERVES
The nerve is placed anterior to the deep surface of
the flap and the distal flap edges are sutured to PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
deep dermal tissue with an absorbable 3-0 Vicryl
suture. The wound is then closed as normal. The aims of surgery are:
• To confirm a diagnosis and establish prognosis
Closure • To restore function
• To relieve pain.
The wound is closed with interrupted 2-0 Vicryl
sutures for the subcutaneous layer and a running Indications
subcuticular monofilament suture for skin. If a
tourniquet has been used it should be released and • Closed traction injury of the brachial plexus
followed by meticulous haemostasis. A sterile leading to severe paralysis
dressing should be applied and then a compressive • Associated nerve and vascular injury
dressing over it. • Nerve injury with an associated fracture
requiring early internal fixation
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND • Increasing progression of a neurological injury
INSTRUCTIONS or an entrapment neuropathy
• Failure of recovery of a lesion within an
Dressings are removed at 3–4 days. Range of expected timeframe
motion exercises within the limits of comfort • Failure of recovery in conduction block within
should be started at the same stage. Active hand 6 weeks of injury
and wrist motion is encouraged at all times. • Persistent pain following injury
The wound should be checked at 2 weeks and • Severe paralysis of a nerve following blunt
the patient advised on appropriate care of the scar. trauma.
Heavy lifting should be avoided for 1 month. It is
important to counsel the patient that not all
symptoms may be relieved by the surgery and that
recovery may take up to 6 months. • Active infection
• Function unaffected by nerve injury.
Catalano LW, Barron OA. Anterior subcutaneous Consent and risks
transposition of the ulnar nerve. Hand Clin
2007;23:339–44. • Infection
Mowlavi A, Andrews K, Lille S, et al. The • Nerve damage/failure of repair
management of cubital tunnel syndrome: a meta- • Vascular injury
analysis of clinical studies. Plast Reconstr Surg • Specific to the site of operation, e.g. local
2000;106:327–34. structures at risk
O’Driscoll SW, Jaloszynski R, Morrey BF, et al.
Origin of the medial ulnar collateral ligament. J Operative planning
Hand Surg Am 1992;17:164–8.
Osterman AL, Spiess AM. Medial epicon- Earlier surgery following nerve injury permits
dylectomy. Hand Clin 2007;23:329–37. easier identification of tissues (due to less scar
54 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

tissue) and therefore any repair is easier as it is absence of recording distally is a relative
possible to visualize and match the arrangement indication to resect and repair the nerve,
of the cut ends of the nerve fascicles. The results depending on the macroscopic fascicular structure
of prompt repair are also markedly better due the seen. Care should be taken not to undertake
favourable biological environment for nerve excessive mobilization, as this may lead to
healing. A nerve stimulator should be available. devascularization of a nerve.
Magnification of at least three times with loupes is Bipolar diathermy should be used at all times
helpful. If nerve grafting is likely to be performed, when coagulating blood vessels around nerves.
a suitable donor graft should be identified
preoperatively and the patient made aware of the METHODS OF REPAIR
Primary repair
Anaesthesia and positioning
The ends of an injured nerve are cut back
Surgical procedures involving the exploration/ progressively until the cut surfaces show bulging
repair of peripheral nerves should be performed healthy nerve bundles. An end-to-end anastomosis
under general anaesthesia, with antibiotic cover to is performed, which is possible if the resection gap
minimize the chance of any postoperative has been small, little mobilization of the nerve has
infection. Where possible, a tourniquet is used to been necessary, and the nerve is not under tension.
achieve a completely bloodless field, facilitating Flexing a nearby joint reduces tension on a nerve,
ease of identification of structures. Remember and extra length can be gained by transposition
that after approximately 15 minutes of ischaemia, (e.g. anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve) of a
nerve conduction becomes abnormal so any nerve. The two principal types of primary repair
tourniquet should be released when stimulating a are epineural repair and fascicular repair.
nerve. Epineural repair is technically less demanding and
faster to complete. Fascicular repair (Fig. 5.8) is
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE performed if there has been a clean transection of
a nerve trunk (e.g. in the brachial plexus). In each
Incision method of repair the true epineurium is exposed.
In a fascicular repair the matched bundles are
The course of cutaneous nerves should always be opposed and sutured with perineurial 11-0 nylon
remembered when planning a skin incision. A sutures and then 10-0 nylon sutures are passed
painful neuroma may result from a transected through the perineurium and epineurium. This is
cutaneous nerve and lead to considerable done circumferentially to complete the repair. In
morbidity to the patient. an epineurial repair (Fig. 5.9), the fascicular
groups in the nerve ends are matched as closely as
Nerve assessment possible and the ends are then sutured with 10-0
nylon sutures through the epineurium. An initial
When nerves have been damaged and surgery has suture is placed at each of the lateral ends of the
been delayed, a neuroma will have formed. The nerve, with interrupted sutures subsequently
consistency of a neuroma is important when placed on the anterior and posterior aspect of the
assessing nerve injury, as a hard neuroma may nerve to complete the repair.
represent an abundance of connective tissue and
little in the way of nerve tissue. Making an incision Nerve grafting
through the damaged epineurium permits
visualization of any nerve bundles present, and Cable grafts (Fig. 5.10) are the gold standard for
stimulation of the nerve proximally. This may give bridging gaps between two cut ends of a nerve
some indication as to likely recovery. Stimulating where primary repair is not possible. Nerve
the nerve proximally and recording from the bundles are matched to bundles; this is achieved
nerve distally gives the best guide for recovery. An by viewing and matching the nerve ends either
Principles of surgery on peripheral nerves 55

using loupes or a microscope, using magnification

to get the best possible match. Cable grafts consist
of multiple cutaneous nerve strands from a donor
nerve. The commonest donor nerves used are the
medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm and the
sural nerve in the lower limb. As many grafts as
required are used to give good coverage of the cut
face of the nerve. The length of the graft should be
approximately 15 per cent longer than the gap to
be bridged. The grafts can either be fixed with a
tissue glue or sutured in place. If a gap to be
bridged is greater than 10 cm, grafting is unlikely
to be of great benefit.
Figure 5.8 Fascicular nerve repair If a nerve has been severely damaged to the
extent that repair and grafting are not possible,
nerve transfer (neurotization) is performed: a
distal nerve is reinnervated using an intact donor
proximal nerve.


After nerve decompression, patients are told to
leave their bulky dressings in place until they
have a wound inspection 2 weeks postoperatively.
Instruction to begin early hand and finger
mobilization is encouraged in upper limb surgery.

Figure 5.9 Epineural repair Figure 5.10 Cable nerve grafting

56 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

After nerve repair and grafting, the limb is • Spinal accessory nerve surgery
generally protected in a plaster with a sling (or • Suprascapular nerve surgery
crutches in the lower limb) for a period of • Sympathetic chain surgery.
between 3 and 6 weeks. Either outpatient or
inpatient therapy (as in the case of a brachial
plexus repair) is required to overcome any Landmarks
residual stiffness and deformity. This may include
appropriate splintage and is often multi- The landmarks for the supraclavicular approach
disciplinary, with occupational therapy, are those of the posterior triangle of the neck. The
physiotherapy and pain team input. base is formed by the clavicle, the medial border is
formed by the medial border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle, and the lateral border
PRINCIPLES OF BRACHIAL PLEXUS by the edge of the trapezius muscle.


The principles of brachial plexus surgery are
similar to those of other peripheral nerve Structure at risk
operations (see previous section).
The five roots of the brachial plexus lie in the • Supraclavicular nerves
posterior triangle of the neck between scalenus
anterior and scalenus medius muscles. Injuries
The skin incision is made approximately one
between the posterior root ganglion and the spinal
finger’s breadth above the clavicle in line with the
cord are termed preganglionic. The three trunks of
bone. Care must be taken not to damage the
the brachial plexus lie in front of one another and
supraclavicular nerves, as a painful neuroma may
in the posterior triangle of the neck. The divisions
of the plexus lie posterior to the clavicle. The
medial, lateral and posterior cords of the plexus
are related to the second part of the axillary artery
deep to pectoralis minor. Dissection
Skin flaps are raised exposing the apex of the
posterior triangle superiorly and the clavicle
• Section/rupture/avulsion of the plexus inferiorly. Next the plane between external
• Associated vascular and nerve injuries jugular vein and the sternocleidomastoid is
• Open wounds developed, with the omohyoid muscle displayed
• Compressive neuropathy. inferiorly in the wound. The muscle is divided and
reflected. Deep to the fat pad, the transverse
cervical artery is present and is at risk; it is ligated.
Anaesthesia and positioning
The phrenic nerve is visualized running across
The procedure is performed under general scalenus anterior. The nerve is followed
anaesthesia, with the patient supine and the head proximally, revealing C5. The deep cervical fascia
elevated to approximately 30°. is incised and C5 and C6 are seen emerging
from the lateral aspect of scalenus anterior; C7
SUPRACLAVICULAR APPROACH TO THE is visualized between scalenus anterior and the
BRACHIAL PLEXUS upper trunk. The lower trunk is seen following
division of scalenus anterior. C8 and T1 are
• Cervical and brachial plexus (root/trunk) visualized by following the plane between the
surgery subclavian artery and the lower trunk.
Principles of brachial plexus surgery 57



• Complete exposure of brachial plexus (when
combined with supraclavicular approach)
• Infraclavicular brachial plexus repair.

Essentially this is analogous to the deltopectoral
approach to the upper humerus. The difference
lies in mobilizing the cephalic vein medially and
detaching and reflecting the pectoralis minor
muscle from the coracoid process. In a full
exposure, the pectoralis major insertion on the
humerus may also be detached.
Figure 5.11 Incision for the Fiolle Delmas approach to
FIOLLE DELMAS APPROACH the brachial plexus

facilitate access, especially if there is a vascular
The Fiolle Delmas approach combines the
injury. In this case a plate should be precontoured
supraclavicular and infraclavicular approaches and
and holes predrilled for easy fixation at the end of
is useful in an extensive injury to the plexus.
the procedure, remembering that the bone will be
shortened by the thickness of the saw blade.
Incision Distally the pectoralis major muscle is detached
from the humerus in its upper portion or, if
The platysma, with skin flaps is elevated and the
required, its entirety. The muscle is then reflected
mid-portion of the clavicle is exposed superiorly
medially exposing the clavicle, pectoralis minor
and inferiorly. An extension is made of the collar
muscle and the clavipectoral fascia (Fig. 5.12).
incision to expose the supraclavicular portion (Fig.
The pectoralis minor muscle is divided at its
5.11). This extension starts at around the mid-
tendon taking care not to damage the
portion of the supraclavicular incision and extends
musculocutaneous nerve. The subclavius muscle is
distally over the mid-portion of the clavicle
divided with the suprascapular vessels (once
running over the delto-pectoral groove to the
ligated). This exposes the entire plexus and
axilla. It is a true extensile approach and can be
vasculature from the first rib to the axilla.
continued distally, if necessary, as the anterior
approach to the humerus. When the infraclavi- POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
cular is combined with the supraclavicular INSTRUCTIONS
approach, full exposure is given from the second
part of the subclavian artery to the terminal Following nerve repair/transfer, the limb may
portion of the axillary artery, with exposure of the require immobilization in a cast for 3 weeks after
brachial plexus from the spinal nerves to terminal which the patient can start motion progressively.
branches of the plexus. In the case of brachial plexus surgery, a sling is
applied with a body strapping for 3 weeks,
Dissection followed by readmission for a week at 6 weeks
post index operation to start the rehabilitation
A clavicular osteotomy may be required to process.
58 Surgery of the peripheral nerve

Subclavian vein



Pectoralis major
Figure 5.12 Dissection in the Fiolle Delmas
Pectoralis minor
approach to the brachial plexus

RECOMMENDED REFERENCES Henry HK. Extensile Exposure, 2nd edn.

Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1957.
Birch R, Bonney G, Wynn Parry CB. Surgical Tupper JW, Crick JC, Mattich LR. Fascicular nerve
Disorders of the Peripheral Nerves. London: repairs. Orthop Clin North Am 1988;19:57–69.
Churchill Livingstone, 1998.

Viva questions
1. Describe the landmarks and incision for a 6. Describe the techniques used in primary nerve
carpal tunnel decompression. repair.
2. Describe the main structures at risk in a carpal 7. What options are available if primary repair is
tunnel decompression. not possible?
3. What are the sites of compression of the ulnar 8. What are the principal considerations for
nerve at the elbow? successful nerve transfer surgery?
4. What are the surface landmarks for Guyon’s 9. What are the priorities in gaining function
canal? after brachial plexus injury?
5. Which structures commonly cause ulnar tunnel
compression neuropathy at the elbow?
Surgery of the shoulder
Omar Haddo and Mark Falworth

Diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy 59 Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction – modified

Anterior acromioplasty – open 62 Weaver–Dunn 69
Arthroscopic subacromial decompression 64 Shoulder stabilization – open 71
Acromioclavicular joint excision 65 Anterior repair for instability – arthroscopic 74
Rotator cuff repair – open/arthroscopic 66 Total shoulder replacement 75
Viva questions 78

Shoulder Range of motion with the possibility to proceed to treatment with

the appropriate consent.
External rotation 80°
Diagnostic arthroscopy is most frequently used
Internal rotation 90°
Flexion 180° • Undiagnosed shoulder pain
Abduction 180° • Complex instability, including humeral avul-
sion of the glenohumeral ligaments (HAGL)
Position of arthrodesis
• Small/partial thickness rotator cuff tears.
• Internal rotation 30°
• Flexion 30°
• Abduction 30° Contraindications
• Infection of overlying skin
• Lack of proper arthroscopic instrumentation
DIAGNOSTIC SHOULDER • Gross osteoarthritis is a relative contra-


Common indications • Nerve injury: the musculocutaneous nerve
(anterior portal) and the axillary nerve (lateral
Diagnosis is often made on the basis of history, portal) are most at risk. The suprascapular nerve
examination and investigations. However, can be damaged by the inexperienced
diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy remains a useful arthroscopist
tool in the armament of the orthopaedic surgeon • Chondral or labral injuries: relatively uncommon
as some pathologies remain difficult to diagnose • Fluid imbalance due to fluid extravasation
with standard non-invasive investigations. • Infection: very rare
Diagnostic arthroscopy therefore offers the • Vascular injury: very rare
opportunity to establish or confirm a diagnosis
60 Surgery of the shoulder

Operative planning • If the lateral position is used, the patient should

be as far back towards the edge of the table as
Recent radiographs and when relevant, ultra- possible, with 15° of posterior tilt (horizontal
sound, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic glenoid). Front and back supports are required
resonance (MR) images (± arthrograms), should to secure the patient. The patient’s head is
be available. Although only basic equipment is placed in a gel ring. Four kilograms of
necessary for a diagnostic procedure standard longitudinal skin traction is applied with the
equipment should be available so that therapeutic arm in 30–50° abduction and 20–30° forward
treatment can be undertaken if necessary. This flexion (Fig. 6.1). The brachial plexus should be
includes: palpated to ensure that it remains soft and that
• Camera with imaging and recording equipment excessive traction is not being applied
• Xenon light source • If the beach chair position is used, the
• Fluid management system (pump set at 30–70 appropriate operating table (with removable
mmHg) lateral corner) is required. The patient’s head is
• 5 mm 30° scope with high-flow sleeve appropriately secured. Traction can be added
• Shaver based on surgeon preference. This approach is
• Vaporizer helpful if progressing to an open procedure.
• Arthroscopic instruments
• Cannulas The surgical field is prepared with a germicidal
• Arthroscopic implants. solution and waterproof drapes are used with
adhesive edges to provide a seal to the skin.
Anaesthesia and positioning
General anaesthesia is preferred with the use of an
interscalene block if certain procedures are
planned. The choice of patient positioning is very
much surgeon dependent: • Spine of the scapula
• Posterolateral corner of the acromion, lateral
acromion, and anterolateral corner of acromion
• Distal clavicle and acromioclavicular joint
• Tip of the coracoid.

The accurate placement of arthroscopic portals is
essential in shoulder arthroscopy. A variety of
portals can be used. The commonest viewing
portal is the posterior portal. A stab incision to the
skin is placed 2 cm medial and 2 cm inferior to the
posterolateral corner of the acromion. This
correlates to a palpable soft spot which denotes
the plane between the infraspinatus and teres
To access the glenohumeral joint, the scope is
Figure 6.1 aimed inferomedially towards the tip of the
Positioning and coracoid. The glenoid rim and the humeral head
traction for shoulder can be palpated and the scope can be pushed
arthroscopy between them. A popping sensation is usually felt
Diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy 61

as the joint is entered. Once the posterior portal is must enter the bursa and show the acromion and
established all other portals are made using an the bursal aspect of the cuff clearly. If cobweb-like
outside-in technique in which a spinal needle is tissue is seen, then the scope is outside the bursa
used to determine the exact location and angle of and should be repositioned. This is important as
entry into the joint. the bursa helps to contain the irrigation fluid, thus
A standard low anterior portal can also be used limiting soft tissue swelling around the shoulder.
for passing instruments into the joint. It is placed The lateral portal is 5 cm (three fingers breadth)
above the lateral half of the subscapularis but distal to the acromion and 1 cm anterior to the
medial to the medial biceps pulley. Once the mid-lateral line (in line with the posterior line of
needle has been placed in the appropriate position the ACJ). This portal is used for instrumentation
the portal is made using a size 11 scalpel, which is of the subacromial space (Fig. 6.2).
inserted in the same direction as the needle taking Other portals can be made on demand. These
care to avoid the long head of the biceps (LHB). include the anterosuperolateral, accessory
To enter the subacromial space, the same anterior, accessory lateral, accessory posterior and
posterior portal skin incision is used; however, the Neviaser (superior) portals. A cannula may be
scope is aimed superolaterally towards the used if proceeding to a therapeutic procedure.
anterolateral corner of the acromion. The scope Clear cannulas are recommended as they allow
visualization and aid in suture management.


A systematic approach is essential if pathology is

not to be missed.

Lateral With the scope in the posterior portal, the

2 cm glenohumeral joint is assessed first. By using the
2 cm LHB tendon as a reference, the camera is adjusted
Anterior Posterior so that the image is shown in the correct supero-
portal portal inferior plane. The authors recommend the
following systematic way of assessing the
• The LHB should first be assessed at its insertion
at the superior glenoid tubercle. By raising the
arm in 90° abduction and 90° external rotation,
the presence of a SLAP (superior labrum from
anterior to posterior) tear can be assessed as the
labrum rolls off the glenoid rim (peel-back
sign). The scope can then be turned laterally
and the intra-articular portion of the LHB,
and that portion of the biceps tendon that
lies within the inter-tubercular grove, can be
• The stability of the LHB can then be visualized
by internally and externally rotating the
shoulder. The medial sling/pulley can then be
inspected before examining the subscapularis
tendon, superior glenohumeral ligament and
Figure 6.2 Common arthroscopic portals rotator interval in more detail. The subscapularis
62 Surgery of the shoulder

tendon insertion can be best visualized with the POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
arm in internal rotation. INSTRUCTIONS
• By gently withdrawing the scope and looking
laterally, the posterior pulley of the LHB can be If the procedure is purely diagnostic no sling is
viewed and then the supraspinatus and necessary. The patient is encouraged to mobilize
infraspinatus tendons can be examined. The as soon as possible.
bare area and any Hill–Sachs lesions can now be
• As the arthroscope is taken further inferiorly it
Levy O, Sforza G, Dodenhoff R, et al. Evaluation
enters the inferior recess. The reflection of the
of the impingement lesion: pathoanatomy and
inferior capsule and the posterior band of the
classification. Arthroscopic evaluation of the
inferior glenohumeral ligament (hammock
impingement lesion: pathoanatomy and classifica-
effect) can be seen. By then rotating the scope,
tion. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82B(Suppl 3):233.
the posterior inferior labrum can be visualized
and then the entire posterior and superior
labrum examined before assessing the chondral
surfaces of both the humeral head and ANTERIOR ACROMIOPLASTY – OPEN
• The anterior stabilizing structures can now be PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
examined. Superiorly the sublabral foramen,
labrum and the middle glenohumeral and Common indications
anterior band of the inferior glenohumeral
ligaments can all be visualized. • Impingement with failure of conservative
• An anterior portal can be made through the management
rotator interval for the introduction of a probe • In association with: rotator cuff repair, shoulder
for further assessment of any soft tissue arthroplasty, malunion of greater tuberosity
pathology or if any glenoid bone loss needs to fracture.
be further assessed.
• The subacromial space should then be Contraindications
examined. Superiorly the acromion is seen,
anteriorly the coracoacromial ligament and Relative: Irreparable cuff tear to avoid superior
inferiorly the bursal side of the rotator cuff. The escape of the humeral head. (A limited
presence of bursal side rotator cuff tears, decompression can be undertaken).
impingement lesions and acromial and ACJ
pathology can all be assessed.
Consent and risks
This is just one example of a systematic assess-
ment of arthroscopic shoulder anatomy. Each • Infection
surgeon can develop their own system, however, it • Neurovascular injury
is essential that all surgeons are familiar with • Stiffness
arthroscopic anatomy and normal variations. • Fracture of the acromion: can occur if the
osteotomy is performed in the wrong plane or if
excess bone is resected
Closure • Detachment of the deltoid
• Failure of procedure: wrong indications,
Portals can be left unsutured or closed with incomplete decompression, missed cuff tear
subcuticular 3/0 Monocryl sutures.
Anterior acromioplasty 63

Operative planning the ligament and separating its medial border

from the clavipectoral fascia. An oscillating saw is
Recent radiographs and, if necessary, ultrasound or used to excise the anteroinferior acromion. The
MRI for rotator cuff assessment. osteotomy is aimed so that it is in continuation
with the undersurface of the acromion (Fig. 6.3).
Anaesthesia and positioning The bony fragment, with its attached coraco-
acromial ligament, is excised. Traction is applied
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or to the patient’s arm and the under surface of the
combined. Where general anaesthesia is used acromion is smoothed using bone nibblers. The
alone, local anaesthetic is recommended for pain underlying rotator cuff should then be examined
relief. The patient is in the beach chair position. A for any associated pathology.
small sandbag is put under the operated shoulder.
An arm board can be attached to the side of the
table to rest the arm on. The surgical field is
prepared and adequately draped.


• Acromioclavicular joint
Figure 6.3 The
• Anterolateral corner of acromion correct orientation
• Tip of the coracoid. for the acromion
This procedure is rarely performed as an isolated
open procedure as it is most commonly per-
formed arthroscopically or in association with a Closure
larger open procedure. As such, the skin incision
A good deltoid reconstruction is essential. If the
will be dictated by the other procedure, however,
quality of the osteoperiosteal flaps is poor, a
if it is to be performed as an isolated open
transosseous repair using no. 2 Ethibond is
procedure, a 2–3 cm anterosuperior incision is
performed followed by subcutaneous 2/0 Vicryl
made over the anterior acromion.
and 3/0 Monocryl to skin.


The incision is continued through subcutaneous
fat and down to deltoid fascia. The anterior Passive/active-assisted exercises are started from
deltoid raphe is split in the line of its fibres. The day 1 to 90° forward elevation and 30° external
anterior acromion is located and then an rotation for 3 weeks increasing to full range by 6
osteoperiosteal flap raised such that a strong weeks. Strengthening exercises can be started at 6
deltoid repair can be performed at the end of the weeks and repetitive overhead exercises at 3
procedure. months.


Deep to the anterolateral tip of the acromion is Bigliani LU, Morrison D, April EW. The
the coracoacromial ligament. A swab can be used morphology of the acromion and its relationship
to sweep the soft tissue medially further exposing to rotator cuff tears. Orthop Trans 1986;10:228.
64 Surgery of the shoulder

Neer CS. Anterior acromioplasty for chronic coracoacromial ligament detached. The lateral
impingement syndrome in the shoulder – a edge of acromion must be exposed to ensure
preliminary report. J Bone Joint Surg Am adequate lateral decompression.
1972;54:41–50. A barrel burr/shaver is used for bone resection.
If the acromion has a lateral down-slope then a
lateral bevel is performed. The decompression is
ARTHROSCOPIC SUBACROMIAL then performed by excising the anterior
acromion, from lateral to medial. The acromial
DECOMPRESSION branch of the coracoacromial vessel is at risk at
this stage. Anterior resection is usually
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING approximately 4 mm (the width of the burr) or
until the anterior deltoid attachment is reached.
See ‘Anterior acromioplasty – open’ (p. 62). Medially, the resection is limited by the ACJ. The
undersurface of the acromion is then chamfered,
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE to smooth out any ridges (Fig. 6.4).
Further refinement of the acromioplasty can be
See ‘Diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy’ (p. 60) for
performed by placing the arthroscope in the
positioning and portals.
lateral portal and the shaver posteriorly. Any
residual bone can be resected using the posterior
Procedure acromion as a ‘cutting-block’, thus creating a flat
undersurface to the acromion.
Structure at risk
• Acromial branch of the coracoacromial artery
See ‘Diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy’ (p. 60).

The arthroscopic pump is set between 30 mmHg POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND

and 70 mmHg. The arthroscope is introduced INSTRUCTIONS
through the posterior portal and a diagnostic
arthroscopy performed. It is then introduced into See ‘Anterior acromioplasty – open’ (p. 62).
the subacromial bursa. The bursal surface of the
cuff is inspected to confirm the presence of an
impingement lesion (inflammation, roughening
and fibrillation). Next, the undersurface of the
acromion is examined for a corresponding ‘kissing’ Lateral excision
lesion. The acromion can be further assessed using and chanfer
an arthroscopic probe for any acromial hooks or
spurs. The coracoacromial ligament is also
The lateral portal is used for instrumentation. A
spinal needle is used for the outside-in technique
of portal placement. Although this portal is at the
level of the axillary nerve, the nerve is not usually Anterior
threatened as the instruments are aimed
proximally towards the acromion. No cannula is
CA ligament
required. excised
Soft tissue resection and haemostasis can be
performed with an electrocautery probe/
vaporizer. The soft tissue on the undersurface of Figure 6.4 Arthroscopic subacromial decompression;
the acromion is then resected and the CA, coracoacromial
Acromioclavicular joint excision 65

Levy O, Sforza G, Dodenhoff R, et al. Evaluation
of the impingement lesion: pathoanatomy and
classification. Arthroscopic evaluation of the
impingement lesion: pathoanatomy and
classification. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82B(Suppl
Gartsman GM. Arthroscopic acromioplasty for 1cm

lesions of the rotator cuff. J Bone Joint Surg Am

Figure 6.5 Excision of the acromioclavicular joint

resected distal clavicle (Fig. 6.5). Care must be
EXCISION taken not to resect too much distal clavicle
otherwise distal clavicular instability can occur.
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING Any osteophytes on the undersurface of the
acromion are trimmed with bone nibblers and any
Indications residual meniscus removed.

• Symptomatic ACJ arthritis not responsive to Closure

conservative treatment The superior acromioclavicular ligament and
• Large inferior osteophytes with secondary delto-trapezoidal fascia is then repaired. If
impingement performed in association with an acromioplasty,
• Symptomatic ACJ intra-articular disc tear. the deltoid is repaired in the manner already
For contraindications/consent and risks/operative discussed.
planning/anaesthesia and positioning, see
‘Anterior acromioplasty’ (p. 62).
Open See ‘Arthroscopic subacromial decompression’
(p. 64). An anterior portal is required. This is first
Approach localized with the insertion of a needle. This
If performed in combination with an open portal is 2–3 cm inferior to the level of the ACJ.
acromioplasty the same approach as previously
described is made, although the incision and Procedure
subsequent dissection, will need to be extended The ACJ is identified through the arthroscope by
medially. If performed in isolation, a 2–3 cm strap palpating the distal clavicle. A shaver or vaporizer
incision is made over the distal clavicle and then a can be used through the lateral portal to expose
transverse incision is made in the delto- the ACJ. Scar tissue and the remnants of the
trapezoidal fascia to expose the ACJ. meniscus are resected and any inferior osteophytes
excised. To ensure adequate visualization of the
Procedure ACJ the fibrofatty tissue in the region of the
Retractors are placed to expose the distal clavicle scapular spine and distal clavicle should be
and then an oscillating saw is used to resect resected. An anterior portal is made using an
enough distal clavicle such that there is a 10 mm outside-in technique ensuring accurate placement
gap between the medial acromion and the of the portal such that ACJ excision is possible.
66 Surgery of the shoulder

A barrel burr is used to excise the distal clavicle

Consent and risks
from inferior to superior and from lateral to
medial. To ensure that adequate bone is resected, • Infection
especially posteriorly, the entire circumference of • Neurovascular injury
the resected distal clavicle must be visualized. • Stiffness
This is often only achieved if both the anterior • Failure of the repair
and posterior acromioclavicular ligaments are • Recurrence
excised. However, care must be taken not to • Continued weakness/cuff-related pain
excise the superior acromioclavicular ligament or
to resect too much bone as this can destabilize the
joint. The aim is for approximately 10 mm of bone Operative planning
resection from the medial acromial facet to the
distal clavicle. This can be assessed by measuring it Recent radiographs, ultrasound or MRI.
against the width of the shaver.

See ‘Arthroscopic subacromial decompression’ Anaesthesia is usually combined general and
(p. 64). regional.


• Acromioclavicular joint
See ‘Arthroscopic subacromial decompression’ • Anterolateral and posterolateral corners of
(p. 64). acromion
• Tip of coracoid.
Flatow EL, Duralde XA, Nicholson GP, et al. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE – OPEN
Arthroscopic resection of the distal clavicle with a
superior approach. J Shoulder Elbow Surg Positioning
The patient is in the beach chair position. A small
sandbag is put under the shoulder. An arm board
ROTATOR CUFF REPAIR – OPEN/ can be attached to the side of the table to rest the
ARTHROSCOPIC arm on. The surgical field is prepared and
adequately draped.
Common indications
• Shoulder pain, including night pain Structure at risk
• Loss of function or quality of life The axillary nerve is approximately 5 cm distal to
• Traumatic rotator cuff tear the lateral acromion and therefore the inferior limit
• Failure of conservative management of a of any incision must not extend beyond this point.
chronic rotator cuff tear. This position corresponds to the lower limit of the
inferior reflection of the subdeltoid bursa.
Degenerative changes of the glenohumeral joint – An anterosuperior approach is used. An 8 cm
‘rotator cuff arthropathy’. incision is made just posterior to the anterior
Rotator cuff repair 67

aspect of the ACJ and is directed towards the mini-open approach need be adopted. The con-
anterolateral corner of the acromion and down figuration and tension of the mobilized cuff tear is
the anterior deltoid raphe. A smaller incision can then assessed in order to plan the repair.
be performed if an arthroscopic decompression A shallow bony trough/footprint is prepared
has already been performed such that a mini-open using an osteotome (or burr in a mini open) at the
procedure can be undertaken. level of tendon insertion. This should be made just
lateral to the articular surface. The method of the
Dissection tendon repair is determined by the operating
The deltoid is bluntly split at the anterior raphe Single and double row anchor repairs can be
(junction of the anterior and middle thirds). The undertaken depending on the size of the tear or
deltoid is detached off the anterior acromion with alternatively a transosseous suture repair can be
an osteoperiosteal sleeve. The bursa is split performed. In the latter method the tendon is
longitudinally. The inferior reflection of the bursa repaired with a no. 2 Ethibond Mason Allen
denotes the position of the axillary nerve which suture. In each method the aim is to achieve
can be palpated and avoided thereafter (Fig. 6.6). healing of the tendon to the footprint.
The coracoacromial ligament is detached from the
undersurface of the acromion. Closure

Procedure A good deltoid reconstruction is essential. If the

quality of the osteoperiosteal flaps is poor a
Anterior acromioplasty (± ACJ excision) can be transosseous deltoid repair, using no. 2 Ethibond,
carried out as required. The size of the tear is is performed. The deltoid raphe should be closed
measured and traction sutures are placed through with 2/0 Vicryl and then 2/0 Vicryl for closure of
the cuff. The cuff is then mobilized sequentially, the subcutaneous tissues and 3/0 Monocryl to
initially with blunt dissection, however, a sharp skin.
release of the superior capsule and the
coracohumeral ligament may be necessary. In SURGICAL TECHNIQUE – ARTHROSCOPIC
massive retracted tears anterior and posterior
interval slides may also be necessary. These can also Positioning
be performed arthroscopically such that only a
The beach chair or lateral positions can be

Posterior, anterior, lateral and accessory lateral
portals are often required. The superior Neviaser
portal can be useful for passing sutures through
the cuff, particularly in massive tears.

Glenohumeral arthroscopy is performed and any
concurrent pathology assessed and treated as
necessary. The cuff is then assessed with respect to
Figure 6.6 The its size, shape and mobility. The arthroscope is
relationship of the then inserted into the subacromial space and a
Inferior reflection subdeltoid bursa to subacromial decompression (± ACJ excision) is
of subdeltoid bursa the axillary nerve performed as necessary. Any releases are then
68 Surgery of the shoulder

undertaken and the footprint is prepared with the

vaporizer and burr.
Various techniques are described for tendon
fixation. The type of anchor and whether a single
or double row fixation is used remains debatable.
However, the principle is to have a large contact
area between the tendon and the bone to
tear size
encourage healing. To achieve this a variety of
arthroscopic instruments are required.
The suture anchor is inserted percutaneously
or through the superolateral portal, such that the
correct bone entry angle is achieved. During
anchor placement the choice of viewing portal
is often determined by the size of the tear Side to side
with small or partial tears requiring an intra-
reduces size
articular camera position and larger tears
of tear
requiring visualization from the subacromial space.
The sutures can now be passed using antegrade Figure 6.7 Side to side sutures used to reduce the size
techniques, using suture passers, or with retrograde of a rotator cuff tear
techniques where penetrators or suture shuttling
instruments are used. When passing sutures a
posterior or lateral viewing portal is used
depending on the size and location of the tear.
Sutures are placed approximately 1 cm apart.
Suture management is critical in rotator cuff repairs – Passive overhead elevation at 6 weeks
as it is easy to confuse or tangle the sutures. To avoid with further increase in external rotation as able
difficulties only two sutures should be used per – Active exercises once range is normal and
portal and if a cannula is not used then sutures must strengthening at 12 weeks.
be passed through the same portal together to avoid • Large/massive tears:
interposing soft tissue when tying knots. Knot tying – Immobilize in sling (± abduction pillow)
is done under direct vision in the subacromial space. sling for 6 weeks
For large and massive tears, side to side convergence – Passive/active assisted exercises elevation to
sutures can be used to reduce the size of tear (Fig. 90° and external rotation to 0° in the
6.7). The final construct can be viewed from both presence of a subscapularis repair, otherwise
the subacromial space and the glenohumeral joint 30° for first 6 weeks
to ensure footprint reconstruction. – Passive overhead elevation at 6 weeks with
further increase in external rotation as able
Closure – Active exercises at 12 weeks and
strengthening at 16 weeks.
Sutures are only used with cannula portals, These regimens can be modified depending on the
otherwise Steri-Strips suffice. surgeon’s choice.

Postoperative care and instructions

• Small and medium tears:
– Sling for 6 weeks Sano H, Yamashita T, Wakabayashi I, et al. Stress
– Passive/active assisted exercises to 30° distribution in the supraspinatus tendon after
external rotation (if no subscapularis tear) repair – suture anchors versus transosseous
and elevation to 90° for first 6 weeks fixation. Am J Sports Med 2007;35:542–46.
Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction 69

WEAVER–DUNN • Anterolateral corner of the acromion
• Tip of coracoid

Indications The technique will vary depending on whether an
acute or chronic injury is being addressed. Acute
• Chronic type IV–VI ACJ dislocation
injuries do not require a ligament transfer
• Chronic type III in the young, athletic, manual
procedure as part of the reconstruction. Chronic
worker, dominant side (surgery on Grade III AC
injuries are best managed with a biological
joint dislocation is more controversial than
reconstruction which is supplemented by another
conservative treatment and is very much
fixation device until healing has occurred
surgeon dependent).
approximately 3 months post repair.

Contraindications Approach

Unreliable patient (important due to post- A strap incision, 1 cm medial to the ACJ, and
operative restrictions). extending down to the coracoid.

Consent and risks The delto-trapezoidal fascia is incised
• Infection longitudinally along the distal clavicle with an
• Neurovascular injury extension across the superior acromioclavicular
• Stiffness capsule/ligament and further laterally over the
• Failure of the procedure or recurrence anterior acromion. The deltoid fibres are elevated
off the clavicle and, at the acromion, an
osteoperiosteal flap is raised to aid later repair. The
coracoacromial ligament is defined by sweeping
Operative planning bluntly laterally with a swab. It is then detached
from the acromion with a sliver of bone. It is then
Radiographs – anteroposterior, 30° cephalic, mobilized down to the coracoid and a whipstitch
axillary ± stress views – are required. applied to the ligament with no. 2 Ethibond. The
distal 1 cm of the clavicle is excised obliquely with
an oscillating saw. The bone fragment is retained
Anaesthesia and positioning for later autologous bone graft.
The clavicle is reduced to its anatomical position
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or by reducing the arm back up to the clavicle and by
combined. Where general anaesthesia is used further reducing the clavicle downwards and
alone, local anaesthetic is recommended for forwards. This position must be maintained prior
postoperative pain relief. to the ligament transfer. This can be achieved by a
The patient is placed in the beach chair number of techniques, including a Bosworth
position. A small sandbag is put under the screw, three strands of PDS cord (Johnson and
shoulder. An arm board can be attached to the Johnson) looped around the coracoid and clavicle
side of the table to rest the arm on. The surgical or, with a TightRope reconstruction device
field is prepared and adequately draped. (Arthrex Inc; Naples, FL, USA).
70 Surgery of the shoulder

Figure 6.8 Acromioclavicular joint reconstruction

Once held in the reduced position two 2 mm reconstruction; 2/0 Vicryl is used for closure of
drill holes are then made in the superior cortex of the subcutaneous tissues and 3/0 Monocryl is used
clavicle. The bony fragment of the for skin.
acromioclavicular ligament is passed into the
intramedullary canal and the two sutures are POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
passed through the holes, tensioned and tied (Fig. INSTRUCTIONS
6.8). An autograft from the resected distal clavicle
is then used to graft any redundant space around • Six weeks in a sling with passive, and active
the transferred ligament. assisted, forward elevation to 90° and external
In acute cases (<3–4 weeks post injury) the rotation to 30°
coracoclavicular ligaments and superior • Progress to active shoulder movement, below
acromioclavicular capsule/ligament can be shoulder height, from 6 weeks with passive
repaired and then supplemented with one of the stretching above shoulder height at 10 weeks
stabilizing techniques described above. A • Strengthening at 12 weeks (if a Bosworth screw
Weaver–Dunn ligament transfer is not required. is used shoulder movement must be restricted
to below shoulder height until the screw is
Closure removed at 3 months).

A good delto-trapezoidal reconstruction is RECOMMENDED REFERENCES

essential. If the quality of the anterior acromial
osteoperiosteal flap is poor a transosseous repair Fraser-Moodie JA, Shortt NL, Robinson CM.
using No. 2 Ethibond is performed and in cases Injuries to the acromioclavicular joint. J Bone Joint
with significant superior migration of the clavicle Surg Br 2008;90:697–707.
any redundant delto-trapezoidal fascia can Weaver JK, Dunn HK. Treatment of acromio-
undergo a ‘double-breasted’ repair with 1 Vicryl clavicular injuries. J Bone Joint Surg Am
adding further superior support to the 1972;54:1187–93.
Shoulder stabilization 71

on. The surgical field is prepared and adequately


PREOPERATIVE PLANNING Examination under anaesthesia

Primary indication The humeral head is translated anteriorly and
posteriorly, the direction noted and its excursion is
• Recurrent instability: traumatic structural (type
I) and atraumatic structural (type II)
• 1 – minimal
• Relative indication: acute traumatic dislocation.
• 2 – to the edge of the labrum
• 3 – dislocates.
• Muscle patterning instability (type III) Landmarks
• If used in isolation in the presence of a large
• Tip of the coracoid
glenoid bone defect
• Axillary fold.
• Unsuitable for anaesthesia.

Consent and risks
The skin incision runs in the deltopectoral groove,
• Infection from the coracoid to the axillary fold (with the
• Stiffness, particularly loss of external rotation arm adducted and internally rotated).
• Recurrence
• Subscapularis detachment.
Superficial dissection
• Neurovascular injury

Structure at risk
Operative planning
• Cephalic vein
Recent radiographs and CT/MRI arthrogram
should be available to the surgeon. Examination
under anaesthetic ± diagnostic arthroscopy should The subcutaneous tissue is reflected with sharp
be performed prior to the procedure. and electrocautery dissection, exposing the
deltopectoral interval which is marked by a fatty
streak and the cephalic vein. The fascia overlying
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE – the interval is divided and the cephalic vein
ANTEROINFERIOR STABILIZATION lateralized with the deltoid muscle. The deltoid
and pectoralis major are then defined with sharp
Anaesthesia and positioning and electrocautery dissection.

Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or Deep dissection

combined. Where general anaesthesia is used
alone, local anaesthetic is recommended
postoperatively to aid pain relief. Structure at risk
The patient is placed in the beach chair
• Musculocutaneous nerve – in danger from
position. A small sandbag is put under the medial
excessive traction
scapula of the operated shoulder (this helps to
externally rotate the shoulder and ‘open’ the
anterior shoulder joint). An arm board can be A retractor can be placed over the coracoid
attached to the side of the table to rest the arm process to enhance the exposure and the
72 Surgery of the shoulder

clavipectoral fascia is then split vertically starting to reattach the anterior labrum to the
just lateral to the coracoid. This exposes the decorticated area of the glenoid neck. The
conjoint tendon. If required, the lateral third of capsular flaps are overlapped so that the inferior
the conjoint tendon can be divided to allow better flap is taken superiorly and medially such that it is
exposure (by not detaching the coracoid or the sutured to the medial capsule. A double-breasted
tendon fully, the musculocutaneous nerve is suture technique using 1 Vicryl should be used.
protected from excessive traction). A self-retainer The superior flap is then sutured inferiorly taking
is placed between the coracoid/conjoint tendon care not to medialize the flap otherwise external
medially and the deltoid muscle laterally. rotation will be restricted. The rotator interval is
The arm is externally rotated to expose the then closed (Fig. 6.10).
subscapularis muscle. The upper two-thirds of the During the repair, the arm should be held in
subscapularis can then be tenotomized 30° of external rotation and abduction so that the
approximately 1 cm from its insertion in the lesser repair is not over tightened thus causing
tuberosity and dissected free of the underlying
capsule. This plane is more easily found inferiorly
and becomes easier as the dissection progresses
medially. Alternatively, the subscapularis can be
split horizontally and retracted, exposing the
underlying capsule.

The capsulorrhaphy must now be undertaken.
This can be performed either laterally or medially.
It is the authors’ preference to perform this
medially as we feel it gives a more accurate
anatomical reconstruction and a more
reproducible elimination of the axillary pouch. split
To achieve a large inferior capsular shift the
capsule must be dissected off all of its muscular
attachments inferiorly and, indeed, postero- Figure 6.9 The medial ‘T’-shaped capsular incision
inferiorly in cases of marked laxity. This is best
achieved with McIndoe scissors. A bone lever can
then be placed inferior to the humeral neck thus
protecting the axillary nerve. Depending on the
degree of laxity the capsulorrhaphy can involve
either a vertical capsular incision or, in cases of
greater laxity, a medially based ‘T’.
The capsule is split vertically 7–10 mm from
the glenoid rim, with a further horizontal incision
made midway along the capsule as necessary (Fig.
6.9). Two stay sutures are placed to mark the
superior and inferior apices of the flaps. A Fakuda
retractor is used to displace the humeral head
posteriorly such that the anterior labrum is
exposed. The presence of a Bankart lesion, and the
degree of capsule–labral disruption, can now be Inferior
visualized. capsular shift
The anterior glenoid neck is decorticated using
a narrow osteotome or burr and anchors are used Figure 6.10 Medially based inferior capsular shift
Shoulder stabilization 73

postoperative stiffness. Adequate stability and a access to the underlying infraspinatus and teres
good passive range of motion should be confirmed minor tendons. More laterally an osteoperiosteal
before the wounds are closed. flap should be raised off the posterior lateral
If a large, engaging Hill–Sachs lesion is present corner of the acromion with, if necessary, a further
a bone block procedure (Bristow–Latarjet or iliac extension down the posterior deltoid raphe.
crest bone graft) will be required to increase the The interval between the infraspinatus and
depth of the glenoid to prevent recurrent teres minor can be developed by blunt dissection
dislocation. A soft tissue procedure alone will not exposing the posterior capsule.
be adequate to restore stability.
The procedure for the repair of a posterior labral
If previously tenotomized, the subscapularis injury and /or capsular laxity is similar to that
should be repaired with no. 2 Ethibond. described for an anteriorly based injury. A medial
Thereafter, a layered closure using 2/0 Vicryl for or laterally based capsulorrhaphy can be
the subcutaneous tissues and 3/0 Monocryl to skin performed although we favour the former for the
is used. reasons described earlier.


The infraspinatus and teres minor do not need
Cases of posterior instability will warrant a
formal closure; however, meticulous repair of the
posterior reconstructive procedure.
deltoid should be undertaken. Thereafter 2/0
Vicryl to superficial tissues and 3/0 Monocryl to
Anaesthesia and positioning skin is advocated.
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or
combined. The patient is positioned in the prone
A polysling with body belt is used for the first 4
Incision weeks. At 4 weeks, the body belt is removed and
pendular exercises started. At 6 weeks passive
A 15 cm posterior vertical incision which extends stretching exercises are undertaken aiming for full
over the spine of the scapula in the plane of the elevation but only half the external rotation of the
ACJ gives good access to posterior structures of contralateral side by 3 months. Strengthening
the shoulder. exercises are begun at 6 weeks. Contact sports
must be avoided for 6–9 months.
Structures at risk Itoi E, Hattakeyama Y, Kido T, et al. A new
method of immobilisation after traumatic anterior
The posterior circumflex humeral artery and axillary
dislocation of the shoulder: a preliminary study. J
nerve run together in the quadrilateral space, below
Shoulder Elbow Surg 2003;12:413–15.
teres minor. It is therefore safe provided that the
Gill TJ, Micheli LJ, Gebhard F, et al. Bankart
correct plane of dissection is used.
repair for anterior instability of the shoulder. Long
term outcome. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1997;79:850.
Posteriorly, the deltoid has a tendinous insertion Lewis A, Kitamura T, Bayley JIL. The classification
on to the posterior spine of the scapula. This can of shoulder instability; new light through old
be incised and reflected inferiorly giving good windows. Curr Orthop 2004;18:97–108.
74 Surgery of the shoulder

Rowe CR, Zarins B, Ciullo JV. Recurrent anterior such that angle of approach allows accurate suture
dislocation of the shoulder after surgical repair. anchor placement. This can be best assessed using
Apparent causes of failure and treatment. J Bone the anterosuperior viewing portal. A clear cannula
Joint Surg Am 1984;66:159–68. is recommended for better visualization.
te Slaa RL, Wijffels MP, Brand R, et al. The
prognosis following acute primary glenohumeral Procedure
dislocation. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2004;86:58–64.
Glenohumeral arthroscopy is carried out. The
degree of tissue separation and amount of anterior
ANTERIOR REPAIR OF INSTABILITY – or inferior capsular laxity are assessed. The drive-
ARTHROSCOPIC through sign is noted. This reflects the ease
with which the scope is passed between the
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING humeral head and the glenoid and is a sign of
significant laxity. The Bankart lesion is released
For primary indication/contraindications/consent around to the 6 o’clock position on the glenoid,
and risks/operative planning, see ‘Shoulder with sharp elevators. A sufficient release is
stabilization – open’ (p. 73). confirmed by grabbing the inferior tissue with a
manipulator and elevating it superiorly against the
Anaesthesia and positioning glenoid rim.
The anterior glenoid (2–6 o’clock) is
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or decorticated with a rasp and shaver (ensure that
combined. Where general anaesthesia is used suction is clamped during this stage). An anchor is
alone, local anaesthetic is recommended post- placed at the 5 o’clock position on the glenoid
operatively for pain relief. The patient is in the rim. A suture is passed through the tissue
beach chair or lateral position (see ‘Diagnostic inferiorly using a penetrator or suture shuttle
shoulder arthroscopy’ (p. 60)). technique. The amount of tissue included in the
suture is critical as it will dictate the degree of
Landmarks stability following the repair. To help reduce the
labral tissue back to the glenoid rim the knot can
See ‘Diagnostic shoulder arthroscopy’ (p. 60). be tied with the arm in flexion and internal
rotation. Capsular plication (weaving of sutures
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE through the capsule) can also be performed in
cases of marked capsular laxity. Further anchors
Examination under anaesthesia are placed at 4 o’clock and 3 o’clock positions to
approximate the labrum and perform a distal to
As for open stabilization. proximal shift of the capsule (Fig. 6.11).

Portals Closure
A standard posterior viewing portal is used to 3/0 Monocryl to cannula portals.
assess the labral and capsular pathology.
Using an outside-in technique, an antero- POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
superolateral portal is placed at the junction of the INSTRUCTIONS
anterior border of the supraspinatus tendon and
the upper rotator interval. It should allow a 45° See ‘Shoulder stabilization – open’ (p. 73).
angle of approach to the superior labrum. This
will provide both an anterior viewing portal and RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
an accessory portal for SLAP repairs or for suture
management. A further anterior portal is placed Hobby J, Griffin D, Dunbar M, et al. Is
just above the subscapularis tendon. This is placed arthroscopic surgery for stabilisation for chronic
Total shoulder replacement 75

Consent and risks

• Infection
• Neurovascular injury
• Stiffness
• Aseptic loosening
• Fracture
Direction of shift
• Revision

Anchors Operative planning

Recent radiographs must be available with
CT/MRI/bone scan as required.

Anaesthesia and positioning

Anaesthesia can be general, regional or combined.
Where general anaesthesia is used alone,
Figure 6.11 Capsulolabral reconstruction with
additional local anaesthetic infiltration or patient-
anterior inferior glenohumeral ligament
reconstruction (AIGHL). PIGHL, posterior IGHL. controlled anaesthesia is recommended for pain
relief. Antibiotics are given at induction.
The patient is placed in the reclining beach
chair position and pulled to the side to allow
extension and rotation of the arm. A small
shoulder instability as effective as open surgery? A
sandbag is put under the shoulder. The surgical
systematic review and meta-analysis of 62 studies
field is prepared and draped.
including 3044 arthroscopic operations. J Bone
Joint Surg Br 2007;89:1188–96.
TOTAL SHOULDER REPLACEMENT • Acromioclavicular joint
• Anterolateral/posterolateral corners of
• Coracoid.
Common indications
• Osteoarthritis
• Inflammatory arthritis
• Avascular necrosis
• Trauma: four-part proximal humeral fractures
• Postinfective arthritis
• Instability arthropathy From coracoid toward the axillary fold, extending
• Cuff tear arthropathy laterally to the anterior arm.
• Arthritis secondary to glenoid dysplasia or
Superficial dissection
epiphyseal dysplasia.

Structure at risk
• Cephalic vein
Active infection.
76 Surgery of the shoulder

The subcutaneous tissue is reflected with sharp planned at this stage. If external rotation is
and electrocautery dissection exposing the adequate the subscapularis tendon is then
deltopectoral interval, which is marked by a fatty tenotomized 1 cm medial to its humeral insertion
streak and the cephalic vein. The fascia overlying and raised on stay sutures. This can be taken as one
the interval is divided and the cephalic vein layer with the underlying capsule. In order to
lateralized with the deltoid muscle. In a tight lengthen the subscapularis the rotator interval will
shoulder the pectoralis major tendon can be need to be incised and then the capsule will need
released at its superior border taking care not to to be released from the glenoid neck.
injure the underlying biceps tendon. As the capsule is incised an inferior capsular
release can be performed, and provided that the
Deep dissection axillary nerve has already been identified the nerve
should not be at risk. A blunt retractor can be
Structures at risk placed inferiorly to protect the nerve and then the
humeral head is dislocated anteriorly by applying
The axillary and musculocutaneous nerves are in gentle external rotation to the arm. The LHB
danger from excessive traction. tendon should be inspected and tenotomized or
tenodesed as necessary.
To enhance the exposure a retractor can be placed The head is then prepared by removing any
over the coracoid process and then the clavi- osteophytes so that the true anatomical neck of the
pectoral fascia is split vertically starting just lateral humerus is identified. The head can now be
to the coracoid, extending the incision just lateral prepared for the shoulder replacement; the
to the conjoint tendon and its muscle belly. preparation will vary depending on the implant and
To improve external rotation the coraco- whether a resurfacing type prosthesis is to be used.
humeral ligament should also be released at its For the purpose of this description, a standard
coracoid origin. The deltoid is then mobilized stemmed implant will be used. An oscillating saw is
from the tissues of the subacromial space and used to resect the humeral head at its anatomical
retracted posterolaterally. Provided that the neck. If this has been adequately demarcated
retractors are placed above the inferior subdeltoid during your preparation it can be done freehand
bursal reflection the axillary nerve should be safe. otherwise jigs should be used such that the height
If better access is required, as may be the case and version of the resection is appropriate. The
with a medialized glenoid, the lateral third of the resected humeral head is then used as a guide for
conjoint tendon can be divided to allow better the size of the subsequent humeral head
exposure or alternatively a coracoid tip osteotomy replacement. With the head resected the remainder
can be performed. However, care should be taken of the circumferential glenoid release can be
not to retract the conjoint tendon excessively as performed and the glenoid inspected.
this could put the musculocutaneous nerve at risk. Once the capsule is released there should be
The arm is externally rotated to expose the adequate space to approach the glenoid
subscapularis muscle. perpendicular to its face such that glenoid
The anterior circumflex humeral vessels, which preparation can be achieved with the appropriate
are found at the inferior border of the implant jigs. The process of this preparation will
subscapularis tendon, are then ligated. The vary according to the implant, however, to assess
axillary nerve can then be exposed so that its the true version of the glenoid it is useful to place
position is known and avoided during the a narrow retractor down the anterior glenoid neck
remainder of the procedure. so that the axis of the glenoid is known prior to
The degree of external rotation that can be definitive glenoid preparation.
achieved should now be assessed. If this is deficient The humerus is now prepared using
then a subscapularis lengthening procedure may be sequentially sized rasps and when the appropriate
required. This may involve a layered subscapularis size is established a trial prosthesis can be
tenotomy or ‘Z plasty’ and this will need to be constructed and inserted into the humerus. After
Total shoulder replacement 77

reducing the implant the surgeon should check from its insertion to the lesser tuberosity together
the offset, version and soft tissue tension of the with the capsule. Stay sutures are inserted.
trial prosthesis and if satisfactory the definitive If biceps tenodesis is required, a stay suture is
prosthesis can be implanted. placed and the tendon cut. The humeral head is
dislocated anteriorly with external rotation and
Anterosuperior extension. A Bankart skid is placed between the
glenoid and the head. Osteophytes are excised. A
Incision bone spike is inserted on the medial side of the
An 8 cm incision is started just posterior to the humeral neck, under the subscapularis to protect
front of the ACJ, directed towards the the axillary nerve. Humeral and glenoid
anterolateral corner of the acromion and down preparation is then performed as previously
the anterolateral deltoid. described.

Superficial dissection Closure

The subscapularis tendon is repaired using no. 2
Structure at risk Ethibond with the arm held in a position of 30°
external rotation. This prevents over-tightening of
• Axillary nerve – 5 cm below the lateral acromion the tendon repair. A deltoid repair is then
(below the inferior reflection of the subdeltoid performed to the anterior acromion if the
bursa). anterosuperior approach was used. A 2/0 Vicryl to
the subcutaneous tissues and 3/0 Monocryl to skin
completes the closure.
The deltoid is bluntly split at the anterior raphe
(the junction of anterior middle third of the
deltoid). The deltoid is detached off the anterior
acromion with an osteoperiosteal sleeve. This is
extended medially to the ACJ. The subdeltoid A polysling is used for 6 weeks. Passive and active
bursa is split longitudinally palpating the inferior assisted exercises to 90° of forward elevation and
bursal reflection which denotes the position of the external rotation to 0° for 6 weeks. Full passive
axillary nerve. movement to re-establish full range thereafter
Deep dissection followed by active ranging and strengthening
exercises as able.
The coracoacromial ligament is detached from the
undersurface of the acromion. Anterior RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
acromioplasty and ACJ excision can be carried out
if required. Boileau P, Walch G. The three-dimensional
geometry of the proximal humerus. Implications
Procedure for surgical technique and prosthetic design. J
Bone Joint Surg Br 1997;79:857–65.
Structure at risk Gartsman GM, Roddey TS, Hammerman SM.
Shoulder arthroplasty with or without resurfacing
• Axillary nerve
of the glenoid in patients who have osteoarthritis.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 2000;82:26–34.
Blunt soft tissue release is carried out around the Neer CS. Replacement arthroplasty for
cuff. The coracohumeral ligament is released at its glenohumeral osteoarthritis. J Bone Joint Surg Am
coracoid origin. This improves the external 1974;4:351–9.
rotation. With the arm in external rotation, a bone Torchia ME, Cofield RH, Settergren CR. Total
retractor is inserted on the medial side of the shoulder arthroplasty with the Neer prosthesis:
humeral neck, marking the inferior border of the long-term results. J Shoulder Elbow Surg
subscapularis muscle. This is detached laterally 1997;6:495–505.
78 Surgery of the shoulder

Viva questions

1. Describe the deltopectoral approach. What 12. Describe your management of ACJ dislocation,
structures are at risk? including classification.
2. Describe the posterior approach to the 13. What are the indications for operative
shoulder. stabilization of the shoulder?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of 14. How would you classify shoulder instability?
the anterosuperior approach?
15. Would you do open or arthroscopic
4. Describe the anatomy of the axillary nerve. stabilization?
5. Describe the portals in shoulder arthroscopy. 16. What approach would you use for total
shoulder replacement?
6. What is the pathophysiology of impingement?
17. What are the indications for shoulder
7. Describe how you would do an arthroscopic
subacromial decompression.
18. Would you replace the glenoid and why?
8. What are the indications for ACJ excision?
19. What are the complications of total shoulder
9. How do you classify cuff tears?
10. What are the indications for rotator cuff
20. In what position would you arthrodese a
11. What are the complications from rotator cuff
Surgery of the elbow
Deborah Higgs and Simon Lambert

Elbow arthrolysis 79 Elbow arthroscopy 95

Total elbow replacement 87 Elbow aspiration/injection 97
Radial head replacement 89 Viva questions 98
Tennis/golfer’s elbow release 92

Range of Functional (lateral column), and proximal radioulnar joints

motion range of motion (anterior and posterior compartments)
Flexion 150° 130°
• Degenerative contracture of anterior and
posterior compartments
Extension 0° 30°
• Intracompartmental adhesiolysis, usually of the
Pronation 80° 50° radiocapitellar compartment
Supination 80° 50° • In association with intra-articular corrective
osteotomy of the distal humerus, proximal
ulna, or radial head
Position of arthrodesis
• In association with joint replacement arthro-
• There is no fixed position of arthrodesis plasty of the elbow, including lateral compart-
• Many authors recommend 90° ment resurfacing and radial head replacement.
• There is evidence that 110° is best for activities of
daily living but 60° may suit work activities Contraindications
• Vascular compromise of the limb
The surgical approaches to the elbow may form a • Infection (generalized or of the limb)
sequence of dissections using segments of, or the • Compromised skin in the region of the surgical
whole of, a single utility dorsal approach. If this incision
strategy is followed for the lesser procedures then, • Inability of the patient to understand the
should further surgery be required, the risk of postoperative rehabilitation programme
vascular compromise of the skin due to multiple • Contraindication to regional nerve blockade;
incisions is reduced. previous nerve trauma or palsy (particularly if
incomplete nerve lesion) at the elbow or more
Consent and risks
• Ulnar nerve injury: 10 per cent transient ulnar
Indications neuritis; 1 per cent tardy ulnar nerve palsy;
<1 per cent acute permanent lesion
• Post-traumatic capsular contracture of the • Infection: < 1 per cent
ulnohumeral (medial column), radiocapitellar
80 Surgery of the elbow

• Heterotopic ossification: 10 per cent

• Recurrence: more common in post-traumatic
stiffness syndrome, less common in degenerative
or inflammatory contractures
• Failure to achieve desired result (due to
surface/topographical articular lesions)
• Need for further surgery, including joint
replacement arthroplasty

Operative planning
Figure 7.1 Patient position
Anteroposterior and lateral (in flexion and
extension) radiographs, less than 6 months old,
should be available.
For articular surface lesions a computed
tomography (CT) arthrogram is desirable. It access. The elbow should be sufficiently mobile
should be possible to readily convert from an for appropriate movement intraoperatively. The
arthroscopic procedure to an open procedure (see hand, forearm, and arm to the axilla are prepared
positioning and incision sections). with a germicidal solution. Waterproof drapes are
used with adhesive edges to provide a seal to the
skin. An antibacterial adhesive skin drape is
Anaesthesia and positioning applied.
Anaesthesia is usually general, augmented by
infraclavicular regional nerve blockade if not
contraindicated (see above). An initial dose of Arthrolysis can be performed open or arthroscopically.
antibiotic is given intravenously. The antibiotic of
choice depends on local policy, but a common OPEN ARTHROLYSIS
choice is cefuroxime (1.5 g in the adult). Note: if
intraoperative biopsies are to be obtained to The choice of approach is governed by which
diagnose sepsis then the antibiotic is withheld compartment is to be accessed:
until the biopsy obtained. • For the lateral side of the anterior and posterior
The patient is placed in the lateral decubitus compartments: the lateral column (Morrey)
position with the operated arm uppermost. approach. This can be extended proximally into
Padded lumbar and pelvic supports are used. a lateral approach to the humerus, and distally
A Carter–Brain gutter or well-padded drape into a Kocher-type approach to the radial head
support is used to cradle the arm, allowing the and neck. The anterolateral compartment is
forearm to move freely in the vertical position, readily accessible (see ‘Radial head
permitting access to the dorsal aspect and both replacement’, p. 90)
sides of the elbow, and to the anterior • For the medial side of the anterior
compartment by external rotation of the shoulder compartment: the direct medial approach
(Fig. 7.1). Of note in this position: the ulnar nerve anterior to the ulnar nerve (see ‘Tennis/golfer’s
is always on the side of the elbow facing the feet elbow release’, p. 93)
of the patient (assuming there has been no • For the anterior compartment alone, e.g. for
previous operation on the ulnar nerve). lengthening of the biceps tendon: the anterior
A padded narrow tourniquet (inflation to 200 approach. This is a lazy-S incision respecting
mmHg is usually sufficient) or a S-MART the flexure crease of the elbow, passing from
bandage/tourniquet is used. At least 15 cm of the medial to the tendon of the biceps proximally
dorsal aspect of the arm is required for ease of over the brachial neurovascular bundle, to the
Elbow arthrolysis 81





6 cm

Figure 7.2 Anterior Figure 7.3 Trans-tricipital approach – skin incision


medial side of the ‘mobile wad’ (Henry) distally continued distally parallel to the crest of the ulna
(Fig. 7.2) (not crossing it or on it) for approximately 6 cm
• For the dorsal (olecranon fossa) compartment (Fig. 7.3).
and ulnar nerve: the dorsal trans-tricipital
Superficial dissection
Structure at risk
• Ulnar nerve
• Midline of the humerus
• Lateral epicondyle
• Radial head The triceps tendon is more correctly an
• Tip of the olecranon aponeurosis. There is a superficial sheet having a
• Crest of the proximal ulna. median vertical aponeurotic extension, between
the lateral and medial heads of the triceps, which
Incision leads to the deep head. This sheet is the guide to
the dissection of the triceps.
The incision is made in a curvilinear fashion The lateral and medial musculotendinous
towards the tip of the olecranon starting about 7.5 boundaries of the triceps are revealed by epifascial
cm proximal to the olecranon, skirting on its dissection in the proximal part of the wound.
lateral side, leaving between 0.5 cm and 1 cm Minimal epifascial dissection is used distal to the
between the incision and the lateral border of the olecranon over the subcutaneous border of the ulna,
olecranon (to avoid placing the incision on the sufficient only to see the deep antebrachial fascia
weightbearing skin of the elbow). The incision is over anconeus. Medial dissection is continued,
82 Surgery of the elbow

sufficient to reveal the ulnar nerve immediately border of the lateral head of triceps and the
subjacent to the medial border of the triceps proximal border of the anconeus. Dissection
about 6–7 cm proximal to the medial epicondyle. within the lateral head of triceps is to be avoided.
The triceps is split between the nerve and blood
Deep dissection supply to the medial head (a segmental branch
can occur very distally) and the nerve to the lateral
head, both derived from the radial nerve. The deep
Structures at risk head nerve supply is more proximal and is out of
the surgical field. The ulnar nerve is protected by
• Ulnar nerve keeping dissection lateral and then deep to the
medial head of the triceps, using the muscular
This approach respects the nerve supply to the bulk as a protection for the nerve (Fig. 7.4).
anconeus (an important contributor to elbow It is important to know where the ulnar nerve
stability): this is a distal branch of the radial nerve is if dissection of the medial capsule is likely, but
which crosses the interval between the distal the nerve does not need to be mobilized for
simple olecranon fossa debridement, or when the
radiocapitellar joint is the only compartment
The ulnar nerve is identified throughout its
course, behind the medial condyle, noting the
axial vessel and the vena comitans on the deep
Lateral head (articular) surface of the nerve in the cubital
head sulcus. The fibrous arch between the two bony
origins of the flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) is incised,
the incision being carried into the muscle for
about 2 cm (Fig. 7.4), marking and protecting the
nerve branch to the FCU, which arises proximal to
the elbow, and allowing ready displacement of the
nerve from the cubital sulcus without tension.

Proximal dissection
Ulnar The triceps aponeurosis is incised in the midline
nerve and undermined to define the vertical sheet
between the two superficial heads of the triceps.
The dissection is then taken down the lateral
Anconeus side of this sheet, i.e. in the intervascular/
interneural plane to the deep head of the triceps.
Extensor The superficial heads are parted for about 6 cm,
carpi ulnaris uncovering the filmy layer between them and the
deep head. The deep head is then incised (the
carpi ulnaris only muscular incision required in this technique)
noting the deep transverse epicondylar vessels
Ulna under the muscle at the proximal margin of the
fat pad in the olecranon fossa. The vessels are
cauterized. The fat pad is excised and the
olecranon fossa exposed. A posterior capsulec-
tomy is performed and any olecranon osteophytes
removed. An Outerbridge–Kashiwagi procedure
Figure 7.4 Trans-tricipital approach – deep dissection can now be planned (see below).
Elbow arthrolysis 83

Distal dissection
The antebrachial fascia is incised parallel to and
about 1 cm lateral to the crest of the ulna over the Lateral
anconeus. The dissection is taken under the fascia epicondyle
but outside the anconeus to the crest and then, on
bone, down to the supinator crest, the annular
ligament and capsule of the proximal radioulnar
joint, lifting the anconeus away from the capsule Triceps
and radial head, but preserving the posterior band
of the lateral collateral ligament (to maintain
stability in varus strain) (see Fig. 7.4).
This completes the exposure for the olecranon
fossa and the posterolateral (radiocapitellar)
compartment, permits excision of the radial head
if needed, and facilitates adhesiolysis of the
ulnohumeral surfaces.
Dissection for the lateral column and anterior
compartment: the lateral column and Extensor carpi
Kocher-type approaches ulnaris

The attachment of the lateral head of the triceps to

the dorsal aspect of the humerus is maintained.
Epifascial dissection around the lateral epicondylar Figure 7.5 Dissection for lateral column and anterior
ridge and lateral condyle, cauterizing several septal compartment between the anconeus and the extensor
vessels, permits palpation of the entire ridge to the carpi ulnaris
radiocapitellar joint. The common extensor origin
is dissected by incision into the apex of the ‘axilla’
of the musculotendinous fibres, so raising the fibres
Supplementary dissection for the anterior
in an epiperiosteal fashion. The capsule is exposed. compartment using a transhumeral approach
The common extensor muscles are split in the (the Outerbridge–Kashiwagi procedure)
interval between the anconeus and extensor carpi An aperture is made through the distal humerus
ulnaris (ECU), or between the ECU and the using a high-speed burr, directing the bur radially
extensor digitorum communis (EDC). The former and proximally: the medial humeral column is
split is safer: the posterior interosseous nerve thinner and flatter than the lateral column, so the
terminates within the EDC. The dissection is taken transhumeral opening should be directed radially
down to the radiocapitellar joint capsule by immediately medial to the lateral column to avoid
splitting the deeper fibres of the EDC and iatrogenic medial column fracture. The aperture
elevating them from the capsule (Fig. 7.5). The should exit anteriorly immediately behind the tip
capsule is then incised parallel to the condylar of the coronoid process (Fig. 7.6).
ridge and carried to the annular ligament. This can The diameter of the aperture should be no
be incised if the radial head is to be removed (an more than half the transverse diameter of the
alternative approach for this resection). An humerus at this level. The anterior capsule of the
anterior capsulectomy can then be performed radiocapitellar joint, the coronoid tip, and most of
while preserving the anterior band of the lateral the anteromedial capsule can be removed through
collateral ligament. the aperture, using elbow flexion to bring the
There are now two ‘windows’: one into the capsule into the aperture. It is inadequate for
posterior compartment, and one into the release of the medial capsule and the anterior
anterolateral compartment, through a single skin band of the ulnar collateral ligament should not
incision. be incised, to avoid iatrogenic valgus instability.
84 Surgery of the elbow

(a) Brachioradialis




carpi ulnaris

Figure 7.6 Outerbridge–Kashiwagi procedure Figure 7.7a Incision maintaining lateral head of triceps
and anconeus in continuity.

(b) (c)


Incision over
lateral epicondylar

Supinator head

Elbow capsule,

Figure 7.7b Deep disection showing incision over lateral Figure 7.7c Exposure of radial head.
epicondylar ridge.
Elbow arthrolysis 85

Supplementary dissection for massive

arthrolysis and capsular release (as for total
elbow replacement)
If it is anticipated that this degree of exposure will
be needed it is not necessary to perform a separate
lateral column exposure: the extensile lateral
exposure will permit anterior capsulectomy.
The distal (antebrachial) and proximal
(brachial) incisions are linked by incising the
lateral capsule, reflecting the posterior band of the
lateral collateral ligament, so exposing the
radiocapitellar joint. The lateral head of the
triceps and the anconeus are thus in continuity,
with the remaining capsule deeply attached to the
muscle envelope (Fig. 7.7). The radial head can be

Mobilization of the medial head of triceps

and medial capsule; dislocation of the elbow
A narrow osteotome is used to create a series of
osteo-periosteo-fascial shingles (small, superficial
shards of bone which remain attached to the
tricipital aponeurosis) from the olecranon
elevating the medial triceps aponeurotic
attachment from the ulna, working from lateral to
Figure 7.9 X-ray of total elbow replacement showing
medial, and distally until the cortical crest of the the repositioned fragment of olecranon elevated with
ulna. The periosteo-antebrachial fascia is then triceps
sharply dissected from the crest in continuity with
the olecranon shingles. The medial head of the
triceps is now in continuity with the medial
antebrachial fascia, with a medallion of olecranon (Fig. 7.8). There are now two longitudinal sleeves
bony shingles centrally. As the sleeve is inverted of musculotendinous-fascial tissue, exposing the
the ulnar nerve is taken out of the cubital sulcus olecranon.
and is protected within a muscular envelope Further medial capsulotomy permits resection
of the medial ulnar osteophyte if present and
complete dislocation of the elbow for anterior
Med tri arthrolysis and total elbow replacement (Fig. 7.9).
Ulnar Technical aspects
Where total capsulectomy has been required in
Med caps Radial
cases such as post-traumatic contracture, hetero-
head topic ossification and myositis ossificans, the
collateral ligaments are often released. The elbow
Olecranon is therefore unstable. Fixed splintage is counter-
productive. Dynamic splintage is required: a
Figure 7.8 Cross-section showing mobilization of hinged external fixator is indicated if the
medial head of triceps ligaments cannot be reattached and should be
86 Surgery of the elbow

retained for about 8 weeks, before application of a full-radius resector and electrocautery. Any loose
removable hinged brace for a further 4 weeks. If bodies are removed. The coronoid fossa is re-
the ligaments can be restored to their optimal created, using the resector and a burr for any bony
tension an external hinged removable brace can be hypertrophy. The coronoid tip is removed if there
used. Re-fixation of the ligaments to their is evidence of coronoid impingement. The
footprint origins is facilitated by one of the several resector is used to strip the capsule proximally, off
varieties of anchors that are available. The elbow the distal humerus, for approximately 2.5 cm
must be stable enough to permit full-range proximal to the olecranon fossa until the fibres of
assisted sagittal motion with gravity eliminated brachialis come into view proximally. To complete
immediately after the operation. the release a 1 cm capsulotomy of the anterior
capsule medial to lateral is required.
Closure Using the direct posterior and posterolateral
portals the posterior compartment is debrided
The olecranon osteo-periosteo-fascial medallion is similarly. The scope enters through the
repaired by transosseous non-absorbable sutures posterolateral portal and the resector or burr
(no. 2 gauge) to the olecranon. A suction drain is through the direct posterior portal to complete
placed deep to triceps. The triceps aponeurosis the procedure. Careful release of the contracture,
and antebrachial fascia are closed with the elbow with a full-radius resector, releases the
flexed at 90° flexion using absorbable braided no.1 posteromedial and posterolateral gutters. Beware
interrupted sutures (continuous suturing reduces of the ulnar nerve in close proximity medially.
the ‘give’ of the tendon during assisted motion). Manipulation of the elbow is used to achieve
• The skin is closed with a dermal supporting maximum extension.
absorbable 3/0 suture and an absorbable 4/0
continuous subcuticular suture plus Steri- Closure
• An occlusive dressing is applied with the elbow • A drain is placed in the direct posterior portal
in 90° of flexion. and the portals closed with absorbable sutures.
• A bulky wool and crepe bandage dressing is • Occlusive dressings are applied.
applied in two layers. • The elbow is splinted in maximum extension.



Landmarks The arm is rested on pillows at chest height for 48

hours. The bandage is reduced at 24 hours and the
• Lateral epicondyle drain is removed. A Tubigrip bandage is applied. If
• Radial head there is uncertainty about elbow stability a
• Tip of the olecranon. removable extension splint may be applied, to be
worn between exercise periods.
Approach Active assisted sagittal full-range motion
exercises are performed for 20 minutes four or
The usual portals (as described in the arthroscopy five times a day. Fist gripping and forearm
section, p. 95) are used. In principle the prosupination are undertaken as comfort permits.
arthroscopic portals respect the same incisions, i.e. Supervised physiotherapy for the neck, shoulder
the portals are placed in the line of the standard and hand is undertaken.
skin incisions to permit extension into an open Active unassisted movement is permitted by 6
approach as required. weeks and axial weightbearing at about 12 weeks.
Using the anteromedial and anterolateral Passive motion of the elbow may be indicated for
portals, fibrous tissue can be resected from the recalcitrant/recurrent arthrofibrosis. However,
anterior part of the joint, using a combination of a continuous passive motion equipment is difficult
Total elbow replacement 87

to apply accurately, particularly in the unstable Types of replacement

joint. A continuous patient-controlled analgesic
infusion, or continuous infraclavicular regional Total elbow arthroplasty
anaesthetic infusion are commonly required. There are two types:
• Unconstrained surface replacements – two-part
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES devices consisting of metal articulating with
high-density polyethylene. They do not have a
Hertel R, Pisan M, Lambert S, et al. Operative
snap-fit, link, or pin connection. Examples are
management of the stiff elbow: sequential
Capitellocondylar and Kudo
arthrolysis based on a transhumeral approach. J
• Semi-constrained – two-part or three-part
Shoulder Elbow Surg 1997;6:82–8.
prosthesis that have a metal-to-high-density
Mansat P, Morrey BF. The column procedure: a
polyethylene articulation, which may be
limited lateral approach for extrinsic contracture
connected with a locking pin or with a snap-fit
of the elbow. J Bone Joint Surg Am
device. They have built-in varus and valgus
laxity to dissipate forces. Examples are Coonrad
Morrey and Discovery.
Anaesthesia and positioning
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING As for elbow arthrolysis.


Total elbow replacement is indicated in painful
Landmarks /incision/dissection
conditions of the elbow which have failed
conservative management. The trans-tricipital approach is used (see ‘Elbow
The most frequent underlying conditions are: arthrolysis’, p. 81).
• Osteoarthritis
• Inflammatory arthritis and other arthropathies
• Avascular necrosis
• Trauma. Preparation of distal humerus and proximal
The forearm is rotated laterally to allow exposure
Infection (generalized or of the limb) of the distal humerus. The radial head and tip of

Consent and risks

• Nerve paraesthesiae: 11 per cent
• Infection: 7 per cent
• Instability with unlinked implants: 5–20 per cent
• Loosening (semi-constrained): 5 per cent
• Instability (unconstrained): 9 per cent
• Fracture: humerus: 5 per cent; ulna: 5 per cent

Operative planning
Recent radiographs must be available. Availability
of the implants must be checked by the surgeon. Figure 7.10 Radial head and tip olecranon excised
88 Surgery of the elbow

Figure 7.11 Use of guide, fossa

reamer and oscillating saw to
prepare the humerus

olecranon, along a line tangent to the posterior- aligned with the humeral canal. The medial
most portion of the olecranon articulation, are border should lie along the medial trochlea. The
excised with an oscillating saw (Fig. 7.10). guide should also align with the anatomic internal
To mark the humeral saw cuts, the olecranon rotation of the trochlea, which approximates the
fossa guide is available on the instrument set. To flat surface posterior and just proximal to the
orientate the guide, the shaft of the fossa guide is olecranon fossa. Using a fossa reamer, a hole is
created and an oscillating saw is used to remove
the remains of the trochlea, along the lines
previously marked, allowing access to the
medullary canal of the humerus (Fig. 7.11).
The canal is identified with a high-speed
rotating bur at the proximal aspect of the
resection of the olecranon fossa in a proximal
direction (Fig. 7.12). Open the medullary canal to
Figure 7.12 A high-speed a size sufficient to allow a humeral rasp (about
burr is used to identify 4 mm).
the humeral canal The humeral rasps are now used to prepare the
humeral canal (Fig. 7.13). Serial rasps increasing in
size are used until cortical resistance is met. If a
rasp is unable to be advanced fully, use an implant
corresponding to the largest size of rasp which
was fully introduced.
The medial and lateral portions of the
supracondylar columns must be preserved during
the preparation of the distal humerus. They act as
Figure 7.13 Rasping points of reference to ensure satisfactory
the humeral canal orientation and alignment. The trial prosthesis is
inserted until the margins of the prosthesis are
exactly level with the epicondylar articular
surface margin on the capitellar and trochlear
sides (Fig. 7.14). Further small pieces of bone are
removed with rongeurs or bone nibblers from the
distal humerus to aid proper seating of the
A high-speed burr is used at an angle of roughly
Figure 7.14 Trial of the 55° from the vertical in a posterior and distal
humeral component direction to remove subchondral bone to identify
the ulnar medullary canal. Serial rasps are
Radial head replacement 89

The arm is held in extension until the cement

has cured, and then the humeral device can be
articulated with the ulnar component.

Figure 7.15 Rasping of the ulnar metaphysic
As for elbow arthrolysis.


introduced into the medullary canal of the ulnar INSTRUCTIONS
until cortical resistance is met (Fig. 7.15). As with
the humerus the size of implant used corresponds Two further doses of the same antibiotic given on
with the largest size of rasp fully inserted. induction are given intravenously. The drain is
The appropriate rasps are used to shape the removed at 24 hours and the compressive dressing
proximal ulna as needed. removed. Supervised physiotherapy allowing
After the proximal ulna and distal humerus active and gravity extension, active and passive
have been prepared, a trial will evaluate the elbow flexion and pronation and supination. The patient
for complete flexion and extension. The is advised against heavy lifting. At 6 weeks,
medullary canals are cleaned with pulsatile lavage strengthening exercises are begun.
and the canals dried. A cement restrictor is Follow up is recommended at 6 weeks, 6
inserted into both canals. A cement gun is used for months and 1 year after surgery. Continuation of
retrograde insertion of low-viscosity cement into follow-up is typically at yearly intervals. The
the canals. If the components are cemented patient should be cautioned to return to clinic if
separately, the ulnar component is inserted first. there is pain or functional deterioration.
The centre of the ulnar component is aligned with
the centre of the sigmoid fossa. The humeral RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
component is impacted down to a point that
allows articulation of the device and the Bryan RS, Morrey BF. Extensive posterior
placement of the axle and the locking clip or approach to the elbow joint: a triceps sparing
interlocking axis pins (if a partially constrained approach. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1982;(166):
device is used) (Fig. 7.16). 188–92.
Connor AN. Biomechanics of total elbow
arthroplasty. Semin Arthroplasty 1998;9:25–31.
An KN, Morrey BE. Biomechanics of the elbow.
In: Morrey BF, ed. The Elbow and Its Disorders, 2nd
edn. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1993.
Shahane SA, Stanley D. A posterior approach to
the elbow joint. J Bone Joint Surg Br


• Valgus instability (due to medial collateral
ligament instability) with type III radial head
Figure 7.16 Implanted components fractures
90 Surgery of the elbow

• Radial head fracture with distal radioulnar joint move the fingers distally until a depression is felt.
instability (Essex–Lopresti injury). The radial head lies within a palpable depression
distal to the lateral epicondyle. On pronating and
Contraindications supinating the forearm, it can be felt to move.

• Vascular compromise of the limb

• Compromised skin in the region of the surgical
incision. The skin incision extends approximately 5 cm
proximal to the lateral epicondyle, and continues
Consent and risks distally, over the epicondyle, along the
anterolateral surface of the forearm for
• Nerve injury approximately 5 cm (Fig. 7.17).
• Infection
• Vitallium prosthesis: aseptic loosening, implant
impingement, component retrieval difficult Radius
• Silicone replacement: fatigue failure, giant cell
synovitis inflammation which may persist after
implant removal

Operative planning
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs, less than brachi
6 months old, should be available. Availability of Extensor carpi
ulnaris Olecranon
the implants must be checked by the surgeon:
• Silicone replacement – can be used as a Figure 7.17 The incision and surface anatomy of the
temporary spacer (uncemented) lateral approach to the radial head
• Vitallium prosthesis – provides more stability
than silicone replacement and does not cause
synovitis. Need to be careful not to ‘overstuff’ Dissection
the joint as this can lead to pain and loss of
extension (cemented or uncemented).
Structures at risk
Anaesthesia and positioning
• Radial nerve
See ‘Elbow arthrolysis’ (p. 80). • Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN)

The incision is continued through subcutaneous
There are two options. The distal dissection for fat and through the fascia between triceps and
the proximal radioulnar joint as described for the origins of the extensor carpi radialis longus
trans-tricipital approach (see ‘Elbow arthrolysis’, (ECRL) and brachioradialis. An interval is
p. 83) or the lateral column approach as described developed between the triceps posteriorly and the
below. origins of ECRL and brachioradialis anteriorly. In
the proximal end of the wound, the radial nerve
LATERAL APPROACH (MORREY) must be avoided in the interval between the
brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. The
Landmarks common origin of the extensor muscles is
removed from the lateral epicondyle together
The lateral epicondyle, radial head and tip of the with a thin flake of bone, using a small osteotome.
olecranon. Palpate the lateral epicondyle and Reflecting the common origin distally exposes the
Radial head replacement 91

epicondyle Brachioradialis

Biceps Common
tendon extensor origin


Forearm Forearm
pronated Supinator
Annular Radial head

Figure 7.18 Anatomy of the posterior interosseous Figure 7.19 Lateral approach

radiohumeral joint. The PIN is vulnerable as it radial head trial should be chosen to match the
enters supinator and must be protected (Fig. diameter of the articulation surface of the native
7.18). radial head. If the radial head diameter is between
The origins of the brachioradialis and ECRL two available sizes, the smaller of the two radial
muscles are elevated subperiosteally and the
capsule incised to expose the lateral aspect of the
elbow joint. By incising the capsule anterior to the
radial humeral ligamentous complex, (overlying
the radial head) in line with the radius, the lateral
collateral ligament is avoided. However, the
incision must not stray too far anteriorly as the
radial nerve runs over the anterolateral portion of
the elbow capsule (Fig. 7.19).
The annular ligament is incised longitudinally
before transecting the radial neck with an
oscillating saw using a radial cutting jig (Fig. 7.20).
Exposure distal to the annular ligament risks
damaging the PIN and is avoided. The cut surface
of the proximal radius should be smooth and
even, so that contact between it and the collar of
the prosthesis is complete.
The proximal radial medullary canal is prepared
with burs or rasps to accept the implant stem. The Figure 7.20 The radial neck cut
92 Surgery of the elbow

months or more in active work. Follow-up is

recommended at 6 weeks, 6 months and 1 year
after surgery. Continuation of follow-up is
typically at yearly intervals. The patient should be
cautioned to return to clinic if there is pain or
functional deterioration.

Ates Y, Atlihan D, Yildirim H. Current concepts in
the treatment of fractures of the radial head, the
olecranon, and the coronoid. J Bone Jt Surg Am


Figure 7.21 Trial reduction to test range of motion
heads should be used. A trial is inserted to ensure Indications
that contact with the capitellum is satisfactory. To
prevent excessive wear of the capitellum from Tennis/golfer’s elbow release is indicated when
‘overstuffing’, the proximal edge of the prosthesis conservative management has failed.
should be level with the lateral edge of the Patients with tennis elbow have reproducible
coronoid. The elbow is taken through a range of tenderness at the common extensor origin, with
flexion, extension and rotation (Fig. 7.21). If this reproduction of symptoms upon resisted wrist
is satisfactory, the final prosthesis is inserted. extension with the elbow in extension. Non-
operative treatment with anti-inflammatories,
Closure of lateral approach counterforce bracing and up to three steroid
injections to the site of maximal tenderness can
The annular ligament is repaired with an achieve success in up to 95 per cent of cases.
absorbable suture. The common extensor origin is In golfers, elbow pain and tenderness are
reattached to the lateral epicondyle with localized to the common flexor origin. Pain is
transosseous sutures. A suction drain is inserted. reproduced by resisted forearm pronation and
Superficial closure utilizes absorbable sutures to wrist flexion. Non-operative treatment is similar
approximate the subcutaneous fat, then a to that for tennis elbow but usually more difficult
continuous absorbable subcuticular suture with to treat.
Steri-Strips. An occlusive dressing is applied and a
compression dressing is used around the elbow. Consent and risks
INSTRUCTIONS • Nerve injury: 1 per cent
• Infection
Two more doses of the same antibiotic given on • Heterotopic ossification at surgical site: 10 per
induction are given intravenously. The drain and cent
compression dressing are removed at 24 hours. • Posterolateral instability: if there is excessive
Gentle active mobilization of the elbow is begun debridement of the collateral ligament origins as
under supervision. well as the origins of the extensor muscles from
Return to work is allowed after around 6 weeks the lateral epicondyle
for sedentary jobs, but may be delayed to 3
Tennis/golfer’s elbow release 93

Operative planning posterior to the ECRL lies the extensor

aponeurosis, the anterior edge of which may be
Recent anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of abnormal. The ECRL is then dissected sharply off
the elbow should be available to rule out lateral the anterior ridge and displaced anteromedially to
compartment arthrosis (tennis elbow). expose the ECRB. ECRB is inferior to the origin of
Calcification may be visible in the flexor origin in the ECRL and deep to the EDC. The border
longstanding golfer’s elbow. between the ECRB and EDC is often poorly
Anaesthesia and positioning
Deep dissection
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or Degenerate tissue is excised, taking care not to
combined. The supine position is used with the release any normal looking tendon. The abnormal
arm placed on an arm board. A tourniquet or an
S-MART bandage/tourniquet is used. Extensor longus
The elbow should be sufficiently mobile for
appropriate movement intraoperatively. The
surgical field is prepared with a germicidal Deep fascia
solution. Waterproof drapes are used with Lateral
epicondyle Extensor
adhesive edges to provide a seal to the skin.

Extensor carpi
Extensor origin release (tennis elbow) radialis brevis Extensor carpi
degeneration radialis longus
The lateral epicondyle.
Incision epicondyle Extensor
A 4–5 cm gently curved skin incision is made
centred over the lateral epicondyle (Fig. 7.22).
Superficial dissection brevis
The incision is continued through subcutaneous Synovial
fat and down to fascia. The fascia overlying the opening
posterior edge of the ECRL is incised and elevated
to expose the extensor carpi radialis brevis
(ECRB), which lies beneath the ECRL. Just Lateral
epicondyle Aponeurosis

anterior lateral


Figure 7.22 Skin incision Figure 7.23 Extensor origin release

94 Surgery of the elbow

tissue may appear fibrillated or discoloured and

may contain calcium deposits. The anterior lateral
condyle is decorticated with an osteotome or bone
nibbler to enhance blood supply (Fig. 7.23).
Closure of lateral approach
The defect between the posterior edge of the ECRL
and the extensor aponeurosis is repaired with an Flexor carpi ulnaris
absorbable suture to restore the normal anatomic Ulnar nerve
position. Superficial closure utilizes absorbable
sutures to approximate the subcutaneous fat, then a
subcuticular continuous absorbable suture.
An occlusive dressing is applied, followed by a
bulky wool and crepe bandage dressing in two

Postoperative care and instructions

Dressings are reduced at 48 hours. Early range-of- degenerated
motion exercises are begun, followed by
strengthening exercises. Strenuous activity is
resumed within pain limits at 8–10 weeks and full
power should have returned by 3 months. Follow-
up is recommended at 6 weeks, with a wound
check by the primary care practitioner at 2 weeks.

Flexor origin release (Golfer’s elbow)

Figure 7.24 Flexor origin release
The medial epicondyle.

Incision Closure of medial approach

The defect in the flexor–pronator origin is closed
Structures at risk with absorbable sutures. Superficial closure
utilizes absorbable sutures to approximate the
• Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
subcutaneous fat, then a subcuticular continuous
absorbable suture.
A 3–4 cm longitudinal skin incision is made just An occlusive dressing is applied, followed by a
posterior to the medial epicondyle. This avoids bulky wool and crepe bandage dressing in two layers.
sensory branches of the medial antebrachial
cutaneous nerve anterior and distal to the medial Postoperative care and instructions
Dressings are reduced at 48 hours. Early
Dissection mobilization of the elbow should be encouraged
The incision is continued through subcutaneous fat in all patients.
and down to fascia exposing the common flexor Follow-up is recommended at 6 weeks, with a
origin. Partial debridement of the flexor carpi wound check by the primary care practitioner at 2
radialis (FCR), excising abnormal tissue is usually weeks. The patient should be cautioned to return
all that is required (Fig. 7.24). Any normal tissue to the clinic if there is pain or functional
attached to the medial epicondyle is left intact. deterioration.
Elbow arthroscopy 95

RECOMMENDED REFERENCES Anaesthesia and positioning

Stahl S, Kaufman T. The efficacy of an injection of Anaesthesia is general or combined with regional.
steroids for medial epicondylitis. A prospective The lateral decubitus position is used, the position
study of 60 elbows. J Bone Joint Surg Am being maintained by side supports. The tourniquet
1997;79:1648–52. is applied high around the arm, and the arm
Sevier TL, Wilson JK. Treating lateral placed over a bolster applied to the bed. The
epicondylitis. Sports Med 1999;28:375–80. elbow should be free to flex to 90° with the hand
pointing towards the floor.
The TV monitor is placed on the opposite side
of the patient. The surgical field is prepared with
ELBOW ARTHROSCOPY a germicidal solution. Waterproof drapes are used
with adhesive edges to provide a seal to the skin.


Elbow arthroscopy is indicated in a variety of Landmarks

painful conditions of the elbow. The most
frequent are: Bone landmarks are outlined with a marker pen:
• Debridement for osteoarthritis • Lateral epicondyle
• Osteochondritis dissecans of capitellum • Radial head
• Arthrolysis • Tip of the olecranon
• Removal of loose bodies • Medial epicondyle.
• Synovectomy or synovial biopsy
• Pyarthrosis Portals
• Radial head resection
• Diagnostic. The direct lateral portal is located in the soft spot
at the centre of the triangle formed by the lateral
epicondyle, radial head and tip of the olecranon
(Fig. 7.25). This portal traverses the anconeus
• Infection of overlying skin muscle. The elbow is initially distended through
• Bony or severe fibrous ankylosis. this portal.

The distal anterolateral portal

Consent and risks
Structure at risk
• Nerve injury
• Infection: <1 per cent; risk is very low, so • The radial nerve
prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended

This portal is usually established first after elbow

Operative planning distension. It is used for instrumentation as well as
visualization of the lateral aspect of the radial
Recent radiographs and, where taken, magnetic head. With the elbow flexed to 90° the portal is
resonance (MR) images and MR arthrograms, located 3 cm distal and 1–2 cm anterior to the
should be available. lateral epicondyle. This should bring the portal
The correct equipment must be available and just anterior and proximal to the radiocapitellar
this should be checked by the surgeon. A 30° 4 articulation. The skin incision is made with a
mm arthroscope should be used. The water flow no. 11 blade and a haemostat used to bluntly
should be controlled with an inflow pump. dissect down to the joint capsule.
96 Surgery of the elbow

Proximal anterolateral
cutaneous nerve

Radial nerve


Lateral Midanterolateral
antebrachial portal
nerve Anterolateral
Figure 7.25 Lateral elbow arthroscopy portals

This portal traverses the extensor carpi radialis • Ulnar nerve

brevis muscle. A blunt trocar is used to enter the • Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
joint with the portal driven toward the centre of • Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
the trochlea. The elbow joint must be distended • Brachial artery
prior to and kept at 90° flexion, during trocar
insertion since extension brings the radial nerve
closer to the joint (3–7 mm). This portal allows visualization of the anterior
elbow including the anterior joint capsule, medial
The proximal anterolateral portal condyle, coronoid process, trochlea, capitellum
This is located 2 cm proximal and 1 cm anterior to and radial head. The joint should already be
the lateral epicondyle. It is further from the radial distended with fluid and the ulnar nerve identified
nerve than other anterolateral portals. It allows for before establishing this portal. The portal is
excellent views of the anterior radiohumeral and established using a longitudinal skin stab incision
ulnohumeral joints as well as the anterior capsular and blunt dissection 2 cm proximal to the medial
margin. epicondyle and immediately anterior to the
intermuscular septum. The trochar is inserted
The anteromedial portal over the anterior surface of the humerus aiming
towards the radial head. Contact is maintained
Structure at risk with the anterior surface of the humerus to avoid
neurovascular damage. The ulnar nerve lies 4 mm
• Median nerve
from the portal. The median nerve lies 7–20 mm
from portal with the elbow in flexion.
Some surgeons prefer to establish this portal first.
The elbow should be flexed to 90° as the portal is
established. It is situated 2 cm anterior and 2 cm
distal to the medial epicondyle. It must be placed
The posterolateral portal
under direct vision: the median nerve lies 1–2 cm
anterior and lateral to this portal. Structures at risk

The proximal anteromedial portal The posterior antebrachial or lateral brachial nerves
can be damaged with deep incisions.
Structures at risk
• Median nerve This is 3 cm proximal to the olecranon tip and just
lateral to the border of the triceps tendon.
Elbow aspiration/injection 97

The direct posterior portal the radioulnar and radiocapitellar articulations plus
the annular ligament. Extending the elbow reveals
Structure at risk more of the capitellum and forearm rotation
exposes more of the radial head. The anterolateral
The ulnar nerve, if placed too medially. gutter and capsule should also be examined.
Next, the direct lateral portal is established. Via
this portal, the radial head (concave) is viewed,
This is 3 cm proximal to the olecranon tip and
articulating with the capitellum (convex). The
2 cm medial to the posterolateral portal. It is
articulation between the olecranon and the
established under direct vision with the
trochlea is also well seen.
arthroscope in the direct lateral portal (Fig. 7.26).
Finally, through the posterolateral portal, the
olecranon fossa, olecranon tip and posterior
Procedure trochlea are examined. Loose bodies and
osteophytes are sought, particularly on the
A systematic approach is essential if pathology is
olecranon tip.
not to be missed. About 15–25 mL of fluid is
Specific instruments can be used for removal of
instilled into the joint, to distend the capsule,
loose bodies or debridement.
through the direct lateral portal using an 18G
needle. Backflow of fluid confirms correct
placement. The anterolateral portal is established Closure
(see above) and the arthroscope and cannula
Non-absorbable suture is used to close the skin
inserted. The capsule medial to the articulation is
defects. Occlusive dressings are applied. Wool and
examined first. Medial laxity can be assessed by
crepe bandage pressure dressing is used.
supinating the forearm and applying valgus stress
to the elbow in varying degrees of flexion. Flexing
and extending the elbow allows the trochlear to INSTRUCTIONS
be viewed. The radioulnar articulation is observed
as the forearm is rotated and, for coronoid The pressure dressing is removed at 48 hours. The
impingement, as the elbow is fully flexed. patient mobilizes the elbow fully following a
The anteromedial portal is established under diagnostic arthroscopy.
direct vision and the arthroscope introduced to view
Ulnar nerve O’Driscoll SW, Morrey BF. Arthroscopy of the
Medial antebrachial
elbow. J Bone Jt Surg Am 1992;74:84–94.
cutaneous nerve
portal • Inflammatory arthritis and other arthropathies
• Suspected infection
• Haemarthrosis.
Consent and risks
• Nerve injury: 1 per cent
• Infection: 1–2 per cent in osteoarthritis,
5 per cent in rheumatoid arthritis
Figure 7.26 Medial portals in elbow arthroscopy
98 Surgery of the elbow

The elbow can be entered either ulnarly or
radially, but the radial approach is preferred in
Lateral epicondyle
order to avoid ulnar nerve injury

Radial head
Olecranon process
Radial head, lateral epicondyle, and tip of the
olecranon (anconeus triangle) (Fig. 7.27).

Figure 7.27 Landmarks for elbow aspiration
Structure at risk
• Radial nerve
The skin is prepared with a germicidal solution.
Prior to needle insertion, the elbow is flexed and An occlusive dressing is applied. Mobilization of
the forearm pronated to protect the radial nerve. the joint depends on the underlying reason for
An 18G needle is inserted into the joint, through aspiration/injection.
the soft spot at the centre of the anconeus
triangle. With this approach the needle will RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
penetrate only the anconeus and joint capsule.
If the needle hits bone, it should be withdrawn Holdsworth BJ, Clement DA, Rothwell PN.
slightly and redirected at a slightly different angle. Fractures of the radial head – the benefit of
If performing an injection, it is wise to aspirate aspiration: a prospective controlled trial. Injury
first to ensure the needle is not in a blood vessel. 1987;18:44–7.

Viva questions

1. How do you approach diagnosing and the 7. What complications do you warn the patient
treatment of a painful elbow? about prior to elbow replacement? What are
their incidences?
2. What are the indications, benefits and
drawbacks for total elbow replacement? 8. What are the indications for arthrolysis?
3. How do you further investigate an elbow 9. What is your postoperative management post
replacement shown to be loose on X-ray? arthrolysis?
4. What are the treatment options for a 50-year- 10. Which approach do you use for total elbow
old man with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the replacement?
11. What factors influence whether you use a
5. Describe the anatomy of the ulnar nerve semi-constrained or resurfacing type total
around the elbow. elbow replacement?
6. Describe the anatomy of the posterior 12. What are the contraindications to total elbow
interosseous nerve around the elbow. replacement?
Viva questions 99

13. How would you manage someone after total 18. What are the advantages/disadvantages of
elbow replacement? radial head replacement versus radial head
14. Which nerves can be injured in elbow surgery?
19. What approach would you use for a radial
15. What factors contribute to loosening in total
head replacement?
elbow replacement?
20. What are the complications associated with
16. Describe the portals used in elbow arthroscopy.
radial head replacement?
17. What structures are at risk from each portal?
Surgery of the wrist
James Donaldson and Nicholas Goddard

Wrist arthroscopy 100 Ulnar shortening 109

Wrist arthrodesis 102 Ganglion excision at the wrist 111
De Quervain’s decompression 106 Viva questions 113
Excision of the distal ulna (Darrach procedure) 108

Wrist Range of motion • Kienbock’s disease – lunate excision or

debridement of head of capitate
Dorsiflexion 80°
• Synovectomy or synovial biopsy, adhesion
Palmarflexion 90° release, etc.
Radial deviation 20°
Ulnar deviation 35° Contraindications
Pronation 75°
• Infection of overlying skin
Supination 80°
• Lack of proper instrumentation

Position of arthrodesis Consent and risks

• Dorsiflexion: 10–20° (neutral in rheumatoid)
• Ulnar deviation: 0–5° • Nerve injury: 1–2 per cent
• Infection: <1 per cent; deep infection/septic
arthritis (0.04 per cent); prophylactic antibiotics
WRIST ARTHROSCOPY not recommended.
• Haematoma: 0.2 per cent
• Tendon injury: 0.15 per cent
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Chronic regional pain syndrome: 0.5 per cent
• Compartment syndrome of the forearm
Indications associated with fluid extravasation: 0.01 per cent
• Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC;
‘the meniscus of the wrist’) repair or
Operative planning
• Carpal instability – diagnostic or arthroscopic Recent radiographs ± magnetic resonance (MR)
assistance in reduction and treatment images should be available. The proper equipment
• Distal radius or scaphoid fractures – reduce must be available; usually 2.5–3.0 mm scope and
fracture and treat associated TFCC tears any specific, procedure-dependent equipment.
• Chondral lesions
• Dorsal ganglion excision Anaesthesia and positioning
• Bone excision procedures – loose body removal,
radial styloidectomy, excision of the distal Anaesthesia is general with a supine position and
ulna the shoulder abducted, placing the arm on a hand
Wrist arthroscopy 101

table. Finger traps are applied to the index and Approach

long fingers and tied to a drip-stand. The elbow is
flexed to 90° and up to 4.5 kg of counter-traction The portals are named according to the wrist
applied to the arm (depends on sex and weight). compartments on either side of them. The
The dorsal wrist veins are marked out before commonly used portals are all on the dorsal
exsanguination and inflating the tourniquet. surface of the wrist. Before their creation, they
Gravity-assisted inflow of irrigation fluid is used. should be drawn on prior to fluid injection and
wrist distension.
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE A minimum of two portals are used; the most
common ones used are portal 3–4 for the
Landmarks arthroscope and portal 4–5 or portal 6/R for the
instruments (Fig. 8.1).
• Bony • The 1–2 portal is between the extensor carpi
– Second and third carpometacarpal joints radialis brevis (ECRB) and the abductor pollicis
– Distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) longus (APL).
– Lister’s tubercle
– Radial styloid in the anatomical snuff box
– Neck of the capitate
Structures at risk
• Tendinous • The radial artery and dorsal branch of the radial
– Extensor carpi ulnaris nerve – restrict the portal to the dorsal and
– Extensor pollicis longus proximal part of the snuff box to reduce the risk.
– Extensor digitorum communis.


Radial midcarpal
1–2 6U
3–4 6R


Figure 8.1 Radiocarpal and mid-carpal portals

102 Surgery of the wrist

• The 3–4 portal is between the extensor carpi according to comfort; this may depend on the
radialis longus (ECRL) and the extensor pollicis specific pathology treated.
longus (EPL), 1 cm distal to Lister’s tubercle.
This is commonly the first portal marked in RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
place and the site for injection of saline into the
wrist in order to distend the capsule. The scope Nagle DA, Benson LS. Wrist arthroscopy
is then inserted in line with the dorsal radial indications and results. Arthroscopy 1992;8:198.
slope. Warhold LG, Ruth RM. Complications of wrist
• The 4–5 portal is between extensor digitorum arthroscopy and how to prevent them. Hand Clin
communis (EDC) and extensor digiti minimi 1995;11:81.
(EDM), 1 cm distal to the DRUJ line. Whipple TL, Marotta JJ, Powell III JH. Techniques
• The 6/R portal is radial to the extensor carpi of wrist arthroscopy. Arthroscopy 1986;2:244.
ulnaris (ECU) at the level of the ulnar styloid.
• The 6/U portal is ulnar to the ECU at the level
of the ulnar styloid. WRIST ARTHRODESIS

Structure at risk
• Dorsal ulnar cutaneous nerve Indications
• Post-traumatic arthritis
• The mid-carpal portal is in the scaphocapitate • Joint destruction secondary to infection or
interval, 1 cm ulnarwards and 1 cm distal to 3–4 tumour resection
portal. • Rheumatoid arthritis
• Failed arthroplasty or limited fusion
Saline (± adrenaline) are injected, to distend the • Scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) or
capsule, using an 18G needle at an arthroscopic scaphoid non-union advanced collapse (SNAC)
portal site. This is usually done at the 3–4 portal wrist
and with the wrist pronated and in ulnar • Spastic flexion contracture
deviation. The needle is removed and the skin • Kienbock’s disease.
incised. Blunt dissection is used to penetrate the
capsule: a small haemostat is easiest to use. The Contraindications
cannula and blunt obturator are inserted, and
inflow irrigation established. • Skeletal immaturity
• Elderly patients or sedentary lifestyle, where a
Procedure replacement may be more appropriate.

This is dependent on the indication. As always, an

organized pattern ensures identification of
Consent and risks
pathology and normal structures within the wrist. • Subsequent re-operation: metalwork removal for
painful hardware (15 per cent); or non-union (2
Closure per cent with AO plate fixation), with or without
hardware failure (common)
Steri-Strips are sufficient to close the skin defects • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and
and a compression bandage is then applied. persistent pain: up to 10 per cent
• Nerve damage and neuroma formation: 1 per
INSTRUCTIONS • DRUJ pain: 1–3 per cent
• Carpal tunnel syndrome: 2–4 per cent
The patient is usually advised to mobilize
Wrist arthrodesis 103

• Infection: 1–2 per cent; local wound Anaesthesia and positioning

complications: 4 per cent
Anaesthesia is general and the supine position is
• Extensor tenosynovitis: 5–7 per cent
used; a hand table, tourniquet and image
• Ulnar abutment: 1–2 per cent
intensifier are required.
• Intrinsic muscle contracture: 3–5 per cent
Operative planning
The surgeon must decide between full and partial
wrist fusion (both described below). Consider • Styloid process
need for bone grafting – autologous bone from the • Lister’s tubercle
distal radius or iliac crest is usually sufficient, • DRUJ
unless there is severe bone loss. Ulnocarpal • Third metacarpal.
impaction may necessitate radial lengthening at
the same time. Incision
Position of fusion is: 10–20° of dorsiflexion and
0–5° of ulna deviation allows for maximum grip A dorsal approach is used: a longitudinal incision
strength. In rheumatoid arthritis, a more neutral in line with the distal radius and the third
position may be preferred. In bilateral wrist metacarpal, centred on the DRUJ (Fig. 8.3).
fusions, both wrists are fixed in neutral, allowing
maximal function. The equipment must be
available – an AO, titanium, precontoured, wrist
fusion dynamic compression plate (Synthes) is
commonly used (Fig. 8.2).
The advantages of using a dynamic compression
plate (DCP) are:
• Good stability, less need for bone grafting and
good fusion rates
• Different sizes – straight, short carpal bend,
long carpal bend. All have tapered edges and are
filled with recessed screw heads (2.7 mm screws
in distal four holes; 3.5 mm holes in proximal
four holes). Figure 8.3 Dorsal incision for wrist arthrodesis


Structures at risk
• Dorsal veins and superficial nerves – these
should be identified and protected
• Posterior interosseous nerve – see below

Full-thickness skin flaps are developed medially

and laterally. The extensor retinaculum is incised,
using a straight incision on the radial border of the
fourth compartment. The approach continues
Figure 8.2 AO wrist fusion plates between the EPL (third compartment), which is
104 Surgery of the wrist

retracted radially, and the EDC (fourth Following measurement and tapping, a 2.7 mm
compartment) which is retracted ulnarly. Once screw is inserted. The two remaining metacarpal
the EPL is retracted, Lister’s tubercle is excised screws are inserted in a similar manner. The wrist
(using an osteotome or bone nibblers) to allow flat fusion is compressed with a 3.5 mm screw, on
plate apposition. compression mode, in the second most distal hole
The posterior interosseous nerve is identified as in the radius. The remaining three proximal radial
it enters the fourth compartment just proximal to screws are inserted with the usual method. Often
the extensor retinaculum and a 2 cm segment is a screw is inserted into the capitate through the
excised. The ECRB tendon may need to be remaining hole. Any remaining defects are filled
released off the third metacarpal for plate with bone graft and a check radiograph (Fig. 8.5)
apposition. An H-shaped capsulotomy is created is obtained.
to access the wrist joint (Fig. 8.4).
The capsule is approximated, as far as possible,
Carpal bones with Vicryl. The extensor retinaculum is closed
with Vicryl over the plate but under the extensor
tendons. Vicryl is also used to suture the fat, and
an appropriate suture closes the skin. A volar
plaster slab is applied.


The ‘four corner’ fusion (capitate–hamate–
triquetrum–lunate fusion) is indicated in SLAC


Figure 8.4 (a) Approach to the wrist joint. (b) Axial

view showing the approach between the third and
fourth compartments

The articular surfaces are denuded of cartilage
using rongeurs and burrs, exposing cancellous bone
in the radioscaphoid and radiolunate joints, and the
intercarpal joints (scaphocapitate, lunocapitate and
triquetrohamate). Any gaps are filled with
cancellous bone harvested from the excised bone
and distal radial metaphysis as necessary.
The precontoured plate is applied and bony
edges are contoured as necessary to allow good
apposition. The distal end of the plate should
reach the mid-shaft of the third (or occasionally
second) metacarpal. The most distal screw hole is
drilled with a 2 mm drill, in the dorsal to volar Figure 8.5 Radiographic and intraoperative views of the
direction, in the middle of the metacarpal. AO wrist fusion plate
Wrist arthrodesis 105

wrist, SNAC wrist or mid-carpal instability. The

landmarks, basic approach and structures at risk
are similar to those of full wrist fusion.

A ‘lazy S incision’, slightly ulnar-sided, is made on
the dorsum of the wrist.

The extensor retinaculum is incised on the ulnar
side of the fourth compartment. The posterior
interosseous nerve is resected and an H-shaped
capsulotomy is used as in full fusion or,
alternatively, a radially based oblique flap can be
created for exposure of the joint (Fig. 8.6).

Figure 8.6 Exposure of the carpal bones
If radioscaphoid arthrosis is present, the scaphoid
is excised, preserving the bone to be taken for later
use as cancellous graft. If unstable, the lunate can • A reamer is used to create a trough on the four
be reduced to neutral position using a K-wire as a bones, which are reamed to a depth so as not to
joystick; equally the capitate, hamate, triquetrum cause impingement dorsally
and lunate may be stabilized with volar placed K- • The articular surfaces are removed with
wires. A Spider Limited Wrist Fusion (KMI) plate rongeur or bone nibbler
(Fig. 8.7) may be used as follows: • Cancellous bone is used to pack the cavity

Figure 8.7 A spider plate

106 Surgery of the wrist

• Two screws are placed in each bone under • Failed conservative treatment (injection, thumb
image intensifier control. spica: success rate up to 70–80 per cent).
Other fixation methods include K-wires, staples or
headless screws. Contraindication

Closure Infection of overlying skin.

See ‘Surgical technique – full fusion’ (above).

Consent and risks
INSTRUCTIONS • Nerve injury and/or neuroma formation:
superficial radial nerve branches (2 per cent)
• The volar slab is removed at 2 weeks (it can be • Failure of symptomatic relief: 5 per cent
left longer if the bone quality is poor). A • Tendon instability, subluxation or adherence: <1
removable slab is required for the following 3 per cent
weeks in the case of partial fusion.
• Hand therapy and finger exercises are
commenced 1 week after surgery. Operative planning
• Union is usually achieved by 3 months.
Awareness of potential anatomical variations in
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES the first dorsal compartment is important (Fig.
Barbier O, Saels P, Rombouts JJ, et al. Long-term
functional results of wrist arthrodesis in
rheumatoid arthritis. J Hand Surg Br 1999;24:27. Anaesthesia and positioning
Chung K, Watt A, Kotsis S. A prospective
outcomes study of four-corner wrist arthrodesis The authors prefer general anaesthesia. The
using a circular limited wrist fusion plate for stage supine position is used with a hand table and
II scapholunate advanced collapse wrist deformity. tourniquet. Local anaesthesia can be used as an
Plastic and Recon Surg 2006;118:433–42. alternative ± tourniquet.
Haddad RJ, Riordan DC. Arthrodesis of the wrist:
a surgical technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
Watson H, Goodman M, Johnson T. Limited wrist Landmarks
arthrodesis. Part II Intercarpal and radiocarpal
combinations. J Hand Surg Am 1981;6:223–33. • Bony: radial styloid, scaphoid tubercle, Lister’s
Zachary SV, Stern PJ. Complications following tubercle
AO/ASIF wrist arthrodesis. J Hand Surg Am • Tendinous – APL and EPB – lie over the lateral
1995;20:339–44. aspect of the distal radius. They represent the
radial border of the anatomical snuffbox.


PREOPERATIVE PLANNING One of the following three skin incisions may be

Indications • Transverse: 2 cm incision over the first dorsal
compartment, 1 cm proximal to tip of radial
• Stenosing tenosynovitis of the APL and styloid. Higher risk of nerve injury
extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) in the first dorsal • Oblique: from dorsal to volar – allows for
compartment extension distally
De Quervain’s decompression 107

Abductor pollicis longus tendon

usually inserts on the base of the
first metacarpal

Often the abductor pollicis

longus has an additional insertion
with a separate tendon
Extensor pollicis
brevis tendon

Figure 8.8 First dorsal compartment anatomy

• Longitudinal: better exposure but creates a First dorsal

longer area in which skin may potentially tether compartment
to cutaneous nerves and tendons.


Structures at risk
• Branches of superficial radial nerve – protected
by using blunt dissection
• Superficial veins Figure 8.9 First dorsal compartment

Sharp dissection follows the line of the chosen

incision through dermis but not into superficial
fat. Blunt longitudinal dissection is now used
through the fat, whichever skin incision was
selected, identifying and protecting branches of The APL and EPB are lifted out of their groove
the superficial radial nerve, usually deep to with a tendon hook. If they cannot be easily
superficial veins. freed, septae, ‘aberrant’ tendons and separate com-
partments are sought.
Procedure If the procedure is done under local anaesthesia,
the tendons are replaced and the patient asked to
The tendons are identified proximally within the move their thumb to demonstrate adequate
incision and the first dorsal compartment opened decompression and independent movement.
with a longitudinal incision (Fig. 8.9) on the dorsal Instability is checked for and corrected, if
side, leaving a flap of palmar sheath to prevent necessary, by loosely opposing the edges of the
subluxation. tendon sheath.
108 Surgery of the wrist

Closure (younger patients may do better with a Sauvé–

Kapandji or hemi-resection arthroplasty
The tourniquet is released and haemostasis procedure)
achieved. The skin is closed with a subcuticular • Rheumatoid disease
suture. Pressure dressing is applied to the area and • Salvage operation following other failed DRUJ
a thumb spica may be applied to control procedures.
postoperative pain and swelling (authors’
INSTRUCTIONS • Young and high-demand patients
• Congruent DRUJ.
The pressure dressing is removed after 48 hours.
Thumb and hand movements are initiated and
increased according to comfort. The thumb spica
is removed at 2 weeks.
Consent and risks
• Outcomes vary depending on primary pathology
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES and operative indication
• Decreased grip strength is expected and found in
Harvey FJ, Harvey PM, Horsley MW. De
nearly all following the procedure
Quervain’s disease: surgical or nonsurgical
• Pain, instability and subluxation of the ECU over
treatment. J Hand Surg Am 1990;15:83.
the ulnar stump: 5–40 per cent
Witt J, Pess G, Gelberman RH. Treatment of De
• Radioulnar impingement: convergence – 60 per
Quervain tenosynovitis: a prospective study of the
cent radiographically but symptomatic in 5–10
results of injection of steroids and immobilization
per cent
in a splint. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1991;73:219.
Kay NR. De Quervain’s disease: changing
pathology or changing perception? J Hand Surg Br
Giles K. Anatomical variations affecting the
surgery of De Quervain’s disease. J Bone Joint Surg Incision and dissection
Br 1960;42:352–55.
Littler JW, Freedman DM, Malerich MM.
Compartment reconstruction for de Quervain’s Structures at risk
disease. J Hand Surg Am 2002;27:242.
• Dorsal sensory branch of ulnar nerve
• Ulnar artery and nerve

A common approach (Fig. 8.10) is a longitudinal

EXCISION OF THE DISTAL ULNA incision along the subcutaneous border of the ulna
(DARRACH PROCEDURE) through the interval between the ECU and the


• Pain relief following DRUJ disruption and
incongruity – commonly for symptomatic
malunion of Colles fractures in elderly patients Figure 8.10 Approach to the distal ulna
Ulnar shortening 109

flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU). The authors prefer an RECOMMENDED REFERENCES

incision between the fifth and sixth compartments.
The periosteum is incised longitudinally and Darrach W. Partial excision of lower shaft of ulna
reflected off the distal ulna; Hohmann retractors for deformity following Colles fracture. Ann Surg
are then carefully placed around the ulna. 1913;57:764–65.
Peterson MS, Adams BD. Biomechanical evalua-
Procedure tion of distal radioulnar reconstructions. J Hand
Surg Am 1991;18:338.
The dissection is followed by resection of 1–2 cm
of the distal ulna. Aim for minimal amount of
bone resection that eliminates radioulnar contact
at the sigmoid notch. A common error is too great ULNAR SHORTENING
a bone resection leaving an unstable and
troublesome protrusion of the distal ulna. PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
It is important to leave soft tissue attachments
and the TFCC at the ulnar styloid (Fig. 8.11). This Indications
can be achieved by subperiosteal dissection of the
ulna styloid or preserving the styloid itself. Ulna positive variance:
Remnants of the TFCC are opposed to the capsule • Acquired:
and radius. Ensure full rotation is achieved before – Distal radial fracture
closure. – Essex-Lopresti type injury
– Traumatic distal radial growth arrest
– Resection of the radial head
• Congenital:
– Idiopathic ulnar impaction syndrome
– Madelung deformity (often in conjunction
with other procedures).
– Development of degenerative changes in the
TFCC, DRUJ, ulnar head and articular
surfaces of the lunate and triquetrum owing
to ulnar abutment.

• Advanced osteoarthritis (OA) or significant
Figure 8.11 Resection and soft tissue preservation in malalignment of the DRUJ
the Darrach procedure • Relative contraindications – smokers (higher
incidence of delayed and non-union) or non-
compliant patient.
Consent and risks
Haemostasis is achieved followed by closure in
layers with Vicryl. Subcuticular or interrupted • Non-union and delayed union: 0–4 per cent with
sutures are preferred for skin closure. oblique cuts; 8–15 per cent with transverse cuts
• Prominent metalwork and tendonitis from
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND hardware irritation necessitating removal: up to
INSTRUCTIONS 55 per cent
• Nerve damage, commonly dorsal sensory branch
A volar slab is used for 2 weeks, followed by early of the ulnar nerve: 1–2 per cent
active exercises.
110 Surgery of the wrist

• CRPS (Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome): up to 5

per cent
• Reduced grip strength: variable depending on the
primary pathology.

Operative planning
Radiograph (90° shoulder abduction/90° elbow
flexion) of the wrist is required to estimate
amount of ulnar positive variance. The
measurement should indicate the length of
excision required to achieve a final ulnar variance
Figure 8.12 Approach between the extensor carpi
of neutral or –1 mm.
ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris

Anaesthesia and positioning

the sigmoid notch of the ulna. The two distal
Anaesthesia can be general or with an axillary screws are inserted in the standard fashion. The
block; a tourniquet is applied. The supine position, osteotomy site is marked at the middle of the
with a hand table and image intensifier, is used. plate with a longitudinal diathermy mark for
rotational orientation. The most distal screw is
loosened and the second screw is removed,
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE allowing the plate to be swung out of the way by
hinging on the distal screw.
Incision An oblique osteotomy is fashioned from a
proximal ulna to a distal radial direction.
Continuous saline irrigation reduces heat
Structures at risk
production (and non-union rate); the distal
• The dorsal sensory branch of the ulnar nerve is osteotomy is created first. After measuring the
present at the distal extent of the incision. Its thickness of bone to be removed, a free saw blade
transection should be avoided to prevent painful is placed in the first osteotomy cut and a parallel
neuroma formation osteotomy is cut proximally removing the
required amount of bone. The osteotomy is
reduced and the plate swung around onto the
A longitudinal incision over the subcutaneous ulna. The first screw is tightened and the second
border of the ulna is started distally 3–4 cm from the screw is replaced. The remaining screws are
ulnar styloid and continued proximally for 10 cm. inserted using the dynamic compression
technique (Fig. 8.13). An inter-fragmentary screw,
Dissection at 90° to the plate, can also be used.

Dissection is simply continued straight down to

the ulna, between the ECU and FCU. Sub-
periosteal dissection exposes the ulna (Fig. 8.12). A standard closure of the skin in layers is
undertaken. A below elbow cast is applied.
A six-hole, 3.5 mm DCP is held against the ulna (a INSTRUCTIONS
dorsal side position can be easier but a volar
position reduces the prominence of the The cast is left on for 4–6 weeks then a
metalwork) with the distal end just proximal to thermoplastic splint used until the osteotomy has
Ganglion excision at the wrist 111

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 8.13 Surgical technique for ulnar shortening using a dynamic compression plate

united. Strenuous activities are avoided until • Cosmesis

evidence of bony union is seen. • Failed aspiration (success rate 35–50 per cent
with needle aspiration and immobilization for 3

Chen NC, Wolfe SW. Ulna shortening osteotomy

using a compression device. J Hand Surg Am
2003;28:88. Uncertain diagnosis, e.g. potential malignant
Chun S, Palmer AK. The ulnar impaction lesion.
syndrome: follow up note of ulnar shortening
osteotomy. J Hand Surg Am 1993;18:46–53.
Rayhack JM, Gasser SI, Latta LL, et al. Precision Consent and risks
oblique osteotomy for shortening of the ulna. J
• Numbness and scar sensitivity: 15–28 per cent
Hand Surg Am 1993;18:908–19.
• Recurrence: variable depending on location; 5–
20 per cent
• Nerve injury and neuroma formation: superficial
GANGLION EXCISION AT THE WRIST branch of radial nerve in dorsal ganglia: 2–5 per
cent; palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve
The commonest site for a wrist ganglion is on the in volar ganglia: 1–2 per cent
dorsum of the wrist arising from the scapholunate • Vascular injury: 4–5 per cent radial artery injury
ligament; the second commonest site is volar, requiring repair with volar ganglia
arising from the scapho-trapezoid joint. • Stiffness: rare
• Scapholunate instability: rare

Indications Anaesthesia and positioning

• Symptomatic: General anaesthesia is preferred as it is associated
– Pain (often worse with repeated use) with lower recurrence rates than local anaesthesia.
– Enlarging A tourniquet is applied and the forearm and hand
– Feeling of abnormal sensation or weakness positioned on a hand table.
112 Surgery of the wrist


Structures at risk
Consideration is first given to using arthroscopic
techniques. These involve less surgical dissection • The scapholunate ligament: see below
and scarring allowing more rapid return to • Terminal branches of the posterior interosseous
activities. They also allow identification and nerve: see below
management of any other intra-articular wrist
pathology. Potential risks include damage to
The ganglion and its stalk are mobilized with
tendons if not visualized adequately and higher
sharp and blunt dissection down to the joint
recurrence rates than open procedures.
capsule. The capsule is opened along the border of
the radius and proximal pole of the scaphoid.
Incision Care must be taken to visualize and excise the
stalk from the superficial portion of the ligament
Structures at risk without cutting the scapholunate ligament (Fig.
8.15) and causing scapholunate instability.
• Dorsal sensory branches of radial nerve – these Some authors advocate identification and
must be identified and protected. cauterization of terminal branches of the posterior
interosseous nerve as it runs past the fourth dorsal
A transverse incision of appropriate length is compartment, to reduce the incidence of
created over the ganglion (Fig. 8.14). neuroma.

Dissection Closure
The extensor retinaculum overlying the ganglion The joint capsule is left open and haemostasis
is incised. The EPL and ECRB tendons are achieved after tourniquet release. Vicryl is used to
retracted radially and EDC tendons retracted close the retinaculum and subcuticular suture to
ulnarly, exposing the ganglion. close the skin. A volar splint is applied.

Figure 8.15 Excision of the ganglion and its stalk from

Figure 8.14 Skin incision for dorsal ganglion excision the scapholunate ligament
Viva questions 113

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE – GANGLION OF The artery is retracted radially and the ganglion
THE SCAPHO-TRAPEZOIDAL JOINT dissected down its stalk to its origin (usually the
scapho-trapezoidal joint). The ganglion is excised
Incision with a small portion of surrounding capsule.


Structure at risk INSTRUCTIONS
• The palmar cutaneous branch of the median Immobilization of the wrist is continued for 2
nerve weeks then range of movement exercises are

A longitudinal incision is created over the RECOMMENDED REFERENCES

Luchetti R, Badia A, Alfarano M, et al.
Arthroscopic resection of dorsal wrist ganglia and
treatment of recurrences. J Hand Surg Br
Dissection and procedure 2000;25:38.
Mehdian H, McKee M. Scapholunate instability
following dorsal wrist ganglion excision. Iowa
Structure at risk Orthop J 2005;25:203–6.
• The radial artery: identification and mobilization Nelson CL, Sawmiller S, Phalen GS. Ganglions of
is vital (may course through the ganglion). the wrist and hand. J Bone Joint Surg Am

Viva questions

1. How many dorsal compartments are found at 10. What is the non-union rate in total wrist
the wrist and what are their contents? fusions?
2. Which nerve and artery are at risk during 11. What are the main functional disadvantages
surgical release of the first dorsal with the Darrach procedure?
12. What alternatives are there to the Darrach
3. What is the optimal position for wrist procedure in younger and higher-demand
arthrodesis? patients?
4. Between which dorsal wrist compartments do
13. What is chronic regional pain syndrome? What
you classically approach through to access the
is the incidence after wrist or hand procedures?
wrist joint?
5. What is a ‘four corner’ fusion? 14. When should an ulnar shortening osteotomy
not be performed?
6. Name and describe the common wrist
arthroscopy portals? 15. What is the most significant factor influencing
7. Dorsal wrist ganglions usually arise from which the rate of non-union in an ulnar shortening
ligament? osteotomy?
8. What is the recurrence rate following excision 16. What is the significance of the posterior
of a volar wrist ganglion? interosseous nerve in wrist procedures?
9. Describe the radiographic features of a wrist 17. Where is the posterior interosseous nerve
with scapholunate advanced collapse. identified at the wrist?
Surgery of the hand
Norbert Kang, Robert Pearl and Lauren Ovens

Dupuytren’s surgery 114 Tendon transfers 134

Synovial cyst treatment 119 Soft tissue reconstruction 137
Arthrodesis in the hand 121 Trigger finger surgery 141
Arthroplasty in the hand 124 Trigger thumb surgery 142
Extensor tendon repair 127 Viva questions 143
Flexor tendon repair 131

direct vision (open fasciotomy), percutaneously

DUPUYTREN’S SURGERY (needle fasciotomy) or by excising a short
segment of cord tissue – also under direct vision
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING (segmental fasciotomy).

Patients are ready for Dupuytren’s surgery if they
• Discrete Dupuytren’s cord
have a flexion deformity that is interfering with
• Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint flexion
their activities of daily living. Using the ‘table-top
test’ (i.e. inability to get the hand flat on the table)
• Patient unwilling or unsuitable for major
or specific degrees of flexion deformity (e.g. =30°
operative procedure
at the proximal interphalangeal [PIP] joint) as an
• Needle fasciotomy can be performed under
indication for surgery is unhelpful as they may
local anaesthesia and is particularly useful for
over- or underestimate the need for surgery.
patients who wish to avoid or are unsuitable for
general anaesthesia.
Operative planning
It is vital to record the range of movement, Contraindications
vascularity and sensation in the digits preopera-
tively so that a comparison can be made • Diffuse Dupuytren’s disease
postoperatively. • PIP joint flexion deformity – there is a
There are three common procedures: significant risk of neurovascular injury
• Fasciotomy (either open or needle) or • Patient unable or unwilling to comply with
segmental fasciotomy indefinite night-splintage with the digit in full
• Fasciectomy extension.
• Dermofasciectomy.

FASCIOTOMY Consent and risks

Injury to the neurovascular bundle (reduced with
This is a procedure to divide rather than excise the
open/segmental fasciotomy).
Dupuytren’s cord tissue. It can be done under
Dupuytren’s surgery 115

Anaesthesia and positioning Segmental fasciotomy

The procedure is the same as open fasciotomy
Local anaesthesia, upper limb blockade or general
but, in addition, a short segment (approximately
anaesthesia can be used. The arm should be placed
1 cm) of cord tissue is excised in the belief that
supine on an arm table or arm board. It is helpful
this reduces the risk of recurrence.
to use a tourniquet for open and segmental
fasciotomy; no tourniquet is required for needle
After needle fasciotomy, the puncture wounds are
allowed to heal by secondary intention. For open
Surgical technique and segmental fasciotomy, the skin is closed with
absorbable sutures (e.g. 5/0 Vicryl rapide).
The cord to be divided is palpated and marked.
Postoperative care and instructions
Needle fasciotomy
All patients undergoing fasciotomy should be
A green hub (21G) hypodermic needle is passed allowed to mobilize their digits freely after
through the skin into the cord. Only the first 2–3 treatment. However, all patients will need to wear
mm of the tip are inserted under the skin. The tip a splint at night indefinitely to keep the treated
of the needle is then used like a knife (Fig. 9.1). digit in full extension. Otherwise, the flexion
Small sweeping movements are made with the deformity will recur within a few weeks.
needle tip to divide the cord tissue.
Simultaneously, the digit is pushed into extension. FASCIECTOMY
If successful, a tearing sound is often heard as the
divided cord tissue is torn in half allowing the Indications
finger to extend. The skin over the cord often tears
open for a few millimeters as well. Any degree of involvement with Dupuytren’s
contracture including recurrent disease and MCP,
Open fasciotomy PIP and distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint flexion
The skin is opened formally, through a deformity.
longitudinal incision made over the course of the
cord tissue. The incision is made sufficiently long Contraindications
to allow direct visualization of the cord and
adjacent structures. The cord tissues are divided • Diffuse Dupuytren’s disease with extensive skin
with a scalpel while forcibly extending the digit. If involvement (pits and fixed skin over cords)
successful, the cord tissues are torn in half • Multiple previous fasciectomies with
allowing the finger to extend. subsequent recurrence of flexion deformities

(a) (b)

Figure 9.1 Needle fasciotomy: (a) needling of fascia and (b) postoperative appearance
116 Surgery of the hand

• Patient with severe Dupuytren’s diathesis SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

(multi-digit involvement, radial disease,
bilateral, family history and plantar Landmarks
involvement or Peyronie’s disease)
• Patient unwilling or unable to comply with A straight line incision is marked over the midline
hand therapy postoperatively on the volar aspect of the affected digit beginning
• Heavy smoker and unwilling to stop smoking at the distal finger crease. This is extended
preoperatively. proximally to the mid-palmar crease. A further
transverse incision is marked across the palm
following the line of the mid-palmar crease. The
Consent and risks length and position of the transverse incision is
• ‘White finger’ due to injury to the vascular determined by the position and number of digits
supply followed by necrosis of the finger which are being treated (Fig. 9.2).
• Paraesthesia or anaesthesia due to injury to the
nerve supply (10 per cent risk if redo procedure) Incision
• Infection
• Skin flap necrosis The transverse incision is created before
• Loss of flexion proceeding into the digits. All incisions should be
• Recurrence of Dupuytren’s followed by full thickness.
recurrence of the flexion deformity

Anaesthesia and positioning

Structures at risk
Fasciectomy can be performed under local
• Neurovascular bundles
anaesthesia (maximum of two digits), upper limb
• Skin edges of the flaps
blockade or general anaesthesia. The arm should
be held supine on an arm table with a lead hand.
All surgery should be carried out under Thin skin flaps should be developed above the
tourniquet with loupe magnification. cords. Particular care must be taken to avoid

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.2 Fasciectomy. (a) Skoog’s straight line incision. (b,c) Z-plasty marked out and performed
Dupuytren’s surgery 117

button-holing the skin when there is significant flex to its former position for 5–10 minutes. If this
pitting or skin involvement. Ensure that the skin fails, the surgeon can try bathing the vessels in a
flaps are thick enough to be viable (ideally just few drops of verapamil (2.5 mg/mL) or glyceryl
thicker than sub-dermal) but thin enough so that trinitrate (5 mg/mL). It is important to tell the
not too much cord tissue is left in the hand (to anaesthetist before doing this. If the vessels have
avoid recurrence). been divided, they will need to be repaired by
For fingers with significant flexion deformities someone experienced in microvascular techni-
due to a pretendinous cord, it is often helpful to ques.
carry out a fasciotomy after opening the palm.
This allows the finger to be extended and Closure
simplifies access to the rest of the digit.
Treatment of any skin shortage in the digit
requires closure of the skin with a Z-plasty. The
ideal Z-plasty for closure has a 30° angle and is as
large as possible. It is not necessary to locate the
transverse limb of the Z-plasty at the flexor
Structure at risk
creases – this simply makes planning difficult.
• Neurovascular bundles Often, only one Z-plasty is required to allow
sufficient lengthening of the volar incision to
allow comfortable closure. The skin of the finger is
Any longitudinal cord tissue should now be closed with interrupted or continuous absorbable
excised, leaving the transverse fibres of the palmar sutures (e.g. 5/0 Vicryl rapide).
aponeurosis in place where possible. The The transverse palmar incision should be left
neurovascular bundles should be visualized in the open. If the maximum width of this incision does
palm on either side of the flexor tendon. The rest not exceed 1.5 cm it will heal by secondary
of the dissection is directed at freeing the intention within 2 weeks. Leaving the palm open
neurovascular bundles from the cord tissue on also simplifies closure of the hand and reduces the
both sides of the finger by a combination of blunt risk of a haematoma by allowing free drainage
and sharp dissection. Once both bundles have from the dissected areas.
been skeletonized as far as the DIP joint, any soft
tissues remaining between the skin and the tendon
Postoperative care and instructions
sheath can be excised and discarded.
Any remaining flexion deformity must now be All patients undergoing fasciectomy should be
assessed (e.g. from a boutonnière deformity at the allowed to mobilize their digits freely after
PIP joint, volar plate contracture, shortening of treatment unless they have a significant
the flexor sheath or volar skin shortage). In many boutonnière deformity and/or needed significant
cases, it is due to a combination of all of these manipulation/release of the PIP joint
factors. Boutonnière deformities respond well to intraoperatively. This latter group of patients
splintage in full extension for 1 week. Volar plate should be splinted continuously in full extension
contractures require either passive manipulation for 1 week. Thereafter, all patients must use a
of the PIP joint or sharp release of the volar splint at night for 3 months to keep the treated
plate/check-rein ligaments. digit(s) in full extension.
‘White fingers’ need to be detected. The
tourniquet must be released before beginning DERMOFASCIECTOMY
closure to check perfusion of the digit and carry
out haemostasis. If the finger fails to perfuse, then This is a fasciectomy with excision of the
both vessels need to be visualized to ensure that proximal digital skin. The aim is to excise all the
they are in continuity. You only need one intact soft tissues except the tendon/tendon sheath and
artery to perfuse the digit. If the vessels are intact the neurovascular bundles on the volar side of the
but the digit is still white, the digit is allowed to proximal part of the finger. The resulting defect is
118 Surgery of the hand

then resurfaced with a full-thickness skin graft. for a fasciectomy (p. 116). Then a full-thickness
The aim is to remove any tissue that may result in graft of appropriate size is harvested from the
subsequent recurrence of a longitudinal cord volar forearm or groin and secured to the finger with 4/0
to the axis of flexion of the digit. or 5/0 Vicryl rapide. The authors’ preferred
approach is to anchor the four corners of the graft
Indications and then secure all the edges of the graft with a
continuous over and over suture of 5/0 Vicryl
As for fasciectomy (p. 115) but with added rapide. The middle of the graft is then secured to
indications: the tendon sheath with two or three quilting
• Recurrent disease sutures of 5/0 Vicryl rapide to reduce the tendency
• Severe diathesis for the graft to slide around. This improves the take
• Extensive skin involvement. of the graft and reduces haematoma formation.

Contraindications Postoperative care and instructions

• Inexperienced surgeon The hand should be splinted with the digits in full
• Patient unwilling or unable to comply with extension for 1 week continuously. The splint and
hand therapy postoperatively
• Heavy smoker and unwilling to stop smoking

Consent and risks

As for fasciectomy and:
• Loss of the full-thickness graft
• Loss of flexion
• Infection
• Scarring at the donor site for the skin graft

Anaesthesia and positioning

Dermofasciectomy can be performed after
infiltration of local anaesthetic (single digit only), (b)
upper limb blockade and general anaesthesia. The
arm should be placed supine on an arm table with
a lead hand.

Surgical technique
As for fasciectomy (p. 116). The neurovascular
bundles must be freed from all the soft tissues and
skeletonized from the palm to the fingertip. After
excising all the soft tissues between the skin and
the tendon sheath, the skin on the volar side of the
proximal segment of the finger is also excised
down to the mid-lateral line (Fig. 9.3).
Correction of the flexion deformity is now Figure 9.3 (a) Dermofasciectomy of little and ring
checked as for a fasciectomy (p. 116). Haemostasis fingers and (b) 3 months postoperatively with healed
and perfusion of the digit are also now checked as graft
Synovial cyst treatment 119

dressings are then removed and the graft is checked. Contraindications

If it is pink and secure, then the patient can begin to
mobilize the digit with the assistance of a hand There are no absolute contraindications for
therapist. Patients will still need to splint the digit at treating a ganglion.
night for 3 months in full extension.
Consent and risks
• Bleeding
Hall PN, Fitzgerald A, Sterne GD, et al. Skin • Infection
replacement in Dupuytren’s disease. J Hand Surg • Recurrence
Br 1997;22:193–7. • Joint instability
Hueston JT. Recurrent Dupuytren’s contracture. • Stiffness
Plast Reconstr Surg 1963;31:66–9. • Troublesome scars
McFarlane RM. Patterns of the diseased fascia in
the fingers in Dupuytren’s contracture. Displace-
ment of the neurovascular bundle. Plast Reconstr Anaesthesia and positioning
Surg 1974;54:31–44.
This depends on the site of the ganglion and the
van Rijssen AL, Werker PM. Percutaneous needle
preference of the patient. Anaesthesia is
fasciotomy in Dupuytren’s disease. J Hand Surg Br
unnecessary for aspiration of a ganglion. For
excision of a ganglion in the digit, most cases can
be treated under local anaesthesia. However,
excision of a ganglion at the wrist should be
treated under regional block or general
anaesthesia as the dissection is often involved. A
SYNOVIAL CYST TREATMENT tourniquet should be used in all cases.


Long-term follow-up of ganglia has now Aspiration of ganglia
demonstrated that the majority of ganglia should
be treated non-surgically in the first instance The largest gauge needle compatible with comfort
because 50 per cent of ganglia will resolve for the patient is attached to a 2 mL syringe –
spontaneously within a few years and the typically, a blue hub (23G) needle. The needle is
morbidity of surgical excision is significant. This plunged into the ganglion with one swift
does not mean that ganglia should never be treated movement and aspiration begun immediately. If
but patients should be informed appropriately and the contents will not enter the syringe, the needle
over-enthusiastic reliance on surgical excision is extracted and the contents manually expressed
should be avoided. In specific cases, simultaneous through the small puncture hole. Injecting a small
treatment of the underlying pathology (e.g. amount of Adcortyl (5 mg) into the ganglion/
arthrodesis of a DIP joint for osteoarthritis) will adjacent tissues reduces post-treatment inflamma-
remove the ganglion and the cause for the ganglion. tion and discomfort.

Indications Flexor sheath ganglia

• Pain (may be caused by underlying pathology) Landmarks and incision

• Impaired function (if a ganglion is large enough Typically, the ganglion arises from the A2 pulley at
it may catch on clothing) the level of the proximal finger crease. A
• Cosmesis. This is probably the most common transverse incision, directly over the ganglion, is
reason for patients to seek help. used.
120 Surgery of the hand

Dissection and procedure Dissection and procedure

Structure at risk Structure at risk

• Neurovascular bundles • Terminal extensor tendon – injury will cause
mallet deformity
The ganglion is excised en bloc with (if necessary)
a small cuff of the flexor sheath. Whether or not an ellipse of skin was excised with
the ganglion, excision of the rest of the ganglion
Closure wall is often an academic exercise because the
The skin is approximated with interrupted 5/0 remnant is usually so flimsy. Excise whatever
Vicryl rapide sutures. A light dressing is applied, remains of the ganglion wall (piecemeal if
which will not impede movement and allows necessary) down to the DIP joint. Any obvious
immediate mobilization. osteophytes should also be removed with a bone
nibbler as this improves cosmesis.
Mucous cysts
Landmarks and incision The skin is closed with interrupted 5/0 Vicryl
Typically, the ganglion arises dorsally from the rapide sutures. If an overly large ellipse of skin
joint capsule of the DIP joint. As it enlarges, it has been excised, it will be difficult to close the
emerges on either the ulnar or radial side of the skin directly. The options then are to use a small
finger in the interval between the terminal split-thickness skin graft or a local flap –
extensor tendon and the collateral ligament of the converting an operation of dubious value (excising
joint (Fig. 9.4). The skin over the mucous cyst is a mucous cyst) into an operation with a multi-
often very thin. Therefore, attempts to separate tude of potential complications! If the defect is
the skin from the ganglion wall are frequently very small and no important structures are
fruitless. The surgeon can decide to either excise exposed, then allowing the wound to heal by
the skin with the ganglion or simply make a secondary intention may be acceptable. The finger
longitudinal incision over the ganglion knowing is dressed lightly, which allows immediate
that it will burst. mobilization.


cyst The hand is elevated to reduce pain and swelling.
Any bulky dressings are removed after 48–72
hours. The hand/finger is mobilized, with the help
of a hand therapist, as quickly as possible.


Dias JJ, Dhukaram V, Kumar P. The natural history
of untreated dorsal wrist ganglia and patient
reported outcome 6 years after intervention. J
Hand Surg Eur Vol 2007;32:502–8.
(a) (b) Green DP, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC (eds).
Green’s Operative Hand Surgery (5th edn).
Figure 9.4 A mucous cyst Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2005.
Arthrodesis in the hand 121

here and the loss of range of movement at the DIP

ARTHRODESIS IN THE HAND joint has little effect on overall hand function. DIP
joint arthrodesis is a particularly useful treatment
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING for rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus
(FDP) tendon, chronic mallet deformity or painful
arthritis of the DIP joint (with or without
An arthrodesis is a very reasonable salvage deformity) and chronic mucous cyst.
treatment for certain joints and for certain
Proximal interphalangeal joint
situations, which can restore pain-free form and
function in one operative step. Indications include: Arthrodesis of the PIP joints results in significant
• Pain impairment of hand function but is still a
• Instability reasonable option to deal with chronic pain and
• Deformity instability, especially for the little and ring fingers.
• Failed arthroplasty This is because PIP joint replacements do
• Joints where arthroplasty is not desirable/ particularly badly in the little and ring fingers.
Interphalangeal (IP) joint of the thumb
Certain joints respond well to arthrodesis because The IP joint of the thumb responds very well to
of the functional requirements of the hand. Others arthrodesis.
do less well (see operative planning – below).
Metacarpophalangeal joint
Contraindications The MCP joints of the fingers should not be
arthrodesed as this results in very significant im-
• Poor skin cover over the joint pairment of function. In contrast, arthrodesis of the
• Active infection in the upper limb – inserting MCP joint of the thumb is an excellent procedure
metalwork should be avoided which significantly enhances hand function.
• Non-compliant patient – the joint needs to be
immobilized for 8 weeks after surgery to allow Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint
bony union The first CMC joint should not be fused, as this
• Smoking is a contraindication because of poor will result in very significant impairment of hand
wound healing. function. The second and third CMC joints
normally behave as if they are fused, therefore,
Consent and risks arthrodesis of these joints is seldom necessary. The
fourth and fifth CMC joints are surprisingly
• Damage to any of the adjacent structures (e.g.
mobile in normal hands. Nevertheless, arthrodesis
tendons, neurovascular bundles, damage to the
is a reasonable solution to problems of chronic
nail bed in DIP joint fusion)
pain and instability (typically after trauma).
• Infection
• Malunion
• Non-union (up to 10 per cent – especially the Anaesthesia and positioning
DIP joint)
Local anaesthetic digital block with finger
• Stiffness of adjacent joints and fingers
tourniquet is suitable for IP joint, DIP joint or PIP
• Flexor and/or extensor adhesions.
joint arthrodesis. Regional block or general
anaesthesia with arm tourniquet is suitable for
arthrodesis of the thumb MCP joint or CMC joints.
Operative planning
Distal interphalangeal joint
Patients do very well after arthrodesis of these Several different techniques are available for
joints because joint replacements do very badly arthrodesis of a joint (e.g. K-wires, interosseous
122 Surgery of the hand

wires, screws, plates and staples). Different

methods of fixation are more or less suitable for
particular joints and in particular situations.
Regardless of the technique, the usefulness of the
arthrodesis is determined by the final position of
the bones after fusion (Table 9.1). Also, the
arthrodesed digit will be shorter by the amount of
bone that needs to be removed to allow the
arthrodesis to be performed.

Landmarks and incisions

• DIP and thumb IP joint – an ‘H’ or ‘Y’ incision
over dorsum of joint or a mid-lateral incision for
plating (Fig. 9.5).
• PIP joint – longitudinal incision over dorsum of
• Thumb MCP joint – longitudinal incision over
dorsum of joint.
• CMC or intercarpal arthrodesis – longitudinal
incisions over the dorsum of the relevant joint.
Figure 9.5 Incisions for access to DIP joint
Fusion techniques
This depends on the joint. Image intensifier
control (preferably using a mini-C-arm) is
absolutely essential to ensure that any metalwork
goes in the right place.
and create matching surfaces, ensuring that there
Distal interphalangeal joint are two flat surfaces with the correct angulation
The terminal extensor tendon is detached from (i.e. 0–10°). For fixation, 90–90° wiring is
the base of the distal phalanx, exposing the joint. probably the easiest technique. Tension band
The collateral ligaments are excised and the volar wiring is also acceptable but technically more
plate detached from the base of the distal phalanx. difficult to do (Fig. 9.6). Other acceptable
This allows the joint to be disarticulated alternatives include a Lister loop (although the K-
completely. The joint surfaces are removed with a wire needs to be removed at 8 weeks), Herbert or
saw or bone nibbler to expose the cancellous bone cannulated screw fixation and plating.

Table 9.1 Arthrodesis positions in the hand

Thumb Index Middle Ring Little

DIP joint N/A 0–10° 0–10° 0–10° 0–10°
PIP joint N/A 30° 30–40° 40–50° 50°
IP joint 0–20° N/A N/A N/A N/A
MCP joint 0° Do not fuse Do not fuse Do not fuse Do not fuse
CMC joint Do not fuse 0° 0° 0° 0°
N/A, not applicable.
Arthrodesis in the hand 123

(a) Figure 9.6 Methods of distal

interphalangeal (DIP) joint fusion.
(a) ‘90–90’ wiring. Two
interosseous wires of 0.35 to 0.45
(b) gauge dental wire passed at 90°
to each other. (b) Tension band
wiring using two 1.1 mm K-wires
and a 0.35–0.45 gauge dental
(c) wire. (c) Lister loop with a single
1.1 mm K-wire and a 0.35–0.45
gauge dental wire. The K-wire
must be removed at 4 weeks.
(d) Plating of the DIP joint with a
(d) mini-plate (the most difficult

Proximal interphalangeal joint are used for the DIP joint are also suitable for the
A longitudinal split in the extensor tendon or a PIP joint. The authors’ preference is to use a
Chamay approach (distally based ‘V’ shaped tension band technique.
incision in the central slip; Fig. 9.7) can be used to
expose the PIP joint. The joint is disarticulated by Metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb
excising the collaterals and detaching the volar The joint is exposed through a longitudinal split in
plate. The joint surfaces are removed with a saw or the extensor tendon and disarticulated by excising
a bone nibbler to create two flat surfaces with the the collateral ligaments and detaching the volar
correct angulation (Table 9.1). plate. The joint surfaces are excised. The authors’
As for the DIP joint, there is no preferred preference for arthrodesis of the thumb MCP
method for fixation. Any of the techniques which joint is a tension band wire technique.

Figure 9.7
(a) Chamay approach.
(a) (b) (b) Longitudinal split
124 Surgery of the hand

Carpometacarpal joint Sennwald G, Segmuller G. The metacarpo-

The extensor tendons are retracted from over the phalangeal arthrodesis of the thumb according to
CMC joints and soft tissue excised to expose the the tension-band principle: indications and
specific joint. The image intensifier confirms that technique. Ann Chir Main 1983;2:38–45.
the correct joint has been identified. The joint
surfaces are excised and bone graft is inserted. The
graft is harvested from the distal radius. Bone
substitute (e.g. hydroxyapatite) can also be used.
The joint is secured with an oblique K-wire passed
through the base of the respective metacarpal and PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
the corresponding trapezoid, capitate or hamate.
The decision to operate must not be made on the
The wire is buried and removed after 8 weeks.
basis of the X-ray appearances alone. However,
function is not always the only consideration.
Closure Although it is generally not a good idea to
perform an arthroplasty in patients who have
The extensor tendons are repaired with 4/0 or 5/0
good function, some patients still ask for surgery
PDS interrupted or continuous sutures. The
to ‘improve’ the appearance of their hands.
tourniquet is released and haemostasis achieved
with bipolar diathermy. The wound is washed out
with saline and closed with interrupted Indications
absorbable 4/0 or 5/0 Monocryl sutures and a
• Painful or stiff joints unresponsive to medical
subcuticular 5/0 Monocryl or 4/0/5/0 Vicryl
rapide suture.
• Deformity and/or loss of range of movement
Interrupted, non-absorbable sutures on the
affecting activities of daily living
dorsum of the hand and fingers should be avoided
• Failure of conservative measures. Before this
as they leave very unsightly suture marks.
can be said, patients must have had an adequate
trial of:
Postoperative care and instructions – Regular non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs) and splintage
A light dressing is used and removed after 48–72
– Steroid injections (administer at least one or
hours to allow active mobilization of the joints on
two of these)
either side of the treated joint. A splint must be
– Using home or work aids
used to immobilize the joint for 8 weeks.
– Appropriate alterations to their home or
• Scars are massaged from 2 weeks onwards.
work circumstances
Coban elastic bandage is applied to reduce
• To ‘improve’ the appearance of the hand
swelling at about 2 weeks post-surgery.
• MCP joint in preference to PIP joint
• Index or middle finger PIP joints
Allende BT, Engelem JC. Tension band arthrodesis
in the finger joints. J Hand Surg Am 1980;5:269– • Absent or poor flexor or extensor tendon
71. function
Green DP, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC (eds). • Absent or poor nerve function (e.g. peripheral
Green’s Operative Hand Surgery (5th edn). neuropathy)
Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2005. • Patients with significant vascular compromise
Lister G. Intraosseous wiring of the digital (e.g. scleroderma, Raynaud’s phenomenon)
skeleton. J Hand Surg Am 1978;3:427–35. • Patients with poor skin cover over the joint
Pechlaner S, Hussl H, Kerschbaumer F. Atlas of • Patient unwilling or unable to comply with
Hand Surgery. Stuttgart: Thieme, 2000. postoperative hand therapy
Arthroplasty in the hand 125

• Heavy smoker and unwilling to stop preopera-

• DIP joint – an arthrodesis is recommended
• PIP joint of ring and little fingers – joint
instability is often worse in these digits.

Consent and risks Figure 9.8 Swanson’s implant in place

• Flexor tendon/neurovascular injury
• Instability (only for PIP joint arthroplasty)
• Recurrent deformity (affects one-third of SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
• Dislocation, loosening or fracture of the implant Metacarpophalangeal joint
(implant failure affects one-third of implants)
• Infection necessitating removal of implant Landmarks and incision
• Loss of range of movement A longitudinal incision (straight or curvilinear) is
• Ongoing pain made over the dorsum of the joint. Any curvature
• Dislocation, fracture or extrusion of the implant in the incision is usually towards the radial
(7–15 per cent). side. This makes it easier to access and reef the
• Silicone synovitis radial saggital bands of the extensor hood. Reefing
of the extensor hood allows ulnar subluxation of
the extensors to be corrected in rheumatoid
Operative planning arthritis.
The choice is between a replacement arthroplasty Dissection
or a resurfacing/interposition arthroplasty. A re-
The skin and subcutaneous fat are widely
placement arthroplasty excises the joint completely
degloved over the joint to expose the extensor
and replaces it with an artificial or autologous joint
tendons and the saggital bands. The sagittal bands
(usually taken from the foot). Artificial joints do
are divided longitudinally on the radial side,
better in older/lower-demand patients. A resurfacing/
leaving a minimum 2–3 mm fringe along the edge
interposition arthroplasty is less destructive and
of the extensor tendon: this allows the bands to be
tries to restore the normal shape of the joint using
reefed at a later stage. The extensor mechanism is
either autologous or artificial materials and is more
now freed from the underlying capsule and
suitable for young or active patients.
retracted ulnarly. The joint capsule is often flimsy
In general, replacement arthroplasty works best
in these patients and it is often easiest to simply
for the MCP joints and not the PIP joints. If PIP
excise it. After excising the capsule and any
joint arthroplasty must be considered, then this is
associated synovial tissue, any remnants of the
best done in the index and middle fingers only.
collateral ligaments can also be excised.
DIP joint arthroplasty is rarely successful. These
patients are better served by an arthrodesis.
Many types of artificial material have been Procedure
described for replacement arthroplasty. The only The volar plate must be freed from the neck of the
material that has withstood the test of time is metacarpal to allow the base of the proximal
silicone, e.g. Swanson’s implant (Fig. 9.8). The phalanx to come into correct alignment with the
technique for insertion is described here. metacarpal. The metacarpal head is now excised
with an oscillating saw. In the rheumatoid patient,
Anaesthesia and positioning the metacarpal head is often excised with a slight
radial tilt to help correct any ulnar drift. The
Local, regional or general anaesthesia can be used. amount of bone excised is determined by the need
The position is supine with the hand on an arm table. to accommodate intrinsic muscle tightness: the
126 Surgery of the hand

tighter the intrinsics, the more bone that needs to bands. To reach the joint, the central slip of the
be excised (up to a limit – excessive shortening is extensor tendon can be split longitudinally or a
best avoided). The base of the proximal phalanx is Chamay approach used (see Fig. 9.7). It is
not excised unless there is severe deformity. important to preserve the central slip insertion
However, any osteophytes must be removed with whichever method is used.
bone nibblers since these may interfere with flexion. As with the MCP joint, the capsule of the PIP
The base of the proximal phalanx is now pierced joint is usually very flimsy and excised together
with an awl. This opening is enlarged and the with any associated synovium. If possible, the
medullary cavities of the proximal phalanx and collateral ligaments and volar plate are preserved
metacarpal are now reamed by hand using to maintain the stability of the joint. However,
progressively larger reamers. Sizers are used to sometimes these structures are grossly damaged
determine the correct size of Swanson’s implant and it is necessary to excise/detach them to
which should be used. In general, the largest restore the correct alignment of the proximal and
implant that fits should be selected. The implant fits middle phalanges.
when the long stem fits snugly in the metacarpal
and the short stem fits snugly in the proximal Procedure
phalanx. There should be no compression of the
mid-section with the fingers in extension. Generally, Structure at risk
size 3 or 4 implants are used for the MCP joints.
The sizer is removed and the wound is washed • Flexor tendon
out with saline. The appropriate permanent
implant is inserted using a ‘no touch’ technique.
The head of the proximal phalanx is now excised,
The implants are usually supplied with stainless
at neutral, using an oscillating saw. Care is taken
steel ‘grommets’. These should not be used.
not to damage the flexor tendon on the volar side
Closure of the joint. The base of the middle phalanx is not
normally resected except in severe deformity.
It is not necessary to formally repair the collateral
However, osteophytes must be nibbled away as
ligaments – scar tissue forms rapidly around the
these may interfere with flexion. Sizing and
implant and confers some stability to the joint.
reaming of the middle and proximal phalanges is
The sagittal bands are repaired with 4/0 or 5/0
performed in the same way as for the MCP joint.
PDS and are reefed as necessary if there is
For the PIP joint a size 1 or 2 implant is usually
significant subluxation of the extensor tendons
into the ulnar gutters.
The skin is then closed with absorbable sutures.
The author recommends using interrupted 5/0 Closure
Monocryl for the dermis (to approximate the
The longitudinal split in the extensor tendon or
wound edges) then a running subcuticular 5/0
the Chamay flap is repaired with a continuous 4/0
Monocryl suture for final closure.
or 5/0 PDS suture. In all other respects, closure is
the same as described for MCJ arthroplasty.
Landmarks and incision POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
A longitudinal incision (straight or curvilinear) is
made over the dorsum of the joint. • MCP joint: Patients are placed in a resting splint
or bulky bandage for 3–5 days. This is then
Dissection replaced with alternate-day flexion (MCP joints
After the incision is made, the skin and at 70–90°) and then extension (MCP joint at
subcutaneous fat are widely degloved over the neutral) splints for 24-hour periods. After 4
joint to expose the extensor tendon and the lateral weeks these splints are worn at night only and
Extensor tendon repair 127

the patient mobilizes the hand during the day

with protective splinting only.
• PIP joint: The digit is placed in a T-bar splint.
This keeps the PIP joint in full extension and Zone 1
the MCP joint flexed at 60° for 6 weeks at night
and at rest. During the day, the patient is Zone 2
encouraged to begin immediate, regular, active
mobilization of the PIP joint out of the splint. Zone 3

The emphasis in therapy for both MCP and PIP

joint arthroplasty is early, supervised, active and Zone 4
passive movement.


Swanson AB. Silicone rubber implants for

replacement of arthritic or destroyed joint in the
hand. Surg Clin North Am 1968;48:1113–27.
Swanson AB. Flexible implant arthroplasty for Figure 9.9 The zones of the extensor tendon
arthritic finger joints: rationale, technique and
results of treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am Table 9.2 Anatomy of the extensor tendon
Takigawa S, Meletiou S, Sauerbier M, et al. Long- Zone Description of tendon anatomy
term assessment of Swanson implant arthroplasty 1 The terminal tendon formed from the
in the proximal interphalangeal joint of the hand. convergence of the two lateral bands
J Hand Surg Am 2004;29:785–95. 2 Lateral bands held together by the triangular
3 Insertion of the central slip into the proximal
4 Central slip and intrinsic tendons
5 Extensor hood
Injuries to the extensor apparatus of the hand are 6 Over the metacarpals
common and non-surgical intervention is often 7 Over the wrist
the best form of treatment for some of the 8 In the forearm
commoner injuries – especially in the finger. The
key to a successful outcome is recognition of the
often opened as well. The skin is then closed
specific injury and selection of the appropriate
(converting an open mallet injury into a closed
form of surgical repair, splintage and/or early
mallet injury) but the extensor tendon should
mobilization required to deal with the particular
not be repaired. Surgical repair is usually
problem. Treatment differs depending on the zone
fruitless and leaves sutures close to the skin
of injury (Fig. 9.9; Table 9.2) and whether the
where they often extrude. If 12 weeks of
patient presents early (within a few days) or late
dedicated and consistent splintage fails, then
(weeks or months later). In all cases, appropriate
the patient should either accept the position or
hand therapy and splintage is more important
consider arthrodesis of the DIP joint. An
than any surgery in restoring full function.
avulsion fracture of the insertion of the terminal
Indications and operative planning extensor tendon also results in a mallet
deformity. This fracture does not need surgical
• Zone 1 – a mallet deformity. If it is open, the fixation regardless of the size of the fragment
wound should be washed out as the DIP joint is and the appearances on an X-ray.
128 Surgery of the hand

• Zone 2 – injuries to the extensor apparatus in • Delayed presentation (more than 6–8 weeks) of
zone 2 result in a mallet deformity and are extensor ruptures in zone 6, 7 and 8 can rarely
treated as for injuries in zone 1. be repaired primarily because the tendon ends
• Zone 3 – injury to the central slip results in a will have retracted and shortened
boutonnière deformity and is often a late • Attrition ruptures – tendon grafts or transfers
presentation. If this is an open injury and the are required and may or may not be possible
damage to the central slip is recognized acutely, • Smoker
then it is worth considering surgical reinsertion • Poor social or psychological circumstances.
of the central slip. The lack of soft tissue for Patients who do not understand their injury and
reattachment means a mini-Mitek bone anchor cannot/do not comply with the hand therapy
or a ‘washing-line’ will need to be used to that is required after a tendon injury seldom
suture the tendon to the bone (see below for regain full function of the affected part. This
details of the surgical technique). Even if the often includes very young children
central slip is reinserted surgically, the patient • If there is 20 per cent (or less) division or loss of
will need the same splintage and hand therapy the extensor apparatus at any level then the
postoperatively as for a closed injury. Therefore, skin should be closed and the tendon injury
there is a strong argument for not doing ignored.
anything other than closing the skin as in zones
1 and 2. If the presentation is delayed or
chronic, the PIP joint is statically splinted in full Consent and risks
extension for 3 weeks followed by treatment • Scars: it is often necessary to extend the wounds
with a Capener (dynamic) splint for another 3 to gain access to the tendon ends
weeks. Only if this fails should surgery be • Splintage and physiotherapy: the patient will not
considered to reinsert/reef the central slip have full use of the affected hand for 8–10
and/or to mobilize the lateral bands which will weeks. This may have significant economic
have slipped volar to the axis of movement of consequences. The importance of compliance
the PIP joint. with the postoperative physiotherapy must be
• Zone 4 – injuries in zone 4 behave like injuries stressed
in zone 3. However, there is now sufficient • Infection
tendon material to consider surgical repair • Rupture: 5 per cent
using interrupted horizontal mattress sutures of • Adhesions: a particular problem if there is an
4/0 PDS. underlying fracture.
• Zone 5 – injuries in zone 5 result in an extensor • Bowstringing: in zone 7 injuries
lag which can be very debilitating. Patients
usually do very well after surgical repair of the
tendons in this zone followed by early active Anaesthesia and positioning
mobilization (see below for mobilization
regimen). For finger injuries up to zone 5, a ring block is
• Zones 6–8 – in these zones, the extensor sufficient. For more proximal injuries, in zones 6–
tendons are more rounded, making a surgical 8, a general anaesthesia or regional block is used.
repair much easier. Positioning is supine with an arm table and a
tourniquet appropriate to the part affected.

• Active infection – the repair will rupture and
the tendon will become adherent Landmarks and incisions
• Skeletal instability – unstable fractures must be
fixed at the same time as any tendon repair If there is a skin laceration over the injured
• Fixed joints extensor tendon then it can be incorporated into
Extensor tendon repair 129

any incision after suitable debridement of the The PIP joint is fully extended and the central
wound edges. Incisions are extended proximally slip secured with the two strands of suture.
and distally as needed to gain access to the tendon Alternatively, a 0.35–0.45 gauge dental wire is
ends. This is particularly necessary in zones 6, 7 inserted across the base of the middle phalanx.
and 8 where the proximal ends may have The wire is formed into a loop close to the
retracted a considerable distance. bone, leaving enough of a gap to allow the
‘Zig-zag’ or ‘lazy-S’ incisions are preferred as passage of multiple sutures under the wire. The
these heal better when making long incisions over whole wire now acts as a suture anchor
the dorsum of the hand and wrist. allowing multiple sutures to be passed into the
central slip and under the ‘washing line’.
Dissection • Zones 4 and 5 – the extensor tendon is flat, so
horizontal mattress sutures using 5/0 or 4/0
PDS are best for the repair. The repair is
Structures at risk augmented with a continuous, over and over
suture of 5/0 PDS to keep the tendon ends tidy
• Edges of the skin flaps (Fig. 9.11). In zone 5, any lacerations to the
• Dorsal veins and nerves sagittal bands must be repaired with 5/0 PDS to
prevent the extensor tendon subluxing into the
radial or ulnar gutters.
Skin and subcutaneous fat are incised and then
• Zones 6–8 – the ends of the tendon are
skin flaps are elevated. These can be retracted with
minimally trimmed and repaired with a
skin hooks or held in place with ‘stay’ sutures. The
modified Kessler core suture, using a 3/0 or 4/0
dorsal veins and nerves are always preserved
PDS. If necessary, the core suture can be further
where possible.
augmented with a single horizontal mattress
The extensor tendons are identified and care is
suture of 4/0 PDS. A continuous epitendinous
taken to preserve the paratenon.
suture is then placed around the circumference
of the repair using 5/0 or 6/0 PDS (Fig. 9.12).
• Zones 1 and 2 – the tendon injury is treated
• Zone 3 – where appropriate, the central slip can
be reinserted using a mini-Mitek anchor or a
‘washing-line’ (Fig. 9.10). Two mini-Miteks are
inserted into the base of the middle phalanx.


(0.35–0.45 gauge dental wire)

Figure 9.10. Reinserting the central slip with mini-Mite Figure 9.11 Repair of an extensor tendon in zones 4
anchors or a ‘washing line’ and 5
130 Surgery of the hand

In Zone 7, free excursion of the repaired

extensor tendon is confirmed under the
retinaculum. If necessary, the retinaculum is
divided to allow free movement of the tendon but
preserving as much of it intact as possible prevents
later bowstringing.
The repair is now tested by passively flexing
and extending the finger. There must be no gaping
(b) of the repair and it must glide freely through the
full excursion of the tendon.

(c) The tourniquet is released and haemostasis
achieved. The wound is washed out with saline
Figure 9.12 Zones 6–8 extensor tendon repair. (a)
and closed with interrupted absorbable 4/0 or 5/0
Kessler stitch, (b) epitendinous suture and (c)
augmentation with a horizontal mattress suture
Monocryl sutures and a subcuticular 5/0
Monocryl suture. Interrupted, non-absorbable
sutures are avoided on the dorsum of the hand
and fingers as this leaves very unsightly suture
This also augments the repair and helps to keep marks.
the tendon ends tidy. A round-bodied needle is Mepitel is applied to the wound together with
preferred for both core and epitendinous dressing gauze and Velband before placing the
sutures to reduce the chance of cutting the core hand and forearm in a volar slab plaster of Paris
suture accidentally. with the fingers in full extension. The plaster
should be set before the patient comes off the
If a primary repair of the extensor tendon cannot operating table.
be performed (e.g. delayed presentation or loss of
tendon substance) an interposition tendon graft or
tendon transfer must be used, e.g. with palmaris
longus tendon. A Pulvertaft weave (Fig. 9.13)
must be used to secure the tendon graft to the The authors use the Norwich regimen for injuries
ends of the tendon as this is strong enough to in zones 5–7. The plaster of Paris is replaced with
allow early mobilization. a thermoplastic splint the day after surgery.
Passive and active extension is commenced
straight away, protected in the splint for 4 weeks.
For a further 4 weeks, the patient removes the
splint for active extension and active flexion of the
IP joint/MCP joint, but wears it at all other times.
For central slip injuries (zones 3 to 4) the finger
is placed in a cylinder splint (PIP joint static in
extension, DIP joint free) for 3 weeks and then 3
further weeks in a Capener splint.

Abouna JM, Brown H. The treatment of mallet
finger. The results in a series of 148 consecutive
cases and a review of the literature. Br J Surg
Figure 9.13 A Pulvertaft weave 1968;55:653.
Flexor tendon repair 131

Lange RH, Engber WD. Hyperextension mallet intervention of some form is always necessary
finger. Orthopedics 1983;6:1426. when the flexor tendons have been divided.
Newport ML, Williams CD. Biomechanical • Timing of repair – there is good evidence that
characteristics of extensor tendon suture the outcome of primary repair is superior when
techniques. J Hand Surg Am 1992;17:111. carried out as quickly as possible (within 72
Newport ML, Pollack GR, Williams CD. hours). There is a particular urgency in carrying
Biomechanical characteristics of suture out a repair of the flexor tendons (as compared
techniques in extensor zone IV. J Hand Surg Am with extensor tendons) because the flexor
1995;20:650–6. pulleys will eventually collapse/fill with scar
Stuart D. Duration of splinting after repair of tissue after 3–4 weeks. Any tendon repair will
extensor tendons in the hand. A clinical study. J then need to reconstruct the pulleys as well,
Bone Joint Surg Br 1965;47:72. making surgery more complicated than
Sylaidis P, Youatt M, Logan A. Early active necessary.
mobilization for extensor tendon injuries. The • Particular tendons – the flexor muscle bellies
Norwich regime. J Hand Surg Br 1997;22:594. (especially flexor pollicis longus – FPL) have a
Wehbé MA, Schneider L. Mallet fractures. J Bone tendency to shorten quickly. This may make
Joint Surg Am 1984;66:658. primary repair of a tendon impossible. The ring
and middle fingers are particularly prone to
avulsion injuries of the FDP tendon. Repair of
FLEXOR TENDON REPAIR combined injuries of flexor digitorum
superficialis (FDS)/FDP tendons in the little
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING and ring fingers are particularly prone to
formation of adhesions. Therefore, considera-
Indications and operative planning tion should be given to repairing just the FDP
tendon in these digits.
• Zone 1 – the technique for flexor repair in zone • Zone of injury – as for extensor tendons, the
1 depends on how close to the insertion the surgical technique for repair of flexor tendons
FDP has been divided. If the tendon is divided varies depending on the zone of injury (Fig.
close to the bone (e.g. FDP avulsion) then it 9.14).
may be necessary to use a suture anchor such as
a mini-Mitek to secure the tendon end.
• Zone 2 – proximal zone 1 and zone 2 repairs of
the FDP tendon are similar. The aim is to repair
the tendon but to avoid any bulkiness at the Zone 1
repair site to allow the tendon to glide within (distal to
FDS insertion)
the flexor sheath. If the repair is done badly it
will be too bulky and may trigger, rupture or
Zone 2
jam in position unless the flexor sheath is (A1 to FDS
opened. Special care must be taken with repairs insertion)
of FDS in this zone (see below).
• Zone 3 – zone 3 repairs are easier to perform Zone 3
because there is no tight flexor sheath to (palm)
contend with and the tendon ends are larger.
Distal zone 3 repairs may catch on the A1 Zone 4
pulley, which may need to be divided. (carpal tunnel)
• Zones 4–5 – repairs in these zones are the same
Zone 3
as repairs of the extensor tendons in zones 6–8. (forearm)
• Complete division – primary repair of a flexor
tendon rupture should be performed as soon as Figure 9.14 The zones of flexor tendon injury. FDS,
possible. Unlike the extensor tendons, surgical flexor digitorum superficialis
132 Surgery of the hand

• Partial division of flexor tendons – there is good Anaesthesia and positioning

evidence that inserting sutures into a tendon
results in necrosis of the tendon substance. For isolated FDP injuries, it is often possible to
Therefore, the use of sutures should be avoided perform a repair under digital nerve block with a
for any partial tendon injury involving less than finger tourniquet. For FPL, FDS and more
50 per cent of the diameter of the tendon. proximal flexor injuries, general anaesthesia or a
Instead, we recommend trimming the edges of regional block is necessary because of the need for
the tendon laceration to prevent triggering (if an arm tourniquet. The arm is positioned in the
any is present) followed by supervised supine position with an arm table.
mobilization in a splint as for a complete flexor
tendon division for the next 8 weeks. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

Landmarks and incisions

The Bruner (zigzag) incision (Fig. 9.15) is
• Active infection preferred. If there is a laceration then it can be
• Skeletal instability incorporated into the incision after suitable
• Fixed joints debridement of the wound edges. Bruner incisions
• Delayed presentation (more than 3–4 weeks) are marked out and the skin and fat are incised
can rarely be repaired primarily as the tendon down to the level of the flexor sheath using a no.
ends will have retracted and shortened and the 15 scalpel blade and/or tenotomy scissors.
flexor pulleys will have collapsed.
• Attrition ruptures Dissection
• Smoker
• Poor social or psychological circumstances
• Partial tendon rupture of less than 50 per cent Structures at risk
should not be repaired
• Delayed presentation. • Edges of the skin flaps
• Neurovascular bundles

Consent and risks

• Scars: it is often necessary to extend the wounds
to gain access to the tendon ends
• Splintage and physiotherapy: patients will not
have full use of the affected hand for 12 weeks.
The importance of compliance with the
postoperative physiotherapy must be stressed
• Infection
• Adhesions: a particular problem when there is an
underlying fracture. Overall, there is a 5 per cent
tenolysis rate
• Rupture: zone 2 finger flexors – 5 per cent, FPL
repair – 12 per cent
• Bowstringing: may not be evident for some years
after the original event. It may occur if it proves
necessary to divide the flexor sheath completely
in order to repair the tendons. A subsequent
pulley reconstruction will then be required
• Neuroma formation Figure 9.15 Suggested Bruner incisions to approach
the flexors
Flexor tendon repair 133

The flaps can be retracted with skin hooks or held Flexor digitorum superficialis distal to the
in place with ‘stay’ sutures. A ‘window’ is opened metacarpophalangeal joint
in the flexor sheath by creating zigzag flaps. If the FDS is injured where it is beginning to
Ideally, the window should be as small as possible flatten out or after it has split into its two terminal
and should be positioned only between the slips, then horizontal mattress sutures must be
annular pulleys to allow maximum preservation of used to repair the tendon because there will not
the pulley system. be enough tendon substance for a modified
If the flexor sheath is opened with zigzag flaps Kessler core suture. Each terminal slip must be
it is usually possible to repair the sheath with a repaired separately. If there is room for it, an
slightly larger diameter by approximating the tips epitendinous suture using 5/0 or 6/0 PDS can be
of the flaps. This will allow any reconstructed used to tidy the ends of the repair. Note that in
pulley system to accommodate a more bulky, less combined FDS/FDP injuries of the little and ring
than perfect, tendon repair. fingers there is an argument for not repairing the
FDS tendon to avoid creating two bulky tendon
Procedure repairs, both of which will be unable to glide in
the flexor sheath.
Tendon retrieval
FDP, FPL and FDS proximal to the
If a tendon has been fully divided, flexion of the
finger or thumb normally delivers the distal end metacarpophalangeal joint
into the wound. If the proximal end of the tendon The tendon ends are approximated and held in
has retracted it can sometimes be retrieved by position by transfixing them with a 20G needle.
passing a small curved artery clip into the flexor The ends of the tendon are minimally trimmed
sheath. If this proves impossible, then the palm of and the back wall of the repair is begun with a
the hand must be opened and the tendons pushed continuous 5/0 or 6/0 PDS over and over suture.
up into the finger with forceps. If the laceration is A modified Kessler core suture is now inserted
in the wrist or palm, it may be necessary to extend using 4/0 or 3/0 PDS, taking particular care to
incisions even more proximally to find the tendon bury the knot. The core suture can now be
ends. Once retrieved, a 20G (blue-hub) needle augmented with a single horizontal mattress
can be passed through the tendon ends to prevent suture using 4/0 PDS. The anterior part of the
them from retracting again until the repair is epitendinous suture is then completed (Fig. 9.16).
complete. The core suture should always be over-tightened
to prevent gaping when early active mobilization
Tendon suture technique is started postoperatively. A round-bodied needle
Zone 1 – If there is a very short stump of tendon should also be used to reduce the risk of cutting
(<1 cm), then it is possible to repair the tendon by the core suture accidentally. There must be no
inserting 4/0 or 5/0 PDS sutures as a half-Kessler gaping of the repair and it must glide freely
proximally and horizontal mattress distally. through the full excursion of the tendon when the
Multiple sutures can be inserted to increase the repair is complete. Any pulleys restricting the
strength of the repair since there is no concern glide of the tendon should be divided in a zigzag
about the bulk of the repair getting caught in fashion or excised altogether.
the flexor sheath. When the tendon is avulsed
and/or there is a fracture of the distal phalanx, Closure
then alternative methods of fixation must be
considered, e.g. suture the tendon to the All wounds are washed out with saline and closed
remnants of the periosteum or use a suture with interrupted absorbable 4/0 or 5/0 Vicryl rapide
anchor such as two mini-Miteks. If there is a sutures. Unlike the dorsum of the hand, suture
fracture, then mini-plate fixation is the best option marks are not so much of a problem on the volar
to repair the fracture, using the plate as a suture side because of the thicker epidermis. Therefore,
anchor. subcuticular sutures do not have to be used.
134 Surgery of the hand

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 9.16a–e Steps in the repair of flexor tendons

Mepitel, dressing gauze and Velband bandage Silfverskiold KL, Anderson CH. Two new
are applied and the hand and forearm are placed methods of tendon repair: an in vitro evaluation of
in a dorsal plaster of Paris with the fingers flexed tensile strength and gap formation. J Hand Surg
at 90° at the MCP joint and the wrist in neutral. Am 1993;18:58–65.
The plaster should be set before the patient comes Sirotakova M, Elliott D. Early active mobilization
off the operating table. of primary repairs of the flexor pollicis longus
tendon with two Kessler two strand core sutures
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND and a strengthened circumferential suture. J Hand
INSTRUCTIONS Surg Br 2004;29:531–5.
Small JO, Brennan MD, Colville J. Early active
Early active mobilization begins on day 1 mobilisation following flexor tendon repair on
following the Belfast regimen. The plaster of Paris Zone 2. J Hand Surg Br 1989;14:383–91.
is replaced with a thermoplastic splint the
following day. Full passive flexion is commenced
in all digits. The repaired tendon is allowed to
commence immediate, controlled, active flexion TENDON TRANSFERS
and extension.
All exercises are performed in the splint for the PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
first 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, the patient can
remove the splint, but only to do exercises. At all Tendon transfers are useful to restore hand
other times, the splint remains in place. No passive function in patients where a primary tendon
extension is permitted for 8 weeks. repair is difficult or impossible. The essence of a
good transfer is to keep it simple and to plan
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES carefully. The authors recommend listing all
functions (absent and present) to allow
Kessler I, Nissim F. Primary repair without formulation of a plan. An example is given in
immobilization of flexor tendon division within Table 9.3.
the digital sheet. Acta Orthop Scand 1969;40:587–
601. Indications
Kleinert HE, Kutz JE, Ashbell TS, et al. Primary
repair of lacerated flexor tendons in ‘No Man’s • Nerve palsies – Tendon transfers are particularly
Land’. Proceedings, American Society for Surgery useful for isolated nerve palsies. For a transfer
of the Hand. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1967;49:577. to be possible, the hand or upper limb must
Tendon transfers 135

Table 9.3 Planning for an anterior interosseous nerve injury

Tendons present Tendons absent Suggested options

All extensors + brachioradialis (BR) Flexor pollicis longus (FPL) FDS from ring to FPL
Arthrodesis interphalangeal joint
Pronator teres FDP to index Suture FDP middle to FDP index
Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU) Pronator quadratus Do not replace
Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP) to
little, ring and middle
Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)
Flexor carpi radialis (FCR)

have sufficient numbers of functioning tendons • Before 9–12 months have elapsed after any
which can be used for the transfer without motor nerve repair. If motor recovery has not
adversely affecting overall hand function. occurred by this time, then it is very unlikely to
Therefore, patients with a global loss of nerve occur and a tendon transfer is justified
function (e.g. cerebral palsy) will always do less • Where other procedures would be more
well. beneficial, e.g. for delayed presentation of an
• Delayed presentation of tendon rupture – FDP laceration or avulsion, a tendon graft or an
Tendon transfers may be necessary to restore arthrodesis of the DIP joint may be the
function even in delayed presentations because preferred options. Similarly, a flexor rupture in
of shortening of the muscle bellies after zones 1 and 2 for patients with rheumatoid
rupture. arthritis is usually best treated with a tendon
Consent and risks
• If the joint which the tendon is intended to
move is not fully supple • Donor site morbidity: patients may experience
• If the part of the hand/upper limb which is to weakness or some loss of function after harvest
be moved by the tendon is not fully sensate of a tendon. For example, after harvest of the
• If the tissue bed through which the transfer will extensor indicis proprius (EIP), patients may
pass is poorly vascularized and/or heavily experience an extensor lag at the index finger
scarred (e.g. under a skin graft) MCP joint
• If the transfer results in loss of an essential • Additional scarring: after harvest of the
function tendons/grafts
• If the power of the transferred muscle is less • Rupture: this is a particular risk if a Pulvertaft
than 5 (Medical Research Council [MRC] repair has not been used for the tenorrhaphy
grade). This is because any transferred muscle and/or when an interposition, free tendon graft
loses at least 1 grade after the transfer has been used to lengthen any donor tendon
• If the amplitude of the transferred muscle is not (resulting in two tendon repairs)
similar to the muscle that it is replacing. For • Patients must be warned of the prolonged
example, finger flexors have an excursion of rehabilitation that must be followed after any
about 70 mm. Wrist extensors/flexors have an tendon transfer (8–12 weeks) during which they
excursion of only 30–40 mm. This is not a good will be unable to use their hand normally
136 Surgery of the hand

• Infection into the A2 pulleys of index and middle

• Neuroma: the superficial branch of the radial fingers (i.e. a Zancolli lasso)
nerve is a particular problem because of its • For a high median palsy:
propensity to neuroma formation – FDS from ring finger or EIP or ADM to APB
• Recurvatum deformity (essentially a swan-neck for an opponensplasty as in a low median palsy
posture) due to hyperextension of the PIP joint – The FDP from ring or little fingers can be
after harvest of the FDS in patients with side-to-side sutured to the FDP of index and
hyperextensible joints middle fingers to restore finger flexion
• Damage to adjacent tendons or pulleys – BR or FDS from ring or little finger to FPL
• Imbalance of the transfer, i.e. too tight or too for thumb flexion
loose – If clawing is present, then a Zancolli lasso as
• Tendon imbalance due to spontaneous recovery for a low median palsy. Alternatively, a PL
of normal functions if the tendon transfers were free tendon graft from the transverse carpal
performed too early (i.e. before 9–12 months ligament to the radial lateral bands of the
after repair of a motor nerve) index and middle fingers for a static
extension block
• For a low ulnar palsy:
– The best solution for clawing is a Zancolli
Anaesthesia and positioning lasso
– FDS from the middle or index finger to
Most transfers are performed under general or adductor pollicis for weak adduction
regional anaesthesia. Patients should be supine, – EIP to extensor digitorum minimi (EDM)
and the arm should be placed on a hand table. Use corrects Wartenberg’s deformity
of an arm tourniquet is essential. • For high ulnar palsy:
– Suture of FDP middle and index side-to-side
SURGICAL TECHNIQUES to FDP little and ring fingers.
– FDS from middle or index to adductor
Over many years, hand surgeons have developed pollicis if adduction is weak.
standard combinations of transfers to deal with
specific nerve palsies.
• For a high radial/posterior interosseous palsy: Other technical aspects of tendon
– Palmaris longus (PL) to extensor pollicis transfer
longus (EPL) to restore thumb extension
– Flexor carpi radialis (FCR) or flexor carpi When measuring the length of donor tendon
ulnaris (FCU) to extensor digitorum com- required for transfer, remember that 2–3 cm of
munis (EDC) to restore finger extension. For tendon are required to perform the Pulvertaft
posterior interosseous palsy, FDS from ring or weave. A Pulvertaft weave is one of the keys to a
middle finger to EDC is preferred instead good transfer because the repair is sufficiently
– Pronator teres (PT) to extensor carpi radialis strong to allow early mobilization. Getting the
longus or brevis (ECRL/ECRB) to restore correct tension in the transferred tendon is
wrist extension another key point. The joint should be positioned
• For a low median palsy: where the transfer will be at its maximum length
– FDS from ring finger or EIP or abductor digit and the tendon is then sutured under maximum
minimi (ADM) (Huber) to abductor pollicis tension. Unfortunately, this is not always possible
brevis (APB). Palmaris longus can also be if the donor tendon is too short. Therefore, it is
used to improve abduction important to carry out a tenodesis test to ensure
– Loss of the lumbricals may result in clawing that an overly tight transfer has been avoided.
of the index and middle fingers. The best That said, all repairs should be ‘over-tensioned’ on
solution is a dynamic transfer using FDS from the table to allow for a small amount of
the ring finger split into two slips inserted subsequent ‘stretching’ of the tendon.
Soft tissue reconstruction 137

All wounds are closed in layers with absorbable
sutures using interrupted 4/0 or 5/0 Monocryl to PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
dermis and 4/0 or 5/0 Vicryl rapide as a
For the purposes of this handbook, the focus is on
subcuticular stitch. Mepitel, dressing, gauze and
three areas:
Velband bandage are applied as needed and the
• The operative correction of aberrant scarring
hand and forearm are placed in a resting volar
• The use of split thickness skin grafts
plaster. The plaster should be set before the
• The use of full thickness skin grafts
patient wakes up.


• Primary wound closure cannot be achieved
After 24–48 hours, the plaster is removed and the • Primary wound closure can be achieved but
patient can be placed in an appropriate may result in functional impairment
thermoplastic resting splint which can be removed • Allowing a wound to heal by secondary
by the patient and therapist to allow early intention will result in functional impairment.
mobilization to begin. The precise rehabilitation For example, leaving tendons exposed which
regimen depends on the tendons which have been would result in their desiccation and necrosis
transferred. However, in all cases, one of the keys • There is aberrant scarring. Examples include:
to a successful outcome is the ability to begin webbed volar scars from poorly placed
early active mobilization. In order for this to incisions, burns or other traumatic scarring (Fig.
happen, any tenorrhaphy must be sufficiently 9.17).
strong to allow this mobilization to occur.
• Active infection. Beta-haemolytic streptococci,
Green DP, Hotchkiss RN, Pederson WC (eds). in particular, will dissolve any graft. Other
Green’s Operative Hand Surgery (5th edn). bacteria will reduce the likelihood of the graft
Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2005. taking and can result in a patchy take

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.17 Soft tissue reconstruction needed for (a) skin loss after sepsis, (b) burns or (c) a poor volar scar
138 Surgery of the hand

• Smoking. Expect a 40 per cent increase in where it is needed. Local anaesthesia is suitable
wound healing complications in any patient for harvesting small grafts and for surgery to the
who smokes digits. However, patients may be more grateful for
• Long term steroid use. Particularly in a general anaesthetic when harvesting large grafts
rheumatoid arthritis (relative contraindication) and operating on multiple areas (e.g. harvest a
• Peripheral vascular disease or similar e.g. FTG from the groin for use in the hand) and on
Buerger disease, scleroderma or severe Raynaud the palm of the hand. The hand is placed in the
• Previous radiotherapy to the hand supine position on an arm table. A tourniquet is
• Recipient site unsuitable. Grafts will not take essential for any surgery involving the use of flaps
on bare bone or tendon unless these areas are or grafts in the hand.
very small (<5 mm diameter) in which case the
grafts can survive by ‘bridging’ SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
• Donor site problems.
Z-plasty is used when there is a need to change
the direction and/or length of a scar. The best
Consent and risks example of its use is to correct a webbed volar
scar. Z-plasty can also be used to lengthen a scar
• Scarring: particularly with split skin grafting
after Dupuytren’s fasciectomy (see Fig. 9.2,
which leaves large, unsightly scars
p. 116).
• Infection
• Flap necrosis: this is nearly always the result of
technical error (e.g. flaps too narrow, closure too Landmarks and incisions
tight) but may also be a consequence of
In most cases, a 30° or 60° angle is used for the flap
design. A 60° angle achieves more lengthening of
• Graft loss
the scar but a 30° angle is often easier to transpose.
• Prolonged healing: a split skin graft (SSG) donor
The width of the base of the flap in relation to its
site may take months (or even years) to heal if
length is important in determining flap survival.
the patient and donor site are poorly selected
The longer and narrower the flap, the less likely it
is to survive. The flaps are marked out as shown in
Figure 9.2 (p. 116).
Operative planning It is a myth that the limbs of the Z-plasty must
be aligned to fall in the skin creases – skin creases
There are three main techniques to master: exist because the fingers flex. When the fingers
• The Z-plasty: an operation which involves the cease to flex, the creases disappear. The Z-plasty is
transposition of two triangular skin flaps of best placed where it is needed.
equal dimension to lengthen a scar or change its
direction. There is a risk of necrosis of the flaps Superficial dissection
if they are poorly designed.
• Split thickness skin grafts: if an SSG is used, it The flaps are raised with a small amount of
is often a temporary biological dressing rather subcutaneous fat to ensure that the subdermal
than for definitive skin cover. plexus is uninjured. When raising the flaps, the
• Full thickness skin grafts (FTG): these can be underlying anatomy must be considered. For
used for definitive skin cover anywhere on the example, it is very easy to divide the neurovascular
hand except the pulps of the fingers and bundle when raising the Z-plasty flaps after a
thumb. Dupuytren’s fasciectomy.

Anaesthesia and positioning Procedure

The form of anaesthesia depends on the size of • The first stage is to raise one flap and transpose
graft that needs to be harvested and the area it across the scar. This ensures that the design is
Soft tissue reconstruction 139

right for the second flap before you commit on the hand knife or dermatome. Typically, the
yourself to raising it. SSG should be between 0.2 mm and 0.4 mm thick.
• If the design is right then the two flaps should The thicker the SSG, the less it will contract, but
automatically transpose themselves across the the longer it will take for the donor site to heal
scar when the finger straightens. and the more obvious the donor site scar.
• The flaps are tacked into the correct corners
and any dog-ears ignored. (These will flatten in Harvesting
a few weeks anyway.)
Liquid paraffin is applied to the skin and the knife.
Closure This acts as a lubricant and prevents the blade from
catching on the skin. If the blade catches rather
Interrupted or continuous, absorbable, 4/0 or 5/0 than cuts, it will tear the SSG or result in holes
Vicryl rapide sutures are used for closure. Do not where you do not want them. It is also critically
use non-absorbable sutures in the hand. There is important to ensure that the skin at the donor site
no difference in wound healing after skin closure is under tension. The best way to do this is to have
using absorbable and non-absorbable sutures in an assistant who can squeeze the thigh or arm
the hand. Patients find it very painful to have non- while you concentrate on harvesting the skin. A
absorbable sutures removed so avoid using them. rapid sawing motion is used to harvest the skin with
a hand-knife, keeping the blade flat with respect to
Split thickness skin grafts the skin and not pressing too hard or the graft
A small SSG (<3 cm × 3 cm) can be harvested thickness will increase. If a powered dermatome is
with a hand-held knife. However, ideally, a used, the machine does the sawing for you. The aim
powered dermatome should be used to harvest all is to harvest in one smooth action.
SSGs (Fig. 9.18). Meshing the skin increases the area which can
be covered with a given size of SSG. It also
Landmarks and incisions increases the take rate by allowing free drainage of
haematoma and seroma. It is possible to mesh skin
The first decision is the amount of SSG needed. by hand but using a skin mesher is quicker and
This is best worked out in terms of the length and neater. However, once it has taken, meshed skin
width of the defect which needs to be covered. A contracts even more than a sheet graft. An
marginally larger area than you think you will alternative is to perforate it with multiple stabs
need should always be taken (approximately 1 cm using a no. 15 blade to allow haematoma and
beyond is about right). It is easy to trim the SSG seroma to ooze through.
down to size but harvesting more graft is always a The donor site is dressed with Mefix adhesive
problem. Ensure the correct settings are selected dressing applied directly to the wound. Gauze,

(a) (b)

Figure 9.18 A Watson hand knife (a) and an air-powered dermatome (b) for harvesting split skin grafts
140 Surgery of the hand

Velband and crepe are applied over this to absorb Harvesting

any exudate.
The outlines of the pieces of skin that you intend
to take are scored with a no. 15 scalpel blade. This
ensures that you do not lose the outline of the
The SSG is applied shiny side down onto a individual pieces of skin. Lift up one corner of the
prepared wound bed and secured with absorbable ellipse that you intend to raise and grip this with
4/0 or 5/0 Vicryl rapide either as interrupted or an artery clip. This saves your hand from getting
continuous sutures. The same sutures are used to tired and allows the graft to be held firmly over
‘quilt’ the SSG onto the wound bed to reduce your index finger while harvesting the graft. Fat
shearing movements, improve contact with the should be removed from the graft as it is harvested.
wound bed and improve haemostasis under the This avoids the need to de-fat the graft after it has
graft. The SSG is dressed with Jelonet and a layer been detached from the donor site.
of gauze. A bulky bandage (Velband and crepe) is The donor site is now closed with a couple of
applied and the hand immobilized with a plaster interrupted 4/0 Monocryl sutures and completed
of Paris. The graft should be reviewed in 2–3 days. with a continuous over and over suture of 4/0
Monocryl into the dermis locked at both ends
Full thickness graft with a buried knot. Once the dermal suture is
The best donor sites for a FTG are the groin and knotted the suture simply continues with a 4/0
post-auricular sulcus because these areas are well Monocryl subcuticular suture.
hidden. However, skin taken from these sites has a
poor colour match with the skin of the hand. Grafting
Therefore, a FTG applied to the hand will always
be obvious as a dark area with a different texture. Any remaining fat on the graft is removed using a
In males, a FTG from the groin is also likely to be pair of tenotomy scissors. This is a very tedious but
hairy resulting in obvious problems when applied very important step. The more fat there is on your
to any part of the hand unless a concerted effort is FTG, the less likely it is to take. The FTG is
made to remove the hair follicles before the FTG secured to the recipient site with a couple of
is used. interrupted 4/0 or 5/0 Vicryl rapide sutures.
Securing the grafting is completed with a
Landmarks and incisions continuous over and over suture at the edge, using
4/0 or 5/0 rapide. It is important to add quilting
An assessment of the area of FTG needed is made, sutures to the centre of the graft to prevent
using a piece of paper as a template. The template haematoma formation and shearing movements.
is transferred to the donor site to mark out a Copious quantities of Vaseline ointment are now
similar area of skin. If harvesting a FTG for a case spread onto the graft and a Jelonet and gauze
of Dupuytren’s dermofasciectomy, multiple small dressing is applied. The graft should be reviewed
pieces of FTG may be needed (Fig. 9.19). in 5–7 days.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.19 (a) Templating, (b) marking and (c) planning incision for multiple full thickness grafts for Dupuytren’s
Trigger finger surgery 141

POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND of the digit which may be confused with or

INSTRUCTIONS concurrent with arthritis. Trigger finger is common
in patients over the age of 50, diabetics and
• Z-plasty: the patient can mobilize their hand rheumatoid patients. Where overt triggering is
immediately unless a graft was also used. Even absent but pain is present, the use of steroid
if the last 2–3 mm of the tips of the flaps do not injections is particularly efficacious.
survive, the wounds should go onto heal by
secondary intention without compromising the Indications
final outcome.
• SSG: the graft is left undisturbed for 48–72 • Persistent triggering (not relieved by steroid
hours. If it is pink after that, then it has taken injections).
and gentle mobilization can begin. The donor • Acutely locked finger.
site on the thigh or arm is left undisturbed until
10–14 days have passed and the patient says it Contraindications
is no longer painful. If the dressing is taken off
too early, newly formed epithelium will rip off • Presence of infection
with the dressing. Once a continuous layer of • Triggering in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
epithelium is present at both recipient and (RA). A rheumatoid patient with triggering
donor sites, the patient applies a thick layer of needs steroid injections or a synovectomy.
Vaseline to both areas. The SSG has no glands Release of the A1 pulley in RA patients may
and will quickly dry out, crust, flake and crack if make ulnar drift worse by creating further
not protected in this way. changes in the alignment of the tendons.
• FTG: the hand is immobilized for 1 week in a
plaster of Paris to further minimize shearing
forces that would interfere with graft take. At 5– Consent and risks
7 days, all the dressings are removed and the • Infection
graft inspected. If graft take is complete, then • Injury to the tendon and neurovascular bundles
copious quantities of Vaseline ointment must be • Recurrence
applied daily for the next 3 months by which • Stiffness/loss of flexion
time the glands in the graft will have started to
function and it can self-moisturize.
Anaesthesia and positioning
Local anaesthesia is used with the patient supine,
McGregor AD, McGregor IA. Fundamental the arm on an arm table and a tourniquet applied.
Techniques of Plastic Surgery and Their Surgical
Applications, 10th edn. Edinburgh: Churchill SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
Livingstone, 2000
Thorne CH, Bartlett SP, Beasley RW, et al. (eds). Landmarks and incision
Grabb and Smith’s Plastic Surgery, 5th edition.
New York: Lippincott-Raven, 1997. The proximal border of the A1 pulley lies at the
neck of the corresponding metacarpal (Fig. 9.20),
roughly at the level of the mid-palmar crease. A
TRIGGER FINGER SURGERY 1.5 cm long, transverse, incision is made in the
crease over the corresponding metacarpal.
Surgical dissection
The diagnosis of triggering is normally easy to
make but overt triggering is sometimes absent and Blunt dissection is performed through the
the patient only gives a history of pain on flexion subcutaneous fat and palmar fascia, using tenotomy
142 Surgery of the hand

scissors, to expose the flexor sheath. It is rarely In: AAOS Symposium on Tendon Surgery in the
necessary to visualize the neurovascular bundles Hand. St Louis: Mosby, 1975:81–7.
running parallel to the flexor tendons: in any case, Idler RS. Anatomy and biomechanics of the digital
these should be protected by the retractors. flexor tendons. Hand Clin 1985;1:3–11.
The proximal edge of the A1 pulley is identified
and the pulley is then divided longitudinally with
a scalpel taking particular care to stay over the
midline of the tendon to avoid the risk of damage TRIGGER THUMB SURGERY
to the neurovascular bundles.
The patient is then asked to flex and extend the
digit several times to test for any residual PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
triggering. The arm tourniquet is released, the
wound washed out with saline and haemostasis Indications
• Persistent triggering not relieved by steroid
injections. Administer at least one, sometimes
two injections before going ahead with surgery
Skin closure is with interrupted absorbable and wait 3 months after each injection to assess
sutures. A bulky dressing is applied to the hand for outcome
24–48 hours. This can then be de-bulked by the • Locked thumb in an adult
patient to allow the fingers to flex freely. • Locked thumb in a child (usually noticed at ⬍2
years) unresolved for 肁12 months. Thirty per
cent of trigger thumbs in infants will resolve
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND within the first year after it is noticed. Flexion
INSTRUCTIONS contractures do occur but these will correct
themselves spontaneously if the triggering
Active mobilization of the hand is commenced
resolves or if surgical release is performed
immediately. The bulky dressing should be taken
before the age of 3.
down after 24–48 hours to facilitate this.

Doyle JR, Blythe WF. The finger flexor tendon
sheath and pulleys: anatomy and reconstruction. Presence of infection.

A1 pulley
Steroid injection around A1 pulley
reduces inflammation allowing the
nodule to pass under the pulley

Nodule on
Nodule on tendon
tendon Trauma to tendon Surgical release of A1 pulley

Figure 9.20 Trigger finger

Trigger thumb surgery 143

are used for blunt dissection through the

Consent and risks
subcutaneous fat and palmar fascia to expose the
• Infection FPL tendon sheath and A1 pulley. The digital
• Injury to the tendon and neurovascular bundles nerves and vessels running parallel to the FPL
• Recurrence tendon are identified and protected with right-
• Stiffness/loss of range of movement angle retractors The A1 pulley is identified and the
• Bow-stringing due to accidental division of A1 radial attachment of the pulley is divided
pulley and oblique pulley (more likely if the A1 completely with a scalpel from proximal to distal.
pulley is divided through its ulnar attachment) The thumb is then flexed and extended several
times to test for any residual triggering. The arm
tourniquet is released and haemostasis is achieved.
Anaesthesia and positioning The wound is washed out with saline.

Local or general (in child) anaesthesia is used with Closure

an arm board and tourniquet.
The skin is closed with 5/0 Vicryl rapide
interrupted or subcuticular sutures. A light
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE bandage should be applied which does not
interfere with movements of the thumb.
Landmarks, incision and dissection
Structures at risk INSTRUCTIONS

• Digital nerves and arteries – these are close to Active mobilization of the hand and thumb is
the skin in the thumb begun immediately after surgery. Heavy use of the
• Ulnar attachments of the A1 pulley – their hand is avoided for 1–2 weeks.
division may lead to bowstringing of the FPL

In the thumb, the proximal border of the A1
pulley is at the level of the proximal digital skin Ger E, Kupcha P, Ger D. The management of
crease over the MCP joint. A 1–1.5 cm transverse trigger thumb in children. J Hand Surg Am
incision is created in the crease. Tenotomy scissors 1991;16:944–7.

Viva questions

1. Why perform a dermofasciectomy rather than 5. An elderly woman with rheumatoid arthritis
a fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s disease? comes to you with a painful unstable thumb
metacarpophalangeal joint. Describe your
2. How do you deal with any residual flexion of
the digit after excision of all diseased
Dupuytren’s cord tissue? 6. A man of 30 with a history of psoriatic
arthropathy attends your clinic with painful
3. What are the possible complications of a
and deformed distal interphalangeal joints
affecting all fingers of both hands. How would
4. Describe a permanent solution for a painful you treat this?
distal interphalangeal joint with mucous cyst in
a 50-year-old manual worker.
144 Surgery of the hand

7. A woman of 40 attends your clinic with a and middle fingers of her dominant hand 1
history of an untreated pilon fracture of the year after a fall in the street. How would you
PIP joint of her right little finger, dominant treat this?
hand, 10 years ago. The finger is painful,
14. A 50-year-old lawyer with rheumatoid arthritis
angulated and has restricted (20–40°) active
has suddenly lost extension of his little and
flexion. What surgical options would you give
ring fingers of his non-dominant hand. What
options can you offer him?
8. A 50-year-old builder attends your clinic with
15. How do you manage an isolated division of the
a painful right index finger carpometacarpal
flexor digitorum profundus tendon in the little
joint. He punched a fellow builder 5 years ago
finger of a dominant hand?
and heard a loud ‘click’ at the time. Since then,
he has experienced increasing movement at 16. Describe the operative steps involved in the
the joint associated with pain on lifting heavy repair of a combined flexor digitorum
objects. What options would you offer him? superficialis/flexor digitorum profundus tendon
injury in zone 2 of the ring finger of a 30-
9. Describe the management and treatment
year-old painter and decorator?
options for a young manual worker with a
painful, stiff, proximal interphalangeal joint 17. A patient presents with a tight volar web scar
after previous trauma with evidence of marked after Dupuytren’s fasciectomy. How would you
joint deformity on X-ray. correct this?
10. A young woman presents with a painless but 18. You have decided to carry out a correction of a
stiff index finger metacarpophalangeal joint congenital camptodactyly of the little finger.
after an infection. What surgical options would The finger is now straight but it is obvious that
you present to her? there is a shortage of skin on the volar side of
the finger which contributed to the flexion
11. Describe the surgical management of a manual
deformity in the first place. How would you
worker with a laceration in zone 6 and loss of
correct this?
extension of the thumb and index finger of his
dominant hand? 19. Describe the risks and pitfalls in the
management of trigger finger.
12. What is the management of a closed mallet
injury in a 16-year-old rugby player? 20. Describe your management of an acutely
locked trigger thumb.
13. A 60-year-old woman presents with a passively
correctible boutonnière deformity of her index
Surgery of the hip
Jonathan Miles and John Skinner

Primary total hip arthroplasty 145 Femoroacetabular impingement surgery 165

Revision total hip arthroplasty 156 Hip arthroscopy 168
Hip resurfacing 161 Hip arthrography 170
Hip arthrodesis 163 Viva questions 171
Excision hip arthroplasty (Girdlestone procedure) 165

Hip Range of motion Contraindications

External rotation 60° • Infection (generalized or of the limb)
Internal rotation 40° • Absolute dysfunction of the abductor complex,
Flexion 125° including profound neurological disease.
Extension 0° Young age is a relative contraindication, though in
Adduction 25° the highly symptomatic patient replacement should
Abduction 45° be discussed with and performed by an appro-
priately experienced surgeon.

Position of arthrodesis
• External rotation 0–10°
• Flexion 20–25° Consent and risks
• Adduction 0–5°
• Mortality: 0.3 per cent
• Nerve injury: 1 per cent
• Infection: 1–2 per cent in osteoarthritis, 5 per
PRIMARY TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY cent in rheumatoid arthritis
• Thromboembolism; deep vein thrombosis: 2 per
• Pulmonary embolism: 1 per cent
Indications • Dislocation: 3 per cent
• Heterotopic ossification: 10 per cent (though the
Total hip arthroplasty is indicated in painful majority are asymptomatic)
conditions of the hip that have failed conservative • Limb length discrepancy: 15 per cent
management. These are too numerous to list in • Loosening: revision surgery is required for
this book but the most frequent underlying loosening in up to 10 per cent at 15 years
conditions are: • Component failure: stem fracture, locking
• Osteoarthritis mechanism failure in uncemented cups and
• Inflammatory arthritis and other arthropathies other failures of components are rare, but
• Avascular necrosis recognized, complications
• Trauma.
146 Surgery of the hip

Operative planning
Recent radiographs must be available. Templates Greater
should be routinely used to indicate the trochanter
appropriate site for the femoral neck cut and
provide a guide to implant placement and sizing.
Availability of the implants must be checked by
the surgeon.

Anaesthesia and positioning

Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or
combined. An initial dose of antibiotic is given
intravenously. The antibiotic of choice depends Figure 10.2 The skin incision for the posterior approach
upon local policy, but a common choice is a to the hip
second-generation cephalosporin or a combina-
tion of gentamicin and flucloxacillin.
The lateral position is used and requires well- Posterior approach (extensile)
fixed supports abutting the lumbar spine
posteriorly and the bony pelvis anteriorly (Fig. Landmarks
10.1). The pelvis should be vertically orientated; if The greater trochanter is palpated, particularly
it is not vertical, the operating table can be tilted noting the posterior border.
to properly align the pelvis.
Bony prominences must be carefully padded. Incision
The hip should be sufficiently mobile for A 15 cm skin incision is made with its midpoint
appropriate movement intraoperatively. The lying over the posterior half of the greater
surgical field is prepared with a germicidal trochanter (Fig. 10.2). The proximal extent of the
solution. Waterproof drapes are used with adhesive incision is curved posteriorly, to lie in the line of
edges to provide a seal to the skin. The foot and leg the fibres of gluteus maximus. The distal portion
are covered with a stockinette. If a lateral approach lies along the femoral shaft.
is to be used, a sterile ‘leg bag’ should be used to
maintain sterility when the hip is displaced.

The two common approaches are the posterior
and lateral approaches.

Gluteus Vastus Fascia

maximus lateralis lata

Figure 10.3 Dissection of the posterior approach to the

Figure 10.1 The lateral position for hip surgery hip
Primary total hip arthroplasty 147

Tendon of gluteus
Fascia lata
Short external rotators

Greater trochanter

Vastus lateralis


Fascia lata

Gluteus Fat over short Figure 10.4 Deep dissection of the

maximus rotators posterior approach

Superficial dissection The trochanteric bursa is now visible, covering the

The incision is continued through subcutaneous short external rotators and lying below the
fat and down to fascia lata. Beginning distally, the posterior border of gluteus (Fig. 10.4). This can be
fascia lata is incised in line with the skin incision, swept off the short external rotators, using blunt
overlying the lateral femur. Proximally this or sharp dissection.
continues beyond the greater trochanter, in a At this point the sciatic nerve can be visualized.
posterior direction, to incise in line with the Aggressive dissection around the nerve is not
underlying fibres of the gluteus maximus. The recommended, certainly in primary arthroplasty it
fibres of the gluteus maximus are gently split, is unnecessary and just increases the risk of
using diathermy to coagulate the inevitable damaging the epineurial vessels, creating a
bleeding vessels. The incision should run from 6 haematoma and neuropraxia. The sciatic nerve
cm to 8 cm above the greater trochanter down to exits the sciatic notch and passes into the
the insertion of the gluteus maximus tendon on posterior thigh overlying the short external
the posterior femur (Fig. 10.3). rotators.
A self-retaining retractor is inserted, such as a The sciatic nerve exits below piriformis and lies
Charnley retractor. on the following muscles, running from superior
to inferior (Fig. 10.5):
Deep dissection • Gemellus superior
• Obturator internus
Structures at risk • Gemellus inferior
• Quadratus femoris.
• Sciatic nerve: see below
The nerve then runs down underneath the gluteus
• Inferior gluteal artery: lying below piriformis. If it
maximus’ tendon at its femoral insertion.
is cut, immediate supine repositioning of the
An assistant now internally rotates the extended
patient and abdominal approach to tie off the
hip and flexes the knee, stretching the short
internal iliac artery may be required to arrest the
external rotators, making them easier to divide.
This also increases the distance between the sciatic
• Obturator arterial branches: present within
nerve and the site of division of these short
quadratus femoris
muscles. Strong, non-absorbable, braided stay
148 Surgery of the hip

Superior Inferior
Lateral approach
gemellus gemellus
Gluteus Landmarks
femoris • Central landmark – the greater trochanter
• The anterior superior iliac spine and the
femoral shaft are also palpable and act as useful
reference points.
A straight 15 cm incision is created, parallel to the
femoral shaft and centred on the anterior half of
Sciatic nerve
the greater trochanter (Fig. 10.6).
internus Superficial dissection

Figure 10.5 The path of the sciatic nerve over the The incision is continued through subcutaneous
external rotators of the hip fat and down to fascia lata. The fascia lata is
incised in line with the skin incision overlying the
lateral femur (Fig. 10.7). At this point a self-
retaining retractor is inserted.

Deep dissection
sutures (e.g. no. 2 Ethibond) are inserted into the
tendons of obturator internus and piriformis, just
Structures at risk
below their insertion into the femur, i.e. as Superior gluteal nerve – between the gluteus
anteriorly as possible. Visible vessels within the medius and minimus; this may be as close as 3 cm
operative field are coagulated: typically these lie on above the tip of the greater trochanter.
the tendon of piriformis and within the substance
of quadratus femoris. The short external rotators,
from piriformis down to gemellus inferior, are The incision continues in line with the skin
divided as close to their insertion onto the femur incision. This begins proximally within the fibres
as possible. If further room is required, the division of the gluteus medius and must be limited to a
can be carried on further distally. If the quadratus point 3 cm above the tip of the greater trochanter
femoris is divided, it should be done around 5 mm to avoid damage to the superior gluteal nerve. The
away from its insertion into the femur so that a
cuff is left to repair it back on to.
The muscles are allowed to ‘flop’ over the
sciatic nerve, providing some protection for it
throughout the rest of the operation. This exposes
the posterior capsule of the hip joint. To improve
visibility, the interval between the superior part of
the hip capsule and the gluteus minimus is
identified and dissected free with blunt dissection
or scissors. This view is maintained by inserting a
Hohmann retractor in the interval to displace the trochanter
gluteus minimus superiorly. The capsule is incised
transversely to gain access. The visible portion of
capsule can be excised or preserved and later
repaired. The visible portion of the acetabular Figure 10.6 The skin incision for the lateral approach to
labrum is excised. the hip
Primary total hip arthroplasty 149

the hip can still not be removed with minimal

force, division of the femoral neck in situ and
removal the head with a corkscrew is
• Posterior approach dislocation and retraction –
The hip joint can now be dislocated. This is
performed by placing the hip in adduction and
flexion then internally rotating it, bringing the
calf to lie vertically and the foot pointing
Fascia towards the ceiling. A bone hook can be
lata carefully passed around the femur, at the level
of the lesser trochanter, and used to ease the
Tendon of femoral head away from the acetabulum.
gluteus medius • Lateral approach dislocation and retraction –
The hip can be dislocated with adduction,
Figure 10.7 Dissection of the lateral approach to the hip flexion and external rotation, again with a blunt
bone hook around the femoral neck. The leg is
incision continues distally, in the line of the fibres then placed in the leg bag, i.e. the foot pointing
of the gluteus medius and across the greater to the floor, on the opposite side of the
trochanter, entering the vastus lateralis. The fibres operating table.
of the vastus lateralis overlying the greater
trochanter are split. Procedure
The incision develops an anterior flap, consisting
of the anterior fibres of the gluteus medius and
gluteus minimus above the greater trochanter and Structures at risk
the anterior fibres of the vastus lateralis lying over
and below the greater trochanter. This is elevated off • Femoral nerve – injudicious placement of
the greater trochanter subperiosteally, with either a anterior retractors may, rarely, damage the
scalpel or cutting diathermy. A cuff of gluteus femoral nerve
medius is left posteriorly on the greater trochanter, • Sciatic nerve – vulnerable posteriorly
allowing reattachment at the time of closure. • Obturator arterial branches – large branches are
The incision progresses anteriorly, detaching the present below the transverse acetabular
insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus onto ligament; cutting them should be avoided
the greater trochanter, to reveal the capsule of the
hip. The anterior flap is retracted by placing a
Hohmann retractor. The capsule is incised in a T Joint capsule Greater trochanter
shape, with the downstroke of the T lying in line
with the femoral neck and the bar of the T
running under the femoral head (Fig. 10.8).
• Dislocation and retractor positioning – This
must be done gently as excess force can fracture
the femur (typically a spiral fracture running
from the subtrochanteric region down the
shaft). In younger patients, the ligamentum
teres can remain intact, preventing full
dislocation; if this occurs it can be easily divided
with a scalpel. If the dislocation is difficult, medius Vastus
further capsule can be excised; remove any lateralis
Fascia lata
more visible labrum and remove any acetabular
osteophytes with nibblers or an osteotome. If Figure 10.8 Deeper dissection of the lateral approach
150 Surgery of the hip

Hohmann retractors are inserted around the Acetabular preparation

superior and inferior aspects of the femoral neck,
Any soft tissues overhanging the acetabulum
supporting and stabilizing the proximal femur and
around its circumference, including the labrum,
exposing the whole of the intertrochanteric line.
are excised. It is vital to obtain a clear view around
Any soft tissues along this line are removed until
the whole acetabulum. The transverse acetabular
the superior portion of the lesser trochanter is
ligament is identified, lying across the inferior
boundary of the acetabulum; if it is large this may
The planned femoral osteotomy site is marked
need careful division, which should be done with
with an osteotome. A number of hip replacement
the blade directed laterally towards the acetabular
sets have a specific instrument to aid identification
roof. Any remaining ligamentum is also excised.
of the right site for this osteotomy; use of a trial
Preservation of the transverse acetabular ligament
prosthesis or a rasp as a guide is recommended in
is advocated by some surgeons who use cemented
those sets without a neck cutting guide. This is
acetabular components: it helps to prevent
particularly important with collared stems.
inferior cement extrusion. If using the posterior
Templating will have provided a guide to the
approach, sharp Hohmann retractors are placed
height above the lesser trochanter that the
over the anterior wall, to lever the femur
osteotomy should pass through the calcar
anteriorly, and under the transverse acetabular
(typically, this is around 15 mm above the lesser
ligament to expose the whole acetabulum for its
trochanter). An oscillating saw is used to perform
preparation. In the lateral approach, the proximal
the osteotomy, with the Hohmann retractors
femur is levered posteriorly rather than anteriorly.
protecting the surrounding soft tissues. The cut is
Within the acetabulum the medial wall is
made with the saw blade 45° to the femoral shaft
defined. This is sometimes visible as a flat plate of
and in the plane of the tibia. If the line of the
cortical bone which can be seen inferiorly. If it is
osteotomy passes into the greater trochanter, the
not, it is covered in osteophytes or soft tissue,
osteotomy is stopped before entering the
which should be gently removed with an
trochanter and a second osteotomy carried
osteotome or curette to reveal the floor. This is an
vertically down from the piriformis fossa to meet
important step as definition of the medial wall
the lateral extent of the first osteotomy (Fig.
allows proper and safe ‘medialization’, providing
10.9). The femoral head is removed and kept in
maximum cover of the cup when it is inserted.
case of its later requirement as graft.
Sharp, hemispherical, cheese-grater reamers are
now used to remove the remaining acetabular
cartilage and expose subchondral bone. Beginning
with the smallest reamer, reaming is directed
medially and stopped regularly to ascertain the
depth of reaming. The desired depth is up to, but
not through the true medial wall (the flat cortical
bone of the quadrilateral plate). The acetabulum
is enlarged with increasing sizes of reamers, not
increasing the depth but just the width. This is
performed in the desired alignment of the
acetabular component to be inserted. The
appropriate alignment is 45° from the horizontal
and 15–20° of anteversion (Fig. 10.10). The aim is
creation of a hemisphere, removing all cartilage
but preserving as much subchondral bone as
If the acetabular component to be used is of
uncemented design, a trial is inserted at the
Figure 10.9 A typical neck cut correct angle to assess the coverage and stability.
Primary total hip arthroplasty 151

Figure 10.10 Acetabular reaming
(a) (b) 10° to 20° (a) 45° from vertical and (b) 10°–20° of

The cemented implants also have trials, allowing quadrants. These are defined by a first line
for a cement mantle. At this point any excess passing inferiorly from the anterior superior
osteophytes around the acetabulum (that may iliac spine, through the centre of the
lead to impingement) are often apparent. These acetabulum and a second line perpendicular to
can be removed with nibblers or an osteotome. the first, again passing through the middle of
The component is inserted using the appropriate the acetabulum. This creates four quadrants
technique. It is worthwhile to ensure that the (Fig. 10.11).
pelvis has remained vertical, as any malposition of
the patient will transfer into improper angulation
of the implant, with consequent risk of instability.
Structures at risk

Technical points in uncemented cup insertion Posterior superior – the safe zone
• At risk – sciatic nerve and superior gluteal
• The uncemented cup relies on a secure fit to neurovascular bundle
confer initial stability. Posterior inferior – safe if screws < 20mm
• In the press-fit technique an implant 1–2 mm • At risk – inferior gluteal and internal pudendal
larger than the last reamer is used. This can be neurovascular bundles
augmented with screws as necessary. Anterior superior – avoid screws
• The line-to-line technique uses an implant of • At risk – external iliac vessels
the same size as the last reamer and relies on Anterior inferior – avoid screws
augmentation with screws to obtain fixation. • At risk – anterior inferior obturator
• If fixation is not solid and stable, even after neurovascular bundle
screws have been used a switch to a cemented
cup is recommended.
• Screws holes are aligned to coincide with the When all of the screws are properly seated, the
safe zone, described below. Pilot holes should liner can be inserted. The use of a 10° or 20°
be drilled, their depth ascertained with an elevated rim can be selected if using a
angled depth gauge and screws inserted with a polyethylene liner. It should be remembered that
universally jointed screwdriver and a screw this reduces the arc of motion and should not be
holder to control the direction. an automatic action. Trials are available and
• Screw augmentation, if to be used, should be should be used if there is any doubt. It is usual for
done with care and awareness of the safe the elevated lip to be situated posterosuperiorly or
152 Surgery of the hip

Safe zone
Risk: Sciatic nerve
superior gluteal
nerve and vessels

Superior ASIS

Posterior Anterior
Inferior Superior

Safe if screws <20mm Risk: External illiac

Risk: sciatic nerve artery and veins
inferior gluteal Avoid screws
nerve and vessels
internal pudendal
nerve and vessels

Inferior Figure 10.11 The quadrants of
acetabular screw positioning. Redrawn
Risk: Anterior inferior
obturator nerve with permission from Miller (2004)
artery and vein Review of Orthopaedics. Philadelphia:
Avoid screws Saunders

more posteriorly if a posterior approach has been have a polypropylene impactor to pressurize
used. the cement into the acetabular bone.
• The surgeon should be aware of the properties
Technical points in cemented cup insertion of the cement that is being used to ensure that
• Many acetabular components have a lip the cement and component are inserted at the
augment, which should be correctly orientated appropriate time. It is vital that the component
in the posterior to superior area. If the cup has is held perfectly still while the cement is curing.
a flange (which can help to prevent cement Care should be taken to ensure that the
extrusion), this will need to be trimmed to the introducer is able to be released without undue
size of the reamed acetabulum. force, to reduce the stresses on the cement to
• Drill holes into the ilium and ischium, but not component interface.
the quadrilateral plate, and enhance the cement • Any excess cement should be removed.
fixation. The bone surface is washed with
pulsatile lavage and dried thoroughly. Many Femoral preparation
acetabular components have pegs on the medial In the posterior approach the assistant extends
surface; these are designed to ensure a uniform and internally rotates the hip while supporting the
cement mantle of around 3 mm. leg with the knee flexed. In the anterior approach,
• The cement should be introduced from a the leg is maximally adducted and the hip
cement gun with a short nozzle. It is first externally rotated; the knee is flexed to position
introduced to the keyholes in the ilium and the lower leg in the leg bag drape.
ischium. This is done with the nozzle hard An entry point is created in the proximal femur,
against the bone, to increase the pressure. It is with a box chisel, to allow the insertion of
then introduced to the rest of the acetabulum reamers; it must be correctly situated to prevent
and pressurized with an impactor: most sets varus malposition of the component. The starting
Primary total hip arthroplasty 153

Anterior are positioned to provide around 15° of

anteversion. In the posterior approach, this is done
by angling the medial side of the rasp downwards
15°; in the lateral approach it is angled 15°
upwards. Rasps are used to the point where
stability can be achieved with the definitive

Posterior Technical points in uncemented stem

Figure 10.12 The box chisel ‘starting point’ in femoral
preparation • The rasps used are specific to each stem design.
• The version must be precisely controlled
throughout rasping.
• A small rasp is used to begin with and the size
point is further posterior than anterior, to allow increased until stability is achieved. Impaction
for the anterior bow in the femur. It must also be is with controlled hammer blows, watching the
lateral, so that it lies directly over the lateral progress of the impactor. When the rasp stops
margin of the medullary canal (Fig. 10.12). This progressing, it should not be impacted further
allows instruments to run towards the medial as this may lead to proximal femoral fracture.
femoral condyle, preventing varus malpositioning When stable, the rasp is a tight fit within the
of the femoral component. This usually gives a canal and rotation of the component rotates the
starting point which enters the proximal portion femur with no ‘toggle’ between the two.
of the greater trochanter. • The templated size should be borne in mind.
The femur is initially prepared with a tapered • Excessive anteversion will tend to give a poor
reamer to remove a cone of medullary bone fit. Selection of a prosthesis several sizes smaller
within which rasping is begun. The smallest than that achieved on templating may indicate
reamer is inserted into the medullary canal. The this to be the case.
reamer is allowed to run down the lateral cortex, • The depth of the rasp is noted. This should be
thus following the medullary canal, but the tip of such that the cutting teeth are at or just below
the reamer should be angled slightly medially, as if the level of the neck cut.
trying to come out through the medial femoral • Trial reduction is carried out, with a variety of
condyle. This is, again, to prevent eventual varus offset options available on most uncemented
malposition of the femoral component. If the systems (see below for details).
reamer will not follow the canal, further bone • The rasp is removed and the definitive
needs to be removed from the greater trochanter. prosthesis can be inserted, following the version
The entry point position and angle should be of the rasps. The canal is not washed out, as the
checked and adjusted if necessary. The usual bone swarf aids in union across the implant to
requirement is for removal of cancellous bone bone interface.
from the greater trochanter with a curette.
Sequentially larger tapered reamers are then used
to increase the diameter, until contact with Technical points in cemented stem insertion
cortical bone is felt. At this point, the reamer • The rasps allow for a 2–3 mm cement mantle to
becomes more stable within the femur, such that be created between the component and bone.
the instrument and bone move as one. The technique is similar to that in uncemented
The next step is shaping of the proximal femur stems, with increasing size of rasp used until
to receive the implant, whether it is to be stability is achieved.
cemented or uncemented, with particular care • If using a collared stem, the final broach is sunk
paid to the anteversion of the rasp within the to the required depth and the ‘calcar cutter’ is
proximal femur. This is done with rasps. The rasps used. This attaches over the final rasp and
154 Surgery of the hip

provides a smooth, stable neck cut at the level • The cement gun and pressurizer are removed
upon which the collar will be supported. and the femoral component is introduced in the
• The height of the final rasp can be gauged in correct version and manually inserted to the
respect to both the greater trochanter and the correct depth. The version must remain
medial extent of the femoral neck cut. It is vital constant and the movement is a smooth, even
to be able to reproduce these relationships application of force. If the stem will not reach
with the definitive stem, when it is cemented in the desired depth with manual pressure, a
situ. mallet can be used on the introducing handle to
• Trial reduction is carried out (see below for seat the implant at the correct depth. The end
details). result should be a reproduction of the depth of
• A cement restrictor is used to occlude the the trial at time of rasping.
medullary canal distally. The depth of insertion • The implant must be held perfectly still within
is obtained by measurement against the final the femur until the cement has cured, typically
rasp used, aiming for 1–2 cm of clearance to after 10–12 minutes.
allow for distal cementing. The canal must now
be thoroughly washed with pulse lavage, using a Trialling and reduction
long nozzle to clean debris and fat from the Trial reduction is a vital step in total hip
entire length of the prepared bone. Suction is replacement (THR). The assessment is essentially
used to remove the saline cleaning solution. The of stability, range of motion and leg length.
canal is then dried and packed with swabs or a Reduction is carried out with appropriate trial
preformed absorbent sponge. components, usually consisting of the last rasp left
• Cementation is performed with a double mix of in situ and a trial head. Reduction is via the
polymethylmethacrylate cement, using a surgical assistant applying in-line traction
cement gun with a long nozzle. The cement is followed by rotation of the head into the
introduced when it is of sufficient viscosity acetabulum. The traction is assisted by the
(when the cement does not stick to the surgeon pushing on the femoral head with a
surgeon’s glove, the required viscosity has been conical pusher. If reduction cannot be achieved, a
reached – typically after around 2–3 minutes). shorter femoral head and/or a neck with less offset
• The nozzle is introduced up to the cement is selected and the manoeuvre repeated.
restrictor then cement is pumped firmly to Once the THR trial is reduced, assessment is
introduce it into the canal. The cement gun is made of the stability. The position of the head
not withdrawn, rather it is allowed to be pushed with respect to the greater trochanter is noted
out by the cement as it fills the canal. Use of and compared with that on preoperative
suction removes the fluid extruded from the templating.
canal. The hip is passed through a functional range of
• When the cement reaches the proximal femur, motion and must not dislocate in any position.
the nozzle is withdrawn and cut. A proximal The hip can then be forced into non-physiological
cement pressurizer is placed over the remaining positions to assess the point at which dislocation
nozzle and reintroduced into the femoral canal, can occur. In the lateral approach, the hip should
occluding the proximal femur. Further cement remain in joint even when the leg is replaced in
is introduced under pressure, as the restrictor adduction and external rotation, back into the
occludes the femoral cavity, for around 30 sterile ‘leg bag’. In the posterior approach, the hip
seconds. is tested in slight adduction and forced internal
• The definitive stem should be checked and rotation; the degree of internal rotation to
correctly assembled on its introducer. The dislocation should be noted and should be no less
correct time for introduction of the stem is than 40°.
determined by the type of cement and ambient The tissue tension is assessed by the ‘shuck test’
temperature conditions. It is usually at around – the femur is pulled sharply downwards and the
4–6 minutes. degree of telescoping of the femoral head away
Primary total hip arthroplasty 155

from the acetabular socket is noted. Any more 4 drill holes

than a few millimetres of movement suggests that
instability may be present. In this case, further
trial with a longer trial femoral head is
The lateral tissue tension can be assessed with
the ‘lateral shuck test’. A dislocation hook is
passed around the femoral neck and the
component sharply pulled laterally. Again,
excessive movement indicates instability and the
need for a higher offset neck to be used.
The operated leg is placed against the opposite
leg in order to compare leg length. Gross
Figure 10.13 Position of drill holes for reattachment of
differences suggest incorrect head selection. Note
the short external rotators
that stability and range of motion are of higher
importance than subtle differences in leg length,
but lengthening of the operated leg to greater than
1 cm longer than the other leg is associated with A small (e.g. 2.5 mm) drill is passed through the
significant patient dissatisfaction. greater trochanter, from anterior to posterior, in
If a stable hip is not achievable in a functional the line of attachment of the small external
range of motion, consideration must be given to rotators (Fig. 10.13). A suture passer is then
the following factors: passed through the drill hole, opened and used to
• Component position – are the stem and socket pull one of the sutures through – both ends of the
in the right degree of version? Is the cup same suture are pulled through the one hole.
sufficiently medialized? Is the stem at the Three further drill holes are created and the three
correct height? If they are not, they may need remaining sutures pulled through.
to be repositioned. Both ends of the upper two sutures are then
• Use of a lip augment on the acetabulum. In tied to each other, then the same procedure
uncemented acetabula, exchange of the liner is carried out with the lower two sutures. This is
relatively simple. The use of a 10° or 20° lip done with the leg in around 10° of abduction and
augment can prevent dislocation. only a few degrees of external rotation, which
• Use of a larger femoral head will increase the allows approximation of the tendon to the greater
stability of the hip. trochanter without causing a fixed rotation
• The use of a constrained prosthesis is a last deformity. The split fibres of the gluteus maximus
resort and not usually appropriate in primary are loosely approximated with absorbable sutures.
hip surgery. If a surgical drain is to be used, it is inserted
now. Closure of the fascia lata is performed with
Closure of posterior approach the hip in slight abduction. Superficial closure
If the capsule has been preserved, it is sometimes utilizes absorbable sutures to approximate the
possible to repair this directly, using a heavy subcutaneous fat, then cutaneous sutures or
absorbable suture. Proper repair of the short surgical staples. An occlusive dressing is applied.
external rotators to the shaft of the femur is vitally
important. The rotators should be intact and easily
Closure of lateral approach
identified by the sutures passed through their If the capsule is repairable, this is performed first.
tendons prior to their division. If these sutures are The gluteus medius anterior and posterior flaps
left long at the time of their insertion, they can be are approximated. These are then tightly sutured
used to reattach the muscles. If not, four sutures together with the leg in around 10° of abduction.
are secured to the cut ends of the short external Superficial closure uses the same technique as
rotators. that for the posterior approach.
156 Surgery of the hip

POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND in the joint after total hip or knee replacement.
INSTRUCTIONS BMJ 1982;285:10–4.
Murray DW, Carr AJ, Bulstrode CJ. Which
The patient is returned to the supine position and primary total hip replacement? J Bone Joint Surg
an abduction pillow inserted between the legs. Br 1995;77:520–7.
Any straps present on these pillows should not be Pellicci PM, Bostrom M, Poss R. Posterior
used, due to the risk of peroneal nerve damage. approach to total hip replacement using enhanced
Precautions against thromboembolism should be posterior soft tissue repair. Clin Orthop Relat Res
used. Common options include aspirin, low 1998;(355):224–8.
molecular weight heparin, graduated compression The Swedish Hip Arthroplasty Register. Online.
stockings and foot or calf intermittent Available at: www.jru.orthop.gu.se.
compression pumps. Early mobilization should be
encouraged in all patients. Two further doses of
the same antibiotic given upon induction are REVISION TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY
given intravenously. Haemoglobin levels should be
monitored and transfusion considered as This section refers extensively to sections in the
necessary. primary hip arthroplasty section and is not
Weightbearing is begun immediately in those intended as a standalone text to enable all
patients with a cemented stem, regardless of the surgeons to revise all hips. It aims to provide some
cup used. Six weeks of avoidance of weightbearing useful directions as to appropriate techniques that
is recommended in many uncemented stem can be applied to solve some problems, but cannot
arthroplasties, though some are permitted early cover all potential problems.
partial or even full weightbearing. The patient is
allowed to walk but asked to avoid crossing of the PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
legs or excessive flexion of the hips. To this end,
they are provided with a raised toilet seat and Indications
instructed to avoid low seats. Particular care is
recommended when putting on socks and shoes – Revision hip replacement is indicated for painful
a common cause of early dislocation. Return to failure of a primary arthroplasty. The most
work is allowed after around 6 weeks for sedentary common causes are:
jobs, but may be delayed to 3 months or more in • Aseptic loosening of the socket and/or stem
active work. Follow-up is recommended at 6 • Deep infection (see later section)
weeks, 6 months and 1 year after surgery. • Instability, resulting in recurrent dislocation
Continuation of follow-up is typically at 5 years, • Fracture of either the implant or the proximal
10 years, 15 years and then at yearly intervals. The femur.
patient should be cautioned to return to clinic if
there is pain or functional deterioration. Contraindications
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES • Continuation of preoperative pain after hip
arthroplasty (this suggests that the original
Barrack RL, Mulroy RD Jr, Harris WH. Improved diagnosis may have been wrong and warrants
cementing techniques and femoral component further investigation).
loosening in young patients with hip arthroplasty. • Pain-free loosening is a relative contraindica-
J Bone Joint Surg Br 1992;74:385–9. tion, except in cases associated with significant
Charnley J. Arthroplasty of the hip: a new and progressive osteolysis.
operation. Lancet 1961;1:1129–32.
Hardinge K. The direct lateral approach. J Bone
Joint Surg Br 1982;64:17–9. Consent and risks
Lidwell OM, Lowbury EJ, Whyte W, et al. Effect • Nerve injury: 3–7 per cent.
of ultraclean air in operating rooms on deep sepsis
Revision total hip arthroplasty 157

• Infection: quoted up to 30 per cent, 5 per cent is Anaesthesia and positioning

a more commonly accepted figure
This is the same as in primary arthroplasty, except
• Thromboembolism: 3 per cent
that the initial antibiotic dose is usually delayed
• Dislocation: 7 per cent
until after microbiological samples have been
• Aseptic loosening: 10–30 per cent at 10 years
• Fracture
• Limb length discrepancy

Operative planning
Either the posterior or lateral approach can be
Revision arthroplasty is more challenging than used. Some surgeons argue that the posterior
primary surgery so requires even more precise approach is best for posterior acetabular defects.
planning. Recent radiographs are essential. ‘Judet A trochanteric osteotomy can be required,
views’ can be very helpful in assessing acetabular particularly in highly complex revisions or in
bone loss. If there is significant bone loss, a fine cut removal of a well-fixed cementless stem. The
computed tomography (CT) scan is used to assess greater trochanter is removed with gluteus medius
and quantify it. The patient should have been seen and minimus attached, allowing it to be mobilized
in outpatients recently so that the functional well out of the way. The length of the osteotomy
status has been noted. This is as vital as the required is dependent on the implant that you are
osseous imaging in decision making. trying to get out and may be as long as the implant
The soft tissue status must be assessed and any itself, which can be judged with image intensifier
signs of infection need investigation and treat- or from preoperative planning (Fig. 10.14).
ment. It is not always necessary to revise all com- Identification of the sciatic nerve is important,
ponents in aseptic failures; consideration should particularly in the posterior approach. The nerve
be given to keeping any well fixed and functional can be isolated by carefully passing a vascular
prosthetic component. If the prosthesis is infected, sloop around it, thus ensuring that its location is
a two-stage procedure is preferred (see below). known at all times.
Templating should be carried out with great
care. It is necessary to be prepared for unexpected
findings at the time of surgery and a wide range of
implants should be available to the surgeon.
There are a number of extra instruments which
can be useful in revision procedures. The surgeon
should consider ordering any, or all of the
following, in particular:
• Image intensifier
• Extraction instruments for the existing implant
• Bone allograft, for morcellized or block grafting
• Cement removing osteotomes and ultrasonic
cement removal systems
• Supplementary metalwork, including cabling
systems, trochanteric fixation devices,
acetabular reconstruction rings and plates,
cages, mesh and even computer-aided design/
computer-aided manufacturing (CAD CAM)
• Thin, curved osteotomes for removing cement-
less hips. Figure 10.14 An ‘extended’ trochanteric osteotomy
158 Surgery of the hip

Procedure with cement osteotomes and an ultrasonic cement

remover. The cement restrictor must also be
Following dislocation, the femoral head of a removed.
modular component is removed with a head and
neck separator. Many implants have a specific Removal of a cementless stem
extraction device and, if available, these should be This can be very difficult in well-fixed stems,
used. particularly if extensively coated.
The use of specialized, flexible osteotomes or
Removal of a cemented stem high-speed burs is recommended. Care must be
It is sometimes possible to simply pull the implant taken to avoid unnecessary breach of the proximal
out of the cement mantle. If this is not the case, femoral cortex. Following removal, the femoral
some of the proximal cement mantle will need to canal is packed with swabs to tamponade
be removed from the lateral margin of the bleeding.
implant. This is almost always necessary if
removing a curved femoral stem. This is usually Assessing femoral bone loss
relatively easily achieved with cement The two most commonly used grading systems are
osteotomes. the Paprosky and the American Academy of
The rest of the cement can be left in situ at this Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) systems. Table 10.1
time as it tamponades bleeding from the femoral shows the Paprosky system together with possible
canal. When cement is to be removed, it is done solutions.

Table 10.1 Paprosky classification of femoral defects at revision hip surgery

Paprosky grade Diagram Treatment options

Type I – has an intact metaphysis and Typically treated with a primary
isthmus implant

Type II – has metaphyseal damage Long stem cemented implant; distally

but an intact isthmus fixed uncemented stem
Revision total hip arthroplasty 159

Type IIIA – distal fixation can be Long stem cemented implanted with
achieved at the isthmus, despite impaction allograft; long stem
damage to the isthmus and the distally fixed uncemented stem

Type IIIB – damage to the metaphysis Long stem cemented implant with
and isthmus prevent distal fixation morcellized and corticocancellous
from being achieved strut graft; long stem distally fixed
uncemented stem with
corticocancellous strut graft; massive
tumour prosthesis proximal femoral

Type IV –extensive metaphyseal Proximal femoral replacement

damage and an eroded isthmus

Removal of a cemented socket If the above method also fails, the acetabular
If the acetabular component is loose, it will often socket is cut into quarters with a power saw and
come free with minimal effort, typically along can then be removed. It is important that all
with the majority of its cement attached. cement is also removed.
In a well-fixed socket, a curved osteotome is
used to develop a plane between the cup and the Removal of an uncemented socket
cement. Alternatively, a pilot hole can be drilled If the cup is well-fixed, it should be remembered
into the centre of the component and a slap- that it may not need to be removed. In this case,
hammer screwed into it. Once loose, the socket is the liner can be removed but this must be done
removed and the cement is then removed carefully to avoid damage to the liner to socket
piecemeal with small osteotomes. This method locking mechanism. If the locking mechanism is
gives the least bone loss and minimizes the still functioning, a simple liner exchange can be
likelihood of acetabular fracture. performed, remembering that the replacement
160 Surgery of the hip

liner need not be of the same internal diameter or between the bone and the implant with curved
have the same augment or ‘lip’ size’. A con- osteotomes. Care must be taken to avoid excess
troversial measure, in a well-fixed socket with a bone loss.
destroyed or obsolete locking mechanism, is The use of a suitable removal system, such as
cementation of a smaller liner within the shell. Explant (Zimmer, Warsaw, IN, USA), can mini-
If there is significant osteolysis behind the screw mize the bone destruction.
hole in the socket, it is possible to apply
morcellized bone graft through the screw holes to Assessing acetabular bone loss
aid in reducing this. If the socket is to be removed, The most commonly used grading system is the
any screws are removed first. The well-fixed AAOS system. Table 10.2 shows the AAOS
socket is carefully removed by developing a plane system together with possible solutions.

Table 10.2 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) classification of acetabular bone loss
at revision hip surgery

AAOS grade Diagram Treatment options

Segmental Small defects, allowing for 70 per cent implant to bone
contact, require no additional treatment; larger defects
can require the use of structural allograft or asymmetric
acetabular shells, e.g. the S-ROM oblong (DePuy, Warsaw,
IN, USA); Loss of the medial wall can be managed with a
malleable mesh and morcellized allograft as long as there
is peripheral support

Cavitatory If small, these are usually reamed to provide contact in 70

per cent or more of the bone surface. An uncemented cup
with screw augmentation is a typical prosthesis used;
larger defects require grafting – this can be with
morcellized graft obtained from fresh frozen femoral head
allograft. It can need structural graft, again usually
obtained from femoral head or distal femoral allograft,
fixed with screws or a buttress plate
Combined The segmental defect is first reconstructed to provide a
stable rim; persisting cavitatory loss is grafted with
morcellized allograft

Pelvic This is a difficult problem, requiring reconstruction with

discontinuity plates and screws or even an entire acetabular allograft;
CAD CAM sockets can be very useful to provide fixation
to the ilium, ischium and pubis

CAD CAM, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing.

Hip resurfacing 161

Revision of infected implants Valle CJ, Paprosky WG. Classification and an

algorithmic approach to the reconstruction of
If the revision is for infection, this is usually carried femoral deficiency. J Bone Joint Surg Am
out in two stages. The initial stage is removal of all 2003;85(Suppl 4):1–6.
implants and cement. It is vital that multiple
samples from around all implants are sent for
microbiological assessment. The whole surgical field
should be thoroughly debrided and then washed HIP RESURFACING
out with a minimum of 6 L of saline pulsatile lavage.
A polymethylmethacrylate cement spacer is Hip resurfacing can be more challenging than
then inserted. This can be preformed or can be THR but shares many similar principles. Details of
made with moulds of varying sizes. The cement the approach can be found in the section on THR
should contain heat-stable antibiotics, such as above.
gentamicin or tobramycin. Closure is performed
and the patient may mobilize, although usually PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
only partially weightbearing.
The patient should be followed up clinically and Indications and contraindications
have regular checks of inflammatory markers.
Postoperative antibiotics can be given once the The indications and contraindications for surface
microbiological sensitivities have been received. replacement of the hip are the same as those for
These cases often require combination antibiotic THR. In addition, there are further contraindica-
therapy. Once the inflammatory markers are tions that reflect the need to maintain the femoral
normal, the second stage can be undertaken, with neck:
reconstruction depending on the extent of femoral • Femoral head cysts >1 cm diameter
and acetabular bone loss. Particular care must be • Osteoporosis – recommended to investigate
taken with the soft tissues as multiple procedures with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA
will often have taken their toll on the surrounding or DXA) in perimenopausal women/high-risk
musculature. Many surgeons prefer the use of a groups
cemented stem in this situation as extra antibiotics • Neck length of <2 cm
can be added to decrease the chance of recurrence. • Significant lateral head–neck remodelling
• Head:neck ratio <1.2.
Consent and risks
These are broadly in line with the guidelines for
primary hip arthroplasty. It may be necessary to • The risks and consent are equivalent to THR
consider additional precautions, particularly in • In addition the risks of femoral neck fracture or
limitation of range of motion and weightbearing. intraoperative conversion to THR (e.g. due to
It is usual to continue antibiotics until notching or size mismatch) must be mentioned
microbiological results are available.


Gruen TA, McNeice GM, Amstutz AC. ‘Modes of Recent radiographs and templating are essential.
failure’ of cemented stem-type components: a The surgeon should have a guide available to
radiographic analysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res check the compatibility of the femoral and
1979;(141):17–27. acetabular components.
Jasty M, Harris WH. Total hip reconstruction
using frozen femoral head allografts in patients Anaesthesia and positioning
with acetabular bone loss. Orthop Clin North Am
1987;18:291–9. This is performed as for THR.
162 Surgery of the hip

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Femoral head displacement

Surface replacement is possible through any of In order to gain sight of the acetabulum, the
the common approaches to the hip. The posterior femoral head must be displaced. If there are any
approach is commonly used and the following particularly large osteophytes, these should be
description is based on it. removed at this stage. A pocket is created for the
The dissection is exactly as described in the femoral head, lying under the gluteus medius and
THR section. In order to gain visibility around the upon the iliac wing above the acetabulum. This
whole of the femoral neck, some further steps are can be created by sweeping a blunt periosteal
applied: elevator or bone spike under the gluteus medius.
• The quadratus femoris should be released prior Once a sufficient pocket is created, the leg is
to dislocation. lowered sufficiently to place a sharp retractor over
• The gluteus maximus tendon can be released the anterior lip of the acetabulum. This is used to
off its insertion into the linea aspera, allowing lever the femur anteriorly as the leg is dropped
more rotation and visualization. down onto the table and the head is guided into
• The capsular incision is much more significant. the pocket created for it.
This is essential in order to allow 360° If the head is very large, it can be debulked
visualization of the neck to check that notching further by the initial stages of femoral head
is not going to occur. preparation (described later) prior to displacing it
• The capsulotomy is carried out from superior to into the pocket created.
inferior around the femoral neck, carrying on
down the inferior neck as far as can be Acetabular preparation
• This incision is then carefully continued with This is very similar to the technique described in
heavy ‘capsulotomy’ scissors, releasing the the section on THR for uncemented cup insertion
capsule inferiorly and medially. Great care is and the position is the same. Care should be taken
taken to stay close to the bone of the femoral not to over-ream the acetabulum as the implants
neck. are press-fit and cannot be augmented with
• The hip is dislocated and the capsulotomy screws. In addition, selection of the femoral head
continued until the capsule is released right size is guided by the size of the acetabular
around the femoral neck, such that the head component as they must fit together.
and proximal femur can be viewed all the way
around (Fig. 10.15). Femoral preparation
Femoral shaping is done to create a cut surface
which will fit with the femoral component. A
variety of jigs are available depending upon the
implant manufacturer and reference to the
individual technical guides is recommended. They
all aim to place a guidewire in the centre of the
neck, in both the anteroposterior and mediolateral
planes. This entry point will be some way above
the fovea, which does not correspond to the
midpoint of the neck. This critical step can be
helped by drawing a line up the centre of the
posterior and lateral margins of the neck and
carrying this up onto the head as a guide. The
position to aim for is equal to the native
Figure 10.15 Extensive release of the hip capsule to anteversion and 0–10° of valgus compared with
allow full delivery of the femoral head into the wound the patient’s femoral neck.
Hip arthrodesis 163

Once the guidewire is passed, a jig is placed adults in order to allow return to manual labour.
over it and swept around the entire neck to ensure Continuing indications are:
that there is clearance around the whole diameter, • Failed arthroplasty
i.e. it will not be notched. If the entry point or • Sequelae of infection, particularly tuberculosis
angle is incorrect, the guidewire is removed and • Sickle cell anaemic arthropathy.
Once the guidewire is correctly positioned a Contraindications
post drill is used to create a central hole for the
post to be inserted into the femoral head. This is • Contralateral hip disease
then the guide for further cuts. Again, equipment • Ipsilateral knee disease
varies but all have specific cutters and reamers for • Pre-existing lower back pain
shaping of the proximal femur. Care should be • Inflammatory arthropathy – relative.
taken that the size chosen fits with the acetabular
component and that notching is prevented. If a Consent and risks
significant notch is created, the surgeon must
change to a total hip replacement. While cutting • Lower back pain: 60 per cent
and shaping, drapes should be placed over the • Leg length discrepancy: 100 per cent (typically
surrounding soft tissues to prevent bone swarf up to 5 cm)
from entering tissue planes. • Knee pain: 45 per cent
A profile reamer is then used to shape the head • Failure of fusion: 2 per cent clinically but up to
and a step drill to create around six holes in the 30 per cent radiographically
bevelled edge, to act as cement keys. The intended • Malpositioning (it has been shown that the rates
final resting place of the component is marked on of back pain are higher in malpositioned hips)
the femoral head–neck junction. The patient must understand that walking will be
The head is thoroughly washed with pulsed abnormal and running impossible. There is a
normal saline and the appropriate head is significant reduction in walking speed and increase
cemented in situ, typically with low viscosity in energy expenditure.
cement. It is impacted up to the previously
created mark to ensure that it is in place. The hip
is reduced and assessed for stability.
Operative planning
At closure, the gluteus maximus tendon and Planning of the position of fusion is vital. The
quadratus femoris are closed, then closure is as in position is:
THR. Postoperative care and complications are • Flexion of 20–25°
also equivalent to total hip replacement. • Rotation neutral to 10° of external rotation
• Adduction of 0–5°.
HIP ARTHRODESIS A variety of techniques can be used, with intra-
articular or extra-articular fusion achieved.
Anaesthesia and positioning
Below is a description of one common technique
although there are many described in the This is performed as for THR.
Hip arthrodesis is rapidly becoming a procedure
of historical interest only as improvements in The lateral approach is used, as described in the
THR allow implantation in younger patients. It primary arthroplasty section. The patient is
has limited indications now but was used in young positioned supine, rather than in the lateral
164 Surgery of the hip

position; a sandbag is placed under the ipsilateral

buttock. This position allows for more accurate
assessment of leg length and, upon removal of the
sandbag, the surgeon can perform a Thomas’ test
at the end of the fusion in order to assess the
position of arthrodesis.

The gluteus medius and minimus complex is left
attached to the greater trochanter and their
anterior and posterior borders defined carefully.
An oscillating saw is used to create an osteotomy,
separating the greater trochanter from the
proximal femur. The abductors remain attached to
the greater trochanter. The greater trochanter and
abductor complex are reflected upwards; this may
require some dissection of the undersurface of the
abductors away from the superior capsule.
The acetabulum is dissected of soft tissues,
carefully defining from the sciatic notch at the Figure 10.16 A hip arthrodesis with cobra plate
back, around the superior border and round to the
anterior border. A blunt Hohmann retractor is recommends the use of an image intensifier at this
inserted into the sciatic notch (this protects the stage to further confirm positioning.
sciatic nerve and the superior gluteal vessels) and The flexion position of 20–25° is confirmed by
another is hooked around the iliopectineal performing the Thomas test. The greater
eminence anteriorly. A horizontal osteotomy is trochanter is then repositioned at the anatomical
carefully created between the two retractors, site. This can now be attached back onto the
running just above the superior surface of the femur with a screw through the greater trochanter
acetabulum. This can be begun with an oscillating and the cobra plate (Fig. 10.16). The remaining
saw but should be completed with an osteotome screw holes are drilled and further cortical screws
to reduce the danger of sciatic nerve injury. inserted to strengthen the arthrodesis.
A corresponding horizontal surface is created
on the top of the femoral head by removing a
small portion of the head with an oscillating saw.
Curettes are used to remove any areas of Closure is similar to the lateral approach for total
persistent cartilage on the femoral head and the hip replacement: a layered closure followed by the
acetabulum. A retractor is inserted into the pelvic surgeon’s choice of skin closure.
osteotomy and used to lever the osteotomy and
displace the distal portion approximately 1 cm POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
medially with respect to the proximal ilium. By INSTRUCTIONS
removing the sandbag from under the buttock,
the position for arthrodesis can be accurately Thromboembolism should be prevented by early
assessed. mobilization and the addition of chemical or
The cobra plate is attached over the osteotomy mechanical measures in patients at increased risk.
site; this only requires one screw into the pelvis Two further doses of the antibiotic given at
and one into the femur at this stage. Careful induction should be given at 8 hours and 16 hours
palpation of the pelvis, patella and malleoli is after surgery.
carried out to confirm the correct position of the Early mobilization is non-weightbearing, with
leg before the arthrodesis. The author the aid of crutches. Radiographic signs of union
Femoroacetabular impingement surgery 165

are sought before a return to weightbearing is SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

allowed. This often takes around 3 months. If the
patient has significant shortening, i.e. greater than One of the approaches for THR is selected. If the
15 mm, a shoe raise insert can be provided and hip is septic, a thorough washout and debride-
used as the patient deems necessary. ment of infected tissue is essential.
The excision is carried out as in THR femoral
head resection. All non-viable bone should be
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES resected but results are best if as much proximal
Murrell GA, Fitch RD. Hip fusion in young adults. femur as possible is maintained, so it is advisable
Using a medial displacement osteotomy and cobra not to be overly aggressive in the excision.
plate. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1994;(300):147–54.
Sponseller PD, McBeath AA, Perpich M. Hip POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
arthrodesis in young patients: a long term follow INSTRUCTIONS
up study. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984;66:853–9.
This is similar to THR in many respects. Traction
is often used for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
Almost all patients will require walking aids and


• It is a last resort operation and used as a salvage FEMOROACETABULAR IMPINGEMENT
procedure, generally in patients with resistant SURGERY
infections or comorbidities which necessitate a
quick operation.
• Sepsis of either THR or the native hip
• Aseptic loosening of THR
• Painful hip conditions in a patient otherwise
immobile, particularly in degenerative neuro- • Pain and/or restricted range of motion
muscular conditions. associated with a recognized anatomical
Consent and risks
This can be of two types: cam or pincer; these can
• Nerve injury also coexist (Fig. 10.17). The cam deformity of the
• Limb length discrepancy: it is usually 3–12 cm, femur is also referred to as a ‘pistol grip’
depending on resection deformity. The most typical presentation is groin
• Recurrence of infection (if a septic indication): pain worse on prolonged flexion e.g. sitting. The
10 per cent impingement test of the hip is usually positive.
• Nearly all will be reliant on walking aids after (The hip is held in 90° flexion and passively
surgery; many have poor function but most have internally rotated and adducted.)
good pain relief

Anaesthesia and positioning • Active infection

• Moderate or severe existing arthritis on
This is performed as for THR. radiographs.
166 Surgery of the hip

Normal CAM

Pincer Mixed

Figure 10.17 The common variants of femoroacetabular impingement

lateral with the leg in maximal internal rotation

Consent and risks (as applicable to open
best demonstrate the anatomy. Magnetic
femoroacetabular impingement surgery) resonance imaging (MRI), MR arthrography or
arthroscopy are often used to examine for labral
• DVT: <1 per cent
pathology. Conventional arthrography and local
• Infection: <1 per cent
anaesthetic injection are frequently used to
• Femoral neck fracture: incidence related to
provide evidence that the pain is originating in the
amount of femoral ‘bump’ removed
• Avascular necrosis of the femoral head: unknown
The surgeon must decide the approach to be
incidence (many studies of open surgery show 0
taken. There are three common options:
per cent)
• The arthroscopic approach (see ‘Hip
• Heterotopic ossification: 3 per cent
arthroscopy’, next section).
• Progression to frank osteoarthritis: up to 100 per
• The lateral open approach, using a trochanteric
flip osteotomy, as popularized by Ganz. The hip
is then dislocated to reveal the impingement.
• A more recent approach has been a ‘mini-open’
Operative planning modified Smith–Peterson approach. This has
the advantage of visualization without
Recent radiographs must be available – antero- dislocation of the hip. This approach is
posterior views of the hip and a shoot-through described below, as an example.
Femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167

Anaesthesia and positioning Deep dissection

Anaesthesia is general with supine positioning.
Structures at risk
The use of an intraoperative image intensifier is
optional. • Femoral nerve and artery – these lie medial to
the sartorius, anterior to the pectineus muscle.
They will not be damaged if dissection is lateral
and deep to the sartorius
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE • Medial femoral circumflex artery – 1 cm proximal
to the lesser trochanter, underlying the iliopsoas
Landmarks tendon. If not identified and accidentally
damaged, profuse bleeding can be expected
The anterior superior iliac spine is palpated. Slight
external rotation of the hip aids location of the
interval between the tensor fascia lata and The reflected head of the rectus femoris is
sartorius. identified and dissected off its origin on the
superior acetabular margin. Its fibres also blend
with the anterior hip capsule and these fibres are
Incision dissected free from the capsule. The direct head is
retracted medially to reveal the iliopsoas tendon.
A 7–10 cm incision is created, running from just
This also requires dissection free from the capsule
below the anterior superior iliac spine, running in
as it is attached by the iliocapsularis tendon.
the border between the tensor fascia lata and
Subsequently, this too can be retracted medially.
sartorius. This should not stray medially into the
The underlying capsule is exposed and can be
area overlying sartorius and it is preferable to
incised in line with the femoral head–neck
create the incision a few millimetres lateral to the
junction. This is most easily identified at the
border of sartorius to ensure that this does not
anteromedial portion of the femoral head as the
occur. The direction of incision is towards the
impingement bump in a cam-impinging hip will
lateral border of the patella.
prevent palpation of the head–neck junction
laterally. Thus, it is advisable to begin the incision
Superficial dissection medially and proceed laterally.

Structure at risk
The osteoplasty of the head–neck junction is
• Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve carried out with a small (10–15 mm) osteotome.
An assistant internally and externally rotates the
Dissection is continued through fat and superficial hip to allow complete excision of the bump.
fascia. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is The resection is directed distally to produce a
identified, running over the fascia between the bevelled resection, restoring the offset between
tensor fascia lata and sartorius. The nerve is the femoral head and neck. This creates a ‘V’-
retracted medially and the fascia incised shaped valley over the anterior head–neck
between the two muscle bellies. This provides an junction. The depth of the valley can be assessed
interval with the muscle belly of the tensor by bringing the hip back into the position of the
fascia lata laterally and that of the sartorius impingement test. The aim is a gain in both
medially. internal rotation and flexion of the hip by over
The dissection is continued down between the 10°. If the valley is not deep enough, it can be
tensor fascia lata and sartorius, until the direct and further deepened in a similar manner. The aim is
reflected heads of the rectus femoris are complete excision of the protuberant bump, until
identified. the remaining femoral head is spherical and no
168 Surgery of the hip

longer impinging on the anterior acetabular rim. Contraindications

Similarly, if there is evidence of pincer
impingement, the acetabular osteophytes or • Infection of overlying skin
calcified labral tissue can be removed with an • Lack of proper instrumentation. The
osteotome and excised. instruments are specific to hip arthroscopy and
Bleeding from exposed bone can be reduced by surgery should not be attempted without
application of bone wax. The wound is thoroughly fluoroscopy, appropriate portal instruments, a
irrigated and any loose bone and cartilage long arthroscope (30° or 70°) and distraction
carefully removed. equipment
• Gross osteoarthritis is a relative contra-
Closure indication.

• The capsulotomy is closed with absorbable Consent and risks

• The reflected head of rectus femoris is • Nerve injury: <1 per cent. The lateral femoral
reapproximated with absorbable suture. cutaneous nerve (anterolateral portal) or the
• The tensor fascia lata–sartorius interval is closed femoral nerve (anterior portal) are at risk
with absorbable suture. • Vascular injury: <1 per cent
• Skin closure. • Infection: <1 per cent. As risk is very low,
prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended
• Trochanteric bursitis: 1 per cent
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND • Iatrogenic injury/failure: 2 per cent Injury to
INSTRUCTIONS articular cartilage or labrum is possible. A small
number of patients cannot be sufficiently
The patient may begin mobilization as soon as
distracted for arthroscopy to be performed
comfortable – this should be touch-
weightbearing, with crutches, for 6 weeks. Active
flexion is avoided for 6 weeks to allow healing of
the reflected head of rectus femoris. Active Operative planning
abduction is begun straight away. Mobilization
Recent radiographs and, where taken, MR images
without crutches is slowly begun after 6 weeks.
and MR arthrograms, should be available. The
High-impact sports, including running, are not
equipment must be available; this should be
permitted for 6 months.
checked by the surgeon.

Anaesthesia and positioning

Anaesthesia is general, and the supine position is
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING used. A peroneal post is well padded and then
inserted to provide counter-traction. The hip and
Indications knee are extended and the hip slightly externally
rotated. The foot is placed in a foot holder on a
Hip arthroscopy is indicated in a variety of painful traction table. This should have a simple
conditions of the hip. The most frequent are: mechanism for internal or external rotation as it is
• Undiagnosed hip pain in the young useful for an assistant to be able to move the hip
• Osteoarthritis during arthroscopy.
• Labral pathology Under fluoroscopic control the hip joint is
• Osteochondral defect distracted, aiming for 10 mm of opening. The
• Removal of loose bodies surgical field is prepared with a germicidal
• Synovectomy or synovial biopsy. solution and draped.
Hip arthroscopy 169

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE further distend the joint. Another 14 G spinal

needle is passed over the superior edge of the
Landmarks greater trochanter, this time in line with the
posterior third. It should be passed at the same
The greater trochanter is palpated and outlined angle. A guidewire is placed through each spinal
with a cutaneous marker. Lines should be marked needle and the needles removed. Dilators are then
to indicate the anterior, middle and posterior used to enlarge the portal in a controlled manner
thirds of the greater trochanter. The anterior e.g. a 5 mm, 7 mm then 10 mm dilator.
superior iliac spine is also palpated and marked. The final dilator is removed and the
arthroscopic cannula is inserted into the anterior
Approach portal. A similar process is completed with the
more posterior portal. The two portals are
A variety of portals have been described. The generally referred to as the anterolateral and the
details of most are beyond the scope of this book. lateral portals, to avoid confusion with true
The ‘workhorse’ portals are two lateral portals anterior portals and the rarely used and more
(described below), although anterior portals can dangerous posterior portals. Initially, the
be added in specific situations. The anterior portal anterolateral portal will be used for introduction
is created at the intersection of a line descending of instrumentation and the lateral portal will
vertically from the anterior superior iliac spine contain the arthroscope.
and a line passing horizontally from the pubic Either a 30° or 70° arthroscope can be used.
symphysis. Some authors advocate a 70° scope as it can
The lateral portals are created just above the overcome some of the limitations in the viewing
superior surface of the greater trochanter hence field with hip arthroscopy. The water flow should
they are sometimes known as superolateral be controlled with an inflow pump on the
portals. Using a long, 14 G spinal needle, an posterior portal and an outflow integrated within
approach is made lying just above the anterior the anterior cannula.
third of the greater trochanter (Fig. 10.18).
Fluoroscopy can be used at this stage to confirm
entry into the joint.
The approach must be relatively flat (i.e. A systematic approach is essential if pathology is
parallel to the floor) to avoid the superior not to be missed. The author recommends
acetabular labrum. Normal saline is injected beginning posteriorly, following the posterior
through the needle, both to confirm entry and to labrum and acetabulum. The arthroscope is then
drawn superiorly, again specifically viewing the
acetabulum and its labrum, then anteriorly.
Throughout the process the femoral head can
also be viewed centrally, as the acetabular labrum
is seen in the periphery of the view. A hooked
probe is introduced and used to assess the soft
tissues, particularly the labrum and the articular
Specific instruments can be used for removal of
loose bodies or debridement of labral tissues (Fig.

Non-absorbable suture is used to close the skin
Figure 10.18 Entry to the hip joint defects.
170 Surgery of the hip

• Impingement syndrome
• Assessment of loose total hip implants,
including aspiration in suspected sepsis.

• Contrast allergy
• Uncontrolled bleeding dyscrasias.

Operative planning
Preoperative anteroposterior and lateral views of
the pelvis and hip should be available. A
fluoroscope and contrast need to be available.

Figure 10.19 Arthroscopic debridement Anaesthesia and positioning

Hip arthrography is uncomfortable. It is
recommended that it is performed under at least
sedation but a short general anaesthetic is
INSTRUCTIONS preferred. The supine position is used. The hip is
placed in the position of maximum joint volume
The patient is fully weightbearing as tolerated. to aid injection:
Specific precautions are rarely required. • 10° abduction
• 10° flexion
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES • 10° internal rotation.
The fluoroscope is positioned over the hip.
Mason JB, McCarthy JC, O’Donnell J, et al. Hip
arthroscopy: surgical approach, positioning, and
distraction. Clin Orthop Relat Res
2003;(406):29–37. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
McCarthy JC, Lee JA. Hip arthroscopy:
indications, outcomes, and complications. J Bone Landmarks
Joint Surg Am 2005;87:1137–45.
McCarthy JC, Lee JA. Hip arthroscopy: Three centimetres below the mid-inguinal point.
indications, outcomes, and complications. Instr
Course Lect 2006;55:301–8. Procedure
Using a long, 22G spinal needle an approach is
HIP ARTHROGRAPHY made through the above landmark, perpendicular
to the skin. A ‘pop’ is felt as the needle penetrates
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING the capsule. The correct position is checked by
injecting a small amount of contrast and checking
Indications that it is intra-articular with fluoroscopy. Once the
position is confirmed, several millilitres of contrast
• Osteoarthritis/rheumatoid arthritis – to assess are injected and the needle is removed. The hip is
the degree of cartilage loss manipulated to distribute the contrast throughout
• Sequelae of paediatric disorders, particularly the joint.
developmental dysplasia of the hip and Perthes Imaging is performed; a typical series includes:
disease • Anteroposterior hip
Viva questions 171

• Anteroposterior in internal and external while removing the image of the implant and
rotation in flexion and extension cement.
• Shoot-through lateral.
If impingement is suspected, an image in flexion INSTRUCTIONS
and internal rotation is taken.
If the arthrogram is taken for planning an The patient may fully weightbear immediately.
osteotomy, live screening can be used to locate a Risks are very low, with infection and contrast
position of best fit of the femoral head in the reaction both significantly <1 per cent.
acetabulum. This is particularly useful in cases of
If imaging a total hip implant, digital
subtraction can be used by taking a plain view O’Neill DA, Harris WH. Failed total hip
prior to injection of contrast and overlaying it on replacement: assessment by plain radiographs,
the contrast anteroposterior view. This will show arthrograms, and aspiration of the hip joint. J Bone
areas of contrast intrusion around the implant Joint Surg Am 1984;66:540–6.

Viva questions

1. How does revision surgery differ when 10. What factors influence your choice of hip
infection is suspected? implant for total hip replacement?
2. What are the indications, benefits and 11. What are the contraindications to total hip
drawbacks for hip arthrodesis? replacement?
3. What are the surgical options for a 50-year-old 12. What factors affect the quality of the cement
man with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the mantle in cemented hip replacement?
13. Which nerves can be injured in hip surgery?
4. Describe the anatomy of the sciatic nerve
14. What factors contribute to dislocation in total
around the hip.
hip replacement?
5. How do you classify bone loss around a
15. Describe the portals used in hip arthroscopy.
femoral/acetabular component of a hip
replacement? 16. How do you perform a hip arthrogram?
6. What complications do you warn the patient 17. What are the potential advantages of hip
about prior to hip replacement? What are their resurfacing over total hip replacement?
18. What imaging would you consider before
7. What are the indications for Girdlestone’s revising a total hip replacement?
19. What are the options for reconstruction of
8. When would allograft be used in hip cavitary bone loss in acetabular revision
replacement? What types of allograft are used surgery?
and why?
20. How can femoroacetabular impingement be
9. Which approach do you use for total hip treated surgically?
replacement and why?
Surgery of the knee
Lee David and Timothy W R Briggs

Primary total knee replacement 172 Distal femoral osteotomy 192

Revision total knee replacement 182 Proximal tibial osteotomy 194
Patellofemoral knee replacement 187 Knee arthrodesis 197
Unicompartmental knee replacement 189 Viva questions 199

Range of Position of Severe deformity or instability may be a contra-

motion arthrodesis indication to the use of an unconstrained,
Flexion 150° 10–15°
condylar implant and may require the use of a
semi-constrained and stabilized or a constrained,
Extension 0–(–5)°
hinged prosthesis.
Int/Ext Rotation 10° 10°

Consent and risks

• Infection: 1–2 per cent
• Bleeding: approximately 1.5 L on average; it has
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING local or general effects. Haematoma formation
increases the risk of wound problems,
Indications arthrofibrosis and infection. Hypovolaemia and
Total knee replacement is indicated in the anaemia may cause cardiovascular, cerebral or
treatment of pain and deformity from the renal complications
following conditions, when non-operative • Venous thromboembolism – below knee deep
management has failed or is futile: vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs in approximately
• Degenerative osteoarthritis two-thirds of patients following total knee
• Post-traumatic osteoarthritis arthroplasty. The risk of fatal pulmonary
• Rheumatoid arthritis embolism (PE) is approximately 0.1 per cent. The
• Other degenerative and inflammatory arthro- prevention of DVT and PE remains a controversial
pathies. topic but it is almost universally accepted that
mechanical thromboprophylaxis should be used
Contraindications and that chemical thromboprophylaxis should be
used in high-risk groups
• Active or recent local or generalized infection • Neurovascular injury can be caused by direct
• Critical arterial ischaemia laceration, traction or pressure. Discrete arterial
• Non-functioning extensor mechanism damage is rare (approximately 0.05 per cent) but
• Severe neurological disorders (relative) must be recognized and dealt with immediately.
• Age (relative). Very young or very old patients Distal arterial thromboembolism must be
should be carefully selected depending on promptly recognized, pressure dressings released
severity of arthritis, level of symptoms and and a vascular surgical opinion sought. Common
quality of life.
Primary total knee replacement 173

establish the mechanical axis of the leg (Fig. 11.1).

peroneal nerve injury has an incidence of
It is imperative that the patient’s symptoms
approximately 0.5 per cent and should initially
should correlate with the radiographic findings.
be managed by release of pressure dressings with
Templating of preoperative radiographs should be
exploration indicated if caused by haematoma. If
performed if possible, and it is the responsibility of
caused by traction, equinus deformity should be
the surgeon to ensure that the required implants
prevented and nerve conduction studies may be
are available.
performed at a later date
There are many implants available for total
• Fractures: the risk of fracture is increased in
knee replacement, and it is the surgeon’s
osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Significant
responsibility to ensure that he or she is familiar
notching of the anterior distal femoral cortex
with the implants used, that all necessary
increases the risk of postoperative periprosthetic
equipment is available and that the appropriate
fracture. Excessive patella resection during
range of sizes are readily to hand.
resurfacing increases the risk of patella fracture.
Intraoperative fractures usually require
immediate fixation and the use of stemmed
Anaesthesia and positioning
Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or
• Extensor mechanism injury – avulsion of the
combined, depending on the preferences of the
patella tendon is a disastrous complication and
must be avoided as it severely compromises the
outcome following total knee replacement. In
the event of this occurring, the tendon must be
reattached to the tibial tuberosity and protected,
although the result is usually poor
• Stiffness may be caused by true arthrofibrosis
but other causes, including infection and
mechanical problems, e.g. ‘overstuffing’ the knee,
patellofemoral maltracking or inadequate bone
resection must be ruled out. Treatment depends
on the underlying problem 5-9°
• Instability may be caused by unequal Valgus
flexion/extension gaps, soft tissue imbalance,
ligamentous insufficiency, insufficient insert
thickness, polyethylene wear or patellofemoral
maltracking. Treatment depends on cause
• Wear
• Loosening
• Pain

Clinical examination should pay careful attention
to alignment, deformity, instability, range of
movement and extensor mechanism function.
Scars should be carefully noted and a distal
neurovascular assessment must be performed.
Recent weightbearing anteroposterior, lateral Figure 11.1 The mechanical
and skyline patella radiographs must be available and tibiofemoral axes of the
and long-leg alignment views may be helpful to lower limb
174 Surgery of the knee

anaesthetist and surgeon and the patient’s co- DISSECTION

The patient is positioned supine on the
operating table with a lateral thigh support and
Structures at risk
foot bolster, allowing free flexion and extension of The medial collateral ligament (MCL) may be
the knee. Pressure areas should be protected with damaged during medial release. The risk of this can
gel pads. Provided that there are no contra- be minimized by careful subperiosteal release either
indications (e.g. arterial calcification) a padded using a periosteal elevator or coagulating diathermy.
pneumatic tourniquet is applied around the thigh The patella tendon may be damaged during
as proximally as possible and secured. A dose of excision of the fat pad, which can be prevented by
an appropriate antibiotic is administered intra- always cutting away from the tendon itself. The
venously prior to the inflation of the tourniquet. patella tendon may be avulsed at its insertion to
The skin in the area of the incision should be the tibial tubercle during eversion of the patella
shaved immediately prior to surgery. The limb is and flexion of the knee. This is a disastrous
exsanguinated and the tourniquet inflated to the complication and can be prevented by extending
desired pressure, with the tourniquet time clearly the deep dissection proximally, dividing any lateral
documented. plicae and by performing a lateral parapatellar
The surgical field is prepared with an antiseptic release to allow eversion of the patella. External
solution. The foot should either be thoroughly rotation of the tibia also relaxes the extensor
prepared or wrapped with an impervious ‘shut mechanism.
off’ drape. Appropriate waterproof drapes should
be carefully applied. An antibacterial, transparent
adhesive drape is applied to the surgical field. Dissection continues in the midline, until the
Ideally, the incision should be marked with a quadriceps tendon is identified. The medial and
sterile pen. lateral skin, subcutaneous fat and deep fascia
should be reflected in matching thick flaps to
allow exposure of the quadriceps tendon, medial
patella retinaculum and patella tendon.
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE The medial parapatellar incision is extended
from the quadriceps tendon proximally, through
By far the most common approach to the knee the medial parapatellar retinaculum and along the
joint in total knee arthroplasty is the medial
parapatellar approach, which is discussed below.
The subvastus, midvastus and direct lateral
approaches are used much less frequently. Other
extensile approaches are discussed in the section
‘Revision total knee replacement’.

Landmarks and incision

The position of the patella, patella tendon, and
tibial tubercle should all be noted. An anterior
midline longitudinal incision is made, usually with
the knee in flexion. The incision needs to be long
enough to allow adequate exposure and avoid
excessive skin stretching: this runs proximally,
from the level of the tibial tubercle for Figure 11.2 The
approximately 20 cm, although the length is medial parapatellar
heavily dependent on the patient’s build. approach to the knee
Primary total knee replacement 175

medial border of the patella tendon distally (Fig. • The common peroneal nerve is in danger from
11.2). There should be at least a 3 mm cuff of injudicious lateral retractor positioning
quadriceps tendon left attached to vastus medialis • Popliteus tendon can be divided during posterior
and a cuff of medial retinaculum attached to the femoral condylar or tibial bone cuts
patella to allow adequate closure. • The popliteal vessels and tibial nerve can be at
The medial capsule is released subperiosteally risk during posterior osteophyte removal,
off the proximal tibia to gain exposure to the posterior capsular release, PCL resection and
medial compartment. In a varus knee, this dis- when cutting the posterior tibial cortex with the
section should include the deep medial collateral saw, if not protected. The anatomy of the
ligament and extend to the posteromedial corner. popliteal artery in relation to the knee joint is
In a valgus knee this medial release should be extremely variable
minimized to the anteromedial corner in order to
gain adequate exposure.
With the knee in extension, the patella is In the vast majority of cases, the bony cuts can
everted and the knee flexed. The retropatellar fat be made in the conventional manner with the use
pad may be partially or fully excised if necessary. of standard instrumentation. Whether the femoral
The visible remnants of the medial and lateral or tibial cut is made first depends on the surgeon’s
menisci may be resected at this stage and the preference and type of prosthesis used.
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) must be divided Femoral cuts
and resected. If a posterior cruciate substituting
implant is to be used the posterior cruciate The femur should be prepared with the use of an
ligament (PCL) can be resected now by dissecting intramedullary alignment jig if at all possible. The
it from its femoral attachment with diathermy. tibial cut can be made by using intra- or
Osteophytes may be debrided at this stage. extramedullary alignment jigs, depending on the
surgeon’s preferred method and the degree of
PROCEDURE extra-articular deformity of the tibia. There is
evidence to show that intramedullary referencing
The primary goals of surgery are pain relief, of the tibial cuts is more accurate but it has also
restoration of function and longevity of the been shown to increase the risk of fat embolism.
prosthesis. The immediate technical aims of the Femoral preparation is undertaken with the
operation are: anatomical alignment, good range of knee flexed and the patella everted. A large drill-
motion, good stability and ligamentous balancing bit is used to create entry point in the distal
throughout the range and good patella tracking. femoral canal at a point approximately 1 cm
Achievement of all these goals can only be accom- anterior to the insertion of the PCL within the
plished by accurate bone cuts, equal flexion/ trochlear notch. The entry point can be slightly
extension gaps, correct soft tissue balancing, widened with a rotational movement of the drill.
adequate fixation of implants and by addressing The intramedullary rod should be inserted into
any patellofemoral problems, while minimizing the the canal with care, especially if a previous total
risk of any adverse intraoperative events. The hip replacement has been performed. The distal
surgeon must appreciate that a total knee replace- femoral cutting jig is positioned over the rod and
ment is as much a soft tissue operation as a bony adjusted so that the distal cut is set at a 5–9°
procedure. valgus angle to the appropriate side of the knee to
be replaced (Fig. 11.3). Ideally, this should be
Bone cuts
chosen to match the anatomical axis of the
contralateral limb, if normal.
Structures at risk The distal cutting jig is secured with two or
three pins which should be fully inserted to
• The MCL must be carefully protected during bone
ensure that the saw is not hampered and to allow
the saw blade to make ample excursion to
• Patella tendon
complete the cut. The amount of distal femoral
176 Surgery of the knee

Lone axis of femur is not oversized. When the desired size is

estimated, marker holes are made on the distal
femur through the appropriate holes on the jig, to
enable positioning of the distal femoral cutting
block. The distal femoral cutting block should be
positioned in slight external rotation and some
implants have the marker holes set at 3° of
external rotation on the distal femoral sizing jig.
valgus This can be checked by correlation with the
transepicondylar axis or Whiteside’s line. The
reasons for this are explained below.
Cut α The cutting block of the estimated size is
placed onto the cut surface of the distal femur,
with pegs sitting into the previously drilled
marker holes. In order to avoid notching of the
IM referencing distal femur during cutting, a cutting guide,
commonly referred to as an ‘angel wing’, can be
Figure 11.3 Distal femoral resection placed through the chosen cutting slot to estimate
the exit point of the anterior cut (Fig. 11.4). The
cutting block is firmly impacted until seated flat
resection performed depends upon the thickness
onto the cut surface of the distal femur and
of the implant and any fixed flexion deformity
secured with obliquely placed pins. Again, the soft
present (see later) but is usually at least 9 mm.
tissues must be carefully retracted during the
Most jigs are slotted to allow for accurate saw
placement of instrumentation. If there is any
blade advancement and have multiple slots and
difficulty in seating either the sizing jig or cutting
holes at different levels to allow adjustment of the
block, the surgeon must check that all osteophytes
amount of distal femoral resection desired. It is
are removed, that there is adequate meniscal
imperative that the medial and lateral soft tissues
resection, that the bone cuts are complete and
are retracted and protected with either Hohmann
that the soft tissues are retracted sufficiently. The
or Trethowan retractors. The cut bone surface
anterior cut should be made first, followed by the
needs to be of sufficient surface area and quality
posterior condyles, anterior chamfer and finally
to allow adequate fixation with either a cemented
posterior chamfer cuts. If it is apparent that there
or uncemented femoral component and must
will be significant notching of the distal femur the
expose trabecular bone. If the distal femur is
cutting block should be removed and the sizing
particularly sclerotic in parts, a ‘second pass’ with
reassessed (Fig. 11.4). If there is a possibility of
the saw blade may be required to achieve a flat
surface, but one must bear in mind that repeated
passes with a power saw generates heat, necrosis
and metal debris from the jig. 1
The distal femur must then be sized to enable 3
placement of the appropriate cutting block. Sizing
jigs generally work on an anterior or posterior
referencing system, using either the anterior distal
femoral cortex or the posterior femoral condyles
as the baseline, measuring the amount of
anteroposterior resection required accordingly.
The typical sizing jig has an anterior stylus that
1 Will lead to overstuffing
must be seated down onto the anterior cortex, and
3 Will notch femur
it may be necessary to remove the overlying
synovium in order to ensure that the component Figure 11.4 The anterior femoral cut
Primary total knee replacement 177

minor notching occurring, this should be from the more abnormal medial compartment. In
controlled and any sharp edge of anterior cortex a valgus knee the amount of tibial resection can be
should be smoothed off with the saw or a bone more difficult to estimate, but should generally
file. The cut bone fragments can then be removed extend to the level of the tip of the fibula head on
with knife and forceps and the posterior condylar the lateral side. When at the correct height, as
cuts can be removed with a broad osteotome. The confirmed with a stylus passed through the slot on
distal femur is then examined to ensure that the the tibial cutting block and onto the tibial plateau,
cuts are complete. Large posterior osteophytes the cutting block can then be fixed with pins,
apparent on the preoperative lateral radiograph or advanced closer to the tibial surface, locked in
evident after bone cuts can be removed by lifting place and the intramedullary rod removed.
up the femur and carefully using a broad The angle of the tibial cut can then be checked
osteotome or saw under direct vision. with an extramedullary alignment rod. If
extramedullary referencing alone is used, the rod
Tibial cut should be in line with the anterior tibial spine and
the distal tip of the rod should lie just medial to
The tibial cut should be made perpendicular to
the centre of the ankle joint (as this is where the
the axis of the tibia in the coronal plane with an
mechanical axis of the limb passes). Using
anteroposterior slope of approximately 3° in the
anatomical landmarks in the foot, such as the
sagittal plane (Fig. 11.5). If intramedullary
second metatarsal, is less reliable as rotation can
referencing is used, the entry point should be
occur within the hindfoot and midfoot. With
made with a drill at the centre point of the tibia.
extramedullary referencing, the anteroposterior
The intramedullary rod should be inserted
slope of the tibial cut can be introduced either by
comfortably into the tibial canal and the cutting
use of an angled cutting block or by adjustment of
block adjusted in a varus knee to allow resection
the extramedullary jig itself. If the femoral cuts
of approximately 10 mm from the more normal
have already been made, the tibia can be
lateral compartment and approximately 2 mm
externally rotated and subluxed anteriorly to
allow exposure of the entire articular surface of
the tibia. If the PCL must be preserved, a small
portion of bone adjacent to the PCL attachment
can be protected with a broad retractor and
Cut preserved during the tibial cut.
After the tibial resection is complete, the
remaining meniscal remnants can be excised and
the tibial component is sized and, following a trial
of the components, the tibia can be prepared to
accept the stem or keel of the prosthesis. The
tibial component should lie in slight internal
rotation on the tibia, with the midpoint of the
tibial baseplate being in line with the medial third
of the patella tendon to optimize patellofemoral

Flexion/extension gaps
The femoral and tibial cuts should be made such
that the rectangular spaces created are the same in
both full extension and 90° of flexion (Fig. 11.6).
Long axis of tibia The fact that the mediolateral tibial slope in the
coronal plane is 3° to the perpendicular means
Figure 11.5 The tibial cut that the posterior femoral bone cut in flexion
178 Surgery of the knee

should be in 3° of external rotation in order to

Flexion gap should equal
obtain two parallel surfaces in flexion (Fig. 11.7).
extension gap i.e. x = y
Some prostheses use the principle of a
Femur flexed 90° tensiometer in flexion and extension to establish
the correct bone cuts in order to obtain equal
flexion and extension gaps whereas others use
spacer blocks or trial inserts.
The most common problems are:
• Tight in extension, flexion satisfactory
– Solution: increase distal femoral resection.
y y Release posterior capsule off femur. Recess or
x x
resect the PCL. Beware of raising the joint
line with excessive distal femoral resection.
• Tight in flexion, extension satisfactory
– Solution: downsize the femoral component
by re-cutting the distal femur (beware of
notching the femur when downsizing
implants). Increase the anteroposterior tibial
• Tight in flexion and extension
– Solution: increase tibial resection. Beware of
(a) (b) losing too much tibial surface area.
• Loose in flexion and extension
Figure 11.6 Flexion and extension gaps – Solution: increase thickness of insert. Beware
gross ligamentous instability.

Soft tissue balancing

Clearly, achieving anatomical alignment and equal
flexion/extension gaps is a combination of accurate
bone cuts and correct soft tissue balancing.
Correcting malalignment and fixed flexion
deformity improves the biomechanics of the knee,
Transepicondylar minimizes wear and therefore loosening, and
axis subsequently improves the long-term outcome and
longevity of the prosthesis.
Soft tissue balancing is essentially required in
3° three scenarios; varus deformity, valgus deformity,
fixed flexion deformity. Fixed flexion deformity can
be present in a varus or valgus knee. The releases
involved can be performed at different stages of
the operation; initial releases to gain exposure,
further releases to establish flexion/extension gaps
and final release after trialling of implants.

Varus deformity
Figure 11.7 The effect of external rotation of the This is by far the most common deformity in the
femoral cutting block osteoarthritic knee. Bone loss is usually from the
Primary total knee replacement 179

medial tibial plateau. An important part of the insert is needed to achieve stability, the PCL may
medial release involves excision of the medial need to be recessed or resected to allow full
osteophytes from the distal femur and proximal extension. Occasionally, the lateral collateral
tibia with either an osteotome or bone nibbler. As ligament needs to be released off the femur and if
described above, the preliminary soft tissue there is severe fixed deformity with associated
release is performed during the initial exposure fixed flexion, the posterolateral capsule and lateral
and involves the medial capsule and deep MCL, head of the gastrocnemius must be released off
released subperiosteally off the proximal medial the femur.
tibia from anterior to posterior using either a
periosteal elevator or diathermy. The next stage Fixed flexion deformity
should be extension of the medial release distally Fixed flexion deformity is caused by contracture
to release the superficial MCL and pes anserinus. of the posterior structures of the knee and
If further releasing is required, one should posterior distal femoral osteophytes. If fixed
consider releasing the PCL as this can often be a flexion is present the amount of distal femoral
deforming force. resection needs to be increased by approximately
1 mm for every 2–3° of fixed flexion present to
Valgus deformity increase the extension gap. This is limited by the
fact that increasing distal femoral resection
Structure at risk elevates the joint line. If there is severe fixed
flexion deformity, it is usually necessary to resect
The common peroneal nerve is at risk following the PCL. The posterior capsule can be released
correction of a fixed valgus and fixed flexion subperiosteally with a curved osteotome follow-
deformity. ing bone cuts. Posterior condylar osteophytes can
be excised with an osteotome and removed
This is the most common deformity in carefully with Kocher forceps (Table 11.1).
rheumatoid arthritis and can occur in
osteoarthritis. Bone loss is usually from the lateral Table 11.1 The stages of soft tissue releases in
femoral condyle. A lateral parapatellar approach is deformity correction
rarely required. It is commonly necessary to use a
PCL sacrificing implant or, if the MCL is non- Varus Osteophytes, deep medial collateral
functional it may even be necessary to use a deformity ligament, superficial medial collateral
constrained prosthesis. There should be minimal ligament, pes anserinus, posterior
medial releasing only to allow exposure, due to cruciate ligament, posteromedial
capsule, semimembranosus
attenuation of the medial stabilizing structures.
Osteophytes should be removed from the distal Valgus Osteophytes, lateral capsule, iliotibial
femur and proximal tibia. The distal femoral cut deformity band, popliteus, lateral collateral
can be set at 5° to ‘overcorrect’ the deformity. The ligament, posterior cruciate ligament,
intermuscular septum, biceps tendon,
lateral patellofemoral ligament may need to be
lateral head of gastrocnemius
released to allow eversion of the patella. The
lateral border of the tibia should be demarcated Fixed flexion Distal femoral resection, posterior
with a knife or diathermy to release the lateral deformity osteophytes, posterior capsule, posterior
capsule. If the knee is tight laterally in extension, cruciate ligament
which is common, the iliotibial band should be
released off Gerdy’s tubercle. If the knee is tight
laterally in flexion, which is less common, the Patella
popliteus tendon should be released. The PCL can
be a deforming force and at this stage if alignment Whether the patella should be resurfaced is still a
cannot be corrected the PCL should be released. controversial issue. Some surgeons always
If there is attenuation of the MCL and a thick resurface, some never resurface and some do if
180 Surgery of the knee

there are patellofemoral symptoms or if the Where total knee arthroplasty is performed
retropatellar surface is severely affected. following a previous patellectomy, a PCL
The vast majority of patella buttons used are substituting implant should be used in order to
polyethylene. There are two types of patella avoid excessive anterior subluxation of the femur
button – onlay and inlay. As the respective names on the tibia due to an already relatively attenuated
suggest, these designs utilize a prosthesis that is extensor mechanism.
implanted either onto or into the resected
retropatella surface. To resurface the patella, the Implantation of prosthesis
knee should be extended and the patella fully
everted. Peripheral osteophytes can be removed Condylar knee replacement systems can be
with a bone nibbler to demarcate the actual cemented, uncemented or a hybrid design that
articular surface. The thickness of the patella usually has a cemented tibial component and an
should be measured and the amount of uncemented femur. Uncemented implants now
bone/cartilage removed should approximately often have a hydroxyapatite coating. The
correspond to the thickness of the implant, polyethylene insert can either be modular or
although if there is severe damage it may be less. monoblock (all polyethylene or metal backed),
Resecting too little bone runs the risk of and can be of fixed or mobile bearing design.
overstuffing the knee and if a sclerotic surface is In cemented knee arthroplasty, two mixes of
left behind, fixation is compromised, whereas antibiotic-impregnated polymethylmethacrylate
resecting too much increases the risk of fracture. (PMMA) bone cement should be used. The
Many implants now have calibrated clamps and surgeon should be familiar with the
jigs that help indicate the correct resection level. biomechanical properties of the cement and its
To avoid an increase in the ‘Q’-angle and mixing technique. Following satisfactory trials, the
therefore reduce the likelihood of maltracking, selected components are checked by the surgeon
the patella button should be slightly medialized and opened. The knee is flexed and the patella
and both the femoral and tibial components everted allowing the tibia to be subluxed
should be lateralized and slightly externally anteriorly, with a Hohmann retractor or similar,
rotated. When trialing the implants and checking and the prepared surface of the tibia exposed
the patellofemoral tracking the ‘rule of no medially and lateral with spiked retractors. The
thumbs’ should be employed, i.e. the knee should knee is washed out thoroughly with normal saline
be put through a range of movement and the pulsed lavage in order to expose the bone
patella should not sublux laterally even before the trabeculae and maximize the mechanical fixation
medial parapatellar reticulum is closed and of the cement. If sclerotic bone surfaces are
without the use of a guiding thumb to ‘aid’ present, a small drill can be used to make multiple
tracking. If the patella maltracks laterally, a lateral small ‘key holes’. When intramedullary
parapatellar retinacular release is usually required. referencing has been used, many surgeons insert a
This should be performed with a diathermy (as it bone block into the medullary canal to reduce
may lead to significant bleeding and bruising blood loss. The knee should be thoroughly dried
postoperatively), and should be carried out from with suction and swabs. The cement can then be
distal to proximal and from deep to superficial. mixed and the whole surgical team should change
There are often palpable fibrous bands and release the outer layer of gloves. In most situations,
of these is sometimes enough. To enable the cementing of both components can be performed
release to be performed, the patella is lifted simultaneously, but on occasions it may be
anterolaterally with the knee in extension. If desirable to perform cementing of the
possible, the superior lateral geniculate artery components separately with different mixes of
should be preserved to avoid devascularization of cement.
the patella. Superficial releasing with a resultant To ensure a satisfactory and efficient
subcutaneous flap and undermining of the lateral cementation process, everything should be
skin should be avoided. prepared and ordered in a logical fashion. The
Primary total knee replacement 181

tibial component is usually implanted first. reduces the chance of stitching the drain in when
Cement can be applied onto the tibial surface closing the medial parapatellar retinaculum.
either via a gun with short nozzle or with a The actual closure technique varies with
spatula. The tibial component is positioned in the surgical preference but it is important that the
correct orientation and firmly seated with a soft repair is watertight and that range of motion is
impactor and hammer. Excess cement is removed. maintained with no patella maltracking. Closure
A trial insert is then applied to the tibial baseplate of the knee in flexion ensures that the correct
and the femur lifted up. Cement can be applied to tension is achieved. The deep layer is closed with
both the exposed distal femur and implant, but as a heavy suture (e.g. no. 1 Vicryl), by means of a
it is difficult to remove cement from the posterior continuous repair of the quadriceps tendon,
aspect of the knee following implantation, in this interrupted repair of the parapatellar retinaculum
region it is preferable to place the cement onto and continuous repair of the medial capsule to
the prosthesis rather than onto bone. The femoral patella tendon. The deep fascia can be closed as a
component must be positioned carefully in separate layer if desired or the subcutaneous fat
relation to the distal femur; in particular flexion of can be opposed with deep interrupted sutures.
the femoral component should be avoided. The The deep dermal layer is closed with a continuous
femoral component must be firmly impacted absorbable suture to allow tension-free closure of
and any excess cement should be removed. the skin with surgical staples or a continuous
The knee is then fully extended and axial absorbable subcuticular suture. A sterile occlusive
compression applied (note: hyperextension leads dressing and a padded compression bandage is
to uneven cement pressurization and may cause applied and the drain secured with adhesive tape.
posterior ‘lift-off’ of the tibial baseplate). If the
patella is resurfaced the orientation should be POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
checked and once positioned, the patella is INSTRUCTIONS
compressed and held with a clamp. The knee can
Regular neurovascular, cardiovascular and
then be flexed again and any further cement
respiratory observations are mandatory. Urine
extruded can be removed quickly. The knee is
output, temperature and drainage should also be
then extended and further axial compression
monitored. Adequate analgesia should be
applied. The trial insert is removed and the
administered. Mechanical and, if indicated,
baseplate inspected to ensure that there is no
chemical thromboprophylactic measures are
cement or soft tissue present which may impede
taken. Two further doses of prophylactic
the insert. The definitive insert can then be
antibiotics are administered at 8 hours and 16
positioned correctly and impacted fully using the
hours after surgery. The use of a reinfusion drain
appropriate instrumentation.
allows for autologous blood transfusion.
In uncemented knee arthroplasty, there must be
Haemoglobin levels should be checked 24–48
good bone stock and accurate bone cuts in order
hours after the procedure. Any drains, urinary
to allow good primary press fit and secondary
catheters, epidural lines and intravenous cannulae
osseointegration of the implant.
should be removed as soon as appropriate to avoid
unnecessary portals of infection. Pressure
Closure dressings should be reduced and ice applied. Full
weightbearing and active range of motion
Once the cement has set, the knee can be washed exercises should be commenced as soon as
out again with pulsed lavage. Some surgeons possible. The wound should be inspected and
prefer to deflate the tourniquet and gain check radiographs performed prior to discharge.
haemostasis prior to closure. However, most The patient must be declared safe for discharge
surgeons favour closure of the knee over a and for routine cases should be able to straight leg
reinfusion drain and application of a pressure raise and flex the knee from 0° to 90°.
bandage prior to deflating the tourniquet. If a Skin clips should be removed 10–14 days after
drain is used, placing the drain in the lateral gutter surgery and an outpatient appointment should be
182 Surgery of the knee

arranged approximately 6 weeks post operatively. • Periprosthetic fracture

Ideally, patients undergoing total knee arthro- • Infection.
plasty should be followed up for life with serial
radiographs, but in reality this is rarely possible. Contraindications
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES • Medically unfit for surgery or anaesthetic
• Active or recent local or generalized infection
Anonymous Knee Replacement: A Guide to Good • Critical arterial ischaemia
Practice. British Orthopaedic Association and • Non-functioning extensor mechanism
British Association for Surgery of the Knee: • Unexplained pain
London, 2002. • Insufficient skin coverage (relative)
Bargren JH, Blaha JD, Freeman MAR. Alignment • Severe neurological disorders (relative)
in total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res • Age (relative) – very elderly patients should be
1983;173:178. carefully selected depending on severity of
Dorr LD, Boiardo RA. Technical considerations in symptoms, quality of life and options available.
total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res
Scuderi GR, Insall JN. Total knee arthroplasty. Consent and risks
Clin Orthop Relat Res 1992;276:26.
All of the risks and complications of primary total
Scuderi GR, Insall JN, Windsor RE, et al.
knee replacement occur at increased rates
Survivorship of cemented knee replacement. J
following revision knee arthroplasty. The overall
Bone Joint Surg Br 1989;71:798.
complication rate for revision knee replacement is
approximately 25 per cent, while the outcome is
significantly inferior to the results of primary total
REVISION TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT knee replacement. In revision for infection, the best
results for eradication rate are in the region of
approximately 95 per cent.
This section is not intended as a comprehensive
• Infection (or failure to eradicate)
guide to revision of all knee replacements but
• Bleeding
covers the principles of revision knee arthroplasty
• Venous thromboembolism
and refers extensively to the section ‘Primary total
• Wound problems
knee replacement’ (p. 172).
• Neurovascular injury
• Fractures
• Extensor mechanism injury
• Stiffness
• Instability
Revision total knee replacement is indicated in the • Wear
treatment of pain, stiffness or instability from a • Loosening
failed total knee arthroplasty. The cause of failure • Pain
must be diagnosed prior to embarking on revision
surgery. There may be several causal factors OPERATIVE PLANNING
present in combination. The common causes of
failure and indications for revision are: A thorough history and examination is essential to
• Aseptic loosening rule out pain referred to the knee from elsewhere
• Polyethylene wear and to assess the level of pain and functional
• Osteolysis disability. Special consideration should be given to
• Ligamentous instability potential risk factors and realistic goals identified.
• Patellofemoral dysfunction The examination should pay careful attention
• Mechanical stiffness to ligamentous instability, range of movement and
Revision total knee replacement 183

extensor mechanism function. Infection must be other extensile approaches may be required to
excluded. Scars should be carefully noted and a gain adequate exposure.
distal neurovascular assessment must be
performed. If the skin over the knee is of poor Landmarks and incision
quality it may be necessary to consult a plastic
surgeon. All scars should be marked with a sterile pen. If
Recent weightbearing anteroposterior, lateral possible, a generous midline incision is used. If
and skyline patella radiographs must be available there are multiple longitudinal incisions in front
and long-leg alignment views are helpful in of the knee the most lateral scar should be used to
guiding alignment. Computed tomography may avoid necrosis of the intervening strip of skin due
occasionally help. It is absolutely essential that a to the fact that the blood supply passes from
cause for the failure is found. Templating of medial to lateral. The incision needs to be long
preoperative radiographs should be performed if enough to allow adequate exposure and avoid
possible and it is the responsibility of the surgeon excessive skin stretching. It may be desirable to
to ensure that the required implants are available. excise the old scar.
The choice of implant is extremely important
and is essentially governed by the degree of bone
Superficial dissection
loss and ligamentous instability present. In most
cases, due to osteolysis in the metaphyseal region Skin flaps should be kept as thick as possible and
and suboptimal surfaces for fixation, stemmed should not be undermined. The quadriceps and
implants are used, which can either be cemented patella tendons should be defined. It may be
or uncemented and press-fit with flutes for necessary to extend the incision until ‘virgin’
rotational stability. Small, contained defects can tissue is found, in order to find the correct tissue
be filled with cement or bone graft but plane.
uncontained defects need to be restored with
augments or wedges. Massive bone loss may
require a distal femoral or proximal tibial
Deep dissection
endoprosthetic replacement. The use of a PCL
substituting design is usually recommended. If Structures at risk
there is some degree of ligamentous laxity a semi-
constrained implant with a high post should be • The medial collateral ligament is at risk from
used to give valgus/varus stability but in the case aggressive synovectomy and medial release
of MCL deficiency a rotating hinged prosthesis • The patella tendon is usually thickened, tight and
should be used. Infected total knee replacements at risk of avulsion. The patella tendon and
should ideally be revised as a two-stage procedure. quadriceps tendon should be thinned down by
excision of any thickened fibrous tissue and the
Anaesthesia and positioning articulating surface of the patella should be
exposed. If the patella does not evert or sublux
See ‘Primary total knee replacement’ (p. 173). The easily, one or more of the measures below needs
operation is likely to last longer than a primary to be performed
knee replacement, leading to more physiological • All other important structures around the knee
disturbance. It can be helpful to exsanguinate the are at greater risk of injury during revision
leg after preparation and draping to save surgery than in the primary procedure due to
tourniquet time. scar tissue, difficulty in exposure and stiffness or
Although many revision procedures can be The standard medial parapatellar approach is
performed via the medial parapatellar approach, usually performed initially but an alternative is
as described in primary total knee arthroplasty, the Insall approach, which extends longitudinally
184 Surgery of the knee

over the patella at the junction of the medial one- border of the patella tendon and lateral
third and lateral two-thirds. The medial parapatellar retinaculum. To reduce subsequent
retinaculum is dissected subperiosteally off the blood loss, it can be performed using diathermy.
patella to allow a cuff for repair. It is usually Full thickness lateral release should be avoided if
necessary to perform an extensive synovectomy in possible, but if this is necessary to gain exposure
order to improve exposure and to recreate the the superior lateral geniculate artery should be left
suprapatellar pouch and medial and lateral intact and the lateral parapatellar retinaculum
gutters. The fat pad is excised. Medial release should be closed later.
should be performed to allow exposure to the
tibia. There is usually a plane visible between the Quadriceps snip
pseudocapsule and normal tissue and this can be This involves a lateral incision into the quadriceps
developed with knife or diathermy and the tendon from the proximal extent of the standard
pseudocapsule carefully pulled away under medial parapatellar approach (Fig.11.8a). A
tension. As the PCL is usually sacrificed, this can quadriceps snip can be performed in combination
be performed following implant removal. with a more distal lateral release, provided that
the superior lateral geniculate artery is preserved.
Lateral parapatellar release
It is almost always necessary to perform a lateral Quadriceps turndown
parapatellar release to allow eversion of the This consists of an incision passing distally and
patella. It is usually beneficial to perform the laterally from the proximal extent of the standard
lateral parapatellar release early on. The release medial parapatellar approach (Fig. 11.8b). The
should be performed from deep to superficial and superior lateral geniculate artery should be
from distal to proximal, alongside the lateral preserved. The inverted V thus formed can be

Figure 11.8 (a) quadriceps snip;

(a) (b) (b) quadriceps turndown
Revision total knee replacement 185

closed as a Y, thereby advancing the quadriceps depends on the amount of bone loss and
tendon and patella distally. ligamentous instability present.

Tibial tubercle osteotomy Implant removal

This requires an osteotomy of approximately 6 cm Safe and careful implant and cement removal
of the tibial tuberosity, hinging on the lateral soft should involve preservation of as much bone stock
tissues in order to maintain vascularity (Fig. 11.9). as possible. It is necessary to use fine, sharp
The osteotomy can be elevated in a case of patella osteotomes and it may be helpful to have cement-
baja. The osteotomy may be performed with a saw splitting osteotomes, a thin saw blade, Gigli saw
or sharp osteotome from the medial side and and burr available. If a modular polyethylene
should be wide enough to include the patella insert is present it can be removed prior to the
tendon insertion, tapering distally along with the cemented components. It is usually preferable to
anatomy of the tibial tubercle. It needs to be fixed remove the femoral component first as this
with screws or wires at the end of the procedure. facilitates easier extraction of the tibial
component. With adequate retraction, the
Procedure bone–cement interface should be carefully
disrupted with osteotomes of appropriate width.
The ultimate goals of revision knee replacement If the implant is well fixed it may be safer to
are pain relief, functional stability and eradication disrupt the implant–cement interface and remove
of infection, if present. In order to achieve these the cement separately. Only when fully loosened,
goals, the important factors are: preservation of should the implant be removed with the
bone stock, reconstruction of defects, adequate appropriate extraction device using a longitudinal
fixation of implants, ligamentous balancing and distraction force. The tibial component can be
restoration of the joint line. The choice of removed in a similar manner. The tibial
prosthesis is of crucial importance and essentially component should never be ‘levered’ out of bone.
It is usually necessary to remove the cement from
around the tibial keel and stem with cement-
splitting osteotomes or gauges. If a polyethylene
patella button has been used it should be removed
if significantly worn, in cases of infection, or if
there is a patellofemoral problem. Metal-backed
patella components can be very difficult to
remove and are often best left if possible.

Following successful removal of implants and
cement, any fibrous membrane on the distal
femur and proximal tibia is carefully removed
with a small, sharp curette and bone nibblers.
Ideally, the remaining bone surfaces should consist
of trabecular bone to allow optimum cementa-
tion. Any small, contained, cavitatory defects can
be filled with morsellized bone graft or cement
but larger, uncontained, segmental defects need to
be reconstructed with augments or wedges (Fig.
6cm long 11.10). Where there is massive bone loss
extending into the metaphyseal region a modular
Figure 11.9 Tibial tubercle osteotomy (leaving the endoprosthetic implant may need to be used with
lateral soft tissues undisturbed) distal femoral or proximal tibial replacement and
186 Surgery of the knee

Massive Thought must constantly be given to achieving

bone loss equal flexion and extension gaps (see ‘Primary
= total knee replacement’, p. 175) and to restoration
of the joint line. If the knee is looser in flexion
than extension, the femoral component is upsized
with posterior augmentation. If the knee is loose
in extension compared with flexion, the distal
femur is augmented. This is preferred to using a
thicker insert and elevating the joint line. The
level of the joint line should be approximately one
Small and Figure 11.10 fingerbreadth below the inferior pole of the
contained Augments Reconstructive
and patella or at the level of the meniscal scar.
= options for bone loss
wedges Some revision knee systems incorporate
cement or in revision knee
bone graft anteroposterior offset options for the femoral
component and mediolateral offset options for the
tibial component. Final trials should be performed
with all trial stems, augments and wedges in place
this necessitates the use of a constrained, rotating-
and the thickness of insert can be determined and
hinged device.
final ligamentous releases performed. If the patella
The tibia should be prepared first with the knee
is to be revised, care must be taken with further
flexed, the proximal tibia exposed and subluxed
resection. It is commonplace to cement the tibial
anteriorly and the patella everted if possible. The
component first and use a separate batch of
canal is opened with a drill. Sequential reamers
cement for the femur.
are used to the desired stem length until there is
good endosteal engagement of the reamer. Using
stable intramedullary referencing, which may be Two-stage revision for infection
in the form of an intramedullary rod and sleeve, Revising a total knee replacement for infection is
the proximal tibia is then resected to the correct even more challenging. Two-stage revision
level. If a tibial cutting jig is used with an inherent maximizes the chance of eradicating infection,
anteroposterior slope, the rotation should be although some units report good eradication rates
referenced from the medial third of the tibial with one-stage revision and better functional
tubercle. Tibial resection should usually be outcome.
conservative, but depends on the previous At the first stage, all implants and cement are
resection level and bone stock. If a flat, level cut removed. Aggressive debridement is performed
cannot be achieved a wedge may be used. with excision of all infected looking tissue and
Attention is then turned to the femur. The multiple fluid and tissue samples are sent to
canal is prepared as above. Distal femoral cuts are microbiology and histopathology. The knee is
made with intramedullary referencing and a thoroughly washed out. It may be helpful to
cutting jig. If the condyles are resected at different perform preliminary bone cuts at this stage. A
levels, the additional resection must be premoulded antibiotic-impregnated cement
compensated for by an augment of that size. The spacer is inserted and lightly cemented in place to
femoral anterior, posterior and chamfer cuts are avoid displacement. Appropriate antibiotics are
then performed with the cutting block positioned continued and inflammatory markers checked on
in the correct rotational orientation. This can be a regular basis. The knee should be mobilized to
estimated from the transepicondylar axis or by preserve range of motion if possible. When
referencing from a spacer block placed onto the confident that infection has been eradicated, the
flat proximal tibial surface. This is essential to second stage revision can be performed with
ensuring a symmetrical flexion gap. Again, implantation of the definitive prosthesis.
augments can be used to make up differences in Occasionally, if not settling, the first stage may
resection levels of the posterior condyles. need to be repeated.
Patellofemoral knee replacement 187

Closure osteoarthritis when non-operative or more

conservative operative management has failed.
Routine cases can be closed in a similar fashion to The lateral facet of the patella and trochlea are
primary knee replacements. Occasionally, most commonly involved and there is commonly
especially after repeated revision cases or some degree of dysplasia, malalignment or laxity
following infection, closure can be difficult present as a predisposing factor.
and it may even be necessary to consider
gastrocnemius muscle flap coverage and skin
grafting, where the assistance of a plastic surgeon Contraindications
may be required.
General contraindications to knee arthroplasty
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND (see ‘Primary total knee replacement’, p. 172).
INSTRUCTIONS • Tibiofemoral osteoarthritis
• Inflammatory arthritis.
If a standard approach has been used, in aseptic
cases, the postoperative regimen is similar to that
following primary knee replacement. The results Consent and risks
of microbiology samples must be obtained.
If a quadriceps turndown or tibial tubercle • See ‘Primary total knee replacement’ (p. 172)
osteotomy has been performed, flexion should be • Progression of arthritis may require revision to
limited for approximately 6 weeks to allow the total knee arthroplasty (5 per cent incidence at 5
tendon or osteotomy to heal and active years)
quadriceps extension should be avoided. • Specific problems with the patellofemoral
articulation include: patella fracture; lateral
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES subluxation; impingement; anterior knee pain

Back DL, David L, Hilton A, et al. The SMILES

prosthesis in salvage revision knee surgery. Knee Operative planning
Hanssen AD. Managing the infected knee: as good Recent weightbearing anteroposterior, lateral and
as it gets. J Arthroplasty 2002;17(Suppl 1):98–101. skyline patella radiographs must be available and
Rand JA. Revision total knee arthroplasty using Schuss views may be helpful. Schuss views are
the total condylar III prosthesis. J Arthroplasty anteroposterior weightbearing X-rays taken with
1991;6:279–84. the knee in 30° of flexion and may be more
Saleh KJ, Rand JA, Ries MD, et al. Revision total sensitive in picking up tibiofemoral osteoarthritis.
knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am It is essential that the symptoms and signs should
2003;85(Suppl 1). be consistent with patellofemoral osteoarthritis. It
Younger AS, Duncan CP, Masri BA. Surgical is sometimes necessary to perform magnetic
exposures in revision total knee arthroplasty. J Am resonance imaging or arthroscopy to assess the
Acad Orthop Surg 1998;6:55–64. rest of the joint surfaces, although in most cases
the decision can be made from the history,
PATELLOFEMORAL KNEE examination and plain radiographs. Occasionally,
however, the final decision is made at the time of
REPLACEMENT operation.

Anaesthesia and positioning
Anaesthesia, positioning, preparation and draping
Patellofemoral replacement is indicated in the are similar to that for primary total knee
treatment of pain from isolated patellofemoral replacement.
188 Surgery of the knee

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE should be an adequate cuff to ensure a good soft

tissue repair. The retropatellar fat pad can be
Patellofemoral replacement should be performed incised or partially excised to facilitate eversion of
via a medial parapatellar approach. the patella and it may be necessary to perform a
lateral parapatellar release. Osteophytes may be
Landmarks and incision debrided at this stage.

The position of the patella, patella tendon, and Procedure

tibial tubercle should all be noted. An anterior
midline longitudinal incision is made with the The aims of the operation are pain relief, good
knee in flexion. It is not usually necessary to patella tracking and patellofemoral stability. This
extend the excision as far distally as in total knee is achieved by accurate bone resection, correct
arthroplasty, but it needs to be long enough to alignment of implants and parapatellar soft tissue
allow eversion of the patella and adequate balancing.
exposure of the distal femur. Patella
To resurface the patella, the knee should be
Superficial dissection extended with the patella fully everted and held
with a clamp. Peripheral osteophytes can be
The medial and lateral skin, subcutaneous fat and removed with a bone nibbler to demarcate the
deep fascia should be reflected in a thick flap to articular surface. It is often difficult to accurately
allow exposure of the quadriceps tendon, medial assess the amount of patella to be resected, as the
patella retinaculum and patella tendon and to articular cartilage wear is usually not uniform. If
allow mobilization of the patella. the median ridge is of normal height, the thickness
of the patella should be measured and the amount
Deep dissection of bone and cartilage removed should correspond
to the thickness of the implant. If there is severe
damage, a measured resection technique is
Structures at risk unreliable. In this situation, the insertions of the
quadriceps tendon and the lateral border of the
• The anterior horns of the medial and lateral
patella tendon can be exposed carefully with a
menisci should be carefully preserved, unlike
diathermy and used as reliable landmarks.
with total knee replacement where they are
Resection 2 mm above this plane results in 66 per
sacrificed. The incision at the level of the joint
cent of the original patella thickness being left
line must be done with great care not to extend
behind. Resecting too little bone runs the risk of
into meniscal tissue
overstuffing the knee and if a sclerotic surface is
• The medial femoral condyle can be damaged
left behind, fixation is compromised, whereas
during the medial parapatellar approach
resecting too much increases the risk of fracture. A
• If the patella tendon is contracted, there may be
clamp is then applied and used as a cutting guide.
a risk of patella tendon avulsion from the tibial
The amount of resection should be carefully
tubercle during eversion of the patella. This can
inspected and adjusted if necessary. There will
be prevented by extending the deep dissection
usually be more bone resected from the medial
proximally, dividing any lateral plicae and by
than lateral facet and the remaining cut surface
performing a lateral parapatellar release to allow
may be sclerotic. This can be roughened with a
eversion of the patella
saw or burr and small drill holes made to improve
cement fixation. The patella is then subluxed or
The medial parapatellar incision is extended from everted and the knee flexed to allow the distal
the quadriceps tendon proximally, through the femur to be prepared. Care must be taken to
medial parapatellar retinaculum and along the avoid fracture of the patella during flexion if the
medial border of the patella tendon distally. There remaining patella is thin.
Unicompartmental knee replacement 189

To expose the distal femur, two Hohmann
retractors are placed medially and laterally.
The anterior surface of the distal femur is
exposed by excising the overlying synovium PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
with coagulating diathermy. The femoral
component should sit flush with the anterior Indications
distal femur without notching, with the correct
degree of rotation to ensure restoration of the Unicompartmental knee replacement is indicated
lateral ridge and good tracking. The implant in the treatment of painful osteoarthritis when
should not be situated too far distal within the non-operative management has failed. The
notch, as this can cause impingement and catching following criteria must be met:
of the patella in full flexion. The femoral bone • Osteoarthritis mainly confined to one
cuts can be based on either intramedullary or compartment
extramedullary referencing. Individual implants • Varus or valgus deformity must be correctable
rely on different anatomical landmarks for to normal
rotational alignment, e.g. long axis of tibia, • Fixed flexion deformity less than 10°
transepicondylar axis of distal femur, and specific • Minimum flexion of 105°
instruction manuals should be referred to. Most • Intact knee ligaments.
bone cuts are made using sizing jigs and cutting
guides. Contraindications
Trials are then performed and tracking assessed.
Final adjustments and preparations can then be • General contraindications to knee arthroplasty
made including lateral parapatellar release if (see ‘Primary total knee replacement’, p. 172)
necessary. Components are cemented in place. • Inflammatory arthritis
• Failure to meet criteria above
• Patellofemoral osteoarthritis – relative. This is a
Closure controversial and debatable issue, with some
If a lateral parapatellar release has been performed evidence showing no detrimental effect of the
a drain should be inserted. The knee should be presence of patellofemoral osteoarthritis on
closed in flexion in a similar manner to a primary results.
total knee replacement.
Consent and risks
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND • Most risks and complications of primary total
INSTRUCTIONS knee replacement can occur in
unicompartmental knee replacement
As for primary total knee replacement. • The rate of conversion to total knee replacement
is around 3 per cent at 3 years
• Medial knee pain is common and usually resolves
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES with time. Persistent anteromedial knee pain
may be associated with a degree of MCL damage
Ackroyd CE, Newman JH, Evans R, et al. The intraoperatively
Avon patellofemoral arthroplasty: five-year • Dislocation of the insert can occur with mobile
survivorship and functional results. J Bone Joint bearings, especially if ACL laxity is present
Surg Br 2007;89:310–15. • Progression of arthritis may require revision to
Cartier P, Sanouiller JL, Khefacha A. Long-term total knee replacement. Although this can be
results with the first patellofemoral prosthesis. relatively straightforward, there is often
Clin Orthop Relat Res 2005;(436):47–54.
190 Surgery of the knee

significant bone loss, especially around the tibial of the patella tendon and proximally up to the
baseplate and it may be necessary to use a stem medial parapatellar retinaculum. The medial
and wedge capsule is dissected subperiosteally off the
proximal tibia to gain exposure to the medial
compartment. The dissection should not extend
OPERATIVE PLANNING beyond the anteromedial corner and should not
involve any release of the MCL. The medial
Recent weightbearing anteroposterior, lateral and portion of the fat pad can be excised. The anterior
skyline patella radiographs must be available and two-thirds of the medial meniscus can be excised
stress views may be helpful. It is essential that the at this point, with the posterior horn removed
site of pain should correlate with radiographic later following bone cuts. This should give
findings. It is sometimes necessary to perform adequate exposure of the medial compartment
magnetic resonance imaging or arthroscopy to and it should be possible to inspect the ACL,
assess the integrity of the ACL and the rest of the patellofemoral joint and lateral compartment.
knee, although in most cases the decision can be This operation can usually be performed
made by the history, examination and plain through a relatively minimally invasive approach,
radiographs. However, the final decision is made at with the skin incision being used as a ‘mobile
the time of operation. window’ to gain access to the femur or tibia with
varying degrees of knee flexion. However, if
Anaesthesia and positioning exposure is difficult, the skin incision and deep
dissection should be extended to allow the patella
This is essentially similar to that described for
to be subluxed laterally, although it should not
total knee replacement. However, as
usually be necessary to involve the quadriceps
unicompartmental knee replacement is usually
tendon or vastus medialis.
performed via a less invasive approach, the use of
regional anaesthesia can be avoided, if desired, by
the administration of local anaesthetic into the
wound and deep tissues. Some surgeons prefer to
use a leg holder with the knee flexed, the hip Structures at risk
abducted and the leg over the side of the
• The MCL must be protected throughout
operating table or the foot of the table removed.
• The ACL is at risk during the sagittal tibial cut
This allows the knee to be stressed and can
with the reciprocating saw and should be
improve exposure.
• The patella tendon can be damaged during
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE reaming of the femoral condyle

Medial unicompartmental knee

Osteophytes on the medial tibial plateau and
replacement femoral condyle are excised. The exact nature and
sequence of bone preparation is dependent on the
Landmarks and incision
implant used and manufacturer’s recom-
With the knee flexed, a longitudinal incision is mendations but the aims are the same as in any
made along the medial border of the patella knee arthroplasty; anatomical alignment, equal
tendon from patella to tibial tubercle and can be flexion/extension gaps, optimum range of motion
extended proximally or distally as required. and good fixation of implants.
The tibial cut is usually made first, with
Dissection extramedullary referencing and a tibial cutting
The incision is deepened along the same line and guide. The vertical cut is performed, with a
the medial border of the patella and tendon reciprocating saw, just medial to the ACL
identified. It is continued along the medial border insertion. The horizontal cut utilizes an oscillating
Unicompartmental knee replacement 191

saw, perpendicular to the long axis of the tibia. cemented and medial unicompartmental knee
The wedge of tibia can then be removed with a replacements are usually mobile bearing.
Kocher forcep.
The femoral preparation uses femoral Closure
intramedullary alignment and the tibial cut as a
combined reference (Fig. 11.11). The flexion gap Closure is done in layers, with continuous
is set by making the posterior condylar cut first. absorbable sutures and a continuous subcuticular
The initial reaming of the distal femur is then suture or staples to the skin. It is not usually
carried out in order to position the trials in place necessary to use a drain.
and the flexion and extension gaps are equalized
by taking more bone off the distal femur.
Final trials and preparations can then be made
Lateral unicompartmental knee
and the definitive implants inserted. If there is replacement
impingement of the bearing anteriorly on the
This is much less commonly performed than
femoral condyle in full extension, the condyle can
medial unicompartmental knee replacement. It
be fashioned to allow clearance. The majority of
can either be performed via a midline approach
unicompartmental knee replacements are
with the patella everted, or a direct lateral
parapatellar approach. The procedure itself is
analogous to that of medial unicompartmental
surgery. Due to the increased excursion of the
lateral compartment during knee movement, the
Centre of use of a fixed bearing is required.
femoral head


Patients should be encouraged to mobilize the
knee and weightbear as quickly as possible. As
there is minimal soft tissue disruption, the patient
should recover function relatively quickly.

Parallel to Koskinen E, Eskelinen A, Paavolainen P, et al.
IM canal Comparison of survival and cost-effectiveness
between unicondylar arthroplasty and total knee
arthroplasty in patients with primary
osteoarthritis: a follow-up study of 50,493 knee
replacements from the Finnish Arthroplasty
Register. Acta Orthop 2008;79:499–507.
Murray DW, Goodfellow JW, O’Connor JJ. The
Oxford medial unicompartmental arthroplasty: a
ten-year survival study. J Bone Joint Surg Br
Figure 11.11 Component Steele RG, Hutabarat S, Evans RL, et al.
alignment in Survivorship of the St Georg Sled medial
unicompartmental knee unicompartmental knee replacement beyond ten
replacement years. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2006;88:1164–8.
192 Surgery of the knee


• Bleeding
• Venous thromboembolism
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Neurovascular injury
Distal femoral osteotomy is used to correct valgus
deformity of the knee and consists of a varus
osteotomy which may either be a medial closing
wedge or a lateral opening wedge. The authors’ Operative planning
preference is the lateral opening wedge varus
osteotomy and this is described below. Recent weightbearing anteroposterior, lateral and
skyline patella radiographs must be available.
Long-leg alignment films must be performed and
Indications stress views may be helpful. It is essential that the
symptoms and signs should correlate with
Distal femoral osteotomy is indicated in the
radiographic findings. It is sometimes necessary to
treatment of pain and deformity caused by valgus
perform magnetic resonance imaging or
osteoarthritis in relatively young patients when
arthroscopy to assess the integrity of the ligaments
non-operative management has failed.
and the state of the joint surfaces. Although
It can also be used to correct malunion
instability has historically been thought of as a
following supracondylar fractures of the femur.
contraindication to osteotomy, it may be
performed as a precursor to or in association with
Contraindications ligament reconstruction, as correcting any bony
malalignment is an important part in stabilizing
• Distal lower limb ischaemia
the knee. Templating of the alignment films is
• Significant medial or patellofemoral
important to have an idea of the correction
required. Each millimetre of opening corresponds
• Flexion limited to less than 90°
to 1° of correction.
• Fixed flexion deformity greater than 15°
• Inflammatory arthritis
• Osteoporosis
• Inability to comply with the rehabilitation Anaesthesia and positioning
General anaesthesia is used. Regional anaesthesia
can be avoided, if desired, by the administration of
Consent and risks local anaesthetic into the wound and deep tissues.
• Delayed/non-union The patient is positioned supine on the operating
• Inadequate/loss of correction table. Provided that there are no contraindica-
• Failure of fixation tions, a tourniquet is applied as proximally as
• Stiffness possible. An image intensifier is needed
• Iliotibial band irritation throughout the operation.
• Progression of arthritis may require revision to Prior to preparation and draping, in order to
total knee replacement. Although this can be reference the mechanical axis of the limb, the
relatively straightforward, it may be advisable to centre of the femoral head can be screened with
remove the metalwork at a separate operation the image intensifier and a radio-opaque
prior to performing total knee replacement electrocardiogram (ECG) sticker is placed on the
• There may be difficulty in achieving the desired skin directly overlying the centre of the femoral
valgus intramedullary alignment of the distal head. If a tri-cortical wedge of iliac crest bone
femoral bone cut following distal femoral graft is to be used the iliac crest must be
osteotomy prepared, draped and exposed to allow bone graft
Distal femoral osteotomy 193

Shift of
Lateral opening mechanical axis
wedge to medial
osteotomy Opening wedge compartment

axis passes
through lateral

Figure 11.12 Lateral opening

wedge distal femoral osteotomy
in a valgus knee

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE continued anteriorly and posteriorly around the

femur. Insertion of the appropriate retractors
The aim of a varus osteotomy is to correct valgus anteriorly and posteriorly gives good exposure of
malalignment, shift the mechanical axis to the the distal femur.
medial compartment and offload the diseased
lateral compartment (Fig. 11.12). The goal is to
overcorrect to a tibiofemoral angle of 0°. A distal
femoral osteotomy should be used rather than a
proximal tibial osteotomy as this achieves a Structures at risk
horizontal joint line.
• The popliteal artery must be protected by the
Landmarks and incision subperiosteal retractor throughout the
procedure. The risk of major arterial injury may
An opening wedge osteotomy is performed via a be reduced by performing the osteotomy with
lateral approach to the distal femur. A longitudinal the knee in flexion as the artery moves away
incision is made over the lateral aspect of the from the posterior femur
thigh in the supracondylar region. Correct • The medial distal femoral cortex should be left
placement of the incision site is ensured by intact. If breached, a staple can be inserted to
screening with the image intensifier. maintain stability

The ECG sticker placed over the femoral head is
The incision is deepened along the same line until palpated through the drapes and an alignment rod
the fascia lata is exposed. The fascia lata is split can be placed to lie between this point and the
and the vastus lateralis can either be divided or centre of the articular surface of the ankle joint.
incised and lifted off the femur at its posterior When the osteotomy is opened by the correct
border. Any blood vessels encountered should be amount, the mechanical axis is shifted to the
coagulated and subperiosteal dissection is desired point, i.e. the centre of the medial tibial
194 Surgery of the knee

plateau. This improves the efficiency of the use of POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
fluoroscopy, minimizes X-ray exposure and helps INSTRUCTIONS
to minimize operation time.
A first guide wire is inserted with the power As for proximal tibial osteotomy.
driver from the lateral cortex in a medial and
slightly caudal direction. The wire should emerge RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
in the metaphyseal region of the distal femur at
Backstein D, Morag G, Hanna S, et al. Long-term
the junction of the medial femoral condyle and
follow-up of distal femoral varus osteotomy of the
the supracondylar ridge. A second wire is then
knee. J Arthroplasty 2007;22(Suppl 1):2–6.
introduced to lie exactly superimposed on the first
Brouwer RW, Raaij van TM, Bierma-Zeinstra SM,
on a true anteroposterior fluoroscopic image,
et al. Osteotomy for treating knee osteoarthritis.
indicating that the wires are exactly parallel to the
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007;18:CD004019.
joint surface. This second wire can be introduced
Puddu G, Cipolla M, Cerullo G, et al.
through a parallel guide.
Osteotomies: the surgical treatment of the valgus
The osteotomy can then be performed with an
knee. Sports Med Arthrosc 2007;15:15–22.
oscillating saw, using either the guide wires or
cutting jig to help control the saw. The saw is
placed on the proximal side of the wires and
advanced approximately two-thirds of the
distance across the femur under fluoroscopic
control. Care must be taken not to penetrate the
medial cortex. The osteotome is then used to PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
complete the osteotomy through the anterior and
Proximal tibial osteotomy is used to correct varus
posterior cortices, but should stop approximately
deformity of the knee and consists of a valgus
1 cm short of the medial cortex. The blade of the
osteotomy which may either be a lateral closing
osteotome can be marked at a level where
wedge or a medial opening wedge. The authors’
penetration of the far cortex will not occur and
preference is the medial opening wedge valgus
this marking can be observed carefully as the
osteotomy and is described below.
osteotome advances.
The osteotomy is then opened with distraction
osteotomes using a screwdriver under Indications
fluoroscopic control. When the osteotomy is
Proximal tibial osteotomy is indicated in the
opened, metal wedges can be gently inserted into
treatment of pain and deformity caused by varus
the osteotomy to the desired level. The amount of
osteoarthritis in relatively young patients when
correction can be checked with the image
non-operative management has failed.
intensifier using the alignment rod as previously
described. A locking plate with interposition
wedge of the desired size is then inserted into the Contraindications
osteotomy in the correct position and screws
• Distal lower limb ischaemia
inserted and checked with fluoroscopy. The
• Significant lateral or patellofemoral
opening wedge can be filled with bone graft or
calcium triphosphate wedges.
• Significant bone loss from the medial tibial
Closure • Flexion limited to less than 90°
• Fixed flexion deformity greater than 15°
Closure is performed in layers with continuous • Inflammatory arthritis
absorbable sutures and a continuous subcuticular • Osteoporosis
suture or staples to the skin. It is not usually • Inability to comply with rehabilitation
necessary to use a drain. protocol.
Proximal tibial osteotomy 195

Consent and risks

Progression of arthritis may require revision to total
knee replacement. Although this can be relatively
straightforward, it may be advisable to remove the Mechanical
metalwork prior to performing total knee axis passes
replacement. medially
There may be problems caused by patella baja. Shift of
Other specific complications include: mechanical
axis to lateral
• Infection
• Bleeding
• Venous thromboembolism
• Common peroneal nerve injury (usually Opening
associated with fibular osteotomy in closing
wedge proximal tibial osteotomy). Medial
• Major arterial injury opening
• Compartment syndrome wedge
• Lateral tibial plateau fracture osteotomy
• Delayed/non-union
• Inadequate/loss of correction
• Overcorrection
• Failure of fixation
Figure 11.13 Medial opening wedge proximal tibial
• Stiffness osteotomy in a varus knee

Operative planning
Landmarks and incision
As for distal femoral osteotomy.
A medial opening wedge valgus osteotomy is
performed via an anteromedial approach to the
Anaesthesia and positioning proximal tibia. A longitudinal or oblique incision
is made over the anteromedial aspect of the
As for distal femoral osteotomy.
proximal lower leg in the region of the insertion of
the pes anserinus and 3 cm medial to the lower
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE border of the tibial tubercle.

The aim of a valgus osteotomy is to correct Dissection

malalignment, shift the mechanical axis to the
lateral compartment and offload the diseased The incision is deepened until the fascia overlying
medial compartment (Fig. 11.13). The goal is to the pes is exposed. The fascia is incised and the
correct to a tibiofemoral angle of 5–9°. The pes anserinus is reflected posteriorly, with the
advantages of an opening wedge valgus osteotomy superficial medial collateral ligament. Any blood
include the fact that there is no need for a fibular vessels encountered should be coagulated and
osteotomy, there is more control over the subperiosteal dissection is continued anteriorly
correction and that it may correct instability and posteriorly around the tibia. Insertion of the
in anterior or posterior cruciate ligament appropriate retractors anteriorly and posteriorly
deficiency by adjustment of the tibial slope. It has gives good exposure of the proximal tibia and
the disadvantage of creating a degree of patella protects the patella tendon anteriorly with the
baja. popliteal artery and tibial nerve posteriorly.
196 Surgery of the knee

Procedure cutting jig to help control the saw. The saw is

placed on the distal side of the wires and advanced
approximately two-thirds of the distance across
Structures at risk the tibia under fluoroscopic control. Care must be
taken not to penetrate the lateral cortex. The
• Popliteal artery: the risk of major arterial injury
osteotome is then used to complete the
may be reduced by performing the osteotomy
osteotomy through the anterior and posterior
with the knee in flexion as the artery moves
cortices, but should stop approximately 1 cm
away from the posterior tibia
short of the lateral cortex. The blade of the
• Patella tendon
osteotome can be marked at a level where
• Superficial MCL
penetration of the far cortex will not occur and
• The lateral tibial cortex should be left intact. If
this marking can be observed carefully as the
breached, a staple should be inserted laterally to
osteotome advances.
maintain stability
The osteotomy may pass above the insertion of
• The lateral tibial plateau can be fractured if the
the patella tendon, but if it crosses the anterior
anterior cortex has not been fully osteotomized
tibial cortex at the level of the tibial tuberosity it
prior to distraction of the osteotomy. If this
may be necessary to make a step cut beneath the
occurs, the osteotomy should be advanced and
tuberosity from the transverse osteotomy
the fracture stabilized with one or more
proximally to ensure that the tuberosity and
interfragmentary screws from the lateral side
patella tendon insertion remain intact (Fig.
The osteotomy is then opened with distraction
The ECG sticker placed over the femoral head is
osteotomes using a screwdriver under
palpated through the drapes and an alignment rod
fluoroscopic control. When the osteotomy is
can be placed to lie between this point and the
opened, metal wedges can be gently inserted into
centre of the articular surface of the ankle joint.
the osteotomy to the desired level. The amount of
When the osteotomy is opened by the correct
correction can be checked with the image
amount, the mechanical axis is shifted to the
intensifier using the alignment rod as previously
desired point, i.e. at the junction of the medial
described. A locking plate with interposition
two-thirds and lateral third of the articular surface
of the tibia. Using an alignment rod to show the
mechanical axis improves the efficiency of the use
of fluoroscopy, minimizes X-ray exposure and
helps to minimize operation time. It is imperative
that a ‘true’ anteroposterior radiograph of the
knee is obtained in order to gauge the
anteroposterior slope of the tibia.
A first guide wire is inserted, with the power
driver, from the medial cortex in a lateral and
slightly cephalad direction. The wire should
emerge in the metaphyseal region of the proximal
tibia at the level of the tip of the fibula head. A
second wire is then introduced to lie exactly
superimposed on the first on a true
anteroposterior fluoroscopic image, indicating that
the wires are exactly parallel to the joint surface.
This second wire can be introduced through a Step cut to
avoid tubercle
parallel guide.
The osteotomy can then be performed with an
oscillating saw, using either the guide wires or a Figure 11.14 A step cut to avoid tibial tuberosity
Knee arthrodesis 197

wedge of the desired size is then inserted into the Fisher DE. Proximal tibial osteotomy 1970–1995.
osteotomy in the correct position and screws Iowa Orthop J 1998;18:54–63.
inserted and checked with fluoroscopy. The
opening wedge can be filled with bone graft or
calcium triphosphate wedges. Autograft is still KNEE ARTHRODESIS
advocated for larger corrections or revision

Closure Indications

Closure is undertaken in layers with continuous The most common indication for knee arthrodesis
absorbable sutures and a continuous subcuticular is as a salvage procedure in failed revision knee
suture or staples to the skin. It is not usually arthroplasty either where infection has been
necessary to use a drain. resistant to eradication or when there is a non-
functioning extensor mechanism.
In the past and currently still in some parts of
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND the world, knee arthrodesis is more commonly
INSTRUCTIONS performed in patients with post-infective arthritis,
tuberculosis, poliomyelitis and severe trauma.
Regular neurovascular observations should be
performed and the patient carefully monitored for
signs of compartment syndrome. Adequate Contraindications
analgesia is administered. Mechanical and chemical
• Critical arterial ischaemia
thromboprophylaxis is recommended. Two further
• Extensive bone loss (relative)
doses of prophylactic antibiotics are administered
• Ipsilateral hip arthrodesis (relative).
at 8 hours and 16 hours postoperatively. The
wound should be inspected and check radiographs
performed prior to discharge. If the fixation is Consent and risks
stable, range of motion exercises are encouraged
from day 1 postoperatively. Patients should remain • Infection (or failure to eradicate existing
non-weightbearing in a hinged knee brace for 2 infection)
weeks. Repeat radiographs are taken and clips • Bleeding
removed at this stage. Touch weightbearing only is • Venous thromboembolism
commenced in a hinged knee brace for a further 4 • Wound problems
weeks. If radiographs are satisfactory at 6 weeks, • Neurovascular injury
partial weightbearing can be commenced and if the • Fractures
osteotomy has united at 12 weeks the patient can • Delayed or non-union
build up to full weightbearing. • Pain
• Immobility
• Risk of subsequent amputation
Brinkman JM, Lobenhoffer P, Agneskirchner JD, Operative planning
et al. Osteotomies around the knee: patient
selection, stability of fixation and bone healing in The indication for arthrodesis, severity of bone
high tibial osteotomies. J Bone Joint Surg Br loss and adequacy of soft tissue coverage all need
2008;90:1548–57. to be taken into account prior to deciding on
Coventry MB, Ilstrup DM, Wallrichs SL. Proximal whether the arthrodesis should be a single or
tibial osteotomy. A critical long-term study of staged procedure, an intramedullary or
eighty-seven cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am extramedullary fixation and whether it is
1993;75:196–201. necessary to enlist the help of a plastic surgeon.
198 Surgery of the knee

The patient should be thoroughly counselled approximately 15° of flexion, 7° valgus and 10°
before the operation. external rotation. Bone graft may be used if
desired. Compression must be achieved with the
Anaesthesia and positioning external fixator. Any form of external fixator can
be used, from simple monoaxial fixators to fine
See ‘Revision total knee replacement’ (p. 183). wire frames.

Intramedullary fixation
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Bone cuts are made as above. The femoral and
tibial intramedullary canals are reamed. The distal
This depends on indication, type of fixation and
femur/proximal tibia can be reamed in a
need for bone grafting.
concave/convex fashion to increase contact
surface area. Fixation can be achieved either with
Landmarks and incision a long nail or with a two-part nail with a
locking device between the femur and tibia
A longitudinal, anterior midline incision is used, which can also provide compression and correct
usually through a previous total knee replacement alignment. The nail can be locked proximally and
scar. distally.

The quadriceps tendon and patella tendon are
In some cases closure can be difficult.
split and a patellectomy performed. A
Occasionally, especially after repeated revision
synovectomy can be carried out and ligaments
cases or following infection, closure can be such a
released or divided to gain exposure.
challenge that it may even be necessary to
consider gastrocnemius muscle flap coverage and
Procedure skin grafting, where the assistance of a plastic
surgeon may be required.
The goals of arthrodesis are pain relief, eradication
of infection and sound bony fusion in the correct
alignment. In order to achieve these goals the
important factors are: good apposition of healthy POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
bone surfaces, preservation of bone stock and INSTRUCTIONS
stable fixation with compression.
Implants are removed as described in the The amount of weightbearing allowed depends on
section ‘Revision total knee replacement’ (p. 185). the stability of fixation, but generally touch
It is important to preserve as much bone as weightbearing should be commenced immedi-
possible. Bone surfaces must be viable. In the ately, gradually built up to partial weightbearing
presence of infection, it is usually desirable to over approximately 6 weeks and to full
perform a two-stage procedure with the first weightbearing over the next 6 weeks.
stage involving thorough debridement, insertion
of an antibiotic-impregnated cement spacer and
temporary fixation. Second stage involves the RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
definitive arthrodesis. This is commonly achieved
in one of two ways. Conway JD, Mont MA, Bezwada HP. Arthrodesis
of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2004;86:835–48.
External fixation Wiedel JD. Salvage of infected total knee fusion:
The tibia is cut perpendicular to the long axis. The the last option. Clin Orthop Relat Res
femur is cut to enable apposition at 2002;(404):139–42.
Viva questions 199

Viva questions

1. What are the risks and complications of total 11. What extensile approaches are available in
knee arthroplasty? revision knee arthroplasty?
2. What are the contraindications to total knee 12. What is your rationale for choosing an implant
replacement? in revision knee arthroplasty?
3. Which total knee replacement would you 13. What are the treatment options for a 50-year-
choose and why? old man with medial compartment
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
posterior collateral ligament retaining and 14. What criteria need to be met for a medial
sacrificing total knee replacement. unicompartmental knee replacement?
5. Describe how you would address an imbalance 15. How would you select the ideal patient for a
in flexion/extension gaps. patellofemoral replacement?
6. What releases would you perform to correct 16. How would you ensure adequate realignment
alignment in a valgus knee? in proximal tibial osteotomy?
7. How do you deal with a fixed flexion deformity 17. Why is a distal femoral osteotomy preferred to
during total knee replacement? proximal tibial osteotomy in a valgus knee?
8. What measures do you take to ensure correct 18. Discuss the pros and cons of opening versus
patella tracking in primary total knee closing wedge proximal tibial osteotomy.
19. What are the indications for knee arthrodesis?
9. How would you manage a patient with a
20. Describe the general principles and fixation
painful knee replacement?
options in arthrodesis.
10. Describe the modes of failure of total knee
Soft tissue surgery of the knee
Jonathan Miles and Richard Carrington

Knee arthroscopy 200 Cartilage reconstruction surgery 208

Arthroscopic meniscal knee surgery 204 Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 210
Lateral patellar retinaculum release 207 Viva questions 216

Range of Position of • Ankylosis of the knee

motion arthrodesis • Rupture of the joint capsule (allows
extravasation of the irrigation fluid).
Flexion 0° 0–20°
Extension 140° (10° ext rot)
Consent and risks
KNEE ARTHROSCOPY • Venous thromboembolism: <1 per cent
• Septic arthritis: <1 per cent
• Superficial wound infection: <1 per cent
• Neuropraxia (secondary to tourniquet use): <1
per cent
• Effusion: virtually universal and can last for
Knee arthroscopy is used as a diagnostic and several months
interventional tool in a wide variety of conditions.
Because of advances in other imaging modalities,
particularly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), it Operative planning
is becoming less common for arthroscopy to be
used for diagnosis alone. The frequent indications Any preoperative imaging should be available.
include: Appropriate instrumentation should be available
• Meniscal tears and checked by the surgeon, including the
• Cruciate ligament injury arthroscope, camera, light lead, arthroscopic
• Chondral defects instruments, irrigation fluid pump and the ‘stack’,
• Removal of loose bodies which must include a functioning light source and
• Washout of sepsis monitor. The arthroscope used for knee
• Synovectomy, including cases of pigmented arthroscopy has a 4 mm diameter and 30° viewing
villonodular synovitis angle.
• Patella realignment procedures
• Intra-articular knee fracture assessment and Anaesthesia and positioning
Anaesthesia is usually general, though regional
Contraindications anaesthesia is acceptable. The position is supine. A
side support can be used, at the level of the upper
• Infection – particularly cellulitis over the to mid thigh, to provide a lever when opening up
potential portal sites the medial compartment.
Knee arthroscopy 201

An appropriately padded tourniquet is applied

and inflated at the level of the upper thigh. If the
patient is hirsute, the anterior knee is shaved. The
surgical field is prepared with a germicidal
solution. Waterproof drapes are used with
adhesive edges to provide a seal to the skin. The Anterolateral
foot and lower leg are covered with a stockinette.
The arthroscope is connected to the camera and
light source. With the arthroscope applied against
a clean white swab, the white balance button Anterolateral Anteromedial
is pushed to prevent colour casts (unwanted portal portal
colour tints affecting the picture) during the


Examination under anaesthesia

The first stage of any arthroscopy is vital and
occurs before any incision is made. The knee is Fig. 12.1 The three common knee arthroscopy portals
assessed for its full range of movement (which
includes any hyperextension) and stability of its
ligaments. The patella height and tracking are

Landmarks with the blade facing away from the patella

tendon. A vertical incision or horizontal incision is
The patella, patella tendon, medial and lateral acceptable. If using a horizontal incision, once the
joint lines are palpated carefully with the knee in skin is breached the blade is turned to face
around 70° of flexion. vertically upwards to perform the capsulotomy.
This reduces the risk of damaging the lateral
Portals meniscus.
The anteromedial portal is created under direct
All arthroscopy requires at least two portals with vision with the arthroscope viewing the medial
by far the most common two being the compartment. It lies 1 cm above the medial joint
anterolateral and anteromedial portals (Fig. 12.1). line and 1 cm medial to the medial border of the
The anterolateral portal is almost always created patellar tendon. A 16G needle is inserted at this
first and other portals can be created under direct point, facing slightly downwards towards the tibia.
vision. This can be visualized directly to ensure that it
The anterolateral portal is created 1 cm above exits just above the medial meniscus. If it does
the lateral joint line and 1 cm lateral to the lateral not, it can be withdrawn and replaced correctly.
border of the patellar tendon. This corresponds to Once the correct entry point has been identified,
a level just below the inferior pole of the patella. the needle is withdrawn and the scalpel used to
It can be palpated by pushing a thumb against the enlarge the portal in the same fashion as the
angle between the lateral border of the patella and anterolateral portal.
the anterolateral border of the upper tibia. If the The superomedial portal is 2 cm above the
thumb is left on the upper tibial border, the superior pole of the patella, in line with the
incision can be made just above the thumb to medial border of the patella. It was historically
guide the surgeon to the correct position. It is best used for an outflow cannula. These are rarely used
done with a pointed, rather than curved, blade, now, as modern pumps obviate their use.
202 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

The superolateral portal is 2 cm above the Insertion of the arthroscope

superior pole of the patella, in line with the lateral
border of the patella. It can be used in
suprapatellar synovectomy or in surgery for Structures at risk
patellar maltracking.
• Articular cartilage
The posteromedial portal is 1 cm above the
• Anterior horn of lateral meniscus
posteromedial joint line, in line with the lateral
border of the medial femoral condyle. This
represents the ‘soft spot’ between the tendon This is the only step of arthroscopy which must be
of semimembranosus, the medial head of carried out blind: it must be done with great care
gastrocnemius and the medial collateral ligament. to prevent gouging of the articular surfaces. The
The portal is created with the knee in 90° flexion, anterolateral portal is created as described above.
allowing the saphenous nerve to fall out of the The trochar and sleeve are inserted at 70° of knee
surgical field. It can be used to visualize the flexion. Firm, gradual pressure is applied until
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) or posterior there is a reduction in resistance, indicating that
horn of the medial meniscus or in total the trochar has passed through the joint capsule.
synovectomy of the knee. It utilizes a longitudinal At this point the knee is extended to around 20°
skin incision to avoid neurovascular damage. of flexion and the trochar advanced, passing
Following skin incision, an artery clip is used to through the patellofemoral joint. Its intra-articular
dissect down to and through the capsule. position can be confirmed by sweeping the
arthroscope gently from side to side – it can be felt
to be beneath the patella. If it is outside the knee
Structures at risk joint, it will not sweep from side to side. The
position of the arthroscope should be confirmed
• Sartorial branch of the saphenous nerve before removing the trochar, introducing the
• Long saphenous vein: can be transilluminated by camera and turning on the saline inflow.
the arthroscope to help its identification
These structures pass together, approximately 1 cm
behind the portal incision. Arthroscopic inspection of the knee
It is good practice to follow the same ‘route’
around the knee as this helps to prevent any
The posterolateral portal is placed in a soft omissions. It is the authors’ practice to address any
point between the lateral head of gastrocnemius, pathology as it is located, rather than to proceed
the lateral collateral ligament and the with a full inspection before beginning
posterolateral tibial plateau. It is very infrequently intervention. Table 12.1 gives a suggested route,
used, but can be used to visualize the posterior which many surgeons find the most effective one.
horn of the lateral meniscus or retrieve a loose
body from the posterior compartment of the
knee. Again, a longitudinal incision is used. Closure
The portals are closed with either single nylon
sutures or adhesive paper stitches. Adhesive
Structures at risk dressings then wool and crepe are applied before
• Common peroneal nerve, running lateral to the the tourniquet is deflated.
lateral head of gastrocnemius, 15 mm below the
• Lateral superior and inferior geniculate arteries,
passing just below and above the incision site, Weightbearing mobilisation is begun early,
respectively together with range of motion exercises. Anti-
thromboembolism stockings are recommended
Table 12.1 Arthroscopic inspection of the knee

Step Area of inspection Position of knee Position of arthroscope Structures to inspect Technical notes
1 Suprapatellar pouch 20° flexion Upright/upside down Synovium; loose bodies Turning the arthroscope through all angles
allows visualization of the synovium
throughout the whole cavity
2 Lateral gutter 20° flexion Upright Loose bodies Best inspected at this stage so that it is
not forgotten after tibiofemoral joint

3 Patellofemoral joint 20° flexion Upright/upside down Medial + lateral patella The arthroscope is turned upside down to
facets; synovial plica; inspect the patellar cartilage and kept
trochlea; patella tracking upright to view the trochlea. It must be
withdrawn to just inferior to the patella
to view tracking
4 Medial gutter 20° flexion Upright Loose bodies
5 Medial compartment 90° flexion initially Normal/viewing laterally Medial femoral condyle; Viewing the posterior horn is easier with
30° flexion to view the to improve visualization medial tibial plateau; the knee straighter and with the
posterior horn of the posterior horn medial meniscus; loose arthroscope swung to look laterally
bodies; creation of medial

6 Intercondylar notch 90° flexion Upright Anterior cruciate ligament In ACL surgery, the portals are created a
(ACL); posterior cruciate little closer to the patella tendon to
ligament; loose bodies; improve access to the notch
both posterior horns

7 Lateral compartment Figure-four position Upright/viewing medially Lateral femoral condyle; Move the knee into the figure-four
lateral tibial plateau; position with the arthroscope in the notch
lateral meniscus; loose (Fig. 12.2). Drive into the lateral

Knee arthroscopy
bodies; popliteus tendon compartment as it opens and comes into

204 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

Moseley JB, O’Malley K, Petersen NJ, et al. A

controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery for osteo-
arthritis of the knee. N Engl J Med 2002;347:



See ‘Knee arthroscopy’ (p. 200) for further details
of consent and operative planning, as well as
postoperative care.
Fig. 12.2 The figure-four position for lateral
compartment viewing
• Acute tears of the meniscus – radial,
longitudinal, complex and bucket-handle forms
(Fig. 12.3)
for 6 weeks. The wool and crepe are removed 24
• Degenerative tears of the meniscus (commonly
hours after surgery, to increase mobility. Sutures
posterior horn of medial meniscus)
are removed at 10–14 days after surgery.
• Meniscal repair – in non-degenerative,
longitudinal tears within 3 mm of the periphery
(i.e. within the vascular zone of the meniscus).
Jaureguito JW, Greenwald AE, Wilcox JF, et al. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
The incidence of deep venous thrombosis after
arthroscopic knee surgery. Am J Sports Med Partial menisectomy
Kim SJ, Kim HJ. High portal: practical philosophy Partial menisectomy is the most common
for positioning portals in knee arthroscopy. procedure performed by trainees throughout the
Arthroscopy 2001;17:333–7. developed world and is considered a required skill
Kramer DE, Bahk MS, Cascio BM, et al. Posterior by trainers and programme directors. It must be
knee arthroscopy: anatomy, technique, applica- part of a full diagnostic arthroscopy, as described
tion. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2006;88:110–21. in the previous section.

Longitudinal tear Radial tear Bucket-handle tear

Fig. 12.3 The common forms of acute meniscal tear

Arthroscopic meniscal knee surgery 205

Initial inspection of the meniscus can often The meniscus can be resected using a number
reveal the presence, though not extent of a tear. of instruments. The author prefers to use simple
The smooth outline of the meniscus will be lost. punches for the majority of the resection and use
The first stage is to probe the meniscus with an an arthroscopic shaver to smooth over the final
arthroscopic probe. The probe is inserted under remnant. An ‘upbiter’ is very useful during
the meniscus and the hook turned to point resection of very posterior tears, particularly of the
upwards, into the meniscus; the probe is medial meniscus (Fig. 12.5).
withdrawn and will catch any inferior tear that The resection should be careful and
was not previously visible. methodical, leaving all stable meniscus behind.
Large posterior horn tears and even displaced After resection, the meniscus must be probed
bucket-handle tears can flip into the intercondylar again to ascertain that all remaining meniscus is
notch and will not be seen unless specifically stable.
looked for in the posterior part of the notch. Using
the probe, the surgeon can determine the extent Bucket-handle tear surgery
of the tear and decide on the boundary between
unstable, torn meniscal remnants and well-fixed, A bucket-handle tear is a large, longitudinal tear in
stable, meniscal rim (Fig. 12.4). which the internal portion is mobile and can flip
over and become stuck in the intercondylar notch.
It is three times as common in the medial as the
Medial femoral
condyle lateral meniscus. The following discussion uses the
medial meniscus as an example, though the
Torn medial principles are transferrable to the lateral meniscus.
meniscus Entry of the arthroscope into the medial
compartment can be difficult. Careful creation of
an anteromedial portal, as described, is
recommended, followed by use of a probe
Medial tibial plateau
through this portal to gently push the displaced
fragment medially. This will usually afford a good
view. Assessment can be made as to whether the
Arthroscopic tear is repairable (see the following section).
hook probe A probe is used to define the attachments of the
tear, both posteriorly and anteriorly (Fig. 12.6). A
Fig. 12.4 Use of an arthroscopic probe to show a punch is used to detach 90 per cent of the tear at
horizontal tear


handle tear

resection line

Fig. 12.5 An ‘upbiter’ is useful in posterior horn Fig. 12.6 Resection points of a bucket-handle medial
resection meniscal tear.
206 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

its posterior origin. It is easiest to do this with an Most surgeons recommended avoidance of
upbiter curved to the left for a left medial weightbearing for around 4 weeks after surgery,
meniscus and to the right for a right medial particularly avoiding weightbearing in flexion.
meniscus. A straight punch or side-biter is used to
resect completely through the anterior Discoid meniscus surgery
attachment. A strong, locking arthroscopic grasper
is introduced through the medial portal and Discoid malformation more frequently affects the
locked onto the middle of the torn remnant. The lateral meniscus and is bilateral in one-fifth of
remnant is removed with a ‘crocodile roll’ – the cases. The majority are stable, i.e. have peripheral
graspers are rolled over several times while attachments to the rim. These are treated by
carefully watching with the arthroscope. partial menisectomy, if symptomatic, to create a
Once the meniscal remnant has been freed, it is more normal meniscus.
removed through the medial portal. In large tears, If a discoid meniscus becomes suddenly painful,
this portal often requires enlargement. Careful it is likely that it is torn and should be examined
inspection of the meniscal remnant is carried out, and treated as such. The rarer unstable, or
with debridement of any further unstable tissue. Wrisberg variant, discoid meniscus is hypermobile
due to absent peripheral attachments. These are
Meniscal repair usually treated by complete excision as there is no
stable rim to leave in situ.
Repair is possible if the tear is within 5 mm of the
periphery, but more commonly undertaken if the POSTOPERATIVE CARE
tear is within 3 mm of the periphery, i.e. within
the vascular zone. In order to be worthy of repair, See ‘Knee arthroscopy’ (p. 200).
the tear should be between 8 mm and 30 mm long. Meniscal repair has a more controversial
The results of meniscal repair are better in rehabilitation regimen. The author uses a brace,
patients with a concurrent anterior cruciate limited to 0–60° range for 1 month then full range
ligament (ACL) reconstruction than in repair of motion within the brace for a further 2 months.
alone. Repair should not be undertaken in a knee Return to sports is gradual following the initial 3
with ligament injury that has not been repaired. A months in the knee brace.
variety of methods are described including
outside-in, inside-out and all-inside suturing (Fig. RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
12.7). In addition, meniscal darts can be used. The
details of this surgery are beyond the scope of this Fabricant PD, Jokl P. Surgical outcomes after
book. Sutures are placed, usually vertically, about arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. J Am Acad
3–4 mm apart from each other. Orthop Surg 2007;15:647–53.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 12.7 Meniscal repair: (a) outside-in; (b) inside-out; and (c) all-inside technique
Lateral patellar retinaculum release 207

Min S, Kim J, Kim LM, et al. Correlation between Anaesthesia and positioning
type of discoid lateral menisci and tear pattern.
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc See ‘Knee arthroscopy’ (p. 200).
Rankin CC, Lintner DM, Noble PC, et al. A Consent and risks
biomechanical analysis of meniscal repair
techniques. Am J Sports Med 2002;30:492–7. • The complications are essentially those of any
knee surgery: bleeding, infection, thrombosis and
numbness, whether carried out open or
RELEASE • Mention of haemarthrosis should be made in
particular as it is very common and can be major
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Medial subluxation is a rare, late complication


Lateral release of the patella is indicated in
Open lateral release
patients with a tight lateral patellar retinaculum
who meet the following criteria: Landmarks
• Anterior knee pain
• Positive patella tilt test – less than 5° • Lateral border of the patella
• Failure of conservative measures, including • Gerdy’s tubercle (insertion of the iliotibial band
physiotherapy specifically to strengthen the on the lateral tibia).
quadriceps and hamstrings. Incision
Associated conditions that may worsen the A straight incision is created 1 cm from the lateral
symptoms include chondromalacia patellae, border of the patella, running from the level of the
patella alta, abnormal Q angle and trochlear superior pole of the patella to 1 cm above Gerdy’s
hypoplasia, but these alone are not sufficient tubercle. The incision is carried down to the
to perform a lateral release. In cases of lateral retinaculum.
malalignment, it may need to be combined with Technique
more advanced procedures, including osteotomy
The superficial lateral retinaculum is incised in
or tibial tubercle transfer. It can also be performed
line with the skin incision. The deeper fibres and
in conjunction with medial patellofemoral
synovium are not incised. The surgeon now
ligament reconstruction and vastus medialis
assesses whether the release has been sufficient. If
the patella is now able to be tilted 45° or more
laterally it is sufficient.
Contraindications If the release is insufficient, the superficial
retinaculum is dissected off the deep retinaculum
Lateral release is not indicated in patients with
for 2 cm on the lateral side of the incision. The
generalized hypermobility or patellar hyper-
deep retinaculum can now be incised parallel to
mobility – it will worsen the symptoms.
the superficial retinacular incision but 2 cm
further lateral. If this is required, the lateral
Operative planning portion of the superficial retinaculum is sutured
to the medial edge of the deep retinaculum – this
Very careful history and examination is required
helps to lessen haemarthrosis.
to elucidate the features. Plain radiography,
including patella views, is essential. If Closure
malalignment is suspected, reconstruction The subcutaneous fat is opposed with interrupted
computed tomography is useful. sutures and the skin closed with the surgeons
208 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

chosen method. Occlusive dressing and heavy Mulford JS, Wakeley CJ, Eldridge JD. Assessment
wool and crepe bandages are applied. and management of chronic patellofemoral
instability. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2007;89:709–16.
Arthroscopic lateral release
A complete arthroscopy is carried out first – the
lateral release is done last as it causes bleeding. A SURGERY
tourniquet is not used as it interferes with patellar
tracking and causes more bleeding postopera- PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
A horizontal line is drawn laterally from the Indications
superior pole of the patella and another line 1 cm
away from the lateral border of the patella. A • Articular cartilage injury (most common on the
needle is inserted into the knee joint at the level medial femoral condyle)
where these lines cross. • Osteochondritis dessicans (most common on
the lateral part of the medial femoral condyle)
• Atraumatic osteonecrosis of the knee.
Structures at risk
• The superior geniculate artery Contraindications
The needle serves as a proximal limit of the release
to prevent damage to the artery and subsequent • Degenerative knee changes – none of the
bleeding that cannot be controlled arthroscopically. techniques developed to date are successful on
osteoarthritic lesions
• Age over 55 years – poor cartilage regeneration
Release is carried out, with cautery, running
and may be more suitable for arthroplasty
from the needle to the anterolateral portal; it is
continued until subcutaneous fat is seen from
• Active infection.
within the knee.
Consent and risks
The portals are closed with either single nylon
sutures or adhesive paper stitches. Adhesive • As for ‘Knee arthroscopy’ (p. 200)
dressings then wool and crepe are applied. • Unpredictable outcome (worse if longstanding
injury or high body mass index)
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND • Donor site morbidity (mosaicplasty and
INSTRUCTIONS autologous chondrocytes transplants [autologous
Weightbearing is begun immediately. The wool chondrocyte implantation; ACI])
and crepe are removed after 24–36 hours and • Need for second procedure (ACI)
range of motion exercises are begun early (to
prevent lateral adhesions within the knee). The
patient is referred to physiotherapy to reinstate Operative planning
medial quadriceps exercises.
Details of previous imaging and surgery should be
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES available. Suitable equipment for the chosen
technique of chondroplasty consists of:
Kolowich PA, Paulos LE, Rosenberg TD, et al. • Microfracture picks / K-wire (microfracture)
Lateral release of the patella: indications and • Plug harvest and implant equipment (mosaic-
contraindications. Am J Sports Med 1990;18: plasty)
359–65. • Chondrocytes (ACI).
Cartilage reconstruction surgery 209

Anaesthesia and positioning

See ‘Knee arthroscopy’ (p. 200).


• Simple removal of loose chondral material and
smoothing of the damaged edges.
• ‘Roughening’ of the underlying, subchondral
bone may allow clot formation and encourage
fibrocartilage formation.
• May be suitable for small lesions. Fig. 12.9 Femoral condylar defect treated with
Following debridement, an awl is inserted into the
ipsilateral arthroscope portal and used to create peripheral areas of the superior trochlea, and
microfractures in the subchondral bone at the grafted into the defect until it is filled. Grafts are
defect (Fig. 12.8). The microfractures are 5 mm taken with a core drill and are 4–8 mm in
apart and approximately 5 mm deep. This allows diameter and 20 mm deep. Matching cores are
penetration of the tidemark and the release of removed from the defect and the graft plugs
pluripotential cells from the cancellous bone. This impacted in a mosaic pattern (Fig. 12.9).
produces a more pronounced and longer-lasting Care must be taken to leave the graft plugs
healing response than abrasion alone and increases flush with the surrounding cartilage. The defects
the prospect of fibrocartilage formation at the between the plugs fills in with fibrocartilage.
defect. Results are variable and highly dependent on the
skill of the surgeon. There are questions over its
Mosaicplasty use in defects over 4 cm2.

Small plug grafts are taken from a non- Autologous chondrocyte implantation
weightbearing area of the knee, typically the
Autologous chondrocyte implantation is
performed as a two-stage procedure. The first
stage is arthroscopic and includes a diagnostic
arthroscopy and debridement of any chondral
flaps around the area of chondral damage. This
should be done to provide a rim of stable or
healthy cartilage all around the lesion and is
essential for attachment of the graft. At the end of
the first stage arthroscopy, small segments of
healthy cartilage are harvested from the outer
border of the anterosuperior femur, usually on the
medial side of the trochlea. This is performed with
a small gouge to loosen the segment and rongeurs
to retrieve it. A venous blood sample is taken to
screen for infectious diseases.
Fig. 12.8 Microfracture of a chondral injury of the The chondrocytes can be prepared in a number
medial femoral condyle of ways and can be provided suspended in
210 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

solution or can be implanted onto a membranous

matrix. This usually takes 3–6 weeks. The steps of ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT
preparation are similar in each technique: RECONSTRUCTION
collagenases dissolve the matrix to leave the
chondrocytes, then the cells are washed and put in PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
a culture medium derived from the patient’s
serum. The cells adhere to a culture surface and Indications
proliferate to provide a large number of healthy
chondrocytes. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is
The second procedure is carried out once the indicated in patients with symptomatic instability
chondrocytes have been grown and returned. This of the knee with a proven ACL rupture. Specific
is a larger procedure and is performed open. The indications include:
incision is dependent on the site: for example a • High-level athlete (consider early reconstruc-
medial femoral condyle defect requires an 8 cm tion, without rehabilitation phase)
medial parapatellar incision. The defect is exposed • Inability to return to sports, particularly those
and any further loose material is debrided. The which involve twisting on a planted foot (e.g.
defect is then covered with an appropriately rugby, football, racquet sports).
shaped membrane which is stitched or glued in • Ongoing instability, giving way and pain
place. If the cells are embedded on the membrane, resistant to a dedicated ACL rehabilitation
this is the final stage; if the cells are in suspension, physiotherapy programme.
the liquid is injected under the membrane. The
wound is closed in layers. Consent and risks
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND • Knee stiffness (due to arthrofibrosis, inaccurate
INSTRUCTIONS tunnel placement or insufficient notchplasty)
• Arthrofibrosis: more common if early
Movement encourages chondrocyte growth, so reconstruction used, rather than delayed
after ACI or mosaicplasty, the patient is rested for • Knee pain
up to 2 weeks, in either a bulky dressing or a • Kneeling difficulty (higher risk if bone–patellar-
cylinder plaster, then passive mobilization is tendon–bone (B-T-B) technique is used
begun. In all cases, the patient is allowed to toe- • Ongoing instability (11–25 per cent symptomatic,
touch weightbear for 6–8 weeks, to reduce the 60–89 per cent asymptomatic)
force on the grafts. Running is not allowed for 6 • Failure to return to previous level of sport (up to
months and contact sports for 12 months after 30 per cent)
ACI or mosaicplasty. • Graft failure: impingement or enlargement of the
tunnel with time (typically 2 years)
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES • Degeneration: found in 75 per cent of patients
beyond 10 years after surgery
Briggs TWR, Mahroof S, David LA, et al.
Histological evaluation of chondral defects after
autologous chondrocyte implantation of the knee. Operative planning
J Bone Joint Surg Br 2003;85:1077–83.
Hangody L, Kish G, Karpati Z, et al. Mosaicplasty Careful examination and judicious use of
for the treatment of articular cartilage defects: investigations are essential, both to confirm the
application in clinical practice. Orthopaedics presence of ACL rupture and to search for
1998;21:751–6. associated injuries, particularly associated
Steadman JR, Briggs KK, Rodrigo JJ, et al. ligament injury. In many cases, surgery will have
Outcomes of microfracture for traumatic been preceded by a diagnostic arthroscopy and
chondral defects of the knee: average 11 year treatment of any associated irreparable meniscal
follow-up. Arthroscopy 2003;19:477–84. tear.
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 211

The operation notes from prior surgery should Procedure

be available, along with results of previous MRIs
or other imaging. If there is an associated meniscal Structures at risk
tear, consideration should be given to concurrent
repair, as the results are improved in conjunction • Anterior horns of the medial and lateral menisci,
with ACL reconstruction. just posterior to the fat pad
• PCL: the olive-tipped drill passes over the PCL in
Anaesthesia and positioning the notch and it requires protection

General or regional anaesthesia is used. The

patient is positioned supine with a side support or With a 2 mm drill, drill two holes around 10 mm
leg holder to hold the knee in supported flexion. deep, in the centre of each area of bone between
the dissected margins – these will be used to pass
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE sutures for control of the graft at insertion. Using
a narrow oscillating saw and then an osteotome
The two common methods of reconstruction are (8–10 mm wide), dissect a block from the patella
with a B-T-B graft or a hamstring tendon graft. of 25 mm length. The osteotomes are directed 45°
The harvesting of both grafts is described, along towards the midline when performing the cuts, in
with the method of reconstruction via an open order to create a trapezoidal graft shape. Care
technique with B-T-B and an arthroscopic must be taken to avoid a graft which is too deep,
technique with the hamstrings graft. risking subsequent patella fracture, or too thin,
As always, careful examination under risking failure of fixation of the graft. The aim is
anaesthesia is essential. The technique and portals creation of a block 25 mm long, 8 mm wide and
of the arthroscopy are in common with that 5–8 mm deep. The bone block is trimmed to a
described in the previous sections. It is wise to uniform size and two heavy sutures are passed
carefully inspect the PCL and popliteus tendon in through the previously drilled holes.
case of associated PCL or posterolateral corner The same technique is used to create two holes
injury. in and harvest the tuberosity bone block, which

B-T-B graft, open technique

Midline – superior pole of the patella, tibial
Incision and dissection
A midline incision is created from the superior
pole of the patella to just below the tibial
tuberosity. Dissection is continued to reveal the
paratenon, which is then incised to expose the
whole of the patella tendon. The central portion Patella
(usually 10 mm unless it is a narrow tendon – in tendon
which case use one-third of its width) of the
tendon is dissected free for its entire length
between the patella and the tibial tuberosity.
This dissection is continued across the patella
for 30 mm proximally and the tibial tuberosity 30 Tibial
mm distally. These incisions mark the sites of bone tubercle
cuts for harvesting of proximal and distal blocks
(Fig. 12.10). Fig. 12.10 Bone–patellar-tendon–bone graft harvest
212 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

should be of a similar size and shape. It is again Posterior Medial

trimmed and one heavy suture passed through meniscus
one of the drilled holes (Fig. 12.11).
The graft is sized with a tunnel sizer, aiming for PCL
a snug but not too tight fit. If the grafts are of
significantly different sizes, different tunnel Tibial
widths can be used for the reconstruction; if this tunnel
is done the tibial tunnel must be the larger one. Anterior horn
The length of the entire graft and width of the attachment
two bone blocks should be written down and the Lateral
graft wrapped in a saline-soaked gauze. meniscus
A self-retaining retractor is placed in the defect
in the patella tendon, revealing the fat pad below
it. The fat pad is then excised, revealing a good Fig. 12.12 Site of the tibial tunnel for anterior cruciate
view of the notch and lateral wall of the notch (i.e. ligament reconstruction. PCL, posterior cruciate
medial wall of the lateral femoral condyle) in ligament
particular. The ACL remnant, if present, is
excised. It may be adherent to the PCL and care
must be taken to avoid damage to the PCL when
it is dissected free. The lateral wall is cleared of the joint surface. A probe is used to carefully
any further soft tissues and the back of the lateral identify the posterior wall of the lateral femoral
wall indentified with a hook. condyle from within the notch. The guidewire is
To prepare the proximal tibia for tunnel passed through the tibial tunnel with the knee
creation, the area of tibia medial to the patella flexed to 90° and drilled into the lateral wall of
tendon is exposed. Using subperiosteal dissection the notch at the isometric point of the ACL origin
good bone exposure is obtained so that the tunnel (Fig. 12.13). It is drilled through until it passes
jig will not slip. The ACL tibial tunnel jig is set at through the skin of the anterolateral thigh.
50° and the aiming device placed at the posterior The position of the tunnel in the femur is
ACL stump, just anterior to the PCL. This is in absolutely critical. Its position is as posterior as
line with the anterior attachment of the lateral possible without causing blowout of the posterior
meniscus (Fig. 12.12). wall. This can be guided using an ‘over the top
An ACL guidewire is drilled, through the jig, guide’. These have an extension which passes
entering the knee just in front of the medial tibial around the posterior margin of the lateral condyle
spine; the jig will sit just anterior to the PCL. The and provides a measure for insertion of the
guidewire is over-drilled with the tunnel drill of guidewire into the lateral wall. For example, if the
appropriate size for the graft – the reamings are tunnel is to be 8 mm, the over the top guide will
saved to graft the patella defect from the graft create an offset of 5 mm from the posterior wall.
harvest at the end of the procedure. A tunnel rasp This will leave 1 mm of posterior wall behind the
is used to smooth any sharp bone edges present at 4 mm radius of the tunnel.
The position of the tunnel on the lateral wall is
traditionally described by the position of the clock
face. It is at 10.30 or 1.30 on the clock face
Harvested patellar tendon depending on whether it is the left or right knee.
The femoral tunnel is drilled with the
appropriate sized tunnel drill passing over the
guidewire (Fig. 12.14). The length of the tunnel
Drill holes in plugs
should be just over that of the length of the bone
plug to be used in the tunnel – this is usually
Fig. 12.11 The harvested bone–patellar-tendon–bone 35 mm. Again, any graft is saved and any rough
graft edges smoothed with a tunnel rasp.
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 213

Fig. 12.13 The isometric point for

the femoral tunnel insertion:
(a) anterior view; and
(a) (b) (b) lateral view

Returning to the graft, the junction of bone and and the cortical margin of the graft facing
tendon of the femoral block is marked with a posteriorly in the tunnel. Inspection within the
surgical pen – the femoral block should be the knee will reveal when the marking on the femoral
smaller of the two. The two strong sutures in the plug has reached the margin of the femoral
femoral block are inserted into the eye of the tunnel. An interference screw guidewire is passed
guidewire and a Jacob chuck attached to the tip of anterior to the graft within the femoral tunnel to
the guidewire in front of the thigh. The guidewire a depth of at least 25 mm. An interference screw
is pulled through and the sutures recovered. A of appropriate size is then passed over the
second suture is passed through the tibial bone guidewire to secure the graft within the femur.
block – this should be either a strong, braided The position and security is checked by cycling
non-absorbable suture or a steel wire. the knee through flexion and extension several
The graft is firmly, but smoothly, pulled through times.
into position, keeping the knee at 90° of flexion The knee is held at 30–40° with the tibia in
slight external rotation, to secure the graft in the
tibia. While the graft is tensioned, a further
interference screw is inserted. The abolition of the
pivot shift phenomenon can be checked at this
stage. The graft saved from the tunnels is packed
into the defects in the patella.

The paratenon is closed with interrupted,
absorbable sutures over the tendon. The tendon
itself is not closed as this would shorten the
patella tendon. A small drain is inserted and the
skin is closed. Adhesive dressings then a wool and
crepe dressing are applied.


Fig. 12.14 Drilling the femoral tunnel through the tibial • Tibial tuberosity
tunnel • Patellar tendon.
214 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

Incision and dissection tendons themselves. Dissecting scissors are used to

develop the plane between the gracilis and
semitendinosus tendons and the underlying
Structure at risk medial collateral ligament.
The sensory branch of the saphenous nerve can
often be seen traversing the wound at the site of Procedure
graft harvesting – it should be preserved if possible.
The tendons are then pulled forward with the
scissors and a tendon hook passed over them in
A diagnostic arthroscopy is carried out to identify turn. It is recommended that a length of surgical
and treat associated injuries. The anteromedial tape is passed over semitendinosus, which is then
portal is kept anterior, close to the patella tendon, released but freely rediscovered via pulling on the
in order to allow good visualization of the notch. tape.
The lateral wall is cleared with an arthroscopic The tendons of gracilis and semitendinosus are
shaver or a small curette. An arthroscopy hook is dissected free of soft tissue attachments in turn.
used to carefully identify the posterior wall. The tendons are harvested in turn with a tendon
A 50 mm incision, parallel with the patellar stripper. The gracilis tendon is held taught and the
tendon, is created 20 mm medial to the tibial stripper carefully pushed over it, keeping the
tuberosity. It should begin 60 mm below the joint stripper parallel to the tendon. It is advanced until
line. Fat and deep fascia are dissected to reveal the the tendon is released from its muscle belly, and
tendons of the pes anserinus (Fig. 12.15). then the same method is used to release the
An incision is created over the upper border of tendon of semitendinosus.
the tendons, taking care not to damage the The tendons can then be dissected free of the
pes medially, carefully preserving as much graft
length as possible. This will give a graft of two
tendons which are joined at one end and free at
Sartorius the other. Alternatively, the graft can be prepared
muscle in situ. Muscle tissue is scraped off the tendons.
The two tendons are looped over a strong suture
tendon and folded in half. The four strands are sutured
together, using a whip stitch, for 30 mm at either
end (Fig. 12.16). The graft is then tensioned, in
Semitendinosus order to prevent stretching in situ. If a tensiometer
tendon is available, it is usually tensioned to 80 N (20 lb)
for 10 minutes. Next, the graft is measured: most
are 8–10 mm, with 7 mm being a minimum
acceptable diameter.
Pes anserinus
The knee is positioned in 90° of flexion. The
tibial jig is passed through the medial portal and
positioned as for B-T-B reconstruction, with its
Fig. 12.15 Anatomy of the pes anserinus aiming device passing through the previously

Whip stitching

Fig. 12.16 Prepared hamstring

30 mm 30 mm graft for anterior cruciate
Graft ligament reconstruction
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 215

created graft harvest incision. With the transfix screw. The Beath pin is left captured within
arthroscope in the anterolateral portal, the tibial the guide in the femoral tunnel. A thin wire is
tunnel guidewire is inserted and its entry point passed over the end of the Beath pin and then
into the knee confirmed to be within the posterior pulled through the femur and the guide, using a
portion of the tibial stump on the tibial surface. handle attached to the Beath pin medially. When
The tibial tunnel is then drilled and any debris at the guide is pulled out of the femoral tunnel, the
its entrance into the knee cleared with an guidewire is pulled with it, through the tibial tunnel
arthroscopic shaver. The guidewire is then drilled and out of the anterior tibial cortex (Fig. 12.17).
into the correct position in the lateral wall, as in The graft can be looped over the wire and the
the B-T-B technique.. This is again drilled to two ends of the wire pulled apart to introduce the
30–35 mm depth, debris is removed and the graft, through the tibial tunnel and into the
posterior margin of the tunnel is checked. femoral tunnel. When the wire passes freely from
The guidewire is threaded with the sutures side to side, the graft has been fully advanced. A
from one end of the graft and pulled through the transfix pin passed over the wire, which is held
skin. The graft is pulled into place, until the 30 tight, will now pass through the loop in the two
mm of whip stitch has entered the femoral tunnel, graft strands, thus fixing it in the femoral tunnel
as viewed with the arthroscope. The graft can be (Fig. 12.18).
fixed in situ with an interference screw, with a The position of the graft is checked
similar technique to that described in ‘B-T-B graft, arthroscopically and the graft fixed in the tibial
open technique’ (p. 211). tunnel as described in ‘B-T-B graft, open
Alternatively, a transfixion pin method can be technique’ (p. 211).
used to introduce and fix the graft in the femoral
tunnel. In this method a transfix guide is inserted 30 Closure
mm into the femoral tunnel and the cannulated
guide is advanced to the lateral aspect of the thigh. Closure of wounds is with a combination of
The skin and iliotibial band are incised and the interrupted, absorbable deep sutures and the
cannulated guide advanced to the lateral femur. A surgeon’s chosen skin closure. The arthroscopy
Beath pin is drilled through the guide, through the portals and exit wounds of guidewires can be
femur and out through the medial skin. The closed with adhesive paper closure sutures alone.
cannulated guide and sidearm are removed and the Adhesive dressings and a wool and crepe dressing
lateral cortex is drilled to accept the head of the are applied.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 12.17 (a) Wire is advanced through femoral tunnel, (b) graft introduced into the femur and (c) transfix pin
passed through the graft
216 Soft tissue surgery of the knee

POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND used to keep the thigh and calf musculature

The patient is not put into a brace, rather early RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
supervised range of motion exercises are begun. A
drain, if used, is removed at 24 hours after surgery. Frank CB, Jackson DW. Current concepts review –
At this time the bulky dressing is removed, leaving the science of reconstruction of the anterior
adhesive dressings over the wounds. With the aid cruciate ligament. J Bone Joint Surg Am
of a physiotherapist, range of motion exercises are 1997;79:1556–76.
begun. The patient can be discharged once they Salmon LJ, Russell VJ, Refshauge K, et al. Long
have achieved a range from 0–90°. The wounds term outcome of endoscopic anterior cruciate
are inspected and sutures removed at 2 weeks ligament reconstruction with patellar tendon
after surgery. autograft. Am J Sports Med 2006;34:721–32.
The physiotherapist supervises gentle exercise, Williams RJ, Hyman J, Petrigliano F, et al. Anterior
using closed chain exercises only for the first 6 cruciate ligament reconstruction with a four-
weeks. After 6 weeks, the use of a rowing machine strand hamstring tendon autograft. J Bone Joint
and exercise bike is permitted. The range of Surg Am 2004;86:225–32.
motion is increased up to full at around 12 weeks. Woo SL, Kanamori A, Zeminski J, et al. The
After this period more aggressive exercise can effectiveness of reconstruction of the anterior
begin. Running is not permitted for the first 3 cruciate ligament with hamstrings and patellar
months and contact sports not for the first 8 tendon: a cadaveric study comparing anterior
months after surgery. The use of proprioceptive tibial and rotational loads. J Bone Joint Surg Am
exercises is encouraged and maintenance exercises 2002;84:907–14.

Viva questions

1. What equipment is required to perform a 10. What are the common indications for cartilage
diagnostic arthroscopy? reconstruction surgery?
2. Define the anatomy of the posterior knee 11. Describe the procedure of microplasty to the
arthroscopy portals. medial femoral condyle.
12. What are the advantages of autologous
3. Which structures are at risk in the posterior chondrocyte implantation over microplasty?
portals for knee arthroscopy?
13. How are the cells provided for autologous
4. What are the indications for meniscal repair? chondrocyte implantation?
5. Which techniques do you know for meniscal 14. What risks do you describe to a patient
repair? consenting for anterior cruciate ligament
6. How are discoid lateral menisci classified?
15. Describe the anatomy of the pes anserinus.
7. What treatment do you use for a discoid lateral
meniscus? 16. How are the hamstrings harvested for an
anterior cruciate ligament graft?
8. Which associated anatomical findings worsen a
tight lateral retinaculum? 17. What is the minimal acceptable graft thickness
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?
arthroscopic over open lateral release?
Viva questions 217

18. Where are the isometric points for the origin 20. Describe your postoperative regimen after
and insertion of an anterior cruciate ligament anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.
19. What position is the knee held in while an
anterior cruciate ligament graft is tensioned
and fixed?
Surgery of the ankle
Laurence James and Dishan Singh

Ankle arthrodesis 218 Surgery for Achilles tendinopathy 224

Ankle arthroplasty 220 Surgery for peroneal tendinopathy 226
Ankle arthroscopy 222 Viva questions 228

Movement Range of motion Consent and risks

Dorsiflexion 0–20°
• Failure of fusion: <2 per cent
Plantarflexion 0–45°
• Malpositioning
• Metalwork prominence: may require further
Position of arthrodesis surgery
• Neutral flexion • Nerve injury is rare
• 0–5° valgus The patient must understand that walking will not
• 5–10° external rotation return to normal. There is a significant reduction in
walking speed and increase in energy expenditure
compared with normal.


Indications Planning of the position of fusion is vital. The

position is:
• Arthropathy failing conservative management • 0° dorsiflexion
• Failed arthroplasty • 0–5° valgus hindfoot (varus positioning restricts
• Tumour reconstruction midtarsal mobility)
• Sequelae of infection, particularly tuberculosis • 5–10° external rotation (note: observe
• Avascular necrosis of talus contralateral limb).
• Neuropathic joint
Posterior displacement of the talus allows for
• Neurological conditions (resulting in insta-
greater ease of ‘rollover’ at the end of the stance

Anaesthesia and positioning
• Infection
• Degeneration of subtalar and midfoot joints. This is performed as for ankle replacement.
Ankle arthrodesis 219


Arthrodesis can be performed arthroscopically Structures at risk

(see ‘Ankle arthroscopy’, p. 223), or via anterior
(see ‘Ankle arthroscopy’, p. 221) and lateral • Peroneal tendons
transmalleolar open approaches. Internal fixation • Sural nerve
with screws, intramedullary nails and plates are
used to give a good hold and adequate
compression (Fig. 13.1). Thorough preparation of
Subperiosteal dissection of the fibula is carried out,
all joint surfaces is vital. This is achieved by
protecting the peroneal tendons posteriorly and
removal of remaining articular cartilage and
distally at all times. This also avoids damage to the
exposure of subchondral bleeding cancellous bone
sural nerve. The joint line is identified, using an
to aid biological union.
image intensifier, and is marked on the skin. The
For surgical principles of joint surface
fibula is cut obliquely with a saw (superolateral to
preparation (see Chapter 14).
inferomedial ending at the level of the tibial
plafond) and finished with an osteotome. The
Lateral transmalleolar approach free distal end of the fibula is then reflected
inferiorly and freed of soft tissues and
Landmarks ligamentous attachments. Care is taken not to
• Tip, anterior and posterior border of fibula divide the peroneal tendons at the tip of the distal
• Base of fourth metatarsal fibula. Capsulotomy then allows access to joint
• Anterior to sural nerve. surface. The bone of the distal fibula can then be
used to harvest cancellous bone graft and the
Dissection surgeon’s choice of fixation is performed. For an
A longitudinal incision is made directly over isolated ankle fusion, with good quality bone,
lateral aspect of fibula, of sufficient length to avoid cannulated screws can be used. For poorer quality
tension on the soft tissue flap. Distally the incision bone, or if the subtalar joint is to be included, a
is angled toward the base of the fourth metatarsal retrograde (pantalar) nail is a better choice (Fig.
to allow greater access to the ankle joint. 13.2).


Figure 13.1 Arthrodesis with screw fixation Figure 13.2 Arthrodesis with nail fixation
220 Surgery of the ankle

Closure Contraindications
A layered closure is followed by the surgeon’s • Ankle joint infection
choice of skin closure for open techniques. Nylon • Avascular necrosis of a large part of the talar
to skin is used to close arthroscopic fusion portals. body
• Severe deformity that would not allow for good
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND biomechanical function and lead to greater
INSTRUCTIONS wear of the ultrahigh molecular weight
polyethylene (UHMWPE) insert (greater the
Thromboembolism should be prevented by early 15° varus/valgus deformity)
mobilization and the addition of chemical or • Poor soft tissues
mechanical measures in patients at increased risk. • Heavy manual occupation.
Two more doses of the antibiotic given at
induction should be given at 8 hours and 16 hours
after surgery. Consent and risks
Early mobilization is non-weightbearing, with • Loosening: revision surgery is required for
the aid of crutches. Radiographic signs of union loosening in up to 10 per cent at 10 years
are sought before unprotected full weightbearing (approximately).
is allowed; this often takes around 3 months. • Malpositioning
• Fracture: up to 10 per cent though they fare well
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES with appropriate identification and management.
Buck P, Morrey BF, Chao EY. The optimum • Wound problems, pain and stiffness: 5 per cent
position of arthrodesis of the ankle. J Bone Joint • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)/pulmonary
Surg Am 1987;69:1052–62. embolism/infection: 1 per cent
Kitaoka HB, Patzer GL, Felix NA. Arthrodesis for
the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle and
Operative planning
osteonecrosis of the talus. J Bone Joint Surg Am
1998;80:370–9. Assessment of the soft tissues, as well as vascular
Mann RA. Arthrodesis of the foot and ankle. In and neurological examination are mandatory on
RA Mann and MJ Coughlin (eds). Surgery of the the day of surgery. Recent weightbearing
Foot and Ankle. St Louis: Mosby Year Book, 1993. radiographs must be available.
Mann R, Rongstad AM. Arthrodesis of the ankle: a Availability of the implants and operative sets
critical analysis. Foot Ankle Int 1998;19:3–9. must be checked by the surgeon. Prophylactic
Scranton PE. An overview of ankle arthrodesis. antibiotics are administered on induction (the
Clin Orthop Relat Res 1991;268:268–96. antibiotic of choice depends on local policy, but a
common choice is cefuroxime).

Anaesthesia and positioning

Anaesthesia is usually general, regional or
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING combined. A thigh tourniquet is used. The supine
position is used with appropriate padding where
Indications necessary. Occasionally a sand bag under the
ipsilateral buttock allows for greater ease of
Total ankle arthroplasty is indicated in painful surgery. The knee should always be exposed and
conditions that have failed conservative prepared (with a germicidal solution) to allow for
management. The most frequent indications are: intraoperative orientation of the implant.
• Osteoarthritis The ankle should be sufficiently mobile for
• Inflammatory arthritis and other arthropathies. appropriate movement intraoperatively. Water-
Ankle arthroplasty 221

proof drapes are used with adhesive edges to implant positioning are the same. In general terms,
provide a seal to the skin. an extramedullary guide is placed on the anterior
surface of the tibia, in line with the crest and
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE passing though the line of the second metatarsal
ray distally – anatomical axis. This is strapped in
Landmarks place. The joint line is then identified and a fin is
placed between the talus and tibia through the
These should be marked preoperatively: centre of the cutting block. Pins are used to fix the
• Tendons – tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis cutting guide to the tibia. This block ensures
longus, extensor digitorum longus parallel cuts in the distal tibia and talar dome,
• Dorsalis pedis – note: this is absent in 10 per without altering the joint line height –
cent of the population approximately 2–3 mm is resected from each
• Cutaneous branches of the superficial peroneal surface. Guides then size the tibial and talar
nerve (variable course). components, such that an appropriate sized
window and accurate anterior and posterior
Incision chamfer cuts are made to the tibia and talus,
respectively. Trial components and spacer (to
The anterior approach to the ankle is used. The assess stability and range of movement) are used
skin is incised in the midpoint between the medial prior to actual prosthesis placement.
and lateral malleoli – from 3 cm above, extending Pitfalls to avoid include:
5 cm below the palpable ankle joint and avoiding • Varus/valgus positioning of tibial and talar
cutaneous nerves where encountered. cutting guides, which can also lead to abnormal
saggital plane tilting – early loosening.
Dissection • Anterior/posterior placement of talar or tibial
components – early loosening.
• Notching of medial and lateral malleoli during
Structures at risk
tibial cuts – fracture.
• Dorsalis pedis artery • Fracture of the anterior tibial cortex when
• Deep peroneal nerve creating window to allow for tibial post during
insertion of component.

The extensor retinaculum is divided in the line

Newer-generation systems are uncemented
of the incision. Large skin flaps are avoided
with three components (semi-constrained/mobile
to reduce the risk of necrosis. The approach is
bearing), thus minimizing bone loss, stresses
then developed either between the extensor
across components and early failure. Commonly
hallucis longus (EHL) and the extensor digitorum
used prostheses include: STAR (Scandinavian
longus (EDL) or (more commonly) between the
Total Ankle Replacement), Beuchal–Pappas,
tibialis anterior and the EHL. The key is
Ramses and Agility.
protecting the dorsalis pedis artery and deep
peroneal nerve – identification (and protection) of POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
these structures more proximally, before they INSTRUCTIONS
cross at the ankle joint itself may be required. A
longitudinal capsulotomy is then performed. Patients are placed in a non-weightbearing, below
knee plaster of Paris (changed at 2 weeks for
Procedure wound inspection). Adequate pain relief and DVT
prophylaxis are planned prior to departure from
Several ankle prostheses are commercially theatre.
available and the individual operative technique Physiotherapy is commenced within 24–48
should be referred to. Although the designs vary, hours. Patients commence weightbearing after
the principles of adequate bone preparation and 4–6 weeks following clinical and X-ray review.
222 Surgery of the ankle

A return to work (and driving) would be

Consent and risks
expected after 3 months. Follow up is
recommended at 6 weeks, 6 months and 1 year • Nerve injury: <1 per cent
after surgery. Continuation of follow up is • Vascular injury: <1 per cent
typically at 5 years, 10 years, 15 years then at • Infection: <1 per cent. Risk is very low, so
yearly intervals. The patient should be cautioned prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended
to return to clinic if there is pain or functional
Operative planning
It is vital that the patient is examined before
Carachiolo B. Design features of current total transfer to theatre. This allows for identification and
ankle replacements: implants and instruments. J marking of structures vulnerable to damage during
Am Acad Orthop Surg 2008;19:530–40. portal insertion intraoperatively. These include:
Hopgood P, Kumar R, Wood PL. Arthrodesis for • Tibialis anterior and EHL tendons
failed ankle replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Br • Dorsalis pedis artery and associated deep
2006;88:1032–8. peroneal nerve
Spirt AA, Assal M, Hansen ST Jr. Complications • Traction on second and fourth toes usually
and failure after total ankle arthroplasty. J Bone demonstrates medial and lateral branches of the
Joint Surg Am 2004;86:1172–8. superficial peroneal nerve
Wood PL, Deakin S. Total ankle replacement: the • Saphenous vein and nerve
results in 200 ankles. J Bone Joint Surg Br • Medial and lateral malleoli.
Recent radiographs and, where taken, magnetic
resonance (MR) images, should be available.
The equipment must be available; this should
ANKLE ARTHROSCOPY be checked by the surgeon. Usually a 2.7 mm 30°
arthroscope and 3.5 mm shavers are required.
Water pressure is set at 50 mmHg.
Anaesthesia and positioning
Anaesthesia is usually general with intraoperative
• Undiagnosed ankle pain in the young local anaesthetic infiltration into the joint at the
• Osteoarthritis end of the procedure. The supine position is used,
• Osteochondral defect with the hip flexed and a well-padded support
• Removal of loose bodies under the thigh. The ankle distractor is applied
• Synovectomy or synovial biopsy with the knee at 90° of flexion and the ankle in a
• Impingement syndromes (bony and soft tissue) neutral position. Adequate padding avoids damage
• Arthrofibrosis (e.g. post traumatic) to skin and neurological structures. Too much
• Fracture traction (>15 kg) and excessive time can lead to
• Meniscoid lesions irreversible nerve damage.
• Septic arthritis. The surgical field is prepared with a germicidal
solution. Waterproof drapes are used with
Contraindications adhesive edges to provide a seal to the skin.

• Infection of overlying skin SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

• Lack of proper instrumentation
• Gross osteoarthritis is a relative contraindica- The ankle joint is filled with 20 mL of saline to aid
tion access and avoid chondral surface damage. Small
• Severe oedema. longitudinal skin incisions are made, then blunt
Ankle arthroscopy 223

dissection (with a clip) used to breech the ankle • Anteromedial portal – this lies medial to tibialis
joint, thereby avoiding damage to the superficial anterior. The joint line is initially identified by
nerves – unlike knee arthroscopy where a blade is palpation and then a white needle is inserted
passed directly into the joint. into the joint to confirm the level. The needle is
directed slightly superiorly to pass over the talar
Creation of portals dome. The arthroscope and introducing trochar
should be able to be swept across the joint from
medial to lateral.
Structures at risk • Anterolateral portal – this lies lateral to
extensor peroneus tertius and the neurovascular
• Nerves: deep peroneal, superficial peroneal bundle (dorsalis pedis and deep peroneal
branches, sural, tibial nerve), avoiding the superficial nerves marked
• Arteries: dorsalis pedis, posterior tibial artery out preoperatively. The light source within the
joint can be used as a guide, this will also help
A number of portal sites are described (Fig. 13.3). to identify the dorsal lateral branch of the
The central anterior portal is best avoided because superficial peroneal nerve which is at risk. A
of a high risk of neurovascular damage. white needle is inserted as outlined above
• Posterolateral portal – this is located lateral to
the Achilles tendon 1 cm above the tip of fibula.
Insert prior to posteromedial portal – risk of
Antero-medial sural nerve damage.
portal • Posteromedial portal – this is just medial to
Antero-central Achilles tendon at the level of the
posterolateral portal. Flexor hallucis longus is
used to sweep away the tibial nerve and
Tibialis ant.
posterior tibial artery – the main structures at
Posterior portals are not as frequently used
EDL and
peroneus (because of the increased risk of neurovascular
tertius damage), but are helpful in visualizing the
posterior ankle and subtalar joints.

A systematic approach is essential if pathology is
not to be missed. Initially the whole of the talar
dome is inspected – ankle plantar flexion aids
visualization of the posterior dome. The talar neck
is then examined. Pathology on the corresponding
articulating surface of the tibia is also documented,
as well as the anatomy of the anterior aspect of
tibia. The medial and lateral gutters are then
inspected. Key features to identify include:
• Medial malleolus
• Deltoid ligament
• Lateral malleolus
• Anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments
Figure 13.3 Typical portal positioning (anterior above • Anterior talofibular ligament
and posterior below) • Syndesmosis.
224 Surgery of the ankle

Closure Indications
Non-absorbable suture is used to close the skin Diagnosis is key. There are three common patterns
incisions. of tendon pathology:
• Overuse (non-insertional) tendinopathy – this
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND has a gradual onset classically with morning
INSTRUCTIONS pain and stiffness that eases with activity and
reoccurs at rest later. Associated with an
The patient is fully weightbearing – as tolerated – increase in activity, change of surface or change
unless the patient has a microfracture of an of footwear/poor footwear.
osteochondral defect, where range movement is • Partial and complete ruptures – there is a
encouraged in a non-loading manner so as to sudden onset of severe pain, marked disability
protect the developing fibrocartilage plug. and these ruptures are 10 times more common
Specific precautions are rarely required. in males. With peak incidence in the 30s and
40s. Patients often describe hearing a ‘pop’ and
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES feel an impact in the back of the leg or heel.
• Insertional tendinopathy (enthesopathy) – this
Ferkel RD, Karzel RP, Del Pizzo W, et al.
can be mistaken for a number of pathologies
Arthroscopic treatment of anterolateral
including retrocalcaneal bursitis, Hagland
impingement of the ankle. Am J Sports Med
disease (painful retrocalcaneal bursitis and a
bony prominence), Achilles bursitis.
Ferkel RD, Zanotti RM, Komenda GA, et al.
Be aware of the systemic enthesopathies/
Arthroscopic treatment of osteochondral lesions
rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthro-
of the talus: Long-term results. Am J Sports Med
pathies; it is an area where misdiagnosis is
common and the differential diagnoses include:
Niek van Dijk C, van Bergen CJ. Advancements in
– Posterior ankle impingement syndrome
ankle arthroscopy. J Am Acad Orthop Surg
– Accessory soleus
– Deep posterior compartment syndrome
Tryfonidis M, Whitfield CG, Charalambous CP, et
– Sever’s disease
al. Posterior ankle arthroscopy portal safety
– Stress fracture
regarding proximity to the tibial and sural nerves.
– Inflammatory arthropathy
Acta Orthop Belgica 2008;74:370–3.
– Neurogenic referred pain.

SURGERY FOR ACHILLES Contraindications

TENDINOPATHY Active infection.

Consent and risks
There is an ever increasing incidence of tendon
problems, most commonly seen in recreational • 12 per cent complications (54 per cent wound
runners (racket sports, track and field, volleyball related)
and football) and competitive runners, who are 88 per cent return to function after a 6- to 12-
10 times more affected than age-matched month treatment programme.
Despite preventive measures, 7–8 per cent of
top level athletes experience the problem at some Operative planning
stage in their career. The long-term prognosis is
good with 84 per cent fully recovered at 8 years;
Non-operative management
94 per cent remain asymptomatic. Once the diagnosis has been made, consideration
Surgery for Achilles tendinopathy 225

is given to whether operative treatment is the best described here, as an example. Ancillary
option for the patient. These include: procedures can be used to augment treatment;
• Older patients and those with low activity levels their details are beyond the scope of this book. The
• Those able to tolerate a rehabilitation regimen, procedures include: calcaneoplasty, bursectomy,
which have an overall success rate of 75–85 per osteotomy and debridement of the tendon.
• Achilles rupture with a 10 mm gap when the
ankle is in neutral and complete apposition of
the ends with plantar flexion on ultrasound; • Midpoint of the calcaneal tuberosity posteriorly
treatment with 3 cm of hindfoot elevation for 8 where tendo-Achilles inserts
weeks in a below knee cast and then a 1 cm • Medial and lateral aspects of tendon traced
elevation for an additional 3 months (75 per proximally to bellies of gastrocnemius to
cent rate of return to normal function). identify aponeurosis.
Poor outcomes occur in 17.5 per cent, these
include: Incision
• Ongoing pain
• Lengthening dysfunction
• A reduced calf size Structure at risk
• Re-rupture in 6.4 per cent.
• Sural nerve
For tendinopathies in the absence of rupture con-
servative management should include eccentric
heel drops (Alfredson’s painful eccentric heel-drop A 5–10 cm incision is created (at the level of the
protocol): defect) along the medial border of the Achilles
• Three sets of 15 repetitions twice daily, 7/7, for tendon. This avoids the sural nerve and allows
12 weeks access to plantaris.
• Exercise until pain free then add load to create
pain (up to 60 kg). Dissection
There is a 90 per cent cure rate.
Bursae are treated with non-steroidal anti- • Directly deepen to paratenon.
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), intrabursal • Open paratenon and debride tendon.
cortisone injections and deep friction massage. • Thick flaps are vital for healing.
Biomechanical treatment includes heel lifts. Other
treatments include sclerosant injections, nitric Procedure
oxide, corticosteroids and electrophysical agents.
It is necessary to address peritendinous adhesions
Operative management and excise intratendinous lesions. A modified
A rapid return to function and reduced long-term Kessler box suture is recommended. This consists
pain. of two standard Kessler sutures, at 90° to each
other, ensuring the ends are tied inside not
Anaesthesia and positioning outside. It is best to use 1/0 PDS: this ensures
good strength and slides easily. The repair is
• General anaesthesia with local infiltration.
completed with a continuous epitendinous suture
• Thigh tourniquet.
(3/0 Vicryl). A number of techniques are
• Prone position with ankles resting of pillow.
described for repair of tendon defects, including:
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE • Turn down flaps – this involves a centrally based
fascial flap developed from the proximal
There is much debate about open versus segment and turned distally though 180° before
percutaneous repair. The open technique is suturing.
226 Surgery of the ankle

• V-Y advancement – a V-shaped incision is made RECOMMENDED REFERENCES

in the aponeurosis. The limbs of the ‘V’ should
be 1.5 cm longer than the gap to be filled. The Hufner TM, Brandes DB, Thermann H, et al.
intermediate segment is advanced distally and Long-term results after functional nonoperative
the proximal segment is closed as a ‘Y’ in the treatment of Achilles tendon rupture. Foot Ankle
lengthened position (Fig. 13.4). Int 2006;27:167–71.
Manoli A, Graham B. The subtle cavus foot. Foot
If the repair or augment is too compromised the Ankle Int 2005;26:256–63.
flexor hallucis longus, peroneus brevis or an Oyedele O, Maseko C, Mkasi N, et al. High
allograft made of polyglycol or carbon fibre can be incidence of Os peroneum in cadavers. Clin Anat
used. 2005;19:605–10.

Closure is performed in thick layers with a non-
absorbable suture for the tendon repair.
Absorbable suture is used for the paratenon and SURGERY FOR PERONEAL
skin closure.
Initially immobilize in equinus cast with strict The peroneus longus originates from the lateral
elevation and neurovascular observation. This is tibial condyle and head of fibula to insert on
followed by 6 weeks’ non-weightbearing with the first metatarsal base and medial cuneiform.
serial casting to return the ankle to a plantigrade The peroneus brevis originates from the middle
position. At 6 weeks, conversion to a removable one-third of the fibula and tibia to insert on the
boot allows the patient to fully weightbear and base of the fifth metatarsal. Remember, at the
commence physiotherapy for another 6 weeks. ankle the peroneus brevis is sandwiched
The functional outcome is assessed in clinic at 3 between bone and the peroneus longus – ‘brevis to
months. bone’.

Figure 13.4 V-Y advancement for

(a) (b) (c) repairs with defect
Surgery for peroneal tendinopathy 227

Indications Depending on the quality of proximal and

distal tendon, orthoses (lateral posting) and
A history of sprains is common. Other causes physiotherapy are usually successful. Conservative
include: trauma, inflammatory arthritides, fibula management of peroneal subluxation has <50 per
anatomy (shallow fibular groove, sharp lateral cent success.
ridge), hypertrophied peroneal tubercle, lateral
ankle instability and peroneus quartus Anaesthesia and positioning
(overcrowding). Developmental varus hindfoot
alignment is associated with increased incidence General with local infiltration, or spinal/epidural
of peroneal disorders: can be used. The patient is positioned prone with
• Tenosynovitis (a static mass on examination) a thigh tourniquet and a sandbag under the
• Tendinosis (a mass moving with the tendon, ipsilateral buttock or, more usually, the lateral
through sheath) position with adequate supports and protection
• Tears (present with pain and weakness) between leg pressure points.
• Subluxation (palpation along the length of the
tendons noting any deviation of their course) SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
• Os peroneum syndrome: ossified in 20 per cent
population. Articulates with inferior margin of Landmarks
cuboid. May be degenerative/osteochondritis or
fractured, leading to pain in the plantar/lateral The tip of the fibula to the base of the fifth
aspect of the foot. metatarsal.
• Eventually pain-related functional weakness
will lead to deformity. Incision
A longitudinal incision parallel to the posterior
Contraindications border of the fibula. Distally, the incision is curved
towards the base of the fifth metatarsal.
Varus deformity related to underlying peroneal
weakness rather than tendinopathy.

Consent and risks Dissection is straight down, directly to the tendon

sheath. Thick tissue flaps are reflected under
• Sural nerve injury during dissection and skin minimal tension. The sheath is divided longitu-
closure dinally and as posteriorly as possible, to aid repair
• Painful scar and reduce scar tissue irritation when the tendons
• Late re-rupture/subluxation are mobilized under stress. Tendon hooks are used
• Fracture to tip of fibula/disruption of to isolate, deliver and clear individual tendons of
retinaculum adhesions.
• Tendinous adhesions

Operative planning Surgical management for tendinopathy includes

soft tissue procedures such as synovectomy,
Radiographs are helpful, however MRI and debridement or tubularization of tears. If greater
ultrasound show: brevis flattening, thickening, than 50 per cent of the tendon is intact, repair is
nodules, tears, fluid in the peroneal sheath, advocated; less than 50 per cent tenodesis is
dislocation, and the retrofibular groove anatomy recommended. Tendon transfer of flexor
in good detail (18 per cent have a shallow or digitorum longus to peroneus brevis or an
convex surface). The presence of fluid around a autograft using gracilis can maintain function.
normal tendon on imaging indicates tenosynovitis. Bony procedures include:
228 Surgery of the ankle

• Deepening of the peroneal groove – using a 4.5 Oyedele O, Maseko C, Mkasi N, et al. High
mm drill, a longitudinal hole is made in the incidence of os peroneum in cadavers. Clin Anat
posterior third of the tip of fibular, then the 2005;19:605–10.
posterior cortex is ‘stoved in’ to deepen the Porter D, Torma J. Peroneal subluxation in
peroneal groove. The retinaculum is then athletes. Foot Ankle Int 2005;26:436–41.
repaired and a calcaneal osteotomy can be
performed if required. The tendons can also be
rerouted behind the calcaneofibular ligament as
an alternative to the deepening procedure.
• A partial thickness distal fibular osteotomy –
this is rotated posteriorly (Kelly procedure).
• Distal fibular sliding graft (Duvries
modification) can also be carried out (Fig.


Peroneus brevis
Tubularization of tears/bony procedures (4 weeks tendon
plaster of Paris, 4 weeks brace).
Peroneus longus


driven backward
Dombek MF, Catanzariti AR. Peroneal tendon
tears: a retrospective review. J Foot Ankle Surg malleolus
Manoli A, Graham B. The subtle Cavus foot. Foot
Ankle Int 2005;26:256–63. Figure 13.5 Bone block procedures

Viva questions
1. What are the indications, benefits and 7. How do you perform an ankle arthroscopy?
drawbacks of ankle arthrodesis?
8. What are the complications of ankle
2. What are the treatment options for a 40-year- arthroscopy and how can they be minimized?
old man with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the
9. How would you fuse an ankle?
10. Describe the follow up and complications you
3. Describe the anatomy of anterior ankle
might expect following ankle arthrodesis?
11. What types of ankle arthroplasty are you aware
4. What complications do you warn the patient
about prior to ankle replacement? What are
their incidences? 12. What are the principles of the prosthesis used?
5. What are the contraindications to ankle 13. Describe the technique of ankle arthroplasty.
14. What are the common pitfalls and how can
6. Describe the portals used in arthroscopy. they be avoided?
Surgery for peroneal tendinopathy 229

15. Describe an approach to the peroneal tendons. 19. How might you augment a tendo-Achilles
repair, e.g. in a patient with tendon
16. How might you address peroneal tendon
subluxation operatively?
20. What are the common indications for operative
17. What is the most common approach to the
management of peroneal and Achilles tendon
Achilles tendon?
18. Describe the technique for direct repair of the
Achilles tendon?
Surgery of the foot
Simon Clint and Nick Cullen

Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis 230 Lesser toe deformities 246
Hallux valgus correction 232 Lesser metatarsal (Weil) osteotomy 249
FIrst metatarsophalangeal joint cheilectomy 241 Fifth toe soft tissue correction (Butler procedure) 250
First metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis 242 Hindfoot arthrodesis 252
Ingrowing toenail surgery 244 Calcaneal osteotomy 255
Interdigital neuroma 245 Viva questions 257

Joint/movement Range of motion Indications

Subtalar joint inversion 10°
• Painful arthropathy of a joint – given the large
Subtalar joint eversion 5° number of adjacent joints in the foot, it can be
Transverse tarsal joint adduction 20° useful to localize the source of pain with a
Transverse tarsal joint abduction 10° radiologically guided injection of the proposed
Combined foot supination 30° joint preoperatively
• Deformity of a joint affecting the position of
Combined foot pronation 15°
the remaining foot – often associated with con-
First metatarsophalangeal joint 30° genital or acquired tendon or neuromuscular
First metatarsophalangeal joint 60°
Position of arthrodesis • Active infection
• The positions of arthrodesis are covered in the • Critical ischaemia
relevant sections. • Multiple adjacent arthrodeses (relative contra-


• Prolonged postoperative treatment: the joint
must be immobilized until union and
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING unprotected weightbearing avoided, which may
Arthrodesis is a commonly used technique take about 3 months in the hindfoot or ankle.
throughout the foot and ankle. Although the • Infection and wound healing problems:
approach, position and fixation used are specific dependent on surgical technique and soft tissue
to each joint fused, the principles and techniques handling as well as patient factors.
are common throughout the region and should be • Cutaneous nerve damage: given the
well understood. Individual arthrodeses will be subcutaneous and variable location of cutaneous
dealt with in the relevant sections.
Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis 231

cartilage and subchondral plate must be removed,

nerves in the foot, inadvertent damage and
maintaining the contour of the joint. This is best
subsequent painful neuroma formation can occur.
achieved with a variety of sharp chisels working in
• Non-union: absolute risk is dependent on
a methodical manner from superficial to deep.
technical and patient factors. Most patients have
Power tools generate unwanted heat and should
a 5–10 per cent risk of non-union and ongoing
be avoided. As the joint is prepared, a laminar
pain for most procedures. This is increased
spreader is gradually advanced into the joint to
dramatically in smokers (up to sevenfold), those
open it up. Pituitary rongeurs and Kerrison
with poor perfusion, active infection or diabetes
laminectomy rongeurs are useful to access the
• Malunion: technique dependent. Malunions may
deep recesses of the joint safely. Once all joint
be symptomatic, requiring footwear adaptations
surfaces are removed, the surface area of bleeding
or revision surgery, or may be asymptomatic and
bone should be increased by various methods.
Using a chisel to cross-cut the surface and
• Development of arthropathy in neighbouring
applying a slight twist on removal can produce
joints – common over time but may represent the
bone ‘petals’ to good effect.
progression of unrecognized early joint disease
The joint should be positioned in the desired
• Alteration of gait – dependent on number and
position and, if needed, provisionally held with a
location of arthrodeses
K-wire. A careful confirmation of the position
with respect to the limb alignment and the rest of
the foot must be undertaken to ensure a
Anaesthesia and positioning satisfactory outcome. It is unusual, unless bony
General anaesthesia is usually required. A thigh destruction has occurred, to require
tourniquet is required to allow exposure of the supplementary bone graft. If required, sufficient
limb to above the knee. This allows accurate quantities can usually be harvested locally from
assessment of alignment. A supportive bolster the calcaneus, medial malleolus or proximal tibia
under the calf is useful to allow free access to the without need to prepare the iliac crest.
foot. Rigid fixation and compression of the joint
must be achieved. This is usually done with some
form of compression screw or screws. However, in
SURGICAL PRINCIPLES certain situations other forms of fixation, such as
staples, intramedullary devices or external
The general principles are to mobilize the joint to fixations may be appropriate. Satisfactory
allow correction of any deformity and complete compression can be tested by carefully inserting a
access to the joint surfaces. The surfaces are fine chisel into the joint and twisting – there
prepared, maintaining the joint shape and should be no give.
congruity while exposing bleeding cancellous Careful, tension-free wound closure is critical.
bone. The joint is then held rigidly in the required A soft tissue layer should be closed over the joint
position of arthrodesis. prior to skin closure. The joint is immobilized in a
Careful placement of incisions of adequate back-slab to protect the fusion and soft tissues.
length is vital to prevent undue soft tissue damage
and tension. Most joints are relatively superficial POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
so adequate soft tissue cover is vital. INSTRUCTIONS
The capsule and surround soft tissues need to
be released to allow full access to the joint and to The leg should be elevated until swelling has
correct any deformity. Most deformities can be subsided. Mobilization should avoid weight-
corrected with an adequate mobilization but bearing on the joint. In the forefoot, a wedge-type
occasionally bone resection is required. shoe may be sufficient but usually a non-
The joint surfaces need to be carefully weightbearing cast should be used. Unprotected
prepared. First, any peripheral osteophytes should weightbearing should be avoided until there is
be removed to expose the true joint. Second, the clinical and radiological evidence of union.
232 Surgery of the foot

RECOMMENDED REFERENCE Patients with hypermobility or instability of the

first TMTJ are likely to have a recurrence after a
Hardy MA, Logan DB. Principles of arthrodesis simple osteotomy. These deformities might be
and advances in fixation for the adult acquired best treated with a first TMTJ arthrodesis
flatfoot. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 2007; combined with a lateral release (see Lapidus
24:789–813. procedure below).

Consent and risks

There is considerable variation, depending on the
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING specific procedure: details of operation-specific
risks are detailed within the operative techniques
There are a multitude of procedures described for below. General complications are listed here.
the correction of hallux valgus deformity, some • Foot shape: most procedures will result in a
considered historical and others in current use. In narrower forefoot with a straighter hallux.
order to select the correct procedure for a specific However, this may still preclude the wearing
patient, an understanding of the spectrum of of many fashionable shoes
hallux valgus deformities must exist. • Stiffness: most procedures which violate the
MTPJ are associated with varying degrees of
postoperative stiffness. This can be particularly
Indications and choice of procedure troublesome with the Scarf osteotomy due to
the degree of soft tissue mobilization
The presence of a bunion is not an indication for • Recurrence of deformity: usually associated
surgery. with poor technique, attempting to push the
indications of a procedure too far or not
recognizing complicating factors (laxity,
The strongest indication for operative increased distal metatarsal articular angle
intervention in hallux valgus is pain. This pain is [DMAA], congruent joint, etc.)
located over the bunion and usually only felt with • Overcorrection and hallux varus: usually
shod feet. Pain present when barefoot or under occurs due to overenthusiastic soft tissue
the metatarsal head suggests another source of the correction or excessive displacement of the
pain should be sought. Footwear problems due to capital fragment. Excessive medial eminence
extreme deformities are a relative indication. excision or the excision of the fibular
Operating solely for cosmetic or fashion reasons is sesamoid in a McBride release also predispose
generally not recommended. to hallux varus.
On examining the patient, the neurovascular • Nerve damage and neuroma formation:
status of the patient must be examined along with damage to the dorsomedial or plantar nerves
the overall hindfoot and foot alignment. Joint is possible with most procedures and can
mobility is assessed: hypermobility of the first cause painful neuroma formation
tarsometatarsal joint (TMTJ) is associated with an • Transfer metatarsalgia: anything that alters
increased risk of postsurgical recurrence. the relationship between the first and lesser
metatarsals in the sagittal plane can lead to
painful overloading of the lesser metatarsals,
Contraindications usually the second. This can occur in
techniques that result in excessive shortening
Patients with significant pre-existing degenerative
or elevation of the metatarsal head. It can also
change in the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ)
occur with defunctioning of the hallux, as
will usually not benefit from realignment surgery
occurs with a Keller procedure
and should be offered arthrodesis. (See ‘First
metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis’, p. 242.)
Hallux valgus correction 233

Figure 14.1 Radiographic

(c) DMAA assessment of hallux valgus. (a)
(b) HVA
Intermetatarsal angle (IMA). (b)
Hallux valgus angle (HVA). (c)
Distal metatarsal articular angle
(a) IMA (DMAA)

Operative planning opening up of the first TMTJ on the lateral view

and widening of the gap between the
Radiology first/second metatarsal bases.
All patients presenting with hallux valgus should • Congruent deformities require an osteotomy
have weightbearing anteroposterior (AP) and that incorporates rotation to correct the
lateral radiographs of both feet obtained. Various relationship of the articular surface to the axis
radiographic angles and measurements are of the metatarsal.
frequently used to define the anatomical location • Mild deformities can be corrected with a single
and magnitude of the hallux deformity which can metatarsal osteotomy (e.g. biplanar Chevron or
aid surgical planning (Fig. 14.1). These include: modified Scarf – see below) with or without the
• Hallux valgus angle (HVA) – the angle between addition of a phalangeal osteotomy (Akin
the anatomical axes of the first metatarsal and osteotomy – see below).
the proximal phalanx • Severe deformities occasionally require a
• First–second intermetatarsal angle (IMA) – the combined proximal and distal metatarsal
angle between the anatomical axes of the first osteotomy (see proximal metatarsal osteotomy
and second metatarsals below).
• DMMA – the angle between a line drawn from • Most authors categorize incongruent hallux
the medial and lateral borders of the articular valgus based on broad categories of severity.
surface of the distal metatarsal and the Such categories are not absolute but act as
anatomical axis of the metatarsal general guidelines to help define the limits of
• Interphalangeal angle – angle between the certain procedures and to help in the selection
proximal and distal articular surfaces of the of the correct treatment. Table 14.1 shows
proximal phalanx of the hallux typical figures.
• Joint congruity – the medial and lateral borders
of the joint surface of the metatarsal and Anaesthesia and positioning
phalanx are identified. The first MTPJ is said to
be congruent if the lateral and medial borders All hallux valgus surgery can be performed under
of the two joint surfaces align. If they do not, a regional (ankle) block or general anaesthesia. A
the joint is incongruent (Fig. 14.2) bloodless field is provided by a thigh or ankle
• Presence of degenerative changes in the first MTPJ tourniquet. The patient is positioned supine and
• Signs of first TMTJ instability – these include the whole foot and ankle prepared.
234 Surgery of the foot

Table 14.1 Categorization of hallux valgus severity*

Angle measured Normal Mild Moderate Severe

HVA <15° 15–20° 20–40° >40°
IMMA <9° 9–11° 11–16° >16°
DMAA <6°
*After Coughlin, Mann, Saltzman. Surgery of the Foot and Ankle. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2007.

Given the huge range of surgical procedures
described for hallux valgus, it is not within the
scope of this book to describe them all. We shall
therefore concentrate on those procedures
commonly performed. Each procedure is
described individually but in practice several
techniques, such as the metatarsal osteotomy,
Akin osteotomy and lateral soft tissue release, may
Incongruent joint Congruent joint
be performed in combination.
Figure 14.2 Assessment of first metatarsophalangeal
joint congruity

First metatarsophalangeal joint soft

tissue release
Consent and risks
A soft tissue release attempts to balance out the • Overcorrection and hallux varus: caused by
soft tissues around the first MTPJ. With a valgus excessive soft tissue release and excessive medial
deformity, the medial tissues become attenuated plication
and those on the lateral side contracted. The • Excessive medial plication can also lead to joint
original McBride procedure was more extensive, stiffness
including excision of the lateral sesamoid, and was • Nerve damage: the common digital nerve is deep
associated with a high rate of hallux varus. The to the inter-metatarsal ligament and can be
procedure has been altered so many times that the damaged
term ‘modified McBride’ is misleading and should
be avoided.
A soft tissue release is rarely performed in Starting on the medial side, a medial longitudinal
isolation. However, it is part of many procedures incision is made, centred over the metatarsal head
so a detailed understanding is important. and extending from the shaft of the proximal
phalanx to the distal shaft of the metatarsal.

Specific indications Dissection

• Incongruent, mild hallux valgus with normal, or
near normal IMA Structure at risk
• In combination with another procedure (see
• Dorsomedial sensory nerve
Hallux valgus correction 235

Dissection is continued down to capsule and adductor hallucis into the phalanx. The insertion
then a dorsal flap is carefully elevated to of adductor hallucis is released from the phalanx
identify the dorsal nerve adherent to the capsule then, working proximally, the remaining tendon is
on the dorsomedial aspect. This is repeated released from the sesamoid. Deep to this is the
on the plantar side, dissecting around the capsule inter-metatarsal ligament which runs from the
to create a small pocket. A longitudinal second metatarsal to the lateral sesamoid, not the
capsulotomy is performed and any adhesions first metatarsal itself. This is carefully divided from
released. the sesamoid, taking care to preserve the
neurovascular bundle which lies directly
Surgical technique underneath. The lateral capsule (metatarso-
Unless a distal metatarsal osteotomy is also to be sesamoid ligament) is then incised longitudinally,
performed, the prominent medial eminence of the after which the articular surface of the lateral
head can now be removed. This is done with a fine sesamoid can be inspected and should be
oscillating saw, aiming to cut in line with the reducible underneath the metatarsal head. The
medial shaft starting 2–3 mm from the medial retractor is removed and confirmation that the toe
sulcus (Fig. 14.3). can be passively overcorrected is sought.
Attention is now turned to the first web space. Returning to the medial side, the metatarsal
A 3 cm incision is centred between the metatarsal head should be reducible onto the sesamoids. If
heads in the first web space then bluntly too much resistance is encountered, a bony
dissecting down to the level of the heads. Inserting procedure is required to correct the deformity.
a laminar spreader or self-retainer between the Subsequent capsular plication is designed to take
heads allows identification of the lateral sesamoid in excess capsule, not pull the sesamoid complex
and the insertion of adductor hallucis into its over.
lateral edge. Using a size 15 blade, the capsule is Using an absorbable suture, the excess capsule
released from the dorsal aspect of the sesamoid is ‘double-breasted’ while holding the MTPJ
then the blade advanced to the insertion of flexed. This is done by passing a stitch through the
dorsal capsule from outside, medial to the
extensor tendon and avoiding the identified nerve.
The needle is then passed from outside the plantar
capsule, just medial to the sesamoid then reversed
to come from inside out. It is finished by exiting
through the dorsal capsule, near the earlier entry
point. As the suture is tightened, the dorsal
capsule should double-breast over the plantar
capsule. Plication is checked to ensure that it is
not too tight by flexing and extending the joint.
Medial sulcus The rest of the capsule is then closed with
absorbable sutures prior to skin closure.

Scarf osteotomy
The scarf osteotomy is a powerful and versatile
osteotomy allowing correction of all of the axes of the
hallux valgus deformity; it is a technically
challenging procedure with a steep learning curve. It
Figure 14.3 Excision of medial eminence of first is named after a joiners’ technique, used to connect
metatarsophalangeal joint two beams.
236 Surgery of the foot

Specific indications Dissection

• Moderate or severe hallux valgus
• Hallux valgus with an increased DMAA Structures at risk
• Revision surgery.
• Dorsomedial sensory nerve
Specific contraindications • Blood supply to first metatarsal head

• Poor bone stock or osteoporosis increasing the

risk of fracture.
Dorsally, the capsule and dorsal periosteum is
released from the distal half of the bone, exposing
Consent and risks the dorsal surface. Plantarwards, great care is taken
to not damage the vascular leash entering the
• Fracture: given the length of the osteotomy, head on the plantar surface of the neck (Fig.
fracture, either intraoperatively or 14.5).
postoperatively can occur (3–5 per cent)
• MTPJ stiffness: especially if the metatarsal is
inadvertently lengthened Surgical technique
• Malunion: care must be taken to ensure all cuts The periosteum is only elevated from the
are in the correct direction in all three planes proximal third, dissecting away from the neck. A
• Troughing: this occurs when the shaft cortex of minimal excision of the medial eminence is
one fragment collapses into the cancellous bone performed in line with the shaft, aiming to just
of the other fragment (Fig. 14.4). This results in expose cancellous bone. At this point it is
elevation of the metatarsal head and rotation of advisable to draw out the planned osteotomy, on
the osteotomy. It is more common where there is the medial aspect of the bone (see Fig. 14.5). The
poor bone stock. By ensuring the ends of the longitudinal arm begins at a point 3 mm from the
osteotomy are in dense metaphyseal bone, rather dorsal cortex, 5 mm proximal to the dorsal
than the diaphysis, the risk can be reduced articular edge. This then extends proximally and
plantarwards to a point 3 mm from the plantar
surface and 10 mm from the TMTJ. Two
Incision horizontal 60° limbs are then added to the ends to
A medial approach, as described above, is exit the nearby cortices. The distal horizontal limb
performed. However, the incision continues should be perpendicular to the second metatarsal
proximally until approaching the TMTJ. shaft; we advise drawing a line connecting the

10 mm 5 mm

3 mm
3 mm

Figure 14.5 Scarf osteotomy and plantar vascular

Figure 14.4 Troughing of Scarf osteotomy supply of the metatarsal head
Hallux valgus correction 237

medial point of origin of the distal first metatarsal the proximal fragment can be bevelled flush with
cut running perpendicular to the second the shaft.
metatarsal shaft and on through the lateral rays
the metatarsal head that it passes through (usually Closure
the fourth) can be used as a reference for the cut. Closure of the capsule should be performed as
Palpating the fourth metatarsal head, another line described previously.
is drawn on the dorsal surface, from the distal arm
across the dorsal surface towards the fourth.
Once satisfied with the planned osteotomy, an Akin osteotomy
oscillating saw is used to score the cortex for the
longitudinal arm. After a starting point is made,
Specific indications
the blade is angled plantarwards, in the plane of • Hallux inter-phalangeus deformity, where the
the shafts of the metatarsals. Maintaining this deformity occurs distal to the MTPJ
angle, the whole length of the longitudinal arm is • In combination with a metatarsal osteotomy to
cut, penetrating only the medial cortex; the lateral correct residual phalangeal deformity.
cortex is then softly cut in the same plane. Next
the distal arm is cut, maintaining the slight plantar
Specific contraindications
angle and aiming for the fourth metatarsal head as Akin osteotomy in isolation will not correct joint
planned. The proximal cut should now be cut incongruity or an increased IMA so should not be
parallel or slightly divergent to this – if the cuts used alone in these cases.
converge, the osteotomy will not displace. The
osteotomy should now be mobile. If not, all cuts
are checked for completion and the two fragments A medial longitudinal incision is performed,
gently freed with a MacDonald dissector, starting starting just proximal to the interphalangeal joint
proximally. (IPJ) and extended past the medial eminence of
The osteotomy is now displaced as required. the metatarsal. This can be incorporated into the
This is facilitated by a ‘push–pull’ action, grasping incision for a metatarsal osteotomy if required.
the proximal fragment with a towel-clip while
pushing the distal fragment laterally. The
osteotomy should displace laterally and A longitudinal capsular incision is made and
plantarwards. The reduction is then held with a extended proximally to incise the periosteum of
clamp. The reduction is checked by observing the the phalanx. This is then carefully elevated,
position of the medial sesamoid: it should lie allowing the placement of retractors superiorly
under the medial metatarsal head. Once the and inferiorly.
reduction is satisfactory, a K-wire is inserted along
the lateral edge of the proximal fragment into the
Surgical technique
head and a stepped bone clamp will prevent
displacement. Structure at risk
The osteotomy is secured with two screws –
• Flexor hallucis longus tendon
headless, variable pitch compression screws are
ideal. The first screw should start from the
dorsolateral aspect of the distal end of the If required, the medial eminence of the metatarsal
proximal fragment and aim towards the medial can be excised, as above. The osteotomy is a closing
sesamoid. This must be intraosseous to avoid wedge osteotomy, performed with an oscillating
sesamoid damage. A second screw can then be saw from the medial side; the lateral cortex is left
used in a dorsoplantar direction to secure the intact. Particular care should be taken to avoid
proximal extent of the osteotomy. The proximal damage to the long flexor inferiorly. It is easy to
screw should be bicortical. overcorrect the deformity, so it is wise to
After fixation, the prominent medial cortex of underestimate the size of the wedge and check the
238 Surgery of the foot

Osteotomy for staple fixation Osteotomy for screw fixation Figure 14.6 Akin osteotomy

result. The alignment of the osteotomy depends on • Congruent hallux valgus deformity as the
the planned means of fixation (Fig. 14.6). osteotomy does not disturb the balance of the
If a staple is used, the first cut should be parallel joint – using a biplanar chevron (see below).
to the proximal joint surface. The second cut is
parallel to the base of the nail, aiming to converge Specific contraindications
before the lateral cortex, leaving it intact. The Due to technical limits of the procedure, it should
wedge is removed and the osteotomy closed. If be reserved for deformities with an IMA <12°
there is resistance, the lateral cortex can be HVA <30° and DMMA <15°. Attempting to push
cautiously weakened with the saw, but should not the indications further increases the risk of
be breached. Using the planned staple as a guide, avascular necrosis of the capital fragment.
entry holes are drilled using a fine K-wire and the
staple inserted. After insertion the joint is
Consent and risks
inspected to ensure that it is not penetrated by the
staple. Postoperative radiographs can be • Avascular necrosis of the capital fragment: up to
misleading in this regard because of the convex 20 per cent in some series. Probably technique
nature of the joint surface. dependent with increased avascular necrosis
If a cannulated compression screw is to be used, seen with extensive soft tissue stripping and
the osteotomy will be angled to allow release and with excessive displacements
compression. A screw will be inserted over a attempted
guidewire passing from the medial edge of the • Malunion: if the osteotomy is angled too
proximal flair of the phalanx, exiting distally in proximally, shortening of the first metatarsal will
the lateral cortex. occur with translation. Similarly, if the
osteotomy is angled dorsally the metatarsal head
Closure will be elevated. Both of these technical errors
The capsule is closed with absorbable sutures prior will alter the relationship of the first metatarsal
to skin closure. A forefoot dressing is applied. head to that of the lesser metatarsals and may
lead to transfer metatarsalgia
Chevron osteotomy
Incision and dissection
The chevron osteotomy is a relatively simple
osteotomy for the correction of mild hallux A standard medial approach is made to the
valgus. metatarsal head (see above).

Specific indications Surgical technique

• Mild (and moderate – see below) hallux valgus The medial eminence is resected in a plane
deformity parallel to the medial border of the foot,
Hallux valgus correction 239

If there is an increased DMMA, the joint can be

reorientated by means of a biplanar chevron. By
taking a small (1–2 mm) wedge from the
superomedial and inferomedial aspect of the
limbs, the fragment can be displaced laterally but
rotated medially, correcting the DMMA as may be
required in a congruent hallux valgus.
Although inherently a stable osteotomy, most
surgeons hold the osteotomy with a K-wire or
screw inserted from a dorso-proximal to plantar-
distal direction. Care must be taken not to leave
any fixation proud of the joint to avoid damage to
the sesamoid articulation.

Capsular closure is as above.

Lapidus procedure
Figure 14.7 Chevron osteotomy. (a) Classic chevron
Specific indications
osteotomy, risking damage to plantar blood supply to
metatarsal head. (b) Modified chevron osteotomy to • Hallux valgus deformity in the presence of
preserve plantar blood supply to metatarsal head instability of the first TMTJ
• Moderate to severe incongruent hallux valgus
• Salvage procedure for previous failed hallux
valgus surgery
• Arthritis of the first TMTJ.
beginning at the sulcus. A lateral release is not
routinely performed due to the increased risk of
Specific contraindications
avascular necrosis. The chevron osteotomy is a V- Given the shortening of the first ray that occurs
shaped cut of approximately 60° with the apex at with Lapidus, the procedure should not be
the centre of the metatarsal head (Fig. 14.7). performed on patients with short first metatarsals.
Because the plane of the cuts is crucial, it can be
useful to place a K-wire in this central point,
Surgical technique
running parallel to the sole of the foot and the
distal articular surface of the metatarsal. This wire Structure at risk
can be then be used as a cutting guide to position
• Tibialis anterior tendon
the limbs of the chevron. The most crucial cut is
the plantar limb, which must exit the plantar
surface of the metatarsal in an extra-articular The Lapidus procedure involves first TMTJ
position to avoid damage to the sesamoid arthrodesis; this should be performed with the
articulation. Several authors advocate a more previously described lateral soft tissue release,
horizontal plantar limb (see Fig. 14.7) to attempt excision of the medial eminence and plication of
to preserve the plantar blood supply (see ‘Scarf the medial capsule. The medial incision for the
osteotomy’ above). The dorsal limb is then cut at MTPJ can be continued proximally to the TMTJ.
approximately 60° to the first cut. After Alternatively, a separate medial incision can be
completion of the cuts, the capital fragment can made centred over the joint. The joint is usually
be translated laterally by up to 30 per cent of its deep to a vein, crossing from dorsal to plantar and
width to correct the hallux valgus. some authors advocate preserving it to reduce
240 Surgery of the foot

postoperative swelling. The joint can be identified Otherwise a non-weightbearing cast can be used
with the aid of a needle and opened to mobilize to protect the arthrodesis.
the joint. Care must be taken to avoid damage to
the tendon of tibialis anterior, which lies on the Proximal (basal) metatarsal osteotomy
inferomedial aspect of the joint. Using traction on
the toe, the joint can be opened and preparation The proximal metatarsal osteotomy is usually
of the joint performed as detailed in ‘Principles of performed in combination with a lateral soft
foot and ankle arthrodesis’ (p. 230). Once the tissue release, excision of medial eminence and
preparation has begun, there is enough room to medial capsule closure, as described above.
insert a laminar spreader.
Several authors describe a Lapidus procedure as Specific indications
a closing wedge arthrodesis. However, this is Correction of moderate to severe hallux valgus,
usually not required. By careful preservation of especially when associated with a large IMA. By
the joint shape the base of the metatarsal can making an osteotomy at the base of the
usually be displaced medially and slightly metatarsal, larger corrections of IMA can be made
inferiorly with digital pressure, thereby reducing than by operating more distally.
the IMA and overcoming the elevation of the
metatarsal head caused by shortening of the joint. Specific contraindications
A good correction coincides with the appearance
Congruent deformities (if used in isolation) – as
of a ‘step’ on the medial side. Once reduced, the
the osteotomy does not alter the relationship
joint is provisionally held with a K-wire before
between the anatomic axis of the metatarsal and
checking the position. If further correction is
the distal articular surface, it will not alter the
required, minimal resection of the inferolateral
DMMA. However, it may be of use when
aspect of the metatarsal base is performed.
combined with a distal osteotomy to correct a
The arthrodesis can be secured by means of
congruent deformity with increased IMA (a
screws or a custom plate. To use screws, a 3.5 mm
double osteotomy).
glide hole is drilled from the dorsum of the
metatarsal, starting 15–20 mm from the joint and
slightly laterally, aiming for the cuneiform. It is Consent and risks
important to avoid aiming too plantarwards,
which results in a poor hold on the cuneiform. • Malunion: any misorientation of the plane of the
The cuneiform is then drilled, using a 2.5 mm drill osteotomy can result in significant accidental
in standard AO fashion. Prior to inserting the misplacement of the metatarsal head
screw, an oval groove in the transverse plane • Overcorrection: given the power of this
should be created (using a small burr or osteotomy to realign the shaft, overcorrection
countersink) to accommodate the head of the and hallux varus can be troublesome, especially
screw and avoid breaking the dorsal cortical when combined with an aggressive lateral
bridge. Once tightened, a second screw can be release
inserted from the cuneiform to the metatarsal, in
a parallel sagittal plane to the first screw. Incision
A dorsal incision is made over the base of the
Closure metatarsal, avoiding any superficial cutaneous
The soft tissues are closed over the fusion prior to nerves.
skin closure.
Surgical technique
Specific postoperative instructions The osteotomy is ideally placed about 1 cm from
If satisfactory fixation is achieved and the patient the TMTJ in metaphyseal bone to provide a broad
is compliant, they may mobilize postoperatively area for union. A dome osteotomy or closing or
in a forefoot-offloading wedge shoe for 12 weeks. opening wedge osteotomies can be performed.
First MTP joint cheilectomy 241

The lateral closing wedge will tend to shorten the Barouk LS. Forefoot reconstruction. Paris: Springer-
metatarsal. There are various plates designed to fix Verlag, 2005.
the opening wedge osteotomies. Weil LS. Scarf osteotomy for correction of hallux
The coronal plane of the osteotomy is vital – it valgus. Historical perspective, surgical technique,
should be perpendicular to the plane of the and results. Foot Ankle Clin 2000;5:559–80.
metatarsal. If the blade is directed too medially,
the head will be elevated and if directed too
laterally it will be depressed. In the sagittal plane,
the blade should be positioned perpendicular to FIRST METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT
the sole then angled slightly proximally. Once cut, CHEILECTOMY
the osteotomy can provisionally be reduced and
the position checked. If satisfactory the osteotomy PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
is fixed with two screws or a screw and wire.
Hallux rigidus, or degenerative arthritis of the first
Keller procedure MTPJ, is a common condition. Although in its
early stages it can be managed with conservative
This involves excision of the medial prominence measures, such as footwear and activity
of the metatarsal and the proximal third of the modifications, patients often require operative
phalanx to relax the lateral structures and allow intervention. Cheilectomy, from the Greek for lip,
correction of the toe, which is then held with a cheilos, addresses both the pain and stiffness found
temporary K-wire. Although once commonly in this condition.
performed, its generally unsatisfactory results
have caused it to fall out of favour. The patient is Indications
left with a floppy great toe and, by defunctioning
• Mild to moderate degenerative changes in the
the hallux, is prone to overload their lesser rays
first MTPJ with pain and stiffness, failing to
with resultant pain. However, it can be considered
respond to conservative management
in the older, minimally ambulatory patient who
• More advanced degenerative changes in a
has footwear problems or in those patients whose
patient unwilling to lose joint movement
soft tissues or general fitness precludes a more
(patient must be counselled that there may be
aggressive procedure.
improvement in movement but only limited
INSTRUCTIONS • Prominent dorsal osteophytes causing footwear
• The foot is dressed with a standard forefoot
dressing, extending above the ankle.
• The foot is elevated for 72 hours to reduce Advanced degenerative changes with loss of joint
swelling. space.
• The patient may mobilize, fully weightbearing,
in a forefoot-offloading wedge shoe for 6 weeks.
• After skin wounds have healed, the patient is Consent and risks
taught passive mobilization of the MTPJ to
• Failure or recurrence of symptoms: especially if
reduce stiffness.
the degenerative changes are more extensive
than appreciated preoperatively or if insufficient
RECOMMENDED REFERENCES resection is performed
• Instability of first MTPJ: especially if resection
Barouk LS. Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus
exceeds 35 per cent of joint surface
correction. Local anatomy, surgical technique, and
• Damage to dorsal cutaneous nerve and neuroma
combination with other forefoot procedures. Foot
Ankle Clin 2000;5:525–58.
242 Surgery of the foot

Anaesthesia and positioning

• Regional or general anaesthesia
• Ankle or thigh tourniquet
• Supine on operating table.


• The MTPJ of the great toe is easily palpable
Figure 14.8 First metatarsophalangeal joint cheilectomy
• Extensor hallucis longus (EHL) tendon. – minimum and maximum resection levels

A 5 cm dorsal incision is made along the medial 60°) is confirmed. Any prominent osteophytes are
border of EHL centred over the first MTPJ. removed from the dorsal phalanx and the medial
and lateral aspect of the head, and the joint is
Dissection irrigated to thoroughly wash out. Bone wax can
be used sparingly to reduce bleeding and
The underlying extensor hood is incised in line adhesions.
with the incision but leaving a cuff of tissue on the
medial side of the tendon to avoid violating the
tendon sheath and reducing the risk of adhesions.
The joint capsule is incised and the joint exposed Careful closure of the capsule with interrupted
by dissection medially and laterally. Alternatively, Vicryl precedes skin closure. A forefoot dressing is
a medial approach, as described in first MTPJ applied to above the ankle.
arthrodesis, may be used.
The foot is elevated for 48 hours. The patient fully
A full synovectomy is performed and any loose weightbears on a postoperative shoe and
bodies removed. Flexing the joint fully allows aggressive active and passive mobilization begins
inspection of the joint surface. In mild and once skin healing has occurred
moderate disease, the damage is usually limited to
the dorsal aspect. Ideally, the resection should RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
extend from just dorsal of the edge of the viable
cartilage to just proximal of the dorsal Coughlin MJ, Shurnas PS. Hallux rigidus. Grading
prominence of the head. However, care should be and long-term results of operative treatment. J
taken to ensure that this resects 20–30 per cent of Bone Joint Surg Am 2003;85:2072–88.
the joint (Fig. 14.8).
Note on resection level (Fig. 14.8): a common
cause for failure of cheilectomy is insufficient
resection. A minimum of 20 per cent of the FIRST METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT
articular surface must be removed, even if this ARTHRODESIS
includes normal joint surface, to ensure adequate
movement. Exceeding 35 per cent is likely to PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
destabilize the joint.
The dorsal prominence is resected with a saw or Once a patient has developed severe hallux
osteotome and satisfactory dorsiflexion (ideally rigidus, a cheilectomy is unlikely to address the
First MTP joint arthrodesis 243

problem. Although various arthroplasties are SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

available, most either have limited long-term
results or are associated with high failure rates. Landmarks
Arthrodesis of the joint provides a reliable
solution to the pain of advanced arthritis of the The MTPJ of the great toe is easily palpable.

Indications A straight medial midline incision is made,

centred over the MTPJ.
• Painful arthropathy of first MTPJ not
responding to conservative treatment and not Dissection
suitable for less invasive treatment (e.g.
This is continued straight down to the joint
capsule, without developing flaps. The capsule is
• Severe first MTPJ deformity in the presence of
incised in line with the skin incision and freed
degenerative changes
dorsally over the metatarsal head and sufficiently
• Salvage of failed first ray surgery.
around the phalangeal base to allow its surface to
be delivered. Alternatively, the approach
Absolute contraindications described for cheilectomy may be used.

• Active infection Procedure

• Limb ischaemia or poor perfusion.
The surfaces are prepared in a manner outlined in
‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’ (p. 231).
Relative contraindication Given the joint’s small size it is not possible, or
really necessary, to use a laminar spreader.
Previous IPJ arthrodesis or pre-existing IPJ Furthermore, the concave surface of the phalanx
degenerative changes. makes the use of chisels difficult; a curette or bone
nibbler may be more useful, Various dome-shaped
Consent and risks reamers may also be used, but care should be
taken to avoid removal of excessive bone, which
(see also ‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’, will lead to shortening.
p. 230) Note about sagittal position of arthrodesis (Fig.
• Malunion: excessive extension can cause 14.9): several textbooks state a fixed value for the
defunctioning of hallux and transfer position of first MTPJ arthrodesis, e.g. 25–30°
metatarsalgia. Excessive flexion can cause extension. This can be confusing as it may be
increased wear and pain in the IPJ. Excessive unclear if this refers to the angle relating to the
valgus can cause pressure on the second toe floor or the metatarsal shaft. Furthermore, the
• Damage to dorsal cutaneous nerve and neuroma angle to the metatarsal depends on the pitch of the
formation metatarsal, i.e. whether the foot is planus or cavus.
• Unable to wear high heels after surgery: this It is therefore preferred to arthrodese the joint in a
must be stressed to women considering operation relative position to a simulated floor. Using a flat
• Minimum of 6 weeks protected weightbearing surface to push up against the sole of the foot,
assess the position of the pulp of the hallux with
regard to the surface. If a finger can be pushed
Anaesthesia and positioning under the pulp the toe is too extended. If there is
no space for any flexion of the IPJ the position is
• Regional or general anaesthesia too flexed. An ideal position allows a small amount
• Ankle or thigh tourniquet of movement with downward pressure on the
• Supine on operating table. distal phalanx.
244 Surgery of the foot

Too flexed

Figure 14.9 Coronal position of

Too extended arthrodesis of the first
metatarsophalangeal joint. Note
that the phalanges are parallel to
floor, allowing clearance of toe
Correct position pulp

The joint is positioned as required and the forefoot until evidence of clinical and
provisionally held with a K-wire. The sagittal radiological union. If there is concern about the
position of the toe is then assessed with regard to compliance of the patient, a cast may be used.
a flat surface as outlined above. The coronal
position should be of sufficient valgus to avoid the RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
medial border of the toe rubbing upon the toe-
box of a shoe but not so much that there is Coughlin MJ, Shurnas PS. Hallux rigidus. J Bone
impingement of the hallux against the second toe; Joint Surg Am 2004;86(Suppl 1):119–30.
10–15° HVA is usually appropriate. There should
be no rotational deformity.
In primary surgery with good bone stock, the INGROWING TOENAIL SURGERY
arthrodesis can be secured with two crossed
screws. The first is inserted with a lag technique to PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
compress the joint; the second provides a
derotational function. Alternatively, a custom- A multitude of operations exist to deal with
made plate may be used. ingrowing toenails, or onychocryptosis. Chemical
ablation with phenol of either part or all of the
Closure nail matrix is associated with lower recurrence
rates than surgical ablation in most series.
• Careful closure of the capsule with interrupted
Vicryl precedes skin closure.
• A forefoot dressing is applied to above the Painful onychocryptosis or recurrent infections.
• Severe digital vascular compromise is an
The foot is elevated for 72 hours. A reliable absolute contraindication
patient can mobilize in a wedge shoe to offload • Active infection is a relative contraindication.
Ingrowing toenail surgery 245

Recurrence may be better treated with total All blood is carefully cleared from the field and
matrix ablation. all exposed skin protected with petroleum jelly. A
cotton bud is soaked in phenol and inserted along
the exposed nail bed, under the ungual fold, and
Consent and risks
left for 60 seconds. This process is repeated once
• Recurrence: less than 5 per cent more then the whole area irrigated with copious
• Infection: superficial infection commonly amounts of saline. The tourniquet is released and
dependent on postoperative care a toe dressing applied.
• Phenol burns: rare
Anaesthesia and positioning
The foot is elevated for 48 hours then the dressings
Toenail surgery can be effectively performed under are reduced. The wound is then washed in tepid
digital block with or without additional sedation. boiled salted water twice a day using a baby
A bloodless field is established with the use of a toothbrush, sweeping in a proximal to distal
digital tourniquet secured with an artery forcep. direction. When showering the patient is instructed
to aim the spray directly over the wound.
The affected nail border is elevated from the nail
bed and surrounding skin by blunt dissection with Herold N, Houshian S, Riegels-Nielsen P. A
forceps. The nail border is then cut using a blade prospective comparison of wedge matrix resection
or scissors underneath the ungual fold (Fig. with nail matrix phenolization for the treatment
14.10). Grasping the fragment with an artery of ingrown toenail. J Foot Ankle Surg 2001;40:
forcep and using a rotating movement, the nail 390–5.
border is carefully avulsed in its entirety, complete
with the widened germinal base. The nail groove
is then carefully curetted.

Proven, symptomatic interdigital (Morton’s)
neuroma in the third (80–90 per cent) or second
(10–20 per cent) web space failing to respond to
conservative treatment.
matrix Contraindications (relative)
• Vague symptoms or unusual location
• Other causes of metatarsalgia
• Lack of response to accurate injection of lesion.

Consent and risks

• Failure or recurrence: up to 20 per cent,
dependent on technique and diagnosis and
Figure 14.10 Partial matrix ablation – closely related to short incision surgery
line of excision for nail border
246 Surgery of the foot

• Scar pain (especially with plantar incision) Plantar pressure will usually deliver the neuroma
• Interdigital numbness: common but rarely into the wound. Sometimes it will be obscured by
troublesome a bursa which requires excision. Taking care to
• Vascular damage and digital ischaemia: risk if protect the common digital artery, the neuroma is
multiple web space explorations are undertaken retracted proximally and the two true digital
nerves are divided. The nerve is then traced as
proximally as possible and then divided under
Anaesthesia and positioning traction such that the cut end is proximal to the
weightbearing area of the foot. The specimen
May be performed under general or regional should be sent for histology for confirmation of
anaesthesia. The patient is positioned supine with the diagnosis.
an ankle or thigh tourniquet to provide a
bloodless field.
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE After release of the tourniquet, haemostasis is
obtained. Skin is closed in a single layer and a
forefoot bandage is applied.
The dorsal aspect of the affected web space.

A longitudinal incision is placed over the dorsum The patient should elevate the foot for 48 hours.
of the foot, starting in the web space and They may mobilize, weightbearing as tolerated, in
extending 3–4 cm proximally. (An insufficient a postoperative flat shoe.
incision is commonly found in recurrent cases and
is to be avoided.) RECOMMENDED REFERENCE

Dissection Mann RA, Reynolds JD. Interdigital neuroma: a

critical clinical analysis. Foot Ankle 1983;3:
Structure at risk
• Dorsal digital nerves
Taking care to avoid the dorsal digital nerves,
dissection is carried down to the metatarsal heads PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
and a laminar spreader is used between the
metatarsal heads to place the transverse The decision-making process for correction of
metatarsal ligament under tension. A Macdonald lesser toe deformities must take into account the
dissector is placed under the ligament which is type of deformity and whether it is fixed or
then divided under direct vision. The laminar flexible. A detailed examination of the deformity
spreader is then advanced into the wound to open must be made in the awake patient prior to
up the intermetatarsal space. surgery. The position of the toe in the standing
and lying position must be noted and any
Procedure deformity assessed for a fixed component. Any
subluxation or dislocation of the MTPJ must be
identified. There is some confusion in the
Structure at risk literature regarding toe deformity nomenclature.
For the purposes of this book we have used the
• Common digital artery
following terms:
Lesser toe deformities 247

• Mallet toe – a flexion deformity of the distal IPJ Anaesthesia and positioning
(DIPJ), often resulting in a callosity on the tip
of the toe. Anaesthesia can be regional or general. If surgery
• Hammer toe – a flexion deformity of the is limited to the interphalangeal joints a digital
proximal IPJ (PIPJ), often associated with block can be used. A supine position is used, with
hyperextension of the DIPJ and an the foot at the end of the table.
accommodative hyperextension of the MTPJ.
• Claw toe – a term usually reserved for multiple
toes and often associated with an underlying
neurological condition. The primary deformity
is one of hyperextension of the MTPJ with
Percutaneous flexor digitorum longus
secondary flexion of the PIPJ.

Indications Indication
Flexible mallet deformity
• Painful lesser toe deformity not responding to
conservative treatment Incision
• Severe lesser toe deformity causing footwear
Holding the toe to put the flexor tendon under
problems and not responding to footwear
tension, a size 15 blade (or tenotomy blade if
available) is used to make a 2–3 mm incision over
the DIPJ flexor crease.
• Vascular insufficiency
• Local infection Structure at risk
• Undiagnosed underlying neurological condition
(relative). • Neurovascular bundles

Consent and risks With the blade facing away from the
neurovascular bundle, the tightened tendon is
• Infection: <1 per cent palpated with the blade and divided. The toe is
• Neurovascular damage: <1 per cent then released to check the degree of correction.
• Vascular insufficiency of the digit following
correction of a severe or long-standing
deformity: may require further shortening or
accepting a slightly flexed position Formal closure of the wound is not required.
• Recurrence of deformity
• Swelling DIPJ arthrodesis
• Non-union of arthrodesis: 20–50 per cent of PIPJ
arthrodeses in some series formed a fibrous Indication
union, but this does not correlate with
Fixed mallet deformity
postoperative dissatisfaction
• Malunion of arthrodesis: hyperextension of the
joint or varus/valgus deformity often poorly
tolerated An elliptical incision is made over the DIPJ and
• Loss of movement or function of the toe, carried down to bone, excising the extensor
depending on procedure performed tendon. Care is taken to avoid damage to the nail
matrix distally.
248 Surgery of the foot

Procedure Following blunt dissection down to the flexor

sheath, the sheath is incised in a longitudinal
Structure at risk manner. Of the three tendons seen, the flexor
digitorum longus (FDL) is the central one. A
• Neurovascular bundles percutaneous FDL tenotomy is performed at the
level of the DIPJ (see above) and the FDL is
delivered out of the proximal wound. The tendon
Facing the blade away from the neurovascular is split into two halves along its length. On the
bundles the collateral ligaments are divided, dorsum of the toe, a longitudinal incision is made
allowing deliverance of the condyles of the middle over the proximal phalanx. A small artery forcep
phalanx into the wound. Using a bone cutter, the is used to bluntly dissect down one side of the
condyles are excised at the metaphyseal flair. The phalanx, remaining close to the extensor
articular surface of the distal phalanx is then expansion, and exiting the toe through the plantar
decorticated. Under direct vision, the flexor wound. The forcep is used to grasp one half of the
digitorum longus tendon in the base of the wound divided FDL tendon and deliver it to the dorsum,
is divided and the degree of correction is assessed. repeating the manoeuvre on the other side.
A double-ended K-wire is advanced in an Holding the MTPJ in about 20° flexion, both ends
antegrade direction through the distal phalanx, of the tendon are sutured to the extensor tendon,
aiming to come out just below the nail bed. The using an absorbable suture. The toe is released to
joint is then reduced and the wire advanced into ensure that the correction is being held. If there is
the middle phalanx to secure the joint. judged to be some residual tightness in the MTPJ,
a dorsal release may be performed (see below). A
Closure K-wire may be used to protect the repair.
The wound is best closed with non-absorbable
mattress sutures to secure the skin and extensor
tendon en masse. Skin wounds are closed with appropriate sutures,
usually non-absorbable suture material.

Flexor tendon transfer (Girdlestone PIPJ arthrodesis

The principle of this procedure is to re-create the Fixed hammer deformity or claw toe deformity
action of the intrinsic muscles in flexing the MTPJ
and extending the IPJs. Incision
An elliptical incision is made over the PIPJ and
Indications carried down to bone excising the extensor
• Flexible hammer deformity tendon.
• Flexible claw toe deformity.
Structure at risk
A 5 mm transverse incision is made over the
proximal flexor crease. • Neurovascular bundles

Facing the blade away from the neurovascular
bundles, the collateral ligaments are divided,
Structure at risk allowing deliverance of the condyles of the
• Neurovascular bundles proximal phalanx into the wound. Using a bone
cutter, the condyles are excised at the
Lesser metatarsal (Weil’s) osteotomy 249

metaphyseal flair. Sufficient bone must be progressive capsular and collateral releases are
removed to allow the toe to be straightened performed both medially and laterally. In long-
without undue tension on the tissues, especially standing deformities, adhesions may exist between
the neurovascular bundles. The plantar plate is the plantar capsule and the metatarsal head which
released from the middle phalanx allowing its should be released. Once satisfactory release is
base to be delivered. The articular surface is then achieved, the EDL should be repaired with
decorticated using a nibbler. A double ended K- absorbable suture and the wound closed. If, despite
wire is advanced in an antegrade direction through maximal release of the MTPJ, the joint cannot be
the middle and distal phalanges, aiming to come reduced, a metatarsal osteotomy should be
out just below the nail bed. The joint is then considered. (see ‘Lesser metatarsal [Weil’s]
reduced and the wire advanced into the proximal osteotomy’, below).
phalanx to secure the joint.
The wound is closed with a non-absorbable After all lesser toe surgery the tourniquet should
mattress sutures to secure skin and extensor be released prior to waking the patient and the toe
tendon en masse. If the MTPJ remains extended, a observed. If reperfusion is slow, releasing
dorsal release (see below) should be included to excessively tight dressings and hanging the foot
avoid a ‘cock-up’ deformity. over the side of the table usually allows the toe to
reperfuse. If the toe remains white and a K-wire
MTPJ release has been inserted, gently bending the arthrodesed
joint will relieve excess tension on the blood
Indication vessels.
Hyperextension of the MTPJ with or without All patients can fully weightbear on a flat
subluxation. postoperative shoe. K-wires, if used, should be
removed at 4–6 weeks.
Structures at risk Coughlin MJ. Lesser-toe abnormalities. J Bone
• Dorsal veins Joint Surg Am 2002;84:1446–69.
• Dorsal sensory nerve branches
A 3 cm incision is made in line with the OSTEOTOMY
metatarsal, centred over the MTPJ. If two adjacent
joints are being addressed, the incision should be PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
made in the web space. Attempt should be made
to protect the dorsal veins and sensory nerves. Historically, the Helal osteotomy was a popular
treatment for lesser metatarsal overload and
Procedure subluxed lesser MTPJs. This has largely been
Release of the joint should occur in a stepwise replaced by the Weil osteotomy, as popularized by
manner and stop when satisfactory release Barouk.
achieved. The extensor digitorum longus (EDL)
and extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) to the toe Indications
(EDL lies medial to EDB) are identified and their
tightness assessed. If tight, the EDB may be • Overload of a metatarsal head secondary to a
divided but the EDL should be z-lengthened. A relatively long metatarsal
dorsal capsulotomy is performed then, with the • Reduction of a chronically subluxed or
blade facing away from the neurovascular bundles, dislocated MTPJ.
250 Surgery of the foot

• Gross deformity of the joint
• Vascular insufficiency or infection.

Consent and risks

• Ongoing forefoot pain: often related to the use
of an excessively long screw Figure 14.11 Orientation of Weil osteotomy of the
• MTPJ stiffness: some degree is very common lesser metatarsal and screw placement
• ‘Floating toe’: stiff hyperextension of the MTPJ
preventing the toe from touching the floor it to retract proximally the desired amount. The
• Infection: <1 per cent fragment can then be fixed with a small screw, the
• Avascular necrosis and non-union: rare length of which usually decreases from 14 mm in
• Neurovascular damage: rare the second metatarsal to 11 mm in the fifth. The
excess dorsal bone overhanging the head can then
be trimmed to ensure that the proximal phalanx
Anaesthesia and positioning can freely dorsiflex.

See ‘Lesser toe deformities’ (p. 247). POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND

The patient is asked to mobilize in a heel
Incision weightbearing shoe. Once wounds have healed,
passive and active range of motion exercises can
A 4 cm incision is made over the metatarsal, or in begin and the toe can be strapped down to
the interspace if two adjacent osteotomies are to prevent hyperextension.
be performed.
Dissection Barouk LS. Forefoot Reconstruction. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Helal B. Metatarsal osteotomy for metatarsalgia. J
Structure at risk
Bone Joint Surg Br 1975;57:187–92.
• Neurovascular bundles Trnka HJ, Mühlbauer M, Zettl R, et al.
Comparison of the results of the Weil and Helal
osteotomies for the treatment of metatarsalgia
The extensor tendons are retracted out of the way secondary to dislocation of the lesser
and the dorsal capsule of the MTPJ released. metatarsophalangeal joints. Foot Ankle Int
Protecting the neurovascular bundles, the 1999;20:72–9.
collaterals are released to allow the proximal
phalanx to be displaced plantarwards.
A Macdonald dissector or custom made head
elevator is inserted under the metatarsal head. PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
Using a fine saw blade, an osteotomy is made,
starting 2 mm below the dorsal surface of the head Indications
and continuing proximally, parallel to the sole of
the foot (Fig. 14.11). Using a fine osteotome or • Moderate or severe overriding fifth toe with
McDonald, the head fragment is freed up to allow pain and callosity or footwear problems
Fifth toe soft tissue correction 251

• Failure of footwear adaptations and other should follow the line of tension along the
conservative measures extensor tendon. The plantar limb should be
longer and heading laterally (Fig. 14.12). The skin
Contraindications is incised with care and the neurovascular bundles
identified and protected.
Digital ischaemia or poor perfusion.
Consent and risks
The tight extensor tendons are divided then the
• Neurovascular damage and risk of toe ischaemia: joint capsule exposed. The tight dorsal capsule
reduced be careful dissection and avoidance of and usually the collateral ligaments require
traction or manipulation of the toe release. Sometimes the plantar capsule is adherent
• Recurrence of deformity: rare and needs to be dissected off. The toe should now
assume the required position.

Anaesthesia and positioning Closure

Regional or general anaesthesia is required as The skin is closed without tension. The dorsal
digital anaesthesia is insufficient. The patient is incision assumes a V to Y position and the plantar
positioned supine with an ankle or thigh incision a Y to V position. The tourniquet must be
tourniquet to ensure a bloodless field. released to ensure adequate perfusion of the toe
prior to the end of anaesthesia. No taping or
splintage is required.
Incision and dissection INSTRUCTIONS
The patient can mobilize fully weightbearing on a
Structure at risk postoperative shoe.
• Neurovascular bundles of the fifth toe
A double-racquet incision is drawn to ensure Cockin J. Butler’s operation for an over-riding fifth
correct placement. The dorsal limb of the incision toe. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1968;50:78–81.

Figure 14.12 Butler procedure –

position of skin incision. (a) Dorsal
(a) (b) and (b) plantar views
252 Surgery of the foot

• Active infection or ischaemia of the limb is an
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING absolute contraindication.
• A more proximal uncorrected deformity is a
The three joints of the hindfoot, the subtalar (ST), relative contraindication. It is difficult to judge
calcaneocuboid (CC) and talonavicular (TN) hindfoot alignment if there is a more proximal
joints, can be arthrodesed individually or in deformity. Furthermore, if a proximal deformity
combination, depending upon the indication. is subsequently corrected, the hindfoot
However, as all three joints work in unison, fusion alignment may be rendered incorrect. It is
of one will affect the others. As the normal therefore prudent to address proximal
hindfoot swings into varus during gait, Chopart’s deformities first.
joints (TN and CC) are locked in position to • Ipsilateral ankle fusion is a relative
provide a firm platform. Therefore, a subtalar contraindication – the patient must be
fusion must avoid varus to leave Chopart’s joints counselled that a combined ankle and hindfoot
relatively mobile and avoid fixed supination of the fusion will result in a loss of normal gait and
foot. Similarly, fusion of the TN joint in isolation possibly the need for footwear adaptations to
fixes the CC joint and greatly reduces the walk.
movement of the ST joint. Therefore, in
arthrodesing one or more of these joints, attention
to the position of all three must be taken. Consent and risks
The ultimate aim of any hindfoot fusion is to
provide a pain-free, stable hindfoot and a foot (See also ‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’,
that can be placed flat on the floor for weight- p. 230.)
bearing. • Non-union: the TN joint is especially prone to
non-union. This is likely to be due to its curved
surface and extensively cortical composition
Indications making adequate visualization and preparation
technically difficult. Obtaining adequate rigid
(See also ‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’, fixation can also be difficult compared with the
p. 230.) ST joint
• Painful arthropathy of one or more hindfoot • Malunion: due to incorrect positioning or
joints secondary to degenerative, inflammatory fixation failure. A malunion preventing the
or traumatic causes not responding to patient from placing the foot flat on the floor,
conservative management. In such cases often with overload of the lateral border, is very
isolated fusion of the affected joint can be poorly tolerated by the patient and often
considered. requires revision
• Fixed deformity of the hindfoot not amenable
to soft tissue correction and/or osteotomy.
Historically, this was primarily for paralytic
conditions, especially poliomyelitis. Hindfoot Anaesthesia and positioning
fusions are now more commonly performed for
tibialis posterior dysfunction, rheumatoid (See also ‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’,
arthritis and congenital neuromuscular p. 231.)
disorders. In such cases a double fusion of the For isolated subtalar fusion a lateral decubitus
TN and CC joints, or a triple fusion of all three position, with the operative side up, allows
joints is indicated. excellent access and visualization. For TN or
• Gross instability of the hindfoot with bony double/triple arthrodeses, a supine position is
destruction, as seen in rheumatoid arthritis or optimal. The use of a bolster under the calf allows
Charcot’s joints in people with diabetes. free access around the foot.
Hindfoot arthrodesis 253

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE peroneal nerve. A straight incision is made from

the tip of the fibula towards the base of the fourth
Landmarks metatarsal. This should lie between the sural
and peroneal nerves but care must be taken,
• Utility lateral approach – tip of fibula and base especially distally. The incision can be stopped at
of fourth metatarsal the CC joint if access to only the subtalar joint is
• Anterior approach – EHL and tibialis anterior required.
tendons The anterior approach is an extension of the
• Anteromedial approach – tibialis anterior and approach used to access the ankle. A straight
posterior tendons. incision between the tendons of extensor hallucis
longus and tibialis anterior is made over the TN
Incision joint and the extensor retinaculum carefully
incised. This gives excellent access to the medial
and lateral extents of the surprisingly broad TN
Structures at risk joint.
Alternatively, if performing a triple fusion, an
• Sural nerve (utility lateral approach)
anteromedial incision between the tendons of
• Superficial peroneal nerve (utility lateral
tibialis anterior and posterior allows a wider skin
bridge. Care must be taken of the saphenous vein
• Saphenous nerve and vein (anteromedial
and nerve, which lie in this plane. It is harder to
access the far lateral extent of the TN joint
through this incision and access through the
The incision(s) used will depend upon the joints lateral incision may be required.
to be addressed. For isolated TN arthrodesis an
anterior approach allows excellent visualization. Dissection
For isolated ST and/or CC joint fusion, a utility
lateral approach is used. For a triple fusion, the The utility lateral incision is deepened to pass
utility lateral in combination with an antero- above the peroneal tendons to the subtalar joint.
medial approach to the TN joint allows wide skin By releasing the insertion of extensor digitorum
bridges (Fig. 14.13). brevis and elevating this with a distally based flap,
The utility lateral approach allows excellent the sinus tarsi and CC joint can be visualized. In
visualization of the ST and CC joints. It is triple arthrodeses, after preparation of the CC and
preferable to the traditional Ollier incision as ST joints, the lateral aspect of the TN joint can be
there is less risk to the branches of the superficial accessed from the lateral side.

Sural Extensor
hallucis longus
Tibialis B
posterior Tibialis
A anterior

Figure 14.13 (a) Approaches for hindfoot arthrodesis – utility lateral approach. (b) Approaches for hindfoot
arthrodesis – anterior (A) and anteromedial (B) approach to talonavicular joint
254 Surgery of the foot

Procedure screw from the posterolateral aspect of the

calcaneum into the talus to cross the posterior
facet at 90°. This avoids possible impingement
Structure at risk problems from a screw inserted from the talar
neck. The entry point is in a line down from the
• Tibial neurovascular bundle
lateral margin of the Achilles tendon, just above
the plantar skin of the heel. Too plantarwards or
Once exposed and mobilized the selected joints central an entry point may cause painful
should be meticulously prepared as detailed in prominence of the screw head. Usually, a single
‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’ (p. 231). screw is sufficient. The TN joint can be fixed using
With regard to the TN joint, the full extent of the a retrograde screw from the medial edge of the
joint must be realized for successful fusion. It is navicular into the talar neck. Care must be taken
easy not to prepare deep enough (one should see to ensure a good bite is obtained medially without
the spring ligament in the depth of the wound) or intruding upon the NC joint. Further fixation can
laterally enough. During subtalar preparation, the be obtained with a screw from the anterior surface
posterior facet is prepared first. When the tendon of the navicular. Screw fixation of the CC joint,
of FHL (identified by moving the toe) is antegrade from the anterior process of the
visualized, preparation is deep enough. Great care calcaneum or retrograde from the cuboid, can
should be taken, however, as deep to the FHL is sometimes be difficult. In which case, compression
the tibial neurovascular bundle. After preparation staples or a low profile plate can be used.
of the posterior facet, the medial facet can be
prepared. Damage to the structures posterior to
this, and the head of the talus superiorly, must be
avoided. Once all of the required joints have been Closure
prepared, they need to be held in the required
position of arthrodesis. For the ST joint, the All wounds should be carefully closed, ensuring a
optimum position is 5° of valgus. However, if good soft tissue layer is closed over the joints prior
there is rigidity of the midfoot from a to skin closure. If an anterior approach has been
longstanding deformity, 5° of valgus may not used, the retinaculum must be carefully repaired.
allow the foot to be placed flat on the floor. The leg is then placed in a back-slab.
Therefore, the position of the weightbearing foot
should be confirmed by using a flat surface prior
to fixation of the ST joint. A varus position must POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
be avoided. INSTRUCTIONS
The ideal position of arthrodesis of the TN
joint is one of ‘talar neutral’ – that is, with the (See also ‘Principles of foot and ankle arthrodesis’,
domed talar head central in the navicular. In this p. 231.)
position the long axis of the talus should pass The patient is kept in a non-weightbearing cast
through the long axis of the first metatarsal. Care for 6 weeks or until early radiological signs of
must be taken not to extend or flex the TN joint union are seen. They can then begin to gradually
and the foot should be perpendicular to the tibia increase their weightbearing. A cast should be
with the ankle in neutral. Again, the position of retained for 3 months or until there is solid
the foot flat on the floor must be checked and a radiographical and clinical evidence of union.
suboptimal position may have to be accepted to
achieve this. The CC joint position will be
dictated by the other joints and therefore fixed RECOMMENDED REFERENCE
Various methods of ST joint fixation have been Davies MB, Rosenfeld PF, Stavrou P, et al. A
described. Our preferred method is to place a comprehensive review of subtalar arthrodesis. Foot
large diameter (8 mm) cannulated compression Ankle Int 2007;28:295–7.
Calcaneal osteotomy 255

Anaesthesia and positioning

• General or spinal anaesthesia with a thigh
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING tourniquet allowing exposure to above the knee
to judge alignment satisfactorily.
Indications • Most soft tissue procedures require access to
both the medial and lateral sides of the
A calcaneal osteotomy is rarely indicated in hindfoot. Therefore, position the patient
isolation. It is usually performed as part of a soft supine, with a removable sandbag under the
tissue correction of a hindfoot deformity to ipsilateral buttock.
protect the reconstruction and reconstitute the
mechanical axis of the hindfoot. Commonly used SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
examples are a medial displacement osteotomy as
part of a tibialis posterior reconstruction and a The calcaneal osteotomy is usually performed first
closing wedge or lateralizing osteotomy as part of as part of any soft tissue correction of the hindfoot
a pes cavus correction. Occasionally an osteotomy to avoid accidental damage to the correction.
may be used to correct a post-traumatic deformity
of the calcaneum, but this is often done in
combination with a subtalar arthrodesis as there is
• Anterior border of tendo-Achilles
usually associated joint disruption.
• Junction of dorsal and plantar skin of heel.

• Active infection or critical ischaemia of the Structure at risk
limb is an absolute contraindication.
• A more proximal uncorrected deformity is a • Sural nerve
relative contraindication. It is difficult to judge
hindfoot alignment if there is a more proximal
deformity. Furthermore, if a proximal deformity Some authors advocate an oblique lateral incision
is subsequently corrected, the hindfoot over the line of the proposed osteotomy.
alignment may become incorrect. It is therefore Unfortunately, this coincides with the course of
advisable to address proximal deformities first. the sural nerve and puts it at risk. We therefore
advise an extensile lateral incision, commonly
used for calcaneal fixation, as the sural nerve is
Consent and risks protected in the elevated flap. This also allows
better visualization of the calcaneum. The inferior
• Neurovascular damage: the sural nerve is in the limb of the incision runs along the junction of the
zone of the incision and must be avoided. On the plantar and dorsal skin. The superior limb extends
medial extent of any osteotomy, the superiorly in line with the anterior border of the
neurovascular bundle is close by and can be tendo-Achilles (Fig. 14.14). The extent of the
injured with aggressive use of power tools exposure required is less than for calcaneal
• Malunion: usually due to technical errors in fixation but the insertion of tendo-Achilles
judging the degree of correction but also due to superiorly and plantar fascia inferiorly should be
hardware failure visualized.
• Non-union: rare due to large surface area of
cancellous bone Dissection
• Recurrence of deformity, especially if the
The incision is carried straight down to bone and
deforming soft tissues are not correctly balanced
the flap elevated in the subperiosteal layer with
or there is a progressive neuromuscular condition
minimal trauma to the soft tissues.
256 Surgery of the foot

used to free the medial periosteum. The tuberosity

fragment can then be displaced, either medially or
laterally; this is performed with the ankle in a
plantar flexed position. Displacement will depend
upon the degree of correction required, 1 cm is
usually sufficient. The position can usually be
provisionally ‘locked’ by holding the foot in a
plantigrade position. Once the surgeon is confident
with the correction, a guidewire from a cannulated
screw system can be inserted, under fluoroscopic
Figure 14.14 Extensile lateral approach to os calcis guidance, from the lateral aspect of the tuberosity
into the anterior fragment. Care must be taken to
ensure that the wire enters the anterior calcaneum
and does not penetrate medially. Once satisfied
with the position, a single cannulated screw is
Structures at risk sufficient to hold the osteotomy. Alternatively, a
stepped plate may be used.
• Tendo-Achilles A lateral closing wedge can be added to the
• Plantar fascia lateral displacement osteotomy, if required, to
allow increased correction; the thickness of the
wedge will depend upon the correction desired.
For both medial and lateral displacement and
Using minimal force, an attempt is made to close
lateral closing wedge osteotomies, the angle of the
the wedge prior to fixation.
osteotomy is the same, at about 45° to the plantar
surface of the foot (Fig. 14.15). It runs anterior to
the insertion of tendo-Achilles to superior to the Closure
insertion of the plantar fascia. Trethowan bone
Closure of the flap must be meticulous and
levers are placed to protect these two structures
without tension. Deep Vicryl sutures and
and guide the osteotomy line. Using an oscillating
interrupted nylon sutures are satisfactory. The leg
saw, the lateral wall is cut and the saw advanced
should be immobilized once the soft tissue
until it reaches the medial wall.
component is completed.
The medial wall is cautiously weakened by
bouncing the saw off the wall and the osteotomy POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
completed using of a broad osteotome with care to INSTRUCTIONS
avoid any pressure on the medial soft tissues.
Once completed, the osteotome is carefully The leg should be elevated for 72 hours until
twisted to mobilize the fragment and a dissector swelling has subsided. The leg is then placed in a
non-weightbearing cast for a duration usually
dictated by the soft tissue correction. The
osteotomy usually heals within about 6 weeks.
Dwyer FC. Osteotomy of the calcaneum for pes
cavus. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1959;41:80–6.
Evans D. Calcaneo-valgus deformity. J Bone Joint
Surg Br 1975;57:270–8.
Trnka HJ, Easley ME, Myerson MS. The role of
Plantar fascia
calcaneal osteotomies for correction of adult
Figure 14.15 Alignment of calcaneal osteotomy flatfoot. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1999;365:50–64.
Viva questions 257

Viva questions

1. Describe how you can maximize the union rate 11. Describe the mechanics of a Girdlestone
for a midfoot arthrodesis. tendon transfer for the lesser toes and when
you would perform this.
2. In the context of hallux valgus deformity, what
is congruency and how does it affect your 12. How do you assess the severity of hallux
decision-making process? rigidus and how does this influence your
treatment options?
3. What radiographs do you use to assess hallux
valgus deformity, what angles do you measure 13. What is the optimum position of arthrodesis of
and how does this influence your choice of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) and
operation? how would you assess this intraoperatively?
4. What surgical approach do you use for a first 14. Describe the anatomy of a toenail. How does
metatarsal osteotomy and what are the this knowledge help in the treatment of
important structures at risk? ingrowing nails?
5. Describe the blood supply to the first 15. What is a Morton’s Neuroma and where is it
metatarsal head. How can your choice of hallux most commonly found?
valgus procedure affect the blood supply?
16. How does movement of the subtalar joint in
6. What structures do you need to identify in gait affect movement of the Chopart joints
performing a lateral release in a hallux valgus (talonavicular and calcaneocuboid)?
17. Describe your understanding of the concept of
7. In a scarf osteotomy, what is ‘troughing’ and ‘Talar neutral’ and why is this useful in
how does the design of your osteotomy assessing foot position?
influence occurrence?
18. What surgical approach do you use to reach
8. Why is a Keller’s procedure generally poorly the subtalar joint, what are the landmarks and
tolerated by patients and when would you what structures are at risk?
consider performing one?
19. What structures are at risk during a calcaneal
9. What are the key differences between a Weil’s osteotomy?
and a Helal’s osteotomy of the lesser
20. When would you consider performing a
lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy?
10. What is the difference between a claw toe,
mallet toe and a hammer toe?
Limb reconstruction
Robert Jennings and Peter Calder

Principles of limb reconstruction 258 Tibial lengthening 263

Surgical techniques 259 Principles of deformity correction 263
Femoral lengthening 261 Viva questions 265

RECONSTRUCTION • Monolateral rail:
– Cantilever loading
When subjected to slow, steady traction, under – Concentrated high stress on near cortex
the appropriate conditions, living tissue becomes • Circular frame:
metabolically activated and is able to regenerate. – Beam loading
This ‘tension-stress’ effect was described by – More even distribution of stress across
Professor Gavril Abramovich Ilizarov from Kurgan cortices.
in western Siberia, who pioneered the field of
limb reconstruction from the early 1950s and Use of all-wire fixation across a diaphysis is less
developed the highly successful techniques that attractive, due to risks to soft tissues. Hence, hybrid
are still in use today. fixation with half-pins and wires is preferred.
Callus, formed at a corticotomy site, can be
distracted at speeds of up to 1 mm per day and,
reliably, form new bone in the process of METHODS TO IMPROVE STABILITY
‘distraction osteogenesis’. Once the goal length is
• Wire:
achieved, a period of consolidation is required
– Increase diameter (1.8 mm for adult, 1.5 mm
before fixator removal. This takes approximately
for child)
30–40 days per centimetre of lengthening to
– Increase tension (130 Nm for adult, 110 Nm
prevent bowing or fracture. Anecdotally, the
for child)
maximum, safe distraction possible per procedure
– Increase crossing angles (Fig. 15.1)
is 20 per cent of the original length of the bone
being lengthened.
Distraction osteogenesis requires:
• Stability
• Maintenance of blood supply
• A latency period (5–7 days)
• Appropriate rate of distraction (0.75–1 mm per 90° 45°
• Appropriate rhythm (frequency) of distraction
(0.25 mm, 6–8 hourly).

Figure 15.1 ‘Crossing angles’: stability (a) > (b)

Surgical techniques 259

– Opposing ‘olive’ wires

– Increase number of wires SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
• Half-pin:
– Hydroxyapatite coating
– Increase crossing angles (multiplanar) Indications
– Decrease distance of external construct to
bone • Tibial/ femoral lengthening
– Near and far positions (Fig. 15.2) • Long bone deformity correction.
– Increase number
• Non-compliant patient
• Adjacent joint instability
• Skin infection
• Significant soft tissue contractures
• Poor vascularity
• Pregnancy
• Smoker – relative.

Consent and risks

• Duration of treatment must be emphasized
(c.40 days/cm)
• Pain: post-surgical, chronic dull ache during
distraction is common
• Pin site problems: inflammation; soft tissue
infection; osteomyelitis
• Joint stiffness or subluxation
• Soft tissue contractures
• Vascular injury
(a) (b) • Neurological injury: perioperative; postoperative
Figure 15.2 ‘Near and far’ fixation: stability (a) > (b) • Premature/delayed/non-union
• Hardware failure
• Late bowing
• Fracture
• Deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism
• Ring:
– Decrease diameter (note: allow at least 2 cm
clearance for swelling) Operative planning
– Fix bone in middle (compromise with
eccentrically positioned tibia) Recent radiographs must be available. These
– Near and far positions should include full leg length views, in the
– Increase number (including ‘dummy’ rings) anteroposterior plane, of both lower limbs with
• Attachments: the patellae facing forwards and appropriate
– Use ‘slotted’ bolts – high surface area of lateral views. The mechanical and anatomical axes
contact with wire need to be assessed on both legs. If both legs are
– Build ring to wire, if necessary – decrease ‘abnormal’, standard angles are used for
bend on wire. calculations.
260 Limb reconstruction

Leg length discrepancy

Indications for surgical correction of
Assessment from history, examination and
angular deformity
radiological findings. Care must be taken to
differentiate true from apparent causes of leg • Mechanical axis deviation (MAD) (Fig. 15.4)
length discrepancy. • Rotational malalignment
• Translation
Common causes of apparent leg • Leg length discrepancy
length discrepancy
• Scoliosis
• Hip instability or dislocation
• Fixed hip adduction
• Fixed knee flexion
• Equinus deformity of the ankle

Angular deformity LDFA=92°

Clinical and radiographical examination allows MAD

calculation of the centre of rotation of angulation = 41mm
(CORA; Fig. 15.3). This is present at the
intersection point of proximal and distal
anatomical axes.
A decision is made as to whether the deformity
requires surgical correction. This is based on the
severity of deformity and the presence or absence
of associated factors.

Figure 15.4 Mechanical axis deviation (MAD)

The next decision is the appropriate site for

osteotomy. Osteotomy performed at the CORA
Proximal anatomic will not result in translation (Fig. 15.5); osteotomy
and mechanical axis
away from the CORA will produce translation.
Note: if the hinge is not on the bisector line (Fig.
15.6) or the CORA is not on the anatomical axis,
osteotomy at any level will result in translation.

Distal anatomical
and mechanical axis Wire insertion
• Aseptic ‘no hands’/‘Russian’ technique
• Alcohol-soaked gauze used to coat and hold wire
• Low heat generation is ensured via short,
intermittent bursts with the wire driver
Figure 15.3 ‘CORA’ (centre of rotation of angulation) – • Wire tapped with mallet, when through
mechanical and anatomical axis contralateral skin.
Femoral lengthening 261

Wire/Half-pin placement
• ‘Safe corridors’ – avoid neurovascular structures
• Avoid crossing compartments, if possible
• Soft tissues on stretch, e.g. quadriceps in
flexion, hamstrings in extension (helps
postoperative mobility).

• Low energy
• Minimal incision, to admit osteotome
• Periosteum incised and preserved, when
• A row of holes are pre-drilled with a 4.8 mm
(a) (b)
drill, with saline used for cooling. This
technique allows low heat generation, reducing
corticotomy site bone necrosis
• An osteotome is used to join holes, with a twist
Figure 15.5 With the hinge placed along the ‘bisector
line of the CORA’, there will be no translation
to break the posterior cortex.
Note: latent period: 5–7 days; quarter turns: 3–4
Half-pin insertion times per day (0.75–1 mm/day).

• Stab skin incision

• Blunt dissection to bone
• Soft tissue protecting drill guide FEMORAL LENGTHENING
• Both cortices pre-drilled
• Low heat generation – intermittent drilling PREOPERATIVE PLANNING
• Saline to cool and wash out swarf (decreases
infection risk). See ‘Principles of limb reconstruction’ (p. 259).

Figure 15.6 With the hinge placed off the ‘bisector line of the CORA’, translation will result
262 Limb reconstruction


Junction of the proximal metaphysis and
diaphysis – 1.5 cm distal to lesser trochanter.

Incision and dissection

• Image intensifier control
• Adequate longitudinal incision (to admit 8 mm
• Anterior approach – between sartorius and
tensor fascia lata (TFL), then through vastus
intermedius and rectus femoris
• Lateral approach – through TFL and split vastus
Corticotomy technique as above. Figure 15.7 Radiograph of femoral limb reconstruction
system (LRS) rail
• Monolateral rail (Fig. 15.7):
– If no risk of joint subluxation
– Three half-pins proximal and, at least, three
distal to corticotomy.
• Circular frame:
– If risk of joint subluxation
– Span knee/pelvis
– Arches/two-thirds rings to allow mobility
– Same principles as above.

Lengthening intramedullary nail

Internal lengthening nails have increased in
popularity since becoming fully implantable,
without the need for an external component for
their extension. These newer nails have some
advantages over the cumbersome external
systems, most notably the lack of pin site
associated problems, improved cosmesis and
better patient tolerance. However, full weight-
bearing is not advisable until the regenerated bone
is mature and, inadvertent, rapid extension is a
significant risk. Currently, the most popular design
of lengthening nail in the UK is the
‘ISKD’ (Intramedullary Skeletal Kinetic Figure 15.8 Radiograph of femoral Intramedullary
Distractor, Orthofix; Fig. 15.8), with types Skeletal Kinetic Distractor (ISKD)
Principles of deformity correction 263

available for both femur and tibia. Elongation of • Periosteum incised, then lifted off medially and
the internal mechanism is achieved by alternating laterally with blunt dissection
rotation of the limb and measured with a hand- • Corticotomy technique as above.
held monitor.
• Two rings per bone segment (near and far)
TIBIAL LENGTHENING (FIG 15.9) • Two wires/half-pins per ring
• Four connecting, threaded rods between rings
• Fibular osteotomy
See ‘Principles of limb reconstruction’ (p. 258). – Mid-diaphyseal avoids neurovascular struc-
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE • Fix fibula (proximal and distal), to avoid joint
Junction of the proximal metaphysis and
diaphysis, c.1.5 cm distal to tibial tuberosity.

Incision and dissection

• Image intensifier control
• Adequate longitudinal incision over anterior
tibial crest (to admit 8 mm osteotome)

Figure 15.10 Radiograph of tibial Ilizarov frame for




Operative planning
The initial decision is between acute and gradual
Figure 15.9 Tibial Ilizarov frame for lengthening correction of the deformity:
264 Limb reconstruction

• Acute
– Mild deformity
– Opening or closing wedge
– Plate and screws
– Intra-medullary (IM) nail
– External fixation
• Gradual
– More severe deformity
– Less risk of neurological damage
– Potential for revision of correction protocol
– Distraction osteogenesis
– Circular frame e.g. Ilizarov or hexapod type
(e.g. Taylor Spatial Frame) Figure 15.12 Radiograph of a simple Ilizarov frame
construct used to correct deformity in a congenitally
– Monolateral fixator: on convex side –
short tibia
distraction at osteotomy site (See Fig. 15.5
page 261); on concave side – compression at
osteotomy site therefore requires wedge

Example: Simple, tibial diaphyseal deformity
correction with a circular frame.
• Application of proximal and distal rings (see
above; Fig. 15.11)
• Osteotomy at CORA (see above)
• Ilizarov method
– Inter-ring connections with hinges along
bisector line of CORA (Fig. 15.12).
• Taylor Spatial Frame (TSF) method (Figs 15.13
and 15.14)
– Inter-ring connections with six oblique,
adjustable struts (‘virtual hinge’) Figure 15.13 Tibial Taylor Spatial Frame

Figure 15.11 ‘Near and far’ rings

with osteotomy at centre of rotation
of angulation (CORA), hinge along
bisector line
Viva questions 265


• Latency period (5–7 days)
• Gradual correction period
• Consolidation period
• Removal of frame when clinically and
radiologically appropriate.


De Bastiani G, Aldegheri R, Renzi-Brivio L, et al.

Limb lengthening by callus distraction
(Callotasis). J Pediatr Orthop 1987;7:129–34.
Cole JD, Justin D, Kasparis T, et al. The
Figure 15.14 Radiograph of tibial Taylor Spatial Frame intramedullary skeletal kinetic distractor (ISKD):
for deformity correction first clinical results of a new intramedullary nail
for lengthening of the femur and tibia. Injury
2001;32(suppl 4):SD129–39.
Online computer programme Paley D, Herzenberg JE. Principles of Deformity
Correction. Berlin: Springer, 2001.
• Requires: postoperative radiograph measure- Paley D, Herzenberg JE, Tetsworth K, et al.
ments Deformity planning for frontal and sagittal plane
– Frame measurements (ring sizes/initial strut corrective osteotomies. Orthop Clin North Am
lengths) 1994;25:425–65.
• Delivers: pre- and post-correction images Rozbruch SR, Ilizarov S. Limb Lengthening and
– Corrective protocol. Reconstruction Surgery. New York: Informa, 2007.

Viva questions
1. What are the causes of leg length discrepancy? 8. What are the problems associated with shoe
2. What problems are associated with leg length
discrepancy? 9. What problems may occur as a consequence of
acute shortening procedures?
3. How do you assess length discrepancy of the
lower limbs? 10. Who was Professor Gavril Abramovich Ilizarov?
4. What are the differences between true, 11. What problems may occur due to leg
apparent and functional leg length lengthening procedure?
discrepancy? 12. What are the prerequisite factors necessary for
5. What are the treatment options for leg length successful leg lengthening?
discrepancy in both adults and children? 13. What are the reasons for leaving a ‘latency
6. What are the relative percentage contributions period’ prior to commencing distraction?
to normal growth of all of the lower limb 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
physes? lengthening intra-medullary nails?
7. How can you predict the magnitude of leg 15. Give the causes of lower limb deformity.
length discrepancy at skeletal maturity?
266 Limb reconstruction

16. How do you assess the degree of lower limb 19. What are the consequences of hinge
deformity? misplacement when applying an Ilizarov frame
for deformity correction?
17. Draw a ‘Selenius graph’.
20. What are the advantages of using a ‘Taylor
18. What options are available for correcting lower
Spatial Frame’ rather than an Ilizarov frame for
limb deformity in both adults and children?
deformity correction?
Paediatric orthopaedic surgery
Russell Hawkins and Aresh Hashemi-Nejad

Epiphysiodesis 267 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis – pinning 278

Developmental dysplasia of the hip – closed Slipped upper femoral epiphysis – osteotomy 280
reduction 269 Tendo-Achilles lengthening 281
Developmental dysplasia of the hip – open reduction 271 Congenital talipes equinovarus correction 284
Developmental dysplasia of the hip – pelvic Surgical treatment of Perthes disease 287
osteotomy 273 Principles of surgery in cerebral palsy 289
Developmental dysplasia of the hip – proximal Viva questions 291
femoral osteotomy 276

EPIPHYSIODESIS Consent and risks

• Neurovascular injury: <1 per cent
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Infection: <1 per cent
• Fracture: <1 per cent
Epiphysiodesis involves destruction of the physis
• Angular deformity: <1 per cent
to allow equalization of leg length discrepancy
• Residual LLD: 80 per cent patients within 1 cm
(LLD) in children. As most growth occurs around
the knee, the distal femoral and/or the proximal
tibial and fibular physes are targeted depending on
Operative planning
the predicted remaining growth.
Various methods exist to determine the LLD at
maturity and to guide the timing and type of
epiphysiodesis (distal femoral and/or proximal
• Predicted true LLD 2–5 cm at maturity • Green–Anderson growth remaining method:
• May be used to treat LLD >7 cm through estimates growth potential in the distal femoral
lengthening of the short limb and and proximal tibial physes at various skeletal
epiphysiodesis of the long limb. ages separately for girls and boys.
• Moseley straight line graph: a logarithmic
representation of the Green–Anderson method.
• Menelaus arithmetic method: assumes growth
Contraindications of 10 mm/year from distal femur and 6 mm/
year from the proximal tibia and that girls reach
• Apparent LLD maturity at 14 and boys at 16 years.
• LLD <1.5 cm • Eastwood–Cole method: a graphic
• Localized infection representation of the arithmetic method but
• Tumour takes into account non-linear changes in LLD.
• Closed physis. Bone age is more reliable than chronological
268 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

age in determining growth remaining and can be

calculated using the Greulich and Pyle method.
This involves comparison of a left hand and wrist
radiograph with a known standard.

Anaesthesia and positioning

General anaesthesia is used, together with
intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis. The patient is
positioned supine with the knee slightly flexed
over a small sandbag. A pneumatic thigh
tourniquet is used. An image intensifier is required
and a gonadal shield should be appropriately

Figure 16.1 The trajectory of the drill should be
checked periodically using the image intensifier to
Landmarks ensure obliteration of the physis
The image intensifier is used to mark the
orientation of the physis in the frontal plane and
the midpoint of the physis in the lateral plane. shaped area of physeal cartilage (Fig. 16.2). This
technique is then repeated on the medial side. The
Approach swarf should be inspected to ensure removal of
physeal cartilage. Further curettage of the
A 1–2 cm longitudinal incision is centred over the epiphyseal surface is performed to remove any
midpoint of physis medially and laterally. A larger remaining physeal cartilage.
incision is made laterally to identify and protect
the common peroneal nerve if performing Closure
proximal fibular epiphysiodesis.
Layered closure using absorbable subcuticular
Dissection material to skin.

Sharp dissection is continued down to bone. POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS

PROCEDURE • Mobilize full weightbearing with crutches for
comfort for up to 2 weeks.
Physeal cartilage is removed using a 4.5 mm • Radiographs at 3 months then periodically until
diameter drill under image guidance: a single maturity to assess physeal closure and leg
entry point is made in the lateral cortex in line lengths.
with the physis on the frontal view and at its
midpoint on the lateral view. This minimizes RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
weakening of the cortex and the risk of
subsequent fracture. The drill is advanced Atar D, Lehman WB, Grant AD, et al. (1991)
transversely along the line of the physis in the Percutaneous epiphysiodesis. J Bone Joint Surg Br
frontal view until the tip reaches its midpoint 1991;73:173.
(Fig. 16.1). Eastwood DM, Cole WG. A graphic method for
Using the same entry point each time, the drill timing the correction of leg-length discrepancy. J
is tilted 30° first anteriorly then posteriorly and Bone Joint Surg Br 1995;77:743–7.
advanced to the halfway mark to remove a fan- Menelaus MB. Correction of leg length
DDH – closed reduction 269

Figure 16.2 The drill is inserted in

the mid-sagittal line of the femur
then angled anteriorly and
posteriorly by 30° using the same
entry point

discrepancy by epiphyseal arrest. J Bone Joint Surg Contraindications

Br 1966;48:336–9.
Snyder M, Harcke HT, Bowen JR, et al. Evaluation Child <6 or >18 months.
of physeal behaviour in response to epiphysiodesis
with the use of serial magnetic resonance imaging.
J Bone Joint Surg Am 1994;76:224–9.
Consent and risks
• Application of spica plaster in the human
position (Fig. 16.5); subsequent care must be
explained to parents
HIP – CLOSED REDUCTION • Avascular necrosis: 5–10 per cent
• Re-dislocation: <5 per cent
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Further surgery: 20 per cent
• Neurovascular injury and infection: <1 per cent
Although often combined with an arthrogram and (if arthrogram and soft tissue releases
soft tissue releases, technically this remains a performed)
closed procedure as the capsule is not opened. • Risk of conversion to open reduction: 10–20 per
Adductor and psoas releases are performed via an cent. Greater risk for high-riding dislocation
open medial approach, the technical details of
which are provided in the ‘Developmental
dysplasia of the hip – open reduction’ section
(p. 271). Operative planning
The optimum timing of reduction is subject to
debate: waiting for the capital femoral epiphysis Imaging studies are requested depending on the
to appear reduces the risk of avascular necrosis expected presence of the ossific nucleus:
although, conversely, early reduction suggests a • Dynamic ultrasound if <6 months to determine
better long-term outcome. alpha and beta angles, reducibility and capsular
Indications • Plain anteroposterior (AP) pelvis and frog
lateral radiographs if >6 months. Note any
• 6–18 months old child with developmental delayed appearance of ossific nucleus, Shenton,
dysplasia of the hip (DDH) Hilgenreiner and Perkins lines, acetabular index
• Failed treatment with Pavlik harness. and Tonnis grade.
270 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Anaesthesia and positioning The hip is reduced with a combination of

flexion, abduction and anterior displacement
General anaesthesia is used. The patient is without excessive force. Soft tissue releases should
positioned supine at the end of a radiolucent be considered if this does not occur easily. If the
table, to allow image intensifier access. The head appears to stand out from the acetabulum on
surgeon stands between flexed, abducted and the arthrogram, this suggests a block to reduction
externally rotated hips. such as an infolded labrum. A conversion to open
reduction may therefore be required.
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE The stability is assessed within the safe zones of
flexion and abduction. Typically, a stable position
Examination under anaesthesia (EUA) and is 90° of flexion and 30–50° of abduction.
arthrogram are first performed to assess reduction Extreme positions increase the risk of avascular
and the need for adductor longus, gracilis and necrosis and must be avoided.
psoas release. A well-padded spica plaster is carefully applied
in the human position before final radiographic
Landmarks confirmation of reduction (Fig. 16.4).

Adductor longus muscle – palpable in the child’s

groin (Fig. 16.3).

Femoral neurovascular

Adductor longus
Gracilis Figure 16.4 Child plastered in the ‘human position’

Figure 16.3 Adductor longus and its relationships

• Plaster check prior to discharge.
A 22G spinal needle is introduced beneath the • Limited slice CT at 2/52 to confirm
palpable adductor longus tendon in the groin and maintenance of reduction.
advanced cranially towards the ipsilateral scapular • Convert to abduction brace at 10/52.
until the tip is felt to traverse the hip capsule. The • Wean out of brace after further 6/52.
position is confirmed with image intensifier before Depending on acetabular development, night
instilling 0.5 mL of diluted contrast. time bracing may continue for up to 1 year.
DDH – open reduction 271


Harcke HT, Kumar SJ. Current concepts review – • Application of spica plaster; subsequent care
the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis and must be explained to parents
management of congenital dislocation and • Neurovascular injury: <1 per cent
developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Bone Joint • Infection: <1 per cent
Surg Am 1991;73:622–8. • Avascular necrosis: 5 per cent
Kalamchi A, MacEwen GD. Avascular necrosis • Re-dislocation: 1 per cent
following treatment of congenital dislocation of • Further surgery for dysplasia or LLD: 10–15 per
the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1980;62:876– cent
Malvitz TA, Weinstein SL. Closed reduction for
congenital dislocation of the hip. Functional and Operative planning
radiographic results after an average of thirty
years. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1994;12:1777– Radiographs as per closed reduction.
Ramsey PL, Lasser S, MacEwen GD. Congenital Anaesthesia and positioning
dislocation of the hip: use of the Pavlik harness in
the child in the first six months of life. J Bone Joint General anaesthesia with intravenous antibiotics.
Surg Am 1978;58:1000–4. The patient is positioned supine at the end of a
Severin E. Contribution to knowledge of radiolucent table. The surgeon stands between the
congenital dislocation of the hip joint: late results patient’s legs for a medial approach or on the
of closed reduction and arthrographic studies of operative side for an anterior approach. An image
recent cases. Acta Chir Scand Suppl 1941;63:1– intensifier is required.
A medial approach is used if the patient is less
than 12 months old; an anterior approach, via a
DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE bikini incision, is preferred if the child is older.
Open reduction deals directly with soft tissue
obstruction facilitating relocation of the hip Adductor longus tendon – palpable in the groin,
without excessive force. approximately 2 cm lateral to the labia/scrotum.

Indications Incision
• Children 6–18 months with: obstruction to A 2.5 cm, vertical skin crease incision is centred on
closed reduction (psoas tendon, contracted the palpable tendon of adductor longus.
capsule, ligamentum teres, transverse acetabular
ligament, and inverted limbus), an unstable safe Superficial dissection
zone, previous failed closed or open reduction
• Children presenting over 18 months.
Structures at risk
Contraindications • Anterior and posterior divisions of obturator
Children less than 6 months old.
272 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

The fascia overlying the tendons of adductor second line is then dropped vertically downwards
longus and gracilis is opened along their length from the ASIS. Next, a 5 cm bikini line incision is
and fractional lengthening tenotomies are marked 2 cm inferior and parallel to the inguinal
performed. Adductor magnus and brevis are ligament, one-third of it medial and two-thirds
exposed with blunt dissection. Branches of the lateral to the vertical line.
obturator nerve are identified on the superficial
surface of the adductor brevis and are protected. Superficial dissection

Deep dissection Structure at risk

Structure at risk • Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh

• Medial circumflex femoral artery The interval between sartorius and tensor fascia
lata is developed to reach the rectus femoris and
The plane between the adductor magnus and gluteus medius.
brevis is dissected to access the lesser trochanter.
A psoas tenotomy is performed under direct Deep dissection
vision avoiding the medial femoral circumflex
vessels which pass over the medial surface of the The interval between the rectus femoris and
psoas tendon distally. gluteus medius is dissected and the straight head
A medial arthrotomy is made above the vessels of the rectus femoris is detached from the anterior
and the acetabular attachment of the ligamentum capsule. It may then be retracted medially to allow
teres is divided and used as a traction aid to psoas tenotomy and L-shaped anterior arthrotomy
relocate the femoral head. It is then sutured to the (see Figure 16.5).
anterior inferior capsule.
ANTERIOR APPROACH Obstructions to reduction are removed as
necessary; pulvinar is extracted, the transverse
Landmarks ligament is released and the ligamentum teres
• Anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) excised if obstructive. Adductor releases are
• Pubic tubercle. performed, via a separate groin incision, to
facilitate reduction as required.
Incision The redundant capsule is tightened with
capsulorrhaphy following reduction. Using the
The line of the inguinal ligament is marked image intensifier, the position of maximum
between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle. A stability is identified; the hip is placed in 30° of

Gluteus medius
Rectus femoris (cut)

Tensor fascia

Anterior hip capsule Figure 16.5 Anterior approach to the right hip
DDH – pelvic osteotomy 273

internal rotation, flexion and abduction then each developmental dysplasia of the hip. A long term
of these positions is removed in sequence to review. J Bone Joint Surg Br 2000;82:17–27.
determine positioning in plaster and the need for
future surgery.
Femoral osteotomy or an acetabular procedure DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPLASIA OF THE
may be undertaken concomitantly if severe HIP – PELVIC OSTEOTOMY
dysplasia is present in an older child.

Various techniques exist for pelvic osteotomy in

Closure DDH and an account of them all is beyond the
scope of this chapter. Therefore, only the Salter
• Layered closure ensuring reconstruction of
and Pemberton types will be described further.
rectus femoris.
• Skin is closed with absorbable subcuticular
material followed by a waterproof dressing. SALTER OSTEOTOMY
A well-padded spica plaster is carefully applied in
the stable safe zone of flexion and abduction Preoperative planning
before final radiographic confirmation of
reduction. This should be in greater than 90° of Indications
flexion without forced flexion and abducted • Acetabular dysplasia; acetabulum faces
between 30° and 60°. anterolaterally causing deficient anterior
coverage in extension and deficient superior
coverage in adduction
• Plaster check prior to discharge. • 18 months to 6 years (as it requires flexibility of
• Limited slice CT at two weeks to confirm symphysis pubis).
maintenance of reduction.
• Spica removal at ten weeks and mobilization Contraindications
• Follow up at three months with radiographs. • Bilateral DDH (uncovers contralateral hip)
• Congruent reduction not achievable on EUA
Ferguson AB Jr. Primary open reduction of Consent and risks
congenital dislocation of the hip using a median
• Overall risks: <5 per cent
adductor approach. J Bone Joint Surg Am
• Neurovascular injury: 1 per cent
• Limited weightbearing/crutches
Morcuende JA, Meyer MD, Dolan LA, et al. Long
• Infection: <1 per cent
term outcome after open reduction through an
• LLD: gains 1 cm with Salter osteotomy
anteromedial approach for congenital dislocation
• Triradiate cartilage growth arrest (Pemberton
of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1997;79:810–
• Failure of graft
Tonnis D. An evaluation of conservative and
• Hardware breakage
operative methods in the treatment of congenital
• Residual dysplasia (retroversion)
dislocation of the hip. Clin Orthop 1976;119:
• Secondary degeneration: lateralization of joint
increases joint reaction force (Salter)
Zadeh HG, Catterall A, Hashemi-Nejad A, et al.
• Further surgery (removal of hardware, salvage
Test of stability as an aid to decide the need for
osteotomy in association with open reduction in
274 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Operative planning inferior iliac spine (AIIS) using a Gigli saw. This
Congruency confirmed with EUA arthrogram. should appear to be parallel to the acetabular
surface on AP images. Hinging on the symphysis
Anaesthesia and positioning pubis, the acetabulum is rotated anteriorly and
General anaesthesia is used, together with laterally to gain coverage while avoiding
intravenous antibiotics. The patient is positioned retroversion.
supine with an ipsilateral sandbag in a position A wedge of bone from the iliac wing is inserted
suitable for image intensifier access. perpendicular to the weightbearing axis. The
‘winking sign’ should be noted on an image
intensifier (foreshortening of ipsilateral obturator
Surgical technique
foramen) and the position held with two threaded
Anterosuperior coverage is achieved at the expense Schantz pins across the osteotomy. Image
of posterior coverage by flexing the acetabular guidance is used to advance the pins
fragment. Typically, the lateral centre edge angle proximodistally beginning just proximal to the
will increase by 10°. It is performed via an anterior ASIS and aiming for the triradiate cartilage (Figs
approach (see ‘Developmental dysplasia of the hip 16.6 and 16.7).
– open reduction’, p. 272) extending the bikini
incision proximally over the iliac crest to allow
splitting of the iliac apophysis and subperiosteal
exposure of the ilium to reach the sciatic notch.


Structures at risk
• Sciatic nerve – Rang retractors are placed in the
sciatic notch keeping them closely applied to
bone to protect the nerve
• Devascularization/denervation of abductors

An osteotomy is performed between the sciatic Figure 16.7 Radiograph showing left Salter osteotomy
notch and midway between the ASIS and anterior and ‘winking sign’

Figure 16.6 Salter osteotomy

DDH – pelvic osteotomy 275

Closure Surgical technique

• Layered closure ensuring repair of the iliac The Pemberton osteotomy reduces the volume of
apophysis a large-diameter acetabulum making the centre of
• Absorbable subcuticular material to skin. rotation of both femoral head and socket
coincident. The acetabulum is displaced forwards
Postoperative instructions and laterally hinging on the triradiate cartilage
(Fig. 16.8). The autograft is stable and fixation is
Plaster spica for those under 6 years. Limited therefore not required. The approach and
weightbearing with crutches for 6–8 weeks if over exposure are performed as per the Salter
6. osteotomy.

PEMBERTON OSTEOTOMY The osteotomy is made 10–15 mm superior to the
AIIS passing a curved osteotome posteriorly to
Preoperative planning reach the ilioischial and iliopubic limb of the
triradiate cartilage (midway between sciatic notch
and posterior acetabular rim). The acetabulum is
• Double diameter dysplastic acetabulum hinged on the triradiate to improve coverage.
• Congruent hip Corticocancellous graft is harvested from the iliac
• Open triradiate cartilage wing and inserted into the osteotomy site.
• Close to normal range of motion Posterior stability negates the need for internal
• No degeneration fixation.
• Normal proximal femoral morphology
• Paralytic hip disorders/Ehlers–Danlos syndrome Closure
(posterior coverage is maintained, conferring As per Salter osteotomy.

Contraindications Postoperative instructions

• Poor range of motion (flexion, abduction and As per Salter osteotomy.
internal rotation will be further diminished)
• Closed triradiate cartilage
• Congruent reduction not achievable RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
• Centre of rotation of head and acetabulum
Colemann SS. The incomplete pericapsular
(Pemberton) and innominate (Salter) osteo-
For consent and risks/preoperative preparation/ tomies. Clin Orthop 1974;98:116–23.
anaesthesia and positioning, see Salter osteotomy Pemberton PA. Pericapsular osteotomy of the
(p. 273). ilium for treatment of congenital subluxation and

Figure 16.8 Pemberton osteotomy

276 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

dislocation of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Am • Neurovascular damage: 1 per cent
1965;47:65–86. • Infection: <1 per cent
Salter RB. Innominate osteotomy in the treatment • Delayed/non-union: 1–5 per cent (greater risk
of congenital dislocation and subluxation of the with increasing age)
hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1961;43:518–39. • Failure of hardware: <1 per cent
Thomas SR, Wedge JH, Salter RB. Outcome at • Incomplete correction
forty five years after open reduction and • LLD: inevitable with closing wedge varus
innominate osteotomy for late presenting osteotomy
developmental dysplasia of the hip. J Bone Joint • Joint degeneration
Surg Am 2007;89:2341–50. • Further surgery (removal of hardware, complex


HIP – PROXIMAL FEMORAL Operative planning
An EUA and arthrogram is performed to confirm
The varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO) is the adequate range of motion and concentric
commonest type performed for DDH. reduction; >15° abduction is required for a varus
femoral osteotomy. The type of fixation device
and degree of fixed angle is decided (e.g. blade
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING plate/Coventry pin and plate; 90° or 130° angle).

Anaesthesia and positioning
• Persistent dysplasia following DDH (coxa
• General anaesthesia
valga, anteversion)
• Supine with ipsilateral buttock sandbag
• Congruent reduction in abduction and internal
• Intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis
• Image intensifier.
• Reasonable sphericity (lateral portion of head

Contraindications SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

A lateral approach to the subtrochanteric region
• Limited range of motion (abduction and
of the proximal femur is used to avoid
internal rotation)
compromise to the vascular supply to the femoral
• Active infection
• Pelvic procedure more appropriate (centre-
edge angle [CEA] <15°)
• Previous avascular necrosis is a relative Landmarks
contraindication with less predictable results
• Be aware that VDRO will compound an The predicted trajectory of the chosen device
existing negative LLD. along the femoral neck is planned and marked
using the image intensifier.

Consent and risks

• Plaster spica if under 6 years
• Limited weightbearing with crutches if over A 10 cm longitudinal wound is used, running
6 years along the lateral aspect of the proximal femur
• Bleeding from the metaphyseal flare of the greater
trochanter to the proximal femoral diaphysis.
DDH – proximal femoral osteotomy 277

Superficial dissection then completed using an osteotome. A guidewire

is inserted transversely into the anterolateral
The longitudinal incision is continued through cortex distal to the future position of the plate.
superficial fat and the fascia lata, in line with the The leg is adducted to close the varus osteotomy
skin incision. and the guidewire is used as a joystick to externally
rotate the distal shaft into a satisfactory position on
Deep dissection fluoroscopy (Fig. 16.9). Congruent alignment of
the lateral cortices should be checked to ensure
seating of the plate. The plate is applied over the
Structures at risk lag screw and the distal shaft is reduced onto the
plate and held with a Hey–Groves clamp while
• Perforating branches of profunda femoris artery
maintaining correct orientation. Four bicortical
– these should be identified and cauterized
screws are inserted to fix the plate before removal
where necessary
of the guidewire. The degree of correction and
position of hardware is confirmed with imaging.
The posterior insertion of vastus lateralis is
detached from the posterior intermuscular Closure
septum and reflected anteriorly to expose the
lateral surface of proximal femur. The periosteum • Layered absorbable closure of vastus lateralis
is incised longitudinally and elevated at site of the then fascia lata.
predicted osteotomy. • Subcuticular absorbable material to skin.


Beginning from the lateral cortex just inferior to • Mobilize partial weightbearing
the flare of the greater trochanter, a guidewire is • Increase weightbearing status at 6–8 weeks
passed up the femoral neck, under image control, after union confirmed clinically and
without breaching the physis. The trajectory should radiographically.
aim to restore a normal neck-shaft angle of 130°.
The wire is measured and over-drilled before RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
insertion of the cannulated lag screw. Under image
guidance, the proximal osteotomy is made Blockey NJ. Derotation osteotomy in the
perpendicular to the shaft in the subtrochanteric management of congenital dislocation of the hip.
region using an oscillating saw. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1984;66:485–90.
The second osteotomy is made beginning at Kasser JR, Bowen JR, MacEwen GD. (1985)
same entry point on the lateral cortex with the Varus derotation osteotomy in the treatment of
saw tilted inferiorly creating a medially based persistent dysplasia in congenital dysplasia of the
wedge with a lateral apex. The medial cortex is hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1985;67:195–202.

Figure 16.9 Stages in varus

derotation osteotomy. (a) Valgus,
anteverted proximal femur. (b)
Screw placed under image
guidance. (c) Medially based
closing wedge osteotomy
performed from lateral side. (d)
Varus producing osteotomy closed
and held with plate following
278 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Williamson DM, Benson MKD. Late femoral Operative planning

osteotomy in congenital dislocation of the hip. J
Bone Joint Surg Br 1988;70:614–8. • An AP and Billings lateral of both hips – it is
bilateral in 25 per cent of cases (Figs 16.10 and
SLIPPED UPPER FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS • Endocrine work up if at younger end of age
– PINNING spectrum

Manoeuvres to reduce the epiphysis are associated Anaesthesia and positioning

with a high incidence of avascular necrosis (40 per
• General anaesthesia is used.
cent); pinning in situ therefore aims to prevent
• Patient is positioned supine on a radiolucent
further displacement, promote physeal closure
table; care is taken when transferring, preparing
and minimize future secondary degeneration.
and draping the unstable hip to prevent further
Slips are described as stable if weightbearing is
possible or unstable if weightbearing is not
• Intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis is given.
possible even with crutches.
• Image intensifier.
Indications An aspiration of the hip is first performed under
image guidance for pain relief and to decompress
• Grade I–II slip (Southwick angle <60°).
the retinacular vessels.
Bilateral pinning is performed if there is:
– Evidence of bilateral slip
– Endocrinopathy
– Younger end of age spectrum (10 years – The image intensifier is used to delineate the joint
girls, 12 years – boys). and proximal femur.

• Advanced avascular necrosis
• Active infection.

Consent and risks

• Limited weightbearing/crutches
• Avascular necrosis: 0–5 per cent but higher if
unstable slip
• Chondrolysis: 10 per cent (greater risk for African
Caribbeans, females and poor technique)
• Fracture: <1 per cent
• Infection: <1 per cent
• Failure of hardware
• Further slip (associated with inadequate screw
• LLD: 1.5 cm difference on average
• Joint degeneration
Figure 16.10 Patient positioning for Billings lateral
• Further surgery (removal of hardware/osteotomy/
radiograph. The hip is abducted, externally rotated and
arthrodesis/complex arthroplasty)
elevated 25° on a foam wedge
SUFE – pinning 279

A guidewire is passed under image intensifier
control to avoid malposition and joint penetration.
After measuring and over-drilling the wire, a
partially threaded 6.5–7.5 mm diameter cannulated
screw is inserted. A reverse cutting thread is used
for easier subsequent removal. Despite an increase
in shear strength across the physis using multiple
screws, the use of a single screw diminishes the risk
of chondrolysis and avoids the disproportionate
complication rate of multiple screws.
The passage of guidewire, drill and screw
should be performed under image guidance to
avoid joint penetration. The screw tip should
reach the centre of the epiphysis, 5 mm from the
articular surface with a minimum of three to four
threads crossing the physis to provide adequate
fixation. At completion, live screening of the hip is
performed to ensure solid fixation of the epiphysis
and confirm screw position.
Figure 16.11 Illustration of Billings lateral radiograph
showing slip Closure
Subcuticular absorbable material is used to close
the stab incision.


As pinning is performed percutaneously, the
Range of motion exercises are begun on the first
planned trajectory of the screw is marked in two
postoperative day. Mobilization is then:
planes using the image intensifier bearing in mind
• Fully weightbearing with crutches for 2–3
the course of important neurovascular structures.
weeks if slip is stable
The entry point of the screw should not be distal to
• Partial weightbearing until healed if unstable.
the lesser trochanter as this creates stress risers and
increases the incidence of fracture. Preoperative Assessment is carried out at 6–8 weeks for clinical
marking also limits the number of guidewire passes and radiological evidence of union and to ensure
necessary to achieve a satisfactory screw position, that there has not been any further slip. Sporting
further decreasing the chance of guidewire activities are prohibited until physeal closure
misplacement and minimizing the risk of fracture. occurs. Following physeal closure, screw removal
Because the epiphysis is relatively posterior and is recommended.
inferior to the neck, a more anterior entry point is
required. Optimum screw position, should avoid RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
the posterior neck and posterior superior epiphysis
to preserve the blood supply to the femoral head Givon U, Bowen JR. Chronic slipped femoral
and minimize the risk of avascular necrosis. epiphysis: treatment by pinning in situ. J Pediatr
Orthop B 1999;8:216–22.
Dissection Loder RT, Aronson DD, Dobbs MB, et al. Slipped
capital femoral epiphysis. Instr Course Lect
Tissues are dissected bluntly down to bone. 2001;50:555–70.
280 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Loder RT, Richards BS, Shapiro PS, et al. Acute • Slip progression
slipped capital femoral epiphysis. The importance • LLD: 1–2 cm shortening
of physeal stability. J Bone Joint Surg Am • Further surgery (removal of hardware/complex
1993;75:1134–40. arthroplasty)
Phillips SA, Griffiths WEG, Clarke NMP. The
timing and reduction of the acute unstable slipped
upper femoral epiphysis. J Bone Joint Surg Br Preoperative preparation
Preoperative AP and lateral radiographs are used
to confirm the degree of slip and plan orientation
SLIPPED UPPER FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS of the osteotomy. Slings and springs are used
– OSTEOTOMY preoperatively for three weeks if acute or acute on

An open reduction with osteotomy serves to

restore the head-neck angle with subsequent
Anaesthesia and positioning
improvement in hip biomechanics. This aims to • General anaesthesia
provide good future function, minimize or delay • Intravenous antibiotic prophylaxis
the onset of painful secondary degeneration and • Supine on radiolucent table
normalize proximal femoral anatomy for future • Image intensifier.
hip replacement. Osteotomy can be performed at
various levels (intracapsular and extra capsular SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
neck, intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric) with
greater correction achievable at the site of Landmarks and approach
deformity (more proximally). Although these
proximal osteotomies have been associated with a The osteotomy is performed via an anterior
greater risk of avascular necrosis, a Dunn or Fish approach (see ‘Developmental dysplasia of the
cuneiform osteotomy performed with meticulous hip – open reduction’, p. 272). Particular care
technique, as described below, can achieve must be taken not to disturb the posterior capsule
excellent results. or forcefully manipulate the slip to preserve
vascularity to the femoral head.
Following longitudinal capsulotomy, the epiphysis
• Slip >60° must be correctly identified as the anteriorly
• Chronic/acute on chronic or unstable slip displaced neck may be mistaken for it. Two
• Open physis. osteotomies are required:
• First, an osteotomy is performed perpendicular
Contraindications to the neck at the level of the physis taking
more anteriorly to create a wedge. The aim is to
Closed physis (Southwick intertrochanteric leave a convex surface for later reduction and
osteotomy may be more appropriate). shorten the neck by 3–4 mm. Over-shortening
will lead to instability. Care must also be taken
to avoid driving instruments into the posterior
Consent and risks capsule, compromising the blood supply.
• Avascular necrosis: 10–48 per cent • Second, an osteotomy is made in the long axis
• Chondrolysis: 10–12 per cent of the neck to remove the bony beak on the side
• Infection: <1 per cent of the slip, again taking care not to breach the
posterior capsule. Any remaining callus is
Tendo-Achilles lengthening 281

carefully removed with a spoon from the the treatment of severe slipped capital femoral
posterior capsule. epiphysis after skeletal maturity. J Bone Joint Surg
Br 2006;88:1379–84.
Shortening the neck, removing the beak and Dunn DM, Angel JC. Replacement of the femoral
elevating the posterior capsule allows tension-free head by open operation in severe adolescent
reduction of the epiphysis. The epiphysis is slipping of the upper femoral epiphysis. J Bone
reduced onto the neck by placing the leg in Joint Surg Br 1978;60:394–403.
flexion, abduction and internal rotation. If Fish JB. Cuneiform osteotomy of the femoral neck
insufficient bone has been removed, the epiphysis in the treatment of slipped capital femoral
will not reduce easily and posterior structures will epiphysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1984;66:1153–68.
be placed under tension increasing the risk of Loder RT. Unstable slipped capital femoral
avascular necrosis. Shortening and wedging of the epiphysis. J Pediatr Orthop 2001;21:694–9.
neck should cause the epiphysis to overlap the
neck anteriorly giving a mushroom appearance.
Restoration of the Shenton line and a valgus TENDO-ACHILLES LENGTHENING
head–neck angle of 20° should be ensured using
the image intensifier.
While an assistant maintains position, a lateral
stab incision is made according to the predicted
Various methods for tendo-Achilles lengthening
trajectory of cannulated screw followed by blunt
(TAL) exist and may be used in conjunction with
dissection down to the lateral cortex of the
other procedures. Percutaneous methods such as
proximal femur. A guidewire is then advanced
the Hoke and DAMP (distal anterior, medial
across the osteotomy to hold the epiphysis. Images
proximal, also called a White slide) technique and
are checked in two planes to confirm a satisfactory
open methods such as the Baker and Vulpius
position before definitive screw insertion. Similar
techniques are described (Figs 16.12–16.14). The
to pinning in situ, the entry point should not be
choice depends on the cause, the individual
below the lesser trochanter and screw tips should
patient and the surgeon’s preference.
be 5 mm short of the articular surface.
Dynamic screening allows confirmation of both
a solid fixation and satisfactory positioning of

• Layered closure including capsular repair with
absorbable material
• Subcuticular absorbable material to skin.

• Bed rest with slings and springs for 5 days.
• Mobilize 15 kg weightbearing 8 weeks. Increase
weightbearing status at 8 weeks, after
confirming union clinically and radiographic-

Biring GS, Hashemi-Nejad A, Catterall A.
Outcomes of subcapital cuneiform osteotomy for Figure 16.12 Hoke percutaneous tenotomy
282 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Figure 16.13 Distal anterior,

medial proximal (DAMP) procedure

Medical co-morbidity is not a contraindication as

percutaneous techniques can be performed under
local anaesthesia.

Consent and risks

• The most predictable outcome following TAL is in
patients with spastic hemiplegia. The least
Figure 16.14 Diagram demonstrating two techniques of predictable scenario is seen with percutaneous
gastrocnemius recession. (a) Baker slide (b) Vulpius procedures in patients with diplegia. The two
technique most frequently encountered problems are over-
lengthening and recurrence. The former tends to
Indications occur following percutaneous procedures on the
conjoined tendon whereas recurrence is
• Fixed equinus deformity, defined as an inability associated with recession of the gastrocnemius
to dorsiflex the ankle sufficiently to allow heel or soleus aponeurosis.
contact without compensation in the remainder • Neurovascular damage: the sural nerve in
of the limb or spine. Often, this correlates with particular is at risk
dorsiflexion less than 5° and is seen in various • 1 per cent for percutaneous techniques
conditions such as cerebral palsy, congenital • 5 per cent for open techniques
talipes equinovarus (CTEV), congenital vertical • Plaster immobilization/limited mobility
talus, Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT), pes planus • Complete tendon rupture (percutaneous)
and intractable toe-walkers • Wound problems/infection (open): 1 per cent
• Failure of conservative treatment • Recurrence (Baker and Vulpius): <5 per cent
• To achieve stump coverage during Chopart’s • Over-lengthening leading to crouched gait: more
amputation for congenital malformation of the likely following percutaneous procedures and
foot. associated with uncontrolled lengthening in an
older child
Contraindications • Repeat lengthening: more likely in a younger
child and patients with hemiplegia
• Rigid bony deformity • Further surgery (hamstring, psoas or selective
• Pseudoequinus: a false clinical appearance of gastrocnemius lengthening most often required
equinus caused by plantar flexion of the mid in patients with diplegia)
and forefoot (plantaris deformity).
Tendo-Achilles lengthening 283

Preoperative assessment DAMP technique

Silverskiold test under anaesthetic differentiates Two 1.5 cm skin incisions are made postero-
between pure gastrocnemius tightness (increased medially, one 2 cm from the calcaneal insertion
ankle dorsiflexion with knee flexion) and com- and another 5 cm proximal to it. The anterior two-
bined tightness of gastrocnemius and soleus thirds of the tendon is divided distally and the
(limited dorsiflexion in knee flexion and medial half to two-thirds proximally. (This is
extension). because of the 90° rotation of tendon fibres in the
distal third of the leg.)
Anaesthesia and positioning The tendon is divided progressively while
tensioning the tendo-Achilles until it yields 5–10°
• General anaesthesia or local anaesthesia for of dorsiflexion. The medial fibres slide over the
percutaneous techniques lateral fibres, giving length in continuity with a
• Prone for open or supine for percutaneous thinned portion of tendon distally and a square
techniques cut proximally (see Fig. 16.13, p. 282).
• High pneumatic thigh tourniquet.
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE These have the advantage of controlled
lengthening but carry a greater risk of recurrence.
Percutaneous techniques
Both Hoke and DAMP procedures are used to
treat combined gastrocnemius–soleus tightness.
The advantages are improved healing and the Structures at risk
option of local anaesthesia. However, these
techniques are associated with an increased • Sural nerve
incidence of over-lengthening and inadvertent • Short saphenous vein
complete tenotomy.
A 7 cm longitudinal incision is made, 10 cm
Hoke technique proximal to the calcaneal insertion positioned
1 cm medial to the midline to avoid the sural
Structures at risk
• Tibial nerve – at risk proximally Dissection
• Sural nerve – laterally
• Flexor hallucis longus muscle – distally The sural nerve and short saphenous vein are
retracted if encountered or may be avoided
altogether by raising a full thickness lateral flap.
Three points are marked on the tendo-Achilles at The paratenon is incised longitudinally in the
1 cm, 3 cm and 6 cm from its calcaneal insertion. A midline to avoid the skin incision, and the medial
no. 15 blade scalpel is inserted longitudinally in and lateral edges of the gastrocnemius aponeurosis
the midline of the tendon at each marked are exposed.
level then turned through 90° in the desired
direction to perform the hemisection while BAKER SLIDE PROCEDURE
the ankle is dorsiflexed to control the correction.
The hemisections are performed on the Although considered a selective gastrocnemius
medial half proximally and distally and the lengthening, fibres of the soleus aponeurosis are
lateral half in the middle incision (see Fig. 16.12, also incised distally. However, this does not lead to
p. 281). over-lengthening as seen in procedures on the
284 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

conjoined tendon owing to controlled lengthening Borton DC, Walker K, Pirpiris M, et al. Isolated
and inherent stability. calf lengthening in cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg
The medial and lateral thirds of the aponeurosis Br 2001;83:364–70.
are incised transversely 12 cm above the calcaneal Graham HK, Fixsen JA. Lengthening of the
insertion. A similar incision is then performed across calcaneal tendon in spastic hemiplegia by the
the middle third at least 3 cm proximally to allow white slide technique. J Bone Joint Surg Br
side to side contact after lengthening. A tongue and 1988;70:472–5.
groove pattern is created by joining the proximal
and distal cuts with two longitudinal incisions (see
Fig. 16.14, p. 282). Dorsiflexion of the ankle allows CONGENITAL TALIPES EQUINOVARUS
slide-lengthening of the aponeurosis and reveals any CORRECTION
remaining fibres which require incision.
The underlying muscle fibres of soleus are PONSETI TECHNIQUE
revealed as the aponeurosis is lengthened. Further
lengthening should not be performed once 10° of Preoperative planning
dorsiflexion is achieved on the table, and 3/0
absorbable sutures are placed across the Indications
longitudinal portions of the aponeurosis. Flexible CTEV.

VULPIUS PROCEDURE Contraindications

This is used to treat combined gastrocnemius- • Rigid clubfoot
soleus tightness when plaster immobilization is • Age over 7 years is a relative contraindication as
not desirable. Instead of a tongue and groove results are notably worse.
lengthening, an inverted ‘V’ incision is made in
the aponeurosis of both the gastrocnemius and Consent and risks
the soleus (see Fig. 16.14, p. 282).
• Neurovascular injury (any open procedure)
Closure • Complete Achilles tenotomy
• Plaster impingement/skin ulceration
• Tension-free layered closure with buried knots • Infection (open procedures)
to avoid skin irritation. • Stiffness
• Subcuticular absorbable material to skin. • Recurrent deformity: long-term splintage
With the exception of the Vulpius technique, a required
below knee plaster is applied in a plantigrade • Deformity due to incorrect or incomplete
position. A dorsiflexed position must be avoided correction, overcorrection or recurrence, e.g.
to prevent a calcaneus deformity. cavus, rocker-bottom, longitudinal breach,
flattening and lateral rotation of talus
POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS • 1 cm limb shortening, 2 cm decreased calf girth
and smaller shoe by 1 or 1/2 sizes are common
Mobilize weightbearing as tolerated in cast for four sequelae
weeks if used. Convert to night-time splint at four Do not expect a completely normal foot; although
weeks and continue for six months. Use guided the Ponseti technique yields good clinical results,
physiotherapy to maintain position and prevent foot malformations still exist and can be seen
recurrence. radiographically.

Operative planning
Baker LD. Surgical needs of the cerebral palsy The deformity can be graded using various
patient. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1956;38:313–23. methods. Dimeglio suggests a 20-point scoring
Congenital talipes equinovarus correction 285

system with four grades of severity which associated internal tibial torsion if present.
correlates with an increasing resistance to Midfoot pronation must again be avoided to
correction. The Pirani score helps to predict the prevent cavus deformity and a midfoot breach.
need for Achilles tenotomy and is based upon the • Equinus: With the hindfoot varus corrected,
severity of deformity in the midfoot and hindfoot serial casts are applied in a progressively
with a total maximum score of 6. Eighty-five per dorsiflexed position. This usually requires two to
cent of patients with scores over 5 will require three casts to achieve 15° of dorsiflexion and
tenotomy. 60° of external rotation. Dorsiflexion is achieved
via pressure beneath the midfoot rather than the
Anaesthesia and positioning metatarsals to avoid rocker-bottom feet.
No anaesthesia or sedation required unless the
patient is extremely uncooperative. An assistant is Additional procedures
Tendo-Achilles lengthening: If dorsiflexion of 15°
is not achieved, then a percutaneous tenotomy
Surgical technique under local anaesthesia is indicated. This is
preferable to posterior ankle and subtalar
Casting is performed weekly, correcting all three
capsulotomy as contraction of scar tissue in
components of the deformity in a predetermined
this region will lead to progressive loss of
sequence prior to additional operative procedures.
At least three toe to groin casts are required over
Lateral transfer of the tibialis anterior tendon to
a period of 7–10 weeks depending on the severity
the lateral cuneiform may be required for
of deformity.
persistent supination.
• Cavus: caused by a relative pronation of the Postoperative care and instructions
forefoot due to a plantar flexed first ray. The
The final cast is left in situ for three weeks then
first ray is elevated with pressure beneath the
assessment made for residual equinus; 90 per cent
first metatarsal head to supinate the forefoot
of patients will require Achilles tenotomy.
and align it with the varus hindfoot. Forced
Denis Browne boots are worn fulltime for 2–3
pronation of the foot is avoided as this will
months then at night only for 2–4 years or until
worsen the cavus.
age 7. These maintain 15° of dorsiflexion (to avoid
• Varus and adductus: Correction of the
equinus) and 60° external rotation (to prevent
abnormally internally rotated calcaneus is
varus, adductus and in-toeing). High-top shoes are
achieved by external rotation using the lateral
worn during the day to maintain position.
talar head as the fulcrum. The cuboid and
Periodic evaluation should be performed by an
anterior calcaneus are displaced laterally by
experienced clinician to assess the relationship
applying medial pressure to the navicular
between the hindfoot and forefoot, the attitude of
anterior to the ankle and pushing the posterior
the heel, and range of ankle motion.
calcaneus medially by lateral pressure posterior
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs should
to the ankle, ensuring the talar head does not
also be obtained.
externally rotate. In severe cases, the navicular
may not fully reduce although abduction of
the cuneiforms more distally will allow EXTENSIVE SOFT TISSUE RELEASE VIA
correction and the navicular–cuneiform joints THE CINCINNATI INCISION
will remodel. Once the calcaneocuboid
alignment is restored with the anterior calcaneus Preoperative planning
lateralized, correction of varus can be achieved.
The cast must be toe to groin with the knee in Indications
90° of flexion to maintain abduction and • Failed Ponseti treatment: 50 per cent may
external rotation. This will also treat any relapse at an average age of 2.5 years.
286 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Remanipulation and casting with or without metatarsal, curves below the medial malleolus,
Achilles tenotomy followed by splintage may rises slightly to traverse the Achilles tendon and
be successful although extensive soft tissue continues over the lateral malleolus to terminate
releases are required in resistant cases distal and medial to the sinus tarsi.
• Rigid clubfoot
• Walking on lateral border of foot/internally Superficial dissection
rotated gait
• Posteriorly placed lateral malleolus (a reflection Structures at risk
of uncorrected internal calcaneal rotation)
• Parallelism of talus and calcaneus on AP and • Sural nerve laterally
lateral radiographs. • Superficial venous structures below the lateral
Previous releases via alternative incisions. The proximal subcutaneous flap is raised off
underlying tissues for around 3 cm to allow
Consent and risks proximal visualization.

• Neurovascular damage: see below Deep dissection

• Plaster immobilization/impaired mobility/long-
term splintage Structures at risk
• Residual deformity
• Recurrence and further surgery • Posterior tibial nerve and vessels
• Wound irritation over the Achilles tendon, • Deep tibiotalar portion of the deltoid ligament
particularly rubbing on shoes • Medial and lateral plantar nerves
• Avascular necrosis of the talus
• Arthritis of the hindfoot and midfoot
This begins laterally with incision of the
• Ankle and subtalar stiffness
calcaneofibular ligament and superior peroneal
ligament to allow dissection of the peronei off the
Preoperative assessment calcaneus without damaging them. The lateral
talocalcaneal ligament and lateral capsule of
• AP and lateral radiographs required for
subtalar joint are then released. The posterior
assessing the talocalcaneal angle.
tibial neurovascular bundle is retracted anteriorly
• Dimeglio and Pirani scores.
to allow further release of the posterior ankle and
Anaesthesia and positioning subtalar capsule and the posterior talofibular
ligament. Subsequent posterior retraction of the
General anaesthesia is used with addition of an
tibial neurovascular bundle allows division of the
intravenous prophylactic antibiotic. The patient is
superficial tibiocalcaneal part of deltoid. The deep
positioned prone with a high thigh tourniquet.
portion of the tibiotalar portion of the deltoid
ligament is left intact to prevent excessive subtalar
Surgical technique translation and flat foot deformity.
The tibialis posterior tendon sheath is opened
Landmarks along its length from above the medial malleolus
The base of the first metatarsal, medial malleolus to the navicular to allow Z-lengthening of the
and lateral malleolus is palpable. tendon at least 2.5 cm proximal to the medial
malleolus. The nearby posterior tibial neurovascu-
Incision (the Cincinnati incision) lar bundle is protected to avoid its transection.
An 8–9 cm extensile, transverse incision across the Dissection continues medially, into the arch of
posterior ankle (at the level of the tibio-talar the foot, to release the lacinate ligament, the
joint) is created. This begins at the base of the first plantar aponeurosis and small plantar muscles,
Surgical treatment of Perthes disease 287

including abductor hallucis. Beneath the navicular, Apply plaster of Paris from the toes to the mid-
the master knot of Henry (intersection of the flexor thigh with a neutral or slightly plantar flexed foot
hallucis longus [FHL] and flexor digitorum longus and the knee flexed to 90°.
[FDL]) is taken down, taking care not to damage
the medial and lateral plantar nerves either side of Postoperative care and instructions
it. The sheaths of the FDL and FHL are opened
and tendon Z-lengthening performed to prevent The cast is changed at 10 days after surgery, to
flexion contracture of the toes when the ankle is inspect wound. It is removed, along with the K-
dorsiflexed. This is done sufficiently proximally to wires, at 6 weeks. Denis Browne boots are
allow the lengthened portions to be covered by prescribed for the next 12–18 months.
tendon sheath. Conjoint lengthening is an Physiotherapy (for mobility, to promote tarsal
alternative if the tendons are too small to perform growth and preserve cartilage) is continued for at
Z-lengthening. This step may be unnecessary as least 6 months.
toe contractures will often stretch out over time.
The talonavicular joint is freed to mobilize the
navicular laterally and releasing all of its RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
attachments; keeping hold of it via the distal end
of tibialis posterior tendon will avoid handling the Ponseti I. Congenital Clubfoot: Fundamentals of
articular cartilage. The dorsal talonavicular Treatment. USA: Oxford University Press, 1996.
ligament and the spring ligament can then be Crawford AH, Marxen JL, Osterfield DL. The
released. Release of the bifurcate ligament and the Cincinnati incision: a comprehensive approach for
talocalcaneal interosseous ligament will allow surgical procedures of the foot and ankle in
external rotation of the anterior calcaneus. childhood. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1982;84:1355–8.
Finally, the quadratus plantae is stripped off the Dimeglio A, Benshahel H, Souchet P, et al.
calcaneus to release the long plantar ligament, the Classification of clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop B
plantar calcaneocuboid ligament and inferior 1995;4:129–36.
medial capsule of the calcaneocuboid joint without McKay DW. New concept of and approach to
damaging the peroneus longus tendon. The clubfoot treatment: section II – correction of the
extensive soft tissue releases should result in the clubfoot. J Pediatr Orthop 1983;3:10–21.
plane of the foot being at 90° to the bimalleolar Pirani J, Outerbridge HK, Sawatzky B, et al. A
axis with the talus beneath the tibia and slight reliable method of clinically evaluating a virgin
hindfoot valgus. If the mortise is not fully reduced, clubfoot. 21st World Congress of SICOT, Sydney,
tibiofibular ligament release then tibiofibular Australia, 18–23 April, 1999.
syndesmosis release can be carried out if the talus is
too wide anteriorly. Stabilization with K-wires is
the final stage, one passing along the medial column
to hold the talonavicular joint and one across the SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PERTHES
lateral column to hold the calcaneocuboid joint. DISEASE
Closure Perthes disease occurs as a result of a temporary
Tendon sheaths over all over-lengthened tendons cessation in the blood supply to the femoral head
are closed. The medial and lateral extensions of leading to avascular necrosis. It is commonly seen
the Cincinnati incision are closed, without between the ages of 4 and 8 years although should
tension, using absorbable sutures to the be suspected from 2 to 12 years of age. Although
subcutaneous and subcuticular layers. The more common in boys by a factor of four, it may
posterior, central portion of the wound is left open be more severe in girls.
to heal by secondary intention. If blanching of Presenting symptoms comprise hip or referred
wound edges following tourniquet release is knee pain, stiffness, limping and a short leg. The
noted, position in less dorsiflexion. disease progresses through the four phases of
288 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

ischaemia (causing collapse and sclerosis),

fragmentation, reossification and remodelling,
which take place over a 4-year period.
However, development of the hip is frequently
abnormal leading to incongruency, altered
biomechanics and accelerated secondary
degeneration. Prognosis is dependent on age and
severity of disease at presentation, and treatment
falls into the three broad categories of
observation, containment and salvage, depending
also on the phase of disease.

Figure 16.15 Illustration of hip arthrogram showing
Indications hinge abduction, where dye pools medially in abduction
The type of treatment largely depends upon the
capacity to remodel and therefore age. Below the
age of 6 years, there is high potential for
remodelling and therapy therefore tends to be Contraindications
conservative. Above 8 years, further remodelling is
Containment procedures are contraindicated if
limited and treatment is more aggressive in order
hips are not congruent or containable.
to correct deformity and extend the longevity of
the native hip.
Between the ages of 6 and 8 years, the Consent and risks
indications for either a conservative approach or
containment procedures depend upon bone age The natural history of the disease must be
and remodelling potential, the presence of ‘at-risk’ explained to the child and parents. It should be
signs for the viability of the femoral head and emphasized that the aim is to improve symptoms
whether the hip is congruent or containable. The and to achieve a spherical and contained femoral
surgical options for containable hips are a varus head to maximize and prolong native joint function.
osteotomy of the proximal femur and/or a Salter However, secondary degenerative changes may
type pelvic osteotomy. continue to occur at an unpredictable and
Salvage procedures are indicated if hinge accelerated rate ultimately leading to total joint
abduction occurs (Fig. 16.15), where the arthroplasty or arthrodesis.
overgrown and uncontained anterolateral portion • An older presentation, particularly in girls, is
of the femoral head abuts the lateral rim of the associated with a worse outcome
acetabulum. In this situation valgus extension • Stiffness/contractures
osteotomy (VGEO) of the proximal femur is • Other risks pertain to the type of procedure
indicated, which will medialize the centre of being performed. See the relevant sections on
rotation of the hip and make it congruent in the DDH for the risks associated with pelvic and
weightbearing position. The medial column must femoral osteotomies
be of sufficient height after reossification and a
better outcome is expected in younger patients Operative planning
where the triradiate cartilage remains open. This
will allow deformity correction, a better Various classification systems exist to guide
functional range of movement, improvement of treatment and predict the prognosis of Perthes
leg length and abductor function. disease.
Principles of surgery in cerebral palsy 289

Catterall grouped patients as I–IV, although required to determine the presence of

large intra- and inter-observer error has been deterioration and the need for further surgery.
shown with this method. The Herring
classification correlates with prognosis according RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
to the degree of collapse of the lateral capital
femoral epiphysis during the fragmentation phase Bankes MJK, Catterall A, Hashemi-Nejad A.
using the AP radiograph of the pelvis. Valgus extension osteotomy for ‘hinge abduction’
The Stulberg classification (1–5) is made during in Perthes disease: results at maturity and factors
the reossification phase and predicts the end result influencing the radiological outcome. J Bone Joint
of Perthes dependent on the relative shapes of the Surg Br 2000;82:548–54.
femoral head and acetabulum. Increasing grade Catterall A. The natural history of Perthes disease.
correlates with the likelihood of secondary J Bone Joint Surg Br 1971;53:37–53.
osteoarthritis with Stulberg 5 hips likely to Coates CJ, Paterson JMH, Catterall A, et al.
require total hip replacement before age 50 years. Femoral osteotomy in Perthes disease. Results at
Head at risk signs include Gage’s sign (a lytic maturity. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1990;72:581–5.
‘rat bite’ at the periphery of the physis), Herring JA, Kim HT, Browne R. Legg–Calvé–
calcification lateral to the epiphysis, lateral Perthes disease. Part I: classification of radiographs
subluxation of the femoral head and horizontal with use of the modified lateral pillar and Stulberg
inclination of the physis. classifications. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2004;86:
Arthrography will determine the congruency of 2103–20.
the hip in various positions and whether an Herring JA, Kim HT, Browne R. Legg–Calvé–
appropriate range of movement is possible to Perthes disease. Part II: prospective multicentre
perform the relevant femoral osteotomy (Fig. study of the effect of treatment on outcome. J
16.15). Significant abduction is required for a varus Bone Joint Surg Am 2004;86:2121–34.
osteotomy and adduction for a valgus osteotomy.

Anaesthesia and positioning PRINCIPLES OF SURGERY IN

• General anaesthesia
• Supine
• Intravenous prophylactic antibiotics. PREOPERATIVE PLANNING

SURGICAL TECHNIQUE Cerebral palsy results from an insult to the

immature brain and its effects are variable. It may
• For varus osteotomy, the technique as described be classified anatomically (hemiplegic, diplegic or
in the section ‘Developmental dysplasia of the total body involvement) or physiologically
hip – femoral osteotomy’ (p. 276) is used, (spastic, athetoid, ataxic or mixed). The spastic
employing the derotation component if required. form is most common; a combination of muscle
• For valgus osteotomy, a similar technique is weakness and spasticity leads to a progressive
used as for varus osteotomy, the difference sequence of dynamic deformity, fixed
being the orientation of the osteotomy to give a contractures, bony deformity and joint
laterally based wedge to achieve the desired subluxation or dislocation. Depending on the
realignment. severity, intervention may be indicated at any
• Pelvic osteotomy – see ‘Salter osteotomy’ point during this continuum to optimize energy
(p. 273). consumption during gait, to perform activities of
daily living, to facilitate standing or seated transfer
POSTOPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS and to maintain hygiene. Maximum function
requires a straight spine over a level pelvis,
As per the type of procedure performed. Regular congruent, mobile hips, mobile knees and
periodic clinical and radiographic review is plantigrade feet.
290 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

Cerebral palsy is typically treated in one of • Aminoglycoside antibiosis

three phases: • Non-depolarizing muscle relaxants
• Dynamic contractures – casting and/or • Pseudobulbar palsy
botulinum toxin (BTX) injection • Gastro-oesophageal reflux or frequent chest
• Fixed contractures – muscle balancing infections.
techniques such as releases, lengthening and
Consent and risks
• Bony deformity and joint incongruence –
osteotomies. • Local: pain, temporary weakness in adjacent
Decisions around timing of surgery are difficult. muscles
Allowing maturation will improve certainty about • General: mild generalized weakness, urinary
the gait pattern and reduce the risk of recurrent incontinence, constipation, dysphagia and
deformity at the price of an increased chance of aspiration pneumonia
fixed deformities and multilevel operations being Parents and patients should be warned of its
required. Surgery in the younger child may be less temporary effect of 12–16 weeks and the risk of
technically demanding but can lead to repeat recurrence and further procedures.
surgery year on year. In addition, single level
operations may reveal further problems: a SURGICAL TECHNIQUE
common example is a crouched gait occurring
after Achilles tendon release due to unrecognized, Muscle balancing techniques
concomitant tight hamstrings. Throughout all
stages physiotherapy helps to reduce fixed Adductor psoas and gracilis release is commonly
deformity and occupational therapy can adapt indicated for the classic flexion adduction
equipment to accommodate existing deformity. contracture and scissoring gait seen in cerebral
palsy. Muscle imbalance combined with infrequent
SURGICAL TECHNIQUES IN MUSCLE weightbearing causes structural changes at the hip
CONTRACTURES (increased anteversion, posterolateral acetabular
dysplasia) leading to posterolateral migration,
Botulinum toxin A injections pelvic obliquity and scoliosis. This is more
commonly seen in quadriplegic patients and
Botulinum toxin A inhibits the release of releases are performed early (3–4 years) to prevent
acetylcholine from the nerve terminal at the deterioration. Muscles should be released
neuromuscular junction, causing decreased sequentially during the procedure and performed
muscle activity in a dose-dependent manner. It bilaterally to prevent a windswept deformity.
may be administered under local or general Releases are also commonly combined with
anaesthesia or sedation. It should be placed deep proximal varus femoral osteotomy at age 5.
to the muscle fascia in a dose appropriate for the Hamstrings may be released proximally or
patient and the number of injection sites required. distally to improve flexion contracture at the
The injection volume must be sufficient to allow knee. Equinus deformity at the ankle is very
diffusion to end-plate zones which may be common and is treated with tendo-Achilles
scattered, particularly in the sartorius and gracilis. release (see p. 281 for details). Knee and ankle
Localize injection sites using palpation and releases are performed in a walking child between
anatomical knowledge; accuracy is improved 4 and 6 years old.
with electrical stimulation or ultrasound guidance. Another common problem is the thumb in
Combine injection with casting, orthoses and hand deformity treated with adductor pollicis
guided physiotherapy to maximize the benefits. release and is performed in the older child.
Tendon transfers such as tibialis anterior or tibialis
Contraindications posterior are often used in balancing the foot in
• Myasthenia gravis combination with bony surgery.
Viva questions 291

OSTEOTOMY AND JOINT CONTAINMENT and tarsometatarsal arthritis, the response to

surgery is good.
Hip containment
Scoliosis surgery
Quadriplegic patients should be monitored
regularly for hip subluxation and dislocation, Scoliosis is more common in quadriplegic and
which tends to occur between 18 months and 6 non-ambulatory diplegic patients. The risk of
years. Hips at risk are those with limited progression is related to age at presentation and
abduction with uncovering of <50 per cent on hip problems. Curves are likely to reach 50° if
radiography. At-risk hips may be treated with present by age 5. Bracing is seldom preventive.
adductor, psoas and hamstring release although a Nutrition must be optimized preoperatively and
more aggressive approach may be considered. patients must be monitored closely postopera-
Subluxed hips (>50 per cent uncovered) are tively for respiratory complications.
treated with soft tissue releases and varus Indications for surgery are curves >40° or
proximal femoral osteotomy. progression >10° per annum. Ambulatory patients
Early dislocated hips may be treated with open receive posterior fusion whereas non-ambulatory
reduction; however, this may not be possible and patients require additional anterior fusion and
poor conformity between the head and pelvic fixation.
acetabulum may lead to early failure. A varus
derotational osteotomy with soft tissue releases RECOMMENDED REFERENCES
and/or shortening may be more appropriate. This
can be combined with pelvic osteotomy. Gage JR. The Treatment of Gait Problems in
Late dislocations require either resurfacing or Cerebral Palsy. Cambridge: Cambridge University
total joint arthroplasty; a large articulation is Press, 2004.
preferred to confer stability. Alternatively, a McCarthy JJ, D’andrea LP, Betz RR, et al. Scoliosis
Girdlestone excision arthroplasty may be in the child with cerebral palsy. J Am Acad Orthop
considered. Surg 2006;14:367–75.
Owers KL, Pyman J, Gargan MF, et al. Bilateral
Triple arthrodesis of the ankle hip surgery in severe cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint
Surg Br 2001;83:1161–7.
Various foot and ankle deformities are seen in Ramachandran M, Eastwood DM. Botulinum
cerebral palsy such as planovalgus, equinovalgus, toxin and its orthopaedic applications. J Bone Joint
equinovarus and calcaneovalgus. Triple arthrodesis Surg Br 2006;88:981–87.
is indicated for symptomatic degeneration and Skoff H, Woodbury DF. Management of the upper
uncontrolled deformity. Despite frequent extremity in cerebral palsy. J Bone Joint Surg Am
complications such as residual deformity, 1985;67:500–3.
pseudarthrosis, pain and progressive intertarsal

Viva questions

1. What are the clinical signs of hip instability in 4. Describe the Smith–Petersen approach to the
the newborn? paediatric hip?
2. What are Hilgenreiner and Perkins lines and 5. What are the indications for varus proximal
what is their relevance? femoral osteotomy in developmental dysplasia
of the hip?
3. What are the relative advantages and
disadvantages of the anterior and medial 6. How does a varus proximal femoral osteotomy
approaches to the paediatric hip in affect range of hip movement and leg lengths?
developmental dysplasia of the hip?
292 Paediatric orthopaedic surgery

7. What structures are at risk during a Salter 14. What classification systems do you know for
pelvic osteotomy? grading the severity and predicting the
prognosis of Perthes disease?
8. What are the indications and contraindications
of the Pemberton pelvic osteotomy? 15. What are the component deformities of club
foot and which structures are tight?
9. What is the ideal screw position when pinning
a slipped upper femoral epiphysis? What risks 16. Which structures are at risk during extensive
are associated with this procedure? soft tissue release of congenital talipes
equinovarus via the Cincinnati approach?
10. What are the indications for prophylactic
17. How would you distinguish between a tight
pinning of the contralateral hip in slipped
tendo-Achilles complex and gastrocnemius
upper femoral epiphysis?
11. How does the blood supply to the femoral 18. What methods can you describe to determine
head change throughout childhood? when epiphysiodesis should be performed?
12. What are the treatment options for avascular 19. How much growth per year can be expected
necrosis following slipped upper femoral from each of the four main physes in the
epiphysis? lower extremity in adolescence?
13. What is your approach to the treatment of 20. What is your approach to the orthopaedic
Perthes disease in a 7-year-old child? assessment and treatment of the child with
cerebral palsy?
William Aston and Rob Pollock

Above knee amputation 293 Foot/ray amputations 297

Below knee amputation 296 Viva questions 300
Lesser toe amputation 297

Ideal amputation stump lengths, including the shortest and longest to allow adequate prosthetic
fitting and the increased energy expenditure by level

Amputation Ideal level – shortest (S)/longest (L) Increased energy expenditure

Transradial Proximal 2/3 – distal 1/3 junction Not applicable
S – 3 cm distal to biceps insertion
L – 5 cm above wrist joint
Transhumeral Middle 1/3 of humerus Not applicable
S – 4 cm below axillary fold
L – 10 cm above olecranon
Transfemoral Middle 1/3 of femur 65 per cent
S – 8 cm below pubic ramus
L – 15 cm above medial joint line
Transtibial 8 cm for every 1 m of height 25 per cent
S – 7.5 cm below medial joint line
L – Allow adequate soft tissue coverage

• Diabetes – 25 per cent

ABOVE KNEE AMPUTATION • Trauma – 10 per cent
• Tumour – 5 per cent
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING • Infection/congenital – 5 per cent.

Indications Contraindications
‘Dead, dangerous or damn nuisance’ (Apley). This Inability to gain consent in a well-orientated
essentially means that if a limb is not viable due to patient in time, place and person.
disease or trauma, a danger to the patient due to
infection, crush injury or tumour, or non-
functional as a result of a congenital abnormality Consent and risks
or trauma and not amenable to other treatment
• Neurological pain
modalities, then amputation should be
• Phantom limb sensation
• Flap demarcation and necrosis necessitating
Indications by percentage are:
stump revision or vac pump application
• Peripheral vascular disease – 55 per cent
294 Amputations

• Dermatological problems related to the scar and Transection point

the skin–prosthesis interface
• Problems with prosthetic fitting related to the
size/shape/length of the stump and the
associated soft tissues
• Joint contractures
• Choke syndrome: venous outflow obstruction in
the distal part of the stump due to prosthetic I/2 length

Operative planning
Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are used
for templating to determine the necessary bone I/4 length
resection level and clinical examination is vital to
plan satisfactory soft tissue closure with skin that
is sensate and that will heal normally. A priority is
adequate blood supply to the soft tissues to
enable this. Ideal and minimal resection levels
should be taken into account (see p. 293). Flap
lengths and their positioning, may have to be Figure 17.1 Amputation flap marking for equal anterior
altered to accommodate skin problems or tumour and posterior flaps. (a) Measurement of circumference
of limb at bony transection point with a suture –
excision. By doing this it may be possible to
length. (b) Marking medial and lateral apices. (c)
prevent a more proximal amputation.
Marking extent at flaps

Anaesthesia and positioning

the midpoint medially and laterally, at the level of
General anaesthesia is used, with the patient anticipated bony transection. The lengths of the
positioned supine. There is some evidence to flaps combined must be greater than the width of
suggest (and is the authors’ preference) that the limb.
epidural anaesthesia, local anaesthetic infiltration An easy way to do this (Fig. 17.1) is to pass a
of the nerves prior to transection and good suture length around the limb at the level of
analgesia in the immediate postoperative period, transection. This length is then halved and placed
is effective in reducing the significant problem of around the anterior portion of the thigh at the
postoperative neurological pain. transection level, then mark the medial and lateral
If a tourniquet can be used in the non- apices of the flaps at the ends of the suture. The
ischaemic limb then it should, but must be suture is then halved in length again and
deflated prior to wound closure to ensure that measured distally from the transection point in
adequate haemostasis has been achieved. A the midline anteriorly and posteriorly to mark the
tourniquet should not be used in an ischaemic maximal extent of the flaps. By marking a
limb. quadrant of a circle between each of these four
points, two semicircular flaps of correct length are
SURGICAL TECHNIQUE drawn onto the anterior and posterior aspects of
the leg.
Landmarks and incision
Superficial dissection
The bone transection point is marked as per
planning/templating. Equal anterior and posterior The incision follows the line as marked vertically
flaps are marked on the thigh, with their apices at down through the skin, subcutaneous fat and
Above knee amputation 295

through the deep fascia to form the skin flaps. At is sutured together over the end of the bone (Fig.
all times careful soft tissue handling techniques 17.2). A drain is inserted and the superficial fascial,
should be used. fat and skin layers closed separately. The skin can
be closed with absorbable or non absorbable
Deep dissection sutures as tissue healing should be normal.
In the ischaemic limb care should be taken to
The quadriceps muscle is divided, straight down keep the skin and muscle flap as one
to bone, in the line of the incision. The femoral myocutaneous flap and any tension on the tissues
canal is identified medial to the femur and the should be avoided, due to potential compromise
artery and vein ligated within it. These should be of the vascular supply and therefore myodesis
double tied proximally and if necessary a should not be used. Instead the muscle can simply
transfixion suture used. The periosteum is incised be sutured to the periosteum (myoplasty) or the
at the level of resection and the femur transected deep fascial layers of the muscle masses be
using a saw, ensuring protection of the soft tissues. sutured together over the end of the bone. Drain
A rasp is used to smooth the sharp edges of the insertion and layered closure is as above, except
cut bone and prevent high pressure areas in the the skin should be closed under no tension and
stump. The sciatic nerve is identified and interrupted non-absorbable sutures used.
transected, with a sharp blade under gentle A suitable stump dressing should be securely
traction, so that the end retracts proximally. Any applied, and this should remain in place for the
cutaneous nerves encountered should also be first 5 days.
transected in a similar fashion. The sciatic nerve
has a significant artery running within it and Technical aspects of procedure
therefore should be ligated, but this is not
necessary for other nerves. The hamstring In order to avoid large amounts of redundant soft
compartment is divided and the leg removed. The tissue the muscle flaps and skin flaps should be
wound should be washed thoroughly and the debrided as appropriate. However, a cylindrical,
tourniquet released to ensure adequate soft, well-padded soft tissue mass over the stump
haemostasis. is desirable. In some cases, such as when atypical
Assessment of the flaps is carried out and any flaps are used, the stump may be left large on
necessary trimming of muscle. In a non-ischaemic purpose to allow for possible skin demarcation
limb the quadriceps and the hamstrings can be and the potential for refashioning and closure. To
sutured (myodesis) through drill holes, to the avoid large dog-ears a stepwise approach to
bone, under slight tension. The deep muscle fascia closing the flaps is advised, starting by opposing

Myodesis sutures

Deep muscle
fascia sutures

fascial sutures

(a) (b)

Figure 17.2 Femoral amputation stump – closure in layers. (a) myodesis sutures to bone. (b) Muscle fascial layer
296 Amputations

of skin flaps

Figure 17.3 Tibial – long posterior


the middle of the flaps and subsequently halving SURGICAL TECHNIQUE

the distance between sutures for each layer. Scars
placed directly over bony prominences with little Landmarks and incision
or no intervening soft tissue must be avoided as it
will lead to scar adherence to the bone and skin In the non-ischaemic limb, equal flaps are marked
breakdown. out in a similar way to above knee amputation; in
the ischaemic limb a long posterior flap (Fig. 17.3)
Closure is used as the posterior blood supply is
significantly better.
As described above.
Superficial dissection
INSTRUCTIONS As for above knee amputation.

• The drain is taken out when there is minimal Deep dissection

drainage, typically 48–72 hours.
• Dressings to be changed, under aseptic Generally as for above knee amputation. The
precautions at 3–5 days, looking specifically for anterior tibial artery and vein are encountered,
signs of infection or skin flap demarcation. with the deep peroneal nerve in the anterior com-
• Specialist physiotherapy referral for stump partment, the superficial peroneal nerve in the
bandaging and rehabilitation should be made lateral compartment and the posterior tibial and
preoperatively and start as soon as the wound is peroneal artery and veins with the tibial nerve in
satisfactory. the deep posterior compartment. Nerves and
• Prosthetic referral can also be made preopera- vessels should be ligated and/or transacted as for
tively or postoperatively if appropriate. above knee amputation.
• Definitive prosthetic fitting is often 4–6 months
after surgery, when the stump has matured. Technical aspects of procedure
• A temporary prosthesis can be used within a
week of surgery. The same rules regarding soft tissue
reconstruction and closure apply in the ischaemic
and non-ischaemic limb as for above knee
BELOW KNEE AMPUTATION The fibula should be transacted obliquely
approximately 2 cm proximal to the tibial
PREOPERATIVE PLANNING transection and the ends smoothed.

Similar principles as for above knee amputation Closure

with specific reference to the ideal stump lengths
set out above (see p. 293). As for above knee amputation.
Foot/ray amputations 297


As for above knee amputation. Full thickness myocutaneous flaps are created,
down to periosteum. Division of the flexor and
COMPLICATIONS extensor tendons allows them to retract
proximally. The neurovascular bundles are sought
As for above knee amputation. to allow transection of stretched digital nerves and
tying off of the vessels. The bone is transected and
smoothed off with a rasp. Care must be taken with
closure of the muscle and fascia over the stump.

PREOPERATIVE PLANNING Technical aspects of procedure

Similar principles as for above knee amputation.
When amputating the second toe it is best to try
to leave as much of the proximal phalanx as
possible to avoid drift of the hallux into valgus.
Landmarks and incision
Hallux amputation
For an amputation at the base of the toe/proximal
phalanx a tennis racquet incision can be used (Fig. As for lesser toe except a posteromedially based
17.4). More distally the principle of a short dorsal flap is used to swing into the defect.
and longer plantar flap is applied.
Interrupted non-absorbable sutures.

Dressings are changed, with aseptic precautions,
at 3–5 days, looking specifically for signs of
infection or skin flap demarcation.


Similar principles as for above knee amputation.



Border ray amputation – first or fifth ray

Landmarks and incision
A tennis racquet incision is used, based on the
metatarsal (Fig. 17.5). With the proximal extent
of the incision coming up to the level of the
Figure 17.4 Toe amputation – tennis racquet incision tarsometatarsal joint.
298 Amputations

cuneiform joints. Dissect out from proximal to

distal removing the intrinsics either side.

Technical aspects of procedure

If two rays are to be removed then place the
incision between the metatarsals. The second
ray is relatively immobile and therefore if the
third and forth rays are to be removed then
an osteotomy at the base of the fifth may be
required to enable closure of the wound.
Figure 17.5 Tennis racquet incision for excision of first Protected weightbearing for 4 weeks should be
ray performed.

Dissection Interrupted non-absorbable sutures.
Create one full thickness flap, down to bone, to
prevent devascularization of the flap. Once the Transmetatarsal (midtarsal) amputation
bone has been reached, subperiosteal dissection
continues. The bone is transected, at the base of Landmarks and incision
the appropriate metatarsal, sloping the cut to the
A long plantar and shorter dorsal flap is used (Fig.
shape of the foot and to minimize pressure on the
17.6). The dorsal flap begins at the level of the
skin. Tendons are cut under tension and allowed
intended transection and curves distally as comes
to retract, ligate arteries and transect nerves.
medially. The plantar flap starts at the level of the
Technical aspects of procedure metatarsal heads and curves to meet the dorsal
incision medially and laterally.
Removal of the ray may be made easier if the
metatarsophalangeal joint is disarticulated first Dissection
and the metatarsal is removed separately. Note,
Skin and fat are incised in line with the skin. The
during disarticulation of the first metatarso-
metatarsophalangeal joints should be disarticu-
phalangeal joint, the penetrating branch of the
lated and toes removed. The levels of transection
dorsalis pedis should be preserved (approximately
of the metatarsals are marked and cut and edges
1 cm distal to the joint).
smoothed. The tendons are stretched and cut so
Closure that they retract proximally. Similarly, the nerves
are divided proximally and the digital arteries
A single layer of non-absorbable suture is used.
ligated then divided.
Central ray amputation Technical aspects of procedure
Longer flaps are required medially, due to
Landmarks and incision
increased thickness of the foot.
Dorsal incision with tennis racquet around the
toe. Closure
Interrupted non-absorbable single layer closure is
Superficial dissection all that is required.
Skin and fat to bone.

Deep dissection
Midfoot amputations
Subperiosteal dissection is done. Transection of These amputations use exactly the same
the base of the metatarsal leaving a remnant is principles as above. As opposed to a midtarsal
technically easier than disarticulation at the amputation, these amputations do not leave any
Foot/ray amputations 299

Figure 17.6 Transmetatarsal

(a) (b) amputation: (a) incision;
(b) after closure

of the metatarsals behind. The Lisfranc talus is excised by placing the foot in equinus and
amputation is at the level of the tarsometatarsal sequentially dividing the anterior capsule, deltoid
joints and the Chopart amputation at the level of ligament and calcaneofibular ligament, taking care
the midtarsal joints. Lisfranc and Chopart to preserve the posterior tibial artery. After
amputations have a tendency to go into an division of the posterior capsule and the tendo-
equinovarus deformity with time. Achilles, the foot is removed by shelling out the
calcaneus and preserving the posterior flap.
Hindfoot amputation – Syme The distal tibia is transected 0.6 cm from the
amputation joint line, cut so that it will be parallel to the
ground, and the edges rounded off (see Fig. 17.7).
When considering performing a Symes amputa- The tendons are cut and allowed to retract
tion, a below knee amputation must also be proximally, as are the medial and lateral plantar
considered. A below knee amputation gives a nerves. The anterior tibial and posterior tibial
superior cosmetic result, enables better prosthetic arteries are ligated just proximal to the edges of
fitting and subsequent function. However, what a the flap. The heal pad is brought forward, over the
Symes does provide is a short leg and a stump
which can be used to mobilize short distances,
such as going to the bathroom in the middle of the
night, without having to hop or apply a prosthesis.
Tibial transection
Landmarks and incision Tip of
A single posterior heel flap is used. The incision is Front of ankle joint
from the tip of the lateral malleolus across the
ankle joint to 2 cm below the medial malleolus. It
continues vertically down around the heal, and
back to the tip of the lateral malleolus (Fig. 17.7).

Skin and fat are incised in line with the skin. All Figure 17.7 Syme amputation: incision and tibial
structures are then transected down to bone. The transection point
300 Amputations

cut surface of the tibia, and sutured through drill Falstie-Jensen N, Christensen KS, Brochner-
holes on the anterior surface of the tibia. Mortensen J. Long posterior flap versus equal
sagittal flaps in below-knee amputation for
Technical aspects of procedure ischaemia. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1989;71:102–4.
The skin flap should not be excessively trimmed Hagberg E, Berlin OK, Renstrom P. Function after
as it may devascularize it. The dog-ears will through-knee compared with below-knee and
resolve over time, with bandaging or further above-knee amputation. Prosthet Orthot Int
procedure. 1992;16:168–73.
Halbert J, Crotty M, Cameron ID. Evidence for
Closure the optimal management of acute and chronic
A drain is inserted and the skin closed over it, phantom pain: a systematic review. Clin J Pain
using interrupted nylon sutures. 2002;18:84–92.
Harris RI. Syme’s amputation: the technique
POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND essential to secure a satisfactory end-bearing
INSTRUCTIONS (FOR ALL FOOT/RAY stump. Can J Surg 1964;7:53–63.
AMPUTATIONS) Hudson JR, Yu GV, Marzano R, et al. Syme’s
amputation. Surgical technique, prosthetic
• Partial or non-weightbearing is dependent on
considerations, and case reports. J Am Podiatr Med
the procedure.
Assoc 2002;92:232–46.
• Physiotherapy/prosthetic referral is
Malawer MM, Sugarbaker PH. Musculoskeletal
recommended at an early stage.
Cancer Surgery Treatment of Sarcomas and Allied
Diseases. London: Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Pardasaney PK, Sullivan PE, Portney LG, et al.
Advantage of limb salvage over amputation for
Byrne RL, Nicholson ML, Woolford TJ, et al.
proximal extremity tumours. Clin Orthop Relat
Factors influencing the healing of distal
Res 2006;444:201–8.
amputations performed for lower limb ischaemia.
Br J Surg 1992;79:73–5.

Viva questions
1. What are the indications for amputation? 6. How do you transect a nerve?
2. What are the ideal amputation levels in long 7. What are the complications associated with
bones and why? amputation? How can these complications be
3. How does the surgical technique differ when
performing an amputation on an limb with 8. What measures would you take to minimize
vascular disease? postoperative pain?
4. How would you decide on the appropriate level 9. How would you decide between a Syme and a
for an amputation? below knee amputation?
5. Describe above or below knee, or toe or foot/ray
A1 pulley amputations 293–300
trigger finger 141, 142 arm 293
trigger thumb 143 foot 297–300
AAOS classification of acetabular bone loss at revision leg 293–7
hip surgery 160 anaesthesia
abductor pollicis longus (APL) examination under see examination under
in de Quervain’s decompression 106, 107 anaesthesia
in wrist arthroscopy 101 postoperative 5
above elbow (transhumeral) amputation 293 pre/intraoperative 4
above knee (transfemoral) amputation 293, Silverskiold test under 283
293–6 analgesia 4–5
acetabular dysplasia 273 anconeus in elbow arthrolysis 82, 83
acetabulum angiography, coronary 2
in hip arthrodesis, preparation 164 angular limb deformity 260
in hip resurfacing, preparation 162 ankle 218–29
in total hip arthroplasty arthrodesis see arthrodesis
preparation 150–1 arthroplasty 220–2
removal of prosthetic component 159–60 arthroscopy 222–4
technical points about insertion of prosthetic range of motion 218
component 151–2 annular ligament in radial head replacement 91
trial insertion of prosthetic component 150–1 arm amputation 293
see also femoroacetabular impingement surgery arthritis
Achilles tendon degenerative see osteoarthritis
in calcaneal osteotomy 255, 256 rheumatoid, trigger finger 141
lengthening 281–4 arthrodesis (fusion)
in talipes equinovarus 285 ankle 218–20, 230–2
tendinopathy 224–6 triple, in cerebral palsy 291
acromioclavicular joint cervical spine, risks 15
excision 65–6 foot 230–2
reconstruction 69–70 distal interphalangeal joints 247–8
acromioplasty, open anterior 62–4 first metatarsophalangeal joint 242–4
adductor(s), hip first tarsometatarsal joint 239–40
adductor longus anatomical relationships (in surgery hindfoot 252–4
for developmental dysplasia of hip) 270 proximal interphalangeal joints 248–9
release in cerebral palsy 290 hand 121–4
adductor pollicis release in cerebral palsy 290 hip 163–4
adductus deformity in talipes equinovarus 285 knee 197–8
adhesions, flexor tendon repair 132 lumbar spine 37
age see children; infants; older and elderly people malunion see malunion
airway non-union see non-union
chronic obstructive disease 3 thoracic spine
preoperative assessment 1–2 anterior 26–8
Akin osteotomy 237–8 posterior 28–30
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) wrist 102–6
classification of acetabular bone loss at revision hip arthrography, hip 170–1
surgery 160 Perthes disease 289
302 Index

arthrolysis, elbow 79–87 below elbow (transradial) amputation 293

arthroscopic 86–7 below knee (transtibial) amputation 293, 296–7
open 80–6 bending scoliosis films 32
arthropathy, foot biceps, long head (LHV), arthroscopic assessment
neighbouring joint following arthrodesis 231 61–2
painful, arthrodesis for 230, 243, 252 biomechanics of limb reconstruction 258
arthroplasty (joint replacement) biopsy, bone 6–9
elbow, total 87–9 bone anchors, extensor tendon repair 128, 129
hand 124–7 bone cutting see osteotomy
hip see hip replacement bone–patellar tendon–bone (B–T–B) graft for ACL
knee see knee replacement reconstruction 211–13
shoulder, total 75–7 bone tumours see tumours
arthroscopy, diagnostic, shoulder 59–62 botulinum toxin A injections in cerebral palsy 290
arthroscopy, interventional (± diagnostic) Boutonnière deformities 117, 128
ankle 220–2, 222–4 bow-stringing
elbow 95–7 flexor tendon repair 132
arthrolysis 86 trigger thumb surgery 143
hip 168–70 brachial plexus surgery 56–8
knee 200–4 brachioradialis in radial head replacement 90, 91
in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 211, Bruner incisions see zig-zag incisions
213–15 B–T–B graft for ACL reconstruction 211–13
autologous chondrocyte implantation 209–10 bucket-handle tear 205–6
lateral patellar retinaculum release 206 bursa
meniscal surgery 204–7 Achilles 225
shoulder excision 9
acromioclavicular joint excision 65–6 Butler procedure 250–1
instability repair 74–5
rotator cuff repair 66, 67–8 cable grafts 54–5
subacromial decompression 64–5 calcaneal osteotomy 255–6
wrist 100–2 calcaneocuboid (CC) joint arthrodesis 252, 253,
articular capsule see capsule 254
articular cartilage reconstruction, knee 208–9 callus formation at corticotomy site 258
articular congruity (joint congruity), hallux valgus 233 cam deformity of femur 165
aspiration cancer 11–13
elbow 97–8 capitate–hamate–triquetrum–lunate fusion 104–5
hand ganglion 119 capsule
assessment, preoperative 1–3 in elbow arthrolysis 82, 83, 84, 85
asthma 3 mobilization of medial capsule 85
atlas (C1), posterior approach 20–1 release 85
attachments in limb reconstruction 259 in hip resurfacing 162
avascular necrosis in shoulder instability, capsulorrhaphy 72
of capital fragment in Chevron osteotomy 238 in total shoulder replacement, release 76
of femoral head (in Perthes disease) 287 cardiopulmonary exercise testing 2
axillary nerve cardiovascular system, preoperative assessment 2
in rotator cuff repair 67 carotid sheath in anterior approach to cervical spine 17
injury risk 66 carpal bones, exposure in partial wrist fusion 105
in total shoulder replacement, injury risk 76, 77 carpal tunnel decompression 45–8
axis (C2), posterior approach 18–21 carpometacarpal joint arthrodesis 121, 124
Baker slide technique 281, 283–4 articular (knee), reconstruction 208–9
Beath pin, ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft physeal, removal (in pediatric leg length
215 discrepancy) 268
Index 303

castings in Ponsetti technique 285 claw toe 247

Catterall classification, Perthes disease 289 surgery 248–9
caudal epidural 36–7 closed reduction, developmental dysplasia of hip 269–71
cavus deformity in talipes equinovarus 285 clubfoot (talipes equinovarus) 284–7
cemented prosthetic component in total hip cobra plate, hip arthrodesis 164
replacement collateral ligament, medial, damage in total knee
acetabular (cup/socket) arthroplasty 174
removal 159 in revision surgery 183
technical points about insertion 152 common extensor origin see extensor origin
trial insertion 151 common flexor origin in golfer’s elbow release 92, 94
femoral stem compression plate, dynamic see dynamic compression
insertion 153–4 plates
removal 158 compression screws, foot/ankle arthrodesis 231
cemented prosthetic component in total knee computer programme (online), limb deformity
replacement 180–1 correction 265
cement removal in revision surgery 185 congenital positive ulnar variance 109
cementless (uncemented) prosthetic component in congenital talipes equinovarus correction 284–7
total hip replacement contractures, muscle, in cerebral palsy 290
acetabular (cup/socket) coracoacromial ligament in acromioclavicular joint
removal 159–60 reconstruction 69
technical points about insertion 151–2 coronary angiography 2
trial insertion 150 corticotomy 261
femoral stem callus formation at site of 258
insertion 153 in femoral lengthening 262
removal 158 in tibial lengthening 263
cementless (uncemented) prosthetic component in cruciate ligament
total knee replacement 181 anterior
centre of rotation of angulation (CORA) 260 damage in medial unicompartmental knee
tibial diaphyseal deformity 264 replacement 190
cerebral palsy 3, 289–91 reconstruction 210–16
cervical spine 14–25 posterior, implant as substitute 180
anterior approach to C3-T1 14–18 cuneiform, lateral, tibialis anterior tendon transfer to 285
halo vest fixation 121–4 cutaneous nerve
posterior approach to C1-C2 20–1 amputation above knee 295
posterior approach to C2-C7 18–20 foot/ankle arthrodesis, damage 230–1
range of motion 14 cyst
cheilectomy, first metatarsophalangeal joint 241–2 bone, curettage ± bone graft 10–11
Chevron osteotomy 238–9 synovial see ganglion
children 267–92
halo application 24 DAMP method (percutaneous tenotomy) 281, 283
scoliosis 32 Darrach procedure 108–9
trigger thumb 142 De Quervain’s decompression 106–8
choke syndrome, above knee amputation 294 decompression (non-spinal)
chondrocyte implantation in knee, autologous 209 De Quervain’s 106–8
chronic obstructive airways disease 3 of nerve (and structures causing compression)
Cincinnati method 285–7 carpal tunnel 45–8
circular frame 258 postoperative care and instructions 55
deformity correction 264 ulnar see ulnar nerve
femoral lengthening 262 subacromial arthroscopic 64–5
circumflex femoral artery, medial see femoral decompression (spinal canal; foraminal stenosis etc.)
circumflex artery cervical, anterior 14
clavicle in acromioclavicular joint reconstruction 69 cervical spine, posterior 18
304 Index

decompression (spinal canal; foraminal stenosis etc.) – Eastwood–Cole method 267–8

contd ECG, exercise, preoperative 2
lumbar 37–40 echocardiography, dobutamine stress 2
thoracic elbow 79–99
anterior 26–8 amputation above and below (transhumeral and
posterior 28–30 transradial) 293
deformities arthrolysis see arthrolysis
in cerebral palsy 290 arthroscopy see arthroscopy
lesser toes 246–9 aspiration/injection 97–8
limb, correction 263–5 total replacement 87–9
see also specific types of deformity ulnar nerve decompression at 51–3
degenerative arthritis see osteoarthritis elderly see older and elderly people
deltoid electrocardiogram (ECG), exercise,
in open anterior acromioplasty 63 preoperative 2
in open shoulder stabilization 71, 73 endoscopic carpal tunnel decompression 47–8
in rotator cuff repair 67 epicondylectomy, medial 52
in total shoulder replacement 76, 77 epicondylitis
deltopectoral approach, shoulder arthroplasty 75–7 lateral (golfer’s elbow) 92–5
dermofasciectomy, Dupuytren’s 117–19 medial (tennis elbow) 92–5
derotation femoral osteotomy for developmental epidural, caudal 36–7
dysplasia of hip 276–8 epineural repair 54
developmental dysplasia of hip see hip epiphysiodesis 267–9
diaphyseal deformity, tibial 264 epiphysis, slipped upper femoral 278–81
digits see fingers; toes equinovarus correction, congenital 284–7
disc(s), intervertebral equinus deformity
lumbar 40–2 Achilles lengthening 282
scoliosis 31 in talipes equinovarus 285
discoid meniscus surgery 206 examination under anaesthesia
dislocation (pathological), hip, in cerebral palsy 291 developmental dysplasia of hip – open reduction
dislocation (surgical) 270
elbow, for anterior arthrolysis 85 knee (in arthroscopy) 201
hip, for resurfacing 162 anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 210
distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA) 233, 238, shoulder stabilization 71
239, 240 excision hip arthroplasty 165
distraction osteogenesis 258 exercise ECG, preoperative 2
DMAA (distal metatarsal articular angle) 233, 238, exercise testing, cardiopulmonary 2
239, 240 exercise tolerance, preoperative assessment 2
dobutamine stress echocardiography 2 extension gaps, total knee replacement 177–8
donor site extensor(s), knee, injury risk in total knee
in skin grafts 140 replacement 173
full thickness skin grafts 140 extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB)
split thickness skin grafts 139–40 in tennis elbow surgery 93
in tendon transfers, morbidity 135 in wrist arthroscopy 101, 104
dorsalis pedis artery damage, ankle arthroplasty 221 extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL)
Dupuytren’s surgery 114–19 in radial head replacement 90, 91
dural breach, lumbar spine surgery 39, 40 in tennis elbow surgery 93
Duvries modification (distal fibular sliding graft) in wrist arthroscopy 102
228 extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU)
dynamic compression plates in distal ulna excision 108
ulnar shortening 110 in elbow arthrolysis 83
wrist arthrodesis 103, 104 in ulnar shortening 110
dysphagia risk, cervical spinal surgery 15 in wrist arthroscopy 101, 102
Index 305

extensor digiti minimi (EDM) in wrist arthroscopy shaping 153

102 stem insertion in 153–4
extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) in tunnel for ACL reconstruction
metatarsophalangeal joint release 249 B–T–B graft 212–13
extensor digitorum communis (EDC) hamstring graft 214
in elbow arthrolysis 83 in unicompartmental knee replacement,
in tennis elbow surgery 93 preparation 191
in wrist arthroscopy 101, 102, 104 femur, osteotomy
extensor digitorum longus (EDL) in distal 192–4
metatarsophalangeal joint release 249 in primary total knee replacement 175–6
extensor origin, common in revision total knee replacement 186
in elbow arthrolysis 83 in valgus deformity 192–4
in tennis elbow release 92, 93 proximal
extensor pollicis brevis (EPB) in de Quervain’s in cerebral palsy 291
decompression 106, 108 in developmental dysplasia of hip 276–8
extensor pollicis longus (EPL), in wrist arthroscopy in hip arthrodesis 164
101, 102, 103–4 in Perthes disease 288, 289
extensor tendon repair, hand 127–31 in slipped upper femoral epiphysis 280–1
external fixation, knee arthrodesis 198 in total hip arthroplasty 150
trochanteric, in total hip arthroplasty 157
facet injection 42–3 fibula
fascicular repair 54 in ankle arthrodesis, subperiosteal dissection
fasciectomy, Dupuytren’s 115–17 219
with proximal digital skin excision 117–18 in below knee amputation 296
fasciotomy, Dupuytren’s 114–15 in peroneal tendinopathy surgery 227, 228
fasting 1 figure-four position, knee arthroscopy 204
femoral artery damage fingers
developmental dysplasia of hip surgery 277 joint replacement 124–7
femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167 trigger 141–2
femoral circumflex artery damage, medial Fiolle–Delmas approach to brachial plexus 57
in developmental dysplasia of hip surgery 272 fixation
in femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167 ankle/foot arthrodesis 219, 231
femoral nerve damage cervical, with halo vest 121–4
femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167 knee arthrodesis 198
total hip arthroplasty 149 lumbar 37
femoroacetabular impingement surgery 165–8 thoracic
femur anterior 26–8
amputation through (transfemoral/above knee posterior 28–30
amputation) 293, 293–6 see also stabilization and specific instruments
avascular necrosis of head of (in Perthes disease) flaps, amputation
287 above knee 294–6
cam and pincer deformity 165 foot/ray 298, 299, 300
condylar defect, mosaicplasty 209 lesser toe 297
developmental abnormalities 288 flexion deformity
epiphysis, slipped upper 278–81 of interphalangeal joints of foot see hammer toe;
in hip resurfacing mallet toe
head displacement 162 of knee, fixed, total knee replacement with 179
preparation 162–3 flexion gaps, total knee replacement 177–8
lengthening 261–3 flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU)
in total hip arthroplasty in distal ulna excision 109
bone loss, assessment 158 in elbow arthrolysis 82
osteotomy see osteotomy in ulnar shortening 110
306 Index

flexor digitorum longus (FDL) grafts

percutaneous tenotomy 247 bone, after bone cyst curettage 10–11
tendon transfer 248 bone–patellar tendon–bone, for ACL reconstruction
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), repair 131, 133 211–13
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), repair 131, 133 hamstring, for ACL reconstruction 211, 213–15
flexor origin, common, in golfer’s elbow release nerve 54–5
92, 94 postoperative care and instructions 56
flexor pollicis longus (FPL), repair 131, 133 skin, hand 138, 139–41
flexor sheath ganglion 119–20 great toe see hallux
flexor tendon repair, hand 131–4 Green–Anderson growth remaining method 267
flexor tendon transfers, foot 248 guidewires
fluid management, postoperative 5 in for ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft 214
foot 230–45 in femoral distal osteotomy 194
amputations 297–300 in femoral preparation for hip resurfacing 162, 163
arthrodesis see arthrodesis Guyon’s canal, ulnar nerve decompression in 48
deformity in cerebral palsy 290
pediatric 284–9 haemorrhage/bleeding risk
range of motion 230 cervical spinal surgery 18, 21
foraminal stenosis, decompression see decompression total knee replacement 172
four corner wrist fusion 104–5 half-pin in limb reconstruction 259
fracture risk insertion and placement 261
in ankle arthroplasty (of tibial cortex) 221 hallux (great toe)
in Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus 236 rigidus, cheilectomy 241–2
in total knee arthroplasty 173 valgus correction 232–41
see also microfracture varus risk in valgus surgery 232, 234
full thickness skin grafts to hand 138 halo vest fixation, cervical spine 121–4
postoperative care 141 hammer toe 247
fusion see arthrodesis surgery 248–9
ganglion (synovial cyst) graft for ACL reconstruction 211, 213–15
hand 119–20 release in cerebral palsy 290
wrist 111–13 hand 114–44
gastrocnemius arthrodesis 121–4
lengthening 283 arthroplasty 124–7
recession techniques 282 deformity in cerebral palsy 290
tightness, ± soleus tightness 283, 284 harvesting
general anaesthesia 4 full thickness skin grafts 140
geniculate arteries, damage in knee arthroscopy 202 split thickness skin grafts 139–40
in lateral patellar retinaculum release 208 heart murmurs 2
Girdlestone procedure (excision hip arthroplasty) Hill–Sachs lesion, shoulder stabilization 73
165 hindfoot (rearfoot)
Girdlestone procedure (flexor tendon transfer) 248 amputation 299–300
glenohumeral joint, arthroscopic assessment 60–1 arthrodesis 252–4
gluteal artery, inferior, damage in total hip arthroplasty hip 145–71
147 arthrodesis 163–4
gluteal nerve, superior, damage in total hip arthroplasty arthrography see arthrography
148 arthroscopy 168–70
gluteus maximus tendon in hip resurfacing 161 developmental dysplasia 267–78
golfer’s elbow 92–5 closed reduction 269–71
gracilis open reduction 271–3
release in cerebral palsy 290 pelvic osteotomy 273–6
tendon for ACL reconstruction 214 proximal femoral osteotomy 276–8
Index 307

dislocation in cerebral palsy 291 arthrodesis 248–9

range of motion 145 distal
resurfacing 161–3 arthrodesis 247–8
hip replacement/arthroplasty flexion deformity see mallet toe
excision 165 proximal, flexion deformity see hammer toe
total 145–56 interphalangeal joints (IP/IJP) of hand
arthrography 171 distal (DIP)
lateral approach 148–9, 155 arthrodesis 121, 122
posterior approach 146–8, 155 arthroplasty 125
postoperative care 156 mucous cyst 120
preoperative planning 145–6 proximal (PIP)
revision of 156–61 arthrodesis 121, 123
Hoke percutaneous tenotomy 281, 283 arthroplasty 125, 126, 127
humerus thumb, arthrodesis 121
amputation through 293 intervertebral discs see discs
elbow arthrolysis via 83 intramedullary nail see nail fixation
in total elbow replacement 87–9 ISKD lengthening nail 262–3
in total shoulder replacement 76–7
tumour, biopsy 7 joints see entries under arthr-; articular and specific joints
see also transhumeral approach
hypertension 2 Keller procedure 232, 241
Kelly procedure 228
Ilizarov, Gavril Abramovich 258 knee(s) 172–217
Ilizarov frame/method amputation above (transfemoral) 293, 293–6
tibial diaphyseal deformity 264 amputation below (transtibial) 293, 296–7
tibial lengthening 263 arthrodesis 197–8
implants see prostheses arthroscopy see arthroscopy
infants, trigger thumb 142 range of motion 172, 200
infection soft tissues 200–17
joint replacement balancing in total knee replacement 178
hip 161 knee replacement/arthroplasty
knee 186 patellofemoral 187–9
respiratory 3 total 172–82
infraclavicular approach to brachial plexus 57 operative planning 173–4
ingrowing toenail 244–5 postoperative care and instructions 181–2
injection preoperative planning 172–3
elbow 97–8 revision 182–7
facet 42–3 technique 174–82
insertional Achilles tendinopathy 224 unicompartmental 189–91
instability lateral 191
correction see stabilization medial 190–1
knee, risk in total knee replacement 173 knees to chest position, lumbar disc surgery 40
tarsometatarsal joint (first) 232, 233 Kocher-type approach, elbow arthrolysis 83
intercondylar notch arthroscopy 203
intermetatarsal angle , first–second 233 Lapidus procedure 239–40
interosseous nerve laryngeal nerve (recurrent), injury in cervical spinal
anterior (AIN), tendon transfer for injury to 135 surgery 15
posterior (PIN) leg
palsy, tendon transfers 136 amputations 293–7
in radial head replacement 91 length discrepancy 260
interphalangeal angle 233 children 167
interphalangeal joints (IP/IJP) of foot Legg–Calvé–Perthes disease 278–9
308 Index

limb reconstruction 258–66 proximal (basal) 240–1

deformities 263–5 metatarsalgia, transfer 232
principles 258–9 metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ)
see also amputations; arm; leg first
local anaesthesia arthrodesis 242–4
intraoperative cheilectomy 241–2
body surface procedures 4 soft tissue release 234–5
neuroaxial 4 in flexor tendon transfer 248
postoperative 5 release 249
longitudinal ligament, posterior, in lumbar disc surgery microdiscectomy 42
41–2 microfracture in cartilage reconstruction in knee 209
lumbar spine midcarpal portals 101
decompression/fixation/fusion 37–40 midfoot amputation 298–9
disc surgery 40–2 midtarsal amputation 298
lung function tests, scoliosis 32 minimal access surgery
lumbar discs 42
malignant tumour 11–13 scoliosis 36
mallet deformity 127, 128 mini-Mitek anchors, extensor tendon repair 128, 129
mallet toe 247 monolateral rail/fixator 258
surgery 247–8 deformity correction 264
malunion femoral lengthening 262
in arthrodesis in foot/ankle 231 Montreal mattress
hindfoot 252 lumbar spinal surgery 38
lesser toes 247 scoliosis 32
in Chevron osteotomy for hallux valgus 238 thoracic spinal surgery 29
in Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus 236 Morrey approach, radial head replacement 90
mattress mosaicplasty, knee 209
scoliosis 32 Moseley straight line graph 267
thoracic spinal surgery 29 mucous cysts, digital 120
Mayfield skull clamp in cervical spine surgery 15, 19 murmurs, heart 2
mechanical axis deviation 260 muscle in cerebral palsy
median nerve balancing 290
in carpal tunnel decompression 47 contractures 290
injury risk 46, 47 myocardial infarction, preoperative 2
palsies, tendon transfers 136
Menelaus arithmetic method 267 nail (toe), ingrowing 244–5
menisci, arthroscopic surgery 204–7 nail fixation
meshing skin (with split thickness skin grafts to hand) ankle arthrodesis 219
139 femoral lengthening 262–3
metacarpophalangeal joint knee arthrodesis 198
arthrodesis 121 needle biopsy of bone 6–7
thumb 121, 122 needle fasciotomy, Dupuytren’s 114, 115
arthroplasty 125, 125–6 neoplasms see tumours
postoperative care and instructions 126–7 nerve (peripheral) 45–58
flexor tendon repair distal to 133 in amputations
flexor tendon repair proximal to 133 above knee 295
metaphyseal damage in hip replacement, grading below knee 296
158–9 grafts see grafts
metatarsal injury (neurological injury) risk
amputation through 298 Achilles lengthening 283
osteotomy ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft 214
lesser 249–50 ankle arthrodesis 219, 230–1
Index 309

ankle arthroscopy 223 wrist arthrodesis 102

calcaneal osteotomy 255 olecranon
carpal tunnel decompression 46 elbow arthrolysis 85, 86
cervical spinal surgery 15 elbow arthroplasty 88
developmental dysplasia of hip surgery 271, 272, olecranon fossa
274 elbow arthrolysis 82, 83
elbow arthrolysis 79 elbow arthroplasty 88
femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167 online computer programme, limb deformity
foot arthrodesis 230–1 correction 265
ganglion excision at wrist 112 open biopsy of bone 8–9
hallux valgus correction 232 open reduction
hip arthroplasty 148, 149 developmental dysplasia of hip 271–3
hip arthroscopy 168 slipped upper femoral epiphysis 280
knee arthroscopy 202 opiates, postoperative 4–5
rotator cuff repair 66 os peroneum syndrome 227
scoliosis surgery 36 osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis)
shoulder arthroplasty 76, 77 hallux, cheilectomy 241–2
shoulder arthroscopy 59 patellofemoral, contraindicating unicompartmental
ulnar shortening 110 knee replacement 189
palsies, tendon transfers 134–7 osteochondritis dissecans, cartilage reconstruction 208
repair (following injury) osteogenesis, distraction 258
methods 54–5 osteoporosis, hip resurfacing 161
postoperative care and instructions 56 osteotomy (bone cutting)
surgery 45–58 calcaneal 255–6
principles 53–6 in cerebral palsy 291
nerve roots femoral see femur, osteotomy
block 43 fibular, in peroneal tendinopathy 228
damage in hallux valgus 235–9, 240–1
cervical spine surgery 18–19 metatarsal see metatarsal
lumbar spine surgery 39 pelvic, developmental dysplasia of hip 273–6
neuroaxial anaesthesia 4 tibial see tibia
neurological injury/surgery see nerve ulnar shortening 110
neuroma formation risk 54 Outerbridge–Kashiwagi procedure 83
in ganglion excision at wrist 111 overuse Achilles tendinopathy 224
in hallux valgus correction 232 oxygen therapy, postoperative 5
in tendon transfers (hand) 136
neurotization 55 paediatrics see children
neurovascular bundles, Dupuytren’s fasciectomy 116 pain
see also nerve; vascular damage foot arthropathy, arthrodesis 230, 231, 243, 252
non-union (arthrodesis), foot/ankle 231 hallux valgus 232
lesser toes 247 postoperative relief 4–5
hindfoot 252 Paprosky classification of femoral defects at revision
hip surgery 158–9
obstructive airways disease, chronic 3 parapatellar incision in total knee arthroplasty, medial
obturator arterial branches, damage in total hip 174–5
arthroplasty 149 parapatellar release in revision total knee arthroplasty,
obturator nerve damage in dysplasia of hip surgery lateral 184
271, 272 patella
older and elderly people lateral release 207–8
knee surgery contraindications resurfacing
cartilage reconstruction 208 patellofemoral replacement 188
total knee arthroplasty 182 total knee replacement 179–80
310 Index

patellar tendon damage polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement

in patellofemoral arthroplasty 188 total hip arthroplasty
in total knee arthroplasty 174 femoral stem 154
in revision surgery 183 spacer in revision surgery 161
patellofemoral joint arthroscopy 203 total knee replacement 180
patellofemoral knee replacement 187–9 Ponsetti technique 284–5
patellofemoral osteoarthritis contraindicating failed 285–6
unicompartmental knee replacement 189 popliteal artery damage
patient-controlled analgesia 4–5 distal femoral osteotomy 193
pedicle screws proximal tibial osteotomy 196
scoliosis 35 postoperative care 4–5
thoracic spine 30 preoperative assessment 1–3
pelvic discontinuity with total hip arthroplasty 160 prostheses/prosthetic components/implants
pelvic osteotomy, developmental dysplasia of hip ankle arthroplasty 221
273–6 elbow replacement (total) 87
Pemberton osteotomy 275–6 finger joint replacement 125
percutaneous tenotomy techniques hip replacement (total)
Achilles tendon 281, 282, 283 acetabular components (cup/socket) 150–2
flexor digitorum longus 247 acetabular components (cup/socket), removal
peripheral nerve see nerve 159–60
peripheral regional anaesthesia 4 failure 145
peroneal nerve damage femoral components (stem) 153–4
common, in knee arthroscopy 202 femoral components (stem), removal 158
deep, in ankle arthroplasty 221 knee replacement (total) 173, 180–1
superficial, in ankle arthroscopy 223 removal 185
peroneal tendinopathy 226–8 in revision surgery 183
Perthes disease 278–9 patellofemoral replacement 189
pes anserinus in ACL reconstruction with hamstring posterior cruciate ligament-substituting 180
graft 214 radial head replacement 90
pes equinovarus correction 284–7 pseudoequinus, Achilles lengthening contraindicated
physeal cartilage removal (in pediatric leg length 282
discrepancy) 268 psoas release in cerebral palsy 290
pin(s) Pulvertaft weave
halo extensor tendon repair 130
complications 22 tendon transfer 136
positioning/advancement/tightening 23
selection of insertion sites 23 quadratus femoris in hip resurfacing 161
Schantz, in Salter osteotomy 274 quadratus plantae muscle in Cincinnati incision for
transfix, in ACL reconstruction with hamstring graft talipes equinovarus 287
215 quadriceps snip and turndown, revision total knee
see also half-pin; pinning replacement 184–5
pincer deformity of femur 165
pinning in slipped upper femoral epiphysis 278–80 radial nerve
pistol deformity of femur 165 injury in ganglion excision at wrist 111, 112
plaster spica in developmental dysplasia of hip 269, palsy, tendon transfers 136
270, 271, 273, 275 radiocarpal portals 101
plates radiographic assessment
hip arthrodesis 164 hallux valgus 233
ulnar shortening 110 limb reconstruction 259
wrist arthrodesis 103, 104, 105 radionuclide scan (scintigraphy), thallium 2
platysma muscle in anterior approach to cervical spine radius
17 amputation through 293
Index 311

head replacement 89–92 scintigraphy, thallium 2

range of motion scoliosis 30–6
ankle 218 cerebral palsy 291
cervical spine 14 idiopathic 31
elbow 79 screws (fixation)
foot 230 ankle/foot arthrodesis 219, 231
hip 145 hindfoot 254
knee 172, 200 metatarsal osteotomy (lesser toes) 250
shoulder 59 scoliosis 33, 35
wrist 100 slipped upper femoral epiphysis 279
rasps, femoral (for stem insertion) 153 thoracic spine 28
ray of foot, amputation 297 total hip arthroplasty, acetabular component 151
reaming, acetabular, total hip arthroplasty 150 removal 160
rearfoot see hindfoot segmental fasciotomy, Dupuytren’s 115
rectus femoris in femoroacetabular impingement semitendinosus tendon for ACL reconstruction 214
surgery 167 shoulder 59–78
recurvatum deformity risk, tendon transfers (hand) diagnostic arthroscopy 59–62
136 range of motion 59
reduction stabilization 71–5
in developmental dysplasia of hip anterior (arthroscopic) 74–5
closed 269–71 anteroinferior (open) 71–3
open 271–3 posterior (open) 73–4
in slipped upper femoral epiphysis, open 280 total replacement 75–7
in total hip arthroplasty, trial 154–5 silicone radial head replacement 90
regional anaesthesia, peripheral 4 Silverskiold test under anaesthesia 283
respiratory assessment 3 skin grafts, hand 138, 139–41
resurfacing skull clamp in cervical spine surgery 15, 19
hip 161–3 Smith–Peterson approach to hip, modified 166
patella see patella soft tissues
retraction in total hip arthroplasty 149 fifth toe, correction 250–1
rheumatoid arthritis, trigger finger 141 hand, reconstruction 137–41
ribs, scoliosis surgery 32–3, 33 knee see knee
rings in limb reconstruction 259 metatarsophalangeal joint (first), release 234–5
tibial diaphyseal deformity 264 in talipes equinovarus, release 285–7
risk groups, special 3 soleus and gastrocnemius tightness, combined 283,
rods, scoliosis 34, 35 284
rotator cuff repair 66–8 spastic hemiplegia, Achilles lengthening outcome 282
special risk groups 3
Salter osteotomy 273–5 spica plaster in developmental dysplasia of hip 269,
saphenous nerve damage, ACL reconstruction with 270, 271, 273, 275
hamstring graft 214 Spider Limited Wrist Fusion plate 105–6
saphenous vein damage, short, Achilles lengthening spinal cord damage in cervical spine surgery 18–19
283 spine (vertebral column) 14–44
scapholunate ligament, ganglion 111, 112 in cerebral palsy 291
scaphotrapezoid joint, ganglion 111, 113 cervical see cervical spine
Scarf osteotomy, hallux valgus 235–7 thoracolumbar 26–44
Schantz pins in Salter osteotomy 274 split thickness skin grafts to hand 138, 139–40
sciatic nerve postoperative care 141
in amputation above knee 295 stabilization
in Salter osteotomy 274 cervical spine, risks 15
in total hip arthroplasty 147 in limb reconstruction, methods to improve stability
in revision surgery 157 258–9
312 Index

stabilization – contd peroneal 226–8

shoulder see shoulder tendo-Achilles see Achilles tendon
see also fixation tendon repair, hand 127–34
sternocleidomastoid muscle in anterior approach to extensor 127–31
cervical spine 17 flexor 131–4
stiffness tendon rupture
in hallux valgus correction 232 Achilles 224, 225
knee replacement with 173 tendon transfer and risk of 135
stitches see sutures tendon transfer in delayed presentation of 135
Stullberg classification, Perthes disease 289 tendon transfers
subacromial space foot 248
arthroscopic assessment 61, 62 for muscle balancing 290
arthroscopic decompression 64–5 in talipes equinovarus 285
subcutaneous transposition of ulnar nerve 52–3 hand 134–7
subdeltoid bursa tennis elbow 92–5
in rotator cuff repair 66, 67 tennis racquet incision
in total shoulder replacement 76, 77 lesser toe amputations 297
subperiosteal dissection of fibula for ankle arthrodesis ray amputation 297
219 tenotomy, percutaneous see percutaneous tenotomy
subscapularis lengthening in total shoulder thallium scintigraphy 2
replacement 76 thoracic spine
subtalar (ST) joint arthrodesis 252, 253, 254 anterior decompression/fixation/fusion 26–8
supraclavicular approach to brachial plexus 56 posterior decompression/fixation/fusion 28–30
suprapatellar pouch, arthroscopy 203 thoracoscopic anterior correction 36
sural nerve damage thromboembolism risk
Achilles lengthening 283 ankle arthrodesis 220
Achilles tendinopathy surgery 225 hip arthrodesis, prophylaxis 164
ankle arthrodesis 219 total knee replacement 172
calcaneal osteotomy 255 thumb
sutures (stitches) deformity in cerebral palsy 290
above knee amputation 295 interphalangeal joint arthrodesis 121
extensor tendon repair in hand 129, 130 metacarpophalangeal joint arthrodesis 121, 122
flexor tendon repair in hand 133 trigger 142–3
rotator cuff repair 67 tibia
total hip arthroplasty 155 in amputation of hindfoot 299, 300
total knee replacement 181 amputation through (trans-tibial/below knee
wrist arthrodesis 104 amputation) 293, 296–7
swallowing difficulty (dysphagia), risk in cervical spinal diaphyseal deformity 264
surgery 15 lengthening 263
Swanson’s implant 125 osteotomy/bone cuts 194–7
Syme amputation 299–300 in medial unicompartmental knee replacement
synovial cyst see ganglion 190–1
in primary total knee replacement 177
talar component in ankle arthroplasty 221 in revision total knee replacement 185
talipes equinovarus correction 284–7 for varus deformity 194–7
talonavicular (TN) joint arthrodesis 252, 253, 254 prosthetic component in ankle arthroplasty 221
tarsometatarsal joint (TMTJ), first tunnel for ACL reconstruction
arthrodesis 239–40 B–T–B graft 211
hypermobility or instability 232, 233 hamstring graft 215
Taylor Spatial Frame, tibial 264 tibial artery and nerve in ankle arthroscopy 223
tendinopathy tibialis anterior tendon transfer
Achilles 224–6 in cerebral palsy 290
Index 313

in talipes equinovarus 285 ulnar nerve

tibialis posterior tendon decompression
lengthening 286 at elbow 51–3
transfer in cerebral palsy 290 at wrist 48–50
toes in elbow arthrolysis 82
great see hallux injury 79
ingrowing toenail 244–5 palsies, tendon transfers 136
lesser in ulnar shortening, injury 110
amputation 297 uncemented prostheses see cementless prosthetic
deformities 246–9 component
fifth, soft tissue correction 250–1
metatarsal osteotomy 249–50 valgus deformity
transfemoral (above knee) amputation 293, 293–6 hallux 232–41
transfer metatarsalgia 232 knee
transfixion pin method, ACL reconstruction with distal femoral osteotomy 192–4
hamstring graft 215 total knee replacement 179
transfixion suture, above knee amputation 295 valgus osteotomy
transhumeral amputation 293 femoral, in Perthes disease 288
transhumeral approach in elbow arthrolysis 83 tibial 194–7
transmalleolar approach to ankle arthrodesis, lateral varus deformity
219–20 hallux, risk in valgus surgery 232, 234
transmetatarsal amputation 298 knee
transradial amputation 293 proximal tibial osteotomy with 194–7
transtibial (below knee) amputation 293, 296–7 total knee replacement with 178–9, 179
transtricipital approach to elbow arthrolysis 81–6 in talipes equinovarus 285
trial insertion varus femoral osteotomy
in total hip arthroplasty, acetabular component developmental dysplasia of hip 276–8
150–1 Perthes disease 289
in total knee arthroplasty 181 valgus deformity 192–4
trial reduction, total hip arthroplasty 154–5 varus/valgus positioning of tibial and talar cutting
triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) guides 221
in distal ulna excision 109 vascular damage/injury
repair or debridement 100 Achilles lengthening 283
triceps in elbow arthrolysis 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 in cervical spine surgery 15, 19
trigger finger 141–2 developmental dysplasia of hip surgery 277
trigger thumb 142–3 femoroacetabular impingement surgery 167
triple arthrodesis of ankle in cerebral palsy 291 knee region
trochanteric osteotomy in total hip arthroplasty 157 in arthroscopy 202, 208
troughing of Scarf osteotomy 236 distal femoral osteotomy 193
tubercle osteotomy, tibial, in revision total knee lateral patellar retinaculum release 208
replacement 185 proximal tibial osteotomy 196
tumours (bone and soft tissue) 6–13 total knee replacement 172–3
benign, excision 9–10 Scarf osteotomy for hallux valgus 236
biopsy 6–9 total hip arthroplasty 147, 149
cystic, curettage ± bone graft 10–11 venous thromboembolism see thromboembolism risk
malignant 11–13 vertebral artery root damage in cervical spine surgery
turn down flaps, Achilles tendon defects 225 19
vertebral column see spine
ulna Vitallium radial head replacement 90
distal, excision 108–9 volar plate contracture 117
proximal, in elbow arthroplasty 87–9 Vulpius procedure 281, 284
shortening 109 V–Y advancement, Achilles tendinopathy 226
314 Index

Wadell’s abnormal illness behaviour, lumbar ganglion excision 111–13

decompression/fixation/fusion 38 range of motion 100
Weaver–Dunn acromioclavicular joint reconstruction, ulnar nerve decompression at 48–50
modified 69–70
web-based (online) programme, limb deformity Z-plasty/Z-lengthening
correction 265 Dupuytren’s fasciectomy 116
Weil’s osteotomy 249–50 soft tissue reconstruction
White slide (DAMP method) 281, 283 foot 286, 287
wires in limb reconstruction 258–9 hand 138, 138–9
insertion and placement 260, 261 zig-zag (Bruner) incisions
see also guidewires carpal tunnel decompression 47
wrist 100–13 extensor tendon repair 129
arthrodesis 102–6 flexor tendon repair 132
arthroscopy 100–2 zygapophyseal (facet) joint injection 42–3

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