Government of Pakistan-Esta Code-Chapter-7

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Revised Leave Rules, 1980

Sl. No. 1

S.R.O. 1313 (I)/80.- In exercise of the powers conferred by

section 25 of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1973), the
President is pleased to make the following rules, namely:-

1. Short title, application and commencement.- (1) These

rules may be called the Revised Leave Rules, 1980.

(2) They shall apply to all civil servants other than those who
were employed before the first day of July, 1978, and opted not to be
governed by the Revision of Leave Rules issued under the Finance
Division's Office Memorandum No.F.1(2)-Rev.I/78, dated the 21st
September, 1978.

(3) They shall come into force at once.

2. When leave earned.- (1) All service rendered by a civil

servant qualifies him to earn leave in accordance with these rules but
shall not be earned during the period of leave.
(2) Any period spent by a civil servant in foreign service
qualifies him to earn leave provided that contribution towards leave
salary is paid to the Government on account of such period.

3. Earning and accumulation of leave.- (1) A civil servant

shall earn leave only on full pay which shall be calculated at the rate
of four days for every calendar month of the period of duty rendered
and credited to the leave account as "Leave on Full Pay", duty period
of fifteen days or less in a calendar month being ignored and those of
more than fifteen days being treated as a full calendar month for the

Note.- Please See revised


Government Orders/instructions vide para(2)of Appendix II-A of the Compilation of

Fundamental & Supplementary Rules,Vol.II(1985 edition).
(2) If a civil servant proceeds on leave during a calendar
month and returns from it during another calendar month and the
period of duty in either month is more than fifteen days, the leave to
be credited for both the incomplete months shall be restricted to that
admissible for one full calendar month only.

3. There shall be no maximum limit on the accumulation of

such leave.

4. Civil servants in vacation department.- A civil servant in

vacation department may earn leave on full pay:-

(a) When he avails himself of full vacation in a calendar

year at the rate of one day for every
calendar month of duty rendered;

(b) When during any year he is prevented from availing

himself of the full vacation as for a civil
servant in a non-vacation department for that year;

(c) When he avails himself of only a part of the vacation

as in (a) above plus such proportion of thirty
days as the number of days of vacation not taken
bears to the full vacation.

5. Leave on full pay.- The maximum period of leave on full

pay that may be granted at one time shall be as follows:-

(a) Without medical certificate....... 120 days

(b) With medical certificate.......... 180 days


(c) On medical certificate

from leave account in

entire service............. 365 days

Note.- Under the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1955, leave on half

average pay could be converted into leave on full pay on the strength
of Medical Certificate up to a maximum of twelve months in terms of
leave on full pay in the whole service. The account of this kind of
leave was separately maintained in column 14 (a) of the leave
account under the said Rules. Such leave availed of by the civil
servants before the introduction of these rules, shall be debited
against the maximum limit of 365 days fixed under this rule.

6. Leave on half pay.- Leave on full pay may, at the option

of the civil servant, be converted into leave on half pay, the debit to
the leave account will be at the rate of one day of the former for every
two days of the latter, fraction of one-half counting as one full day's
leave on full pay.

(2) The request for conversion of leave referred to in sub-rule

(1) shall be specified by the civil servant in his application for the
grant of leave.

(3) There shall be no limit on the grant of leave on half pay so

long as it is available by conversion in the leave account.

7. Leave to be applied, etc., in terms of days.- Leave shall

be applied for, expressed, and sanctioned, in terms of days.

8. Carry forward of existing leave.- All leave at credit in the

account of a civil servant on the first day of July, 1978, shall be
carried forward and expressed in terms of leave on full pay and the
leave account in such cases shall, with effect from the first day of
July, 1978, or, in the case of a civil servant who was on leave on that
date, with effect from the date of his return from leave, be
recast as under:-

(i) Leave on average pay:

(a) 1 month............ 30 days


(b) 1 day................ 1 day

(ii) Leave on half average pay:

(a) 1 month............ 15 days

(b) 2 days .............. 1 day

Note.- Fractions, if any, shall be ignored.

9. Extraordinary leave (leave without pay).- (1)

Extraordinary leave without pay may be granted on any ground upto
a maximum period of five years at a time, provided that the civil
servant to whom such leave is granted has been in continuous service
for a period of not less than ten years, and, in case a civil servant has
not completed ten years of continuous service, extraordinary leave
without pay for a maximum period of two years may be granted at
the discretion of the head of his office:

Provided that the maximum period of five years shall be

reduced by the period of leave on full pay or half pay, if granted in
combination with the extraordinary leave.

(2) Extraordinary leave up to a maximum period prescribed

under sub-rule (1) may be granted, subject to the conditions stated
therein, irrespective of the fact whether a civil servant is a permanent
or a temporary employee.
(3) Extraordinary leave may be granted retrospectively in
lieu of absence without leave.

10. Recreation leave.- Recreation leave may be granted for

fifteen days once in a calendar year, the debit to the leave account
may, however, be for ten days leave on full pay:

Provided that such leave shall not be admissible to a civil

servant in a vacation department.

11. Leave not due.- (1) Leave not due may be granted on full
pay, to be offset against leave to be earned in future, for a
* vide Finance
Division Notification No. F.1(45)-R 4/81, dated 13-2-1982.

maximum period of three hundred and sixty-five days in the entire

period of service, subject to the condition that during the first five
years of service it shall not exceed ninety days in all.

(2) Such leave may be converted into leave on half pay.

(3) Such leave shall be granted only when there are

reasonable chances of the civil servant resuming duty
on the expiry of the leave.

(4) Such leave shall be granted sparingly and to the

satisfaction of the sanctioning authority. *[ ].

12. Special leave.- (1) A female civil servant, on the death of

her husband, may be granted special leave on full pay,when applied
for a period not exceeding one hundred and thirty days.

(2) Such leave shall not be debited to her leave account.

(3) Such leave shall commence from the date of death of her
husband and for this purpose she will have to produce death
certificate issued by the competent authority either alongwith her
application for special leave or, if that is not possible, the said
certificate may be furnished to the leave sanctioning authority

13. Maternity leave.- (1) Maternity leave may be granted on

full pay, outside the leave account, to a female civil servant to the
extent of ninety days in all from the date of its commencement or
forty-five days from the date of her confinement, whichever be

(2) Such leave may not be granted for more than three times
in the entire service of a female civil servant except in the case of a
female civil servant employed in a vacation department who may be
granted maternity leave without this restriction.

* vide Finance
Division Notification No. S.R.O. 218(KE)/93, dated 24-10-1993

(3) For confinements beyond the third one, the female civil
servant would have to take leave from her normal leave account.

(4) The spells of maternity leave availed of prior to the

coming into force of these rules shall be deemed to have been taken
under these rules.

(5) Maternity leave may be granted in continuation of, or in

combination with, any other kind of leave including extraordinary
leave as may be due and admissible to a female civil servant.
(6) Leave salary to be paid during maternity leave shall be
regulated, as for other leave, in accordance with the formula
contained in the Finance Division Office Memorandum No. F.
9(16)-R. 1/69, dated the 26th July, 1969, read with its Office
Memorandum of even number dated the 28th November, 1969.

(7) The leave salary to be paid during maternity leave will,

therefore, remain unaffected even if an increment accrues during such
leave and the effect of such an increment will be given after the
expiry of maternity leave.

14. Disability leave.- (1) Disability leave may be granted,

outside the leave account on each occasion, up to a maximum of
seven hundred and twenty days on such medical advice as the head of
office may consider necessary, to a civil servant, other than a seaman
or a civil servant in part-time service, disabled by injury, ailment or
disease contacted in course or in consequence of duty or official

(2) The leave salary during disability leave shall be equal to


full pay for the first one hundred and eighty days and on half pay of
the remaining period.

15. Leave ex-Pakistan.- (1) Leave ex-Pakistan may be

granted on full pay to a civil servant who applies for such leave or
Note.- Please see Government

decision under rule 6 of the Prescribed Leave Rules, 1955- reproduced in Appendix 7-B of the
Compilation of FR&SR Vol. II (1985 edition).

who proceeds abroad during leave, or takes leave while posted

abroad or is otherwise on duty abroad, and makes a specific request
to that effect.

(2) The leave pay to be drawn abroad shall be restricted to a

maximum of three thousand rupees per month.

(3) The leave pay shall be payable in Sterling if such leave is

spent in Asia other than Pakistan and India.

(4) Such leave pay shall be payable for the actual period of
leave spent abroad subject to a maximum of one hundred and twenty
days at a time.

(5) The civil servants appointed after the 17th May, 1958,
shall draw their leave salary in rupees in Pakistan irrespective of the
country where they spend their leave.

(6) Leave ex-Pakistan will be regulated and be subject to the

same limits and conditions as prescribed in rules 5, 6 and 9.

16. Leave preparatory to retirement.- (1) The maximum

period up to which a civil servant may be granted leave preparatory
to retirement shall be three hundred and sixty-five days.

(2) Such leave may be taken, subject to availability, either on

full pay, or partly on full pay and partly on half pay, or entirely on
half pay, at the discretion of the civil servant.
[(3) An officer of BPS-21 or BPS-22 who, on or after the

19th day of February, 1991, opts to retire voluntarily after he has

completed twenty-five years of service qualifying for pension may be
granted leave preparatory to retirement equal to entire leave at his
credit in his leave account on full pay or till the date on which he
completes the sixtieth years of his age, whichever is earlier:
*Added vide Finance
Division O.M.No. F.1(8)-R.4/89, dated 30-5-1991.

Provided that such officer shall not be entitled to conversion

of leave preparatory to retirement on full pay under rule 6 into leave
on half pay].
[17. Encashment of refused leave preparatory to
retirement.- (1) If in case of retirement on superannuation or
voluntary retirement on completion of thirty years qualifying service
a civil servant cannot for reasons of public service, be granted leave
preparatory to retirement duly applied for in sufficient time, he will in
lieu thereof be granted lump-sum leave pay for the leave refused to
him subject to a maximum of one hundred and eighty days leave on
full pay].

(2) Such leave can be refused partly and sanctioned partly but
the cash compensation shall be admissible for the actual period of
such leave so refused not exceeding one hundred and eighty days.

(3) The payment of leave pay in lieu of such refused leave

may be made to the civil servant either in lump-sum at the time of
retirement or may, at his option, be drawn by him month-wise for the
period of leave so refused.

(4) For the purpose of lump-sum payment in lieu of such

leave, only the "Senior Post Allowance" will be included in "Leave
Pay" so admissible.

(5) In case a civil servant on leave preparatory to retirement

dies before completing one hundred and eighty days of such leave his
family shall be entitled to lump-sum payment equal to the period
falling short of one hundred and eighty days.

18. Power to refuse leave preparatory to retirement, etc.-

(1) Ordinarily, leave preparatory to retirement shall not be refused.

Subs vide Finance Division Notification No. S.R.O. 281(1)/86 dated 10-3-1986.

(2) All orders refusing leave preparatory to retirement to a

civil servant and recalling civil servant from leave preparatory to
retirement shall be passed only by the authorities specified below:

(i) For civil Secretary

servants of B-17 Establishment
and above. Division - Personally.

(ii) For civil Secretary of

servants of the Division
B-16 and below. concerned - Personally.

(3) The authorities specified in sub-rule (2) shall not

delegate these powers to any other authority.

(4) All proposals regarding refusal of such leave to an officer

of B-17 and above shall be referred to the Secretary, Establishment
Division, with detailed justification at least three months before an
officer is due to proceed on such leave.
[18-A. Encashment of leave preparatory to retirement.-
(1) A civil servant may fifteen months before the date of
superannuation or thirty years qualifying service on or after the 1st
July, 1983, at his option, be allowed to encash his leave preparatory
to retirement if he undertakes in writing to perform duty in lieu of the
whole period of three hundred and sixty-five days or lesser period
which is due and admissible].
[Provided that a civil servant who does not exercise the
option within the specified period shall be deemed to have opted for
encashment of LPR].

[(2) In lieu of such leave, leave pay may be claimed for the
actual period of such leave subject to a maximum of one hundred and
eighty days].

*Subs vide Finance Division

Notification No.F.1(73)-R. 4/84 dated 18-12-1984.
Added vide Finance Division Notification No. F.1(1)-R-4/90-320, dated 11-3-1990.

*** Subs vide Finance Division Notification No. S.R.O. 1022(I)/85, dated 14-10-1985.

[(3) If at any time during such period leave is granted on
account of ill health supported by medical certificate or for
performance of Haj, the amount of cash compensation on account of
leave pay shall be reduced by an amount equal to the leave pay for
half the period of leave so granted, for example, if an employee who
has opted for encashment of such leave, has taken sixty days leave,
his cash compensation equal to thirty days leave shall be forfeited.

(4) The civil servant shall submit the option to the

authority competent to sanction leave preparatory to retirement, who
shall accept the option and issue formal sanction for the payment of
cash compensation].
[(5) For the purpose of payment in lieu of such leave. -

(a) the rate of leave pay shall be the rate admissible ***[at
the time the leave pay is drawn],

(b) the leave pay may be drawn at any time for the period
for which duty has already been rendered; and

(c) only the "Senior Post-Allowance" will be included in

the leave pay as admissible].
[19. In-service death, etc. (1) In case a civil servant dies, or
is declared permanently incapacitated for further service by a
Medical Board, while in service, a lump-sum payment equal to leave
pay up to one hundred and eighty days out of the leave at his credit
shall be made to his family as defined for the purposes of family

pension or, as the case may be, to the civil servant.

(2) For the purpose of lump-sum payment under sub-rule (1),

only the "Senior Post Allowance" will be included in the
*Subs vide Finance Division Notification
No.F.1(73)-R. 4/84 dated 18-12-1984.
Subs vide Finance Division Notification No. S.R.O. 1022(I)/85, dated 14-10-1985.

*** Subs vide Finance Division Notification No. F.1(73)-R-4/84 dated 12-3-1986.
@Amended vide Finance Division Notification No. F.I(34) R-4/85 dated 16-9-1985,
effective from the date of issue.

"leave pay" so admissible".

20. Reasons need not be specified, etc.- (1) It shall not be

necessary to specify the reasons for which leave has been applied so
long as that leave is due and admissible to a civil servant.

(2) Leave applied for on medical certificate shall not be


Provided that the authority competent to sanction leave may,

at its discretion, secure a second medical opinion by requesting the
Civil Surgeon or Medical Board, as the case may be, to have the
applicant medically examined.

21. Leave when starts and ends.- Instead of indicating

whether leave starts or ends in the forenoon or afternoon, leave may
commence from that day following that on which a civil servant
hands over the charge of his post and may end on the day preceding
that on which he resumes duty.

22. Recall from leave, etc.- (1) If a civil servant is recalled to

duty compulsorily with the personal approval of the head of his office
from leave of any kind that he is spending away from his
headquarters, he may be granted a single return fare plus daily
allowance as admissible on tour from the station where he is
spending his leave to the place where he is required to report for duty.

(2) In case the civil servant is recalled to duty at headquarters


and his remaining leave is cancelled, the fare then admissible shall be
for one way journey only.

(3) If the return from leave is optional, the civil servant is

entitled to no concession.

23. Overstayal after sanctioned leave, etc.- (1) Unless the

leave of a civil servant is extended by the head of his office, a civil
servant who remains absent after the end of his leave shall not be
entitled to any remuneration for the period of such absence, and
without prejudice to any disciplinary action that may be taken against
him, double the period of such absence shall be debited against his
leave account.

(2) Such debit shall, if there is insufficient credit in the leave

account, be adjusted against future earning.

24. Any type of leave may be applied.- A civil servant may

apply for the type of leave which is due and admissible to him and it
shall not be refused on the ground that another type of leave should
be taken in the particular circumstances, for example, a civil servant
may apply for extraordinary leave or leave on half pay even if leave
on full pay is otherwise due and admissible to him, or he may,
proceed on extraordinary leave followed by leave on half pay and full
pay rather than that on full pay, half pay, and without pay.

25. Combination of different types of leave, etc.- One type

of leave may be combined with joining time or with any other type of
leave otherwise admissible to the civil servant:

Provided that leave preparatory to retirement shall not be

combined with any other kind of leave.

26. Civil servant on leave not to join duty without

permission before its expiry.- Unless he is permitted to do so by the
authority which sanctioned his leave, a civil servant on leave may not
return to duty before the expiry of the period of leave granted to him.

27. Leave due may be granted on abolition of post, etc.-(1)

When a post is abolished, leave due to the civil servant, whose
services are terminated in consequence thereof, shall be granted
without regard to the availability of a post for the period of leave.

(2) The grant of leave in such cases shall, so long as he does

not attain the age of superannuation, be deemed automatically to have
also extended the duration of the post and the tenure of its incumbent.

28. Manner of handing over charge when proceeding on

leave, etc.- (1) A civil servant proceeding on leave shall hand over
the charge of his post, and if he is in Grade 16 and above, he shall,
while handing over charge of the post sign the charge relinquishment

(2) If leave ex-Pakistan has been sanctioned on medical

grounds, the civil servant shall take abroad with him a copy of the
medical statement of his case.

29. Assumption of charge on return from leave, etc.- (1) A

civil servant, on return from leave, shall report for duty to the
authority that sanctioned his leave and assume charge of the post to
which he is directed by that authority unless such direction has been
given to him in advance.

(2) In case he is directed to take charge of a post at a station

other than that from where he proceeded on leave, travel expenses as
on transfer shall be payable to him.

30. Accounts offices to maintain leave account. (1) Leave

account in respect of a civil servant shall be maintained as part of his
service book.

(2) The accounts offices shall maintain the leave accounts of

civil servants of whom they were maintaining the accounts
immediately before the coming into force of these rules.

31. Leave to lapse when civil servant quits service.- All


leave at the credit of a civil servant shall lapse when he quits service.

32. Pay during leave.- (1) Leave pay admissible during leave
on full pay shall be the greater of:-

(a) the average monthly pay earned during the twelve

complete months immediately preceding the month in
which the leave begins; and

(b) the rate equal to the rate of pay drawn on the day
immediately before the beginning of the leave.

(2) When leave on half pay is taken, the amounts calculated

under clauses (a) and (b) of sub-rule (1) shall be halved to determine
the greater of the two rates.
[(3) A civil servant shall be entitled to the leave pay at the
revised rate of pay if a general revision in pay of civil servants takes
place or an annual increment occurs during the period of leave of the
civil servant].

33. Departmental leave.- (1) Departmental leave may be

granted to civil servants drawing pay in Grade 1 to 9 in the National
Pay Scales and serving in the Survey of Pakistan or in any such other
department as may be notified by the Finance Division on the
conditions laid down in this rule.

(2) Departmental leave may be granted only to a civil servant

whose services are temporarily not required and no leave other than
leave-not-due is admissible.

(3) A subsistence allowance at such rate as the officer

granting the leave may think fit but not exceeding half pay may be
granted during departmental leave.

(4) The allowance shall be payable only on return to and

resumption of duty after the expiration of the leave, whether taken by
itself or combined with departmental leave without pay :

Provided that if a civil servant dies while on departmental

leave, the amount of allowance, if any, otherwise admissible upto
date of his death shall be paid to his heirs.

(5) Departmental leave with subsistence allowance may be

granted during the recess by the head of the party or office to which
the civil servant belongs only when the officer granting the

Added vide Finance Division Notification No. F.1(6)R-4/93, dated 21-9-1994.


leave considers it desirable to re-employ him in the ensuing field

season and the leave so granted may, in special cases, be extended by
the Surveyor-General up to a maximum of five hundred and forty
days at a time.

(6) Departmental leave with subsistence allowance may be

granted at times other than the recess for not more than one hundred
and eighty days at a time by a Director or Deputy Director, Survey of
Pakistan, provided such leave is granted in the interest of public
service or work and not at the civil servant's own request.

(7) Leave granted may in special cases be extended by the

Surveyor-General upto a maximum of three hundred and sixty five
days at a time.

(8) Leave on medical certificate shall in no circumstances be

regarded as granted in the interest of public service or work.

(9) Departmental leave without pay may be granted by the

Surveyor-General in continuation of departmental leave with
subsistence allowance in special cases as authorized by the Finance
Division by a general or special order.

(10) When a civil servant holds a post in which the Surveyor-

General considers that he is unlikely to be eligible for departmental
leave in future, the Surveyor-General may, by special order in
writing, declare that, with effect from such date not being earlier than

the civil servant's last return from departmental leave, as the

Surveyor-General may fix, any balance of leave at debit in the civil
servant's leave account shall be cancelled, and all leave earned after
such date will be credited as due in the civil servant's leave account,
and all leave taken after such date, including departmental leave with
allowances, if any, will be debited to it.

(11) Departmental leave may be combined with any other

kind of leave which may be due.

34. Sick leave to a seaman.- A civil servant serving as an

officer, warrant officer or petty officer on a government vessel may,
while undergoing medical treatment for sickness or injury, either on
his vessel or in hospital, be granted leave on full pay, outside his
leave account, for a period not exceeding forty-five days by the
master or the captain of the vessel provided that the civil servant is
not malingering or his ill health is not due to such of his own actions
as cause or aggravate disease or injury.

35. Leave to disabled seaman.- A civil servant referred to in

rule 34 who is disabled while performing his duty may be allowed
leave on full pay for a maximum period not exceeding ninety days on
each occasion if:-

(a) the disability is duly certified by a government

Medical Officer,

(b) the disability is not due to the civil servant's own

carelessness, and

(c) the vacancy caused by his absence is not filled up.

36. Leave earned by civil servant employed in

non-continuous establishment.- (1) A civil servant employed in a
non-continuous establishment may be granted only earned leave and
disability leave as admissible to, and subject to the conditions laid
down for, a civil servant employed in a continuous establishment and
no other kind of leave shall be admissible to such civil servant.

(2) A civil servant who is transferred from a non-continuous

establishment to a continuous establishment and vice versa shall
carry forward the balance of earned leave at his credit on the date of
his transfer.

Explanation.- In this rule, "non continuous establishment"

means an establishment which does not function throughout the year
and "continuous establishment" means an establishment which
functions throughout the year.

37. Quarantine leave.- (1) Quarantine leave is in the nature

of extra casual leave and a substitute shall normally not be employed
during the absence of civil servant on such leave:

Provided that where the exigencies of service are compelling,

the head of the office may employ a substitute for reasons to be
recorded in writing.

(2) A civil servant may be granted quarantine leave outside

his leave account to the extent that his authorized medical attendant
recommends and the period of such leave shall be treated as duty
with full pay and allowances of the post held by him at the time of
proceeding on leave.

38. Leave application, its sanction, etc.- (1) Except where

otherwise stated, an application for leave or for an extension of leave
must be made to the head of office where a civil servant is employed
and, in the case of the head of office, to the next-above administrative
authority and the extent of leave due and admissible shall be stated in
the application.

(2) An audit report shall not be necessary before the leave is


(3) When a civil servant submits a medical certificate for the

grant of leave, it shall be by an authorized medical attendant *[or
other registered medical practitioner] in the form attached to these

[(3-A). No civil servant who has been granted leave on
medical certificate may return to duty without first producing a
medical certificate of fitness in the form attached to these rules.]

(4) Leave as admissible to a civil servant under these rules

may be sanctioned by the head of a Ministry, Division, Department,
Office or any other officer authorized by him to do so and, when so
required, leave shall be notified in the official Gazette.
*Ins vide Finance Division
Notification No. 847-R.4/83 dated 19-11-1983.
Added ibid.

(5) In cases where all the applications for leave cannot, in the
interest of public service, be sanctioned to run simultaneously, the
authority competent to sanction leave shall, in deciding the priority of
the applications, consider:-

(i) whether, and how many applicants can, for the time
being, best be spared;

(ii) whether any applicants were last recalled

compulsorily from leave; and

(iii) whether any applicants were required to make

adjustment in the timing of their leave on the last

39. Hospital leave and study leave.- Subject to these rules,

the provisions regarding hospital leave and study leave contained in
the Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules shall apply to the
civil servants.
[40. Relaxation of Rules.- The Federal Government may in
a case of hardship, relax all or any of the provision of these Rules:

Provided that such relaxation shall not be less favourable to

any benefit available to a Civil Servant under these Rules].

[Authority.- Finance Division S.R.O. No.1313(I)/80, dated 20-12-1980, as amended].



Signature of applicant



I,.........................after careful ..............................

*Added vide Finance
Division Notification No. F.1(4)-R.4/92, dated 1-11-1992.

personal examination of the case, hereby certify that .........................

whose signature is given above, is suffering from ......... and I
consider that a period of absence from duty of ....................... with
effect from ...................... is absolutely necessary for the restoration of
his health.

Dated, the.........

Government Medical Attendant


Other Registered Medical Practitioner.




I, .................. do hereby certify that I have carefully examined

.............. of the .................. department, and find that he has
recovered from his illness and is now fit to resume duties in
Government service. I also certify that before arriving at this
decision I have examined the original medical certificate(s) and
statement(s) of the case (or certified copies thereof) on which leave
was granted or extended, and have taken these into consideration
in arriving at my decision.

Dated, the .........

Government Medical Attendant

Other Registered Medical Practitioner].

G.F. R.13

Notes.-Items 1 to 9 must be filled in by all applicants. Item 12

applies only in the case of Government servants of Grade 16 and

1. Name of applicant
2. Leave Rules applicable
*Added vide Finance
Division O.M.No.F.1(22)R.4/82, dated 22-12-1982.
Added vide Finance Division Notification No. 847-R. 4/83 dated 19-11-1983.

3. Post held
4. Department or Office
5. Pay
6. House rent allowance, conveyance allowance or other
compensatory allowances drawn in the present post
7. (a) Nature of leave applied for
(b) Period of leave in days
(c) Date of commencement
8. Particular Rule/Rules under which leave is admissible
9. (a) Date of return from Last Leave
(b) Nature of leave
(c) Period of leave in days


Signature of applicant

10. Remarks and recommendation of the Controlling Officer

11. Certified that leave applied for is admissible under

Rule........and necessary conditions are fulfilled

Dated Designation

12. Report of Audit Officer


13. Orders of the sanctioning authority certifying that on the

expiry of leave the applicant is likely to return to the same
post or another post carry the compensatory allowances being
drawn by him

Dated Signature

Form III (to be scaned)




1. This leave account will be maintained for all civil servants

of the Federal Government who were in service on the 1st July, 1978
including those who were on leave on that date and have not opted to
retain the existing leave rules and all others, who enter service on or
after 1st July, 1978.

2. All leave at credit in the account of a civil servant who was

in service on the 1st July, 1978 shall be converted in terms of leave
on full pay at the following rates:

(i) L.A.P.
(a) 1 month ............30 days
(b) 1 day ...............1 day

(ii) L.H.A.P.
(a) 1 month ............15 days
(b) 2 days ..............1 day

(Fractions if any to be ignored)

3. The Leave account shall commence with an opening entry

"Due on 1-7-1978" or in the case of a civil servant, who was on leave
on 1-7-1978 with effect from the date of his return from leave. For
the purpose of computing the leave at credit, the service upto
30-6-1978 will be taken into account. The leave due in terms of
leave on full pay in days will be noted in Column No. 21.

4. (i) In calculating the leave earned on full pay at the rate of

4 days for every calendar month the duty period of 15 days or less in
a calendar month shall be ignored and those of more than 15 days
shall be treated as a full calendar month for the purpose. If a civil
servant proceeds on leave during a calendar month and returns from
it during another calendar month and the period of duty in either
month is more than 15 days, the leave to be credited for both the
incomplete months will be restricted to that admissible for one full
calendar month only. There shall be no maximum limit on
accumulation of this leave.

(ii) The provision in (i) above will not apply to a vacation

department. In such case, a civil servant may earn leave on full pay
(a) when he avails himself of full vacation in a calendar year
at the rate of one day for every calendar month of duty
rendered (b) when during any year he is prevented from availing
himself of the full vacation as for a civil servant in a
non-vacation department for that year, and (c) when he avails himself
of only a part of the vacation as in (a) above plus such
proportion of thirty days as the number of days of vacation not taken
bears to the full vacation.

5. (a) Leave on full pay may be converted into leave on half

pay at the option of the civil servant; the debit to the leave account

will be at the rate of one day of the former for every two days of the
latter fraction of one half counting as one full day's leave on full pay.
The request for such conversion shall be specified by the civil
servant in his application for the grant of leave.

(b) There shall be no limit on the grant of leave on half pay so

long as it is available by conversion in the leave account.

6. L.P.R. on full pay will be noted in column No. 10 while

that on half pay in columns No. 13 and 14.

7. Leave not due may be granted on full pay to be offset

against leave to be earned in future for a maximum period of 365
days in the entire period of service, subject to the condition that
during the first five years of service it shall not exceed 90 days in all.
Such leave may be converted into leave on half pay. It shall be
granted only when there are reasonable chances of the civil servant
resuming duty.

8. The grant of Special leave, Maternity leave, Disability

leave, Extra-ordinary leave, payment of leave pay for refused L.P.R.
upto a maximum of 180 days, lump-sum payment equal to full pay
upto 180 days out of leave at credit made to the family of a
Government servant, whose death occurs while in Service, Seaman
Sick Leave, Departmental leave, study leave, Hospital leave and
Quarantine leave shall be noted in column No. 22, Maternity leave
other than three times in entire service shall, however, be debited to
the relevant column of the leave account.

9. When a Government servant applies for leave columns 2 to

7 shall be filled in showing the period of duty upto the date preceding
that on which a Government servant intends to go on leave. The full
calendar months to be noted in column 5 shall be worked out on the
lines indicated in para 4 above.

10. When a Government servant returns from leave columns

8 to 23 shall be filled according to the nature of leave. If leave not
due is availed of the minus balance to be shown in column No. 21

should be written in red ink.

Option for Encashment

of L.P.R.

Sl. No. 2

Reference Finance Division's O.M. No.F.1(19)R-3/83, dated

11.7.84 (Annexure), it is stated that in case the leave of any kind
including Extra-ordinary leave without pay is taken during the last 15
or 12 months by a retiring government servant, who opts for
encashment of L.P.R. except on grounds contained in the above
reference, the period of such leave will be reduced from 180 days or
lesser period for which the encashment is allowed.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No.F.1(73)R-4/84, dated 10-12-1989].


Copy of Finance Division O.M. No.F.1(19)R.3/83, dated 11-


Reference para 25, of the Scheme of Basic Pay Scale

contained in Finance Division O.M. No.1(1)Imp/83, dated 18.8.1983,
according to which the encashment of L.P.R., which was previously
admissible to civil servants only if L.P.R. was refused in public
interest, would now be admissible to the employees concerned at
their own option. In this connection various points have been raised
for clarification. It has, therefore, been decided to clarify the points of
doubt as in the following paragraphs.

2. Under the earlier orders, the concession of encashment of

L.P.R. on retirement on superannuation or on completion of 30 years
qualifying service was admissible upto the maximum of leave pay for
180 days under rule 17(i) of the Revised Leave Rules, 1980. The
words "leave salary" and "six months" used in para 25 of the scheme
of Basic Pay Scales contained in Finance Division's O.M. No.F.1(1)-
Imp/83, dated 18.8.1983, shall therefore, mean "leave pay" and "one

hundred and eighty days" respectively, as in para 17 of Revised

Leave Rules 1980.

3. A civil servant who wishes to forego his L.P.R. in favour

of cash compensation shall exercise his option to this effect in writing
15 months prior to the date of retirement, and submit it to the
authority competent to sanction for the payment of cash

4. After having exercised the option for encashment of

L.P.R., the Government servant shall have to perform duty during the
entire period upto the date of retirement and cannot, save as stated in
para 5 below, avail himself of any kind of leave, during the last 15
months of his service if the leave, at his credit was 365 days or less,
and during the last 12 months of his service if the leave at his credit
was more than 365 days. Provided that in the later case, leave can be
taken prior to the period of the last 12 months only to the extent that
the balance leave at credit does not fall below 365 days.

5. The competent authority may where it is satisfied, that the

leave applied for is unavoidable or is fully justified, e.g, in cases of
illness, supported by medical certificate, or for performance of Hajj
etc, grant leave to an employee during the last 15 or 12 months of his
service, as the case may be in accordance with para 4 above. In such
a case, the amount of cash compensation shall be reduced by an
amount equal to the leave pay for half of the period of leave taken.
For example, if an employee, who has opted for encashment of
L.P.R., has taken 60 days of leave, his cash compensation equal to 30
days leave pay would be forfeited.

6. It is requested that the cases of encashment of L.P.R. may

be regulated according to the clarifications contained in this Office

Sl. No. 3

The matter of allowing of encashment of L.P.R. on premature

retirement, on completion of 31 years qualifying service, has been

under consideration of the Finance Division. It is clarified that

encashment of LPR upto 180 days will also be admissible to a civil
servant who renders 31 years or more qualifying service and who
seeks voluntary retirement on three month's notice in terms of
Finance Division's O.M. No. 591-R.4/83, dated 4.9.1983 treating the
last year of his service (including the notice period) as duty
performed during LPR. It is further clarified that such a Government
servant would also be entitled to encash his LPR upto maximum of
180 days subject to the same terms and conditions as laid down in
Rule 18-A of the Revised Leave Rules, 1980 as amended from time
to time read with Finance Division's O.M. No. F.1(19)R.3/83, dated
11.7.1984 and F.1(73)R.4/84, dated 10.12.1989, respectively.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.1(8)R.4/90, dated 2-6-1991].

Procedure for grant of leave to

high officials and to the officers
belonging to services/cadres controlled
by the Establishment Division

Sl. No. 4

A reference is invited to rule 38 of the Revised Leave Rules,

1980 according to which the leave is to be sanctioned by the head of
the Ministry, Division, Department, office or any other officer
authorized by him to do so and in the case of the head of office by the
next above administrative authority and it is stated that while the
officers belonging to the services/cadres controlled by the
Establishment Division shall apply and be granted leave as provided
for in rule 38 of the above rules, copies of notifications granting leave
to such officers shall invariably be endorsed to Establishment
Division. Where a Ministry/Division required a substitute in place of
the officer belonging to the services/cadres controlled by the
Establishment Division who is desirous of proceeding on leave of
duration of three months or more, the leave may be granted after
consulting the Establishment Division.

2. In the case of grant of leave to a Secretary General,


Secretary or Acting Secretary to the Federal Government, or to

Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary incharge of a Ministry/ Division
or heads of department in BPS-22 and civil servants of equivalent
status serving as heads of the autonomous and semi-autonomous
bodies/corporations under the administrative control of the Federal
Government, the following procedure will be followed:-

(i) Leave application for leave on full pay upto a period

of 30 days will be submitted through the Minister to
the Prime Minister for orders and a copy of the
notification granting leave shall be endorsed to the
Secretary, Establishment Division.

(ii) Leave applications for a period of more than 30 days

would be submitted by the Minister to Prime Minister
through the Secretary, Establishment Division for
obtaining the orders of the Prime Minister.

3. It has also been decided that the Provincial Governments

will continue to exercise the powers to grant leave, including leave
ex-Pakistan, upto 120 days to the officers of All Pakistan Unified
Cadre working under them. Applications for leave in excess of 120
days shall be referred to the Establishment Division.

4. This supersedes Establishment Division's O.M. No.

7/9/79-C.I dated 4-6-1979 and No. 7/27/79-C.I, dated 15-4-1980.

5. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all

concerned for compliance.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.10/22/83-R.2 dated 18-11-1985].

Bar against leaving place

of duty without waiting for
sanction of leave

Sl. No. 5

It has been observed that the civil servants applying for grant
of leave, leave their offices/places of duty without waiting for actual
sanction of the leave applied for. The attention of
Ministries/Divisions is invited to F. R. 67 wherein it is clearly stated
that leave cannot be claimed as of right. Thus an application for
leave should not be anticipated as grant of leave. It should therefore,
be brought home to the civil servants serving under the control of
Ministries/Divisions that if they apply for grant of leave, they must
wait for sanction of leave and should not leave the place of their duty
before the leave applied for is actually granted by the competent
authority. Non-compliance of these instructions might warrant action
on account of misconduct under the relevant rules.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 10/22/83-R. 2, dated 12-8-1985].

Arrangements for providing

substitutes for officers
proceeding on L.P.R.

Sl. No. 6

According to para 3 (iii) of the Finance Division's Office

Memorandum No. F-I (2) Rev.-I/78, dated 21st September, 1978, the
maximum period upto which a civil servant may be granted leave
preparatory to retirement shall be 365 days, or an year.

2. With a view, however, to making suitable arrangement for

the replacement of retired personnel, it is requested that in the
beginning of a calendar year, a list should be prepared of such
officers and other employees who may be due to retire during that
calendar year and early next year. Those officers/employees should
accordingly be asked in writing whether or not they intend to proceed
on LPR; if so, by which date. Thereafter action for providing their
suitable substitute should please be initiated. On this principle
immediate action may please be taken in respect of those who are due
to retire during the year 1979.

3. Establishment Division may please be contacted as early as


possible by (or through) the Ministry/Division concerned for

providing a substitute for an officer if he belongs to an administrative
group which is controlled by the Establishment Division.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.8/53/78-F.I dated 31-10-1978].

Special instructions
relevant to leave of
civil servants

Sl. No. 7

Absence from headquarters during leave, holidays or casual

leave.-A question has been raised whether a Government servant who
is on leave, can leave his headquarters station without obtaining
permission from the competent authority. After careful consideration
it has been decided that it is necessary for the Government servant
concerned to take permission of the authority which sanctioned the
leave before leaving his headquarters station and keep his controlling
officer advised of the change of address.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F. 23 (49)-RI(2)/54, dated 29-12-1954].

Sl. No. 8

The orders contained in the Ministry of Finance Office

Memorandum No.46-F. 23 (49)-RI (2)/54, dated the 29th December,
1954 are also applicable to the cases of Government servants who
leave their headquarters during holidays or while they are on casual

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 7/6/55-SE-II, dated 13-6-1955].

Sl. No. 9

Grant of leave to Government servants for the period spent in

giving evidence otherwise than on behalf of the state in a
criminal/civil case not connected with their official duties.- A
question has arisen as to whether a Government servant who is

summoned by a court of law to give evidence otherwise than on

behalf of the State is to be treated on duty or on leave. It has been
decided in consultation with the Ministry of Finance that in such
cases the Government servant concerned should be granted leave.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No. 846/59-E, XII, dated 17-11-1959].

Sl. No. 10

Grant of leave to officers transferred to other posts.- It has

been decided that, in future, an officer transferred to another post,
either in the Federal Secretariat, its Attached or Subordinate Offices,
or to a post under a Provincial Government on reversion from the
Centre, should not be allowed leave for any period, except by the
authority to whose control he is transferred.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.6 (21)/60-E.IX, dated 8-10-1960].

Sl. No. 11

Doubts have arisen as to who should sanction and notify the

leave in the case of officers referred to in Establishment Division
Office Memorandum No. 6(21)/60-E.IX, dated the 8th October,
1960. The intention is that after the date of issue of transfer orders,
leave should be allowed and notified only by the authority
under whose control the officer transferred has to go.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 8/20/60-F.I, dated 30-11-1961].

Sl. No. 12

Grant of Extraordinary leave (leave without pay) under Rule

9 of the Revised Leave Rules, 1980.- The question whether a
government servant can be allowed EOL (leave without pay) at every
occasion/time or only once in the whole service in terms of Rule 9 of
the revised leave Rules, 1980, has been under consideration of the
Finance Division. It is clarified after consultation with Law and
Justice Division, Establishment Division and Auditor General of

Pakistan that EOL of five years is admissible to a government servant

for each `spell of' ten years of continuous service. If, however, a civil
servant has not completed ten years of continuous service on each
occasion/time, EOL without pay for a maximum period of two years,
may be granted at the discretion of the head of his

2. Maximum leave availed during one continuous period

should also not exceed 5 years.

3. The cases already decided by the Ministries/Divisions need

not be re-opened.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.1(68)R.4/84, dated 2-7-1991].

Sl. No. 13

Grant of Special Leave to Khuddam-ul-Hajjaj.- It has been

decided that Khuddam-ul-Hajjaj, who remain away from their
respective duties to work as Khuddam, may be granted special leave
on full pay for that period outside their leave account.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F.1(15) R.4/82, dated 11-8-1982].

Leave reserve under the

Section Officers' Scheme
and its proper utilization

Sl. No. 14

The posts of Section Officers, Assistants, Stenotypists, Upper

Division Clerks and Lower Division Clerks created under the Section
Officers' Scheme include posts in the leave reserve which is equal to
ten per cent of the sanctioned strength in those grades. The position in
regard to the utilization of the leave reserve and of filling up of the
leave vacancies in the grades in which leave reserve has been

provided, is as follows:-

(i) No leave vacancy in the grades in which leave reserve

has been provided, should normally be filled;

(ii) In case there is a deficiency in the grades in which

leave reserve has been provided, or where the number
of persons on leave is in excess of the number of
persons actually available in the leave reserve and it is
difficult for the Ministry concerned to discharge its
responsibilities efficiently without additional staff,
officiating arrangements may be made as a special
case, after consulting the Financial Adviser in the case
of non-gazetted staff and the Ministry of Finance in
the case of Gazetted Officers;

(iii) All officers and staff employed in the grades in which

leave reserve has been provided should be asked
towards the end of each calendar year to indicate the
approximate date on which and the period for which
they wish to proceed on leave during the next year.
On the basis of the information so collected, a leave
programme for the year should be prepared in such a
way, that at any given time, the number of persons on
leave does not, as far as possible, exceed the leave
reserve in the grade concerned. The officer and staff
available against the leave reserve would thus be
available to attend to the work of those granted leave.
If there are occasional gaps when the number of
officers/ staff wishing to proceed on leave is less than
the leave reserve, the services of the officers/staff
available as leave reserve may be utilized for special
items of work which the Ministry may be called upon
to undertake, the clearance of arrears in overworked
Sections or re-arranging and weeding the records of
the Ministry;

(iv) Leave reserve should be treated as an integral part of


the grades concerned and the persons who are

appointed against that reserve should not be labelled
as such. The work in a Ministry or Division should,
however, be divided in such a way as to facilitate the
proper utilization of leave reserve on the lines
suggested above.

2. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry of


[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.3/1/60-SR, dated 1-2-1961].

Sl. No. 15

The review of the staff position carried out by the O&M

Wing has revealed that practically all Ministries/Divisions have
converted Leave Reserve Section Officers into regular Sections by
assigning to them specific items of work which are of regular nature.
It defeats the very objective for which Leave Reserve has been

2. In order to ensure the proper utilization of the Section

Officers and their ancillary staff in the Leave Reserve, it has been
decided that following arrangements should be made in various

(i) Experienced Section Officers along with their

ancillary staff who could dispose of all types of cases,
should be selected to work as Leave Reserve Officers,
and no regular work should be assigned to them ;

(ii) The Leave Reserve Section Officer(s) at

Rawalpindi/Islamabad or Karachi should be attached
directly with the Secretary or other senior officer(s) at
the station; and

(iii) When not employed in leave vacancies the Section

Officers should, along with their ancillary staff, attend

to the difficult cases of other Sections which may be

assigned to them by the Secretary or the senior
officer(s) with whom they have been attached.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.3/1/60-C-III, dated 4-10-1961].

Sl. No. 16

It is obligatory on the Ministries/Divisions to observe the

instructions contained in the Establishment Division Office
Memoranda No. 3/1/60-SR, dated the 1st February, 1961 (Sl. No.
14), and No. 3/1/ 60-CII, dated the 4th October, 1961 (Sl. No. 15)
regarding the utilization of Leave Reserve Section Officers. In this
connection it may be mentioned that in their meeting held on the 14th
November, 1961, the Standing Committee for consideration of Ideas
for Improvement in Administration observed that the Leave Reserve
Officers were primarily to be used for the purpose for which they
were meant and should not be absorbed in the normal organisation of
the Ministries and that when not employed against leave vacancies
they should be used as a striking force to deal with arrears in any
section or sudden pressure of work. In view of this, the Ministry of
Commerce, etc. are requested to re-organize their Sections in such a
way as not to entrust the Leave Reserve Section Officers with regular
Sections. However, if they require any additional post of Section
Officer they should take up the matter in the normal way. Attention in
this connection is also invited to the Establishment Division's Office
Memorandum No. 5/34/59-SR, dated the 13th February, 1961
regarding procedure for creation/abolition of posts of Section

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.3/1/60-C-III, dated 5-2-1962].

Sl. No. 17

It has since been decided in consultation with the Ministry of

Finance that leave vacancies caused due to Section Officers
proceeding on leave preparatory to retirement, may be filled in
accordance with the rules.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 3/1/60-C.III, dated 6-4-1962].

Sl. No. 18

A Leave Reserve equal to ten per cent of the duty posts in the
Section Officers Grade has been provided to each Ministry/ Division.
Instructions regarding the utilization of the services of Section
Officers in this Reserve are contained in the Establishment Division
Office Memoranda No. 3/1/60-SR, dated the 1st February, 1961 (Sl.
No. 14) and No. 3/1/60-C III, dated the 4th October 1961 (Sl. No.15)
and 5th February, 1962 (Sl. No.16). These instructions inter alia
provide that Leave Reserve Section Officers should not be absorbed
in the regular sections of the Ministries. However, it has been
observed that with the passage of time these instructions have been
lost sight of by almost all the Divisions who have converted the
Leave Reserve into regular Sections. The result is that when any
Section Officer proceeds on leave, no Leave Reserve Section Officer
becomes available to attend to his work. This has defeated the very
purpose for which the Leave Reserve was created, i.e., to have a pool
of Officers whose services could immediately become available
without any dislocation when any Section Officer proceeded on

2. In addition to the Leave Reserve, each Division has been

provided with a Training Reserve, equal to ten per cent of the duty
posts in the Section Officer's Grade. This reserve is mainly intended
to accommodate the Section Officers (Probationers) after the
completion of their training at the Secretariat Training Institute and
till their absorption against regular vacancies on the successful
completion of their probationary period. The officers in this Reserve
are also required to attend to the work of those Section Officers who
proceed on training (e.g. to the S.T.I., the NIPA's training courses
abroad etc.). Establishment Division's Office Memorandum No.
2/2/62-CIII, dated the 30th November, 1962 refers in this connection.
It is observed that like the Leave Reserve, the Training Reserve has
also been absorbed in the regular set up of the Divisions. Therefore,
this also has militated against the very concept of having a Training
Reserve with the result that Ministries/Divisions are usually unable to

make available their officers for training when required to do so on

the plea that arrangements against the resultant vacancies cannot be
made. This obviously retards the process of training of Section
Officers which is so necessary for improving efficiency in the

3. In order to ensure proper utilization of the Leave and

Training Reserves, all the Ministries are requested to review the
position and limit the number of their regular Sections to the number
of duty posts in the Section Officers Grade sanctioned for them.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.3/1/60-C-III, dated 17-6-1967].

Study Leave

Sl. No. 19
Grant of Study Leave outside Pakistan.- Reference Finance
Division Office Memorandum No.F.10 (3)-RI/65, dated the 30th
December, 1965. (Annexure), in which the grant of study leave
outside Pakistan admissible under F.R. 84 read with Appendix No. 9
of F.R. & S.R. Volume II, was held in abeyance. It has now
Please see (Sl.No. 21) for revised

Study Leave Rules.

been decided that subject to the conditions laid down in the

succeeding paragraphs the ban imposed on the grant of study leave be
lifted with immediate effect.

2. In the case of professors, teachers and professional experts

like engineers and doctors, study leave may be granted subject to the
usual conditions provided necessary facilities in the particular field of
study are not available in Pakistan.

3. In the case of other Government servants, study leave

should be granted, in consultation with the Financial Adviser
concerned, in exceptional cases, after it has been established that the
proposed course of study shall be beneficial in relation to the
functions of the Ministry/Division etc. and that suitable and/or

equivalent facilities for such a study are not available within the

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F.10(3)-RI/65, dated 20-9-1966].


Copy of Ministry of Finance, Office Memorandum No.F.

10(3)-RI/65, dated the 30th December, 1965.

The undersigned is directed to say that it has been decided

that, in view of the present financial stringency, the grant of study
leave outside Pakistan under F.R. 84 read with Appendix No. 9,
Fundamental and Supplementary Rules, Volume II, shall be held in
abeyance until further orders.

Sl. No. 20

Study leave for L.L.M. (Shariah and Law) Courses of Islamic

University Islamabad.- Under F.R. 84 read with Appendix 9 of F.Rs.
& S.Rs Vol.II, study leave is admissible to permanent officers of
Grade 16 and above for the study of scientific, technical or similar
problems, or in order to undertake special courses of instruction. A
question has been raised whether study leave can be granted for the
study of L.L.M. (Shariah & Law) Course introduced by the Islamic
University, Islamabad. The matter has been considered in Finance
Division and it has been decided that study leave may be granted to
permanent officers of Grade 16 and above to study the course of
L.L.M. (Shariah & Law) introduced by the Islamic University,
Islamabad, subject to the limit and other conditions as laid down in
Appendix 9 of F. Rs & S. Rs Vol. II and orders issued thereunder.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M. No. F.1(39)R-4/81-801, dated 17-12-1981].

Sl. No. 21

Study Leave Rules prescribed by the President (F.R. 84).-

Study leave may be granted as additional leave to Government
servants for the study of scientific, technical or similar problems, or

in order to undertake special courses of instruction.

2. These rules are not intended to meet the case of

Government servants deputed to other countries at the instance of
Government, either for the performance of special duties imposed on
them or for the investigation of specific problems connected with
their technical duties. Such case will continue to be dealt with on
their merits under the provisions of Rules 50 and 51 of the
Fundamental Rules.

3. The rules shall apply to the Department of Archaeology,

Public Health and Medical department, Botanical Survey, Civil
Veterinary Department, Factory Departments, Geological Survey of
Pakistan, Agricultural Department, Meteorological Department,
Railways Division (Traffic, Locomotive & Engineering Branches),
Education Department, Pakistan Public Works Department, Pakistan
Forest Institute and National Council for Conservation of Wild Life
(except in respect of continental tours, to which special rules apply).

4. The rules may be extended by the authorities empowered

to sanction study leave to any Government servant, including a
Government servant of a Provincial Service, not belonging to any of
the departments mentioned above, in whose case if the sanctioning
authority is of the opinion that leave should be granted in the public
interest to pursue a special course of study or investigation of a
scientific or technical nature.

5. The powers granted by these Rules to the Government of

Pakistan or to local Governments may be delegated by them to the
Ambassador for Pakistan subject to any condition they may think fit
to impose.

6. Extra leave on half pay for the purpose of study leave may
be taken either in or outside Pakistan. It may be granted to a
Government servant of any of the Departments named above by the
Local Government under whom he is serving provided that when a
Government servant borne permanently on the cadre of one Province
or department is serving temporarily in another Province or

department the grant of leave is subject to the conditions:-

(a) that the sanctioning authority can take local

arrangements to carry on his work in his absence; and

(b) that the sanction of the Province or department to

which he is permanently attached is obtained before
leave is given.

7. Study leave should not ordinarily be granted to

Government servants of less than five years' service or to
Government servants within three years of the date at which they
have the option of retiring, or, if they have the option of retiring after
25 years' service, within three years of the date at which they will
complete 25 years' service. Nor should it be granted to Government
servants who are about to retire on proportionate pension.

8. Ministries and Divisions of the Government of Pakistan

may grant study leave to Government servants under their
administrative control, subject to the restrictions which apply to the
powers of a Local Government.

9. The study leave should be granted with due regard to the

exigencies of the public service. In no case should be the grant of this
leave, in combination with leave other than extraordinary leave or
leave on medical certificate, involve an absence of a Government
servant for more than 28 months from regular duties, or exceed two
years in the entire service of a Government servant; nor should it be
granted with such frequency as to remove him from contract with his
regular work or to cause cadre difficulties owing to his absence on
leave. A period of 12 months at one time should ordinarily be
regarded as a suitable maximum, and should not be exceeded save for
exceptional reasons.

10. A Government servant whose study leave in combined

with any other kind of leave should be required to take his period of
study leave at such a time as to retain, at its conclusion, a balance of
other previously sanctioned leave sufficient to cover the period spent

in returning to duty.

11. When a Government servant has been granted a definite

period of study leave and finds subsequently that his course of study
will fall short of the sanctioned period to any considerable extent, his
absence from duty should be reduced by the excess period of study
leave unless he produces the assent of the sanctioning authority in
Pakistan to his taking it as ordinary leave.

12. Except as provided in rule 13, all applications for study

leave should be submitted with the Audit Officer's certificate to the
Head of the Department through the prescribed channel and the
course or courses of study contemplated and any examination which
the candidate proposes to undergo should be clearly specified therein.
If the course of study is abroad the Head of the Department should
also forward to the Ambassador for Pakistan a copy of the approved
programme of study. If it is not possible for the Government servant
to give full details, as above, in his original application, or if, at
leaving Pakistan he wishes to make any changes in the programme
which has been approved in Pakistan, he should submit particulars as
soon as possible to the Ambassador for Pakistan. In such cases he
should not unless prepared to do so at his own risk, commence the
course of study, nor incur any expenses in connection therewith, until
he receives approval to the course through the Ambassador.

13. (1) Government servants on leave ex-Pakistan who wish

to convert part of the leave into study leave or to undertake a course
of study during leave, should before commencing study and before
incurring any expenses in connection therewith, submit a programme
of their proposed course of study to the Ambassador for Pakistan.
The programme should be accompanied by an official syllabus of the
course, if one is available, and by any documentary evidence that the
particular course, or examination, has the approval of the authorities
in Pakistan. In the absence of such evidence the programme may, if
approved by the Ambassador, be proceeded with, but no study leave
allowance will be admissible until the concurrence of the authority
concerned in Pakistan is received.

(2) Government servants on leave ex-Pakistan who desire to

have it extended for purposes of study under these Rules, should
address the Ambassador for Pakistan but in addition to furnishing a
statement of proposed study they must support their application with
documentary evidence of their having obtained the approval of the
authorities concerned in Pakistan to their applying for an extension of
leave. They must also produce documentary evidence of the
concurrence of the authority concerned in Pakistan to the grant of
study leave or study allowance or both.

14. No course of study will be recognized as qualifying for

the grant of study allowance, or for study leave for any other purpose,
unless it has been approved in at least broad outline by the
sanctioning authority in Pakistan in accordance with Rules 12 and 13
above, and unless, in cases where it has not been found possible to
submit full particulars to the authorities in Pakistan, it has been
approved in detail by the Ambassador before it is begun.

15. A study allowance will be granted for the period spent in

prosecuting a definite course of study at a recognized Institution or in
any definite tour of inspection of any special class of work, as well as
for the period covered by any examination at the end of the course of
study. In no case will subsistence allowance be granted in addition to
study allowance and ordinarily travelling expenses will not be paid,
but in exceptional cases claims will be considered on their merits by
the Government of Pakistan or the local Government.

16. Study allowance will be admissible up to 14 days for any

period of vacation. A period during which a Government servant
interrupts his course for his own convenience cannot be considered as
vacation. Study allowance may be given at the discretion of the
Government of Pakistan or a local Government for any period up to
fourteen days at one time during which the officer is prevented by
sickness duly certified by a medical practitioner from pursuing the
sanctioned course of study. In the case of a Government servant
retiring from the service without returning to duty after a period of
study leave the study allowance will be forfeited. If the Government
servant is under civil leave rules the study leave will be converted

into ordinary leave to the extent of the ordinary leave standing to his
credit at the date of retirement. Any balance of the period of study
leave mentioned above which cannot be so converted will be
excluded in reckoning service for pension.

17. Government servants granted study leave are ordinarily

required to meet the cost of fees paid for courses of study. In
exceptional cases the Government of Pakistan or the Local
Government will be prepared to consider proposals that such fees
should be paid by Government.

18. On completion of a course of study a certificate on the

proper form (which may be obtained from the Ambassador), together
with certificates of examinations passed or of special study shall be
forwarded to the authority which sanctioned the leave. In the case of
a definite course of study at a recognized Institution the study
allowance will be payable by the Ambassador or in Pakistan, as the
case may be, on claims submitted by the Government servant from
time to time, supported by proper certificates of attendance. When the
programme of study approved under Rule 12 does not include or does
not consist entirely of such a course of study, the Government servant
shall submit to the Ambassador or to the authority in Pakistan which
sanctioned his leave, as the case may be, a diary showing how his
time has been spent, and a report indicating fully the nature of the
methods and operations which have been studied, and including
suggestion as to the possibility of applying such methods or
operations to Pakistan. The sanctioning authority in Pakistan will
decide whether the diary and report show that the time of the
Government servant has been properly employed, and will determine
accordingly for what period the study allowance referred to in Rule
15 may be granted.

19. Study leave will count as service for promotion and

pension, but not for leave. It will not affect any leave which may
already be due to a Government servant; it will count as extra leave
on half average pay and will be taken into account in reckoning the
aggregate amount of leave on half average pay taken by the
Government servant towards the maximum period admissible under

the Fundamental Rules.

20. During study leave a Government servant will draw half

pay. A Government servant may, subject to the approval of the
proper authorities being obtained as required by Rule 12 or 13,
undertake or commence a course of study during leave on average
pay, and, subject to Rules 15 and 16, draw study allowance in respect
thereof, provided that study allowance is not drawn for an aggregate
period exceeding two years during the entire service of a Government
servant. This rule applies to military officers in civil employment
taking leave under the Fundamental Rules.

21. On an application for study leave abroad being sanctioned

by a Local Government, it should inform the Ambassador of the
particulars of the case. It will be necessary for the Government
servant concerned to place himself in communication with the
Ambassador, who will arrange any details and issue any letters of
introduction that may be required.

[Authority.- Finance Division Notification No. S.R.O. 923(I)/85, dated 8-9-1985

published in gazette of Pakistan, Extraordinary dated 1-10-1985].

Casual Leave

Sl. No. 22

Amount of Casual Leave admissible during a calendar year

and the maximum at a time.- It has been decided that Casual Leave
upto a maximum of 20 days in a calendar year may be granted to the
staff employed in the offices of the Federal Government.

[Authority.- Home Affairs Division O.M. No.34/27/48-Public, dated 13-3-1948].

Sl. No. 23

Under the existing orders 20 days' Casual Leave is admissible


during a calendar year, and the maximum amount that can be allowed
at a time is 10 days in the case of members of staff and 15 days in the
case of officers. It has now been decided that 15 days' casual leave at
a time may be granted to the members of staff also. This rule may be
relaxed at the discretion of the Head of Department in special
circumstances in the case of officers as well as members of staff.

2. It has also been decided that Ministries, Departments, etc.,

should be more liberal in the grant of casual leave. Although casual
leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right, it should be granted
invariably unless the presence of an officer is absolutely necessary
e.g. in an emergency or in very extraordinary circumstances.

[Authority.- Home Affairs Division O.M. No.9/2/53-Public, dated 12-8-1953].

Sl. No. 24

A question has been raised whether casual leave can be

granted within the prescribed limit at one time in such a manner as to
spread it over 2 years, i.e. some portion of it in one calendar year and
the rest in the following year in one stretch. It has been decided that a
Head of Department may grant casual leave in one spell within the
prescribed limit so as to debit a part of it against the account of one
calendar year and part of it against the account of the following
calendar year, provided leave is due. For instance, if a person take 15
days casual leave on the 22nd December and has to his credit 10 days
casual leave in that year, there will be no objection if 10 days leave is
debited against that credit and the remaining 5 days are debited to the
account of the following year. In other words, he would be deemed
to have taken 10 days casual leave at the end of that year and 5 days
leave in the beginning of the next year.

[Authority.- Home Affairs Division O.M. No.9/1/56-Public, dated 9-8-1956].

Sl. No. 25

Combination of casual leave with holidays.- Some doubts

have been raised regarding the combination of casual leave with
holidays. After careful consideration of the matter it has been

decided that:

(a) casual leave may be prefixed or suffixed to a closed

or optional holiday,

(b) casual leave may be sandwitched in between two

closed or optional holidays.

2. However, if a closed or an optional holiday falls between

two days of casual leave it should also be counted as a casual leave.

[Authority.- Home Affairs Division O.M. No.9/1/53-Public, dated 24-4-1953].

Sl. No. 26

Procedure for grant of Casual Leave to the Secretaries to the

Government and Heads of Departments.- A question has been raised
as to who should grant leave to Secretaries to the Government of

2. According to item 56 in Appendix 13 of the Fundamental

and Supplementary Rules-Volume II, the Ministries have been
delegated full powers to grant leave to a gazetted Government servant
not in foreign service.

3. In accordance with the above rule, the Secretary as the

official head of the Division is empowered to grant leave to his
subordinates. It is not, however, clear as to who is the appropriate
authority for grant of leave to the secretaries. Under the Rules of
Business the Minister who is the next higher authority is mainly
concerned with policy matters and does not ordinarily pass executive
orders himself. Normally such cases have to be submitted for the
President's orders. In order to avoid frequent references to the
President the following procedure has been laid down:-

(i) The Minister-in-Charge may grant casual leave upto

10 days to a Secretary to the Government of Pakistan
on behalf of the President and the Establishment

Division should be informed in such cases.

(ii) All cases of casual leave beyond 10 days and cases of

earned leave upto a period of 1 month will be
submitted through the Minister to the President for
orders under intimation to the Establishment Division.

(iii) Leave applications of Secretaries for a period of more

than 1 month would be endorsed by the Minister to
the Establishment Division for obtaining the
President's orders.

4. The above instructions, may please be brought to the notice

of all concerned for strict compliance.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No. 23 (I)/69-AI, dated 18-3-1969].

Sl. No. 27

Reference Establishment Division's O.M. No. 23(1)/ 69-A.I.

dated 18-3-1969. With immediate effect the following procedure
shall be observed for grant of casual leave to a Secretary General,
Secretary or Acting Secretary to the Federal Government or to
Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary Incharge of a

(i) In cases of leave upto ten days, the

Minister-in-Charge may sanction the leave and
intimation to that effect given to the Secretary,
Establishment Division by the Ministry/Division

(ii) In cases of leave beyond ten days, the leave

application shall be submitted by the
Minister-in-Charge to the Prime Minister for orders
and if the leave is sanctioned, an intimation to that
effect shall be given to the Secretary, Establishment
Division by the concerned Ministry/Division.

2. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of all

concerned for compliance.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M. No.10/22/83-R. 2, dated 18-11-1985].

Sl. No. 28

A reference is invited to the Establishment Division letter No.

D-671/ 71-FI, dated the 13th July, 1971, in which Ministries/
Divisions were requested to inform the Establishment Division about
the present practice followed in regard to the method of appropriation
of casual leave by the Heads of their Attached Departments and
Subordinate Offices. From the replies received, the Establishment
Division has observed that no uniform practice is being followed in
this regard. While some officers appropriate their own casual leave
without reference to the Ministry/Division concerned, and take
permission only when they have to leave the station, others simply
inform the Ministry/Division after the casual leave has been availed
of. The question of laying down a uniform policy in this regard has
been examined in the Establishment Division and the following
instructions are issued for compliance:-

(1) The Heads of Attached Departments/Subordinate

Offices should obtain, as far as possible, prior
approval of the Ministry/Division concerned before
availing themselves of the casual leave, when the
purpose thereof could be foreseen in advance.

(2) In case of unforeseen and urgent circumstances when

the casual leave is required for one or two days and it
is not possible to obtain prior permission, he may
avail of the leave and send leave application to the
authority concerned immediately, and may also, if
possible, inform the authority on telephone.

(3) In special circumstances when even the procedure

mentioned at (2) above cannot be followed, the

officers should appropriate their own casual leave and

inform in writing, the concerned officer in the
Ministry/Division as early as possible.

2. As regards the status of officers in the Ministries/ Divisions

administratively concerned to whom the Heads of Attached
Departments/Subordinate Offices should apply for casual leave, the
normal procedure for applying to the next higher officer should be
followed. For example, if the Head of the Department/Subordinate
Office enjoys the status of Deputy Secretary to the Federal
Government or is of equivalent rank, he may apply to the Joint
Secretary of the Ministry/Division concerned and so on.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.8/2/69-F.I, dated 12-3-1969].

Sl. No. 29

Absence from office due to Curfew to be treated as Casual

Leave.- The question as to how the absence from office of officers
and staff due to imposition of Curfew should be treated has been
under consideration of Government and it has been decided that such
absence should be treated as Casual Leave but not debited to the
causal leave account.

[Authority.- Estt. Division O.M.No.8/2/69-F.I, dated 12-3-1969].

Sl. No. 30

Grant of Casual Leave ex-Pakistan.- It has been decided that

the authority competent to grant leave to a Government servant can
also permit him to avail himself of casual leave ex-Pakistan in special
circumstances subject to the condition that the limit of 20 days casual
leave as prescribed in this Division's Office Memorandum No.
9/2/53-Public, dated the 12th August, 1953 (Sl. No.23) is not

[Authority.- Home Affairs Division O.M. No.9/10/54-Public dated 27-1-1955].

Sl. No. 31

According to the administrative instructions in Para V (2) of

Appendix 3 of the Fundamental and Supplementary Rules, Volume
II, casual leave must not be granted to a Government servant so as to
cause evasion of the rules regarding return to duty. Similarly,
according to Government Order No. 2 under F.R 51 the grant of
return passage to Pakistan on conclusion of deputation abroad is
conditional on the official's return to duty forthwith on the conclusion
of the deputation, unless the arrangement to the contrary effect had
been specially permitted at the time the deputation closes, or is about
to close, and the proposed leave is begun. A question has been raised
as to whether in view of these instructions the grant of casual leave to
a Government servant deputed outside Pakistan on temporary,
official duty or on training, either before the commencement or after
the expiry of the sanctioned period of deputation, which, would have
the effect of extending his stay outside Pakistan, would be in order.
The matter has been considered in this Ministry and it is clarified that
although there is no absolute bar on the grant of casual leave outside
Pakistan in such cases, it should ordinarily be discouraged and should
be allowed only in exceptional circumstances.

[Authority.- Finance Division O.M.No.F.8(7)-R2 (RWP)/61, dated 17-11-1961].

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