Intrathyroidal Lymphoepithelial (Branchial) Cyst: Diagnostic and Management Challenge of A Rare Entity
Intrathyroidal Lymphoepithelial (Branchial) Cyst: Diagnostic and Management Challenge of A Rare Entity
Intrathyroidal Lymphoepithelial (Branchial) Cyst: Diagnostic and Management Challenge of A Rare Entity
Intrathyroidal Lymphoepithelial (Branchial) Cyst
Deputy Director, 2-5Consultant Surgeon, 6,7Associate Professor
Department of Endocrine Surgery, Henry Dunant Hospital
Center, Athens, Greece
Department of General Surgery, “Mamatsio” General Hospital
of Kozani, Kozani, Greece
Department of Public Health, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece
Department of Radiology, National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece
Corresponding Author: Christos S Christoforides, Deputy
Director, Department of Endocrine Surgery, Henry Dunant
Hospital Center, Athens, Greece, e-mail: christofchris@gmail.
Fig. 1: Sonographic image of the left lobe 3.8 cm cystic lesion
Fig. 2: Intraoperative image of the ruptured cystic lesion and its Fig. 3: The squamous epithelial cells of the cyst
yellowish, pus-like content
ultimobranchial body can be classified as solid cell The fact that the number of reported cases is very
nests, solid cell nests with focal cystic change, cystic small and so do the experience and knowledge in this
solid cell nests, branchial cleft-like cyst and Warthin rare pathological finding the controversy remain over
tumor-like lesions.15 A branchial cyst is an epithelial- the origin of the intrathyroidal branchial cysts. Through
lined structure without an external opening that is the review of the limited literature, it is most likely,
mostly located in the lateral areas of the head and neck. from the majority of authors, that they are remnants
Most of thyroid cystic lesions are the result of degenera- of the ultimobranchial body (solid cell nests). They
tion on the ground of nodular goiter or neoplasm.16 In develop from the fourth and fifth branchial pouch
literature, there are rare descriptions of cystic lesions complex along with the thymus and parathyroid tissue,
with epithelial lining and morphology compatible with later incorporated within the lateral lobes of the thyroid
those of branchial cysts.17 as small cystic and solid cell nests.18,22
Commonly, lymphoepithelial branchial cysts are Another question is raised as far as their relation and
located in the lateral neck. There is a theory supporting strong association with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It is not
that the intrathyroidal appearance of branchial cysts is an absolute prerequisite, but the presence of lymphocytic
probably due to branchial remnants. This is supported infiltration adjacent to the cyst is a consistent finding.
by occasional intrathyroidal presence of other branchiae- This can lead us to the assumption that intrathyroidal
derived structures, such as thymic and parathyroid tissue. branchial cysts can arise whenever inflammation of any
Some of the previously reported cases agree and reinforce type is present. Some speculate that thyroiditis may
this theory.1,12 induce enlargement of a previously existing intrathy-
Moreover, the presence of squamous epithelium (as roidal branchial cyst. The overwhelming majority of the
seen within the walls of these cysts) is not common within previously reported cases are associated with thyroiditis.8
the thyroid gland. Therefore, considering the source of In view of the rarity of this lesion, it is unlikely to
squamous cells within the thyroid might give us a lead have a preoperative diagnosis. There are no specific
as far as the origin of intrathyroidal branchial cysts is radiological findings that can lead us to diagnosis and
concerned.11 Squamous epithelium in the thyroid may only a suspicion can be raised when the aspiration of a
be derived from thymic remnants, thyroglossal duct cystic lesion gives us yellowish, pus-like, thick fluid.13 The
remnants, metaplastic follicular cells, ultimobranchial diagnosis, as in all previously reported cases, can only be
remnants, and tumors containing squamous cells.16 suggested by histopathological confirmation. Therefore,
Thymic remnants have been found in the lateral parts we generally suggest when thyroid cysts are detected by
of the thyroid gland, in one of the previously reported ultrasound examination to determine through aspiration
cases. They are likely to be present because the thymus its content and whether it is a colloid or a true epithelial
has a close relationship with thyroid gland embryologi- thyroid cyst. A definite diagnosis will be made postop-
cally. This was not identified in our case. On the contrary, eratively, but depending on the findings, intrathyroidal
thyroglossal remnants can also be the source of squamous branchial cysts should be considered in the differential
cells, but in this case, they are located centrally than in diagnosis.
the lateral lobes.17 The review of the 29, in English literature to our
In thyroid glands affected by inflammation, squa- knowledge, previously reported cases reveals that 20
mous cells can also be found and probably originate cases occurred in women and 8 in men, while in one case,
from remnants of the ultimobranchial body, also known the gender is not reported. The mean patient age at the
as solid cell nests. Also, tumors containing squamous time of diagnosis was 44.3 years (7–77 years), while our
epithelium have a range of cyst like lesions, and in these patient seems to be the oldest reported until today. The
neoplasms, squamous metaplasia that has undergone distribution of these cystic lesions in the thyroid gland is
malignant degeneration is most likely to have taken difficult to establish since total thyroidectomy occurred
place.18-21 in only 13 of the reported cases, while the rest consisted
Interestingly, some of the previously reported cases of lobectomies alone. Of those with total thyroidectomy,
have occurred in thyroid glands containing a separate seven showed bilateral and the remaining six unilateral
papillary carcinoma or even in some cases, a thyroid involvement only. Papillary carcinoma was found in only
carcinoma located in the cyst. This could suggest a causal five of the previously reported cases, as well as in our case.
relationship between the two entities, but it seems more Lymphoid tissue associated with the cysts was present
likely that these were coincidental findings.4,22-25 Coin- in all reported cases and was located in the wall of the
cidental or not, in our reported case, a 0.3 cm area of cyst, just beneath the epithelium. Lymphoid infiltration
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