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40 Sleep Hacks

The geek’s guide to optimizing sleep

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Table of contents

Section I: Hacking Sleep Schedules 20. Use lucid dreaming to cultivate peak
performance, solve problems, and
1. Wake up at the same time every overcome fears.
morning 21. Explore hypnagogia
2. Try free-running sleep 22. Keep a dream journal
3. The 28-hour day
4. Polyphasic sleep Section V: Sleep Environment
5. Keep a sleep log
6. Give your schedules 10 days to ‘click’ 23. Sleep in complete darkness
7. Reduce your sleep need 24. Sleep in the cold

Section II: Diet Section VI: Sleep Gadgets

25. Use noise cancelling headphones

8. Eat whole foods, unprocessed foods,
and raw foods 26. Use a bright light alarm
9. Eat light in the evening 27. Use a sun box
10. Eat a small pre-bedtime snack 28. The SleepTracker watch
11. Drink caffeine in the morning, not at 29. Use a sleep mask
30. Use an mp3 alarm clock
12. Eat breakfast
Section VII: Psychology
13. Control your cortisol
14. Avoid foods you may be sensitive to 31. Use your brain’s internal alarm clock
32. Set up morning rewards
Section III: Napping 33. Write down tomorrow’s to-do list
15. Master the art of napping 34. Change your attitude toward sleep
16. Caffeine nap 35. Train your brain to wake up to alarms
17. Pzizz your way to sleep 36. Set two alarms
18. Create your own nap mp3 37. Maintain a positive attitude toward
Section IV: Dreaming and Creativity 38. Wake up to euphoric music

19. Learn to lucid dream Section VIII: Lifestyle

39. Meditate
40. Fall in love

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About this ebook

40 Sleep Hacks: The Geek’s Guide to Optimizing Sleep

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This is the July 2008 edition. Please check for newer editions.

Health/legal disclaimer: The information presented in this book is taken from sources believed
to be accurate. All of these sleep hacks aim to improve sleep quality and thus health and quality
of life. However, you must use them at your own discretion. In the end there’s probably no
better sleep advice than this: listen to your body; 9 times out of 10 it knows what’s right.

Enough of that… let’s get started.


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Section 1
Sleep schedules

The amount of sleep required by the

average person is five minutes
more. ~Wilson Mizener

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Keep wake-up times consistent and sleep quality will improve

dramatically, giving you more energy and decreased sleep

Your body has an internal 24-hour clock which controls your

circadian rhythm. Sleep quality is optimized during a very
specific window of your circadian rhythm. If you learn to sleep
exactly within that window you will enjoy the best sleep of
your life. That is, you want to perfectly hit the “circadian low-
point”, which is the time when your body is programmed to

If you sleep in on weekends your internal clock is always

playing catch-up as it tries to match itself with your indecisive
wake-up times. For each hour you sleep in late on weekends it
will take an extra day during the week to reset your clock. Sleeping in on weekends makes it
difficult to hit the circadian low point. Your body tries to increase sleep duration to compensate
for poor sleep quality.

Keep wake-up times consistent. Even on weekends. Your sleep quality will skyrocket.

For those who don’t need alarm clocks (e.g. you are self-employed), you might be better off
with free-running sleep…

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Free-running sleep means:

1. Go to sleep when tired.

2. Wake up without an alarm.

Early studies on circadian rhythm showed that our

internal clocks run on a 25-hour period when isolated
from external stimuli like daylight and timekeeping.
External cues like sunlight reset our circadian rhythm
and match it with the 24 hour day. These cues are
called zeitgebers. (Other zeitgebers are food, exercise,
and social interaction).

Even with a 25h internal clock, humans have slept with

the 24h day before alarm clocks were invented. Artificial light prolongs the internal clock. To
wake up without an alarm clock, don’t expose yourself to too much artificial light at night. That
will shift your internal clock forward.

Many insomniacs have circadian rhythms that run on 26 or 27 hour periods. It is difficult to
entrain a 27-hour internal clock with a 24-hour external clock. Solution: free-running sleep with
27-hour days. Go to bed when you’re tired, wake up naturally. Obviously hard to manage if
you’re not self-employed or on vacation.

Studies show that free-running sleepers experience a 10-15% boost in creativity compared to
those who use an alarm clock.

Health-wise, free-running sleep is the optimal sleep schedule. It can be synced with the 24h
day, but with artificial lights (like computer monitors) it might run out of sync, which is OK too.

Dr Piotr Wozniak is a popular advocate of free-running sleep.

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Jet lag is far, far less intense flying west than it is flying east. Flying west you follow the sun and
extend your day.

For some reason, it appears that it is easier for humans to push our body clocks forward. It only
takes 1 day of sleeping in to push our clocks forward by 3 hours, but it takes 3 days of waking
up early to reset it to normal.

This is why some have adopted the 28-hour day. Why 28? It syncs with the 168-hour week. Six
28-hour days instead of seven 24-hour days. Good for those who want to be awake in the
evening and night during weekends (for going out).

If you follow any non-24 hour sleep schedule, use zeitgebers properly. Light is the strongest
zeitgeber, and since you can no longer rely on the sun, sleep masks (sleep hack 29) and light
boxes (sleep hack 27) become beneficial.

Gotta love xkcd…

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Nearly all animals in the animal kingdom have multiple sleep episodes per day. Sleeping just
once per 24h period is an anomaly, and may partially be an artifact of artificial lighting. Most
adult humans are naturally wired for sleeping twice every 24 hour period – a 6-7h nocturnal
rest with a 20-60m siesta in the afternoon. Sleep patterns defined by more than one sleeping
episode every 24h period are called polyphasic sleep.

Polyphasic sleep has created a buzz on the Internet lately. Self-experimenters usually try one of
two schedules:

1. Nap for 20 minutes every 4 hours (total of 2h per day), or

2. Have a 3h “core sleep” at night with three 20m naps in the day (total 4h per day).

Polyphasic sleep seems to be the only way to function on less than 5 hours of sleep (for
genetically non-short sleepers). Unfortunately, out of all the people who try to adapt to such a
schedule, the majority fail, suggesting that some people just aren’t wired for this.

Polyphasic sleep is an interesting sleep schedule that some people use with success, but the
topic is too detailed to cover fully here.

Explore further if you’re interested:

o Steve Pavlina’s polyphasic sleep experiment

o Buckminister Fuller’s polyphasic sleep schedule
o Dr Wozniak’s take on polyphasic sleep

The most knowledgeable sleep researcher on polyphasic sleep is

probably Claudio Stampi. He has a book, Why We Nap, that
collects dozens of studies on polyphasic and ultrashort sleep.

It’s out of print and hard to find. You can download a pdf version
at here.
Download a PDF of Why We
Nap at

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Strength trainers keep detailed work out logs. Why not keep a sleep

Sleep logs provide many benefits. It takes 15 seconds every morning

to record your sleep/wake time. I have kept a daily sleep log (off and
on) for over a year.

I can see specific patterns in the way I sleep and associate them with
my lifestyle habits that I record in a journal. For example, how do
dietary habits affect sleep duration? How much do I sleep while free-
running as compared to when I use an alarm clock?

Self-experimenter and author Seth Roberts kept a sleep log when he was younger. He reviewed
it several years later and noticed that there was an immediate shift in sleep duration at around
the same time he adopted a raw, whole foods diet. The diet change decreased his sleep need
by about 30 minutes (he never used an alarm clock, so this was a natural decrease).

In my own logs, I’ve seen correlations between exercise intensity and sleep duration, diet and
sleep duration, and more.

A sleep log might seem a bit OCD, but it’s a worthwhile time investment for us geeky “lifestyle

To log your data, use one of the following:

o SleepChart software (recommended)

o Google Spreadsheet
o Pen and paper (how primitive…)
o SleepTracker software (upload sleep data gathered from the SleepTracker watch.
Software included with SleepTracker Pro.)

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The sleep hacks so far have required

adapting to new sleep schedules.
When you first adopt a new sleep
habit, like waking up at 6am every
morning, you will struggle and feel
tired. But keep it up for a while. It
sometimes takes 7-10 days for a
new schedule to “click”.

One older study followed six 8-hour

sleepers for over a year. Once every
5 weeks the subjects reduced their
sleep by 30m. Started at 8 hours,
then 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, etc…

All subjects reported that every time they reduced sleep by 30m the first 7-10 days were
difficult. But after 7-10 days their energy levels “clicked.”

Programming new sleep habits can be difficult. Go gradually if possible and give each
incremental change a few days to click.

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The same study from above showed that it might be possible to train ourselves to need less
sleep. The six 8-hour sleepers continued to reduce sleep by 30m increments until they were
sleeping as low as 4.5-hours a night (ouch).

The subjects experienced severe fatigue below the 6.0-hour mark, but I guess their suffering
was in the name of science…

After the study was over, the researchers caught up with the subjects the following year. It
turned out that all subjects were naturally, by choice, sleeping 1-2 hours below their pre-study
baseline – i.e. they were sleeping 6-7 hours instead of 8.

Is this evidence that by gradually reducing our sleep need and giving our bodies time to adapt
we can make a permanent change in our sleep need?


Click here to read more about this study at The details of the study are
interesting and worth reading.

It appears that flaky, undisciplined schedules – like sleeping in on the weekend – will reset any
sleep reduction adaptation. It also appears that for most people, there is a limit – sleeping
below 6 hours does not seem sustainable without an alarm clock and accumulated sleep debt.

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Section 2

Sleep is a symptom of
caffeine deprivation.

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Here’s one way to immediately – starting tonight –

reduce the amount of sleep your body needs: change
your diet.

Most people today have a poor understanding of

what’s healthy and what’s not. Granola bars aren’t
healthy; they’re highly processed. Most fruit juices are
not healthy; they might contain high fructose corn
syrup. Many studies even show milk to be very
unhealthy, particularly the protein casein found in milk. Whole wheat bread is negligibly
healthier than white break; both are highly processed.

Foods have a direct effect on our sleep quality and duration. I have spent a lot of time trying to
crack the diet vs. sleep-need code. I haven’t cracked it yet, but here’s some observations:

1. Seth Roberts reduced his sleep need by ~30m by reducing the amount of processing in
his diet, including cooking and spices, and by avoiding anything packaged or artificial.
2. Some raw-foodists say they need less sleep on a raw food diet compared to a cooked
food diet.
3. I noticed a ~60m reduction in sleep need after eliminating artificial and processed foods.
This includes just about anything packaged, even bread and pasta.
4. Carbohydrates are linked to an increase in sleep need. Nutritionalist Dr. Stanley Bass
experimented with removing sugars (even fruit) from his diet. Sleep need went from 8h
to 5h. Read about it by clicking here (skip down to the section “Fruit and Sleep”).

In conclusion? Really, my best advice is… Eat Food. Mostly Plants. Not too Much. Sage advice
from In Defense of Food that is a recipe for good health and may be a good recipe for optimal
sleep. By “Eat Food” we mean eat yogurt, not Gogurt. Gogurt isn’t food.

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One of the greatest expenditures of energy in the body is from digestion of food. Large
amounts of blood flow are directed toward the digestive system after a large meal. This means
less blood flow, thus less energy, available for the brain. Low blood flow in the brain during
sleep means poor sleep quality, since the brain conducts all sleep processes. So eat light in the


An overhauled digestive system is bad. But a small amount of energy in your system might
improve sleep. Eat a 150 calorie snack before bedtime. Nothing artificial. Preferably no sugar or
carbohydrates, unless you need aid in falling asleep. A spoonful of slow-digesting, omega-3 rich
flaxseed oil is a good choice. It will be easily and slowly digested and provide energy for your
body throughout the night.



Caffeine in the system reduces the amount of deep sleep that occurs at
night. You will wake up feeling less refreshed, and over time your body
will want/require more time in bed to compensate for the poor sleep
quality. You’ll have less energy, which you would fight with more
caffeine. Don’t fall into this cycle.

Caffeine is safe and perhaps has decent health benefits. The key is in
the timing. The safest time is in the morning, right when you wake up.
The caffeine will be flushed from your system by the time you have a nap in the afternoon. By
then you can have more caffeine immediately before or after the nap.

Caffeine 6 hours before bedtime will disrupt sleep.

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Eat breakfast within 1 hour of waking up. This does 2


1. It regulates your hormonal rhythms (e.g. cortisol

2. It acts as a zeitgeber. Just like sunlight, it will
reset your body clock. Ensures that your sleep
schedule is properly synced with your body clock.
It will give you more energy throughout the day and better sleep the following night.

Experiment with different foods. I prefer a smaller breakfast. Brown rice, eggs, spinach.
Sometimes just a fruit smoothie (bananas, water, frozen blueberries, frozen spinach).



Levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone,” spike in the morning and decrease throughout the day.
Cortisol levels should be as low as possible when you go to bed. High cortisol levels during sleep
drastically decrease slow-wave sleep (SWS) amount, meaning you won’t wake up refreshed.

Facilitate the natural decrease in cortisol levels by…

1. Eating breakfast in the morning

2. Eating low glycemic index meals instead of high GI meals.
3. Don’t go 5 hours without food.
4. Don’t skip meals, but don’t eat heavy meals either.

Follow these rules and cortisol will decrease, your sleep quality will improve, daily energy will
improve, sleep need will reduce.

Dietary habits aren’t always easy to control (we only have so much self-discipline…). Read more
about the food-cortisol-sleep relation here to decide if the above advice is right for you.

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It is estimated that 70% of the population is lactose

intolerant (dairy). 33% have yeast sensitivity. 15% have
gluten sensitivity (wheat). And 35% have fructose or sugar

In other words, you probably have one of these

sensitivities. And these dietary intolerances are tragically
under-diagnosed. So statistically speaking, you probably
have one but don’t know it. This can be very bad. Gluten
sensitive people, for example, may develop major health issues later in life like multiple
sclerosis if they continue to eat wheat. Your body destroys itself when exposed to food it can’t

In terms of sleep, it’s important to eliminate or minimize ingestion of sensitive food products,
especially close to bed time. Wheat and dairy products in particular greatly disrupt sleep in
sensitive people.

Your digestive system will be forced to work in overhaul, disrupting the sleep process and using
blood flow during sleep when it’s better spent on the brain.

I’m gluten sensitive and didn’t know it for years. Removing wheat from my diet has changed
everything. More energy. Better sleep.

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You must sleep sometime between lunch and dinner, and no half-
way measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I
always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep
during the day. That's a foolish notion held by people who have no
imagination. You will be able to accomplish more. You get two days
in one —well, at least one and a half, I'm sure. When the war
started, I had to sleep during the day because that was the only way
I could cope with my responsibilities. ~Sir Winston Churchill

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I’m a religious napper. I rarely go a day without one.

According to Sara Mednick, PhD, napping will allow you to:

 Increase alertness  Speed up motor performance

 Make better decisions  Improve perception
 Preserve youthful looks  Improve your sex life
 Lose weight  Reduce risk of heart attack and stroke
 Improve stamina  Elevate mood
 Boost creativity  Reduce stress
 Help memory  Reduce dependence on drugs/alcohol
 Alleviate migraines  Improve the quality of your nocturnal sleep

 And finally, it just feels good

NASA states that "an afternoon nap increases productivity by 35% and decision making ability
by up to 50%".

Hopefully you’re convinced… Besides, who doesn’t enjoy a nap? 

Adult humans are naturally biphasic. We’re neurologically wired for the afternoon nap. The
“afternoon dip” occurs between the 6th and 8th hour after waking up – that’s 1pm-3pm if you
rise at 7am. But there’s no hard and fast rule
on when you should nap. Listen to your body.

Naps naturally (i.e. without an alarm) last for

20-60m, sometimes up to 90 but rarely
longer. I can wake up after 20m without an
alarm. If a nap lasts longer than 90m it can
mean two things:

1. You are sleep deprived.

2. Your nap occurred much later than

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Late naps are more likely to include deep sleep (SWS), which is fine, but makes naps longer.
Earlier naps include more REM.

Regardless of natural nap duration, I limit naps to 20m. Naps shorter than 20m are called
power naps and include only stage 1, stage 2, and sometimes REM. Stage 3 and 4 sleep (a.k.a.
Slow-Wave-Sleep/SWS/deep-sleep), will make you groggy since core parts of your brain shut
down. Waking up in the middle of an SWS episode means those parts have to reboot. Result:
you feel groggy.

Naps with SWS are natural and immensely restorative. So 60-90m naps are definitely OK. But I
find they take a bit more skill to execute properly. Power naps are an easier and more time-
effective solution.

Napping is a skill. At first you may find it difficult to fall asleep even if you’re tired. Or maybe
you can’t cut your snooze button addiction and tend to oversleep naps. Give it time and
practice. The effort is worth it.


Caffeine takes 30 minutes after ingestion to enter your

bloodstream and have an effect on your

The caffeine nap: Chug some caffeine before a nap.

You will wake up naturally 20-30m later once the
caffeine kicks in. Wake up with a huge boost of energy
and perhaps a mild euphoria.

Set an alarm as backup. Limit the nap to 25 minutes so

that you don’t enter deep sleep.

It sounds weird, but give it a try.

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Pzizz is a program you can download (for Win or Mac).

It generates “nap tracks”, which are essentially MP3s
that you listen to while you take a nap. You can
customize the length, background noises, etc.

Pzizz tracks include binaural beats, which sync your

brain waves to specific frequencies for relaxation and
calmness of mind. A background voice uses neuro-
linguistic programming to alter your mental patterns
and prime you for a boost of energy upon waking up.
Pzizz is one of the few sleep audio programs that gets
it right: it’s soothing, not distracting. Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re listening to
anything. Pzizz soothes the subconscious without distracting the conscious. It becomes
effortless to fall asleep and you wake up feeling supercharged.

I program pzizz tracks for 25 minutes – 5 minutes to meditate before falling asleep, then a 20
minute nap. At the end of the track, a soothing voice and crescendo of colorful sounds ease you
out of sleep. No more buzzing alarms.

In the past 12 months I have not had a single nap without Pzizz, and I nap 9 days out of 10. You
can use a laptop with headphones or upload pzizz mp3s to your iPod. (I go the iPod route).

To download, go to their website

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You can create your own nap mp3. Download the free
audio editing program Audacity. Use Audacity to
splice music together to create a custom nap track.

Here’s what I do: I use a pzizz mp3 for the duration of

the nap and follow it with euphoric music.

My two favorite custom nap mp3s:

1. 25 minute pzizz track followed by Sibelius’s

Karelia Suite. (total length: 32m)
2. 25 minute pzizz track followed by Solar Stone’s trance classic Solarcoaster . (total length:

The nap lasts 25 minutes and the music acts as an

Download both of these mp3s at alarm. The music puts me in a euphoric mood,! augmenting the mood benefits of the nap itself. When
I wake up I start working, but continue to listen to the
MP3 until the music finishes.

You can download the above two nap tracks from Use them as
examples for creating your own pzizz + music combinations.

I used a pzizz track for the nap portion of my custom mp3. But you can use ambient noise,
white noise, classical music, or just silence. I used some of my favorite euphoric music for the
post-nap portion of the MP3, but you can use anything (beeps, roosters, or a recording of
yourself saying “Self, wake the f--- up!”). Audacity will let you do it. Be creative and have fun.

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Section 4
Dreaming and creativity

Our dreams are firsthand creations, rather

than residues of waking life. We have the
capacity for infinite creativity; at least while
dreaming, we partake of the power of the
Spirit, the infinite Godhead that creates the
cosmos. ~Jackie Gleason

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I realized I was dreaming. I raised my arms and began to rise… I

rose through black sky that blended to indigo, to deep purple, to
lavender, to white, then to very bright light. All the time I was
being lifted there was the most beautiful music I have ever
heard. It seemed like voices rather than instruments. There are
no words to describe the JOY I felt. I was gently lowered back to
earth. I had the feeling that I had come to a turning point in my
life and I had chosen the right path. The dream, the joy I
experienced, was kind of a reward, or so I felt. It was a long,
slow slide back into wakefulness with the music echoing in my
ears. The euphoria lasted several days; the memory, forever.
(A.F., Bay City, Michigan) Taken from pg 1 of Exploring the
World of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming occurs when you become conscious during

a dream. This allows you to control your dream character.

Lucid dreaming is a skill. Anyone can learn it, but it takes time and practice. The time and
practice are well worth it. I had my first lucid dream 5 months after hearing about it. Some
people are faster learners.

The most common way to induce a lucid dream is to program yourself to notice the “weird”
stuff in dreams… you perform “reality checks” to see if you’re dreaming or not. For example,
you might be dreaming and notice that you can’t read the numbers on a clock. “Why can’t I
read those numbers? I can normally read… wait, this must be a dream”. Then click, you become
conscious in your dream and can now control your dream character. Next step usually is to fly
around for a bit then go make out with your favorite celebrity.

Learning to have a lucid dream isn’t hard, but you need the right techniques, which are too
detailed to give in this book. I recommend Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming. Written by
the very guy who first validated lucid dreaming in scientific research. It’s gained the reputation
as the lucid dreaming how-to book. Worth the low price.

Otherwise, check out the excellent website Lucidipedia.

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Dream imagery is convincingly real and vivid.

There’s depth, color, dimension, and
experience interwoven into dream imagery. An
apple in a dream feels real and can be
experienced with all senses, despite it only
occurring in your head. On the other hand,
when you imagine an apple in your head while
you’re awake, it appears dim and weak, like a
small flicker. Yet we rely on waking imagery all
the time to envision futures, set goals, and
mentally rehearse and practice skills (public
speaking, sports…). Dreams can be used instead
for these things. Learn to become conscious
during a dream and use it to become a better
public speaker, overcome the fear of
approaching women, or simply envision your
ideal future self.

Dreams are the most vivid type of mental imagery most people are likely to experience. The
more the mental rehearsal of a skill feels like the real thing, the greater the effect it is likely to
have on waking performance. Because of this, lucid dreaming, in which we can make conscious
use of dream imagery, is likely to be even more useful than waking mental imagery as a tool for
learning and practicing skills. –pg 185 of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming

This technique has been explored heavily with great success by the community of avid lucid
dreamers. It’s a shame that a fundamentally useful skill like this hasn’t entered the mainstream.

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Let’s look at a few examples:

Example 1: Use Lucid Dreaming to fine tune motor skills as a surgeon

I discovered in high school that I was a lucid dreamer when I learned that I could study
complicated mathematical and geometry problems before going to bed and discovered that I
was able to solve the problems when I awakened…

The greatest use to which I have been able to put this facility is in the practice of surgery. Each
night before retiring I review my list of surgical cases and I actually practice these cases in my
sleep. I have gained a reputation for being a rapid and skilled surgeon with almost no major
complications… (R.V., Aiken, South Carolina)

Example 2: Understand abstract mathematical concepts

A little over a year ago, I was in a linear algebra class that

introduced me to vector spaces. I was having a lot of
trouble understanding the topic on more than a superficial
level. After about a week of serious studying, I had a lucid
dream about an abstract vector space. I perceived directly
a four-dimensional space. The dream did not have a visual
component, but such abstract dreams are not uncommon
for me. The best I can describe that dream is to say that I
perceived four coordinate axes that were mutually
perpendicular. Since that night, both math and dreaming
have been more fun for me, and I’ve had relatively little
trouble understanding vector space calculus. (T.D.,
Clarksville, Tennesee)

Example 3: Overcome anxiety, increase self-confidence

In my lucid dreams I am always with a group of people in a room where everyone seems to be
doing or saying exactly what they feel. I am usually sitting back not saying much of anything,
and feeling very badly inside. Suddenly, I realize that I am dreaming and I decide to change my
behavior in the dream and say exactly what is on my mind. It’s a little scary doing this because it
is new for me, but at the same time it feels good and makes me feel clearer. I wake up from
these dreams feeling especially good about myself. It shows me how it feels to act aggressively
rather than passively… (K.G., Charlotte, North Carolina)

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Example 4: Perform in front of an audience without fear

I am studying to become a professional musician (French

horn), and I wished to remove my fear of performing in front
of people. On several occasions I placed myself in a state of
self-hypnosis/daydreaming by relaxing my entire body and
mind before going to sleep. Then I focused on my desire to
have a dream in which I was performing for a large audience
by myself but was not nervous or suffering from anxiety. On
the third night of this experiment, I had a lucid dream in
which I was performing a solo recital without
accompaniment at Orchestra Hall in Chicago (a place where I
have performed once before, but in a full orchestra). I felt no
anxiety regarding the audience, and every note that I played
made me feel even more confident. I played perfectly a piece
that I had heard only once before (and never attempted to
play), and the ovation I received added to my confidence.
When I woke up, I made a quick note of the dream and the piece that I played. While practicing
the next day, I sight-read the piece and played it nearly perfectly. Two weeks (and a few lucid
dream performances) later, I performed Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony with the orchestra. For
the first time, nerves did not hamper my playing, and the performance went extremely well.
(J.S., Mt. Prospect, Illinois)

All of these examples were taken from Exploring the World of Lucid
Dreaming, which has dozens more such examples and, of course, expert
advice on how to use lucid dreaming to improve your waking world.

The possibilities are limitless. Dream of approaching the opposite sex with
power and self-confidence. Perform piano recitals in a lucid dream before
doing it in real life. Rehearse your martial arts moves. Overcome anything.

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Hypnagogia is the mental state between waking and

sleep when we are half conscious. Hallucinations occur in
this half-asleep state. Problem is, our memory facilities
shut down about 3 minutes before we even get to sleep.
Hypnagogia hallucinations are rarely remembered.

If you manage to have some awareness during

hypnagogia, you’ll find it a gold-mine of creativity. Dali,
Einstein, Brahms, Wagner, Charles Dickens, and Mark
Twain were all influenced by hypnagogic dreams and
hallucinations. Out of body experiences sometimes occur
during this state.

There’s a trick to exploring hypnagogia. Dali was famous

for his spoon method. He rested his chin on a spoon held This painting was inspired by one
up by his hands. As Dali drifted off, his muscles would of Dali’s hypnagogic hallucinations
relax and the spoon would fall on the table and wake
him up from a hypnagogic dream. He then proceeded to
paint what he saw.

Dali’s method works, but here’s a better method:

1. Lie on your back in bed or sit in a comfortable armchair.

2. Rest your elbow on the surface of the bed or the arm of the chair so that your forearm is
pointing straight up. Let your wrist go limp if that is more comfortable for you.
3. Focus your mind on a problem you wish to solve.
4. Allow yourself to drift toward sleep, while continuing to focus on the problem as long as
you can.
5. Wait for your arm to relax and fall, waking you up. This will happen naturally when you
begin to fall more deeply asleep.
6. Record any creative thoughts you had while dozing.
7. Repeat.

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The method was borrowed from the excellent book: Mind Performance Hacks: Tips and Tools
for Overclocking Your Brain.

Hypnagogia occurs because as you enter sleep your sensory perceptions dissolve, leaving your
brain open for creativity and hallucination.

Try this method 30-60 minutes before your bed time or around naptime.



The purpose of a dream journal is to improve dream recall,

which is a requisite to learning lucid dreaming. The tried and
true method to dream journaling is as follows:

1. When you realize you’re a wake, don’t move. Sit

there and search for any memories of dreams. If you
remember a detail from a dream, work forward and backward through the story
sequence as much as you can
2. Jot down anything you remember.

Step 2 is what stops people. No one wants to spend 5 minutes dictating a story on paper.
Instead, just write down keywords, draw pictures, or write out a few lines of dialogue you
remember. 90% of my dream journal entries are just a list of 5 keywords. Takes 30 seconds.

The point of a dream journal isn’t necessarily to archive every dream experience on paper for
further analysis. The main purpose of a dream journal is to trick your mind into thinking that
remembering dreams is important. I never re-read 90% of my journal entries.

Aside from being an effortless 30-second routine upon waking up, dream journaling is simply a
way for you to explore your own creativity through vivid imagery. I usually go through 1-2
months of dream journaling per year. I’m not very dedicated, but it’s always fun to do once in a

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Section 5
Sleep environment

There are two types of people in

this world, good and bad. The good
sleep better, but the bad seem to
enjoy the waking hours much more.
~Woody Allen

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The tiniest amount of light can disrupt circadian rhythm

and your pineal gland’s production of melatonin and
serotonin. LEDs from alarm clocks and computers,
although dim, actually do have a measurable effect on
sleep quality. Darker sleep increases melatonin which
increases sleep quality and promotes good health. Turn
off or cover all LEDs.

If you wake up to go to the bathroom, turning the light

on will immediately cease all production of melatonin. Don’t drink water to the point where
you have to wake up at night. It seems like a small detail, but the pineal gland really is that

Sleep masks are effective, too. I don’t use one every night, but I own one because it’s good to
have around. If I’ve been sleeping poorly for a few days, I start using a sleep mask for an easy
and effective sleep quality boost.



Temperature is closely linked with circadian rhythm. Core body temperature drops around bed
time. Sleep in a cool room so as to not counteract your circadian rhythm.

Cool temperature will give you higher quality sleep. More SWS throughout the night. If possible,
keep the room as cool as possible without making it uncomfortably cold. Too cold and you’ll
wake up in the middle of the night.

Humans did not evolve with central heating. Our bodies were designed to sleep optimally at
cooler temperatures. Most people keep their homes far too warm during night.

However, daytime naps can – some experts say should – be taken at warmer temperatures.

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Section 6
Sleep gadgets

There will be sleeping enough in the

grave. ~Benjamin Franklin

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Whenever I nap, I put on a pzizz track using

my iPod and noise-cancelling headphones.
Certain models of in-ear headphones are
designed to isolate outside noise by 35dB.
Best used for airplane rides, studying, or
while meditating to meditation CDs
(outside traffic nearly ruins the experience
of meditation…)

In-ear headphones have become my

favorite napping gadget. Wherever I go, I
can create my own audio sanctuary and
listen to a pzizz nap track. I’ve napped in
odd places – libraries, Starbucks, work... It’s
easy to relax, clear your mind and fall
asleep when you block outside noise.

In-ear headphones fit in your ear canal like ear plugs, hence the noise isolation. The right
models are curiously comfortable.

In-ear headphones give this weird sensation that the music is being played inside your skull. For
audiophiles, it’s a surreal sound experience. For nappers, it’s a powerful way to overclock the
effectiveness of nap MP3s – how? There’s just this extra dimension of detail to music when
played through in-ear headphones. Listen to old favorites and suddenly you’ll hear fingers over
guitar strings and the shuffling of sheet music from an orchestra. For pzizz (or meditation
tracks, even), there’s this extra layer of clarity and depth… it’s kind of hard to explain, but it
somehow just makes pzizz more relaxing, at least for me.

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I’ve been in the noise isolation headphone market for 5+ years, so I thought I’d give my
recommendations depending on your price range.

Shure SE530 Sound Isolating Earphones - $500. Expensive, but these

headphones are heavenly. A dream for audiophiles. Easily the most
popular headphone in this price range. Amazon has them for almost $100

Etymotic ER-6i - $150. Optimized for use with iPods. Stellar sound
quality. Isolates outside noise very well (by 35dB… you won’t be able to
hear the TV). I’ve owned a pair for 4 years and wouldn’t trade them in
for anything. To the extent that a human being can fall in love with tiny
headphones, I have certainly fallen in love with these things. Amazon
has them for $75 now, which is a steal in my opinion. My personal

Sony Fontopia in-ear headphones - $40. Can be found on Amazon for

around $25. Sound quality is average (but much better than the default
iPod headphones). Reduces outside noise by 10dB, compared to 35dB from
the Etymotic ER-6i’s. Still the best in the low-end price range.

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Everyone has their preferred method of waking up. If jumping out of

the bed to an obnoxious buzz isn’t your thing, then you might prefer
a light alarm. Light alarms wake you up with, well, light. The light
gradually increases in intensity for an easy transition into



Sunlight resets the body clock and stabilizes circadian

rhythm, which promotes proper timing and release of
hormones. This is why lack of sunlight causes
depression and low energy.

Sunlight is good, but we can’t control its timing or

intensity. There will always be cloudy days and winter
months. This is where technology comes in.

Light boxes simulate sunlight by producing a wide

spectrum of light. Normal artificial lights do affect
circadian rhythm, but not nearly as much due to their limited wavelength spectrum.

Unfortunately, few people think to use light boxes outside of therapy for S.A.D. or circadian
disorders. Yet they’re the perfect sleep hacker tool for even healthy sleepers.

Turn on a light box for 30 minutes in the morning as you work at your desk. Circadian rhythm
balances, energy increases, sleep quality increases, performance and mood increase.

Cheat nature by using a light box during winter months or cloudy days. Strut around with better
mood and more energy while everyone around you mopes because they assumed light boxes
were only for those with “disorders”. Sleep hacking at its best.

The two most popular models currently are by NatureBright and Apollo.

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Despite my advocacy of waking up at the same time

every morning, it has a flaw. A normal alarm cannot
tell where you are in a sleep cycle.

Your brain cycles through the different stages of sleep,

oscillating between Deep sleep, and light/REM sleep at
a period of about 90 minutes.

Deep sleep is very important for cognitive

performance. A lot of “neural housecleaning” occurs
during deep sleep, which makes it so important for
mood, performance, motor skills, productivity, and

Deep sleep has specifically been evolutionarily programmed to not be interrupted. Some
researchers suspect that one of the main reasons light sleep evolved was to act as a transition
stage to and from deep sleep and to provide opportunities for awakening. During deep sleep
your cerebral cortex – the consciousness part of your brain – nearly shuts off. Neural activity in
the cerebral cortex break down into little islands that can't talk to one another.

This is why we feel groggy when we’re woken up from deep sleep. Our cerebral cortex (i.e. our
consciousness) is turned off! It takes 20m of waking activity for it to reboot itself. There are
thought to be health consequences too, since you’re not giving your brain the opportunity to
finish what it started.

A cool sleep hacker tool is the SleepTracker watch. You wear it at night like any watch, but it
can detect where you are in a sleep cycle. In light stages your body tosses and turns a bit,
although we never know it. In REM our bodies are paralyzed and in deep sleep our muscles are
relaxed and motionless. The SleepTracker watch can detect movement from light stages, so it
always knows when you’re in a light stage and when you’re in a non-light stage. Its alarm only
goes off during light stages. You wake up feeling refreshed and energetic. Much to my surprise,
it actually works…

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But I’ve heard that if we just sleep in 90m intervals we will always wake up at the right time…

Err…. That’s a toughie. There’s been a lot of buzz about sleeping in 90 minute intervals. Some
people claim that this guarantees we wake up at the end of a sleep cycle (which are on average
90 minutes long). The real situation is much more complicated, unfortunately. Sleep stage
architecture is highly variable. Drink a bit of alcohol before you sleep and you’re unlikely to see
any evidence of 90-minute cycles. And even as we age our sleep architecture becomes more
broken. The pure 90-minute cycle thing is more of a textbook example, a simplified model that
loses applicability in real-world situations.

Lastly, if you buy the SleepTracker watch, get the pro version. It’s a lot better and you can
upload sleep data to your computer (via USB). Plus it has a vibrate option, whereas the older
model does not.



Most people wouldn’t think to buy a sleep mask

We’ve talked about how light is the strongest zeitgeber. When optimizing our sleep habits,
taking control of light exposure is essential. Sleeping in darkness improves sleep quality. But
darkness isn’t always achievable.

I normally don’t wear a sleep mask, but I’m glad I own one. I usually use it when I feel like I
need a sleep quality boost, or when my sleep too far overlaps daytime.

I used a tried-and-true $10 sleep mask for a couple years. Worked great, but then I upgraded to
the “ultimate sleep mask”, which is a bit more comfortable and doesn’t let light in through the
bottom like other masks (lots of sleep masks don’t fit your nose contour perfectly, meaning a
bit of light seeps in… not a huge deal, but sometimes a bit annoying.)

Dispos∙a∙mask has a good, straightforward selection.

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Use your computer as an alarm clock. Download

alarm clock software to play your favorite mp3s as
an alternative to the obnoxious beep beep beep

Picking your favorite wake-up song has some

advantages. Choose something that really strikes a
positive nerve in you. Waking up will be easier. Or
go for a gradual wake-up process choose a long
mp3 that you can soak into your conscious for a
few minutes before hopping out of bed.

Got a Mac? Use Alarm Clock 2.0 for OS X.

Use Windows? Download Citrus Alarm Clock.

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Section 7

Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in

your life. If you continue to believe as you have always
believed, you will continue to act as you have always
acted. If you continue to act as you have always acted,
you will continue to get what you have always gotten. If
you want different results in your life or your work, all
you have to do is change your mind.

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Your brain has a built-in alarm clock.

People knew this for years. When you’re stressed out

about waking up in time for that important
flight/meeting/exam early tomorrow morning… What do
you do? You set 5 alarms just in case. Somehow you wake
up 3 minutes before all of them… how did your brain do
that? It has a built-in alarm.

Only recently has science discovered the biological basis of

this alarm.

The wake-up process occurs via increased blood flow to the brain, which is facilitated by the
stress hormones ACTH and cortisol. By anticipating (or stressing over) a wake-up time we set
our internal alarm clock. When the anticipated wake-up time arrives, the brain signals the
pituary and adrenal glands to spike ACTH and cortisol. And you wake up.

So how do you use this to your advantage? If you want to learn to wake up easily, refreshed,
with a jolt of energy and – most importantly – without an alarm clock, then it helps to
psychologically pep yourself before you go to bed. Learn to visualize and anticipate, or use
morning rewards (see next hack).

Better yet, you can wake up at the same time every morning (sleep hack #1). Your brain will
program itself to anticipate the scheduled wake-up time. The internal alarm clock will replace
your external alarm clock.

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Help facilitate the cortisol wake-up

mechanism. Create a morning reward.
Something to get you excited.

1. Set out ingredients for your

favorite breakfast the night
before. Get excited to get up
and eat.
2. Set up your favorite coffee or
tea. Call me crazy, but thinking
about drinking my favorite tea
(matcha green tea – So. Damn. Good.) is more than enough to get me out of bed.
3. Morning sex. Convince your partner to try it. You’ll wake up easier than you have in

Some of my morning rewards have been silly and trivial – but they were enough to get me
excited and wake up with a boost of cortisol. Pick rewards that work for you.



A classic sleep hack that you’ve probably heard before. Worth trying if you haven’t yet.

Sometime in the evening, about 3-5 hours before bedtime, write down everything you have to
accomplish tomorrow. Or write your thoughts in a journal, whatever you prefer. The point is to
get those “open loops” out of your head and onto paper (or a .txt file). You’ll feel 100% better
immediately. Sleep will improve.

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I recommend doing this a few hours before bedtime so you can spend the remainder of the day
relaxing with “me time” activities (a habit that studies have shown improves sleep quality). But
you can do it right before bed if you want. Try it. It’s cheaper than a sleeping pill (and unlike a
sleeping pill, it won’t wreck havoc on your sleep stage architecture).

Highly recommended for insomniacs, but even for non-insomniacs this technique will help
control cortisol levels and improve sleep quality.



Here are two studies that show how mere belief can
change sleep quality:

1. First study. When insomniacs in this study were

told that they slept better/more than they did,
they felt and performed better during the day
when compared to insomniacs who were not
told anything about their sleep quality yet who
got the same amount of sleep.

2. Second study. Subjects were divided into 3 groups. Time cues and clocks were taken
away. All groups went to sleep, and researchers woke everyone up after exactly 8 hours.
Group 1 was told they slept 6 and were being sleep deprived for the study. Group 2 was
told they slept 10 hours. Group 3 was told the truth. Group 1 complained of sleepiness,
irritability and poor concentration. Group 2 complained of lethargy. Group 3 reported
feeling fine.

Is sleep need just in our heads? Not quite. Sleep is a biological drive at its core. But psychology
can influence the subjective quality of our sleep.

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This sleep hack is from blogger Steve Pavlina.

Our bodies were not designed to wake up during SWS. If you wake up in SWS it takes about 20
minutes of being awake for certain parts of your brain to reboot. Waking up from SWS leads to
cognitive fog and intense grogginess – and the snooze button.

Whether you wake up from SWS or just have a hard time getting up, you can’t trust yourself to
be rational at this time. Self-discipline does not work in a cognitive fog. If you have the habit of
pressing the snooze button in the morning, it’s not because you lack self-discipline. It’s because
even if you did have self-discipline, the self-discipline wouldn’t work in your unconscious fog.

Upon waking up you rely heavily on habits and automation. Spend a few minutes during the
day to program proper wake-up habits into your psychology’s auto-pilot system. The

1. Start by following your bedtime

routine – brush teeth, put on pajamas,
2. Lay down in bed, set alarm for 5
minutes later.
3. Relax, pretend to fall asleep.
4. When the alarm goes off, immediately
sit up, turn it off, take in a deep
breath, then jump out of bed.
5. Walk out of the bedroom.
6. Repeat this a few times for the next few days.

If you do this correctly, you brain will be trained to follow a routine upon hearing the alarm.
You’ll wake up on auto pilot, no matter how tired you are. Works eerily well. Kinda scares me to
realize our brains thrive on automation, and not so much on things like… you know… free will
and self-discipline…

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So simple, yet so effective. Set one alarm with a pleasant, quiet buzzer within arm’s reach. Set a
second alarm with a very obnoxious buzzer in a hard to reach place – in the corner, on top of a
shelf – for 5 minutes after the first alarm. You wake up to the first alarm and hop out of bed to
quickly turn off the second. The second alarm will punish you for pressing snooze on the first.

Now that you’re up, the rest is easy. Go shower.

Works well if you sleep with your spouse. First alarm won’t wake him/her up, and you have to
get up immediately to turn off alarm #2.



One study compared short sleepers to long sleepers.

The study found “The short-sleepers tended to be
efficient, energetic, and ambitious… The long-
sleepers, as a group, showed more doubts about their
career choices and life situations.” A positive attitude
toward life, a certain drive and ambition, appears to
improve sleep quality and reduce people’s sleep need.
Another study showed that long sleepers had less
energy and more examples of psychopathology.

We can’t tell whether it’s the positive attitude toward

life that causes more efficient sleep, or if naturally
efficient sleep causes the positive attitude. But who
cares? Because developing a positive attitude has its
own inherent benefits. As a bonus, there’s a good
chance it will give you more energy, more refreshing
sleep, and a reduced need for sleep.

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Slow-Wave Sleep (Stages 3 and 4) is the “wake up and feel great” sleep. If you wake up feeling
mild euphoria, you probably got a large amount of SWS.

This mild euphoria upon awakening is likely caused by the feel-good hormone serotonin. The
“just woke up” feeling is good, but we can make it better with the right music.

English psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic studied the way music influences serotonin
levels in listeners’ blood. He even derived a formula: Pitch + % of positive lyrics + Tonality +
Beats per Minute + Images/Memories associated with the music = serotonin level.

Take a moment and reflect on your music collection. In particular, find the songs that are
uplifting and associated with positive personal memories. These will be your euphoric wake-up

Playing euphoric music upon awakening boosts that “just woke up” or “on top of the world”
feeling you get after a nap or a particularly refreshing night of sleep.

I use Citrus Alarm Clock (sleep hack 30) to play euphoric music as an alarm for my nights of
sleep. And I create my own nap mp3 (sleep hack 18) that plays euphoric music for power naps.
These both work well.

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Combined with high-quality headphones, waking up to music

will allow you to experience music in a new way. During sleep
your senses shut off. When you’re transitioning out of sleep,
senses are half-off. This is why hallucinations can occur during
the half-asleep transition, called hypnagogia. Wake up to
euphoric music and you’ll hear it differently… sorta like how
music sounds in dreams. Senses are off, just your brain and
music. It’s like the music is no longer coming out of
headphones, but from inside your head. Your mind is clear
like water, and the music riffs through your skull with angelic lucidity. You see sounds and hear
colors. Each beat, each drum, each instrument, and each note rings with its own distinct
personality. Your perception of sound is heightened in the same way the THC from marijuana
improves the subjective experience of music.

If you think I’m exaggerating, try it for yourself.

If you haven’t figured it out already: iPod + in-ear

headphones + pzizz + custom nap mp3 with euphoric music
as the alarm = the perfect 20-minute power nap. Pure energy
and euphoria… without the drugs.

My euphoric music suggestions (links are to youtube videos…

have a listen!):

1. Walhalla by Gouryella. (Pure, uplifting melody. If

Heaven has a theme song, this is it… guaranteed to
send chills down your spine.)
2. Karelia Suite by Jean Sibelius. (Very colorful classical piece. The loud horns will wake
you up and put the biggest damn smile on your face.)
3. Solarcoaster by Solar Stone. (Listen at least half-way through. Beautiful and ethereal…
might bring a tear to your eye.)

Now imagine listening to those as you wake up…

Download nap mp3s with these euphoric
Life is good, eh?  songs at

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Section 8

Sleep is the best meditation

~Dalai Lama

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According to Donald E. Miskiman of the University of Alberta,

Transcendental Meditation seems to stabilize the sleep-dream cycle

by reducing the effect of any disruption to this cycle and thereby
restoring the system more quickly to its normal level of functioning.

In other words, meditation improves sleep quality. It reduces

interruptions to deep sleep (SWS).

One way meditation does this is be reducing cortisol levels during

the day. The stress hormone cortisol will destroy sleep quality – it
has a rather dramatic negative effect that has been studied
extensively. Specifically, cortisol will reduce SWS amount. Less SWS
means less energy, more irritability, and – ironically – more stress.

Our bodies were designed to have cortisol levels very low while we sleep. Cortisol spikes in the
morning to wake us up, but otherwise should remain at low levels, especially in the beginning
of the night’s sleep since that’s where most SWS is concentrated.

Our stress response was originally intended to spike occasionally during fight-or-flight situations
like during a hunt. It was not designed to stay consistently high with 70-hour work weeks,
impending deadlines, and no vacations. Modern lifestyles cause day-to-day, around-the-clock
stress. Our bodies did not evolve this way. This is one reason why many people today
experience poor sleep – high cortisol levels.

Several studies have shown how meditation can improve sleep quality. E.g. one study showed
that insomniacs who take 60m to fall asleep reduce that time to 15m after 30 days of

Some studies even show that meditation somehow makes dreams more creative. I don’t
meditate often, but when I do go on these meditation streaks my dreams become really weird…
which is good, that means more lucid dreams 

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Meditation isn’t for everyone. Don’t feel guilty if meditation doesn’t appeal to you. But if you
like to meditate, you now have an extra reason to do so – better sleep.

You’ve probably guessed by now, but I’m a bit addicted to this iPod + in-ear noise isolation
headphones + pzizz/relaxation/meditation audio thing… Not a very Buddhist way to meditate,
but it works for me. Best audio program for meditation hands down is Holosync. Not cheesy or
new-agey, which for me has been a turn-off with other meditation audio tracks. You can get a
free demo of Holosync at their website.



Fall in love, our last sleep hack.

One study on high school students showed

that honeymoon romantics…

1. Had more energy

2. Slept about 1 hour less than a control
3. Reported greater subjective sleep

The romantics were characterized as

subclinical hypomaniacs. Hypomania is an attitude of mind characterized by elated emotions,
fast-paced thoughts, increased risk-taking, and occasional euphoria. A side effect of hypomania
appears to be a reduced need for sleep and improved subjective sleep quality. While
“hypomania” is a term usually reserved for neurological “disorders”, apparently it is possible to
attain subclinical (i.e. “normal”) hypomania by falling in love.

Unfortunately, this effect was not shown for couples that were past the honeymoon stage in
their relationship.

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This eBook was created by

As you can tell, I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to sleep. But let me explain why…

I believe in something called “lifestyle investing.” A lot of us put so much energy in financial
investments, which is silly when you think about it because money won’t bring us as much
happiness and well-being as good lifestyle habits.

Our brain runs on habits. Half of it just runs on auto-pilot. If you spend some time programming
a new habit for your brain, you can let that habit run on auto-pilot for the rest of your life and
effortlessly enjoy the benefits.

Sleep falls into that category. Life falls apart when we don’t sleep right. Insomniacs complain of
never being fully asleep and never fully being alive – it’s that middle ground of tiredness and
cognitive fog. Improve your sleep habits and you will oscillate between the extremes of
consciousness – extremely deep and refreshing sleep at night and extreme alertness and focus
during the day. This is the ideal.

Spend a few weeks programming good sleep habits. Then spend the rest of your life with a
consciousness upgrade – more alertness, more energy, more happiness, and all for the low
price of a little upfront effort. It’s remarkably simple, yet we struggle to find the self-discipline,
motivation, and knowledge to take that easy first step toward installing better habits. I struggle
with this too. So no patronizing.

But this is where I want my website,, to come in. I want to help people
improve their lives through enriched knowledge on sleep. Become a part of this effort… I
encourage you to take the following steps.

o Subscribe to SleepWarrior’s RSS feed. New articles are posted frequently. Click this link: Then click the (+Google) button to add
SleepWarrior to Google Reader (you are using Google Reader, right? )
o Post this eBook on your website.
o Email it to a friend.
o If you haven’t already, download the free custom nap mp3s.

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And finally, my e-mail address is [email protected]. You are welcome to e-mail me any

Best wishes,


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