Visual Workflow Management

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One of the key takeaways is that Visual Workflow Management, specifically the use of frequent stand-up meetings, is an effective starting point for implementing lean product development. It provides quick wins that build momentum.

Visual Workflow Management combines the use of frequent stand-up meetings with a visual project board to manage workflow in real-time. It is an effective starting point as it provides quick wins, builds momentum, and is easy to implement.

The author instituted daily stand-up meetings with his unproductive scientists, similar to meetings he observed on the production line. This led to immediate and dramatic results by creating urgency, peer pressure, and enabling synchronization of work.


Background and Overview

Visual Workow Management

ne of the questions that I am asked most frequently by clients who are interested in implementing lean product development is where should we start? Given the manifold forms of waste associated with new product development, deciding on a starting point for your lean journey can be dicult. In principle, your rm should begin as this book begins, with a highly eective project selection and prioritization process. From there, you would move through the chapters in the order they are presented. That is not, however, the way that I answer the above question. Instead, I tell my clients with absolute condence: Start by implementing Visual Workow Management. There is no tool or method in my repertoire that has had greater success, both from the standpoint of impact on team performance and from the perspective of ease of implementation. Organizational change is a beast that feeds on success: Quick and highly visible wins are critical to building momentum and gaining credibility for any improvement initiative. Visual Workow Management is quite simply the best place to begin your lean product development transformation. The background for this methodology begins with the straightforward concept of stand-up meetings. In the early days of my career as a


Mastering Lean Product Development

development team leader, I was assigned a high-risk technical project and provided with a team of brilliant scientists. Unfortunately, after several weeks of virtually no progress on my new project, I discovered that these clever folks had no idea how to be productive. Each Friday I held my obligatory team coordination meeting, statused my schedule, cajoled the team to get their act together, and was consistently disappointed. Then early one morning I took a walk through our factory and everything changed. As I was wandering the production line, I noticed a group of about twenty people clustered around a large whiteboard. Curious, I inserted myself into the group and observed what I later learned was a shift-change meeting. Ten minutes of intensive interaction, coupled with a detailed list of actions, issues, status, and progress, all updated and captured in real time on the whiteboard. After the meeting, I spoke with the shop foreman who had led the meeting and learned that this took place every single morning. Somewhat in desperation, I instituted a similar meeting with my team of unproductive scientists and the results were immediate and dramatic. Frequent, short-duration stand-up meetings created a sense of urgency, instilled positive peer pressure to be productive, enabled synchronization of work, allowed the rapid resolution of conicts and issues, and much more. In the twenty-ve years since those rst meetings, my techniques have evolved and improved (see Mascitelli (2002) and (2007)), but the basic concept remains the same: Just-in-time management of a teams workow is critical to maximizing productivity. Actually, the use of frequent stand-up meetings is more common than you might think. Many restaurants and retail establishments hold brief sta meetings just prior to opening their doors each day. In law enforcement, a similar meeting is held to prepare patrol ocers for their shift. The obvious sports analogy is the football huddle, which in rugby is called a scrum. Interestingly, the term scrum has been adopted by agile programmers to describe their version of the stand-up meeting (see Pichler, et al (2010), Poppendieck (2003), and Schwaber (2002)), which is an integral part of this very successful methodology. In every case, the benets are the same: In a rapidly changing environment, it is vital that team members frequently resynchronize their eorts, coordinate, communicate, and exibly adapt to current conditions.


Visual Workow Management

The stand-up meeting is actually only half of what I refer to as Visual Workow Management, as shown in Figure 4.1. The other half is equally important; the use of a visual management tool to capture the current state of a teams activities and enable real-time planning of future actions. The concept of visual communication dates back to the dawn of history. Roman legions used color-coded banners to communicate orders across a vast and noisy battleeld. For centuries, ships at sea have employed signal ags to communicate under similarly challenging conditions. Much more recently, the idea of visual management became a core tool of the Toyota Production System, in the form of andon boards and visual kanbans (see Bicheno (2004) and (2009), Galsworth (1997), and Grief (1991)). Toyota and other Japanese rms subsequently adapted visual tools to the oce workspace through the use of obeya rooms and boards (which are closely analogous to the war rooms used by major project teams for many decades, see Shinbum (1995)). In each instance, the use of colors, graphics, and symbology provides clear and unambiguous information that can be understood in a heartbeat.

FIGURE 4.1: Visual Workow Management consists of two techniques used synergistically. Stand-up meetings provide a forum for intensive exchange of information among team members, and encourage rapid resolution of issues and conicts. When combined with a visual project board to capture status and facilitate near-term planning, a signicant increase in team eectiveness and productivity can result.

In the sections that follow, I will describe an extensively tested and proven approach for implementing Visual Workow Management.


Mastering Lean Product Development

As always, your own creativity must carry you beyond my generic methodology. However, I strongly recommend that you consider using my templates and guidelines as a low-risk starting point. Although my initial discussion will focus on the visual management of individual project teams, I will later extend this technique for use in a multi-project environment, and even into support groups and other value-creating resource pools. Visual Workow Management is not just a product development tool; it will benet any group of individuals who must work together as a team toward a common goal.

The Basics of Stand-up Meetings

The most important attribute of a successful stand-up coordination meeting is brevity. The purpose of this meeting is not to deep-dive into technical details. It is intended to answer three specic questions: what has the team accomplished since the last meeting, what actions must be completed by the next meeting, and what issues or obstacles might prevent the team from achieving those goals. Ive found that fteen minutes is an optimal duration. Keeping your stand-up meetings brief is vital to imparting a sense of urgency to your development team, and given the fact that participants are actually standing, fteen minutes is about the limit of peoples comfort. Maintaining this discipline can be a challenge, given the tendency of engineers and designers to go o on tangents. You must stand your ground: If you allow these meetings to be open-ended, you risk alienating the attendees and poisoning the waters for this highly benecial tool. As trite as it may sound, I recommend that teams use a kitchen timer at rst to condition team members to this short duration. Once the team has a sense of the pace required, the timer will become unnecessary, but someone should still keep an eye on their watch to make sure that your stand-up meeting doesnt turn into an endless dirge. The timing of your meetings is also important, although there is more exibility here. Getting the team together rst thing in the morning is ideal, provided that the arrival times of attendees are not too far out of


Visual Workow Management

sync. If your rm has instituted ex-time, for example, you may have to schedule your meetings just before lunch. Try to avoid holding stand-up meetings near the end of the day: There is little point in creating a sense of urgency as people are walking out the door. Location is arbitrary, and certainly not restricted to a conference room. As long as others in the vicinity will not be disturbed by the teams conversation, a hallway, large cubical, laboratory space, or even a break room will work perfectly well (note that once the visual project board is integrated into this methodology, some wall space will be required). Several rms that Ive worked with have established dedicated rooms for their stand-up meetings, with multiple project teams sharing a common dedicated space (at dierent times, of course). A few have even installed chest-high conference tables to allow attendees to take notes without the need to sit down. The most unusual attribute of stand-up coordination meetings is not their brevity, but rather their frequency. The primary goal of this communication tool is to break up the time batches caused by the typical weekly (or even twice monthly) team coordination meeting. If we think of coordination meetings as points of synchronization and alignment, then every day that passes before the next meeting increases the likelihood of team members drifting from the optimal path. Depending on the pace of the project and the criticality of team communication and collaboration, the rate of drift can vary considerably. However the probability of misunderstandings, missed opportunities to interact, delayed handos, indecision, and incorrect assumptions will steadily grow as the gap between coordination meetings increases, as shown in Figure 4.2. The appropriate frequency for your teams stand-up meetings should be determined by answering a simple question: How rapidly do things change on this project? Information theory tells us that for communication to have value, it must contain something new, dierent, or unexpected. If your team members have little new information to share at their stand-up meetings, then they are being held too frequently. If a lot happens between meetings, and it is evident that communication and alignment opportunities have been missed, then the frequency should be increased. Even within the life of a single project, the frequency can (and should) change, depending on the pace of activity. During periods of intensive collaboration, such as prior to critical milestones, gate


Mastering Lean Product Development

High Mag gnitude of Err rors and Waste High Mag gnitude of Err rors and Waste Time Between Meetings Low


Time Between Meetings

FIGURE 4.2: In any collaborative team activity, the greater the gap between coordination meetings, the higher the potential for errors and waste to occur. More frequent communication of status, progress, issues, and priorities will ensure team alignment, avoid schedule delays, and encourage a truly collaborative environment.

reviews, prototype tests, integration points, etc., the frequency of meetings should increase. Conversely, in lull periods where work is slowed by supplier delays, waiting for regulatory approvals, and so on, the frequency should be reduced. That being said, Ive found that for most projects, holding stand-up meetings three times per week is about right, as shown in Figure 4.3. This allows enough time for signicant work to be completed between meetings, but avoids the time-batching eects described above. Remember that stand-up meetings are a replacement for the usual weekly team get-together, so in principle, team members will spend less time attending three fteen-minute stand-ups than they would spend in longer (and more boring) formal meetings. The stand-up meeting represents a feedback and control system for your product development projects. In this context, the frequency of meetings determines the degree of control. Some real-world examples will make this abundantly clear. Returning to the analogy of a football huddle, imagine what would happen if the team coach decided on the plays for the entire game before the coin toss, and then just sat back and watched the game unfold. Of course this would result in a catastrophic loss. Instead, huddles occur after every play, enabling the team and coach to adjust their strategy based on their current situation. Likewise, imagine a car with a steering wheel that has a substantial delay between your steering action and the response of the front wheels. If you are


Visual Workow Management

Monthly Sustaining activities / long-term strategic projects Weekly Major projects with low schedule pressure 3 per Week Typical projects with high schedule pressure Daily Crunch Crunch times times within a schedule-critical project Twice Daily Emergencies, firefighting, last few days prior to launch
FIGURE 4.3: The frequency of stand-up meetings should be based on the pace of activity of a project. For a typical project, three times per week is sucient to avoid time-batching eects, while still allowing enough work time between meetings for progress to be made.

Recommended For Most Projects!

driving on a straight and open highway, this might not be an immediate problem. However, on a winding road or in trac, even a one-second delay would be potentially deadly. As the pace and urgency of a project increases, the need for rapid feedback becomes compelling, and the frequency of stand-up meetings should increase accordingly. The specics of what transpires during a stand-up meeting will be discussed in a later section, but one point must be made upfront: this forum is owned by the team, not the team leader. Initially, the team leader will have to provide the impetus. Getting people to show up on time, holding to the fteen-minute duration, imparting a sense of urgency, and so on, will require leadership. However, once these meetings reach a steady state (typically after just a few weeks), the team leader should retire to a passive role, and only intercede when decisions are required, or to provide guidance as to priorities and direction. In fact, I strongly recommend that the facilitation of the meeting rotate among the team members, so that everyone has a chance to play this role. If stand-up meetings become little more than frequent ogging sessions by the team leader, you will have entirely missed the point. This tool is intended to encourage collaboration, overcome obstacles, and ultimately build the


Mastering Lean Product Development

emotional commitment that is vital to a team behaving like a team. If properly instituted, the stand-up meeting will take on a life of its own. However, if team members do not recognize the benets of their participation, it will never achieve its full potential.

A Proven Format for Visual Workow Management

My rst visual project board was nothing more than a ip-chart easel and a handwritten list of short-term tasks. From those humble beginnings, Ive been evolving this tool for two decades, always mindful of the tradeos. If the visual board does not facilitate real-time statusing and planning of a project, then it fails to achieve its goals. On the other hand, if the board becomes so complex that it requires excessive time to maintain it, then we have created waste rather than reducing it. The format presented in this section is my current recommended approach, and can be adapted to virtually any development project. Again, the focus in this section will be on applying the tool to a single project: This technique will then be adapted to managing multiple small projects in a subsequent section. The primary goal of a visual project board is to provide a snapshot of the status and progress of a project that is intuitively understandable to both the team members and upper management. For this tool to be useful as more than a wall-mounted status report, however, interactivity is essential. I want more from a project board than just information; I want engagement, commitment, and real-time issue resolution. The format illustrated in Figure 4.4 meets this broader goal successfully, and requires virtually no time to maintain. Before I discuss the details, however, it is worthwhile covering some of the logistics. First, I typically recommend that a four-foot-by-six-foot whiteboard be used for this display; plenty of room to cover all the bases, but still a manageable size. Smaller dimensions can certainly work, but avoid turning your visual board into an eye chart. Remember that the whole idea is to engage both the team and management in the ow of your project, so a board the size of a microche is not ideal. Location is arbitrary, but sucient space must be available


Planned Work Two-Week Action Plan

Week 1
Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri

Project Timeline

Week 2

Tom Dick Harry Jane Sally Mary Out Out Out Out

Problem Solving

Visual Workow Management


Unplanned Work Parking Lot

FIGURE 4.4: A well-tested format for a visual project board that captures the status, progress, and plans for a single development project. A multi-project version of this board will be discussed in a later section of this chapter.

Mastering Lean Product Development

for the team to hold their stand-up meetings. In the best of worlds, the board would be situated in close proximity to the teams cubicles, and in convenient view of management. Dont let the lack of physical space hold you back from implementing this tool. There are a number of innovative solutions to limited wall space, including sandwiched multi-boards (three overlapping boards that slide relative to each other), freestanding multi-boards, and even pull-down boards. Several virtual solutions are also possible (these options will be discussed in the nal section of this chapter), but heed a word of warning. Visual Workow Management is a human engineering tool: It depends on the physical interaction of the team with the board to achieve its maximum benet. Use physical project boards whenever possible, and only resort to virtual solutions when logistics or other issues cannot be resolved in any other way. Now for the details. The left-hand side of the visual board format shown in Figure 4.4 displays the upcoming work commitments of the project team. These commitments are divided into two categories: planned work and unplanned work. The planned-work template lists task milestones that are derived from the project master schedule (the creation of a suitable project schedule will be discussed in Chapter 6). In a perfect world, this planned-work section would be all that is necessary to guide the team toward success, but often this is not the case. The unplanned-work template shown at lower left is designed to capture unexpected tasks or action items that arise during the execution of the project. If unplanned work is of substantial scope, it should be folded into a replan of the project. Smaller activities that can be dispositioned in just a few days or weeks, however, would not warrant a replan, but must nonetheless be captured and integrated into the teams daily workow. When combined, the two templates shown at left should represent the entire workload of a given project team. Note that if team members are committed to other projects as well, those demands would be captured on other visual boards, in such a way that there is no duplication or overlap among the boards. If sustaining factory support or other non-project resource demands are draining time from team members, a variation of this format will be described later that can make those conicts visible. Examples of a planned-work and unplanned-work template are shown in Figures 4.5 and 4.6. The planned-work template displays a


Visual Workow Management


FIGURE 4.5: The upper left-hand section of the visual project board format shown in Figure 4.4 contains a template for planned project work. This template displays a two-month magnied view of the projects master schedule. I suggest using a spreadsheet rather than a Gantt chart to improve readability, and allow inclusion of red / yellow / green exception-statusing of individual tasks.

Mastering Lean Product Development

FIGURE 4.6: Minor deviations from the project plan would not warrant a formal change to the project master schedule, but must nonetheless be visually captured and managed. The template shown above is just a typical action-item tracking sheet which can be used to monitor short-duration activities such as risk-mitigation tasks, minor changes to the product design, responses to management or customer requests, and so on. A red indicator is used to signal when a task on this list has missed its agreed-upon completion date. A priority column is provided to help the team focus their time.

two-month, rolling-window view of the projects milestones. The twomonth window provides sucient forward visibility for the team to plan their eorts, yet helps keep them focused on the actionable near term. I use a basic spreadsheet format with appropriate columns to capture the nature and ownership of each milestone, along with red / yellow / green visual status indicators. A Gantt chart would work here as well, but Ive found that the task-list format is easier for team members to read, and allows more information to be presented (e.g., status, ownership, comments) than a typical bar-chart schedule. The granularity of tasks listed in the planned-work template depends to some degree on the duration of the project. Relatively short-duration projects, of say six months or less, should have a task milestone every week or so, on average. Longer-duration projects should have milestones every two to three weeks on average. As time moves forward on the project, the rolling window moves forward as well, acting essentially as a magnifying glass for the projects high-level master schedule. This level of granularity


Visual Workow Management

is important: For the project board to enable real-time planning, there must be a seamless connection among the high-level master schedule, the two-month rolling-window plan, and the center portion of the board, which will be described in the next section. Since one of our lean goals for new product development is to institute exception management, the use of red / yellow / green status indicators is ideal. In this familiar scheme, a green color indicates that a specic task is meeting its goals, whether they are cost (typically referring to unit manufacturing cost), schedule, or technical performance. A yellow color represents a warning that the given task is entering dangerous waters. Finally, a red color signies that the task has exceeded its exception boundaries, and deserves attention and possible intervention by management. For exception management to be eective, your color indicators should be dened as quantitatively as possible. For example, a red for cost could be dened as exceeding the products target manufacturing cost by greater than 10 percent. A red for schedule might imply a critical-path schedule slip of more than two weeks, while a red for technical status would highlight a shortfall in some mandatory design requirement or feature. Your goal should be for this template to represent a self-contained management status report, and over time you should collaborate with upper management on its contents to avoid the need for any other statusing of the project. The lower left-hand section of the project board contains a template for capturing unplanned work, as shown in Figure 4.6. This is critical to the success of Visual Workow Management, since all work performed by the team on the development project must be managed through this board. Any stray tasks or minor distractions will create turbulence to the ow of a project, and must be visually managed to minimize disruptions to planned work. The suggested template is just a typical action-item list, with ownership, due date, etc., explicitly shown for each task. The type of activities that might populate this template include minor task modications (e.g., running a retest of a prototype, making a small change to a design element, deviations from normal procedures, and so on), along with actions required to reduce risk, or accommodate management or customer requests. Rather than dignify these quick-hit activities with full statusing, I simply use a red indicator for tasks that have missed their


Mastering Lean Product Development

agreed-upon completion date. When combined with the planned-work template, all project work should now be clearly documented for both the team and upper management, and will be dispositioned using an interactive short-term planning tool as shown in Figure 4.7. The heart of the visual project board is the center section an interactive extravaganza of colored sticky notes. Before we delve into this powerful, but somewhat unusual tool, lets consider what should be included on the right-hand side of the board. This area is much more exible than the left and center sections, and is a great place for you to inject your own preferences, or integrate the requests and feedback from your project team. Ill provide you with some suggestions, but feel free to improvise. The rst element that I recommend is a visual representation of the overall project schedule, with a focus on the critical path. The format that Ive found to be most successful is the snake diagram shown in Figure 4.8. The two curves that make up the snake diagram represent the planned and the actual completion dates for critical-path project milestones. Note that every milestone on the project schedule should not be included here; just major progress points that are unambiguous indictors of schedule delity. Since the y-axis of the graph represents time, the vertical separation between the two curves at any milestone is an indicator of how far the project is ahead of or behind schedule. Ideally, the two curves would lie on top of each other, but of course this is rarely the case. Hence, when the vertical separation (i.e., the schedule variance) becomes signicant, this should raise a big red ag that remedial action must be taken immediately. There are two advantages of this graphical format. The rst is its understandability. Ive personally created hundreds of Gantt charts, and I still nd them cumbersome to interpret. Of course software helps, but that requires an understanding of project management tools that a typical team member will likely not possess. The snake diagram can be understood by everyone from management to a machine-shop foreman with little or no explanation. The second advantage is unique to this graphical format: You can easily determine the approximate slope of the two curves at any point throughout the project. If the slopes are substantially dierent (most often in a bad way), this tells the team leader that there is something fundamentally wrong. For this to be the case, either the resource-loading on the project is inadequate, the


Planned Work: Scheduled key milestones based on project master schedule. Two-Week Two Week Action Plan
Week 1
Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri

Week 2

Tom Dick Harry Jane Sally Mary Out Out Out Out

Visual Workow Management


Unplanned Work: Unscheduled tasks including sustaining tasks, support, problem-solving, fire-fighting, etc.

FIGURE 4.7: The left-hand side of the visual project board provides a feed of both planned and unplanned tasks to the center section, referred to as a wall-Gantt. This powerful workow management technique will be described in the next section.

Mastering Lean Product Development

scope of work is greater than originally assumed, or some other systematic problem exists. If this situation occurs, either a signicant correction should be made to project stang, or a replan should be initiated to adjust the end-date of the project.

24 20

Actual Time to Completion Scheduled Time to Completion

Cum Du uration (wee eks)

16 12 8 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Schedule Variance Actual


Critical-Path Milestone Number

FIGURE 4.8: This so-called snake diagram is an excellent way to visually display high-level schedule status. The two curves represent the planned and actual progress toward project completion. The vertical separation between the two curves indicates the schedule variance of the project at any given milestone. If the curves are consistently dierent in slope, this should be taken as a warning that something is fundamentally wrong with the current project plan, and additional resources or other remedies should be immediately implemented.

I generally include two additional sections on the right-hand side of my visual project boards. The rst is a place to display A3-formatted knowledge briefs that have been created by the team throughout the duration of the project. These problem-solving briefs capture solutions to critical technical (and other) issues, and form a knowledge base for future projects as well. The creation of these knowledge briefs will be described in detail in Chapter 7. The nal section that I recommend is simply a parking lot for open issues. This can be nothing more than a blank space on the project board, where open issues written on sticky


Visual Workow Management

notes are placed as they arise. This parking lot is available 24 / 7 to project team members, so that if an issue arises between stand-up meetings, it can be captured for disposition at the next meeting. Beyond these recommended sections, anything is possible. You can add any information to your project board that you feel will benet the team, provided that clutter doesnt obscure the vital information needed to eectively manage workow. Keep in mind one of my favorite quotes from Cicero: The purpose of communication is not to be understood, it is to make it impossible to be misunderstood.

Interactive Management of Daily Workow Using the Wall-Gantt

At last we have arrived at the most interesting and powerful element of the visual project board; the so-called wall-Gantt shown in Figure 4.9. This tool is designed to engage the team in the real-time planning of near-term activities, and encourage ownership and accountability by team members. Again I use a rolling-window view of project activities, but this time the magnication is increased such that only a two-week interval is displayed at any given time. A horizontal row is provided for each project team member who is actively involved in value creation. The number of vertical columns is determined by the frequency of the teams stand-up meetings; one column for each meeting day spanning a two-week period. Finally, a column is provided on the far right for Week 3+ to allow for overow tasks that extend past the two-week window, but are integral to the current plan. At the intersection between each row and column is a box that is slightly larger than a standard sticky note. The wall-Gantt is populated with sticky notes, written and placed by the team members themselves. Each note describes a near-term task or achievement that must be accomplished by a given team member during the two-week period, as shown in Figure 4.10. These are not intended to be formal milestones, but rather informal progress points necessary for the completion of the signicant tasks listed on either the planned- or


Mastering Lean Product Development

Two-Week Plan Team Member


Week 1 Wed



Week 2 Wed


Week 3+

Tom Dick Harry Jane Sally Mary

High g Priority y Medium Priority Low Priority Unplanned Work/ Out of Office

FIGURE 4.9: The wall-Gantt represents a two-week snapshot of a project teams planned activities. Each sticky note captures a near-term progress point toward achieving a major project milestone. For this tool to be eective, the sticky notes must be written and placed by the team members themselves, thereby representing a commitment to accomplish a given task by a specic date.

unplanned-work templates. The granularity is somewhat arbitrary, but I like to see at least one sticky note per week for each team member, with two or three being more typical. In every case, the completion date of the task described on a note must be in alignment with higher-level milestones. In this way, the wall-Gantt captures commitments by the team over a two-week period which will ensure that the project remains on schedule. Basically, the wall-Gantt is a tool that is owned by the team, and represents its response to the challenges presented in the planned- and unplanned-work templates. The only time that the team leader (or management) needs to become involved is if it is clear that the teams two-week plan does not lead to major project milestones being completed on schedule.


Visual Workow Management

FIGURE 4.10: The sticky notes that populate a wall-Gantt should include the name of the person responsible for the task, the date that the task will be completed, and a brief description of the deliverable for the task involved.

One of the advantages of using sticky notes is the huge range of available colors. For the single-project version of the wall-Gantt shown in Figure 4.9, we can use color to denote the priority of a given task or activity. A red sticky note can be used for the highest-priority activities, and in particular for work along the projects critical path. Yellow sticky notes indicate a moderate level of priority; important, but not yet schedule-critical. Finally, those tasks that have signicant slack-time, and hence can slip somewhat without risk to the project, are indicated by green notes. Ive found that other colors can be useful as well, such as dening a blue sticky note to indicate either out of oce or that a task represents unplanned versus planned work. Use your imagination; there are a lot of colors available and each can be used to communicate a dierent category or type of work. To bring Visual Workow Management to life, we must understand how a project team interacts with the project board. I will use the team members listed in Figure 4.9 to illustrate the ow of a typical stand-up meeting, and show how the board is updated in real time. Lets assume that Mary is the team leader for a mythical project (note that the team


Mastering Lean Product Development

leader should always have a row on the wall-Gantt). Its 8:00 a.m. on a Monday morning, and the team has gathered around their visual project board. Mary calls the meeting to order, and begins by asking Tom (the rst team member listed on the wall-Gantt) to provide his input. Tom comes up to the board and briey describes the work he has accomplished since the last meeting. If he has completed the task posted in the Monday column corresponding to his name, then he removes the sticky note and hands it to Mary (what the team leader does with removed sticky notes will be explained in the nal section of this chapter). If, however, the task is not complete, he must move it to a later date in his row. If the task moves, Tom lines through the original completion date and writes the new completion date below it. Once he describes his current status, Tom will then share with the team his plans for the next few days. If a new task is involved (one that is not already posted in Toms row), he creates a sticky note for that activity and places it on the date that the task will be completed. Note that the priority level of the sticky note is Toms decision, but feedback from the team and team leader will inuence this choice. Finally, Tom will share with the team any issues or problems that might prevent him from meeting his commitments. At this point, the team and leader will briey discuss these issues, and determine if they can help. After about a minute or two with Tom having the oor, Mary will call on the next person listed on the wall-Gantt and they will approach the board for their time in the spotlight. So it goes until all team members, including Mary as last on the list, have had their turn. Once all have spoken, Mary may share some nal comments, and the meeting adjourns. A few procedural notes should be considered. First, it is important that once the stand-up meeting is completed, the entire column for that day has been cleared. Each team member has three options: they can pull the note because that task has been completed, they can move the note to a later date in their row, or they can ask for help from the team and possibly move the note to someone elses row. In the latter case, the original name on the note would be lined through, and the new responsible team members name would be added. Second, although there is no hard rule regarding how many people can attend a stand-up meeting, from a practical standpoint the group should be restricted to no more


Visual Workow Management

than ten to twelve people. Any larger and the time allowed per person will not be adequate, and the duration of the meeting will inevitably grow beyond the fteen-minute limit. Third, it is very likely that issues will arise during someones turn that will cause discussion and debate to occur. While this ad hoc collaboration can be very valuable (indeed it is one of the advantages of frequent meetings), it should be parked until everyone on the team has given their status update. Once everyone has had their turn, the team leader can allow detailed discussions to continue for those interested in the topics, while everyone else can get back to work. Ad hoc discussions are not subject to the fteen-minute time limit, and can continue indenitely, provided that all uninvolved parties are allowed to leave. Finally, it is critical that the wall-Gantt not be modied between stand-up meetings. It might be tempting for a team member to pull their sticky note as soon as their task is complete (or possibly move a sticky note because they know they will be late). This must be avoided; if the team is not aware of changes to the wall-Gantt, the vital synchronization of team workow may be jeopardized. Although Tom, for example, may be perfectly comfortable with moving his task note to a later date, others on the team may be counting on his output to allow their own work to proceed. If they are not aware of the move, their own work schedules may be negatively impacted. Beyond these basic rules, your own experience will be the best guide. Ask the team for feedback after a week or two of stand-up meetings, and be a good listener. A few minor tweaks to format or procedures can make all the dierence in the successful implementation of this methodology. Although the format I recommend is only a starting point, it has proven to be successful under many dierent work conditions. A ne example of a single-project visual board is shown in Figure 4.11 as a guide to the creation of your own masterpiece.


Mastering Lean Product Development

FIGURE 4.11: A well-crafted example of a single-project visual board. Note that the recommended format is closely followed in this example, with all elements described in this section represented.

Variation on a Theme: The Multi-Project Visual Board

If your rms product development projects are of a substantial scale, then each new eort might warrant its own dedicated visual board. On the other hand, if either the number (too many) or scale (too small) of the projects you deal with renders single-project boards impractical, there is a straightforward alternative. With just two easy modications, you can convert the single-project-board format discussed in the previous section into a multi-project board capable of tracking a dozen or more separate development activities in one concise location. Ill rst describe these changes, and then discuss how a multi-project board functions in practice. For a visual project board to represent a multi-project environment, the left side of the board (i.e., the side that feeds work into the central wall-Gantt) must capture status and upcoming milestones


Visual Workow Management

for several distinct projects. In principle, you could just stack up a number of single-project status sheets (representing both planned and unplanned work), with one sheet for each of the projects included on your board. This might make sense if you only need to manage a few activities, but would become unwieldy as the number grows. Instead (or in addition), you can use a project cadence tool to illustrate multiproject status, such as the one shown in Figure 4.12. In this template, several distinct projects are listed along the left-hand column. For each project, a kicko date and planned completion date are displayed, along with a single progress bar. The progress bar is intended to communicate the high-level schedule status of each project, relative to a standard set of milestones that all projects must complete. The exact nature of these standard milestones will vary depending on the types of projects represented, but a generic list is provided at the bottom of the gure for your reference. The bar extends to the most recently achieved milestone, thereby indicating status relative to project completion. Along each bar, I typically show the planned date (above the bar), and add the actual completion date (below the bar) as the milestones are completed. Finally, I use a single color-coded circle to the right of the bar in each row to show the general status of the project relative to cost, schedule, or performance. If you want to get fancy, you can use symbols of dierent shapes to indicate each of these three metrics separately, or just lump them together as I have done by displaying a single red / yellow / green status symbol. The best thing about this tool is the time scale along the top there isnt one. More precisely, time is represented by the milestones achieved, not by weeks or months on the calendar. This normalization trick allows projects of varying durations, start dates, and end-dates to all be illustrated on a single graph. You can eectively represent a twomonth-duration project and a two-year-duration project on the same cadence chart with no loss of clarity. Another advantage is that there is no limit to the number of projects you can simultaneously track using this tool. In the past, I worked with a major apparel manufacturer that used a cadence tool such as this to manage dozens of running-shoe designs at one time. The only rule is that the projects represented must all align with a common set of predetermined milestones (or at least


Mastering Lean Product Development

most of them, since you can waive a milestone or two without much confusion). This is actually quite easy; just think generically about your development process and identify a set (ten or twelve is a nice number) of serial milestones that occur on virtually every project. Although the cadence tool doesnt allow for the same level of detail as a single-project status template, it still provides a feed of planned work to the wall-Gantt. If more detail is required, you can include a supplemental status / action template for each project, and use the cadence tool to view the big picture. Incidentally, for unplanned work (i.e., the lower-left section of my standard project-board format), I use a combined action-tracking sheet for all projects, with an added column to indicate which project is associated with each action. The other modication required to transition from a single-project to a multi-project visual board is the structure of the wall-Gantt itself, as shown in Figure 4.13. This is surprisingly easy. By dening a dierent sticky-note color for each project, you can display the tasks for up to a dozen simultaneous projects on your wall-Gantt. Although this might seem like visual overload, in practice it is quite simple to follow the thread of any one project by just focusing on the appropriate color. The only thing that is lost in this technicolor scheme is the ability to indicate the priority of each task. This can be achieved by using red sticky dots to indicate high-priority activities (yellow and green dots can be used as well, if your esthetic sensibilities allow). In fact, you can transform a single-project wall-Gantt into a multi-project one with no eort at all; just change the convention you use for sticky-note colors, and you are o and running. A particularly well-crafted multi-project visual board is illustrated in Figure 4.14. In this case, the cadence tool is shown as a separate board on the left, and provides a color key for the sticky notes on the multi-project wall-Gantt on the right.

FIGURE 4.12: The project cadence tool allows the display of multiple projects of varying durations and schedules on a single template. By using a time scale that is normalized to a standard set of project milestones, the status of all projects can be illustrated in a concise manner. Note that planned completion dates for each projects milestones are shown above the bar, and actual completion dates are shown below. To avoid clutter in this gure, only the last set of dates for each bar is shown.


Milestone Number Completion Date 6 Planned Est. Actual 7 8 2 10/1/11 3 4 5

Project Designation

Kickoff Date

Project 1


9/24/10 11/20/11



Project 2


Y Planned




Project 3 9/20/10


R G Actual



Visual Workow Management

11/20/11 5. 6. 7 7. 8.


Project 4









Key Milestone Definitions:

1. 2. 3 3. 4.

Engineering Spec Complete Conceptual Design Review / Approval Prototype Performance Validated Drawing Pkg. Rev. 0 Released

Critical Design Review / Approval Long-Lead Items Ordered Qualification Testing Complete / Approval Release to Production

Mastering Lean Product Development

Two-Week Plan Team Member


Week 1 Wed



Week 2 Wed


Week 3+

Tom Dick Harry Jane Sally Mary

Project j 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 5 Project 4

FIGURE 4.13: A multi-project version of the wall-Gantt is almost identical to the single-project format, except for the colors of the sticky notes. In this case, multiple colors are used to indicate the various projects included on the board. The priority of each task can be communicated by using a red sticky dot to indicate high priority, yellow for moderate, and so on.

Project Cadence Board

Multi Project Wall-Gantt Multi-Project Wall Gantt

FIGURE 4.14: A ne example of a multi-project visual board. At left, the cadence tool is presented as a separate board, with each project color-coded to serve as a legend for the multi-project wall-Gantt shown at right.


Visual Workow Management

There are two general modes in which the multi-project board can be used to visually manage workow. In the rst scenario, several separate project teams use the board at dierent times to conduct their stand-up meetings, with each team focusing on their associated color. This would be the preferred mode when the membership of the various project teams has very little overlap. In a sense, each team uses the tool as a single-project board, and ignores the other projects represented. More commonly, there is signicant overlap in the membership of the project teams represented on the board. This is often the situation in smaller rms or business units that have a single pool of developers that must handle all new product development work. When this occurs, the resource pool would hold a single, multi-project stand-up meeting, and discuss all projects at once. Actually, this is not as overwhelming as it sounds, since each team member still updates his or her two-week planned activities at the same level of detail as they would for a singleproject meeting. The only dierence is that their work will be dispersed among a number of separate eorts, instead of being directed toward a single, larger project. This latter case is where the multi-project board can represent the dierence between sanity and chaos. Just making the workload of a multi-project resource pool visible will be a major step forward. Add to that the ability to allocate these shared resources dynamically and exibly to meet the disparate needs of multiple projects, and you have converted a nightmare situation into a manageable plan for success.

Advanced Topic: Team Metrics and the Virtual Project Board

You might have been wondering, What do I do with all the sticky notes that come o of my wall-Gantt? Naturally, recycling is always an option, but with just a small eort by the team leader, some powerful team performance metrics can be generated using those notes. All that is needed is a three-ring binder lled with blank sheets of paper. At the beginning of each stand-up meeting, the team leader writes the date at the top of a blank sheet, and draws a line running down the


Mastering Lean Product Development

center of the page. As the meeting progresses, whenever a sticky note is pulled from the board, the team leader pastes it onto that page. If the associated task was completed on schedule, it is placed to the left of the center line, whereas if the task slipped one or more times, it is placed on the right-hand side. Thus, with little more than a few minutes of time invested on a weekly basis, the team leader can gain some valuable insight into his teams on-time performance. Depending on how the team denes the colors of their notes, either one or both of the graphs shown in Figure 4.15 can be generated. With just the basic red / yellow / green priority indicators, and a record of how many times a task has slipped (i.e., the lined-through dates on the upper-right corner of a note), you can create the chart shown at left. This histogram displays the frequency of occurrence of slipped tasks, allowing both the team and leader to determine the percentage of on-time task completions, and the number and severity of slipped tasks. By updating this histogram weekly, the team will have a metric that will help them focus on completing their tasks on schedule. By dening some additional colors (beyond red / yellow / green) for your sticky notes, even more can be learned. Suppose that the team leader denes a separate color for each type of non-project-related activity that is consuming the teams time and capacity. When team members are pulled away from project work to do sustaining support, proposals, special orders, etc., they place an appropriately colored sticky note for those activities on the wall-Gantt. Upon completion, the notes go into the loose-leaf notebook. Periodically, the team leader can count the number and type of occurrences, and plot the results as shown on the right of Figure 4.15. This chart can be invaluable in identifying the magnitude of resource conicts between project and nonproject work, and can help the team identify remedial actions to reduce or eliminate these drains on resources. With just a little creativity and cooperation, a project team can design its own wall-Gantt-based metrics system with almost no added work for either the team leader or its members. There remains a last critical topic to discuss: How does Visual Workow Management work when a product development team is geographically dispersed? It is ne to consider the ideal situation of a


P j T Project TeamO OnTime Ti Performance P f

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

P j tT Project TeamF Focus






Percent o ofAll Tasks Comple eted


Visual Workow Management

0 Three Slips Four Slips


One Slip


Perce nt ofAll Tasks Perfo ormed



Planned Unplanned Sustaining Other Non j Tasks Project j Tasks Support pp  Project j Tasks Project Tasks

FIGURE 4.15: The above graphs display valuable team performance data which can be derived from the use of a wall-Gantt. As sticky notes are removed from the project board, they are placed into a loose-leaf notebook. Depending on how the colors of notes are dened, and the categories into which they are grouped after completion, a wide range of metrics can be tracked with virtually no additional time spent by either the team or the team leader.

Mastering Lean Product Development

collocated team with plenty of wall space for their visual board, but the reality of most project teams is that developers may be spread out over several time zones, and may also include outside contractors and key suppliers. Clearly a physical project board and stand-up meeting cannot service the needs of such a virtual team. Fortunately, many of the benets of a physical implementation of Visual Workow Management can be achieved using a customized virtual tool such as the one shown in Figure 4.16. In this case, a template was created in Visio that looks as much as possible like a physical wall-Gantt. A set of drag-and-drop stencils are available on the left side of the template for use by the team during their virtual stand-up meetings. To allow real-time interaction with this tool, stand-up meetings can be held using on-line webcast applications such as those available through In this way, each team member can interact with a common Visio template, and make their modications (i.e., move, add, or remove sticky notes) in real time. A virtual stand-up meeting should be facilitated in the same way as a collocated one. All team members log into GoToMeeting at the appropriate time, and as each takes their turn, they drag sticky-note icons to appropriate squares on the template and ll them out in the usual manner. If a task is complete, it is dragged to a nished-tasks section of the template for later disposition by the team leader. Once the meeting is over, it is possible to print out a physical copy of the template to post on the wall at all involved locations, if this is considered desirable. Otherwise, the virtual version should be posted on a team SharePoint site (or equivalent intranet site) so that all members can view the current version of the project board at any time. Although this virtual approach comes as close as possible to approximating a physical implementation of a visual project board, a few words of caution are needed. First, there is no substitute for the personal interaction of team members with the wall-Gantt, whether real

FIGURE 4.16: An excellent example of an interactive virtual project board. In this case, a Visio template has been used to create a realistic representation of a physical wall-Gantt. Through the use of interactive webcast applications, a geographicallydispersed team can update this template in real time, thereby capturing many of the benets of having a collocated team and a physical project board.


Visual Workow Management

Courtesy of Jerry Berg of Foth Companies


Mastering Lean Product Development

or virtual. Just because the tool is in cyberspace, doesnt change human nature. Team members need to move and ll out their own sticky notes on the virtual template. If this is not enabled and enforced, much of the commitment and accountability that is the hallmark of visual management may be lost. Second, dont fall into the trap of since we are going virtual anyway, lets just use an action list in SharePoint instead of a graphically-accurate project board. Action lists are better than nothing, but they dont come close to matching the clarity and interactivity of a wall-Gantt. Finally, use the virtual wall-Gantt sparingly, and only when a physical project board is just not possible. Gathering a project team together several times per week for face-to-face discussion and planning has benets at many levels, not the least of which is the building of team identity and emotional commitment. As hard to dene as they may be, a great team leader recognizes these intangibles, and makes the most of them whenever possible. A virtual project board may be easy, but having team members see each other face-to-face is the most powerful visual management tool there is.

Chapter References
Bicheno, J., 2004, The New Lean Toolbox: Towards Fast, Flexible Flow, PICSIE Books. Bicheno, J., and M. Holweg, 2009, The Lean Toolbox, 4th Edition, PICSIE Books. Galsworth, G. D., 1997, Visual Systems: Harnessing the Power of a Visual Workplace, American Management Association. Grief, M., 1991, The Visual Factory: Building Participation Through Shared Information, Productivity Press. Mascitelli, R., 2002, Building a Project-Driven Enterprise, Technology Perspectives. Mascitelli, R., 2007, The Lean Product Development Guidebook, Technology Perspectives. Pichler, R., 2010, Agile Product Management With Scrum, Addison-Wesley. Poppendieck, M., and T. Poppendieck, 2003, Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, Addison-Wesley. Schwaber, K., and M. Beedle, 2002, Agile Software Development With Scrum, Prentice Hall. Sekine, K., and K. Arai, 1994, Design Team Revolution, Productivity Press. Shimbun, N. K., 1995, Visual Control Systems, Productivity Press. Tufte, E. R., 1983, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Graphics Press. Tufte, E. R., 1990, Envisioning Information, Graphics Press.


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