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This report researched and edited by: Methodology

Editor List of respondents
Richard Morrow

Polls editor
Bernice Lam
Assistant polls editor
Alice Li Prime broking & hedge fund services
Design manager Australia
Simon Kay
Andrew Cover Hong Kong

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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the
permission of the publisher. Indonesia
While every care is taken in the preparation of this publication, no responsibility can be
accepted for any errors, however caused. Japan
“Asiamoney” is registered as a trademark.
© 2008 Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited Korea
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In the 19th annual Brokers Poll Asiamoney invitations to participate in the poll were Regional Equity Research Equity Sales
sent to chief investment officers, senior fund managers and senior investment analysts (The 12 industries covered are those given the highest weighting in the MSCI Asia ex-Japan index • Best overall sales service
at fund management houses, hedge fund & private equity firms, insurance companies as of 31 May 2008 – please refer to the GICS map for industry definitions): • Best sales people
and wealth management houses in Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America. A total of • Strategist • Best brokerage for sales trading
1,740 individual responses from approximately 1,000 different institutions, including • Economist • Best execution
305 hedge funds, were received. • Quantitative/technical analyst
• Banks analyst Corporate Access
Prior to launching the poll Asiamoney mapped out a target list of institutional investor • Conglomerates analyst • Best for events and/or conferences
and hedge fund firms and only responses from individuals within those firms were • Consumer discretionary analyst • Best for roadshows and company visits
accepted. During the auditing process Asiamoney further verified responses by speak- • Consumer staples analyst
ing directly to respondents; 180 individual responses were made void either because • Energy analyst Equity Research
their firm’s name was not on the target list or because they failed to fulfill the auditing • Materials analyst • Best overall country research
requirements. The geographical breakdown of the final 1,057 institutions is as follows: • Real estate analyst • Best country analysts
• Semiconductors & semiconductor equipment analyst • Best research coverage for strategy, macroeconomics, small caps and each of the 5
Hong Kong 21.8% • Technology hardware & equipment analyst highest-weighted industries* in that market
India 8.2% • Telecommunication services analyst * Industries selected according to the relevant MSCI indices as of 31 May 2008.
• Transportation analyst • Most independent research brokerage
Indonesia 2.0%
• Utilities analyst
Japan 3.4% • Most independent research brokerage Calculation of Results
Europe 6.7% • Least independent research brokerage
Korea 5.4% Points for Place
Hedge Fund section For all categories, a first place vote was awarded three points; second place two points and
• best for hedge fund strategy third place one point.
Malaysia 5.5%
China 10.7% • best for hedge fund ideas
• most proactive services in relation to hedge fund coverage “One Firm – One Vote”
• best depth and quality of inventory for stock loan To avoid any one institution having more influence than others of equal size, multiple
Australia 2.8% North America 11.2% • best execution for hedge fund trades responses were fractioned according to the total number received from that one institution.
Thailand 1.9% • most innovative trading ideas
Taiwan 4.6% • best for hedge fund derivatives sales Asset Size Weightings
Others 0.7%
• best for hedge fund derivatives research Each response was then weighted according to the institution’s approximate asset size (total
Philippines 0.4%
Singapore 14.7% • best for electronic trading platform (including algorithmic trading and direct market unleveraged Asian equity funds under management) in Asia-Pacific (ex-Australia & Japan),
access) in Australia or in Japan (depending upon the institution’s allocation of funds). The table
The questionnaire incorporates 15 different sections as follows: • best sales people servicing hedge funds below details weightings according to asset size (hedge fund firms have been weighted at
• best sales traders servicing hedge funds six times their assets to reflect their higher turnover rate):
Regional China Indonesia Malaysia Singapore
• most important core service when selecting a Prime Broker
Hedge Fund Hong Kong Japan Pakistan Taiwan
• best product innovation for prime broking Asset size (US$million) No. of institutions Multiplied by
Australia India Korea The Philippines Thailand
• best pricing for prime broking <200 284 1
• best for capital introduction
The questionnaire includes the following sections and categories: 200-500 172 4
• best client service for prime broking (resourceful responsiveness & trust-worthiness)
501-1,000 147 8
• best risk management advisory services
Regional (Asia ex-Australia & Japan) section • best for quantitative research 1,001-2,000 135 12
• Most improved brokerage, across both research & sales, over the last 12 months. • best for customized reporting 2,001-4,000 104 16
• best for futures >4,000 215 20
Regional Equity Sales • best all-round solutions for prime broking 1,057
• Best regional brokerage for sales services
• Best regional sales people Country sections
• Best regional sales traders • Most improved brokerage, across both research & sales, over the last 12 months
• Best regional brokerage for execution • Best local brokerage
Rankings for Overall Combined Research & Sales, Overall Research & Overall Sales
For the Asia (ex-Australia & Japan) rankings a country weighting system was used to compare brokerages as a whole in the region. The ration- Weightings for the Asia (ex-Australia & Japan) overall sales rankings
ale is that the importance of markets varies across the region, so the points a brokerage receives in major markets should be weighted more
than the points it receives in smaller markets. The MSCI AC Asia ex-Japan (as of 31 May 2008) was used to achieve this. A similar sector Regional 30.00% Multiplied by
weighting system was used to address the importance of the sectors within the region. Please refer to the following tables for a mathematical - Overall sales services 30.00% 4.80
Country (Total) 70.00% Multiplied by
- China 15.55% 2.49
Weightings for the Asia (ex-Australia & Japan) overall research rankings - Hong Kong 9.15% 1.46
- India 7.15% 1.14
Regional (Total) 30.00% Multiplied by - Indonesia 1.70% 0.27
- Strategy 3.00% 0.48 - Korea 14.88% 2.38
- Economics 2.00% 0.32 - Malaysia 2.53% 0.40
- Quantitative 1.00% 0.16 - Pakistan 0.14% 0.02
- Philippines 0.43% 0.07
- Banks 4.46% 0.71 - Singapore 4.79% 0.77
- Conglomerates 1.02% 0.16 - Taiwan 12.12% 1.94
- Consumer Discretionary 1.75% 0.28 - Thailand 1.55% 0.25
- Consumer Staples 1.01% 0.16
- Energy 2.58% 0.41 Total 100.00%
- Materials 2.32% 0.37
- Real Estate 2.12% 0.34
For the Australia and Japan overall combined research & sales rankings, the votes from the categories of best overall country research and
- Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment 2.39% 0.38
best overall sales service for each market were simply added together.
- Technology Hardware & Equipment 1.80% 0.29
- Telecommunication Services 2.53% 0.41
N.B. The percentage shares of all published rankings are based on calculated scores and are rounded to two decimal places.
- Transportation 1.02% 0.16
- Utilities 1.00% 0.16
The cut-off date for the movement of analysts, sales people and sales traders was 31 August 2008. Only those who changed employer on or
before that date are listed under their new brokerage, if known. The names and coverage of each individual was verified by their brokerage.
Country (Total) 70.00% Multiplied by
- China 15.55% 2.49
Asiamoney would like to thank those who helped design the questionnaire, as well as all respondents for taking the time to complete and
- Hong Kong 9.15% 1.46
return it.
- India 7.15% 1.14
- Indonesia 1.70% 0.27
- Korea 14.88% 2.38
- Malaysia 2.53% 0.40
- Pakistan 0.14% 0.02
- Philippines 0.43% 0.07
- Singapore 4.79% 0.77
- Taiwan 12.12% 1.94
- Thailand 1.55% 0.25

Total 100.00%

INDUSTRY GROUP (SELECTED) INDUSTRY Transportation - air freight & logistics - airlines
Automobiles & Components - auto components - automobiles - marines - road & rail
Banks - commercial banks - thrifts & mortgage finance - transportation infrastructure
Capital Goods - aerospace & defense - building products Utilities - electric utilities - gas utilities
- construction & engineering - electrical equipment - multi-utilities - water utilities
- industrial conglomerates - machinery - independent power producers & energy traders
- trading companies & distributors
Commercial Services & Supplies - commercial services & supplies - professional services 1
Conglomerates refers to the Industry Industrial Conglomerates. It has been selected as a regional sector to replace Capital Goods to better reflect the industry
Conglomerates 1 - industrial conglomerates sectors covered by brokers within the region.
Consumer Durables & Apparel - household durables - leisure equipment & products
- textiles, apparel & luxury goods Disclaimer
Consumer Services - hotels, restaurants & leisure - diversified consumer services This information is the property of Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. (MSCI). It is provided for informational purposes only, and is not
Diversified Financials - diversified financial services - consumer finance a recommendation to participate in any particular trading strategy. The information may not be used to verify or correct data, or any
- capital markets compilation of data or index or in the creation of any indices. Nor may it be used in the creating, writing, offering, trading, marketing or
Energy - energy equipment & services - oil, gas & consumable fuels promotion of any financial instruments or products. This information is provided on an “as is” basis. Although MSCI shall obtain information
Food & Staples Retailing - food & staples retailing from sources which MSCI considers reliable, neither MSCI, its affiliates nor any other party involved in the making or compiling of the
Food, Beverage & Tobacco - beverages - food products information guarantees the accuracy and/or the completeness of any of this information. Neither MSCI, its affiliates nor any other party
- tobacco involved in the making or compiling of the information makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be
Health Care Equipment & Services - health care equipment & services - health providers & services obtained by any person or entity from any use of this information, and the user of this information assumes the entire risk of any use made of
- health care technology this information. Neither MSCI, its affiliates nor any other party involved in the making or compiling of the information makes any express or
Household & Personal Products - household products - personal products implied warranties, and MSCI, its affiliates and any other party involved in the making or compiling of the information hereby expressly
Insurance - insurance disclaim all warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of this information. Without limiting any of
Materials - chemicals - construction materials the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, its affiliates or any other party involved in the making or compiling of the information have any liability
- containers & packaging - metals & mining for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such
- paper & forest products damages. Morgan Stanley Capital International, MSCI and all other service marks referred to herein are the exclusive property of MSCI and
Media - media its affiliates. All MSCI indices are the exclusive property of MSCI and may not be used in any way without the express written permission of
Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences - biotechnology - pharmaceuticals MSCI. MSCI is a leading provider of global indices and benchmark related products and services to investors worldwide. Morgan Stanley, a
- life science tools & services global financial services firm and a market leader in securities, asset management, and credit services, is the majority shareholder of MSCI,
Real Estate - real estate investment trusts (REITs) - real estate management & development and The Capital Group Companies, Inc., a global investment management group, is the minority shareholder
Retailing - distributors - internet & catalogue retail
- multiline retail - specialty retail
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment - semiconductors - semiconductor equipment
Software & Services - internet software & services - IT services
- software
Technology Hardware & Equipment - communications equipment - computers & peripherals
- office electronics - electronic equipment & instruments
- electronic components
Telecommunication Services - diversified telecommunication services - wireless telecommunication services
Those institution names requested to be kept confidential are not listed.
The poll was directed at individuals - their views do not necessarily reflect the views of their companies as a whole.
Australia: Allard Partners Australia; AllianceBernstein; Amalg Capital Management; Tenax Capital; Union Bancaire Privee; Urwick Capital India: ABN AMRO Asset Management; AIG Investments; AllianceBernstein; Malaysia: Aberdeen Asset Management; AIA Fund Management; Aims Asset Management; ARA Strategic Capital; Argo Capital Management; Arisaig
Management; AMP Capital Investors; Arnott Capital; Bennelong Long Short Management; Väring Capital; WestLB Mellon Asset Management Americorp Capital; Anew Capital Management; Artha Capital; Arya Capital Management; Alliance Investment Bank; Alliance Investment Management; Partners; Arjava Capital; ARN Investment Partners; Arohi Asset Management;
Equity Management; Colonial First State Global Asset Management; DV01 Funds Management; ASK Investment Managers; AVIVA INDIA; Aviva Life Insurance; Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia; Alpha Asset Management; AmanahRaya-JMF Artisan Asia-Pacific; Artradis Fund Management; Asian Management; Atlantis
Management; Elstree Investment Management; Five Oceans Asset Management; Hong Kong: Abax Global Capital; ABN AMRO BANK; Acru Asset Management; Axis Bank; Bajaj Allianz General Insurance; Bharti Axa Investment Managers; Asset Management; Amara Investment Management; AmAssurance; American Investment Management; Atlas Holdings; Bank Julius Baer; Bank Pictet & Cie;
Global Value Investors; Hunter Hall Investment Management; ING Investment Agifel International; AIG Investments; Ajia Partners; Aktis Capital Advisory; Birla Sun Life Asset Management; Birla Sun Life Insurance; Blackstone Fund International Assurance; AmInvestment Management; Apollo Investment Binjai Hill Asset Management; Black River Asset Management; BNP Paribas
Management; K2 Asset Management; Macquarie Investment Management; Alkeon Capital Management; Allard Partners; Apex Capital Management; APG Services; Canara Robeco Asset Management; ChrysCapital Investment Advisors; Management; Arah Advisory Services; Avenue Invest; Bank Muamalat; Bank Asset Management; Bridge Capital Investments; Broad Peak Investment
Merricks Capital; Optimal Fund Management ; Perennial Investment Partners; Investments; Argyle Street Management; Asia Debt Management; AT Asset Courage Capital Management; DBS Cholamandalam Asset Management; DnB Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana Malaysia; CIMB-Principal Asset Management; Advisers; Broad Peak Investment Management; Capital International; Chirin
Platinum Asset Management; PM CAPITAL; Prime Value Asset Management; Management; Atlantis Investment Management; Axial Capital; Axiom NOR Investment Advisory Services; DSP Merrill Lynch; DSP Merrill Lynch Fund CMS Asset Management; CMS Trust Management; Corston-Smith Asset Capital; Chuo Mitsui Investments; CIMB-GK Securities; Citi; Clariden Leu; CLSA
Sandringham Capital; St Helens Capital; Susquehanna Pacific; Treasury Asia Investment Management; Ballingal Investment Advisors; Balyasny Asset Managers; Envision Capital Advisors; Finquest Securities; Fortuna Capital; Management; Dubai Investment Group; Fortress Capital Asset Management; Capital Partners; CMIA Capital Partners; Columbia Management; Commerzbank;
Asset Management; UBS Global Asset Management; Wallace Funds Management Management; Baring Asset Management; BEA Union Investment Management; Franklin Templeton Investments; General Atlantic; HDFC Asset Management; Great Eastern Life Assurance; Hong Leong Assurance; Hong Leong Fund Concordia Advisors; CRA Management; Credit Suisse; DA Capital Asia; Daiwa
BlackRock; Blackstone A.M.N. Advisors; Blue Pool Capital; BOCI-Prudential Asset HDFC Securities; HDFC Standard Life Insurance; HSBC Global Asset Management; HwangDBS Investment Management; ING Funds; Kenanga Asset Asset Management; Daiwa SB Investments; DBS Asset Management; Deutsche
China: ABC-CA Fund Management; ABN AMRO TEDA Fund Management; Actis; Management; Bowen Capital Management; Boyer Allan Investment Management; Hudson Fairfax Group; ICICI Lombard General Insurance; ICICI Management; Koperasi Permodalan Felda; Kumpulan Sentiasa Cemerlang; Asset Management; Deutsche Bank; Diamond Head Capital; Elixir Financial;
AIG Investments; AIG-Huatai Fund Management; Ajia Partners; Management; Brevan Howard; Buena Vista Fund Management; Cape Asset Prudential Asset Management; ICICI Prudential Life Insurance; ICICI Venture Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan); Kurnia Insurans; Lembaga Tabung European Investors; Everest Capital; Exelion Capital Management; Foison
AllianceBernstein; Alltrust Insurance; AMP Capital Investors; APS Asset Management; CCB International Asset Management; Cheyne Capital; China Funds Management; IDFC Investment Advisors; IDFC Mutual Fund; IEP Advisors; Haji; Malaysian Assurance Alliance; Manulife Insurance; Mayban Investment Investment Research & Management; Fortis Investments; Fullerton Fund
Management; Artesian Capital Management; Bank of China Group Investment; Alpha Investment Management; China Asset Management; China BOCOM IL&FS; Indea Capital; India Advisory Partners; India Performance Advisors; ING Management; MCIS Zurich Insurance; Meridian Asset Management; MIDF Management; G.T.O.; Galleon; GE Asset Management; GE Money; GeoSphere
Bank of China Investment Management; Bank of Communications International Insurance; China Everbright Asset Management; China Life Franklin Asset Investment Management; ING Vysya Life Insurance; JM Financial Asset Amanah Asset Management; Navis Management; Overseas Assurance Capital Management; GIC; Goldman Sachs; Halbis Capital Management; Helios
Trust; Bank of Communications Schroder Fund Management; Baosteel Group; Management; China Value Investment; ChinaRock Capital Management; Chuang's Management; JM Financial Investment Managers; JM Financial Mutual Fund; Corporation; Pacific Mutual Fund; PacificMas Asset Management; Permodalan Capital Management; Henderson Global Investors; HSBC Private Bank; Indea
Blue Pool Capital; Bohai Capital; Bosera Asset Management; CCB Principal Asset China Investments; Citadel Investment Group; Citi Alternative Investments; Karma Capital Advisors; Karma Capital Management; Kotak Mahindra Asset Nasional; Pheim Asset Management; Phillip Mutual; Prudential Fund Capital; Indus Capital; ING Asia Private Bank; JH Whitney Investment
Management; Cephei Capital Management; Chang Xin Asset Management; CITIC Allco Investments; Cohen & Steers; Comgest Far East; Cornerstone Real Management; Latwalla Investments; Lotus India Asset Management; Max New Management; Public Mutual; Retirement Fund Inc; RHB Investment Management; JL Capital; JPMorgan Asset Management; JPMorgan Asset
Changsheng Fund Management; China Asset Management; China International Estate Advisers; CQS; Credit Agricole Asset Management; Credit Suisse Private York Life Insurance; Mirae Asset Global Investment Management; Morgan Management; Singular Asset Management; Social Security Organisation; TA Management – Hedge; Kelusa Capital; KIMCO International; Kingsmead Capital
Fund Management; China Investment Corporation; China Life Asset Banking; D. E. Shaw & Co; Daiwa Asset Management; Daiwa SB Investments; Stanley; New Horizon Investments; NV Advisory Services; Principal PNB Asset Investment Management; UOB-OSK Asset Management; ValueCap Advisors; Komodo Capital Management; Liberty Harbor; Libra Capital
Management; China Merchants Fund; China Nature Asset Management; China Dalton Capital; Deephaven Capital Management; Demeter Asset Management; Management; Reliance Capital Asset Management; Reliance Life Insurance; Royal Management; Lion Global Investors; Lloyd George Management; Makara Capital;
Post & Capital Fund Management; China Re Asset Management; China Southern Deutsche Asset Management; DIAM; Diamond Head Capital; DKR Oasis; DnB NOR Sundaram Alliance Insurance; Samara India Advisors; SBI Funds Management; North America: AGF Funds; AIG Investments; Akana Capital Management; Mass Financial Services (MFS); Merrill Lynch; Millennia Investment
Fund Management; CICC; CITIC Securities; CPIC; Da Cheng Fund Management; Asset Management; Doric Capital; DragonBack Capital; Ecofin; Edmond de SBI Life Insurance; SBI Mutual Fund; Smith Management; STCI Primary Dealer; Anew Capital Management; Arbitrak Financial; Argonaut Capital Management; Management; Millennium Capital Management; MIR Investment Management;
Ding Tian Asset Management; DM Capital; DnB NOR Asset Management; DT Rothschild Asset Management; EFG Bank; Ellerston Capital; Elliott Advisors; Eton Sundaram BNP Paribas; Tata AIG Life Insurance; Tata Asset Management; Taurus Armor Capital Management; Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Advisers; Artio Global Mirae Asset Global Investments; Monterey Capital Management; Morgan
Capital Partners; E Fund Management; Ellerston Capital; Emperor Investment Park; Evenstar Capital Management; Evolution Capital Management; Excelfund Asset Management; Taurus Mutual Fund; Temasek Holdings Advisors; Tiger Investors; Artisan Partners; Axiom International Investors; Barclays Global Stanley; Nalanda Capital; New Harbour Capital Partners; Nikko Asset
Management; Everbright Pramerica Fund Management; Everbright Securities; Management; Fair Capital Management; FIL Investment Management; First Global Advisors; Tricolor Advisory Services; UTI Asset Management; UTI mutual Investors; Barington Capital Group; Basso Capital Management; Batterymarch Management; Nissay Deutsche Asset Management; Nomura Asset Management;
Everyoung Capital Management; Fortis Haitong Investment Management; State Investments; Fortis Investments; Fortress Investment Group; Foundation funds; UTI Ventures; Voyager Investment Advisors Financial Management; BlackShip Capital Management; Capital International; Noonday Asset Management; NTUC Income Insurance; Oaktree Capital
Fortune SGAM Fund Management; Fortune Trust; Franklin Templeton Asset Management; FrontPoint Partners; Fubon Investment Management; Gain Caravel Management; Carret Asset Management; Cavalry Asset Management; Management; OCBC; OCTIS Asset Management; Pacific Star Fund Management;
Investment; Franklin Templeton Sealand Fund Management; Fullgoal Fund Asset Management; Galaxy Asset Management; Gandhara Advisors; Gandhara Indonesia: AXA Asset Management; CIM Investment Management; CIMB- Citadel Investment Group; Cliffwood Partners; Columbia Management; Columbia Paddington Asset Management; Pendulum Asset Management; Peterson Asset
Management; GE Asset Management; Gem Holdings; GF Fund Management; Capital; GCA Fund; GCIS; Ginger Capital Management; Goldman Sachs; Go-To- Principal Asset Management; Ciptadana Asset Managment; Credit Suisse Wanger Asset Management; Coronat Asset Management; Courage Capital Management; Pheim Asset Management; Phillip Capital Management; Pictet &
Goldman Sachs; Great Wall Fund Management; Greenwoods Asset Management; Asia Investment; Greenwoods Asset Management; Guoco Group; Guotai Junan Investment Management; Danareksa Investment Management; Danatama Management; Credit Suisse; Criterion Capital Management; D. E. Shaw & Co; Cie; Pioneer Investment Management; Pramerica Real Estate Investors;
Guosen Securities; Guotai Junan Allianz Fund Management; Guotai Junan Assets; Assets; Guotai Junan Securities; Halbis Capital Management; Hamon Investment Makmur Investment Management; First State Investments; Fortis Investments; Davis Funds; Delaware Investments; Delta Partners; Deltec Asset Management; Providence Capital Management; Prudential Asset Management; Prusik
Harfor Funds Management; Harvest Fund Management; Hillhouse Capital Group; Helmsman Capital Management; Highbridge Capital Management; Horizon Gani Aset Manajemen; GMT Aset Manajemen; Indo Premier Securities – Pro; Eagle Global Advisors; EM Capital Management; Emerging Markets Investment Management; Putnam Investments; QVT Financial; RBS Coutts Bank;
Management; HSBC Jintrust Fund Management; Hua An Fund Management; Capital; HSBC; HSBC Halbis Capital Management; HSBC Principal Investments; Mandiri Manajemen Investasi; Manulife Aset Manajemen; Nusadana Asset Management; Emerging Sovereign Group; ERS of Texas; Evergreen Investments; Reliance Asset Management; Rexiter Capital Management; Royal Bank of
Huashang Fund Management; Huatai Asset Management; ICBC Credit Suisse HSZ; I.G. Investment Management; ICL Management; IMC Investment; Indus Management; Pearl Capital Management; PNM Investment Management; Evolution Capital Management; Farallon Capital Management; Federated Global Canada; Sansar Capital Management; Schroder Investment Management; Scion
Asset Management; Industrial Fund Management; INVESCO Great Wall Fund Capital; Infiniti Investment Management; ING Investment Management; Inter- Pratama Capital; Schroder Investment Management; Semesta Indovest; Management; Fidelity Investments; First New York Securities; First State Investment; SEB; Shidan Capital; SJAM Investment Managers; Société Générale
Management; Keywise Capital Management; Lion Fund Management; Martin Asia Venture Management; Invesco; iVenture Investment Management; Ivory Syailendra Capital Investments; FrontPoint Financial Services Fund; Galleon; George Weiss Asset Management; Spinnaker Capital; Stark Investments; Stretto Capital;
Currie; MegaTrust Investment; MICH Investments; Morgan Stanley; Morley Fund Investment Management; Jana Partners; JF Asset Management; JK Capital Associates; GeoSphere Capital Management; GIC; GMO; Goodman & Company; Sumisho Capital Management; T Rowe Price; Tantallon Capital Advisors;
Management; National Council for Social Security Fund; New Century Fund Management; JPMorgan; Keywise Capital Management; KGI Asia; Korea Japan: 777 Investment; Akana Capital Management; AllianceBernstein; Atom Harding Loevner; Hunter Global Investors; ING Investment Management; Temasek Holdings; TGEM Partners; The Rohatyn Group; Three Kingdoms Capital;
Management; New China Life Insurance; Norges Bank Investment Management; Investment & Securities; Korea Investment Trust Management; Legg Mason Capital Management; Capital International; Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance; Institutional Capital; Invesco; Ironbound Capital; J. & W. Seligman; Jadeite Tiedemann; TM Asia Life Singapore; Tokio Marine Asset Management; Tree Line
Orient Fund Management; Pacific Asset Management; Penghua Fund International Equities; Lehman Brothers; LIM Advisors; Lloyd George DIAM; Dresdner Kleinwort; Fortis Investments; Fortress Investment Group; Capital; JCA Partners; Joho Capital; JPMorgan Asset Management; Liberty Investment Management; Tudor Capital; UBS Global Asset Management; UOB
Management; PICC Asset Management; Ping An Annuity Insurance; Ping An Management; Lombard Odier; Darier Hentsch & Cie; Lotus Asset Management; Fukoku Capital Management; GAM; Highbridge Capital Management; Horizon Square Asset Management; Moon Capital; Natixis; Neon Liberty Capital Asset Management; Value Capital Asset Management; Whitefield Capital
Asset Management; Pinpoint China Fund; Power Pacific Corporation; Prime Ludgate Hill Investment Management; Luminary Capital; Lynas Capital; Asset International; Indra Investments; Japan Advisory; LIM Advisors; Lupus Management; Neuberger Berman; New Vernon Capital; Newport Asia; North Management; Woori Absolute Partners; Woori Investment & Securities; ZAIS
Capital Management; Prudential Asset Management; Rising China Fund; Rong Macquarie; Manulife Asset Management; Marco Polo Pure Asset Management; Alpha Asset Management; Meiji Dresdner Asset Management; Milestone Asset Sound Capital; Oaktree Capital Management; Orchid Asia Group Management; Group
Tong Fund Management; Shanghai PuDong Development Bank; Shenzhen China- Marshall Wace GaveKal; Martin Currie investment Mgmt.; MCL Assets; Merrill Management; Morgan Stanley; Nikko Asset Management; Nissay Asset Plinthos Capital; Porter Orlin; Precept Capital Management; Prince Street
Europe Rabbit Fund Management; Soochow Asset Management; Springs Capital; Lynch; MFC Global Asset Management; MGPA; MICH Investments; Middle Island Management; Ottoman Capital; Prospect Asset Management; RCM Japan; SMBC Capital; Putnam Investments; Pyramis (Fidelity); Pzena Investment Taiwan: AIG Investments; AIG Nan Shan Life; Augustus Asset Management;
SYWG BNP Paribas Asset Management; Taikang Asset Management; Taikang Capital; Mirae Asset Global Investments; Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Friend Securities; SPARX Asset Management; Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Management; Quantrarian Capital Management; Redbrick Capital Management; Capital Investment Trust Corp; Cathay Life Insurance; Cathay Securities
Insurance; Taurus L.H. Fund; UBS SDIC Fund Management; UBS Securities; Corporation; Mizuho Securities; Morgan Stanley; New World Development; Nezu Management; Sumitomo Trust and Banking; T Rowe Price; T&D Asset Rogge Capital Management; Ruane Cunniff & Goldfarb; Samlyn Capital; Seacross Investment Trust; China Development Industrial Bank; Clairvoyance Capital;
Warburg Pincus; Yimin Asset Management; Yin Hua Fund Management; Asia; Nomura Asset Management; North of South Capital; Oasis Management; Management; Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance; Tokio Marine Asset Global Advisors; Shah Capital Management; Société d’Analyses Economiques; Deutsche Asset Management; Duquesne Technology Research; Franklin
Zhonghai Fund Management Oberweis Asset Management; Och Ziff Capital Management; Overlook Management; Tozai Investment Advisory; VistaMax Fund Advisors Spring Mountain Capital; SRS Investment Management; State of Wisconsin Templeton Investments; Fubon Asset Management; Fuhwa Securities Investment
Investments; Perry Capital; Pinpoint Investment Advisors; PMA Investment Investment Board; State Street Global Advisors; STRS Ohio; Stylos Capital Trust; Hontai Life Insurance; HSBC Global Asset Management; Hwatai
Europe: ACP Partners; Alsig Emerging Fund; Altima Partners; Amiral Gestion; Advisors; Primero Investment; Principal Asset Management; Principal Global Korea: Allianz Global Investors; ANZ Bank; Citi; CJ Asset Management; CJ Management; Sunova Capital; Tatarian Funds; Teacher Retirement System of Commercial Bank; ING Securities Investment & Trust; J. & W. Seligman; JF Asset
Ashmore Investment Management; Atlantis Investment Management; Axial Investors; RAB Capital Northwest Funds; Ramius Asia; RBS Coutts Bank; RCM Investment & Securities; Consus Asset Management; Corevest; Cosmo Texas; Tenex India Fund; Third Point; Thornburg Investment Management; TIAA- Management; Jih Sun Investment Trust; JPMorgan Asset Management; Kohwa
Investment Management; Bankinvest Asset Management; Banque Cantonale Asia Pacific / Allianz Global Investors; RDA Asset Management; Richland Capital Investment Management; Daishin Investment Trust Management; Deutsche CREF; Tiger Asia Management; Torrey Pines Capital Management; Trilogy Global Securities Investment Advisory; Loch Capital Management; MacroVision
Vaudoise; BlackRock; BlueCrest Capital Management; BNP Paribas CIB; BP Management; Robeco Asset Management; ROCIM; S.A.C. Capital Advisors; Asset Management; Dongbu Asset Management; Eastar Investment Advisors; Advisors; Tudor Investment; United Nations Pension Fund; US Global Investors; Investment; Nan Shan Life Insurance; National Investment Trust; Paradigm
Investment Management; Carmignac Gestion; Caxton Associates; Centaurus Samsung Investment Management; Shenyin Wanguo Capital; Shikumen Capital Fides Investment Management; Franklin Templeton Investments; Goldman Sachs; Veda Asset Management; Victoria 1522 Investments; Wellington Management; Asset Management; PCA Fund Management; Polaris Securities; President
Capital; Citi; Concordia Advisors; Crédit Agricole; DWS Investments; Eurizon Management; Softbank Asia Infrastructure Fund; Spinnaker Capital; Standard Government Employee Pension Service; HeungKuk Asset Management; Hyundai Wells Capital Management; West Family Investments; William Blair & Company; Securities; Prudential; Raffia Capital; Shin Kong Investment Trust; Singfor Life
Capital; F & C Asset Management; F&C Investments; Ferox Capital Management; Pacific Capital; Stark Investments; Starr International; StoneWater Capital; Investments; IBK SG Asset Management; ING Investment Management; Xela Capital; Zesiger Capital Group Insurance; Sinopac Capital Management; SinoPac Securities; SinoStar Capital;
GAM; Gartmore; GLG Partners; Henderson Global Investors; Horizon Asset; HSBC Straus Asset Manager; Striker Capital Management; Sumitomo Mitsui Asset JPMorgan Asset Management; KB Asset Management; KDB Asset Management; Taiwan Life Asset Management; Tong An Investment; UBS; UBS Global Asset
Global Asset Management; Hutchinson Lilley Investments; J O Hambro Management; Sunshine Asset Management; T Rowe Price; Taifook Asset KITMC; Kookmin Bank; Korea Investment Trust Management; Korea Life Other: Abu Dhabi Investment Authority; Bin Zayed Group; EFG-Hermes; EverKey Management; UG FUND; United Capital Management; Vision And Insight Capital;
Investment Management; KBC Asset Management; Lansdowne Partners; Legal Management; Telligent Capital Management; Temasek Holdings; Templeton Asset Insurance; Korea Post; Korea Teachers Pension; KTB Asset Management; Kumho Global; Holowesko Partners; Legatum Capital; Sanlam Investment Managers; Yuanta Securities Investment Trust
And General Investment Management; Legg Mason International Equities; Management; Tempus Investment; Thaddeus Capital Management; The Bank of Investment Bank; Lazard Asset Management; Lehman Brothers; LS Asset Templeton Global Advisors
Lehman Brothers; Maintrust KAG; Martin Currie; Meditor Capital Management; East Asia; The Children's Investment Fund Management; The Pacific Group; The Management; Midas International Asset Management; Mirae Asset Investments; Thailand: Aberdeen Asset Management; American International Assurance;
Medvesek Pusnik Asset Management; Mondrian Investment Partners; Standard Chartered Private Bank; TM Asia Life Insurance; TPG-Axon Capital; National Pension Service; Nonghyup CA Asset Management; Orbis Investment Philippines: AIG Investments; GSIS; Land Bank of the Philippines; Metropolitan Brooker Capital; Government Pension Fund; Government Savings Bank; ING
Montpelier Asset Management; Nevsky Capital; Nordea Investment Funds; Odey Tree Line Advisors; Tribridge Investment Partners; TVC Management; UBS Research; PCA Investment Trust Management; Prudential Asset Management; Bank and Trust Funds; Kasikorn Asset Management; Krung Thai Asset Management; Lynas
Asset Management; Old Mutual Asset Manager; Oracle Management; Orkla ASA; Fundamental Investment Group; UBS Global Asset Management; UBS O'Connor; Public Officials Benefit Association; Rexiter Capital Management; Samsung Capital; Merchant Partners Securities; Muang Thai Insurance; One Asset
PD Capital Management; Pictet & Cie; Premier Asset Management; Principal UBS Wealth Management; Value Partners; Value Partners Private Equity; Vision Investments; Schroder Korea; SEI Asset Korea; SH Asset Management; Shinhan Singapore: Absolute Asia Asset Management; Acacia Capital Asia; Acadian Management; SCB Asset Management; Siam City Asset Management;
Global Investors; Prodigy Capital Partners; Pyrenees Investment Management; Finance Asset Management; VisionGain Capital; Ward Ferry Management; Bank; Shinhan BNP Paribas; Tong Yang Investment Trust Management; Truston Asset Management; ADM Capital Singapore; AEW Global Advisors; AGF Asset Thanachart Fund Management; TMB Asset Management; TMB Bank; Unicapital;
Rexiter Capital Management; Robeco; Sifter Fund; Simplicity AB; Sloane Wellchamp Capital; Wellington Global Investment Management; Winnington Asset Management; Tube Asset Management; UBS Hana Asset Management; VIP Management; AIG Investments; Alchemy Investment Management; Amansa UOB Asset Management
Robinson; Smith & Williamson; Somerset Capital Management; Swisscanto Asset Capital; WMG Asia; Yin Hua Fund Management; York Capital Management Investment Advisory; Woori Credit Suisse Asset Management Capital; Amoeba Capital; AMP Capital Investors; Apollo Management; APS Asset


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 13.91% 1 1 CLSA 14.21% 2 1 CLSA 13.21% 2
2 UBS 11.34% 2 2 UBS 11.98% 1 2 UBS 12.63% 1
3 Goldman Sachs 8.08% 5 3 Goldman Sachs 9.10% 5 3 Goldman Sachs 10.49% 3
4 J.P.Morgan 7.57% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 8.03% 3 4 Morgan Stanley 7.20% 5
5 Citi 6.20% 4 5 Credit Suisse 6.33% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 7.08% 6
6 Credit Suisse 6.16% 7 6 Morgan Stanley 6.10% 7 6 Deutsche Bank 6.73% 7
7 Morgan Stanley 5.57% 8 7 Citi 5.97% 4 7 Credit Suisse 6.58% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 5.55% 6 8 Merrill Lynch 5.81% 6 8 Citi 6.04% 4
9 Deutsche Bank 4.71% 9 9 CICC 4.65% 10 9 J.P.Morgan 5.66% 9
10 CICC 4.61% 10 10 Macquarie 4.54% 12 10 Macquarie 4.19% 12
11 Macquarie 4.56% 12 11 Deutsche Bank 4.34% 9 11 CICC 3.12% 11
12 Samsung 2.53% 11 12 Samsung 2.53% 11 12 BNP Paribas 1.78% 13
13 BNP Paribas 2.44% 13 13 BNP Paribas 2.35% 13 13 Samsung 1.65% 10
14 BOC International 1.57% 16 14 HSBC 1.49% 18 14 HSBC 1.47% 14
15 HSBC 1.42% 19 15 BOC International 1.27% 15 15 BOC International 1.38% 15
16 Nomura 1.09% 14 16 Lehman Brothers* 0.88% 19 16 DBS Vickers 0.93% 18
17 Lehman Brothers* 0.83% 20 17 CITICS 0.84% 16 17 Yuanta 0.84% 16
18 CITICS 0.77% 15 18 Nomura 0.76% 14 18 CIMB 0.78% 27
19 CIMB 0.75% 23 19 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.64% 27 19 Lehman Brothers* 0.69% 20
20 Woori I&S 0.69% 17 20 CIMB 0.59% 28 20 Nomura 0.58% 17
21 Yuanta 0.68% 24 21 Woori I&S 0.58% 17 21 Kotak 0.53% 26
22 DBS Vickers 0.65% 18 22 Yuanta 0.56% 20 22 Woori I&S 0.50% 19
23 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.60% 28 23 DBS Vickers 0.50% 22 23 Motilal Oswal 0.47% 23
24 Daewoo 0.57% 22 24 Daiwa 0.41% 23 =24 Hyundai 0.38% 31
=25 Hyundai 0.54% 32 25 Motilal Oswal 0.40% 24 =24 KGI 0.38% 25
=25 Daiwa 0.54% 21 26 Daewoo 0.39% 21 =26 B&K 0.32% 37
27 Kotak 0.46% 30 27 Hyundai 0.38% 34 =26 Cazenove 0.32% 22
28 RBS** 0.36% 36 28 Kotak 0.36% 30 =28 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.30% 33
=29 Motilal Oswal 0.35% 27 29 RBS** 0.35% 32 =28 Daiwa 0.30% 29
=29 KGI 0.35% 25 30 Cazenove 0.27% 26 =28 Edelweiss 0.30% 36
=31 Cazenove 0.30% 26 31 Guotai Junan 0.24% 40 =31 IDFC-SSKI** 0.28% 28
=31 Edelweiss 0.30% 38 32 KGI 0.23% 25 =31 Enam 0.28% 40
33 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.28% 31 33 Mirae Asset 0.21% 33 33 RBS*** 0.22% 39
34 Korea Investment & Securities 0.25% 34 34 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.20% 31 =34 UOB Kay Hian 0.20% 21
=35 Guotai Junan 0.22% 41 35 Korea Investment & Securities 0.18% 35 =34 IIFL 0.20% -
=35 Mirae Asset 0.22% 33 =36 IIFL 0.16% - =36 Daewoo 0.17% 30
=37 B&K 0.20% 40 =36 Edelweiss 0.16% 36 =36 CITICS 0.17% 38
=37 Enam 0.20% 37 38 Fubon 0.14% 48 38 Korea Investment & Securities 0.13% 32
39 IIFL 0.18% - 39 Sinolink 0.13% 42 39 SBI E2-Capital 0.11% 24
All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. OVERALL: Page 8 of 8


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
40 Sinolink 0.17% 46 40 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.12% 44 =40 Mirae Asset 0.10% -
41 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.16% - 41 UOB Kay Hian 0.09% 29 =40 Religare 0.10% -
42 Fubon 0.15% 44 =42 Kingsway 0.08% - =42 Primasia 0.09% -
43 UOB Kay Hian 0.13% 29 =42 B&K 0.08% 37 =42 GMSH 0.09% 46
=44 Aseambankers 0.08% - =44 Enam 0.07% 49 =44 KBC 0.08% -
=44 SinoPac 0.08% 43 =44 Tong Yang 0.07% - =44 Churchill Capital 0.08% -
=44 SBI E2-Capital 0.08% 35 =44 Polaris 0.07% - =46 SinoPac 0.07% 34
=44 Kingsway 0.08% - =44 SBI E2-Capital 0.07% 38 =46 JM Financial 0.07% -
=48 ICICI 0.07% - 48 SinoPac 0.06% - =48 Barclays Capital 0.06% -
=48 Eugene 0.07% - =49 Hana Daetoo 0.05% - =48 Auerbach Grayson 0.06% -
=48 Tong Yang 0.07% - =49 Essence 0.05% - =50 CCB International 0.04% -
=49 Aseambankers 0.05% - =50 Sinolink 0.04% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =50 Antique 0.04% -
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
*** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 24.02% 1 1 Macquarie 23.61% 1 1 UBS 23.97% 1
2 UBS 23.60% 2 2 UBS 22.42% 2 2 Macquarie 19.13% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 8.91% 7 3 J.P.Morgan 10.66% 5 3 J.P.Morgan 14.83% 6
4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 8.74% 3 4 Credit Suisse 8.94% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 8.06% 10
5 Credit Suisse 7.57% 5 5 Goldman Sachs JBWere 8.87% 3 5 Merrill Lynch 7.79% 7
6 Merrill Lynch 5.95% 4 6 Merrill Lynch 6.68% 4 6 Goldman Sachs JBWere 6.45% 3
7 Citi 5.73% 6 7 Morgan Stanley 6.11% 10 7 Citi 6.07% 8
8 Morgan Stanley 5.42% 10 8 Citi 4.67% 8 8 Credit Suisse 5.05% 4
9 Deutsche Bank 2.80% 8 9 CLSA 1.69% - 9 Patersons 1.99% 11
10 RBS* 1.42% 11 10 Deutsche Bank 1.47% 9 10 Austock 1.72% 5
=11 Austock 1.34% 9 11 RBS* 1.38% =11 11 RBS* 1.29% 9
=11 CLSA 1.34% - 12 Austock 1.32% 6 12 CLSA 1.07% -
13 Patersons 0.92% =14 13 Patersons 0.78% 14 13 Hartleys 0.97% -
=14 CommSec 0.50% 22 14 Lehman Brothers** 0.63% - 14 Tricom 0.86% -
=14 Lehman Brothers** 0.50% - 15 Tricom 0.50% - 15 CommSec 0.43% 17
16 Hartleys 0.45% - 16 CommSec 0.25% 16 16 Southern Cross Equities 0.32% -
17 Tricom 0.40% =25
18 Southern Cross Equities 0.17% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
19 E.L.& C.Baillieu 0.15% 21 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Bell Potter 0.10% 24

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 23.10% 1 1 Nomura 21.98% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 18.94% 4
2 Goldman Sachs 12.77% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 13.63% 3 2 Nomura 17.17% 2
3 CLSA 11.43% 5 3 CLSA 11.02% 7 3 UBS 11.39% 1
4 UBS 10.30% 2 4 UBS 10.89% 2 4 CLSA 9.43% 5
5 Merrill Lynch 6.35% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 7.41% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 7.33% 9
6 Daiwa 6.01% 4 6 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.57% 14 6 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.70% 10
7 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.52% 13 7 Daiwa 5.02% 5 7 Credit Suisse 5.29% 11
8 Morgan Stanley 4.97% 7 8 Credit Suisse 4.60% 11 8 Morgan Stanley 5.25% 6
9 Credit Suisse 3.62% 10 9 Morgan Stanley 4.48% 6 9 J.P.Morgan 4.11% 17
10 Nikko Citigroup 3.46% 6 10 J.P.Morgan 3.01% 10 10 Nikko Citigroup 4.00% 3
11 J.P.Morgan 2.68% 11 11 Nikko Citigroup 2.49% 4 11 Daiwa 3.18% 8
12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.66% 15 12 KBC 1.87% 16 12 HSBC 2.44% 20
13 KBC 1.46% 17 13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.69% 15 13 KBC 2.40% 15
14 Deutsche Bank 1.37% 14 14 HSBC 1.49% 18 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.48% 19
15 HSBC 1.30% 18 15 Macquarie 1.14% 9 15 Deutsche Bank 0.92% 16
16 Macquarie 1.26% 9 16 Deutsche Bank 1.02% 12 16 Barclays Capital 0.52% -
17 Mizuho 0.81% 12 =17 Lehman Brothers* 0.99% 17 =17 Mizuho 0.22% 13
18 Lehman Brothers* 0.78% 19 =17 Pali 0.99% - =17 Okasan 0.22% -
19 Pali 0.77% - 19 Mizuho 0.50% 13
20 Barclays Capital 0.27% - 20 Barclays Capital 0.20% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Okasan 0.12% =22
22 Tachibana 0.01% =22 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 13.32% 2 1 CLSA 13.60% 2 1 CLSA 14.24% 2
2 UBS 9.97% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 10.39% 4 2 Goldman Sachs 12.03% 3
3 Goldman Sachs 9.50% 4 3 UBS 10.03% 1 3 UBS 11.05% 1
4 J.P.Morgan 7.75% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 8.33% 3 4 Citi 7.25% 4
5 Citi 6.71% 5 5 Credit Suisse 6.82% 7 5 Merrill Lynch 7.00% 6
6 Credit Suisse 6.51% 6 6 Citi 6.67% 5 6 Credit Suisse 6.77% 8
7 CICC 5.54% 10 7 Merrill Lynch 5.63% 6 7 J.P.Morgan 6.06% 5
8 Merrill Lynch 5.34% 8 8 CICC 5.60% 10 8 Morgan Stanley 5.62% 7
9 Morgan Stanley 4.61% 9 9 Morgan Stanley 4.92% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 5.12% 9
10 Macquarie 4.17% 13 10 Macquarie 4.21% 13 10 CICC 3.97% 11
11 Deutsche Bank 3.85% 11 11 Samsung 3.52% 9 11 Macquarie 3.91% 12
12 Samsung 3.47% 7 12 Deutsche Bank 3.37% 11 12 Samsung 2.41% 10
13 BNP Paribas 2.32% 12 13 BNP Paribas 2.21% 12 13 BNP Paribas 1.79% 13
14 BOC International 1.42% 17 14 HSBC 1.22% 26 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.18% 18
15 HSBC 1.09% 27 15 BOC International 1.20% 15 15 BOC International 1.15% 14
16 Lehman Brothers* 1.00% 19 16 Lehman Brothers* 1.08% 19 16 HSBC 1.12% 20
17 Nomura 0.96% 14 17 CITICS 1.04% 16 17 Yuanta 0.96% 17
18 CITICS 0.95% 15 18 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.95% 20 18 CIMB 0.87% 26
19 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.91% 22 19 Nomura 0.83% 14 19 Nomura 0.80% 16
=20 Yuanta 0.84% 23 20 CIMB 0.71% 30 20 Kotak 0.65% 21
=20 CIMB 0.84% 24 21 Yuanta 0.68% 21 21 DBS Vickers 0.60% 15
22 Woori I&S 0.77% 16 22 Woori I&S 0.61% 17 22 Motilal Oswal 0.52% 24
23 Daewoo 0.67% 18 23 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.49% 28 =23 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.44% 29
24 Kotak 0.58% 25 =24 Daewoo 0.48% 18 =23 Woori I&S 0.44% 19
=25 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.52% 30 =24 Kotak 0.48% 25 25 KGI 0.40% 22
=25 DBS Vickers 0.52% 21 =26 Cazenove 0.38% 32 26 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.39% 38
27 Hyundai 0.48% 34 =26 Motilal Oswal 0.38% 24 27 Cazenove 0.36% 27
28 Cazenove 0.40% 31 28 DBS Vickers 0.35% 22 28 Enam 0.35% 37
29 KGI 0.36% 20 29 Hyundai 0.32% 39 =29 IDFC-SSKI** 0.30% 25
30 RBS** 0.33% 35 30 KGI 0.28% 23 =29 IIFL 0.30% -
31 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.32% 28 =31 Mirae Asset 0.27% 31 31 RBS*** 0.27% 40
32 Motilal Oswal 0.31% 26 =31 Guotai Junan 0.27% 42 32 Hyundai 0.26% 39
33 Mirae Asset 0.30% 33 33 RBS** 0.26% 34 33 CITICS 0.22% 30
34 Korea Investment & Securities 0.27% 29 =34 IIFL 0.25% - 34 Korea Investment & Securities 0.13% 32
=35 IIFL 0.26% - =34 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.25% 27 35 Edelweiss 0.12% 36
=35 Guotai Junan 0.26% 37 36 Korea Investment & Securities 0.18% 33 36 Mirae Asset 0.11% -
37 Enam 0.23% 36 37 Kingsway 0.13% - =37 UOB Kay Hian 0.08% 23
38 Edelweiss 0.18% 41 =38 Hana Daetoo 0.11% - =37 Daewoo 0.08% 28
39 Sinolink 0.17% =44 =38 Fubon 0.11% - =37 GMSH 0.08% -
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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
=40 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.12% - 40 Sinolink 0.10% 37 =40 MF Global 0.07% -
=40 Kingsway 0.12% - =41 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.08% 49 =40 SBI E2-Capital 0.07% 35
=40 Eugene 0.12% - =41 Polaris 0.08% - =42 Antique 0.06% -
43 Aseambankers 0.11% - =41 Enam 0.08% - =42 Kim Eng 0.06% 33
=44 Fubon 0.10% 49 =41 SinoPac 0.08% 48 44 Aseambankers 0.04% -
=44 Hana Daetoo 0.10% - =45 RHB 0.07% 41 =45 Aviate Global 0.03% -
=44 RHB 0.10% 39 =45 Essence 0.07% - =45 Asianomics 0.03% -
47 Essence 0.09% - =47 Aseambankers 0.06% - =45 AmeSecurities 0.03% -
48 Polaris 0.07% - =47 Edelweiss 0.06% 43 =45 Cha Am Advisors 0.03% -
=49 SinoPac 0.06% 48 =47 Asianomics 0.06% - =49 Thanachart 0.02% -
=49 B&K 0.06% 38 =50 UOB Kay Hian 0.05% 29 =49 B&K 0.02% 31
=49 GMSH 0.06% - =50 China Merchants 0.05% - =49 First Global 0.02% -
=49 Asianomics 0.06% - =49 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.02% 46
=49 UOB Kay Hian 0.06% 32 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =49 Sinolink 0.02% -
=49 ICICI 0.06% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO *** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.32% 1 1 CLSA 14.62% 2 1 UBS 13.67% 1
2 UBS 12.27% 2 2 UBS 13.29% 1 2 CLSA 12.54% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 7.45% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 8.23% 7 3 Goldman Sachs 9.48% 4
4 Goldman Sachs 7.12% 7 4 J.P.Morgan 7.84% 4 4 Morgan Stanley 8.23% 3
5 Morgan Stanley 6.22% 8 5 Morgan Stanley 6.90% 8 5 Deutsche Bank 7.77% 6
6 Credit Suisse 5.92% 9 6 Credit Suisse 5.99% 9 6 Merrill Lynch 7.14% 7
7 Citi 5.85% 3 7 Merrill Lynch 5.92% 5 7 Credit Suisse 6.45% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 5.69% 5 8 Citi 5.50% 3 8 J.P.Morgan 5.40% 9
9 Deutsche Bank 5.30% 6 9 Deutsche Bank 4.98% 6 9 Citi 5.24% 5
10 Macquarie 4.82% 10 10 Macquarie 4.75% 10 10 Macquarie 4.37% 10
11 CICC 3.98% 11 11 CICC 4.02% 11 11 CICC 2.56% 11
12 BNP Paribas 2.52% 13 12 BNP Paribas 2.45% 12 12 BNP Paribas 1.77% 13
13 Samsung 1.89% 12 13 Samsung 1.86% 13 13 HSBC 1.69% 14
14 BOC International 1.67% 16 14 HSBC 1.67% 15 14 BOC International 1.53% 16
15 HSBC 1.65% 17 15 BOC International 1.32% 16 15 Samsung 1.16% 12
16 Nomura 1.18% 14 16 Lehman Brothers* 0.74% 19 16 DBS Vickers 1.14% 18
17 DBS Vickers 0.73% 19 17 Nomura 0.71% 14 17 Yuanta 0.76% 15
18 Lehman Brothers* 0.71% 20 18 CITICS 0.70% 17 18 CIMB 0.72% 26
19 CIMB 0.69% 22 19 DBS Vickers 0.60% 22 19 Woori I&S 0.54% 21
20 CITICS 0.65% 15 20 Woori I&S 0.57% 20 20 B&K 0.52% 40
21 Woori I&S 0.63% 23 21 CIMB 0.51% 26 21 Hyundai 0.47% 27
22 Hyundai 0.58% 30 22 Yuanta 0.49% 21 22 Kotak 0.45% 29
23 Yuanta 0.56% 24 =23 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.42% 31 =23 Nomura 0.44% 17
24 Daiwa SMBC 0.55% 18 =23 Hyundai 0.42% 33 =23 Motilal Oswal 0.44% 24
25 Daewoo 0.49% 25 25 Motilal Oswal 0.41% 24 25 Edelweiss 0.41% 33
=26 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.39% 34 26 RBS** 0.40% 30 =26 Lehman Brothers* 0.37% 23
=26 Edelweiss 0.39% 37 27 Daiwa SMBC 0.36% 18 =26 KGI 0.37% 28
=28 Kotak 0.38% 35 28 Daewoo 0.34% 25 28 Cazenove 0.29% 19
=28 Motilal Oswal 0.38% 26 29 Kotak 0.27% 32 29 UOB Kay Hian 0.28% 20
30 RBS** 0.37% 33 =30 Edelweiss 0.23% 35 30 IDFC-SSKI** 0.27% 34
31 KGI 0.34% 27 =30 Guotai Junan 0.23% 37 =31 Daiwa SMBC 0.24% 25
32 B&K 0.29% 40 =32 Cazenove 0.20% 23 =31 Enam 0.24% 38
33 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.26% 32 =32 KGI 0.20% 28 =31 Daewoo 0.24% 37
=34 Cazenove 0.24% 21 34 Korea Investment & Securities 0.18% 40 34 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.21% 36
=34 Korea Investment & Securities 0.24% 36 35 IDFC-SSKI*** 0.17% 29 35 RBS*** 0.19% 35
=36 Guotai Junan 0.19% 41 36 Mirae Asset 0.16% 36 =36 Religare 0.16% -
=36 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.19% 47 =37 Fubon 0.15% 44 =36 Primasia 0.16% -
=38 Fubon 0.17% 44 =37 Sinolink 0.15% 42 =38 SBI E2-Capital 0.14% 22
=38 Sinolink 0.17% 49 39 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.14% 41 =38 IIFL 0.14% -
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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
=38 Enam 0.17% 39 40 B&K 0.13% 39 =40 Churchill Capital 0.13% -
=38 UOB Kay Hian 0.17% 28 41 UOB Kay Hian 0.12% 27 =40 KBC 0.13% -
42 Mirae Asset 0.16% 31 42 SBI E2-Capital 0.11% 34 =40 CITICS 0.13% 42
43 IIFL 0.13% - 43 IIFL 0.10% - =43 Korea Investment & Securities 0.12% 30
44 SBI E2-Capital 0.11% 29 44 Tong Yang 0.09% - =43 SinoPac 0.12% 31
45 SinoPac 0.09% 43 =45 Primasia 0.07% - 45 JM Financial 0.11% -
=46 Tong Yang 0.08% - =45 Churchill Capital 0.07% - =46 Auerbach Grayson 0.10% -
=46 ICICI 0.08% - =45 KBC 0.07% - =46 GMSH 0.10% 44
=48 Religare 0.07% - =48 Enam 0.06% =46 =46 Barclays Capital 0.10% -
=48 Haitong 0.07% - =48 JM Financial 0.06% - 49 Mirae Asset 0.09% -
=50 Primasia 0.06% - =48 Auerbach Grayson 0.06% - 50 CCB International 0.07% -
=50 Aseambankers 0.06% - =48 Polaris 0.06% -
=50 GMSH 0.06% 45 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=50 Polaris 0.06% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=50 Churchill Capital 0.06% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO *** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=50 KBC 0.06% - *** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. OVERALL: Page 8 of 8


Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Christopher Wood CLSA 27.91% 1 1 Christopher Wood CLSA 28.35% 1 1 Christopher Wood CLSA 23.06% 1
2 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 10.45% 2 2 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 10.80% 2 2 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 12.07% 2
3 Sean Darby Nomura 7.75% 3 3 Sean Darby Nomura 7.16% 3 3 Tim Moe Goldman Sachs 6.73% 3
4 Tim Moe Goldman Sachs 5.87% 4 4 Tim Moe Goldman Sachs 6.11% 4 4 Sean Darby Nomura 6.49% 4
5 Markus Rosgen Citi 5.30% 6 5 Markus Rosgen Citi 5.22% 6 5 Markus Rosgen Citi 5.42% 5
6 Adrian Mowat J.P.Morgan 4.40% 7 6 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 4.04% =21 6 Adrian Mowat J.P.Morgan 4.22% 6
7 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 3.15% 25 7 Adrian Mowat J.P.Morgan 3.88% 7 7 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 3.99% =15
8 Lan Xue Citi 2.27% - 8 Lan Xue Citi 2.85% - 8 Lan Xue Citi 3.76% -
9 Anthony Lok BOC International 2.22% =26 9 Gerard Minack Morgan Stanley 2.47% =15 9 Gerard Minack Morgan Stanley 3.52% =27
10 Gerard Minack Morgan Stanley 2.03% 18 10 Anthony Lok BOC International 2.08% 28 10 Anthony Lok BOC International 2.90% -
=11 Tim Rocks Macquarie 1.67% 10 11 Garry Evans HSBC 1.62% - 11 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 2.11% =21
=11 Garry Evans HSBC 1.67% - 12 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 1.52% =29 12 David Murphy CLSA 1.90% -
13 Mark Matthews Merrill Lynch 1.27% 29 13 Niall Macleod UBS 1.50% - 13 Niall Macleod UBS 1.76% -
14 Niall Macleod UBS 1.23% - =14 Todd Martin CLSA 1.33% =29 14 David Cui Merrill Lynch 1.51% -
15 Malcolm Wood Morgan Stanley 1.17% 20 =14 Malcolm Wood Morgan Stanley 1.33% - 15 Tim Rocks Macquarie 1.43% 11
16 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 1.16% - 16 Tim Rocks Macquarie 1.30% =15 16 Mark Matthews Merrill Lynch 1.30% -
17 David Cui Merrill Lynch 1.09% - 17 David Murphy CLSA 1.09% - 17 Orion Leung Merrill Lynch 1.27% =27
18 Todd Martin CLSA 1.02% - 18 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 0.91% - =18 Chris Leung Lehman Brothers 1.06% -
19 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 0.95% =8 19 Mark Matthews Merrill Lynch 0.83% - =18 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 1.06% -
20 Clive McDonnell BNP Paribas 0.94% - 20 David Cui Merrill Lynch 0.81% - =18 Michael Kurtz J.P.Morgan 1.06% =13
21 Andy Rothman CLSA 0.92% - =21 Andy Rothman CLSA 0.77% - 21 Garry Evans HSBC 0.99% -
22 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 0.86% - =21 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 0.77% 11 =22 David Scott Cha Am Advisors 0.70% =21
23 David Murphy CLSA 0.83% - 23 Orion Leung Merrill Lynch 0.73% - =22 Joanne Goh DBS Vickers 0.70% -
24 Orion Leung Merrill Lynch 0.56% - 24 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 0.69% - =22 Malcolm Wood Morgan Stanley 0.70% -
25 Jonathan Anderson UBS 0.55% 12 25 Clive McDonnell BNP Paribas 0.62% - =22 Mohammed Apabhai Morgan Stanley 0.70% -
26 Tham Mun Hon Daiwa I.R. 0.49% - =26 Chris Leung Lehman Brothers 0.61% - =22 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 0.70% -
27 Russell Napier CLSA 0.48% - =26 David Scott Cha Am Advisors 0.61% =12 =22 Rick Loo Goldman Sachs 0.70% -
=28 Chris Leung Lehman Brothers 0.46% - =26 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 0.61% - =22 Rohan Dalziell Mirae Asset 0.70% -
=28 David Scott Cha Am Advisors 0.46% 14 =26 Michael Kurtz J.P.Morgan 0.61% =12 29 Jonathan Anderson UBS 0.69% -
=28 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 0.46% - =26 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 0.61% =29 =30 Arthur Woo Merrill Lynch 0.63% -
=28 Michael Kurtz J.P.Morgan 0.46% 17 =26 Tuck Yin Soong Macquarie 0.61% - =30 Jake Lynch Macquarie 0.63% -
=28 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 0.46% -
=28 Tuck Yin Soong Macquarie 0.46% -

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. REGIONAL: Page 1 of 39


Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Jonathan Anderson UBS 16.58% 1 1 Jonathan Anderson UBS 14.79% 1 1 Jonathan Anderson UBS 19.73% 1
2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 9.61% 3 2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 8.63% 3 2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 14.04% 3
3 Eric Fishwick CLSA 7.57% - 3 Hong Liang Goldman Sachs 8.55% 4 3 Hong Liang Goldman Sachs 7.97% 5
4 Hong Liang Goldman Sachs 7.15% 5 4 Eric Fishwick CLSA 7.30% - 4 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 7.13% 6
5 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 5.55% 4 5 Duncan Wooldridge UBS 5.38% =29 5 Duncan Wooldridge UBS 6.13% =19
6 Duncan Wooldridge UBS 4.81% - 6 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 3.99% 6 6 Cem Karacadag Credit Suisse 4.07% -
7 Jim Walker Asianomics 3.79% 2 7 Timothy J Bond Merrill Lynch 3.76% 7 7 Eric Fishwick CLSA 3.52% -
8 Timothy J Bond Merrill Lynch 3.75% 7 8 Jim Walker Asianomics 3.67% 2 8 Timothy J Bond Merrill Lynch 3.41% 4
9 Bill Belchere Macquarie 3.15% 8 9 Yiping Huang Citi 3.56% =12 =9 Chetan Ahya Morgan Stanley 3.25% =13
10 Yiping Huang Citi 2.84% 17 10 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 2.84% - =9 Yiping Huang Citi 3.25% 9
11 Chan Kok Peng BNP Paribas 2.69% 11 11 Bill Belchere Macquarie 2.73% 5 11 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 2.71% -
12 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 2.49% - 12 Chan Kok Peng BNP Paribas 2.31% =14 12 Andy Rothman CLSA 2.44% -
13 Chetan Ahya Morgan Stanley 1.93% 15 13 Chetan Ahya Morgan Stanley 2.28% =12 13 Jim Walker Asianomics 2.11% 2
14 Ha Jiming CICC 1.79% =13 14 Christopher Wood CLSA 2.16% - =14 Bill Belchere Macquarie 2.06% 8
15 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.78% - 15 Cem Karacadag Credit Suisse 2.14% - =14 Ha Jiming CICC 2.06% =21
16 Cem Karacadag Credit Suisse 1.69% - 16 Ha Jiming CICC 2.08% =14 =16 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.63% -
17 Michael Spencer Deutsche Bank 1.57% - 17 Michael Spencer Deutsche Bank 1.99% =29 =16 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 1.63% -
18 Arthur Woo Merrill Lynch 1.29% =19 18 Anthony Nafte CLSA 1.71% - =16 Russell Napier CLSA 1.63% -
19 Tomo Kinoshita Nomura 1.21% 9 19 Kwon Goohoon Goldman Sachs 1.45% - =16 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 1.63% -
20 Kwon Goohoon Goldman Sachs 1.14% - 20 Russell Napier CLSA 1.42% - 20 Anthony Nafte CLSA 1.41% -
=21 Anthony Nafte CLSA 1.12% - 21 Andy Rothman CLSA 1.28% - 21 Stephen Walters J.P.Morgan 1.30% -
=21 Russell Napier CLSA 1.12% - 22 Roland Randall Macquarie 1.14% - =22 Arthur Woo Merrill Lynch 1.08% =21
23 Andy Rothman CLSA 1.03% - 23 Arthur Woo Merrill Lynch 1.13% =14 =22 Roland Randall Macquarie 1.08% -
24 Prasenjit K. Basu Daiwa I.R. 0.99% =13 =24 Chiou Yi Chang UBS 0.85% - 24 Chan Kok Peng BNP Paribas 0.98% =28
25 Roland Randall Macquarie 0.90% - =24 Lu Ting Merrill Lynch 0.85% - 25 Paul Cavey Macquarie 0.81% -
26 D.S. Shin Samsung 0.76% - =24 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 0.85% - 26 Prasenjit K. Basu Daiwa I.R. 0.65% -
27 Peter Morgan HSBC 0.72% =30 =24 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 0.85% - =27 Gerard Minack Morgan Stanley 0.54% =24
28 Lu Ting Merrill Lynch 0.69% - =24 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 0.85% - =27 Lu Ting Merrill Lynch 0.54% -
=29 Chiou Yi Chang UBS 0.67% - =24 Sin Eng Ong J.P.Morgan 0.85% =20 29 Sailesh Jha Barclays Capital 0.43% -
=29 Paul Schulte Lehman Brothers 0.67% - =30 Prasenjit K. Basu Daiwa I.R. 0.68% 10 30 Song Seng Wun CIMB 0.33% -
=29 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 0.67% - =30 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 0.68% -
=29 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 0.67% - =30 Stephen Walters J.P.Morgan 0.68% -
=29 Sin Eng Ong J.P.Morgan 0.67% =22 =30 Tomo Kinoshita Nomura 0.68% =14

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. REGIONAL: Page 2 of 39


Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Laurence Balanco CLSA 19.46% - 1 Laurence Balanco CLSA 19.30% - 1 Laurence Balanco CLSA 27.87% -
2 Nigel Tupper Merrill Lynch 9.25% 2 2 Steve Malin J.P.Morgan 11.20% 1 2 Sophie Biro Credit Suisse 7.93% 13
3 Steve Malin J.P.Morgan 9.12% 1 3 Chris Lobello CLSA 7.97% =16 3 Steve Malin J.P.Morgan 7.10% 1
4 Sophie Biro Credit Suisse 8.25% 5 4 Nigel Tupper Merrill Lynch 7.44% 3 4 George Platt Macquarie 6.26% =4
5 Chris Lobello CLSA 6.95% 13 5 Paul Chanin Citi 6.67% 9 5 Nigel Tupper Merrill Lynch 5.79% 3
6 Paul Chanin Citi 5.74% 10 6 Sophie Biro Credit Suisse 6.64% 5 6 Martin Emery Macquarie 5.74% -
7 Martin Emery Macquarie 5.47% 12 7 Martin Emery Macquarie 5.63% 10 7 Kenneth Chan Nomura 4.07% =16
8 Todd Martin CLSA 5.01% =27 8 Todd Martin CLSA 5.22% =22 8 Sandy Lee Nomura 3.65% 23
9 Kenneth Chan Nomura 3.83% 20 =9 George Platt Macquarie 3.80% 4 9 Paul Chanin Citi 3.24% =16
10 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 3.17% =25 =9 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 3.80% - =10 Sakthi Siva Credit Suisse 3.13% =16
11 George Platt Macquarie 3.06% 6 11 Kenneth Chan Nomura 3.04% 26 =10 Tony Lee J.P.Morgan 3.13% -
12 Winner Lee BNP Paribas 2.60% 7 12 Mark Stevenson* CLSA 2.78% =18 12 Chris Lobello CLSA 2.71% =20
13 Mark Stevenson* CLSA 2.45% 9 =13 Tony Lee J.P.Morgan 1.90% - =13 Mark Stevenson* CLSA 2.51% =4
14 Sandy Lee Nomura 2.09% 4 =13 Viking Kwok Macquarie 1.90% 7 =13 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 2.51% -
=15 Tony Lee J.P.Morgan 1.53% - 15 Sandy Lee Nomura 1.65% 2 =15 Corey Ng Morgan Stanley 2.09% -
=15 Viking Kwok Macquarie 1.53% 11 16 Kenneth Tan UBS 1.58% - =15 Kenneth Tan UBS 2.09% -
17 Kenneth Tan UBS 1.28% - 17 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 1.52% - =15 Patrick Hansen Macquarie 2.09% -
18 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 1.23% - =18 Corey Ng Morgan Stanley 1.27% - =18 Peggy Chan Credit Suisse 1.88% -
=19 Corey Ng Morgan Stanley 1.02% - =18 Patrick Hansen Macquarie 1.27% - =18 Winner Lee BNP Paribas 1.88% 6
=19 Patrick Hansen Macquarie 1.02% - 20 Christopher Eoyang Goldman Sachs 1.02% - 20 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.67% 22
21 Shunsuke Kasuga Nomura 1.00% =15 21 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.01% 24 21 Justin Lau Lehman Brothers 1.04% -
22 Peggy Chan Credit Suisse 0.92% - 22 Winner Lee BNP Paribas 0.95% =16 22 Winnie Ma BNP Paribas 0.84% -
23 Christopher Eoyang Goldman Sachs 0.83% - 23 Jonathan Wilmot Credit Suisse 0.68% - 23 Todd Martin CLSA 0.78% 19
24 Christopher Wood CLSA 0.82% - =24 Desh Peramunetilleke Macquarie 0.63% 11
25 Jonathan Wilmot Credit Suisse 0.55% - =24 Justin Lau Lehman Brothers 0.63% - * Mark Stevenson has left CLSA
=26 Desh Peramunetilleke Macquarie 0.51% 14 26 Winnie Ma BNP Paribas 0.51% -
=26 Justin Lau Lehman Brothers 0.51% -
=28 Amy Tang UBS 0.41% - * Mark Stevenson has left CLSA
=28 Winnie Ma BNP Paribas 0.41% -

* Mark Stevenson has left CLSA

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Sunil Garg J.P.Morgan 13.64% 1 1 Sunil Garg J.P.Morgan 15.46% 1 1 Sunil Garg J.P.Morgan 14.28% 2
2 Roy Ramos Goldman Sachs 10.89% 2 2 Roy Ramos Goldman Sachs 11.91% 2 2 Roy Ramos Goldman Sachs 14.11% 1
3 Daniel Tabbush CLSA 8.20% 4 3 Ma Ning Goldman Sachs 9.54% 8 3 Daniel Tabbush CLSA 9.33% 7
4 Ma Ning Goldman Sachs 8.06% 8 4 Daniel Tabbush CLSA 7.38% 5 4 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 5.78% =13
5 Sanjay Jain Credit Suisse 4.76% - 5 Sanjay Jain Credit Suisse 5.45% - 5 Alistair Scarff Merrill Lynch 5.16% =28
6 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 4.47% =20 6 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 4.80% - 6 Sanjay Jain Credit Suisse 4.90% -
7 Alistair Scarff Merrill Lynch 3.68% 30 7 Alistair Scarff Merrill Lynch 3.78% 29 7 Ma Ning Goldman Sachs 4.30% 9
8 John Wadle UBS 3.26% 6 8 John Wadle UBS 2.65% 6 8 John Wadle UBS 3.53% 4
9 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 2.47% =23 9 Todd Dunivant HSBC 2.42% 30 9 Lucy Feng Deutsche Bank 3.14% =24
=10 Simon Ho Citi 2.21% - 10 Simon Ho Citi 2.37% - 10 Todd Dunivant HSBC 2.97% =24
=10 Todd Dunivant HSBC 2.21% =28 11 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 2.35% - 11 Robert Kong Citi 2.92% -
12 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 2.08% - 12 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 2.29% - 12 Ismael Pili Macquarie 2.15% -
13 K.W. Wong, William BOC International 1.67% - 13 Dorris Chen BNP Paribas 2.11% 13 13 Chris Esson Credit Suisse 2.06% -
14 Dorris Chen BNP Paribas 1.65% 12 14 Sally Ng* UBS 1.63% 4 14 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 1.98% 20
15 Sally Ng* UBS 1.59% 5 15 K.W. Wong, William BOC International 1.52% - =15 K.W. Wong, William BOC International 1.89% -
16 Sandra Cai Daiwa I.R. 1.55% - 16 Robert Kong Citi 1.49% - =15 Scott Lee Deutsche Bank 1.89% -
=17 Ismael Pili Macquarie 1.53% 22 17 Lucy Feng Deutsche Bank 1.41% 20 17 Simon Ho Citi 1.81% -
=17 Robert Kong Citi 1.53% - =18 Bryan Song Merrill Lynch 1.18% - 18 Karen Chan Merrill Lynch 1.72% -
19 Brian W. Hunsaker Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.48% 17 =18 Minyan Liu Morgan Stanley 1.18% 16 =19 Ben Lin Nomura 1.29% -
20 Lucy Feng Deutsche Bank 1.47% 19 =20 Karen Chan Merrill Lynch 1.03% 15 =19 Soyoung Kim UBS 1.29% -
21 Warren Blight Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.37% - =20 Warren Blight Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.03% - 21 Philippa Rogers Goldman Sachs 1.03% -
22 Minyan Liu Morgan Stanley 1.17% 16 =22 Ben Lin Nomura 0.98% - 22 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 1.00% 19
23 Ben Lin Nomura 1.13% - =22 Scott Lee Deutsche Bank 0.98% - 23 Sarah Wu Macquarie 0.99% -
24 Jessie Wang Morgan Stanley 1.05% - 24 Sandra Cai Daiwa I.R. 0.90% - 24 Danny Goh Credit Suisse 0.95% -
25 Chris Esson Credit Suisse 0.96% - 25 Philippa Rogers Goldman Sachs 0.82% - =25 Minyan Liu Morgan Stanley 0.86% -
26 Bryan Song Merrill Lynch 0.92% - 26 Soyoung Kim UBS 0.81% - =25 Vincent Chang Goldman Sachs 0.86% -
27 Scott Lee Deutsche Bank 0.88% - =27 Aditya Singhania Credit Suisse 0.77% - =27 Bill Stacey Aviate Global 0.77% 6
28 Soyoung Kim UBS 0.81% - =27 Brian W. Hunsaker Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.77% 17 =27 George Koh Cazenove 0.77% -
29 Karen Chan Merrill Lynch 0.80% =20 =27 Chris Esson Credit Suisse 0.77% - =27 Punit Shrivastava Enam 0.77% -
=30 Jason Yu Samsung 0.72% 18 =27 James Moss CLSA 0.77% - 30 Sandra Cai Daiwa I.R. 0.73% -
=30 Roger Lum Morgan Stanley 0.72% - =27 Nora Hou Deutsche Bank 0.77% -

* Sally Ng has left UBS * Sally Ng has left UBS

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Christie Ju Merrill Lynch 22.02% 7 1 Christie Ju Merrill Lynch 23.72% 5 1 Christie Ju Merrill Lynch 24.31% =8
2 Danie Schutte CLSA 10.88% 3 2 Steven Li J.P.Morgan 10.15% 9 2 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 9.04% =8
3 Steven Li J.P.Morgan 9.67% 8 3 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 9.14% 10 3 Danie Schutte CLSA 8.90% 5
4 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 8.63% 6 4 Danie Schutte CLSA 8.97% 4 4 Anil Daswani Citi 8.23% 3
5 Anil Daswani Citi 8.56% 4 5 Anil Daswani Citi 8.52% 3 5 Steven Li J.P.Morgan 7.85% 6
6 Mike Warren Goldman Sachs 6.92% 1 6 Mike Warren Goldman Sachs 6.95% 1 6 Mike Warren Goldman Sachs 7.71% 1
7 Simon Cheung Goldman Sachs 4.73% 11 7 Simon Cheung Goldman Sachs 5.58% =14 7 Simon Cheung Goldman Sachs 6.55% 11
8 Benjamin Lo Lehman Brothers 4.11% 21 8 Benjamin Lo Lehman Brothers 4.54% 30 8 Benjamin Lo Lehman Brothers 4.44% -
9 Gary Pinge Macquarie 1.81% - 9 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 1.92% 2 9 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 2.94% 2
10 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 1.55% 2 10 Gary Pinge Macquarie 1.83% - 10 Kevin Chong Deutsche Bank 2.38% -
11 Edward Chan Goldman Sachs 1.50% 30 11 John Tang J.P.Morgan 1.78% - 11 Hubert Tang UBS 2.10% -
12 John Tang J.P.Morgan 1.44% - 12 Hubert Tang UBS 1.37% =23 12 Karen Tang Deutsche Bank 1.75% -
=13 Karen Tang Deutsche Bank 1.25% - 13 Edward Chan Goldman Sachs 1.31% 29 13 Gabrielle Chan Credit Suisse 1.68% -
=13 Kevin Chong Deutsche Bank 1.25% - 14 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 1.28% - =14 David Ng Goldman Sachs 1.40% -
15 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.22% - 15 Gabrielle Chan Credit Suisse 1.10% - =14 Eric Wong UBS 1.40% -
16 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 1.18% - =16 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 0.91% - =14 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 1.40% -
17 Hubert Tang UBS 1.11% =24 =16 David Ng Goldman Sachs 0.91% 11 17 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.26% -
18 Jeffrey Jian-Feng Gao BNP Paribas 1.03% - =16 Eric Wong UBS 0.91% - 18 John Tang J.P.Morgan 1.05% -
=19 David Ng Goldman Sachs 0.89% 12 19 Simon Cheng Deutsche Bank 0.76% - =19 Clive McDonnell BNP Paribas 0.84% -
=19 Gabrielle Chan Credit Suisse 0.89% - =20 JD Yang Samsung 0.73% - =19 Jeffrey Jian-Feng Gao BNP Paribas 0.84% -
=21 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 0.74% - =20 Karen Tang Deutsche Bank 0.73% - =19 Steven Zhang CLSA 0.84% -
=21 Eric Wong UBS 0.74% - =20 Kevin Chong Deutsche Bank 0.73% - =22 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 0.70% -
23 Lim Jit Soon Lehman Brothers 0.66% - =20 Praveen Choudhary Morgan Stanley 0.73% - =22 Grant Chum UBS 0.70% 10
24 Simon Cheng Deutsche Bank 0.61% - 24 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 0.69% - =22 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 0.70% -
=25 JD Yang Samsung 0.59% - 25 Chong Wee Lee DBS Vickers 0.55% - 25 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 0.56% -
=25 Praveen Choudhary Morgan Stanley 0.59% - =26 Albert Hsu Merrill Lynch 0.46% - 26 Lim Jit Soon Lehman Brothers 0.42% -
=27 Chong Wee Lee DBS Vickers 0.44% - =26 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 0.46% -
=27 Clive McDonnell BNP Paribas 0.44% - =26 Grant Chum UBS 0.46% 8
=27 Steven Zhang CLSA 0.44% - =26 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 0.46% -
=30 Albert Hsu Merrill Lynch 0.37% - =26 Simon Woo Merrill Lynch 0.46% =14
=30 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 0.37% -
=30 Grant Chum UBS 0.37% 10
=30 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 0.37% -
=30 Simon Woo Merrill Lynch 0.37% =17

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 9.41% 1 1 Xiaopo Wei CLSA 10.22% - 1 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 13.83% 1
2 Xiaopo Wei CLSA 9.40% - 2 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 8.52% 3 2 Xiaopo Wei CLSA 6.36% -
3 Paul McKenzie CLSA 7.54% 5 3 Paul McKenzie CLSA 7.79% 7 3 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 4.20% 2
4 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 5.26% 2 4 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 5.07% 9 4 Paul McKenzie CLSA 3.99% 6
5 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 4.58% 10 5 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 4.75% 1 5 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 3.56% 9
6 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 3.35% 16 6 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 3.17% 5 6 Joshua Lu Goldman Sachs 3.42% 12
7 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 3.22% =7 7 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 2.95% 15 7 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 3.38% -
8 Geoff Boyd CLSA 2.74% 6 8 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 2.78% - 8 Kate Zhu Morgan Stanley 3.23% 11
9 Kate Zhu Morgan Stanley 2.27% =14 9 Jane Ye Cazenove 2.72% - 9 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 3.12% 4
10 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 2.21% - 10 Geoff Boyd CLSA 2.59% 4 =10 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 2.91% 8
11 Jane Ye Cazenove 2.17% - 11 Joshua Lu Goldman Sachs 2.52% =12 =10 Geoff Boyd CLSA 2.91% 7
12 Joshua Lu Goldman Sachs 2.10% =14 12 Matt Marsden HSBC 2.03% - 12 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 2.75% 28
13 Frank Li J.P.Morgan 2.03% =7 13 Frank Li J.P.Morgan 1.99% 6 =13 Ally Park Citi 2.42% -
14 Ally Park Citi 1.95% - 14 Kate Zhu Morgan Stanley 1.90% =12 =13 Sidong Tian UBS 2.42% -
15 Michele Mak Credit Suisse 1.86% 19 15 Ally Park Citi 1.69% - =15 Gerwin Ho Citi 2.37% -
16 Hou Yankun Lehman Brothers 1.81% - =16 Gerwin Ho Citi 1.58% - =15 Vincent Ha Deutsche Bank 2.37% -
17 Matt Marsden HSBC 1.71% - =16 Michele Mak Credit Suisse 1.58% 18 17 Spencer Leung UBS 2.05% =13
18 Henry Wu UBS 1.45% 9 18 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 1.47% 2 18 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 1.94% -
=19 Gerwin Ho Citi 1.41% - =19 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 1.46% =19 19 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 1.89% 3
=19 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 1.41% - =19 Forrest Chan CLSA 1.46% - 20 Michele Mak Credit Suisse 1.72% -
21 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 1.36% 3 =21 Henry Wu UBS 1.43% 8 =21 Brandon Chen Merrill Lynch 1.62% -
22 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 1.28% - =21 Hou Yankun Lehman Brothers 1.43% - =21 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 1.62% =13
23 Vincent Ha Deutsche Bank 1.26% - =21 Sidong Tian UBS 1.43% - =21 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 1.62% =13
=24 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 1.16% 20 24 Vincent Ha Deutsche Bank 1.39% - =21 Johannes Salim UBS 1.62% -
=24 Forrest Chan CLSA 1.16% - 25 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 1.27% =19 =21 Mark Yoon Lehman Brothers 1.62% -
26 Sidong Tian UBS 1.13% - 26 Keith Li CIMB 1.11% - 26 Hou Yankun Lehman Brothers 1.45% -
27 Spencer Leung UBS 1.03% - =27 Henry Kwon Credit Suisse 1.08% - =27 Matt Marsden HSBC 1.29% -
=28 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 1.01% =21 =27 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 1.08% - =27 Rebecca Jiang Deutsche Bank 1.29% -
=28 Henry Kwon Credit Suisse 1.01% - 29 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 1.05% - =29 Jason Brueschke Citi 1.08% -
30 Wallace Cheung Credit Suisse 0.94% - 30 Heather Lee UBS 1.02% - =29 Jessie Qian Macquarie 1.08% -
=29 Keith Li CIMB 1.08% -
=29 Sanjeev Rana Merrill Lynch 1.08% -
=29 Wallace Cheung Credit Suisse 1.08% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Heather Hsu CLSA 13.53% 15 1 Heather Hsu CLSA 14.43% 12 1 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 13.98% 5
2 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 9.19% 2 2 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 9.84% 2 2 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 10.65% 3
3 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 7.29% 3 3 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 7.44% 3 3 Heather Hsu CLSA 9.80% -
4 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 7.04% 4 4 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 7.24% 5 4 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 8.84% 1
5 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 5.63% 1 5 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 5.85% 1 5 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 8.48% 8
6 Deng Yifan Goldman Sachs 5.13% 8 6 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 4.79% 9 6 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 6.43% 4
7 Catherine Lim Credit Suisse 3.92% 11 7 Deng Yifan Goldman Sachs 4.65% 6 7 Deng Yifan Goldman Sachs 5.50% =10
8 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 2.95% - 8 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 3.23% 7 8 Lei Yang RBS 3.70% -
9 Paul McKenzie CLSA 2.86% 6 9 Heather Lee UBS 3.05% 14 9 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 3.37% 7
10 Lei Yang RBS 2.68% - 10 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 3.03% - 10 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 2.73% 2
11 Vineet Sharma J.P.Morgan 2.48% 5 11 Lei Yang RBS 2.78% - 11 Christine Peng Lehman Brothers 2.57% -
12 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 2.37% 10 12 Xiaopo Wei CLSA 2.73% - =12 Ally Park Citi 2.41% -
13 Heather Lee UBS 2.34% 16 =13 Ally Park Citi 2.62% - =12 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 2.41% -
14 Lei Chen UBS 2.33% - =13 Forrest Chan CLSA 2.62% - =12 Lei Chen UBS 2.41% -
15 Ally Park Citi 2.25% - 15 Paul McKenzie CLSA 2.09% 8 =12 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 2.41% -
16 Xiaopo Wei CLSA 2.10% - 16 Han Young-Ah Merrill Lynch 1.72% 11 =16 Alex Cheng Credit Suisse 2.01% -
17 Forrest Chan CLSA 2.02% - 17 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 1.61% 21 =16 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 2.01% -
18 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 1.78% 12 =18 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 1.51% - =18 Desmond Lee Cazenove 1.45% -
19 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 1.67% =26 =18 Lei Chen UBS 1.51% - =18 Paul McKenzie CLSA 1.45% 6
20 Phoebe Wong Lehman Brothers 1.28% 9 =18 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 1.51% - 20 Christine Lee Merrill Lynch 1.29% -
=21 Dennis Tao Morgan Stanley 1.16% - =21 Alex Cheng Credit Suisse 1.26% - 21 Martin Yule Morgan Stanley 1.21% -
=21 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 1.16% - =21 Chen Luo Merrill Lynch 1.26% =22 =22 Jeffrey Jian-Feng Gao BNP Paribas 0.96% -
23 Jeffrey Jian-Feng Gao BNP Paribas 1.09% - =21 Matt Marsden HSBC 1.26% - =22 Magnus Gunn Cazenove 0.96% -
=24 Alex Cheng Credit Suisse 0.97% - =24 CG Koo Samsung 1.21% - =24 Forrest Chan CLSA 0.80% -
=24 Matt Marsden HSBC 0.97% - =24 Sang Koo Lee Hyundai 1.21% - =24 Shanshan Lu Credit Suisse 0.80% -
=26 CG Koo Samsung 0.93% - 26 Kelly Kim Morgan Stanley 0.82% - 26 Heriyanto Irawan Deutsche Bank 0.72% -
=26 Sang Koo Lee Hyundai 0.93% - =27 Christine Lee Merrill Lynch 0.81% - 27 Jihyun Song Deutsche Bank 0.48% -
28 Kelly Kim Morgan Stanley 0.86% - =27 Euna Cho Samsung 0.81% - 28 Marisa Ho Credit Suisse 0.16% =19
29 Desmond Lee Cazenove 0.70% - =27 Nigel Muston CLSA 0.81% -
=30 Christine Lee Merrill Lynch 0.62% - =30 Hiu-Lui Ko Macquarie 0.76% -
=30 Euna Cho Samsung 0.62% - =30 Martin Yule Morgan Stanley 0.76% -
=30 Nigel Muston CLSA 0.62% - =30 Phoebe Wong Lehman Brothers 0.76% 10

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Prashant Gokhale Credit Suisse 10.39% 5 1 Prashant Gokhale Credit Suisse 10.62% 5 1 Prashant Gokhale Credit Suisse 12.20% 4
2 Gordon Kwan CLSA 9.66% 1 2 Gordon Kwan CLSA 9.65% 3 2 Cheng Khoo Lehman Brothers 10.43% 2
3 Graham Cunningham Citi 9.48% 3 3 Graham Cunningham Citi 9.08% 1 3 Kelvin Koh Goldman Sachs 8.75% 7
4 Cheng Khoo Lehman Brothers 8.44% 2 4 Cheng Khoo Lehman Brothers 8.98% 2 4 Graham Cunningham Citi 7.32% 1
5 Kelvin Koh Goldman Sachs 6.02% 10 5 Kelvin Koh Goldman Sachs 6.89% 10 5 Gordon Kwan CLSA 6.19% 8
6 Brynjar Bustnes J.P.Morgan 5.10% - 6 Brynjar Bustnes J.P.Morgan 4.41% - 6 Peter Gastreich UBS 3.98% =9
7 Hernan Ladeuix CLSA 3.70% 13 7 Peter Gastreich UBS 3.87% 9 7 Andrew Chan Dawia I.R. 3.79% -
8 Peter Gastreich UBS 3.68% 9 8 Andrew Chan Daiwa I.R. 3.78% - 8 Hernan Ladeuix CLSA 3.41% =16
9 Andrew Chan Daiwa I.R. 3.04% - 9 Chris Shiu Goldman Sachs 2.64% =14 9 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 3.29% -
10 Bin Guan Merrill Lynch 2.63% 29 10 Bin Guan Merrill Lynch 2.56% - 10 Brynjar Bustnes J.P.Morgan 3.03% -
11 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 2.41% - =11 Edwin Pang Credit Suisse 2.36% - 11 Chris Shiu Goldman Sachs 2.34% =9
12 Wee-Kiat Tan Morgan Stanley 2.22% - =11 Wee-Kiat Tan Morgan Stanley 2.36% 28 =12 Edwin Pang Credit Suisse 2.28% -
13 Chris Shiu Goldman Sachs 2.12% =16 13 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 2.05% - =12 Lawrence Lau BOC International 2.28% =9
14 Edwin Pang Credit Suisse 2.09% - 14 Hernan Ladeuix CLSA 2.01% 20 14 Bin Guan Merrill Lynch 2.21% =26
15 Ghee Peh UBS 1.77% =16 15 Jim Lennon Macquarie 1.77% - 15 Andreas Bokkenheuser UBS 1.96% -
16 Lawrence Lau BOC International 1.57% =11 16 Ghee Peh UBS 1.73% =14 =16 Ghee Peh UBS 1.90% =9
17 His Han Pin Cazenove 1.52% - 17 Lawrence Lau BOC International 1.71% =11 =16 Magnus Gunn Cazenove 1.90% =23
18 Ivan Lee Lehman Brothers 1.45% 24 18 Andreas Bokkenheuser UBS 1.22% - =16 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 1.90% =26
19 Jim Lennon Macquarie 1.42% - =19 Chang Lee Woori I&S 1.18% - =16 Wee-Kiat Tan Morgan Stanley 1.90% =21
20 Magnus Gunn Cazenove 1.20% 15 =19 His Han Pin Cazenove 1.18% - 20 Rohan Dalziell Nomura 1.52% -
21 Andreas Bokkenheuser UBS 0.98% - =19 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.18% - =21 Foo Choy Peng UOB Kay Hian 1.26% -
=22 Chang Lee Woori I&S 0.95% - =19 Lance He BNP Paribas 1.18% - =21 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 1.26% -
=22 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 0.95% - =19 Magnus Gunn Cazenove 1.18% =29 =21 Por Yang Liang Lehman Brothers 1.26% =29
=22 Lance He BNP Paribas 0.95% - =19 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 1.18% - =21 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 1.26% -
=22 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 0.95% - 25 Rohan Dalziell Nomura 0.95% - =21 Tony Lee Deutsche Bank 1.26% -
26 Por Yang Liang Lehman Brothers 0.82% - =26 Foo Choy Peng UOB Kay Hian 0.79% - =26 David Ng Goldman Sachs 1.14% -
27 David Johnson Macquarie 0.78% - =26 Mathew Thomas Morgan Stanley 0.79% - =26 His Han Pin Cazenove 1.14% -
28 Rohan Dalziell Mirae Asset 0.76% - =26 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 0.79% - =26 Ivan Lee Lehman Brothers 1.14% -
=29 Foo Choy Peng UOB Kay Hian 0.63% - =26 Por Yang Liang Lehman Brothers 0.79% - =29 Clarisse Pan Lehman Brothers 0.95% -
=29 Jimmy Wong UBS 0.63% - =26 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 0.79% - =29 Jim Lennon Macquarie 0.95% -
=29 Mathew Thomas Morgan Stanley 0.63% - =26 Tony Lee Deutsche Bank 0.79% - =29 Vikash Jain CLSA 0.95% -
=29 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 0.63% - =26 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 0.79% =21
=29 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 0.63% -
=29 Tony Lee Deutsche Bank 0.63% -
=29 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 0.63% =25

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Trina Chen Credit Suisse 11.36% 1 1 Trina Chen Credit Suisse 12.09% 1 1 Trina Chen Credit Suisse 13.39% 1
2 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 10.47% 2 2 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 11.15% 2 2 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 8.32% 2
3 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 6.05% 3 3 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 5.36% 3 3 Julian Zhu Deutsche Bank 7.78% -
4 Julian Zhu Deutsche Bank 5.64% - 4 Ghee Peh UBS 5.25% 6 4 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 6.10% 3
5 Jim Lennon Macquarie 5.16% 10 5 Jim Lennon Macquarie 4.76% 9 5 Jim Lennon Macquarie 4.86% =21
6 Ghee Peh UBS 4.86% 4 6 Julian Zhu Deutsche Bank 4.26% - 6 Sonia Song Merrill Lynch 4.81% 4
7 Sonia Song Merrill Lynch 3.34% 5 7 Lance He BNP Paribas 3.90% 12 7 Sarah Mak HSBC 4.32% -
8 Lance He BNP Paribas 3.20% 12 8 Sarah Mak HSBC 3.49% - 8 Ghee Peh UBS 4.05% 6
9 Sarah Mak HSBC 2.87% - =9 Oscar Yee Citi 3.30% - 9 Oscar Yee Citi 3.24% 26
10 Geoff Boyd CLSA 2.78% 6 =9 Sonia Song Merrill Lynch 3.30% 5 10 Charles Spencer Morgan Stanley 3.02% 8
11 Oscar Yee Citi 2.71% - 11 Geoff Boyd CLSA 3.10% 4 11 Alexander Latzer Merrill Lynch 2.70% -
12 Alexander Latzer Merrill Lynch 2.03% - 12 G.J. Kim Samsung 2.37% 11 12 James Clarke Deutsche Bank 2.65% 9
13 G.J. Kim Samsung 1.95% =15 13 Mick Mi UBS 2.19% - 13 Geoff Boyd CLSA 2.61% 5
14 Belle Chan BOC International 1.90% 13 14 Charles Spencer Morgan Stanley 2.09% 8 14 Mick Mi UBS 2.43% -
15 Mick Mi UBS 1.80% - 15 Simon Francis Macquarie 2.03% 7 =15 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 2.16% =14
16 Charles Spencer Morgan Stanley 1.72% 11 16 Alexander Latzer Merrill Lynch 1.90% - =15 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 2.16% =14
=17 Kim-Chong Tan UBS 1.69% - 17 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 1.78% =22 17 Kim-Chong Tan UBS 2.00% -
=17 Simon Francis Macquarie 1.69% 7 18 Kim-Chong Tan UBS 1.68% - 18 Rajeev Das Goldman Sachs 1.78% -
19 Daniel Kang HSBC 1.62% - =19 Jeannette Sim RBS 1.59% - =19 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.62% -
20 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 1.46% =27 =19 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 1.59% 15 =19 Simon Francis Macquarie 1.62% 7
21 James Clarke Deutsche Bank 1.43% 9 21 Hubert Tang UBS 1.51% 28 =19 Steven Li HSBC 1.62% -
22 Hubert Tang UBS 1.40% - 22 Yan Chen Cazenove 1.43% - =19 Wendy Wang UBS 1.62% -
23 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 1.34% =20 23 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.27% - 23 David Murphy CLSA 1.30% -
24 Jeannette Sim RBS 1.30% - 24 Wu Juntung Cazenove 1.11% - =24 Edwin Pang Credit Suisse 1.08% -
25 Yan Chen Cazenove 1.17% - =25 Belle Chan BOC International 0.95% 10 =24 Foo Choy Peng UOB Kay Hian 1.08% =10
26 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.04% - =25 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 0.95% - =24 Pan Jianping CITICS 1.08% -
=27 Wendy Wang UBS 0.91% - =25 Sandy Niu Morgan Stanley 0.95% =22 27 Glyn Lawcock UBS 0.97% =17
=27 Wu Juntung Cazenove 0.91% - =25 Steven Li HSBC 0.95% - 28 Patrick Tiah Goldman Sachs 0.86% -
=29 James Kan CLSA 0.86% - 29 Wendy Wang UBS 0.92% - =29 Ahmad Solihin CLSA 0.81% -
=29 Rajeev Das Goldman Sachs 0.86% - =30 Christine Pu Deutsche Bank 0.79% - =29 Jeremy Chen Morgan Stanley 0.81% -
=30 Daniel Kang HSBC 0.79% - =29 Shawn Kim Morgan Stanley 0.81% -
=30 James Kan CLSA 0.79% - =29 Wu Juntung Cazenove 0.81% -
=29 Yan Chen Cazenove 0.81% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Tony Tsang Citi 14.32% 1 1 Tony Tsang Citi 14.40% 1 1 Wang Yi Goldman Sachs 15.29% 19
2 Wang Yi Goldman Sachs 10.39% =15 2 Wang Yi Goldman Sachs 11.61% 23 2 Tony Tsang Citi 12.32% 1
3 Matt Nacard Macquarie 7.87% 5 3 Matt Nacard Macquarie 9.30% 4 3 Anthony Wu Goldman Sachs 8.76% =6
4 Nicole Wong CLSA 7.14% - 4 Nicole Wong CLSA 6.82% - 4 Nicole Wong CLSA 7.78% 26
=5 Eric Wong UBS 6.36% 2 5 Eric Wong UBS 6.53% 2 5 Aaron Fischer CLSA 6.75% -
=5 Aaron Fischer CLSA 6.36% - 6 Anthony Wu Goldman Sachs 6.31% 6 6 Eric Wong UBS 5.95% 2
7 Anthony Wu Goldman Sachs 5.54% 7 7 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 6.27% 7 7 Matt Nacard Macquarie 5.23% =6
8 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 5.52% 4 8 Aaron Fischer CLSA 4.35% - 8 Eva Lee Macquarie 3.79% 10
9 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 3.52% 12 9 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 3.55% 21 9 Derek Kwong Morgan Stanley 3.59% 9
10 Eva Lee Macquarie 3.01% 10 10 Derek Kwong Morgan Stanley 3.27% 9 10 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 2.74% =17
11 Alastair Gillespie UBS 2.95% - 11 Eva Lee Macquarie 2.92% 10 11 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 2.61% =13
12 Derek Kwong Morgan Stanley 2.93% 9 12 Alastair Gillespie UBS 2.71% - =12 Keith Chan HSBC 2.35% -
13 Ken Yeung Deutsche Bank 2.40% - 13 Ken Yeung Deutsche Bank 2.48% - =12 Ken Yeung Deutsche Bank 2.35% -
14 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 2.01% 23 14 Danny Bao Deutsche Bank 2.27% - 14 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 2.07% 8
15 Tuck Yin Soong Macquarie 1.91% 18 15 Robert Fong Merrill Lynch 1.91% - 15 Haiyun Zhang UBS 1.96% -
16 Danny Bao Deutsche Bank 1.76% - 16 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 1.79% =15 16 Melissa Bon Morgan Stanley 1.76% -
17 Robert Fong Merrill Lynch 1.42% - =17 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 1.24% - 17 Mahesh Nandurkar CLSA 1.57% -
18 Keith Chan HSBC 1.11% - =17 Haiyun Zhang UBS 1.24% - =18 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 1.31% -
=19 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 0.92% - =17 Jonathan Hsu UBS 1.24% - =18 Leslie Yee Goldman Sachs 1.31% -
=19 Haiyun Zhang UBS 0.92% - 20 Tuck Yin Soong Macquarie 1.16% =27 =18 Robert Fong Merrill Lynch 1.31% -
=19 Jonathan Hsu UBS 0.92% - =21 Mahesh Nandurkar CLSA 0.99% - =21 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 1.18% -
22 Melissa Bon Morgan Stanley 0.89% - =21 Moonwook Heu Samsung 0.99% - =21 Tuck Yin Soong Macquarie 1.18% =27
=23 Mahesh Nandurkar CLSA 0.74% - =21 Sidney Yeh Credit Suisse 0.99% - =23 David Ng* UBS 1.05% =17
=23 Moonwook Heu Samsung 0.74% - =24 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 0.83% - =23 Tommy Wong Goldman Sachs 1.05% -
=23 Sidney Yeh Credit Suisse 0.74% - =24 Leslie Yee Goldman Sachs 0.83% - =25 Jason Ching Merrill Lynch 0.78% -
26 Tommy Wong Goldman Sachs 0.65% - =24 Regina Lim UBS 0.83% - =25 John Chan Cazenove 0.78% -
=27 Angus Chan Morgan Stanley 0.62% - =27 David Ng* UBS 0.66% 14 27 Danny Bao Deutsche Bank 0.65% -
=27 Leslie Yee Goldman Sachs 0.62% - =27 Tommy Wong Goldman Sachs 0.66% - =28 Anthony Darwell Nomura 0.59% =23
=27 Regina Lim UBS 0.62% - 29 Tata Goeyardi Macquarie 0.50% - =28 Tony Darwell Nomura 0.59% -
30 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 0.55% - 30 Jackie Choy Lehman Brothers 0.28% - =30 Harshad Arole RBS 0.39% -
=30 Jin Guo Cazenove 0.39% -
* David Ng has left UBS =30 Lock Mun Yee DBS Vickers 0.39% -

* David Ng has left UBS

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Andrew Lu Citi 15.05% 1 1 Andrew Lu Citi 16.91% 1 1 Andrew Lu Citi 14.70% 1
2 William Dong UBS 7.52% 3 2 Lawrence Lee Samsung 6.28% 7 2 Lawrence Lee Samsung 8.90% =20
3 Lawrence Lee Samsung 6.18% 10 3 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 5.37% =13 3 William Dong UBS 5.75% 6
4 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 5.10% 5 4 Dan Heyler Merrill Lynch 5.18% 2 4 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 5.64% 8
5 Dan Heyler Merrill Lynch 4.92% 2 5 William Dong UBS 4.83% 5 5 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 5.21% 19
6 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 4.65% 6 6 Jessica Chang Credit Suisse 4.73% - 6 Dan Heyler Merrill Lynch 5.14% 2
7 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 4.33% 8 7 Michael Chou Deutsche Bank 4.14% - 7 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 4.60% -
8 Jessica Chang Credit Suisse 3.91% - 8 Warren Lau Macquarie 3.71% 3 8 Michael Chou Deutsche Bank 4.37% -
9 Warren Lau Macquarie 3.76% 4 9 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 3.52% 9 9 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 4.10% 4
10 Michael Chou Deutsche Bank 3.29% - 10 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 3.43% 6 10 Simon Woo Merrill Lynch 3.68% =13
11 Simon Woo Merrill Lynch 2.68% =14 11 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 2.96% - 11 Warren Lau Macquarie 3.32% 3
12 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 2.27% - 12 Steve Pelayo HSBC 2.51% - 12 John Sung Credit Suisse 3.22% -
13 Szeho Ng BNP Paribas 2.17% - 13 Szeho Ng BNP Paribas 2.46% - 13 Jonah Cheng Merrill Lynch 3.14% =9
14 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 2.04% 7 14 Jonah Cheng Merrill Lynch 2.02% =13 =14 Do Hoon Lee Macquarie 2.30% -
15 Steve Pelayo HSBC 1.99% - 15 Jeffrey Toder RBS 1.97% - =14 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 2.30% -
16 Jonah Cheng Merrill Lynch 1.85% 18 16 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 1.77% - =14 Yoshihiro Shimada Macquarie 2.30% -
17 John Sung Credit Suisse 1.59% - =17 Simon Woo Merrill Lynch 1.73% =13 17 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 1.99% 5
18 Jeffrey Toder RBS 1.51% - =17 Xin Zhao Cazenove 1.73% - =18 Bruce Lu CLSA 1.84% -
19 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 1.36% - 19 Bruce Lu CLSA 1.68% - =18 Tse Yong Yao HSBC 1.84% -
20 Xin Zhao Cazenove 1.32% - 20 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 1.67% 4 20 Steve Pelayo HSBC 1.61% -
=21 Bruce Lu CLSA 1.29% - =21 Do Hoon Lee Macquarie 1.48% - =21 Damian Thong Macquarie 1.53% -
=21 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 1.29% - =21 John Sung Credit Suisse 1.48% - =21 Jeffrey Toder RBS 1.53% -
23 Randy Abrams Credit Suisse 1.15% 16 =21 Randy Abrams Credit Suisse 1.48% =16 =23 Pranab Kumar Sarmah Daiwa I.R. 1.38% -
=24 Do Hoon Lee Macquarie 1.13% - =21 Ronnie Ho Merrill Lynch 1.48% - =23 Shailesh Jaitly Nomura 1.38% 7
=24 Ronnie Ho Merrill Lynch 1.13% - =21 Yoshihiro Shimada Macquarie 1.48% - =25 Bill Lu Morgan Stanley 1.23% -
=24 Yoshihiro Shimada Macquarie 1.13% - 26 Yolanda Wang Lehman Brothers 1.28% - =25 Szeho Ng BNP Paribas 1.23% -
=27 Bill Lu Morgan Stanley 0.98% - =27 Dhruv Vohra CLSA 1.18% 29 =25 Tiffany Chen KGI 1.23% -
=27 Yolanda Wang Lehman Brothers 0.98% - =27 Jay Kim Hyundai 1.18% - 28 Jack Lu RBS 1.15% -
=29 Dhruv Vohra CLSA 0.91% - =27 Patrick Yau Macquarie 1.18% - 29 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 0.92% =30
=29 Jay Kim Hyundai 0.91% - =27 Tse Yong Yao HSBC 1.18% - 30 Edward Yen UBS 0.77% -
=29 Patrick Yau Macquarie 0.91% -
=29 Tse Yong Yao HSBC 0.91% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Henry King Goldman Sachs 9.69% 1 1 Henry King Goldman Sachs 10.09% 1 1 Daniel Chang Macquarie 11.16% 3
2 Daniel Chang Macquarie 8.46% 4 2 Daniel Chang Macquarie 9.96% 3 2 Arthur Hsieh UBS 10.89% 2
3 Arthur Hsieh UBS 7.92% 3 3 Arthur Hsieh UBS 6.07% 6 3 Henry King Goldman Sachs 7.37% 1
4 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 4.67% 7 4 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 5.65% 10 4 Warren Lau Macquarie 5.81% -
5 Warren Lau Macquarie 3.77% 17 5 Warren Lau Macquarie 5.18% =15 =5 Jenny Lai CLSA 4.36% -
6 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 3.24% - 6 Jenny Lai CLSA 3.29% - =5 Ming-Kai Cheng CLSA 4.36% =21
7 Jenny Lai CLSA 3.14% - 7 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 3.25% - 7 Tony Tseng Merrill Lynch 3.49% 30
8 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 2.57% - 8 Jasmine Lu Morgan Stanley 2.59% 25 8 Kevin Chang Citi 2.69% -
9 Jasmine Lu Morgan Stanley 2.50% 10 9 Alex Yang Lehman Brothers 2.54% 9 9 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 2.61% =21
10 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 2.37% 29 =10 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 2.45% 26 10 Frederick Wong BNP Paribas 2.47% 19
11 Frederick Wong BNP Paribas 2.20% 13 =10 Vincent Chen Yuanta 2.45% 12 11 Jeffrey Toder RBS 2.40% -
12 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 1.96% - 12 Frederick Wong BNP Paribas 2.16% 29 12 Laura Chen Merrill Lynch 2.32% -
13 Alex Yang Lehman Brothers 1.90% 14 =13 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 2.12% - =13 Bhavin Shah J.P.Morgan 2.18% -
=14 KC Kao Deutsche Bank 1.85% 6 =13 Xin Zhao Cazenove 2.12% - =13 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 2.18% =21
=14 Tony Tseng Merrill Lynch 1.85% 15 15 Jeffrey Su Merrill Lynch 2.00% - =13 Michael Bang Macquarie 2.18% =10
=16 Kevin Chang Citi 1.78% 9 =16 Kevin Chang Citi 1.88% 11 =13 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 2.18% -
=16 Vincent Chen Yuanta 1.78% 12 =16 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 1.88% - =13 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 2.18% -
18 Chia-Lin Lu Macquarie 1.65% =21 18 Donald Lu Goldman Sachs 1.84% - 18 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 1.89% =25
19 Xin Zhao Cazenove 1.54% - 19 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 1.63% - 19 Jasmine Lu Morgan Stanley 1.82% 9
20 Jeffrey Su Merrill Lynch 1.46% - =20 Grace Chen Morgan Stanley 1.51% - =20 Kim-Chong Tan UBS 1.74% -
21 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 1.37% - =20 Laura Chen Merrill Lynch 1.51% - =20 Richard Ji Morgan Stanley 1.74% -
22 James Kim Lehman Brothers 1.30% - =22 Frank Wang Morgan Stanley 1.41% - =20 Robert Lea UBS 1.74% -
23 Frank Wang Morgan Stanley 1.23% - =22 Henry Kim Morgan Stanley 1.41% - =20 Robin Cheng UBS 1.74% =10
24 Seunghoon Han Goldman Sachs 1.19% - =22 Michael Bang Macquarie 1.41% 8 =20 Shailesh Jaitly Nomura 1.74% =6
25 Robert Lea UBS 1.17% - =22 Tony Tseng Merrill Lynch 1.41% 13 =25 Matthew Evans CLSA 1.45% -
=26 Dave Dai CLSA 1.13% - =22 Wanli Wang HSBC 1.41% - =25 Michael Chou Deutsche Bank 1.45% -
=26 Dohan Kim Samsung 1.13% - 27 James Kim Lehman Brothers 1.21% - =27 Dave Dai CLSA 1.31% -
=26 Jeffrey Toder RBS 1.13% - =28 Angela Hsiang KGI 1.13% =15 =27 Don See Cazenove 1.31% -
=29 Grace Chen Morgan Stanley 1.10% - =28 Dohan Kim Samsung 1.13% - =27 Felix Rusli Credit Suisse 1.31% -
=29 Laura Chen Merrill Lynch 1.10% - =28 Dongwon Kim Hyundai 1.13% - =27 Joey Cheng Goldman Sachs 1.31% 16
=28 Jeffrey Toder RBS 1.13% - =27 Joseph Ho Daiwa I.R. 1.31% -
=28 Kim-Chong Tan UBS 1.13% - =27 KC Kao Deutsche Bank 1.31% =6
=28 Richard Ji Morgan Stanley 1.13% - =27 Pranab Kumar Sarmah Daiwa I.R. 1.31% -
=28 Robin Cheng UBS 1.13% =15

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Helen Zhu Goldman Sachs 18.26% 1 1 Helen Zhu Goldman Sachs 21.17% 1 1 Helen Zhu Goldman Sachs 21.43% 2
2 Anand Ramachandran Citi 12.18% 2 2 Anand Ramachandran Citi 13.62% 2 2 Cynthia Meng Merrill Lynch 10.70% -
3 Jinjin Wang UBS 10.94% 4 3 Jinjin Wang UBS 10.64% =3 3 Anand Ramachandran Citi 10.19% 3
4 Francis Cheung CLSA 8.96% 3 4 Francis Cheung CLSA 7.87% =3 4 Jinjin Wang UBS 8.10% 1
5 Cynthia Meng Merrill Lynch 6.41% - 5 Cynthia Meng Merrill Lynch 7.30% - 5 Tim Storey J.P.Morgan 3.93% 6
6 Tim Smart Macquarie 5.48% 9 6 Tim Smart Macquarie 4.63% 7 6 Francis Cheung CLSA 3.81% 4
7 Suresh Mahadevan UBS 3.41% 10 7 Tim Storey J.P.Morgan 3.32% 5 =7 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 3.56% 5
8 Tim Storey J.P.Morgan 3.34% 5 8 Suresh Mahadevan UBS 3.04% 8 =7 Tim Smart Macquarie 3.56% =17
9 Tucker Grinnan HSBC 2.50% 30 9 Tucker Grinnan HSBC 2.73% - =9 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 3.31% =17
10 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 2.45% 6 10 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 2.11% 6 =9 Tucker Grinnan HSBC 3.31% =17
11 Wendy Liu RBS 2.15% - 11 Wendy Liu RBS 2.07% - 11 Suresh Mahadevan UBS 3.19% 8
12 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 1.49% - 12 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 1.87% =27 12 Wendy Liu RBS 2.46% -
13 Terry Chan Credit Suisse 1.40% - 13 Terry Chan Credit Suisse 1.76% - =13 Josh Bae UBS 1.84% =27
14 Jimmy Cheong J.P.Morgan 1.35% - 14 Jimmy Cheong J.P.Morgan 1.69% - =13 Karen Ang Citi 1.84% -
15 Karen Ang Citi 1.16% - 15 Karen Ang Citi 1.45% - =13 Richard Moe CLSA 1.84% -
16 Shirley Tse UBS 1.07% 14 =16 Josh Bae UBS 1.04% - 16 Kelvin Goh CIMB 1.78% -
17 Josh Bae UBS 0.91% - =16 Marvin Lo Daiwa I.R. 1.04% =17 =17 Eddie Leung Merrill Lynch 1.47% -
18 Jeffrey Tan Credit Suisse 0.87% =27 =16 Richard Moe CLSA 1.04% - =17 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 1.47% -
19 Kelvin Goh CIMB 0.84% - 19 Jeffrey Tan Credit Suisse 0.88% - =17 Sachin Mittal DBS Vickers 1.47% -
=20 Colin McCallum Credit Suisse 0.83% 23 =20 Eddie Leung Merrill Lynch 0.83% - =20 David Lee CLSA 1.23% -
=20 Marvin Lo Daiwa I.R. 0.83% 11 =20 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 0.83% - =20 Paul Wuh Lehman Brothers 1.23% -
=20 Richard Moe CLSA 0.83% - =20 Jay Park Samsung 0.83% - 22 Colin McCallum Credit Suisse 1.10% =17
=23 Eddie Leung Merrill Lynch 0.66% - =23 David Lee CLSA 0.69% - =23 Elinor Leung CLSA 0.98% =22
=23 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 0.66% - =23 Kelvin Goh CIMB 0.69% - =23 George Chu UBS 0.98% -
=23 Jay Park Samsung 0.66% - =23 Paul Wuh Lehman Brothers 0.69% - =23 Jimmy Cheong J.P.Morgan 0.98% -
=23 Sachin Mittal DBS Vickers 0.66% - 26 Stanley Yang Lehman Brothers 0.64% 24 26 Gary Ngan UBS 0.74% -
27 William Bratton Deutsche Bank 0.61% - =27 Reena Verma Merrill Lynch 0.62% - =27 Frederick Wong BNP Paribas 0.61% -
=28 David Lee CLSA 0.55% - =27 Shirley Tse UBS 0.62% 12 =27 Jeffrey Tan Credit Suisse 0.61% =22
=28 Paul Wuh Lehman Brothers 0.55% - =29 Elinor Leung CLSA 0.55% - 29 Shirley Tse UBS 0.49% =13
30 Allan Ng BOC International 0.52% - =29 George Chu UBS 0.55% - 30 Alan Hellawell Deutsche Bank 0.46% -
=29 William Bratton Deutsche Bank 0.55% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Tom Kim Goldman Sachs 11.48% 6 1 Tom Kim Goldman Sachs 12.47% 6 1 Tom Kim Goldman Sachs 16.33% 10
2 Ally Ma Citi 8.12% 4 2 Ally Ma Citi 8.90% 5 2 Paul Dewberry Merrill Lynch 9.57% 8
3 Sam Lee Credit Suisse 6.57% =30 3 Johnson Man Leung J.P.Morgan 7.54% 28 3 Johnson Man Leung J.P.Morgan 8.67% -
4 Johnson Man Leung J.P.Morgan 6.52% =30 4 Paul Dewberry Merrill Lynch 6.63% 7 4 Ally Ma Citi 7.31% 2
5 Paul Dewberry Merrill Lynch 5.59% 9 5 Sam Lee Credit Suisse 6.26% 30 5 Sam Lee Credit Suisse 6.43% -
6 Richard Wei UBS 5.13% - 6 Richard Wei UBS 5.66% - 6 Damien Horth UBS 4.36% 6
7 Damien Horth UBS 4.05% 8 7 Damien Horth UBS 3.89% 9 7 Alex Chang UBS 3.98% -
8 Ingrid Wei Credit Suisse 2.92% 17 8 Osbert Tang RBS 3.15% - 8 Ingrid Wei Credit Suisse 3.44% =18
9 Joe Liew Deutsche Bank 2.80% 7 9 Mark Webb HSBC 3.12% 19 9 Andrew Lee Lehman Brothers 3.16% =18
10 Osbert Tang RBS 2.67% - 10 Joe Liew Deutsche Bank 2.83% 11 10 Corrine Png J.P.Morgan 2.78% -
11 Andrew Lee Lehman Brothers 2.63% 22 11 Edward Xu Morgan Stanley 2.70% - 11 Jon Windham Macquarie 2.62% -
12 Mark Webb HSBC 2.57% 19 12 Andrew Lee Lehman Brothers 2.62% - =12 Geoffrey Cheng Daiwa I.R. 2.40% =23
13 Edward Xu Morgan Stanley 2.54% - 13 Chin Lim Morgan Stanley 2.61% 13 =12 Mark Webb HSBC 2.40% -
14 Chin Lim Morgan Stanley 2.46% 10 14 Jon Windham Macquarie 2.48% - 14 Jimmy Lam BOC International 2.07% 3
15 Corrine Png J.P.Morgan 2.43% 20 15 Anderson Chow Macquarie 2.35% =22 15 Joe Liew Deutsche Bank 1.91% 4
16 Alex Chang UBS 2.23% - 16 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 2.23% - 16 Henry Kwon Credit Suisse 1.85% -
17 Anderson Chow Macquarie 2.05% =23 17 Corrine Png J.P.Morgan 2.13% 20 =17 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.64% -
18 Jon Windham Macquarie 2.04% - 18 Jimmy Lam BOC International 2.04% 2 =17 Vincent Fernando Citi 1.64% -
19 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.87% - 19 Alex Chang UBS 1.75% - =17 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.64% -
20 Jimmy Lam BOC International 1.83% 2 20 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.72% - 20 Sophie Loh Morgan Stanley 1.58% =18
21 Sophie Loh Morgan Stanley 1.62% - 21 Ingrid Wei Credit Suisse 1.64% 16 21 Edward Xu Morgan Stanley 1.36% -
22 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.41% - 22 Sophie Loh Morgan Stanley 1.30% - =22 Charles De Trenck Transport Trackers 1.31% 1
23 Hungbin Toh Credit Suisse 1.31% - 23 Andrew Au Cazenove 1.14% - =22 David Ng Goldman Sachs 1.31% -
24 Andrew Au Cazenove 1.26% - 24 Robert Bruce CLSA 1.02% - 24 Richard Wei UBS 1.25% -
25 Geoffrey Cheng Daiwa I.R. 1.24% 13 =25 Hungbin Toh Credit Suisse 0.95% - =25 Anderson Chow Macquarie 1.09% -
=26 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 0.89% - =25 Min Liu Merrill Lynch 0.95% - =25 Raymond Yap CIMB 1.09% -
=26 Henry Kwon Credit Suisse 0.89% - =25 Vincent Fernando Citi 0.95% - =25 Simon Cheng Deutsche Bank 1.09% -
28 Robert Bruce CLSA 0.86% - =28 Charles De Trenck Transport Trackers 0.76% 1 28 Jane Ye Cazenove 0.98% -
=29 Min Liu Merrill Lynch 0.79% - =28 David Ng Goldman Sachs 0.76% - 29 Jun Harada UBS 0.82% =13
=29 Vincent Fernando Citi 0.79% - =30 Craig Stafford UBS 0.64% - =30 Andrew Au Cazenove 0.65% -
=30 Henry Wu UBS 0.64% - =30 Hino Lam Goldman Sachs 0.65% -
=30 PJ Yoon Samsung 0.64% - =30 HungBin Toh Credit Suisse 0.65% -
=30 Raymond Yap CIMB 0.64% -
=30 Simon Cheng Deutsche Bank 0.64% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Pierre Lau Citi 17.36% 1 1 Pierre Lau Citi 17.85% 1 1 Pierre Lau Citi 18.49% 1
2 Edmond Lee J.P.Morgan 10.25% 4 2 Edmond Lee J.P.Morgan 12.13% 7 2 Stephen Oldfield UBS 11.33% 5
3 Stephen Oldfield UBS 9.09% 2 3 Franklin Chow Goldman Sachs 7.82% 10 3 Michael Tong Deutsche Bank 9.74% -
4 Simon Powell CLSA 8.66% 10 4 Ivan Lee Lehman Brothers 7.27% 4 4 Franklin Chow Goldman Sachs 8.26% 9
5 Ivan Lee Lehman Brothers 6.83% 5 5 Gary Chiu HSBC 7.17% 3 5 Edmond Lee J.P.Morgan 8.02% 3
=6 Franklin Chow Goldman Sachs 6.44% 11 6 Stephen Oldfield UBS 7.04% 2 6 Gary Chiu HSBC 7.45% 2
=6 Michael Tong Deutsche Bank 6.44% - 7 Simon Powell CLSA 6.87% 16 7 Ivan Lee Lehman Brothers 7.27% 7
8 Gary Chiu HSBC 6.38% 3 8 Michael Tong Deutsche Bank 6.57% - 8 Simon Powell CLSA 7.09% 12
9 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 5.75% =6 9 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 5.74% 5 9 Simon Lee Morgan Stanley 4.75% 4
10 Alvin Tan Cazenove 3.19% 13 10 Alvin Tan Cazenove 3.36% 27 10 Alvin Tan Cazenove 3.37% 17
11 Angello Chan Credit Suisse 1.88% 12 11 David Yip Merrill Lynch 1.89% - 11 David Yip Merrill Lynch 3.01% -
12 David Yip Merrill Lynch 1.49% - 12 Chang Lee Woori I.R. 1.54% - 12 Angello Chan Credit Suisse 2.89% 10
13 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.31% =6 13 Ajay Mirchandani J.P.Morgan 1.51% - =13 Prem Jearajasingam Macquarie 1.80% -
14 Chang Lee Woori I&S 1.22% - 14 Dave Dai CLSA 1.20% - =13 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.80% -
15 Ajay Mirchandani J.P.Morgan 1.19% - =15 Hocheol Kim Credit Suisse 1.13% - =15 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 1.08% -
16 Geoff Boyd CLSA 1.14% 26 =15 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.13% - =15 Steven Zhang CLSA 1.08% -
17 Prem Jearajasingam Macquarie 1.07% - =15 Prem Jearajasingam Macquarie 1.13% - 17 Scully Tsoi HSBC 0.96% -
18 Dave Dai CLSA 1.03% - =15 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.13% - 18 Suhas Rema HarinarayanaUBS 0.60% -
=19 Hocheol Kim Credit Suisse 0.89% - 19 Geoff Boyd CLSA 0.99% 23 =19 Abhijeet Dakshikar RBS 0.36% -
=19 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 0.89% - =20 Angello Chan Credit Suisse 0.91% 12 =19 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 0.36% 6
=19 Yong-suk Son UBS 0.89% - =20 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 0.91% 6 21 Giovanni Dela-Rosa Deutsche Bank 0.18% -
22 Seoung Woo Kim Samsung 0.72% - =20 Seoung Woo Kim Samsung 0.91% - 22 Dave Dai CLSA 0.10% -
=23 Charles Yonts CLSA 0.60% - =23 Charles Yonts CLSA 0.75% -
=23 Craig Stafford UBS 0.60% - =23 Craig Stafford UBS 0.75% -
=23 Rohan Dalziell Mirae Asset 0.60% 14 =23 Rohan Dalziell Nomura 0.75% 11
=23 Scully Tsoi HSBC 0.60% - 26 Scully Tsoi HSBC 0.60% -
=27 Athaporn Arayasantiparb UBS 0.54% - 27 Keith Li CIMB 0.57% -
=27 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 0.54% - 28 Suhas Rema HarinarayananUBS 0.38% -
=27 Steven Zhang CLSA 0.54% 23
=30 Giovanni Dela-Rosa Deutsche Bank 0.45% -
=30 Keith Li CIMB 0.45% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 46.55% 1 1 CLSA 48.17% 1 1 CLSA 47.33% 1
2 Macquarie 8.55% 2 2 Macquarie 7.90% 3 2 Macquarie 10.83% 2
3 BNP Paribas 5.61% 12 3 BNP Paribas 5.47% 14 3 Credit Suisse 7.02% 4
4 Credit Suisse 4.77% 5 4 Credit Suisse 5.42% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 5.05% 6
5 UBS 4.03% 3 5 UBS 3.98% 2 5 HSBC 3.64% =25
6 Merrill Lynch 3.55% 14 6 Merrill Lynch 3.63% 15 6 Merrill Lynch 3.49% =16
7 J.P.Morgan 3.44% 4 7 J.P.Morgan 3.55% 4 7 Goldman Sachs 3.23% =16
8 Goldman Sachs 2.72% 15 8 Goldman Sachs 3.17% 26 8 CICC 2.52% 11
9 HSBC 2.61% 19 9 HSBC 2.79% 17 9 Cazenove 1.89% 8
10 Morgan Stanley 2.17% 9 10 Morgan Stanley 2.18% 9 10 BNP Paribas 1.78% =27
11 Cazenove 1.97% 7 11 Cazenove 1.93% 8 11 Morgan Stanley 1.71% 9
12 Deutsche Bank 1.84% 8 12 CICC 1.74% 12 12 Citi 1.57% 7
13 CICC 1.73% 10 13 Deutsche Bank 1.27% 6 13 Deutsche Bank 1.30% 5
14 Nomura 1.25% 11 14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.07% 16 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.04% -
15 Citi 1.24% 6 15 Citi 0.99% 7 15 UBS 1.00% 3
16 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.87% 18 16 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.80% - =16 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.89% 14
17 Kim Eng 0.70% 17 17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.75% =22 =16 Kim Eng 0.89% 10
18 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.63% - 18 Nomura 0.63% 10 =16 MainFirst 0.89% -
=19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.60% =26 19 Lehman Brothers* 0.60% 13 =19 Austock 0.74% -
=19 Samsung 0.60% 24 20 UOB Kay Hian 0.59% 20 =19 UOB Kay Hian 0.74% =18
21 Yuanta 0.58% - =21 Kim Eng 0.50% 21 21 B&K 0.67% -
22 UOB Kay Hian 0.57% 23 =21 MainFirst 0.50% - =22 IIFL 0.45% -
23 Lehman Brothers* 0.48% 13 =21 Samsung 0.50% - =22 Nomura 0.45% =18
24 MainFirst 0.40% - =24 Austock 0.42% - =24 BOC International 0.30% 13
25 RBS** 0.37% 16 =24 RBS** 0.42% 11 =24 DBS Vickers 0.30% 15
26 Austock 0.33% - 26 SBICAP 0.34% - 26 Religare 0.22% -
=27 B&K 0.30% - 27 DBS Vickers 0.27% =18 27 CIMB 0.07% 29
=27 CIMB 0.30% 22 28 BOC International 0.17% =18
29 SBI E2-Capital 0.27% 25 =29 Guotai Junan 0.10% -
30 DBS Vickers 0.22% =20 =29 Yuanta 0.10% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 37.76% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 38.74% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 37.15% 1
2 Morgan Stanley 20.88% 2 2 Morgan Stanley 22.03% 2 2 Morgan Stanley 19.85% 2
3 UBS 13.21% 3 3 UBS 12.32% 3 3 UBS 14.46% 3
4 Merrill Lynch 5.98% 4 4 Merrill Lynch 6.43% 4 4 Merrill Lynch 6.52% 4
5 Credit Suisse 2.40% 6 5 Macquarie 2.80% 18 5 CLSA 3.28% 12
6 Citi 2.36% 5 6 Citi 2.56% 5 6 Credit Suisse 2.71% 5
7 Macquarie 2.26% 22 7 Credit Suisse 2.23% 6 7 J.P.Morgan 2.62% 6
8 Deutsche Bank 2.13% 8 8 J.P.Morgan 2.11% 8 8 Macquarie 2.22% 15
9 J.P.Morgan 2.40% 7 9 Deutsche Bank 1.99% 7 9 Deutsche Bank 1.91% 8
10 CLSA 1.94% 11 =10 CICC 1.31% - 10 DBS Vickers 1.33% 9
11 CICC 1.04% - =10 CLSA 1.31% 10 11 UOB Kay Hian 1.11% -
12 RBS* 0.99% 24 12 HSBC 1.16% =16 =12 HSBC 1.07% -
13 HSBC 0.92% =17 =13 RBS* 0.89% =19 =12 KBC 1.07% -
=14 DBS Vickers 0.71% 13 =13 DBS Vickers 0.89% 15 =14 Daiwa I.R. 0.80% 11
=14 UOB Kay Hian 0.71% - =13 UOB Kay Hian 0.89% - =14 Enam 0.80% -
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.66% =14 =16 KBC 0.71% - =16 Citi 0.71% 7
=17 KBC 0.57% - =16 Nomura 0.71% 9 =16 Nomura 0.71% 10
=17 Nomura 0.57% 9 =18 CIMB 0.30% - 18 Edelweiss 0.53% -
19 BNP Paribas 0.47% 12 =18 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.30% =12 =19 CIMB 0.44% 20
20 Enam 0.43% - =18 Yuanta 0.30% =12 =19 Yuanta 0.44% -
21 Yuanta 0.38% =14 21 Motilal Oswal 0.27% -
22 Edelweiss 0.28% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
23 CIMB 0.24% =19
24 Lehman Brothers** 0.19% 10
=25 BOC International 0.14% 26
=25 Motilal Oswal 0.14% -
=25 Samsung 0.14% -
28 Fubon 0.09% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 17.47% 1 1 CLSA 17.50% 2 1 CLSA 15.03% 2
2 UBS 14.95% 2 2 UBS 15.88% 1 2 UBS 14.88% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 10.02% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 10.29% 3 3 Goldman Sachs 10.15% 6
4 Goldman Sachs 8.12% 9 4 Goldman Sachs 9.27% 10 4 Deutsche Bank 9.92% 4
5 Morgan Stanley 7.60% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 8.23% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 9.44% 3
6 Credit Suisse 7.04% 8 6 Credit Suisse 6.96% 8 6 Credit Suisse 7.44% 9
7 Deutsche Bank 6.51% 7 7 Merrill Lynch 6.31% 5 7 J.P.Morgan 7.33% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 6.34% 5 8 Deutsche Bank 5.94% 7 8 Merrill Lynch 6.16% 7
9 Macquarie 6.16% 10 9 Macquarie 5.82% 9 9 Macquarie 6.04% 10
10 Citi 5.30% 4 10 Citi 4.86% 4 10 Citi 5.32% 5
11 BNP Paribas 1.74% 12 11 BNP Paribas 1.69% 12 11 HSBC 1.71% 14
12 HSBC 1.58% 16 12 HSBC 1.39% 16 12 DBS Vickers 1.53% 23
13 Nomura 1.26% 11 13 Lehman Brothers* 0.99% 13 13 CICC 0.73% 17
14 Lehman Brothers* 0.98% 14 14 CICC 0.89% 15 14 BOC International 0.58% =18
15 CICC 0.79% 13 15 DBS Vickers 0.74% =22 15 KGI 0.44% -
16 DBS Vickers 0.73% 19 16 Nomura 0.61% 11 =16 Lehman Brothers* 0.40% 13
17 BOC International 0.63% =22 17 BOC International 0.39% =19 =16 Nomura 0.40% 12
18 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.35% =22 18 RBS** 0.37% =22 =18 B&K 0.33% -
=19 RBS** 0.33% 28 19 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.31% =19 =18 BNP Paribas 0.33% 11
=19 CIMB 0.33% 20 20 CIMB 0.26% 24 =18 Cazenove 0.33% 15
21 Cazenove 0.31% 17 21 KGI 0.25% - 21 CIMB 0.31% -
22 Daiwa SMBC 0.26% 15 22 Cazenove 0.20% =17 =22 Churchill Capital 0.29% -
23 KGI 0.24% - =23 Churchill Capital 0.16% - =22 KBC 0.29% -
=24 B&K 0.14% - =23 KBC 0.16% - 24 Religare 0.22% -
=24 UOB Kay Hian 0.14% 18 =23 Samsung 0.16% - 25 UOB Kay Hian 0.18% 16
=26 Churchill Capital 0.13% - 26 Daiwa SMBC 0.12% 14 =26 Barclays Capital 0.11% -
=26 KBC 0.13% - =27 Mizuho 0.10% - =26 Enam 0.11% -
=26 Samsung 0.13% =24 =27 UOB Kay Hian 0.10% =17
29 Religare 0.10% - 29 SBI E2-Capital 0.03% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
30 Mizuho 0.08% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 15.06% 1 1 UBS 16.20% 1 1 UBS 17.08% 1
2 CLSA 11.50% 3 2 CLSA 10.33% 3 2 Deutsche Bank 10.21% 2
3 Credit Suisse 9.79% 5 3 Credit Suisse 9.67% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 9.57% 4
4 Deutsche Bank 9.05% 2 4 Goldman Sachs 9.12% 7 4 CLSA 9.49% 5
5 Goldman Sachs 7.49% 6 5 Deutsche Bank 8.84% 2 5 Credit Suisse 9.47% 7
6 J.P.Morgan 6.89% 9 6 J.P.Morgan 7.45% 9 6 J.P.Morgan 8.63% 10
7 Citi 6.46% 8 7 Citi 5.85% 8 7 Citi 6.38% 8
8 Morgan Stanley 5.22% 4 8 Macquarie 5.39% 10 8 Morgan Stanley 5.62% 3
9 Macquarie 4.98% 10 9 Morgan Stanley 5.18% 4 9 Macquarie 5.00% 9
10 Merrill Lynch 4.55% 7 10 Merrill Lynch 4.49% 5 10 Merrill Lynch 4.86% 6
11 BNP Paribas 4.41% 12 11 BNP Paribas 4.26% 13 11 HSBC 1.63% =13
12 HSBC 2.56% 15 12 HSBC 2.25% 15 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.57% -
13 Lehman Brothers* 1.05% - 13 Lehman Brothers* 1.25% 27 13 BNP Paribas 1.32% 12
14 Yuanta 0.86% =27 14 Instinet 1.13% - 14 Cantor Fitzgerald 1.10% =19
15 Instinet 0.83% - 15 DBS Vickers 0.81% 26 15 Yuanta 1.04% -
16 DBS Vickers 0.81% 25 16 BOC International 0.79% =19 16 CIMB 0.97% -
17 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.80% - 17 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.71% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.90% 22
=18 Cazenove 0.73% 18 =18 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.68% - 18 Kingsway 0.83% -
=18 CIMB 0.73% =30 =18 Yuanta 0.68% - =19 Enam 0.76% =19
20 BOC International 0.61% 22 20 CIMB 0.59% - =19 Kim Eng 0.76% 15
21 Daiwa SMBC 0.56% 21 =21 Kingsway 0.54% - =21 Cazenove 0.62% 18
22 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.53% =27 =21 Samsung 0.54% 14 =21 Edelweiss 0.62% =23
23 Kim Eng 0.50% 14 =21 Bloomberg Tradebook 0.54% - =23 Instinet 0.35% -
24 Société Générale 0.43% - =24 RBS** 0.45% 12 =23 Nomura 0.35% 11
=25 KGI 0.40% - =24 Cazenove 0.45% =24 25 KGI 0.28% -
=25 Kingsway 0.40% - =24 Société Générale 0.45% - =26 Daiwa SMBC 0.21% -
=25 Samsung 0.40% 17 27 Kim Eng 0.36% =19 =26 IIFL 0.21% -
=25 Bloomberg Tradebook 0.40% - =28 Daiwa SMBC 0.23% 17 28 CICC 0.10% =19
29 Nomura 0.38% 11 =28 Enam 0.23% =22 29 Standard Chartered 0.07% -
30 Enam 0.37% =19 =28 Nomura 0.23% 11
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Evelyn Moore CLSA 2.30% - 1 Evelyn Moore CLSA 2.15% - 1 Jason Chew UBS 2.94% -
2 Jason Chew UBS 1.39% - 2 Jason Chew UBS 1.78% - 2 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 2.66% -
3 Maureen Baker Deutsche Bank 1.38% 8 3 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 1.69% - 3 Alan Chen CLSA 2.24% 21
4 Nancy Wu BNP Paribas 1.36% - 4 Connie Yan UBS 1.58% 13 =4 Evelyn Moore CLSA 2.12% -
5 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 1.30% - 5 Nancy Wu BNP Paribas 1.52% - =4 Jack Mcferran J.P.Morgan 2.12% -
6 Connie Yan UBS 1.27% 20 6 Eric Chang J.P.Morgan 1.49% - =6 Aki Yoda UBS 1.98% 1
7 Eric Chang J.P.Morgan 1.18% - 7 Alan Chen CLSA 1.42% - =6 Connie Yan UBS 1.98% -
8 Alan Chen CLSA 1.12% - 8 Jack Mcferran J.P.Morgan 1.34% - 8 Jeffrey Shiu Credit Suisse 1.92% 3
9 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 1.07% - 9 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.32% - 9 Nilesh Navlakha Deutsche Bank 1.79% -
10 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.01% - 10 Jenny Chiam Lehman Brothers 1.27% 3 10 Girish Pamnani Goldman Sachs 1.77% -
11 Michael Balbirnie UBS 0.98% - 11 Jeffrey Shiu Credit Suisse 1.22% 7 11 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.67% -
12 Jenny Chiam Lehman Brothers 0.94% 5 12 Jasmine Koh J.P.Morgan 1.17% - =12 Eric Chang J.P.Morgan 1.65% -
13 Aki Yoda UBS 0.93% 3 13 Nilesh Navlakha Deutsche Bank 1.14% - =12 Nicholas Paolucci J.P.Morgan 1.65% -
=14 Terence Oon Macquarie 0.91% - =14 Girish Pamnani Goldman Sachs 1.12% - 14 Charles Blake Citi 1.60% =19
=14 Jeffrey Shiu Credit Suisse 0.91% 14 =14 Lee Leng Chua UBS 1.12% - 15 Maureen Baker Deutsche Bank 1.53% 6
16 Girish Pamnani Goldman Sachs 0.90% - 16 Nicholas Paolucci J.P.Morgan 1.05% - 16 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 1.41% -
17 Lye Keong Tho Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.89% - 17 Vonnie Chan CLSA 1.04% 1 17 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 1.33% 11
=18 Vonnie Chan CLSA 0.88% 1 =18 Ronald Cheung UBS 0.99% - 18 Faye Ye UBS 1.22% -
=18 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 0.88% - =18 Terrence Quah UBS 0.99% 22 19 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.20% -
20 Jasmine Koh J.P.Morgan 0.87% - 20 Gary Mui Merrill Lynch 0.97% 5 =20 Lionel Neave Merrill Lynch 1.13% -
21 Nilesh Navlakha Deutsche Bank 0.84% - 21 Michael Balbirnie UBS 0.88% - =20 Terence Oon Macquarie 1.13% -
22 Lee Leng Chua UBS 0.83% - 22 Maureen Baker Deutsche Bank 0.86% 15 22 Peter Halesworth Credit Suisse 1.08% -
23 Jean Ang CLSA 0.82% - =23 Raghav Kapoor Citi 0.85% - =23 Joon Bae Deutsche Bank 1.06% -
=24 Gary Mui Merrill Lynch 0.81% 4 =23 Joan Zheng Merrill Lynch 0.85% - =23 Jung Kim Merrill Lynch 1.06% -
=24 Kathy Teo Goldman Sachs 0.81% - 25 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 0.84% - =25 Monique France Morgan Stanley 1.04% -
=26 Damian Kestel CLSA 0.80% 6 =26 Aki Yoda UBS 0.81% 9 =25 Simon Robertson UBS 1.04% 2
=26 Stephen Beecroft UBS 0.80% - =26 Damian Kestel CLSA 0.81% - 27 Raghav Kapoor Citi 0.99% -
28 Anna Yeung J.P.Morgan 0.79% 29 =26 Jon Shaw HSBC 0.81% - 28 Stephen Mckeever Goldman Sachs 0.98% -
29 Nicholas Paolucci J.P.Morgan 0.78% - =26 Terence Oon Macquarie 0.81% - =29 Elaine Wang Goldman Sachs 0.94% -
=30 Charles Blake Citi 0.76% - =30 Colin Sim UBS 0.78% - =29 Michael Snaith CLSA 0.94% -
=30 Oon Har Lee HSBC 0.76% - =30 Faye Ye UBS 0.78% - =29 Scott Brixen Deutsche Bank 0.94% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Ricky Lo Deutsche Bank 7.99% 1 1 Ricky Lo Deutsche Bank 8.44% 1 1 Ricky Lo Deutsche Bank 6.61% 25
2 Ron Kwok Deutsche Bank 2.55% - 2 Sue Scott Morgan Stanley 2.71% - 2 Ron Kwok Deutsche Bank 4.03% -
3 Sue Scott Morgan Stanley 2.24% - 3 Ron Kwok Deutsche Bank 2.52% - 3 Mike Lee Credit Suisse 3.21% -
=4 Chris Dunham HSBC 2.03% - 4 Jose Fung Credit Suisse 2.40% =5 4 Jose Fung Credit Suisse 3.01% 2
=4 Mike Lee Credit Suisse 2.03% - =5 Chris Dunham HSBC 2.32% - 5 Russell Jacobsen Deutsche Bank 2.82% 1
6 Jose Fung Credit Suisse 1.91% 3 =5 Mike Lee Credit Suisse 2.32% - 6 Sue Scott Morgan Stanley 2.57% -
7 Myron Kwong UBS 1.81% - 7 Myron Kwong UBS 2.28% - 7 Mattew Donald Morgan Stanley 2.43% -
8 Russell Jacobsen Deutsche Bank 1.78% 2 8 Lee McQueen UBS 2.23% - 8 Kenyon Tse UBS 2.04% -
9 Lee McQueen UBS 1.77% - 9 Georgina Symons-Jones CLSA 2.09% =11 =9 Canute Dalmasse Goldman Sachs 1.94% -
10 Georgina Symons-Jones CLSA 1.66% 9 10 Mattew Donald Morgan Stanley 1.93% - =9 Michael Considine Morgan Stanley 1.94% -
11 Mattew Donald Morgan Stanley 1.54% - 11 Kenyon Tse UBS 1.63% - 11 Lisa Lau CICC 1.75% 5
12 Alex Tang Credit Suisse 1.48% - 12 Dean Thomas Deutsche Bank 1.59% - =12 Chris Dunham HSBC 1.70% -
13 Jensen Feng CICC 1.38% - 13 James Kibble J.P.Morgan 1.57% - =12 Marlon Sanchez Deutsche Bank 1.70% 3
14 Kenyon Tse UBS 1.29% - =14 Canute Dalmasse Goldman Sachs 1.55% - =12 Myron Kwong UBS 1.70% -
=15 Dean Thomas Deutsche Bank 1.26% - =14 Michael Considine Morgan Stanley 1.55% - =12 Noy Buranakul Credit Suisse 1.70% -
=15 Marlon Sanchez Deutsche Bank 1.26% =5 =14 Russell Jacobsen Deutsche Bank 1.55% 2 16 Tim Wong* Deutsche Bank 1.65% -
17 James Kibble J.P.Morgan 1.25% - 17 Cindy Cheung Morgan Stanley 1.50% - 17 Cindy Cheung Morgan Stanley 1.55% -
18 Yat Quan Tan Macquarie 1.24% - 18 Lisa Lau CICC 1.39% - 18 Dean Thomas Deutsche Bank 1.51% -
=19 Canute Dalmasse Goldman Sachs 1.23% - =19 Marlon Sanchez Deutsche Bank 1.35% =3 19 James Kibble J.P.Morgan 1.49% -
=19 Joseph Yu Credit Suisse 1.23% - =19 Noy Buranakul Credit Suisse 1.35% - =20 Bobby Lee Merrill Lynch 1.46% -
=19 Michael Considine Morgan Stanley 1.23% - 21 Tim Wong* Deutsche Bank 1.32% - =20 Georgina Symons-Jones CLSA 1.46% =10
22 Cindy Cheung Morgan Stanley 1.19% - =22 Alex Tang Credit Suisse 1.16% - =20 Marcus Kwong UBS 1.46% =26
=23 Lisa Lau CICC 1.11% =7 =22 Bobby Lee Merrill Lynch 1.16% - =20 Mark Cielinski Lehman Brothers 1.46% -
=23 Tim Wong* Deutsche Bank 1.11% - =22 James Teoh Citi 1.16% - =20 Stuart Gordon Macquarie 1.46% -
25 Noy Buranakul Credit Suisse 1.08% - =22 Jensen Feng CICC 1.16% - =20 Thomas Ngai HSBC 1.46% -
26 Eric Tan Macquarie 1.03% - =22 John Chapman HSBC 1.16% - 26 Paul Martin Merrill Lynch 1.36% -
=27 Eric Saxvik UBS 1.01% =17 =22 Kim Arculli CLSA 1.16% - 27 Lee Mcqueen UBS 1.34% -
=27 Judy Low Deutsche Bank 1.01% - =22 Marcus Kwong UBS 1.16% 7 28 Patrick Yeung Goldman Sachs 1.26% -
29 Mark Koh UBS 0.98% - =22 Mark Cielinski Lehman Brothers 1.16% - =29 Janet Fung J.P.Morgan 1.17% -
=30 Bobby Lee Merrill Lynch 0.92% - =22 Ron Downey RBS 1.16% - =29 John Fahy Merrill Lynch 1.17% -
=30 James Teoh Citi 0.92% - =22 Stuart Gordon Macquarie 1.16% - =29 Ted Wheeler Deutsche Bank 1.17% -
=30 John Chapman HSBC 0.92% - =29 Veronica Wong** Deutsche Bank 1.17% -
=30 Kim Arculli CLSA 0.92% - * Tim Wong has left Deutsche Bank =29 Wayne Chu BNP Paribas 1.17%
=30 Marcus Kwong UBS 0.92% 10
=30 Mark Cielinski Lehman Brothers 0.92% - * Tim Wong has left Deutsche Bank
=30 Ron Downey RBS 0.92% - ** Veronica Wong has left Deutsche Bank
=30 Stuart Gordon Macquarie 0.92% -
=30 Thomas Ngai HSBC 0.92% -

* Tim Wong has left Deutsche Bank

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 12.62% 1 1 Macquarie 14.38% 1 1 Macquarie 17.27% 2
2 CLSA 10.64% 2 2 CLSA 11.05% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 8.59% 6
3 Credit Suisse 9.70% 13 3 J.P.Morgan 9.56% 5 3 Deutsche Bank 8.47% 1
4 UBS 8.56% 5 4 UBS 9.20% 7 4 J.P.Morgan 8.35% 10
5 J.P.Morgan 8.14% 7 5 Credit Suisse 8.78% =14 5 CLSA 7.70% 4
6 Deutsche Bank 7.04% 3 6 Deutsche Bank 5.64% 3 6 HSBC 6.47% -
=7 Citi 5.14% 4 7 Merrill Lynch 4.78% 6 7 Citi 6.44% 5
=7 Merrill Lynch 5.14% 6 8 Citi 4.10% 4 8 Credit Suisse 6.26% 8
9 HSBC 4.43% 15 9 HSBC 3.82% =14 9 UBS 6.09% 3
10 BNP Paribas 4.13% 9 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.81% 13 10 CICC 3.94% =17
11 Goldman Sachs 3.51% 10 11 Goldman Sachs 3.56% 11 11 Morgan Stanley 3.40% 12
12 Lehman Brothers* 3.26% 17 12 BOC International 3.22% =14 12 BNP Paribas 3.04% 11
13 Morgan Stanley 2.75% 12 13 CICC 3.07% - =13 Goldman Sachs 2.51% 7
14 CICC 2.64% 16 14 BNP Paribas 3.02% 8 =13 Lehman Brothers* 2.51% =13
15 BOC International 2.39% =18 15 Morgan Stanley 2.73% 12 =15 BOC International 1.43% =13
16 Nomura 1.85% 8 16 DBS Vickers 1.76% =14 =15 DBS Vickers 1.43% -
17 DBS Vickers 1.45% 14 17 KGI 1.56% =14 =15 MainFirst 1.43% -
18 CIMB 1.34% =26 18 Nomura 1.27% 9 =15 Nomura 1.43% 9
19 KGI 1.30% =18 19 CIMB 1.17% - =19 B&K 1.07% -
=20 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.72% =28 =20 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.98% - =19 Daiwa 1.07% -
=20 Instinet 0.72% - =20 Instinet 0.98% - =19 SBI E2-Capital 1.07% =17
=22 MainFirst 0.58% - =22 MainFirst 0.78% -
=22 Samsung 0.58% =22 =22 Samsung 0.78% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
24 SBI-E2 Capital 0.47% 21
=25 B&K 0.43% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=25 Daiwa 0.43% =28
27 UOB Kay Hian 0.04% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 31.99% 1 1 CLSA 32.47% 1 1 CLSA 26.23% 1
2 Credit Suisse 11.28% 11 2 Credit Suisse 11.49% 10 2 Credit Suisse 12.42% 10
3 Goldman Sachs 9.42% 5 3 Goldman Sachs 10.59% 5 3 Goldman Sachs 11.48% 4
4 Nomura 7.93% 3 4 Citi 8.27% 7 4 Citi 9.18% 6
5 Citi 7.72% 6 5 Nomura 7.16% 3 5 Merrill Lynch 8.66% 7
6 Merrill Lynch 6.25% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 5.96% 6 6 Nomura 6.49% 5
7 J.P.Morgan 4.86% 4 7 Morgan Stanley 5.31% 8 7 Morgan Stanley 5.88% 9
8 Morgan Stanley 4.66% 9 8 J.P.Morgan 4.49% 4 8 J.P.Morgan 5.28% 3
9 Macquarie 2.57% 12 9 Macquarie 2.11% 11 9 BOC International 2.90% -
10 UBS 2.49% 2 10 BOC International 2.08% 17 10 UBS 2.87% 2
11 BOC International 2.22% 17 11 UBS 2.03% 2 11 Macquarie 2.41% 11
12 HSBC 1.82% 19 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.68% - 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.76% -
13 Lehman Brothers* 1.59% - 13 HSBC 1.62% 21 13 HSBC 0.99% 17
14 Deutsche Bank 1.04% 8 14 Deutsche Bank 0.77% 9 =14 DBS Vickers 0.70% 18
15 BNP Paribas 0.94% 10 15 RBS 0.71% - =14 Cha Am Advisors 0.70% 13
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.86% 16 16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.65% 15 =14 Mirae Asset 0.70% -
17 RBS 0.63% - 17 BNP Paribas 0.62% 12 17 RBS 0.56% -
18 Cha Am Advisors 0.46% 13 18 Cha Am Advisors 0.61% =13 18 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.42% -
=19 DBS Vickers 0.31% 21 =19 DBS Vickers 0.40% 20 19 Dresdner Kleinwort 0.35% -
=19 Mirae Asset 0.31% - =19 Mirae Asset 0.40% -
21 Samsung 0.29% 23 21 Samsung 0.39% 22 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 KGI 0.19% 18 22 Dresdner Kleinwort 0.20% -
23 Dresdner Kleinwort 0.15% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 22.56% 1 1 UBS 21.31% 1 1 UBS 25.86% 1
2 CLSA 13.19% 2 2 CLSA 14.02% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 14.04% 2
3 Deutsche Bank 11.36% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 10.85% 3 3 Credit Suisse 11.19% 7
4 Goldman Sachs 8.84% 4 4 Goldman Sachs 10.69% 4 4 CLSA 10.90% 3
5 Credit Suisse 7.91% 6 5 Merrill Lynch 7.70% 6 5 Goldman Sachs 8.15% 4
6 Merrill Lynch 7.29% 7 6 Credit Suisse 6.98% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 6.67% 5
7 Morgan Stanley 4.65% 10 7 Morgan Stanley 5.41% 9 7 Morgan Stanley 6.50% 11
8 Macquarie 4.52% 9 8 Macquarie 4.47% 8 8 Macquarie 3.96% 8
9 Asianomics 3.79% - 9 Citi 3.90% 13 9 Citi 3.25% 9
10 Citi 3.18% 14 10 Asianomics 3.67% - 10 Asianomics 2.11% -
11 BNP Paribas 2.69% 5 11 BNP Paribas 2.31% 7 11 CICC 2.06% 14
12 CICC 1.79% 13 12 CICC 2.08% 14 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.63% -
13 J.P.Morgan 1.57% 8 13 J.P.Morgan 1.99% 10 13 J.P.Morgan 1.30% 6
14 Nomura 1.39% 11 =14 Nomura 0.91% 12 14 BNP Paribas 0.98% 10
=15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.99% 12 =14 HSBC 0.91% =17 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.65% -
=15 HSBC 0.99% 15 16 Lehman Brothers* 0.85% - 16 Barclays Capital 0.43% =15
17 Lehman Brothers* 0.94% - 17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.68% 11 17 CIMB 0.33% -
18 Samsung 0.76% - 18 Samsung 0.46% -
19 CIMB 0.49% - =19 CIMB 0.28% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Cazenove 0.40% 17 =19 Cazenove 0.28% 16
21 Marc Faber 0.27% - 21 Barclays Capital 0.23% =17
=22 Barclays Capital 0.18% 19
=22 GaveKal 0.18% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
24 RBS 0.07% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 34.68% 1 1 CLSA 36.29% 2 1 CLSA 35.54% 1
2 Credit Suisse 12.89% 6 2 Macquarie 13.23% 1 2 Macquarie 14.09% 2
3 Macquarie 11.59% 2 3 J.P.Morgan 13.10% 3 3 Credit Suisse 12.94% 11
4 J.P.Morgan 10.65% 4 4 Credit Suisse 11.12% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 10.23% 3
5 Merrill Lynch 10.47% 5 5 Merrill Lynch 8.95% 6 5 Merrill Lynch 8.30% 4
6 Nomura 6.92% 3 6 Citi 6.67% 7 6 Nomura 7.72% =9
7 Citi 5.74% 9 7 Nomura 4.68% 4 7 Citi 3.24% 12
8 BNP Paribas 3.01% 7 8 UBS 1.58% 10 8 BNP Paribas 2.71% 6
9 UBS 1.69% 8 9 BNP Paribas 1.46% 11 =9 UBS 2.09% 5
10 Morgan Stanley 1.02% 10 10 Morgan Stanley 1.27% =8 =9 Morgan Stanley 2.09% 7
11 Goldman Sachs 0.83% - 11 Goldman Sachs 1.02% - 11 Lehman Brothers* 1.04% -
12 Lehman Brothers* 0.51% - 12 Lehman Brothers* 0.63% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 19.99% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 22.78% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 20.30% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 13.64% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 15.46% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 14.28% 3
3 Merrill Lynch 10.12% 9 3 Merrill Lynch 10.63% 8 3 Merrill Lynch 9.86% 10
4 CLSA 9.77% 4 4 CLSA 9.18% 5 4 CLSA 9.85% 5
5 Morgan Stanley 8.39% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 8.37% 6 5 Credit Suisse 7.91% 6
6 Credit Suisse 7.56% 7 6 Credit Suisse 8.26% 7 6 Morgan Stanley 7.16% 8
7 UBS 6.35% 3 7 UBS 5.50% 3 7 UBS 6.24% 2
8 Citi 3.74% 5 8 Citi 3.86% 4 8 Deutsche Bank 5.46% 7
9 Deutsche Bank 3.16% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 3.42% 9 9 Citi 4.73% 4
10 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.85% 16 10 HSBC 2.42% 21 10 Macquarie 3.25% 18
11 Macquarie 2.68% 11 11 BNP Paribas 2.11% 13 11 HSBC 2.97% =15
12 HSBC 2.21% 19 12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.80% 15 12 BOC International 1.89% -
13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.75% 22 13 BOC International 1.52% - 13 Nomura 1.55% 11
14 BOC International 1.67% - 14 Macquarie 1.38% 11 14 Cazenove 1.29% -
15 BNP Paribas 1.65% 12 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.16% 20 =15 Enam 0.77% -
16 Nomura 1.25% 13 16 Nomura 0.98% 12 =15 Aviate Global 0.77% -
17 Cazenove 0.96% 18 17 Samsung 0.82% 17 17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.73% 20
18 Samsung 0.88% 17 18 Kim Eng 0.21% - 18 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.39% 12
19 Aviate Global 0.44% - 19 Cazenove 0.15% 18 19 BNP Paribas 0.34% -
20 Enam 0.36% - 20 RBS 0.26% -
21 DBS Vickers 0.18% -
22 Kim Eng 0.16% -
=23 Kotak 0.12% 15
=23 RBS* 0.12% 25

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Merrill Lynch 24.36% 2 1 Merrill Lynch 26.16% 2 1 Merrill Lynch 25.71% 5
2 Goldman Sachs 14.03% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 14.75% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 15.66% 1
3 CLSA 12.54% 5 3 J.P.Morgan 11.93% 3 3 CLSA 11.00% 6
4 J.P.Morgan 11.10% 3 4 Credit Suisse 10.24% 10 4 Credit Suisse 10.72% 9
5 Credit Suisse 9.81% 9 5 CLSA 9.66% 6 5 J.P.Morgan 8.90% 2
6 Citi 8.56% 6 6 Citi 8.52% 5 6 Citi 8.23% 3
7 Lehman Brothers* 6.40% 14 7 Lehman Brothers* 6.83% 15 7 Lehman Brothers* 5.56% -
8 Deutsche Bank 3.34% 8 8 Morgan Stanley 3.47% 4 =8 UBS 4.20% 10
9 Morgan Stanley 2.80% 4 9 UBS 2.74% 7 =8 Morgan Stanley 4.20% 4
10 UBS 2.21% 7 10 Deutsche Bank 2.22% 8 10 Deutsche Bank 4.13% 7
11 Macquarie 1.81% 17 11 Macquarie 1.83% 16 11 BNP Paribas 1.68% -
12 BNP Paribas 1.48% 18 12 Samsung 0.73% 13
13 Samsung 0.59% 11 13 DBS Vickers 0.55% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
14 DBS Vickers 0.44% - 14 Woori I&S 0.37% -
15 Woori I&S 0.30% -
16 Polaris 0.22% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 22.22% 5 1 CLSA 23.61% 4 1 Deutsche Bank 19.94% 2
2 Deutsche Bank 13.16% 3 2 Deutsche Bank 12.07% 6 2 CLSA 14.19% 5
3 Credit Suisse 11.74% 2 3 Credit Suisse 11.19% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 11.20% 4
4 Merrill Lynch 9.26% 7 4 Merrill Lynch 9.50% 5 4 Credit Suisse 10.60% 3
5 UBS 7.13% 6 5 UBS 7.90% 7 5 Morgan Stanley 8.64% 1
6 J.P.Morgan 6.70% 1 6 J.P.Morgan 7.16% 1 6 UBS 8.22% 7
7 Morgan Stanley 6.07% 4 7 Morgan Stanley 5.88% 2 7 Citi 5.81% 17
8 Lehman Brothers* 5.57% 9 8 Lehman Brothers* 5.77% 9 8 Lehman Brothers* 5.44% =11
9 Citi 4.32% 17 9 Citi 3.91% 14 9 Goldman Sachs 3.65% 9
10 Cazenove 2.97% 14 10 Cazenove 3.48% 18 10 J.P.Morgan 3.27% 6
11 Goldman Sachs 2.68% 10 11 Goldman Sachs 2.68% 10 11 Cazenove 1.71% 18
12 HSBC 1.71% 19 12 HSBC 2.03% =16 12 HSBC 1.28% -
13 Macquarie 1.46% 15 13 Macquarie 1.46% 13 =13 CIMB 1.07% -
14 Samsung 1.26% - 14 CIMB 1.11% - =13 Macquarie 1.07% 14
15 BNP Paribas 1.06% 8 15 Samsung 1.01% - =15 Enam 0.96% -
16 CIMB 0.88% - 16 RBS** 0.48% 12 =15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.96% -
17 RBS* 0.76% 13 17 Kim Eng 0.38% - =15 BNP Paribas 0.96% 8
18 Enam 0.45% - 18 DBS Vickers 0.25% - 18 RBS** 0.80% =11
19 Kim Eng 0.30% - 19 BOC International 0.08% - 19 BOC International 0.13% -
20 DBS Vickers 0.20% - 20 KBC 0.05% - 20 KBC 0.09% -
21 BOC International 0.06% -
22 KBC 0.04% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 21.13% 5 1 CLSA 22.68% 4 1 Deutsche Bank 24.03% 1
2 Deutsche Bank 15.40% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 15.70% 1 2 Merrill Lynch 15.15% 3
3 Merrill Lynch 11.70% 2 3 Merrill Lynch 11.23% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 14.26% 4
4 Morgan Stanley 10.60% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 10.33% 8 4 CLSA 12.05% 7
5 Credit Suisse 8.85% 4 5 Credit Suisse 9.89% 5 5 Credit Suisse 11.81% 5
6 UBS 5.91% 6 6 UBS 5.62% 6 6 Goldman Sachs 5.50% =8
7 Goldman Sachs 5.55% 9 7 Goldman Sachs 5.00% 7 7 RBS 3.70% -
8 Lehman Brothers* 4.31% 10 8 Lehman Brothers* 3.79% 9 8 J.P.Morgan 2.73% 2
9 RBS 2.68% - 9 J.P.Morgan 3.23% 2 9 Lehman Brothers* 2.57% -
10 J.P.Morgan 2.48% 3 10 RBS 2.78% - =10 UBS 2.41% 6
11 Citi 2.25% - 11 Citi 2.62% - =10 Cazenove 2.41% 10
12 Samsung 1.86% - 12 Samsung 2.42% - =10 Citi 2.41% -
13 Cazenove 1.47% 13 13 HSBC 1.26% - 13 BNP Paribas 0.96% =8
14 BNP Paribas 1.09% 8 14 Hyundai 1.21% -
15 Macquarie 1.01% 14 15 Macquarie 0.83% 12 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
16 HSBC 0.97% - 16 DBS Vickers 0.61% -
17 Hyundai 0.93% - 17 UOB Kay Hian 0.40% -
18 DBS Vickers 0.70% - 18 CIMB 0.30% =13
19 CIMB 0.47% 11 19 OSK 0.10% -
20 UOB Kay Hian 0.31% -
21 Polaris 0.23% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 OSK 0.08% -
23 BOC International 0.03% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 17.10% 2 1 CLSA 15.12% 3 1 Credit Suisse 15.11% 5
2 Credit Suisse 12.80% 5 2 Credit Suisse 13.37% 6 2 CLSA 14.22% 6
3 Lehman Brothers* 11.18% 3 3 Goldman Sachs 11.66% 5 3 Lehman Brothers* 13.78% 3
4 Goldman Sachs 10.78% 6 4 Lehman Brothers* 10.95% 2 4 Goldman Sachs 13.75% 4
5 Citi 10.07% 4 5 Citi 9.80% 4 5 UBS 8.26% 1
6 UBS 7.41% 1 6 UBS 7.56% 1 6 Citi 7.95% 2
7 J.P.Morgan 5.54% 11 7 Morgan Stanley 5.51% 14 7 Morgan Stanley 5.06% =8
8 Morgan Stanley 4.75% 16 8 J.P.Morgan 4.96% =15 8 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.79% -
9 Merrill Lynch 3.83% 8 9 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.78% 19 9 J.P.Morgan 3.67% 10
10 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.04% 21 10 Merrill Lynch 3.74% 8 10 Cazenove 3.03% =15
11 Cazenove 2.98% =13 11 Macquarie 3.05% 12 11 BOC International 2.28% =12
12 Macquarie 2.90% =13 12 Cazenove 2.68% 18 12 Merrill Lynch 2.21% 7
13 Deutsche Bank 1.74% 7 13 BOC International 1.71% 13 13 Deutsche Bank 1.96% 11
14 BOC International 1.57% 15 14 Deutsche Bank 1.38% 7 14 Macquarie 1.58% 14
=15 Woori I&S 0.95% - =15 Woori I&S 1.18% - 15 Nomura 1.52% =12
=15 BNP Paribas 0.95% - =15 BNP Paribas 1.18% - 16 UOB Kay Hian 1.26% -
17 Mirae Asset 0.76% - 17 Nomura 0.95% 9 17 RBS** 0.57% 18
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.63% - 18 UOB Kay Hian 0.79% -
19 Samsung 0.51% - 19 Samsung 0.63% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 RBS** 0.28% 22 ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
21 Kotak 0.19% =17 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 HSBC 0.05% 10

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 13.40% 4 1 Goldman Sachs 13.72% 2 1 Credit Suisse 14.47% =2
2 Goldman Sachs 13.04% 3 2 Credit Suisse 13.25% 3 2 UBS 13.37% 5
3 Credit Suisse 12.94% 2 3 UBS 12.66% 5 3 CLSA 12.98% 1
4 CLSA 11.70% 1 4 CLSA 11.44% 1 4 Goldman Sachs 12.04% =2
5 Deutsche Bank 7.83% 10 5 Macquarie 7.26% 6 5 Deutsche Bank 10.42% 9
6 Macquarie 7.40% 6 6 Merrill Lynch 6.85% 4 6 Merrill Lynch 9.77% 4
7 Merrill Lynch 6.76% 5 7 Deutsche Bank 5.65% 17 7 Macquarie 6.48% 6
8 HSBC 5.26% 18 8 HSBC 5.23% 16 8 HSBC 5.94% -
9 Morgan Stanley 3.42% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 4.17% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 4.64% 7
10 BNP Paribas 3.20% 11 10 BNP Paribas 3.90% 12 10 Citi 3.24% 14
11 Citi 3.18% 17 11 Citi 3.30% 18 11 Lehman Brothers* 2.16% 11
12 Cazenove 2.61% - 12 Cazenove 3.17% - 12 Cazenove 1.62% -
13 Samsung 2.36% 9 13 Samsung 2.88% =10 =13 UOB Kay Hian 1.08% 10
14 BOC International 1.90% 12 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.78% =10 =13 CITICS 1.08% -
15 RBS 1.54% - 15 RBS 1.59% - 15 BNP Paribas 0.54% -
16 Lehman Brothers* 1.46% 14 16 BOC International 0.95% 9 16 RBS 0.16% -
=17 UOB Kay Hian 0.52% 15 =17 UOB Kay Hian 0.63% =13
=17 CITICS 0.52% - =17 CITICS 0.63% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=17 J.P.Morgan 0.52% 8 =17 J.P.Morgan 0.63% 8
20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.26% 13 20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.32% 15
21 Austock 0.16% -
22 SBI E2-Capital 0.01% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 17.37% 4 1 Goldman Sachs 19.62% 5 1 Goldman Sachs 26.40% 4
2 Citi 14.32% 2 2 Citi 14.40% 1 2 CLSA 16.09% 5
3 CLSA 14.24% 6 3 Macquarie 13.88% 4 3 Citi 12.32% 1
4 Macquarie 13.17% 5 4 UBS 13.21% 2 4 Macquarie 10.19% 6
5 UBS 12.50% 3 5 CLSA 12.16% 7 5 UBS 9.15% 2
6 J.P.Morgan 5.89% 1 6 J.P.Morgan 6.27% 3 6 Morgan Stanley 6.66% 8
7 Merrill Lynch 5.47% 10 7 Merrill Lynch 5.66% 13 7 Merrill Lynch 4.84% 11
8 Morgan Stanley 4.44% 8 8 Deutsche Bank 4.75% 18 8 Deutsche Bank 3.01% -
9 Deutsche Bank 4.16% 19 9 Morgan Stanley 4.09% 8 9 Lehman Brothers* 2.61% =9
10 Lehman Brothers* 3.14% 15 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.31% =10 10 HSBC 2.35% =9
11 Credit Suisse 1.48% 7 11 Credit Suisse 1.24% 6 11 J.P.Morgan 2.07% 3
12 HSBC 1.23% 13 12 Samsung 0.99% - =12 Cazenove 1.18% -
13 Samsung 0.74% - 13 CCB International 0.25% - =12 Nomura 1.18% =12
=14 Nomura 0.55% 11 14 HSBC 0.17% =10 =12 Credit Suisse 1.18% 7
=14 Cazenove 0.55% - =15 DBS Vickers 0.39% -
=16 CCB International 0.18% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =15 RBS 0.39% -
=16 RBS 0.18% -
=16 Kotak 0.18% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=16 DBS Vickers 0.18% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 15.05% 3 1 Citi 16.91% 3 1 Citi 14.70% 1
2 Merrill Lynch 10.97% 2 2 Credit Suisse 10.94% 4 2 Merrill Lynch 11.96% 3
3 Credit Suisse 10.66% 5 3 Merrill Lynch 10.89% 1 3 Macquarie 10.07% 6
4 UBS 8.60% 1 4 Macquarie 9.33% 7 4 Samsung 8.90% 13
5 Macquarie 8.22% 8 5 CLSA 6.38% 8 5 Goldman Sachs 7.94% 8
6 CLSA 7.83% 9 6 Samsung 6.28% 11 6 Credit Suisse 6.75% 4
7 Goldman Sachs 6.41% 7 7 Goldman Sachs 5.99% 6 7 UBS 6.52% 2
8 Samsung 6.18% 12 8 J.P.Morgan 5.37% 12 8 CLSA 6.40% 7
9 J.P.Morgan 5.10% 6 9 UBS 5.32% 2 9 J.P.Morgan 5.21% 10
10 Deutsche Bank 4.05% 13 10 Deutsche Bank 4.93% 13 10 Lehman Brothers* 4.60% 9
11 Lehman Brothers* 3.71% 10 11 Lehman Brothers* 4.24% 9 11 Deutsche Bank 4.37% 12
12 HSBC 2.89% 19 12 HSBC 3.70% - 12 HSBC 3.45% -
13 BNP Paribas 2.17% 11 13 BNP Paribas 2.46% 10 13 RBS** 2.68% 15
14 RBS** 2.08% 18 14 RBS** 1.97% 16 =14 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.38% -
15 Cazenove 1.32% - 15 Cazenove 1.73% - =14 Nomura 1.38% 5
16 Morgan Stanley 0.98% 17 16 Hyundai 1.18% - =16 KGI 1.23% -
17 Hyundai 0.91% - =17 KGI 0.79% =14 =16 Morgan Stanley 1.23% -
18 Nomura 0.83% 4 =17 Morgan Stanley 0.79% 17 =16 BNP Paribas 1.23% 11
19 Yuanta 0.76% - =17 Yuanta 0.79% -
20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.68% =14 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 KGI 0.61% =14 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 15.73% 4 1 Macquarie 17.49% 2 1 Macquarie 20.02% 3
2 Goldman Sachs 13.86% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 13.56% 1 2 UBS 16.12% 2
3 UBS 11.63% 3 3 CLSA 10.87% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 13.47% 1
4 CLSA 10.65% 6 4 UBS 9.83% 4 4 CLSA 11.91% 8
5 Credit Suisse 9.00% 10 5 Credit Suisse 8.28% 12 5 Credit Suisse 7.79% 13
6 Morgan Stanley 6.69% 11 6 Morgan Stanley 8.05% 13 6 Merrill Lynch 6.72% 11
7 Merrill Lynch 5.09% 12 7 Merrill Lynch 5.86% 9 7 Morgan Stanley 4.14% 6
8 Lehman Brothers* 3.55% 14 8 Lehman Brothers* 3.86% 11 8 RBS* 3.05% 15
9 Deutsche Bank 2.64% 8 9 Yuanta 2.45% =14 9 Deutsche Bank 2.76% 5
10 Cazenove 2.57% - 10 Samsung 2.35% =17 10 Citi 2.69% 4
11 Citi 2.26% 2 11 BNP Paribas 2.16% 10 11 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.61% -
12 BNP Paribas 2.25% 9 =12 Cazenove 2.12% - 12 BNP Paribas 2.47% 14
13 Samsung 2.02% =18 =12 J.P.Morgan 2.12% 8 13 J.P.Morgan 2.18% =9
14 J.P.Morgan 1.96% 5 14 Citi 1.88% 3 14 Nomura 1.74% 7
=15 Yuanta 1.78% =15 15 RBS** 1.60% =17 15 Cazenove 1.31% -
=15 RBS** 1.78% =18 16 HSBC 1.41% =14 16 Samsung 0.73% -
17 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.23% - 17 Deutsche Bank 1.32% 7 17 DBS Vickers 0.29% -
18 Nomura 1.10% 7 =18 Hyundai 1.13% -
19 HSBC 1.03% 13 =18 KGI 1.13% =14 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=20 KGI 0.82% =15 20 Daewoo 0.94% -
=20 Hyundai 0.82% - 21 Nomura 0.71% 5
22 Daewoo 0.69% - 22 Guotai Junan 0.47% -
23 Guotai Junan 0.34% - 23 BOC International 0.24% -
24 BOC International 0.20% - 24 DBS Vickers 0.19% -
=25 Kotak 0.14% -
=25 DBS Vickers 0.14% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 20.57% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 23.03% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 25.12% 2
2 UBS 17.12% 1 2 UBS 15.89% 2 2 UBS 15.35% 1
3 Citi 13.34% 3 3 Citi 15.07% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 12.18% 7
4 CLSA 10.94% 4 4 CLSA 10.15% 4 4 Citi 12.03% 3
5 Merrill Lynch 7.93% 7 5 Merrill Lynch 9.20% 8 5 CLSA 7.86% 5
6 Macquarie 5.64% 10 6 J.P.Morgan 5.36% 6 6 Morgan Stanley 5.03% 4
7 J.P.Morgan 4.97% 6 7 Macquarie 4.63% 9 7 J.P.Morgan 4.91% 6
8 Credit Suisse 3.24% 9 8 Morgan Stanley 2.94% 5 8 Macquarie 3.56% 8
9 Morgan Stanley 3.15% 5 9 Credit Suisse 2.83% 10 9 HSBC 3.31% 12
10 HSBC 2.50% 16 10 HSBC 2.73% 17 10 RBS 2.82% -
11 RBS* 2.42% 17 11 RBS* 2.07% 18 11 CIMB 1.78% -
12 Lehman Brothers** 1.55% 11 12 Lehman Brothers** 1.68% 11 12 Credit Suisse 1.72% 9
13 Deutsche Bank 1.14% 13 13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.04% 12 13 DBS Vickers 1.47% -
14 DBS Vickers 1.05% - 14 Samsung 0.83% - 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.23% 10
15 CIMB 0.84% =19 15 Deutsche Bank 0.81% 16 15 Deutsche Bank 1.01% -
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.83% 12 16 CIMB 0.69% - 16 BNP Paribas 0.61% -
17 Samsung 0.66% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.48% -
18 BOC International 0.52% - 18 BNP Paribas 0.35% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Nomura 0.44% 8 19 Nomura 0.21% 7
=20 Woori I&S 0.33% 15
=20 Cazenove 0.33% 14 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
22 BNP Paribas 0.28% 21 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 Kotak 0.22% 18

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 14.26% 7 1 UBS 14.77% 6 1 Goldman Sachs 18.29% =6
2 Goldman Sachs 12.68% 6 2 Goldman Sachs 13.36% 5 2 Credit Suisse 12.38% 8
3 Credit Suisse 11.90% 8 3 Citi 9.86% 1 3 UBS 12.05% 5
4 Citi 9.06% 1 4 J.P.Morgan 9.67% 16 4 J.P.Morgan 11.45% -
5 J.P.Morgan 8.95% 17 5 Credit Suisse 9.37% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 9.57% 3
6 Merrill Lynch 8.06% 2 6 Merrill Lynch 8.13% 2 6 Citi 8.94% 1
7 Morgan Stanley 6.77% 3 7 Morgan Stanley 6.61% 3 7 Macquarie 4.14% -
8 Macquarie 4.70% 12 8 Macquarie 5.57% 12 8 Deutsche Bank 3.82% 2
9 Deutsche Bank 3.72% 4 9 HSBC 3.50% 14 9 Morgan Stanley 3.49% 4
10 CLSA 3.05% 9 10 Deutsche Bank 3.47% 4 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.16% 13
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.95% 15 11 CLSA 3.24% 9 =11 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.40% =14
=12 RBS** 2.88% 18 12 RBS* 3.15% =20 =11 HSBC 2.40% =17
=12 HSBC 2.88% 14 13 Lehman Brothers** 2.62% 18 13 BOC International 2.07% -
14 Cazenove 2.12% 21 14 BOC International 2.04% - =14 Cazenove 1.64% -
15 BOC International 1.83% =22 15 Cazenove 1.62% 19 =14 CLSA 1.64% 11
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.24% 10 16 Samsung 0.89% 15 16 Transport Trackers 1.31% -
=17 Transport Trackers 0.73% - 17 Transport Trackers 0.76% - 17 CIMB 1.09% =17
=17 Samsung 0.73% 16 18 CIMB 0.64% =20 18 RBS 0.16% -
19 CIMB 0.68% 24 19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.36% 11
20 UOB Kay Hian 0.47% - 20 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.32% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.26% - 21 Mirae Asset 0.07% 13
22 Mirae Asset 0.06% 13
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 17.36% 1 1 Citi 17.85% 1 1 Citi 18.49% 1
2 CLSA 13.27% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 13.64% 6 2 UBS 13.74% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 11.44% 4 3 CLSA 10.71% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 9.92% 8
4 UBS 11.41% 3 4 UBS 9.30% 2 4 CLSA 8.64% 4
5 Goldman Sachs 7.34% 11 5 Goldman Sachs 8.95% 10 5 HSBC 8.42% -
6 HSBC 6.97% 16 6 HSBC 7.78% 15 6 Goldman Sachs 8.26% 9
7 Deutsche Bank 6.88% 8 7 Lehman Brothers* 7.27% 5 7 J.P.Morgan 8.02% 3
8 Lehman Brothers* 6.87% 6 8 Deutsche Bank 6.57% 9 8 Lehman Brothers* 7.27% 7
9 Morgan Stanley 5.75% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 5.74% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 4.75% 6
10 Cazenove 3.19% 13 10 Cazenove 3.36% 16 10 Merrill Lynch 4.09% 11
11 Credit Suisse 2.89% 10 11 Credit Suisse 2.04% 12 11 Cazenove 3.37% 13
12 Merrill Lynch 2.03% 9 12 Merrill Lynch 1.89% 8 12 Credit Suisse 2.89% 10
13 Woori I&S 1.22% - 13 Woori I&S 1.54% - 13 Macquarie 1.80% -
14 Macquarie 1.07% 14 14 Macquarie 1.13% 14 14 RBS** 0.36% 5
15 CIMB 0.80% - 15 Samsung 0.91% -
16 Samsung 0.72% - 16 Nomura 0.75% 11 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
17 Mirae Asset 0.60% - 17 CIMB 0.57% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
18 RBS** 0.18% 5
19 SBI E2-Capital 0.01% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 14.79% 2 1 UBS 15.69% 1 1 UBS 16.47% 2
2 CLSA 12.16% 1 2 CLSA 11.03% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 13.69% 5
3 Deutsche Bank 9.72% 6 3 Merrill Lynch 9.86% 3 3 CLSA 11.04% 1
4 Merrill Lynch 9.47% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 9.77% 9 4 Goldman Sachs 9.51% 4
5 J.P.Morgan 7.16% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 7.40% 4 5 Merrill Lynch 9.00% 3
6 Credit Suisse 6.88% 8 6 Credit Suisse 7.30% 6 6 Credit Suisse 7.29% 7
7 Goldman Sachs 6.71% 5 7 Goldman Sachs 7.22% 5 7 J.P.Morgan 7.12% 8
8 Morgan Stanley 6.08% 13 8 Morgan Stanley 6.68% 12 8 Morgan Stanley 6.28% 13
9 Macquarie 4.39% 9 9 Macquarie 4.39% 8 9 HSBC 4.51% -
10 HSBC 4.11% - 10 HSBC 3.64% - 10 Citi 3.53% 6
11 Citi 3.53% 7 11 Citi 3.24% 7 11 Macquarie 3.13% 9
12 BNP Paribas 3.01% 11 12 Lehman Brothers* 3.06% 11 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.69% =10
13 Lehman Brothers* 2.80% 12 13 BNP Paribas 3.05% 13 13 DBS Vickers 1.22% 23
14 Nomura 1.76% 10 14 Nomura 1.30% 10 14 BNP Paribas 1.13% 12
15 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.32% 16 15 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.22% 17 15 BOC International 0.75% =21
16 BOC International 1.06% 23 16 BOC International 1.17% =22 16 MainFirst 0.71% -
17 DBS Vickers 0.77% 18 17 RBS** 0.82% =19 17 Nomura 0.61% =10
18 RBS** 0.72% =20 =18 Samsung 0.60% - 18 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.57% 16
19 Daiwa SMBC 0.69% 17 =18 DBS Vickers 0.60% 25 =19 Cazenove 0.42% 15
20 Cazenove 0.62% 15 20 Cazenove 0.48% 14 =19 B&K 0.42% -
21 CIMB 0.57% 19 =21 CIMB 0.45% 18 =19 Kim Eng 0.42% -
22 Samsung 0.44% 25 =21 MainFirst 0.45% - 22 SBI E2-Capital 0.19% -
23 UOB Kay Hian 0.41% =20 23 UOB Kay Hian 0.36% =19 =23 RBS** 0.14% =17
24 MainFirst 0.34% - =24 SBI E2-Capital 0.12% - =23 CIMB 0.14% 26
=25 Kim Eng 0.20% 29 =24 Daiwa SMBC 0.12% 16
=25 B&K 0.20% - 26 Woori I&S 0.01% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
27 SBI E2-Capital 0.09% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
28 Woori I&S 0.01% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Deutsche Bank 20.67% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 21.31% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 23.79% 1
2 UBS 13.03% 2 2 UBS 13.69% 2 2 UBS 13.11% 3
3 Morgan Stanley 10.43% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 10.74% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 11.80% 4
4 Credit Suisse 9.14% 6 4 Credit Suisse 8.40% 5 4 Credit Suisse 9.91% 5
5 Merrill Lynch 6.92% 7 5 Merrill Lynch 6.46% 7 5 Merrill Lynch 8.11% 8
6 HSBC 5.30% =17 6 Goldman Sachs 5.65% 4 6 Goldman Sachs 7.31% 2
7 Goldman Sachs 5.26% 3 7 CLSA 5.48% 6 7 CLSA 4.84% 6
8 CLSA 5.14% 5 8 HSBC 4.77% =18 8 Macquarie 4.64% 11
9 Macquarie 5.05% 9 9 Macquarie 4.41% 10 9 HSBC 3.81% 16
10 CICC 2.80% 10 10 J.P.Morgan 3.02% 9 10 J.P.Morgan 3.30% 10
11 J.P.Morgan 2.52% 11 11 CICC 2.94% 15 11 CICC 2.48% 9
12 BNP Paribas 1.84% 12 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.93% - 12 BNP Paribas 1.60% 12
13 Citi 1.57% 8 13 Citi 1.74% 8 13 Lehman Brothers* 1.46% -
14 Lehman Brothers* 1.54% - 14 Samsung 1.55% - 14 Enam 0.97% -
15 Cazenove 1.45% 13 15 BNP Paribas 1.51% 14 15 Religare 0.87% -
16 CIMB 1.35% 14 16 CIMB 1.39% =11 16 Citi 0.73% 7
17 Samsung 1.23% - 17 Cazenove 1.35% =11 17 CIMB 0.58% =13
18 BOC International 0.97% 23 =18 BOC International 1.16% - 18 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.49% -
19 RBS** 0.92% =17 =18 RBS** 1.16% 17 19 DBS Vickers 0.19% 19
20 Enam 0.61% - 20 Enam 0.77% -
=21 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.55% 19 21 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.39% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=21 Religare 0.55% - 22 DBS Vickers 0.15% 20
23 Nomura 0.49% 22
24 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.31% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 Société Générale 0.18% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
26 DBS Vickers 0.17% 21

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. REGIONAL: Page 39 of 39

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 19.33% 1 1 UBS 34.88% 1 1 UBS 18.86% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 15.11% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 17.27% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 13.37% 4
3 Morgan Stanley 10.52% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 16.57% 3 3 CLSA 11.31% 2
4 Deutsche Bank 10.43% 2 4 Deutsche Bank 11.76% 4 4 Deutsche Bank 9.12% 3
5 CLSA 6.61% 5 5 Lehman Brothers* 4.46% - 5 Morgan Stanley 7.11% 5
6 Credit Suisse 6.10% 8 6 Citi 3.95% 5 6 Credit Suisse 4.91% 14
7 Merrill Lynch 5.11% 7 7 Credit Suisse 3.71% 9 7 Merrill Lynch 4.66% 7
8 J.P.Morgan 4.32% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 2.20% 6 8 Lehman Brothers* 4.15% 24
9 Citi 4.14% 6 9 BNP Paribas 1.62% 10 9 J.P.Morgan 3.87% 8
10 Lehman Brothers* 3.25% =20 10 Newedge 1.14% - 10 Citi 3.73% 6
11 Macquarie 2.89% 11 11 J.P.Morgan 0.75% - 11 Macquarie 3.04% 12
12 BNP Paribas 2.17% 9 12 KGI 0.72% - 12 HSBC 2.31% =15
13 HSBC 1.53% 23 13 Barclays Capital 0.36% - 13 BNP Paribas 2.10% 9
14 Nomura 1.08% 14 14 Macquarie 0.30% - 14 BOC International 1.33% =22
15 CICC 0.84% 13 15 CICC 0.24% - 15 MainFirst 1.32% -
16 BOC International 0.68% 22 16 CLSA 0.09% =7 =16 CICC 1.21% 11
17 Barclays Capital 0.57% - =16 Nomura 1.21% 13
18 MainFirst 0.55% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 18 Kotak 0.98% -
19 Daiwa 0.54% - 19 DBS Vickers 0.80% 10
20 Kotak 0.50% - 20 RBS 0.63% -
21 Yuanta 0.42% 24 =21 Daiwa SMBC 0.38% =29
22 RBS** 0.37% 12 =21 Enam 0.38% -
23 Newedge 0.25% - 23 Sun Hung Kai 0.28% =25
24 Motilal Oswal 0.21% - 24 Churchill Capital 0.26% -
25 DBS Vickers 0.18% 16 25 KBC 0.25% -
=26 Bloomberg 0.17% - 26 Cazenove 0.24% =19
=26 Enam 0.17% - 27 Newedge 0.23% -
28 KGI 0.16% 19 =28 Fubon 0.15% -
29 KE Absolute 0.13% - =28 Itaú 0.15% -
30 BBY 0.12% - =28 KGI 0.15% =19
=28 Libertas Capital 0.15% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =28 Mizuho 0.15% -
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO =28 RBC 0.15% -
=28 SBICAP 0.15%

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 1 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 35.51% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 25.83% 2 1 UBS 20.34% 1
2 UBS 11.25% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 20.20% - 2 CLSA 14.22% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 9.94% =5 3 UBS 16.56% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 9.88% 14
4 Deutsche Bank 7.79% 3 =4 Citi 6.62% =8 4 Merrill Lynch 8.83% 3
5 Merrill Lynch 7.01% 11 =4 Goldman Sachs 6.62% 1 5 Deutsche Bank 8.37% 7
6 Morgan Stanley 5.26% 8 =6 HSBC 5.30% =8 6 Goldman Sachs 7.21% 4
7 Credit Suisse 3.80% =24 =6 KGI 5.30% .- 7 J.P.Morgan 5.81% =5
8 Citi 3.51% =5 =6 Libertas Capital 5.30% - 8 Credit Suisse 5.23% 13
=9 J.P.Morgan 2.92% =12 9 Kotak 3.97% - 9 Citi 5.11% =10
=9 Nomura 2.92% 27 10 IDFC-SSKI 0.33% - 10 HSBC 3.25% -
=11 Fubon 2.34% - 11 RBS 2.56% -
=11 HSBC 2.34% =18 12 Macquarie 2.32% =5
13 CICC 2.05% 7 =13 Itaú 1.86% -
14 BNP Paribas 1.75% 9 =13 Lehman Brothers* 1.86% -
15 Sun Hung Kai 1.46% - 15 BNP Paribas 1.16% =10
16 IDFC-SSKI* 0.15% 20 16 DBS Vickers 1.05% 9
17 CICC 0.93% 8
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 2 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 29.70% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 21.71% =2 1 Goldman Sachs 23.81% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 17.82% 3 2 UBS 19.38% 1 2 UBS 15.91% 3
3 BNP Paribas 10.89% 6 3 Morgan Stanley 14.73% =7 3 CLSA 11.58% 2
4 CICC 9.90% - 4 HSBC 12.40% - 4 Morgan Stanley 7.41% 4
=5 Credit Suisse 7.92% - 5 BOC International 7.75% - 5 Lehman Brothers* 6.32% -
=5 HSBC 7.92% - =6 DBS Vickers 6.20% - 6 Deutsche Bank 6.07% 5
=5 KBC 7.92% - =6 Merrill Lynch 6.20% =2 7 HSBC 5.83% 9
=5 Lehman Brothers* 7.92% - 8 Newedge 4.65% - =8 CICC 4.37% -
9 Lehman Brothers* 3.10% - =8 J.P.Morgan 4.37% 6
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =10 Citi 1.94% - =10 Citi 3.89% 7
=10 Credit Suisse 1.94% - =10 Credit Suisse 3.89% -
12 BOC International 2.55% 10
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =13 Daiwa SMBC 1.94% -
=13 Macquarie 1.94% 12
15 RBS 0.12% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 3 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 20.30% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 20.74% 8 1 UBS 27.26% 1
2 UBS 16.39% 2 2 CLSA 13.56% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 19.00% 2
=3 Credit Suisse 12.29% =11 3 Morgan Stanley 9.18% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 14.97% 5
=3 Goldman Sachs 12.29% 7 4 UBS 7.78% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 11.52% 9
5 Morgan Stanley 10.43% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 7.45% 7 5 Lehman Brothers* 5.37% =10
6 Nomura 5.21% =11 6 Citi 7.38% 9 6 CLSA 4.41% =6
7 BNP Paribas 3.91% =15 7 BNP Paribas 6.38% 2 =7 BNP Paribas 3.84% -
=8 Deutsche Bank 3.72% =5 =8 J.P.Morgan 3.99% 11 =7 Morgan Stanley 3.84% 4
=8 HSBC 3.72% =15 =8 Merrill Lynch 3.99% 5 9 MainFirst 3.07% -
=8 Merrill Lynch 3.72% =5 =10 Lehman Brothers* 3.19% - =10 Citi 2.30% 3
=11 RBS 2.23% - =10 MainFirst 3.19% - =10 Kotak 2.30% -
=11 Lehman Brothers* 2.23% - =10 SBICAP 3.19% - 12 Credit Suisse 1.15% -
13 J.P.Morgan 1.86% - =13 Credit Suisse 2.39% =12 13 Merrill Lynch 0.96% =6
14 CICC 1.12% 9 =13 Daiwa SMBC 2.39% =12
15 Hyundai 0.56% - =13 Kotak 2.39% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
16 Macquarie 1.99% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 17 Hyundai 0.60% -
18 IDFC-SSKI 0.20% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 4 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 23.33% 2 1 UBS 22.25% 6 1 CLSA 17.29% 2
2 Goldman Sachs 14.35% 4 2 Merrill Lynch 14.89% 2 2 UBS 13.56% 1
3 Morgan Stanley 13.85% 1 3 Goldman Sachs 12.32% 7 3 Goldman Sachs 9.57% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 11.82% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 8.78% 1 4 Citi 8.64% 5
5 Lehman Brothers* 8.11% =9 5 Morgan Stanley 8.56% 3 5 J.P.Morgan 7.98% 4
6 CLSA 7.18% =7 6 Credit Suisse 7.70% 14 6 Deutsche Bank 6.65% 8
7 Credit Suisse 7.09% - 7 Lehman Brothers* 5.48% - 7 DBS Vickers 5.32% -
8 BNP Paribas 3.04% =7 =8 BOC International 3.42% - =8 RBS 4.26% -
9 HSBC 2.20% =9 =8 CICC 3.42% =11 =8 Kotak 4.26% -
10 J.P.Morgan 1.69% =9 =8 Enam 3.42% - 10 Macquarie 3.72% -
11 Nomura 1.35% - 11 MainFirst 2.74% - 11 Credit Suisse 2.66% -
=12 Barclays Capital 1.01% - =12 J.P.Morgan 2.05% 4 12 BNP Paribas 2.53% 7
=12 Citi 1.01% 5 =12 Kotak 2.05% - =13 CICC 2.13% =9
=12 Kotak 1.01% - 14 Bank of America 1.71% - =13 HSBC 2.13% -
=12 Primasia 1.01% - 15 Citi 1.03% 5 =13 Morgan Stanley 2.13% 6
16 Merrill Lynch 0.93% 6 16 CLSA 0.17% 9 =16 Lehman Brothers* 1.60% -
17 CICC 0.68% - =16 Yuanta 1.60% -
18 BOC International 0.34% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura =18 Merrill Lynch 1.33% 12
=18 Sun Hung Kai 1.33% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 20 Cazenove 1.20% -
21 IDFC-SSKI** 0.13% =9

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 5 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 Credit Suisse 14.49% 1 Deutsche Bank 16.78% 1 UBS 27.77%
2 Macquarie 13.68% 2 J.P.Morgan 14.77% 2 Goldman Sachs 15.36%
=3 CLSA 11.07% 3 UBS 14.09% 3 CLSA 14.71%
=3 UBS 11.07% =4 BOC International 6.71% 4 Deutsche Bank 11.96%
5 Lehman Brothers** 8.85% =4 Citi 6.71% 5 Morgan Stanley 7.36%
6 Nomura 6.44% =4 Nomura 6.71% 6 Citi 4.60%
7 J.P.Morgan 5.23% =7 BNP Paribas 5.37% 7 Lehman Brothers** 3.31%
8 Citi 4.83% =7 Cazenove 5.37% =8 J.P.Morgan 2.94%
=9 BOC International 4.02% =7 Goldman Sachs 5.37% =8 Macquarie 2.94%
=9 Merrill Lynch 4.02% =7 Lehman Brothers** 5.37% 10 BOC International 1.84%
=11 Goldman Sachs 3.22% =7 MainFirst 5.37% 11 Merrill Lynch 1.56%
=11 MainFirst 3.22% 12 Credit Suisse 4.03% 12 MainFirst 1.47%
=11 Mizuho 3.22% 13 Merrill Lynch 3.36% 13 Guotai Junan 1.23%
=14 BNP Paribas 2.01% 14 Daiwa SMBC 1.10%
=14 KBC 2.01% * Category not polled in 2007 15 HSBC 1.01%
=14 Morgan Stanley 2.01% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 16 BNP Paribas 0.83%
17 Deutsche Bank 0.60%
* Category not polled in 2007
* Category not polled in 2007 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 6 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 UBS 16.68% 1 UBS 39.41% 1 Goldman Sachs 34.29%
2 Merrill Lynch 13.85% 2 Lehman Brothers** 11.73% 2 Macquarie 27.14%
3 Goldman Sachs 10.72% =3 Credit Suisse 10.42% 3 UBS 8.80%
4 CLSA 10.43% =3 Morgan Stanley 10.42% 4 CLSA 6.85%
5 Deutsche Bank 9.14% 5 J.P.Morgan 6.51% =5 DBS Vickers 3.67%
6 Morgan Stanley 8.94% =6 BNP Paribas 5.21% =5 Lehman Brothers** 3.67%
7 Credit Suisse 7.15% =6 Goldman Sachs 5.21% =7 Citi 2.93%
=8 Churchill Capital 4.17% =6 MainFirst 5.21% =7 Deutsche Bank 2.93%
=8 Citi 4.17% 9 Newedge 3.91% =7 MainFirst 2.93%
10 Enam 2.98% 10 UOB Kay Hian 1.95% =7 RBC 2.93%
=11 BOC International 2.38% 11 Sun Hung Kai 1.83%
=11 HSBC 2.38% * Category not polled in 2007 12 UOB Kay Hian 1.10%
=13 Kotak 1.79% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 13 Argonaut 0.92%
=13 MainFirst 1.79%
=13 Nomura 1.79% * Category not polled in 2007
16 KE Absolute 1.19% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
17 Hyundai 0.45%

* Category not polled in 2007

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 7 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 16.68% 1 1 UBS 19.94% 1 1 UBS 23.25% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 15.53% 5 2 Goldman Sachs 13.52% 5 2 Goldman Sachs 21.28% 2
3 CLSA 11.30% 2 3 Morgan Stanley 9.96% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 16.96% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 9.23% 3 4 CLSA 9.77% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 9.28% 4
5 Morgan Stanley 8.87% 4 5 Deutsche Bank 8.90% 2 5 Merrill Lynch 5.67% 5
6 Merrill Lynch 5.99% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 5.43% 7 6 Lehman Brothers* 4.69% 9
7 Credit Suisse 5.82% 8 7 Credit Suisse 5.37% 8 7 Credit Suisse 3.62% 6
8 Citi 4.40% 6 8 Citi 4.59% 6 8 Citi 3.05% 7
9 J.P.Morgan 4.05% 10 9 Macquarie 3.81% 11 9 J.P.Morgan 2.94% -
10 Macquarie 3.81% 9 10 J.P.Morgan 3.79% 9 10 BNP Paribas 1.86% =15
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.47% - 11 Lehman Brothers* 2.83% - 11 HSBC 1.57% 17
12 HSBC 2.17% =25 12 HSBC 1.60% =19 12 Nomura 1.31% 18
13 Nomura 2.14% 14 13 CICC 1.53% 12 13 Macquarie 0.87% 13
14 BNP Paribas 1.54% 11 14 BNP Paribas 1.40% 10 14 Yuanta 0.80% 14
15 Yuanta 0.75% 18 15 BOC International 0.89% 15 15 CLSA 0.64% =11
16 CICC 0.69% 12 16 Nomura 0.82% 18 16 CICC 0.61% -
17 Mitsubishi UFJ 0.53% - 17 Daiwa SMBC 0.75% - 17 Barclays Capital 0.57% -
=18 Daiwa SMBC 0.43% - =18 Barclays Capital 0.53% - 18 MainFirst 0.45% -
=18 Kotak 0.43% - =18 MainFirst 0.53% - 19 RBS** 0.23% 10
=18 KE Absolute 0.43% - 20 Yuanta 0.50% 22 20 BOC International 0.19% -
=21 Enam 0.36% - =21 Churchill Capital 0.43% - 21 KGI 0.15% =11
=21 Motilal Oswal 0.36% - =21 RBS** 0.43% =16 22 IDFC-SSKI 0.02% -
=23 RBS** 0.32% 16 =23 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.36% -
=23 BOC International 0.32% 15 =23 Motilal Oswal 0.36% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=25 MainFirst 0.28% - 25 Edelweiss 0.34% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=25 Hyundai 0.28% - =26 SBI E2-Capital 0.28% -
27 Ord Minnett 0.27% - =26 KE Absolute 0.28% -
28 Barclays Capital 0.21% - =28 Kotak 0.21% -
29 IIFL 0.16% - =28 Southern Cross Equities 0.21% -
30 BBY 0.11% - 30 Mitsubishi UFJ 0.18% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 8 of 14


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 20.91% 1 1 UBS 14.20% 2 1 UBS 20.21% 1
2 Morgan Stanley 15.62% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 14.12% 5 2 Deutsche Bank 17.60% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 9.63% 5 3 Deutsche Bank 12.22% 3 3 Goldman Sachs 16.96% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 9.60% 3 4 CLSA 11.29% 1 4 Morgan Stanley 8.09% 4
5 Credit Suisse 8.48% 8 5 Morgan Stanley 8.52% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 6.24% 8
6 Citi 5.70% 4 6 J.P.Morgan 5.75% 11 6 Merrill Lynch 5.90% 6
7 J.P.Morgan 4.87% 10 7 Credit Suisse 5.11% 10 7 BNP Paribas 4.61% 7
8 Merrill Lynch 4.65% 6 8 Citi 4.42% 7 8 Credit Suisse 2.96% 9
9 CLSA 4.17% 7 9 Merrill Lynch 4.10% 6 9 Citi 2.65% 5
10 Lehman Brothers* 3.10% - 10 Macquarie 3.41% 9 10 Lehman Brothers* 2.52% 13
11 Macquarie 2.74% 13 11 Lehman Brothers* 2.57% - 11 Macquarie 2.41% 11
12 BNP Paribas 1.20% 9 12 HSBC 2.41% - 12 Kotak 1.81% -
13 BOC International 1.09% =28 13 Nomura 2.26% 21 13 CLSA 1.56% 12
14 HSBC 1.05% 25 14 BNP Paribas 1.66% 8 14 BOC International 0.79% -
=15 Daiwa SMBC 0.72% 24 =15 BOC International 1.06% 16 15 Barclays Capital 0.71% =17
=15 Yuanta 0.72% 21 =15 Daiwa SMBC 1.06% - 16 MainFirst 0.63% -
17 Kotak 0.66% - 17 CICC 0.93% 14 17 HSBC 0.58% 14
=18 Barclays Capital 0.48% =28 =18 Motilal Oswal 0.66% - =18 Calyon 0.52% -
=18 Kim Eng 0.48% 19 =18 Enam 0.66% - =18 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.52% -
=18 Kingsway 0.48% - =20 Yuanta 0.40% 22 =20 MAPE 0.47% -
=18 MainFirst 0.48% - =20 RBS** 0.40% 12 =20 Newedge 0.47% -
=18 Newedge 0.48% - 22 MainFirst 0.35% - =20 Nomura 0.47% -
23 CICC 0.46% 14 =23 Société Générale 0.27% - =23 CICC 0.31% =15
=24 RBS** 0.36% 12 =23 Barclays Capital 0.27% - =23 RBS** 0.31% 10
=24 Nomura 0.36% 11 =25 KE Absolute 0.22% - 25 Guotai Junan 0.26% -
26 Motilal Oswal 0.31% - =25 Shinko Securities 0.22% - 26 KGI 0.21% -
27 DBS Vickers 0.24% 26 =25 Ord Minnett 0.22% - 27 Daiwa SMBC 0.16% -
=28 CIMB 0.20% - =25 Bank of America 0.22% - 28 Saxo Bank 0.08% -
=28 Sun Hung Kai 0.20% - 29 Kotak 0.20% -
=30 BTIG 0.16% - =30 KGI 0.18% =19 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=30 KGI 0.16% 18 =30 SBICAP 0.18% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 9 of 14

Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 21.76% 4 1 UBS 21.89% 1 1 UBS 34.40% 1
2 UBS 18.25% 1 2 Credit Suisse 17.84% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 20.32% 2
3 Deutsche Bank 13.72% 2 3 Goldman Sachs 11.66% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 16.74% 3
4 Morgan Stanley 8.37% 5 4 Morgan Stanley 9.20% 4 4 Deutsche Bank 10.92% 4
5 Merrill Lynch 7.50% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 6.59% 6 5 Lehman Brothers* 5.99% 10
6 BNP Paribas 4.94% 7 6 Lehman Brothers* 4.60% 18 6 Merrill Lynch 3.16% 6
7 Citi 4.80% 6 7 Macquarie 4.54% =16 7 BNP Paribas 2.38% 11
8 J.P.Morgan 4.00% 8 8 J.P.Morgan 3.82% 10 8 J.P.Morgan 1.64% -
9 Credit Suisse 3.30% 9 9 Citi 3.68% 8 9 Citi 1.61% 5
10 CLSA 2.09% 11 10 CLSA 2.22% - 10 Credit Suisse 1.13% =8
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.02% 10 11 Bloomberg 2.21% 21 11 Newedge 1.03% -
12 Barclays Capital 1.25% =17 12 BNP Paribas 2.05% 9 12 Nomura 0.52% -
13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.11% - 13 Merrill Lynch 1.93% 7 13 CLSA 0.15% -
14 Macquarie 1.04% 14 14 Barclays Capital 1.80% 19
15 MainFirst 0.83% - 15 CICC 1.12% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
16 HSBC 0.77% - 16 Newedge 0.93% -
17 Calyon 0.70% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.65% -
18 RBS** 0.63% 12 =18 BBY 0.56% -
19 KGI 0.56% - =18 ITG 0.56% -
=20 BBY 0.42% - =18 EMS 0.56%
=20 Newedge 0.42% - 21 Daiwa SMBC 0.50% -
=20 CICC 0.42% - 22 MetaBit 0.37% -
23 Kotak 0.31% - =23 KGI 0.25% -
24 KBC 0.28% - =23 HSBC 0.25% =16
=25 Nomura 0.21% - 25 Saxo Bank 0.19% 11
=25 Société Générale 0.21% - 26 Interactive Brokers 0.05% -
27 Saxo Bank 0.10% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 10 of 14


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 34.75% 1 1 UBS 37.64% 1 1 UBS 39.22% 1
2 Morgan Stanley 17.28% 4 2 Goldman Sachs 20.08% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 16.15% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 14.35% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 16.48% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 14.89% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 10.89% 2 4 Deutsche Bank 9.63% 5 4 Deutsche Bank 8.70% =4
5 Lehman Brothers* 6.34% - 5 Merrill Lynch 3.99% 6 5 Lehman Brothers* 5.89% =7
6 Credit Suisse 2.94% 8 6 Lehman Brothers* 3.61% =7 6 Credit Suisse 4.52% 11
7 BNP Paribas 2.44% 10 7 Citi 2.63% 4 7 Merrill Lynch 2.95% 6
8 Merrill Lynch 2.41% 6 8 Newedge 1.49% - 8 Citi 2.71% =4
9 Citi 2.38% 5 9 BNP Paribas 0.98% 12 9 BNP Paribas 1.35% 12
10 Barclays Capital 1.39% 9 10 KBC 0.94% - 10 Newedge 1.14% -
11 CICC 0.79% - 11 J.P.Morgan 0.86% - 11 J.P.Morgan 0.84% -
=12 Newedge 0.66% - 12 Credit Suisse 0.71% 11 12 Nomura 0.72% -
=12 J.P.Morgan 0.66% - 13 KGI 0.63% - 13 KGI 0.48% =7
=14 Yuanta 0.59% - 14 CICC 0.31% - 14 CICC 0.24% =9
=14 Macquarie 0.59% - 15 CLSA 0.22% -
16 Daiwa SMBC 0.53% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
17 BOC International 0.40% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
18 Mizuho 0.26% -
19 Chinatrust 0.20% -
20 CLSA 0.10% -
21 HSBC 0.03% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 UBS 35.79% 1 1 UBS 26.73% 1 UBS 40.48%
2 Goldman Sachs 17.34% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 13.46% 2 Morgan Stanley 15.06%
3 Morgan Stanley 16.93% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 11.85% 3 Goldman Sachs 14.86%
4 Deutsche Bank 11.12% 4 4 Deutsche Bank 8.26% 4 Deutsche Bank 8.04%
5 Lehman Brothers* 4.61% - 5 Credit Suisse 8.09% 5 Credit Suisse 5.53%
6 Credit Suisse 3.57% 6 6 Macquarie 6.45% 6 Lehman Brothers** 5.29%
7 Citi 2.76% 5 7 Lehman Brothers** 5.83% 7 Citi 3.88%
8 Newedge 2.21% - 8 Citi 5.75% 8 BNP Paribas 2.15%
9 BNP Paribas 1.57% 9 9 Merrill Lynch 3.90% 9 Newedge 1.51%
10 Merrill Lynch 1.34% 7 10 J.P.Morgan 3.27% 10 Merrill Lynch 1.47%
11 J.P.Morgan 1.29% 8 11 Nomura 2.22% 11 DBS Vickers 0.64%
12 DBS Vickers 1.11% - 12 CLSA 2.07% 12 J.P.Morgan 0.48%
13 KGI 0.37% - 13 BNP Paribas 1.16% 13 KBC 0.32%
14 Newedge 0.96% 14 Barclays Capital 0.24%
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura 15 SBI E2-Capital 0.06%
* Category not polled in 2007
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Category not polled in 2007
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 12 of 14


Rank Firm % 2007* 2008 2007
1 UBS 41.31%
2 Goldman Sachs 12.57% Yes 74.17% 61.15%
3 Morgan Stanley 11.98% No 25.83% 38.85%
4 Deutsche Bank 8.68%
5 Lehman Brothers** 5.70%
6 J.P.Morgan 3.50%
7 Credit Suisse 3.10%
8 Citi 3.01%
9 Newedge 2.69%
10 Barclays Capital 2.20%
11 Merrill Lynch 1.67%
12 CLSA 1.30%
13 KGI 0.98%
14 DBS Vickers 0.65%
15 HSBC 0.41%
16 Macquarie 0.24%

* Category not polled in 2007

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 13 of 14


Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Aki Yoda UBS 2.57% 1 1 Ricky Lo Deutsche Bank 4.38% 2
2 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 2.27% - 2 Ron Kwok Deutsche Bank 2.80% -
3 Alastair Sclater UBS 2.07% 2 3 Jose Fung Credit Suisse 2.56% -
4 Jason Chew UBS 2.01% - 4 Timothy Wong Deutsche Bank 2.41% =27
5 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.95% =21 5 Cindy Cheung Morgan Stanley 2.28% 5
6 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 1.66% - 6 Nicholas Lent UBS 2.25% -
7 Alan Chen CLSA 1.65% 10 7 Marlon Sanchez Deutsche Bank 1.70% 3
8 Adeline Ma CLSA 1.57% 3 8 Navneet Bansal UBS 1.67% -
9 Dave Chen Citi 1.29% - 9 Christopher So Citi 1.63% 18
10 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.17% - =10 Kim Arculli CLSA 1.54% -
11 Stanley Wong Citi 1.15% 14 =10 Daniel Mclellan Morgan Stanley 1.54% -
=12 Jeffrey Shiu Credit Suisse 1.14% - =12 Christian Clementson Citi 1.48% =19
=12 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 1.14% - =12 Mark Cielinski Lehman Brothers 1.48% -
14 Stefano Romano Morgan Stanley 1.10% - 14 Jason Ambrose Morgan Stanley 1.39% -
15 Steve Chung MainFrist 1.06% 5 15 Ben Hoad Morgan Stanley 1.36% -
16 Marvin Pang HSBC 1.03% - =16 Russell Jacobsen Deutsche Bank 1.23% -
17 Mary Beth McNamara CLSA 1.02% =26 =16 Canute Dalmasse Goldman Sachs 1.23% 4
18 Charles Blake Citi 0.98% - 18 Sue Scott Morgan Stanley 1.17% -
19 Raymond Chan UBS 0.93% 6 19 Henry Ngai CLSA 1.11% -
=20 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 0.79% - 20 Dean Thomas Deutsche Bank 1.08% -
=20 Owen Wong Credit Suisse 0.79% - 21 Goh Kia Lin Citi 1.05% =9
=22 Natalya Oram Credit Suisse 0.76% - =22 Abbott Lau Cazenove 1.02% -
=22 Stephen Ng Goldman Sachs 0.76% - =22 Jack Chong CLSA 1.02% -
=22 Nicholas Paolucci J.P.Morgan 0.76% - =24 Wayne Chu BNP Paribas 0.99% -
=22 Gary Mui Merrill Lynch 0.76% - =24 Winnie Shek Credit Suisse 0.99% -
=22 Faye Ye UBS 0.76% =21 =26 Landy Chang BNP Paribas 0.93% -
27 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 0.74% - =26 Ankush Musaddi Kotak 0.93% -
=28 Stephanie Han CICC 0.72% - =26 Stuart Gordon Macquarie 0.93% -
=28 Michael Chandler Goldman Sachs 0.72% 18 =26 Adrian Tan Morgan Stanley 0.93% -
30 Todd Martin CLSA 0.67% 7 =26 Darren Leffs* Morgan Stanley 0.93% -
=26 Michael Considine Morgan Stanley 0.93% -
=26 Hironao Eguchi UBS 0.93% -
=26 Takuya Shinahara UBS 0.93% -

* Darren Leffs has left Morgan Stanley

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. PRIME BROKING + HEDGE FUND SERVICES: Page 14 of 14


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 31.12% 1 1 Macquarie 31.81% 1 1 Macquarie 27.73% 1
2 UBS 24.56% 2 2 UBS 23.13% 2 2 UBS 22.41% 2
3 Goldman Sachs JBWere 10.04% 3 3 Goldman Sachs JBWere 9.88% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 12.04% 8
4 Credit Suisse 7.43% 5 4 Credit Suisse 9.06% 9 4 Merrill Lynch 11.48% 6
5 J.P.Morgan 6.77% 9 5 J.P.Morgan 7.93% 7 5 Goldman Sachs JBWere 9.80% 3
6 Merrill Lynch 6.45% 4 6 Merrill Lynch 7.49% =4 6 Morgan Stanley 5.04% -
7 Citi 4.91% 6 7 Citi 3.97% 6 7 Credit Suisse 3.64% 5
8 Morgan Stanley 3.90% 13 8 Morgan Stanley 3.82% 12 8 Citi 3.50% 7
9 Deutsche Bank 2.12% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 1.20% 8 9 Patersons 2.38% -
10 Patersons 0.98% - 10 RBS* 0.75% 11 10 Austock 1.12% 4
11 Austock 0.80% 7 11 Austock 0.60% =4 11 Hartleys 0.84% -
12 RBS* 0.57% 11 12 Patersons 0.37% -
13 Hartleys 0.34% -
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. AUSTRALIA: Page 1 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 31.56% 1 1 Macquarie 28.36% 1 1 Morgan Stanley 45.53% -
2 Morgan Stanley 17.04% 6 2 Morgan Stanley 22.76% 5 2 Macquarie 16.26% 3
3 UBS 13.97% 2 3 UBS 12.69% =2 3 UBS 13.01% =1
4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 10.34% 4 4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 8.96% 4 4 Merrill Lynch 10.57% =1
5 Deutsche Bank 6.28% 5 5 J.P.Morgan 6.72% - 5 Citi 8.13% 5
6 Citi 6.15% 7 =6 Credit Suisse 5.97% - 6 J.P.Morgan 6.50% -
7 Credit Suisse 5.87% 9 =6 Deutsche Bank 5.97% 6
8 J.P.Morgan 5.03% - 8 Merrill Lynch 4.85% =2
9 Merrill Lynch 3.77% 3 9 Citi 3.73% =7

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. AUSTRALIA: Page 2 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 25.51% 2 1 Macquarie 28.57% 2 =1 CommSec 22.47% -
2 Goldman Sachs JBWere 21.77% 5 2 Goldman Sachs JBWere 17.86% 5 =1 UBS 22.47% 1
3 UBS 14.31% 1 3 UBS 16.96% 1 3 J.P.Morgan 17.98% -
4 J.P.Morgan 11.98% 7 4 J.P.Morgan 11.61% =8 =4 Citi 11.24% 5
5 Citi 9.33% =9 5 CommSec 8.93% - =4 Macquarie 11.24% =2
6 CommSec 6.22% - 6 Citi 8.04% =8 6 Morgan Stanley 8.99% -
7 Morgan Stanley 3.42% =3 7 Morgan Stanley 3.57% 3 7 Merrill Lynch 5.62% =2
8 Merrill Lynch 2.80% =3 =8 RBS 2.23% -
9 Deutsche Bank 1.87% 6 =8 Merrill Lynch 2.23% 4
10 RBS 1.56% -
11 Credit Suisse 1.24% 11

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. AUSTRALIA: Page 3 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 31.84% 1 1 Macquarie 28.72% 1 1 RBC 33.90% =6
2 UBS 16.28% =2 2 UBS 18.46% 3 2 Macquarie 27.12% =3
3 J.P.Morgan 14.31% 10 3 J.P.Morgan 14.36% 10 3 Patersons 16.95% -
=4 CLSA 7.16% - =4 CLSA 10.26% - 4 UBS 13.56% 2
=4 RBC 7.16% 12 =4 RBC 10.26% =11 5 Argonaut 8.47% =3
=6 Austock 4.29% 4 =6 Credit Suisse 5.13% -
=6 Deutsche Bank 4.29% =8 =6 Merrill Lynch 5.13% -
=8 Credit Suisse 3.58% - =6 Patersons 5.13% -
=8 Merrill Lynch 3.58% - 9 Argonaut 2.56% =6
=8 Patersons 3.58% -
11 Morgan Stanley 2.15% -
12 Argonaut 1.79% 7

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 24.24% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 24.61% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 23.04% =4
2 UBS 17.72% 1 2 UBS 16.23% 1 2 Morgan Stanley 19.90% -
3 Credit Suisse 11.61% 6 3 Credit Suisse 13.61% =5 3 Goldman Sachs JBWere 15.71% 2
4 Morgan Stanley 9.98% =11 4 Morgan Stanley 11.26% =11 4 UBS 14.66% 1
5 Macquarie 9.88% 8 5 Macquarie 10.47% =8 5 CLSA 10.47% -
6 Goldman Sachs JBWere 7.74% 4 6 Goldman Sachs JBWere 7.85% 4 6 Credit Suisse 8.38% -
7 CLSA 7.33% - 7 CLSA 7.33% - 7 Citi 5.24% =4
8 Citi 5.30% 7 =8 RBS* 2.62% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 2.62% -
9 Deutsche Bank 2.85% 3 =8 Citi 2.62% =5
10 RBS* 2.14% =9 10 Deutsche Bank 2.09% 3
11 Merrill Lynch 1.22% 5 11 Merrill Lynch 1.31% =5

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. AUSTRALIA: Page 5 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 Morgan Stanley 23.53% 1 Morgan Stanley 26.75% 1 Morgan Stanley 32.82%
2 Macquarie 17.30% 2 Macquarie 17.52% 2 J.P.Morgan 18.46%
3 UBS 13.38% 3 J.P.Morgan 15.92% =3 Macquarie 15.38%
4 J.P.Morgan 12.23% 4 UBS 10.83% =3 Merrill Lynch 15.38%
5 Merrill Lynch 8.77% 5 Merrill Lynch 9.55% =5 Citi 5.13%
6 Citi 6.00% 6 Citi 6.37% =5 Credit Suisse 5.13%
7 Credit Suisse 5.19% 7 Credit Suisse 5.73% =5 Wilson HTM 5.13%
=8 Deutsche Bank 4.61% 8 Wilson HTM 3.18% 8 Patersons 2.56%
=8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.61% 9 Goldman Sachs JBWere 2.55%
10 Wilson HTM 2.31% 10 Patersons 1.59% * Category not polled in 2007
11 Patersons 1.15%
12 Austock 0.69% * Category not polled in 2007
13 CLSA 0.23%

* Category not polled in 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 22.69% 2 1 Merrill Lynch 25.00% 3 1 Merrill Lynch 31.54% 2
2 Macquarie 21.88% 1 2 Macquarie 23.80% 1 2 Macquarie 23.66% 1
3 Merrill Lynch 20.43% 3 3 UBS 19.71% 2 3 UBS 15.77% 3
4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 10.13% 5 4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 9.13% =4 4 Citi 7.53% =7
5 Citi 5.97% 8 5 J.P.Morgan 6.25% - 5 Morgan Stanley 6.45% 4
6 J.P.Morgan 4.70% 15 6 Morgan Stanley 4.33% =7 =6 J.P.Morgan 5.73% -
7 Morgan Stanley 3.25% 9 7 CLSA 3.85% - =6 Patersons 5.73% -
=8 CLSA 2.89% - 8 Citi 3.61% =7 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 3.58% =7
=8 Patersons 2.89% - 9 Patersons 2.40% -
=10 Credit Suisse 2.17% 6 10 Credit Suisse 1.92% 6
=10 RBC 2.17% 4
12 Austock 0.72% =12
13 Deutsche Bank 0.09% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 25.61% 3 =1 Credit Suisse 28.67% =6 1 Credit Suisse 38.26% -
2 Credit Suisse 21.64% 5 =1 J.P.Morgan 28.67% 3 2 Morgan Stanley 31.30% -
3 UBS 16.39% 1 =3 Morgan Stanley 12.90% - 3 J.P.Morgan 17.39% 2
4 Macquarie 14.98% 2 =3 UBS 12.90% 1 4 Merrill Lynch 8.70% -
5 Morgan Stanley 9.22% - 5 Macquarie 11.47% 2 5 Citi 4.35% -
6 Citi 3.84% 6 6 Merrill Lynch 3.58% -
7 Deutsche Bank 3.46% 4 7 Citi 1.79% 5
8 Merrill Lynch 2.56% -
9 Goldman Sachs JBWere 2.05% 10
10 RBS 0.26% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Merrill Lynch 28.22% 1 1 Merrill Lynch 32.77% 1 1 Morgan Stanley 42.11% =3
2 Macquarie 18.48% 4 2 UBS 17.87% 3 2 Merrill Lynch 38.95% 1
3 UBS 15.18% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 17.02% 6 3 Citi 10.53% -
4 Morgan Stanley 13.20% 6 4 Macquarie 15.32% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 8.42% 5
=5 Citi 7.26% - 5 J.P.Morgan 7.66% 2
=5 J.P.Morgan 7.26% 2 6 Citi 4.26% -
7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 5.28% 5 7 Credit Suisse 3.40% 8
8 Credit Suisse 2.97% 8 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 1.70% 5
9 RBS* 1.98% 10
10 Deutsche Bank 0.17% 7

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 26.50% =5 1 J.P.Morgan 40.00% =3 1 J.P.Morgan 50.00% -
2 UBS 22.00% - =2 CommSec 15.38% - 2 CommSec 31.25% -
3 Goldman Sachs JBWere 14.00% =5 =2 Macquarie 15.38% =1 3 UBS 18.75% -
4 Macquarie 10.50% 2 =2 UBS 15.38% -
5 CommSec 10.00% - 5 RBS* 7.69% =3
6 RBS* 5.00% =5 6 Goldman Sachs JBWere 6.15% =3
7 CLSA 4.50% -
8 Deutsche Bank 4.00% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
9 Austock 3.00% =5
10 Precept Investment Actuaries 0.50% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Glyn Lawcock UBS 7.68% =13 1 Rob Stanton J.P.Morgan 9.10% - 1 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 12.82% =17
2 Rob Stanton J.P.Morgan 7.51% - 2 Andrew Rosivach Credit Suisse 8.03% - 2 Rob Stanton J.P.Morgan 12.31% -
3 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 7.03% =3 3 Stuart Baker Morgan Stanley 6.69% =2 3 Brian Johnson J.P.Morgan 8.72% -
4 Andrew Rosivach Credit Suisse 6.54% - 4 Jeff Emmanuel UBS 6.16% =10 4 David Errington Merrill Lynch 8.21% =4
=5 Brian Johnson J.P.Morgan 4.97% =30 5 Glyn Lawcock UBS 6.02% =10 =5 Glyn Lawcock UBS 7.69% -
=5 Jeff Emmanuel UBS 4.97% 7 6 James Ellis Credit Suisse 4.82% - =5 Philip Wensley Morgan Stanley 7.69% =4
7 James Ellis Credit Suisse 3.89% - =7 Brian Johnson J.P.Morgan 4.55% =25 =5 Sean Lawrence* Morgan Stanley 7.69% -
8 Callum Bramah Macquarie 3.68% - =7 Callum Bramah Macquarie 4.55% - 8 Nick Caley RBS 6.15% -
9 David Errington Merrill Lynch 3.46% 9 9 David Errington Merrill Lynch 4.28% 7 =9 Mark Busuttil UBS 5.13% -
=10 Craig Campbell Morgan Stanley 3.24% - =10 Craig Campbell Morgan Stanley 4.02% - =9 Martin Yule Morgan Stanley 5.13% -
=10 Philip Wensley Morgan Stanley 3.24% =13 =10 Philip Wensley Morgan Stanley 4.02% =10 =9 Simon Mitchell UBS 5.13% =4
=10 Richard Wiles Morgan Stanley 3.24% - =10 Richard Wiles Morgan Stanley 4.02% - =12 James Ellis Credit Suisse 4.10% -
=10 Sean Lawrence* Morgan Stanley 3.24% - =10 Sean Lawrence* Morgan Stanley 4.02% - =12 Jeff Emmanuel UBS 4.10% 3
=14 David Cassidy UBS 2.59% =27 =14 David Cassidy UBS 3.21% - =14 Kevin O'connor Merrill Lynch 2.56% -
=14 Nick Caley RBS 2.59% - =14 Nick Caley RBS 3.21% - =14 Richard Wiles Morgan Stanley 2.56% -
16 John Freedman UBS 2.32% - =16 Adam Rowley Macquarie 2.68% =19
=17 Adam Rowley Macquarie 2.16% =21 =16 John Freedman UBS 2.68% - * Sean Lawrence has left Morgan Stanley
=17 Mark Busuttil UBS 2.16% - =16 Mark Busuttil UBS 2.68% -
=17 Martin Yule Morgan Stanley 2.16% - =16 Martin Yule Morgan Stanley 2.68% -
=17 Simon Mitchell UBS 2.16% 6 =16 Simon Mitchell UBS 2.68% 8
=17 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 2.16% - 21 Tim Toohey GS JBWere 2.14% -
22 Ian Preston GS JBWere 1.95% =27 22 Jarrod Martin RBS 2.01% -
23 Tim Toohey GS JBWere 1.73% - =23 Gordon Ramsay UBS 1.34% -
24 Jarrod Martin RBS 1.62% - =23 Kevin O'connor Merrill Lynch 1.34% -
=25 Daniel Tabbush CLSA 1.30% - =23 Lou Pirenc Morgan Stanley 1.34% -
=25 Sophie Spartalis Macquarie 1.30% - 26 Vicky Binns Merrill Lynch 1.07% =30
=25 Stephen Rich UBS 1.30% - 27 Tom Quarmby Macquarie 0.67% -
=28 Gordon Ramsay UBS 1.08% -
=28 Kevin O'connor Merrill Lynch 1.08% - * Sean Lawrence has left Morgan Stanley
=28 Lou Pirenc Morgan Stanley 1.08% -

* Sean Lawrence has left Morgan Stanley

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 48.35% 1 1 Macquarie 57.43% 1 1 Macquarie 39.08% 1
2 Austock 20.54% 2 2 Austock 18.14% 2 2 Austock 16.86% 3
3 Southern Cross Equities 9.01% 5 3 Bell Potter 9.07% - 3 Bell Potter 13.79% -
4 Bell Potter 7.56% 18 4 Ord Minnett 5.04% - 4 Southern Cross Equities 8.43% =9
5 Ord Minnett 3.88% - 5 Patersons 4.53% 3 5 Ord Minnett 7.66% -
6 Patersons 3.49% 3 6 Southern Cross Equities 2.52% =5 6 Patersons 6.90% 2
7 Tricom 2.71% =6 7 Tricom 2.02% =5 7 Tricom 3.07% =4
8 CommSec 2.33% =14 8 Argonaut 1.26% =5 8 Taylor Collison 2.30% =7
9 Taylor Collison 1.16% =9 9 Argonaut 1.92% =4
10 Argonaut 0.97% 8

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 22.86% 2 1 UBS 21.91% 2 1 UBS 24.93% 1
2 Macquarie 18.59% 1 2 Macquarie 17.70% 1 2 J.P.Morgan 16.56% 4
3 J.P.Morgan 10.54% 6 3 J.P.Morgan 12.63% 4 3 Macquarie 13.78% 2
4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 7.74% 3 4 Credit Suisse 8.85% 6 4 Morgan Stanley 9.94% =7
5 Credit Suisse 7.67% 5 5 Goldman Sachs JBWere 8.15% 3 5 Citi 7.67% 9
6 Morgan Stanley 6.58% 8 6 Morgan Stanley 7.77% 7 6 Credit Suisse 5.93% 5
7 Citi 6.36% 7 7 Merrill Lynch 6.10% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 5.49% 6
8 Merrill Lynch 5.57% 4 8 Citi 5.18% 9 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.36% 3
9 Deutsche Bank 3.31% 9 9 CLSA 2.91% - =9 RBS* 2.09% 10
10 CLSA 2.37% - =10 RBS* 1.83% 13 =9 Austock 2.09% =7
11 RBS* 2.06% 11 =10 Austock 1.83% 10 =11 CLSA 1.74% -
12 Austock 1.75% 10 12 Deutsche Bank 1.67% - =11 Patersons 1.74% 11
=13 CommSec 0.88% 21 =13 Lehman Brothers** 1.08% - 13 Tricom 1.39% -
=13 Lehman Brothers** 0.88% - =13 Patersons 1.08% 12 14 Hartleys 1.05% -
=13 Patersons 0.88% 13 15 Tricom 0.86% - 15 CommSec 0.70% =16
16 Tricom 0.70% =24 16 CommSec 0.43% 16 16 Southern Cross Equities 0.52% -
17 Hartleys 0.53% -
18 Southern Cross Equities 0.31% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
19 E.L. & C. Baillieu 0.26% 20 ** Polled prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Bell Potter 0.18% 23

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polled prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 21.67% 1 1 Macquarie 20.98% 1 1 Macquarie 17.86% 1
2 UBS 17.23% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 14.31% 4 2 UBS 15.93% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 11.68% 4 3 UBS 12.94% 2 3 J.P.Morgan 14.56% 3
4 Morgan Stanley 10.00% 14 4 Morgan Stanley 11.37% =12 =4 Credit Suisse 10.16% -
5 Credit Suisse 7.20% 8 5 Credit Suisse 8.24% =12 =4 Morgan Stanley 10.16% 10
6 Citi 6.32% 3 6 RBS* 6.27% 11 6 Citi 8.65% 4
7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 6.24% 6 7 Citi 6.18% 3 7 RBS* 6.04% =7
8 Merrill Lynch 5.88% 5 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 5.88% 6 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.95% 9
9 RBS* 5.12% 9 9 Merrill Lynch 5.69% 5 9 Deutsche Bank 3.30% 6
10 Deutsche Bank 4.44% 7 10 Deutsche Bank 5.29% 7 10 Merrill Lynch 3.02% 5
11 Instinet 1.28% - 11 Instinet 1.57% - 11 Instinet 2.20% -
12 Hartleys 0.96% - 12 CLSA 0.78% - 12 Hartleys 1.65% -
13 CLSA 0.64% - 13 Argonaut 0.49% - 13 Southern Cross Equities 0.82% -
=14 Austock 0.48% 10 14 Argonaut 0.69% -
=14 Southern Cross Equities 0.48% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
16 Argonaut 0.40% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 18.16% 2 1 Morgan Stanley 20.87% =9 1 Morgan Stanley 23.80% 14
2 Morgan Stanley 17.15% 10 2 UBS 15.98% 2 2 UBS 16.69% 1
3 Macquarie 16.42% 1 3 Macquarie 13.87% 1 =3 Credit Suisse 7.73% 9
4 J.P.Morgan 9.22% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 11.10% 4 =3 J.P.Morgan 7.73% 4
5 Merrill Lynch 7.94% 9 5 Credit Suisse 7.55% 12 5 Citi 7.42% 3
6 Credit Suisse 6.84% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 7.44% 7 6 Macquarie 7.11% 2
7 Citi 5.84% 3 7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 5.55% 6 7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 6.18% 6
8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 5.66% 6 8 Citi 5.33% 3 8 Merrill Lynch 4.17% =10
9 Deutsche Bank 3.10% 5 9 Deutsche Bank 3.22% 5 =9 RBS* 3.71% 8
10 RBS* 2.74% 8 =10 RBS* 2.66% 8 =9 Austock 3.71% 7
11 Austock 2.19% =11 =10 Austock 2.66% =9 =9 Deutsche Bank 3.71% 5
12 CommSec 1.64% - 12 CommSec 2.00% - 12 CommSec 2.78% -
13 Tricom 1.46% 18 13 Tricom 1.78% - 13 Tricom 2.47% 17
14 Hartleys 1.09% - 14 Hartleys 1.85% -
15 Southern Cross Equities 0.55% 19 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO 15 Southern Cross Equities 0.93% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 34.73% 1 1 Macquarie 32.60% 1 1 UBS 34.56% 1
2 UBS 27.08% 2 2 UBS 25.83% 2 2 Macquarie 33.22% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 8.23% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 9.31% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 7.38% -
4 Merrill Lynch 6.24% 7 4 Merrill Lynch 6.50% 7 4 J.P.Morgan 7.05% 8
5 Citi 5.14% 5 5 Morgan Stanley 5.98% 16 5 Merrill Lynch 5.70% 13
6 Credit Suisse 5.01% 6 6 Credit Suisse 5.80% 9 6 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.19% 3
7 Morgan Stanley 4.87% 17 7 Citi 5.36% 5 7 Credit Suisse 3.36% =6
8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.15% 4 8 Goldman Sachs JBWere 5.27% 4 8 Citi 2.52% =6
9 CLSA 1.92% 10 9 CLSA 2.46% =10 9 Southern Cross Equities 2.01% -
10 Deutsche Bank 1.13% 9 10 Austock 0.88% 6
11 Southern Cross Equities 0.82% -
12 Austock 0.69% 8

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 30.11% 2 1 Macquarie 30.30% 2 1 UBS 38.59% 1
2 UBS 27.62% 1 2 UBS 26.50% 1 2 Macquarie 22.82% 2
3 Merrill Lynch 9.58% 9 3 Merrill Lynch 11.22% 10 3 J.P.Morgan 8.05% 5
4 J.P.Morgan 6.93% 4 4 Credit Suisse 8.83% 8 4 Merrill Lynch 7.89% =9
5 Credit Suisse 6.90% 8 5 J.P.Morgan 7.77% 4 5 Morgan Stanley 5.37% -
6 Morgan Stanley 4.83% 16 6 Morgan Stanley 6.01% 15 6 Credit Suisse 5.03% 7
7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.21% 3 7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.42% 3 7 Goldman Sachs JBWere 4.19% 3
8 Citi 3.60% 10 8 Citi 1.77% 9 8 RBS 2.68% -
9 Deutsche Bank 2.82% 6 9 RBS* 1.41% 13 9 Southern Cross Equities 2.01% -
10 RBS* 1.50% =13 =10 Austock 0.88% =6 =10 Citi 1.68% 6
11 Austock 1.09% 7 =10 Deutsche Bank 0.88% 5 =10 Deutsche Bank 1.68% =9
12 Southern Cross Equities 0.82% -
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 19.46% 2 1 Credit Suisse 22.53% =6 =1 J.P.Morgan 19.35% -
2 Macquarie 18.62% 1 =2 J.P.Morgan 18.68% =6 =1 Macquarie 19.35% 1
3 Credit Suisse 17.36% 6 =2 Macquarie 18.68% 1 3 UBS 17.74% =2
4 J.P.Morgan 14.23% =8 =4 Goldman Sachs JBWere 10.99% =2 4 Credit Suisse 16.13% -
5 Goldman Sachs JBWere 9.62% 4 =4 UBS 10.99% =2 5 Morgan Stanley 8.06% =2
6 Morgan Stanley 4.18% 5 6 Morgan Stanley 5.49% 5 6 Austock 6.45% 6
7 Austock 3.35% =8 7 Austock 4.40% =6 7 Southern Cross Equities 4.84% -
=8 Deutsche Bank 2.51% - =8 RBS 2.75% =10 =8 CLSA 4.03% =8
=8 Southern Cross Equities 2.51% - =8 CLSA 2.75% - =8 Merrill Lynch 4.03% =2
10 CLSA 2.30% =12 =8 Merrill Lynch 2.75% 4
=11 RBS* 2.09% 7
=11 Merrill Lynch 2.09% 3
13 Citi 1.67% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Ruben Boopalan Macquarie 7.20% 1 1 Lyn Foo UBS 6.85% - 1 James Barratt J.P.Morgan 8.62% -
2 Lyn Foo UBS 5.62% - 2 Ruben Boopalan Macquarie 6.71% 2 2 Jared O'Connell J.P.Morgan 6.63% -
3 James Barratt J.P.Morgan 4.42% - 3 James Barratt J.P.Morgan 5.39% - 3 Lucy Roberts Macquarie 5.97% 3
4 Jared O'Connell J.P.Morgan 3.40% - 4 Jared O'Connell J.P.Morgan 4.15% - 4 Simon Footit Morgan Stanley 5.08% -
=5 Ben Yeoh Macquarie 3.06% =10 5 Lucy Roberts Macquarie 3.73% 6 5 Lyn Foo UBS 4.42% -
=5 Lucy Roberts Macquarie 3.06% =10 6 Ashwini Chandra GS JBWere 3.46% =19 =6 Ben Yeoh Macquarie 3.31% -
7 Ashwini Chandra GS JBWere 2.89% =23 7 Simon Footit Morgan Stanley 3.18% - =6 Kwai Yung Ord Minnett 3.31% -
8 Olivia Cartwright J.P.Morgan 2.67% - 8 Olivia Cartwright J.P.Morgan 2.63% - =6 Matthew Hughes J.P.Morgan 3.31% -
9 Simon Footit Morgan Stanley 2.61% - 9 Andrew Gilbert Credit Suisse 2.49% - =6 Nicholas Mace Macquarie 3.31% -
10 Andrew Gilbert Credit Suisse 2.50% - =10 Ben Yeoh Macquarie 2.07% 18 =6 Ruben Boopalan Macquarie 3.31% =4
=11 Anthony Iser UBS 2.38% 5 =10 David Prowse Merrill Lynch 2.07% - =6 Stephen Stuart Macquarie 3.31% -
=11 Stephen Jancys UBS 2.38% - =10 James O'Sullivan Merrill Lynch 2.07% - 12 Olivia Cartwright J.P.Morgan 3.09% -
13 Brett Hucker Deutsche Bank 2.33% - =10 Kwai Yung Ord Minnett 2.07% - =13 Andrew Chirnside RBS 2.65% =10
=14 David Prowse Merrill Lynch 1.70% - =10 Matthew Hughes J.P.Morgan 2.07% - =13 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 2.65% -
=14 James O'Sullivan Merrill Lynch 1.70% - =10 Nicholas Mace Macquarie 2.07% - =13 Derek Kellett J.P.Morgan 2.65% -
=14 Kwai Yung Ord Minnett 1.70% - =10 Scott Dolling Macquarie 2.07% - =13 Nicki Ashton Austock 2.65% =4
=14 Matthew Hughes J.P.Morgan 1.70% - =10 Simone Rouse GS JBWere 2.07% - 17 Justin Lindquist Merrill Lynch 2.54% -
=14 Nicholas Mace Macquarie 1.70% - =10 Stephen Jancys UBS 2.07% - =18 Andrew Gilbert Credit Suisse 2.21% -
=14 Scott Dolling Macquarie 1.70% - =10 Stephen Stuart Macquarie 2.07% - =18 David Pender GS JBWere 2.21% -
=14 Simone Rouse GS JBWere 1.70% - =20 Andrew Chirnside RBS 1.66% =19 =18 Gavan Carroll Credit Suisse 2.21% -
=14 Stephen Stuart Macquarie 1.70% - =20 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 1.66% - =18 Gavin Apter GS JBWere 2.21% -
22 Scott Ramsay Deutsche Bank 1.59% =23 =20 Derek Kellett J.P.Morgan 1.66% - =18 John Weingarth Lehman Brothers 2.21% -
23 Wai Hoey CommSec 1.47% - =20 Nicki Ashton Austock 1.66% =12 =18 Mike Hynes Citi 2.21% -
24 Derek Kellett J.P.Morgan 1.45% - 24 Justin Lindquist Merrill Lynch 1.59% - =24 Anthony Iser UBS 1.99% =21
=25 Andrew Chirnside RBS 1.36% =23 =25 Alex McGee UBS 1.38% - =24 David Keogh Southern Cross 1.99% -
=25 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 1.36% - =25 Angus Bottrell Credit Suisse 1.38% =19 =26 Josh Best Tricom 1.77% -
=25 Nicki Ashton Austock 1.36% =15 =25 Anna Griffiths Credit Suisse 1.38% - =26 Laura Burke J.P.Morgan 1.77% -
28 Justin Lindquist Merrill Lynch 1.30% - =25 David Pender GS JBWere 1.38% - =26 Lionel McFadyen Bell Potters 1.77% -
29 Tim Leahy UBS 1.22% - =25 Gavan Carroll Credit Suisse 1.38% - =26 Simon Robertson UBS 1.77% 2
=30 Alex McGee UBS 1.13% - =25 Gavin Apter GS JBWere 1.38% - 30 Nicholas Burmester Merrill Lynch 1.33% -
=30 Angus Bottrell Credit Suisse 1.13% =23 =25 Hugo Fisher GS JBWere 1.38% -
=30 Anna Griffiths Credit Suisse 1.13% - =25 John Weingarth Lehman Brothers 1.38% -
=30 David Pender GS JBWere 1.13% - =25 Mike Hynes Citi 1.38% -
=30 Gavan Carroll Credit Suisse 1.13% - =25 Scott Ramsay Deutsche Bank 1.38% =19
=30 Gavin Apter GS JBWere 1.13% - =25 Tim Leahy UBS 1.38% -
=30 Hugo Fisher GS JBWere 1.13% - =25 Troy Derwin Credit Suisse 1.38% =19
=30 John Weingarth Lehman Brothers 1.13% -
=30 Mike Hynes Citi 1.13% -
=30 Troy Derwin Credit Suisse 1.13% =23

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. AUSTRALIA: Page 19 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 17.17% 1 1 CICC 17.43% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 16.20% 2
2 Goldman Sachs 13.45% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 14.23% 3 2 CICC 13.08% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 10.79% 2 3 J.P.Morgan 11.65% 1 3 CLSA 12.02% 6
4 CLSA 10.08% 5 4 CLSA 10.20% 5 4 UBS 10.46% 3
5 UBS 9.67% 4 5 UBS 10.14% 4 5 Citi 8.36% 5
6 Citi 5.70% 6 6 Citi 5.77% 6 6 J.P.Morgan 7.77% 4
7 Morgan Stanley 4.66% 10 7 Morgan Stanley 4.89% 9 7 Morgan Stanley 6.00% 7
8 Credit Suisse 3.71% 8 8 Credit Suisse 3.49% 7 8 Deutsche Bank 5.50% 9
9 Deutsche Bank 3.66% 9 9 CITICS 3.32% 8 9 Credit Suisse 4.76% 8
10 CITICS 3.04% 7 10 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.07% =12 10 Merrill Lynch 3.14% 11
11 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.94% 13 11 Merrill Lynch 3.01% 14 11 BNP Paribas 2.92% 12
12 Merrill Lynch 2.92% 14 12 Deutsche Bank 2.55% 10 12 BOC International 2.30% 10
13 BOC International 2.89% 12 =13 BNP Paribas 2.43% =12 13 Macquarie 1.74% 18
14 BNP Paribas 2.71% 11 =13 BOC International 2.43% 11 14 HSBC 1.64% 16
15 Macquarie 1.36% 22 15 HSBC 1.18% 17 15 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.55% 13
16 HSBC 1.12% 20 16 Guotai Junan 0.85% =19 16 CIMB 1.13% -
17 Guotai Junan 0.83% 15 17 Macquarie 0.84% 18 17 CITICS 0.71% 15
18 CIMB 0.70% - 18 CIMB 0.68% - 18 DBS Vickers 0.38% -
19 Sinolink 0.55% =17 19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.38% 28 19 Cazenove 0.28% 19
20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.31% 28 20 Sinolink 0.31% 16 20 Sinolink 0.05% -
21 Essence 0.29% 27 21 DBS Vickers 0.24% -
22 Cazenove 0.27% 23 =22 Cazenove 0.23% 24
23 Nomura 0.24% 26 =22 Kingsway 0.23% -
24 DBS Vickers 0.18% - 24 Essence 0.21% =25
=25 RBS 0.17% - 25 Guosen 0.11% =19
=25 Kingsway 0.17% - 26 Haitong 0.05% 21
27 Haitong 0.15% =17 27 Changjiang 0.03% -
28 Guosen 0.08% 21 =28 China Merchants 0.02% -
=29 Lehman Brothers* 0.07% 24 =28 Nomura 0.02% 23
=29 China Merchants 0.07% 30 =28 UOB Kay Hian 0.02% 15

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 1 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 18.34% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 19.84% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 23.50% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 11.43% 1 2 J.P.Morgan 12.35% 1 2 Citi 15.79% 3
3 Citi 10.56% 5 3 Citi 11.22% 5 3 CLSA 11.89% 7
4 CICC 10.53% 3 4 CICC 9.55% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 8.10% 2
5 CLSA 7.86% 7 5 CLSA 7.53% 7 5 CICC 8.01% 4
6 UBS 5.65% 4 6 UBS 5.40% 4 6 UBS 6.46% 6
7 Deutsche Bank 4.53% 6 7 Merrill Lynch 4.70% 13 7 Merrill Lynch 4.78% 12
8 Merrill Lynch 4.28% 15 8 Shenyin & Wanguo 4.26% 10 8 Morgan Stanley 4.22% 8
9 Shenyin & Wanguo 4.19% 8 9 Credit Suisse 4.24% 9 9 BOC International 3.56% 13
=10 Credit Suisse 3.93% 10 10 Morgan Stanley 3.71% 8 10 Deutsche Bank 3.41% 5
=10 Morgan Stanley 3.93% 9 11 Deutsche Bank 3.33% 6 11 Credit Suisse 3.22% 9
12 BOC International 3.72% 12 12 BOC International 3.06% 12 12 HSBC 2.24% 15
13 BNP Paribas 2.37% 13 13 CITICS 2.57% 11 13 CIMB 1.63% -
14 CITICS 2.16% 11 14 BNP Paribas 2.14% 16 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.38% 10
15 HSBC 1.71% 21 15 HSBC 1.77% 20 15 Nomura 0.81% 17
16 CIMB 1.02% - 16 CIMB 1.01% - 16 BNP Paribas 0.71% 11
17 Macquarie 0.60% =25 17 Guotai Junan 0.61% 19 17 Macquarie 0.30% -
18 RBS* 0.57% =25 18 Nomura 0.53% 17
=19 Guotai Junan 0.55% 20 19 RBS 0.51% -
=19 Lehman Brothers** 0.55% 24 20 Essence 0.47% 14
21 Nomura 0.53% 14 21 Macquarie 0.40% -
22 Essence 0.39% 16 22 Lehman Brothers* 0.33% 23
23 Changjiang 0.18% - 23 Changjiang 0.24% -
24 Sinolink 0.14% - 24 Sinolink 0.13% -
=25 Haitong 0.11% - 25 China Merchants 0.10% =21
=25 China Merchants 0.11% =22
=27 ICEA 0.02% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=27 TX Investment Consulting 0.02% =27
29 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.01% =22

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 2 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 20.69% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 23.31% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 22.67% 1
2 CICC 13.21% 2 2 CICC 12.80% 3 2 CICC 11.31% 4
3 UBS 10.67% 4 3 UBS 10.63% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 10.22% 7
4 Morgan Stanley 7.95% 9 4 Morgan Stanley 8.66% 9 4 UBS 8.27% 3
5 Deutsche Bank 7.24% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 7.84% 2 5 CLSA 8.00% 9
6 J.P.Morgan 5.92% 5 6 J.P.Morgan 5.92% 5 6 Deutsche Bank 7.76% 2
7 CLSA 5.44% 7 7 CLSA 5.37% 7 7 Credit Suisse 6.66% 5
8 BOC International 5.01% 12 8 BOC International 4.80% 12 8 BOC International 6.20% 10
9 Credit Suisse 4.86% 6 9 Credit Suisse 4.28% 6 9 BNP Paribas 4.28% 8
10 BNP Paribas 4.19% 8 10 BNP Paribas 3.29% 8 10 J.P.Morgan 3.38% 6
11 Merrill Lynch 2.32% 15 11 HSBC 2.11% 16 11 Merrill Lynch 2.59% 11
12 Citi 2.26% 13 12 Merrill Lynch 1.99% 15 12 Citi 2.50% 12
13 HSBC 1.94% 17 13 Citi 1.77% 17 13 HSBC 2.25% =13
14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.59% 16 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.33% - 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.53% =13
15 CITICS 1.24% 11 15 Macquarie 1.25% 22 15 Lehman Brothers* 1.13% -
16 Essence 1.10% 10 16 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.15% 14 16 CIMB 0.68% -
17 Lehman Brothers* 1.00% - 17 Essence 1.12% 11 17 Macquarie 0.56% -
18 Macquarie 0.95% 21 18 CITICS 0.93% 10
19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.73% 22 19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.64% =18 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Nomura 0.60% 18 20 Nomura 0.32% =18
21 CIMB 0.28% - 21 Guosen 0.21% =27
22 Guotai Junan 0.18% =25 22 China Merchants 0.11% 25
=23 Guosen 0.16% 24 23 Guotai Junan 0.08% =27
=23 China Merchants 0.16% 28 24 Changjiang 0.07% -
=25 Changjiang 0.13% - 25 CEBM 0.02% -
=25 Haitong 0.13% -
=27 ICEA 0.02% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=27 CEBM 0.02% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 16.20% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 17.15% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 17.12% 1
2 CLSA 11.44% 3 2 CLSA 11.51% 3 2 CLSA 13.74% 3
3 Citi 9.30% 6 3 Citi 8.85% 4 3 Citi 12.67% 5
4 Shenyin & Wanguo 7.02% 7 4 Shenyin & Wanguo 8.20% 7 4 Deutsche Bank 7.03% 2
5 CICC 6.04% 4 5 CICC 5.92% 8 5 UBS 6.40% 12
6 UBS 5.51% 8 6 UBS 5.56% 6 6 Cazenove 5.72% 16
7 BOC International 4.49% 10 7 Cazenove 5.36% 18 7 BOC International 5.56% 7
8 Deutsche Bank 4.42% 2 8 BOC International 4.44% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 4.25% =24
9 Cazenove 4.32% 17 9 BNP Paribas 4.16% 5 9 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.53% 19
10 BNP Paribas 4.04% 5 10 Merrill Lynch 3.35% 17 10 Macquarie 3.11% -
11 Merrill Lynch 2.84% 14 11 Deutsche Bank 2.68% 2 11 CICC 2.89% 4
12 Credit Suisse 2.32% 12 12 Sinolink 2.38% 12 12 Credit Suisse 2.70% 8
13 HSBC 2.22% 19 13 Credit Suisse 2.00% 11 13 DBS Vickers 2.62% 9
14 Sinolink 2.07% 13 14 Goldman Sachs 1.92% 29 14 BNP Paribas 2.29% 6
15 CITICS 1.75% 9 15 HSBC 1.76% 19 =15 CCB International 1.64% -
16 Goldman Sachs 1.60% 28 16 CITICS 1.65% 9 =15 China Merchants 1.64% -
17 China Merchants 1.32% 29 17 China Merchants 1.40% - =15 UOB Kay Hian 1.64% 10
18 DBS Vickers 1.30% 11 18 United 1.27% 14 18 Goldman Sachs 1.31% 28
19 Orient 1.20% 23 19 Orient 1.25% 28 19 HSBC 1.14% =21
20 Macquarie 1.19% 21 20 First Shanghai 1.23% - 20 CITICS 0.98% 20
21 United 1.16% 18 21 DBS Vickers 1.06% 13 21 SBI E2-Capital 0.90% 11
22 First Shanghai 0.91% - =22 CCB International 0.82% - 22 Morgan Stanley 0.65% =13
23 TX Investment Consulting 0.83% - =22 Macquarie 0.82% 21 23 Celestial 0.49% -
24 Haitong 0.72% - =22 TX Investment Consulting 0.82% -
25 Guosen 0.68% 26 =22 UOB Kay Hian 0.82% 15
26 Guotai Junan 0.62% 20 26 Guosen 0.57% -
=27 CCB International 0.60% - 27 Essence 0.55% -
=27 UOB Kay Hian 0.60% 15 28 Morgan Stanley 0.53% =24
29 Morgan Stanley 0.54% 27 29 Guotai Junan 0.43% 22
30 Essence 0.48% - 30 Changjiang 0.33% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 21.06% 2 1 CICC 21.43% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 24.39% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 18.74% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 20.11% 1 2 CICC 12.96% 4
3 UBS 7.84% 4 3 UBS 7.70% 4 3 UBS 9.26% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 6.92% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 6.70% 5 4 BOC International 7.61% 9
5 Merrill Lynch 5.61% 13 5 Merrill Lynch 5.76% 12 5 Merrill Lynch 6.09% 15
6 BOC International 4.87% 15 6 BOC International 4.58% 13 6 Citi 4.29% 3
7 Morgan Stanley 4.23% 8 7 CLSA 4.49% 15 7 J.P.Morgan 4.09% 5
8 CLSA 4.05% 12 8 Morgan Stanley 4.31% 8 8 Lehman Brothers* 3.93% 6
9 Citi 2.75% 3 9 BNP Paribas 2.82% 14 9 CLSA 3.68% =20
10 BNP Paribas 2.58% 14 10 HSBC 2.75% =19 10 Macquarie 3.04% =16
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.28% 7 11 Citi 2.62% 3 11 Morgan Stanley 2.92% 7
12 HSBC 2.08% 22 12 Lehman Brothers* 2.43% 6 12 BNP Paribas 2.79% 13
=13 Deutsche Bank 1.88% 11 13 CITICS 2.03% 7 13 HSBC 2.54% 14
=13 Credit Suisse 1.88% 9 14 Sinolink 1.77% 18 14 Credit Suisse 2.17% 11
15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.87% - 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.45% - 15 Deutsche Bank 2.16% 8
16 CITICS 1.86% 6 16 Credit Suisse 1.33% =10 16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.84% -
17 Sinolink 1.81% 19 17 Macquarie 1.27% 16 =17 KBC 1.27% -
18 Macquarie 1.64% 18 18 Deutsche Bank 1.25% 9 =17 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.27% =18
19 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.03% 27 19 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.00% 22 19 RBS** 1.01% -
20 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.94% 16 20 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.99% 26 20 Cazenove 0.76% 10
21 Guotai Junan 0.77% 23 21 RBS** 0.63% 24 =21 DBS Vickers 0.63% 22
22 DBS Vickers 0.61% 25 22 KBC 0.60% - =21 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.63% =18
23 RBS** 0.47% 24 23 Guotai Junan 0.55% 23 23 CCB International 0.51% -
24 KBC 0.45% - 24 Haitong 0.32% - 24 Sinolink 0.14% 23
25 Haitong 0.34% 28 25 DBS Vickers 0.30% 17
26 China Merchants 0.33% - 26 China Merchants 0.26% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
27 Essence 0.29% - 27 CCB International 0.24% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
28 Cazenove 0.27% 17 28 Nomura 0.13% =27
29 CCB International 0.18% - =29 Essence 0.09% -
30 Nomura 0.16% 20 =29 Ping An 0.09% =27

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 UBS 12.39% 1 UBS 13.18% 1 Goldman Sachs 13.33%
2 CICC 11.40% 2 Goldman Sachs 12.07% 2 UBS 12.45%
3 Goldman Sachs 10.43% 3 CICC 10.10% 3 Morgan Stanley 11.95%
4 CLSA 9.77% 4 CLSA 9.79% 4 CLSA 10.81%
5 Morgan Stanley 7.53% 5 Morgan Stanley 7.97% 5 Credit Suisse 9.38%
6 J.P.Morgan 5.77% 6 CITICS 6.17% 6 CICC 9.15%
7 CITICS 5.55% 7 J.P.Morgan 5.49% 7 Deutsche Bank 6.43%
8 Credit Suisse 5.09% 8 BOC International 5.03% 8 J.P.Morgan 5.52%
9 BOC International 5.08% 9 Deutsche Bank 4.40% 9 Merrill Lynch 3.78%
10 Citi 4.73% 10 Credit Suisse 4.22% 10 Citi 3.70%
11 Deutsche Bank 4.36% 11 Merrill Lynch 4.19% 11 Macquarie 3.33%
12 Merrill Lynch 3.49% 12 Citi 3.90% 12 BOC International 2.72%
13 Macquarie 2.15% 13 Macquarie 2.41% 13 HSBC 2.17%
14 HSBC 2.13% 14 HSBC 2.31% 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.51%
15 Guotai Junan 1.58% 15 Guotai Junan 1.61% 15 Lehman Brothers** 1.36%
16 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.53% 16 Lehman Brothers** 1.43% 16 Cazenove 0.91%
17 BNP Paribas 1.50% 17 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.41% 17 BNP Paribas 0.76%
18 Lehman Brothers** 1.07% 18 Guosen 1.31% 18 Haitong 0.45%
19 Guosen 0.99% 19 BNP Paribas 0.93% 19 CITICS 0.30%
20 Cazenove 0.79% 20 Cazenove 0.60%
21 Haitong 0.68% 21 China Merchants 0.38% * Category not polled in 2007
22 RBS 0.44% 22 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.25% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 China Merchants 0.28% =23 RBS 0.19%
24 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.26% =23 Haitong 0.19%
25 Nomura 0.16% 25 Essence 0.13%
26 Sinolink 0.15% 26 Ping An 0.12%
27 Essence 0.12% =27 Nomura 0.06%
=28 CIMB 0.11% =27 Sinolink 0.06%
=28 DBS Vickers 0.11% =29 Changjiang 0.05%
30 United 0.10% =29 United 0.05%

* Category not polled in 2007 * Category not polled in 2007

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 6 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 19.26% 3 1 Goldman Sachs 20.78% 3 1 Goldman Sachs 22.51% 1
2 CLSA 14.31% 2 2 CLSA 14.20% 2 2 CLSA 17.05% 2
3 UBS 10.12% 1 3 UBS 11.50% 1 3 UBS 10.51% 3
4 CICC 9.18% 4 4 Citi 8.58% 7 4 Citi 8.55% 5
5 Citi 8.89% 7 5 CICC 8.48% 4 5 Credit Suisse 7.88% 6
6 Credit Suisse 4.70% 6 6 Lehman Brothers* 4.92% 8 6 Lehman Brothers* 5.89% 7
7 Lehman Brothers* 4.39% 8 7 Credit Suisse 4.71% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 4.90% =9
8 Merrill Lynch 3.72% 12 8 Merrill Lynch 3.93% 11 8 BOC International 4.10% 20
9 J.P.Morgan 3.23% 9 9 CITICS 3.39% 6 9 CICC 2.85% 4
10 CITICS 3.21% 5 10 J.P.Morgan 3.34% 9 10 Morgan Stanley 2.80% =9
11 BOC International 3.20% 21 11 BOC International 3.31% =20 11 Deutsche Bank 2.73% 8
12 Morgan Stanley 2.43% 11 12 Morgan Stanley 2.36% 12 12 J.P.Morgan 2.66% =9
13 Deutsche Bank 1.96% 10 13 Deutsche Bank 1.77% 10 =13 Cazenove 1.40% -
14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.54% 13 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.56% 13 =13 Macquarie 1.40% =13
15 Macquarie 1.31% =18 15 HSBC 1.29% 14 =13 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.40% 12
16 HSBC 1.22% 17 16 Cazenove 0.95% 17 =16 RBS 0.84% -
17 China Merchants 1.13% - 17 Macquarie 0.74% 18 =16 DBS Vickers 0.84% -
18 Cazenove 1.01% 16 =18 Sinolink 0.67% 27 =16 HSBC 0.84% =13
19 Guotai Junan 0.69% 14 =18 China Merchants 0.67% - =16 China Merchants 0.84% -
20 BNP Paribas 0.64% =18 =20 Everbright 0.54% -
21 RBS** 0.55% =22 =20 UOB Kay Hian 0.54% 28 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 Sinolink 0.54% 25 22 Guotai Junan 0.43% 19
=23 Everbright 0.40% 28 =23 CIMB 0.34% -
=23 UOB Kay Hian 0.40% 29 =23 Huatai 0.34% -
25 Nomura 0.34% 15 25 Guosen 0.27% 23
26 Haitong 0.33% - 26 Founder 0.17% -
27 DBS Vickers 0.30% 24 27 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.11% -
=28 CIMB 0.25% - 28 Nomura 0.06% 16
=28 Huatai 0.25% - 29 CEBM 0.04% -
30 Guosen 0.20% 26
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 CICC 21.08% 1 CICC 20.70% 1 CICC 16.52%
2 Merrill Lynch 10.56% 2 Merrill Lynch 10.87% 2 Citi 15.15%
3 Citi 9.84% 3 Citi 9.72% 3 Merrill Lynch 14.55%
4 Goldman Sachs 7.36% 4 Goldman Sachs 7.95% 4 Goldman Sachs 8.87%
5 UBS 6.93% 5 UBS 6.30% 5 Credit Suisse 7.94%
6 J.P.Morgan 5.59% 6 J.P.Morgan 6.29% =6 J.P.Morgan 6.94%
7 Credit Suisse 4.73% 7 Credit Suisse 4.66% =6 UBS 6.94%
8 HSBC 3.95% 8 HSBC 4.34% 8 HSBC 3.97%
9 Nomura 3.91% 9 Nomura 3.81% 9 Cazenove 3.75%
10 Morgan Stanley 3.05% 10 Morgan Stanley 3.31% 10 BOC International 2.98%
11 BOC International 2.81% 11 BOC International 2.98% 11 CLSA 2.81%
12 BNP Paribas 2.50% 12 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.59% 12 Deutsche Bank 1.98%
13 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.40% 13 CITICS 2.49% =13 Morgan Stanley 1.65%
14 CITICS 2.27% 14 BNP Paribas 2.48% =13 Nomura 1.65%
15 Cazenove 2.15% 15 Ping An 2.03% =13 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.65%
16 Ping An 1.98% 16 Cazenove 2.02% 16 Lehman Brothers** 1.32%
17 CLSA 1.94% 17 Deutsche Bank 1.92% 17 BNP Paribas 0.66%
18 Deutsche Bank 1.91% 18 CLSA 1.62% 18 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.50%
19 Haitong 0.90% 19 Haitong 0.96% 19 Guotai Junan 0.17%
20 China Merchants 0.79% 20 Lehman Brothers** 0.71%
21 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.77% 21 Orient 0.63% * Category not polled in 2007
22 Orient 0.56% 22 China Merchants 0.57% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 Lehman Brothers** 0.55% 23 Essence 0.37%
24 Essence 0.50% 24 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.36%
25 Guotai Junan 0.33% 25 Sinolink 0.21%
26 Macquarie 0.18% 26 Guotai Junan 0.12%
27 Sinolink 0.16%
=28 Changjiang 0.11% * Category not polled in 2007
=28 HongYuan Securities 0.11% ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
30 Huatai 0.05%

* Category not polled in 2007

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 8 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 23.17% 3 1 Goldman Sachs 24.82% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 36.15% 2
2 CICC 17.88% 2 2 UBS 17.62% 1 2 UBS 16.43% 1
3 UBS 17.07% 1 3 CICC 16.72% 3 3 CICC 11.32% 3
4 Merrill Lynch 5.40% 14 4 CLSA 5.44% 5 4 Merrill Lynch 7.91% 8
5 CLSA 5.18% 4 5 Merrill Lynch 5.31% 13 5 Macquarie 5.43% -
6 Citi 3.65% 5 6 Citi 3.69% 4 6 CLSA 4.87% 5
7 Guotai Junan 2.83% 7 7 Macquarie 3.13% =21 7 RBS 2.32% -
8 Macquarie 2.65% =25 8 Guotai Junan 3.11% 7 8 Citi 2.16% 4
9 Credit Suisse 2.52% 6 9 Morgan Stanley 2.24% 11 9 Morgan Stanley 2.09% 7
10 J.P.Morgan 2.18% 8 10 Credit Suisse 1.97% 6 10 J.P.Morgan 1.81% 14
11 BOC International 1.99% 28 11 CITICS 1.80% 14 11 DBS Vickers 1.58% -
12 HSBC 1.81% - 12 HSBC 1.78% - 12 Credit Suisse 1.53% 6
13 Morgan Stanley 1.77% 11 13 BOC International 1.72% 25 =13 HSBC 1.39% -
14 RBS* 1.65% =20 14 J.P.Morgan 1.71% 10 =13 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.39% -
15 CITICS 1.59% 10 15 RBS* 1.54% =21 15 Deutsche Bank 0.97% 10
16 Deutsche Bank 1.14% 9 16 Lehman Brothers** 1.21% 17 16 Cazenove 0.84% 9
17 Lehman Brothers** 0.92% 16 17 DBS Vickers 0.95% - =17 BOC International 0.70% 18
=18 Cazenove 0.84% 13 18 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.85% - =17 Nomura 0.70% -
=18 Nomura 0.84% 15 19 Nomura 0.82% 16 19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.28% =11
20 DBS Vickers 0.76% - 20 Cazenove 0.71% 12 20 Guotai Junan 0.14% 16
21 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.75% 19 21 Deutsche Bank 0.64% 9
22 Sinolink 0.58% 24 22 Guosen 0.57% 24
23 Guosen 0.55% 29 23 BNP Paribas 0.52% 8
24 BNP Paribas 0.51% 12 24 Everbright 0.39% =21
25 Everbright 0.50% =25 25 Sinolink 0.24% =26
26 China Merchants 0.40% 23 26 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.14% 15
27 Haitong 0.28% 30 27 China Merchants 0.12% -
28 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.22% 17 28 China Jianyin 0.10% -
29 China Galaxy 0.17% - 29 China Galaxy 0.09% -
30 China Jianyin 0.08% - 30 Orient 0.04% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 9 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 29.34% 1 1 CLSA 31.24% 1 1 CLSA 37.98% 1
2 CICC 17.97% 2 2 CICC 16.60% 2 2 CICC 14.20% 2
3 BOC International 5.75% 13 3 BOC International 6.56% 10 3 Goldman Sachs 8.86% 13
4 Goldman Sachs 5.35% 11 4 Goldman Sachs 6.17% 9 4 Credit Suisse 6.52% 7
5 UBS 4.90% 5 5 UBS 5.50% 7 5 BOC International 6.31% 5
6 J.P.Morgan 3.43% 4 6 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.36% 4 6 Macquarie 4.62% 4
7 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.37% 6 7 J.P.Morgan 3.25% 5 7 Cazenove 3.36% =11
8 Credit Suisse 2.54% 3 8 Morgan Stanley 3.07% 14 8 J.P.Morgan 2.80% -
9 TX Investment Consulting 2.53% 12 =9 HSBC 2.28% 19 9 BNP Paribas 2.52% 10
10 Morgan Stanley 2.28% 18 =9 Cazenove 2.28% 18 =10 CIMB 2.10% -
11 HSBC 2.17% 21 11 CIMB 1.96% - =10 HSBC 2.10% =8
12 Cazenove 2.13% 14 12 Guotai Junan 1.89% 21 =10 UOB Kay Hian 2.10% 15
13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.78% - 13 Credit Suisse 1.86% 3 13 UBS 1.68% 14
14 Macquarie 1.74% 9 =14 Merrill Lynch 1.76% 6 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.29% 17
15 Guotai Junan 1.70% 22 =14 UOB Kay Hian 1.76% - 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.26% -
16 Merrill Lynch 1.67% 8 16 TX Investment Consulting 1.70% 15 16 Deutsche Bank 1.05% -
17 CIMB 1.49% - 17 BNP Paribas 1.17% 12 17 DBS Vickers 0.70% -
18 Citi 1.38% 16 =18 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.98% - 18 Citi 0.53% =11
19 UOB Kay Hian 1.31% 24 =18 Macquarie 0.98% 11
20 BNP Paribas 1.16% 10 =18 Nomura 0.98% 22
21 Sinolink 0.93% 26 21 Sinolink 0.96% 23
22 CITICS 0.85% 7 22 DBS Vickers 0.72% 26
23 Nomura 0.76% 19 =23 Deutsche Bank 0.49% =24
24 Deutsche Bank 0.73% =27 =23 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.49% -
25 DBS Vickers 0.68% 23 =25 Essence 0.39% -
26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.36% - =25 China Merchants 0.39% -
=27 Essence 0.29% =29 27 CITICS 0.26% 8
=27 LUSIGHT 0.29% - =28 CEBM 0.24% -
=27 China Merchants 0.29% =29 =28 Citi 0.24% 16
30 MainFirst 0.22% - 30 Orient 0.14% =24

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Lan Xue Citi 6.74% 3 1 Lan Xue Citi 7.10% 3 1 Lan Xue Citi 10.16% 2
2 Frank Gong J.P.Morgan 5.97% 1 2 Frank Gong J.P.Morgan 6.22% 1 2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 5.46% 3
3 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 5.50% 4 3 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 5.25% 4 3 David Cui Merrill Lynch 4.60% 13
4 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 4.63% 2 4 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 4.25% 2 4 Anthony Lok BOC International 4.07% =25
5 Mao Junhua CICC 3.03% 10 5 David Cui Merrill Lynch 3.20% =17 5 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 3.67% 1
6 David Cui Merrill Lynch 2.93% 21 6 Mao Junhua CICC 2.96% 10 6 Frank Gong J.P.Morgan 3.39% 4
7 Anthony Lok BOC International 2.69% 16 7 Anthony Lok BOC International 2.58% =17 7 Andy Rothman CLSA 2.62% -
8 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 2.42% 5 8 Liang Hong Goldman Sachs 2.56% 11 8 Liang Hong Goldman Sachs 2.42% 7
9 Liang Hong Goldman Sachs 2.36% 11 9 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 2.49% 5 =9 Brian Leung CICC 2.36% =18
10 Andy Rothman CLSA 1.83% - 10 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 2.10% - =9 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 2.36% -
11 Qing Wang Morgan Stanley 1.79% - 11 Jonathan Anderson UBS 1.94% 15 11 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 2.25% 5
12 Jonathan Anderson UBS 1.66% 20 12 Brian Leung CICC 1.66% 8 12 Jonathan Anderson UBS 2.14% =22
13 Jing Ulrich J.P.Morgan 1.56% 13 13 Andy Rothman CLSA 1.49% - 13 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 1.61% -
14 Brian Leung CICC 1.42% 7 14 Jing Ulrich J.P.Morgan 1.48% 30 14 Helen Zhu Goldman Sachs 1.47% -
15 Ha Jiming CICC 1.38% 9 15 Ha Jiming CICC 1.45% 9 =15 Kevin Yin BNP Paribas 1.29% -
16 Kevin Yin BNP Paribas 1.13% =14 16 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 1.24% - =15 Pauline Loong CIMB 1.29% -
17 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.11% 12 17 Wendy Liu RBS 1.12% - 17 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 1.18% -
18 Zhou Guang CICC 1.07% - 18 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 1.04% - 18 Wendy Liu RBS 1.16% -
19 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 1.04% - 19 Manop Sangiambut CLSA 1.00% 12 19 Jing Ulrich J.P.Morgan 1.12% =18
20 Frank Li J.P.Morgan 1.03% 8 =20 Zhou Guang CICC 0.98% - 20 John Tang J.P.Morgan 1.09% -
21 Cheng Manjiang BOC International 0.98% - =20 Cheng Manjiang BOC International 0.98% - 21 David Murphy CLSA 1.04% -
22 Jerry Lou Morgan Stanley 0.88% - =22 Kevin Yin BNP Paribas 0.97% 14 22 Jinjin Wang UBS 1.02% =18
23 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 0.87% - =22 Frank Li J.P.Morgan 0.97% 7 23 Hubert Tang UBS 0.99% -
24 Wendy Liu RBS 0.85% - 24 Jerry Lou Morgan Stanley 0.89% 29 24 Winnie Wu Merrill Lynch 0.94% -
25 Song Shen Goldman Sachs 0.80% - 25 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 0.84% - =25 Chen Haofei CICC 0.91% -
26 Pauline Loong CIMB 0.79% - 26 Richard Wei UBS 0.82% - =25 Ken Ho HSBC 0.91% =25
27 Chen Li * Shenyin & Wanguo 0.76% - 27 Chen Li * Shenyin & Wanguo 0.81% - =25 Trina Chen Credit Suisse 0.91% 21
=28 Richard Wei UBS 0.74% - 28 Pauline Loong CIMB 0.77% - =28 Andrew Chan Daiwa I.R. 0.80% -
=28 Sandra Cai Daiwa I.R. 0.74% - =29 Erwin Sanft BNP Paribas 0.75% =27 =28 Charles Yonts CLSA 0.80% -
30 Trina Chen Credit Suisse 0.72% 30 =29 Hubert Tang UBS 0.75% - =28 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 0.80% -
=28 Edmond Huang UBS 0.80% -
* Chen Li has left Shenyin & Wanguo * Chen Li has left Shenyin & Wanguo =28 Foo Choy Peng UOB Kay Hian 0.80% -
=28 Hou Yankun Lehman Brothers 0.80% -
=28 Li Yuan, Lisa CICC 0.80% -
=28 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 0.80% 15
=28 Mao Junhua CICC 0.80% -
=28 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 0.80% -
=28 Prashant Gokhale Credit Suisse 0.80% -
=28 Steven Sun HSBC 0.80% -
=28 Tian Sidong UBS 0.80% -
=28 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 0.80% -
=28 Zhou Guang CICC 0.80% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 49.79% 1 1 CICC 50.09% 1 1 CICC 52.18% 1
2 BOC International 15.27% 4 2 BOC International 14.52% 4 2 BOC International 22.34% 2
3 CITICS 14.19% 2 3 CITICS 14.28% 2 3 CITICS 10.92% 4
4 Shenyin & Wanguo 10.00% 3 4 Shenyin & Wanguo 10.43% 3 4 Shenyin & Wanguo 8.43% 3
5 Guotai Junan 4.90% 5 5 Guotai Junan 5.34% 5 5 Guotai Junan 2.15% 5
6 Sinolink 2.10% - 6 Sinolink 1.78% - 6 Sinolink 1.68% -
7 Haitong 1.70% =7 7 Haitong 1.58% 7 7 Ping An 0.99% -
8 China Merchants 0.85% 6 8 China Merchants 1.00% 6 =8 Guosen 0.66% 8
9 Guosen 0.52% =7 9 Guosen 0.67% 10 =8 China Merchants 0.66% -
10 Ping An 0.34% - 10 Orient 0.17% 9
11 Orient 0.13% 10 11 United 0.08% -
12 United 0.11% 14 12 Essence 0.05% -
13 Essence 0.10% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 16.25% 1 1 CICC 16.52% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 15.30% 3
2 CLSA 11.80% 4 2 Goldman Sachs 12.50% 3 2 UBS 13.41% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 10.94% 3 3 CLSA 12.02% 4 3 CICC 11.12% 1
4 UBS 10.74% 2 4 UBS 11.58% 2 4 CLSA 11.08% 4
5 Morgan Stanley 6.84% 9 5 Morgan Stanley 7.51% 8 5 Morgan Stanley 10.61% 6
6 Citi 6.50% 6 6 Citi 6.30% 6 6 Citi 6.25% 5
7 J.P.Morgan 5.15% 5 7 J.P.Morgan 5.21% 5 7 Deutsche Bank 5.36% 7
8 BOC International 5.12% 10 8 BOC International 4.23% 10 8 BOC International 4.80% 9
9 Deutsche Bank 3.54% 8 9 CITICS 3.41% 9 9 Credit Suisse 4.51% 8
10 Merrill Lynch 3.22% 13 10 Credit Suisse 3.12% 11 10 Merrill Lynch 4.28% 11
11 CITICS 3.11% 7 11 Merrill Lynch 2.99% 12 11 BNP Paribas 2.61% 12
12 BNP Paribas 2.94% 12 12 Deutsche Bank 2.86% 7 12 HSBC 1.98% 14
13 Credit Suisse 2.92% 11 13 BNP Paribas 2.32% 13 =13 J.P.Morgan 1.67% 10
14 HSBC 2.17% 15 14 HSBC 2.29% 15 =13 Macquarie 1.67% -
15 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.87% 14 15 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.05% 14 15 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.16% 13
16 Macquarie 1.43% =23 16 Macquarie 1.03% =24 16 UOB Kay Hian 0.99% 15
17 Sinolink 0.83% 25 17 Guotai Junan 0.94% =24 =17 CIMB 0.71% -
18 Nomura 0.81% 17 18 Sinolink 0.73% 19 =17 CITICS 0.71% 19
19 Guotai Junan 0.77% 19 =19 CIMB 0.34% - 19 CCB International 0.38% -
20 Daiwa SMBC 0.41% 16 =19 UOB Kay Hian 0.34% 20 20 Sinolink 0.32% =28
21 UOB Kay Hian 0.36% 20 =19 Daiwa SMBC 0.34% 16 =21 Cazenove 0.28% 16
22 DBS Vickers 0.34% - 22 Nomura 0.23% 18 =21 DBS Vickers 0.28% =26
23 Haitong 0.31% 29 23 RBS* 0.21% 17 23 RBS 0.24% -
24 CIMB 0.28% - 24 CCB International 0.18% - =24 Haitong 0.14% -
25 Essence 0.23% - 25 Essence 0.17% - =24 Yuanta 0.14% -
26 RBS* 0.21% 18 26 DBS Vickers 0.16% -
27 Cazenove 0.19% 22 27 Guosen 0.13% 27
28 China Merchants 0.15% 26 28 Cazenove 0.11% 22
29 CCB International 0.14% - 29 China Merchants 0.10% 21
30 Guosen 0.10% 21 30 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.06% =29

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 17.34% 1 1 CICC 18.00% 1 1 UBS 13.69% 3
2 UBS 11.94% 3 2 UBS 13.01% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 12.88% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 10.63% 2 3 Goldman Sachs 12.14% 2 3 CICC 11.60% 1
4 CLSA 7.37% 5 4 CLSA 8.26% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 8.86% 5
5 Morgan Stanley 7.01% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 6.45% =4 5 CLSA 7.61% 7
6 Citi 5.27% 4 6 Citi 5.29% =4 6 Citi 7.50% 4
7 BOC International 4.47% 9 7 BOC International 4.13% 8 7 Credit Suisse 6.75% 9
8 Credit Suisse 3.51% 12 8 CITICS 3.74% 12 8 Merrill Lynch 4.00% =11
9 J.P.Morgan 3.46% 7 9 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.59% 13 9 BNP Paribas 3.64% =11
10 CITICS 3.40% 10 10 BNP Paribas 3.45% 14 10 UOB Kay Hian 3.42% 10
11 BNP Paribas 3.23% 14 11 Credit Suisse 3.07% 10 =11 Deutsche Bank 3.00% 6
12 Shenyin & Wanguo 3.10% 13 12 J.P.Morgan 2.73% 6 =11 J.P.Morgan 3.00% 15
13 Deutsche Bank 2.94% 8 13 Merrill Lynch 2.60% 9 13 BOC International 2.99% 8
14 Merrill Lynch 2.76% 11 14 HSBC 1.97% 15 14 Macquarie 1.75% 18
15 HSBC 1.88% 15 15 Deutsche Bank 1.73% 11 15 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.51% 13
16 Macquarie 1.85% 17 16 UOB Kay Hian 1.50% 16 16 HSBC 1.50% 14
17 UOB Kay Hian 1.40% 16 17 RBS* 1.21% =23 17 RBS* 1.25% =23
18 RBS* 1.24% 23 18 Macquarie 1.12% 17 18 KGI 1.00% 29
19 Haitong 1.02% =19 19 Guotai Junan 0.70% 27 19 Lehman Brothers** 0.83% -
20 Guotai Junan 0.77% 18 20 KGI 0.56% 28 20 Sinolink 0.80% -
=21 Daiwa SMBC 0.53% =19 =21 Daiwa SMBC 0.47% 19 21 Kim Eng 0.75% 28
=21 Sinolink 0.53% - =21 Lehman Brothers** 0.47% - =22 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.67% 17
23 Nomura 0.49% 25 =21 Nomura 0.47% 22 =22 CCB International 0.67% -
24 KGI 0.46% 23 24 Haitong 0.41% 20 24 ICEA 0.33% -
25 Lehman Brothers** 0.34% - =25 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.37% 18
26 Kim Eng 0.31% - =25 CCB International 0.37% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=27 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.27% 24 27 Ping An 0.35% 25 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=27 CCB International 0.27% - 28 Guosen 0.32% 26
=27 DBS Vickers 0.27% =27 29 DBS Vickers 0.28% -
=27 Tokai Tokyo 0.27% - 30 Orient 0.26% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 22.74% 1 1 CICC 23.20% 1 1 CICC 15.17% 1
2 UBS 10.78% 2 2 UBS 11.20% 2 2 UBS 14.65% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 10.27% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 10.99% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 11.74% 4
4 Morgan Stanley 7.07% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 7.68% 6 4 Goldman Sachs 11.34% 3
5 CLSA 6.80% 6 5 CLSA 7.50% 7 5 Citi 8.26% 6
6 Citi 5.58% 3 6 Citi 5.63% 4 6 CLSA 6.21% 7
7 BOC International 4.97% 11 7 BOC International 5.24% 11 7 Credit Suisse 5.14% 8
8 Credit Suisse 3.56% 10 8 Credit Suisse 3.37% 10 8 BNP Paribas 3.87% 11
9 J.P.Morgan 3.40% 9 9 CITICS 3.12% 5 9 Deutsche Bank 3.76% 5
10 CITICS 3.38% 5 10 J.P.Morgan 3.05% 8 10 Merrill Lynch 3.29% 13
11 BNP Paribas 3.24% 14 =11 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.65% 12 11 BOC International 3.02% 9
12 Deutsche Bank 2.91% 8 =11 BNP Paribas 2.65% 14 12 Macquarie 2.82% -
13 Merrill Lynch 2.69% 13 13 Merrill Lynch 2.35% 13 13 J.P.Morgan 2.27% 10
14 Macquarie 2.42% =20 14 Deutsche Bank 2.25% 9 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.67% 18
15 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.22% 12 15 Macquarie 2.06% 27 =15 HSBC 1.65% 12
16 HSBC 1.64% 16 16 HSBC 1.48% 15 =15 UOB Kay Hian 1.65% 14
17 Guotai Junan 0.73% 15 17 Guotai Junan 0.95% 17 =17 RBS* 0.78% 15
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.62% 18 18 RBS* 0.80% 16 =17 Lehman Brothers** 0.78% -
19 RBS* 0.61% 17 19 Cazenove 0.72% 21 19 CCB International 0.63% -
20 Cazenove 0.59% 26 20 UOB Kay Hian 0.60% =18 20 BOCOM 0.47% -
21 Haitong 0.55% 25 =21 Kingsway 0.40% - 21 CITICS 0.31% 16
22 Sinolink 0.51% 29 =21 Lehman Brothers** 0.40% 25 22 Sinolink 0.27% -
23 DBS Vickers 0.32% - 23 CCB International 0.32% - 23 Kim Eng 0.24% -
=24 Kingsway 0.30% - 24 DBS Vickers 0.31% -
=24 Lehman Brothers** 0.30% =30 25 Sinolink 0.29% 28 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
26 CCB International 0.24% - 26 Haitong 0.19% =30 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
27 Daiwa SMBC 0.22% - 27 Essence 0.17% -
28 Essence 0.21% =30 28 Guosen 0.13% 26
29 BOCOM 0.18% - 29 Ping An 0.10% 22
30 China Merchants 0.15% - 30 United 0.08% 23

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 20.04% 1 1 CLSA 20.44% 1 1 CLSA 19.08% 1
2 UBS 12.68% 2 2 UBS 14.06% 2 2 UBS 14.62% 2
3 CICC 9.85% 4 3 CICC 9.57% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 10.72% 11
4 J.P.Morgan 9.64% 3 4 Goldman Sachs 8.98% 5 4 Goldman Sachs 9.45% 6
5 Goldman Sachs 8.38% 8 5 J.P.Morgan 8.90% 3 5 J.P.Morgan 6.25% 3
6 Morgan Stanley 6.57% 13 6 Morgan Stanley 6.94% 12 6 CICC 5.86% 7
7 Citi 4.56% 6 7 Merrill Lynch 4.15% 13 7 Merrill Lynch 5.85% 10
8 Deutsche Bank 4.40% 5 8 Deutsche Bank 4.11% 8 8 Deutsche Bank 5.76% 5
=9 Credit Suisse 3.79% 7 9 Citi 3.99% 7 9 Citi 5.31% 4
=9 Merrill Lynch 3.79% 12 10 Credit Suisse 3.70% 6 10 Credit Suisse 5.00% 8
11 BNP Paribas 3.53% 10 11 BNP Paribas 3.03% 10 11 BNP Paribas 3.40% 9
12 CITICS 2.61% 9 12 CITICS 2.91% 9 12 BOC International 2.18% 15
13 BOC International 2.55% 14 13 BOC International 2.56% 14 13 HSBC 2.08% 13
14 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.25% 11 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.49% 11 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.61% 12
15 HSBC 1.27% 17 15 HSBC 1.29% 16 15 Macquarie 1.30% -
16 Macquarie 0.93% 30 16 Macquarie 0.67% 30 16 CITICS 0.71% 14
17 Guotai Junan 0.47% 16 17 Guotai Junan 0.52% 25 17 Yuanta 0.28% -
18 Sinolink 0.36% 22 18 Sinolink 0.24% 20 18 RBS 0.24% -
19 RBS 0.31% - 19 DBS Vickers 0.23% - 19 Sinolink 0.16% -
20 Nomura 0.27% =25 20 Ping An 0.22% 17 20 Lehman Brothers* 0.14% 18
=21 Daiwa 0.21% 15 21 RBS 0.17% -
=21 DBS Vickers 0.21% =27 22 United 0.16% =23 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 China Merchants 0.18% - 23 China Merchants 0.13% -
=24 Lehman Brothers* 0.17% - 24 Cazenove 0.12% -
=24 United 0.17% =25 25 Guosen 0.10% 21
=24 Ping An 0.17% 20 26 Nomura 0.09% =23
27 Haitong 0.14% 19 =27 Daiwa 0.06% 15
28 Yuanta 0.11% - =27 Essence 0.06% 28
29 Essence 0.10% 24 29 Orient 0.04% 18
30 Cazenove 0.09% 29 =30 Everbright 0.02% 26
=30 Lehman Brothers* 0.02% 27
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.65% 1 1 CLSA 15.18% 2 1 CLSA 14.99% 2
2 CICC 12.25% 3 2 CICC 12.28% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 12.68% 5
3 UBS 11.02% 2 3 Goldman Sachs 12.08% 4 3 UBS 11.31% 1
4 Goldman Sachs 10.40% 5 4 UBS 11.33% 1 4 Morgan Stanley 9.94% 4
5 J.P.Morgan 8.47% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 7.93% 5 5 CICC 7.31% 3
6 Morgan Stanley 6.55% 6 6 Morgan Stanley 7.40% 6 6 Citi 6.44% 7
7 Citi 5.65% 8 7 Citi 5.31% 8 7 J.P.Morgan 6.07% 8
8 BOC International 3.88% 12 8 Merrill Lynch 3.75% =13 =8 Deutsche Bank 5.96% 6
9 Merrill Lynch 3.57% 14 9 BOC International 3.63% 12 =8 Merrill Lynch 5.96% 13
10 Deutsche Bank 3.46% 7 10 Credit Suisse 3.27% 11 10 Credit Suisse 4.70% 9
11 Credit Suisse 3.34% 11 11 BNP Paribas 3.06% 9 11 BOC International 3.09% 11
12 BNP Paribas 3.27% 10 12 Deutsche Bank 2.80% 7 12 BNP Paribas 3.01% 10
=13 CITICS 2.46% 9 13 CITICS 2.76% 10 13 HSBC 1.88% 12
=13 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.46% 13 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 2.69% =13 14 Macquarie 1.15% 17
15 HSBC 1.58% =17 15 HSBC 1.53% 16 15 CITICS 1.07% 14
=16 Daiwa 0.84% =17 =16 Sinolink 0.75% 24 16 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.02% 18
=16 Macquarie 0.84% 15 =16 Guotai Junan 0.75% 20 17 DBS Vickers 0.97% 16
18 Sinolink 0.70% 27 18 Macquarie 0.64% 15 =18 Daiwa 0.81% 20
=19 Nomura 0.63% 16 19 Daiwa 0.48% 18 =18 UOB Kay Hian 0.81% 24
=19 Guotai Junan 0.63% 21 20 DBS Vickers 0.46% 23 20 Sinolink 0.37% -
21 DBS Vickers 0.48% 24 21 UOB Kay Hian 0.39% - 21 Yuanta 0.32% -
22 China Merchants 0.33% - 22 Essence 0.30% 28 22 Haitong 0.16% -
23 RBS* 0.31% 28 23 Cazenove 0.26% 17
=24 UOB Kay Hian 0.29% - 24 China Merchants 0.23% -
=24 Essence 0.29% =29 25 Orient 0.14% -
26 Haitong 0.23% 22 26 RBS 0.13% -
27 Cazenove 0.19% 19 =27 United 0.12% 27
28 China Galaxy 0.18% - =27 Nomura 0.12% 19
=29 United 0.14% 26 29 Guosen 0.08% 29
=29 First Shanghai 0.14% - 30 First Shanghai 0.06% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CICC 20.11% 1 1 CICC 21.31% 3 1 CICC 21.83% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 10.68% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 11.71% 2 2 CLSA 9.47% 5
3 CLSA 10.58% 7 3 CLSA 9.27% 7 3 Goldman Sachs 8.07% 2
4 UBS 7.66% 9 4 UBS 7.85% 11 4 BOC International 7.98% 4
5 BOC International 6.54% 6 5 J.P.Morgan 6.04% 1 5 Macquarie 7.19% -
6 J.P.Morgan 6.22% 2 6 HSBC 5.82% - 6 UBS 6.67% =12
7 Citi 5.52% 5 7 BOC International 5.61% 6 7 Credit Suisse 5.88% 6
8 HSBC 5.21% - 8 Citi 4.43% 5 8 Citi 5.70% 3
9 Macquarie 3.66% 20 9 Deutsche Bank 3.61% 10 9 HSBC 5.26% -
10 Deutsche Bank 3.26% 10 10 Macquarie 3.58% 23 10 Merrill Lynch 4.44% 8
11 Merrill Lynch 2.44% 12 11 Merrill Lynch 2.82% 12 11 Deutsche Bank 3.51% 14
12 Credit Suisse 2.42% 8 12 Sinolink 2.50% 15 12 J.P.Morgan 2.34% 7
13 Sinolink 2.20% 15 13 Credit Suisse 2.36% 8 13 BNP Paribas 2.28% 10
14 BNP Paribas 2.19% 11 14 BNP Paribas 1.98% 9 14 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.95% 16
15 CITICS 1.63% 4 15 Daiwa 1.55% 17 =15 CIMB 1.75% -
16 Essence 1.50% 21 16 Essence 1.48% 26 =15 Morgan Stanley 1.75% 15
17 Daiwa 1.45% 19 17 Shenyin & Wanguo 1.30% 14 17 DBS Vickers 1.40% -
18 Morgan Stanley 1.38% 24 18 CITICS 1.18% 4 =18 Lehman Brothers* 1.05% 9
19 Nomura 1.07% 17 19 Morgan Stanley 1.15% 22 =18 UOB Kay Hian 1.05% -
20 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.98% 14 20 CIMB 0.86% - 20 Sinolink 0.40% -
21 CIMB 0.65% - 21 Ping An 0.77% -
22 Ping An 0.58% =29 =22 DBS Vickers 0.69% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 DBS Vickers 0.52% =27 =22 Nomura 0.69% =18
24 UOB Kay Hian 0.39% - 24 United 0.49% 25
25 United 0.37% 26 25 Guotai Junan 0.28% -
26 Guotai Junan 0.21% 25 26 Everbright 0.23% -
27 Everbright 0.17% - 27 Orient 0.14% -
28 Lehman Brothers* 0.12% 13 28 Lehman Brothers* 0.12% 13
29 Orient 0.11% - 29 Changjiang 0.11% -
30 Haitong 0.10% 23 30 Haitong 0.09% 21

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 6.30% 1 1 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 6.01% 1 1 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 5.99% 2
2 Stanley Wong Citi 4.66% 2 2 Stanley Wong Citi 5.25% 2 2 Stanley Wong Citi 3.99% 3
3 Yinan Wang CLSA 3.30% 10 3 Yinan Wang CLSA 3.70% 10 3 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 2.81% -
4 Danny Chiang Citi 2.50% 3 4 Danny Chiang Citi 2.36% 3 4 Faye Ye UBS 2.76% -
5 Jonathan Tang UBS 1.80% 18 5 Liu Man CICC 2.00% - 5 Yinan Wang CLSA 2.63% 26
6 Liu Man CICC 1.57% - 6 Jonathan Tang UBS 1.91% 13 6 Raymond Yin Goldman Sachs 2.23% -
7 Yuanping Han CLSA 1.50% - 7 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 1.35% - 7 Candy Wong Morgan Stanley 2.12% 22
8 Faye Ye UBS 1.17% - =8 Faye Ye UBS 1.23% - =8 Danny Chiang Citi 1.59% 4
9 Guo Minfang CICC 1.14% - =8 Yuanping Han CLSA 1.23% - =8 Edward Bagnall BOC International 1.59% -
10 Vonnie Chan CLSA 1.12% 6 =10 Guo Minfang CICC 1.20% - =8 Y L Hoong * Deutsche Bank 1.59% -
11 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 1.11% - =10 Yun Liu Morgan Stanley 1.20% 14 11 Alan Li Deutsche Bank 1.54% -
=12 Michelle Kuang BNP Paribas 1.10% 17 12 Raymond Yin Goldman Sachs 1.19% - 12 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 1.49% -
=12 Yun Liu Morgan Stanley 1.10% 21 13 Vonnie Chan CLSA 1.17% 4 =13 Ko Wai Yee, Wendy BOC International 1.43% -
14 Luo Qiang CICC 0.99% - 14 Zhu YingWei CICC 1.16% - =13 Michelle Gu Morgan Stanley 1.43% -
15 Candy Wong Morgan Stanley 0.96% - 15 Candy Wong Morgan Stanley 1.08% - =15 Fiona Wong Lehman Brothers 1.38% -
16 Nial Gooding UBS 0.95% - =16 Marvin Pang HSBC 1.05% 11 =15 Vicky Liu Goldman Sachs 1.38% -
=17 Maryann Tseng BOC International 0.93% - =16 Qi Wu UBS 1.05% - 17 Herman Woo BNP Paribas 1.35% -
=17 Raymond Yin Goldman Sachs 0.93% - 18 Luo Qiang CICC 1.03% - =18 Connie Yan UBS 1.33% -
19 Zhu YingWei CICC 0.90% - 19 Stacy Shi Credit Suisse 1.01% - =18 Hazel Lam Morgan Stanley 1.33% 11
20 Bill Sun Goldman Sachs 0.87% - 20 Michelle Gu Morgan Stanley 1.00% - =20 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 1.27% -
21 Marvin Pang HSBC 0.84% 7 21 Nial Gooding UBS 0.98% - =20 Andj Li BNP Paribas 1.27% -
22 Qi Wu UBS 0.83% - 22 Michelle Kuang BNP Paribas 0.96% =16 22 Charles Blake Citi 1.19% -
23 Geng Dejian CICC 0.82% - 23 Vicky Liu Goldman Sachs 0.94% - =23 Stacy Shi Credit Suisse 1.18% -
24 Stacy Shi Credit Suisse 0.81% - 24 Sylvia Yu UBS 0.85% - =23 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.18% -
25 Michelle Gu Morgan Stanley 0.80% - 25 Geng Dejian CICC 0.84% - 25 Chen Shu CICC 1.15% -
26 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 0.79% - 26 Polly Ong CLSA 0.82% 9 26 Michael Chan Goldman Sachs 1.12% -
27 Vicky Liu Goldman Sachs 0.74% - =27 Ko Wai Yee, Wendy BOC International 0.81% - 27 Pan Hui Goldman Sachs 1.07% -
=28 William Chapman BOC International 0.72% - =27 Adeline Ma CLSA 0.81% - =28 Ingrid Wong Deutsche Bank 1.06% 9
=28 Herman Woo BNP Paribas 0.72% - =27 Edward Bagnall BOC International 0.81% - =28 Zhang Pei ** CICC 1.06% 8
=30 Alan Li Deutsche Bank 0.71% - =27 Y L Hoong * Deutsche Bank 0.81% - =30 Eric Mak BOC International 1.01% -
=30 Fiona Wong Lehman Brothers 0.71% - =30 Jonathan Tang UBS 1.01% =18
=30 Lisa Lau CICC 0.71% - * Y L Hoong has left Deutsche Bank
=30 Oon Har Lee HSBC 0.71% - * Y L Hoong has left Deutsche Bank
** Zhang Pei has left CICC

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. CHINA: Page 19 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 16.40% 1 1 CLSA 17.17% 2 1 CLSA 17.41% 2
2 Goldman Sachs 12.89% 4 2 Goldman Sachs 12.90% 5 2 Goldman Sachs 15.97% 4
3 UBS 11.02% 2 3 UBS 10.51% 3 3 UBS 12.48% 1
4 J.P.Morgan 10.09% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 10.37% 1 4 Citi 9.61% 6
5 Citi 9.27% 7 5 Citi 9.28% 6 5 Merrill Lynch 7.80% 9
6 Credit Suisse 6.67% 5 6 Credit Suisse 7.21% 4 6 Morgan Stanley 7.33% 5
7 Merrill Lynch 6.23% 9 7 Merrill Lynch 7.16% 9 7 Credit Suisse 7.18% 8
8 Morgan Stanley 5.55% 6 8 Morgan Stanley 5.24% 7 8 J.P.Morgan 6.12% 3
9 Deutsche Bank 4.04% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 3.11% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 4.64% 7
10 BOC International 3.00% 13 10 Macquarie 2.98% 15 =10 BOC International 2.15% 10
11 Macquarie 2.71% 11 11 BOC International 2.42% 10 =10 Macquarie 2.15% 11
12 Nomura 2.05% 14 12 HSBC 2.35% 13 12 CICC 1.88% =18
13 CICC 2.02% 12 13 Nomura 1.70% 12 13 BNP Paribas 1.55% 21
14 HSBC 1.86% 15 14 BNP Paribas 1.63% 11 14 Nomura 1.01% -
15 BNP Paribas 1.84% 10 15 CICC 1.60% 20 15 HSBC 0.97% =13
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.81% 21 16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.08% =16 16 SBI E2-Capital 0.61% =13
17 Lehman Brothers* 0.68% 19 17 Cazenove 0.88% 19 =17 Cazenove 0.34% 12
18 Kingsway 0.64% - 18 Lehman Brothers* 0.85% 14 =17 CIMB 0.34% -
19 Cazenove 0.63% 16 19 Kingsway 0.58% - =17 Lehman Brothers* 0.34% 20
=20 KGI 0.28% 27 =20 KGI 0.39% - 20 Kim Eng 0.13% -
=20 China Merchants 0.28% - =20 China Merchants 0.39% -
22 DBS Vickers 0.26% 17 22 CIMB 0.19% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 SBI E2-Capital 0.25% 18
24 CIMB 0.20% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 Kim Eng 0.15% 25
26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.08% -
27 CCB International 0.05% -
28 ICEA 0.03% 26

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.17% 2 1 CLSA 15.31% 3 1 Goldman Sachs 18.79% 1
2 Goldman Sachs 14.94% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 15.24% 2 2 UBS 15.18% 2
3 UBS 14.67% 1 3 UBS 13.85% 1 3 Citi 12.30% 8
4 Citi 10.25% 8 4 Citi 11.44% 8 4 CLSA 11.39% 3
5 J.P.Morgan 8.64% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 9.70% 4 5 Morgan Stanley 8.45% 4
6 Morgan Stanley 6.53% 5 6 Morgan Stanley 6.09% 5 6 Deutsche Bank 6.80% 6
7 Credit Suisse 6.06% 7 7 Merrill Lynch 5.98% 9 7 BOC International 5.88% =11
8 Deutsche Bank 5.47% 6 8 Credit Suisse 5.14% 6 8 Merrill Lynch 5.69% =9
9 Merrill Lynch 5.01% 10 9 Deutsche Bank 5.05% 7 9 Credit Suisse 3.86% 5
10 Nomura 4.15% 9 10 Nomura 4.02% 10 10 Nomura 3.67% -
11 BOC International 2.74% 14 11 HSBC 2.18% =13 11 J.P.Morgan 3.58% 7
12 HSBC 2.03% 18 12 BOC International 1.98% 12 12 CICC 1.47% 13
13 CICC 1.30% 11 13 CICC 1.36% - 13 Macquarie 1.10% -
14 BNP Paribas 0.93% 15 14 BNP Paribas 1.19% - =14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.92% -
15 Macquarie 0.61% =19 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.79% =13 =14 HSBC 0.92% =11
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.60% 17 16 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.49% -
17 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.37% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.20% -
18 DBS Vickers 0.34% 13
19 CIMB 0.07% -
20 ICEA 0.06% =19
21 Kingsway 0.04% -
22 Sun Hung Kai 0.02% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 15.50% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 15.61% 2 1 Goldman Sachs 25.28% 1
2 UBS 13.53% 1 2 UBS 14.64% 1 2 UBS 11.51% 3
3 CLSA 12.92% 3 3 CLSA 12.54% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 11.10% 7
4 Morgan Stanley 9.15% 6 4 Morgan Stanley 10.84% 7 4 Merrill Lynch 8.74% -
5 J.P.Morgan 8.09% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 8.55% 4 5 CLSA 8.02% 6
6 Deutsche Bank 6.88% 7 6 Deutsche Bank 6.46% 6 =6 Credit Suisse 7.61% 2
7 Citi 6.50% 14 7 Merrill Lynch 6.05% 8 =6 Deutsche Bank 7.61% 5
8 Merrill Lynch 5.33% 8 8 Citi 5.81% 15 8 BOC International 6.17% 9
9 Credit Suisse 5.26% 5 9 Credit Suisse 4.17% 5 =9 Citi 3.91% 8
10 HSBC 3.26% 12 10 HSBC 3.82% 10 =9 J.P.Morgan 3.91% 4
11 BOC International 2.93% 10 11 Nomura 2.76% 11 11 CICC 2.67% 10
12 Nomura 2.89% 9 12 BOC International 2.41% =12 12 Nomura 2.06% 11
13 CICC 2.49% 15 13 CICC 2.18% - 13 HSBC 0.82% -
14 BNP Paribas 1.90% 11 14 BNP Paribas 2.11% 16 14 BNP Paribas 0.62% -
15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.72% 13 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.94% 9
16 Macquarie 1.12% =17 16 Macquarie 0.73% =12
=17 DBS Vickers 0.17% =19 17 DBS Vickers 0.23% -
=17 UOB Kay Hian 0.17% - 18 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.15% -
19 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.11% -
=20 ICEA 0.04% =19
=20 Lehman Brothers* 0.04% =17

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 17.16% 1 1 CLSA 17.79% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 16.32% 2
2 J.P.Morgan 13.77% 6 2 J.P.Morgan 14.91% 6 2 CLSA 14.37% 1
3 Citi 12.52% 2 3 Citi 12.95% 3 3 Citi 11.15% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 9.30% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 8.88% 2 4 J.P.Morgan 10.72% 6
5 Credit Suisse 6.96% 7 5 Credit Suisse 6.35% 5 5 UBS 7.23% 5
6 UBS 5.61% 8 6 UBS 5.59% 9 6 Credit Suisse 6.29% 7
7 Merrill Lynch 5.08% 19 7 Merrill Lynch 5.29% 22 7 Merrill Lynch 4.78% =19
8 HSBC 3.57% =21 8 Cazenove 4.64% 8 =8 BOC International 4.43% 4
9 Cazenove 3.26% 9 9 HSBC 4.47% 20 =8 Cazenove 4.43% 11
10 BOC International 2.98% 5 10 DBS Vickers 3.91% 19 10 SBI E2-Capital 4.20% 17
11 DBS Vickers 2.95% 10 11 BOC International 3.11% 4 11 HSBC 3.50% =19
12 SBI E2-Capital 2.41% 14 12 Goldman Sachs 2.28% - =12 CCB International 2.33% -
13 BNP Paribas 2.21% 4 13 BNP Paribas 2.10% 7 =12 DBS Vickers 2.33% -
14 Goldman Sachs 2.00% - =14 CCB International 1.40% - =14 3V Research 1.86% =8
15 CCB International 1.32% - =14 Nomura 1.40% 13 =14 Goldman Sachs 1.86% -
16 Nomura 1.28% 17 16 3V Research 1.12% =14 =16 CIMB 1.40% -
17 Macquarie 1.13% 24 17 CICC 0.93% 21 =16 Lehman Brothers* 1.40% -
18 CIMB 1.08% - =18 Macquarie 0.70% - =18 Macquarie 0.70% -
19 3V Research 0.79% 16 =18 Morgan Stanley 0.70% - =18 Nomura 0.70% =15
20 Morgan Stanley 0.78% 29 20 UOB Kay Hian 0.56% 11
21 CICC 0.66% 12 =21 CIMB 0.35% 23 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 Lehman Brothers* 0.59% 18 =21 Mainfirst 0.35% -
23 Kingsway 0.57% 15 23 First Shanghai 0.23% -
=24 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.39% 30
=24 Guotai Junan 0.39% 13
=24 UOB Kay Hian 0.39% 11
27 MainFirst 0.34% -
28 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.20% -
29 First Shanghai 0.16% 26
=30 ICEA 0.05% =27
=30 Taifook 0.05% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 19.96% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 20.72% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 21.36% 1
2 CLSA 13.08% 6 2 CLSA 13.87% 5 2 Merrill Lynch 9.78% =10
3 J.P.Morgan 11.77% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 13.37% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 9.14% 3
4 Morgan Stanley 7.67% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 9.01% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 8.96% 5
5 Merrill Lynch 5.94% 12 5 Merrill Lynch 7.40% 14 5 CLSA 8.78% 7
6 Citi 5.63% 4 6 Citi 5.72% 4 6 BOC International 7.50% =13
7 BOC International 5.50% =16 7 BOC International 4.22% 18 7 Citi 7.13% 4
8 UBS 4.01% 2 8 HSBC 3.50% =12 8 BNP Paribas 5.58% -
9 Credit Suisse 3.84% 5 9 BNP Paribas 3.27% - 9 UBS 5.51% 2
10 HSBC 3.26% 14 10 Credit Suisse 2.70% 6 10 Credit Suisse 3.56% 6
11 BNP Paribas 3.23% 20 11 UBS 2.28% 2 11 HSBC 2.56% =18
12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.47% =16 12 Deutsche Bank 2.27% 11 12 Macquarie 2.38% =16
13 CICC 2.16% 10 13 CICC 2.21% 9 13 Lehman Brothers* 1.83% =13
14 Deutsche Bank 2.01% 11 14 Lehman Brothers* 2.06% 8 14 DBS Vickers 1.28% -
15 Macquarie 1.80% 19 15 Macquarie 1.96% =19 =15 CICC 1.10% 9
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.66% 22 16 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.55% =12 =15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.10% -
17 Lehman Brothers* 1.62% 9 17 Cazenove 1.29% 15 =15 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.10% =18
18 Nomura 1.55% 8 18 DBS Vickers 1.26% 22 =15 Nomura 1.10% 20
19 DBS Vickers 1.29% 25 19 Nomura 0.82% 10 19 CIMB 0.27% -
20 Cazenove 1.27% 13 20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.52% =19
21 CIMB 0.19% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 ICEA 0.08% 26 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 15.43% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 17.26% 1 1 Morgan Stanley 20.27% 4
2 CLSA 13.99% =8 2 CLSA 13.71% 9 2 Goldman Sachs 14.86% 1
3 Credit Suisse 10.41% 2 3 Morgan Stanley 12.23% 2 =3 Citi 11.15% 5
4 Morgan Stanley 10.22% 3 4 Credit Suisse 10.59% 4 =3 Merrill Lynch 11.15% 3
5 Citi 9.76% 5 5 Merrill Lynch 9.34% 5 5 CLSA 10.81% =8
6 Merrill Lynch 8.09% 6 6 Citi 8.24% 6 6 UBS 9.12% =8
7 UBS 6.76% 7 7 UBS 5.85% 8 7 Credit Suisse 8.11% =10
8 J.P.Morgan 6.53% =8 8 J.P.Morgan 5.14% 7 8 Deutsche Bank 5.07% 2
9 Deutsche Bank 3.73% 4 9 Deutsche Bank 4.14% 3 9 BOC International 4.05% -
10 HSBC 2.91% =14 10 HSBC 3.90% =12 10 J.P.Morgan 2.03% 6
11 BOC International 2.41% 11 11 CICC 2.22% 16 =11 HSBC 1.69% =10
12 CICC 1.85% 12 12 Macquarie 1.77% 17 =11 Nomura 1.69% -
13 RBS* 1.50% 24 13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.48% =12
14 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.42% =14 14 RBS* 1.42% 20
15 Macquarie 1.28% 18 =15 Lehman Brothers** 0.89% 19
16 BNP Paribas 1.00% 10 =15 Nomura 0.89% 18
17 Lehman Brothers** 0.88% 21 17 Cazenove 0.71% -
18 Nomura 0.69% 13 18 BOC International 0.22% 10
19 Cazenove 0.50% -
20 CIMB 0.38% =19 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
21 Kingsway 0.13% =14 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 ICEA 0.09% =22
23 DBS Vickers 0.06% =22

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 16.50% 5 1 Citi 17.41% 1 1 CLSA 16.12% 5
2 Citi 16.39% 2 2 CLSA 16.81% 6 2 Goldman Sachs 14.34% 4
3 J.P.Morgan 13.04% 1 3 J.P.Morgan 13.53% 2 3 Citi 14.19% 1
4 Goldman Sachs 11.18% 4 4 Goldman Sachs 10.83% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 11.36% 3
5 UBS 8.41% 3 5 UBS 7.43% 3 5 UBS 11.15% 2
6 Merrill Lynch 5.40% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 6.62% 7 6 BOC International 5.53% 15
7 Macquarie 4.83% 12 7 Macquarie 5.29% 8 7 Merrill Lynch 5.18% 9
8 Morgan Stanley 4.21% 8 8 Morgan Stanley 4.33% 12 8 Deutsche Bank 5.00% =11
9 Lehman Brothers* 3.49% 11 9 Lehman Brothers* 3.75% 10 9 Morgan Stanley 4.46% 8
10 BOC International 3.18% 15 10 HSBC 2.75% 13 =10 Lehman Brothers* 3.66% =17
11 Deutsche Bank 2.98% 10 11 Credit Suisse 2.62% 5 =10 Macquarie 3.66% 7
12 HSBC 2.55% 16 12 CICC 2.43% =14 12 Credit Suisse 2.86% 6
13 Credit Suisse 2.51% 6 13 Deutsche Bank 2.40% 9 13 Nomura 1.07% -
14 CICC 2.03% 13 14 BOC International 2.09% =18 14 HSBC 0.89% =11
15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.22% 18 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.27% 17 15 BNP Paribas 0.54% -
16 BNP Paribas 0.68% 9 16 CCB International 0.24% -
=17 Nomura 0.43% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.19% 16 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=17 CCB International 0.43% -
19 Yuanta 0.22% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 DBS Vickers 0.18% 14
21 CIMB 0.07% -
=22 First Shanghai 0.04% -
=22 ICEA 0.04% =20

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Deutsche Bank 18.67% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 18.99% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 24.49% 1
2 CLSA 15.29% 6 2 CLSA 15.62% 6 2 Morgan Stanley 15.89% 2
3 Morgan Stanley 11.87% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 14.48% 3 3 CLSA 10.39% 3
4 Merrill Lynch 8.69% 10 4 Credit Suisse 9.22% 2 4 Merrill Lynch 9.18% 15
5 Credit Suisse 8.41% 2 5 Merrill Lynch 8.26% 11 5 Lehman Brothers* 6.19% =10
6 J.P.Morgan 6.33% 7 6 J.P.Morgan 6.19% 7 6 Goldman Sachs 5.47% 7
7 UBS 3.79% 4 7 Lehman Brothers* 4.29% 9 7 Credit Suisse 5.16% 4
8 BNP Paribas 3.35% 5 8 Macquarie 3.47% 16 8 J.P.Morgan 4.85% 6
9 Lehman Brothers* 3.34% 9 9 Citi 3.11% 8 9 UBS 4.23% 5
10 Goldman Sachs 2.91% 11 10 Goldman Sachs 2.75% 10 10 Macquarie 2.89% -
11 Citi 2.77% 8 11 BNP Paribas 2.71% 4 =11 BOC International 2.48% -
12 Nomura 2.71% 14 12 HSBC 2.63% 19 =11 Nomura 2.48% 14
13 Macquarie 2.58% 17 13 Cazenove 1.97% 15 13 DBS Vickers 1.65% -
14 HSBC 1.96% 19 14 UBS 1.84% 5 =14 BNP Paribas 1.24% 9
15 CICC 1.82% 12 15 Nomura 1.76% 17 =14 CICC 1.24% 12
16 Cazenove 1.46% 15 16 CICC 1.60% 12 =16 Cazenove 0.83% 13
17 BOC International 1.35% =20 17 DBS Vickers 0.96% 18 =16 HSBC 0.83% -
18 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.10% 13 18 BOC International 0.15% - 18 Citi 0.52% 8
19 DBS Vickers 1.01% 18
20 CIMB 0.31% =20 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.18% -
22 ICEA 0.07% =22
23 Kingsway 0.04% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. HONG KONG: Page 8 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 24.40% 4 1 Citi 24.55% 2 1 Citi 23.35% 6
2 UBS 13.01% 6 2 UBS 14.16% 6 2 UBS 14.82% 3
3 CLSA 11.79% 2 3 CLSA 11.36% 8 3 CLSA 9.49% 1
4 Goldman Sachs 6.82% 9 4 Goldman Sachs 6.94% 9 4 Goldman Sachs 7.57% 8
5 J.P.Morgan 6.57% 1 5 J.P.Morgan 6.50% 1 5 Deutsche Bank 6.61% 7
6 Morgan Stanley 5.96% 8 6 Morgan Stanley 5.84% 7 6 J.P.Morgan 6.08% 2
7 Lehman Brothers* 5.94% 10 7 Credit Suisse 5.67% 3 7 Lehman Brothers* 5.54% =10
8 Deutsche Bank 4.75% 5 8 HSBC 4.95% 12 8 Merrill Lynch 4.69% =10
9 Credit Suisse 4.55% 3 9 Deutsche Bank 4.74% =4 9 Morgan Stanley 4.05% 5
10 HSBC 4.14% 12 10 Merrill Lynch 4.38% 10 =10 BOC International 3.84% -
11 BOC International 3.76% 19 11 Lehman Brothers* 3.68% 11 =10 Credit Suisse 3.84% 4
12 Merrill Lynch 3.51% 11 12 BOC International 2.06% 18 12 HSBC 2.99% =10
13 Nomura 1.52% 13 13 Nomura 2.03% =13 13 Cazenove 2.77% 17
14 Cazenove 1.22% 22 14 Cazenove 1.27% - 14 Nomura 2.13% =15
15 BNP Paribas 0.87% 14 15 BNP Paribas 0.95% - 15 BNP Paribas 1.60% 14
16 CICC 0.69% 18 16 CICC 0.93% - 16 Macquarie 0.64% -
17 Macquarie 0.30% 21
18 DBS Vickers 0.09% 20 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 ICEA 0.07% 23
20 First Shanghai 0.05% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. HONG KONG: Page 9 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 49.46% 1 1 CLSA 53.13% 1 1 CLSA 57.80% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 5.95% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 6.29% 2 2 Macquarie 9.02% =2
3 Citi 5.54% =13 3 Citi 4.64% =15 =3 BOC International 5.35% =7
4 Macquarie 4.81% 5 4 BOC International 4.35% =7 =3 Citi 5.35% 6
5 BOC International 4.61% 15 5 UBS 3.97% 6 =3 Credit Suisse 5.35% =2
6 Credit Suisse 3.67% 6 6 Macquarie 3.87% =19 =3 J.P.Morgan 5.35% 14
7 UBS 3.14% 4 7 Merrill Lynch 2.90% 18 7 SIG 2.67% -
8 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.74% 11 8 Nomura 2.19% =4 =8 Cazenove 2.00% =9
9 Deutsche Bank 2.34% =18 =9 Cazenove 1.93% 12 =8 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.00% -
10 HSBC 2.20% 20 =9 Credit Suisse 1.93% =4 =8 Deutsche Bank 2.00% =11
11 Cazenove 2.14% 9 =9 Deutsche Bank 1.93% =19 =8 Lehman Brothers* 2.00% -
12 Merrill Lynch 2.00% =21 =9 HSBC 1.93% =19 12 UBS 1.11% 5
13 BNP Paribas 1.60% 12 =13 BNP Paribas 1.55% =15
14 Nomura 1.58% 7 =13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.55% =7 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
15 CICC 1.27% =26 =13 Guotai Junan 1.55% =7
=16 Guotai Junan 1.07% 8 =13 SIG 1.55% -
=16 SIG 1.07% - =13 UOB Kay Hian 1.55% 3
=16 UOB Kay Hian 1.07% 3 =18 Morgan Stanley 0.97% =15
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.80% =16 =18 Taifook 0.97% =19
=20 Morgan Stanley 0.67% =13 20 DBS Vickers 0.77% 14
=20 Taifook 0.67% =24 21 Goldman Sachs 0.48% -
22 DBS Vickers 0.60% 10
23 Goldman Sachs 0.33% -
24 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.27% -
25 Kingsway 0.13% =21
=26 CIMB 0.07% -
=26 SBI E2-Capital 0.07% =18
=26 Sun Hung Kai 0.07% -
=26 T & F Equities 0.07% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Anil Daswani Citi 3.70% 6 1 Anil Daswani Citi 4.13% 5 1 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 5.13% 12
2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 3.68% =9 2 Jun Ma Deutsche Bank 4.07% 9 2 Andrew Look UBS 4.92% 6
3 Andrew Look UBS 3.30% 1 3 Andrew Look UBS 2.86% 1 3 Anthony Lok BOC International 4.28% =15
4 Tony Tsang Citi 2.74% 3 4 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 2.75% - 4 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 3.74% 2
5 Steven Li J.P.Morgan 2.41% 4 5 Steven Li J.P.Morgan 2.65% 4 =5 Sean Darby Nomura 3.21% -
6 Raymond Ngai J.P.Morgan 2.15% 7 6 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 2.45% 11 =5 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 3.21% -
7 Sean Darby Nomura 2.05% - 7 Tony Tsang Citi 2.34% 2 7 Aaron Fischer CLSA 3.05% -
8 Willie Chan Merrill Lynch 2.02% - 8 Sean Darby Nomura 2.20% - 8 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 2.67% -
9 Pierre Lau Citi 1.97% - =9 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 2.14% - 9 Pierre Lau Citi 2.46% -
10 Anthony Lok BOC International 1.88% - =9 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 2.14% 3 =10 Anil Daswani Citi 2.14% 3
11 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 1.80% 14 11 Nicole Wong CLSA 1.96% - =10 Manfred Ho BOC International 2.14% -
12 Nicole Wong CLSA 1.64% - 12 Anthony Lok BOC International 1.90% - 12 Kenny Lau Credit Suisse 1.93% -
13 Rob Hart Morgan Stanley 1.60% 2 =13 Pierre Lau Citi 1.78% - 13 Dong Tao Credit Suisse 1.71% 5
14 Andrew Driscoll CLSA 1.57% - =13 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 1.78% =20 =14 Andrew Chan Daiwa I.R. 1.60% -
=15 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 1.43% - 15 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.64% - =14 Eddie Leung Merrill Lynch 1.60% -
=15 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 1.43% 22 16 Karen Chan Merrill Lynch 1.59% - =14 John Tang J.P.Morgan 1.60% -
17 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 1.34% 11 17 Raymond Ngai J.P.Morgan 1.50% 6 =14 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 1.60% =26
18 Aaron Fischer CLSA 1.28% - =18 Aaron Fischer CLSA 1.38% - =14 Nicole Wong CLSA 1.60% -
19 Christopher Wood CLSA 1.27% - =18 Anthony Wu Goldman Sachs 1.38% 7 =14 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 1.60% -
20 Manfred Ho BOC International 1.23% - 20 Cusson Leung Credit Suisse 1.35% - =14 Tony Tsang Citi 1.60% 1
21 Kenny Lau Credit Suisse 1.18% - 21 Grace Wu CLSA 1.16% - 21 Anne Ling Deutsche Bank 1.50% 11
22 Karen Chan Merrill Lynch 1.16% - 22 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 1.14% - =22 Angela Moh Morgan Stanley 1.28% -
23 Anthony Wu Goldman Sachs 1.10% =9 23 Michael Chan J.P.Morgan 1.10% - =22 Gavin Ho CLSA 1.28% -
24 Simon Powell CLSA 1.08% - 24 Oliver Du Lehman Brothers 1.07% - =22 George Choi Citi 1.28% -
25 Clement Wong Citi 1.07% - 25 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 0.99% - =22 Gideon Lo DBS Vickers 1.28% -
=26 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 1.03% - 26 Jonas Kan Daiwa I.R. 0.98% - =22 Helen Zhu Goldman Sachs 1.28% -
=26 Warren Blight Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.03% - 27 Clement Wong Citi 0.97% - =27 Christie Ju Merrill Lynch 1.07% -
=28 Stephen Leung Kingsway 1.02% - 28 Henry Ho CLSA 0.93% - =27 David Yip Merrill Lynch 1.07% -
=28 Thomas Deng Goldman Sachs 1.02% =20 =29 Andrew Chan Daiwa I.R. 0.92% - =27 Gary Chiu HSBC 1.07% -
=30 Henry Ho CLSA 0.97% - =29 Derek Kwong Morgan Stanley 0.92% - =27 Keith Yeung Merrill Lynch 1.07% -
=30 Denise Chai Merrill Lynch 0.97% - =29 Eddie Leung Merrill Lynch 0.92% - =27 Oscar Choi Citi 1.07% -
=29 Graham Cunningham Citi 0.92% - =27 Paul Louie Lehman Brothers 1.07% -
=29 Haibo Tang Merrill Lynch 0.92% - =27 Sarah Mak HSBC 1.07% -
=29 Heather Hsu CLSA 0.92% - =27 Vincent Chan Credit Suisse 1.07% =9
=29 John Tang J.P.Morgan 0.92% -
=29 Mabel Wong Deutsche Bank 0.92% =14
=29 Simon Powell CLSA 0.92% -
=29 Stephen Leung Kingsway 0.92% -
=29 Wai-Shin Chan* J.P.Morgan 0.92% -

* Wai-Shin Chan has left JPMogan

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. HONG KONG: Page 11 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Kingsway 24.93% 3 1 Kingsway 30.73% 3 1 Kingsway 27.56% 4
2 SBI E2-Capital 21.47% 1 2 HSBC 17.32% 9 2 SBI E2-Capital 26.77% 1
3 HSBC 17.47% 12 3 SBI E2-Capital 16.39% 2 3 HSBC 11.02% =11
4 Sun Hung Kai 9.35% 5 4 Sun Hung Kai 12.01% =6 4 3V Capital 10.24% 2
5 Taifook 6.53% 6 5 ICEA 8.38% 10 5 ICEA 8.66% =11
6 ICEA 6.42% 7 6 3V Capital 7.26% 1 6 Taifook 7.09% =7
7 3V Capital 4.91% 2 7 Lippo 3.72% - 7 Sun Hung Kai 5.51% =5
8 First Shanghai 4.34% 9 8 Taifook 2.79% 5 8 First Shanghai 3.15% =7
9 Lippo 2.52% - 9 First Shanghai 1.40% 12
10 CCB International 1.30% -
11 KE Absolute 0.76% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.59% 1 1 CLSA 16.04% 1 1 UBS 12.53% 2
2 UBS 9.28% 2 2 Morgan Stanley 9.70% 7 2 Morgan Stanley 11.59% 6
3 Morgan Stanley 8.56% 8 3 UBS 9.65% 2 3 CLSA 11.47% 1
4 Citi 8.52% 3 4 Citi 7.93% 3 4 Merrill Lynch 10.33% 15
5 Merrill Lynch 7.17% 11 5 Goldman Sachs 7.90% 5 5 Goldman Sachs 8.27% 3
6 Goldman Sachs 6.98% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 7.76% 10 6 Deutsche Bank 6.96% 4
7 J.P.Morgan 6.21% 6 7 J.P.Morgan 6.08% 6 7 Credit Suisse 5.95% 7
8 Deutsche Bank 5.70% 4 8 Deutsche Bank 5.20% 4 8 Citi 5.14% 5
9 Credit Suisse 4.60% 7 9 Credit Suisse 4.46% 8 9 J.P.Morgan 5.05% 8
10 BOC International 3.73% 17 10 BNP Paribas 3.61% =12 10 BNP Paribas 4.32% 20
11 BNP Paribas 3.38% 12 11 HSBC 3.55% =12 11 BOC International 4.07% 13
12 Macquarie 3.33% 18 12 Macquarie 3.17% 21 12 HSBC 2.67% 14
13 HSBC 3.26% 16 13 BOC International 3.14% 17 13 CICC 1.82% 9
14 CICC 2.76% 9 14 CICC 2.50% 11 14 Macquarie 1.60% 17
15 Daiwa SMBC 1.78% 19 15 Daiwa SMBC 1.54% 18 15 Lehman Brothers* 1.38% -
16 Nomura 1.63% 15 16 DBS Vickers 1.30% 14 16 DBS Vickers 1.32% 11
17 DBS Vickers 1.53% 14 17 Nomura 1.01% 16 17 SBI E2-Capital 1.29% 10
18 SBI E2-Capital 0.97% 13 18 Lehman Brothers* 0.94% - 18 Daiwa SMBC 0.72% 21
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.96% - 19 SBI E2-Capital 0.93% 15 19 RBS 0.69% -
20 RBS** 0.67% =26 20 RBS 0.86% - 20 CIMB 0.66% -
21 Cazenove 0.56% 10 21 Cazenove 0.75% 9 =21 Cazenove 0.50% 12
22 Kingsway 0.50% - 22 Kingsway 0.60% - =21 Nomura 0.50% -
23 CIMB 0.39% - =23 CIMB 0.38% 25 =21 Taifook 0.50% -
24 Guotai Junan 0.35% 21 =23 Guotai Junan 0.38% 20 24 Kingsway 0.22% -
25 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.28% - 25 Mainfirst 0.25% - =25 Barclays Capital 0.17% -
26 Taifook 0.21% - =26 KGI 0.16% - =25 Guotai Junan 0.17% =18
27 MainFirst 0.19% - =26 China Merchants 0.16% - 27 ICEA 0.14% -
28 Kim Eng 0.16% 28 28 ICEA 0.08% -
=29 KGI 0.12% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=29 China Merchants 0.12% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 10.91% 2 1 Citi 11.57% 2 1 UBS 12.92% 1
2 UBS 10.80% 1 2 UBS 11.37% 1 2 Citi 9.98% 2
3 CLSA 7.72% 7 3 Morgan Stanley 8.31% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 7.32% 8
4 Morgan Stanley 7.17% 6 4 CLSA 7.66% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 6.94% 3
5 Goldman Sachs 6.62% 8 5 Goldman Sachs 7.35% 8 5 Credit Suisse 6.23% 4
6 Merrill Lynch 5.78% 14 6 Merrill Lynch 6.39% 11 6 Merrill Lynch 5.96% 22
7 J.P.Morgan 5.48% 5 7 Credit Suisse 5.76% 4 7 J.P.Morgan 5.31% 5
8 Credit Suisse 5.42% 4 8 J.P.Morgan 5.05% 3 8 CLSA 4.94% 7
9 Deutsche Bank 4.75% 3 9 BNP Paribas 4.95% 14 9 CICC 4.26% 16
10 BNP Paribas 4.34% 10 10 CICC 4.09% 17 10 Deutsche Bank 4.09% 6
11 CICC 4.26% 15 11 Macquarie 3.84% 13 =11 BNP Paribas 3.72% 28
12 Macquarie 3.74% 12 12 Deutsche Bank 2.60% 5 =11 BOC International 3.72% 10
13 BOC International 3.11% 9 13 Cantor Fitzgerald 2.25% 22 13 Macquarie 3.38% 14
14 HSBC 1.90% 20 14 BOC International 2.12% 9 14 UOB Kay Hian 2.91% 9
15 Nomura 1.72% 18 15 Kingsway 1.95% 27 15 Cantor Fitzgerald 2.71% =20
16 UOB Kay Hian 1.67% 11 16 UOB Kay Hian 1.85% 10 16 Nomura 2.50% =20
17 Cantor Fitzgerald 1.65% 24 17 Nomura 1.77% 18 17 Lehman Brothers* 1.86% -
18 Kingsway 1.48% - 18 HSBC 1.72% 19 18 Kingsway 1.62% -
19 Daiwa SMBC 1.23% 25 19 Lehman Brothers* 1.57% - =19 CIMB 1.42% 27
20 Lehman Brothers* 1.15% - 20 Cazenove 1.45% 15 =19 Kim Eng 1.42% -
=21 Cazenove 1.10% 16 21 Daiwa SMBC 1.10% =23 =21 Cazevone 1.02% 11
=21 CIMB 1.10% - 22 CIMB 1.00% - =21 SBI E2-Capital 1.02% =17
23 Kim Eng 0.88% 30 23 RBS** 0.87% =23 23 KGI 0.81% -
24 DBS Vickers 0.79% 13 24 DBS Vickers 0.61% 12 =24 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.61% -
25 Taifook 0.70% - =25 KGI 0.60% - =24 Taifook 0.61% -
26 RBS** 0.64% 23 =25 Kim Eng 0.60% - =26 Barclays Capital 0.41% -
27 SBI E2-Capital 0.57% 17 =27 China Merchants 0.50% - =26 Guotai Junan 0.41% =23
28 KGI 0.44% - =27 Taifook 0.50% - =26 Piper Jaffray 0.41% -
29 China Merchants 0.37% - 29 Mainfirst 0.40% - 29 DBS Vickers 0.34% 12
30 Yuanta 0.36% - 30 Instinet 0.20% =20 =30 HSBC 0.27% 15
=30 Instinet 0.27% =17
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 11.94% 1 1 UBS 12.76% 1 1 UBS 14.04% 1
2 Citi 9.65% 3 2 Citi 10.22% 3 2 Credit Suisse 7.99% 3
3 CLSA 8.71% 4 =3 CLSA 7.88% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 7.89% 7
4 Deutsche Bank 7.09% 2 =3 Merrill Lynch 7.88% 12 4 Merrill Lynch 7.87% =19
5 Goldman Sachs 6.92% 7 5 Goldman Sachs 7.87% 8 5 Deutsche Bank 7.67% 2
6 Merrill Lynch 6.71% 13 6 Morgan Stanley 6.78% 5 6 Morgan Stanley 7.50% 4
7 Credit Suisse 6.46% 6 7 Credit Suisse 6.53% 6 7 Citi 6.99% 6
8 Morgan Stanley 6.05% 5 8 Deutsche Bank 5.53% 2 8 CLSA 5.48% 5
9 J.P.Morgan 4.45% 8 9 J.P.Morgan 3.89% 7 9 J.P.Morgan 5.35% 8
10 HSBC 3.80% 20 10 BNP Paribas 3.77% =13 =10 BNP Paribas 3.36% =14
11 BOC International 3.74% 12 11 HSBC 3.69% =19 =10 HSBC 3.36% 16
12 Macquarie 3.46% 15 12 Macquarie 3.64% 15 12 CICC 2.89% 9
13 CICC 3.34% 9 13 CICC 3.14% 10 13 BOC International 2.56% 11
14 BNP Paribas 3.31% 10 14 BOC International 2.43% 11 14 UOB Kay Hian 2.49% 13
15 UOB Kay Hian 1.45% 16 15 UOB Kay Hian 1.96% 17 15 Macquarie 2.22% 12
16 DBS Vickers 1.43% 14 16 Lehman Brothers* 1.75% - 16 Lehman Brothers* 2.05% -
17 Lehman Brothers* 1.39% - 17 DBS Vickers 1.68% =13 17 CIMB 1.41% 23
18 Kingsway 1.18% - 18 Kingsway 1.53% - =18 Cazenove 1.01% 10
19 Nomura 1.12% 18 19 Cazenove 1.20% 9 =18 SBI E2-Capital 1.01% 18
20 Cazenove 0.88% 11 20 RBS 1.08% - 20 Nomura 0.87% -
21 RBS 0.86% - =21 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.72% =19 =21 KGI 0.81% =27
22 CIMB 0.80% 25 =21 CIMB 0.72% 21 =21 Kingsway 0.81% -
23 Taifook 0.67% - 23 Nomura 0.63% 24 23 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.67% 22
24 Daiwa SMBC 0.62% 19 =24 KGI 0.57% - =24 DBS Vickers 0.61% 17
25 SBI E2-Capital 0.55% 21 =24 Mainfirst 0.57% - =24 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.61% -
26 Cantor Fitzgerald 0.53% 24 =26 China Merchants 0.48% - =24 Taifook 0.61% -
=27 KGI 0.42% - =26 Taifook 0.48% - 27 Kim Eng 0.54% 24
=27 MainFirst 0.42% - 28 Kim Eng 0.38% 22 =28 Barclays Capital 0.40% -
29 China Merchants 0.35% - 29 Daiwa SMBC 0.24% 18 =28 Piper Jaffray 0.40% -
=30 Piper Jaffray 0.32% - 30 RBS 0.34% -
=30 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.32% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 27.90% 1 1 CLSA 29.78% 1 1 CLSA 23.46% 1
2 UBS 12.60% 2 2 UBS 13.19% 2 2 UBS 15.83% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 9.07% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 8.56% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 10.98% 7
4 Goldman Sachs 7.59% 7 4 Goldman Sachs 8.24% 7 4 Morgan Stanley 7.48% 8
5 Credit Suisse 7.18% 4 5 Credit Suisse 7.82% 3 5 Merrill Lynch 6.86% 14
6 Citi 6.97% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 6.38% 10 6 Citi 6.55% 5
7 Morgan Stanley 6.36% 8 7 Citi 6.12% 6 7 Deutsche Bank 5.90% 6
8 Merrill Lynch 5.25% 11 8 Morgan Stanley 5.92% 8 8 J.P.Morgan 5.80% 4
9 Deutsche Bank 4.11% 6 9 Deutsche Bank 3.55% 5 9 Credit Suisse 5.76% 3
10 BNP Paribas 2.19% 9 10 HSBC 1.82% 11 10 CICC 2.32% 16
11 HSBC 1.86% 12 11 CICC 1.50% - 11 BNP Paribas 2.09% 9
12 Nomura 1.65% 13 12 BNP Paribas 1.37% 9 12 HSBC 2.06% 10
13 CICC 1.52% 15 13 Macquarie 1.29% 17 13 BOC International 1.41% 13
14 Macquarie 1.32% 19 14 Nomura 0.93% 13 14 Macquarie 1.30% 18
15 BOC International 0.90% 14 15 Daiwa 0.56% 12 15 Nomura 1.07% -
16 Daiwa 0.82% 10 16 BOC International 0.53% 15 16 SBI E2-Capital 0.51% 11
17 DBS Vickers 0.47% 16 =17 Cazenove 0.50% - 17 Daiwa 0.34% 17
18 Kingsway 0.42% - =17 Kingsway 0.50% - 18 Kim Eng 0.17% -
19 Cazenove 0.37% =20 19 DBS Vickers 0.36% 16 19 Lehman Brothers* 0.11% -
20 SBI E2-Capital 0.30% 17 =20 China Merchants 0.33% -
=21 China Merchants 0.25% - =20 Taifook 0.33% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=21 Taifook 0.25% - =22 RBS 0.17% -
23 Sun Hung Kai 0.15% - =22 KGI 0.17% -
=24 RBS 0.12% - 24 Lehman Brothers* 0.07% 14
=24 KGI 0.12% =23
=24 Lehman Brothers* 0.12% 18 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
27 Kim Eng 0.07% 26
28 CIMB 0.03% -
=29 First Shanghai 0.01% -
=29 ICEA 0.01% 22
=29 UOB Kay Hian 0.01% =23

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 20.73% 1 1 CLSA 22.33% 1 1 CLSA 17.79% 2
2 UBS 12.55% 2 2 UBS 13.30% 2 2 UBS 14.85% 1
3 Goldman Sachs 9.23% 3 3 Goldman Sachs 10.63% 3 3 Goldman Sachs 14.06% 3
4 J.P.Morgan 8.67% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 9.38% 5 =4 J.P.Morgan 7.46% 8
5 Citi 6.80% 7 5 Merrill Lynch 7.74% 10 =4 Morgan Stanley 7.46% 4
6 Merrill Lynch 6.52% 10 6 Citi 6.16% 6 6 Merrill Lynch 6.98% 9
7 Credit Suisse 5.41% 8 7 Morgan Stanley 5.78% 4 7 Citi 6.36% 5
8 Morgan Stanley 5.39% 5 8 Credit Suisse 5.68% =7 8 Credit Suisse 5.63% 7
9 CICC 3.54% 13 9 CICC 3.53% =20 9 Deutsche Bank 4.62% 6
10 Deutsche Bank 3.31% 6 10 Macquarie 2.47% 11 10 BNP Paribas 2.66% 15
11 Macquarie 2.85% 12 11 HSBC 2.45% 12 =11 CICC 2.08% 17
12 BNP Paribas 2.77% 9 12 Deutsche Bank 2.30% =7 =11 Macquarie 2.08% 10
13 HSBC 2.47% 14 13 BNP Paribas 2.13% 9 13 BOC International 1.71% 21
14 Nomura 1.94% 11 14 DBS Vickers 1.41% 16 14 HSBC 1.44% 11
15 BOC International 1.55% 21 15 Nomura 0.94% 14 15 DBS Vickers 1.28% 14
16 Daiwa 1.49% 18 16 BOC International 0.65% 19 =16 Nomura 1.10% -
17 DBS Vickers 1.41% 15 17 Daiwa 0.63% 17 =16 SBI E2-Capital 1.10% 16
18 SBI E2-Capital 0.59% 19 =18 RBS 0.56% - =18 Cazenove 0.37% =12
19 Cazenove 0.57% 16 =18 Cazenove 0.56% 15 =18 Daiwa 0.37% -
20 Kingsway 0.46% - =18 Kingsway 0.56% - =18 Everbright 0.37% -
21 RBS 0.43% - 21 Guotai Junan 0.37% =20 =21 Kim Eng 0.12% -
22 Kim Eng 0.30% 23 22 China Merchants 0.19% - =21 Lehman Brothers* 0.12% -
23 Guotai Junan 0.27% 28 =23 First Shanghai 0.07% -
24 Everbright 0.16% - =23 Kim Eng 0.07% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 China Merchants 0.13% - =23 Lehman Brothers* 0.07% 13
=26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.08% - 26 Shenyin & Wanguo 0.05% -
=26 Piper Jaffray 0.08% -
28 First Shanghai 0.07% 25 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=29 Lehman Brothers* 0.05% 17
=29 UOB Kay Hian 0.05% 20
=29 CIMB 0.05% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.35% 1 1 CLSA 15.34% 1 1 Citi 9.45% 3
2 Citi 10.01% 2 2 HSBC 10.82% 8 2 J.P.Morgan 9.23% =10
3 HSBC 9.25% 9 3 Citi 9.26% 2 3 HSBC 9.01% =8
4 J.P.Morgan 7.47% 6 4 J.P.Morgan 8.50% =3 4 Goldman Sachs 6.81% =1
5 Macquarie 6.61% 16 5 Macquarie 7.25% =16 =5 CICC 6.15% -
6 Goldman Sachs 5.87% 3 6 Goldman Sachs 6.28% 5 =5 CLSA 6.15% =1
7 CICC 4.96% 15 7 CICC 5.10% - =5 Lehman Brothers* 6.15% -
8 BOC International 4.57% =13 8 Merrill Lynch 4.65% 11 =5 Macquarie 6.15% =8
9 Credit Suisse 3.91% 7 9 UBS 3.98% =12 9 Credit Suisse 6.08% 4
=10 Deutsche Bank 3.47% 5 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.76% 15 10 BOC International 5.93% =10
=10 UBS 3.47% =13 11 Credit Suisse 3.24% 7 11 Deutsche Bank 5.49% 5
12 Merrill Lynch 3.37% 11 12 BOC International 3.09% =12 12 Merrill Lynch 4.69% -
13 Daiwa 3.35% 19 13 BNP Paribas 2.95% =16 13 Morgan Stanley 4.62% 7
14 Nomura 3.01% 4 14 Morgan Stanley 2.68% 10 14 UBS 2.86% -
15 BNP Paribas 2.92% 17 15 Daiwa 2.42% 14 =15 BNP Paribas 1.76% =12
16 Morgan Stanley 2.77% 12 16 Deutsche Bank 2.10% 6 =15 Yuanta 1.76% -
17 Lehman Brothers* 2.72% 18 17 DBS Vickers 1.88% =20 =17 CIMB 1.32% =16
18 DBS Vickers 1.56% 10 18 Nomura 1.74% =3 =17 Daiwa 1.32% -
19 Kingsway 1.51% - =19 Cazenove 1.34% 22 =17 Nomura 1.32% =12
20 Cazenove 1.02% 20 =19 Kingsway 1.34% - =17 SBI E2-Capital 1.32% 6
21 SBI E2-Capital 0.83% 8 21 Yuanta 1.07% - =17 Taifook 1.32% -
22 Yuanta 0.78% - 22 ICEA 0.67% - 22 ICEA 1.10% -
23 CIMB 0.73% 24 23 First Shanghai 0.54% =16
24 Taifook 0.58% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 ICEA 0.53% =25 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
26 First Shanghai 0.39% =22

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Stanley Wong Citi 4.04% 1 1 Stanley Wong Citi 4.64% 1 1 Stanley Wong Citi 3.85% =10
2 Danny Chiang Citi 3.35% 2 2 Vonnie Chan CLSA 3.21% 2 2 Maryann Tseng BOC International 2.87% 9
3 Vonnie Chan CLSA 2.70% 3 3 Danny Chiang Citi 3.04% 3 3 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 2.62% -
4 Maryann Tseng BOC International 2.40% 13 4 Nial Gooding UBS 2.95% 6 4 Christopher Tang Merrill Lynch 2.16% -
5 Nial Gooding UBS 2.37% 6 5 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 2.48% 10 5 Ingrid Wong Deutsche Bank 2.11% -
6 Loretta Ng Morgan Stanley 1.89% 8 6 Marvin Pang HSBC 1.62% =23 6 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 2.06% -
7 Marvin Pang HSBC 1.54% 14 7 Yinan Wang CLSA 1.59% - 7 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.99% -
=8 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 1.38% - 8 Judy Tom Morgan Stanley 1.42% - 8 Vonnie Chan CLSA 1.85% 16
=8 Polly Ong CLSA 1.38% 19 =9 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 1.41% - 9 Alfred Li Credit Suisse 1.80% -
10 Yinan Wang CLSA 1.37% - =9 Christopher Tang Merrill Lynch 1.41% =15 =10 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 1.79% -
11 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 1.28% 4 11 Ingrid Wong Deutsche Bank 1.34% - =10 Polly Ong CLSA 1.79% -
=12 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.21% - 12 Maryann Tseng BOC International 1.32% 9 12 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 1.60% 4
=12 George Chan CLSA 1.21% 15 13 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 1.31% - 13 Nial Gooding UBS 1.56% 2
14 Christopher Tang Merrill Lynch 1.20% 22 14 Polly Ong CLSA 1.25% 27 14 Marvin Pang HSBC 1.48% -
15 Kerry Chan HSBC 1.14% - =15 George Chan CLSA 1.24% - =15 Raymond Chan UBS 1.42% =18
16 Ingrid Wong Deutsche Bank 1.11% - =15 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.24% - =15 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.42% -
17 Judy Tom Morgan Stanley 1.09% - 17 Ronald Cheung UBS 1.19% - =15 Wayne Chu BNP Paribas 1.42% -
18 Yoichiro Sano Nomura 1.07% =23 18 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 1.14% - =18 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 1.32% -
19 Newman Mou J.P.Morgan 1.06% - 19 Michael Chan Goldman Sachs 1.09% - =18 Paul Cheung Deutsche Bank 1.32% -
20 Lai Man Wong Deutsche Bank 1.00% - 20 Newman Mou J.P.Morgan 1.02% - =20 Aki Yoda UBS 1.27% =20
21 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 0.95% - 21 Kerry Chan HSBC 0.99% - =20 Danny Chiang Citi 1.27% 3
22 Oon Har Lee HSBC 0.94% - 22 Joanne Yau DBS Vickers 0.96% - =22 Esther Wong CICC 1.21% 17
23 Joanne Yau DBS Vickers 0.93% - 23 Alan Li Deutsche Bank 0.94% - =22 Faye Ye UBS 1.21% -
=24 Alan Li Deutsche Bank 0.87% - 24 Natalie Wan Goldman Sachs 0.93% 5 24 Jason Chew UBS 1.12% -
=24 Joseph Mirpuri Merrill Lynch 0.87% - 25 Gary Mui Merrill Lynch 0.92% - =25 Alan Li Deutsche Bank 1.11% -
26 Michael Chan Goldman Sachs 0.83% - =26 Raymond Chan UBS 0.90% - =25 Christine Zheng SBI E2-Capital 1.11% 6
27 Lydia Leung CICC 0.79% 30 =26 Wayne Chu BNP Paribas 0.90% - =27 Adeline Ma CLSA 1.05% 7
28 Gary Mui Merrill Lynch 0.78% - 28 Oon Har Lee HSBC 0.88% - =27 Alan Chen CLSA 1.05% -
=29 Esther Wong Nomura 0.70% =20 =29 Adeline Ma CLSA 0.84% 18 =27 Lydia Leung CICC 1.05% -
=29 Paul Cheung Deutsche Bank 0.70% - =29 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 0.84% - =30 Eric Mak BOC International 1.00% -
=29 Lydia Leung CICC 0.84% - =30 Marta Obando Citi 1.00% -
=29 Monique France Morgan Stanley 0.84% - =30 Nick Paolucci J.P.Morgan 1.00% -
=29 Paul Cheung Deutsche Bank 0.84% - =30 Sandy Li Daiwa SMBC 1.00% -
=29 Winnie Sze CLSA 0.84% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 23.44% 1 1 CLSA 23.63% 1 1 CLSA 26.91% 3
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 10.23% 2 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 10.34% 2 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 9.89% 1
3 Kotak 7.87% 6 3 Morgan Stanley 7.90% 3 3 Kotak 8.29% 5
4 Morgan Stanley 7.40% 3 4 Credit Suisse 7.41% 9 4 Morgan Stanley 7.51% 2
5 Credit Suisse 6.78% 9 5 Kotak 6.94% 5 5 Motilal Oswal 6.71% 6
6 Citi 5.62% 4 6 Citi 5.92% 6 6 Citi 5.59% 4
7 J.P.Morgan 4.69% 13 7 J.P.Morgan 5.50% 12 =7 Credit Suisse 4.58% 8
8 IDFC-SSKI* 4.41% 7 8 Motilal Oswal 5.46% 4 =7 Goldman Sachs 4.58% =19
9 Motilal Oswal 4.33% 5 9 UBS 4.02% 8 9 J.P.Morgan 4.30% 13
10 UBS 3.90% 8 10 IIFL 3.63% - 10 UBS 4.07% 7
11 IIFL 3.62% - 11 IDFC-SSKI* 3.56% 7 =11 Enam 3.87% =14
12 Enam 2.96% 11 12 Macquarie 3.45% 14 =11 IDFC-SSKI* 3.87% 9
13 Macquarie 2.58% =14 13 Goldman Sachs 3.17% 19 =11 IIFL 3.87% -
14 Deutsche Bank 2.47% 10 14 Deutsche Bank 2.46% 10 14 Edelweiss 1.54% =14
15 Edelweiss 2.45% =14 15 Enam 1.17% =20 15 Macquarie 1.02% 12
16 Goldman Sachs 2.37% 21 16 BNP Paribas 0.94% - 16 MF Global 0.94% -
17 B&K 0.82% 12 17 Edelweiss 0.85% 13 17 Deutsche Bank 0.82% 10
18 ICICI 0.77% 20 18 RBS 0.70% - 18 Antique 0.78% -
19 BNP Paribas 0.67% - 19 MF Global 0.56% - 19 HSBC 0.39% 16
20 RBS** 0.58% 22 20 Lehman Brothers** 0.50% - =20 B&K 0.23% 11
21 MF Global 0.40% =26 =21 Antique 0.47% - =20 First Global 0.23% -
22 HSBC 0.37% 16 =21 ICICI 0.47% -
23 Lehman Brothers*** 0.36% - 23 HSBC 0.23% =16 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
24 Antique 0.33% - =24 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.16% -
25 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.12% =24 =24 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.16% 22
=26 SBICAP 0.11% - =24 SBICAP 0.16% -
=26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.11% - 27 B&K 0.10% 11
28 First Global 0.10% - 28 PINC 0.08% -
29 PINC 0.06% - =29 Emkay 0.03% 15
30 Religare 0.03% - =29 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.03% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. INDIA: Page 1 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Credit Suisse 16.84% 2 1 Credit Sussie 20.01% 3 1 CLSA 22.11% 10
2 CLSA 16.56% 3 2 Morgan Stanley 16.14% 1 2 Morgan Stanley 14.55% 3
3 Morgan Stanley 14.20% 1 3 CLSA 14.82% 4 3 Credit Sussie 12.80% 1
4 Kotak 9.96% =9 4 Kotak 8.46% 9 4 Kotak 9.89% 9
5 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.43% 7 5 DSP Merrill Lynch 7.11% 7 5 Enam 9.31% 16
6 Enam 7.64% =9 6 Enam 6.51% 11 6 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.28% 4
7 IIFL 4.60% - 7 IIFL 4.60% - 7 IIFL 3.88% -
8 J.P.Morgan 3.17% 11 8 J.P.Morgan 3.49% 10 8 Edelweiss 3.43% -
9 UBS 2.67% 4 9 UBS 2.94% 2 9 Deutsche Bank 2.91% 6
10 Edelweiss 2.36% 19 =10 Deutsche Bank 2.23% 8 10 Motilal Oswal 2.36% 8
11 Deutsche Bank 2.24% 8 =10 Lehman Brothers* 2.23% - 11 IDFC-SSKI* 1.94% 12
12 Citi 2.04% 5 12 IDFC-SSKI** 1.70% 12 12 Lehman Brothers** 1.75% -
13 IDFC-SSKI* 1.77% 12 =13 Edelweiss 1.67% - =13 ICICI 1.55% 17
14 Motilal Oswal 1.67% 6 =13 Motilal Oswal 1.67% 5 =13 J.P.Morgan 1.55% 7
15 Lehman Brothers** 1.58% - 15 Citi 1.54% 6 15 Citi 1.36% 5
16 ICICI 1.13% 18 16 RBS 1.18% - 16 Religare 0.97% -
17 RBS 0.83% - 17 ICICI 1.01% - 17 Goldman Sachs 0.78% -
18 Goldman Sachs 0.61% =20 18 Goldman Sachs 0.86% - 18 UBS 0.58% 2
=19 AnandRathi 0.43% - =19 AnandRathi 0.59% -
=19 Macquarie 0.43% 13 =19 Macquarie 0.59% 13 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
21 Religare 0.42% - =19 Religare 0.59% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 B&K 0.29% 17 22 First Global 0.08% 15
23 First Global 0.06% 14
24 HSBC 0.04% 23 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 HDFC 0.02% =20 ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
26 SBICAP 0.01% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 23.68% 1 1 Citi 24.49% 1 1 Morgan Stanley 22.58% 3
2 Morgan Stanley 20.08% 2 2 Morgan Stanley 23.49% 2 2 Citi 18.95% 1
3 DSP Merrill Lynch 10.12% 5 3 DSP Merrill Lynch 9.51% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 11.70% 8
4 CLSA 9.70% 4 4 CLSA 8.85% 4 4 CLSA 11.52% 6
5 Goldman Sachs 6.69% 9 5 Goldman Sachs 7.29% 9 5 DSP Merrill Lynch 6.95% 7
6 Kotak 5.32% 6 6 UBS 4.64% 5 6 Kotak 6.67% =9
7 J.P.Morgan 4.14% 12 7 Kotak 4.50% 8 =7 Enam 3.29% =13
8 UBS 3.62% 7 8 J.P.Morgan 3.28% 11 =7 IIFL 3.29% -
9 Credit Suisse 2.32% 3 9 IIFL 2.46% - =7 J.P.Morgan 3.29% =9
10 Enam 2.25% 13 10 Enam 1.84% - 10 Credit Suisse 2.56% 2
11 Edelweiss 1.88% - 11 Credit Suisse 1.76% 3 11 Deutsche Bank 2.29% 5
12 IIFL 1.72% - 12 Deutsche Bank 1.37% 7 12 UBS 1.83% 4
13 AnandRathi 1.52% - 13 RBS 1.19% - 13 Edelweiss 1.71% -
14 Deutsche Bank 1.46% 8 14 AnandRathi 1.07% - =14 Lehman Brothers* 0.91% -
15 Lehman Brothers* 0.88% - 15 Edelweiss 0.99% - =14 Religare 0.91% -
16 RBS 0.83% - =16 Lehman Brothers* 0.59% - 16 AnandRathi 0.82% -
17 ICICI 0.76% 15 =16 Macquarie 0.59% - 17 Barclays Capital 0.73% -
18 B&K 0.62% 10 =16 Religare 0.59% -
=19 IDFC-SSKI** 0.50% 17 19 Barclays Capital 0.48% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=19 Macquarie 0.50% - 20 Motilal Oswal 0.30% 12
21 Religare 0.42% - 21 IDFC-SSKI 0.24% -
22 Motilal Oswal 0.35% 14 =22 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.20% -
23 Barclays Capital 0.33% - =22 SBICAP 0.20% -
=24 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.14% - 24 B&K 0.08% 10
=24 SBICAP 0.14% -
26 MF Global 0.02% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
27 Mata 0.01% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 B&K 19.05% 2 1 B&K 19.42% 1 1 B&K 21.80% 3
2 CLSA 12.98% 7 2 CLSA 14.82% 7 2 IDFC-SSKI* 11.15% 1
3 IDFC-SSKI* 12.23% 1 3 IDFC-SSKI* 11.58% 2 3 CLSA 10.75% =13
4 Edelweiss 10.31% 5 4 Motilal Oswal 10.44% 4 4 Motilal Oswal 9.49% 2
5 Motilal Oswal 8.41% 4 5 Edelweiss 8.91% 5 5 Edelweiss 8.69% 8
6 Emkay 5.01% 6 6 Emkay 4.93% 6 6 IIFL 6.77% -
7 Prabhudas Lilladher 4.86% 3 7 Kotak 3.84% =12 7 Emkay 5.67% 5
8 Kotak 3.88% 13 8 PINC 3.41% - 8 Prabhudas Lilladher 5.08% 4
9 IIFL 3.60% - 9 Prabhudas Lilladher 3.26% 3 9 Kotak 3.98% =9
10 UBS 2.96% 11 10 UBS 2.73% =10 10 Enam 3.58% =13
11 PINC 2.67% - 11 Enam 2.68% 9 =11 Religare 2.59% -
12 Enam 2.53% 8 12 RBS 2.05% - =11 UBS 2.59% 7
=13 RBS 1.43% - 13 DSP Merrill Lynch 1.91% =10 13 J.P.Morgan 1.99% -
=13 Religare 1.43% - 14 IIFL 1.77% - 14 Alchemy Shares 1.29% -
15 DSP Merrill Lynch 1.37% 12 15 Centrum 1.43% - 15 Aadhar 1.00% -
16 Citi 1.13% 9 16 Religare 1.36% - =16 JM Financial 0.80% -
=17 Centrum 1.00% - 17 Citi 1.02% 8 =16 DSP Merrill Lynch 0.80% =9
=17 J.P.Morgan 1.00% - 18 JM Financial 0.72% - =16 Spark Capital 0.80% -
19 Alchemy Shares 0.62% 15 =19 Aadhar 0.68% - =19 Karvy 0.60% =13
20 JM Financial 0.53% - =19 Alchemy Shares 0.68% - =19 Prime 0.60% 6
21 Aadhar 0.48% - 21 Spark Capital 0.64% -
22 Spark Capital 0.45% - =22 J.P.Morgan 0.55% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
23 Lehman Brothers** 0.38% - =22 Lehman Brothers** 0.55% -
=24 Karvy 0.29% 20 =24 Antique 0.23% -
=24 Prime 0.29% 10 =24 Dolat Capital Market 0.23% -
=26 Ambit Capital 0.19% 26 26 SBICAP 0.15% -
=26 Deutsche Bank 0.19% -
=28 Antique 0.17% 24 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=28 Dolat Capital Market 0.17% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
30 SBICAP 0.11% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 13.58% 11 1 CLSA 16.55% 9 1 Morgan Stanley 14.63% 1
2 Morgan Stanley 11.46% 1 2 Morgan Stanley 12.42% 1 2 Kotak 11.70% =9
3 Kotak 8.88% 3 3 Motilal Oswal 8.72% 2 3 Motilal Oswal 11.49% 2
4 Motilal Oswal 8.63% 2 4 Credit Suisse 7.55% 6 4 CLSA 11.08% 11
5 Citi 6.63% 5 5 Kotak 7.31% 3 5 Citi 8.22% 6
6 Credit Suisse 5.84% 6 6 Citi 7.28% 8 6 Deutsche Bank 6.69% 8
7 IDFC-SSKI* 5.58% 4 7 J.P.Morgan 5.20% =10 7 IDFC-SSKI* 6.58% 5
8 J.P.Morgan 5.17% 12 8 IDFC-SSKI* 5.02% 5 8 Enam 4.28% 12
9 Deutsche Bank 4.91% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 4.46% 7 9 Goldman Sachs 4.18% 17
10 Goldman Sachs 3.95% 15 10 Goldman Sachs 3.93% 15 10 Credit Suisse 3.03% 3
11 DSP Merrill Lynch 3.58% 9 =11 Macquarie 3.03% =10 11 ICICI 2.93% -
12 Enam 2.82% 14 =11 DSP Merrill Lynch 3.03% =12 12 Macquarie 2.61% =9
13 Macquarie 2.75% 10 13 IIFL 2.04% - 13 DSP Merrill Lynch 2.23% 7
14 Edelweiss 2.67% 16 14 Enam 1.84% 14 =14 RBS 2.09% -
15 ICICI 2.40% =24 15 RBS** 1.80% =21 =14 Religare 2.09% -
16 RBS** 1.83% 19 16 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.43% =16 16 J.P.Morgan 1.99% 15
17 IIFL 1.66% - 17 ICICI 1.39% - 17 Edelweiss 1.88% 14
18 B&K 1.14% 18 18 Edelweiss 1.29% =21 18 B&K 1.25% 16
19 UBS 1.10% 7 =19 Religare 1.23% - 19 IIFL 1.04% -
20 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.03% 21 =19 UBS 1.23% 4
21 Religare 0.85% - 21 SBICAP 0.89% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
22 SBICAP 0.66% - 22 Emkay 0.78% =21
23 Lehman Brothers** 0.62% - 23 B&K 0.58% =18
24 Emkay 0.54% 26 =24 Lehman Brothers*** 0.41% -
=25 BOC International 0.51% - =24 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.41% =18
=25 HSBC 0.51% 13 26 Alchemy Shares 0.20% -
27 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.28% 17
28 Alchemy Shares 0.15% 27 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
29 JM Financial 0.13% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
30 Barclays Capital 0.08% - *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 12.30% 5 1 CLSA 13.05% =6 1 IDFC-SSKI* 13.33% 2
2 IDFC-SSKI* 11.83% 1 2 IDFC-SSKI* 11.24% 2 2 CLSA 11.79% 11
3 Citi 9.71% 8 3 DSP Merrill Lynch 9.63% 1 3 Citi 9.78% 8
4 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.90% 2 4 Citi 8.44% 12 4 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.68% 1
5 J.P.Morgan 7.14% 17 5 UBS 8.24% 5 5 UBS 8.62% 7
6 UBS 6.65% 7 6 J.P.Morgan 7.48% 14 6 Motilal Oswal 8.31% 10
7 Deutsche Bank 5.91% 3 7 Motilal Oswal 7.07% =6 7 B&K 5.54% 9
8 Motilal Oswal 5.69% 6 8 Kotak 4.84% 13 8 Kotak 5.13% 12
9 Kotak 5.20% 12 9 B&K 4.76% =9 9 Deutsche Bank 4.51% 3
10 B&K 5.11% 9 10 Deutsche Bank 4.44% 4 10 Enam 3.90% -
11 IIFL 3.29% - 11 IIFL 3.86% - =11 Credit Suisse 2.46% 4
12 Enam 3.20% 13 12 Macquarie 3.52% - =11 Edelweiss 2.46% 6
13 Macquarie 2.63% - 13 Enam 2.79% =15 =11 J.P.Morgan 2.46% -
14 Edelweiss 2.32% 10 14 Morgan Stanley 2.03% 8 =14 IIFL 2.36% -
15 Morgan Stanley 2.26% 11 15 Religare 1.30% - =14 Macquarie 2.36% -
16 Credit Suisse 1.63% 4 16 RBS 1.25% - 16 Religare 2.05% -
17 RBS** 1.51% 24 17 Credit Suisse 1.17% 3 17 Morgan Stanley 1.95% 5
18 Religare 1.12% - 18 Goldman Sachs 1.04% - =18 RBS 1.64% -
19 HSBC 0.81% 14 19 HSBC 0.86% 11 =18 Goldman Sachs 1.64% -
20 Goldman Sachs 0.75% - 20 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.74% =15 20 HSBC 1.03% -
21 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.53% 15 21 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.65% -
22 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.47% - 22 Edelweiss 0.43% =9 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
23 Emkay 0.37% 20 23 Emkay 0.32% 17
24 MF Global 0.25% - =24 Alchemy Shares 0.29% -
25 Alchemy Shares 0.21% - =24 MF Global 0.29% -
=26 JM Financial 0.09% - =26 JM Financial 0.13% -
=26 Lehman Brothers*** 0.09% - =26 Lehman Brothers** 0.13% -
28 Sharekhan 0.02% -
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 13.24% 2 1 CLSA 12.21% 2 1 CLSA 18.20% =6
2 Kotak 11.41% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 10.33% 9 2 Goldman Sachs 10.03% =6
3 Citi 8.68% 3 3 Kotak 9.17% 1 3 Citi 9.65% 1
4 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.20% 5 4 UBS 8.94% 16 4 Kotak 9.10% 3
5 Goldman Sachs 7.63% 11 5 Citi 8.80% 4 5 UBS 7.65% -
6 UBS 7.58% 17 6 DSP Merrill Lynch 8.32% 5 6 Enam 7.34% 16
7 Credit Suisse 5.86% 6 7 Credit Suisse 6.13% 7 7 DSP Merrill Lynch 6.69% 4
8 Enam 4.77% 13 8 Enam 4.36% 13 8 IIFL 4.96% -
9 J.P.Morgan 4.05% 14 9 J.P.Morgan 4.21% 14 9 Credit Suisse 4.76% =6
10 Edelweiss 3.13% 18 10 IIFL 3.58% - 10 Macquarie 3.83% =10
11 IIFL 3.06% - 11 Edelweiss 3.21% 18 11 B&K 2.69% 15
12 Motilal Oswal 2.92% 8 12 Macquarie 2.92% =11 12 J.P.Morgan 2.28% 14
13 Macquarie 2.76% 9 13 Morgan Stanley 2.75% 3 =13 Antique 2.07% -
14 Morgan Stanley 2.52% 4 14 Deutsche Bank 2.60% 15 =13 Religare 2.07% -
15 Deutsche Bank 2.44% 16 15 Motilal Oswal 2.56% 6 15 Motilal Oswal 2.00% 9
16 IDFC-SSKI* 2.27% 7 =16 RBS 2.14% - 16 IDFC-SSKI* 1.86% 5
17 B&K 2.21% 12 =16 IDFC-SSKI* 2.14% 8 =17 Deutsche Bank 1.65% 13
18 RBS** 1.94% 19 18 B&K 1.28% 17 =17 Morgan Stanley 1.65% 2
19 Antique 1.02% - =19 Antique 1.27% - 19 Alchemy Shares 0.83% -
20 Religare 0.92% - =19 Religare 1.27% - 20 Edelweiss 0.69% -
21 BNP Paribas 0.83% - 21 BNP Paribas 0.63% -
22 ICICI 0.62% 24 22 Alchemy Shares 0.51% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
23 Lehman Brothers*** 0.61% - 23 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.32% =20
24 HSBC 0.55% 10 24 ICICI 0.28% -
25 Alchemy Shares 0.38% - 25 Lehman Brothers** 0.08% -
26 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.23% 23
27 MF Global 0.14% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
28 HDFC 0.05% 22 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 15.85% 1 1 Macquarie 18.56% 1 1 Macquarie 15.93% 1
2 CLSA 9.05% 9 2 CLSA 7.63% 7 2 CLSA 13.35% =8
3 Morgan Stanley 8.07% 2 3 Morgan Stanley 7.44% 2 3 Motilal Oswal 8.40% =6
4 DSP Merrill Lynch 6.72% 5 4 Motilal Oswal 7.23% 9 4 Citi 5.88% 10
5 Motilal Oswal 6.43% 10 5 DSP Merrill Lynch 7.10% 5 5 UBS 5.38% =4
6 Citi 5.97% 6 6 Citi 6.51% 8 6 Morgan Stanley 5.06% 2
7 Credit Suisse 4.71% =13 7 Credit Suisse 5.55% 13 7 Enam 4.95% 3
8 Kotak 4.48% 12 8 UBS 5.46% 6 8 Credit Suisse 4.63% =14
9 UBS 4.31% 8 9 Kotak 4.30% =17 =9 Goldman Sachs 4.09% 11
10 Enam 4.26% 3 10 Goldman Sachs 3.80% 12 =9 Kotak 4.09% -
11 Goldman Sachs 4.17% =13 11 J.P.Morgan 3.20% =10 11 DSP Merrill Lynch 4.02% =4
12 Deutsche Bank 3.40% 11 12 ICICI 2.84% =17 =12 B&K 3.01% =12
13 IDFC-SSKI* 3.35% 4 13 B&K 2.66% =14 =12 Edelweiss 3.01% -
14 Edelweiss 2.98% 16 14 IDFC-SSKI* 2.63% 3 14 ICICI 2.80% -
15 J.P.Morgan 2.85% 7 15 Edelweiss 2.41% - 15 IDFC-SSKI* 2.58% =6
16 B&K 2.62% 17 16 IIFL 2.33% - 16 J.P.Morgan 2.26% =14
17 ICICI 2.52% 23 17 Enam 1.86% 4 =17 RBS** 2.15% =12
18 IIFL 2.02% - 18 Deutsche Bank 1.84% =10 =17 Religare 2.15% -
19 RBS** 1.31% 15 19 RBS** 1.78% =14 =19 Alchemy Shares 1.72% -
20 Religare 1.18% 27 20 Religare 1.33% - =19 IIFL 1.72% -
21 Alchemy Shares 0.83% - 21 Alchemy Shares 1.07% - 21 Deutsche Bank 1.51% =8
22 Emkay 0.67% - 22 Emkay 0.78% - 22 HDFC 1.29% -
23 HDFC 0.59% 21 =23 Asian Markets 0.67% -
=24 BNP Paribas 0.49% - =23 BNP Paribas 0.67% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=24 Asian Markets 0.49% - 25 JM Financial 0.18% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
26 Antique 0.20% - 26 Lehman Brothers*** 0.17% -
27 Centrum 0.17% -
28 JM Financial 0.13% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
29 Lehman Brothers*** 0.12% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
30 HSBC 0.03% - *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. INDIA: Page 8 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 38.17% 1 1 CLSA 41.80% 1 1 CLSA 43.28% 2
2 J.P.Morgan 10.90% 3 2 J.P.Morgan 10.81% 3 2 Citi 10.50% 5
3 Kotak 8.16% 6 3 Citi 8.32% 4 3 Kotak 9.23% 6
4 Citi 7.56% 5 4 Kotak 6.97% 6 4 J.P.Morgan 7.79% 3
5 DSP Merrill Lynch 6.31% 4 5 DSP Merrill Lynch 5.41% 5 5 DSP Merrill Lynch 5.20% 7
6 IIFL* 3.72% 27 6 UBS 3.92% 2 6 IIFL* 3.69% 18
7 UBS 3.56% 2 7 Morgan Stanley 3.78% 9 7 Enam 3.28% -
8 Credit Suisse 3.27% 7 8 IIFL 3.59% - =8 Morgan Stanley 2.05% =13
9 Morgan Stanley 3.02% 9 9 Enam 2.43% - =8 Religare 2.05% -
10 Enam 2.56% 14 10 Credit Suisse 2.24% 7 10 Edelweiss 1.85% -
11 Edelweiss 1.60% =20 11 Lehman Brothers* 1.59% - =11 Deutsche Bank 1.64% 17
12 JM Financial 1.48% - =12 Goldman Sachs 1.38% - =11 IDFC-SSKI** 1.64% =15
13 Lehman Brothers** 1.38% - =12 Religare 1.38% - =13 Lehman Brothers*** 1.44% -
14 Deutsche Bank 1.11% =25 14 Deutsche Bank 1.20% 20 =13 UBS 1.44% 1
15 IDFC-SSKI*** 1.10% 10 15 IDFC-SSKI** 1.18% 19 =15 Credit Suisse 1.23% 4
=16 Goldman Sachs 0.95% =22 16 Macquarie 1.04% =10 =15 Motilal Oswal 1.23% 8
=16 Religare 0.95% - 17 JM Financial 0.78% - 17 Goldman Sachs 1.03% =15
18 Motilal Oswal 0.88% 8 =18 RBS*** 0.69% 16 18 B&K 0.62% 12
19 ICICI 0.86% 11 =18 SBICAP 0.69% - 19 Macquarie 0.51% =9
20 Macquarie 0.75% =12 20 ICICI 0.41% =13 20 ICICI 0.31% -
21 RBS**** 0.49% 17 21 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.23% -
22 SBICAP 0.48% 30 22 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.15% - * IIFL - 2007 ranking of India Infoline
23 B&K 0.33% =18 ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
24 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.16% =22 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.11% - ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=26 AnandRathi 0.05% - *** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=26 MF Global 0.05% 29
28 Systematix 0.02% -
29 HSBC 0.01% 16

* IIFL - 2007 ranking of India Infoline

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
**** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 39.06% 1 1 CLSA 43.80% 2 1 CLSA 37.67% 3
2 Kotak 10.32% 5 2 Kotak 7.96% =5 2 Kotak 9.76% 7
3 Motilal Oswal 5.98% 2 3 Motilal Oswal 7.24% 1 3 Motilal Oswal 6.83% 1
4 IDFC-SSKI* 5.03% 4 4 IIFL 5.08% - =4 B&K 5.37% 2
=5 B&K 4.75% 3 5 IDFC-SSKI* 3.77% 4 =4 IDFC-SSKI* 5.37% 4
=5 IIFL 4.75% - 6 B&K 3.51% 3 6 Antique 4.88% -
7 Edelweiss 3.38% 14 7 Antique 3.41% - 7 Edelweiss 4.23% -
8 Credit Suisse 2.91% =22 8 Morgan Stanley 2.62% - 8 Enam 3.66% =11
9 Enam 2.51% 9 9 Enam 2.56% - 9 IIFL 3.42% -
10 Antique 2.42% - 10 Edelweiss 2.39% =13 =10 Aadhar 2.44% -
11 ICICI 1.93% 11 11 First Global 2.27% =13 =10 Citi 2.44% 10
12 Morgan Stanley 1.85% 20 12 Citi 1.90% 10 =10 Morgan Stanley 2.44% 14
13 First Global 1.61% 15 =13 Aadhar 1.71% - =13 Deutsche Bank 1.95% 5
14 DSP Merrill Lynch 1.45% 13 =13 ICICI 1.71% =11 =13 Parag Parikh 1.95% -
15 Citi 1.34% 10 15 Macquarie 1.42% 8 =15 Emkay 1.46% =11
16 Aadhar 1.21% - =16 BNP Paribas 1.36% - =15 JM Financial 1.46% -
17 UBS 1.03% 6 =16 Centrum 1.36% - =15 UBS 1.46% 6
18 Macquarie 1.01% 7 =16 Credit Suisse 1.36% 17 =18 Lehman Brothers** 1.22% -
=19 Parag Parikh 0.97% - =16 Deutsche Bank 1.36% 7 =18 Macquarie 1.22% 8
=19 Centrum 0.97% - =16 Parag Parikh 1.36% - 20 Credit Suisse 0.73% -
=19 BNP Paribas 0.97% - 21 Lehman Brothers** 0.85% -
=19 Deutsche Bank 0.97% 8 22 SBICAP 0.57% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=23 Emkay 0.73% =16 23 HDFC 0.23% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=23 JM Financial 0.73% - 24 PINC 0.19% -
25 Lehman Brothers** 0.60% -
26 J.P.Morgan 0.53% =18 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
27 SBICAP 0.40% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
28 HSBC 0.24% 12
29 HDFC 0.16% 21
30 PINC 0.13% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Sanjeev Prasad Kotak 7.54% 1 1 Bhavtosh Vajpayee CLSA 6.45% 13 1 Bhavtosh Vajpayee CLSA 9.66% 23
2 Bhavtosh Vajpayee CLSA 5.53% 18 2 Sanjeev Prasad Kotak 5.46% 2 2 Sanjeev Prasad Kotak 8.22% 11
3 Nilesh Jasani Credit Sussie 4.71% 4 3 Nilesh Jasani Credit Suisse 4.81% =17 3 Nilesh Jasani Credit Suisse 4.15% 10
4 Ridham Desai Morgan Stanley 3.81% 5 4 Suhas Rema Harinarayana UBS 2.77% 16 4 Shirish Rane IDFC-SSKI 3.25% =7
5 Shirish Rane IDFC-SSKI 2.34% 17 5 Reena Verma DSP ML 2.40% =22 5 Ridham Desai Morgan Stanley 3.16% 12
6 Jyoti Jaipuria DSP ML 2.26% 21 6 Aashish Agarwal CLSA 2.28% =22 6 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 2.89% -
7 Suhas Rema Harinarayanan UBS 2.05% 23 =7 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 1.95% - 7 Jyoti Jaipuria DSP ML 2.71% -
8 Anirudha Dutta CLSA 1.90% - =7 Ridham Desai Morgan Stanley 1.95% =17 8 Suhas Rema Harinarayana UBS 2.62% =26
9 Pathik Gandotra IDFC-SSKI 1.84% - 9 Shirish Rane IDFC-SSKI 1.88% - 9 Suresh Mahadevan UBS 2.17% -
10 Reena Verma DSP ML 1.76% 22 10 Jyoti Jaipuria DSP ML 1.87% - 10 Satyam Agarwal Motilal Oswal 2.03% -
11 Aashish Agarwal CLSA 1.67% - 11 Pathik Gandotra IDFC-SSKI 1.85% - 11 Rakesh Arora Macquarie 1.94% 1
12 N.Krishnan CLSA 1.50% 11 12 N. Krishnan CLSA 1.81% 11 12 Mahesh Nandurkar CLSA 1.90% -
13 Nilesh Banerjee Goldman Sachs 1.43% - 13 Pratik Gupta Deutsche Bank 1.74% - 13 Gaurav Pathak ICICI 1.76% -
14 Nikhil Vora IDFC-SSKI 1.39% 14 14 Mohan Swamy RBS 1.70% - =14 Anirudha Dutta CLSA 1.63% -
15 Pratik Gupta Deutsche Bank 1.27% - 15 Bharat Parekh DSP ML 1.37% 8 =14 Nikhil Vora IDFC-SSKI 1.63% -
=16 Mohan Swamy RBS 1.24% - 16 Seshadri Sen Macquarie 1.36% 15 =16 Anirudh Gangahar Goldman Sachs 1.35% -
=16 Siddharth Teli ICICI 1.24% - 17 Rajeev Varma DSP ML 1.30% - =16 Ashish Jagnani Citi 1.35% -
18 Rakesh Arora Macquarie 1.23% 3 =18 Gaurav Pathak ICICI 1.29% - =16 Ballabh Modani Enam 1.35% -
19 Suresh Mahadevan UBS 1.12% - =18 Anirudha Dutta CLSA 1.29% - =16 Prasad Dahapute Anitque 1.35% =13
20 Bhuvnesh Singh Credit Sussie 1.08% - =20 Satyam Agarwal Motilal Oswal 1.27% - =16 Rajat Rajgarhia Motilal Oswal 1.35% =13
21 Rahul Singh Citi 1.06% 7 =20 Surendra Goyal Citi 1.27% - =16 Surendra Goyal Citi 1.35% -
=22 Gaurav Pathak ICICI 1.00% - 22 Manish Saxena Deutsche Bank 1.23% =17 =16 Vikash Jain CLSA 1.35% -
=22 Bharat Parekh DSP ML 1.00% 6 =23 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 1.13% 4 =23 Rahul Singh Citi 1.26% 22
24 Seshadri Sen Macquarie 0.99% 20 =23 Siddharth Teli ICICI 1.13% - =23 Sanjay Jain Motilal Oswal 1.26% -
25 Rajeev Varma DSP ML 0.96% 24 25 Nikhil Vora IDFC-SSKI 1.08% 14 25 Pathik Gandotra IDFC-SSKI 1.17% -
26 Mahesh Nandurkar CLSA 0.95% - 26 Pradeep Mirchandani J.P.Morgan 1.02% - =26 Aditya Singhania Credit Suisse 1.08% -
27 Satyam Agarwal Motilal Oswal 0.94% - 27 Rakesh Arora Macquarie 0.97% 3 =26 Deepti Chaturvedi CLSA 1.08% -
=28 Surendra Goyal Citi 0.93% - 28 Vipul Prasad Morgan Stanley 0.92% - =26 Somshankar Sinha CLSA 1.08% -
=28 Nandan Chakraborty Enam 0.93% 29 =29 Aniruddha Dange IIFL 0.88% =30 =29 Anil Agarwal Morgan Stanley 0.90% 5
30 Manish Saxena Deutsche Bank 0.90% 19 =29 Tushar Poddar Goldman Sachs 0.88% - =29 Anish Desai RBS 0.90% -
=29 Harshad Katkar UBS 0.90% -
=29 Jatinder Agarwal RBS 0.90% -
=29 Mitali Ghosh DSP ML 0.90% -
=29 Prabhat Awasthi Lehman Brothers 0.90% -
=29 Sanjay Mookim Credit Suisse 0.90% -
=29 Shobhit Khare Motilal Oswal 0.90% -
=29 Shubham Majumder Macquarie 0.90% 3
=29 Vihari Purushothaman Enam 0.90% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Kotak 25.88% 1 1 Kotak 29.18% 1 1 Kotak 22.67% 2
2 IDFC-SSKI* 14.06% 3 2 Motilal Oswal 15.75% 2 2 Motilal Oswal 14.87% 1
3 Motilal Oswal 14.05% 2 3 IDFC-SSKI* 14.34% 3 3 Edelweiss 12.40% 6
4 Edelweiss 12.53% 6 4 Edelweiss 9.17% 6 4 IDFC-SSKI* 12.29% 3
5 Enam 8.84% 4 5 IIFL 8.23% - 5 Enam 9.42% 4
6 IIFL 8.31% - 6 Enam 8.07% 4 6 IIFL 7.82% -
7 B&K 6.21% 5 7 B&K 6.08% 5 7 B&K 7.34% 5
8 ICICI 3.02% 7 8 JM Financial 2.44% - 8 JM Financial 3.83% -
9 JM Financial 2.32% - 9 ICICI 1.58% 8 9 ICICI 1.92% 7
10 Emkay 1.13% 12 10 Antique 1.10% - 10 Emkay 1.76% -
11 Antique 1.00% - =11 AnandRathi 0.99% - =11 AnandRathi 1.60% -
12 Religare 0.78% =19 =11 Religare 0.99% - =11 Antique 1.60% -
13 AnandRathi 0.75% - 13 Emkay 0.95% 12 =11 Religare 1.60% -
14 Global Absolute 0.28% - 14 Global Absolute 0.40% - 14 Global Absolute 0.64% -
15 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.18% 8 15 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.25% 7 15 Spark Capital 0.24% -
16 SBICAP 0.16% =19 16 SBICAP 0.22% -
17 Spark Capital 0.11% - =17 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.11% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=18 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.08% - =17 PINC 0.11% -
=18 PINC 0.08% - 19 Sushil 0.05% -
=20 Ambit 0.07% -
=20 Deriviam 0.07% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
22 Sushil 0.04% -
=23 HDFC 0.02% 13
=23 Wallfort 0.02% -
25 Alchemy Shares 0.01% 17

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.67% 1 1 CLSA 16.61% 2 1 CLSA 16.14% 5
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 9.56% 5 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 11.13% 5 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 11.20% 4
3 Edelweiss 7.86% 10 3 Motilal Oswal 9.05% 1 3 Kotak 8.40% 7
4 Kotak 7.76% 7 4 Kotak 6.08% 8 4 Motilal Oswal 8.06% 2
5 Motilal Oswal 7.70% 2 5 UBS 5.55% 3 5 Edelweiss 7.62% 9
6 IDFC-SSKI* 5.31% 6 6 Credit Suisse 5.36% 7 6 B&K 6.89% 14
7 B&K 4.67% 12 7 Edelweiss 5.09% 10 7 IDFC-SSKI* 5.05% 10
8 Credit Suisse 4.51% 8 8 Macquarie 4.54% 13 8 UBS 4.53% 1
9 UBS 4.29% 4 9 Citi 4.22% 4 9 Enam 3.54% 12
10 Citi 3.79% 3 10 Morgan Stanley 3.95% 9 10 J.P.Morgan 3.02% =21
11 Macquarie 3.51% 14 11 IDFC-SSKI* 3.77% 6 11 Credit Suisse 2.80% 6
12 Enam 3.10% 11 12 Deutsche Bank 3.53% 11 12 IIFL 2.51% -
13 Morgan Stanley 2.99% 9 13 J.P.Morgan 2.94% 14 13 Morgan Stanley 2.47% 8
14 Deutsche Bank 2.98% 13 14 B&K 2.89% 12 =14 Citi 2.32% 3
15 J.P.Morgan 2.67% 15 15 IIFL 2.25% - =14 Macquarie 2.32% 13
16 IIFL 2.64% - 16 RBS** 1.77% 17 16 Deutsche Bank 2.25% 11
17 RBS** 1.67% 18 17 Enam 1.40% =15 17 JM Financial 1.99% -
18 ICICI 1.62% 22 18 JM Financial 1.30% - 18 Goldman Sachs 1.84% =21
19 Goldman Sachs 1.46% 25 19 Lehman Brothers*** 1.23% - =19 RBS** 1.11% =19
20 JM Financial 0.93% - 20 Goldman Sachs 1.10% =23 =19 Religare 1.11% =21
21 Lehman Brothers*** 0.86% - =21 BNP Paribas 0.72% - =21 Emkay 0.96% 27
22 Emkay 0.63% 23 =21 Religare 0.72% =23 =21 ICICI 0.96% -
23 Antique 0.62% =27 23 ICICI 0.67% - =23 HSBC 0.74% 16
24 Religare 0.57% 26 24 AnandRathi 0.66% - =23 Lehman Brothers*** 0.74% -
25 HSBC 0.52% 17 25 Emkay 0.64% =21 25 Antique 0.37% -
26 BNP Paribas 0.50% - 26 HSBC 0.54% 18 26 Spark Capital 0.29% -
27 AnandRathi 0.48% - =27 Anagram 0.48% - =27 Barclays Capital 0.22% -
28 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.45% 16 =27 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.48% =15 =27 HDFC 0.22% -
29 Anagram 0.33% - 29 Centrum 0.27% - =27 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.22% 15
30 Centrum 0.19% - 30 Antique 0.24% - 30 Centrum 0.12% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.39% 1 1 CLSA 17.20% 1 1 CLSA 13.74% 6
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 10.49% 2 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 11.27% 2 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 13.42% 5
3 Citi 7.52% 4 =3 Kotak 7.17% 4 3 Kotak 7.70% 2
4 Kotak 7.43% 3 =3 Citi 7.17% 6 4 Edelweiss 7.48% 11
5 Morgan Stanley 5.82% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 6.51% 3 5 UBS 7.38% 9
6 Motilal Oswal 5.78% 5 6 UBS 5.91% 7 6 Morgan Stanley 6.89% 1
7 Edelweiss 5.74% 10 7 Motilal Oswal 5.87% 5 7 Motilal Oswal 5.52% 3
8 UBS 4.69% 8 8 J.P.Morgan 4.58% 16 8 Citi 5.38% 4
9 J.P.Morgan 4.14% 19 9 Edelweiss 4.47% 8 9 J.P.Morgan 3.90% 19
10 IIFL 4.03% - 10 Macquarie 4.29% 17 10 RBS* 3.47% =15
11 Macquarie 3.67% 13 11 IIFL 4.26% - 11 IIFL 2.78% -
12 Enam 3.37% 7 12 RBS* 3.51% 14 12 Enam 2.57% 10
13 IDFC-SSKI* 3.13% 12 13 Enam 2.23% 10 13 Macquarie 2.24% 7
14 RBS** 2.98% 14 14 Credit Suisse 1.91% 13 14 Deutsche Bank 2.03% 12
15 ICICI 2.01% =24 15 Deutsche Bank 1.72% 9 15 ICICI 1.92% -
16 Deutsche Bank 1.94% 9 =16 Goldman Sachs 1.61% 15 16 B&K 1.82% 8
17 B&K 1.90% 11 =16 ICICI 1.61% 27 17 JM Financial 1.71% -
18 Goldman Sachs 1.66% 18 18 B&K 1.36% 12 18 HSBC 1.60% 23
19 Credit Suisse 1.43% 15 19 IDFC-SSKI** 1.11% 11 =19 AnandRathi 1.28% -
=20 HSBC 0.94% 17 20 HSBC 1.07% 18 =19 IDFC-SSKI** 1.28% 18
=20 JM Financial 0.94% - 21 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.97% - 21 Goldman Sachs 1.18% 14
=22 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.65% - 22 Dolat Capital Market 0.96% 20 22 Lehman Brothers*** 1.07% -
=22 Dolat Capital Market 0.65% 20 23 AnandRathi 0.85% - =23 Avendus 0.96% -
24 Lehman Brothers*** 0.63% - 24 Lehman Brothers*** 0.71% - =23 Emkay 0.96% 22
25 AnandRathi 0.59% - 25 SMIFS 0.57% - =25 Barclays Capital 0.64% -
26 SBICAP 0.56% =24 =26 HDFC 0.28% - =25 Karvy 0.64% -
27 Emkay 0.47% 21 =26 JM Financial 0.28% - 27 HDFC 0.43% -
28 Avendus 0.43% - 28 SBICAP 0.20% -
29 SMIFS 0.38% - 29 PINC 0.12% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=30 Barclays Capital 0.29% - 30 Antique 0.09% 24 ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
=30 Karvy 0.29% - *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.99% 1 1 DSP Merrill Lynch 15.46% 2 1 DSP Merrill Lynch 15.22% 2
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 13.14% 2 2 CLSA 14.64% 1 2 CLSA 13.53% 1
3 Morgan Stanley 7.01% 7 3 Morgan Stanley 7.95% 7 3 Edelweiss 8.89% 13
4 Edelweiss 6.23% 10 4 UBS 5.90% 6 4 Morgan Stanley 7.88% 5
5 Citi 5.97% 4 5 Motilal Oswal 5.68% 3 5 Motilal Oswal 6.25% 3
6 Kotak 5.54% 3 6 Kotak 5.23% 4 6 UBS 5.99% 8
7 Motilal Oswal 5.23% 5 7 Edelweiss 4.87% =9 7 Citi 5.35% 7
8 UBS 4.64% 8 8 Macquarie 4.76% 15 8 B&K 5.12% =16
9 J.P.Morgan 4.20% 18 =9 IIFL 4.54% - 9 Kotak 4.40% 4
10 IIFL 4.01% - =9 J.P.Morgan 4.54% 16 10 IIFL 3.04% -
11 Macquarie 3.59% 15 11 Citi 4.43% 8 11 J.P.Morgan 3.00% =18
12 IDFC-SSKI* 3.36% 11 12 RBS* 3.63% 14 12 Enam 2.90% 9
13 Enam 3.35% 9 13 Credit Suisse 3.58% 11 13 RBS* 2.75% =18
14 B&K 3.29% 17 14 B&K 2.73% 20 14 Goldman Sachs 2.71% 10
15 RBS** 2.64% 14 15 IDFC-SSKI** 2.30% 13 15 JM Financial 2.32% -
16 Credit Suisse 2.63% 12 16 Goldman Sachs 1.56% 12 16 Macquarie 2.22% =11
17 JM Financial 1.71% =29 17 Enam 1.54% 17 17 Deutsche Bank 1.35% 6
18 ICICI 1.61% 23 18 JM Financial 1.49% - 18 IDFC-SSKI** 1.26% 14
19 Deutsche Bank 1.53% 6 19 Deutsche Bank 0.96% 5 19 ICICI 1.16% -
20 Goldman Sachs 1.43% 16 20 ICICI 0.80% 22 20 Emkay 1.01% =22
21 Emkay 0.56% 20 =21 AnandRathi 0.55% - =21 AnandRathi 0.77% -
=22 Lehman Brothers*** 0.43% - =21 HDFC 0.55% - =21 HDFC 0.77% -
=22 HSBC 0.43% 13 23 Lehman Brothers*** 0.53% - 23 Barclays Capital 0.58% -
=24 AnandRathi 0.39% - 24 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.42% 23 =24 HSBC 0.48% =11
=24 HDFC 0.39% 25 25 Dolat Capital Market 0.41% - =24 Lehman Brothers*** 0.48% -
26 Prabhudas Lilladher 0.36% 21 26 HSBC 0.39% =9 26 Avendus 0.29% -
=27 Dolat Capital Market 0.28% - 27 SBICAP 0.15% - 27 Credit Suisse 0.24% =16
=27 Barclays Capital 0.28% - =28 Mangal Keshav 0.11% -
29 Avendus 0.18% - =28 PINC 0.11% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
30 Asian Markets 0.12% - 30 Emkay 0.09% 19 ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura *** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 20.75% 2 1 CLSA 22.38% 2 1 CLSA 21.20% 2
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 14.81% 1 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 13.55% 1 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 13.95% 1
3 Citi 8.04% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 9.43% 6 3 Kotak 9.39% 7
4 Morgan Stanley 7.89% 7 4 Citi 8.36% 5 4 Morgan Stanley 8.59% 6
5 Edelweiss 7.36% 8 5 IDFC-SSKI* 6.29% 10 5 IDFC-SSKI* 7.64% 12
6 IDFC-SSKI* 6.56% 9 6 Edelweiss 5.64% 7 6 Edelweiss 6.75% 8
7 Motilal Oswal 5.43% 5 7 UBS 5.58% 3 7 Citi 6.64% 4
8 Kotak 5.31% 6 8 Motilal Oswal 5.51% 4 8 Motilal Oswal 6.36% 5
9 UBS 4.54% 4 9 Kotak 5.20% 8 9 UBS 5.40% 3
10 J.P.Morgan 3.45% 11 10 J.P.Morgan 3.89% 11 10 J.P.Morgan 2.20% =10
11 Macquarie 2.52% 20 11 Macqaurie 2.69% 20 11 ICICI 1.82% 14
12 Enam 2.23% 17 12 Credit Suisse 1.46% 12 12 Enam 1.71% 16
13 ICICI 1.88% 12 13 Enam 1.30% 18 13 HSBC 1.52% 17
14 Prabhudas Lilladher 1.32% 14 14 Prabhudas Lilladher 1.08% 14 14 Prabhudas Lilladher 1.29% -
15 Deutsche Bank 1.31% 10 15 ICICI 1.03% 15 15 Macquarie 1.22% =18
16 Credit Suisse 1.20% 13 16 Deutsche Bank 0.99% 9 =16 Global Absolute 0.91% -
17 HSBC 0.78% 15 17 HSBC 0.96% 16 =16 Goldman Sachs 0.91% 20
18 B&K 0.56% 25 18 BNP Paribas 0.72% - 18 RBS** 0.76% 13
19 BNP Paribas 0.51% - 19 Goldman Sachs 0.59% 22 19 Nomura 0.46% -
20 Goldman Sachs 0.50% 23 20 Global Absolute 0.58% - =20 IIFL 0.38% -
21 Global Absolute 0.41% - 21 AnandRathi 0.38% - =20 JM Financial 0.38% -
22 RBS** 0.36% 16 22 PINC 0.37% - 22 B&K 0.30% -
23 AnandRathi 0.29% - 23 JM Financial 0.32% - 23 Emkay 0.23% -
24 JM Financial 0.28% 30 24 Avendus 0.29% -
25 PINC 0.26% - 25 B&K 0.27% 24 * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
26 Emkay 0.25% =26 26 IIFL 0.24% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
27 IIFL 0.22% - =27 RBS** 0.19% 13
=28 Avendus 0.20% - =27 Dolat Capital Market 0.19% 21
=28 Nomura 0.20% 24 =27 Emkay 0.19% -
30 Dolat Capital Market 0.14% 21 30 Centrum 0.16% -

* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 16.75% 3 1 CLSA 17.81% 3 1 CLSA 19.45% 6
2 DSP Merrill Lynch 13.18% 1 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 14.59% 1 2 DSP Merrill Lynch 12.73% 1
3 Edelweiss 7.53% 5 3 Kotak 7.71% 9 3 Kotak 7.42% 9
4 Kotak 7.35% 8 4 Citi 6.66% 5 4 Edelweiss 7.12% 4
5 Citi 6.10% 2 5 UBS 6.04% 8 5 Enam 6.88% 11
6 Enam 5.69% 12 6 Motilal Oswal 5.05% 6 6 Motilal Oswal 6.15% 7
7 Motilal Oswal 5.21% 6 7 Enam 5.00% 18 7 Morgan Stanley 5.68% 3
8 UBS 5.02% 9 8 Edelweiss 4.80% 4 8 Citi 4.75% 2
9 IDFC-SSKI* 3.93% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 4.38% 2 9 IDFC-SSKI* 4.64% 12
10 Morgan Stanley 3.87% 4 10 Macquarie 4.28% 14 =10 B&K 4.48% =16
11 B&K 3.49% =15 11 IDFC-SSKI* 4.17% 7 =10 UBS 4.48% 10
12 Macquarie 3.36% =15 12 Credit Suisse 3.04% 11 12 Prabhudas Lilladher 2.11% 14
13 Prabhudas Lilladher 2.84% 11 13 B&K 2.50% 15 13 Goldman Sachs 1.82% =24
14 Credit Suisse 2.42% 10 14 Prabhudas Lilladher 2.47% 10 14 RBS** 1.74% =16
15 Deutsche Bank 2.09% 13 15 Deutsche Bank 2.04% 12 15 J.P.Morgan 1.58% 15
16 ICICI 2.05% 18 16 ICICI 1.53% =23 =16 HDFC 1.24% -
17 J.P.Morgan 1.32% 14 17 J.P.Morgan 1.51% 13 =16 HSBC 1.24% 18
=18 RBS** 1.13% 19 18 Goldman Sachs 1.12% =26 =16 JM Financial 1.24% -
=18 Goldman Sachs 1.13% =28 19 JM Financial 1.07% - 19 IIFL*** 1.04% =19
20 IIFL 1.11% 21 20 RBS** 1.02% 17 20 Emkay 1.00% 27
21 JM Financial 0.91% - 21 HSBC 0.79% 16 =21 ICICI 0.83% =19
22 HSBC 0.61% 17 22 IIFL 0.66% - =21 Lehman Brothers**** 0.83% =24
23 HDFC 0.59% - 23 Lehman Brothers*** 0.61% =26 23 Religare 0.50% -
24 Emkay 0.51% 20 24 SBICAP 0.25% - 24 Macquarie 0.41% 13
25 Lehman Brothers*** 0.44% =28 25 AnandRathi 0.20% - 25 Deutsche Bank 0.37% 8
=26 SBICAP 0.25% - 26 MF Global 0.19% =26 26 Nomura 0.25% -
=26 Religare 0.25% - 27 Centrum 0.13% -
28 AnandRathi 0.18% - =28 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.08% - * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
29 MF Global 0.16% =28 =28 PINC 0.08% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
30 Nomura 0.11% 27 =30 Emkay 0.07% 21 *** IIFL - 2007 ranking of India Infoline
=30 HDFC 0.07% - **** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO * IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. INDIA: Page 17 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 IIFL* 13.36% =21 1 IIFL 13.85% - 1 CLSA 17.50% =17
2 CLSA 11.35% 11 2 CLSA 13.51% =11 2 IIFL* 9.80% =17
3 Credit Suisse 6.96% 9 3 Macquarie 8.39% 1 3 Motilal Oswal 7.70% 8
4 Edelweiss 6.87% 3 4 Motilal Oswal 7.58% 8 4 Macquarie 7.23% 1
5 Motilal Oswal 6.34% 8 5 Credit Suisse 6.99% =11 5 Credit Suisse 7.08% =6
6 Macquarie 6.33% 1 6 Lehman Brothers* 5.90% - 6 Edelweiss 6.84% 3
7 Goldman Sachs 5.06% 17 7 Goldman Sachs 5.76% =16 7 Goldman Sachs 6.07% =11
8 DSP Merrill Lynch 4.63% 4 8 Edelweiss 4.94% 4 8 Deutsche Bank 4.90% 5
9 Lehman Brothers** 4.30% - 9 DSP Merrill Lynch 4.72% 3 9 Lehman Brothers** 4.67% -
10 B&K 4.00% 10 10 J.P.Morgan 4.13% 14 10 B&K 4.20% 9
11 JM Financial 3.87% - 11 Deutsche Bank 3.39% 7 11 DSP Merrill Lynch 3.73% =11
12 Deutsche Bank 3.23% 7 12 Morgan Stanley 3.20% 15 12 JM Financial 3.27% -
13 J.P.Morgan 3.01% 13 13 JM Financial 2.66% - =13 Citi 2.33% 2
14 Kotak 2.66% 12 14 BNP Paribas 1.67% - =13 Morgan Stanley 2.33% 10
15 Morgan Stanley 2.33% =15 15 Citi 1.64% 2 =13 Religare 2.33% -
16 ICICI 1.88% 20 =16 RBS 1.48% - =13 UBS 2.33% 4
17 UBS 1.72% 5 =16 Prabhudas Lilladher 1.48% 18 =17 Global Absolute 1.87% -
18 Religare 1.29% - =16 Religare 1.48% - =17 J.P.Morgan 1.87% -
=19 Citi 1.23% 2 =16 UBS 1.48% 5 =19 ICICI 1.40% -
=19 IDFC-SSKI*** 1.23% 6 =20 B&K 1.18% 10 =19 Kotak 1.40% -
21 BNP Paribas 1.22% - =20 Global Absolute 1.18% - 21 Emkay 1.17% -
22 RBS**** 1.13% 27 22 ICICI 0.79% 19
=23 Prabhudas Lilladher 1.08% =18 =23 Emkay 0.74% 20 * IIFL - 2007 ranking of India Infoline
=23 Emkay 1.08% 24 =23 Mirae Asset 0.74% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 Global Absolute 0.86% - 25 IDFC-SSKI** 0.66% 6
26 Antique 0.65% - =26 Navratan Capital & Securities 0.16% -
27 PINC 0.55% - =26 PINC 0.16% -
=28 Mirae Asset 0.54% - =26 SBICAP 0.16% -
=28 HSBC 0.54% -
30 MF Global 0.27% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
* IIFL - 2007 ranking of India Infoline
** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
*** IDFC-SSKI - 2007 ranking of SSKI
**** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Manish Prasad DSP ML 3.51% =12 1 Manish Prasad DSP ML 4.81% =12 1 Manish Prasad DSP ML 7.65% =3
2 Jayesh Parekh Motilal Oswal 3.11% 1 2 Jayesh Parekh Motilal Oswal 4.09% 1 2 Sindhu Sameer B&K 4.86% -
3 Sindhu Sameer B&K 3.05% - 3 Mihir Doshi CLSA 3.60% 3 3 Jayesh Parekh Motilal Oswal 4.62% 1
4 Mihir Doshi CLSA 2.87% 3 4 Kumar Singhee UBS 3.39% - 4 Kumar Singhee UBS 4.17% -
5 Kumar Singhee UBS 2.48% - 5 Pawan Nahar CLSA 3.01% - 5 Manish Gupta CLSA 3.97% =11
6 Pawan Nahar CLSA 2.25% - 6 Kunal Bajaj Credit Suisse 2.50% - 6 Hanu bhatia B&K 3.56% -
7 Hanu bhatia B&K 2.07% - 7 Ranjit Hosangady UBS 2.39% - 7 Sujay Kamath CLSA 2.79% -
8 Sujay Kamath CLSA 2.00% - 8 Sachin Parekh DSP ML 2.29% - 8 Sangram Singh Credit Suisse 2.43% =29
9 Manish Gupta CLSA 1.99% =26 9 Jayesh Shah DSP ML 1.99% 8 9 Tushar Chandra J.P.Morgan 2.31% 14
10 Ranjit Hosangady UBS 1.96% - 10 Anand Gulani DSP ML 1.87% - 10 Ranjit Hosangady UBS 2.19% =17
11 Jayesh Shah DSP ML 1.94% 7 11 Sangram Singh Credit Suisse 1.80% - 11 Pawan Nahar CLSA 2.02% -
12 Kunal Bajaj Credit Suisse 1.81% - 12 Sujay Kamath CLSA 1.76% - 12 Amit Kapoor Edelweiss 1.94% -
13 Sangram Singh Credit Suisse 1.69% - 13 Manish Gupta CLSA 1.68% - 13 Avinash Gupta DSP ML 1.86% =11
14 Sachin Parekh DSP ML 1.66% - 14 Hanu Bhatia B&K 1.63% - 14 Nikhil Gholani IDFC-SSKI 1.82% 10
15 Anand Gulani DSP ML 1.52% - 15 Srikanth Ramanathan Macquarie 1.53% - 15 Preetie Kohli Goldman Sachs 1.70% -
=16 Rajesh Makharia Edelweiss 1.50% - 16 Monil Bhala Morgan Stanley 1.49% - =16 Samir Sheth Kotak 1.62% =29
=16 Nilesh Jain Kotak 1.50% - 17 Vasudev Jagannath IIFL 1.43% - =16 Vishal Purohit IDFC-SSKI 1.62% =29
18 Preetie Kohli Goldman Sachs 1.44% - 18 Rajesh Makharia Edelweiss 1.40% - =18 Aditya Khansaheb DSP ML 1.46% =29
19 Nikhil Gholani IDFC-SSKI 1.35% 17 19 Smita Das Lehman Brothers 1.38% - =18 Nilesh Jain Kotak 1.46% -
20 Srikanth Ramanathan Macquarie 1.33% - =20 Nemkumar IIFL 1.32% - =20 Anshu Govil CLSA 1.21% -
=21 Monil Bhala Morgan Stanley 1.20% - =20 Dhaval Desai J.P.Morgan 1.32% - =20 Dhaval Desai J.P.Morgan 1.21% -
=21 Chulantha De Silva Credit Suisse 1.20% 19 =22 Chulantha De Silva Credit Suisse 1.27% - =20 Mihir Doshi CLSA 1.21% -
23 Dhaval Desai J.P.Morgan 1.18% - =22 Vishal Purohit IDFC-SSKI 1.27% 25 =20 Monil Bhala Morgan Stanley 1.21% -
24 Tushar Chandra J.P.Morgan 1.16% 29 24 Nilesh Jain Kotak 1.22% - =20 Sang Gupta CLSA 1.21% -
25 Navin Agarwal Motilal Oswal 1.05% 20 25 Tushar Chandra J.P.Morgan 1.15% - =20 Srikanth Ramanathan Macquarie 1.21% -
26 Vasudev Jagannath IIFL 1.03% - =26 Nikhil Gholani IDFC-SSKI 1.07% =14 =20 Vasudev Jagannath IIFL 1.21% -
=27 Smita Das Lehman Brothers 1.00% - =26 Kalpesh Parekh CLSA 1.07% - 27 Priya Ramchandran Edelweiss 1.13% 16
=27 Vishal Purohit IDFC-SSKI 1.00% =30 =28 Rohit Ajerma Kotak 1.02% - =28 Peter Halesworth Credit Suisse 0.97% -
29 Nemkumar IIFL 0.97% =30 =28 Samir Sheth Kotak 1.02% - =28 Sameer Lumba JM Financial 0.97% -
30 V Navin Roy IDFC-SSKI 0.94% 22 30 Shabnam Kapur Motilal Oswal 0.99% - =28 Shabnam Kapur Motilal Oswal 0.97% -
=28 Smita Das Lehman Brothers 0.97% -
=28 Susmit Patodia Edelweiss 0.97% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 27.09% 1 1 CLSA 25.07% 1 1 CLSA 26.77% 1
2 UBS 15.09% 3 2 UBS 17.33% 3 2 UBS 19.57% 2
3 Deutsche Bank 10.86% 2 3 Deutsche Bank 11.77% 2 3 CIMB 9.85% 4
4 J.P.Morgan 9.66% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 11.46% 4 =4 J.P.Morgan 8.84% 6
5 Macquarie 8.34% 10 5 Credit Suisse 9.52% 8 =4 Merrill Lynch 8.84% 5
6 Credit Suisse 7.63% 9 6 Macquarie 6.53% 10 6 Macquarie 6.31% 9
7 Merrill Lynch 6.18% 6 7 Merrill Lynch 6.00% 5 7 Deutsche Bank 6.19% 3
8 CIMB 5.84% 7 8 Citi 4.59% - 8 BNP Paribas 4.80% 10
9 Citi 3.46% 14 9 CIMB 3.97% 9 9 Credit Suisse 3.79% 7
10 BNP Paribas 3.19% 5 10 BNP Paribas 2.38% 6 10 Citi 2.53% -
11 Morgan Stanley 0.63% - 11 Morgan Stanley 0.88% - 11 RBS 1.52% -
12 Mandiri 0.41% 11 12 Goldman Sachs 0.35% =12 12 Goldman Sachs 1.01% -
=13 RBS* 0.38% =17 13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.15% -
=13 UOB Kay Hian 0.38% -
15 Danareksa 0.36% 8
16 Goldman Sachs 0.28% =12
17 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.10% -
=18 Bahana 0.05% =17
=18 DBS Vickers 0.05% 16
20 Kim Eng 0.02% 15

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 35.09% 1 1 CLSA 37.08% 1 1 CLSA 38.64% 1
2 Deutsche Bank 12.82% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 14.88% 2 2 UBS 12.88% 3
3 J.P.Morgan 10.68% 3 3 Credit Suisse 12.79% 6 3 CIMB 12.12% =5
4 Credit Suisse 10.11% 7 4 J.P.Morgan 9.92% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 11.36% 2
5 UBS 9.97% 4 5 UBS 9.14% 4 5 Goldman Sachs 9.85% -
6 CIMB 6.79% 8 =6 CIMB 3.92% =9 6 J.P.Morgan 7.58% =5
7 Macquarie 6.09% 12 =6 Merrill Lynch 3.92% 5 =7 BNP Paribas 3.79% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 3.13% 6 8 Goldman Sachs 3.39% - =7 Macquarie 3.79% -
9 Goldman Sachs 2.47% - 9 Macquarie 2.18% -
10 BNP Paribas 0.95% 5 10 BNP Paribas 1.31% 7
11 Citi 0.76% 9 11 Citi 1.04% -
12 UOB Kay Hian 0.38% - 12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.44% -
13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.32% -
14 Mandiri 0.19% 10
=15 Bahana 0.09% =13
=15 DBS Vickers 0.09% =13
17 Danareksa 0.05% 11

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 24.11% 1 1 CLSA 25.58% 1 1 CLSA 37.04% 2
2 UBS 21.06% 2 2 UBS 19.93% 2 2 UBS 14.81% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 11.09% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 13.95% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 12.96% -
4 Credit Suisse 9.15% 6 4 Credit Suisse 11.30% 6 4 Goldman Sachs 12.04% -
5 Deutsche Bank 7.54% 4 5 Deutsche Bank 8.97% 4 5 BNP Paribas 7.41% 7
6 Macquarie 5.95% 9 6 Merrill Lynch 6.31% 8 =6 CIMB 5.56% -
7 Merrill Lynch 5.60% 10 7 Goldman Sachs 4.32% - =6 Macquarie 5.56% -
8 BNP Paribas 3.33% 8 8 Morgan Stanley 3.32% - 8 Credit Suisse 4.63% =5
9 Danareksa 3.05% 7 =9 BNP Paribas 1.66% 11
10 Goldman Sachs 2.88% - =9 Danareksa 1.66% 7
11 Morgan Stanley 2.22% =16 11 Citi 1.33% 5
12 Citi 1.55% 5 12 Macquarie 1.11% 9
13 CIMB 1.44% 13 13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.55% -
14 DBS Vickers 0.44% 14
15 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.37% -
=16 Mandiri 0.11% 11
=16 Nomura 0.11% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 36.91% 1 1 CLSA 39.34% 1 1 CLSA 38.95% 1
2 BNP Paribas 15.96% 2 2 BNP Paribas 18.48% 2 2 BNP Paribas 28.42% 6
3 Macquarie 10.00% =16 3 Deutsche Bank 9.00% 11 3 UBS 10.53% 7
4 Danareksa 8.97% 3 4 Danareksa 7.11% 3 =4 CIMB 6.32% 3
5 Deutsche Bank 7.06% 13 5 UBS 6.64% 5 =4 Macquarie 6.32% -
6 UBS 5.88% 5 6 J.P.Morgan 6.16% =8 6 J.P.Morgan 5.26% -
7 J.P.Morgan 4.41% 9 7 Macquarie 5.69% - 7 Deutsche Bank 4.21% -
8 CIMB 3.53% 4 8 Credit Suisse 4.74% =8
9 Credit Suisse 2.94% 11 9 CIMB 1.90% -
10 DBS Vickers 2.50% 6 10 DBS Vickers 0.95% 6
11 UOB Kay Hian 0.88% -
12 Mandiri 0.44% 7
13 Kim Eng 0.29% 14
14 Binaartha Parama 0.15% -
15 Indo Premier 0.07% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 34.72% 1 1 CLSA 32.98% 1 1 CLSA 35.29% 1
2 Credit Suisse 15.72% 6 2 Credit Suisse 20.42% 4 2 BNP Paribas 21.18% 8
3 Deutsche Bank 11.84% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 14.66% 2 =3 Credit Suisse 11.76% 5
4 BNP Paribas 9.89% 5 4 BNP Paribas 11.52% =10 =3 UBS 11.76% 2
5 UBS 7.60% 4 5 Merrill Lynch 7.33% 7 5 Deutsche Bank 9.41% 3
6 Merrill Lynch 7.33% 9 =6 J.P.Morgan 5.24% 3 6 J.P.Morgan 5.88% =6
7 J.P.Morgan 5.39% 2 =6 UBS 5.24% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 4.71% -
8 CIMB 2.47% 7 8 Morgan Stanley 2.62% 12
9 Macquarie 2.30% 8
10 Morgan Stanley 1.86% 12
11 Danareksa 0.53% 10
12 Bahana 0.18% -
=13 DBS Vickers 0.09% -
=13 Kim Eng 0.09% 13

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 22.98% 4 1 CLSA 25.18% 4 1 UBS 33.07% 6
2 UBS 16.26% 5 2 UBS 17.72% =5 2 CLSA 21.79% 1
3 Deutsche Bank 13.01% 2 3 Deutsche Bank 17.28% 2 3 Merrill Lynch 14.79% 4
4 Merrill Lynch 11.44% 3 4 Merrill Lynch 12.01% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 14.01% 2
5 J.P.Morgan 9.44% 1 5 BNP Paribas 10.25% =5 5 BNP Paribas 8.56% 12
6 BNP Paribas 8.92% 7 6 J.P.Morgan 8.49% 1 =6 Goldman Sachs 3.89% -
7 Macquarie 8.46% 9 7 Macquarie 5.08% 9 =6 Macquarie 3.89% =9
8 CIMB 3.15% 8 =8 Citi 1.46% 8
9 Citi 2.73% 10 =8 Goldman Sachs 1.46% =14
10 Credit Suisse 1.36% 6 10 Credit Suisse 0.59% 7
11 Goldman Sachs 1.05% =15 11 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.49% =14
12 Morgan Stanley 0.42% =12
13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.35% =15
14 Danareksa 0.21% 11
15 DBS Vickers 0.10% -
=16 Bahana 0.05% =17
=16 Mandiri 0.05% 14

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 32.52% 2 1 CLSA 31.72% 2 1 CLSA 36.16% =3
2 UBS 15.51% 3 2 UBS 14.22% 3 2 UBS 20.75% 2
3 Merrill Lynch 12.99% 4 3 Merrill Lynch 12.72% 4 3 Merrill Lynch 14.78% -
4 Macquarie 11.19% 11 4 J.P.Morgan 11.83% 1 4 Macquarie 9.43% 6
5 J.P.Morgan 10.32% 1 5 Macquarie 11.59% 8 5 Deutsche Bank 8.18% =3
6 Credit Suisse 6.01% 7 6 Credit Suisse 8.24% 7 6 BNP Paribas 6.29% -
7 Deutsche Bank 4.37% 8 7 Deutsche Bank 4.66% 5 7 Cazenove 2.52% -
8 CIMB 3.03% 5 8 BNP Paribas 3.58% 12 8 CIMB 1.89% 5
9 BNP Paribas 2.43% 6 9 Cazenove 1.43% -
10 Cazenove 0.97% -
11 Mandiri 0.24% 10
12 Danareksa 0.18% 9
=13 Bahana 0.12% -
=13 DBS Vickers 0.12% 13

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 21.54% 1 1 CLSA 21.01% 1 1 CLSA 26.64% 1
2 UBS 17.56% 3 2 UBS 17.88% 5 2 UBS 24.45% 2
3 Merrill Lynch 14.60% 7 3 Merrill Lynch 16.32% =10 3 Merrill Lynch 13.14% =7
4 Deutsche Bank 11.16% 6 4 Deutsche Bank 14.24% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 9.49% 6
5 Credit Suisse 10.98% 9 5 Credit Suisse 13.89% =7 5 Credit Suisse 7.30% 5
6 Macquarie 6.94% 13 6 Macquarie 5.90% 13 6 Trimegah 5.84% -
7 J.P.Morgan 5.67% 2 =7 Citi 2.78% =10 =7 BNP Paribas 3.65% -
8 CIMB 2.72% 8 =7 Trimegah 2.78% - =7 Goldman Sachs 3.65% -
=9 Citi 1.93% 12 =9 BNP Paribas 1.74% 6 =7 Macquarie 3.65% -
=9 Trimegah 1.93% - =9 Goldman Sachs 1.74% - 10 CIMB 2.19% =7
11 UOB Kay Hian 1.69% - =9 J.P.Morgan 1.74% 2
=12 BNP Paribas 1.21% 5
=12 Goldman Sachs 1.21% -
14 BOC International 0.48% -
=15 Danareksa 0.12% 4
=15 Kim Eng 0.12% 15
=15 Mandiri 0.12% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 26.71% 2 1 CLSA 25.81% 2 1 CLSA 46.25% 2
2 Macquarie 18.17% 9 2 Macquarie 21.68% =11 2 Deutsche Bank 16.25% 1
3 Deutsche Bank 15.33% 1 3 Deutsche Bank 20.60% 1 =3 BNP Paribas 12.50% -
4 UBS 11.50% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 9.76% =4 =3 Macquarie 12.50% =4
5 J.P.Morgan 9.29% 4 5 BNP Paribas 6.10% 13 =3 UBS 12.50% 3
6 CIMB 5.86% 8 6 UBS 5.08% 3
7 BNP Paribas 4.29% 11 7 Morgan Stanley 4.07% =11
8 Morgan Stanley 2.86% 13 8 CIMB 3.25% 9
9 Credit Suisse 1.93% 6 9 Credit Suisse 2.03% 7
10 Merrill Lynch 1.71% 5 10 Merrill Lynch 1.63% 10
11 UOB Kay Hian 0.86% -
=12 Citi 0.57% 12
=12 DBS Vickers 0.57% 14
=14 Bahana 0.14% 17
=14 Danareksa 0.14% 15
16 Mandiri 0.07% 16

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 60.05% 1 1 CLSA 54.42% 1 1 CLSA 60.00% 1
2 Macquarie 11.07% 3 =2 Credit Suisse 6.98% - =2 J.P.Morgan 20.00% =3
=3 Credit Suisse 4.55% 13 =2 J.P.Morgan 6.98% =5 =2 UBS 20.00% -
=3 J.P.Morgan 4.55% 5 =2 Merrill Lynch 6.98% =7
=3 Merrill Lynch 4.55% 9 =2 Morgan Stanley 6.98% -
=3 Morgan Stanley 4.55% - =2 UBS 6.98% -
=3 UBS 4.55% - 7 CIMB 5.58% -
8 CIMB 3.87% =6 8 DBS Vickers 2.79% =7
9 DBS Vickers 1.82% =10 9 Macquarie 2.33% 4
10 Danareksa 0.45% 12

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Nick Cashmore CLSA 11.70% 7 1 Nick Cashmore CLSA 12.08% 10 1 Nick Cashmore CLSA 10.32% 17
2 Rizal B Prasetijo J.P.Morgan 9.70% 1 2 Rizal B Prasetijo J.P.Morgan 11.33% 1 2 Erwan Teguh CIMB 7.74% 5
3 Heriyanto Irawan Deutsche Bank 6.98% 2 3 Heriyanto Irawan Deutsche Bank 7.42% 2 =3 Ahmad Solihin CLSA 6.88% -
4 Ferry Wong Macquarie 6.12% 4 4 Daisy Suryo Merrill Lynch 7.10% 21 =3 Rizal B Prasetijo J.P.Morgan 6.88% =7
5 Erwan Teguh CIMB 5.47% 8 5 Erwan Teguh CIMB 4.56% 25 5 Ferry Wong Macquarie 6.30% -
6 Daisy Suryo Merrill Lynch 5.37% 25 6 Daniel Oen CLSA 4.50% 13 6 Joshua Tanja UBS 6.02% 6
7 Joshua Tanja UBS 4.87% 6 7 Adam Worthington Macquarie 4.24% - 7 Daniel Oen CLSA 5.73% -
8 Daniel Oen CLSA 4.41% 11 8 Joshua Tanja UBS 4.03% 5 8 Raymond Kosasih Deutsche Bank 5.30% 3
9 Adam Worthington Macquarie 3.53% - 9 Mirza Adityaswara Credit Suisse 3.50% 7 =9 Daisy Suryo Merrill Lynch 4.30% =12
10 Arief Koeswanto Merrill Lynch 3.15% 13 10 Raymond Kosasih Deutsche Bank 3.44% 3 =9 Elvira Tjandrawinata* Danareksa 4.30% -
11 Ahmad Solihin CLSA 3.07% 27 11 Ferry Wong Macquarie 3.39% 4 =9 Johannes Salim UBS 4.30% 16
12 Mirza Adityaswara Credit Suisse 2.93% 9 12 Arief Koeswanto Merrill Lynch 2.97% 11 =9 Swati Chopra CLSA 4.30% -
13 Aditya Srinath J.P.Morgan 2.61% - 13 Johannes Salim UBS 2.86% =30 13 Arief Koeswanto Merrill Lynch 4.01% 4
14 Raymond Kosasih Deutsche Bank 2.55% 3 14 Harry Su Bahana 2.60% =19 14 Yoke Fong Chee Goldman Sachs 3.44% -
15 Johannes Salim UBS 2.13% - =15 Aditya Srinath J.P.Morgan 2.33% - 15 Cherie Khoeng Deutsche Bank 3.01% -
16 Nicolaos Oentung CLSA 2.03% - =15 Arief Wana Credit Suisse 2.33% =19 =16 Aditya Srinath J.P.Morgan 2.87% -
17 Harry Su Bahana 1.92% 24 17 Andreas Bokkenheuser UBS 1.94% - =16 Arief Wana Credit Suisse 2.87% 18
18 Andreas Bokkenheuser UBS 1.87% - 18 Nicolaos Oentung CLSA 1.85% - =16 Patrick Tiah Goldman Sachs 2.87% -
19 Arief Wana Credit Suisse 1.75% 19 =19 Ahmad Solihin CLSA 1.59% =22 =19 Adam Worthington Macquarie 1.43% -
=20 David Fergusson Citi 1.15% - =19 David Fergusson Citi 1.59% - =19 Felicia Tandiyono UBS 1.43% -
=20 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 1.15% =20 =19 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 1.59% =15 =19 Heriyanto Irawan Deutsche Bank 1.43% 1
=20 Rachman Koeswanto Deutsche Bank 1.15% - =19 Rachman Koeswanto Deutsche Bank 1.59% 28 =19 Nicolaos Oentung CLSA 1.43% -
=20 Swati Chopra CLSA 1.15% - =19 Swati Chopra CLSA 1.59% - 23 Harry Su Bahana 1.15% -
24 Ami Tantri J.P.Morgan 1.07% 18 =24 Ella Nusantoro Citi 1.27% =30 =24 Chetan Ahya Morgan Stanley 0.86% -
25 Sarina Lesmina Macquarie 0.97% - =24 Yoke Fong Chee Goldman Sachs 1.27% - =24 Sarina Lesmina Macquarie 0.86% -
=26 Ella Nusantoro Citi 0.92% 16 26 Cherie Khoeng Deutsche Bank 1.11% -
=26 Kim Kwie Sjamsudin BNP Paribas 0.92% 17 =27 Erindra Krisnawan Citi 1.06% - * Elvira Tjandrawinata has left Danareksa
=26 Yoke Fong Chee Goldman Sachs 0.92% - =27 Patrick Tiah Goldman Sachs 1.06% -
29 Cherie Khoeng Deutsche Bank 0.81% - =27 Teddy Oetomo Credit Suisse 1.06% -
=30 Erindra Krisnawan Citi 0.77% - =30 Ami Tantri J.P.Morgan 0.53% 14
=30 Patrick Tiah Goldman Sachs 0.77% - =30 Felicia Tandiyono UBS 0.53% -
=30 Teddy Oetomo Credit Suisse 0.77% - =30 Roger Lum Morgan Stanley 0.53% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Danareksa 55.42% 1 1 Danareksa 54.93% 1 1 Danareksa 71.60% 1
2 Bahana 26.60% 3 2 Bahana 34.03% 3 2 Bahana 17.28% 4
3 Mandiri 14.41% 2 3 Mandiri 8.06% 2 3 Mandiri 7.41% 2
4 Trimegah 3.29% 6 4 Trimegah 2.99% - 4 Trimegah 3.70% -
5 Sucorinvest 0.19% =7
6 Indo Premier 0.10% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 27.10% 1 1 CLSA 25.54% 1 1 CLSA 25.74% 1
2 UBS 14.05% 2 2 UBS 17.54% 3 2 UBS 14.97% 2
3 Credit Suisse 11.62% 4 3 Credit Suisse 13.92% 4 3 Deutsche Bank 11.35% 3
4 Deutsche Bank 9.40% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 8.50% 2 4 CIMB 9.92% 8
5 J.P.Morgan 8.58% 5 5 J.P.Morgan 8.23% 6 5 Credit Suisse 9.76% 4
6 Macquarie 7.67% 11 6 Macquarie 7.31% =13 6 Macquarie 6.73% -
7 CIMB 6.36% 9 7 CIMB 5.54% 12 7 BNP Paribas 6.56% 9
8 BNP Paribas 4.76% 6 8 Merrill Lynch 5.46% 7 8 J.P.Morgan 5.89% -
9 Merrill Lynch 4.20% 8 9 Citi 3.69% =9 9 Merrill Lynch 3.70% 5
10 Citi 2.98% 10 10 BNP Paribas 3.62% 8 10 Citi 3.36% 6
11 Danareksa 1.21% 7 11 Morgan Stanley 0.38% - 11 RBS 1.01% -
12 RBS* 0.56% =21 12 Lehman Brothers* 0.26% - =12 Danareksa 0.50% 7
13 Mandiri 0.51% 16 =12 Morgan Stanley 0.50% -
14 Morgan Stanley 0.30% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
15 Lehman Brothers** 0.19% -
16 Kim Eng 0.14% 19
=17 DBS Vickers 0.11% 13
=17 UOB Kay Hian 0.11% -
=19 Bahana 0.04% 15
=19 Sucorinvest 0.04% =21
=21 Binaartha Parama 0.03% 20
=21 Nomura 0.03% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 32.77% 1 1 CLSA 32.82% 1 1 CLSA 39.30% 1
2 UBS 11.46% 2 2 UBS 12.40% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 10.53% 5
3 Merrill Lynch 9.99% 10 3 Merrill Lynch 10.88% 9 3 UBS 9.47% 2
4 Macquarie 7.44% 6 4 Macquarie 9.73% 5 4 CIMB 7.72% 12
5 Deutsche Bank 7.38% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 8.59% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 7.02% 3
6 Credit Suisse 6.17% 8 6 Credit Suisse 8.21% =7 =6 Credit Suisse 5.26% =6
7 CIMB 5.29% 9 7 CIMB 4.20% 15 =6 Macquarie 5.26% =6
8 BNP Paribas 4.08% 5 8 J.P.Morgan 3.82% 4 8 BNP Paribas 4.21% 4
9 Citi 3.66% - 9 Citi 3.44% - 9 Citi 3.86% -
10 J.P.Morgan 3.04% 4 10 BNP Paribas 2.29% 6 =10 RBS* 2.11% 8
11 Danareksa 2.15% 7 11 Morgan Stanley 1.91% - =10 Danareksa 2.11% 10
12 Morgan Stanley 1.31% 16 12 Kim Eng 0.95% - 12 J.P.Morgan 1.75% 9
=13 DBS Vickers 1.11% 19 13 Goldman Sachs 0.76% - 13 Goldman Sachs 1.40% -
=13 Kim Eng 1.11% 14
15 Mandiri 1.01% 12 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
16 RBS* 0.85% 11
17 Goldman Sachs 0.52% -
18 Bahana 0.36% 13
19 UOB Kay Hian 0.13% -
=20 Binaartha Parama 0.10% =22
=20 Daiwa SMBC 0.10% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 34.11% 1 1 CLSA 32.43% 1 1 CLSA 34.86% 1
2 UBS 12.42% 2 2 UBS 15.82% 2 2 UBS 13.43% 2
3 Credit Suisse 8.82% 9 3 Credit Suisse 11.71% =8 3 CIMB 12.00% =11
4 Deutsche Bank 7.87% 3 4 CIMB 9.09% 15 4 Credit Suisse 7.71% 6
5 CIMB 7.53% 10 5 Deutsche Bank 6.91% 3 5 BNP Paribas 6.29% 7
6 Macquarie 7.01% =5 6 Merrill Lynch 6.29% 6 6 Deutsche Bank 5.14% 3
7 Merrill Lynch 4.89% 7 7 Macquarie 5.51% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 4.57% 4
8 J.P.Morgan 4.76% =5 8 Citi 4.02% - =8 J.P.Morgan 4.29% 9
9 BNP Paribas 4.09% 4 9 J.P.Morgan 3.50% 7 =8 Macquarie 4.29% 5
10 Citi 3.32% - 10 BNP Paribas 1.75% 4 10 Danareksa 3.14% 10
11 Danareksa 1.51% 8 11 Danareksa 1.40% =8 11 RBS* 1.71% 8
12 Mandiri 0.86% 13 12 Morgan Stanley 0.87% - 12 Citi 1.43% -
13 RBS* 0.80% 11 13 Goldman Sachs 0.70% 12 13 Goldman Sachs 1.14% -
14 Morgan Stanley 0.61% 15
15 Goldman Sachs 0.49% 14 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
16 Bahana 0.37% 12
17 DBS Vickers 0.28% 20
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.12% -
=19 Binaartha Parama 0.06% 21
=19 Nomura 0.06% -
21 Kim Eng 0.03% 18

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 36.87% 1 1 CLSA 37.04% 1 1 CLSA 47.20% 1
2 UBS 16.14% 2 2 UBS 17.67% 2 2 UBS 14.19% 2
3 BNP Paribas 8.18% 4 3 BNP Paribas 7.93% 7 3 Credit Suisse 6.82% 6
4 Macquarie 7.01% 10 4 Macquarie 7.25% =14 4 Deutsche Bank 6.41% 3
5 J.P.Morgan 6.55% 3 5 J.P.Morgan 6.68% 4 5 Macquarie 5.46% -
6 Deutsche Bank 5.61% 5 6 Credit Suisse 5.66% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 4.64% 5
7 Credit Suisse 4.81% 6 7 Merrill Lynch 5.44% 6 7 BNP Paribas 3.55% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 4.76% 8 8 Deutsche Bank 4.74% 3 8 Danareksa 3.27% 7
9 Citi 4.06% - 9 Citi 3.17% - 9 CIMB 3.00% 4
10 CIMB 2.02% 7 10 CIMB 1.47% 9 10 Morgan Stanley 1.64% -
11 Danareksa 1.21% 9 11 Danareksa 1.36% 8 =11 Citi 1.36% -
12 Morgan Stanley 0.81% 15 12 Morgan Stanley 1.13% =14 =11 J.P.Morgan 1.36% -
13 DBS Vickers 0.54% 13 13 Goldman Sachs 0.45% - 13 Goldman Sachs 1.09% -
14 Mandiri 0.48% 11
15 Goldman Sachs 0.31% -
16 Nomura 0.29% -
17 BOC International 0.15% -
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.08% -
19 Bahana 0.06% 14
20 Daiwa 0.04% -
21 Kim Eng 0.02% 16

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 34.01% 1 1 CLSA 33.42% 1 1 CLSA 34.08% 1
2 UBS 13.49% 2 2 UBS 15.20% 2 2 UBS 16.78% 2
3 Credit Suisse 8.63% 6 3 Credit Suisse 10.44% 6 3 BNP Paribas 8.39% =7
4 J.P.Morgan 8.22% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 7.77% 4 4 CIMB 8.13% 6
5 Deutsche Bank 6.54% 5 5 Deutsche Bank 6.59% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 7.73% 3
6 Merrill Lynch 5.68% 7 6 Macquarie 6.27% - 6 Merrill Lynch 7.08% 4
7 Macquarie 5.37% 12 7 Merrill Lynch 6.15% 7 7 Credit Suisse 6.03% 9
8 CIMB 5.23% 9 8 CIMB 4.64% 14 8 J.P.Morgan 2.88% 5
9 BNP Paribas 4.80% 4 9 BNP Paribas 4.18% 5 9 Macquarie 2.62% -
10 Citi 2.95% 16 10 Citi 3.13% 15 10 Morgan Stanley 2.36% -
11 DBS Vickers 1.55% 13 11 Morgan Stanley 1.16% 11 11 RBS 1.57% -
12 Morgan Stanley 0.88% 14 12 DBS Vickers 0.58% 12 12 Citi 1.31% -
13 Mandiri 0.67% 11 13 Goldman Sachs 0.46% - 13 Goldman Sachs 1.05% -
14 Danareksa 0.53% 8
15 RBS* 0.49% 17
16 Goldman Sachs 0.33% -
17 Nomura 0.31% -
18 Daiwa 0.20% -
=19 Bahana 0.06% 15
=19 Kim Eng 0.06% 18

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 27.83% 2 1 CLSA 24.06% 2 1 CLSA 29.63% 2
2 Macquarie 22.53% 8 2 Macquarie 20.90% =4 2 Macquarie 14.81% =4
3 CIMB 12.95% 3 3 CIMB 12.39% =4 3 CIMB 11.85% 3
4 UBS 7.18% 4 4 UBS 10.21% =4 4 Deutsche Bank 9.63% 1
5 Credit Suisse 6.80% 6 5 Credit Suisse 9.48% 3 =5 Danareksa 7.41% -
6 Deutsche Bank 5.90% 1 6 Bahana 7.29% =4 =5 J.P.Morgan 7.41% -
7 Bahana 5.26% =10 7 Deutsche Bank 4.74% 1 =5 Merrill Lynch 7.41% =4
8 Merrill Lynch 4.10% 9 =8 Danareksa 3.65% =4 =5 UBS 7.41% 8
=9 Danareksa 2.57% 7 =8 J.P.Morgan 3.65% =4 9 BNP Paribas 4.44% =4
=9 J.P.Morgan 2.57% =10 =8 Merrill Lynch 3.65% =4
11 BNP Paribas 2.18% 5
12 Binaartha Parama 0.13% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Wuddy Warsono CLSA 14.21% 1 1 Wuddy Warsono CLSA 13.79% 2 1 Michael Chambers CLSA 11.69% 3
2 Michael Chambers CLSA 9.86% 2 2 Saerang Imelda UBS 9.71% - 2 Saerang Imelda UBS 10.20% -
3 Saerang Imelda UBS 7.30% - 3 Michael Chambers CLSA 9.46% 1 3 Eugene Chung CLSA 8.29% 4
4 Dharwin Yuwono Credit Suisse 6.92% 7 4 Carl Reading Credit Suisse 9.44% =27 4 Dharwin Yuwono Credit Suisse 7.01% 5
5 Carl Reading Credit Suisse 6.75% - 5 Dharwin Yuwono Credit Suisse 8.44% 8 5 Chris Tedjo CIMB 5.74% -
6 Leonard Ong Deutsche Bank 5.24% 25 6 Francois Gontha Deutsche Bank 4.12% 5 6 Francois Gontha Deutsche Bank 5.42% 2
7 Eugene Chung CLSA 4.86% 4 7 Eugene Chung CLSA 4.07% 3 =7 Benny Setiabrata Merrill Lynch 3.83% =13
8 Francois Gontha Deutsche Bank 3.32% 6 8 Leonard Ong Deutsche Bank 3.61% 30 =7 Sarah-Jane Wagg UBS 3.83% =10
9 Ben Williams J.P.Morgan 3.09% - 9 Chris Tedjo CIMB 3.42% 11 =9 Ben Williams J.P.Morgan 3.19% =22
10 Kartika Sutandi CIMB 2.94% 13 10 Ben Williams J.P.Morgan 3.24% - =9 Kwek Thong How BNP Paribas 3.19% -
11 Sarah-Jane Wagg UBS 2.60% 5 11 Jean-Louis Guillou UBS 2.68% - =9 Leonard Ong Deutsche Bank 3.19% -
12 Chris Tedjo CIMB 2.43% 14 =12 Kartika Sutandi CIMB 2.50% - =9 Michael Lynch CLSA 3.19% -
13 Jean-Louis Guillou UBS 1.91% - =12 Kwek Thong How BNP Paribas 2.50% =13 =9 Stephen Beecroft UBS 3.19% -
14 Kwek Thong How BNP Paribas 1.77% =16 14 Linda Gozali Citi 2.22% =24 14 Wuddy Warsono CLSA 2.76% 6
15 Linda Gozali Citi 1.58% =26 15 Sarah-Jane Wagg UBS 2.13% 7 =15 Jean-Louis Guillou UBS 2.55% -
16 Benny Setiabrata Merrill Lynch 1.48% 15 =16 Michael Lynch CLSA 1.39% - =15 Kartika Sutandi CIMB 2.55% 15
17 Chris Gray Macquarie 1.18% - =16 Norm Waite Lehman Brothers 1.39% - =17 Andres Sitorus BNP Paribas 2.13% -
18 Bernard Thien CIMB 1.12% 3 =16 Stephen Beecroft UBS 1.39% - =17 Herry Dion DBS Vickers 2.13% -
19 Edy Sujoso Danareksa 1.10% =16 =16 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.39% =15 =17 Violet Foo DBS Vickers 2.13% -
20 Yolanda Sondak BNP Paribas 1.07% - 20 Benny Setiabrata Merrill Lynch 1.11% =15 =20 Ann Lim CIMB 1.91% -
=21 Michael Lynch CLSA 0.99% - =21 Adele Yeo Credit Suisse 0.93% - =20 Carl Reading Credit Suisse 1.91% -
=21 Norm Waite Lehman Brothers 0.99% - =21 Andres Sitorus BNP Paribas 0.93% - =20 Samuel Resowijoyo BNP Paribas 1.91% -
=21 Sandra Sondak J.P.Morgan 0.99% - =21 Caleb Woo CLSA 0.93% - =23 Bernard Thien CIMB 1.70% 1
=21 Stephen Beecroft UBS 0.99% - =21 Clifford Kurz CLSA 0.93% - =23 Vincent Houghton Merrill Lynch 1.70% -
=21 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 0.99% =19 =21 Herry Dion DBS Vickers 0.93% - 25 Lanny Kustina RBS 1.28% -
26 Hassan Ukim J.P.Morgan 0.74% 8 =21 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 0.93% - 26 David Sawaruddin Credit Suisse 1.06% -
=27 Adele Yeo Credit Suisse 0.66% - =21 Violet Foo DBS Vickers 0.93% - =27 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 0.85% -
=27 Andres Sitorus BNP Paribas 0.66% - =28 Veronica Kusnadi UBS 0.74% - =27 Swagatam Biswas CLSA 0.85% -
=27 Caleb Woo CLSA 0.66% - =28 Vincent Houghton Merrill Lynch 0.74% - 29 Lokman Lie Mandiri 0.64% -
=27 Clifford Kurz CLSA 0.66% - =30 Bernard Thien CIMB 0.46% 4
=27 Herry Dion DBS Vickers 0.66% - =30 Connie Yan UBS 0.46% =15
=27 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 0.66% - =30 David Sawaruddin Credit Suisse 0.46% -
=27 Lanny Kustina RBS 0.66% - =30 Joon Bae Deutsche Bank 0.46% -
=27 Violet Foo DBS Vickers 0.66% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 25.63% 1 1 Nomura 23.75% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 23.22% 5
2 Goldman Sachs 15.34% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 17.58% 3 2 Nomura 20.45% 1
3 CLSA 11.02% 5 3 CLSA 11.17% 6 3 CLSA 10.90% 4
4 UBS 9.86% 2 4 UBS 9.88% 2 4 UBS 9.39% 2
5 Mitsubishi UFJ 6.43% 11 5 Merrill Lynch 7.52% 9 5 Mitsubishi UFJ 7.38% 10
6 Merrill Lynch 6.09% 12 6 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.88% 14 6 Merrill Lynch 5.70% 9
7 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.15% 4 7 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.23% 4 7 Nikko Citigroup 4.86% 3
8 Nikko Citigroup 4.35% 6 8 Nikko Citigroup 3.64% 5 8 Morgan Stanley 3.77% 6
9 Morgan Stanley 4.26% 7 9 Morgan Stanley 3.12% 7 9 J.P.Morgan 3.35% -
10 Credit Suisse 2.28% 10 10 Credit Suisse 2.94% 10 10 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.19% 7
11 J.P.Morgan 1.99% 14 11 J.P.Morgan 2.47% 11 11 KBC 2.60% =14
12 KBC 1.84% 17 12 KBC 2.41% - 12 Credit Suisse 2.51% 16
13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.61% 13 13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.76% 15 13 HSBC 1.26% 17
14 Deutsche Bank 1.01% 15 14 Pali 1.18% - =14 Mizuho 0.50% =14
15 Pali 0.90% - 15 HSBC 0.88% - =14 Okasan 0.50% -
16 Macquarie 0.69% 8 16 Macquarie 0.82% 8 16 Lehman Brothers* 0.42% -
17 HSBC 0.67% 18 17 Deutsche Bank 0.47% 13
18 Mizuho 0.36% 9 18 Lehman Brothers* 0.29% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Okasan 0.27% =20
20 Lehman Brothers* 0.22% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Tachibana 0.02% =20

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 17.26% 1 1 CLSA 16.60% 6 1 Morgan Stanley 19.76% 1
2 CLSA 16.93% 4 2 Morgan Stanley 14.67% 2 2 CLSA 19.16% 4
3 Morgan Stanley 12.46% 2 3 Nomura 14.29% 1 3 Mitsubishi UFJ 12.57% -
4 Mitsubishi UFJ 9.21% 10 =4 Mitsubishi UFJ 7.34% 10 4 J.P.Morgan 9.58% 5
5 J.P.Morgan 6.97% 7 =4 UBS 7.34% 3 5 Nomura 7.19% 2
6 UBS 6.36% 3 6 Mizuho 5.79% - =6 Lehman Brothers* 5.99% -
7 Mizuho 4.06% - =7 Credit Suisse 3.86% =12 =6 Merrill Lynch 5.99% 8
8 Merrill Lynch 3.79% 8 =7 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.86% - =8 Nikko Citigroup 4.79% 9
9 Nikko Citigroup 3.52% 9 =7 Goldman Sachs 3.86% 5 =8 UBS 4.79% 3
10 Credit Suisse 2.98% 13 =7 J.P.Morgan 3.86% 7 =10 Credit Suisse 2.99% -
11 Goldman Sachs 2.91% 6 =7 Lehman Brothers* 3.86% - =10 Mizuho 2.99% -
12 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.84% 5 =7 Merrill Lynch 3.86% =8 12 KBC 2.40% 10
=13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.71% 14 13 Nikko Citigroup 3.47% =8 13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.80% 6
=13 Lehman Brothers* 2.71% - =14 Deutsche Bank 1.93% =12
=15 Deutsche Bank 1.35% 15 =14 Pali 1.93% -
=15 Pali 1.35% - =16 HSBC 1.54% -
=17 HSBC 1.08% 16 =16 KBC 1.54% 11
=17 KBC 1.08% 11 18 Macquarie 0.39% -
19 Macquarie 0.34% -
20 Tachibana 0.07% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.84% 9 1 CLSA 19.91% 12 1 Mitsubishi UFJ 21.48% 4
2 Morgan Stanley 14.47% 3 2 Morgan Stanley 18.33% 3 2 Goldman Sachs 18.12% 7
3 Goldman Sachs 14.17% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 12.22% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 13.76% 3
4 Nomura 13.56% 1 4 Mitsubishi UFJ 10.86% 7 4 Nomura 12.75% 1
5 Mitsubishi UFJ 12.87% 5 5 Nomura 8.60% 1 5 CLSA 12.08% 9
6 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.94% 7 6 Deutsche Bank 6.79% 11 6 Daiwa Institute of Research 7.38% 13
7 Deutsche Bank 4.72% 11 7 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.52% - 7 Deutsche Bank 6.71% =10
8 Macquarie 4.04% 2 8 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.07% 8 8 Credit Suisse 3.36% -
9 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.05% =13 9 HSBC 3.62% - 9 KBC 2.68% -
10 HSBC 2.44% =13 =10 Credit Suisse 2.26% - 10 UBS 1.68% =10
11 Merrill Lynch 2.13% 8 =10 Merrill Lynch 2.26% 5
=12 Credit Suisse 1.52% =19 =10 Pali 2.26% -
=12 Pali 1.52% - 13 KBC 1.81% -
=14 KBC 1.22% - 14 Macquarie 1.36% 2
=14 UBS 1.22% 10 15 UBS 1.13% 9
16 J.P.Morgan 0.99% 6
17 Nikko Citigroup 0.30% 12

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 22.72% 1 1 Nomura 23.88% 1 =1 CLSA 15.75% =6
2 Daiwa Institute of Research 14.40% 2 2 CLSA 13.43% =6 =1 KBC 15.75% 10
3 Mitsubishi UFJ 12.32% 8 =3 KBC 11.44% - =1 Nomura 15.75% 1
4 CLSA 11.62% 5 =3 Mitsubishi UFJ 11.44% =10 4 Mitsubishi UFJ 14.38% =6
5 KBC 10.23% 7 5 Daiwa Institute of Research 9.95% 2 5 UBS 8.56% 2
6 J.P.Morgan 5.55% 9 6 UBS 7.21% 3 6 Nikko Citigroup 5.48% =6
7 UBS 5.03% 3 =7 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.98% - =7 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.11% 3
=8 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.47% 16 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.98% =6 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.11% 12
=8 Nikko Citigroup 3.47% 6 9 Nikko Citigroup 3.98% 5 =7 Okasan 4.11% -
10 Okasan 2.08% =18 =10 HSBC 2.49% - 10 HSBC 3.42% -
=11 Pali 1.73% - =10 Pali 2.49% - 11 Morgan Stanley 2.74% -
=11 HSBC 1.73% - 12 Morgan Stanley 1.99% - =12 Macquarie 2.05% -
13 Macquarie 1.47% 15 13 Credit Suisse 1.24% - =12 Merrill Lynch 2.05% -
14 Morgan Stanley 1.39% - 14 Macquarie 0.50% 13 14 Credit Suisse 1.71% -
15 Merrill Lynch 1.04% 14
16 Credit Suisse 0.87% -
17 BNP Paribas 0.35% -
=18 Tachibana 0.17% -
=18 Shinko 0.17% 11
=20 Marusan 0.09% -
=20 Goldman Sachs 0.09% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.80% 8 =1 CLSA 12.31% 7 1 CLSA 15.65% 2
2 J.P.Morgan 12.04% 1 =1 J.P.Morgan 12.31% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 14.49% =5
3 Nomura 11.37% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 10.83% =4 3 Mitsubishi UFJ 11.59% -
4 Morgan Stanley 8.53% 6 =4 Merrill Lynch 8.49% 10 4 Morgan Stanley 8.99% 7
=5 Mitsubishi UFJ 6.69% - =4 Mitsubishi UFJ 8.49% - 5 Goldman Sachs 8.70% =5
=5 Merrill Lynch 6.69% 12 6 Nomura 6.58% 3 6 Nomura 6.67% 4
7 Daiwa Institute of Research 6.61% 7 7 Goldman Sachs 6.37% =4 7 Daiwa Institute of Research 6.38% 13
8 Goldman Sachs 5.18% 5 =8 Credit Suisse 4.25% =8 =8 Deutsche Bank 5.80% -
9 Deutsche Bank 4.35% =17 =8 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.25% =8 =8 Merrill Lynch 5.80% 9
10 Mizuho 3.51% 14 =8 Deutsche Bank 4.25% - 10 UBS 4.64% 3
11 Credit Suisse 3.43% 9 =8 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.25% - 11 KBC 3.77% -
12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.34% 13 =8 Mizuho 4.25% 13 =12 Nikko Citigroup 2.90% 1
13 HSBC 3.01% 11 13 HSBC 3.82% 12 =12 HSBC 2.90% 12
14 UBS 2.93% 4 14 KBC 2.76% - 14 Japaninvest 1.74% 14
15 Nikko Citigroup 2.34% 2 =15 Nikko Citigroup 2.12% 1
16 KBC 2.17% - =15 Pali 2.12% -
17 Pali 1.67% - =15 UBS 2.12% 6
18 Japaninvest 1.00% 15 18 Macquarie 0.42% 11
19 Macquarie 0.33% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nikko Citigroup 23.99% 1 1 Nikko Citigroup 28.11% 1 1 Nikko Citigroup 30.65% 1
2 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 10.82% 3 2 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 8.68% 3 2 Daiwa Institute of Research 13.36% 2
3 Nomura 9.82% 4 3 Goldman Sachs 8.30% 12 3 CLSA 9.68% =11
4 Daiwa Institute of Research 9.18% 2 4 Daiwa Institute of Research 7.55% 2 4 Nomura 9.22% =6
5 Goldman Sachs 7.97% 12 5 Credit Suisse 6.60% 7 =5 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 5.07% 3
6 CLSA 7.12% 10 6 CLSA 6.42% =9 =5 J.P.Morgan 5.07% =6
7 Credit Suisse 5.12% 9 =7 Morgan Stanley 4.91% 13 =7 Lehman Brothers* 4.61% -
8 J.P.Morgan 4.56% 6 =7 Nomura 4.91% 5 =7 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.61% -
9 Morgan Stanley 3.70% 8 =9 J.P.Morgan 3.77% 6 =7 UBS 4.61% 4
10 Mitsubishi UFJ 2.99% - =9 Lehman Brothers* 3.77% - 10 Morgan Stanley 3.69% =13
=11 Lehman Brothers* 2.85% - =9 Merrill Lynch 3.77% 4 11 Credit Suisse 3.46% =11
=11 Merrill Lynch 2.85% 5 =9 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.77% - 12 Goldman Sachs 2.76% 9
=11 UBS 2.85% 7 =9 UBS 3.77% 8 13 KBC 1.84% =6
14 Deutsche Bank 1.71% - =14 Deutsche Bank 1.89% - 14 Mizuho 1.38% -
=15 KBC 1.42% 13 =14 Pali 1.89% -
=15 Pali 1.42% - 16 KBC 1.51% =9 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
17 Mizuho 1.14% - 17 Macquarie 0.38% -
18 Macquarie 0.28% 14
19 HSBC 0.21% 11 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 24.40% 1 1 Nomura 20.59% 1 1 Nomura 14.67% 1
2 CLSA 14.82% 7 2 CLSA 13.45% 9 2 Merrill Lynch 14.00% 4
3 Daiwa Institute of Research 8.99% 3 3 UBS 8.40% 2 3 CLSA 12.67% 6
=4 Merrill Lynch 6.99% 8 4 Lehman Brothers* 7.56% - =4 Goldman Sachs 10.00% 10
=4 UBS 6.99% 2 5 Daiwa Institute of Research 7.14% 4 =4 UBS 10.00% 2
6 Lehman Brothers* 6.66% - =6 Nikko Citigroup 6.30% 3 6 Morgan Stanley 8.67% 8
7 Nikko Citigroup 5.08% 4 =6 Goldman Sachs 6.30% 11 =7 Nikko Citigroup 6.67% 5
8 Goldman Sachs 5.00% 10 =6 Merrill Lynch 6.30% =7 =7 Credit Suisse 6.67% =13
9 Morgan Stanley 4.33% 6 9 Morgan Stanley 5.46% 5 =7 Mitsubishi UFJ 6.67% -
10 KBC 3.66% 5 =10 Credit Suisse 4.20% 10 10 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.33% 7
=11 Credit Suisse 3.33% 11 =10 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.20% - 11 KBC 2.67% 3
=11 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.33% 13 =10 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.20% - 12 Japaninvest 2.00% =13
=11 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.33% - 13 KBC 3.36% 6
14 Pali 1.67% - 14 Pali 2.10% -
15 Japaninvest 1.00% 16 15 Macquarie 0.42% =12
16 Macquarie 0.42% =14
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.53% 9 1 Goldman Sachs 16.05% 3 1 Nomura 14.02% 2
2 Goldman Sachs 13.73% 3 =2 Merrill Lynch 12.35% 8 =2 Goldman Sachs 12.17% 4
3 Nomura 12.05% 2 =2 UBS 12.35% 1 =2 UBS 12.17% 1
4 UBS 11.17% 1 4 CLSA 11.11% 9 4 CLSA 11.64% =8
5 Merrill Lynch 9.58% 11 5 Lehman Brothers* 9.88% 7 5 Lehman Brothers* 10.58% =6
6 Lehman Brothers* 7.66% 10 6 Nomura 9.26% 2 6 Morgan Stanley 9.52% 3
7 Morgan Stanley 5.75% 4 7 Morgan Stanley 7.41% 4 7 Daiwa Institute of Research 8.99% 10
8 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.51% 5 8 Macquarie 4.53% - 8 Merrill Lynch 7.94% =8
9 Macquarie 3.59% - =9 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.12% - 9 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.29% -
=10 Nikko Citigroup 3.19% 8 =9 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.12% - 10 Nikko Citigroup 2.65% 12
=10 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.19% 12 =11 Nikko Citigroup 2.06% 10 11 KBC 2.12% -
=10 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.19% - =11 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.06% 6 12 Mizuho 1.59% 15
13 Deutsche Bank 1.92% 6 =11 Pali 2.06% - 13 Credit Suisse 1.32% =6
14 Pali 1.60% - 14 KBC 1.65% -
15 KBC 1.28% - 15 Credit Suisse 1.03% 11 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
16 Mizuho 1.12% =14
17 Credit Suisse 0.80% 7 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
18 J.P.Morgan 0.16% 13

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Goldman Sachs 23.81% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 25.66% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 28.11% 1
2 CLSA 11.38% 10 2 UBS 9.87% 4 2 Nomura 12.67% 2
3 Nomura 10.20% 2 3 Morgan Stanley 9.21% 7 3 UBS 11.98% 5
4 UBS 9.68% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 8.88% 5 4 CLSA 11.06% =6
5 Morgan Stanley 8.11% 6 =5 CLSA 8.22% =9 5 Morgan Stanley 10.60% 8
6 J.P.Morgan 7.06% 5 =5 Credit Suisse 8.22% - 6 Credit Suisse 6.91% -
7 Credit Suisse 6.54% =17 7 Nomura 5.76% 2 7 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.61% =10
8 Merrill Lynch 3.92% 9 8 Merrill Lynch 4.93% =9 8 Mizuho 2.76% =10
9 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.60% 7 =9 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.29% 6 =9 Nikko Citigroup 2.30% 4
10 Nikko Citigroup 2.94% 8 =9 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.29% - =9 J.P.Morgan 2.30% 9
=11 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.62% =11 =9 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.29% - =9 Merrill Lynch 2.30% =6
=11 Mitsubishi UFJ 2.62% =11 12 Nikko Citigroup 2.96% 8 12 KBC 1.84% =14
=13 Lehman Brothers* 1.57% - =13 Lehman Brothers* 1.64% - 13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.38% 3
=13 Mizuho 1.57% =11 =13 Pali 1.64% - 14 Deutsche Bank 1.15% =10
=15 KBC 1.31% =15 15 Deutsche Bank 1.48% 3
=15 Pali 1.31% - 16 KBC 1.32% -
17 Deutsche Bank 1.18% 3 17 Macquarie 0.33% 11
18 Macquarie 0.59% =17
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 55.98% 1 1 CLSA 62.43% 1 1 CLSA 45.53% 1
2 Nomura 9.27% 15 2 KBC 8.99% =4 2 Japaninvest 13.01% 4
3 KBC 8.88% 2 =3 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.29% 2 3 KBC 10.57% 2
=4 Japaninvest 6.18% 7 =3 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 5.29% - 4 Nomura 9.76% -
=4 Mitsubishi UFJ 6.18% - =3 Japaninvest 5.29% - =5 Daiwa Institute of Research 8.13% -
6 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.63% =13 =3 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.29% - =5 Mitsubishi UFJ 8.13% -
7 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.86% 3 =3 Nomura 5.29% 12 7 Goldman Sachs 4.88% 3
8 Goldman Sachs 2.32% 6 8 Deutsche Bank 2.12% =7
9 Deutsche Bank 1.54% =10
10 Macquarie 0.77% =8
=11 Credit Suisse 0.19% =13
=11 Tachibana 0.19% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 David Threadgold Fox-Pitt, Kelton 6.65% =3 =1 David Threadgold Fox-Pitt, Kelton 4.26% 8 =1 Eiichi Katayama Nomura 4.76% -
2 Eiichi Katayama Nomura 3.33% 9 =1 Eiichi Katayama Nomura 4.26% 5 =1 Hajime Kitano J.P.Morgan 4.76% -
3 Paul Wan CLSA 2.85% =19 =3 Hajime Kitano J.P.Morgan 3.04% - =1 Hiroshi Saji Mizuho 4.76% -
=4 Hajime Kitano J.P.Morgan 2.38% - =3 Hiroshi Saji Mizuho 3.04% - =1 Jeanie Chen CLSA 4.76% -
=4 Hiroshi Saji Mizuho 2.38% - =3 Hirosuke Tai Daiwa I.R. 3.04% =10 =1 Rob Feldman Morgan Stanley 4.76% -
=4 Hirosuke Tai Daiwa I.R. 2.38% =14 =3 Jeanie Chen CLSA 3.04% - =1 Shin Horie Goldman Sachs 4.76% =5
=4 Jeanie Chen CLSA 2.38% - =3 Masato Nakagawa Daiwa I.R. 3.04% - =1 Taizo Demura Morgan Stanley 4.76% -
=4 Masato Nakagawa Daiwa I.R. 2.38% - =3 Paul Wan CLSA 3.04% =16 =1 Takaki Nakanishi J.P.Morgan 4.76% -
=4 Rob Feldman Morgan Stanley 2.38% - =3 Rob Feldman Morgan Stanley 3.04% - =9 George Chang Macquarie 3.81% -
=4 Shin Horie Goldman Sachs 2.38% =19 =3 Shin Horie Goldman Sachs 3.04% =16 =9 Katsunori Tanaka Goldman Sachs 3.81% -
=4 Shinji Kakiuchi Morgan Stanley 2.38% - =3 Shinji Kakiuchi Morgan Stanley 3.04% - =9 Takehiro Sato Morgan Stanley 3.81% -
=4 Taizo Demura Morgan Stanley 2.38% - =3 Taizo Demura Morgan Stanley 3.04% - =12 Fumihide Goto UBS 3.17% -
=4 Takaki Nakanishi J.P.Morgan 2.38% - =3 Takaki Nakanishi J.P.Morgan 3.04% - =12 Kathy Matsui Goldman Sachs 3.17% =20
=14 Daisuke Fukushima Nomura 1.90% - =14 George Chang Macquarie 2.43% - =12 Naoki Kamiyama Morgan Stanley 3.17% =5
=14 George Chang Macquarie 1.90% - =14 Katsunori Tanaka Goldman Sachs 2.43% - =12 Ryoichi Urushihara Nomura 3.17% -
=14 Katsunori Tanaka Goldman Sachs 1.90% - =14 Takehiro Sato Morgan Stanley 2.43% - =12 Scott Foster HSBC 3.17% -
=14 Takehiro Sato Morgan Stanley 1.90% - =14 Yoshihiro Hashimoto Merrill Lynch 2.43% - =12 Shoji Hirakawa UBS 3.17% 2
=14 Yoshihiro Hashimoto Merrill Lynch 1.90% - 18 Jolyon Montague CLSA 2.13% - =18 Atsushi Yamaguchi UBS 2.86% =28
19 Jolyon Montague CLSA 1.78% - =19 Eiji Hakomori Daiwa I.R. 2.03% - =18 David Threadgold Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.86% =15
20 Yoji Otani Credit Suisse 1.74% - =19 Fumihide Goto UBS 2.03% - =18 Prem Samtani Morgan Stanley 2.86% -
21 Atsushi Yamaguchi UBS 1.66% 8 =19 Kathy Matsui Goldman Sachs 2.03% =6 =21 Michiko Kakiya Macquarie 2.54% -
=22 Eiji Hakomori Daiwa I.R. 1.58% - =19 Naoki Kamiyama Morgan Stanley 2.03% 14 =21 Yoshihiro Azuma Morgan Stanley 2.54% -
=22 Fumihide Goto UBS 1.58% - =19 Ryoichi Urushihara Nomura 2.03% - =23 Jolyon Montague CLSA 2.38% -
=22 Kathy Matsui Goldman Sachs 1.58% 5 =19 Scott Foster HSBC 2.03% - =23 Kristine Li KBC 2.38% =5
=22 Naoki Kamiyama Morgan Stanley 1.58% 17 =19 Shoji Hirakawa UBS 2.03% 1 =25 Richard Koo Nomura 1.90% -
=22 Ryoichi Urushihara Nomura 1.58% - =19 Tomohiro Araki Nomura 2.03% - =25 Shigeki Okazaki Nomura 1.90% -
=22 Scott Foster HSBC 1.58% - =19 Yoji Otani Credit Suisse 2.03% - =27 Daiki Takayama Goldman Sachs 1.59% -
=22 Shoji Hirakawa UBS 1.58% 1 =19 Yoshido Ando Goldman Sachs 2.03% - =27 Shinichi Ichikawa Credit Suisse 1.59% -
=22 Tomohiro Araki Nomura 1.58% - =19 Yuki Honjo Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.03% - =27 Takahiro Kazahaya Nomura 1.59% -
=22 Yoshido Ando Goldman Sachs 1.58% - 30 Daiki Takayama Goldman Sachs 1.83% =16 =27 Taketo Yamate UBS 1.59% -
=22 Yuki Honjo Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.58% 10 =27 Walter Altherr Lehman Brothers 1.59% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 50.69% 1 1 Nomura 50.39% 1 1 Nomura 52.54% 1
2 Daiwa 33.29% 2 2 Daiwa 33.37% 2 2 Daiwa 29.79% 2
3 Mitsubishi UFJ 8.83% 4 3 Mitsubishi UFJ 9.12% 4 3 Mizuho 9.82% 3
4 Mizuho 7.14% 3 4 Mizuho 7.12% 3 4 Mitsubishi UFJ 7.86% 4
5 Cosmo 0.04% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 21.19% 1 1 Nomura 20.69% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 15.56% 4
2 CLSA 11.74% 5 2 UBS 11.64% 2 2 Nomura 14.57% 2
3 Goldman Sachs 10.82% 3 3 CLSA 10.91% 8 3 UBS 12.98% 1
4 UBS 10.64% 2 4 Goldman Sachs 10.73% 3 4 Merrill Lynch 8.61% 7
5 Daiwa SMBC 6.65% 4 5 Merrill Lynch 7.33% 6 5 CLSA 8.28% 6
6 Merrill Lynch 6.55% 8 6 Credit Suisse 5.82% 11 6 Credit Suisse 7.48% 9
7 Morgan Stanley 5.50% 6 7 Daiwa SMBC 5.60% 7 7 Morgan Stanley 6.42% 5
8 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.83% 14 8 Morgan Stanley 5.47% 5 8 J.P.Morgan 4.70% 16
9 Credit Suisse 4.63% 11 9 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.34% 13 9 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.37% 11
10 J.P.Morgan 3.19% 9 10 J.P.Morgan 3.41% 10 10 HSBC 3.38% -
11 Nikko Citigroup 2.79% 7 11 HSBC 1.94% 17 11 Nikko Citigroup 3.31% 3
12 HSBC 1.77% =16 =12 Nikko Citigroup 1.64% 4 12 Daiwa SMBC 3.18% 10
=13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.69% 15 =12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.64% 18 13 Lehman Brothers* 2.32% 19
=13 Macquarie 1.69% 10 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.51% 16 14 KBC 2.25% =14
15 Deutsche Bank 1.64% 12 15 KBC 1.47% 15 15 Deutsche Bank 1.66% =17
16 Lehman Brothers* 1.20% 19 16 Deutsche Bank 1.42% 12 16 Barclays Capital 0.93% -
17 KBC 1.18% =16 17 Macquarie 1.38% 9
18 Mizuho 1.15% 13 =18 Mizuho 0.86% 14 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Pali 0.68% - =18 Pali 0.86% -
20 Barclays Capital 0.47% - 20 Barclays Capital 0.34% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 17.88% 1 1 Nomura 17.60% 1 1 Nomura 15.20% 4
2 UBS 11.96% 2 2 UBS 10.43% 2 2 Credit Suisse 12.56% 10
3 CLSA 9.67% 5 3 CLSA 9.78% 8 3 CLSA 10.94% 3
4 Credit Suisse 7.90% 8 4 Credit Suisse 8.96% 6 4 UBS 10.74% 1
5 Morgan Stanley 7.29% 6 5 Morgan Stanley 7.74% 9 5 Goldman Sachs 9.22% 2
6 Goldman Sachs 6.85% 4 6 Nikko Citigroup 7.66% 14 6 Morgan Stanley 7.60% 5
7 Nikko Citigroup 6.36% 12 7 Goldman Sachs 7.09% 4 7 Nikko Citigroup 7.09% 9
8 Merrill Lynch 5.34% =10 8 Merrill Lynch 4.89% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 5.07% 7
9 Daiwa SMBC 4.06% 3 9 Lehman Brothers* 3.67% 7 9 Lehman Brothers* 4.56% 12
10 Deutsche Bank 3.13% 16 10 Macquarie 3.10% 5 10 Deutsche Bank 4.26% =16
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.64% =10 11 Mitsubishi UFJ 2.93% 12 11 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.65% 14
12 Macquarie 2.58% 7 =12 Deutsche Bank 2.77% 15 12 Macquarie 3.04% 8
13 Mitsubishi UFJ 2.38% 14 =12 KBC 2.77% - =13 Barclays Capital 2.43% -
=14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.09% 15 14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.44% - =13 KBC 2.43% -
=14 J.P.Morgan 2.09% 13 15 J.P.Morgan 2.28% 13 =15 Daiwa SMBC 0.61% 6
16 KBC 1.97% 17 16 HSBC 1.96% - =15 J.P.Morgan 0.61% 11
17 HSBC 1.51% 19 =17 Daiwa SMBC 1.63% 3
18 Barclays Capital 1.39% - =17 Pali 1.63% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Pali 1.16% - 19 BNP Paribas 0.65% -
20 Instinet 1.04% -
21 BNP Paribas 0.46% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 Mizuho 0.15% 9
23 Tachibana 0.09% 21

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
=1 Nomura 12.85% 2 1 UBS 12.25% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 14.81% 5
=1 UBS 12.85% 1 2 Goldman Sachs 11.65% 3 =2 J.P.Morgan 10.07% 8
3 CLSA 10.25% 3 3 Morgan Stanley 10.53% 9 =2 UBS 10.07% 1
4 Goldman Sachs 10.20% 5 4 CLSA 9.48% 6 4 Merrill Lynch 9.97% 7
5 Merrill Lynch 8.72% 11 5 J.P.Morgan 8.96% 5 5 CLSA 9.78% 2
6 Morgan Stanley 8.37% 8 6 Nomura 8.81% 2 6 Credit Suisse 9.50% 4
7 J.P.Morgan 7.00% 6 7 Merrill Lynch 7.84% 10 7 Morgan Stanley 8.64% 10
8 Credit Suisse 5.47% 7 8 Credit Suisse 7.47% 7 8 Nomura 8.55% 11
9 Nikko Citigroup 5.41% 10 9 Nikko Citigroup 5.53% 11 9 Nikko Citigroup 7.41% 3
10 Daiwa SMBC 4.48% 4 10 Macquarie 3.58% 8 10 Macquarie 2.85% 9
11 Macquarie 3.04% 9 11 KBC 2.54% 18 11 KBC 2.28% 13
12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.97% 15 =12 Daiwa SMBC 2.24% 4 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.90% -
13 KBC 1.86% 17 =12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.24% - =13 Barclays Capital 1.14% -
14 Lehman Brothers* 1.70% 19 =12 Lehman Brothers* 2.24% =16 =13 Daiwa SMBC 1.14% 6
15 HSBC 1.42% 20 15 HSBC 1.79% - =13 Deutsche Bank 1.14% =14
16 Deutsche Bank 1.20% 13 16 Pali 1.49% - 16 Mitsubishi UFJ 0.76% =16
17 Pali 1.09% - 17 Deutsche Bank 0.75% 12
18 Mitsubishi UFJ 0.98% 14 18 Mitsubishi UFJ 0.60% =14 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Barclays Capital 0.66% -
20 Mizuho 0.38% 12 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Tachibana 0.05% 23
22 Okasan 0.03% 18

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 27.87% 1 1 Nomura 25.39% 1 1 Nomura 22.35% 2
2 CLSA 21.17% 2 2 CLSA 23.26% 2 2 CLSA 20.12% 1
3 Merrill Lynch 16.99% 4 3 Merrill Lynch 18.67% 4 3 Merrill Lynch 19.26% 4
4 Nikko Citigroup 4.76% 6 4 UBS 5.27% 3 4 Goldman Sachs 7.36% =8
5 Goldman Sachs 4.30% 7 5 Nikko Citigroup 4.60% 5 5 UBS 6.85% 3
6 UBS 4.26% 3 6 J.P.Morgan 4.15% 6 6 J.P.Morgan 4.28% 6
7 Morgan Stanley 3.46% 9 7 Goldman Sachs 3.48% 7 7 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.94% -
8 J.P.Morgan 3.37% 8 8 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.14% 10 8 Nikko Citigroup 3.60% 5
9 Mitsubishi UFJ 3.16% 10 9 Morgan Stanley 2.35% 9 9 Daiwa 2.74% =8
10 Daiwa 3.14% 5 10 Credit Suisse 2.13% 13 =10 Credit Suisse 2.57% 11
11 Mizuho 1.77% 11 11 KBC 1.74% - =10 Mizuho 2.57% -
12 Credit Suisse 1.69% 13 12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.68% - =10 Morgan Stanley 2.57% 7
13 KBC 1.31% - 13 Daiwa 1.57% 8 13 KBC 1.80% -
14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.27% - 14 Mizuho 1.35% 11
15 Pali 0.84% - 15 Pali 1.12% -
16 Deutsche Bank 0.42% 14 16 Macquarie 0.11% 12
17 Macquarie 0.21% 12

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 26.68% 1 1 Nomura 24.59% 1 1 UBS 21.09% 4
2 UBS 13.75% 2 2 UBS 16.36% 3 2 Nomura 19.93% 1
3 CLSA 10.07% 5 3 CLSA 9.20% 5 3 CLSA 10.28% 3
4 Merrill Lynch 7.92% 9 4 Merrill Lynch 9.02% 7 4 Goldman Sachs 9.29% 2
5 Daiwa 6.01% 4 5 Morgan Stanley 6.67% 13 5 Merrill Lynch 8.22% =6
6 Morgan Stanley 5.73% 13 =6 J.P.Morgan 5.41% 12 6 Morgan Stanley 6.34% 11
7 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.34% 6 =6 Mitsubishi UFJ 5.41% 9 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.47% =13
8 Goldman Sachs 4.85% 3 8 Goldman Sachs 4.81% 2 =7 Lehman Brothers* 4.47% 15
9 J.P.Morgan 4.26% 10 9 Daiwa 3.73% 4 =7 Mitsubishi UFJ 4.47% =6
10 Nikko Citigroup 3.89% 8 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.61% =14 10 KBC 3.49% -
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.80% 16 11 Nikko Citigroup 3.13% 8 11 Daiwa 3.40% 8
12 KBC 2.31% 17 12 KBC 2.95% 16 12 Nikko Citigroup 2.32% 5
=13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.68% 14 13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.80% - 13 Credit Suisse 1.34% 17
=13 Mizuho 1.68% 7 14 Pali 1.20% - 14 Mizuho 0.89% 9
15 Deutsche Bank 1.21% 15 15 Credit Suisse 0.90% 10
16 Pali 0.93% - 16 Mizuho 0.60% 6 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
17 Credit Suisse 0.70% 11 17 Deutsche Bank 0.48% =14
18 Macquarie 0.19% 12 18 Macquarie 0.12% 11
19 Marusan 0.02% =21
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Nomura 20.99% 2 1 Nomura 18.73% 1 1 Nomura 23.73% =4
2 CLSA 14.84% 3 2 CLSA 15.05% 3 2 CLSA 14.12% 1
3 Morgan Stanley 8.29% =12 3 Mitsubishi UFJ 9.36% 10 3 Nikko Citigroup 11.30% 7
4 Mitsubishi UFJ 7.49% 9 4 Morgan Stanley 8.36% - 4 Goldman Sachs 9.04% 6
5 Nikko Citigroup 6.42% =5 5 Nikko Citigroup 8.03% =6 5 Morgan Stanley 8.47% =11
6 KBC 6.15% =12 6 KBC 7.69% - 6 KBC 7.34% =11
=7 Goldman Sachs 5.35% 7 7 Merrill Lynch 6.69% 14 =7 J.P.Morgan 5.65% 14
=7 Merrill Lynch 5.35% 17 =8 Deutsche Bank 4.68% 8 =7 Lehman Brothers* 5.65% -
9 Deutsche Bank 4.81% 10 =8 Goldman Sachs 4.68% 4 =7 Merrill Lynch 5.65% =9
10 Macquarie 4.14% =5 =10 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 3.34% - =10 Macquarie 4.52% =4
11 Lehman Brothers* 3.21% =18 =10 J.P.Morgan 3.34% 9 =10 UBS 4.52% 2
=12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.67% =12 =10 Lehman Brothers* 3.34% -
=12 J.P.Morgan 2.67% 4 =13 Macquarie 2.68% 5 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
14 UBS 2.14% 1 =13 UBS 2.68% 2
=15 Credit Suisse 1.60% 8 15 Knight 1.34% -
=15 Mizuho 1.60% =12
=17 Daiwa SMBC 1.07% 11 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=17 Knight 1.07% -
19 HSBC 0.13% =18

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 James O'Neile Nomura 5.66% 1 1 James O'Neile Nomura 5.50% 2 1 James O'Neile Nomura 4.71% =22
2 Stuart Morrow CLSA 3.90% - 2 Stuart Morrow CLSA 4.76% - 2 Paul Hitchens J.P.Morgan 3.60% -
3 Christian Howes Merrill Lynch 2.60% - 3 Christian Howes Merrill Lynch 2.61% - 3 David Turry HSBC 3.53% -
4 Sean Yeo Nomura 2.52% 5 =4 Jeff Loff Credit Suisse 2.33% - =4 Jeff Loff Credit Suisse 3.46% -
=5 David Turry HSBC 1.99% - =4 Keizo Funato Mitsubishi UFJ 2.33% - =4 Stefan Worrall Credit Suisse 3.46% -
=5 Paul Hitchens J.P.Morgan 1.99% - =4 Stefan Worrall Credit Suisse 2.33% - =4 Stuart Morrow CLSA 3.46% -
=7 Jeff Loff Credit Suisse 1.91% - 7 Jeffrey Wyshynski UBS 2.14% - 7 Shin Asano Nomura 2.91% =24
=7 Keizo Funato Mitsubishi UFJ 1.91% - =8 David Turry HSBC 2.10% - 8 Rupert Middle CLSA 2.63% -
=7 Stefan Worrall Credit Suisse 1.91% - =8 Michael Ostern Lehman Brothers 2.10% =15 9 Michael Ostern Lehman Brothers 2.42% =12
10 Yoichi Morimoto Nomura 1.83% - 10 Sean Yeo Nomura 1.96% =4 =10 Aki Kim Merrill Lynch 2.08% -
11 Jeffrey Wyshynski UBS 1.76% - =11 Gareth R. Lewis UBS 1.86% - =10 Chiyo Aoshima Goldman Sachs 2.08% -
12 Michael Ostern Lehman Brothers 1.72% =20 =11 Paul Hitchens J.P.Morgan 1.86% - =10 Eddie Jones Merrill Lynch 2.08% -
=13 Hikaru Teramoto Nomura 1.61% =20 =11 Yoichi Morimoto Nomura 1.86% - =10 Hikaru Teramoto Nomura 2.08% -
=13 Shin Asano Nomura 1.61% 8 =14 Aki Kim Merrill Lynch 1.40% - =10 Ippei Yoshida Nomura 2.08% =12
15 Gareth R. Lewis UBS 1.53% - =14 Chiyo Aoshima Goldman Sachs 1.40% - =10 James Muir Mitsubishi UFJ 2.08% -
16 Rupert Middle CLSA 1.45% - =14 Eddie Jones Merrill Lynch 1.40% - =10 Jeffrey Wyshynski UBS 2.08% -
17 Martin Pankau Goldman Sachs 1.38% - =14 Hikaru Teramoto Nomura 1.40% =15 =10 John Joyce Goldman Sachs 2.08% -
18 Sara Perring Nikko Citigroup 1.22% 10 =14 Ippei Yoshida Nomura 1.40% =15 =10 Keith Truelove UBS 2.08% 1
=19 Aki Kim Merrill Lynch 1.15% - =14 James Muir Mitsubishi UFJ 1.40% - =10 Keizo Funato Mitsubishi UFJ 2.08% -
=19 Chiyo Aoshima Goldman Sachs 1.15% - =14 Joe Jackson Morgan Stanley 1.40% - =10 Masami Yamada Mitsubishi UFJ 2.08% -
=19 Eddie Jones Merrill Lynch 1.15% - =14 John Joyce Goldman Sachs 1.40% - =10 Tsuyoshi Horota UBS 2.08% =12
=19 Ippei Yoshida Nomura 1.15% =20 =14 Junta Nakai Goldman Sachs 1.40% - =10 Yuetian Lu Mitsubishi UFJ 2.08% -
=19 James Muir Mitsubishi UFJ 1.15% - =14 Keith Truelove UBS 1.40% 1 =10 Yumiko Murakami Goldman Sachs 2.08% -
=19 Joe Jackson Morgan Stanley 1.15% - =14 Maiko Asaka Lehman Brothers 1.40% - 24 Keiko Takeno Morgan Stanley 1.94% -
=19 John Joyce Goldman Sachs 1.15% - =14 Makiko Hashimoto UBS 1.40% - =25 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 1.66% -
=19 Junta Nakai Goldman Sachs 1.15% - =14 Martin Pankau Goldman Sachs 1.40% - =25 Brad Smith CLSA 1.66% -
=19 Keith Truelove UBS 1.15% 2 =14 Masahiko Goto CLSA 1.40% - =25 Matthew Lutter KBC 1.66% -
=19 Maiko Asaka Lehman Brothers 1.15% - =14 Masami Yamada Mitsubishi UFJ 1.40% - =28 Dain Krisulevicz Merrill Lynch 1.38% -
=19 Makiko Hashimoto UBS 1.15% - =14 Matthew Ruddick Mizuho 1.40% - =28 Eduardo Romaneiro Goldman Sachs 1.38% -
=19 Masahiko Goto CLSA 1.15% - =14 Simon Turner Nomura 1.40% - =28 Hitoshi Ikeya HSBC 1.38% -
=19 Masami Yamada Mitsubishi UFJ 1.15% - =14 Stefan Pendert Morgan Stanley 1.40% - =28 Jessica Khine Mitsubishi UFJ 1.38% -
=19 Matthew Ruddick Mizuho 1.15% - =14 Todd Steeves CLSA 1.40% - =28 Maiko Asaka Lehman Brothers 1.38% =27
=19 Simon Turner Nomura 1.15% - =14 Tsuyoshi Horota UBS 1.40% =15 =28 Marcus Okuno Merrill Lynch 1.38% -
=19 Stefan Pendert Morgan Stanley 1.15% - =14 Yuetian Lu Mitsubishi UFJ 1.40% - =28 Sara Perring Nikko Citigroup 1.38% 5
=19 Todd Steeves CLSA 1.15% - =14 Yumiko Murakami Goldman Sachs 1.40% =15 =28 Voon Hsien Lee CLSA 1.38% -
=19 Tsuyoshi Horota UBS 1.15% =20 =28 Yusuke Furusawa Nikko Citigroup 1.38% -
=19 Yuetian Lu Mitsubishi UFJ 1.15% -
=19 Yumiko Murakami Goldman Sachs 1.15% =20

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 23.03% 1 1 Samsung 23.50% 1 1 Samsung 18.04% 1
2 UBS 10.65% 2 2 UBS 11.02% 2 2 UBS 14.66% 2
3 CLSA 8.75% 4 3 CLSA 9.75% 5 3 CLSA 9.17% 5
4 Credit Suisse 6.93% 10 4 Credit Suisse 7.96% 10 4 Credit Suisse 7.66% 11
5 Citi 5.50% 5 5 Macquarie 5.81% 16 5 Morgan Stanley 5.71% 7
6 Woori I&S 5.29% 6 6 J.P.Morgan 5.49% 11 6 Deutsche Bank 5.34% 8
7 Macquarie 5.23% 16 7 Citi 4.84% 4 7 Citi 5.19% 4
8 J.P.Morgan 4.77% 11 8 Woori I&S 4.17% 7 8 Goldman Sachs 5.12% 6
9 Daewoo 4.73% 8 9 Morgan Stanley 3.76% 8 9 Macquarie 5.04% 13
10 Deutsche Bank 3.41% 12 10 Goldman Sachs 3.73% 6 10 J.P.Morgan 4.84% 10
11 Hyundai 3.25% 14 11 Daewoo 3.40% 9 11 Merrill Lynch 4.23% 3
12 Goldman Sachs 3.13% 7 12 Deutsche Bank 3.24% 12 12 Lehman Brothers* 3.53% =17
13 Morgan Stanley 3.05% 9 13 Merrill Lynch 2.47% 3 13 Woori I&S 3.48% 9
14 Merrill Lynch 1.98% 3 14 Hyundai 2.07% 18 14 Hyundai 2.07% 16
15 Mirae Asset 1.94% 15 15 Mirae Asset 1.85% =13 =15 BNP Paribas 1.51% 14
16 Korea Investment & Securities 1.91% 13 16 Lehman Brothers* 1.82% =19 =15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.51% =17
17 Lehman Brothers* 1.48% 22 17 BNP Paribas 1.36% 15 17 Korea Investment & Securities 1.01% 15
18 BNP Paribas 1.11% 17 18 Korea Investment & Securities 1.26% =13 18 Mirae Asset 0.71% -
19 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.88% 21 19 Hana Daetoo 0.82% - =19 Daewoo 0.60% 12
20 Eugene 0.82% - 20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.73% =19 =19 GMSH 0.60% -
21 Hana Daetoo 0.73% - 21 Eugene 0.31% -
22 GMSH 0.41% 23 =22 HSBC 0.24% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 CJIS 0.30% 28 =22 Tong Yang 0.24% -
24 Tong Yang 0.29% - 24 CJIS 0.12% -
25 HSBC 0.18% =25 25 KB Investment & Securities 0.03% -
26 Nomura 0.11% -
27 KB Investment & Securities 0.06% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=28 Daishin 0.04% 24
=28 Meritz 0.04% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 28.90% 1 1 Samsung 29.13% 1 1 Samsung 22.00% 3
2 UBS 12.94% 2 2 UBS 14.39% 3 2 UBS 16.86% 2
3 Credit Suisse 6.56% 9 3 Credit Suisse 7.80% 8 3 Morgan Stanley 10.57% =8
4 Morgan Stanley 5.43% 8 4 Morgan Stanley 6.91% 5 4 Merrill Lynch 9.43% 4
5 Merrill Lynch 5.29% 5 5 Merrill Lynch 6.60% 4 5 Credit Suisse 6.81% 6
6 CLSA 5.09% 7 6 CLSA 4.84% 13 6 Macquarie 6.00% =12
7 J.P.Morgan 3.92% 17 7 J.P.Morgan 4.21% =15 7 Citi 5.71% =12
=8 Citi 3.86% 14 8 Macquarie 3.97% 11 =8 Daewoo 3.43% 7
=8 Macquarie 3.86% 13 9 Citi 3.76% 12 =8 J.P.Morgan 3.43% =8
=8 Woori I&S 3.86% 10 10 Goldman Sachs 3.06% 2 =10 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.86% -
11 Daewoo 3.48% 4 11 Woori I&S 2.85% 9 =10 Goldman Sachs 2.86% 1
12 Goldman Sachs 3.15% 3 12 Hyundai 1.85% 18 12 Woori I&S 2.71% =12
13 Hyundai 2.34% 15 13 CJIS 1.45% 7 13 BNP Paribas 2.29% =12
14 CJIS 2.11% 6 14 Daewoo 1.25% 6 14 Deutsche Bank 2.19% =8
15 Shinyoung 1.55% 18 =15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.20% - 15 Hyundai 1.71% 11
16 Eugene 1.00% - =15 Eugene 1.20% - 16 CLSA 1.14% 5
17 Korea Investment & Securities 0.96% 12 =17 BNP Paribas 0.96% 19
18 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.91% - =17 Shinyoung 0.96% 17
19 Deutsche Bank 0.88% 16 19 Nomura 0.86% -
20 Nomura 0.74% - 20 Mirae Asset 0.70% 10
21 BNP Paribas 0.73% 20 21 Korea Investment & Securities 0.60% 14
22 Mirae Asset 0.71% 11 22 Hana Daetoo 0.40% -
23 GMSH 0.44% 24 23 Tong Yang 0.30% -
24 Hana Daetoo 0.30% - 24 Prudential I&S 0.24% -
25 Tong Yang 0.23% - 25 Deutsche Bank 0.20% =15
=26 KB Investment & Securities 0.18% - 26 GMSH 0.16% -
=26 Prudential I&S 0.18% 23 27 Daishin 0.15% 21
28 Daishin 0.11% 19
=29 Dongbu 0.09% -
=29 HMC 0.09% -
=29 Lehman Brothers* 0.09% 22

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 2 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 22.83% 1 1 Samsung 22.41% 1 1 UBS 23.59% 1
2 UBS 13.71% 2 2 UBS 15.42% 2 2 Samsung 13.07% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 8.14% 8 3 J.P.Morgan 8.79% 10 3 CLSA 8.71% 3
4 Goldman Sachs 7.51% 4 4 Goldman Sachs 8.23% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 8.17% 11
5 CLSA 5.88% 6 5 CLSA 6.40% 7 5 Citi 7.26% 7
6 Daewoo 4.32% 3 6 Macquarie 3.71% 12 6 Morgan Stanley 6.53% 4
7 Citi 4.00% 7 7 Merrill Lynch 3.64% 11 =7 Goldman Sachs 5.44% 5
8 Hyundai 3.54% =12 8 Morgan Stanley 3.62% 5 =7 Merrill Lynch 5.44% =8
9 Morgan Stanley 3.34% 5 9 Hyundai 3.61% 16 9 Credit Suisse 4.72% 12
10 Woori I&S 3.27% 15 10 Citi 3.24% 6 =10 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.63% -
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.93% 9 11 Lehman Brothers* 2.79% 8 =10 Deutsche Bank 3.63% 6
12 Macquarie 2.78% 11 12 Credit Suisse 2.44% 13 =10 Lehman Brothers* 3.63% =8
13 Merrill Lynch 2.70% =12 13 Daewoo 2.43% 3 13 Macquarie 2.90% 13
14 Credit Suisse 2.62% 17 14 KB Investment & Securities 2.04% - 14 Hyundai 2.18% -
15 CJIS 1.91% 14 15 Hana Daetoo 1.93% - 15 Woori I&S 1.09% =14
16 KB Investment & Securities 1.89% - 16 Woori I&S 1.90% 17
17 Hana Daetoo 1.65% - 17 CJIS 1.78% 14 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
18 Deutsche Bank 1.22% 10 18 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.46% -
19 Dongbu 1.11% 18 19 Deutsche Bank 0.78% 9
20 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.08% - =20 Mirae Asset 0.73% 15
21 GMSH 1.02% 28 =20 Tong Yang 0.73% 19
22 Yujin 0.65% - 22 Dongbu 0.62% -
23 Mirae Asset 0.62% 16 23 GMSH 0.47% -
24 Tong Yang 0.54% 26 24 Korea Investment & Securities 0.39% -
25 Korea Investment & Securities 0.29% 21 25 Nomura 0.36% 18
26 Nomura 0.27% 20 26 Daishin 0.09% -
27 Shinyoung 0.11% 24
28 Daishin 0.07% 19 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 3 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 26.59% 1 1 Samsung 27.78% 1 1 Samsung 28.44% 1
2 Hyundai 10.69% 8 2 Goldman Sachs 8.69% =14 2 Goldman Sachs 14.50% =6
3 Daewoo 8.42% 3 3 Hyundai 8.51% 12 3 UBS 13.01% =6
4 Goldman Sachs 6.91% =18 4 Daewoo 8.13% 5 4 Daewoo 7.06% 5
5 UBS 6.23% 6 5 UBS 7.30% 6 5 Macquarie 6.32% 3
6 Macquarie 4.86% 4 6 Macquarie 5.60% 3 6 Merrill Lynch 5.58% =13
7 Daishin 4.30% 13 7 Citi 4.57% 9 =7 Credit Suisse 4.09% =6
8 Citi 4.10% 12 8 Daishin 4.20% =17 =7 Woori I&S 4.09% 4
9 CLSA 4.01% 5 9 CLSA 3.29% 4 =9 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.72% -
10 Woori I&S 3.37% 2 10 J.P.Morgan 3.04% 7 =9 Kiwoom 3.72% -
11 J.P.Morgan 2.49% 10 11 Merrill Lynch 2.40% =20 11 Citi 2.79% -
12 Korea Investment & Securities 2.25% 7 12 Woori I&S 2.32% 2 12 Hyundai 2.23% =6
13 Credit Suisse 2.14% 16 13 Mirae Asset 2.29% 16 13 J.P.Morgan 1.86% =13
14 Mirae Asset 1.93% 14 14 Korea Investment & Securities 2.08% 8 14 Korea Investment & Securities 1.49% 12
15 Kiwoom 1.90% 20 15 Credit Suisse 1.86% 13 15 Morgan Stanley 1.12% -
16 Merrill Lynch 1.78% 22 =16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.60% -
=17 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.19% 28 =16 Kiwoom 1.60% -
=17 Tong Yang 1.19% 21 18 Tong Yang 1.04% 25
19 Dongbu 1.04% 17 19 CJIS 0.85% 11
20 CJIS 0.63% 9 20 Nomura 0.80% -
=21 Nomura 0.59% - 21 GMSH 0.72% 19
=21 GMSH 0.59% 15 22 Dongbu 0.61% =17
23 Shinyoung 0.47% 24 23 HSBC 0.40% -
24 Deutsche Bank 0.43% =18 =24 Deutsche Bank 0.09% =14
25 Morgan Stanley 0.39% - =24 Yujin 0.09% -
26 KB Investment & Securities 0.36% - =24 Hana Daetoo 0.09% -
27 HSBC 0.30% - 27 Morgan Stanley 0.05% 28
28 Kim Eng 0.24% -
29 Hana Daetoo 0.13% -
=30 BNP Paribas 0.12% 11
=30 Eugene 0.12% -
=30 Meritz 0.12% -

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 4 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 23.20% 1 1 Samsung 22.80% 1 1 CLSA 18.18% 2
2 CLSA 13.30% 2 2 CLSA 15.75% 2 2 Samsung 16.64% 1
3 UBS 10.90% 4 3 UBS 12.52% 7 3 Goldman Sachs 14.79% =12
4 Goldman Sachs 6.90% =14 4 Goldman Sachs 8.02% 13 4 UBS 13.41% 7
5 Credit Suisse 6.70% 11 5 Credit Suisse 7.61% 11 5 Credit Suisse 12.02% 9
6 Daewoo 6.00% 12 6 Hyundai 4.34% 19 6 Citi 6.16% =3
7 Hyundai 5.20% 17 7 Daewoo 4.31% 15 7 Macquarie 4.93% =12
8 Citi 3.80% 5 8 Citi 4.22% 3 8 Merrill Lynch 4.62% 5
9 Macquarie 3.60% 13 9 Macquarie 3.67% 14 9 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.08% -
10 Lehman Brothers* 3.10% =14 10 Merrill Lynch 2.57% 5 10 J.P.Morgan 2.47% 8
11 Merrill Lynch 2.10% 6 11 J.P.Morgan 1.69% 8 =11 Deutsche Bank 1.85% 6
12 Woori I&S 1.60% 3 12 Lehman Brothers* 1.49% 12 =11 Hyundai 1.85% -
13 Deutsche Bank 1.50% 9 =13 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.41% -
14 Korea Investment & Securities 1.40% =14 =13 Dongbu 1.41% -
15 J.P.Morgan 1.30% 7 15 Nomura 1.13% -
16 Tong Yang 1.20% 25 16 Tong Yang 1.04% =20
=17 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.10% 19 17 Mirae Asset 0.96% 10
=17 Dongbu 1.10% 18 18 Woori I&S 0.85% 4
=17 Nomura 1.10% - 19 Meritz 0.84% 22
20 Mirae Asset 0.80% 10 20 KB Investment & Securities 0.79% -
21 Meritz 0.70% 26 21 Deutsche Bank 0.71% 9
22 KB Investment & Securities 0.70% - 22 GMSH 0.46% -
23 GMSH 0.50% - 23 Korea Investment & Securities 0.39% =17
=24 BNP Paribas 0.40% 20 =24 HSBC 0.35% -
=24 Eugene 0.40% - =24 Shinyoung 0.35% 16
26 CJIS 0.30% 21 26 CJIS 0.24% =20
27 Hanwha 0.30% - 27 Kiwoom 0.08% -
=28 HSBC 0.30% -
=28 Shinyoung 0.30% 18 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
30 Kiwoom 0.20% =23

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Credit Suisse 12.91% 6 1 Credit Suisse 13.65% 5 1 Morgan Stanley 18.96% 4
2 J.P.Morgan 10.18% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 9.98% 2 2 Credit Suisse 13.63% =8
3 Samsung 10.17% 1 3 Samsung 9.60% 1 3 UBS 13.33% 3
4 Morgan Stanley 7.78% 5 4 Morgan Stanley 9.50% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 9.78% 1
5 Merrill Lynch 7.17% 4 5 Merrill Lynch 8.12% 6 5 Deutsche Bank 6.37% 6
6 Korea Investment & Securities 7.00% 7 6 CLSA 6.88% 11 6 Macquarie 6.07% =8
7 UBS 6.51% 3 7 UBS 6.80% 3 7 Merrill Lynch 5.93% 7
8 CLSA 5.52% 11 8 Deutsche Bank 5.10% 9 8 Citi 5.33% 14
9 Deutsche Bank 4.76% 8 9 Korea Investment & Securities 4.87% 7 9 Goldman Sachs 4.44% 5
10 Citi 3.08% 15 10 Macquarie 2.80% 10 10 CLSA 3.85% 15
11 Macquarie 2.90% 10 11 Citi 2.79% 13 11 Samsung 3.70% 2
12 Goldman Sachs 2.10% 9 12 Goldman Sachs 2.38% 8 12 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.96% -
13 Woori I&S 2.06% 13 13 BNP Paribas 2.14% =17 13 BNP Paribas 2.37% =11
14 KB Investment & Securities 2.04% - 14 KB Investment & Securities 1.92% - 14 Hyundai 1.78% 13
15 Hyundai 2.00% 12 15 Hyundai 1.68% 14 15 Daewoo 1.48% -
16 Kiwoom 1.85% 21 16 Kiwoom 1.67% =20
17 Daewoo 1.84% 14 17 Woori I&S 1.56% 12
18 BNP Paribas 1.62% =16 18 Daishin 1.54% -
19 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.61% 18 19 Lehman Brothers* 1.45% -
20 Daishin 1.17% =25 =20 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.29% -
21 Lehman Brothers* 1.10% - =20 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.29% =17
22 Shinyoung 1.07% =25 22 Hana Daetoo 1.01% -
23 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.97% - 23 Daewoo 0.79% 15
24 Hana Daetoo 0.96% - 24 Mirae Asset 0.54% 16
25 Mirae Asset 0.45% =16 25 HSBC 0.32% -
26 Nomura 0.39% =25 26 Hantu 0.17% -
27 HSBC 0.24% 28 27 CJIS 0.10% 22
28 Hantu 0.13% - 28 KEB 0.08% -
=29 Eugene 0.10% -
=29 HMC 0.10% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=29 Tong Yang 0.10% 24

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 6 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 12.49% 8 1 CLSA 13.19% 8 1 UBS 15.81% 4
2 Samsung 11.54% 1 2 Samsung 12.07% 1 2 Credit Suisse 12.90% 3
3 UBS 10.23% 3 3 UBS 11.48% 4 3 Lehman Brothers* 11.29% -
4 Citi 7.26% 2 4 Credit Suisse 7.17% 3 4 Merrill Lynch 9.03% 5
5 Credit Suisse 7.16% 4 5 Macquarie 6.17% 11 5 Citi 8.39% 2
6 Daewoo 6.20% 6 6 Citi 5.77% 2 6 CLSA 7.42% =11
7 Hyundai 5.47% 15 7 Lehman Brothers* 5.12% - 7 Macquarie 7.10% =11
8 Macquarie 5.39% 7 8 Goldman Sachs 4.69% 12 8 Samsung 6.45% 1
9 Woori I&S 5.30% 5 9 Merrill Lynch 4.45% 7 9 Goldman Sachs 5.32% 10
10 Goldman Sachs 4.28% 11 10 Woori I&S 4.32% 6 10 J.P.Morgan 5.16% -
11 Lehman Brothers* 4.05% 26 11 Hyundai 3.75% 15 11 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.23% -
12 Merrill Lynch 3.33% 9 12 Daewoo 3.60% 5 =12 Deutsche Bank 1.94% =6
13 BNP Paribas 2.66% 14 13 J.P.Morgan 3.33% 9 =12 Hyundai 1.94% -
14 J.P.Morgan 2.49% 10 14 BNP Paribas 3.12% 10 =14 Mirae Asset 1.61% -
15 Mirae Asset 2.34% 17 15 Mirae Asset 2.40% 17 =14 Morgan Stanley 1.61% -
16 Deutsche Bank 1.76% 12 =16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.45% - 16 Woori I&S 0.81% =6
17 Korea Investment & Securities 1.33% 16 =16 Deutsche Bank 1.45% 14
18 Morgan Stanley 1.26% 28 18 Hana Daetoo 0.97% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.09% - 19 Morgan Stanley 0.81% 20
20 Eugene 0.76% - 20 Korea Investment & Securities 0.76% 16
21 Hana Daetoo 0.72% - 21 Eugene 0.72% -
22 Shinyoung 0.54% 18 =22 Dongbu 0.58% -
=23 Dongbu 0.43% - =22 KB Investment & Securities 0.58% -
=23 KB Investment & Securities 0.43% - 24 Shinyoung 0.57% 18
=25 HSBC 0.27% =21 =25 HSBC 0.36% -
=25 Tong Yang 0.27% 24 =25 Tong Yang 0.36% 19
27 CJIS 0.22% 23 27 CJIS 0.29% -
28 Meritz 0.20% - 28 Meritz 0.19% -
29 Nomura 0.18% 13 29 KEB 0.18% -
30 KEB 0.14% - 30 Nomura 0.09% 13

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 7 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 16.35% 1 1 Samsung 14.71% 1 1 UBS 19.60% =3
2 UBS 13.43% 3 2 UBS 13.91% 6 2 CLSA 15.95% 2
3 Macquarie 9.89% 13 3 CLSA 11.53% 2 3 Samsung 10.47% 1
4 CLSA 9.78% 2 4 Macquarie 10.96% 12 4 Goldman Sachs 9.97% 6
5 Goldman Sachs 7.04% 8 5 Goldman Sachs 7.38% 10 5 Macquarie 9.30% =14
6 Credit Suisse 5.22% 9 6 Credit Suisse 6.76% 8 6 Citi 8.31% =9
7 Hyundai 4.54% 14 7 Merrill Lynch 4.39% 3 7 Credit Suisse 6.64% =3
8 Daewoo 4.52% 4 8 Citi 3.97% 14 8 Morgan Stanley 5.32% =14
9 Morgan Stanley 3.88% 15 9 Morgan Stanley 3.88% 15 9 Merrill Lynch 4.98% 5
10 Citi 3.57% 16 10 Deutsche Bank 3.48% 9 10 Deutsche Bank 4.15% =9
11 Deutsche Bank 3.54% 11 11 Hyundai 2.71% 17 11 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.32% -
12 Merrill Lynch 3.36% 5 12 Daewoo 2.57% 4 12 Hyundai 1.99% =12
13 Woori I&S 2.73% 7 13 Woori I&S 1.95% 7
14 Mirae Asset 2.10% 6 14 Mirae Asset 1.76% 5
15 GMSH 1.56% 12 =15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.41% -
16 Nomura 1.50% =20 =15 GMSH 1.41% 13
17 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.29% - =17 Hana Daetoo 1.12% -
18 Hana Daetoo 0.86% - =17 Nomura 1.12% =18
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.75% 27 19 BNP Paribas 0.79% -
=20 Shinyoung 0.64% - =20 Lehman Brothers* 0.70% -
=20 Korea Investment & Securities 0.64% 17 =20 Shinyoung 0.70% -
22 BNP Paribas 0.60% - 22 KB Investment & Securities 0.56% -
=23 KB Investment & Securities 0.43% - 23 Korea Investment & Securities 0.55% =18
=23 Tong Yang 0.43% =20 24 Kiwoom 0.52% -
25 Kiwoom 0.39% 19 =25 HSBC 0.35% -
=26 HSBC 0.27% 26 =25 CJIS 0.35% 16
=26 CJIS 0.27% 18 27 Tong Yang 0.28% -
28 Kyobo 0.21% 25 28 Eugene 0.09% -
29 Eugene 0.07% - 29 Daishin 0.08% -
30 Daishin 0.06% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 8 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 23.38% 1 1 Samsung 24.20% 1 1 Samsung 23.04% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 12.40% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 14.66% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 15.52% 2
3 Credit Suisse 7.76% 4 3 Credit Suisse 7.97% 4 3 Credit Suisse 10.99% 5
4 UBS 6.13% 7 4 Macquarie 6.46% 18 4 Macquarie 9.28% -
5 Woori I&S 6.06% 6 5 UBS 5.89% 9 5 UBS 6.08% 10
6 Macquarie 5.79% 16 6 Goldman Sachs 5.13% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 5.76% 4
7 Hyundai 5.65% 8 7 BNP Paribas 4.61% 13 7 Daiwa Institute of Research 5.12% -
8 BNP Paribas 4.00% 13 8 Woori I&S 4.44% 6 8 Lehman Brothers* 4.80% -
9 Goldman Sachs 3.73% 10 9 Hyundai 3.34% 12 9 Deutsche Bank 4.48% 7
10 Lehman Brothers* 3.46% 12 10 Lehman Brothers* 3.25% 15 10 Hyundai 3.84% 12
11 CLSA 2.94% 15 11 Deutsche Bank 2.95% =10 =11 BNP Paribas 3.20% 14
12 Merrill Lynch 2.82% 5 12 Merrill Lynch 2.83% 5 =11 Goldman Sachs 3.20% =8
13 Deutsche Bank 2.58% 11 13 CLSA 2.80% 14 =13 Citi 1.60% 3
14 Hana Daetoo 2.00% - 14 Hana Daetoo 2.75% - =13 Nomura 1.60% -
15 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.75% - 15 Citi 1.95% 3 15 Woori I&S 0.96% 6
16 Citi 1.64% 3 =16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.50% - 16 CLSA 0.53% 11
17 Daewoo 1.40% 9 =16 Dongbu 1.50% =20
18 Nomura 1.20% 17 =18 Nomura 0.75% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
19 Dongbu 1.15% =23 =18 Tong Yang 0.75% -
20 Korea Investment & Securities 0.74% 21 20 Korea Investment & Securities 0.42% -
21 Tong Yang 0.55% 29 21 Shinyoung 0.40% 19
22 CJIS 0.45% =23 =22 Daewoo 0.38% 8
23 Shinyoung 0.40% 18 =22 HSBC 0.38% -
24 Mirae Asset 0.33% 19 24 Kiwoom 0.34% 16
=25 GMSH 0.27% 25 =25 CJIS 0.17% =20
=25 HSBC 0.27% - =25 Prudential 0.17% 24
27 SK 0.25% -
28 Kiwoom 0.24% 22 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
29 Prudential I&S 0.23% 26
=30 Eugene 0.22% -
=30 Morgan Stanley 0.22% 14

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 9 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 25.33% 1 1 CLSA 29.81% 1 1 CLSA 34.06% 1
2 Samsung 21.78% 2 2 Samsung 20.06% 2 2 UBS 18.58% -
3 UBS 9.38% 7 3 UBS 9.98% 7 3 Macquarie 13.47% 3
4 Macquarie 6.86% 4 4 Credit Suisse 6.95% 3 4 Woori I&S 6.04% -
5 Daewoo 5.41% 5 5 Macquarie 6.56% 4 =5 Credit Suisse 4.64% 7
6 Hyundai 5.37% 10 6 Hyundai 3.90% 13 =5 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.64% -
7 Credit Suisse 5.27% 3 7 Daewoo 3.46% 6 =5 Goldman Sachs 4.64% =5
8 Goldman Sachs 3.89% 9 8 Merrill Lynch 2.78% - =5 Merrill Lynch 4.64% -
9 Woori I&S 3.17% 12 9 Goldman Sachs 2.75% =8 9 Mirae Asset 3.72% -
10 Merrill Lynch 2.11% - 10 Woori I&S 2.59% =11 =10 Deutsche Bank 2.79% 4
11 Hana Daetoo 1.71% - 11 Hana Daetoo 2.25% - =10 Hyundai 2.79% -
=12 Citi 1.51% 6 =12 Citi 1.99% 5
=12 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.51% - =12 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.99% -
14 BNP Paribas 1.40% 13 14 BNP Paribas 1.84% =11
15 Deutsche Bank 1.28% 8 15 Mirae Asset 1.59% 10
16 Mirae Asset 1.21% 11 16 Eugene 0.53% -
17 Yujin 0.91% - 17 Deutsche Bank 0.50% =8
18 Eugene 0.70% - 18 J.P.Morgan 0.25% -
19 Morgan Stanley 0.45% 16 19 CJIS 0.23% -
20 Shinyoung 0.30% -
21 J.P.Morgan 0.19% -
22 CJIS 0.17% -
23 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.08% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Hagju Kim Samsung 9.44% 1 1 Hagju Kim Samsung 8.65% 3 1 Hagju Kim Samsung 4.17% 4
2 JJ Park J.P.Morgan 3.07% 13 2 JJ Park J.P.Morgan 3.06% 11 2 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 4.04% -
3 Scott Seo J.P.Morgan 2.79% 12 3 Scott Seo J.P.Morgan 2.89% 12 3 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 3.91% 5
4 Lawrence Lee Samsung 2.42% - 4 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 2.62% - =4 Michael Bang Macquarie 3.78% =27
5 Shaun Cochran CLSA 2.37% - 5 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 2.16% - =4 SK Shim UBS 3.78% -
6 Dohan Kim Samsung 2.10% - 6 Seok Yun Credit Suisse 2.06% 5 =6 Kelly Kim Morgan Stanley 3.52% -
7 Hanjoon Kim Goldman Sachs 2.03% - 7 Shaun Cochran CLSA 2.03% - =6 Lawrence Lee Samsung 3.52% -
8 SK Shim UBS 1.94% - 8 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.96% - 8 JJ Park J.P.Morgan 3.32% 3
9 Seok Yun Credit Suisse 1.72% 7 9 SK Shim UBS 1.91% - 9 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 3.26% =17
10 Geoff Boyd CLSA 1.71% 16 10 Dohan Kim Samsung 1.84% - 10 Eunsook Kwak Macquarie 3.13% -
11 Young Chang UBS 1.67% 3 11 Young Chang UBS 1.80% 2 11 Heather Lee UBS 3.00% 24
12 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 1.64% - =12 Bryan Song Merrill Lynch 1.76% 26 12 Peter Lee Deutsche Bank 2.93% -
13 Bryan Song Merrill Lynch 1.55% =22 =12 Geoff Boyd CLSA 1.76% =24 13 Henry Kwon Credit Suisse 2.73% -
14 Heather Lee UBS 1.52% =22 14 Josh Bae UBS 1.75% - =14 CW Chung Lehman Brothers 2.60% -
15 Yong-suk Son UBS 1.49% 19 =15 Heather Lee UBS 1.67% =29 =14 Sokje Lee Citi 2.60% 1
16 Josh Bae UBS 1.42% - =15 Kelly Kim Morgan Stanley 1.67% =15 =14 Yong-Suk Son UBS 2.60% 16
17 MS Hwang Credit Suisse 1.40% 8 17 Michael Bang Macquarie 1.57% =21 17 Paul Hwang Goldman Sachs 2.21% -
18 Eunsook Kwak Macquarie 1.36% - 18 Lawrence Lee Samsung 1.56% - =18 Bryan Song Merrill Lynch 1.95% -
=19 Kelly Kim Morgan Stanley 1.27% =25 19 Michelle Cho Lehman Brothers 1.49% - =18 James Kim Lehman Brothers 1.95% -
=19 Sokje Lee Citi 1.27% 2 20 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 1.45% - =18 John Kim Merrill Lynch 1.95% -
21 Cho Ik-jae CJIS 1.23% - 21 Kenneth Whee Goldman Sachs 1.40% =15 =18 Scott Seo J.P.Morgan 1.95% =8
22 Michael Bang Macquarie 1.19% - 22 Sokje Lee Citi 1.34% 1 =18 Sean Kim UBS 1.95% =27
23 Michelle Cho Lehman Brothers 1.13% - 23 Eunsook Kwak Macquarie 1.30% - =18 Young Chang UBS 1.95% 2
24 Peter Gastreich UBS 1.11% - 24 John Kim Merrill Lynch 1.28% =29 =18 Yunice Kim Morgan Stanley 1.95% -
25 Minseok Sinn Credit Suisse 1.10% - =25 Christina Lee Macquarie 1.22% - 25 Rajeev Das Goldman Sachs 1.69% -
26 CG Koo Samsung 1.07% - =25 Peter Lee Deutsche Bank 1.22% - =26 Chan Hwang Morgan Stanley 1.56% -
27 Kenneth Whee Goldman Sachs 1.06% 18 27 Moonwook Heu Samsung 1.04% - =26 Youngah Han Merrill Lynch 1.56% 7
28 Peter Yu BNP Paribas 1.04% - =28 Sean Kim UBS 1.03% - =28 Angela Hong J.P.Morgan 1.30% -
29 John Kim Merrill Lynch 0.98% - =28 Sonia Kim Credit Suisse 1.03% - =28 Bae Ki Dal GMSH 1.30% -
30 Scott Lee Deutsche Bank 0.93% - =28 Sunmok Ha Credit Suisse 1.03% - =28 David Lee CLSA 1.30% -
=28 Geoff Boyd CLSA 1.30% 11
=28 Josh Bae UBS 1.30% -
=28 Michelle Cho Lehman Brothers 1.30% -
=28 Stephanie Han Woori I&S 1.30% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 47.55% 1 1 Samsung 49.53% 1 1 Samsung 46.69% 1
2 Woori I&S 19.90% 2 2 Woori I&S 22.02% 2 2 Woori I&S 21.39% 2
3 Daewoo 10.76% 3 3 Daewoo 10.48% 3 3 Daewoo 10.52% 5
4 Hyundai 9.37% 4 4 Hyundai 6.52% 4 4 Hyundai 7.77% 3
5 Mirae Asset 4.04% 7 5 Mirae Asset 4.24% 7 5 Mirae Asset 5.50% 7
6 Korea Investment & Securities 3.75% 5 6 Korea Investment & Securities 3.47% 5 6 GMSH 3.82% 6
7 GMSH 2.11% 6 7 GMSH 1.97% 6 7 Korea Investment & Securities 3.59% 4
8 Eugene 0.68% - 8 KB Investment & Securities 0.86% -
9 KB Investment & Securities 0.64% - 9 Tong Yang 0.43% -
10 Tong Yang 0.40% =8 10 Hana Daetoo 0.18% -
11 Daishin 0.30% 11 11 CJIS 0.15% -
12 Hana Daetoo 0.29% - 12 Daishin 0.09% -
13 CJIS 0.11% - 13 Eugene 0.06% -
14 Meritz 0.08% -
15 Hanwha 0.02% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 19.02% 1 1 Samsung 19.08% 1 1 UBS 14.79% 5
2 UBS 10.79% 4 2 UBS 12.47% 4 2 Samsung 13.62% 1
3 CLSA 8.54% 2 3 CLSA 9.11% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 8.47% 2
4 Credit Suisse 6.71% 5 4 Credit Suisse 6.75% 6 4 Credit Suisse 7.67% 7
5 Woori I&S 6.50% 7 5 J.P.Morgan 6.46% 12 5 Woori I&S 6.37% 8
6 Hyundai 6.00% 13 6 Woori I&S 6.04% 7 =6 Deutsche Bank 5.98% 6
7 J.P.Morgan 5.40% 14 7 Deutsche Bank 4.58% 8 =6 J.P.Morgan 5.98% 20
8 Daewoo 5.11% 10 8 Hyundai 4.44% 15 8 Citi 5.83% 9
9 Citi 4.54% 9 9 Merrill Lynch 4.18% 2 9 CLSA 5.58% 3
10 Deutsche Bank 4.33% 8 10 Citi 4.17% 9 10 Hyundai 5.49% 10
11 Macquarie 3.97% 12 11 Macquarie 3.97% 13 11 Morgan Stanley 3.62% 11
12 Merrill Lynch 3.83% 3 12 Daewoo 3.60% 10 =12 Daewoo 2.79% 13
13 Morgan Stanley 2.84% 11 13 Morgan Stanley 3.48% 11 =12 Goldman Sachs 2.79% 4
14 Korea Investment & Securities 2.44% 17 14 Goldman Sachs 2.18% 5 14 BNP Paribas 2.64% =17
15 Goldman Sachs 1.74% 6 =15 Korea Investment & Securities 1.88% 18 15 Macquarie 2.40% 14
16 Mirae Asset 1.69% 15 =15 BNP Paribas 1.88% 17 16 Korea Investment & Securities 1.47% 12
17 BNP Paribas 1.66% 19 17 Mirae Asset 1.74% 16 =17 GMSH 1.18% 16
18 Tong Yang 0.85% 30 18 Tong Yang 0.97% 27 =17 HSBC 1.18% 15
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.66% 21 19 HSBC 0.82% =21 19 Mirae Asset 1.08% -
20 GMSH 0.65% 20 20 Lehman Brothers* 0.75% 19 20 Daishin 0.59% -
21 HSBC 0.60% 22 21 GMSH 0.58% 24 21 Daiwa SMBC 0.49% 19
22 Nomura 0.50% 16 22 Daiwa SMBC 0.24% 20
23 Daiwa SMBC 0.45% 18 23 KB Investment & Securities 0.21% -
24 Eugene 0.40% - 24 Eugene 0.16% -
25 Daishin 0.21% 24 =25 Hana Daetoo 0.08% -
26 KB Investment & Securities 0.19% - =25 CJIS 0.08% 23
=27 Meritz 0.13% - 27 Meritz 0.06% -
=27 Hana Daetoo 0.13% - 28 KEB 0.03% -
29 CJIS 0.06% 25
30 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.03% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 19.13% 1 1 Samsung 17.70% 1 1 Samsung 20.53% 2
2 UBS 9.93% 2 2 UBS 11.36% 4 2 UBS 13.25% 5
3 Daewoo 8.03% 6 3 Credit Suisse 9.07% 3 =3 CLSA 7.44% =6
4 Credit Suisse 7.88% 4 4 Daewoo 6.92% 6 =3 Morgan Stanley 7.44% 10
5 Hyundai 6.31% 14 5 CLSA 5.83% 8 5 Hyundai 6.97% =16
6 Woori I&S 6.24% 9 6 Woori I&S 5.78% 9 6 Credit Suisse 6.35% =6
7 CLSA 5.76% 5 7 Hyundai 4.62% 18 7 Woori I&S 6.20% 8
8 Citi 4.38% 13 8 Morgan Stanley 4.52% 10 8 Goldman Sachs 5.42% 3
9 Macquarie 3.53% 11 9 Citi 4.51% 12 9 Daewoo 4.88% 9
10 Morgan Stanley 3.47% 10 10 Macquarie 3.98% 11 10 Citi 4.65% 13
11 Deutsche Bank 3.27% 3 11 Goldman Sachs 3.57% 7 11 Deutsche Bank 4.18% 1
12 Goldman Sachs 2.79% 7 12 BNP Paribas 3.38% 17 12 Macquarie 2.48% 11
13 BNP Paribas 2.75% 19 13 Tong Yang 3.17% =23 =13 Daiwa SMBC 2.32% 18
14 J.P.Morgan 2.39% 15 14 J.P.Morgan 2.88% 14 =13 J.P.Morgan 2.32% 12
15 Tong Yang 2.29% 24 15 Deutsche Bank 2.69% 2 15 Merrill Lynch 2.17% 4
16 Korea Investment & Securities 2.06% 17 16 Mirae Asset 1.37% 13 16 BNP Paribas 1.55% =14
17 Merrill Lynch 1.73% 8 17 Lehman Brothers* 1.36% 16 =17 Korea Investment & Securities 0.77% =16
18 Mirae Asset 1.49% 12 18 HSBC 1.22% - =17 Lehman Brothers* 0.77% =14
19 Daishin 1.06% 21 19 Korea Investment & Securities 1.21% =23 19 Mirae Asset 0.31% -
20 Lehman Brothers* 0.98% 20 20 Merrill Lynch 1.10% 5
21 Daiwa SMBC 0.93% 25 21 Daiwa SMBC 1.08% 20 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 HSBC 0.88% =26 22 Daishin 1.04% -
23 Hana Daetoo 0.69% - 23 Hana Daetoo 0.82% -
24 GMSH 0.49% 23 24 CJIS 0.21% 15
25 CJIS 0.36% 18 25 KB Investment & Securities 0.19% -
26 KB Investment & Securities 0.27% - 26 Nomura 0.14% 19
=27 Eugene 0.21% - 27 Dongbu 0.10% -
=27 SK 0.21% - =28 KEB 0.09% -
29 Meritz 0.12% - =28 Meritz 0.09% -
30 Nomura 0.10% 16
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 19.97% 1 1 Samsung 18.40% 1 1 Samsung 17.00% 1
2 UBS 8.11% 4 2 UBS 9.22% 4 2 UBS 11.97% 3
3 Credit Suisse 7.84% 5 3 Credit Suisse 8.06% 5 3 CLSA 8.22% 8
4 CLSA 7.36% 10 4 CLSA 7.95% 11 4 Credit Suisse 7.93% 7
5 Hyundai 5.78% 16 5 Citi 5.18% 9 5 Morgan Stanley 7.08% 11
6 Daewoo 5.52% 3 6 Morgan Stanley 5.04% 10 6 Deutsche Bank 6.66% 2
7 Woori I&S 5.44% 7 7 Goldman Sachs 4.98% 7 7 Hyundai 6.37% 16
8 Citi 4.95% 9 8 Deutsche Bank 4.87% 2 8 Citi 6.02% 9
9 Deutsche Bank 4.23% 2 9 Woori I&S 4.74% 8 9 Goldman Sachs 5.67% 5
10 Goldman Sachs 3.95% 6 10 Hyundai 4.23% 15 10 Merrill Lynch 5.17% 4
11 Morgan Stanley 3.92% 11 11 Daewoo 4.19% 3 11 Woori I&S 3.82% 6
12 Merrill Lynch 3.50% 8 12 Merrill Lynch 3.56% 6 12 Macquarie 2.97% 14
13 J.P.Morgan 3.47% 13 13 J.P.Morgan 3.30% 12 13 Daewoo 2.76% 10
14 BNP Paribas 2.39% 25 14 Macquarie 3.22% 16 =14 Daiwa SMBC 2.12% =18
15 Macquarie 2.38% 15 15 BNP Paribas 2.72% - =14 Lehman Brothers* 2.12% =12
16 Lehman Brothers* 2.24% 17 16 Lehman Brothers* 2.66% 14 =16 BNP Paribas 1.42% -
17 Mirae Asset 1.98% 12 17 Mirae Asset 1.77% 13 =16 Mirae Asset 1.42% -
18 Korea Investment & Securities 1.12% 14 =18 Daiwa SMBC 1.05% 21 18 J.P.Morgan 0.71% =12
19 Daishin 0.81% =19 =18 Hana Daetoo 1.05% - 19 Kotak 0.57% -
=20 Daiwa SMBC 0.76% 24 =20 Daishin 0.84% -
=20 Hana Daetoo 0.76% - =20 HSBC 0.84% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 HSBC 0.61% =26 22 Tong Yang 0.57% 24
23 GMSH 0.57% 22 23 Prudential I&S 0.49% -
24 Tong Yang 0.52% 28 24 Kotak 0.28% -
25 Prudential I&S 0.51% =26 25 Korea Investment & Securities 0.27% 17
26 CJIS 0.35% =19 26 CJIS 0.21% 18
27 Eugene 0.31% - =27 Dongbu 0.09% -
28 Kotak 0.20% - =27 KEB 0.09% -
29 Dongbu 0.17% - =27 Kiwoom 0.09% 22
=30 KEB 0.06% - 30 Nomura 0.04% 19
=30 Kiwoom 0.06% 23
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 24.25% 1 1 Samsung 24.95% 1 1 Samsung 20.62% 1
2 UBS 12.33% 2 2 UBS 13.26% 2 2 UBS 13.84% 2
3 Citi 10.26% 4 3 CLSA 10.81% 3 3 Citi 12.92% 4
4 CLSA 10.14% 3 4 Citi 10.46% 4 4 CLSA 9.67% 3
5 Credit Suisse 5.48% 7 5 Credit Suisse 5.00% 6 5 Credit Suisse 7.34% 7
6 Woori I&S 5.20% 5 6 Woori I&S 4.76% 5 6 Morgan Stanley 6.14% 10
7 Merrill Lynch 4.28% 9 7 J.P.Morgan 4.12% 16 7 Merrill Lynch 5.68% 8
8 J.P.Morgan 3.72% 16 8 Merrill Lynch 4.00% 9 8 Woori I&S 4.05% 5
9 Daewoo 3.29% 10 9 Macquarie 3.78% 11 9 Macquarie 3.88% =13
10 Hyundai 2.96% 13 10 Morgan Stanley 3.39% 7 10 Deutsche Bank 3.71% 11
11 Macquarie 2.85% 11 11 Goldman Sachs 2.65% 8 =11 Hyundai 3.24% 9
12 Morgan Stanley 2.65% 8 12 Hyundai 1.98% 12 =11 J.P.Morgan 3.24% 18
13 Korea Investment & Securities 2.43% 14 13 Korea Investment & Securities 1.97% 15 =13 Daiwa 1.74% =13
14 Goldman Sachs 2.41% 12 14 Daewoo 1.89% 13 =13 Goldman Sachs 1.74% 6
15 Mirae Asset 1.91% 6 15 Mirae Asset 1.86% 10 =13 Korea Investment & Securities 1.74% 12
16 Deutsche Bank 1.77% 15 16 Deutsche Bank 1.84% 14 16 Mirae Asset 0.46% -
17 Daiwa 0.99% 17 17 Daiwa 1.06% =21
18 Daishin 0.55% 25 18 Daishin 0.48% -
19 Hana Daetoo 0.47% - 19 KB Investment & Securities 0.45% -
20 KB Investment & Securities 0.37% - =20 HSBC 0.28% -
21 Tong Yang 0.33% =27 =20 Tong Yang 0.28% -
22 GMSH 0.30% 19 22 Hana Daetoo 0.19% -
23 CJIS 0.23% 23 23 Nomura 0.17% =19
24 HSBC 0.21% - 24 Lehman Brothers* 0.12% 18
25 Eugene 0.17% - 25 CJIS 0.09% -
26 Nomura 0.15% 18 26 Meritz 0.07% -
27 Prudential I&S 0.10% - =27 KEB 0.03% -
28 Lehman Brothers* 0.09% 21 =27 GMSH 0.03% =21
29 Meritz 0.06% -
30 KEB 0.03% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 18.45% 1 1 Samsung 16.40% 1 1 UBS 13.97% 2
2 UBS 11.46% 3 2 UBS 12.12% 3 2 Samsung 11.69% 1
3 Woori I&S 8.17% 2 3 Woori I&S 8.14% 2 3 Woori I&S 9.84% 5
4 Citi 7.01% 6 4 CLSA 7.33% 4 4 Citi 8.89% 6
5 CLSA 6.79% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 6.86% 8 5 Morgan Stanley 7.75% 9
6 Hyundai 6.34% 8 6 Macquarie 6.74% 14 6 CLSA 7.05% 3
7 J.P.Morgan 5.86% 10 7 Citi 6.71% 7 7 Goldman Sachs 5.97% 4
8 Macquarie 5.36% 14 8 Hyundai 6.07% 11 8 Macquarie 5.65% =16
9 Credit Suisse 3.80% 13 9 Credit Suisse 4.36% 12 9 Merrill Lynch 5.59% 7
10 Goldman Sachs 3.57% 5 10 Goldman Sachs 4.25% 5 10 Hyundai 5.52% 10
11 Merrill Lynch 3.14% 7 11 Morgan Stanley 3.73% 9 11 Deutsche Bank 5.12% 8
12 Morgan Stanley 3.10% 12 12 Merrill Lynch 3.47% 6 12 J.P.Morgan 4.45% 11
13 Deutsche Bank 2.97% 9 13 Deutsche Bank 2.94% 10 13 Lehman Brothers* 2.54% 15
14 Daewoo 2.96% 11 14 Daewoo 1.97% 13 14 Daiwa 1.91% 18
15 Korea Investment & Securities 2.22% 15 15 Korea Investment & Securities 1.87% 15 15 Credit Suisse 1.40% 13
16 Mirae Asset 1.63% 17 16 Mirae Asset 1.55% =18 16 GMSH 1.02% -
17 Lehman Brothers* 1.38% 19 17 Lehman Brothers* 1.43% 17 17 BNP Paribas 0.64% -
18 Daiwa 1.26% 25 18 Daiwa 0.84% 21 =18 Kotak 0.51% -
19 Nomura 0.76% 16 19 KB Investment & Securities 0.71% - =18 Mirae Asset 0.51% -
20 KB Investment & Securities 0.58% - 20 GMSH 0.45% -
21 GMSH 0.45% 24 21 BNP Paribas 0.42% =18 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 CJIS 0.44% 23 22 CJIS 0.36% -
23 Daishin 0.38% 26 23 HSBC 0.28% -
24 BNP Paribas 0.32% 18 24 Nomura 0.25% 16
=25 Dongbu 0.25% =30 25 Kotak 0.22% -
=25 Eugene 0.25% - 26 Tong Yang 0.21% -
27 HSBC 0.21% - 27 Daishin 0.17% 22
=28 Hana Daetoo 0.17% - 28 Shinyoung 0.15% -
=28 Kotak 0.17% -
30 Tong Yang 0.16% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Samsung 19.54% 1 1 Samsung 18.26% 1 1 UBS 19.64% 8
2 Macquarie 8.80% 11 2 UBS 9.74% 4 2 Macquarie 11.20% 17
3 UBS 8.01% 3 3 Macquarie 8.51% 14 3 J.P.Morgan 10.12% =5
4 CLSA 7.09% 8 4 CLSA 8.32% 9 4 Deutsche Bank 7.59% -
5 Woori I&S 6.30% 6 5 J.P.Morgan 6.70% 7 5 Samsung 7.23% 1
6 Hyundai 5.95% =17 6 Woori I&S 6.26% 5 6 Credit Suisse 6.99% =9
7 Eugene 5.29% - 7 Credit Suisse 5.62% 10 7 Daewoo 6.87% 2
8 J.P.Morgan 4.93% 7 8 Hyundai 4.55% =19 8 CLSA 6.51% 7
9 Credit Suisse 4.62% 12 9 Eugene 4.23% - =9 Daiwa 3.61% 16
10 Daewoo 4.54% 4 =10 Lehman Brothers* 2.96% 21 =9 Korea Investment & Securities 3.61% =13
11 Lehman Brothers* 3.63% 22 =10 Morgan Stanley 2.96% 8 =9 Nomura 3.61% -
12 Deutsche Bank 3.33% =15 12 Deutsche Bank 2.88% =15 =12 GMSH 2.89% -
13 Morgan Stanley 2.18% 9 13 Mirae Asset 2.62% 13 =12 Merrill Lynch 2.89% 4
14 Citi 2.02% 2 =14 Daewoo 2.14% 3 =12 Morgan Stanley 2.89% =13
15 Daiwa 2.00% =15 =14 Hana Daetoo 2.14% - =15 Hyundai 2.17% =13
16 Mirae Asset 1.99% 14 16 Citi 2.09% 2 =15 Woori I&S 2.17% =5
17 Korea Investment & Securities 1.94% =20 17 BNP Paribas 1.85% 11
18 Hana Daetoo 1.57% - =18 Daiwa 1.65% =15
19 BNP Paribas 1.36% 10 =18 Korea Investment & Securities 1.65% =19
=20 Merrill Lynch 1.21% 5 =18 Nomura 1.65% -
=20 Nomura 1.21% 25 =21 GMSH 1.32% -
22 GMSH 0.97% - =21 Merrill Lynch 1.32% 6
23 IBK-SG 0.73% - =23 CJIS 0.21% -
24 CJIS 0.39% 24 =23 Kiwoom 0.21% 12
25 Kiwoom 0.21% 13 25 Goldman Sachs 0.19% =15
26 Goldman Sachs 0.14% =17
27 Shinyoung 0.06% 23 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 18 of 19


Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Eric Yun UBS 2.63% 8 1 Elaine Chung UBS 3.18% - 1 David Kim UBS 5.25% -
2 Elaine Chung UBS 2.50% =28 2 Edward Kim Merrill Lynch 2.97% 3 2 Edward Kim Merrill Lynch 4.24% =2
3 Edward Kim Merrill Lynch 2.34% 3 3 David Kim UBS 2.73% - 3 John Lee Deutsche Bank 3.58% -
4 Simon Choi Hyundai 2.26% - 4 Elaine An Samsung 2.29% 7 4 Hoon Sull Samsung 3.34% 5
5 Heather Chang Woori I&S 2.19% 27 5 Eric Yun UBS 2.28% 23 =5 JJ Yim Samsung 2.86% -
6 David Kim UBS 2.15% - 6 Jong Min Kim CLSA 2.24% 5 =5 Jong Min Kim CLSA 2.86% 14
7 JJ Yim Samsung 2.11% - 7 Sam Paik J.P.Morgan 2.09% - =7 Elaine An Samsung 2.58% 7
8 Hoon Sull Samsung 2.07% 5 8 Jay Koo J.P.Morgan 2.00% =21 =7 Sam Paik J.P.Morgan 2.58% -
9 Elaine An Samsung 1.80% 9 9 JJ Yim Samsung 1.94% - 9 Simon Choi Hyundai 2.34% -
10 Jong Min Kim CLSA 1.76% 6 =10 Heather Chang Woori I&S 1.89% 30 =10 Dickson Lam Hyundai 2.29% -
11 Sam Paik J.P.Morgan 1.64% - =10 Michael Kim Credit Suisse 1.89% 11 =10 Taewon Kim Credit Suisse 2.29% -
12 Michael Kim Credit Suisse 1.60% =12 12 John Lee Deutsche Bank 1.86% - 12 Keith Whang Daewoo 2.19% -
13 Jay Koo J.P.Morgan 1.57% 25 13 Simon Choi Hyundai 1.59% - =13 Jason Kim Citi 2.00% -
14 Jiyoung Chung Deutsche Bank 1.56% 1 14 June Lee Hyundai 1.54% - =13 John Lee Woori I&S 2.00% =9
15 Jack Chong CLSA 1.54% 18 15 Jack Chong CLSA 1.52% 16 =15 Bobby Lee Merrill Lynch 1.91% -
16 John Lee Deutsche Bank 1.46% - 16 Chehee Han Morgan Stanley 1.49% - =15 Chehee Han Morgan Stanley 1.91% -
17 Dan Song Nomura 1.41% - 17 Hoon Sull Samsung 1.44% =9 =17 Boyeon Park J.P.Morgan 1.43% -
18 John Lee Woori I&S 1.37% =10 =18 Jane Kim J.P.Morgan 1.39% =18 =17 Connie Yan UBS 1.43% -
19 Hyungjun Kim Samsung 1.36% 4 =18 William Roberts CLSA 1.39% - =17 Elaine Chung UBS 1.43% -
=20 June Lee Hyundai 1.33% - =20 Dan Song Nomura 1.34% - =17 Eric Yun UBS 1.43% -
=20 William Roberts CLSA 1.33% - =20 Sungjoo Han Samsung 1.34% - =17 Eugene Song Daiwa SMBC 1.43% -
22 Ki Tae Lee Samsung 1.27% - 22 Jiyoung Chung Deutsche Bank 1.32% 1 =17 Heather Chang Woori I&S 1.43% -
23 Sungjoo Han Samsung 1.25% - =23 Hyungjun Kim Samsung 1.24% 6 =17 Jay Koo J.P.Morgan 1.43% -
24 Yeon Huh Credit Suisse 1.21% 14 =23 Ki Tae Lee Samsung 1.24% - =17 John Byun Samsung 1.43% -
=25 Chehee Han Morgan Stanley 1.17% - =23 Paul Presler CLSA 1.24% - =17 Martino Lee Korea I&S 1.43% -
=25 Jason Kim Citi 1.17% - =26 Taewon Kim Credit Suisse 1.19% - =17 Mike Lee Credit Suisse 1.43% -
=25 Taewon Kim Credit Suisse 1.17% - =26 Yeon Huh Credit Suisse 1.19% 8 =17 Sam Hahu Samsung 1.43% -
28 Jane Kim J.P.Morgan 1.09% =21 28 Jik-hyeon An Tong Yang 1.16% - =17 Sungjoo Han Samsung 1.43% -
29 Jane Sul Credit Suisse 1.04% - 29 Bobby Lee Merrill Lynch 1.13% - 29 Jiyoung Chung Deutsche Bank 1.24% =2
=30 Brian Kim Woori I&S 1.02% - 30 Connie Yan UBS 1.12% - =30 Allie Eom BNP Paribas 1.14% -
=30 Winnie Chun CLSA 1.02% - =30 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 1.14% -
=30 Charles Lee Macquarie 1.14% -
=30 Dan Song Nomura 1.14% -
=30 Dong Hyun Kim Merrill Lynch 1.14% -
=30 Jay Jeon CLSA 1.14% -
=30 Lawrence Heavey CLSA 1.14% -
=30 Mintae Kim* Daewoo 1.14% -

* Mintae Kim has left Daewoo

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. KOREA: Page 19 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 18.49% 1 1 CIMB 18.51% 2 1 CLSA 19.36% 3
2 CLSA 12.68% 3 2 UBS 12.61% 4 2 UBS 14.87% 4
3 UBS 10.78% 4 3 CLSA 12.46% 3 3 CIMB 14.62% 1
4 Credit Suisse 9.79% 2 4 Credit Suisse 11.52% 1 4 Credit Suisse 13.30% 2
5 Aseambankers 6.93% =11 5 Macquarie 9.05% =9 5 Merrill Lynch 9.39% =9
6 Macquarie 6.36% 9 6 Deutsche Bank 6.40% 5 6 Macquarie 6.85% 8
7 RHB 6.06% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 5.48% =9 7 J.P.Morgan 4.69% -
8 Deutsche Bank 5.38% 6 8 RHB 5.01% 7 8 Citi 4.40% 6
9 J.P.Morgan 4.27% 8 9 Aseambankers 4.36% 12 9 Aseambankers 3.67% -
10 Merrill Lynch 3.56% =11 10 J.P.Morgan 3.58% 8 10 AmResearch 2.93% -
11 BNP Paribas 3.43% 13 11 BNP Paribas 3.11% =13 11 Goldman Sachs 1.96% -
12 AmResearch 2.95% 14 12 AmResearch 2.24% =13 12 BNP Paribas 1.76% =9
13 Citi 2.92% 7 13 Citi 2.11% 6 13 OSK 1.22% 15
14 OSK 1.58% 15 14 OSK 1.48% 18 14 DBS Vickers 0.98% -
15 DBS Vickers 1.42% 18 15 Goldman Sachs 0.81% -
16 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 1.09% 10 16 Nomura 0.64% 16
17 Affin 0.80% 19 17 DBS Vickers 0.40% 17
18 Goldman Sachs 0.69% - 18 Affin 0.20% -
19 Nomura 0.43% 16 19 Kim Eng 0.03% -
20 MIMB 0.15% -
21 Kim Eng 0.11% 21
22 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.10% -
23 Alliance 0.01% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 19.83% 1 1 CIMB 21.98% 2 1 Merrill Lynch 19.73% =8
2 CLSA 11.59% 3 2 Merrill Lynch 11.71% 13 2 CLSA 19.18% 2
3 Aseambankers 10.33% 10 3 CLSA 11.57% 3 3 CIMB 18.90% 3
4 Merrill Lynch 8.00% 12 4 Macquarie 10.00% - 4 Macquarie 10.96% -
5 Credit Suisse 7.57% 2 5 Credit Suisse 8.37% 1 5 Aseambankers 8.49% =8
6 UBS 7.07% 4 6 Aseambankers 7.73% 9 6 Credit Suisse 7.67% 1
7 Macquarie 6.79% =21 7 UBS 6.32% 7 7 UBS 6.71% 4
8 RHB 4.87% 6 8 RHB 5.41% 6 =8 Citi 2.74% 5
9 Deutsche Bank 4.09% 7 9 Deutsche Bank 5.23% 5 =8 Goldman Sachs 2.74% -
10 J.P.Morgan 3.51% 8 10 J.P.Morgan 3.64% 10 10 J.P.Morgan 2.19% -
11 BNP Paribas 2.94% 9 11 BNP Paribas 3.14% 8 11 OSK 0.68% -
12 Citi 2.89% 5 =12 Citi 1.05% 4
13 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 2.88% 13 =12 Goldman Sachs 1.05% 12
14 AmResearch 2.10% =19 14 AmResearch 0.87% -
15 DBS Vickers 1.19% 17 =15 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.84% 15
16 Affin 1.17% 15 =15 Kim Eng 0.84% -
17 Goldman Sachs 0.90% 14 17 OSK 0.26% -
18 HLG 0.86% -
=19 Kim Eng 0.51% =19
=19 OSK 0.51% =21
21 MIMB 0.19% -
=22 Nomura 0.08% 16
=22 UOB Kay Hian 0.08% 11
24 Alliance 0.05% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 19.61% 2 1 CIMB 21.33% 2 1 CLSA 24.35% 5
2 RHB 17.29% 1 2 Aseambankers 13.77% 7 2 CIMB 21.96% 2
3 Aseambankers 14.06% 7 3 RHB 13.31% 1 3 Merrill Lynch 13.28% =8
4 CLSA 10.48% 4 4 CLSA 9.63% 3 4 Citi 7.38% 11
5 UBS 9.17% 3 5 UBS 8.00% 4 5 Aseambankers 6.27% =6
6 J.P.Morgan 6.47% 8 6 J.P.Morgan 6.97% 8 6 Credit Suisse 5.90% 3
7 Credit Suisse 4.48% 6 7 Credit Suisse 5.79% 5 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.43% =6
8 Macquarie 3.44% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 4.65% 9 =7 UBS 4.43% 4
9 Citi 3.16% 5 9 Macquarie 4.47% 11 =9 BNP Paribas 3.69% =8
10 Merrill Lynch 2.71% 9 10 Citi 3.87% 6 =9 Goldman Sachs 3.69% -
11 BNP Paribas 2.41% 13 11 BNP Paribas 3.36% =12 =9 Macquarie 3.69% -
12 DBS Vickers 2.07% 12 12 Morgan Stanley 2.58% =12 12 DBS Vickers 0.92% -
13 Morgan Stanley 1.50% =14 13 Goldman Sachs 1.29% -
14 AmResearch 0.92% 17 14 AmResearch 0.65% 15
15 Goldman Sachs 0.75% 19 15 DBS Vickers 0.32% -
16 Affin 0.58% 20
17 Deutsche Bank 0.45% 11
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.18% =14
19 OSK 0.15% 22
20 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.11% -
21 Alliance 0.02% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 OSK 21.53% 2 1 OSK 21.42% 3 1 CLSA 27.53% 5
2 CIMB 13.87% 1 2 CLSA 13.98% 7 2 CIMB 24.47% 1
3 CLSA 11.73% 5 3 CIMB 10.04% 1 3 Merrill Lynch 12.24% 3
4 BNP Paribas 7.09% 11 =4 BNP Paribas 9.43% 11 4 BNP Paribas 11.47% 6
5 Aseambankers 6.51% 4 =4 Merrill Lynch 9.43% 5 5 OSK 6.50% =8
6 Merrill Lynch 5.47% 6 6 Aseambankers 6.47% 4 =6 Aseambankers 3.82% -
7 AmResearch 4.69% 10 7 J.P.Morgan 3.90% 8 =6 Credit Suisse 3.82% 2
8 UBS 4.64% 17 8 ECM Libra 3.79% - =6 Macquarie 3.82% -
9 Affin 4.36% 15 9 DBS Vickers 3.41% 15 9 J.P.Morgan 3.06% -
10 DBS Vickers 3.63% 9 10 RHB 3.14% 9 10 UBS 2.29% =8
11 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 2.86% 12 11 UBS 2.60% - 11 DBS Vickers 0.96% -
12 Deutsche Bank 2.67% 16 12 Affin 2.44% 16
13 RHB 2.60% 8 13 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 2.38% 13
14 J.P.Morgan 2.23% 13 14 AmResearch 2.00% 10
15 ECM Libra 2.16% 20 15 Credit Suisse 1.76% 2
16 Credit Suisse 1.47% 3 =16 Deutsche Bank 1.63% 12
17 MIMB 1.11% - =16 Macquarie 1.63% -
18 Macquarie 0.93% =21 18 Kim Eng 0.54% -
19 Kim Eng 0.31% 19
20 TA 0.09% =21
21 HLG 0.05% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 15.26% 3 1 UBS 16.25% 2 1 CLSA 18.86% =3
2 CIMB 10.93% 2 2 CIMB 11.79% 4 2 Citi 14.89% 5
3 RHB 9.41% =9 3 Macquarie 10.17% 8 =3 Macquarie 12.90% -
4 Macquarie 9.34% 7 4 Deutsche Bank 9.79% 5 =3 Merrill Lynch 12.90% -
5 Credit Suisse 8.52% 1 5 Citi 8.90% 3 5 CIMB 12.41% =3
6 Citi 7.25% 4 6 CLSA 8.39% 7 6 UBS 9.93% 6
7 CLSA 7.13% 6 7 RHB 8.17% 9 7 Credit Suisse 7.94% 1
8 Deutsche Bank 6.49% 5 8 Credit Suisse 7.65% 1 8 BNP Paribas 4.96% 7
9 J.P.Morgan 6.06% =9 9 Merrill Lynch 7.12% 12 9 J.P.Morgan 3.97% -
10 Merrill Lynch 5.10% 14 10 J.P.Morgan 6.10% 10 10 DBS Vickers 1.24% -
11 DBS Vickers 3.68% 21 11 BNP Paribas 2.54% 6
12 BNP Paribas 2.57% 8 12 Aseambankers 1.38% 16
13 AmResearch 2.48% 17 13 DBS Vickers 0.64% -
14 Aseambankers 2.30% 13 14 Affin 0.51% -
15 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 1.76% 11 =15 AmResearch 0.21% =17
16 Affin 0.64% =23 =15 OSK 0.21% 19
17 Morgan Stanley 0.48% 16 17 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.20% 13
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.21% =23
19 Kim Eng 0.16% 15
20 OSK 0.13% 18
21 Nomura 0.08% 19

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 15.29% 1 1 CIMB 16.10% 3 1 UBS 19.62% 5
2 CLSA 9.95% 2 2 CLSA 12.50% 4 2 Macquarie 17.44% -
3 UBS 7.41% 6 3 UBS 9.70% =10 3 CLSA 15.26% 3
4 Credit Suisse 7.18% 3 4 Credit Suisse 9.36% 1 4 CIMB 13.62% 2
5 AmResearch 7.03% 10 5 Merrill Lynch 7.46% =13 =5 BNP Paribas 10.90% 4
6 BNP Paribas 6.53% 7 6 DBS Vickers 7.18% =19 =5 Citi 10.90% -
7 Macquarie 6.50% 13 7 BNP Paribas 7.09% 5 =7 AmResearch 5.45% -
8 OSK 6.13% 12 8 J.P.Morgan 6.84% 2 =7 Credit Suisse 5.45% 1
9 DBS Vickers 4.41% 17 9 Macquarie 4.97% 9 9 DBS Vickers 1.36% -
10 RHB 4.39% 5 10 Citi 4.03% 6
11 Merrill Lynch 4.36% 19 11 AmResearch 4.02% 15
12 J.P.Morgan 4.27% 4 12 Aseambankers 2.41% 8
13 Aseambankers 3.94% 8 13 RHB 2.18% 7
14 Citi 3.88% 9 14 Affin 1.96% -
15 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 3.30% 14 =15 Deutsche Bank 1.49% =10
16 Affin 2.72% 20 =15 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 1.49% -
17 MIMB 0.98% - 17 OSK 1.23% 17
18 Deutsche Bank 0.87% =15
=19 Goldman Sachs 0.44% =15
=19 Kim Eng 0.44% 18

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 27.13% 1 1 CIMB 25.70% 1 1 CIMB 30.09% 2
2 CLSA 13.41% 3 2 CLSA 12.33% 5 2 CLSA 29.50% 4
3 Credit Suisse 8.45% 2 3 Deutsche Bank 9.93% 3 3 UBS 21.24% =5
4 Macquarie 6.75% 9 4 Macquarie 9.60% 7 4 Macquarie 11.80% -
5 Deutsche Bank 6.49% 5 5 Credit Suisse 9.38% 2 5 BNP Paribas 5.90% =5
6 UBS 6.09% 7 6 UBS 7.61% =11 6 DBS Vickers 1.47% -
7 Aseambankers 4.54% 11 7 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 5.49% 16
8 BNP Paribas 4.38% 13 8 BNP Paribas 4.96% 8
9 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 4.18% 14 9 Aseambankers 2.76% 10
10 Affin 3.09% 17 10 Citi 2.65% 4
11 Citi 3.04% 6 11 RHB 2.20% 9
12 RHB 2.79% 4 12 Affin 1.74% 18
13 J.P.Morgan 2.24% 8 13 Merrill Lynch 1.65% =11
14 AmResearch 2.04% 10 =14 J.P.Morgan 1.32% 6
15 Merrill Lynch 1.69% 12 =14 Nomura 1.32% =13
16 DBS Vickers 1.47% 21 16 AmResearch 0.68% =13
17 OSK 1.32% 15 17 DBS Vickers 0.41% -
18 Nomura 0.91% 18 18 OSK 0.26% 17

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 26.04% 1 1 CIMB 26.05% 2 1 CLSA 33.44% 3
2 Credit Suisse 17.44% 2 2 Credit Suisse 22.61% 1 2 CIMB 20.74% 2
3 CLSA 11.88% =4 3 CLSA 13.21% 8 =3 Credit Suisse 13.38% 1
4 Aseambankers 7.77% 6 =4 BNP Paribas 4.64% 13 =3 Macquarie 13.38% -
5 Affin 4.72% 15 =4 Deutsche Bank 4.64% 3 5 UBS 10.70% 5
6 J.P.Morgan 4.50% 10 =4 UBS 4.64% 9 6 BNP Paribas 6.69% =6
7 UBS 4.08% =4 7 J.P.Morgan 4.52% 5 7 DBS Vickers 1.67% -
8 AmResearch 4.01% 8 8 Aseambankers 3.97% 12
9 RHB 3.65% 3 =9 Macquarie 3.57% 16
10 Macquarie 3.25% 17 =9 Merrill Lynch 3.57% 11
=11 BNP Paribas 2.97% 14 11 RHB 3.02% 6
=11 Deutsche Bank 2.97% 7 12 Affin 2.23% 18
13 Merrill Lynch 2.12% 11 13 AmResearch 1.45% 4
14 Citi 1.75% 9 14 Nomura 1.43% 10
15 DBS Vickers 0.90% 18 15 DBS Vickers 0.45% -
16 Nomura 0.85% 12
17 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.64% 20
18 HLG 0.32% -
19 OSK 0.16% 19

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 21.89% 1 1 CIMB 25.54% 2 1 CLSA 22.67% 3
2 Credit Suisse 10.11% 2 2 Credit Suisse 9.63% 1 2 CIMB 20.24% 2
3 AmResearch 7.76% 8 3 Macquarie 8.65% 9 =3 BNP Paribas 16.19% =8
4 RHB 5.97% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 8.49% 5 =3 Macquarie 16.19% -
5 Macquarie 5.92% 9 5 BNP Paribas 6.92% 10 5 Merrill Lynch 12.96% -
6 CLSA 5.44% 4 6 RHB 6.00% 6 6 Credit Suisse 9.72% 1
7 Aseambankers 5.42% 10 7 Deutsche Bank 5.74% 3 7 DBS Vickers 2.02% -
8 BNP Paribas 5.16% 11 8 CLSA 4.84% 4
9 J.P.Morgan 5.15% 7 9 Merrill Lynch 4.50% =13
10 Citi 5.04% 12 10 AmResearch 3.86% =11
11 OSK 4.67% 17 11 Aseambankers 3.12% 8
12 UBS 4.64% 6 12 Citi 3.04% =11
13 Deutsche Bank 3.59% 3 13 UBS 2.91% 7
14 Merrill Lynch 2.58% =14 14 OSK 2.78% 17
15 DBS Vickers 1.89% 19 15 Affin 2.16% 18
16 Affin 1.24% 20 16 Morgan Stanley 1.38% =13
17 MIMB 1.19% - 17 DBS Vickers 0.43% 16
18 Morgan Stanley 0.79% =14
19 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.76% 13
=20 Kim Eng 0.40% 16
=20 Nomura 0.40% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 24.04% 1 1 CLSA 25.29% 1 1 CLSA 37.30% 1
2 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 15.66% 2 2 CIMB 18.32% 10 2 CIMB 36.76% -
3 CIMB 14.15% 4 3 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 12.40% =5 3 Macquarie 10.81% -
4 RHB 7.16% 3 4 Macquarie 8.48% =11 4 Aseambankers 8.65% -
5 Macquarie 6.78% 13 5 RHB 7.40% =5 5 OSK 6.49% -
6 UBS 5.11% 17 6 Aseambankers 5.98% =16
7 Aseambankers 5.09% =14 7 Deutsche Bank 4.63% =7
8 DBS Vickers 4.15% =14 =8 DBS Vickers 3.70% 14
9 OSK 2.89% 7 =8 UBS 3.70% -
=10 AmResearch 2.85% =21 10 Credit Suisse 3.01% 2
=10 Deutsche Bank 2.85% =10 11 OSK 2.47% 13
12 Affin 2.17% =10 12 AmResearch 1.93% -
13 Credit Suisse 2.09% 5 13 Kim Eng 1.54% -
14 BNP Paribas 2.04% 20 14 MIDF 1.16% -
15 Citi 1.02% 6
16 Kim Eng 0.85% -
17 MIDF 0.64% -
18 MIMB 0.38% -
19 Alliance 0.06% =21

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Terence Wong CIMB 10.87% 1 1 Terence Wong CIMB 12.65% 2 1 Terence Wong CIMB 14.66% 2
2 Prem Jearajasingam Macquaire 4.43% - 2 Prem Jearajasingam Macquarie 6.28% - 2 Prem Jearajasingam Macquarie 9.10% -
3 Su Yin Teoh Deutsche Bank 4.33% 5 3 Su Yin Teoh Deutsche Bank 5.84% 5 3 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 8.09% 4
4 Vincent Khoo Aseambankers 4.17% =10 4 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 4.43% 8 4 Chee Wei Loong CLSA 6.57% -
5 Chee Wei Loong CLSA 4.13% =10 5 Stephen Hagger Credit Suisse 4.00% 1 5 Choong Wai Kee Citi 6.01% 5
6 Stephen Hagger Credit Suisse 4.05% 2 6 Chee Wei Loong CLSA 3.89% 13 6 Stephen Hagger Credit Suisse 5.06% 1
7 Tan Ting Min Credit Suisse 3.95% 3 7 Tan Ting Min Credit Suisse 3.87% 4 =7 Benny Chew AmResearch 3.79% -
8 Choong Wai Kee Citi 3.41% 7 8 Choong Wai Kee Citi 3.18% 3 =7 Edward Ong Macquarie 3.79% -
9 Colbert Nocom UBS 3.23% 6 9 Michael Greenall BNP Paribas 2.81% 18 =7 Kelvin Goh CIMB 3.79% -
10 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 3.09% 9 10 Lim Chee Sing RHB 2.77% 14 =7 Mak Hoy Kit BNP Paribas 3.79% -
11 Lim Chee Sing RHB 2.99% 8 11 Norziana Mohd Inon CIMB 2.62% - =7 Michael Greenall BNP Paribas 3.79% 7
12 Michael Greenall BNP Paribas 2.82% 17 12 Lee Heng Guie CIMB 2.55% - =7 Su Yin Teoh Deutsche Bank 3.79% =9
=13 Benny Chew AmResearch 2.73% - 13 Alain Lai UBS 2.45% - 13 Tay Chin Seng Macquarie 3.03% -
=13 Chehan Perera KAF S & C 2.73% 14 14 Colbert Nocom UBS 2.36% 7 14 Loke Foong Wai Credit Suisse 2.78% -
15 Norziana Mohd Inon CIMB 2.52% 18 15 Vincent Khoo Aseambankers 2.20% =19 =15 Alain Lai UBS 2.53% =17
16 Alain Lai UBS 2.29% 20 =16 Edward Ong Macquarie 2.17% - =15 Danny Goh Credit Suisse 2.53% 8
17 Chris Oh J.P.Morgan 2.01% 15 =16 Mak Hoy Kit BNP Paribas 2.17% 22 =15 Uday Jayaram Macquarie 2.53% =15
18 Mak Hoy Kit BNP Paribas 1.83% 26 18 Benny Chew AmResearch 2.00% - =18 Colbert Nocom UBS 2.28% 6
19 Edward Ong Macquaire 1.69% - 19 Chris Oh J.P.Morgan 1.98% 12 =18 Norziana Mohd Inon CIMB 2.28% -
20 Lee Heng Guie CIMB 1.65% - 20 Irene Chin Deutsche Bank 1.89% 6 =18 Tan Ting Min Credit Suisse 2.28% 14
21 Kelvin Goh CIMB 1.28% - 21 Tay Chin Seng Macquarie 1.84% - 21 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 2.02% -
22 Irene Chin Deutsche Bank 1.22% 12 22 Chehan Perera KAF S & C 1.70% =15 22 Vincent Khoo Aseambankers 1.71% =9
23 Tay Chin Seng Macquaire 1.19% - 23 Danny Goh Credit Suisse 1.57% =19 =23 Amy Tang UBS 1.26% -
=24 Ivy Ng CIMB 1.15% - 24 Ng Wee Siang BNP Paribas 1.51% - =23 Andrea Boult BNP Paribas 1.26% -
=24 Chris Eng OSK 1.15% - =25 Bao Ling Chan Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.41% =23 =23 Sit Yin Wong J.P.Morgan 1.26% -
26 Danny Goh Credit Suisse 1.13% 25 =25 Kelvin Goh CIMB 1.41% 29
27 Ng Wee Siang BNP Paribas 1.07% - 27 Jon Oh J.P.Morgan 1.13% -
28 Raymond Yap CIMB 0.93% - =28 David Chong RHB 0.94% -
=29 Bao Ling Chan Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.91% =29 =28 James Gruber CLSA 0.94% -
=29 Clare Chin CLSA 0.91% - =28 Uday Jayaram Macquarie 0.94% 30
=28 Yoke Lan Jan UBS 0.94% =23

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 52.13% 1 1 CIMB 62.02% 1 1 CIMB 67.92% 1
2 Aseambankers 15.52% 3 2 Aseambankers 12.97% 3 2 Aseambankers 15.20% 5
3 RHB 9.96% 2 3 RHB 8.25% 2 3 OSK 11.30% 6
4 AmeSecurities 9.54% 6 4 AmeSecurities 8.05% 7 4 AmeSecurities 5.58% -
5 OSK 6.26% 5 5 OSK 5.58% 6
6 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 2.47% 4 6 ECM Libra 2.44% 8
7 Affin 1.74% 8 7 Affin 0.50% 9
8 ECM Libra 1.48% 9 8 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.20% 4
=9 K&N Kenanaga 0.44% 7
=9 MIMB 0.44% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 21.06% 1 1 CIMB 18.17% 1 1 CIMB 22.24% 1
2 CLSA 13.80% 2 2 CLSA 17.13% 2 2 CLSA 16.14% 3
3 UBS 7.87% 3 3 UBS 9.51% 3 3 UBS 11.55% 2
4 BNP Paribas 7.13% 6 4 BNP Paribas 8.64% 7 4 Credit Suisse 8.62% 5
5 Macquarie 6.37% 13 5 Macquarie 8.38% 12 5 BNP Paribas 7.70% 7
6 Aseambankers 5.26% 9 6 Credit Suisse 5.82% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 5.50% 8
7 Credit Suisse 5.12% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 3.92% 11 7 Macquarie 4.40% 15
8 AmeSecurities 4.71% 10 8 Aseambankers 3.86% 9 8 Aseambankers 4.03% =9
9 J.P.Morgan 3.72% 11 9 Deutsche Bank 3.50% 8 9 DBS Vickers 3.62% -
10 RHB 3.66% 4 10 J.P.Morgan 2.99% 10 10 Goldman Sachs 3.12% -
11 DBS Vickers 3.30% 21 11 AmeSecurities 2.68% 15 11 OSK 2.80% -
12 Merrill Lynch 2.90% 12 12 RHB 2.58% 4 12 Morgan Stanley 2.57% -
=13 OSK 2.52% 19 13 OSK 2.32% 18 13 AmeSecurities 2.38% -
=13 Deutsche Bank 2.52% 8 14 DBS Vickers 2.02% 21 14 UOB Kay Hian 1.83% 11
=13 Citi 2.52% 7 15 Morgan Stanley 1.50% - 15 J.P.Morgan 1.65% =13
16 Morgan Stanley 1.24% - 16 Goldman Sachs 1.42% - =16 Citi 0.92% 4
17 Nomura 1.23% 15 17 Nomura 1.33% 17 =16 Kim Eng 0.92% 16
18 Affin 1.12% 20 18 Citi 1.04% 6
19 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.98% 14 19 UOB Kay Hian 0.83% 13
20 Goldman Sachs 0.96% - 20 ECM Libra 0.58% 19
21 UOB Kay Hian 0.58% 17 21 HSBC 0.50% -
22 ECM Libra 0.36% 18 22 Affin 0.45% 20
23 HSBC 0.31% - 23 Kim Eng 0.42% -
24 Kim Eng 0.30% 22 24 MIDF 0.21% -
25 MIMB 0.17% - 25 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.20% 16
26 MIDF 0.13% -
27 Daiwa SMBC 0.10% -
=28 Alliance 0.01% 26
=28 HLG 0.01% 24
=28 Lehman Brothers* 0.01% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 17.86% 1 1 CLSA 18.61% 2 1 CLSA 20.77% 2
2 CLSA 13.89% 2 2 CIMB 15.06% 1 2 CIMB 13.50% 1
3 Credit Suisse 9.21% 5 3 UBS 10.59% 4 3 UBS 11.57% 4
4 UBS 9.07% 4 4 Credit Suisse 9.77% 6 4 Credit Suisse 10.68% 9
5 Aseambankers 7.62% 6 5 Aseambankers 7.57% 7 5 Aseambankers 8.01% 10
6 RHB 5.46% 3 6 Macquarie 6.41% 15 6 J.P.Morgan 4.15% 5
7 Macquarie 4.52% 14 7 RHB 5.71% 3 7 Merrill Lynch 3.86% -
8 AmeSecurities 4.10% 11 8 Deutsche Bank 4.40% 5 =8 BNP Paribas 3.56% =14
9 Deutsche Bank 3.80% 7 9 J.P.Morgan 2.98% 8 =8 Deutsche Bank 3.56% 3
10 J.P.Morgan 3.41% 8 10 ECM Libra 2.71% 13 =10 Citi 2.97% 7
11 DBS Vickers 2.75% 17 11 Citi 2.17% 10 =10 Goldman Sachs 2.97% -
12 Affin 2.24% 16 =12 Alliance 2.03% - =10 Macquarie 2.97% =14
13 Citi 2.14% 12 =12 Goldman Sachs 2.03% =19 =10 RHB 2.97% =12
14 BNP Paribas 1.98% 18 14 BNP Paribas 1.85% =21 =14 AmeSecurities 2.67% -
15 OSK 1.94% 19 15 Merrill Lynch 1.76% - =14 Morgan Stanley 2.67% 6
16 ECM Libra 1.77% 10 16 OSK 0.98% 17 16 Kim Eng 1.48% 11
=17 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 1.26% 15 17 Affin 0.95% 16 17 OSK 0.89% -
=17 Alliance 1.26% - 18 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.87% 14 18 DBS Vickers 0.74% =14
19 Goldman Sachs 1.23% 23 =19 Kim Eng 0.68% -
=20 Merrill Lynch 1.15% 26 =19 Morgan Stanley 0.68% 9
=20 Morgan Stanley 1.15% 9 21 AmeSecurities 0.56% 12
22 MIMB 0.49% - =22 Nomura 0.54% 11
23 Kim Eng 0.41% 22 =22 TA 0.54% -
24 Nomura 0.39% 13 24 DBS Vickers 0.34% =21
25 TA 0.33% 28 25 HLG 0.22% 23
26 Daiwa SMBC 0.16% -
27 HLG 0.15% 25
28 MIDF 0.14% 24
29 UOB Kay Hian 0.08% 21
30 Lehman Brothers* 0.04% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 22.06% 1 1 CIMB 21.03% 1 1 CIMB 17.89% 1
2 CLSA 11.83% 2 2 CLSA 14.79% 2 2 CLSA 15.49% 2
3 UBS 10.71% 5 3 UBS 14.08% 5 3 UBS 13.80% 4
4 Aseambankers 7.54% 11 4 Aseambankers 7.69% =11 4 Credit Suisse 10.14% 8
5 Credit Suisse 6.99% 4 5 Credit Suisse 7.16% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 8.17% 5
6 RHB 5.74% 3 6 Deutsche Bank 5.11% 8 6 Aseambankers 7.61% 10
7 J.P.Morgan 4.66% 6 7 Macquarie 4.90% =11 7 Macquarie 6.76% 15
8 AmeSecurities 4.60% 9 8 RHB 4.60% 3 =8 BNP Paribas 3.38% 11
9 Deutsche Bank 4.18% 10 9 J.P.Morgan 3.99% 9 =8 Deutsche Bank 3.38% 3
10 Macquarie 3.87% 12 10 Morgan Stanley 2.87% 7 =10 Goldman Sachs 2.82% -
11 DBS Vickers 3.30% 23 11 Citi 2.30% 6 =10 RHB 2.82% -
12 Citi 2.42% 8 12 Goldman Sachs 1.92% 20 12 DBS Vickers 2.39% -
13 BNP Paribas 1.98% 15 13 BNP Paribas 1.75% =15 13 Merrill Lynch 2.25% -
14 Morgan Stanley 1.81% 7 14 DBS Vickers 1.60% - 14 Kim Eng 1.41% 12
15 Affin 1.72% 25 15 OSK 1.36% 21 =15 AmeSecurities 0.85% -
16 OSK 1.71% 17 16 BIMB 1.28% - =15 OSK 0.85% -
17 Goldman Sachs 1.21% 22 17 Merrill Lynch 1.02% -
18 Merrill Lynch 0.88% 26 18 Affin 0.96% 24
19 BIMB 0.80% - 19 AmeSecurities 0.75% 13
20 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.75% 16 20 Kim Eng 0.64% -
21 Kim Eng 0.40% 21 21 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.20% 19
22 MIMB 0.24% -
23 ECM Libra 0.18% 14
=24 UOB Kay Hian 0.16% 20
=24 Daiwa SMBC 0.16% -
26 Nomura 0.06% 13
27 HLG 0.02% 24

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 22.28% 1 1 CLSA 21.46% 1 1 CLSA 28.39% 2
2 CIMB 21.94% 2 2 CIMB 19.69% 4 2 CIMB 20.70% 4
3 Macquarie 7.67% 11 3 Macquarie 10.24% 8 3 BNP Paribas 9.38% 7
4 BNP Paribas 7.12% 13 4 BNP Paribas 9.75% =9 4 UBS 7.98% 1
5 UBS 6.66% 3 5 UBS 8.24% 2 5 Macquarie 7.04% 14
6 Credit Suisse 4.01% 4 6 J.P.Morgan 4.36% 12 6 J.P.Morgan 6.33% -
7 Aseambankers 3.95% 10 7 Merrill Lynch 4.18% 13 7 Merrill Lynch 6.10% =11
8 RHB 3.85% 6 8 Credit Suisse 3.84% 3 8 Aseambankers 3.52% 9
9 J.P.Morgan 3.69% 7 9 Deutsche Bank 3.26% 6 9 Credit Suisse 2.82% 3
10 AmeSecurities 3.20% 12 10 RHB 3.11% 11 10 UOB Kay Hian 2.35% -
11 Merrill Lynch 2.77% 14 11 Aseambankers 2.11% 14 11 Morgan Stanley 2.11% =11
12 Deutsche Bank 2.41% =8 12 AmeSecurities 1.89% =17 =12 Citi 1.17% 6
13 Citi 1.97% 5 13 Nomura 1.63% - =12 DBS Vickers 1.17% 8
14 DBS Vickers 1.69% =8 =14 Morgan Stanley 1.02% =9 14 Goldman Sachs 0.94% -
15 Morgan Stanley 1.39% =15 =14 UOB Kay Hian 1.02% 16
16 OSK 1.28% =15 16 Citi 1.01% 5
17 Nomura 1.06% 24 =17 DBS Vickers 0.92% 7
18 Affin 0.83% 19 =17 Goldman Sachs 0.92% -
19 UOB Kay Hian 0.63% 21 19 Affin 0.76% =17
20 Goldman Sachs 0.57% - 20 OSK 0.58% 15
21 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.46% 17
22 MIMB 0.40% -
23 Daiwa 0.16% 25

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 20.05% 1 1 CIMB 17.21% 1 1 CIMB 21.04% 3
2 CLSA 12.50% 2 2 CLSA 13.23% 2 2 CLSA 18.12% 1
3 UBS 9.12% 3 3 UBS 11.58% 4 3 UBS 15.53% 4
4 BNP Paribas 7.47% 9 4 Macquarie 9.16% 11 4 BNP Paribas 10.36% 7
5 Macquarie 6.54% 11 5 BNP Paribas 8.66% 9 5 J.P.Morgan 6.90% -
6 Aseambankers 6.47% 6 6 Credit Suisse 6.57% 3 6 Macquarie 6.69% 8
7 Credit Suisse 5.37% 4 7 J.P.Morgan 5.82% 14 7 Credit Suisse 5.83% 2
8 J.P.Morgan 4.70% 13 8 Aseambankers 5.35% 8 8 Merrill Lynch 5.61% 12
9 RHB 3.97% 5 9 Deutsche Bank 4.44% 6 9 Citi 3.24% 6
10 DBS Vickers 3.75% 14 10 Merrill Lynch 2.51% 12 10 Aseambankers 2.59% 9
11 Deutsche Bank 3.28% 8 11 DBS Vickers 2.34% 17 11 UOB Kay Hian 2.16% -
12 Citi 2.63% 7 12 RHB 2.14% 5 12 DBS Vickers 1.08% 14
13 OSK 2.55% 16 13 Nomura 2.09% - 13 Goldman Sachs 0.86% 10
14 AmeSecurities 2.25% 10 14 AmeSecurities 1.92% 10
15 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 2.11% 12 =15 Affin 1.69% -
16 Merrill Lynch 1.81% 15 =15 Citi 1.69% 7
17 Nomura 1.73% 21 17 OSK 1.15% 18
18 Affin 1.66% 20 18 UOB Kay Hian 0.97% -
19 UOB Kay Hian 0.72% 25 19 Goldman Sachs 0.87% 13
20 Goldman Sachs 0.67% 17 20 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 0.39% 15
21 ECM Libra 0.24% 19 21 ECM Libra 0.19% 19
22 MIMB 0.20% -
23 Daiwa 0.15% 27
24 Kim Eng 0.05% 22

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CIMB 18.28% 1 1 Aseambankers 17.89% 2 1 CIMB 34.19% 1
2 Aseambankers 15.94% 2 2 CIMB 15.01% 3 2 CLSA 13.68% =9
3 Deutsche Bank 7.51% 8 3 Deutsche Bank 12.35% 4 3 Aseambankers 10.68% =4
4 UBS 6.69% 3 4 Macquarie 8.73% - =4 BNP Paribas 8.55% 2
5 CLSA 6.62% 4 5 CLSA 7.99% =14 =4 Macquarie 8.55% -
6 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 6.21% 5 =6 J.P.Morgan 6.74% =10 =4 UBS 8.55% -
7 AmeSecurities 5.78% 7 =6 UBS 6.74% 1 =7 Credit Suisse 6.84% 8
8 BNP Paribas 5.58% 9 8 OSK 4.34% 8 =7 J.P.Morgan 6.84% -
9 Affin 5.26% 15 9 KAF Seagroatt & Campbell 4.24% 5 9 DBS Vickers 2.14% -
10 Macquarie 5.20% 19 =10 Affin 3.74% -
11 OSK 4.08% 12 =10 BNP Paribas 3.74% 9
12 J.P.Morgan 4.01% 16 =12 Credit Suisse 2.99% =14
13 Credit Suisse 2.23% 18 =12 Kim Eng 2.99% -
14 Kim Eng 1.90% - 14 AmeSecurities 1.56% 13
15 Citi 1.56% 11 15 DBS Vickers 0.94% -
16 DBS Vickers 1.45% -
17 HLG 1.34% -
18 RHB 0.26% 6
19 Nomura 0.11% 10

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Kit Lim CLSA 5.32% 2 1 Kit Lim CLSA 6.50% 3 1 Chan Mun Yee CIMB 9.30% 2
2 May Lee UBS 4.09% - 2 May Lee UBS 5.40% =27 2 May Lee UBS 9.09% -
3 Shan Choo CLSA 4.02% 11 3 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 4.63% 1 3 Shan Choo CLSA 7.18% =14
4 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 3.78% 1 4 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 4.39% 8 4 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 5.28% 3
5 Lucy Chong Aseambankers 3.38% 8 5 Shan Choo CLSA 4.08% =15 5 Joseph Chia UBS 4.86% =14
6 Chan Mun Yee CIMB 3.10% 4 6 Chan Mun Yee CIMB 3.55% 4 6 Gordon Lew Tong CIMB 4.23% =26
7 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 3.04% 10 7 James Tan Credit Suisse 3.20% 2 7 Kit Lim CLSA 4.01% =6
8 James Tan Credit Suisse 3.00% 3 8 Vimala Vijayamoorthy CIMB 2.95% =27 =8 Augustine Cheah Merrill Lynch 3.17% -
9 Liew Kuo Aun CIMB 2.42% 15 9 Naguib Hussin CLSA 2.38% - =8 James Tan Credit Suisse 3.17% =6
10 Naguib Hussin CLSA 2.33% - 10 Gordon Lew Tong CIMB 2.33% - =8 Lena Yong Macquarie 3.17% -
11 Nik Azhan Nik Abdul Aziz CIMB 2.30% 5 11 Lucy Chong Aseambankers 2.32% 10 =8 Vimala Vijayamoorthy CIMB 3.17% -
12 Clement Chew J.P.Morgan 2.17% 6 12 Nik Azhan Nik Abdul Aziz CIMB 2.22% 9 =8 Wesley Kong Credit Suisse 3.17% -
13 Vimala Vijayamoorthy CIMB 2.15% 22 13 Joseph Chia UBS 2.15% - 13 Low Sook Mae DBS Vickers 2.91% -
14 Tan Hui Gek RHB 2.02% 13 14 Emily Loh UBS 2.05% - =14 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 2.54% -
15 Rushdan Mohd Nadzir CIMB 1.68% - 15 Rushdan Mohd Nadzir CIMB 1.96% - =14 Chris Gould CLSA 2.54% -
16 Gordon Lew Tong CIMB 1.57% - =16 Chris Gould CLSA 1.87% - =14 Monique France Morgan Stanley 2.54% -
17 Joseph Chia UBS 1.43% - =16 Clement Chew J.P.Morgan 1.87% 5 =14 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 2.54% -
18 Ann Lim CIMB 1.40% - =16 Uday Jayaram Macquarie 1.87% - 18 Ann Lim CIMB 2.43% -
=19 Emily Loh UBS 1.37% - 19 Ruzi Rani Ajith CIMB 1.68% 12 =19 Caleb Woo CLSA 2.11% =6
=19 Tan Hock Meng UBS 1.37% - 20 Shahriman Mokhtar RHB 1.52% - =19 Chris Neoh CLSA 2.11% =19
21 Ruzi Rani Ajith CIMB 1.30% 14 21 Tan Hock Meng UBS 1.49% - =19 Chung Yee Wah AmeSecurities 2.11% -
=22 Chris Gould CLSA 1.24% - =22 Augustine Cheah Merrill Lynch 1.40% - =19 Joy Kim UBS 2.11% -
=22 Uday Jayaram Macquarie 1.24% - =22 Chung Yee Wah AmeSecurities 1.40% - =19 Lucy Chong Aseambankers 2.11% 4
24 Chris Neoh CLSA 1.23% 12 =22 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 1.40% - =19 Siew-Thim Chooi DBS Vickers 2.11% -
25 Shadida Ibrahim AmeSecurities 1.21% - =22 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 1.40% - =25 Bill Murray CIMB 1.90% -
26 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 1.18% - =22 Lena Yong Macquarie 1.40% 26 =25 Clement Chew J.P.Morgan 1.90% 5
27 Ai Vye Chin J.P.Morgan 1.17% - =22 Wesley Kong Credit Suisse 1.40% - =27 Elaine Sia J.P.Morgan 1.69% -
28 Shahriman Mokhtar RHB 1.09% - =28 Ai Vye Chin J.P.Morgan 1.28% - =27 Peter Halesworth Credit Suisse 1.69% =6
29 Lena Yong Macquarie 1.07% =16 =28 Low Sook Mae DBS Vickers 1.28% - =29 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 1.06% -
30 Chong Li Mei CIMB 1.06% - =30 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 1.12% - =29 Rohit Chaudhary Kim Eng 1.06% -
=30 Clive Lee Deutsche Bank 1.12% - =29 Vivienne Au Yang Merrill Lynch 1.06% -
=30 Doreen Chua Credit Suisse 1.12% -
=30 Julia Hashim CIMB 1.12% 25
=30 May Kwong CLSA 1.12% -
=30 Monique France Morgan Stanley 1.12% -
=30 Terence Oon Macquarie 1.12% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 35.06% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 44.12% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 44.78% 3
2 JS Global Capital 21.43% 4 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 19.61% 2 2 JS Global Capital 26.87% -
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 19.48% 1 3 JS Global Capital 14.71% - 3 Citi 19.40% -
4 Citi 8.44% - 4 Credit Suisse 11.76% - 4 KASB / Merrill Lynch 8.96% 1
5 Credit Suisse 7.79% - 5 Citi 9.80% -
=6 AKD 3.90% 3
=6 InvestCap 3.90% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 44.00% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 60.00% 4 1 JS Global Capital 60.00% -
2 J.P.Morgan 30.00% 4 2 JS Global Capital 40.00% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% 3
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 18.00% 1 3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00% 1
4 AKD 8.00% 3

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 38.00% - 1 J.P.Morgan 60.00% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 50.00% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 30.00% 2 2 JS Global Capital 40.00% - 2 JS Global Capital 30.00% -
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 20.00% 1 3 Citi 20.00% -
4 Citi 12.00% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007*
1 JS Global Capital 60.00% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 100.00% - 1 JS Global Capital 60.00%
2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% - 2 J.P.Morgan 25.00%
3 First Capital 15.00% - 3 First Capital 15.00%

* No nomination for this category in 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 29.41% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 50.00% 2 1 JS Global Capital 34.29% -
2 JS Global Capital 23.53% - 2 Morgan Stanley 33.33% - 2 Morgan Stanley 28.57% -
3 Morgan Stanley 19.61% - 3 Citi 16.67% - =3 Citi 14.29% -
4 KASB / Merrill Lynch 13.73% 1 =3 J.P.Morgan 14.29% 2
5 Citi 9.80% - 5 KASB / Merrill Lynch 8.57% 1
6 AKD 3.92% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 40.00% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 57.14% =1 1 J.P.Morgan 42.86% =1
2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 36.00% 1 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 42.86% =1 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 22.86% =1
=3 First Capital 12.00% - =3 First Capital 17.14% -
=3 JS Global Capital 12.00% - =3 JS Global Capital 17.14% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 60.00% - 1 J.P.Morgan 100.00% - 1 JS Global Capital 60.00% -
2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% - 2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% -
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00% 1 3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00% 1

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Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 JS Global Capital 60.00% 1 J.P.Morgan 100.00% 1 JS Global Capital 60.00%
2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% 2 J.P.Morgan 25.00%
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00% * Category not polled in 2007 3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00%

* Category not polled in 2007 * Category not polled in 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 JS Global Capital 60.00% - 1 J.P.Morgan 100.00% 1 JS Global Capital 60.00%
2 J.P.Morgan 25.00% - 2 J.P.Morgan 25.00%
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00% 1 * No nomination for this category in 2007 3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 15.00%

* No nomination for this category in 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 59.26% - 1 JS Global Capital 66.67% - =1 Citi 35.29% -
2 Citi 22.22% - 2 J.P.Morgan 33.33% =1 =1 JS Global Capital 35.29% -
3 J.P.Morgan 18.52% =1 3 J.P.Morgan 29.41% =1

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Muneeza Hasan J.P.Morgan 34.65% - 1 Muneeza Hasan J.P.Morgan 53.85% - 1 Atif Malik JS Global Capital 35.29% -
2 Imtiaz Gazdar J.P.Morgan 29.70% 1 2 Imtiaz Gazdar J.P.Morgan 46.15% 1 2 Muneeza Hasan J.P.Morgan 29.41% -
3 Atif Malik JS Global Capital 17.82% - 3 Mushtaq Khan Citi 23.53% -
4 Mushtaq Khan Citi 11.88% - 4 Shazad Dada Deutsche Bank 11.76% -
5 Shazad Dada Deutsche Bank 5.94% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 39.13% =4 1 KASB 44.44% 1 1 KASB 43.40% 1
2 KASB 33.33% 1 2 JS Global Capital 33.33% =3 2 JS Global Capital 32.08% -
3 AKD 14.49% 2 3 AKD 22.22% 2 3 AKD 18.87% 2
4 InvestCap 8.70% - 4 First Capital 5.66% -
5 First Capital 4.35% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 32.86% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 42.86% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 34.35% 3
2 JS Global Capital 23.32% 6 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 22.86% 1 2 JS Global Capital 27.48% -
3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 18.37% 1 =3 AKD 17.14% 3 3 AKD 15.27% 2
4 AKD 10.60% 3 =3 JS Global Capital 17.14% 6 4 First Capital 13.74% -
5 First Capital 6.36% - 5 Citi 9.16% =4
=6 Citi 4.24% =4
=6 InvestCap 4.24% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 JS Global Capital 36.73% - 1 J.P.Morgan 60.00% 4 1 JS Global Capital 36.73% -
2 J.P.Morgan 30.61% 2 2 AKD 40.00% =2 2 J.P.Morgan 30.61% 4
3 AKD 20.41% =3 3 AKD 20.41% =2
4 Citi 12.24% =3 4 Citi 12.24% =2

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 37.69% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 51.72% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 37.82% 4
2 JS Global Capital 33.17% - 2 JS Global Capital 20.69% - 2 JS Global Capital 30.25% -
=3 AKD 10.05% =3 =3 AKD 13.79% =3 3 AKD 16.81% =2
=3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 10.05% 1 =3 KASB / Merrill Lynch 13.79% 1 4 Citi 10.08% =2
5 Citi 6.03% =3 5 First Capital 5.04% -
6 First Capital 3.02% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 45.72% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 56.76% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 47.17% =1
2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 29.74% 1 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 27.03% 2 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 23.90% =1
3 JS Global Capital 18.59% - 3 JS Global Capital 10.81% - 3 JS Global Capital 18.87% -
4 Citi 5.95% - 4 Citi 5.41% - 4 Citi 10.06% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 62.44% =1 1 J.P.Morgan 84.00% 1 1 J.P.Morgan 50.34% 1
2 JS Global Capital 18.27% - 2 Citi 16.00% - 2 JS Global Capital 24.16% -
3 Citi 16.24% - 3 Citi 21.48% -
4 KASB / Merrill Lynch 3.05% =1 4 KASB / Merrill Lynch 4.03% 2

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 First Capital 54.55% - 1 KASB / Merrill Lynch 100.00% - 1 First Capital 54.55% -
2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 45.45% =3 2 KASB / Merrill Lynch 45.45% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Sabiha Sultan J.P.Morgan 26.36% 1 1 Sabiha Sultan J.P.Morgan 25.14% 1 1 Sabiha Sultan J.P.Morgan 34.35% 4
=2 Mohammed Sohail JS Global Capital 12.55% 7 =2 Mohammed Sohail JS Global Capital 16.76% 7 2 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 18.32% -
=2 Rashna Minwalla J.P.Morgan 12.55% 6 =2 Rashna Minwalla J.P.Morgan 16.76% 6 3 Samira Omer AKD 15.27% -
4 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 10.04% - 4 Andrew Cunningham HSBC 13.41% - =4 Faiza Naz JS Global Capital 13.74% -
=5 Baryalay Arbab KASB 8.37% - =5 Baryalay Arbab KASB 11.17% - =4 Muzammil Mussani JS Global Capital 13.74% -
=5 Samira Omer AKD 8.37% - =5 Samira Omer AKD 11.17% - 6 Ovais Siddiqui First Capital 4.58% -
=7 Faiza Naz JS Global Capital 7.53% - 7 Zubair Ghulam Hussain AKD 5.59% 2
=7 Muzammil Mussani JS Global Capital 7.53% -
9 Zubair Ghulam Hussain AKD 4.18% 2
10 Ovais Siddiqui First Capital 2.51% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 30.43% 2 1 CLSA 27.35% 3 1 CLSA 33.25% 2
2 Deutsche Bank 22.23% 3 2 Deutsche Bank 24.03% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 29.35% 1
3 UBS 20.13% 1 3 UBS 20.58% 2 3 UBS 21.56% 3
4 J.P.Morgan 11.77% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 11.60% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 5.97% 4
5 Credit Suisse 4.73% - 5 Credit Suisse 5.39% - 5 Macquarie 3.90% 5
6 Macquarie 3.94% 5 6 Macquarie 4.14% 5 6 Goldman Sachs 2.60% -
7 Philippine Equity Partners 2.18% 6 7 Philippine Equity Partners 2.62% 6 7 ATR-Kim Eng 2.08% -
8 ATR-Kim Eng 1.73% 7 8 ATR-Kim Eng 2.21% - 8 DBS Vickers 1.30% -
9 Goldman Sachs 1.05% - 9 Goldman Sachs 1.38% -
=10 BNP Paribas 0.63% - 10 DBS Vickers 0.69% -
=10 Citi 0.63% -
12 DBS Vickers 0.53% -
13 Wealth 0.03% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Deutsche Bank 38.58% 3 1 Deutsche Bank 45.27% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 37.21% 4
2 CLSA 24.29% 1 2 CLSA 23.05% 2 2 CLSA 34.11% =1
3 UBS 22.00% 2 3 UBS 14.81% 3 3 UBS 18.60% 3
4 Macquarie 5.27% 6 4 Macquarie 6.17% 6 4 Macquarie 7.75% -
5 Credit Suisse 3.13% - =5 Credit Suisse 3.29% - 5 J.P.Morgan 2.33% =1
6 J.P.Morgan 2.60% 4 =5 ATR-Kim Eng 3.29% -
7 ATR-Kim Eng 2.44% 7 =7 J.P.Morgan 2.06% 4
8 Philippine Equity Partners 1.68% 5 =7 Philippine Equity Partners 2.06% 5

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 35.67% 2 1 CLSA 35.95% 4 1 CLSA 46.46% =3
2 UBS 22.33% 1 2 UBS 16.34% 1 2 UBS 18.18% =3
3 Deutsche Bank 12.67% 4 3 ATR-Kim Eng 10.46% 9 3 Deutsche Bank 11.11% 1
4 ATR-Kim Eng 8.00% 8 4 Deutsche Bank 9.80% 2 =4 DBS Vickers 8.08% -
5 Macquarie 6.22% 7 5 Macquarie 9.15% 8 =4 ATR-Kim Eng 8.08% -
6 J.P.Morgan 5.78% 3 =6 J.P.Morgan 6.54% 3 6 Macquarie 5.05% -
7 Philippine Equity Partners 5.33% 6 =6 Philippine Equity Partners 6.54% 6 7 J.P.Morgan 3.03% 2
8 DBS Vickers 3.56% - 8 DBS Vicekrs 5.23% -
=9 Nomura 0.22% -
=9 Wealth 0.22% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 66.78% 1 1 CLSA 65.38% 1 1 CLSA 78.57% =3
=2 ATR-Kim Eng 11.07% 7 2 ATR-Kim Eng 15.38% 6 2 ATR-Kim Eng 9.52% -
=2 Deutsche Bank 11.07% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 9.62% 3 =3 Deutsche Bank 5.95% 1
4 UBS 7.38% =5 =4 J.P.Morgan 4.81% 7 =3 UBS 5.95% =3
5 J.P.Morgan 3.36% =5 =4 UBS 4.81% =4
6 Abacus 0.34% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Deutsche Bank 28.60% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 31.11% 1 1 CLSA 37.14% 4
2 CLSA 26.80% 3 2 CLSA 29.44% 4 2 Deutsche Bank 36.19% 1
3 UBS 22.60% 2 3 UBS 18.33% 2 3 UBS 12.38% 2
4 Macquarie 8.10% 4 4 Macquarie 8.33% 3 4 Macquarie 9.52% 3
5 Philippine Equity Partners 4.40% 8 5 Philippine Equity Partners 5.56% =6 5 Credit Suisse 4.76% -
6 Credit Suisse 4.10% - 6 Morgan Stanley 4.44% -
7 Morgan Stanley 3.20% - 7 Credit Suisse 2.78% -
8 J.P.Morgan 1.20% 5
9 Citi 0.60% 6
10 ATR-Kim Eng 0.40% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 38.50% 2 1 CLSA 48.72% 2 1 CLSA 58.33% 2
2 UBS 30.53% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 25.64% 4 2 Deutsche Bank 20.83% =4
3 Deutsche Bank 25.66% 4 3 UBS 19.23% 1 =3 Credit Suisse 10.42% -
4 Credit Suisse 4.42% - 4 Credit Suisse 6.41% - =3 UBS 10.42% 1
=5 ATR-Kim Eng 0.44% -
=5 Philippine Equity Partners 0.44% 6

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 35.54% 4 1 CLSA 34.72% 4 1 CLSA 40.15% 4
2 UBS 21.73% 1 2 UBS 19.69% 3 2 UBS 28.79% 1
3 Deutsche Bank 19.15% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 19.17% 1 3 Deutsche Bank 21.21% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 11.88% 2 4 J.P.Morgan 16.06% 2 4 J.P.Morgan 9.85% 3
5 Credit Suisse 4.51% - =5 Credit Suisse 5.18% -
6 Philippine Equity Partners 3.87% 5 =5 Philippine Equity Partners 5.18% 6
7 Macquarie 1.84% 6
8 BNP Paribas 1.10% -
=9 RBS* 0.18% 7
=9 ATR-Kim Eng 0.18% -

*RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 45.02% 2 1 CLSA 46.90% 4 1 CLSA 78.26% =2
2 UBS 12.66% 1 2 J.P.Morgan 10.34% 2 2 UBS 14.49% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 9.85% 4 =3 RBS 6.90% - 3 Deutsche Bank 7.25% =2
4 Deutsche Bank 8.09% 7 =3 Credit Suisse 6.90% 8
5 Credit Suisse 5.63% 8 =3 Morgan Stanley 6.90% -
6 RBS 4.92% - =3 UBS 6.90% 1
7 Morgan Stanley 4.69% - 7 Deutsche Bank 6.21% 7
8 Goldman Sachs 3.75% 5 8 Goldman Sachs 5.52% 5
9 Macquarie 3.28% 3 9 Macquarie 3.45% 3
10 Citi 0.94% 6
11 Philippine Equity Partners 0.70% 9
12 ATR-Kim Eng 0.47% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 40.52% 1 1 CLSA 40.86% 1 1 CLSA 51.58% 4
2 Deutsche Bank 26.31% 4 2 Deutsche Bank 26.88% 4 2 Deutsche Bank 26.32% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 18.96% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 24.19% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 10.53% =2
4 UBS 9.67% 2 4 UBS 8.06% 2 4 Macquarie 6.32% -
5 Macquarie 2.90% 5 5 UBS 5.26% =2
6 Citi 0.77% -
=7 Philippine Equity Partners 0.39% 6
=7 Morgan Stanley 0.39% -
9 Credit Suisse 0.10% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 45.25% 1 1 Deutsche Bank 59.65% 2 1 Deutsche Bank 51.06% -
2 Deutsche Bank 43.35% 2 2 CLSA 31.58% 1 2 CLSA 48.94% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 6.96% 4 3 J.P.Morgan 8.77% =3
4 UBS 3.80% 5
5 Philippine Equity Partners 0.63% 3

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Alfred Dy CLSA 16.84% 2 1 Alfred Dy CLSA 17.03% 3 1 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 25.47% 2
2 Jody Santiago UBS 14.11% 1 2 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 14.39% 2 2 Alfred Dy CLSA 15.41% 3
3 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 12.18% 3 3 Jody Santiago UBS 11.94% 1 3 Jody Santiago UBS 13.84% 1
4 Leo Venezuela CLSA 5.78% - 4 Rafael Garchitorena Deutsche Bank 6.28% 7 4 Minda Olonan UBS 7.23% -
5 Kelly Lim-Bate J.P.Morgan 5.16% 4 5 Gilbert Lopez Credit Suisse 5.97% =9 5 Rafael Garchitorena Deutsche Bank 6.92% 8
6 Giovanni Dela-Rosa Deutsche Bank 5.05% 10 6 Kelly Lim-Bate J.P.Morgan 5.66% 4 6 Kelly Lim-Bate J.P.Morgan 6.60% 7
7 Rafael Garchitorena Deutsche Bank 4.81% 8 7 Leo Venezuela CLSA 5.36% - 7 Leo Venezuela CLSA 6.29% -
8 Gilbert Lopez Credit Suisse 4.58% 9 =8 Ajay Mirchandani J.P.Morgan 3.83% 21 8 Raffy Manalaysay CLSA 5.03% -
9 Minda Olonan UBS 3.87% 7 =8 Giovanni Dela-Rosa Deutsche Bank 3.83% =9 9 Alex Pomento Macquarie 4.72% -
10 Michael Bengson CLSA 3.73% 6 10 Minda Olonan UBS 3.52% 8 10 Michael Bengson CLSA 2.83% =9
11 Raffy Manalaysay CLSA 3.05% - 11 Luz Lorenzo ATR-Kim Eng 3.06% - 11 Luz Lorenzo ATR-Kim Eng 2.52% -
12 Ajay Mirchandani J.P.Morgan 2.93% 24 12 Jeanette Yutan J.P.Morgan 2.91% - =12 Chesca Bugia* CLSA 1.57% -
13 Luz Lorenzo ATR-Kim Eng 2.35% - =13 Alex Pomento Macquarie 2.30% - =12 Jeanette Yutan J.P.Morgan 1.57% -
14 Jeanette Yutan J.P.Morgan 2.23% =11 =13 Jojo Gonzales PEP 2.30% =5
15 Chesca Bugia CLSA 2.00% - =13 Sachin Salgaonkar Morgan Stanley 2.30% - * Chesca Bugia has left CLSA
16 Alex Pomento Macquarie 1.97% - 16 Michael Bengson CLSA 1.99% =5
17 Jojo Gonzales PEP 1.82% 5 17 Karisa Magpayo UBS 1.84% -
18 Sachin Salgaonkar Morgan Stanley 1.76% - 18 Ismael Pili Macquarie 1.53% =18
19 Karisa Magpayo UBS 1.41% - 19 Ed Bancod ATR-Kim Eng 1.22% -
20 Ismael Pili Macquarie 1.17% =19 =20 Chesca Bugia* CLSA 0.77% -
=21 Ed Bancod ATR-Kim Eng 0.94% - =20 Edser Trinidad Credit Suisse 0.77% =14
=21 Edser Trinidad Credit Suisse 0.94% =14 =22 Raffy Manalaysay CLSA 0.61% -
23 Luis Hilado J.P.Morgan 0.70% 21 =22 Ramakrishna Maruvada Macquarie 0.61% -
24 Ramakrishna Maruvada Macquarie 0.47%
25 Ricardo Puig ATR-Kim Eng 0.12% - * Chesca Bugia has left CLSA
26 Dante Tinga Macquarie 0.03% =16

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Philippine Equity Partners 52.60% 1 1 Philippine Equity Partners 54.29% 1 1 Philippine Equity Partners 66.67% -
2 ATR-Kim Eng 29.22% =2 2 ATR-Kim Eng 31.43% =2 2 ATR-Kim Eng 33.33% 1
3 SB Equities 14.61% =2 3 SB Equities 14.29% =2
4 Abacus 1.95% 4
5 Papa 1.30% -
6 Wealth 0.32% 5

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 36.22% 3 1 CLSA 31.78% 3 1 CLSA 34.83% 3
2 Deutsche Bank 21.01% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 25.04% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 26.07% 1
3 UBS 19.42% 2 3 UBS 20.57% 2 3 UBS 23.37% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 8.80% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 8.43% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 9.21% 5
5 Macquarie 5.70% 5 5 Macquarie 5.49% 4 5 Credit Suisse 2.92% -
6 Credit Suisse 3.37% - 6 Philippine Equity Partners 3.83% 6 =6 ATR-Kim Eng 1.80% 6
7 Philippine Equity Partners 3.30% 6 7 Credit Suisse 2.81% - =6 Macquarie 1.80% 4
8 ATR-Kim Eng 1.74% 7 8 ATR-Kim Eng 2.04% 7
9 Citi 0.29% -
=10 Abacus 0.05% -
=10 Nomura 0.05% -
=12 DBP-Daiwa 0.02% 9
=12 Wealth 0.02% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 33.33% 1 1 CLSA 28.09% 1 1 CLSA 39.22% 1
2 UBS 23.97% 2 2 UBS 25.84% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 20.59% 3
3 Deutsche Bank 17.24% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 18.26% 3 3 UBS 14.71% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 10.73% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 12.08% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 9.31% 5
5 Macquarie 4.43% 4 5 Macquarie 5.06% 4 5 Goldman Sachs 4.90% -
6 Credit Suisse 2.96% 12 =6 Credit Suisse 2.81% 10 6 ATR-Kim Eng 3.92% -
7 Goldman Sachs 2.19% - =6 Goldman Sachs 2.81% - =7 Citi 2.45% -
8 ATR-Kim Eng 1.92% 6 8 ATR-Kim Eng 2.25% =6 =7 Credit Suisse 2.45% -
9 Philippine Equity Partners 1.75% 10 =9 Citi 1.40% - =7 Macquarie 2.45% 4
10 Citi 1.09% - =9 Philippine Equity Partners 1.40% 9
11 Nomura 0.16% -
=12 Abacus 0.11% -
=12 SB Equities 0.11% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 32.54% 1 1 CLSA 28.08% 1 1 CLSA 40.80% 1
2 UBS 20.93% 2 2 UBS 21.81% 2 2 UBS 21.40% 3
3 Deutsche Bank 20.14% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 20.73% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 18.73% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 10.38% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 11.45% 5 4 J.P.Morgan 6.35% 5
5 Macquarie 5.36% 4 5 Macquarie 6.48% 4 =5 Goldman Sachs 3.34% -
6 Philippine Equity Partners 2.99% =6 6 Philippine Equity Partners 3.24% =6 =5 Macquarie 3.34% 4
7 Credit Suisse 2.37% 12 =7 Credit Suisse 2.16% 9 7 ATR-Kim Eng 2.68% -
8 Goldman Sachs 1.76% - =7 Goldman Sachs 2.16% - =8 Citi 1.67% -
9 ATR-Kim Eng 1.63% =10 9 ATR-Kim Eng 1.73% - =8 Credit Suisse 1.67% -
=10 Citi 0.88% - =10 Citi 1.08% -
=10 SB Equities 0.88% - =10 SB Equities 1.08% -
12 DBP-Daiwa 0.13% =10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 39.07% 1 1 CLSA 38.98% 3 1 CLSA 47.02% 2
2 UBS 22.76% 2 2 UBS 22.44% 1 2 UBS 20.70% 1
3 Deutsche Bank 16.87% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 17.13% 2 3 Deutsche Bank 15.44% 3
4 J.P.Morgan 11.75% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 12.60% 4 4 J.P.Morgan 9.82% 4
5 Macquarie 3.92% 5 5 Macquarie 4.92% 5 =5 Goldman Sachs 3.51% -
6 Credit Suisse 2.39% - =6 Credit Suisse 1.97% - =5 Macquarie 3.51% 5
7 Goldman Sachs 1.49% - =6 Goldman Sachs 1.97% -
8 Citi 1.34% -
9 ATR-Kim Eng 0.22% 8
10 Philippine Equity Partners 0.11% 6
11 Nomura 0.07% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 40.39% 2 1 CLSA 39.12% 3 1 CLSA 53.33% 1
2 Deutsche Bank 20.08% 3 2 Deutsche Bank 21.96% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 17.33% 3
3 UBS 13.86% 1 =3 J.P.Morgan 12.97% 5 3 UBS 12.00% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 11.80% 4 =3 UBS 12.97% 1 4 J.P.Morgan 10.33% 5
5 Credit Suisse 5.10% - 5 Macquarie 5.59% 4 5 Goldman Sachs 3.33% -
6 Macquarie 4.98% 5 6 Credit Suisse 4.39% - 6 Credit Suisse 2.00% -
7 Goldman Sachs 1.50% - 7 Goldman Sachs 2.00% - 7 Macquarie 1.67% 4
8 Citi 1.35% - 8 Philippine Equity Partners 1.00% 6
9 Philippine Equity Partners 0.75% 6
10 Nomura 0.11% -
11 ATR-Kim Eng 0.07% 7

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 40.94% 1 1 CLSA 28.24% 2 1 CLSA 49.12% 2
2 Deutsche Bank 17.91% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 23.53% 1 2 J.P.Morgan 24.56% -
3 J.P.Morgan 17.48% 3 3 J.P.Morgan 21.18% 3 3 Deutsche Bank 17.54% 1
4 Credit Suisse 8.53% - 4 Credit Suisse 10.59% - 4 UBS 8.77% -
5 UBS 6.82% 4 =5 Philippine Equity Partners 5.88% =5
6 Philippine Equity Partners 4.48% =5 =5 UBS 5.88% 4
7 ATR-Kim Eng 3.84% =5 7 ATR-Kim Eng 4.71% =5

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Robrina Go UBS 14.96% 1 1 Robrina Go UBS 16.56% 1 1 Robrina Go UBS 23.74% 1
2 Alex Dauz CLSA 12.57% 8 2 Noel Bautista Deutsche Bank 14.26% 3 2 Tina Conde CLSA 18.35% -
3 Mitzi De Dios CLSA 11.04% 3 3 Mitzi De Dios CLSA 13.44% 4 3 Noel Bautista Deutsche Bank 15.11% 3
4 Tina Conde CLSA 10.97% - 4 Alex Dauz CLSA 9.84% =15 4 Alex Dauz CLSA 11.87% 4
5 Noel Bautista Deutsche Bank 10.67% 4 5 Tina Conde CLSA 6.89% - 5 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 8.63% -
6 Michael Macale Deutsche Bank 5.03% 2 6 Michael Macale Deutsche Bank 6.07% 2 =6 Jasmine Carino CLSA 7.55% =5
7 Alexander Santos J.P.Morgan 4.78% - 7 Alexander Santos J.P.Morgan 5.25% - =6 Mitzi De Dios CLSA 7.55% -
8 Emmanuel Bautista Deutsche Bank 3.77% 6 =8 Emmanuel Bautista Deutsche Bank 4.92% 6 8 Emmanuel Bautista Deutsche Bank 3.60% =5
9 Michael Zulueta CLSA 3.71% 24 =8 Mark Abadir PEP 4.92% =21 9 Cecilia Suarez J.P.Morgan 1.44% -
10 Mark Abadir PEP 3.68% 9 10 Jasmine Carino CLSA 3.11% =8 =10 Alexander Santos J.P.Morgan 1.08% -
11 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 3.31% - =11 Anton Periquet Deutsche Bank 2.46% - =10 Lito Vicencio Credit Suisse 1.08% -
12 Jasmine Carino CLSA 3.07% =10 =11 Michael Zulueta CLSA 2.46% =19
13 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 1.84% - =11 Stephen Kam Merrill Lynch 2.46% -
14 Lito Vicencio Credit Suisse 1.72% - =14 Paulo Rojas Macquarie 1.64% =21
15 Sandra Sondak J.P.Morgan 1.47% - =14 Russell Keenan Deutsche Bank 1.64% -
=16 Paulo Rojas Macquarie 1.23% =27 16 Cecilia Suarez J.P.Morgan 1.48% -
=16 Russell Keenan Deutsche Bank 1.23% - =17 Derrick Santos Macquarie 1.31% 14
=18 Cecilia Suarez J.P.Morgan 1.10% - =17 Lito Vicencio Credit Suisse 1.31% -
=18 Derek Wilson Macquarie 1.10% -
20 Derrick Santos Macquarie 0.98% 17
21 Stephen Beecroft UBS 0.55% -
22 Nicola Fallon CLSA 0.37% -
23 Jojo Aquino ATR-Kim Eng 0.28% -
24 Dan Vovil Macquarie 0.25% -
25 Jennifer Co PEP 0.12% -
26 Hirou Kaneshige PEP 0.09% -
=27 Mike Santos Macquarie 0.06% =27
=27 Yoichiro Sano Nomura 0.06% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 15.07% 2 1 CLSA 15.97% 5 1 UBS 15.16% =6
2 CLSA 13.20% 3 2 UBS 14.72% 2 2 DBS Vickers 14.24% 1
3 DBS Vickers 12.05% 1 3 Credit Suisse 13.35% 6 3 CLSA 12.64% 3
4 Credit Suisse 11.22% 6 4 DBS Vickers 8.33% 1 4 Credit Suisse 7.24% 4
5 Citi 7.71% 5 5 Citi 7.87% 4 5 J.P.Morgan 6.39% 2
6 Macquarie 6.64% 7 6 J.P.Morgan 6.49% 3 6 CIMB 6.32% 14
7 J.P.Morgan 6.59% 4 7 Morgan Stanley 6.30% 12 7 Macquarie 5.82% 17
8 CIMB 5.97% 13 8 Macquarie 6.25% 13 8 Deutsche Bank 5.15% 11
9 Morgan Stanley 4.77% 11 9 CIMB 4.66% 17 9 Merrill Lynch 5.11% =6
10 BNP Paribas 4.63% 9 10 Deutsche Bank 4.40% 8 10 Citi 5.04% 15
11 Deutsche Bank 3.73% 10 11 BNP Paribas 3.79% 9 11 BNP Paribas 4.94% =12
12 Merrill Lynch 2.74% 8 12 Merrill Lynch 3.51% 7 12 Morgan Stanley 3.13% =12
13 Goldman Sachs 2.27% 14 13 Goldman Sachs 2.67% 15 13 Goldman Sachs 2.84% 5
14 UOB Kay Hian 0.93% 12 14 UOB Kay Hian 0.76% 10 14 Nomura 2.13% -
15 Nomura 0.83% 16 15 Kim Eng 0.61% 11 15 UOB Kay Hian 1.42% 8
16 Kim Eng 0.59% 15 16 HSBC 0.31% - 16 RBS 1.28% -
17 RBS 0.50% - 17 Kim Eng 1.14% 10
=18 HSBC 0.22% -
=18 Lehman Brothers* 0.22% -
20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.11% 19

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 30.83% 1 1 UBS 27.99% 1 1 UBS 28.85% 1
2 CLSA 15.60% 4 2 CLSA 18.48% 2 2 CLSA 18.49% 3
3 DBS Vickers 9.13% 3 3 Credit Suisse 11.67% 6 =3 Citi 8.96% 5
4 Credit Suisse 9.00% 5 4 CIMB 8.15% =10 =3 DBS Vickers 8.96% 2
5 Citi 8.84% 2 5 DBS Vickers 7.30% 3 5 Credit Suisse 8.40% 6
6 CIMB 6.22% 11 6 Citi 5.46% 4 6 Nomura 7.84% -
7 Macquarie 5.64% 6 7 Macquarie 5.35% 9 7 Merrill Lynch 4.48% =8
8 Deutsche Bank 3.20% 14 8 Deutsche Bank 3.77% 13 8 CIMB 3.64% =12
9 Nomura 3.03% 15 9 Merrill Lynch 3.16% =10 9 Macquarie 3.36% =8
10 BNP Paribas 2.24% 17 10 Nomura 2.92% - 10 Goldman Sachs 2.80% 4
11 Merrill Lynch 2.16% 9 11 BNP Paribas 1.95% - 11 BNP Paribas 2.52% 14
12 J.P.Morgan 1.81% 7 12 J.P.Morgan 1.62% 5 12 Cazenove 1.26% -
13 Goldman Sachs 1.16% 8 13 Goldman Sachs 1.22% 8 13 Deutsche Bank 0.42% 11
14 UOB Kay Hian 0.75% 10 14 UOB Kay Hian 0.97% 7
15 Cazenove 0.37% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 18.74% 1 1 CLSA 20.67% 3 1 CLSA 14.39% 3
2 CLSA 17.29% 4 2 UBS 16.90% 1 2 Merrill Lynch 12.95% 6
3 Citi 8.71% 3 3 Credit Suisse 12.31% 10 3 UBS 11.87% 1
4 DBS Vickers 8.70% 2 =4 CIMB 7.90% 13 =4 Credit Suisse 10.07% -
5 Credit Suisse 8.54% 12 =4 J.P.Morgan 7.90% 11 =4 Nomura 10.07% -
6 J.P.Morgan 6.92% 10 6 DBS Vickers 6.99% 2 6 Deutsche Bank 7.55% 4
7 CIMB 6.03% 11 7 Citi 6.63% 4 7 CIMB 7.19% 11
8 BNP Paribas 5.19% 16 8 Merrill Lynch 5.47% 6 8 Citi 6.29% 5
9 Nomura 4.19% 14 9 Nomura 3.95% - 9 BNP Paribas 5.22% -
10 Deutsche Bank 3.95% 6 10 BNP Paribas 3.04% - 10 Daiwa Institute of Research 4.32% -
11 Merrill Lynch 3.77% 5 11 Deutsche Bank 2.39% 5 =11 Goldman Sachs 3.60% 10
12 Macquarie 1.78% 9 =12 Goldman Sachs 1.52% 7 =11 Morgan Stanley 3.60% 8
13 Goldman Sachs 1.47% =7 =12 Morgan Stanley 1.52% =8 13 DBS Vickers 2.88% 2
14 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.31% - 14 UOB Kay Hian 1.22% 12
=15 Morgan Stanley 1.19% =7 15 HSBC 0.81% -
=15 HSBC 1.19% - 16 Macquarie 0.76% =8
17 UOB Kay Hian 0.94% 13
18 RBS 0.10% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 DBS Vickers 31.45% 1 =1 CIMB 22.86% 2 1 DBS Vickers 31.01% 1
2 CIMB 18.64% 2 =1 DBS Vickers 22.86% 1 2 CLSA 20.91% 3
3 CLSA 12.03% 3 3 CLSA 16.10% =8 3 UBS 13.94% 5
4 UBS 9.40% =8 4 UBS 14.03% =6 =4 RBS 6.97% -
5 BNP Paribas 8.62% 6 5 BNP Paribas 7.43% =8 =4 CIMB 6.97% =8
6 Merrill Lynch 3.41% =8 6 RBS 4.13% - 6 Merrill Lynch 5.57% =8
=7 RBS 2.77% - 7 UOB Kay Hian 3.71% 5 7 Goldman Sachs 3.48% 6
=7 Kim Eng 2.77% 4 8 Merrill Lynch 3.30% =6 8 Deutsche Bank 3.31% =10
9 UOB Kay Hian 2.49% 7 9 Goldman Sachs 2.06% 11 9 BNP Paribas 3.14% =10
10 Deutsche Bank 1.87% 13 10 Deutsche Bank 1.65% 14 10 Cazenove 2.61% -
11 Citi 1.66% 15 11 Credit Suisse 1.03% 4 11 J.P.Morgan 2.09% 13
12 Credit Suisse 1.52% 5 12 Kim Eng 0.83% 3
13 Goldman Sachs 1.38% 10
14 Cazenove 1.04% -
15 J.P.Morgan 0.83% 11
16 SBI E2-Capital 0.14% 17

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Credit Suisse 19.05% 1 1 Credit Suisse 23.05% 1 1 Credit Suisse 18.36% 1
2 CLSA 14.71% 11 2 CLSA 17.45% 13 2 CLSA 13.04% 11
3 UBS 10.13% 2 3 Morgan Stanley 10.35% 4 3 Morgan Stanley 12.56% 6
4 Morgan Stanley 9.71% 4 4 UBS 7.83% 2 4 UBS 10.99% 2
5 BNP Paribas 8.35% 15 5 Merrill Lynch 6.69% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 8.70% 12
6 Citi 6.17% 3 6 Citi 6.59% 3 6 BNP Paribas 8.33% 17
7 Merrill Lynch 5.38% 9 7 BNP Paribas 6.02% - 7 Citi 6.52% =4
8 Macquarie 5.11% 5 8 CIMB 4.67% - =8 Deutsche Bank 3.86% =14
9 Deutsche Bank 4.52% 12 9 Macquarie 4.31% 9 =8 J.P.Morgan 3.86% 7
10 CIMB 3.96% =18 10 Deutsche Bank 3.71% 11 =10 DBS Vickers 2.90% =4
11 J.P.Morgan 3.14% 8 11 Goldman Sachs 3.65% 5 =10 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.90% 9
12 DBS Vickers 3.06% 6 12 DBS Vickers 3.25% 7 =10 Macquarie 2.90% 8
13 Goldman Sachs 2.99% 7 13 J.P.Morgan 1.62% 6 =10 Nomura 2.90% -
=14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.90% 14 14 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.81% - 14 Cazenove 2.17% -
=14 Nomura 0.90% =16
16 Cazenove 0.67% -
17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.60% 13
=18 RBS 0.30% -
=18 UOB Kay Hian 0.30% 10
20 Kim Eng 0.07% =18

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 16.85% 3 1 J.P.Morgan 20.48% 2 1 UBS 18.24% 1
2 UBS 15.10% 2 2 UBS 14.68% 3 2 Merrill Lynch 14.47% 13
3 DBS Vickers 11.81% 1 3 Morgan Stanley 11.40% 9 3 Credit Suisse 12.58% 4
4 Morgan Stanley 9.04% 10 4 Credit Suisse 10.06% 7 =4 CLSA 11.32% 12
5 CLSA 8.04% =12 5 CLSA 9.72% 15 =4 J.P.Morgan 11.32% 3
6 Credit Suisse 7.54% =8 6 Merrill Lynch 7.71% =10 =4 Morgan Stanley 11.32% =6
7 Citi 6.35% 4 7 Citi 6.64% 4 7 Goldman Sachs 5.03% 5
8 Deutsche Bank 6.22% =12 =8 CIMB 5.36% =10 8 BNP Paribas 4.56% 8
9 Merrill Lynch 5.78% =12 =8 Deutsche Bank 5.36% =10 9 DBS Vickers 4.40% 2
10 CIMB 5.40% 7 10 DBS Vickers 3.69% 1 10 Citi 3.46% 11
11 Goldman Sachs 3.01% =8 11 Goldman Sachs 2.68% 6 11 Cazenove 2.83% -
12 BNP Paribas 2.57% 11 12 BNP Paribas 1.68% =13 12 Deutsche Bank 0.47% 9
13 Nomura 1.16% 17 13 Nomura 0.54% -
14 Cazenove 1.13% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 J.P.Morgan 18.13% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 18.41% 2 1 J.P.Morgan 13.30% 1
2 UBS 17.26% 4 2 UBS 14.77% 4 2 Credit Suisse 12.32% 6
3 Citi 11.51% 1 3 Citi 10.70% 1 3 Citi 12.19% 2
4 Credit Suisse 8.36% 8 4 CLSA 10.52% 7 4 CLSA 10.84% 5
5 CLSA 8.23% 7 5 Credit Suisse 8.65% =8 5 UBS 10.59% 10
6 Macquarie 7.21% 5 6 Macquarie 7.28% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 9.36% 8
7 BNP Paribas 4.73% - 7 Deutsche Bank 5.26% =8 7 Goldman Sachs 7.39% 9
8 Morgan Stanley 4.51% 6 8 Merrill Lynch 5.17% 10 8 BNP Paribas 6.03% -
9 Deutsche Bank 4.28% 9 9 Morgan Stanley 4.15% 6 9 Morgan Stanley 4.43% 4
10 Merrill Lynch 3.88% 10 10 BNP Paribas 3.51% - 10 Deutsche Bank 3.94% 7
11 DBS Vickers 3.16% 3 11 CIMB 3.21% 14 11 DBS Vickers 3.45% 3
12 CIMB 2.96% 16 =12 Goldman Sachs 2.68% 13 12 Macquarie 2.96% 13
13 Goldman Sachs 2.37% 11 =12 RBS 2.68% - 13 Cazenove 2.22% -
14 RBS 1.97% - 14 DBS Vickers 2.32% 3 14 CIMB 0.99% 14
15 Cazenove 0.59% - 15 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.71% -
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.53% 15
17 UOB Kay Hian 0.33% 13

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 12.77% 3 1 Citi 15.09% 2 1 Citi 17.80% =3
2 Macquarie 8.40% 9 2 Goldman Sachs 9.63% 1 2 Credit Suisse 13.56% 5
=3 CIMB 8.12% 14 =3 CLSA 9.23% 9 3 Goldman Sachs 9.32% 1
=3 CLSA 8.12% 6 =3 Credit Suisse 9.23% 6 4 RBS 8.47% -
=3 Credit Suisse 8.12% 8 5 Morgan Stanley 8.23% 3 =5 Deutsche Bank 6.78% 2
6 J.P.Morgan 7.56% 4 =6 CIMB 7.22% - =5 J.P.Morgan 6.78% 9
7 Goldman Sachs 6.72% 1 =6 J.P.Morgan 7.22% 4 =5 Merrill Lynch 6.78% 10
8 Morgan Stanley 6.68% 2 8 UBS 6.82% 8 8 BNP Paribas 6.14% =12
9 UBS 6.23% 11 9 Macquarie 6.42% 10 9 Nomura 5.08% -
10 Nomura 5.04% 16 10 Merrill Lynch 5.02% 11 10 UBS 4.87% 7
11 DBS Vickers 4.90% 5 11 Deutsche Bank 4.72% 7 11 Macquarie 4.24% 14
12 Deutsche Bank 4.13% 7 =12 DBS Vickers 4.01% 5 12 Cazenove 3.81% 18
13 Merrill Lynch 4.06% 12 =12 RBS 4.01% - 13 CLSA 3.39% 8
14 BNP Paribas 3.71% 10 14 BNP Paribas 2.01% =12 14 Lehman Brothers* 1.69% =12
15 RBS 2.80% - 15 Lehman Brothers* 0.80% =12 15 DBS Vickers 1.27% =3
16 Cazenove 1.48% =17 16 Cazenove 0.32% -
=17 Lehman Brothers* 0.56% 15 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=17 UOB Kay Hian 0.56% 13 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 17.86% 3 1 UBS 16.05% 5 1 Merrill Lynch 29.55% 3
2 J.P.Morgan 11.78% 11 2 Goldman Sachs 14.11% 4 2 CLSA 12.66% =6
3 Goldman Sachs 11.68% 2 3 Merrill Lynch 13.62% 2 3 Goldman Sachs 11.61% 1
4 BNP Paribas 10.05% 14 4 CLSA 12.65% =8 4 J.P.Morgan 10.55% 8
5 Merrill Lynch 9.62% 5 5 J.P.Morgan 11.33% =10 5 BNP Paribas 7.65% 14
6 CLSA 9.27% 9 6 BNP Paribas 5.84% 15 6 DBS Vickers 6.33% 2
7 Deutsche Bank 6.53% 6 =7 CIMB 4.86% 12 =7 Credit Suisse 5.28% 4
8 DBS Vickers 6.18% 4 =7 DBS Vickers 4.86% 3 =7 UBS 5.28% 5
9 CIMB 3.61% 13 9 Morgan Stanley 3.89% =13 9 Cazenove 4.75% -
10 Morgan Stanley 3.21% =7 10 Macquarie 3.41% - 10 Citi 4.22% =6
11 Macquarie 2.75% 15 11 Deutsche Bank 2.92% 6 11 CIMB 2.11% 16
12 Citi 2.61% 1 12 Citi 2.72% 1
13 Credit Suisse 1.72% =7 13 Credit Suisse 2.43% 7
14 Cazenove 1.55% - 14 HSBC 1.30% -
15 HSBC 0.92% -
16 UOB Kay Hian 0.69% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 43.01% 1 1 CLSA 41.41% 1 1 CLSA 43.72% 1
2 CIMB 16.19% =5 2 CIMB 22.90% =3 =2 CIMB 18.60% =3
3 DBS Vickers 10.38% 2 3 Merrill Lynch 12.18% 12 =2 Merrill Lynch 18.60% -
4 BNP Paribas 9.23% 7 =4 BNP Paribas 7.31% 6 =4 DBS Vickers 7.44% 2
5 Merrill Lynch 7.69% 12 =4 DBS Vickers 7.31% 2 =4 J.P.Morgan 7.44% -
6 J.P.Morgan 5.38% - 6 J.P.Morgan 4.87% - 6 Cazenove 4.19% -
7 Cazenove 1.73% - 7 Credit Suisse 2.50% =3
8 Credit Suisse 1.58% =5 8 Deutsche Bank 1.52% -
=9 Goldman Sachs 1.54% =10
=9 UBS 1.54% 3
11 Deutsche Bank 0.96% -
12 Nomura 0.77% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Tan Min Lan UBS 8.35% 1 1 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 9.24% =2 1 Tan Min Lan UBS 10.05% 1
2 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 7.70% 3 2 Tan Min Lan UBS 7.45% 1 2 Winnifred Heap J.P.Morgan 7.77% 8
3 Soong Tuck Yin Macquarie 5.30% 7 3 Soong Tuck Yin Macquarie 5.64% 9 =3 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 5.12% -
4 Wee Siang Ng BNP Paribas 4.59% - 4 Wee Siang Ng BNP Paribas 5.15% - =3 Sean Quek Credit Suisse 5.12% =4
5 Winnifred Heap J.P.Morgan 3.93% 8 5 Winnifred Heap J.P.Morgan 5.14% 6 5 Praveen Choudhary Morgan Stanley 4.93% =24
6 Alastair Gillespie UBS 3.64% - 6 Alastair Gillespie UBS 4.08% - =6 Cheryl Lee UBS 3.98% =4
7 Sean Quek Credit Suisse 3.22% 6 7 Neel Sinha CLSA 3.99% - =6 Chong Wee Lee DBS Vickers 3.98% -
8 Neel Sinha CLSA 2.93% - 8 Praveen Choudhary Morgan Stanley 3.64% - 8 Clarice Khoo Credit Suisse 3.79% -
9 Chong Wee Lee DBS Vickers 2.85% - 9 Sean Quek Credit Suisse 3.38% 5 =9 Anand Ramachandran Citi 2.84% =9
10 Praveen Choudhary Morgan Stanley 2.65% - =10 Gregory Lui Deutsche Bank 2.67% 12 =9 Chong Han Lim Merrill Lynch 2.84% -
11 Cheryl Lee UBS 2.55% 9 =10 Tricia Song Credit Suisse 2.67% - =9 Ho Choon Seng CIMB 2.84% =9
12 Lim Jit Soon Lehman Brothers* 2.23% 4 12 Clarice Khoo Credit Suisse 2.60% - =9 Neel Sinha CLSA 2.84% =24
=13 Janice Chua DBS Vickers 2.13% 5 13 Sanjay Jain Credit Suisse 2.52% =2 =9 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 2.84% -
=13 Tricia Song Credit Suisse 2.13% - =14 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 2.34% - =9 Song Seng Wun CIMB 2.84% -
15 Gregory Lui Deutsche Bank 1.94% 11 =14 Su Tye Chua Credit Suisse 2.34% - =9 Wee Siang Ng BNP Paribas 2.84% -
16 Clarice Khoo Credit Suisse 1.89% - 16 Anand Ramachandran Citi 2.17% =14 16 James Tan Deutsche Bank 2.56% 26
17 Sanjay Jain Credit Suisse 1.83% 2 17 Lim Jit Soon Lehman Brothers 1.77% 4 =17 Caroline Maes CLSA 2.27% -
=18 Melvyn Boey Merrill Lynch 1.70% - 18 Cheryl Lee UBS 1.68% 7 =17 Christopher Gee J.P.Morgan 2.27% 3
=18 Su Tye Chua Credit Suisse 1.70% - =19 Chong Han Lim Merrill Lynch 1.30% - 19 Patrick Tian Goldman Sachs 1.90% -
20 Anand Ramachandran Citi 1.58% =17 =19 Haider Ali Credit Suisse 1.30% - =20 Brian W. Hunsaker Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.71% -
21 Wendy Koh Citi 1.51% 21 =19 Ho Choon Seng CIMB 1.30% =14 =20 Janice Chua DBS Vickers 1.71% 2
22 Ho Choon Seng CIMB 1.32% =17 =19 Patrick Yau Macquarie 1.30% - =20 Keng Hock Lim Credit Suisse 1.71% -
=23 Lawrence Lye CIMB 1.07% - =19 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 1.30% - =20 Leng Seng Choon DMG & Partners 1.71% -
=23 Pyari Menon Deutsche Bank 1.07% 15 =19 Song Seng Wun CIMB 1.30% - =20 Nirgunan Tiruchelvam RBS 1.71% -
25 Jonathan Ng BNP Paribas 1.04% - 25 Chong Wee Lee DBS Vickers 1.26% - =20 Sean Darby Nomura 1.71% -
26 David Ng Goldman Sachs 1.03% - 26 Lawrence Lye CIMB 1.13% - =20 Soong Tuck Yin Macquarie 1.71% -
=27 Chong Han Lim Merrill Lynch 0.95% - =27 Caroline Maes CLSA 1.04% - =20 Tan Ai Teng DBS Vickers 1.71% -
=27 Haider Ali Credit Suisse 0.95% - =27 Chua Hak Bin Citi 1.04% - =28 Andy Sim DBS Vickers 1.52% -
=27 Patrick Yau Macquarie 0.95% - =27 Dhruv Vohra CLSA 1.04% - =28 Kevin Chong Deutsche Bank 1.52% =12
=27 Silvia Liu Merrill Lynch 0.95% - =27 Germaine Khong CIMB 1.04% - =28 Loo Kar Weng Merrill Lynch 1.52% -
=27 Song Seng Wun CIMB 0.95% - =27 James Tan Deutsche Bank 1.04% - =28 Pyari Menon Deutsche Bank 1.52% =19
=27 Roger Lum Morgan Stanley 1.04% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 DBS Vickers 68.18% 1 1 DBS Vickers 63.64% 1 1 DBS Vickers 69.23% 1
2 UOB Kay Hian 15.82% 2 2 UOB Kay Hian 17.65% 2 2 UOB Kay Hian 19.78% 2
3 Kim Eng 10.16% 3 3 Kim Eng 9.80% 3 3 Kim Eng 10.99% 3
=4 G. K. Goh 2.34% - =4 G. K. Goh 3.57% -
=4 Lim & Tan 2.34% - =4 Lim & Tan 3.57% -
6 OCBC 1.17% =6 6 OCBC 1.78% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 15.36% 3 1 UBS 15.30% 3 1 UBS 16.57% 13
2 CLSA 12.97% 4 2 CLSA 14.69% 5 2 DBS Vickers 11.08% 1
3 J.P.Morgan 9.30% 5 3 J.P.Morgan 11.31% 4 3 CLSA 10.65% 2
4 BNP Paribas 8.23% 14 4 BNP Paribas 9.01% 15 4 BNP Paribas 9.01% 15
5 Credit Suisse 7.49% 7 5 Credit Suisse 8.74% 6 5 J.P.Morgan 8.68% 8
6 DBS Vickers 7.09% 1 6 Deutsche Bank 6.85% 9 6 Credit Suisse 7.76% 3
7 Deutsche Bank 7.07% 10 7 Macquarie 5.53% 12 7 Deutsche Bank 6.34% 12
8 CIMB 6.80% 6 8 Citi 5.04% 2 8 CIMB 5.39% =6
9 Citi 6.25% 2 9 DBS Vickers 4.89% 1 9 Macquarie 4.34% 16
10 Macquarie 5.38% 12 10 Morgan Stanley 3.98% 10 10 Citi 3.09% 5
11 Morgan Stanley 2.84% 9 11 CIMB 3.61% 7 11 Merrill Lynch 2.96% 9
12 Nomura 1.87% 15 12 Merrill Lynch 2.41% 8 =12 Morgan Stanley 2.89% =6
13 Merrill Lynch 1.83% 8 13 Goldman Sachs 1.75% 11 =12 Nomura 2.89% -
14 Goldman Sachs 1.79% 11 14 Nomura 1.53% 18 14 Goldman Sachs 2.63% 4
15 Daiwa SMBC 1.17% =20 15 Lehman Brothers* 1.50% 17 15 Cazenove 2.17% 14
16 Lehman Brothers* 1.02% 18 16 HSBC 1.31% - =16 HSBC 1.05% -
17 HSBC 0.90% - 17 Cazenove 1.09% 16 =16 Lehman Brothers* 1.05% -
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.88% 13 18 Daiwa SMBC 0.88% - =16 SBI E2-Capital 1.05% 17
19 Cazenove 0.82% 17 19 SBI E2-Capital 0.58% - 19 RBS 0.39% -
20 SBI E2-Capital 0.55% 19
21 Aseambankers 0.20% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
22 RBS 0.15% -
23 Kim Eng 0.02% 16

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 12.83% =2 1 CLSA 15.64% 5 1 CLSA 13.64% 4
2 UBS 12.58% =2 2 UBS 15.22% 3 2 UBS 13.48% 3
3 Deutsche Bank 9.89% 4 3 Deutsche Bank 11.78% 2 3 Deutsche Bank 12.80% 2
4 DBS Vickers 8.92% 1 4 Merrill Lynch 8.70% 7 4 DBS Vickers 10.31% 1
5 CIMB 6.19% 5 5 Credit Suisse 7.07% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 7.70% =9
6 Credit Suisse 6.12% 8 6 DBS Vickers 5.92% 1 6 Credit Suisse 6.26% =9
7 Merrill Lynch 6.07% 7 7 CIMB 5.79% 4 7 Citi 5.54% -
8 Macquarie 5.67% 10 8 Kim Eng 4.35% 9 8 CIMB 4.41% =6
9 Citi 5.54% 17 9 Morgan Stanley 4.23% 6 9 Nomura 4.01% 12
10 BNP Paribas 5.53% 15 10 Citi 4.09% =14 10 Morgan Stanley 3.85% =6
11 Morgan Stanley 3.75% 6 11 Goldman Sachs 3.74% =10 11 Goldman Sachs 3.53% 8
12 J.P.Morgan 3.50% 14 12 J.P.Morgan 3.10% 12 12 BNP Paribas 3.13% 15
=13 Goldman Sachs 3.09% 11 13 Macquarie 3.02% 13 13 J.P.Morgan 3.05% 13
=13 Kim Eng 3.09% 9 14 BNP Paribas 2.90% 17 14 Macquarie 2.89% -
15 Nomura 2.81% 12 15 Nomura 2.42% =14 15 Kim Eng 2.57% 5
16 UOB Kay Hian 1.47% 13 16 RBS* 0.97% 18 16 Phillip 1.44% -
17 Phillip 0.71% 22 17 UOB Kay Hian 0.60% =10 17 SEI E2-Capital 0.64% 14
18 RBS* 0.63% 19 18 SBI E2-Capital 0.48% - 18 Daiwa SMBC 0.48% -
19 Daiwa SMBC 0.61% 23 19 Cazenove 0.24% -
20 SBI E2-Capital 0.55% 16 *RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
21 Aseambankers 0.32% -
22 Cazenove 0.12% -

*RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.39% 1 1 CLSA 18.41% 4 1 CLSA 14.36% 4
2 UBS 11.93% 2 2 UBS 13.02% 1 2 UBS 14.11% 3
3 Deutsche Bank 8.20% 4 3 Credit Suisse 9.56% 8 3 DBS Vickers 9.72% 2
4 CIMB 7.91% 5 4 Deutsche Bank 8.77% 3 4 Deutsche Bank 7.71% 1
5 Credit Suisse 7.82% 8 5 Merrill Lynch 7.75% 6 5 Merrill Lynch 7.55% 10
6 DBS Vickers 7.07% 3 6 CIMB 7.58% 5 6 Credit Suisse 7.05% 8
7 Merrill Lynch 6.45% 6 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.97% 12 7 J.P.Morgan 6.89% 11
8 Macquarie 5.98% 13 =7 Macquarie 4.97% - 8 BNP Paribas 5.54% -
9 BNP Paribas 5.30% 19 9 DBS Vickers 4.73% 2 9 CIMB 5.50% 6
10 J.P.Morgan 4.85% 11 10 BNP Paribas 4.30% - 10 Macquarie 4.76% -
11 Citi 3.95% 9 11 Morgan Stanley 4.14% 7 11 Morgan Stanley 3.94% 5
12 Morgan Stanley 3.71% 7 12 Goldman Sachs 3.31% =13 12 Goldman Sachs 3.77% 13
13 Goldman Sachs 2.60% 14 13 Citi 2.38% 9 13 Nomura 2.79% =14
14 Nomura 2.23% 15 14 Nomura 1.72% =13 14 Citi 2.38% 12
15 Kim Eng 2.15% 10 =15 Kim Eng 1.42% 11 15 SBI E2-Capital 1.97% 16
16 UOB Kay Hian 1.26% 12 =15 SBI E2-Capital 1.42% - =16 Lehman Brothers* 0.98% -
17 SBI E2-Capital 0.95% 18 17 RBS* 0.95% 17 =16 UOB Kay Hian 0.98% 9
18 RBS* 0.63% 20 18 OCBC 0.59% -
19 Lehman Brothers** 0.47% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Daiwa SMBC 0.43% - *RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
21 OCBC 0.39% 21
22 Aseambankers 0.32% -

*RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 24.84% 1 1 CLSA 26.23% 1 1 CLSA 23.71% 2
2 DBS Vickers 12.23% 2 2 UBS 10.07% 6 2 DBS Vickers 14.99% 1
3 UBS 8.63% 5 3 DBS Vickers 9.43% 2 3 UBS 8.92% =4
4 Citi 8.13% 4 4 Credit Suisse 8.43% 8 4 Credit Suisse 8.59% 3
5 BNP Paribas 6.41% 15 5 Citi 8.40% 4 5 BNP Paribas 8.51% -
6 Credit Suisse 6.29% 8 6 BNP Paribas 7.17% 16 6 Merrill Lynch 6.61% 6
7 Morgan Stanley 6.04% 3 7 Morgan Stanley 7.06% 3 7 Nomura 5.70% -
8 Nomura 4.90% 10 8 Merrill Lynch 5.40% 5 8 J.P.Morgan 4.13% 8
9 J.P.Morgan 4.69% 9 9 J.P.Morgan 5.08% 9 9 CIMB 4.05% =12
10 Merrill Lynch 4.23% 6 10 Deutsche Bank 3.79% 7 10 Deutsche Bank 3.88% 7
11 CIMB 4.05% 12 11 Nomura 2.47% 14 11 Citi 2.64% 11
12 Deutsche Bank 3.48% 7 =12 Goldman Sachs 2.04% 10 12 Morgan Stanley 2.56% =4
13 Macquarie 3.00% 13 =12 Macquarie 2.04% 15 13 Goldman Sachs 2.07% 10
14 Goldman Sachs 1.70% 11 14 CIMB 1.97% =12 14 Macquarie 1.65% 15
15 Daiwa 0.60% 18 15 Lehman Brothers* 0.43% - =15 RBS* 0.99% 9
16 RBS* 0.34% 14 =15 Daiwa 0.99% -
17 Lehman Brothers** 0.28% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
18 UOB Kay Hian 0.16% 20 *RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

*RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 18.55% 2 1 CLSA 19.23% 1 1 CLSA 22.63% 2
2 J.P.Morgan 11.24% 6 2 J.P.Morgan 13.19% 7 2 DBS Vickers 14.40% 1
3 DBS Vickers 9.79% 1 3 Credit Suisse 12.34% 9 3 UBS 7.48% 6
4 Credit Suisse 9.24% 10 4 UBS 8.36% 5 4 BNP Paribas 7.34% -
5 UBS 8.81% 3 5 Deutsche Bank 7.84% 4 5 Credit Suisse 7.29% 5
6 Deutsche Bank 6.23% 5 6 Merrill Lynch 6.24% 6 6 Deutsche Bank 7.01% 3
7 Citi 6.20% 4 7 Citi 6.21% 3 7 J.P.Morgan 6.92% 4
8 BNP Paribas 5.88% 13 8 DBS Vickers 5.88% 2 8 CIMB 6.17% 7
9 Macquarie 5.04% 8 9 BNP Paribas 5.75% 13 9 Goldman Sachs 5.52% 12
10 Merrill Lynch 4.53% 7 10 Goldman Sachs 3.96% 15 10 Merrill Lynch 5.42% 8
11 CIMB 4.46% 9 11 Macquarie 3.87% 8 =11 Citi 2.81% 9
12 Goldman Sachs 3.93% 15 12 CIMB 2.98% 11 =11 Macquarie 2.81% -
13 Nomura 2.49% 11 13 Morgan Stanley 2.71% 10 13 Normura 2.52% -
14 Morgan Stanley 1.94% 12 14 Nomura 1.09% =16 14 Daiwa 1.12% -
15 Daiwa 1.17% 17 15 Daiwa 0.36% - 15 UOB Kay Hian 0.56% 13
16 UOB Kay Hian 0.49% 16

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Credit Suisse 14.42% 10 1 Credit Suisse 19.58% 10 1 DBS Vickers 17.85% 1
2 DBS Vickers 12.64% 1 2 Deutsche Bank 13.78% =12 2 CIMB 14.70% 2
3 CIMB 11.60% 2 3 DBS Vickers 10.02% 1 =3 Credit Suisse 9.45% 5
4 Deutsche Bank 10.45% 15 =4 CIMB 8.77% =2 =3 Deutsche Bank 9.45% =8
5 Citi 7.84% 4 =4 UBS 8.77% =7 5 Macquarie 8.40% 4
6 Macquarie 7.21% 5 6 CLSA 7.20% =4 6 Nomura 7.35% -
7 UBS 6.69% 7 7 Macquarie 7.05% =4 =7 Citi 5.25% =8
8 CLSA 6.06% 3 =8 Citi 5.64% =7 =7 CLSA 5.25% 3
9 Nomura 5.40% 12 =8 Morgan Stanley 5.64% 15 =7 UBS 5.25% =8
10 BNP Paribas 5.26% 8 =8 Nomura 5.64% - =10 Merrill Lynch 4.20% =6
11 Morgan Stanley 4.18% 17 11 BNP Paribas 3.34% =2 =10 Morgan Stanley 4.20% -
12 J.P.Morgan 2.63% 6 12 Merrill Lynch 2.51% =4 =12 RBS 3.15% -
13 Merrill Lynch 1.67% 9 13 J.P.Morgan 2.07% =7 =12 Tenax Capital 3.15% -
=14 RBS 1.25% - 14 BNP Paribas 2.36% -
=14 Kim Eng 1.25% 13
=14 Tenax Capital 1.25% -
17 TA 0.21% -

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 5.16% 6 1 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 5.51% 6 1 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 8.51% -
2 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 4.46% 1 2 Lunar Lee CLSA 4.87% 13 2 Goh Keat Jin BNP Paribas 8.47% -
3 Lunar Lee CLSA 4.15% 3 3 Doris Chan CLSA 4.46% 2 3 Tan Hock Meng UBS 4.33% -
4 Doris Chan CLSA 3.99% 5 4 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 4.34% - 4 Chai Szue Yin DBS Vickers 3.84% 2
5 Michael Balbirnie UBS 3.94% 2 5 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 4.33% 4 5 Scott Brixen Deutsche Bank 3.81% -
6 Jude Krishnan CLSA 3.13% - 6 Michael Balbirnie UBS 3.71% 1 6 Lunar Lee CLSA 3.73% -
7 Jack McFerran J.P.Morgan 3.09% - 7 Jude Krishnan CLSA 3.12% - 7 Jude Krishnan CLSA 3.43% -
8 Chai Szue Yin DBS Vickers 3.06% 8 8 Chai Szue Yin DBS Vickers 2.82% =11 8 Amelia Mehta Macquarie 3.21% -
9 Tan Hock Meng UBS 2.57% - 9 Emily Loh UBS 2.67% - 9 Wang Wah Le BNP Paribas 2.39% -
10 Ann Lim CIMB 2.51% 26 10 Michele Lim J.P.Morgan 2.59% 9 10 Erikson Toh Cazenove 2.35% -
11 Emily Loh UBS 2.22% - 11 Adele Yeo Credit Suisse 2.28% - =11 Ann Lim CIMB 2.24% -
12 Scott Brixen Deutsche Bank 1.93% - =12 Amelia Mehta Macquarie 2.09% =7 =11 Augustine Cheah Merrill Lynch 2.24% -
13 Michele Lim J.P.Morgan 1.87% 7 =12 Jenny Chiam Lehman Brothers 2.09% - =11 Chooi Siew Thim DBS Vickers 2.24% -
14 Henry Ong Citi 1.72% 10 =12 Tan Hock Meng UBS 2.09% - =11 Clive Lee Deutsche Bank 2.24% -
15 Adele Yeo Credit Suisse 1.63% - 15 Clive Lee Deutsche Bank 2.06% - =11 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 2.24% -
16 Lee Choo Wee Nomura 1.62% 14 =16 John Sim Macquarie 1.90% - 16 Qi Zhai Credit Suisse 1.94% -
=17 Amelia Mehta Macquarie 1.57% 12 =16 Nathan Strickland Morgan Stanley 1.90% - 17 Connie Yan UBS 1.87% -
=17 Clive Lee Deutsche Bank 1.57% - 18 Scott Brixen Deutsche Bank 1.68% - =18 Gus Cheah* Merrill Lynch 1.79% -
19 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 1.53% - 19 Punit Khanna Deutsche Bank 1.49% 3 =18 Michele Lim J.P.Morgan 1.79% =20
20 Jenny Chiam Lehman Brothers 1.49% - 20 Henry Ong Citi 1.34% =7 =18 Monique France Morgan Stanley 1.79% -
=21 John Sim Macquarie 1.36% - 21 Connie Yan UBS 1.33% - =18 Violet Foo DBS Vickers 1.79% =8
=21 Nathan Strickland Morgan Stanley 1.36% - 22 Tay Mei Yuen Deutsche Bank 1.29% - 22 Punit Khanna Deutsche Bank 1.72% 1
23 Chooi Siew Thim DBS Vickers 1.30% - 23 Winston Chue Deutsche Bank 1.26% - =23 Damian Rooney Morgan Stanley 1.49% -
24 Punit Khanna Deutsche Bank 1.25% 4 24 Ann Lim CIMB 1.22% - =23 Garett Lim UBS 1.49% =27
25 Terence Oon Macquarie 1.18% - =25 Alex Menzies J.P.Morgan 1.14% - =23 Girish Pamnani Goldman Sachs 1.49% -
26 Alex Menzies J.P.Morgan 1.17% - =25 Augustine Cheah Merrill Lynch 1.14% - =23 Maureen Oh DBS Vickers 1.49% -
27 Augustine Cheah Merrill Lynch 0.98% - =25 Chooi Siew Thim DBS Vickers 1.14% - =23 Nathan Strickland Morgan Stanley 1.49% -
28 Connie Yan UBS 0.95% - =25 Erikson Toh Cazenove 1.14% - =23 Paul Rathband RBS 1.49% -
29 Tay Mei Yuen Deutsche Bank 0.92% - =25 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 1.14% - =23 Richard Harding Kim Eng 1.49% -
30 Winston Chue Deutsche Bank 0.90% - =25 Kellie Tan BNP Paribas 1.14% - =30 Bill Murray CIMB 1.34% -
=25 Venkatesh Sethuraman Citi 1.14% =16 =30 Doreen Chua Credit Suisse 1.34% -
=30 Judy Ong DBS Vickers 1.34% -
=30 Ruben Zamora Credit Suisse 1.34% -
=30 Sanjay Grewal DBS Vickers 1.34% =20
=30 Terence Oon Macquarie 1.34% -
=30 Yee Chia Hsing** CIMB 1.34% -

* Gus Cheah has left Merrill Lynch

** Yee Chia Hsing has left CIMB

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 12.06% 1 1 CLSA 12.31% 4 1 UBS 13.36% 1
2 CLSA 11.79% 3 2 UBS 12.00% 1 2 CLSA 13.18% 3
3 Macquarie 10.36% 2 3 Macquarie 10.81% 2 3 Merrill Lynch 12.70% 10
4 Citi 8.83% 4 4 Goldman Sachs 8.06% 6 4 Goldman Sachs 10.16% 6
5 Merrill Lynch 7.77% 10 5 Citi 8.01% 5 5 Macquarie 9.42% 2
6 Yuanta 7.55% 8 6 Merrill Lynch 7.69% =10 6 Yuanta 8.94% 5
7 Credit Suisse 7.26% 7 7 Credit Suisse 7.58% 9 7 Citi 6.16% 4
8 Goldman Sachs 6.98% 6 8 Yuanta 5.90% 8 8 Deutsche Bank 5.86% 11
9 J.P.Morgan 5.27% 11 9 J.P.Morgan 5.24% =10 9 Credit Suisse 5.72% 8
10 BNP Paribas 4.85% 5 10 BNP Paribas 4.90% 3 10 J.P.Morgan 3.97% 13
11 Morgan Stanley 3.91% 9 11 Morgan Stanley 4.07% 7 11 KGI 3.49% 9
12 Deutsche Bank 3.30% 14 12 Deutsche Bank 3.33% 14 12 Morgan Stanley 2.91% 7
13 KGI 2.82% 13 13 Nomura 2.68% 12 13 BNP Paribas 2.18% 14
14 Nomura 2.15% 12 14 KGI 1.95% 13 14 Nomura 1.94% 15
15 Lehman Brothers* 1.06% 15 15 Fubon 1.02% 19
16 Fubon 0.96% 17 16 Lehman Brothers* 1.00% 16
17 HSBC 0.64% 19 17 HSBC 0.82% 18
18 Polaris 0.61% - 18 Polaris 0.75% -
19 SinoPac 0.56% 16 19 SinoPac 0.73% 17
20 RBS** 0.38% 18 20 RBS** 0.50% 15
21 MasterLink 0.30% - 21 MasterLink 0.40% -
22 Capital 0.19% 22 22 Capital 0.25% -
=23 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.17% 20
=23 IBTS 0.17% 23 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 Taiwan 0.08% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 14.82% 2 1 CLSA 15.23% 2 1 Merrill Lynch 22.12% 12
2 Merrill Lynch 13.05% 7 2 Merrill Lynch 14.91% 7 2 CLSA 14.30% 2
3 Citi 11.70% 3 3 Credit Suisse 11.88% 6 3 Goldman Sachs 8.31% 7
4 Credit Suisse 10.94% 5 4 Citi 9.57% 3 4 Credit Suisse 8.02% 5
5 UBS 8.08% 1 5 J.P.Morgan 6.62% 9 5 UBS 7.72% 1
6 J.P.Morgan 5.80% 9 6 UBS 5.74% 1 6 Citi 7.23% 3
7 Morgan Stanley 5.61% 6 7 Morgan Stanley 5.53% 5 7 Yuanta 6.01% 8
8 BNP Paribas 5.05% 4 8 Goldman Sachs 5.22% 12 8 Macquarie 5.20% 16
9 Yuanta 4.60% 13 9 BNP Paribas 4.96% 4 9 Morgan Stanley 4.75% 4
10 Goldman Sachs 4.19% 10 10 Yuanta 4.21% 11 =10 BNP Paribas 4.45% -
11 Macquarie 3.86% 14 11 Macquarie 4.00% 13 =10 Deutsche Bank 4.45% 6
12 Deutsche Bank 3.76% 8 12 Nomura 3.53% 17 =12 J.P.Morgan 2.97% =9
13 Nomura 2.80% 11 13 Deutsche Bank 3.00% 8 =12 KGI 2.97% 15
14 KGI 1.92% 15 =14 Fubon 1.31% - 14 Nomura 1.48% =13
=15 Fubon 1.01% - =14 KGI 1.31% 18
=15 Lehman Brothers* 1.01% 18 =14 Lehman Brothers* 1.31% =14
17 RBS** 0.51% 12 17 RBS** 0.65% 10
18 Taiwan 0.40% - 18 Taiwan 0.52% -
19 HSBC 0.25% 17 19 HSBC 0.33% =14
=20 IBTS 0.20% - 20 SinoPac 0.17% -
=20 Polaris 0.20% -
22 SinoPac 0.13% 19 * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.10% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 16.73% 1 1 UBS 17.45% 1 1 Goldman Sachs 18.07% 2
2 Merrill Lynch 11.15% 6 2 Merrill Lynch 11.60% 6 2 UBS 16.65% 1
3 Citi 10.04% 2 3 J.P.Morgan 9.59% 9 3 Merrill Lynch 16.41% 10
4 Goldman Sachs 8.20% 5 4 Citi 8.18% 4 4 Deutsche Bank 9.51% =8
5 J.P.Morgan 8.10% 8 5 Goldman Sachs 7.08% 5 5 Credit Suisse 8.56% -
6 CLSA 7.65% 3 6 Credit Suisse 6.90% - 6 CLSA 7.61% 4
7 Credit Suisse 5.90% - 7 CLSA 6.69% 2 =7 Auerbach Grayson 4.76% -
8 KGI 5.24% 13 8 Morgan Stanley 4.98% 3 =7 KGI 4.76% 11
9 BNP Paribas 4.37% 10 9 BNP Paribas 4.20% 8 =7 Macquarie 4.76% -
10 Deutsche Bank 3.90% 12 10 Deutsche Bank 4.14% 12 10 Citi 4.04% 6
11 Morgan Stanley 3.89% 4 11 Macquarie 3.51% 13 11 Yuanta 2.97% 5
12 Macquarie 3.21% 14 12 KGI 3.48% 14 12 J.P.Morgan 1.90% -
13 Nomura 2.58% 9 13 Nomura 2.88% 10
14 Fubon 1.95% - 14 Fubon 2.52% -
15 Yuanta 1.57% 7 15 Auerbach Grayson 1.80% -
16 Auerbach Grayson 1.39% - 16 Taiwan 1.44% -
17 Taiwan 1.12% - 17 Yuanta 1.12% 7
18 Mega 0.70% - 18 Mega 0.90% -
=19 Lehman Brothers* 0.56% - 19 Lehman Brothers* 0.72% -
=19 Polaris 0.56% - 20 SinoPac 0.48% 11
21 HSBC 0.42% 15 21 Polaris 0.36% -
22 SinoPac 0.37% 11
23 IBTS 0.28% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
24 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.14% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 22.55% 2 1 Macquarie 21.32% 2 1 Yuanta 20.23% 1
2 CLSA 16.88% 3 2 CLSA 19.71% 3 2 CLSA 19.35% 2
3 Yuanta 14.14% 1 3 Yuanta 15.66% 1 3 Macquarie 15.72% 3
4 J.P.Morgan 7.46% 6 4 J.P.Morgan 8.72% 6 4 J.P.Morgan 10.16% 10
5 KGI 6.10% 4 5 KGI 5.16% 5 =5 Credit Suisse 7.74% 9
6 Credit Suisse 5.50% 7 6 Credit Suisse 4.99% 8 =5 Daiwa Institute of Research 7.74% -
7 UBS 4.57% 14 7 UBS 3.84% 14 7 KGI 5.64% 11
8 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.27% 22 8 Citi 2.35% 4 8 Deutsche Bank 5.32% -
9 Citi 2.69% 5 =9 Daiwa Institute of Research 2.09% 19 9 UBS 3.87% -
10 Fubon 2.65% 17 =9 Lehman Brothers* 2.09% - 10 Citi 3.02% 4
11 Deutsche Bank 2.57% 16 =9 Morgan Stanley 2.09% 10 11 BNP Paribas 1.21% -
12 BNP Paribas 2.26% 9 =12 Deutsche Bank 1.88% 16
13 Lehman Brothers* 1.63% - =12 Merrill Lynch 1.88% 15
14 Merrill Lynch 1.60% 10 14 BNP Paribas 1.78% =12
15 Morgan Stanley 1.56% 13 =15 Fubon 1.67% -
16 Goldman Sachs 1.25% 11 =15 Goldman Sachs 1.67% =12
17 Nomura 1.17% 15 17 Polaris 1.05% -
18 Polaris 0.78% - 18 MasterLink 0.84% -
19 MasterLink 0.62% 20 19 Nomura 0.63% 11
20 SinoPac 0.42% 19 20 SinoPac 0.56% -
21 IBTS 0.35% -
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Merrill Lynch 15.50% 2 1 UBS 15.58% 8 1 Merrill Lynch 18.26% 4
2 UBS 14.15% 7 2 Merrill Lynch 12.87% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 13.52% 3
3 CLSA 9.72% 9 3 Citi 9.40% 4 3 UBS 12.37% 5
4 Citi 9.05% 4 4 Morgan Stanley 9.31% 7 4 CLSA 8.91% 8
5 Morgan Stanley 8.03% 8 5 CLSA 9.02% 10 =5 Citi 8.63% 1
6 J.P.Morgan 7.25% 10 6 J.P.Morgan 8.68% 11 =5 J.P.Morgan 8.63% 10
7 Goldman Sachs 7.01% 5 7 Credit Suisse 7.23% 5 7 Morgan Stanley 8.34% 2
8 Credit Suisse 6.64% 6 8 Goldman Sachs 7.07% 6 8 Macquarie 4.60% 16
9 Macquarie 3.80% 13 9 BNP Paribas 3.49% 3 =9 Auerbach Grayson 2.88% -
10 BNP Paribas 3.26% 3 10 Deutsche Bank 3.25% 12 =9 BNP Paribas 2.88% =11
11 Deutsche Bank 3.07% 11 11 Yuanta 2.92% 15 =9 KGI 2.88% 17
12 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.37% =18 12 Macquarie 2.91% 13 12 Yuanta 2.52% =11
13 Yuanta 2.31% 14 13 Fubon 1.70% - =13 Credit Suisse 1.73% 6
14 Fubon 1.81% - =14 Auerbach Grayson 1.34% - =13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.73% -
15 KGI 1.47% 17 =14 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.34% - 15 Nomura 1.44% 9
16 Auerbach Grayson 1.05% - =14 KGI 1.34% 17 16 Deutsche Bank 0.72% 7
17 Nomura 1.00% 1 17 Nomura 1.01% 1
18 DBS Vickers 0.63% - 18 Lehman Brothers* 0.67% 9
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.53% 12 19 Taiwan 0.54% -
20 Taiwan 0.42% - 20 SinoPac 0.18% 16
21 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.26% - 21 RBS** 0.13% 14
=22 IBTS 0.21% -
=22 Polaris 0.21% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
24 SinoPac 0.14% 16 **RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
25 RBS** 0.11% 15

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

**RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 15.44% 6 1 UBS 15.71% 6 1 CLSA 19.21% =7
2 CLSA 13.07% 9 2 CLSA 12.78% 8 2 Merrill Lynch 14.85% 3
3 Merrill Lynch 10.35% 1 3 J.P.Morgan 9.70% 11 3 UBS 13.62% 5
4 Credit Suisse 9.32% 5 4 Merrill Lynch 9.36% 1 4 J.P.Morgan 11.35% 14
5 J.P.Morgan 8.70% 10 5 Citi 8.96% 7 5 Goldman Sachs 11.18% 2
6 Citi 8.61% 8 6 Credit Suisse 8.34% 4 6 Citi 7.86% 1
7 Macquarie 6.00% 4 7 Goldman Sachs 6.60% 10 7 Credit Suisse 7.34% =7
8 Goldman Sachs 5.88% 7 8 Macquarie 4.87% 5 8 Macquarie 6.29% 4
9 Morgan Stanley 4.07% 11 9 BNP Paribas 4.15% 2 9 KGI 3.49% 15
10 BNP Paribas 3.77% 3 10 Deutsche Bank 4.01% 16 10 Yuanta 2.18% =7
11 Deutsche Bank 3.62% 14 11 Morgan Stanley 3.76% 9 11 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.75% -
12 Yuanta 2.96% 12 12 Yuanta 2.77% =14 12 Deutsche Bank 0.87% 13
13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.45% 19 =13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 1.71% 19
14 KGI 1.38% 18 =13 KGI 1.71% 18
=15 MasterLink 1.10% - =15 MasterLink 1.37% -
=15 Nomura 1.10% 2 =15 Nomura 1.37% 3
17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.86% - =17 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.85% -
18 Fubon 0.76% - =17 Fubon 0.85% -
19 Taiwan 0.55% 20 19 Taiwan 0.68% -
20 SinoPac 0.37% 17 20 SinoPac 0.46% 17
21 Polaris 0.28% -
22 IBTS 0.24% -
23 Lehman Brothers* 0.14% 15

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 17.15% 6 1 CLSA 16.37% 6 1 Goldman Sachs 20.19% 2
2 Goldman Sachs 13.36% 2 2 Goldman Sachs 13.17% 2 2 CLSA 16.91% =4
3 Macquarie 11.74% 7 3 UBS 11.57% 1 3 Merrill Lynch 14.84% =7
4 UBS 11.24% 1 4 Macquarie 10.97% =7 4 UBS 13.81% 1
5 Credit Suisse 7.91% 9 5 Credit Suisse 9.83% =7 5 Citi 7.77% -
6 Merrill Lynch 7.30% 3 6 J.P.Morgan 7.88% 5 =6 Credit Suisse 5.18% =7
7 J.P.Morgan 6.51% 4 7 Merrill Lynch 7.60% 3 =6 Macquarie 5.18% 3
8 Citi 4.83% 8 8 Citi 5.24% 10 8 Yuanta 4.23% =11
9 BNP Paribas 3.60% 12 9 BNP Paribas 4.18% 12 9 J.P.Morgan 3.97% =11
10 KGI 3.03% 11 =10 KGI 1.85% 11 10 KGI 3.45% 6
11 Yuanta 2.63% 15 =10 Morgan Stanley 1.85% 4 11 Morgan Stanley 2.76% =4
12 Morgan Stanley 1.60% 5 12 Yuanta 1.67% 15 12 BNP Paribas 1.73% =9
13 Polaris 1.56% - =13 Nomura 1.63% 13
14 Nomura 1.49% 10 =13 Polaris 1.63% -
15 RBS 1.30% - =13 RBS 1.63% -
16 Deutsche Bank 1.20% 13 16 SinoPac 1.30% -
17 SinoPac 1.04% =17 =17 Deutsche Bank 0.81% 9
18 HSBC 0.78% =17 =17 Fubon 0.81% -
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.71% 14
20 Fubon 0.65% -
21 IBTS 0.26% -
22 Capital 0.06% -
23 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.03% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Citi 16.95% 2 1 Citi 16.02% 2 1 Citi 17.84% 1
2 UBS 10.27% 3 2 BNP Paribas 11.98% 1 2 Macquarie 16.61% 6
3 Credit Suisse 10.13% 11 3 Macquarie 10.94% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 11.30% 2
4 BNP Paribas 9.77% 1 4 Credit Suisse 10.81% 9 4 UBS 7.62% 4
5 Macquairie 8.96% 5 5 UBS 8.22% 5 5 Goldman Sachs 7.08% 3
6 J.P.Morgan 7.62% 7 6 Merrill Lynch 7.36% 6 6 Deutsche Bank 6.40% 8
7 Merrill Lynch 6.28% 4 7 Goldman Sachs 6.14% 4 7 Credit Suisse 5.17% 7
8 Goldman Sachs 5.39% 6 8 J.P.Morgan 6.10% 10 8 CLSA 4.49% 10
9 CLSA 4.36% 10 9 Morgan Stanley 3.58% 8 9 BNP Paribas 4.08% =13
10 Morgan Stanley 3.51% 9 10 Deutsche Bank 3.34% 7 10 Morgan Stanley 3.81% 5
11 Deutsche Bank 3.16% 12 11 CLSA 2.59% 12 11 Yuanta 3.34% =15
12 Yuanta 2.51% 19 12 HSBC 2.54% 17 =12 Auerbach Grayson 2.72% -
13 Nomura 2.22% 8 13 Nomura 2.30% 11 =12 KGI 2.72% 12
14 HSBC 2.16% 17 14 Yuanta 2.15% 18 =12 Nomura 2.72% =15
15 KGI 2.14% 14 =15 Auerbach Grayson 1.33% - 15 J.P.Morgan 2.45% 11
=16 Auerbach Grayson 0.97% - =15 KGI 1.33% 16 16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.63% -
=16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.97% - 17 Taiwan 1.06% -
18 Taiwan 0.78% - 18 Capital 0.66% -
19 Lehman Brothers* 0.68% 13 =19 Fubon 0.53% 15
20 Capital 0.51% - =19 Lehman Brothers* 0.53% 13
21 Fubon 0.39% 15 21 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.35% -
22 IBTS 0.17% - 22 RBS** 0.13% 14
23 RBS** 0.10% 16
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Macquarie 15.77% 3 1 Macquarie 17.49% 3 1 Macquarie 23.28% 2
2 UBS 11.99% 6 2 UBS 10.58% 7 2 UBS 12.06% 4
3 Goldman Sachs 10.69% 2 3 Goldman Sachs 10.15% 1 3 Goldman Sachs 11.22% 1
4 Credit Suisse 8.78% 8 4 Credit Suisse 9.39% 9 4 CLSA 9.11% =10
5 Citi 8.64% 4 5 Citi 8.15% 4 =5 Citi 8.60% 3
6 CLSA 7.13% 9 6 Merrill Lynch 7.68% 12 =5 Merrill Lynch 8.60% 9
7 Merrill Lynch 6.93% 10 7 J.P.Morgan 6.72% 11 7 Morgan Stanley 4.30% 5
8 J.P.Morgan 6.33% 11 8 CLSA 6.19% 10 =8 BNP Paribas 3.54% =10
9 BNP Paribas 5.19% 1 9 BNP Paribas 5.67% 2 =8 Credit Suisse 3.54% =6
10 Morgan Stanley 3.57% 7 10 Morgan Stanley 4.01% 5 =10 KGI 2.53% 8
11 Nomura 3.01% 5 11 Nomura 3.39% 6 =10 Nomura 2.53% =15
12 KGI 2.96% 13 12 KGI 2.30% 13 12 J.P.Morgan 2.28% 14
13 Yuanta 2.10% 15 13 Yuanta 2.08% 15 =13 RBS 2.02% -
14 Deutsche Bank 1.67% 12 14 Deutsche Bank 1.54% 8 =13 Deutsche Bank 2.02% =6
15 Lehman Brothers* 1.53% 14 15 Lehman Brothers* 1.28% 17 15 Yuanta 1.58% 13
16 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.80% - =16 RBS 1.02% - 16 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.52% -
=17 RBS 0.76% - =16 Taiwan 1.02% - 17 Lehman Brothers* 1.27% =15
=17 Taiwan 0.76% - 18 Capital 0.64% -
19 Capital 0.50% - 19 Fubon 0.51% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
20 Fubon 0.38% 17 20 Daiwa Institute of Research 0.17% -
21 HSBC 0.29% 19
22 IBTS 0.19% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 26.56% 1 1 CLSA 31.71% 1 1 CLSA 42.54% 1
2 UBS 9.19% 7 2 UBS 11.33% 5 2 Macquarie 20.32% 2
3 Yuanta 8.85% 4 3 Credit Suisse 8.40% =7 3 Yuanta 9.21% 3
4 KGI 8.39% 3 4 Macquarie 6.13% 2 =4 Credit Suisse 6.35% 6
5 Macquarie 8.32% 2 5 J.P.Morgan 5.47% 14 =4 KGI 6.35% 4
6 Credit Suisse 6.82% 6 6 BNP Paribas 5.29% 12 =4 UBS 6.35% 11
7 J.P.Morgan 5.66% 13 7 Merrill Lynch 4.53% =7 7 Merrill Lynch 5.08% 9
8 Citi 4.79% 15 8 Yuanta 4.48% 4 8 Daiwa Institute of Research 3.81% -
9 BNP Paribas 3.73% 12 =9 Citi 3.40% 13
10 Merrill Lynch 3.20% 9 =9 KGI 3.40% 3
11 Lehman Brothers* 2.80% 8 =11 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.83% -
12 Nomura 2.10% 5 =11 HSBC 2.83% -
=13 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 2.00% - =11 Lehman Brothers* 2.83% 6
=13 HSBC 2.00% - =11 Morgan Stanley 2.83% 9
=13 Morgan Stanley 2.00% 11 =15 MasterLink 2.27% -
16 MasterLink 1.60% - =15 Nomura 2.27% 11
17 Daiwa Institute of Research 1.20% -
18 Fubon 0.80% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Eric Chen BNP Paribas 5.68% 1 1 Eric Chen BNP Paribas 6.52% 1 1 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 7.34% =13
2 Peter Sutton CLSA 5.55% 6 2 Peter Sutton CLSA 6.23% 8 2 Arthur Hsieh UBS 4.79% =10
3 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 5.07% 17 3 Sophia Cheng Merrill Lynch 5.64% 13 3 Peter Sutton CLSA 3.88% =16
4 William Dong UBS 4.99% 18 4 Nick Lai J.P.Morgan 4.39% - =4 Henry King Goldman Sachs 3.64% 3
5 Nick Lai J.P.Morgan 3.69% =29 5 Ernest Fong Credit Suisse 3.22% 19 =4 Nick Lai J.P.Morgan 3.64% -
6 Ernest Fong Credit Suisse 3.31% 24 6 William Dong UBS 3.09% - 6 John Chung UBS 3.15% -
7 Peter Kurz Citi 3.03% 5 7 James Kan CLSA 2.99% - 7 Robin Cheng UBS 2.97% -
8 Henry King Goldman Sachs 2.90% 3 8 Julian Wang Deutsche Bank 2.94% - 8 Eric Chen BNP Paribas 2.91% =16
9 Andrew Lu Citi 2.61% 7 9 Daniel Chang Macquarie 2.92% 4 9 Julian Wang Deutsche Bank 2.73% =29
10 James Kan CLSA 2.50% - 10 Henry King Goldman Sachs 2.84% 2 10 Daniel Chang Macquarie 2.42% 1
11 Julian Wang Deutsche Bank 2.49% - 11 Andrew Lu Citi 2.54% 7 11 Peter Kurz Citi 2.24% 5
=12 Arthur Hsieh UBS 2.30% 15 12 Peter Kurz Citi 2.17% 5 12 Ernest Fong Credit Suisse 2.18% 8
=12 Daniel Chang Macquarie 2.30% 4 13 Arthur Hsieh UBS 1.95% 18 13 Jessica Chang Credit Suisse 1.94% -
14 Jessica Chang Credit Suisse 2.00% - 14 Jessica Chang Credit Suisse 1.83% - =14 Andrew Lu Citi 1.82% 4
15 John Chung UBS 1.47% - 15 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 1.64% =23 =14 Chris Hunt Macquarie 1.82% =13
16 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 1.22% =25 16 John Chung UBS 1.61% - =14 Ellen Chiu Macquarie 1.82% =16
17 Robin Cheng UBS 1.13% - 17 Robin Cheng UBS 1.52% - =14 Jeffrey Su Merrill Lynch 1.82% -
=18 Shirley Tse UBS 1.10% - 18 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.30% =26 =14 Raymond Hung J.P.Morgan 1.82% -
=18 Steven Chan KGI 1.10% - 19 Shirley Tse UBS 1.24% - =14 Sean Yokota UBS 1.82% -
20 Ken Chen UBS 1.07% 2 20 Steven Chan KGI 1.21% - =14 Shirley Tse UBS 1.82% =16
21 Sidney Yeh Credit Suisse 1.01% - 21 Jeffrey Su Merrill Lynch 1.18% - =14 William Dong UBS 1.82% 6
22 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 0.97% - 22 Bradford Ti Citi 1.11% - 22 KC Kao Deutsche Bank 1.70% -
=23 Bradford Ti Citi 0.92% - 23 Szeho Ng BNP Paribas 1.05% - 23 Jim Hung Goldman Sachs 1.58% -
=23 KC Kao Deutsche Bank 0.92% - 24 Dexter Hsu J.P.Morgan 1.03% - =24 Albert Hsu Merrill Lynch 1.45% -
25 Jessie Wang Morgan Stanley 0.89% - 25 Jessie Wang Morgan Stanley 1.01% - =24 Corinne Jian Macquarie 1.45% -
26 Jeffrey Su Merrill Lynch 0.87% - 26 Terence Wu Yuanta 0.97% - =24 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 1.45% -
27 Szeho Ng BNP Paribas 0.78% - =27 Arthur Woo Merrill Lynch 0.93% - =24 Michael Chou Deutsche Bank 1.45% -
28 Dexter Hsu J.P.Morgan 0.77% - =27 Chris Hunt Macquarie 0.93% 11 =24 Pandora Lee UBS 1.45% -
29 Ellen Tseng Nomura 0.76% =29 =27 Corinne Jian Macquarie 0.93% - =29 Andy Kung Macquarie 1.21% -
30 Felix Rusli Credit Suisse 0.74% - =27 Ellen Chiu Macquarie 0.93% - =29 Brandon Chen Merrill Lynch 1.21% -
=27 Geoff Boyd CLSA 0.93% - =29 Dave Chiou Nomura 1.21% -
=27 Josephine Ho Lehman Brothers 0.93% - =29 George Chang Citi 1.21% -
=27 Ken Chen UBS 0.93% 3 =29 Robert Cheng Credit Suisse 1.21% -
=27 Kent Chan Lehman Brothers 0.93% - =29 Scott Weaver Macquarie 1.21% -
=27 Lily Choi Morgan Stanley 0.93% 29 =29 Tim Moe Goldman Sachs 1.21% -
=27 Michelle Cheng BNP Paribas 0.93% -
=27 Raymond Hung J.P.Morgan 0.93% -
=27 Sean Yokota UBS 0.93% -
=27 Steve Pelayo HSBC 0.93% -
=27 Terry Chan Credit Suisse 0.93% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Yuanta 54.13% 1 1 Yuanta 57.40% 1 1 Yuanta 63.34% 1
2 KGI 20.05% 2 2 KGI 15.45% 2 2 KGI 12.63% 2
3 Fubon 11.14% 3 3 Fubon 13.21% 3 3 Fubon 9.53% 3
4 SinoPac 5.88% 4 4 SinoPac 4.94% 5 =4 Primasia 4.70% -
5 Capital 2.58% 5 5 Capital 2.49% 4 =4 SinoPac 4.70% 4
6 Primasia 2.15% =12 6 Primasia 2.43% - 6 Taiwan 2.35% -
7 Taiwan 1.07% 6 7 Taiwan 1.46% 9 7 Horizon 1.96% -
8 Horizon 0.90% =12 8 Horizon 1.22% - 8 Capital 0.78% 7
=9 Jih Sun 0.72% =14 9 Polaris 0.81% =7
=9 Polaris 0.72% =8 10 MasterLink 0.32% 10
11 MasterLink 0.42% 10 11 Chinatrust 0.27% -
12 Chinatrust 0.20% -
13 IBTS 0.06% -

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 11.53% 1 1 UBS 12.09% 3 1 UBS 12.99% 1
2 Macquarie 9.18% 3 2 Macquarie 10.12% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 12.43% 13
3 Credit Suisse 8.15% 10 3 Merrill Lynch 9.22% 7 3 Goldman Sachs 9.56% 7
4 Merrill Lynch 8.07% 8 4 Credit Suisse 7.59% 8 4 Yuanta 8.72% 3
5 CLSA 7.97% 5 5 Citi 7.53% 9 5 Deutsche Bank 8.51% 8
6 Citi 7.70% 9 6 CLSA 7.08% 5 6 Macquarie 7.25% 4
7 Yuanta 6.89% 7 7 J.P.Morgan 7.00% 13 7 CLSA 6.62% 6
8 J.P.Morgan 6.48% 14 8 Goldman Sachs 6.58% 11 8 Credit Suisse 5.86% 5
9 Goldman Sachs 5.41% 11 9 Yuanta 6.10% 6 9 Citi 5.34% 9
10 Deutsche Bank 5.11% 13 10 Deutsche Bank 5.53% 12 10 Morgan Stanley 4.04% 2
11 BNP Paribas 4.33% 2 11 BNP Paribas 4.95% 1 11 J.P.Morgan 4.02% 17
12 Morgan Stanley 3.34% 4 12 Nomura 3.18% 10 12 BNP Paribas 2.42% 12
13 Nomura 2.81% 6 13 Morgan Stanley 2.94% 4 13 KGI 1.94% 10
14 KGI 2.78% 12 14 Fubon 1.92% 17 14 Primasia 1.86% -
15 Fubon 2.19% 16 15 HSBC 1.66% 16 15 Nomura 1.82% 11
16 Daiwa SMBC 1.48% 20 16 Primasia 0.92% - =16 Daiwa SMBC 1.61% -
17 HSBC 1.47% 17 17 KGI 0.88% 14 =16 HSBC 1.61% 14
18 SinoPac 1.15% 18 18 Daiwa SMBC 0.78% =20 18 SinoPac 1.45% 16
19 Primasia 0.80% - =19 Auerbach Grayson 0.69% - 19 Auerbach Grayson 1.21% -
20 Polaris 0.73% 23 =19 Lehman Brothers* 0.69% 15 20 Polaris 0.48% -
21 Lehman Brothers* 0.60% 15 =19 Polaris 0.69% - 21 Barclays Capital 0.24% -
22 Auerbach Grayson 0.52% - 22 SinoPac 0.62% =20
23 RBS** 0.35% 19 23 RBS** 0.46% 18
24 MasterLink 0.28% - 24 MasterLink 0.37% -
25 Jih Sun 0.17% - 25 Jih Sun 0.23% -
26 IBTS 0.16% - 26 IBTS 0.18% -
=27 Barclays Capital 0.10% -
=27 Grand Cathay 0.10% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=27 Taiwan 0.10% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
30 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.03% -

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 12.81% 2 1 UBS 10.84% 7 1 UBS 14.83% 7
2 CLSA 9.24% 4 2 CLSA 10.54% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 13.55% =10
3 Macquarie 7.63% 9 3 BNP Paribas 9.43% 1 3 CLSA 13.11% 2
4 BNP Paribas 7.51% 1 4 Macquarie 8.19% 3 4 Yuanta 10.11% 6
5 Credit Suisse 7.30% 6 5 Deutsche Bank 7.62% 13 5 Credit Suisse 8.15% 5
6 Deutsche Bank 7.06% 12 6 Credit Suisse 7.51% 6 6 Merrill Lynch 6.07% 16
7 Yuanta 6.52% 11 7 J.P.Morgan 6.83% 18 7 BNP Paribas 5.18% 15
8 Merrill Lynch 6.04% 13 8 Merrill Lynch 6.60% 16 8 Goldman Sachs 5.04% 9
9 J.P.Morgan 5.21% 15 9 Citi 5.29% 5 9 Citi 4.52% 4
10 Citi 4.91% 5 10 Goldman Sachs 4.90% 9 10 J.P.Morgan 3.55% =18
11 Goldman Sachs 4.37% 10 11 Yuanta 4.73% 10 11 Macquarie 3.46% 3
12 Nomura 3.20% 3 12 Nomura 3.67% 8 12 SinoPac 2.67% 14
13 KGI 2.84% 8 13 Morgan Stanley 2.06% 4 13 Primasia 2.22% -
14 Morgan Stanley 2.52% 7 14 Fubon 1.98% 19 14 Morgan Stanley 2.07% 1
15 Fubon 2.46% 19 15 RBS* 1.38% 11 15 Nomura 1.78% 12
16 SinoPac 2.01% 20 =16 Jih Sun 1.22% - 16 Lehman Brothers* 1.48% =18
17 RBS* 1.01% 14 =16 Primasia 1.22% - 17 KGI 1.33% 8
=18 Daiwa SMBC 0.89% 21 18 SinoPac 1.19% 20 18 Barclays Capital 0.89% -
=18 Jih Sun 0.89% 23 =19 Daiwa SMBC 0.97% 21
=18 Primasia 0.89% 22 =19 MasterLink 0.97% - * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
21 Lehman Brothers** 0.83% 16 21 Lehman Brothers** 0.81% 14
22 HSBC 0.82% 18 22 Taiwan 0.65% -
=23 MasterLink 0.71% - 23 HSBC 0.57% 17
=23 Taiwan 0.71% - =24 KGI 0.41% 12
=25 Barclays Capital 0.36% - =24 Polaris 0.41% -
=25 Polaris 0.36% 24
27 Société Générale 0.27% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
28 DBS Vickers 0.24% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
29 Grand Cathay 0.18% -
30 Capital 0.15% 17

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 10.03% 6 1 CLSA 9.82% 4 1 CLSA 12.76% 7
2 Macquarie 9.53% 9 2 Credit Suisse 9.55% 2 2 Deutsche Bank 12.15% 10
3 UBS 9.47% 4 3 J.P.Morgan 9.50% 12 3 Merrill Lynch 11.85% 13
4 Deutsche Bank 8.87% 13 4 Deutsche Bank 9.30% 8 4 UBS 10.11% 5
5 Credit Suisse 8.20% 2 5 Macquarie 8.59% 7 5 J.P.Morgan 8.55% 17
6 J.P.Morgan 7.64% 14 6 UBS 8.48% 6 6 Yuanta 8.08% 3
7 Yuanta 6.62% 5 7 Merrill Lynch 7.37% 14 7 Credit Suisse 7.19% 2
8 Merrill Lynch 6.43% 11 8 BNP Paribas 6.75% 1 8 Goldman Sachs 5.04% 4
9 BNP Paribas 5.62% 1 9 Goldman Sachs 6.54% 9 9 Macquarie 4.89% 6
10 Goldman Sachs 5.42% 10 10 Yuanta 4.30% 5 10 BNP Paribas 4.07% =11
11 Morgan Stanley 3.68% 3 11 Nomura 4.26% 13 11 Nomura 2.99% 15
12 Nomura 3.48% 7 12 Morgan Stanley 3.10% 3 12 Citi 2.95% 8
13 KGI 2.48% 8 13 Citi 1.87% 10 13 Morgan Stanley 2.71% 1
14 Citi 2.33% 12 14 Fubon 1.39% 23 14 KGI 2.31% 9
15 Fubon 1.87% 20 15 HSBC 1.34% 17 15 HSBC 1.63% -
16 SinoPac 1.38% 19 =16 Jih Sun 1.18% - 16 SinoPac 1.22% 16
17 HSBC 1.36% 18 =16 KGI 1.18% 11 17 Barclays Capital 0.81% -
18 Jih Sun 1.00% - 18 SinoPac 1.05% =20 18 Primasia 0.68% -
19 Daiwa SMBC 0.91% 21 =19 Daiwa SMBC 0.95% 22
=20 RBS* 0.71% 15 =19 Taiwan 0.95% -
=20 Taiwan 0.71% 25 21 RBS* 0.79% 15
22 Lehman Brothers** 0.49% 16 22 MasterLink 0.63% -
23 MasterLink 0.47% - =23 Polaris 0.39% -
24 Barclays Capital 0.35% - =23 Primasia 0.39% -
=25 Polaris 0.29% - 25 Lehman Brothers** 0.32% 18
=25 Primasia 0.29% 23
27 Société Générale 0.27% 22 * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
=28 Capital 0.06% 17 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=28 IBTS 0.06% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 17.15% 1 1 UBS 18.57% 1 1 UBS 15.61% 1
2 CLSA 13.26% 2 2 CLSA 12.16% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 12.84% 4
3 Merrill Lynch 10.59% 5 3 Merrill Lynch 12.12% 6 3 CLSA 11.75% 3
4 Macquarie 10.44% 4 4 Macquarie 10.55% 4 4 Macquarie 10.00% 7
5 Credit Suisse 9.24% 3 5 Credit Suisse 9.51% 3 5 Credit Suisse 9.70% 2
6 Citi 6.52% 7 6 Citi 6.66% 7 6 Yuanta 6.62% 8
7 Yuanta 5.71% 11 7 Yuanta 5.14% 12 7 Citi 6.57% 6
8 J.P.Morgan 3.99% 8 8 Goldman Sachs 4.68% 9 8 Goldman Sachs 5.89% 9
9 Goldman Sachs 3.87% 9 9 Deutsche Bank 3.59% 8 9 Deutsche Bank 5.77% 5
10 Deutsche Bank 3.76% 10 =10 BNP Paribas 3.07% 5 10 KGI 3.07% 10
11 Nomura 3.00% 12 =10 J.P.Morgan 3.07% 11 11 Nomura 2.65% 13
12 KGI 2.89% 14 12 Nomura 2.58% 15 12 SinoPac 2.54% 16
13 BNP Paribas 2.60% 6 13 KGI 2.39% 14 13 J.P.Morgan 2.43% 11
14 Fubon 1.61% =19 14 Fubon 1.67% 16 14 Auerbach Grayson 1.59% -
15 SinoPac 1.28% 16 15 SinoPac 1.15% 17 15 BNP Paribas 1.32% 15
16 HSBC 0.90% 18 16 Auerbach Grayson 0.81% - 16 Morgan Stanley 1.01% 12
17 Morgan Stanley 0.64% 13 17 HSBC 0.65% =18 17 Daiwa 0.64% -
18 Auerbach Grayson 0.62% - 18 RBS* 0.54% 13
19 Daiwa 0.61% 17 19 Morgan Stanley 0.35% 10
20 RBS* 0.41% 15 =20 Lehman Brothers** 0.27% =18
21 Lehman Brothers** 0.37% =19 =20 Polaris 0.27% -
22 Polaris 0.21% - 22 MasterLink 0.22% -
23 MasterLink 0.16% -
24 Taiwan 0.08% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
25 IBTS 0.04% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=26 Capital 0.03% -
=26 LGI 0.03% -

* RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 16.23% 1 1 CLSA 17.45% 1 1 CLSA 20.48% 3
2 Macquarie 10.51% 2 2 Macquarie 10.59% 2 2 Merrill Lynch 12.93% 9
3 UBS 10.42% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 9.95% 10 3 Macquarie 9.55% 5
4 Merrill Lynch 9.36% 10 4 UBS 9.73% 3 4 Goldman Sachs 9.46% 6
5 Yuanta 7.18% 7 5 J.P.Morgan 7.21% 9 5 Yuanta 9.35% 4
6 J.P.Morgan 6.46% 8 6 Yuanta 6.95% 7 6 UBS 8.54% 1
7 Credit Suisse 5.48% 5 7 Goldman Sachs 6.11% 8 7 Deutsche Bank 7.61% 12
8 Goldman Sachs 5.42% 9 8 Credit Suisse 5.39% 4 8 Citi 4.40% 7
9 Citi 5.09% 4 9 Citi 4.58% 6 9 Morgan Stanley 3.72% 10
10 Deutsche Bank 4.66% 14 10 Deutsche Bank 4.44% 13 10 KGI 2.75% 11
11 KGI 3.38% 11 11 BNP Paribas 3.68% 5 11 J.P.Morgan 2.57% 8
12 BNP Paribas 3.24% 6 12 Morgan Stanley 3.02% 11 12 Nomura 2.52% 16
13 Morgan Stanley 2.98% 12 13 Fubon 2.12% 20 13 SinoPac 2.17% 17
14 Fubon 2.01% 18 14 KGI 2.01% 12 14 BNP Paribas 2.00% 14
15 Nomura 1.84% 13 15 Nomura 1.78% 15 15 Credit Suisse 1.94% 2
16 SinoPac 1.73% 16 16 SinoPac 1.58% 19
17 HSBC 1.04% 21 17 HSBC 0.97% 18
18 Lehman Brothers* 0.81% 15 =18 RBS* 0.84% 17
19 RBS** 0.64% 20 =18 Lehman Brothers** 0.84% 14
20 Daiwa 0.59% 19 20 Polaris 0.56% -
21 Polaris 0.47% - 21 IBTS 0.22% -
22 IBTS 0.25% -
23 Jih Sun 0.09% - * RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
24 Taiwan 0.04% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
=25 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.03% -
=25 UOB Kay Hian 0.03% -
27 Capital 0.02% 17

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Yuanta 13.61% =8 1 Yuanta 15.25% =7 1 Yuanta 22.51% 5
2 UBS 11.71% 4 2 UBS 11.41% 2 2 Macquarie 12.50% 1
3 Macquarie 9.81% 3 3 Macquarie 8.81% 3 3 Merrill Lynch 11.08% -
4 Credit Suisse 8.36% 12 4 Citi 7.96% 6 4 Deutsche Bank 10.65% 3
5 Citi 7.26% 2 5 BNP Paribas 7.48% 1 5 Goldman Sachs 8.95% 9
6 BNP Paribas 6.81% 1 6 Credit Suisse 7.17% 9 6 UBS 6.82% 2
7 KGI 6.68% 5 7 Deutsche Bank 6.91% 5 7 BNP Paribas 6.39% 15
8 Deutsche Bank 5.53% 7 8 Nomura 5.71% 14 =8 Credit Suisse 4.26% =11
9 Nomura 4.80% =8 =9 HSBC 3.80% 15 =8 KGI 4.26% 4
10 Merrill Lynch 4.20% 16 =9 J.P.Morgan 3.80% =12 =8 Tree Line 4.26% -
11 Goldman Sachs 3.75% 6 =9 Merrill Lynch 3.80% 16 11 Citi 3.62% =11
12 J.P.Morgan 3.68% 11 =12 KGI 3.42% 4 12 SinoPac 2.56% 14
13 HSBC 3.00% 15 =12 Lehman Brothers* 3.42% =12 13 Morgan Stanley 2.13% 6
14 Lehman Brothers* 2.70% 14 14 Goldman Sachs 2.85% =7
15 SinoPac 2.10% =17 15 Tree Line 1.90% -
16 Tree Line 1.50% - =16 Fubon 1.52% -
=17 CLSA 1.28% 10 =16 MasterLink 1.52% -
=17 Fubon 1.28% =17 =16 SinoPac 1.52% -
19 MasterLink 1.20% - 19 Morgan Stanley 0.95% 11
20 Morgan Stanley 0.75% 13 20 CLSA 0.76% 10

* Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura * Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Nancy Wu BNP Paribas 4.88% 1 1 Nancy Wu BNP Paribas 6.01% 1 1 Solomon Chang Yuanta 4.75% 3
2 Benjamin Shen Nomura 3.59% 2 2 Benjamin Shen Nomura 4.41% 2 2 Duncan Wagner Credit Suisse 4.17% 1
3 Ada Cheng UBS 2.63% 7 3 Ada Cheng UBS 3.39% 10 3 Dave Chen Citi 3.24% =11
4 Solomon Chang Yuanta 2.41% 14 4 Andrew Leakey J.P.Morgan 2.92% 20 4 Joanna Shih Yuanta 3.19% 6
=5 Andrew Leakey J.P.Morgan 2.38% 24 5 Thomas Bookout Macquarie 2.74% =6 5 Thomas Bookout Macquarie 3.02% =4
=5 Duncan Wagner Credit Suisse 2.38% 4 6 Duncan Wagner Credit Suisse 2.67% 3 6 Jenny Chou UBS 2.93% -
=7 Jenny Chou UBS 2.33% - 7 Joanna Shih Yuanta 2.61% 11 7 Hubert King Deutsche Bank 2.80% =20
=7 Julie Tsai UBS 2.33% 6 8 Jenny Chou UBS 2.56% - 8 James Wu UBS 2.72% 2
9 Joanna Shih Yuanta 2.17% 9 9 Julie Tsai UBS 2.41% =6 9 Nancy Wu BNP Paribas 2.59% 18
10 Thomas Bookout Macquarie 2.12% =10 =10 Colleen Chang Citi 2.22% 22 10 Julie Tsai UBS 2.50% =4
11 Stacey Wang Nomura 2.09% - =10 Stacey Wang Nomura 2.22% - 11 Colleen Chang Citi 2.44% -
12 Colleen Chang Citi 1.98% 18 12 Mei Yu Shih Merrill Lynch 1.94% - 12 Richard Liu Credit Suisse 2.33% -
13 Joshua Meyers Credit Suisse 1.82% - 13 Dave Chen Citi 1.88% =25 =13 Bernard Liu Goldman Sachs 2.16% -
14 Richard Liu Credit Suisse 1.71% 21 =14 Philip Liu Macquarie 1.85% - =13 Juan Tseng Yuanta 2.16% -
15 Philip Liu Macquarie 1.66% - =14 Solomon Chang Yuanta 1.85% 13 =13 Michelle Wu Deutsche Bank 2.16% -
16 Michelle Wu Deutsche Bank 1.61% 17 =16 Joshua Meyers Credit Suisse 1.75% - =16 Jacqueline Chen Merrill Lynch 2.07% =23
17 Juan Tseng Yuanta 1.51% 13 =16 Juan Tseng Yuanta 1.75% 17 =16 Walter Lee KGI 2.07% 25
18 Mei Yu Shih Merrill Lynch 1.50% - 18 Hubert King Deutsche Bank 1.71% - 18 Andrew Leakey J.P.Morgan 1.84% =11
19 Dave Chen Citi 1.46% =30 19 Michelle Wu Deutsche Bank 1.63% 14 =19 Benjamin Shen Nomura 1.73% 7
20 Hubert King Deutsche Bank 1.33% - =20 Jason Lin J.P.Morgan 1.30% - =19 Mei Yu Shih Merrill Lynch 1.73% -
=21 Jennifer Yuan CLSA 1.32% - =20 Jennifer Yuan CLSA 1.30% - =19 Theodore Teo Merrill Lynch 1.73% -
=21 Theodore Teo Merrill Lynch 1.32% - =20 Theodore Teo Merrill Lynch 1.30% - 22 Janet Yu Goldman Sachs 1.55% -
23 James Wu UBS 1.29% 3 23 Bernard Liu Goldman Sachs 1.25% - =23 Adam Moss CLSA 1.29% -
24 Jason Lin J.P.Morgan 1.24% - 24 James Wu UBS 1.21% 4 =23 Charity Lin CLSA 1.29% -
25 Elizabeth Yang CLSA 1.20% - 25 Jacqueline Chen Merrill Lynch 1.20% =30 =23 David Huang Daiwa SMBC 1.29% -
26 Jacqueline Chen Merrill Lynch 1.13% =30 26 Mark Duncan Macquarie 1.17% - =23 Eson Wang Deutsche Bank 1.29% -
27 Noreen Niu KGI 1.10% 5 27 Alex Wu Goldman Sachs 1.13% 5 =23 January Yen Auerbach Grayson 1.29% -
28 Victor Lin J.P.Morgan 1.07% - =28 Elizabeth Yang CLSA 1.10% - =23 Jason York J.P.Morgan 1.29% -
29 Karen Eng CLSA 1.05% 29 =28 Janet Yu Goldman Sachs 1.10% - =23 Joyce Hsieh Goldman Sachs 1.29% -
30 Annie Tsai BNP Paribas 1.01% - =28 Juno Lee SinoPac 1.10% - =23 Noreen Niu KGI 1.29% =11
=23 Timothy Greaton Goldman Sachs 1.29% -
=23 Wesley Kong Credit Suisse 1.29% -

All rights reserved. All material is subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. © Euromoney Institutional Investor (Jersey) Limited 2008. TAIWAN: Page 19 of 19


Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 21.27% 2 1 CLSA 23.91% 2 1 CLSA 21.17% 1
2 Phatra 16.12% 1 2 Phatra 15.09% 3 2 Phatra 13.11% 4
3 J.P.Morgan 9.03% 6 3 J.P.Morgan 10.64% 8 3 Credit Suisse 11.06% 5
4 UBS 8.19% 3 4 UBS 8.79% 1 4 UBS 10.74% 2
5 Credit Suisse 7.19% 4 5 Credit Suisse 7.68% 5 5 J.P.Morgan 5.85% 9
6 BNP Paribas* 6.93% 8 6 TMB Macquarie 7.59% 4 =6 CIMB 5.69% 7
7 TMB Macquarie 6.27% 5 7 BNP Paribas* 5.65% 6 =6 DB-TISCO 5.69% 6
8 Citi 4.85% 9 8 DB-TISCO 5.00% 7 8 TMB Macquarie 5.53% 3
9 DB-TISCO 4.27% 7 9 Citi 3.42% 9 9 Citi 3.63% 8
10 Thanachart 3.50% - 10 Thanachart 2.50% - 10 BNP Paribas* 3.32% 15
11 CIMB 2.70% 10 11 SCBS 2.31% 10 =11 Goldman Sachs 2.37% 13
12 DBS Vickers 1.78% 14 =12 CIMB 1.39% 12 =11 Thanachart 2.37% -
13 SCBS 1.55% 11 =12 Goldman Sachs 1.39% =14 13 RBS 1.90% -
14 TISCO 1.03% 12 14 Morgan Stanley 1.20% - 14 SCBS 1.58% 10
=15 RBS** 0.92% 17 =15 Capital Nomura 0.74% - =15 KGI 1.26% -
=15 Goldman Sachs 0.92% =15 =15 KGI 0.74% - =15 Morgan Stanley 1.26% -
17 Morgan Stanley 0.80% - =15 Syrus 0.74% - =15 Syrus 1.26% -
18 Capital Nomura 0.51% 19 18 Lehman Brothers** 0.46% - 18 DBS Vickers 0.95% -
=19 KGI 0.49% =21 =19 Kim Eng 0.37% 11 =19 Kim Eng 0.63% 11
=19 Syrus 0.49% - =19 TISCO 0.37% 13 =19 TISCO 0.63% 12
21 Kim Eng 0.37% 13
22 Lehman Brothers*** 0.31% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
23 Bualuang 0.28% =21 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
24 Adkinson 0.18% -
25 KTBS 0.03% -
26 Seamico 0.02% 20

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 27.33% 3 1 CLSA 29.85% =5 1 CLSA 22.42% 3
2 Phatra 20.06% 1 2 Phatra 25.03% 2 2 Phatra 16.70% 1
3 BNP Paribas* 8.66% 8 3 J.P.Morgan 8.77% 1 3 CIMB 12.31% 11
4 J.P.Morgan 8.32% 2 4 TMB Macquarie 8.60% 3 4 BNP Paribas 9.67% -
5 TMB Macquarie 5.72% 4 5 BNP Paribas* 7.48% =7 5 UBS 8.35% 7
6 UBS 5.20% 5 6 Citi 4.00% =12 6 Citi 7.25% 10
7 CIMB 4.99% 14 7 UBS 3.61% =5 =7 J.P.Morgan 4.40% 2
8 Citi 4.58% 12 =8 CIMB 2.58% - =7 Thanachart 4.40% -
9 Credit Suisse 2.83% 7 =8 SCBS 2.58% =7 9 DB-TISCO 3.52% 5
10 Thanachart 2.70% - =8 Thanachart 2.58% - =10 Credit Suisse 2.20% =8
11 DB-TISCO 2.33% 6 =11 Credit Suisse 1.29% =9 =10 Goldman Sachs 2.20% =8
12 SCBS 1.66% 9 =11 DB-TISCO 1.29% 4 =10 TMB Macquarie 2.20% 4
13 DBS Vickers 1.50% 10 =11 Goldman Sachs 1.29% =9 13 TISCO 1.76% -
14 TISCO 1.29% 15 14 TISCO 1.03% - =14 RBS 1.32% -
15 Goldman Sachs 0.83% 11 =14 DBS Vickers 1.32% -
16 Bualuang 0.75% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
17 Kim Eng 0.54% 17
18 RBS 0.50% -
19 KGI 0.17% 16
20 Capital Nomura 0.04% -

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Phatra 24.72% 1 1 Phatra 25.43% 1 1 CLSA 29.46% =5
2 CLSA 21.20% 5 2 CLSA 22.82% =7 2 Phatra 17.05% 1
3 UBS 13.14% 3 3 UBS 13.81% 3 3 UBS 8.79% 2
4 J.P.Morgan 8.63% 2 4 J.P.Morgan 13.50% 2 4 Credit Suisse 7.75% 8
5 Credit Suisse 4.61% 6 5 Credit Suisse 4.71% 6 5 CIMB 6.72% 10
6 SCBS 3.31% 8 =6 CIMB 3.14% - 6 DB-TISCO 5.68% 4
7 CIMB 3.16% 15 =6 Morgan Stanley 3.14% 11 7 Citi 4.91% -
8 BNP Paribas* 3.11% 9 =6 SCBS 3.14% 9 8 BNP Paribas 4.65% -
9 DB-TISCO 2.81% 4 9 TISCO 2.51% - 9 TISCO 4.13% -
10 TISCO 2.76% 12 10 Citi 2.04% - =10 Goldman Sachs 2.58% 9
11 Citi 2.71% 16 =11 DB-TISCO 1.57% 4 =10 J.P.Morgan 2.58% 3
12 Thanachart 2.21% - =11 Goldman Sachs 1.57% =12 =10 Thanachart 2.58% -
13 Morgan Stanley 2.01% 11 =11 Thanachart 1.57% - =13 RBS 1.55% -
14 DBS Vickers 1.86% 10 14 TMB Macquarie 1.05% 5 =13 DBS Vickers 1.55% -
15 TMB Macquarie 1.27% 7
16 Goldman Sachs 1.00% =13
17 RBS 0.60% -
18 KTBS 0.50% -
=19 KGI 0.20% =17
=19 Kim Eng 0.20% 19

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.57% 5 1 CLSA 21.93% =6 =1 CIMB 22.78% =10
2 CIMB 12.06% 12 2 CIMB 12.53% 13 =1 CLSA 22.78% 3
3 BNP Paribas* 8.80% 4 3 Phatra 11.75% 8 3 BNP Paribas* 12.10% -
4 SCBS 8.48% 11 4 SCBS 10.44% =9 =4 Credit Suisse 7.12% 9
5 Phatra 7.58% 7 5 UBS 7.83% =4 =4 SCBS 7.12% =4
6 UBS 7.17% 9 6 BNP Paribas* 6.79% =4 6 Citi 6.41% =12
7 Capital Nomura 5.87% - =7 Capital Nomura 5.22% - =7 Kim Eng 5.69% =4
8 Thanachart 5.22% - =7 Credit Suisse 5.22% 12 =7 TISCO 5.69% =4
9 Kim Eng 4.48% 10 =7 J.P.Morgan 5.22% - 9 UBS 4.27% =4
10 TISCO 4.32% 1 10 Citi 4.70% 3 =10 RBS 2.14% -
11 Citi 4.24% 6 =11 Kim Eng 4.18% =9 =10 DBS Vickers 2.14% =4
=12 Credit Suisse 3.91% 13 =11 TISCO 4.18% =9 12 Phatra 1.78% =12
=12 J.P.Morgan 3.91% 16
14 Seamico 3.02% 17 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
15 DBS Vickers 2.93% 8
16 Bualuang 1.47% -
17 RBS 0.98% -

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 22.96% 2 1 CLSA 26.94% 1 1 CLSA 28.16% 1
2 J.P.Morgan 13.94% 3 2 J.P.Morgan 16.99% 4 2 Credit Suisse 11.93% -
3 Phatra 11.14% 1 3 TMB Macquarie 12.44% 6 3 Citi 10.98% 10
4 TMB Macquarie 10.70% 6 4 Phatra 10.17% 3 4 Phatra 10.26% 5
5 Citi 8.99% 7 5 Citi 9.78% 7 5 J.P.Morgan 7.16% =6
6 BNP Paribas* 8.90% 10 6 BNP Paribas* 7.21% =13 6 CIMB 6.21% 11
7 Credit Suisse 5.82% 11 7 Credit Suisse 6.44% - 7 BNP Paribas 5.25% -
8 Thanachart 4.03% - =8 CIMB 2.57% =9 =8 TMB Macquarie 4.77% 4
9 CIMB 3.67% 12 =8 DB-TISCO 2.57% 2 =8 Thanachart 4.77% -
10 DB-TISCO 2.93% 4 =8 Thanachart 2.57% - =10 DB-TISCO 2.86% 2
11 UBS 2.89% 5 11 UBS 1.29% 5 =10 UBS 2.86% 3
12 TISCO 1.28% 13 12 TISCO 1.03% =9 12 TISCO 1.91% =6
13 RBS 1.10% - =13 RBS 1.43% -
14 DBS Vickers 0.60% 9 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart =13 DBS Vickers 1.43% -
15 SCBS 0.50% 14
16 Bualuang 0.37% -
17 Kim Eng 0.18% 18

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 UBS 23.10% 1 1 UBS 27.31% 1 1 CLSA 17.19% =4
2 CLSA 13.18% 2 2 J.P.Morgan 14.15% 5 2 Credit Suisse 16.05% 2
3 J.P.Morgan 10.73% 5 3 CLSA 12.66% 2 3 UBS 12.03% 1
4 Credit Suisse 10.20% 3 4 Credit Suisse 12.29% 3 4 J.P.Morgan 11.46% =4
5 Phatra 8.63% 4 5 Phatra 9.93% 6 5 CIMB 10.89% 10
6 CIMB 6.32% 12 6 Citi 6.15% 4 6 BNP Paribas 6.30% -
7 Citi 5.49% 6 7 CIMB 5.59% - =7 TMB Macquarie 5.73% -
8 BNP Paribas* 4.59% 9 8 TMB Macquarie 3.72% - =7 Phatra 5.73% =7
9 TISCO 2.98% 15 9 BNP Paribas* 3.35% 11 9 TISCO 4.58% -
10 Kasikorn 2.50% - 10 TISCO 2.98% - 10 Citi 3.72% 3
11 TMB Macquarie 2.39% 13 11 SCBS 1.86% =8 11 SCBS 2.87% =7
12 DBS Vickers 2.21% 11 =12 RBS 1.72% -
13 RBS 2.15% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart =12 DBS Vickers 1.72% -
14 SCBS 1.67% 8
15 Thanachart 1.43% -
16 Lehman Brothers** 0.95% 14
17 DB-TISCO 0.83% 7
18 Capital Nomura 0.48% -
19 KTBS 0.12% -
20 Kim Eng 0.06% =16

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Credit Suisse 18.31% 1 1 Credit Suisse 21.97% 1 1 Credit Suisse 25.68% 1
2 UBS 17.48% 3 2 UBS 19.37% 5 2 CLSA 19.46% =4
3 CLSA 13.03% 2 3 CLSA 15.56% 2 3 Citi 12.84% -
4 Citi 12.26% 10 4 Citi 13.50% - 4 CIMB 10.12% 9
5 Phatra 8.51% 6 5 Phatra 7.63% =6 5 Syrus 6.23% -
6 BNP Paribas* 7.45% 8 =6 BNP Paribas* 4.58% 9 =6 BNP Paribas 4.67% -
7 CIMB 4.19% 12 =6 CIMB 4.58% - =6 UBS 4.67% =7
8 J.P.Morgan 3.41% 4 =6 J.P.Morgan 4.58% 3 =8 Goldman Sachs 3.89% =4
9 Syrus 2.48% - 9 Syrus 3.66% - =8 TMB Macquarie 3.89% -
10 RBS 2.17% - =10 Goldman Sachs 2.29% =6 =8 Phatra 3.89% =7
11 Thanachart 2.09% - =10 TMB Macquarie 2.29% - =11 RBS 2.33% -
12 TISCO 1.71% 13 =11 DBS Vickers 2.33% -
=13 Goldman Sachs 1.55% 9 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
=13 TMB Macquarie 1.55% 11
15 KTBS 1.24% -
16 DBS Vickers 0.93% 16
17 Capital Nomura 0.78% 14
18 Bualuang 0.62% -
19 Kim Eng 0.23% 15

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 23.77% 4 1 CLSA 25.80% 3 1 CLSA 32.78% 3
2 Citi 12.59% 6 2 Citi 15.83% 5 2 Citi 11.71% 5
3 Credit Suisse 9.43% 1 3 Credit Suisse 13.68% 1 3 UBS 10.70% 2
4 Phatra 8.77% 3 4 CIMB 7.82% 10 4 CIMB 8.70% 9
5 UBS 7.74% 2 5 J.P.Morgan 7.04% 6 5 Phatra 6.02% 4
6 BNP Paribas* 7.47% 7 6 Phatra 6.78% 8 6 Syrus 5.35% -
7 CIMB 6.40% 9 7 UBS 5.86% 2 =7 BNP Paribas 4.01% -
8 J.P.Morgan 5.12% 8 8 BNP Paribas* 3.91% 7 =7 TMB Macquarie 4.01% 8
9 TMB Macquarie 4.04% 5 9 Morgan Stanley 3.52% - =9 Credit Suisse 3.34% 1
10 Thanachart 3.23% - =10 TMB Macquarie 3.13% 4 =9 Goldman Sachs 3.34% -
=11 Morgan Stanley 2.42% - =10 Syrus 3.13% - =9 Morgan Stanley 3.34% -
=11 TISCO 2.42% 12 12 Goldman Sachs 1.95% 11 12 TISCO 2.68% -
13 Syrus 2.15% - 13 TISCO 1.56% - =13 RBS 2.01% -
14 Goldman Sachs 1.35% 11 =13 DBS Vickers 2.01% -
=15 RBS 0.81% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
=15 DBS Vickers 0.81% =13
=15 KTBS 0.81% -
18 DB-TISCO 0.67% 19

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007* Rank Firm % 2007*
1 CLSA 20.30% 1 CLSA 23.66% 1 CLSA 24.29%
2 UBS 15.36% 2 Credit Suisse 12.96% 2 Citi 13.36%
3 Credit Suisse 8.30% =3 TMB Macquarie 11.27% =3 CIMB 10.53%
4 Citi 7.94% =3 UBS 11.27% =3 Credit Suisse 10.53%
5 TMB Macquarie 7.06% 5 Citi 9.30% 5 TMB Macquarie 8.10%
6 BNP Paribas 5.91% 6 J.P.Morgan 7.32% 6 Syrus 6.48%
7 CIMB 4.94% =7 CIMB 5.63% =7 BNP Paribas 4.86%
8 J.P.Morgan 4.77% =7 DB-TISCO 5.63% =7 UBS 4.86%
9 Thanachart 4.24% 9 Syrus 4.51% =9 Goldman Sachs 4.05%
10 Phatra 3.88% =10 Goldman Sachs 2.82% =9 Phatra 4.05%
11 DB-TISCO 3.71% =10 Phatra 2.82% =9 SCBS 4.05%
12 Syrus 2.82% =10 SCBS 2.82% =12 RBS 2.43%
13 TISCO 2.03% =12 DBS Vickers 2.43%
14 SCBS 1.85% * Category not polled in 2007
15 Goldman Sachs 1.77% * Category not polled in 2007
16 Kasikorn 1.41%
17 DBS Vickers 1.15%
18 RBS 1.06%
19 Bualuang 0.79%
20 Capital Nomura 0.71%

* Category not polled in 2007

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 40.26% =1 1 CLSA 38.84% 2 1 CLSA 58.54% 1
2 Phatra 14.90% =1 2 Phatra 20.09% 1 =2 CIMB 12.20% -
3 BNP Paribas* 7.74% 9 3 TMB Macquarie 8.93% =5 =2 Phatra 12.20% =3
4 Thanachart 5.42% - 4 J.P.Morgan 8.04% 4 4 Syrus 9.76% -
5 TMB Macquarie 5.16% 5 =5 CIMB 6.70% - 5 BNP Paribas 7.32% -
6 J.P.Morgan 4.65% 4 =5 Credit Suisse 6.70% 3
7 CIMB 4.26% =12 =7 BNP Paribas* 5.36% =8
8 Credit Suisse 3.87% 3 =7 Syrus 5.36% -
9 Syrus 3.10% -
=10 DBS Vickers 2.32% =12 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
=10 SCBS 2.32% -
=10 UOB Kay Hian 2.32% -
13 UBS 1.55% 6
=14 Adkinson 0.77% =7
=14 Citi 0.77% -
16 TISCO 0.39% 11
17 KTBS 0.19% -

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Andrew Stotz CLSA 16.91% - 1 Andrew Stotz CLSA 17.08% - 1 Andrew Stotz CLSA 15.71% -
2 Sriyan Pietersz J.P.Morgan 6.81% 1 2 Sriyan Pietersz J.P.Morgan 7.79% 1 2 Ian Gisbourne Phatra 10.09% 1
3 Alastair MacDonald TMB Macquarie 5.64% 7 =3 Alastair MacDonald TMB Macquarie 7.03% 5 3 Maria Lapiz J.P.Morgan 8.15% -
4 Chutima Woramontri Thanachart 5.62% 3 =3 Peter Gastreich UBS 7.03% 14 4 Dan Fineman Credit Suisse 6.21% -
5 Peter Gastreich UBS 5.09% 12 5 Ian Gisbourne Phatra 6.06% =2 5 Peter Gastreich UBS 5.82% -
6 Ian Gisbourne Phatra 4.64% 2 6 Chutima Woramontri Thanachart 5.41% =2 6 Alastair Macdonald TMB Macquarie 5.04% 6
7 Dan Fineman Credit Suisse 3.48% - 7 Dan Fineman Credit Suisse 4.76% - 7 Kasem Prunratanamala CIMB 4.66% 8
8 Supavud Saicheua Phatra 3.39% 5 8 Maria Lapiz J.P.Morgan 4.54% - 8 Supavud Saicheua Phatra 4.36% 7
9 Maria Lapiz J.P.Morgan 3.29% - 9 Supavud Saicheua Phatra 2.97% 6 9 Chutima Woramontri Thanachart 4.07% -
10 Kasem Prunratanamala CIMB 3.15% =14 10 Sukit Chawalitakul J.P.Morgan 2.60% 10 10 Sriyan Pietersz J.P.Morgan 3.88% 2
11 Athaporn Arayasantiparb UBS 2.98% =23 11 Athaporn Arayasantiparb UBS 2.49% =20 11 Richard Moe CLSA 3.69% =13
12 Therapong Vachirapong Phatra 2.41% 13 12 Kasem Prunratanamala CIMB 2.05% - =12 Joshua Tanja UBS 2.91% -
13 Pimpaka Nichgaroon Thanachart 2.35% - 13 Therapong Vachirapong Phatra 1.95% 13 =12 Supavut C Merrill Lynch 2.91% -
14 Sukit Chawalitakul J.P.Morgan 1.92% 8 =14 Anne Jirajariyavech J.P.Morgan 1.62% - 14 Chanpen Sirithanarattanaku DBS Vickers 2.72% -
15 Pisit Juatirak CLSA 1.88% - =14 Butsakon Khoosuwan UBS 1.62% =25 15 Poramet Tongbua TISCO 2.33% =9
16 Paworamon Suvarnatemee Credit Suisse 1.72% 17 =14 James Moss CLSA 1.62% - =16 Butsakon Khoosuwan UBS 1.94% =17
17 Anne Jirajariyavech J.P.Morgan 1.64% - =14 Jiraporn Bumrungchatudom Merrill Lynch 1.62% - =16 Chinnarat Boonmahanark Credit Suisse 1.94% -
18 Richard Moe CLSA 1.49% =23 =14 Joshua Tanja UBS 1.62% - =16 Sukit Chawalitakul J.P.Morgan 1.94% =26
19 Supanna Suwankird Thanachart 1.47% 22 =14 Naruedee Termariyabuit Citi 1.62% - =19 Paworamon Suvarnatemee Credit Suisse 1.75% 25
=20 Naruedee Termariyabuit Citi 1.41% - =14 Pisit Juatirak CLSA 1.62% - =19 Pisit Juatirak CLSA 1.75% -
=20 Poramet Tongbua TISCO 1.41% 11 =14 Sansanee Srijamjuree DB-TISCO 1.62% - =19 Wattaipun Ekataksin CIMB 1.75% -
=20 Supavut C Merrill Lynch 1.41% - =14 Supavut C Merrill Lynch 1.62% - 22 Colin McCallum Credit Suisse 1.16% =17
23 Jiraporn Linmaneechote Phatra 1.25% - =23 Jiraporn Linmaneechote Phatra 1.30% - =23 James Moss CLSA 0.97% -
=24 Butsakon Khoosuwan UBS 1.17% 27 =23 Pimpaka Nichgaroon Thanachart 1.30% - =23 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 0.97% -
=24 James Moss CLSA 1.17% - =23 Poramet Tongbua TISCO 1.30% 8 =23 Sarinee Sernsukskul* Credit Suisse 0.97% -
=24 Jiraporn Bumrungchatudom Merrill Lynch 1.17% - =26 Chinnarat Boonmahanark Credit Suisse 1.08% - =23 Thitithep Nophaket Phatra 0.97% -
=24 Joshua Tanja UBS 1.17% - =26 Paworamon Suvarnatemee Credit Suisse 1.08% =15 27 Gary Yu Morgan Stanley 0.78% -
=24 Sansanee Srijamjuree DB-TISCO 1.17% - =26 Richard Moe CLSA 1.08% =20 28 Jack Kneeland UBS 0.58% -
=24 Sarachada Sornsong Thanachart 1.17% - 29 Chai Techakumpuch Credit Suisse 0.87% -
30 Chanpen Sirithanarattanaku DBS Vickers 1.10% 20 =30 Chanpen Sirithanarattanaku DBS Vickers 0.54% =20 * Sarinee Sernsukskul has left Credit Suisse
=30 Matthew Wilson Morgan Stanley 0.54% -
=30 Navin Killa Morgan Stanley 0.54% -
=30 Sarinee Sernsukskul* Credit Suisse 0.54% -
=30 Supanna Suwankird BNP Paribas 0.54% 19
=30 Suppata Srisuk Bualuang 0.54% -
=30 Thitithep Nophaket Phatra 0.54% -

* Sarinee Sernsukskul has left Credit Suisse

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 Phatra 34.30% 1 1 Phatra 33.50% 1 1 SCBS 42.31% 2
2 SCBS 22.03% 2 2 SCBS 32.02% 2 2 Phatra 27.69% 1
3 TISCO 16.95% 3 3 TISCO 17.24% 3 3 TISCO 16.15% 6
4 Thanachart 8.67% - 4 Kasikorn 4.93% - 4 Syrus 6.15% -
5 Kasikorn 4.69% - =5 Syrus 3.94% - 5 Seamico 4.62% =3
6 Seamico 3.75% 4 =5 Thanachart 3.94% - 6 Adkinson 3.08% =3
7 Bualuang 2.58% 9 7 Bualuang 2.46% -
8 Syrus 2.50% - 8 Adkinson 1.97% =4
9 KTBS 2.03% 8
10 Adkinson 1.56% 5
11 Asia Plus 0.94% 10

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 19.91% 1 1 CLSA 22.04% 1 1 CLSA 18.09% 1
2 UBS 11.40% 2 2 UBS 13.75% 2 2 Credit Suisse 13.15% 2
3 Phatra 10.93% 4 3 Phatra 11.15% 4 =3 Phatra 12.11% 8
4 Credit Suisse 8.98% 3 4 Credit Suisse 10.57% 3 =3 UBS 12.11% 6
5 TMB Macquarie 7.40% 6 5 TMB Macquarie 8.65% 7 5 CIMB 8.97% 4
6 J.P.Morgan 6.26% 10 6 J.P.Morgan 5.96% 10 6 TMB Macquarie 7.47% 5
7 BNP Paribas* 6.02% 7 =7 Citi 5.29% 8 7 SCBS 5.98% 9
8 Citi 5.15% 9 =7 SCBS 5.29% 11 8 BNP Paribas* 5.38% =13
9 CIMB 4.19% 5 9 BNP Paribas* 3.27% =5 9 DB-TISCO 2.69% 3
10 SCBS 4.09% 11 =10 CIMB 2.60% 9 10 Citi 2.39% 7
11 Thanachart 3.94% - =10 Thanachart 2.60% - 11 Thanachart 2.24% -
12 DBS Vickers 2.45% 13 =12 DBS Vickers 1.44% 14 12 J.P.Morgan 1.79% 10
13 RBS** 1.74% 21 =12 DB-TISCO 1.44% =5 13 DBS Vickers 1.64% -
14 DB-TISCO 1.12% 8 =14 RBS 0.96% - 14 Goldman Sachs 1.49% -
15 Capital Nomura 1.09% 12 =14 Goldman Sachs 0.96% - =15 KGI 1.20% -
16 TISCO 1.07% 14 =14 Lehman Brothers** 0.96% - =15 Syrus 1.20% -
17 UOB Kay Hian 0.73% 20 =17 Capital Nomura 0.77% - 17 RBS** 0.90% 17
18 Kim Eng 0.71% 15 =17 KGI 0.77% - =18 Kim Eng 0.60% =11
=19 Goldman Sachs 0.62% - =17 Syrus 0.77% - =18 TISCO 0.60% =11
=19 Lehman Brothers*** 0.62% - =20 Kim Eng 0.38% =12
=21 KGI 0.50% =24 =20 TISCO 0.38% =12 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
=21 Syrus 0.50% - ** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
23 Bualuang 0.29% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
24 Adkinson 0.12% 16 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
25 KTBS 0.08% -
=26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.05% -
=26 Merchant Partners 0.05% -
28 Phillip 0.02% 22

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 15.95% 2 1 CLSA 15.63% 2 1 CLSA 21.71% 2
2 Phatra 9.18% 4 2 TMB Macquarie 11.72% 6 2 Credit Suisse 13.03% 1
3 UBS 8.96% 3 3 Credit Suisse 10.60% 1 3 CIMB 12.01% 5
4 BNP Paribas* 8.37% 9 4 UBS 10.42% 3 4 UBS 8.43% 4
5 Credit Suisse 8.02% 1 5 Phatra 10.33% 4 5 DB-TISCO 6.64% 3
6 TMB Macquarie 7.88% 6 6 CIMB 5.95% - 6 Phatra 6.00% 7
7 CIMB 6.03% 7 7 SCBS 5.58% =11 7 BNP Paribas* 5.62% 14
8 SCBS 3.84% 8 8 BNP Paribas* 4.65% 7 8 TMB Macquarie 5.11% 6
9 Citi 3.68% 15 9 DB-TISCO 4.28% 5 9 SCBS 3.83% =10
10 RBS 3.43% - 10 Kasikorn 2.79% - 10 Adkinson 3.07% =8
11 DB-TISCO 3.12% 5 =11 Adkinson 2.23% =9 11 RBS 2.81% -
12 Thanachart 2.87% - =11 Citi 2.23% =15 12 Goldman Sachs 2.55% -
13 DBS Vickers 2.38% 12 =11 Thanachart 2.23% - =13 KGI 2.04% -
14 TISCO 2.29% 20 =14 RBS 1.86% - =13 Syrus 2.04% -
15 Kim Eng 1.74% 10 =14 Goldman Sachs 1.86% - =15 Citi 1.53% 15
=16 Adkinson 1.66% 13 =16 Capital Nomura 1.49% - =15 DBS Vickers 1.53% -
=16 Kasikorn 1.66% - =16 KGI 1.49% - =17 Kim Eng 1.02% =8
18 KTBS 1.44% - =16 Kim Eng 1.49% =9 =17 TISCO 1.02% -
19 UOB Kay Hian 1.38% 22 =16 Syrus 1.49% -
20 KGI 1.35% 19 20 Morgan Stanley 0.93% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
21 Goldman Sachs 1.11% - 21 TISCO 0.74% -
22 Capital Nomura 0.94% 14
23 Syrus 0.88% 24 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
24 Bualuang 0.64% 26
25 Morgan Stanley 0.55% -
=26 Asia Plus 0.33% 21
=26 J.P.Morgan 0.33% 11

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 19.87% 2 1 CLSA 21.63% 2 1 CLSA 22.53% 2
2 BNP Paribas* 10.79% 7 2 Credit Suisse 12.44% 1 2 Credit Suisse 16.52% 1
3 UBS 10.68% 4 3 UBS 10.86% 4 3 CIMB 11.76% 6
4 Credit Suisse 9.33% 1 =4 BNP Paribas* 8.91% 7 4 UBS 9.76% 4
5 Phatra 8.69% 3 =4 Phatra 8.91% 3 5 BNP Paribas 7.51% -
6 CIMB 5.83% 8 6 TMB Macquarie 7.06% 6 6 Phatra 5.88% 3
7 TMB Macquarie 5.38% 6 7 CIMB 5.94% - 7 DB-TISCO 4.51% 5
8 SCBS 4.26% 14 8 SCBS 5.57% =11 =8 TMB Macquarie 3.75% =9
9 DB-TISCO 3.53% 5 9 DB-TISCO 4.64% 5 =8 SCBS 3.75% =9
10 Citi 3.39% 11 =10 Citi 1.86% 14 10 Goldman Sachs 2.50% 14
11 RBS 2.35% - =10 Goldman Sachs 1.86% =15 =11 Adkinson 2.00% =7
12 Thanachart 2.05% - =12 Adkinson 1.49% =9 =11 Syrus 2.00% -
13 TISCO 1.85% 18 =12 Kim Eng 1.49% =9 =13 RBS 1.50% -
14 DBS Vickers 1.82% 12 =12 Syrus 1.49% - =13 Citi 1.50% 13
15 Kim Eng 1.57% 9 15 Kasikorn 1.39% - =13 DBS Vickers 1.50% -
16 Bualuang 1.26% - 16 J.P.Morgan 1.11% 8 =16 KGI 1.00% -
17 Adkinson 1.23% 13 =17 DBS Vickers 0.93% =15 =16 Kim Eng 1.00% =7
18 UOB Kay Hian 1.20% - =17 Morgan Stanley 0.93% - =16 TISCO 1.00% -
19 Goldman Sachs 1.12% 19 =19 KGI 0.74% -
20 Syrus 0.90% - =19 TISCO 0.74% -
21 Kasikorn 0.84% -
22 J.P.Morgan 0.67% 10 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
23 Morgan Stanley 0.56% -
24 KGI 0.50% 23
25 Capital Nomura 0.14% =16
26 KTBS 0.11% -
27 Phillip 0.08% 20

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 32.38% 1 1 CLSA 33.83% 1 1 CLSA 34.87% 1
2 Phatra 10.36% 3 2 Phatra 12.38% 4 2 Credit Suisse 9.52% 2
3 BNP Paribas* 8.23% 6 3 TMB Macquarie 8.64% =8 3 Phatra 9.12% 5
4 TMB Macquarie 6.03% 10 4 BNP Paribas* 6.73% =6 4 BNP Paribas 7.41% -
5 J.P.Morgan 5.77% 5 5 J.P.Morgan 6.10% 5 5 DB-TISCO 6.21% 9
6 UBS 5.14% 4 6 Credit Suisse 5.40% 2 6 TMB Macquarie 6.01% 8
7 Credit Suisse 4.92% 2 7 UBS 4.45% 3 7 Citi 4.01% 4
8 Thanachart 4.22% - 8 DB-TISCO 3.56% 10 8 J.P.Morgan 3.61% 7
9 Citi 3.92% 7 =9 Citi 3.43% =6 =9 Thanachart 3.01% -
10 TISCO 3.57% 11 =9 Thanachart 3.43% - =9 UBS 3.01% 3
11 DB-TISCO 3.05% 13 11 TISCO 2.29% - =11 CIMB 2.40% 6
12 RBS** 2.11% 17 12 Morgan Stanley 2.16% =12 =11 Morgan Stanley 2.40% 11
13 SCBS 1.71% 9 13 SCBS 1.91% 11 13 Goldman Sachs 2.00% -
14 Morgan Stanley 1.38% 14 =14 Goldman Sachs 1.27% - =14 Adkinson 1.60% -
15 CIMB 1.32% 8 =14 Lehman Brothers** 1.27% - =14 TISCO 1.60% -
16 DBS Vickers 1.22% 12 =16 Adkinson 1.02% - =16 RBS 1.20% -
17 Capital Nomura 0.93% 16 =16 Capital Nomura 1.02% - =16 DBS Vickers 1.20% -
=18 Adkinson 0.81% - 18 RBS*** 0.64% 15 18 Syrus 0.80% -
=18 Goldman Sachs 0.81% - 19 Syrus 0.51% -
=18 Lehman Brothers*** 0.81% -
21 Kim Eng 0.73% 18 * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
22 Syrus 0.32% - ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 Bualuang 0.16% =20 *** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
24 KTBS 0.06% -
25 KGI 0.02% 19

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

** RBS - 2007 ranking of ABN AMRO
*** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 25.42% 1 1 CLSA 27.53% 1 1 CLSA 19.94% 1
2 Phatra 10.57% 2 2 TMB Macquarie 13.68% 6 2 Credit Suisse 13.73% 2
3 TMB Macquarie 9.81% 8 3 Phatra 9.93% 3 3 Phatra 11.80% 5
4 Credit Suisse 7.06% 3 4 Credit Suisse 9.14% 5 4 BNP Paribas 8.34% -
5 BNP Paribas* 6.88% 7 5 UBS 8.72% 2 5 TMB Macquarie 8.14% 4
6 UBS 6.61% 4 6 J.P.Morgan 5.57% 9 6 DB-TISCO 6.10% 3
7 J.P.Morgan 4.42% 9 7 Citi 4.48% 7 7 CIMB 5.29% 8
8 Thanachart 4.38% - 8 BNP Paribas* 4.24% 8 8 UBS 4.88% 7
9 Citi 3.90% 6 9 Thanachart 3.27% - 9 J.P.Morgan 4.48% -
10 DBS Vickers 3.52% 12 10 DB-TISCO 2.18% 4 10 Citi 3.46% 6
11 CIMB 2.98% 11 11 Morgan Stanley 2.06% - 11 Thanachart 3.05% -
12 DB-TISCO 2.43% 5 12 DBS Vickers 1.82% 13 =12 Adkinson 2.44% -
13 TISCO 1.97% 14 =13 Adkinson 1.45% - =12 Morgan Stanley 2.44% -
14 RBS 1.61% - =13 CIMB 1.45% 12 14 Goldman Sachs 2.03% -
15 SCBS 1.45% 10 =15 Goldman Sachs 1.21% - 15 RBS 1.83% -
16 Morgan Stanley 1.37% - =15 SCBS 1.21% =10 16 DBS Vickers 1.22% -
17 Capital Nomura 1.31% 15 17 Capital Nomura 0.97% - 17 TISCO 0.81% -
18 Adkinson 1.21% - 18 Lehman Brothers** 0.61% -
19 Goldman Sachs 0.80% - 19 TISCO 0.48% -
20 Bualuang 0.68% 19
21 Lehman Brothers** 0.40% - * BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart
22 Kim Eng 0.34% 13 ** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura
23 Kasikorn 0.32% -
24 Seamico 0.24% 16
25 KTBS 0.16% -
=26 Fox-Pitt, Kelton 0.06% -
=26 Merchant Partners 0.06% -
=28 KGI 0.02% -
=28 NFS 0.02% -

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

** Polling period prior to the acquisition by Nomura

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Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007 Rank Firm % 2007
1 CLSA 23.57% 2 1 CLSA 30.67% 1 1 Phatra 18.23% =8
2 Phatra 10.83% 10 2 Credit Suisse 14.15% - 2 CLSA 16.57% 1
3 CIMB 10.14% 1 3 Phatra 12.98% 7 3 CIMB 15.47% 2
4 Credit Suisse 9.87% 5 4 TMB Macquarie 8.39% 6 =4 Credit Suisse 9.94% =10
5 TMB Macquarie 6.94% 9 5 SCBS 7.86% =8 =4 DB-TISCO 9.94% =8
=6 SCBS 5.48% =7 6 DB-TISCO 7.08% 5 =6 Kim Eng 5.52% -
=6 Thanachart 5.48% - 7 J.P.Morgan 4.72% 11 =6 SCBS 5.52% =3
8 DB-TISCO 4.93% =7 =8 CIMB 3.93% 2 =8 J.P.Morgan 4.42% -
9 J.P.Morgan 3.29% 12 =8 Kim Eng 3.93% - =8 Syrus 4.42% -
=10 BNP Paribas* 2.74% 6 =10 Syrus 3.15% - =10 RBS 3.31% -
=10 Kim Eng 2.74% 13 =10 Thanachart 3.15% - =10 DBS Vickers 3.31% -
12 Syrus 2.19% - =10 UBS 3.31% =10
13 Bualuang 2.06% 16
14 UBS 1.92% 4
15 UOB Kay Hian 1.78% 15
=16 RBS 1.64% -
=16 DBS Vickers 1.64% -
18 TISCO 1.23% 20
19 KTBS 0.82% -
20 Citi 0.55% 3
21 Phillip 0.14% -

* BNP Paribas - 2007 ranking of BNP Paribas Thanachart

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Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007 Rank Name Firm % 2007
1 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 7.72% 2 1 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 9.96% 2 1 Christian Sano CIMB 8.82% 1
2 Suwan Chamnankijvanich Thanachart 5.86% =7 2 Pat Pattaphongse UBS 5.73% =6 2 Prinn Panitchpakdi CLSA 8.44% 2
3 Tim Attatanyapat CLSA 5.56% 3 3 Tim Attatanyapat CLSA 5.61% =3 3 Tim Attatanyapat CLSA 7.32% =6
4 Jamie Woodward UBS 4.55% 1 4 Nim Thapaneeyapan CLSA 5.38% 14 4 Malcolm Lui Credit Suisse 6.19% =4
=5 Chris Prasertsintanah Credit Suisse 3.76% 4 =5 Jamie Woodward UBS 5.15% 1 =5 Jamie Woodward UBS 5.63% =6
=5 Nim Thapaneeyapan CLSA 3.76% 11 =5 Thomas Hilboldt SCBS 5.15% - =5 Mark Decker SCBS 5.63% =9
=5 Pat Pattaphongse UBS 3.76% =9 7 Malcolm Lui Credit Suisse 4.92% 12 =5 Thomas Hilboldt SCBS 5.63% -
8 Christian Sano CIMB 3.57% 5 8 Lee Choo Chen J.P.Morgan 3.78% 13 =8 Sirilarp Vasuvat Phatra 4.69% =13
9 Thomas Hilboldt SCBS 3.38% - =9 Mark Decker SCBS 3.44% 15 =8 Thaniya Tayjasanant TMB Macquarie 4.69% =4
10 Malcolm Lui Credit Suisse 3.23% 13 =9 Thaniya Tayjasanant TMB Macquarie 3.44% =6 10 Suwan Chamnankijvanich Thanachart 4.50% -
11 Sirilarp Vasuvat Phatra 3.01% =14 11 Chris Prasertsintanah Credit Suisse 3.32% 16 11 Chris Prasertsintanah Credit Suisse 4.32% 11
12 Lee Choo Chen J.P.Morgan 2.78% 16 12 Suwan Chamnankijvanich Thanachart 3.21% =3 12 Angus Kent TMB Macquarie 3.75% 3
13 Tisana Kunjara Thanachart 2.42% - 13 Kwek Thong How BNP Paribas 2.98% - 13 Richard Markarian BNP Paribas 3.38% =19
14 Thaniya Tayjasanant TMB Macquarie 2.41% =9 14 Sirilarp Vasuvat Phatra 2.86% =10 14 Netita Krabouanrat DBS Vickers 3.00% -
15 Mark Decker SCBS 2.26% 12 =15 Harry Bunyaraksh CLSA 2.52% - =15 Andrew Yates RBS 2.81% -
16 Harry Bunyaraksh CLSA 2.10% - =15 Tisana Kunjara Thanachart 2.52% - =15 Caleb Woo CLSA 2.81% -
=17 Kwek Thong How BNP Paribas 1.95% - =17 Angus Kent TMB Macquarie 2.29% =10 17 Harry Bunyaraksh CLSA 2.25% -
=17 Nipaporn Habanananda Phatra 1.95% 20 =17 Caleb Woo CLSA 2.29% - =18 Golf Ungolan TMB Macquarie 1.88% -
19 Netita Krabouanrat DBS Vickers 1.65% - =17 Christian Sano CIMB 2.29% 9 =18 Joy Kim UBS 1.88% -
=20 Angus Kent TMB Macquarie 1.50% =14 =17 Nipaporn Habanananda Phatra 2.29% 18 =18 Tisana Kunjara BNP Paribas 1.88% -
=20 Caleb Woo CLSA 1.50% - =21 Jirawan Kasemkulsiri Citi 1.72% 8 21 Anchal Pathela CIMB 1.69% 12
22 Richard Markarian BNP Paribas 1.41% =30 =21 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 1.72% - =22 Craig Thompson Phatra 1.50% -
23 Jirawan Kasemkulsiri Citi 1.33% 6 =23 Numkrit Jeraputtiruk UBS 1.37% =24 =22 Pat Pattaphongse UBS 1.50% -
24 Parichat Somboon Phatra 1.22% 22 =23 Richard Markarian BNP Paribas 1.37% =27 =22 Samir Kogar Credit Suisse 1.50% =13
25 Numkrit Jeraputtiruk UBS 1.20% 18 =25 Golf Ungolan TMB Macquarie 1.15% - =25 Eric Vergara Phatra 1.41% -
26 Andrew Yates RBS 1.15% - =25 Joy Kim UBS 1.15% - =25 Pichaya Lekprichakul Phatra 1.41% -
27 Joyce Yim Morgan Stanley 1.13% - =25 Netita Krabouanrat DBS Vickers 1.15% - 27 Margaret Panupornprapong Credit Suisse 0.94% -
28 Oranuch Vachiruksasavakul Bualuang 1.11% - =25 Norm Waite Lehman Brothers 1.15% - 28 Scott Brixen DB-TISCO 0.56% -
29 Mark Lawrence TMB Macquarie 0.98% - =25 Philip Utsch CLSA 1.15% -
30 Andy Pornprinya UOB Kay Hian 0.92% - =25 Robert Lacey RBS 1.15% -

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