(One Step Setup) : A Strategy For Performance Excellence

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The key takeaways are that SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die) focuses on reducing changeover/setup times to enable producing smaller lots more frequently and meeting customer expectations. It involves identifying and eliminating wastes from the changeover/setup process.

SMED is a technique to reduce changeover/setup times in manufacturing. It is important because reducing changeover times allows for producing smaller batches more frequently to meet increasing customer demands for flexibility, quality, and delivery.

The main steps involved in implementing SMED are identifying internal and external setup tasks, converting internal tasks to external where possible, and optimizing the setup process through techniques like standardizing tools and procedures.

( One Step Setup)

Set-up and changeover reductions for

equipment, tooling and machines.



 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Performance Excellence Series
Training Module Elements

Executive Overview Knowledge Tools Workbook


Lecture notes Lecture notes

Participant manual

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Table of Contents
Knowledge Breakthrough

Session 1.0 Introduction…….……...…………………... 4

Session 2.0 Waste Management ………………………. 12
Session 3.0 Setup Practices…………………………….. 22
Session 4.0 Traditional /Strategic Setup Approach…… 29
Session 5.0 SMED Implementation Planning…………. 34
Element 5.1 Implementation Team……………………… 36
Element 5.2 Implementation Plan………………………. 37
Element 5.3 Communication Plan………………………. 38
Element 5.4 Training Plan………………………………. 40
Element 5.5 One Step Setup…………………………….. 42
Element 5.5.1 Separate Internal from External Setup…… 44
Element 5.5.2 Integrating Internal into External Setup…. 49
Element 5.5.3 Reducing Setup Processing Time…………. 63
Element 5.5.4 Optimizing Setup Processes……………….. 92
Element 5.6 Verification & Standardization…………… 95
Session 6.0 Summary…………………………………… 105

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

SMED is Continuous Improvement

It is a customer driven requirement. Customers are

Product and service diversity
Lower costs
Higher reliability and quality.
In essence organizations need to become leaner !
So organizations must:
Produce smaller lots, more frequently.
Expand the scope and diversity of products and
Reduce quality defects.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Ultimately, SMED focuses on reducing changeover and set-up
times, thus enabling organizations to:

Produce smaller lots of products and services more

frequently !
Develop a broader scope of products and services !
Reduce quality defects towards zero !

Meet Customer’s Expectations !

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

What Does Set-up/changeover reduction
mean for my business?
Increased customer service levels and
profits !
Via Waste Elimination resulting in:
Reduced Lead Times-Faster Delivery
Zero Inventories-Reduced Working Capital
Improved Quality
Improved Safety
Smaller lots of products-flexibility
Diversified Product & Service Options
 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved
Why SMED ?

Look Familiar ?

•To eliminate the wastes that result from

“uncontrolled” processes increasing inventories and
lead times..
• To gain control on equipment, material &
• Apply Control Techniques to Eliminate Erosion of
• Standardize Improvements for Maintenance of
Critical Set-up Parameters.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Tool Kit Comparison
Major CPI
Tools (6) Kaizen Lean Description

Cp/Cpk  Process capability assessment

DOE Design of experiments
SPC Process control based on statistics and data analysis
FMEA Risk assessment tool
Regression Correlate effect one variable has on another
Process Map   Map process steps to communicate and identify opportunities
5 whys /2 hows Determination methods for root cause discovery
Pareto   Column chart ranking items highest to lowest
Fishbone   Cause / Effect Diagram

5S  Elimination waste
Visual Mgmt  Emphasis on visual techniques to manage process
Poka-Yoke  Error proofing techniques
Spaghetti Chart  
Kanban  Material storage technique used to control process
Takt Time  Determine pace or beat of a process
Std Work  Evaluate tasks done during a process
SMED  Single minute exchange of dies - Quick machine set up
TPM  Integrate maintenance strategy with process
Cellular Flow  Reduce inventory & cycle time through process layout and pull
production techniques


 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Identify what types of internal and external setup times are
involved in the following pictures.

Picture A: Wire Cutting Picture B: Metal Stamping Machine


 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Identify what types of internal and external setup & times are involved in the
following pictures.
Picture A: Wire Cutting Machine Picture B: Metal Stamping Machine
Think Break

Setup Type Time ( Min)

___________________________ Setup Type Time ( Min)
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________
___________________________ ____________________________

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Internal External Setup
Think Break

Classify Three items under each item category.

Internal External
____________ ____________
____________ ____________
____________ ____________

Which items would you convert from internal to external Setup ?


 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Traditional Setup Practices

Material movement occurs

after the machine is
•Completed products are transferred to
turned off. next operation.
•Raw material is moved after the
machine is stopped.
Detection of defects or
missing equipment is noticed •Setup tooling delivered after the
which the machine is running. changeover has begun.
•Defective product identified after
internal setup has begun.

Defective tooling,fixtures,
setup instruments are
noticed after the machine is •The operator notices that equipment is
missing after internal setup has begun.
turned on.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

5 “Traditional”Setup Steps Defined
 Preparation - Ensures that all the tools are working properly and are in
the right location.
 Mounting & Extraction - Involves the removal of the tooling after the
production lot is completed and the placement of the new tooling
before the next production lot.
 Establishing Control Settings - Setting all the process control settings
prior to the production run. Inclusive of calibrations and measurements
needed to make the machine, tooling operate effectively.
 First Run Capability - This includes the necessary adjustments( re-
calibrations, additional measurements) required after the first trial
pieces are produced.
 Setup Improvement- The time after processing during which the
tooling, machinery is cleaned, identified, and tested for functionality
prior to storage.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

“Traditional”Setup Resource Consumption Analysis

Setup Steps Setup Type Setup Type Resource Setup Type Setup Type
Traditional Traditional Consumption One-Step One-Step
Internal External ( %) Internal External
X 20 % X

Mounting & Extraction

X 5% X

Establish Control
Settings X 15 % X

First Run Capability

X 50 % N/A N/A

Process Improvement
X 10 % X

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Think Break Examples of wastes in a traditional setup !
What kind of “setup wastes” can you identify in this pictures ?

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

One Step Setup

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Develop One Step Setup Develop Specific Develop Communication Develop One Step Implement One Step
Implementation Team Implementation Plan Plan Setup Training Plan Set-up

Separate Internal
from External Progressive
Reduction of Setup
Setup Enhancements Processes

Optimizing Setup
Integrate Internal into
External Setup

Step 6
Verification / Standardization

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Phase 2 Combining equipment functionality

Involves standardizing the equipment ( parts, tooling, processes) based on

commonality between setups to reduce the number of setup steps and cycle
times. The common setup parts were identified and
By using these replaced with this jig/holder combination.
fixtures, the
parts are
Notice how
centered and
quantities of the
adjusted for
same part can
height and
be setup with
flatness as a
the same fixture.
part of
Also, these
External setup-
setups can occur
not Internal
while the
machine is

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Waste associated with finding, replacing, motion will be
eliminated by this example of visual placement.

Tooling supplies are clearly Tooling supplies are neatly assigned a

labeled unique location.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

Phase 3: Reducing setup Elimination of Bolts &
processing time. Adjustments.

Example of One Step Fastening

Bolt attachments requires 32
complete turns for each bolt or
screw (1 for each thread) to This clamp attachment requires one
fasten this bolt and die to a step to attach the die to a machine.

 2000, QualityToolBox.com, LLC, all rights reserved

S MED fo r the
Wo rkplac e
Training and
S o urc e bo o k
fo r
Wo rks he e ts
How to Use This Manual
The continuous improvement tools that are presented in Sections
1-10 of this manual are shown in order of use. These forms
MUST be completed in the order presented in this manual. Each
section contains a brief description of the tool, its purpose, when
to use it, who should use it, how to use it, and the expected

Remember to focus on the elimination of waste.

Strive to maximize yields and obtain cost reductions
from existing machinery and equipment before
“buying solutions”. Improve current systems and
techniques before automation. Automating a system
or practices without first having an understanding of
the process will not solve underlying process Measurement
problems. Improvement

Perhaps the most important point to remember is that SMED

we must understand a process before we make any Template
attempt in changing it. “No Tampering” is the first rule
of continuous improvement. We can not tamper with
a process without understanding it.

By using these tools, we will all share a common and

systematic approach for questioning, analyzing, Identifywaste
proposing solutions, experimenting, and finally,
implementing proven changes.

“The problems that exist in the world

cannot be solved by the same level of
that created them.”
Table of Contents

Section 1 Development of SMED “To Do” Plan: Establishment of the SMED team’s Action plan
identifying the specific actions required for each of the four (4) phases of SMED
implementation. Deliverable includes action plan and associated tasks with the SMED
implementation. 4

Section 2 Waste Identification Map: Identification of the 9 wastes associated with production of
products and services. A detailed map of each major work area is developed describing the
major types of wastes in each area. These wastes are the improvement opportunities that
exist prior to SMED.

The overall wastes is calculated for all the work areas and identified on the 9 Waste Radar
Chart 7

Section 3 SMED Action sheet: Establishing baseline key performance metrics in terms of key
deliverables, photographs, and current conditions of the “before” SMED implementation
phase. Deliverable includes the SMED action sheet. Please note: A video recording of the “
before” setup operation is recommended. 11

Section 4 Setup Process Map: A map showing the critical setup inputs, processes and outputs for
each machine/equipment setup operation.

Section 5 Standard Operation Setup Check-sheet: Identifies the setup operations and respective
process parameters required for an effective changeover. Also identifies resource
requirements for the setup operations previously identified.

Section 6 Setup Work Combination Sheet: Used to graphically display the amount on Internal and
External setup time within a changeover process for a particular machine. It further shows
tasks that are performed in series and parallel for further analysis.
Section 7 Setup Conversion Matrix: A matrix identifying the methodology for converting internal
setup operations into external setup operations.

Section 8 SMED Conversion “To Do”: An action list identifying specific setup improvement tasks for
each conversion opportunity identified in the “Setup Conversion Matrix”.

Section 9 Operational Control Plan: Procedure for setup operations AFTER setup improvements
have been made. This is a control plan to ensure consistent setup with the newly identified
setup parameters as a result of the SMED implementation. Includes visuals of setup tooling,
& supplies. 30

Section 10 Standard Visual Sign: Used to identify the machine, tooling, supplies, & inventory location
within the workplace. Shows the type of item, location of item, quantity of item, and the
preceding and following processes.

Section 11 SMED Status Report: Provides a format to compare improvement efforts between a
desired target and known starting value.

Section 12 Waste Identification Map: Identification of the 9 wastes associated with production of
products and services. A detailed map of each major work area is developed describing the
major types of wastes in each area. These wastes are the improvement opportunities that
exist prior to SMED.

9 Wastes Radar Chart: After the completion of SMED, the results of the waste reduction is
recorded, charted and compared to the initial 9 Waste Radar Chart. 39
S e c tio n 7
Setup Conversion Matrix
Page of
Area/Department Machine/Equipment Name Set-up Tools Required Operator Standard Set-up Time
Date Prepared Minutes


NO. Task/Operation Internal External Internal External

Current Total: Improve Total

Conversation Methology

Preparation of Set-up Process Combining Equipment Functionality Standardized Jigs

Setup Conversion Matrix
Purpose Used to identify specific actions taken to convert internal setup operations
into external setup operations as part of Phase 1 in the SMED program.

When To Use The Setup conversion Matrix should be used after the Setup work
Combination sheet has been completed.

Who Should Use It The Setup conversion Matrix can be used by anyone involved in area or
process improvement.

Expected Benefits The resultant deliverables will be specific actions aligned with each of the
three conversion methodologies(Preparation of Setup Processes,
Combining Equipment Functionality, Standardized Jigs) to convert internal
setup operations into external setup operations.
How To Use It 1. Complete the sections titled “ Area/Department,
Machine/Equipment Name, Setup Tools required, Operator
Number, Date, and Standard Setup time.

2. List all the specific setup tasks/steps in sequential order(can obtain

this information from the process map)under the column titled
“tasks/operations” and indication the step number under the column
titled ”No.”.

3. Next list the total amount of Internal and External Setup time in the
appropriate column for each task Before any changes have been

4. Complete the column titled” improvement” by listing the specific

continual improvement actions that will be taken to convert the Internal
setup time into External setup time.

5. Next complete the column titled “proposed time” by listing the

expected Internal and External setup times.

6. Finally add up the total internal and External setup times for both the
current and proposed columns and list these at the bottom of the
form in the sections titled “ Current Total & Improved Total “

Next Step You are now ready to move to the next step, the SMED Conversion To Do

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