Role of Bypass Proteins in Ruminant Production
Role of Bypass Proteins in Ruminant Production
Role of Bypass Proteins in Ruminant Production
In the feed
fraction of nutrients, which are low or non-degradable in the rumen by the microbes
and they are digestible and absorbable at lower tract and become available to animal
called as Bypass Nutrient Fraction. Bypass nutrient mean that the essential and more
important nutrient (high BV) should be escape from the rumen or face minimum
fermentation. The reasons for protecting different nutrients are different based on their
mode of utilization in the rumen.
Table1. Nutrient Requirement for Lactating Cow of 400kg B. Wt. Producing Milk
with 4% Fat
Protection can be achieved by Various Methods i.e. Naturally, Physically and chemically
The protein of most of the feed resources is bypass to some extent, but some bypass more
than others (Table 2). The natural protection depends upon the following properties of
2. Heat Treatment
The drying of forage is known to increase the protection of the proteins. During the
process of manufacturing oil seed meals, they are subjected to different degree of heating
which partly explains differences in the degree of protection. Thorough heating of protein
supplement causes denaturation of protein; it provides effective protection against
microbial fermentation in the rumen. Heat treatment at 125- 1500 C for 2-4 hours could
protect proteins very efficiently. High pressure steam treatment with extrusion has shown
promising results.
3. Esophageal Groove
This is normal function in young one. It is done/ good for liquid proteins. Groove closer
is influenced by various factors such as age, temperature of liquid, posture of animal
while drinking, site of delivery into esophagus, and chemical composition of liquid. More
over commonly used chemical influencing the closer are Salts of Sodium, Copper, Silver
and Zinc.
4. Formaldehyde Treatment
It is most widely used chemical treatment for the protection of protein. Normally we add
3-4 kg of commercial formalin (37-40% HCHO) per 100 kg of CP or 1-1.2 g HCHO/ 100
g CP. The most successful procedure, developed by Ferguson et al. (1967). Generally
there is increased fecal nitrogen and decreased urinary nitrogen which indicates
effectiveness of protection. The use of formaldehyde to protect dietary protein for
ruminants is based on the premise that bound formaldehyde markedly reduces the
solubility of the protein at pH 6.0, thereby rendering it highly resistant to microbial attack
in the rumen, without significantly reducing its digestibility in the small intestine. Other
aldehydes like, acetaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, glyoxal are also effective but they don’t
possess any advantage over formaldehyde which is comparatively cheaper and easily
Surgically fitted fistula after the rumen in the lower tract of intestine is an easy method to
avoid rumen microbial degradation of proteins, so proteins/ amino acids are available in
the intestine. This method is only used at research level to generate the data and rumen
degredation pattern.
6. Encapsulation of Proteins
Encapsulation of Proteins is usually done for good Biological value proteins and for
individual amino acids. Methionine and lysine are limiting amino acids in microbial
proteins on feed intake, plasma amino acids and milk production. So they can be given
the form of capsule with a combination of fats or fatty acids sometimes by addition of
carbonate, kaolin, lecithin, glucose etc.
8. Feed Processing
Normal procedure in the manufacture of feed ingredients can influence the magnitude of
protein degradation in the rumen. Certain grain processing can either increase or decrease
rumen degradation of Proteins. Increased ruminal degradation may be the result of
disruption of the protein matrix, whereas heat applied or generated during grain
processing can decrease ruminal degradation of proteins.
By depressing the proteolysis activity of the rumen microbes (not Urease) we can slow
down the protein degradation within the rumen. Bacteria are the mainly responsible for
proetolytic degradation. So antibiotics can be used to reduce the protein degradation
within the rumen.
Metal complexes commonly available such as Zinc Methionine, Zinc Lysine, Copper
Lysine, Manganese Metionine, Iron Methionine etc. their usefulness lies in the fact to
assume that they must be stable in the rumen environment and abomasum and be
delivered to the small intestine intact, secondly, there is some evidence that mineral
chelates are considerably better absorbed than inorganic forms.
These are mainly secondary metabolism compounds these are generally not utilized in
metabolic process these include lignin, tannin, terpenenoids, volatile essential oils,
alkaloids etc. these have potential to be used as protein protectant in the rumen. Tannin
has got good attention, although it is considered as antinutritional factor but as it is a
protein suppresser or decreasing is digestibility so it can be used in the ruminant animal
at lower level; for monogastric it is toxic.
Less stay in rumen environment mean less degradation because feed or protein is getting
less exposure to enzymatic action. Faster pass of feed in the rumen is the explanation.
Factors influencing the rate of passage include food intake, specific gravity, particle size,
Concentrate to roughage ratio, rate of rumen degradation etc.
Additional Benefits of Formaldehyde Treatment over Others.
4. Starch protection can also be achived (Table 3, Mehta and Srivastava, 2001)
5. Fat Protection can also be done at satisfactory level (Table 4, Gulati et al. 2001)
Table3. Nutrient Intake and Performance of Crossbred Calve fed by Bypass starch
The Ground Barley, Treated with Formaldehyde for Bypassing Starch (Metha and
Srivastava, 2001)
Table 4 Nutrient Profile of HCHO Treated Soybean Oil Seeds
Biochemical and nutritional basis by which bypass protein show its effect on animal
• Additional supply of amino acids at intestinal and tissue level
• Lower ammonia production in the rumen because proteins are fermented to
ammonia and low degradation of protein will lower ammonia
• Lower urea synthesis in liver as ammonia is being absorbed at lower level
• Energy saving process as urea synthesis is at lower level
• Excess amino acids go for Gluconeogenesis
Total Protein Available from Concentrate in India is estimated to be around 8.5-9 million
tones which can Support production of only 0.45 million tones of Milk Proteins by the
present mode of its Utilization. Studies showed that when Protein Degradation in
Rumen is controlled and it is made to Bypass, the same can support the production of
1.72 million of Milk Proteins.
1 Growth Performance
Feeding of bypass protein meals generally increase the growth rate of animals and the
increase is often significant. A series of experiments conducted at NDRI, Karnal have
shown significant increase in growth rates in calves, buffalo calves, and goat kids on
feeding bypass protein. These experiments were on HCHO treated GNC and Mustard
cake. The increase in growth rate of these animals was registered to the tune of 30 -40 %.
Feeding of Bypass protein to growing stock, not only increases growth rate, but also
improve feed conversion efficiency feed required per kg gain and feed cost per kg gain.
Infact, it not only results in reduction in the cost of rearing, but due to higher growth rate,
it also results in attaining early maturity by male or female animals. This is definitely a
bigger boon in terms of improvement in reproductive efficiencies of these animals.
2 Lactating Performance
Most of feeding trails resulted in significant increase in m milk yield and FCM yield. The
increase in milk yield varied in the range of 8 – 10 percent. The studies conducted on
medium producing animals, proved that bypass protein feeding can be beneficial to the
animals, producing 8-10 liters of milk per day. Significantly increase in milk yield and
FCM yield in cross bred cattle in murrah buffaloes and in Goats.
3 Reproductive efficiency
Because of high growth rate caused through protein feeding, the young stock can attain
early maturity to start the reproductive life at an earlier age. It has been shown that
bypass protein feeding can improve the reproductive efficiency of breeding buffalo bulls
and cross bred bucks, both with respect to sexual behavior, including libido score as well
as the seminal attributes like ejaculate volume, mass activity and sperm count per ml,
similar positive results were obtained in females, where the number of service per
conception decreased after feeding of bypass proteins.
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