The Marketing Decision-Making Process
The Marketing Decision-Making Process
The Marketing Decision-Making Process
Research Specifies:
• Information required
MR Definitions
1. Book/author Definition
2. AMA “Official” Definition
Why Do Marketing Research?
• Make better marketing decisions
Small Cost likely to be greater than benefit; Possible benefits greater than cost;
e.g., eyeglasses replacement screw, e.g., ultraexpensive Lamborghini-
tire valve extension type sportswear, larger specialized
industrial equipment; e.g., Joy
Manufacturing, computer-aided
metal stamping machines
NOTE: The decision on whether to conduct marketing research depends on whether the
perceived cost is greater than the benefit. Two important determinants of potential
benefit are profit margins and market size.
Figure 1.2 A Classification of Marketing Research
Marketing Research
III. Control
A. What is our market share overall? In each geographic area? By each customer type?
B. Are customers satisfied with our product? How is our record for service? Are there many returns?
C. How does the public perceive our company? What is our reputation with dealers?
Evolution of Systems for Supporting Decision Making
and display
spreadsheet Sales analysis
modeling, statistics
Database evaluation
Product line