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Positional Paper: Evolution

Table of Contents



Evolution Theory..........................................................................................................................4

Flaw of Evolution..........................................................................................................................4

Chromosomes in Evolution...........................................................................................................5

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I. Introduction

II. Darwinism

A. Natural Selection

B. Scientific Evidence

C. 5 Principles for Darwinism

III. Evolution Theory

A. Category of Natural Selection

B. Diminutive Features

C. Solutions for Development

IV. Conclusion

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Paul Cho

Ms. Shuey


26 January 2011

Positional Paper: Evolution


First of all, evolution is change alter in inherited characteristics in species over a

period. Evolution has been one of the controversial issues in Science over many years. Still,

both the evolutionists and non-evolutionists can’t prove their point with specific scientific

proofevidence. Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, presented his first evolution theory in a

book called On the Origin of Species, which was published in 1859. His theory was going

straight against the religious belief at that time and became controversial in society until now.

There are mainly two positions on this theory. One of the positions is supporting going for

this theory, stating that they believe that Darwinism and his theory are correct. The other

position is going against this theory, often supported by religious reasons and purpose. I

believe that evolution is impossible, being supported by scientific evidences.

false and my opinion is supported by many other scientific proofs.


Darwinism basically states that all living organisms evolved through the idea of

natural selection. “Natural selection means that organisms with traits best suited to their

environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.” Darwin believed that natural

selection would make organisms adapt better to their environment through many generations.

There are five principles of Natural Selection according to Darwin, which generally states

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that organisms evolve their genes into better format to adapt into their environment, and those

variations will be passed onto the next offspring. Through these changed variations, inherited

trait that makes different from other species, the organism can improve their adaptation.

Evolution theory also states that when an unnecessary parts or gene is found in an organism,

it should reject or eliminate it over time. But in this theory, there are many flaws and mistakes

that can be proven wrong by scientific evidence.

Evolution Theory

First of all, an ostrich proves that evolution is wrong. As we all know, birds have

wings that make them fly over the sky. Unfortunately, ostrich can’t fly even though they have

wings. The main reason why they can’t fly is because their wings are too small for their body

size. Then this leads to a two solution under evolution theory, specifically under the category

of natural selection. One of the solutions that should have happened under evolution theory is

that ostrich should have eliminated the wings that are useless. Over hundreds of years,

ostrich’s wings were useless, but they kept produced their offspring with the wings on. This

means that natural selection didn’t happen under the principle of natural selection. The other

solution that should have happened under evolution theory is that they should have developed

their wings. Under the second principle of the natural selection, specie must develop its

variation when needed. We clearly see that ostrich’s diminutive wings are insufficient for it to

fly. Since the wings didn’t develop over time throughout the generations, this gives us to two

solutions in this proof. One of the solutions is that evolution is false, and the other solution is

that evolution doesn’t occur in every organism.

Flaw of Evolution

Secondly, the main flaw of the evolution theory is the origin of the simplest organism

in the world. Simplest organism, such as one-celled organism often known as viruses, or

amoeba, supports the flaw of this theory. Through evolution theory, it can’t be proved where

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this simplest organism came from. This leads to a fall of another theory that is related to

Darwinism. Big bang is frequently related to the theory of evolution where it states that big

bang occurred from matter and energy. If it is proven that anything can’t evolve from nothing,

that means that matter and energy couldn’t just be there to form a world and start evolution.

This result makes me think that this theory is insufficient to create a universe.

Chromosomes in Evolution

Finally, one of the crucial mistakes in evolution is the number of chromosomes

among different species. Evolutionists say that humans evolved from apes or monkeys in the

past, but there is a flaw in this theory. Monkeys and other apes, such as orangutan or

chimpanzee, have twenty-four pairs of chromosomes, while humans have twenty-three pairs

of chromosomes. It is scientifically proved that it is impossible for a certain chromosome to

lose or add a new chromosome onto the original gene. Even if a new set of chromosome are

made successfully by the means of meiosis, it wouldn’t be able to pass its wrong number of

chromosome onto the next offspring. So even if an ape had successfully evolved into a

human, it will go back to its original gene. Since no human had gone back to the gene form of

an ape, it is true that evolution false.


Concluding all of the points expressed above, I firmly believe that evolution is false.

It is scientifically proven that evolution is wrong according to those facts listed above. My

opinion about the beginning of the world is most likely to be anti-evolution. I think it would

be impossible to know the beginning of the world since nobody recorded or had witnessed

the scene of creation. I firmly believe on anti-evolution because through science, it has been

proven that it is false. It is possible that theories other than evolution may be right, but I am

sure that evolution is not one of those true theories. In my opinion, there should be a matter in

order to cause another change to occur. Since there was no matter in the beginning of the

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world, the only theory, creationism, is what I support other than revolution. Conclusion to all

these questions, nobody knows the answer except the creator of this world.


Lennox, James. “Darwinism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).” Stanford

Encyclopedia of Philosophy, James Lennox, 13 Aug. 2004. Web. 26 Jan. 2011.

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