1943 - How To Build and Repair Radio Recievers

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H ow to Build and Repai,. Radio Receivers





By arrangement

with Popular Science Pub.



COPYRIGHT, 1934 and 1942,

:By POPULAR SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, AU rights resuvea Second printing, January, I943 . Third printing, March, 1943


Printed in the United States oj A..mca


ADIO servicing and set building can be both a .fascinating pastime and a profitable spare-time business. Whether he uses his knowledge in constructing equipment for himself or in repairing receivers for his friends and neighbors, the experimenter will find that his time and study are well repaid. I t is the purpose of this manual to explain the operation of modern radio equipment and to suggest methods of dealing with common troubles that mar reception. Text and diagrams have been made clear and simple, so that they may be understood easily by the beginner. An entire chapter has been devoted to the elimination of interference. Less than twenty percent of the crashes and crackles that disturb listeners are due to natural static. The rest come from man-made interfer ... ence and may be eliminated or greatly reduced by following the suggestions given. Another worth-while subject for the spare-time serv... ice man is the modernization of old broadcast receivers. In every neighborhood there are out-of-date sets that could be brought up to present-day standards by a little labor and a small investment in new parts. A special chapter describes the most common types of old-fashioned receivers and tells just what is needed to make them sound like new. To aid the beginner in building up a complete home



radio workshop, suggestions are given for assembling the necessary tools and testing equipment. Much of this can be made at home or assembled from inexpensive parts. ", F or those who are bewildered by radio-circuit diagrams, a useful chapter translates the conventional symbols and tells how to interpret this picture-writing of the radio engineer. An appendixv contains handy tables and other reference material. Here, then, is your guide to pleasure and profit in . radio repair and servicing. We hope that the book will prove so valuable that it will find a permanent place in your radio tool kit.





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UCH of your success as an amateur experimenter and spare-time radio serviceman will depend on your equipment. It need not be elaborate or expensive, but it must include certain essentials. First of all, you must have a place to work. This can be anything from an old table, in an empty corner of your attic, to a large shop built in your cellar .. Its only requirements are that it have good light and a handy source of electricity or illuminating gas. Where space is at a premium, the de luxe portable laboratory shown in Fig. I will answer the average amateur's needs. Made of easily worked white pine, it is light and durable. To be portable, it is designed to fit the table that graces the average kitchen. Once in place, with its extension cord plugged into a near-by lamp socket or wall outlet, this kitchen-table bench provides all the features of a well-equipped electrical shop. At the rear, a narrow rack serves as a place for tools. A hardwood drill pad and a sturdy vise are always ready for instant use .. And a double outlet



provides a convenient source of electricity for your soldering iron and power cords. Yet with all these fea-








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tures, it is easily removed and can be stored in a closet when it is not in use. The size of your particular portable bench win de-



pend, of course, on the dimensions of the table it is to fit. Overall, it should be longer and wider than the table with just enough room between the front and rear to slide easily over the edges of the top. To provide room for the double outlet, the front apron should be at least seven inches deep while the rear upright should be five inches deeper to support the six-inch wide tool rack. The top, made of several planks, can be fastened with brass screws driven through twoinch wide cleats spaced evenly across the underside. When the bench is completed, it should be sanded smooth and the hardwood drill pad and vice fastened in place. The surfaces that show can be given several coats of varnish or varnish stain. As for the tools to complete your radio workshop, they can be few in number and inexpensive (see Fig. 2). Most important of all, of course, will be your soldering iron. For general, all... around use, one of medium size and weight will be most practical. If current is available, it should be of the inexpensive electric variety, about 75 to 100 watts. If you have no electricity, an ordinary small-sized soldering iron, heated over the gas range or in the flame of portable gas burner of the chemist's type, can be used. Electric soldering irons having changeable tips are preferred by most radio workers. They are only a trifle more expensive than the ordinary type and provide the advantage of several sizes and shapes of tips for various types of work. Good soldering irons can be purchased for prices ranging from about $1.50 to $5. Above all, buy a good one. It is one piece of equipment you will use every time you work in your shop.


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No matter what make or style of iron you buy, however, the soldering shield shown in Fig. 3 will form a worth-while addition to it. Consisting of a sheet of thin asbestos loosely rolled to form a hollow cylinder to fit the iron, it will safeguard against accidentally burning the insulation on wires and coils when making






a connection deep in a crowded circuit. Incidentally, the shield also will serve as a booster when it is necessary to bring the iron up to heat quickly. However, it should not be left on the tip of the iron for long periods' as it will cause the iron to overheat and may injure the heating element. Besides your soldering iron, .your 'other important tools will consist of an assortment of screw drivers and pliers. At least three good quality screw drivers should be included)n every amateur's tool kit. One with a



long shank, another with a medium shank, and a third of the midget variety will meet the average demands. The midget tool will be particularly valuable for adjusting the countless set screws encountered on even the simplest receivers. If you wish to go to the added expense, your longest screw driver can be of the type fitted with. a fully insulated shank.




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As for pliers, you should arm yourself with a pair

of the flat-nosed type, a pair of the round-nose variety, and a good set of ordinary wire cutters. Then by alter ... ing the jaws of the cutting pliers as shown in Fig. 4 you can make them serve as insulation strippers as well as nippers. To change your wire cutters, simply form a shallow groove or V-shaped notch at the same point in each cutting edge. This can be done easily with a squareedged oilstone. Make the grooves just deep enough to

THE RADIO WORKSHOP take the diameter of the bare wire when the jaws are closed. To skin the end of a piece of connecting wire with your stripper, simply place it in one of the notches, close the pliers, and pull the wire. The insulation will be sheared off easily and quickly without so much as marring the inner core. If your cutters have long blades, several sets of grooves to take various sizes of




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wire can be cut without interfering with their intended use. As shown in the illustration, the best location for these grooves is near the plier joint. In addition to these tools, your kit should contain a center punch, a twelve-inch steel rule, a knife with a large and a small blade, a large hand drill with drills, a rat-tail file, and a small hammer. Although they are not absolutely necessary, a tap holder, a die holder, a set of taps and dies, a hack saw, and a burring reamer will form excellent later additions when finances allow.



If any amount of research and testing are to be done, your radio shop also should boast at least one good meter. For the present it will suffice to say that as soon as possible a high -grade milliammeter should be added to the equipment already listed. How this one meter can be mounted and made to .serve for many important radio measurements will be described in Chapter III.
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Another extremely useful tool.is, the trouble shooter's lamp shown in Fig. 5. It uses a>j'ew type of translucent plastic material which has the property of carrying . light to the tip without wasting any at the sides. The curved plastic end is connected to a small fountain .. peonflashlight, to direct light just where it is wanted and make inspection in crowded corners an easy matter. , It will bel particularly valuable for inspecting the undersides of soldered joints. Most radio stores carry the tool. So much for the tools that are to be bought for




your radio laboratory. There are, however, various other tools that can be improvised to simplify your work. Test prods, for instance, are an important piece 01 radio equipment that can be built easily as shown in Fig. 6. Sharpen the tips of two steel crochet needles and insulate the handles with wrappings of friction tape or lengths of spaghetti tubing. The lead wires, fitted with small spring clips, can be soldered to the outer ends of the crochet needles as illustrated in the drawing. A, novel bending jig and a circle cutter for metal, two more tools ,that the radio worker can make, will be described later on in the chapter under the heading, "Chassis Making."

The Art of Soldering

No other single operation plays a more important part in the building and repairing of radios than the process of soldering. Even in the simplest circuit, forty or fifty connections often have to be made. Careful planning, placing of parts, and neat wiring all go for naught unless the radio worker is a successful, as well as rapid, solderer. To the inexperienced, the knack of soldering seems like nothing short of magic. Yet anyone who is handy _' with tools and willing to practice c~~master the art " , of making neat, professional-looking oldered connec-


nons ..

Successful soldering depends on two things: patience and a good understanding of the uses of the various



tools and materials that go to make up the soldering kit. Roughly, your soldering equipment should consist of the soldering iron, the solder, a flux, some emery cloth, a knife, and a rough cut file. The use of the soldering iron is obvious. It serves to heat the work and melt the solder. Next in importance beside the solder itself is the flux. Without it, a soldered joint would be impossible. Heated, it spreads over the cleaned surfaces to be joined and forms a protective coating that prevents the formation of oxides and allows the solder to form a bond. As to what flux to use, rosin, either solid or powdered, and a pre- . pared paste are the favorites. Two types of solder also are available to the radio craftsman-plain wire solder and flux core solder. Or.. dinary wire solder is solder and nothing else. Flux core solder, on the other hand, is a tube of solder encasing a thin core of flux. No outside flux need be used with flux core solder, as melting the wire with the tip of your iron provides melted flux as 'well as solder. Because it is easily used and eliminates one item from the soldering kit, flux core solder is preferred by many radio workers. The first step in soldering is to clean and shape the tip of your soldering. iron. This can be done with a file and emery cloth. It must be clean and free from pits and cuts. Remember, cleanliness is one of the most important factors in soldering. 'When your iron has been shaped and cleaned you are ready for the "tinning" process. To tin an iron means simply to give it a protective coating of solder (see Fig. 7). When the iron has reached its soldering









FIG. 8

FIG. 9




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heat, dip it into the soldering paste or rub it on the rosin so that it will be well coated with melted flux. Then touch' the heated tip to the solder. As it melts, the solder will form a tiny ball or globule on the tip of the iron. This then should be spread over the surfaces of the tip. Many radio workers do this by rubbing first one surface and then the other on a small square of tin. If flux core solder is used, both the flux and the solder will, of course, be applied at the same time. , Once your iron is tinned (indicated by a silvery coating on the tip), you can turn your attention to the parts to be joined. They too must be cleaned with a knife or emery paper, Fig. 8. For best results, tinned connecting wire and tinned connecting lugs should be used. If ordinary wire is used, you will find that a better joint will be formed if it too is tinned at the ends. When the two parts tobe joined have been placed together, apply flux to the joint. This can be done, if rosin flux is used, by touching the hot iron to the rosin and then to the joint. If paste flux is used, it will be best to touch each of the wires to the surface of the paste before twisting the joint. Use the flux sparingly; too much is just as bad as not enough. To apply the solder, touch the tip of your iron to the end of the solder wire aad pick up a small globule of the molten metal. Then touch it to the joint. Soon, the joint will be heated and the molten solder will flow over the parts or wires being joined. If a great deal of solder is required, it can be applied by holding the end of the solder wire at the point where the iron and the joint meet. Of course, if flux core solder is




used, both the solder and the flux will be applied to the joint in the same operation. If you decide to use plain wire solder and rosin flux or a combined rosin core solder, the simple kink shown in Fig. 10 will protect the tip of your soldering iron and insure a good supply of flux at all times. It con... sists of a bath of rosin made by melting a smaIl quantity of lump or powdered rosin and pouring it into the shallow friction top of a coffee can or a baking soda tin. By placing the tip of your heated iron on this flux pad between soldering jobs, you can prevent its tinned surface from burning off too rapidly . No matter how careful you are, however, the tinning will in time become burned and pitted. For this reason, it is necessary to tin an iron periodically. A good plan is to reshape and retin it before each job. Soldering Don'ts


Don't use a pitted or dirty iron. Don't forget that overheating an iron causes the tinning to burn. Don't remove any more of the metal than is necessary when reshaping the tip of an iron. Don't forget to retin your iron occasionally. Don't forget that dirt and metallic oxides are solder's worst enemies. If possible, use tinned connecting wire and soldering lugs. Don't be hasty. Give the iron plenty of time to heat the joint and allow the flux to spread. Hold the joint together until you are sure the solder has' cooled and hardened.

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Chassis Making

num chassis. Although these .can be purchased readymade and drilled, you can save money by buying the fiat sheet aluminum and bending and drilling it yourself. ' Bending Aluminum: By building the simple bending jig shown ip Fig. II, your problem of chassis making will be greatly simplified. Resembling a cutter board for photographs or paper, it consists simply of an eighteen- by twenty-four-inch baseboard to which is hinged a two- by eighteen-inch hardwood arm. To ,protect the front or bending edge of the arm, a strip of steel or brass is, fitted into a shallow recess. The hinge for the arm should be of the long, door type so that it can be bent over the top of the arm and under the base as shown to provide a firm support. The hinge can be bent easily in your vise. To provide an easy means of measurement, a scale should be fastened along the left edge of the base above the arm. This can be an ordinary wood rule fastened in place with brads or screws. In using the jig, lift the hinged arm, place the sheet of aluminum cut to the desired width, flush against the scale so that the proper amount projects above the arm and fasten the arm in place with an ordinary Cclamp. Then using a sharp knife, or a nail filed to a sharp three-comered point, scribe a line on the 'aluminum along the upper edge of the arm. Finally, bend the outer end of the aluminum up until it forms a

to mount the circuit on a professional-looking alumi-

If you GO any amount of set building, you will want

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right angle or the exact angle desired. Repeating the process, make the second bend and the U-shaped chassis will be completed. When bending the metal, apply the pressure evenly' along the entire edge. If necessary, slip a fiat board or a second sheet of metal under it to distribute the force. As the bend progresses, slide the support down toward the base of the bend to insure a square corner. Of course, thin sheet aluminum also "can be bent to shape with the hands merely by clamping it between two boards placed in the vise. However, the resulting comer will not be as square as that obtained with the regular bending jig. Cutting Sheet Aluminum: A bending jig of this type also can be used for cutting aluminum to the desired width and length. As shown in Fig. 13-, simply place the sheet of metal in the jig so that the required amount projects above the arm and then, using a knife or a sharpened nail as before, scribe a deep line along the upper edge of the arm. Go over the cut several times. Then remove the sheet, turn it over, replace it under the arm in exactly the same position, and repeat the scribing process. If the scribed lines have been cut deep, bending the sheet up will break it in two. As a finishing touch, use a file or a sharp knife to clean up any rough edges that may result. If special angular brackets are to be cut by this method, it will be best to fasten a sheet of paper un.. der the aluminum when the first cut is made so that a tracing of the projecting ~ end can be drawn. Then, when it comes time to tum the aluminum over and scribe the lines on the second side, the outlines can


be matched and the second cut made directly over the first. ' DriUing Sheet Aluminum: Even the simplest aluminum chassis or panel will require holes for tube sockets, wire leads, shafts, and mounting bolts. In most

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cases, it will be most convenient to drill these holes before the sheet is bent. The small holes can be drilled with an ordinary hand drill. To protect the bench top, be sure to do all of your _drilling on a hardwood drill pad (see Fig. I).' If the metal tends to tum with the drill, drive a nail or a small screw into the drill pad and allow





one comer of the sheet to bear against it as shown in Fig. 14. When drilling medium-sized holes it is a good plan to clamp the aluminum between two pieces of thin wood, running the drill through all three. This will





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prevent the pressure of the drill from bending the metal and will eliminate all possibilities of burrs. The holes for tube sockets (generally about one and one-quarter inches in diameter) will be too large for the ordinary hand or breast drills. However, these can be cut with a fine jeweler '8 saw, a motor-driven jig saw, or, better still, with the improvised circle cutter shown in Fig. 15. With this homemade tool, circular



holes can be cut insheet aluminum up to one eighth inch in thickness. It is used in an ordinary brace or hand drill. Since most tube socket holes will be one and one quarter inch in diameter, the homemade circle cutter can be designed for this size. First plane a stick of hardwood until it measures exactly one and one quarter inches square. Round one end as shown in the


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drawing, tapering it to fit snugly into the open jaws of your hand drill or brace. Then mark the square end with diagonal lines to find the center and bore a one-eighth-inch hole where they cross, making it one inch deep. Finally into this hole drive a headless nail, allowing it to project about three eighths of an inch. The two cutter blades for the drill, placed on each side of the square, are made from a discarded hacksaw blade. Break a piece from each end so that it is about one and one quarter inches long and includes the eye. Grind the end of each piece as shown and



'fasten them to opposite sides of the block with short screws driven through the eyes. Smaller screws driven in at the sides of the blades will serve to hold them rigidly in place. To use the circle cutter, first drill a one-eighth-inch hole in the metal to coincide with the center mark,





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slip the guide nail on the cutter into this center hole, and tum the brace or hand drill until the two blades are half way through the metal. Finally, reverse the sheet and continue the drilling from the other side. Incidentally, commercial circle cutters of this type, baving adjustable blades, can be purchased for a few dollars from any dealer in radio parts (see Fig. ISA) ... Finishing Aluminum Panels: A satiny finish can be given aluminum panels, and for that matter any





aluminum parts, by soaking them in a bath of ordinary lye (see Fig. 16). All that is required is a solution consisting of a full can of household lye dissolved in a gallon of water. Smaller quantities, of course, can be made by mixing the bath in smaller amounts of the same proportions. Pour the lye solution into an enameled pan (a regular baking tin also will serve if the enameled pan is not handy) and then place the panel, thoroughly washed, in the bath. To keep the aluminum free of the bottom of the tray, rest it on four wood or metal supports as shown. This method of finishing is not particularly critical but to obtain the best results the amateur should do a bit of experimenting with small pieces of aluminum before attempting a large panel. The bigger the panel, the longer will be the time required to obtain just the right finish. If the aluminum is exposed to the lye bath too long, a burned black finish will result. When the metal has taken on a soft silvery appearance, lift it out of the solution with a pair of pliers and wash it thoroughly in cold water. Of course, all tool work should be completed on the panel before the finishing process. Metal panels also can be finished by the amateur in the popular black crackle or crystallized effect if he desires. Prepared crackle lacquers can be obtained from radio parts supply houses. They are applied with a brush and on drying shrink and crack to give a baked-on enamel appearance ..



READING RADIO BLUEPRINTS maker or the woodworker, the experimenter who builds sets or services receivers will work for the most part from blueprints and diagrams obtained from books and magazines. Differing from plans for a chair or a ship model, however, a radio drawing is made up of various . space-saving symbols that must be understood if the circuit is to be followed intelligently. Ii1 most cases, these symbols are nothing more than . conventionalized pictures. Like. the simple picture drawings of the early Indians, they are a representation made with the fewest number of lines to give the general appearance of the parts they represent. To experiment with radio without knowing its symbols ,'and abbreviations ~is like trying to live in a country 'without knowing the language. As shown in Fig. 17, the symbols that go to make up a radio diagram are neither numerous nor difficult to learn. Once the amateur has mastered their meaning and is able to visualize the parts they repre .. sent, even the most complicated circuit drawing becomes an easily followed series of simple pictures. One of the best ways to learn .these symbols is to associate them with the actual parts. As you con32

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struct a circuit, place each part in its proper position on the blueprint and compare it with the symbol. Then practice drawing the symbols yourself until you can recognize them instantly. A few hours spent in learning how a radio diagram is drawn will be time saved when it comes to constructing a circuit from a blueprint. Two symbols that will be found in almost every <radio diagram are the conventionalized drawings used to indicate the ground and the antenna. Since the average antenna is simply a single wire rigged between two insulators and connected to the receiver by a single wire lead-in, the radio symbol is an inverted triangle representing the antenna wire with a vertical line drawn through the .apex indicating the lead-in. Similarly, the ground connection, which generally is a pipe driven into the' ground or some equivalent arrangement, is represented by a vertical line leading down to an inverted shaded- triangle symbolizing the earth. Incidentally, this convention for a ground connection also is used many times to indicate a connection to the metal of the chassis. However, when this is the case it generally will be made clear by some form of note lettered on the blueprint (see Fig. 18).. Two types of condensers, fixed and variable, also will be found in almost every radio circuit. Since the essential parts of a fixed condenser are two metal plates separated by some form of insulation called the dielectric" its radio symbol consists- simply of two heavy parallel lines drawn close together. On the other hand, if the condenser is adjustable (variable), it is indicated by making the lower line curved and supplying it wi,th an arrowhead. In the variable condenser



symbol the curved line indicates the rotor or movable plates of the unit. Incidentally, another, slightly different symbol is sometimes used to indicate a variable condenser. This


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consists of the symbol for a fixed condenser supplemented by a diagonal line with an arrowhead (see Fig.' 17). The difficulty with this type' of symbol is that it provides no simple way of indicating which is' the stator (stationary plates) and which is the rotor (movable plates).





In many circuits several condensers so connected that their rotors can be turned simultaneously with a single shaft control are used. These are called gang condensers and are indicated symbolically by dotted lines leading from the center of each condenser to a single horizontal line (see Fig. 17). Resistances, which in one form or another play an equally important part in radio circuits, are represented by zigzag lines (see Fig. 17). Like condensers, re... sistances also take on two forms; being either fixed" or variable. If the resistor is of the fixed type, it is symbolized by a plain zigzag line. If, like the variable condenser, it is adjustable, the zigzag line is supple ... mented by an a~row drawn through its center at an angle. Variable resistances are used in two forms known as rheostats and potentiometers. In the rheostat; one connection is made to the movable resistance arm while the second is made to one end of the resistance winding. The potentiometer has three connections. One is "made to the movable arm, another to one end of the resistance, and the third to the other end of the resistance. Since the operation of the modern radio receiver or transmitter is based on the vacuum tube, its symbol will be encountered every time the amateur picks up a radio book or blueprint. It is represented in circuit drawings in a number of ways depending on the particular type and the number of internal elements it uses. Simplest of all common radio tubes, is the three .. clement filament variety. It consists mainly of " a glass .




envelope or bulb, a tiny wire filament, a coil of wire known as the grid, and a flattened cylinder of metal called the plate. The· conventionalized symbol for this type of tube consists of a heavy circle representing the glass bulb enclosing a hairpin-shaped line indicating the filament, a zigzag line the grid, and a square the plate (see Fig. I 7) . As the radio tube becomes more complicated so does its symbol. If it is of the heater variety, having an independently heated cathode instead of a filament, the filament lines are replaced by aU-shaped heater symbol and a line is drawn over the heater in the form of a hook to represent the cathode. The grid and plate are indicated as before. If to this symbol, a cage of zigzag lines is added so that it encloses the square symbolizing the plate, it indicates that the tube is of the screen grid variety and the cage represents the screen. Symbols for still other tubes having more than one grid contain additional zigzag lines to indicate these parts. " Although it is impossible for the amateur to learn. the exact symbol for every type of tube that is manufactured, since more than eighty different varieties are being made, he can, by memorizing the basic symbols for grids, screen grids, plates, heaters, and filaments, figure out the connections indicated by almost any drawing. In simplified diagrams, the beginner may find that the tubes are indicated by a slightly different set of symbols. But this should give no trouble since the filaments in this case are generally drawn V-shaped,




.the plates T -shaped, and the grids and screens as dotted lines. In picturing the countless other radio parts that go to make up radio circuits, the symbols follow the ~ame simple rules. A coil of wire, for instance, is represented by a spiral line drawn to look like a pulled-out spring. Two such coils drawn one on top of the other indicate a coupled radio tuning coil such as the usual type of plug-in coil employed in many simple receivers (see Chapter X)_ A single coil, supplemented by the letters RFC indicates a radio-frequency choke. If the part consists of one or more coils of wire wound on a metal core, the core is represented by three or four parallel lines drawn close together either through the coils, between them, or alongside of them. As an example, study the symbols for the audio transformer, power transformer, and filter choke. Electric meters are indicated by small circles drawn around letters to indicate the type. For instance, a voltmeter is represented by a circle enclosing the letter V, an ammeter a circle enclosing the letter A, and a milliammeter the letters MA (see Fig. 17). Simplest of all symbols, but .at times the most con.. fusing, are the conventions used to indicate whether or not two wires that cross each other in the diagram are connected. There are two systems of symbols used to distinguish wires that join from wires that merely cross. One way is to make a looped curve in" one of the lines (wires) to indicate that it is bent over the other line (wire) and does not touch it. The other method is to let the lines cross but to consider that



they are not connected unless a dot is placed at the junction point. In some radio diagrams you will find that a combination of the two systems is used, but a brief study of the lines generally will reveal what type of symbols the designer used. Headphones and microphones (see Fig. 17) are symbolized merely by simplified pictures while loudspeaker drawings will vary with the type of speaker. A magnetic speaker having two connections, generally is represented by a spiral drawn around a single line projecting from the apex of a triangle drawn to simulate the cone. The dynamic speaker, on the other hand, consisting of a voice coil and a field coil is represented by, two spirals, one representing the field winding and the other indicating the voice coil. Radio Units A theoretical wiring diagram is useful to the constructor only when it contains the necessary specifications for the parts. The type numbers of the tubes must be given, the number of turns for the coils must be indicated, and the values of resistances and condensersmust be clearly labelled. For this reason it is imperative that the beginner learn the meaning of the various radio units used. , As iti all electrical work, the most used units are volts and amperes. Because of space limitations, however, it is usually impossible to spell these words out. For this reason, the abbreviation "a" is used to indicate amperes and "v" for volts.





Since many radio measurements are extremely small, smaller voltage and amperage units are sometimes used. These are the microvolt, the microampere, the millivolt, and the milliampere. Being derived from the ordinary metric system, micro means one onemillionth part and milli means one one-thousandth part. Thus, one microvolt indicates one one-millionth of a volt while one milliampere represents one one.. thousandth of an ampere.



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FIG. 19

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A good way for the beginner to fix the electrical difference between volts and amperes in his mind is to understand the water analogy shown in Fig. 19. The amperage flowing in a circuit is the quantity of electricity flowing and can be likened to the amount of water passing through the pipes of a water system. Voltage, on the other hand, like the pressure of the water flowing, is the pressure of the electricity passing in a circuit. Condensers are devices for storing electrical energy . and their capacity for storing this energy is measured in farads. However, a condenser of one farad capac-



ity would be a large affair so that a smaller unit, the microfarad is the most common capacity unit used in radio work. Like the microvolt or the microampere, the microfarad is one one-millionth of a farad. Abbreviated to save space, it is written mfd. or merely mf. A still smaller unit for condenser capacity is the micromicrofarad or one one-millionth of one one-millionth of a farad. By division, it is easy to see that the





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.f' io, 2·0

micromicrofarad is one one-millionth as large as the microfarad. When abbreviated, the micromicrofarad is written as mmf. (see Appendix). The fourth important electrical quantity is resistance-the ability of a circuit, a part, or a length of wire to resist the flow of current. The basic unit of "resistance is the ohm generally abbreviated as the Greek letter omega (n). Since large resistances often are used in radio circuits, a larger resistance unit also' is used. It is the megohm, representing one million



ohms. In its abbreviated form, the megohm is written merely as meg. Incidentally, a table drawn up like that in Fig. 20 and tacked under the tool rack of his bench will help the amateur in finding out quickly what the prefixes micro, mega, milli, kilo, and micromicro mean when encountered on a radio diagram or blueprint. Another quantity that must be specified on a radio diagram if it is to be of any use to the home' .experimenter is the number of turns of wire used on hornewound coils. The turns in most cases are specified as a number followed by the letter "t". The notation 17~ t lettered next to a coil, for instance, indicates .... seventeen and one-half turns. To be complete, the size and kind of wire also must be designated. In radio work, the gage can be assumed to be the Brown and Sharpe or American wire gage unless otherwise specified (see Appendix) .. The wire used, in most cases, will be insulated and the type of insulation also should be specified either on the drawing or in the list of parts. Insulations vary from a coating of enamel to one or two wrappings of cotton or silk. In the specifications, they will be designated by the, following abbreviations: Single cotton covered Double cotton covered Single "silk covered Double silk covered Single silk-cotton covered Double silk-cotton covered Enameled S. C. C. or SCC D. C. C. or DCC S. S. C. or SSC D. S. C. or DSC S. S. C. C. or SSCC D.~. C. C. or DSCC Enam. '



Aids in Reading Diagrams

One of the best ways to understand the workings of a circuit is to draw a simple picture wiring diagram after carefully studying the circuit diagram and deciding just what parts are required. A picture wiring diagram, consisting of pictures of the actual parts connected with bold pencil lines to represent wires, is

FIG-. 21

easy to follow and will be of great assistance in placing the parts and arranging the panel and chassis. In making a picture wiring diagram it is possible often to eliminate wires and simplify the connection by making one wire serve where two wires are shown in the circuit diagram. A picture diagram of this type is .shown in Fig. 22. It corresponds to the circuit diagram given in Fig. 2 I. As an exercise in blueprint reading, draw a picture diagram from Fig. 21 and then compare it with Fig. 22 as a' check on your knowledge of symbols,



FIG 2.2

Arranging the Parts The simplicity of a radio circuit and the ease with which it can be assembled and wired will depend to a great extent on the way in which the various parts are placed on the chassis and panel. For this reason, many amateurs desire to build a circuit bread-board " fashion before attempting to mount it in its finished form. Study the circuit and attempt to group the parts. A condenser and a resistance that are to be connected should be placed adjacent to one another. Short con..necting leads are a desired feature in any circuit and especially in those designed to cover the short waves. The same procedure should be followed in planning and laying out the panel. 'Controls mounted on the- . front panel should be placed at the right, at the left,




or in the center to match up with connecting parts. Phone or speaker terminals should be placed close to the audio end of the circuit while antenna and ground binding posts should be located near the coils and tuning condenser. If the circuit is to be battery operated, the battery terminals at the rear of the chassis should be as close as possible to their points of en... trance into the circuit.

Checking Your Circuit








Once you have constructed your circuit, your first important job will be to check it for errors. Of course, the simplest way to do this is to compare it, wire for wire, wit'h the original diagram or blueprint. However, by this method it is possible often to completely miss a connection or pass over the same mistake repeatedly without- noticing it. A better way is to put your original circuit diagram away and with a pencil and paper make your own drawing of the' circuit as you have wired it. This drawing then can be compared with the original circuit diagram. If any connections have been omitted or made to the wrong parts, the differences In the diagrams will make it possible for you to locate them quickly. " Above all, do not be in a hurry to connect your power supply in order to try the set out. A few min"utes spent in checking the circuit is time well spent if by so doing you can avoid burning out 8. tube or ruining a coil.




ROM time to time in your radio work you will find it necessary to make certain electrical measurements. This will be particularly true if you extend

-_ --_ -

Fla. 23

your hobby into the spare-time servicing of ailing receivers. Unknown resistances must be made known, voltages must be measured, and various amperages must be tested. In this part of your work, the electric meter will serve as your yardstick (see Fig. 23).







Although various types of meters exist, the most important from the amateur's and serviceman's standpoint are the direct-current milliammeter and the direct-current voltmeter. The Milliammeter: Physically, the direct-current milliammeter Isthe simplest type of meter. It consists of a delicate coil of wire fitted with a slender pointer




Flu. 2.4



and pivoted freely between the poles of a horseshoeshaped permanent magnet. In use; it is connected in series with the circuit in question. As the direct current flows through the windings of the coil, magnetic lines of force are set up by the wires and the coil becomes a miniature magnet having a north as well as a south pole. Being mounted between the poles of a permanent magnet, the coil turns to suit the repelling action of like poles and the attracting force of unlike poles. As more current flows through the coil, the lines of force become stronger,



and the turning of the coil becomes greater. Since the , amount of deflection or turning of the coil is directly proportional to the amount of current flowing in the wire, the arrangement serves as an accurate gage of the relative strengths of electric currents.

Fla. 2.5




Because the coil is composed of fine wires which can stand only small quantities of current, the milliammeter must be connected in series with the circuit and never across it, Fig. 24. Measurements made With a milliammeter are called milliamperes (I 11000 ampere).






The Ammeter: By adding a shunt resistance across the terminals of an ordinary milliammeter, as shown in Fig. 25, we can transform it into an ammeter. In the case of regular commercial ammeters, this shunting resistance often is a part of the meter case.Measurements made with an ammeter are caIled amperes ( I ,000 milliamperes), the standard unit for current. The ammeter is connected in series with a circuit. The Voltmeter: Like the ammeter, the voltmeter also is an adaptation of the milliammeter (see Figs. 24 and 2 5). However, instead of a shunt, a series resistance is used to make the conversion. For example, a ° to I voltmeter is nothing more than a standard ° to I milliammeter having a r.ooo-ohm series resistor connected to it while a to 10 voltmeter has a 10,000ohmseries resistance, and a to 100 voltmeter employs a roo.ooo-ohm series resistor. The voltmeter is connected across the circuit. Extending Mete, Ranges: Since the difference between milliammeters, ammeters, and voltmeters is merely the size and position of a resistance, it is a simple matter to alter the scale range of any meter simply by changing the value of the resistance. For example, the range of an ammeter can be increased by connecting an external shunt across its terminals. The value of this shunt, depending on the range desired, can be calculated in the following way: Multiply the internal resistance of the meter (resistance of coil and built-in shunt) by the actual maximum reading of the meter's scale and divide the result by the difference between the maximum scale reading desired and the actual maximum scale reading (see




Fig. 26). This same formula can be used in figuring the value of a shunt for transforming a milliammeter into an ammeter. 5
D -= M= R=


(OKMS) \



In the same way, the range of a voltmeter can be increased. In this case, as already described, the resistance is not shunted across the terminals of the meter but is connected In series with it. To calculate '

o= M=







the value of this resistance, divide the difference between the maximum scale reading desired and the actual maximum scale reading by the actual maximum scale reading and multiply the result by the resistance of the meter -(see Fig. 27).



Of course, when' the scale range of any meter has beea increased through the use of shunts or series resistors, the actual scale reading by the .pointer must be multiplied by a correction factor to obtain the actual value of voltage or amperage across the terminals. This factor will be equal to the new maximum scale reading divided by the original maximum scale read• mg. Measuring Alternating Currents: Small alternating current readings also can be made with a direct .. -


Fla. 28

current meter if a smaIl copper oxide rectifier, such as shown in Fig. 28, is connected in shunt across the meter binding posts. Measuring less than an inch square, this useful dry rectifier consists of a series of alternate disks of copper and copper oxide. The action . of the tightly clamped plates is to change the alternating current to pulsating direct current so that it can be measured by the direct-current instrument.



A Multi-Purpose Test Meter

""By making use: of the simple milliammeter
and i1s , various possible ramifications, the amateur can supply himself with an inexpensive multi-purpose test meter. ~ By connecting this one meter as shown in the diagram of 'Fig. 29, he can measure voltages and amperages and
a.t A.



find the values of unknown .resistances, N~ one piece of measuring equipment will prove more useful1.h~ this combination voltmeter, milliammeter, and ohm-

~eter. Besides a D. C. milliammeter (0-1 MA), you win need five resistances; two shunts; two test plug jacks; a four and one-half-volt C battery; two single-pole,
single-throw single-throw toggle switches; toggle switches. and four _double-pole, Altbough the various





switches, the meter, and the resistances can be mounted on an open board, the test meter will form a handier unit if it is mounted in some sort of box or case, as shown. For this, the amateur experimenter. can obtain an old composition box of the type used to houseIarge meters. The meter circuit, as shown by the diagram, is divided roughly into three parts-the switches and


shunts which control the milliampere readings, the resistan~.e,~:,~I?-d switches for voltage measurements, and the r~~ances, switches," and C battery for finding resistarice values . .-The Jour- and one-half-volt battery, the resistances, and the-shunts can be mounted inside the meter case. If resistances of the bobbin type are used, they can '" be stacked on brass bolts in the lower corners of the case. No matter what class of resistors are used, how'.ever, they must be wire :wound and accurately calibrated.



To simplify the resistance readings taken from the o to I milliampere scale of the meter, a conversion table or scale must be used. Such a scale, calculated for a 0 to 1 milliammeter having an internal resistance of twenty-seven ohms, is shown in Fig. 30. It can be mounted directly under the meter glass where it will be in constant view. Three tabulations of two columns each are given. One for the low readings at the left, one for medium readings in the center, and a third for high readings at the right. In each tabulation the left-hand column . indicates the resistance in ohms for the corresponding meter reading in hundredths of a milliammeter shown in the right-hand column. ' For instance, let us suppose that the low resistance switch is in use and the meter reads .54. Running up the right-hand column of the first tabulation, we find 40 'opposite 54. This indicates that the resistance connected to the meter has a resistance of 40 ohms. Voltage and milliampere measurements can be read directly from the original meter scale once the full range of the scale has been converted to agree with . the switch in use. In each case, however, be SUre to start with the larger value switch and work down. will prevent accidentally overloading the meter and eliminate the possibility of harming its delicate mech-


Measwing Capacities
With the equipment described so far, three important electrical quantities-voltage, amperage, and re-




sistance--can be measured. There is, however, another important quantity that enters into radio circuits.. This fourth quantity is capacity. Although the accurate measurement of the capacity of a fixed condenser represents quite a problem as far as the amateur and his meager supply of equipment








are concerned, a simple test will allow a rough approximation that will serve in most cases. A fixed condenser of any capacity placed in a circuit will prevent the flow of direct current without hindering the passage of alternating current. The amount of alternating current that will flow through the condenser depends on the voltage, the frequency of the alternation, and the capacity of the condenser.



These facts provide a simple way of obtaining a rough approximation where the capacity of a medium... or large-sized fixed condenser is required. As shown in Fig. 3 I, all that is required are four electric light bulbs having ratings of ten, fifteen, twenty-five, and fifty watts; a set of test prods (see fig. 6); a lamp socket; and a source of IIO-volt alternating current, A few feet of ordinary lamp cord also will be needed for making the connections. Connect the electric light socket to one end of the twisted lamp cord and attach an ordinary plug to the other end. Then cut one of the two leads between the plug and socket and to each of the free ends' at .. . tach a test prod. With an electric light bulb in the socket and the plug inserted in the I re-volt supply, the lamp should light when the two prods are touched together. The approximate capacity of a fixed condenser is determined by connecting the test prods to the terminals of the condenser in question and estimating the actual flow of current in the circuit by the relative glow of the light bulb. If, for example, the condenser being tested has a capacity of one-half microfarad, the ten-watt lamp will glow red and the glow of the fifteen-watt lamp when it is placed in the socket will-be barely perceptible. if the condenser has a capacity of .Ql}e microfarad, a fifteen-watt bulb will glow red and _~ty-five-watt lamp will glow a dull red. . ::l~~ ,'," y, with a two-microfarad __ondenser, the c --":ty'::ftve:rwatt lamp will glow a dull red and a threemict:Qfar~ unit will make the twenty-five ... watt bulb glow bright red. To continue, a fifty-watt bulb will' be
·r, __ •• : ~ _



very dim with a four-microfarad condenser but will be bright red with a six-microfarad condenser. If you have a supply of fixed condensers of various known capacities, try these tests over and over again until you can visualize the effect each has on bulbs of various wattages. Once you have established a definite relation, you will have little difficulty approximating the capacity of any large .. or medium-sized condenser. If on testing a condenser of any capacity, the bulb appears as bright as it is when the two test prods are touched together, it is an indication that the current ., is flowing full strength due to a short circuit or a blow... out in the condenser. -

Identifying High Voltages

A similar kink can be used by the experimenter to find the approximate values of-high voltages. You may, for example, have on handa power transformer that was installed originally in a factory-built set. Of course, the ideal and most nearly accurate way to determine the voltages available from its sec.. ondary would be to use a multi-range alternating-current voltmeter. However, lacking such equipment, you can readily identify each of the secondary windings with the aid of a few electric light-bulbs. Usually, a power transformer has a center-tapped high-voltage winding which may develop from -20.0'- to 300 volts each side of the center tap. Between ~:the outside terminals, a voltage as high as 600 volts may be expected. The first job will be to locate these three wires.

58 .


First, connect five or six fifteen-watt, I to-volt electric light bulbs in series, as shown in Fig" 32. Then attach a test prod to each end of the series arrangement. Finally, after making sure that all of the secondary wires are standing apart and are well insulated

SER\1!5CO....i£CT&D t EL£C.TRtC. LIGHT e.U\,&5

FIQ .:32

from one another, connect the primary of the trans .. former to the r ro-volt lighting circuit. Carefully touch the tips of' your test prods to various pairs of wires extending from the secondary side of the transformer. When you hit the wires leading from the ends of the high-voltage winding, the seriesconnected bulbs will glow brightly. Then, touching one of these wires and the center-tap wire will cause the bulbs to glow only half as bright (indicating half voltage). Once the high voltage windings have been located,



tagged, and insulated to avoid the danger of a shock, proceed to experiment by touching the remaining wires with your test prods. In making these lower voltage tests, however, a single two- or four-candlepower, six.. volt automobile bulb should be substituted for the five or six rro-volt bulbs in the test prod circuit.

Calculating Resistance and Condenser Circuits

Since the average radio circuit consists principally of various fixed resistances and fixed condensers connected in a variety of ways" the amateur often will find it necessary to calculate the combined resistance or capacity of groups of parts. Calculations of this type will be particularly valuable when making substitutions for faulty units in a circuit. If the exact part is not available at the lime, two or' three units can be connected together in such a way as to give the desired resistance or capacity. Three general types of connections are possible with a group of resistances or a group of condensers. They, may be connected in series like a chain, in parallel like the rungs of a ladder across the uprights, or in a combined form called series-parallel. Figure 33 illustrates these various arrangements.

Calculating the Combined Value of Series Resistances: Computing the combined resistance of a group of resistances. connected in series is one of the

simplest of circuit calculations. The individual resistance values simply are added together to give the overaU resistance. As an arbitrary example, if a 3,000ohm, a IO,OOO-Ohm, and a 3-megohm (3,000,000 ohms)



resistance are connected in series the combined resistance win be 3,013,000 ohms. Calculating Resistance in Parallel: Parallel connected resistances present a slightly different problem (see Fig. 33). In this case, the overall resistance is not equal to the sum of the various values but to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals. In other words, when four identical (equal) resistances are connected in parallel, the total resistance will be equal










-IHI--LiRa ...!.+_·Rz c.:;: -Cz

R• R,


C• .l..+..L


'" ~t!=C4 R=...L.+-L

I RtHIz R,,+fI; CI~


--Lc. C;a

c- c.+Ca
~' t ...;..+-

c=.!~ 4-:+~ 4 t::a C;",


to only one quarter the resistance of one unit. The more resistance you connect in parallel, the more wires there will be for the current to flow through, and the more the total resistance of the circuit will be reduced. Series resistances increase the total resistance of a circuit, while parallel-connected resistances reduce it. If a 100- and a aoo-ohm resistance are connected in series the total resistance will be 300 ohms, but "il they are connected in parallel, their total resistance will equal only 66 2/3 ohms. C ondensers in Series: With a group of condensers connected in series (see Fig. 33), the effect is to de» crease the overall capacity. The formula resembles



that used in the calculation of resistances in parallelthe overall capacity equalling the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals. Condensers in Parallel: When condensers are connected in parallel, the effect is to increase the overall capacity. Like resistances connected in series, the total capacity equals the sum of the individual capacities. Briefly then, condensers placed in series decrease the capacity, /while condensers placed in parallel increase the capacity. Series-Parallel ~ Connections: In figuring the combined values of either resistances or condensers in series-parallel (see Fig. 33), both the series'<and the parallel formulas must be used. The make-up of. the circuit in each case will decide in what order the calculations are to be made.

Ohm's Law
One of the most important formulas or rules in radio and electrical work is what is known as Ohm's law. It gives the relation between the voltage, the amperage (current), and the resistance in any circuit. Knowing any two of these values, the third and unknown can be found merely by simple substitution. How the law can be applied is shown graphically in Fig. 34. Stated in words, Ohm's law says that the voltage (E, standing for electromotive force) in any circuit is equal to the amperage (I) multiplied by the resistance (R). As an example, suppose a current of four amperes flows ili:rpugh a resistance of thirty ohms. App}yinJr

EVERYBODY'S RADIO MANUAL .\ 6z -. ========:::::::;:=====================:::::;;::.,. .T""'S:·';


Ohm's law and multiplying we find that the voltage. ' is equal to 120- (4 x 30) volts. -, . In the same way, by using the formula in a slightly different form we can solve for either' the .resistance or the current, depending on which two of the -three


= . (OHM~)









E 1









quantities are known. Current then will be .~:·:~tb.,,'. the voltage divided by the resistance while the resis-": tance can be found by-dividing the voltage by the current. The three variations of this formula are given in Fig. 34.

, <~~~';~1"~~'~~f'lJ


. \..


Frequencies and Wave Lengths

The dimensions of radio waves issuing from-a transmitter can be specified in two ways-as frequency or


D~~%~ .






':,» ~r-~_.

~~~~I.,~. ~~ \

;~~~:'; length of each radio wave from 'crest to crest, like


wave length. As the names imply, wave length is-the

the distance between the tops of two breakers as they roll into a beach from the ocean (see Fig. 35), while the frequency -is the number, of these waves that pass anyone point in a second. Since the speed of radio waves is :fixedat approximately 186,000 miles or 300,000,000 meters a second,










FIe;. 35

it is obvious that there is a definite relation between' the wave length and the frequency. Knowing how to convert from one to the other is particularly useful to the amateur experimenter, since both values, rarely are given in the-listings of stations. Fo'r consistency, wave lengths are measured in meters and frequencies in kilocycles ( I ,000 cycles). When it is stated that a station bas a frequency of 760 kilocycles, it means that in that particular wave, 760,000 waves pass anyone point in a second. Since radio travels at a speed of 300,000,000 meters a sec"',



ond, the wave length then must be equal to 300,000,000 divided by 760,000 or approximately 395 meters. Expressed in simpler terms, the relation between frequency and wave length is as follows: Dividing 300,000 by the wave length in meters gives the frequency in kilocycles while dividing 300,000 by the frequency in kilocycles gives the wave length in meters (see Fig. 35).

Important Radio Definitions Alternating Current-An electric current that 'reverses its direction periodically. Wires connected to an alternating current source are neither negative nor positive but become first one and then the other according to ~ definite cycle. ,Audio Frequency-:-An audio frequency is any frequency within the range of audible sound. It differs from a radio frequency in being a vibration in air instead of in the ether. Audio frequencies' are' very much slower than radio frequencies. Deep, bass sounds have frequencies as low as 16 or 20 vibrations - (cycles) a second. High shrill sounds may have frequencies as high as 25,000 or 30,000 a second. Ampere-The standard unit for electric current. It is the amount of current that will flow in a circuit having a resistance of one ohm and fed by a voltage of one volt. . Choke Coil-A choke coil is a coil of wire used to present an obstruction to the passage of an'alternating current.



single wave corresponding to the sounds that it intends to transmit. Instead, it sends out a fundamental wave, called the carrier wave, which has a uniform frequency, and superimposes the sound message on. it. Cycle-A cycle is one complete series of events. In the case of an alternating current, it is one complete set of positive and negative alternations. Detector-The detector in a radio circuit is a device that stops one-half of the alternations of a radiofrequency wave and permits the other half to pass through. In other words, it is a rectifier that changes ~.. ., the high-frequency oscillations into a pulsating direct current which will operate earphones. ,; ...,Dfrect Current-Unlike an alternating current, a dit'! ' rect current does not reverse. If twb wires are connected to a direct-current source, one will remain positive and the other negative. Farad-The farad is the unit of capacity. Since a condenser having a capacity of one farad would be Iafge, smaller units, the microfarad (1/1,000,000 of a ",arad) and the micromicrofarad (1/1,000,000,f ooo.ooc.of a farad) are used. Frequency- The number of complete cycles that occur in one second. ' Henry-The unit of inductance. lmpedence-Impedence is the opposition of an electrical circuit to the flow of alternating current. 1nducta7}ce- The property of a coil or circuit to store up electrical energy in electromagnetic form.

Carrier-A transmitting station does not send out a



Ohm- The ohm is the unit of resistance. It is the amount of resistance that will allow a current of one ampere to flow under a pressure of one volt. Radio P,equency--Any vibration faster than audio frequency is called a radio frequency. The wave sent out by a transmitter is a radio frequency. Volt-The volt is the amount of pressure that will. force one ampere of current through a resistance of one ohm. It is often referred to as the electromotive force. Watt-The watt is the unit of electric power. It is calculated by multiplying the voltage of the circuit by its amperage. Wave Length-The distance in meters between corresponding points in adjoining waves. -




RYING to locate wiring errors in a receiver can be difficult enough without complicating the problem by including a defective part in the assembly. For this reason it will pay. the amateur to test each part before wiring it permanently into the circuit. This will be particularly true when old parts, salvaged from discarded sets, are used. Fortunately the testing of the various parts that go to make up a radio circuit requires 'no great amount of skill. or equipment. Testing A Condenser: A fixed condenser can be tested by connecting it in series with a battery and a voltmeter as shown in Fig. 36. If the voltmeter shows a momentary deflection, the 'condenser is a good one. However, if a constant deflection is noted it is a sign that the condenser leaks. If the full voltage of the battery used in the circuit is registered by the meter, the condenser is short-circuited some point. Another 'simple test for a fixed condenser replaces the meter with a pair of earphones (see Fig. 37). The . condenser in question is placed across the terminals of a small battery. Then, it is removed and the cord tips from a pair of earphones are connected in the battery's place. If a sharp click is heard in the earphone at the





F10.36 FIG.:37






instant the tips are connected, the condenser gives evidence of being in good shape, As a final earphone test for a shorted condenser, connect the phone tips to the terminals of the condenser and connect one terminal of the battery to one of the terminals on the condenser. Then snap a wire , from the other terminal of the battery to the second terminal of the condenser. If the condenser is completely . short ..circuited, there will be practically no click in the earphones (see Fig. 39). Since a condenser in good condition will not pass direct current, the ohmmeter also can be used as a test. A leaky condenser will allow some of the current to pass and a slight deflection will be noted on the ohmmeter. If you suspect that the plates of .a variable condenser are touching at some point, .connect the condenser. in series with the headphones and a small battery, as indicated in Fig. 38. If the plates do touch at any point, an ear-splitting clatter will be set up in the earphones when the movable plates are turned • . Testing For Open Circuits: Tracing an open cir.. cult sometimes is referred to as continuity testing, For this, some ohmmeter arrangement, such as shown in Fig. 40, presents the best check since the resistance, as well as the continuity of the wire, can be tested. A pair of earphones connected to a' smallbattery also can be used to check continuity. The two free ends of the series circuit are fitted with test prods, as shown in Fig. 41. The prods thencan be touched to each side of the part being tested. If a click is heard in the earphones, it indicates that the current from







the battery is passing and that the part is in good . r, shape. One difficulty with this test arrangement is that";· the faulty part being tested may begrounded at some point-In which case the telltale click also may be heard. • Using a variation of this same arrangement, the experimenter can make a handy vest-pocket continuity tester from a small flash light of the fountain-pen type, Fig. 42. Besides the flash-light case aJd batteries, which can be purchased for very little, all that is required is a long brass machine screw and nut, a few fiber washers, a few feet of high... grade flexible insulated wire, and a spring battery clip. As shown .In the drawing, the machine screw, sharpened at the outer 'end is inserted through a small hole drilled in the clssed end of the metal J1ash-light case. The head of the long screw serves as the contact for" the lower end of the battery circuit, while the outer end, sharpened to a slender point with a file, serves as the test prod. A long flexible ~re' soldered to the flash-light case and terminating in a small bat .. tery clip serves as the second terminal. To use lhe pocket tester, clip the wire to one terminal of the part to be tested and touch the pointed test prod to the other terminal. If the circuit is CODtinuous, the lamp at the upper end of the i1ash light will glow•. One difficulty presents itself with a tester of this type, however. Since the initial voltage available from the battery is low, the current will be forced only through circuits of relatively low resistance. For this re8SQD, while it )ViIl serve effectively in testing lowr




'resistance circuits such as coils, low-value resistors, etc., it will be of little use on units that are known to . have a high resistance. By supplying the point of the test prod with a sim... pIe leather sheath, the tester can be carried conveniently in your vest pocket. The wire can be coiled around the flash-light case. Testing Transjormers: If an audio transformer is thought to be defective, its windings can be tested for breaks by making use of the earphone-battery circuit which forms the basis of the condenser test. Hook one phone tip to the terminal of a small battery (a C bat .. tery will serve), connect the other battery terminal to one primary terminal of the transformer, and touch the remaining phone tip to the second primary ter ... minal (see Fig. 43). If a good snappy click is heard when the contact is made and again when the contact is broken, you can be sure that nothing is wrong with the primary winding. Repeat the process to test the secondary. If the click is extremely faint or inaudible, the wire of that particular winding is broken' at some point. As in all continuity tests, an ohmmeter also cart be used to test transformers. Power transformers can be tested by making use of the simple kink for identifying high voltages as described in Chapter III and illustrated in 'Fig. 32. Testing Coits: Almost any of the continuity 'tests already described can be used to test radio-frequency coils, plug-in coils, and radio-frequency chokes for open circuits. Testing A Dynamic Speaker: Among the possible electrical troubles that can befall a dynamic speaker



are a burned out field coil, a burned out or broken voice coil, and a loose connection.


FIO. ..... S


If the field coil bums out, the speaker will continue to operate, but the volume will be much less, dropping so low that the signals can be heard only faintly even




. when the volume of the receiver is turned full on. A sure test for field coil operation is to hold the end of a screw driver near the pole piece, either at the front or at the rear (see Fig. 44). It should be strongly attracted to it. If it is not, then either the field coil is burned out or there is a broken connection in the wires leading to the field coil. A burned out voice coil on the other hand will completely silence the speaker. The simplest test for this ailment is to resort again to the battery and earphone test set (see Fig. 45). Connect the small battery and the earphones in series as before and touch the two free ends of the circuit to the ends of the voice coil. If you hear the familiar click-clack as you make and break. the circuit, the coil is in good condition. If you do not hear it, the coil is broken at some point. Loose connections in the speaker leads result in intermittent operation or in excessively noisy and irregular volume. Breaks in the circuit can be found by resorting to any of the continuity tests already described. Another loudspeaker trouble that will ruin the tone of the unit is a warped or off-center voice coil. This can be detected by following the procedure shown in Fig. 46. There should be sufficient clearance between the pole piece and the inside of the coil to take a piece of ordinary writing paper. Cut a strip about a half inch wide, slip it into the opening, and test to see if it can be moved completely around the crack. Testing Earphones: Earphones can be tested readily by touching one cord tip to one terminal of a small battery and snapping the other against the other bat-



tery terminal. A sharp click means the phones are in good condition. If you have no battery handy, place one of the cord tips in your mouth and touch the other




to a gold ring worn on your hand. A faint click will

be heard if the earphones are in good shape. Testing [or Polarity: Very often, it is necessary to determine which of two wires carrying direct current



is the positive terminal. This can be done in several ways. A voltmeter, of course, is the obvious test. However, if one is not available, attach a copper wire to each of the terminals of the current source and immerse the uninsulated endsin a glass containing water to which a small amount of salt has been added. Hold them about an inch apart. As the electric current passes through the water and decomposes it, bubbles of hydrogen will collect around one of .the wires. This will indicate the negative terminal (see Fig. 47). By soaking ordinary white blotting paper in a solution of salt water to which a few drops of phenolphthalein solution have been added, regular test polarity paper can be made. The paper then can be allowed to dry and stored for future use. When the necessity of a polarity test arises, simply dampen the paper and touch the bare ends of the two wires to it as shown in Fig. 48. The area of paper surrounding the negative wire will turn red. In another type of simple polarity test a fresh slice of raw potato replaces the prepared test paper. Whe~ the two wires are touched to the white of the potato, a green spot will appear around the positive terminal (see Fig. 49). Testing A Ground: When an external ground, in the form of a length of pipe driven into the earth, is used, there is always some doubt as to its efficiency. A foot of pipe driven into ground that is continually moist will form a good ground while ten feet of pipe sunk in dry sandy soil will be ineffective. If you have a IIO ..volt lighting circuit in your home, however, you can determine the effectiveness (



accurately and easily. This test is based on the fact that one of the wires in all ordinary lighting circuits is at ground voltage while the other is at a potential of I 10 volts with respect to the first wire or the ground. The general arrangement used in making the ground test is shown in Fig. 50. It consists simply of connecting a wire to your ground, running it to one side of an

flO. 50

electric light socket, and connecting the other side of the socket to one of the terminals on an ordinary electric cord plug. Place an electric light bulb in the socket and push the plug into the nearest wall receptacle. If you do not have a wall receptacle, insert the plug into a screw receptacle placed in some near-by screw fixture. If the lamp fails to light, reverse it so that the plug connections are interchanged. Should the light fail to glow in both cases, you can be sure that the ground will be of little use in radio



work. If, on the other hand, the bulb glows with normal brilliance with the plug in anyone of the two possible positions, the ground should give good radio results. However, since the moisture content in the ground often varies with the temperature and the weather, it will be well to try this test on three or four different occasions before you give it your final approval




,-.~.~ .

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T_esting an Antenna [or Grounds: -:'-~'Onceou have y

determined the efficiency of a ground, you can test the insulation of the antenna. To ~ most effective, the antenna, of course, should be fr~e from any con.. tact with the ground, no matter how remote. The test consists simply of substituting a~"9hmmeter for the antenna and ground terminals of the receiver as shown in Fig. 5 I. Since there should be no complete circuit between your antenna and ground, no reading should show on the ohmmeter.



J\ LTHOUGH care and patience are the first rules fi of 'success in building sets and servicing them,
time often can be saved by making use of simple kinks and short cuts. Making a Duplicate Coil: Sooner or later in your radio work, you will want to substitute a tuning coil wound on a larger or smaller core than the one specified in the wiring diagram for, the set you are building. You will then be confronted' with the problem of figuring 'the correct number of turns to get the . smaller or larger diameter coil to tune to the desired wave band. . Fortunately, the problem is not as complicated as it at first appears. If the change in diameter does not exceed twenty-five to thirty percent, the number of turns can be changed inversely in proportion to the change in diameter. For example, if the drawing or parts list for a particular set calls for a three-inch coil having fifty turns, a two.... nd one-half-inch form a will require sixty turns while a four-inch coil will need thirty-seven and one half turns to give the same tuning results. In other words, simply multiply the number of turns on the specified coil by its diameter and divide




the result by the diameter of the coil form you wish to use (see Fig. 5.2). Along the same line, there may be times when you will have a certain size wire on hand and will want· to substitute it for a specified size. This also can be done provided the wire is not so large that it takes up more space than is available for the winding. However,









since any form of computation for this change would be a complicated procedure, the amateur experimenter will do best to proceed by the method of trial and error. For any given diameter of coil form, the larger the size of the wire you use, the greater will be the number of turns required. If the specifications call for a. No." 24 wire and you use a No. 22, it will be necessary to increase the number of turns to obtain the required tuning results. On the other hand, if a No. 26



wire is used in place of No. 24, decrease the number of turns. In winding a coil, make a few turns more than you 'estimate. Extra turns can be removed easily but additional turns cannot be added without bothersome soldering and patching. Simply experiment until you strike just the right number. The type of insulation on the wire affects the specifications of the coil only so far as its relative thickness alters the spacing between turns. If there is a great difference in the thickness of the insulation used and that specified, it may be necessary to increase the number of turns slightly to make up for the decrease in induction caused by the wider spacing (see Appendix). Space-Winding Coils: When a radio tuning coil is so wound that there is space between adjacent turns, the coil is said to be space-wound.' This type of winding is often desirable on broadcast coils and almost es-. sential on .short-wave coils since it reduces the capacity. In most cases, space winding is specified as so many turns per inch. Space winding can be accomplished in various ways. If an engine lathe is available) the coil form can be placed in the lathe and grooved with a threadcutting tool for the proper number of turns per inch. The wire then can be wound accurately in the groove. However, since few radio amateurs have access to an engine lathe, another simpler method generally is employed. This consists of winding a thread or cord on the coil form along with the wire as shown in Fig. 53. If the spacing between turns is specified, use thread or cord of that diameter. If the turns per inch are given, a few trials with strings of various diameters



will soon show you how to obtain just the right


Once the coil is wound, fasten the ~nds, carefully unwrap the string, and tack the wire to the form with rubber cement or collodion in several places to hold it





in place. Shellac often is specified for this work, but should be avoided if possible as it tends to increase the resistance of the coils when they are to be used for short-wave reception. Another way to space-wind coils that is perhaps simpler and more effective is shown in Fig. 54. Instead of the spacing string described above, a simple



weighted loop hung over the coil form automatically separates the turns just the required amount. This eliminates the necessity of watching a spacing string as well as the wire and allows you to pay more attention to the winding of the wire. j When you have selected your wire, attach one end of it to the coil form at the point where the winding is to start and fasten the other end to some convenient anchor such as a door knob or a heavy chair. This will make it possible to hold the wire taut for the entire length of the winding. The next step is to select a short length of flexible wire or heavy cord whose diameter is equal to the width of the spacing desired. Twist it to form a closed loop about eight inches long, fasten a smaIl weight to the lower end, and slip the loop over the coil form. When this has been done, you will be ready to pro,....._ ceed with the actual winding. Hang the loop over the form in such a way that it will follow the winding as the coil is turned. To do this, it will be necessary to have one full tum on the coil. Once in position, the loop, held taut by the weight, will space each pair of adjacent turns just the required amount .. To insure accurate spacing, push each turn up flush against the spacing loop as the coil is turned. Your thumb nail will act as a good prod in this portion of the work. When the coil reaches the required number of turns, lift the loop from the coil, fasten the wire, and proceed with the tacking process already described. Making Plug-In Coil Forms: Although ordinary tube bases often are used as the forms of plug-in coils, the amateur can make a much neater form. by using



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the kink illustrated in Fig. 55. Instead of winding the wire directly on the tube base as is frequently done, prepare a separate form by placing two tube bases end to end and wrapping them with .a strip of stiff paper. The end of the strip should be cemented in place.



When the cement has dried, remove one of the tube bases, cement the paper form permanently to the other tube base, and stiffen it with a coat or two of lacquer or cement. Since the new form will be double the height of a single tube base it will provide more space for the windings. As tube bases form a necessary part of homemade plug-in coils and adapter plugs, the amateur will have many occasions for removing the base from an old tube. To do this quickly, wrap the bulb of the burnedout tube in several thicknesses of cloth, place it on your workbench or any other hard surface, and strike it a sharp blow with a hammer or the handle of your screw driver. To remove the fine wires that originally connected the various, tube elements with the pronga, grasp each wire in turn with a pair of pliers and touch a hot soldering iron to the tip of the prong. The heat will soften the solder in the prong and the wire can be pulled out. Finally, fasten the new wires from the coil or cable as the case may be by simply reversing the process. Remember, the prongs on a tube are not marked. To get the new wires in their proper prongs, hold the tube base over a socket and note the markings on the underside. The prong connections then can be marked with pencil directly on the composition base for future reference.

Soldering and Wiring Kinks

Soldering Coil Taps: When it is necessary to solder a tap to a coil, you can simplify matters by following



the suggestion given in Fig. -56. Simply lift the tum to be tapped and slip a piece of paper or a match stick /under it at the point where the soldered joint is to be made. This will serve to raise the wire and will protect







the insulation on the adjacent turns from the heat 0'£ the iron. Remember, if you burn the silk or cotton covering on the wire, it will be transformed into carbon which is a conductor. If the insulation on several turns is burned, it will cause a short circuit. Wiring Hints: Connecting the parts of a radio cit... cuit in their proper order is only half the job of wiring



a radio set. There is a right and wrong way of doing everything .and if a receiver is to operate efficiently, its many connections must be made correctly. A few of the more important jobs are shown in Fig. 57. For example, a common method of mounting a coil is to support it on brass brackets. To supply a rigid support, these brackets should be mounted at right angles, not opposite each other. Often a single bracket will serve as a rigid mounting, but this is only true when the connecting wires are sturdy enough to add support. .. Radio sets must be constructed to,.ttttJlStand a certain amount of vibration. If bhtdjlfg'l<posts are used they should be tightened.,~~'iers" When a wire leads through a small holeIn the chassis, additional. insulation should be furnished in the form. of ap eyelet clamped in the hole or a short length of insulating tubing should be slipped over the wire. The same holds true for the taps. on coils. To prevent the twisted loop of the tap from chafing through the insulation on adjoining wires, slip a small square of paper under the connection. A frequent source of trouble on homemade sets is a loose soldered connection at the point where a wire joins a soldering lug. Most soldering lugs are supplied with a hole just ahead of the clamps. The wire should be inserted in this hole before the clamps are bent into place and the solder is applied. The hole serves as an anchor for the wire and removes the greater portion of the twisting strain from the solder .. . Where one wire joins another in a circuit, do not depend entirely on the strength of a soldered joint.



Twist one of the wires around the other and then apply the .solder. If the open joint is in a position where it may accidentally come in contact with some other part or connection, play safe and apply insulation. The maze of wires in any circuit can become so complicated that it will be difficult, once the set has


Flu. 59

been wired, to trace through the circuit. For this reason, it will pay to use colored connecting wire whenever possible. By selecting a separate color for each individual circuit, tracing them is merely a matter of following colors. The following color code is used almost universally in set wiring; Yellow, +A; yellow and black, -A; red, +B maximum; red and maroon, intermediate; maroon, B detector; black with red, -B; green, i+C; and black and green, -C. Tagging Connections: When a set goes dead and it is necessary to replace one of the parts, a great deal of confusion can be eliminated if the wires are tagged.




as shown in Fi~. 58. Disconnect the wires one at a time and to each tie a tag bearing some sort of identifi.. cation. Then when the part is to be reconnected, a glance at the tags will tell you exactly where each wire belongs. • Experimental Binding Posts: Figure 59 shows an easily made connector clamp that. will simplify any experimental work you may do. It is made from a



FlO. 60



safety pin with a wire lead soldered to one of the legs. Cut the end from the pin and bend the end of each Ieg into a loop. To use the connector, squeeze the pin until the loops coincide and slip them over the end of the screw or terminal to which the connection is to be made. As the legs spread apart when the pressure is removed, they will grip the terminal tightly. Another type of experimental connector that will allow connections to be changed quickly is shown in Fig. 60. It consists of a short length of coil spring mounted by a screw passed through its end loop. Any

, 90


tightly coiled spring can be used or the amateur can make his own from brass spring wire. All that is necessary to make a connection to a binding post of this type is to push the spring to one side or the other. This will open the coils and allow the end of the can.. necting wire to be inserted. When the spring is released, the coils grip the wire tightly, When a phone cord tip must be connected to an ordinary screw top binding post, the strip connector shown in Fig. 6 I will form a handy addition. Made by drilling two holes in a short length of spring brass which is then bent U... shaped, it is slipped over the screw thread of the terminal. Then when the cord tip has been inserted in the loop, merely tightening down on the screw top will hold the tip in place.

Transformer Kinks
A Simple Transformer Repair: If one or both wind.. ings of an audio transformer have gone bad, a temporary repair can be made by following the connections indicated in Fig. 62. If on test (see Chapter IV), the primary circuit proves to be open, connect a lOO,OOO"'Ohm resistor (A) across the P and B terminals of the primary winding and a fixed condenser (C) across the P and G terminals. The fixed condenser should have a capacity of from .006 to .01 microfarads. Try several and retain the one that gives the best results. . If the .epen circuit proves to be in the secondary winding, connect the condenser (C) as before but instead of the resistor A connect a resistor B having



a resistance of 500,000 ohms across _the G and F terminals of the secondary. Incidentally, the value of this resistance can vary as long as it is not less than 100,000 ohms. In both of these temporary repairs, the effect of con... necting the condenser and resistance to the transformer



., ,






FlCi~ 62

terminals is to change the original transformer stage into an impedence-coupled stage. For this reason, there may be a slight reduction in volume. If both windings prove to be open, connect all three units to the transformer; resistor A across the P and B terminals, resistor C across the G and F terminals, and the condenser B across the P and G terminals. This will convert the original transformer circuit into a resistance-coupled stage. , Designing A Simple Transformer: While the actual calculations involved in the designing of an accurate transformer may prove too complicated for the average amateur experimenter, he can, by following simple



rule-of-thumb methods, build a simple transformer that will serve to reduce his r ro-volt A. C. house current supply to any desired value. The most important rule in designing experimental transformers is to play safe. If errors are to be made, they should be made on the large side. Make the core a trifle larger than you believe is required, use more turns than you calculate are necessary, and use larger wire than your judgment dictates. Also, use plenty of insulation, especially between the primary and second.. ary windings. \ Theoretically, the voltage that will develop (be induced) in the secondary wile of a transformer supplied with a given voltage win be directly proportional to the ratio between the number of turns of wire in the primary and the number in the secondary. For example, if a transformer, being supplied with 110 volts \ at the primary, has a ·primary winding of 800 turns and a secondary winding of 400 turns, the voltage induced in the secondary and available at its terminals will be equal to 400 divided by 800 multiplied by 110 which equals 55 volts. In other words, the ratio betweep. the number of turns on the primary and secondary is equal to the ratio of the voltages. In designing a transformer, the start is always made by knowing the alternating-current voltage available and the voltage desired. This immediately designates the ratio between the primary turns and the secondary turns. -Since the number of turns in each coil is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the core on which they are mounted, it is a simple matter to decide



on a basic figure for the winding computations. A safe figure for the amateur design is seven turns of wire per volt for a core area of one square inch if the transformer is to lie used for hours at a time. If the transformer is to be used only for short periods, four turns per volt for each square inch of core area will serve. In any transformer, the voltage applied to the pri ...

FIG. 63

mary multiplied by the current flowing in that winding is equal to the voltage developed in the secondary multiplied by the current flowing from the secondary. '1;his relation is u~eful in determining the size of wire use. Knowing how much current is to flow in the secondary, you can choose wire large enough for the




In choosing the core for your transformer, don't skimp. A core much larger than is actually required will work just as well and will reduce heating. The most efficient shape for a transformer core is of a rect-



angle with a cross member in the center on which the windings are placed. However, this is a difficult form for the amateur to handle; a plain square core, such as shown in Fig. 63, is easier to wind and, for average purposes, almost as efficient.

Antenna Kinks
Using A Light Socket As An Antenna: Although any radio receiver will be most efficient when connected to a regular antenna and ground system, the extreme sensitiveness of the modern set makes it possible to use various convenient substitutes as the aerial. How one such substitute, an electric light socket, can be used is shown in Fig. 64. While such an antenna will not, of course, bring in the signals with maximum strength it provides ample volume for ordinary reception. Electrically, a light-socket antenna consists merely of a wire leading from the antenna binding post of the receiver to a small fixed condenser connected to one side of a lighted electric lamp. While this arrangement can be wired in various forms, the simplest method consists of connecting the antenna-post wire to one of the screw terminals on an ordinary socket in a table lamp. The ground wire then can be -connected to the usual water pipe. Another method of solving the antenna and ground connection problem is indicated in Fig. 65. In this arrangement the ground binding post on the receiver is left unconnected while the wire from the antenna post is connected to the nearest water pipe or radiator.



Curiously enough, in many cases, this simple system will give results equal to those obtained with the more elaborate light-socket antenna.
.5MAl.;-'FIX, EO





FIG. 65






Fla. 67

Although it is difficult to predict the results that can be obtained in any locality with-either: of these antenna . substitutes, they are worth trying if the use of a regular outdoor antenna is likely to be troublesome and difficult. If neither method gives the signal



strength desired,. the next step is to try a simple indoor antenna. For this, the cheapest kind of bell wire or even the thin wire stripped from bell magnets will serve as well as the elaborate tapes and wire sold for the purpose. \ In rigging an indoor .antenna, best results will be obtained with the longest wire, measured' in a straight line, from the antenna binding post of the receiver. Double Antennas: Amateurs who like to experiment often erect two outdoor antennas, connecting them to the receiver through a single-pole, double-throw switch so that either wire can be used. In this case, it is best to rig the two wires at right angles so that all possible directions will be covered. Lead-In Insulators: For the average receiver, the lead-in can be brought into the building in almost .any manner as long as It is well insulated. The flexible tape lead-in strips serve this purpose very well and they are both inexpensive and easy to install, However, the owner of a short ... wave transmitter must take particular pains Ito insure perfect insulation for his antenna feeder. An inexpensive homemade transmitter feeder entering insulator is shown in the drawing of Fig. 66. It consists of simple parts that can be obtained at any radio store dealing in receiver and transmitter parts. Two small insulators of the stand-off type, fitted with a length of threaded brass. rod, are mounted over a small hole bored in a 1- by g-in. hardwood board cut to fit the window jamb. The first step in making an insulator "of this type is to remove the regular brass terminals from the




stand-off insulators. Then, when a suitable piece of threaded brass rod has been obtained, mount one in... sulator over the hole, insert the brass rod, slip a

FlO. 69

length of porcelain insulating tube over the rod, and finally drive the screws that hold the second insulator in place. The porcelain tube should be just long enough to fit between the insulators when they are fastened in .place, To complete the insulator, place metal and .. rubber washers on the ends of the rod, screw lock nuts



in place, and finally add the ordinary threaded terminal nuts that came with the original insulators. To prevent any great amount of water from reaching the switch, or the insulator if the switch is eliminated, bend a drip loop in the wire or tie a short length of cord to the wire as shown in Fig. 67. The drip cord. will make a particularly valuable addition to the antenna system when a simple porcelain tube type of lead-in insulator is used. Building An Antenna Mast: The popularity of short-wave distance reception has renewed interest in the long antenna rigged high on special masts. An easily erected mast for the amateur experimenter is shown in Fig. 68. Made of sections of pipe telescoped one inside of the other, it is particularly easy to build and is neat looking and sturdy. First, select three sections of pipe. The smallest or upper section should not be less than ~-in. pipe size, The remaining sections should be of a size that will telescope easily. Then place the telejcoped pipes in a hole five feet deep, fill in with concrete, and rig three guy wires to brace the lower ,or larger section. Two men, working from ladders placed on opposite sides of the pipe, then should raise the top or smallest . section until it has' been lifted three-quarters of its .' length out of the middle section. A bolt slipped through a hole previously drilled for that purpose then will hold this section in place. r The middle or second section, which supports the top section, then can be raised and a second bolt used . to hold it in place. Finally; with the three sections of the mast extended, guy wires previously connected to



the tops of each section can be anchored to stakes driven into the ground at suitable distances from the base of the mast. Three guys should be used on the bottom and middle sections while a single wire rigged to the rear will serve to counteract the pull of the antenna wire on the top section. Three twenty-foot lengths will make a mast fortyfive or fifty feet high. If pipes have been chosen that telescope easily, the entire job should not take more than an hour to complete once the preliminary work has been done. , One advantage of this type of antenna-mast construction is that the various pipe lengths can be painted before they are telescoped. Also, they can be lowered easily at any time for repainting or repairs, Condenser Kinks

Changing Capacity of A Variable Condenser: The capacity of a variable condenser can be reduced simply by removing some of the plates. It is not necessary to remove both the stationary and the corresponding revolving plates. Remove either one type or the other, whichever is easiest. The reduction in capacity will be directly proportional to the number. of plates removed . . Cleaning Variable Condensers: Variable condensers, salv.aged from old receivers and stored away for future use, soon coIIect a thick coating of dust between their, .'. plates. Since dirt may alter the capacity ()'f the ,unit,. • these condensers should be thoroughly cleaned before they are used again ..How thif? can be done easily and quickly with an ordinary wire pipe cleaner is shown in

".1:.,'''! .



Fig. 69. Bend the cleaner U-shape, push it between adjacent plates, and move it around until all of the dust is removed. Homemade QJndenser Wrench: In order to adjust the balancing condensers on many modern super-








heterodynes, a special wrench must be used. If this wrench is not handy, you can make a substitute by altering the construction of an ordinary five-cent lead pencil of the hexagonal rubber-tipped variety (see Fig. 70). Remove the brass eraser fitting .from the end . of the pencil, dig out the eraser with the point of a knife, and finally, after reversing the fitting, force the end which originally held the eraser over the end of

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