Explant Sterilization Technique
Explant Sterilization Technique
Explant Sterilization Technique
Key words: Ethanol , mercuric chloride , shoot tip, nodal segment, juvenile phase, vegetative
The experiment was conducted at the Plant Tissue culture laboratory, HC & RI, TNAU,
Coimbatore. The stock plant, Andrographis was maintained in pot culture at Botanic Gardens,
TNAU, Coimbatore for supply of explants i.e., shoot tip (1.5 - 2 cm) and nodal segment (2 -2.5 cm)
throughout the experiment period. The explants were collected at two physiological stages of interest
viz., juvenile phase (30-45 days old seedlings) and vegetative phase (60-90 days old plants) for
micropropagation. Initially the freshly collected explants were washed thrice under running tap
water. The explants were then prewashed with Tween 20 emulsifier (2-3 drops in 100 ml sterile
distilled water) for one minute followed by rinsing three times in sterile distilled water. Prior to
surface sterilization, antibrowning treatment was given to control phenol exudation from the cut
end of the tissues. Before disinfection, the explants were washed with 70 % ethanol (v/v) for 10-25
seconds and surface sterilized with 0.1 % ( w/v) mercuric chloride (HgCl2 ) for 2-6 minutes. For
better contact of the sterilant (0.1 % HgCl2 ) with the explants, they were stirred for few minutes
while disinfesting. The surface sterilized explants were finally rinsed in sterile distilled water
under laminar airflow chamber to remove all traces of sterilizing agent (1) and placed on a
sterilized petridish covered with sterilized filter paper to remove excess moisture present on the
surface of the explant. Data on contamination, mortality and survival percentage were recorded.
The contamination percentage was calculated using the following formula,
Surfaces of plant carry a wide range of microbial contaminants. To avoid this source of
infection, the explant tissues must be thoroughly surface sterilized before inoculating it on the
nutrient medium. Explants treated with Tween 20, a wetting agent improved the disinfestation by
acting as a surfactant thereby removing the surface contaminants like soil and dust. While
trimming the explants, phenols ooze out from the cut tissues, resulting in explant browning. In
order to control the phenol exudation, the explants were given antibrowning treatment. 70 %
ethanol washing was given prior to disinfection, apart from a surface sterilant by itself, it enhances
the contact of the disinfectant (0.1 % HgCl2 ) efficiently (4). After rinsing in ethanol, the explants
were left exposed until the alcohol evaporates (3). Generally, to disinfect the plant tissues various
sterilizing agents have been used. Mercuric chloride was found to be a very effective sterilizing
agent at 0.1 % concentration in Andrographis. The chlorine gas released from HgCl2 was very
penetrating that it destroyed the microorganisms present in most tissues of the explant (2). It is also
important to be cautious that a surface sterilant is also toxic to the explant tissues. Therefore
concentration of the sterilizing agent and duration of the treatment should be optimum to minimize
tissue mortality of the explants due to over sterilization.
1. George, E.F. and Sherrington, P.D. 1984. Plant Propagation by Tissue Culture. Exogenetics
Limited, England.
2. Hamill, S.D., Sharrock, S.L and Smith, M.K. 1993. Comparison of decontamination methods
used in initiation of banana tissue cultures from field collected suckers. Plant cell tissue organ cult.
33: 343 –346.
3. Kao, K.N.. and Michayluk,M.R. 1980. Plant regenation from mesophyll protoplast of
alfalfa.Z.Pflanzen physiol., 96 : 135 – 141.