Mabel Iam - Sex and The Perfect Lover

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Praise for Sex and the Perfect Lover

"Offering a philosophical approach to sexual pleasure, the author

draws upon Eastern teachings but uses a writing style and termi-
nology more accessible to a Western audience. More than a simple
sex manual, this slim volume condenses vast amounts of informa-
tion into short, practical techniques for integrating mental and
physical energies."
—Library Journal

"Taking from the ancient books of the Kama Sutra and the Tao,
lam's self-help guide to lovemaking will make you and your mate
the perfect yin and yang combo."
—Latina magazine

"Sex and the Perfect Lover is not just a list of interesting sex positions.
Rituals, massages, aphrodisiacs, and all sorts of strategies to take
pleasure to unknown heights are included in this book."
—el Nuevo Herald (Miami)

"The reader will find several clues and tips for finding the perfect
lover that we are all after."
—El Diario-La Prensa (New York)
Mabel lam



and the

Kama Sutra
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

Copyright © 2003 by Mabel Iam

All rights reserved.

English translation copyright © 2003 by Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
Translated by Anthony Palomo, from the Spanish edition:
El amante perfecto © 2003 by Mabel Iam
Interior illustrations copyright © 2002 by Jonathan Hunt

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce

this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
For information address Atria Books, 1230 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

lam, Mabel.
[Amante perfecto. English]
Sex and the perfect lover : tao, tantra, and the Kama sutra / Mabel Iam.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Sex—Religious aspects—Taoism. 2. Sex—Religious aspects—Tantrism.
3. Sex instruction—Religious aspects—Taoism. 4. Sex instruction—Religious
aspects—Tantrism. 5.Taoism. 6.Tantrism. I.Title.

HQ61.11613 2005
306.7—dc22 2005053039

ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-8799-9
ISBN-10: 0-7432-8799-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-7432-9209-2 (Pbk)
ISBN-10: 0-7432-9209-X (Pbk)

This Atria Books trade paperback edition October 2006

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Acknowledgments / xi
Prologue / xiii
Introduction / xv

Part 1: Preparing for Love

1 The Pleasure of the Tao and the Polarity of Sex / 3

2 The Supreme Way: The Tao of Spiritual Evolution
Through Tantra / 9
3 Inner Divinity, Self-Knowledge, and the Path of the Tao / 15
4 The Goddess and the Path to the Heart / 19
5 Sacred Space and Meditation Techniques / 23
6 The Power of Thought in the Tao of Sexual
Magic / 27
7 Energy and Erotic Motion / 31
8 Erotic Dance / 37
9 The Explosive Orgasm / 39
10 The Body and Its Colors / 41
11 Visualizing Divine Pleasure / 47
12 How to Reach the Core of Ecstasy / 49

13 Preparing for the True Kama Sutra / 51

14 Kama Sutra: The Art of Being Good Lovers / 55

Part 2: The Realization of Love

15 The Art of Sacred Sexuality and Its Practice / 61

16 The Pleasure of a Good Relationship / 67
17 Erotic Intelligence / 69
18 The Sexual Tao and Multiple Orgasms / 73
19 Positions of the Kama Sutra / 77

Part 3: The Expansion of Love

20 Discovering Erotic Chemistry / 1 1 1

21 Traveling the Love Maps / 115
22 Techniques for Being Tender / 117
23 The Law of Loving Attraction and How to
Practice It / 121
24 Use the Knowledge of the Tao to Become an
Irresistible Lover / 123
25 Techniques for a Perfect and Effective First Time / 127
26 Using Fragrances and Massage to Enhance Pleasure / 131
27 Aphrodisiacs: Pleasure Foods / 135
28 Body Zones and How to Stimulate Their Energy with Your
Hands / 143

29 Sexual Magic / 149

30 Relationships with Love / 157
31 Freedom: The Gift of Love / 163
32 Formulas for Tenderness / 167
33 How to Find Your Soul Mate / 171
34 The Perfect Lover Makes Love with Body and
S o u l / 177

Epilogue / 119
Bibliography / 181

To my husband, Greg, the love of my life. He makes all my womanly

fantasies come true. He inspires me and helps me grow each day with
happiness and compassion. A great companion, a better friend, and the
perfect lover.

With special love, to my beloved nephew and nieces, Ezequiel,

Manuela, and Caterina, who are a part of my heart.

To the spiritual masters who taught me how to awaken my inner self

and expand my awareness, especially Master Meishu Sama.

I would like to thank Judith Curr for her confidence in me, and, espe-
cially, Johanna Castillo for her friendship, love, and support of this new
version of my beloved book.

I dedicate this book to women and men. May it enable them, on this
very day, to make the commitment and the final decision to learn to be
loved, without conflicts and in total freedom. By sharing this text, it is
my humble intent for love in all of its perfection to become part of our
lives and bestow on us its powerful blessing.

Whoever exalts Life knows nothing about Life—

that is why he has Life.
Whoever does not exalt Life seeks not to lose his Life—
that is why he has no Life.
Whoever exalts Life does not act nor does he have a purpose.
Whoever does not exalt Life does act and does have a purpose.
Whoever exalts Love acts but does not have a purpose.
Whoever exalts Justice does act and does have a purpose.
Whoever exalts rituals does act, and when someone does not reply,
he gestures with his arms and attracts him.
That is why: once the Tao is lost, there remains Life.
Once Life is lost, there remains Love.
Once Love is lost, there remains Justice.
Once Justice is lost, there remains Ritual.
Ritual is loyal, believing, weak, and the beginning of confusion.
Previous knowledge is the glitter of the Tao
and the beginning of foolishness.
That is why the upright man remains honest and is not found
among the weak.
He lives in the Being and not in the glitter.
He rejects that and takes this.
—Tao Te King, 38

A man and a woman . . .

The man is the eagle that flies.
The woman is the nightingale that sings.
To fly is to master space.
To sing is to conquer the soul.
The man is a Temple.
The woman is the Altar.
Before the temple we uncover ourselves;
before the altar we kneel down . . .
The man is where the Earth ends.
The woman where Heaven starts.
—Victor Hugo

Sex and the Perfect Lover takes you by the hand on the road to experi-
ence pleasure and ecstasy on a permanent basis.
So you can travel that path and understand the meaning of true
love. You can attain higher clarity of mind and understanding. The pur-
pose of this book is to initiate you in the mastery of love and the en-
lightenment of your heart.
Each step down this road opens a door to deeper levels in yourself.
You must go through three stages.
The first stage to be transcended is the one that involves Preparing
for Love.
Once you have practiced all the techniques, once you have become
versed in the arts of perfect love, you can continue on the way of the
xvi I N T R O D U C T I O N

Tao to a deeper inner level and arrive at a new stage—the Realization

of Love.
To develop at this new stage, you have all the tools necessary in each
of the chapters headed by these affirmations.
Once you have known the Realization of Love, you'll be able to
Expand Love, because your heart is now ready to enlighten and glow
with the eternal flame that dwells inside you.
The answers, the techniques, the visualizations, and the elements
that will help you at each step are available in the affirmations pre-
sented in this chapter.

And since the Tao of Love is infinite, it has no end.

Or goals.
It is the eternal present.
When the three stages are reached,
the whole road has been covered.
The tao of love is always expanding,
that is why
it is immortal.
Here and now,
beyond sex,
you can love with your soul,
you already have the techniques
that lead you to be a perfect lover.

The heavens, as a result of the One, turned clear.
The earth, as a result of the One, became firm.
—Tao Te King, 39



The Tao: The Yin and Yang of Sex

W h e n a woman unites with her man in love, all the magical power of
the universe becomes integrated with this act, which then produces
miracles both in heaven and on earth.

The Union of the Feminine

w i t h the Masculine
Even though it is impossible to know the precise origin of Taoist phi-
losophy, it is known that around the year 500 B.C., Chinese scholar Lao-
Tse researched and compiled its basic principles into a book that we
know today as Tao Te King.
Just as the purpose of the Tao is to learn the supreme way to the
self-actualization of a human being, the purpose of the Tao of a couple
is to integrate love with sex and unite the male and female energies.
4 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

Representation of the Tao

The Tao is the unity of two principles: yin and yang. The symbol of yin
and yang is a circle divided into two halves by an S-shaped line, with
one half black and the other half white.
The circle represents the unity of the universe, consisting of the yin
(black) aspects and the yang (white) aspects, inseparable in every mani-
festation of the whole. Within each half there is a smaller circle of the
opposite color, which means that each principle contains the seed of
the other. At the culminating moment of deployment and expression,
each principle changes into its polar opposite so that the force of eter-
nal equilibrium can do its work.

The Equilibrium of the Universe Depends on Polarity

According to the Tao, the universe is the product of the polarity exist-
ing within the primordial unity: rest and motion, contraction and ex-
pansion, condensation and scattering, moving backward and moving
forward. From the most simple and peculiar manifestations to the most
complex and universal ones, every being expresses this original polarity.
The interrelationship between yin and yang generates all living things
that inhabit the universe.
The Tao philosophy is based on the search for balance and the inte-
gration of opposing energy forces that are complementary to each


Yin and Yang

Yin energy represents the feminine: passivity, night, wetness, cold, water,
and the moon. The woman, with all her sexual secretions and fluids,
constitutes a yin essence that provides the necessary protection that al-
lows the male's semen to become an embryo.
The woman contains an inexhaustible reserve of yin energy that is
activated by sexual arousal. The female orgasm strengthens vital energy,
improves health, and prolongs youth.
Due to the fact that a woman's sexual potential is more energetic
and open, almost all texts on this subject place a greater emphasis on
educating the man so both lovers can reach an equivalent level of satis-
Yang energy represents the masculine: activity, day, dryness, sun, and
fire. Man's sperm is a precious gift, the source of his physical health and
vital energy. This vital energy will diminish unless it is compensated by

an equivalent amount of female yin energy, which is why the man must
seek to satisfy the woman each time he has sexual contact with her. That
way, both will benefit the other during each act of lovemaking: he will
strengthen his vital essence, and she will stimulate and intensify her yin
According to Taoist thinking, the sexual feature of yin is slower exci-
tation, but this also means that a woman is slower to quit at the moment
when she needs more sexual stimulation. On the contrary, yang's sexual
feature is easy excitability, which allows the man to achieve maximum
pleasure instantly.
T h e man needs to learn to prolong the sexual act without reaching
orgasm so that both energies can merge and fuse. By increasing the
time his member remains inside the woman, he will absorb the yin
essence that will in turn revitalize him.
W h e n the man's yang force and the woman's yin force unite, they
create life in the universe.

Infinite Pleasure
There are physical and mental exercises that enable a couple having
sexual problems to find a balance. These ancient techniques are very ef-
fective for people who play routine, stereotyped, or rigid roles in their
sexual relations, which may eventually lead to a loss of sexual desire.
First of all, lovers should work on developing the tenderness of their
feelings and express them through caressing each other. Each partner
must caress the other in a slow and soft manner, with yin sensitivity. In
doing so, not only do the mouth and the fingers take part, but so does
the whole body, including those parts that are not usually explored
While the partners caress each other, both should focus mentally on

the image of a sun embracing the moon with its light beams—two vital
energies becoming integrated.
The man should excite the woman until they both reach maximum
wetness in their erogenous zones. U p o n achieving this yin sensation, it
is time for the intervention of the yang, with the man's penetration of
the woman until the couple achieves maximum pleasure.
Having completed the sexual act in a state of ecstasy, the couple
must wait a few minutes and allow their bodies to relax completely.
When they reach this restful state, the lovers should visualize the image
of an integrated earth and sky, while holding hands and kissing at the
same time.
If the lovers start caressing each other again, they may get excited
anew and perform the sexual act more than twice a day.
If a couple performs these exercises every day for some time, they
will successfully harmonize their yin and yang energies and will expe-
rience the highest embodiment of love.



Tantra: Another Way

to Sacred Pleasure
The art of the bedroom constitutes the climax
of human emotions
and includes the Supreme Way.
— Vishvasara Tantra

The word tantra comes from the union of the root word tan, mean-
ing "to extend, to expand," and the suffix tra, referring to an instru-
ment. Tantra, therefore, is an instrument for the expansion of ordinary
consciousness in order to access the root of the self as well as the u n -
known potential that it may be possible to use and awaken.
The Tantra discipline, or Tantra yoga, was developed through the
rituals, practices, and meditations found in various sacred books from

India. These books, which are over two thousand years old, were writ-
ten as dialogues between the Hindu god Shiva, "the penetrating power
of focused energy," and his mate Shakti, w h o represents the creative
female force, sometimes called "the power of Tantra." In Tantra, the
universe is alive. From the most distant star to the smallest subatomic
particle, everything is inhabited by some form of consciousness. The
universe is consciousness and energy combined. In practice, this leads
to a respect for all life, both animal and vegetable. W h e n anyone harms
any form of life, they are damaging their own life—ecology becomes
For couples seeking a significantly different way to relate to each
other and keep love and passion alive for a long time, Tantra provides
some very important tools.
Tantric sex does not promise instant results—it is not a "one-
minute" technique to gain sexual skills. But for couples who wish to
enrich their relationship, it can release a special type of energy that
enhances harmony and increases sexual pleasure and intimacy. Tantric
sex can create an extraordinary sense of companionship between the

Tantra's Ancient Secrets

T h e mysterious and often misrepresented Tantra discipline includes a

set of ancient techniques, doctrines, and rituals designed to unite the
human mind with the infinite. According to Tantra, the universe was
born from the cosmic union of the male and female principles. This
conception includes Tantric sex, combining the wisdom of the plea-
sures inherent in human nature and the pleasures that come to us
through the mystical path that bridges human love to divine love.
T H E S U P R E M E WAY 1 1

Tantric Sexuality
Tantra seeks the expansion of the mind by freeing energy from the fet-
ters that bind it to the dense dimensions of matter. Tantra is the system
whereby Shakti, the primordial energy, is released. To achieve this, it is
necessary to work diligently with a proper diet, proper breathing
(pranayama), proper exercise, proper relaxation, and proper thoughts
At the same time, making love is an ideal opportunity for the con-
scious circulation of energy, and either partner may cause his or her
own energy as well as the energy of the partner to circulate.
Energy circulates when we make love, but it is often lost due to a
lack of awareness. It is important to familiarize ourselves with the sen-
sation of a free flow of energy in order to recognize it consciously. It is
surprising to realize how easily the mind is able to feel the flow of en-
ergy if we let our intuition get in contact with the body of our partner.
Deep breathing enables us to experience the energy flow. We can see
that certain parts of the body feel awakened, while others are asleep or
less stimulated.
Tantric erotic positions, known as bandhas (locks), were devised to
inwardly channel the energy flowing outward. Hands and feet are used
frequently as aids in this extremely important process: to cause sexual
energy to circulate instead of that energy being lost. An essential ingre-
dient in Tantric practice is to honor the inner spirit. That is how love
assumes its liberating and truly eternal character.
The sexual relationship consists then of delivering one's sexuality to
another person. W h e n someone accepts the sexual act as a gift, ex-
changes take place at various levels: a physical exchange of secretions, a
psychophysical exchange of vital polarities and energies, a karmic ex-
change through the convergence of destinies, and a spiritual exchange
in the communion of spirits. All these exchanges enhance the quality of
the couple's relationship.

Tantra does not advise prolonged sexual abstinence, since it leads to

the accumulation of unnatural sexual currents inside the body. Reten-
tion consists of maintaining pleasure as a light in the midst of a storm.
Tantric texts underscore the importance of "absorbing your partner's
equivalent" when there is a release of vital fluids. The loss of semen,
which originates from all parts of the body, weakens the man and
shortens his life. To counteract the loss caused by ejaculation, the man
must consciously absorb the woman's secretions, for which there are
various techniques.
In any event, the retention of semen or the conscious control of
ejaculation is a personal issue, since it doesn't affect a twenty-year-old
young man in the same way as a fifty-year-old adult. The loss of energy
through ejaculation has a different meaning for each individual, so each
must decide w h e n and how to establish his own frequency.
At the highest levels of eroticism, orgasm becomes merely a point
in time, a further incentive in the state of intense and continuous
physical and emotional splendor that lovers successfully evoke in each
other. Sex is not considered a sensation, but a feeling. T h e attraction
is not an appetite, but an "eye-to-eye contact." Love is not a reaction,
but a carefully fostered creation, a prolonged mental and bodily ec-
stasy whose flames are kept alive by the prolonged stimulation of the
sexual organs and not by the mere reciprocal release. In this sense, the
rituals accompanying the sex acts also convey charges of accumulated
The positions and internal contractions that take place in the
course of the Tantric union are based on this conception of sexual
love. But the special condition of inner splendor that they provoke
only manifests when the erotic focus of attention shifts from the ex-
ternal and sensorial personification of desire to the inner goddess of
which all external women are a manifestation. In this sense, the sat-
isfaction of the woman is extremely important, since only with such
T H E S U P R E M E WAY 1 3

satisfaction will a woman bestow all of her initiation potential on her

lover. Both the woman and man, therefore, are key to reciprocal de-
light. This does not mean that one will lose value in the eyes of the
other. Quite the contrary—because each will become a divinity in
the other person's eyes.


The Road to P e r f e c t i o n
Sex is not only an act whereby bodies find each other with a greater or
lesser degree of surrender and satisfaction. It isn't a dirty word either. It
is the starting point of life. We need to become friends with the power-
ful sexual energy that modifies all things.
Oftentimes we behave as if body and sex were our enemies. The
perception of our sexuality, whether complete, normal, or unexplored,
is a true reflection of our lives.
W h e n well understood, sexuality holds the key that opens the door
to the knowledge of being and our inner self. It doesn't matter if we
still have issues pending on this subject; we always have the opportunity
to achieve deep knowledge on how to develop our sexual energy
through various physical exercises, seeking out those that best fit our
lifestyle and personality and are compatible with the people with w h o m

we relate sexually and emotionally. When the body and the spirit are in
balance, you start the journey to total and complete love.

Tantra's Erotic Rituals

We can develop our sexual energy alone or as a couple through various
techniques: active meditations, visualizations, rituals, and through the
knowledge of various symbols, such as internal colors and energy cen-
ters, or chakras.
This attitude endows the relationship with many advantages. We
grow closer to our beloved with the respect and devotion he or she de-
serves, and by so doing, we evoke in him or her, and therefore in our-
selves, a higher dimension. Every human weakness we see on a daily
basis in the other person disappears, at least during this sacred and devo-
tional act we perform. The love relationship turns into mutual stimula-
tion for the awakening of consciousness.
When lovers manage to reserve a space to see each other and them-
selves as higher beings, a type of energy is created that is quite helpful
in their daily life together.
Sexual energy is increased when stimulated by the erotic ritual. This
is the basis for the process of Tantric transformation.

Sacred Space and Body

Partners who have been living together for a long time usually place
too much emphasis on the human defects of the other partner. Even
when they love each other, if they have partially lost their passion, they
must arrive at the mutual decision to understand each other and feel
again the intensity of the first period of their relationship. The force of
sexual ritual helps them achieve this.

The first thing a couple needs to do is to enter a sacred space-time,

which is a lot more important than simply setting aside time and hav-
ing a bedroom with flowers and decorations. It also entails entering a
unique space-time—an inner place where there is no past or future, a
place where everything converges. This magic place is created in the
mind, in the awareness that something extraordinary is going to take
Explained in simpler terms, it is like entering a space where a ritual
will be held, while remaining aware that we are passing into a magic
place where the here and now prevail—where we have left behind our
problems and concerns and any memory of the past.
In this space we'll approach the body of our lover as we would sa-
cred soil. The body must be washed, purified, and perfumed in ac-
knowledgment of its beauty and its transcendental dimension. Both
bodies and both lovers are the expression of divinity. By loving each
other, they rejoice in life, and energy is awakened.


Awaken Pleasure in t h e Goddess and

You W i l l Be Able to K i n d l e Her Heart
"There is no way to open up
other than the female way.
There is no yesterday or now or tomorrow,
or any other fortune but woman, nor any other kingdom,
pilgrimage or yoga,
or prayer, or magic formula,
or any other fulfillment than what woman provides."
—Shaktisangama, Tantra: Beyond the Orgasm

A w a k e n i n g the Goddess
The act of lovemaking is an experience beyond comparison, both in
regard to the sensations and to the feelings that reveal our deepest, re-
motest core. This experience is intimately related to erotic play. The in-
ternal female energy has the role of initiating this game, while the male
energy has the function of exciting and provoking the sexual impulse.
In direct contrast to animals, human beings display eroticism and are
able to dissociate sexual expression from the instinct to procreate.
Going a step further, followers of Tantra believe in the possibility and
freedom to choose the moment of pleasure.
Sexual dissatisfaction arises in a couple, for starters, because the first
orgasm is only the beginning for a woman, while ejaculation ends the
man's erection and interrupts female excitation. These differences con-
firm the fact that a woman needs sexual stimulation beyond the genital
aspect, since the first orgasm is not enough to truly satisfy her.
The question is, then, what can be done so that the woman's enjoy-
ment continues beyond the first orgasm?

The Poles of Limitless Pleasure

The woman has two sensitive poles loaded with sexual energy. In Tantric
philosophy, the North Pole is the clitoris, the most accessible spot and so
far the only one recognized. The South Pole is deeper and is called the
Sacred Spot. Some sexual therapists refer to it as the mysterious G-spot.
The clitoris sits like a bell on the upper part of the vulva. It's the
only organ in the body whose function is to generate pleasure. Even
though the head of the clitoris is small, most women are able to touch
and stimulate it easily. She can also stimulate it with the male organ as
foreplay to penetration.
But finding the Sacred Spot requires such a sense of touch that it is
difficult for a woman to find it by herself. If you find this Sacred Spot,
T H E G O D D E S S A N D T H E P A T H T O T H E H E A R T 2 1

you will be able to liberate the womanly sexual and spiritual potential,
which then acts as a healing power.
Some women have been able to locate this spot by themselves, by
pressing two fingers inside the vagina upward toward the navel while
simultaneously pressing down with the other hand just above the pubic
bone. If a woman succeeds in stimulating or massaging this area, the
spot will swell and may become palpable to her partner. However, for
most women this part of the process of awakening requires the gentle
touch of their partner, w h o must be ready to respect the physically and
psychologically vulnerable nature of this site. That is why Tantric disci-
pline provides methods to assimilate rapidly the knowledge about fe-
male pleasure and the poles of ecstasy.
The Sacred Spot, as known by Tantra followers, is located deep in the
vagina and is much more protected than the clitoris. Finding it and stim-
ulating it produces the most intense pleasure that can be experienced, but
to achieve this, a couple needs much patience and dedication.
If the woman hasn't had positive sexual experiences, this area must
be caressed most carefully and gently. Little by little, the couple will
learn to stimulate it and this will bring about a physical and spiritual
well-being in the woman that transcends the sexual aspects. It is most
important for the couple to overcome their prejudices and learn how
to kindle the inner flame that sustains the spirit dwelling in each of us.
This way, lovers will be able to purify their negative experiences.
A woman must know her body and explore her satisfaction without
guilt, so that she is able to tell her lover what she really needs. Having a
full relationship increases self-esteem and creates a sense of vitality and

The Goddess' P l e a s u r e
Tantra places a primordial importance on love and sexuality. The per-
formance is a sacred ritual that seeks to connect one's physical and spir-
2 2 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

itual energy. This translates into the names given to the organs: lingam for
the male organ, which means "shaft of light," and yoni for the female
organs, which translates as "sacred space."
In Tantra, spiritual consciousness is intimately related to the awakening
of the goddess, who holds the power of universal creative energy. The
power possessed by female energy is so great that at times it becomes un-
controllable. That is why Tantra seeks, in the sexual act, the pleasure of the
woman as a form of ecstasy and as a form of evolution for both partners.
In order to achieve this supreme pleasure, the woman's Sacred Spot
must be found, but this requires patience and experience. Learning to
know ourselves can provide us with multiple satisfactions, both sexually
and in life in general, but few women know their true intensity because
sex was, for centuries, a taboo subject. Many men and women still ex-
perience sex with a certain degree of guilt or disrespect. Maybe this is
why most couples don't know or don't share their needs, which pre-
vents them from understanding each other.
Many people are not aware of the ways of pleasure and tend to be-
lieve that sexual stimulation is all in plain sight. But if the woman is suc-
cessful in her search for her Sacred Spot, she will be able to experience
explosive orgasms. This uncontrollable sensation, and the transforming
power it entails, can even provoke a certain degree of fear if the woman
is not ready to experience such a high degree of intensity.
Perhaps not being able to manage their most primary instincts has
led women to repress them, and men to be afraid of not being able to
control such an overwhelming force. We need to stimulate and moti-
vate each other in order to awaken the dormant energy hidden in our
bodies, so that we can get in touch with the very energy of the uni-
T h e power of pleasure is already inside of you—you only have to
decide to become aware of your divine possibilities.



Meditation with Sexual Impulse

When we say the word meditation, the image that usually comes to
mind is that of a guru or master yogi sitting motionless for his entire
life. Nothing could be further from the truth: there are meditation
techniques that are static, but there are others that are performed while
we are in motion.
What can meditation do for us? First of all, it is a tool for self-
knowledge and an instrument for relaxation. It can help us focus our
energies on the here and now, on the present moment, on the space-
time we set aside for sacred love.
In short, meditation is a tool to become even more connected to
the sacred dimensions of ecstasy.

T h e most simple and classic method of becoming initiated in the prac-

tice of meditation is learning how to relax and concentrate on one's
breathing. Let's explore the following practice.
Sit comfortably, with your back upright. Your hands should rest on
your legs, close to your knees, or both on your lap, palms facing u p -
ward, the left hand beneath the right hand. Your shoulders should be
relaxed, without unnecessary tension in the face or neck.
Breathe in by raising your shoulders a little and let them drop as you
exhale. Repeat this three or four times.You'll see how, when you open
your chest to breathe, you feel it expand.
Then carefully observe whether the air slightly brushes your lips
and whether your nostrils open and close a little when breathing in and
Focus on the air entering through the right nostril, and notice if the
air temperature is different from that of the air entering through the
left nostril.
Does the air have color? What color does it suggest? The air enter-
ing through the right nostril—what color does it suggest to you? And
how about the air entering through the left nostril? Where does the air
We always use our eyes to see what lies outside—but now we're
looking in. We see how the air goes down little by little—is it dense or
subtle? Is it like a warm light that fills the lungs little by little, or is it
like a bolt of lightning that flashes?
Become aware that when air fills your whole chest, you feel happy.
You perceive that there is life inside of you. W h e n you're calm, warm
air relaxes and expands your chest.
The most important thing is to remain in the quiet of your inner
self, observing what happens inside and outside of you, as a witness to

Full breathing consists of working both your lungs and your entire ab-
domen to achieve correct deep respiration.
To learn how to breathe correctly, it is helpful to he down on a
mattress on the floor. The mattress you use should not be too soft.
Make sure you will not be interrupted for the next fifteen to twenty
Pay attention to your thoughts and let them pass as if they were
clouds—do not identify with any of them. After a few minutes of re-
laxation, place one hand on your abdomen and the other on your
chest, and softly breathe out all the air through your nose, emptying
your lungs completely.
Try to keep your lungs empty for a few seconds and then breathe in
slowly, inflating only your abdomen until you have filled up the lower
portion of the lungs completely. Without making any effort, you'll feel
how the diaphragm expands downward to allow the lower and middle
portions of your lungs to fill with air.
W h e n breathing out, take advantage of that moment and empty
your mind of all thoughts—imagine that your daily tensions and e m o -
tions are also being released. Contract your abdomen and continue ex-
pelling the air little by little.
Repeat this process for a minimum often minutes.
With your mind emptied of worries and concerns and your body
revitalized by the intake of fresh oxygen, you'll be in better condition
to focus your attention on the here and now of sacred sex.



The Depths of P l e a s u r e
W h e n you leave all doubts behind, you'll be able to expand and see
your soul devoid of emotion. The smiling gods will line the sides of the
road to bid you welcome. W h e n you touch heaven with your hands
and your heart flows over the earth, your whole existence will have
true meaning.
To develop sexual energy, we have already talked about the follow-
ing techniques:

Deep breathing

Another practice that is both effective and helpful is erotic visualiza-

tion. In addition, you can learn to develop the capacity to focus your
energy on your heart.

Erotic V i s u a l i z a t i o n
In a state of relaxation, in almost meditative awareness, start to visualize
your lover's body with your mind's eye. Imagine it in as much detail as
Then imagine how you could give it pleasure, what erogenous
zones you should stimulate, and how you want to do it so your lover
can achieve a total state of ecstasy.
Take a few moments to visualize calmly and in detail each step you
want to take to satisfy your lover, how your lover's body reacts, and how
ecstasy is being achieved.
You'll notice that a state of inner connection ensues that makes you
feel extremely excited. You'll feel a deep desire to embrace your partner
and perform the sexual act as quickly as possible. But if you do so, all
the stimulation and prior exercising will be lost.
For a man, the most important thing is to control ejaculation and
share the magic of sexual energy in an ever more prolonged fashion
with his partner.

The Heart's Flame

While maintaining sexual contact and prolonged ecstasy, focus your
awareness on the awakening of energy in the center of your heart, a
very powerful energy.
Three extremely important spiritual rays are concentrated in the
heart, consisting of different luminosities:

1. Pink light, which is directly related to unconditional love.

2. Blue light, which is related to the power of creation.
3.Yellow light, which represents the totality of the self.

A Ritual of Love, Power, and W i s d o m

Continue in a state of relaxation, naked in front of your partner. Start to
visualize a flame that includes the three aforementioned colors in your
heart. You'll notice that this triple flame shines light on your partner's
heart as if it were a torch of fire.
You and your lover must perform this exercise simultaneously, visu-
alizing the other wrapped in the three colors emanating from the heart.
If imagining these colors turns out to be difficult, observe a flame t o -
gether before performing the ritual and you'll both be able to see the
three colors and the light they shine.
Then imagine the same fire or ardent heat coming out of the heart
and being received by you and your lover. This way the union achieved
will be stronger and more complete, before and during sexual contact.


As a form of yoga within the Hindu tradition, Tantra emphasizes the

importance of knowing how vital energy circulates within the body in
order to harmonize the circulation of this energy and develop its
The body is energy in action, but in order to develop the power of
this vital energy, we have to know the points where this energy is con-
centrated and distributed.
According to Oriental teaching, when these points, referred to as
chakras, become blocked—whether due to stress, emotional problems,
inhibitions, phobias, or fear of contact, among other things—a person's
sexual vitality diminishes considerably.

They are seven centers distributed along the length of the body, con-
nected to the glands that regulate the normal functioning of the respective
areas of the body. W h e n these centers malfunction, we are more suscepti-
ble to contracting various diseases that also affect our behavior and emo-
Meditation and visualization help unblock these centers and har-
monize their functions. T h e center corresponding to sexual energy is
the one that is most often blocked.

We can unblock our sexual energy by means of localization, relaxation,

and motion. The more we relax and are aware of our emotional and
sexual flow, the better we'll be able to control our personal power and
enjoy our intimate relationships. Moving the areas of the body where
sexual energy flows in a smooth and harmonious fashion helps us get
to know that energy and enjoy it.

The rhythm of pleasure became intertwined between

our legs to the rhythm of our hips.
The whole night we merged
in an erotic dance as though in a ritual.
The sweet friction of love's energy made us
shine in the darkness.
To our surprise, we discovered the sunrise
while we reflected our own light as if it were the moon.

The purpose of these techniques is to respect, deepen, and stimulate

the natural rhythms of the body. Through various motions in a state of
relaxation, we can control and increase vitality and at the same time
prevent muscle fatigue.

This exercise can be performed individually or as a couple. It is per-

formed standing up and walking.
First, you must completely relax your body. Focus your attention on
your flow of energy while combining the rhythms of respiration with
slow motions that use the weight of the body to move your arms and
legs in an arch-like motion.
Then, with your legs apart and slightly bent, make short movements
to observe each muscle's reflex and connection to respiration and circu-
lation. Also note each muscle's direct relation to other parts of the body
that relax or contract to enable the motion.
Usually, expansion motions are accompanied by an inhalation, and
contraction motions by an exhalation. The flow of motions must be
The objective is to achieve "harmony of body and spirit" by being
attentive to respiration and the way energy circulates throughout the

Men and women have different tempos of sexual response. If you wish
for a maximum love connection with your partner, you need to experi-

ence the different rhythms, which range from wild, erotic rhythms to
the softest and most tender cadences. Your sensations must become
tuned to those of your lover, until both of you reach sexual fulfillment.

The First Rhythm Is the Sexual Impulse

This rhythm is directly related to the mutual attraction between the
two partners. It is characterized by the seduction each partner provokes
in the other.

The Second Rhythm Is Excitation

This tempo is spontaneous and is usually expressed more slowly in the
woman and more quickly in the man. It depends exclusively on the
erotic game that was induced by the first rhythm. It is important to per-
sonalize your ardor to stimulate your lover's erogenous zones.

The Third Rhythm Is the Orgasmic Rhythm

This rhythm is the result of the previous ones. Just like in a dance,
lovers preserve an erotic energy of both instinctive and emotional en-
counters. This stage concentrates the mystery of the ecstasy of sexual

The Fourth Rhythm Is Consummation

At this level an infinite explosion is achieved that transcends the limits
of physical satisfaction and awakens the lovers' indescribable feelings.
This burst, this explosive ecstasy, can only be attained through mutual
surrender, while following the rhythm of love. When each lover adapts
to the sexual response of the partner, the sexual act does not end with

the orgasm—quite the contrary; after the temporary release, these tech-
niques rekindle sexual pleasure.

The Game of M i r r o r s
Lovers can perform the Game of Mirrors exercise, which will help
them appreciate the sensations of their partner. This technique is geared
to polish your perceptions, so you can better appreciate your lover as a
pleasurable object.

1. Lovers exchange sexual roles, by mutual agreement. This exercise

is based on imitating the motions that are naturally performed by
your partner in the course of the erotic game. First, one partner
performs the active role and then the other will imitate him or
her. This mirroring technique is the same technique used to learn
any dancing move.
2. The marvelous thing about human beings while making love is that
they can acquire knowledge and learn from different experiences
by getting in contact with creativity and pleasure. Astonishing re-
sults can be achieved by performing this exercise once a week and
then once a month.

The couple that finds a unique rhythm transforms sexuality into the
true art of loving.


Technique to P r e p a r e
for the Erotic Dance
Preparing for the erotic dance takes approximately an hour and consists
of four steps. It is important to play music that is strong and vibrant, but is
without lyrics, in order to avoid mental associations and memories. The
purpose of this exercise is to induce mental silence.

First Step

For ten to fifteen minutes, relax and allow your body to move or
quiver. Free yourself from all inhibitions. Feel how energy ascends from
your feet throughout all of your body.
Relax your head and allow it to move wherever you wish. This can
be done with your eyes open or closed.

Second Step
For ten to fifteen minutes, dance spontaneously as if you were a child. Let
your body lead you inside that spontaneous rhythm.

Third Step
Close your eyes and be still, whether sitting down or standing up. The
important thing is to be aware of anything you feel inside your body,
such as restlessness, calm, tingling, or excitation.

Fourth Step
Quietly and with your eyes closed, notice the flow of your vital energy
after moving. Breathe ever more slowly until you feel complete ecstasy
with this natural dance of your body.
If the dance is performed as a couple, lovers ideally should try to
coordinate their rhythms. They can touch each other and, with their
legs apart, softly move their hips in mutual rhythm.


We have already explored various elements that are conducive to achiev-

ing an intense sexual and spiritual relationship. All of these elements are
steps that help us get in tune with both our own rhythms and with those
of our partner. The steps also lead to achieving an explosive orgasm.
Before achieving an explosive orgasm, it is very pleasurable to softly
massage your partner with a moisturizing lotion or cream on the lower
back, the spine, and the inside surface of the arms and legs.
In men, the central area of their feet is particularly sensitive. The
liver, which controls and releases the additional blood needed for erec-
tion, benefits directly from this stimulation.

How to Achieve the Explosion

In order to achieve a balance, the man must take in the woman's fluids.
Taoist sexual discipline teaches men the "Great Liberation of the Three
Peaks." This means that the man must absorb the secretions of the

woman's lips and tongue, breasts, and vagina, or mons veneris. The man
must lick up these secretions because, according to Taoists, they are very
healthy. The man should use his tongue to stimulate the woman's mouth,
breasts, the upper part of her pelvis, and the inside of her vagina.

How to Recognize the Signs t h a t

I n d i c a t e Sexual Enjoyment in Women
Practitioners of the Tao of Love assert that it is possible to recognize the
degree of female pleasure by discovering the "Five Signs." If a lover pays
attention to each of them, he will know how to make the right move
at the right time.

l. W h e n the woman's face blushes and her body temperature rises,

her partner should start to play tenderly.
2. The man should penetrate the woman when he observes that her
nipples are hard and small drops of sweat appear around her nose.
3. If he notices dryness in her throat and lips, he should thrust more
4. W h e n female lubrication turns slippery, the man should achieve
the deep explosion. He needs to keep moving his pelvis while
penetration lasts and not stop. He should softly squeeze the
woman's body against his, but each time with more insistence.
5. The last sign will be the secretion of a viscous fluid on the
woman's thighs. This indicates that she has reached the high tide
of orgasmic explosion. At this moment, the man should begin
breathing exercises in order to withhold ejaculation for a longer
time, which makes it possible to employ different positions in
search of the supreme pleasure.


If you fill your life with the proper colors, you will be able to change
your feelings and your perceptions and noticeably improve each sexual

Sex and Colors

Sexual rituals have long been performed by using various supporting

elements—from candles of different colors to special garments whose
colors, textures, and styles varied depending on the ritual's origin.
Nothing escapes the power of the colors in a rainbow. In our daily
lives, we usually spend considerable time choosing the colors we use to
paint each room of our house, and we recognize the energy emitted by
the colors of crystals and stones that shine in earrings or other jewels.

T h e discipline of chromotherapy studies the effects of colors on

people. By using some of these findings, it is possible to reestablish the
natural power of our energy centers by visualizing specific colors, or by
using illumination, choosing colors that strengthen and reinforce our
erogenous zones.
"Nothing is true or false—it all depends on the color of the glass
you look through," says a Spanish proverb, and it contains more than a
grain of truth. Colors are nothing but light beams reflected or emitted
by the objects we see. This luminous radiation has the power to exert a
healing influence through the various energy channels in our body.
Likewise, working internally and externally with colors modifies
our disposition and the "waves" we emit.

The Purpose of V i s u a l i z i n g Each Color


Yellow is a natural stimulant of emotions. It helps harmonize wishes

and desires and make them come true.


Blue is a cold color that relieves anxiety and helps control attacks of
obsessive sexual attraction.


White is used in purification rituals and is related to the cleanliness that

should precede a sexual relation or a love union.

Navy Blue
Blue is a great spiritual generator. It magnetizes people's environments,
thereby attracting states of peace, protection, and safety.

The neutral color par excellence, gray is useful for creating environ-
ments that foster an objective understanding of what's happening
around us.

Brown is associated with the persistence and patience of those who
help us grow spiritually.

Orange has a soothing effect that acts directly on the central nervous
system and increases our attention span.

Black absorbs light. It is associated with female energy and with the
dark side of the Tao symbol, but its effect may vary depending on how
it is used.

Red symbolizes sexual power. It increases eroticism and provides
strength and endurance. It fills the blood with oxygen and clears its

Pink preserves love in sexual relationships and fuses love and erotic pas-
sion into a bond.

Green is associated with nature and living energy. Its hypnotic vibra-
tions bring calm to the body and mind.

Violet is the manifestation of the spirit, which is why it is the color
used to transform negative emotions and thoughts.

Multicolor Pleasure
When you think of two lovers, you never imagine them vibrating to-
gether in black and white. What color excites you?
Colors produce an energy vibration that acts on different planes, but
the art of making love requires more than a mere game with colors.
The culmination of pleasure is marked by a variety of colors felt only
by those who are willing to experiment with the various hues.

Colors and Sexual Motivation

Colors express moods and emotions that are directly related to con-
crete psychic meanings. They also clearly exert a physiological effect.
Whenever we have problems with our partner due to a lack of sexual
desire or because there isn't a strong erotic chemistry, we can use differ-
ent colors to increase pleasure to its utmost level.

The most common practice is to use colors as part of the environ-

ment's decor. For example, to foster moments of pleasure, you can place
a specially colored light in the room. R e d symbolizes passion, vitality,
and strength. Orange is a source of refreshing energy and is useful in
solving communication problems. It also enhances the physical connec-
tion. The use of various hues of red and other bright colors in lingerie
accentuates the female form.

Visible Impact
We must be particularly aware of how we prepare ourselves for the rit-
ual of passion—what clothes, makeup, or other enhancements we
choose to wear before making love. Certain color combinations con-
tinue to exert a subliminal effect on our lover's mind after the moment
of intimacy.
These colors cause the same magnetism as the colors that are used
to control city traffic. They are colors that should stand out from our
surroundings to increase our lover's focus on our body and the situa-
tion at hand. Here are some possible combinations:

Black and yellow

Green and white
R e d and white
Blue and white

Incorporating any of these color combinations into the environment

where the moment of intimacy is to take place will increase and en-
hance the visual impact. Start with the bed sheets and include any bod-
ily accessories. W h e n a couple is having problems, the first impact a
change in the environment can have is to arouse interest, curiosity, and
finally excitation.
4 6 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Inner Circle and its Colors

A human being is a bundle of energies as vibrant as colors. If we have a
positive relationship with our partner, an effective technique is to con-
centrate on a protective energy before beginning foreplay. Already in
the nude, both partners can visualize each other wrapped in a spiral of a
particular color, depending on the effect they wish to achieve.


Sex can be happy,

but only love is a true delight.

Visualizing Divine Pleasure

You can use the infinite energy of this visualization to explore pleasure
beyond its known limits.

First Step

Relax your body completely and keep breathing until you reach a state
of complete serenity.

Second Step
Imagine a white light penetrating through your head.

Third Step
Visualize the body's energy centers, with their respective colors, as
beams of light that open up and overcome whatever is blocked.

Fourth Step
Feel that each center is interconnected with the others, and finish the
exercise with the pleasant sensation brought about by the harmony of
each color.

If you practice this exercise for a few minutes every day, the change
will be instantaneous and the general condition of your body will im-
prove noticeably. You'll be able to observe a change in your relation-
ship as a couple on the emotional and sexual planes.
W h e n you awaken your internal energy, the expression of pleasure
is complete and limitless.


Some Rules of the Tao of Love and Sex

Making love is one of the healthiest and most beneficial exercises for
the human body, since it requires exerting oneself as when practicing a
sport, and therefore it has the same effects: it keeps the abdominal mus-
cles in shape, increases lung capacity, and improves blood flow and hor-
mone exchanges.
An erotic book from the Ming Dynasty taught that a man must
penetrate a woman 1,200 times before reaching true satisfaction. T i m e -
wise, this equals about forty minutes of actual sexual acts. From the
point of view of physical exertion, this would keep anyone in pretty
good shape.
Love contact and communication are vitally important for all
human beings. The happiness and well-being produced by a sexual rela-
tionship are almost impossible to find in other activities. Caresses and

tender words are instruments that bring about great benefits as part of a
couple's interaction. T h e Tao of Love recommends the following:

1. Before making love, create an atmosphere that is conducive to

2. Relax, empty your mind, and then focus only on caresses and
stimulating words.
3. Leisurely stimulate your partner's sensitive areas and invite your
partner to do likewise.
4. Change position every ten minutes.
5. T h e number of times a week you make love may vary, but there
must be only one ejaculation in those seven days.


The True M e a n i n g of t h e Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra was written in India between the third and fifth cen-
turies, and its authorship is attributed to the scholar Vatsyayana. It com-
bines Taoist sexual techniques gathered from Chinese bedroom books
with the seduction methods described by the R o m a n poet Ovid, al-
though the Kama Sutra places more emphasis on love (distinguishing it
from desire and passion) than did Ovid and the Chinese. Vatsyayana re-
peatedly interrupts his descriptions of sexual techniques or seduction to
insist that the rules do not apply to people in love, w h o only have to let
themselves go and be led by instinct.
Most people associate the Kama Sutra simply with multiple posi-
tions in which to perform the sexual act, a mixture of pornography and
acrobatics. In the Orient, the true meaning of the Kama Sutra lies very
far from this purely gymnastic idea.

From both the perspective of the Tao of Love and that of Tantra,
every sexual union is sacred and reproduces the ultimate act of creation:
the union of the male and female cosmic principles, a union that is the
cause of the created and manifest universe. Sexual contact, no matter
how trivial it may seem, is sacred and cosmic, even when those who
experience such sexual contact are unaware of this.
The Kama Sutra teaches a series of asanas, which are yoga positions
that have ritualistic meaning. Its purpose is to "divinize" the couple and
their sexuality. Without this spiritual component, the Kama Sutra loses
its ritualistic meaning.
The aim of the positions is not only to experience sensual volup-
tuousness but also to facilitate meditation as a couple. Some positions
enable them to prolong the sexual union for up to two hours without
the need to move much, so as not to disturb the internalization of the
divine sexual act. Often the comfort level is such that it allows a com-
plete physical and mental relaxation that will lead them to various states
of awareness.
Asanas also promote exchanges of magnetic and vital energies, and
facilitate the control of ejaculation. In this regard, Tantra disregards, at
least at the beginning, the position most often used in the West, com-
monly known as the "missionary position" (uttana bandka in Sanskrit),
in which the man lies on top of the woman. This position, according to
the scholars, does not facilitate seminal control.

The Reason for the Positions

Let's try to understand the reason for the positions by means of an ex-
ample. Start by inverting the missionary position and placing the
woman on top. The advantage of this variation is that the woman (rep-
resenting the goddess) can initiate the movements and control the ex-
perience. The man, on the other hand, although almost motionless, is
better able to relax and let himself go.

This position also allows for an inverted union, in which the man
adopts the position typically held by the woman, that is, lying on his
back with his legs apart. The woman, in turn, performs the typical role
of the man in the union and keeps her legs closed tight. This way the
man can identify with female energy and reach a better understanding
of his partner.


P h i l o s o p h y of t h e Kama Sutra
The Kama Sutra warns that although it does describe ways to achieve
and provoke greater pleasure, it is harmony that keeps a couple to-
This harmony ensues when a man and a woman live as one single
body and one single soul. This way their good deeds will be an example
to all who know them, and therefore they will be happy both in this
world and the hereafter.
The main reason for marital separation, and the chief cause of infi-
delity, is a lack of varied pleasures, which results in boredom and mo-
notony in the sexual life of a couple.

The Sixty-Four
Sixty-Four (Chatushshashti) is the name of the part of the Sacred Scrip-
tures dealing with the sexual union. Many say that its name is due to
the fact that it has sixty-four parts, but others say that it has only eight
parts subdivided into another eight. These parts are as follows:

l. T h e Caress
2. The Kiss
3. The Scratch
4. The Bite
5. The Sexual Union
6. The Erotic Screams
7. The Woman W h o Assumes the Masculine Role
8. The Oral Union

Vatsyayana believed that this name was the result of coincidence and cus-
tom, since the Sixty-Four contains more than eight sections, such as the
man's behavior during the love act and the various methods of sexual
Here is an example. The first subject addressed is the embrace. This
bodily contact reflects the happiness of a man and a woman joined by
love. According to the ancient scriptures, there are four types of embraces.
T h e most elementary type is the Embrace Through Touch. It takes
place w h e n a man feels the impulse of desire, and then seeks to touch
a woman's body with his own.
W h e n a woman bends over to pick up an object from the floor and
her breasts lightly touch the body of her lover and he in turn caresses
them with his hand, this is called the Embrace Through Penetration.
These two types of embraces are used only by lovers who are not sure of
their feelings or intentions toward each other.
If two lovers are walking through a shaded, pleasant garden, and

their bodies rub against each other softly, this is called the Embrace
Through Friction.
Lastly, when one lover presses passionately and forcefully against the
body of the other, this is known as the Embrace Through Pressure.
These last two forms are used only by those w h o have succumbed to
the pleasure of Kama, and are willing to sail on together into the
stormy ocean of desire.

The Rules of Life

The Rules of Life that were set by the Lord of Beings w h e n he created
man and woman are Dharma, Artha, and Kama.
The Dharma refers to the acquisition of religious merit. All laws
having to do with religious life are part of the Dharma.
The Artha is related to material acquisitions, such as properties, real
estate, jewels, and money. Whether someone amasses great riches or
ends up living in poverty depends on how this discipline is observed.
Lastly is the Kama, which refers to everything having to do with
love, desire, pleasure, and sexuality. The Kama Sutra is a collection of
love proverbs. In India, every man must read the Kama Sutra before
getting married.
The study of these three Rules of Life leads human beings to attain
fulfillment and harmony and thereby to achieve happiness. They must be
followed in order for one to learn to be whole. If one of the three rules is
missing, the process is incomplete.
For this reason, the Kama Sutra is not only sex, as the West tends to
see it, but it also includes forms and laws for appropriate behavior that
both men and women ought to know, not only for the purpose of being
experts on the Kama, but because knowledge of these arts will allow
them to overcome any situation, anywhere and under any circumstances.


The Union
Within yoga's broad landscape, Tantra yoga is one of the most ancient
disciplines. Many sustain that Tantra is found in the origin of all yoga,
but there is no agreement in this regard. What is true is that the ori-
gins of these ancient Indian traditions are lost in the mist of history.
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root word yug, meaning
"union." Yoga deals with the unions within human evolution up to the
complete fusion with the Cosmic Entity or Divinity. This "union" is
like mixing water with sugar—separately each has its own characteris-
tics, taste, color, and appearance, but when mixed together they lose
their differences, and we get sweet water—the water has been sugared,
and the sugar is now a liquid. Yoga means the ultimate unification of
the microcosm and macrocosm.
Tantra is the practical method for divine light to become manifest
within each human heart in this material world. Tantra does not sepa-

rate material life from spiritual life. A human being without his or her
divine spark is not a complete human being, and that's where the most
beautiful secret of all lies.

Tantra Yoga Exercises for a

Wondrous Sexual Union
Tantra yoga sees sexual union as a union of body and soul, of male and
female principles, of sexuality and spirituality. In Tantra, the most im-
portant sexual organ is the mind.
In order to enjoy a full sexual life, we need to pay attention to
both the psychological aspects, since the mind plays a preponderant
role in human relations, and the physical aspects, such as breathing ex-
ercises, yoga, proper nutrition, and a good attitude.
The more people understand this, the more they will stop con-
suming stimulants. T h e practice of yoga, or any of the various Taoist
gymnastic exercises, is a powerful activator, free of costs and side ef-
fects, and accepted by modern sexology, which relies on and trusts the
ancient exercises developed by Tantra and Taoism.

Ancient Practices
Here we will explain in detail some practices that will greatly help in
achieving sexual fulfillment.

Primary Breathing
First, get "on all fours," with your hands and knees on the floor. Upon
inhaling, lift your head, arch your back downward, and put out your
belly. U p o n exhaling, arch your back upward, lower your head, and

sink in your belly.You may draw your pelvis close to the floor. Breath-
ing should be slow and natural, not forced, to the rhythm of the ex-
pansion and contraction of the abdomen.
Then, while focusing, lie on your back and rest.You may place one
hand on the area of your stomach to better observe the motions of the

Genital Breathing
Lying on your back, flex your legs and place your feet firmly on the
floor. Then begin the genital breathing. This breathing consists of slow
and deep abdominal respirations in which the belly is propelled for-
ward during inhalation and drawn back in during exhalation.

Squat Breathing
Squat down with your heels firmly on the floor and the palms of your
hands or the tips of your fingers braced on the floor. The arms are
placed on the inside of the legs. Focus on the rhythmic motion of ab-
dominal breathing.
During inhalation we bring the belly forward and bring it back in
when exhaling. At each exhalation open your legs, imagining you are
expelling air through the genitals. Then close your legs softly for an-
other inhalation.

Breathing with Pelvic Motion

Lying on your belly, with your arms stretched forward, knees on the
floor, and your toes braced securely on the floor, breathe deeply and
slowly with your abdomen, enjoying the sensation and pushing your
pelvis forward.
You don't need to perform the same exercises every day.

Classic Tantra Yoga Exercises

Here are some more practices that will greatly help in achieving sex-
ual fulfillment.

The Flower

This exercise helps tighten the perineum or pelvic zone, which starts
in the anus and ends in the genitalia. It is excellent for toning the anal
sphincter, thus preventing hemorrhoids and other inconveniences by
activating circulation, while also stimulating the urogenital system. In
w o m e n it strengthens the walls of the vagina, thus preventing the pos-
sibility of anorgasmy. In men it decreases the likelihood of early ejacu-
lation and impotence.
The man should sit on the floor with his back upright and his
hands resting on his knees, with his palms facing up. He should first
concentrate on his anal region by exerting pressure on his glutei. He
should start with inhalations that are not too deep and hold the air in
his chest while contracting his anus as tightly as possible. He should
then extend the anal contraction forward until he feels a soft pull in
his testicles inside the scrotum. U p o n releasing the air, he should re-
lease the contraction and relax.
The woman should do likewise, but should extend the pressure ex-
erted on her anus forward until she feels a slight pull on the labia of
the vagina.

The Star

This exercise increases the sensitivity of the clitoris (the star) in

women and the potency of the erection in men.
Drink several glasses of water on an empty stomach. Urinate after

one hour, stopping and releasing the flow of urine at least ten times
until the bladder is empty.
Then sit in the position described in the previous section, but this
time concentrating on the urethral foramen (the hole where the ure-
thra ends). After an average inhalation, contract the urethral foramen
just as you would when you try to stop the flow of urine. Then relax
the contraction and expel the air slowly.
In both exercises, contractions should be repeated as often as possi-
ble with the same retention of air. This will increase blood pressure in
the area, which will cause a mild sexual excitement.


How to Achieve a Good

Sexual R e l a t i o n s h i p
For Taoists, the factor that truly unites a couple is a fully developed
sexual relationship. That is why it is so important to achieve a deep
mental and spiritual connection, both with one's mate and with one's
own inner self.

Steps to Achieve Pleasure

Start by stimulating the erogenous zones. The first caresses should start
at the arms and legs. It is advisable not to start at the genital area, be-
cause oftentimes this causes a certain sexual inhibition and the oppor-
tunity is lost to tap the energy of more stimulating spots.
The couple should start by massaging each other on the hands,

wrists, feet, and ankles. Then move up to the arms and shoulders until
reaching the chest. Continue up the legs and thighs until reaching the
If this is done by the man, it is important that afterward the
woman do it the same way, because these routes represent the main
energy meridians.
Massages can be very exciting, especially if performed with some
kind of moisturizing oil or cream. Lovers should concentrate on a
pink light while they massage each other. The elements that allow us
to surprise ourselves and surprise our lover are what differentiate a
magical couple from your regular, garden-variety sexual relationship.
According to acupuncture, the zone that causes a better flow and
lubrication in women is located about three inches above the ankle.
This spot stimulates the awakening of the goddess.
The sensorial stimuli are accompanied by the visualization of the
heart and a total focus on physical pleasure.
Little by little and without any kind of pressure, an impulse will
emerge to very softly shift the caressing to the sexual organs.
For the woman, it will be very important to have certain areas
stimulated continuously, such as the clitoris and the G-spot.
Disciplined concentration by the man will enable him to delay
ejaculation and therefore maintain an erection for a longer time.


Eroticism Is I n t e l l i g e n t
When a person touches another person's body, the brain receives stim-
uli at more than half a million receptors, which decode the informa-
tion about the caressed object. During sexual relations, our body is
stimulated all over. How can we take advantage of this erotic informa-
tion within our reach?

D e v e l o p i n g Erotic I n t e l l i g e n c e
During sexual contact, concentration helps us recognize the body's
various textures, which are infinite and subtle. There will be unex-
plored spaces—smooth, rough, flexible, wet, hot, cold, firm, delicate,
thin, and thick spaces. It is important to activate all the senses in order
to enjoy sex creatively.
7 0 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

Blind Touching
To stimulate the sense of touch, the partners, before making love, may
perform the following exercise.
Take a handkerchief and cover your eyes, focusing all your atten-
tion on caressing each other. Investigating each other blindly sharpens
our sense of hearing and helps us hear exciting whispers.

Savoring the Taste

There are around 10,000 taste buds that are used to differentiate the
different flavors. H o w do they work? Inside the mouth, the taste buds
are organized as follows: Sour flavors are registered on the sides of the
tongue, bitter flavors on the back, salty flavors on the surface, and
sweet flavors at the tip. The body issues different flavors in the course
of a kiss. Recognizing each sensation generates greater satisfaction and
ecstasy during the sexual act.

Changing Positions
Changing from one position to another during the sex act is very
stimulating, but if lovers do not do it with sufficient erotic intelli-
gence, it becomes merely a form of sexual athletics.

Smell and Touch

Place in water the petals of a flower, such as a jasmine or a rose, and
wait until they dissolve on your fingers to create an instant sensual
perfume. You can bring your partner to a state of rapture by touching
him or her repeatedly with your perfumed hands.

Taste, Hearing, Touch, and Sight

While the partners stop for an instant to change positions, they can eat
some foods that are arousing. They can eat these foods, observe them,
and taste them while listening to the sounds inside the mouth. In ad-
dition, if these foods are placed on the body, they induce a strange and
stimulating sensation. Foodstuffs may be varied: honey, cream, choco-
late, sparkling wine—what is important is to allow ourselves to be
By using erotic intelligence and creativity in each sexual act, you
can take advantage of the whole capacity of your brain and truly be-
come a genius in the art of making love.



Multiple Orgasms: Delight Multiplied

It is possible to expand the limits of pleasure and achieve more than one
orgasm during each sexual encounter. Here we reveal the secrets of
male and female multiple orgasms.
Sexual excitement may be induced in several ways: involuntarily, as
the result of sexual fantasies or images, or by direct stimulation
through physical contact.
The first sign that a person is getting excited is a rapid concentra-
tion of blood on the surface of the body, which accumulates in the
erogenous zones—the penis, the clitoris, and the vagina. This causes an
erection of the penis in men and vaginal lubrication in women.
To attain total pleasure, the partners must initiate the sexual rela-
tion consciously. W h e n the man receives a sexual stimulus, his body
releases a substance that causes the relaxation and subsequent erection

of his penis. He must learn to maintain a state of relaxation in order to

avoid reaching the point of ejaculation. The woman develops a better
quality orgasm when the man succeeds in maintaining the erection for
a longer time.

The Straight Path to Multiple Orgasms

In order to multiply satisfaction, the first step is to concentrate on the
whole body and relax in order to generate a perfect chemistry. With
practice, both lovers will be able to feel how each part of their bodies
has a different sensitivity.
W h e n the skin is stimulated by caresses, massages, or kisses, the
body vibrates as a whole, like a single erogenous space—this is the
principle that is going to enrich the erotic experience. It is important
to know that with proper technique and the necessary knowledge of
the body, men and women can achieve multiorgasmic experiences.

Different Forms of Pleasure

The mechanism of the orgasm can be explained as an explosive release
of sexual energy. This explosion causes a muscular contraction
throughout the body and subsequently results in complete relaxation.

The Single Orgasm

T h e single orgasm consists of a physiological sexual discharge that
causes pleasure at that exact moment. In both sexes it can be induced
through masturbation techniques, without the need for a partner. It
lasts between two and ten seconds.
T H E S E X U A L TAO A N D M U L T I P L E O R G A S M S 7 5

Multiple Orgasms
This state of pleasure is generated in a relationship where the partners
perform the appropriate stimulation of their bodies. T h e experience of
each bodily contraction is multiplied, with two to ten minutes of rest
for men. In women the orgasms can be more continuous, with differ-
ent intensity and regularity.

Orgasmic Chain Reaction

This is a sequence of continuous orgasms to the point where they be-
come one single long orgasm, consisting of six to twelve orgasms n o n -
stop. In this case, the man ejaculates only during the last period of
orgasmic contractions. In the woman, once she starts, the release of
pleasure won't stop. W h e n the woman controls the orgasmic chain re-
action, the moment in which the erotic session ends depends on her
wishes. Orgasmic control will depend on psychological and emotional
aspects, provided the woman has been able to achieve this maximum
stage of utmost pleasure.

Refractory Period
This is the resting period that ensues after an orgasm—it is the time
needed by the body to recover after the orgasmic discharge and to be
able to become excited again. In the case of women, this phase can last
between one and ten minutes, depending on the lover's suitable stimula-
tion. In men, the refractory stage lasts longer, between fourteen to twenty
minutes, depending on the appropriate motivation by their mates. T h e
refractory period will also depend on the age of the lovers, how much
they have practiced, and the experiences they have had together.
Sexual pleasure is unlimited when the mind is liberated through the
true knowledge of all our sexual potential.


Sexual Yoga
The positions of the Kama Sutra excite imagination and enhance
pleasure. We will explain the positions in the following pages.
Unlike Chinese bedroom books, which emphasize methods, the
Kama Sutra is devoted to classifying sexual relations with astonishing
attention to detail and postures, but leaving ample room for spontane-
ity, which belongs in the spiritual realm.

The Wheelbarrow
The partners get ready to make love at the edge of the bed. The
woman props her forearms on the bed while the man "lifts" her by the
legs and places himself standing up behind her to penetrate her while
holding her thighs.
Stimulation and pleasure are concentrated in the partners' genitals,
but it is the man w h o sets the rhythm of the act, drawing her body to-
ward his.
Her legs may close up or open up wide, as preferred by the part-
ners, who may engage in changing the angle. The variety of motions
(circular, ascending and descending) allowed by this posture is astonish-
ing and very exciting. The sensations are intense.

The H a m m o c k
To perform the sexual act in this position, it is advisable for the man to
sit on a hard surface (not a bed) with his legs flexed and grabbing the
back side of his knees. The woman, with her legs open, allows herself to
be penetrated by accommodating herself in the space remaining be-
tween his legs and his trunk, with the man's arms surrounding her legs.
The man presses his knees against the body of his mate, drawing her
to himself and causing their bodies to engage in a rhythmic motion
while kissing her breasts, which are close to his face. The pleasure of
breast stimulation is delightful for the woman and arousing for the man.
The woman, with her neck bent backward in a gesture of submission,
enjoys the incredible pleasure provided by her mate.
8 0 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The M o l d
With her legs together and tucked in, the woman lies on her side and
relaxes her head backward while the man penetrates her, whether
through the vagina or the anus. This is an excellent position for anal
sex. The woman who dares to live this anal sex experience will be able
to complete and integrate her body as a perfect universe to love and
enjoy without stopping to check on the quality or quantity of eroti-
The moves must be soft and coordinated and penetration deep and
slow. Both bodies fit each other perfectly, as would two pieces of a jigsaw
puzzle. The fact that the woman's legs are held together combined with
squeezing can exert an ideal pressure on the penis and at the same time
cause a pleasant friction on the clitoris.
This last aspect makes it an ideal position for women who have
problems reaching orgasm. They only have to relax and enjoy it fully.
P O S I T I O N S O F T H E K A M A S U T R A 8 1

The Trapeze
The man sits with his legs open and his partner, on top of him, opens
up to a slow penetration, feeling fulfilled and giving herself up to her
lover to be complemented.
The man takes the woman by the wrists while he feels an over-
whelming joy toward her. Then he leans back, relaxing slowly until he
falls back completely. It is important for the woman to remain relaxed
and to give herself up to the strength of her lover, w h o draws her in
with his arms and engages in the powerful thrusts needed for the act of
This position combines several movements. It requires agility and a re-
laxed surrender on the part of the woman, and strength and skill on the
part of the man. Both balance and complement each other.
This position is ideal for changing the routine and for experiencing
new emotions.
8 2 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Mirror of Pleasure

T h e woman lies on her back and lifts her legs in a vertical position
while her breathing betrays the joy of showing her wet and longing
parts to her partner. She then lets him hold her legs, with her partner
kneeling at the end of her body and propping his other arm on the
floor. The man penetrates her, subdues her, and controls her, varying the
direction of the penetration and the opening of the legs.
Their faces can't get near each other and the man's hands can do
very little in this position, which generates an extremely arousing anx-
iety. T h e two bodies run the race together to reach orgasm, bestowing
on each other the most varied gestures of pleasure, sensuality, affection,
and eroticism.

The Dragonfly
To perform the sexual act in this position, the partners must He on their
sides on a flexible and comfortable place, such as a bed or a sofa. T h e
woman lies on her side with her back turned to her partner, and he
mounts her from the back. This way, the bodies fit each other in a posi-
tion that is ideal for very affectionate couples who enjoy demonstrating
the tenderness they feel toward each other.
With a bit of skill combined with much excitement, the woman takes
her flexed outer leg and places it on the man's coccyx, thus opening the
door to pleasure. The man penetrates her by using his lover's leg as an
erotic lever bracing on the support of his hip.
The flattering words the man is able to whisper in his partner's ear,
because it is so close to his mouth, provide the perfect compliment to
achieve the utmost delight, in addition to ardent kisses. The woman,
upon just listening to him, lets herself be taken over by the rhythm of his
kisses, while she shows her lover all the effects his potency has on her
through her expressions of intense pleasure.
Penetration goes halfway, which is why the pleasure is enhanced by
the desire to make penetration deep and cause the explosion of the
most exciting orgasm.
8 4 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Screw
Nothing is more advisable to a woman who finds it difficult to reach
orgasm than assuming positions that press on the clitoris while the
vagina is penetrated. Orgasm always comes in this position, and multi-
ple experiences of pleasure become concrete and unforgettable feelings
for the woman.
She lies down by the edge of the bed and places her flexed legs to
one side of her body (each woman will know which side is most com-
fortable for her). This enables her to keep the clitoris trapped between
the best allies she has to reach the prized orgasm—the labia of her
The woman can contract and relax that entire region, while the
man, kneeling in front of her, penetrates her softly. To turn this position
into a true delicacy, it is suitable for the man, while penetrating her, to
caress her breasts and for the woman to groan with pleasure to arouse
her partner.

The A m a z o n
This position puts the woman in a totally active position. She places
herself on top of the man and sets the rhythm of the sexual relation by
bracing her feet on the floor. It is ideal for active women who are a bit
domineering and like to set the sexual rhythm in a relationship.
For the man, this is an extraordinary experience because in this p o -
sition he can incorporate the yin energy, which is more passive, and in
addition be able to relax in the course of the sexual act. In turn he can
touch her breasts and pull the hair of his mate while she moves.
The visual angle made possible by this variation is one of the most
exciting angles for the man, since he is able to see close at hand each
thrust he performs on his partner. And the woman will get much pleas-
ure from the idea of knowing that she is in control of the sexual act and
that the man knows it.
8 6 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Easy Chair

Leaning on a big, comfortable cushion or pillow, the man sits with his
legs flexed and a bit open. The woman sits comfortably on the space
he's formed with his body. In this position, the protective feelings of
both partners come to the fore.
Assisted by his arms and hands, the man finds the satisfactory point
of encounter for both and places his partner on his erection, controlling
the sexual rhythm.
Her legs are braced on the shoulders of her mate, who has his head
trapped and wrapped between her thighs. The man can touch her cli-
toris while he forcefully grabs her by her waist.
The distance between the faces and the daring aspect of this pro-
posal endow this position with an extremely sensual quality.

The Sleepy W o m a n
The woman lies on her side and the man mounts her from the back in
order to penetrate her. She stretches a leg backward and wraps it
around his waist. This position is ideal for well-endowed men w h o al-
ways had experiences in the traditional position, and for very flexible
women who want to place their whole body at the disposal of their
Additionally, it fulfills several longings of fantasy-driven minds. First
of all, she is in front of him and at the same time has access to his face
and neck, and he has access to her face and neck. Secondly, he has com-
fortable access to her clitoris and is able to touch and feel the breasts of
his lover.

The Surprise
In this position the man must be standing up to grab the woman from
behind, penetrate her, and at the same time take her by the hips in a sen-
sual manner and with a certain degree of domination. She relaxes her
whole body and places her hands on the floor in an attitude of surrender
and of confidence in her partner. The man "surprises" the woman from
behind, setting the erotic rhythm almost completely.
For her, pleasure is concentrated because of the opening angle of
the vagina, which, being narrow, provokes a very intense, pleasant sensa-
tion. For him, the most powerful sensation expands upward from the
glans, which comes into and out of the vagina at will and caresses the
clitoris in the most daring moves as it comes out. In addition, the man's
visual field covers her anus, her buttocks, and her back, zones that are
very erogenous for many people. T h e domination exerted by the man
on the woman together with her complete relaxation may foster play-
fulness in the man, w h o while seducing his lover is able to play around
with her anus. If she already knows the experience, the woman may ap-
proach the sensation of pleasure caused by her lover's anal penetration.
This position is ideal for those w h o love the most savage and prim-
itive forms of sexual intercourse.
9 0 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Medusa
The partners should kneel on a comfortable surface, though not as soft
as a bed. In this position, the man surrenders to the woman's will. She de-
scends on his penis and introduces it into her vagina whenever she
wishes. Before penetration, they may kiss, rub each other's breasts, hug,
caress each other's back, and place the glans in her vagina and rub it
against the clitoris, creating a pleasant and very different sensation, an al-
most unique one. After being very much desired, the penetration will come
with infinite pleasure at the end.
In the course of the love act, if he can't surrender patiently to her
moves, he'll be able to set the rhythm by grabbing her by the waist and
drawing her body to his.
Since the partners are face to face, this offers the exciting opportu-
nity to observe each other, rejoice together, talk, and kiss each other on
the mouth until achieving the much desired orgasm.
P O S I T I O N S O F T H E K A M A S U T R A 9 1

The Fusion
In this position, the man sits down, tilting his body slightly backward,
supporting it by bracing his hands on the bed on each side of his body.
The legs may be stretched or bent, depending on the partners' comfort.
The heads of both partners should be relaxed. The woman assumes the
active role on this occasion, passing her legs over her lover and support-
ing herself by bracing her arms behind her body.
To be totally successful in this position, stimulation must be intense,
since during penetration this position prevents manual contact and
contact of the mouths of the partners.
The woman sets the rhythm and establishes the genital encounter with
a very marked motion. It is essential to have the clitoris take full advantage
of the impacts with her lover's body in order to maintain the excitement
until the moment she decides to explode with pleasure, provided her lover
keeps the rhythm with a good erection.
The look is a fundamental component, but so is sensual and
provocative communication, since erotic words provide a very strong
sexual charge to the love act. Both resources (looks and words) can be
unbelievable weapons used to enjoy this position and achieve a com-
plete "fusion."
9 2 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

As its name indicates, this position is captivating and has a certain de-
gree of suggestion, especially for the woman. The man can use all his
sexual magnetism and enjoy his own energy in this posture.
T h e woman lies on her back with her legs open, waiting for her
partner to penetrate her, while he sits down and holds her by her
shoulders to regulate the motion. Their legs become intertwined in a
sensual and pleasant manner.
The male organ penetrates and withdraws, deviating its movement
downward, since the body of the woman is slightly higher than the
body of the man. He can then explore the woman's G-spot and all of
her genital area in order to give his partner everything she loves.

Face to Face
This is the most classic and universal position known in the art of mak-
ing love. It provides a lot of security for couples in which the woman
needs the man's bodily, sexual, and emotional protection.
The state of being face to face makes for a large number of variations
to this position, which makes it an attractive and exciting one. The m o -
bility of the hands, the closeness of the faces, and the comfort of the
bodies are some of the advantages that made it famous.
The lovers should not fear trying new types of contact during the
love act in this position. She can touch her mate's glutei and anal areas.
He can rub her clitoris or allow her to do it herself. The legs of both
partners may be closer together in order to create a certain degree of
difficulty in the penetration.
This is a position that many lovers identify with the love and ro-
mance they experienced at the beginning of their life as a couple. It is
worth it to experience it at the various stages of their sexual life and to
profit to the utmost from all its advantages.
9 4 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

Face-to-Face Variation
This is the same classic position, but the difference, perhaps more excit-
ing, is that the woman assumes the active and dominating role. This
variation of the "face to face" is a position that favors women who can't
reach orgasm easily because they need a very active and direct stimula-
tion of the clitoris and labia.
In this variation of the love act, the woman can rub her clitoris
against the body of her lover, and, due to her dominating position, can
move easily and with greater bodily freedom. Additionally, the man can
touch with joy his mate's buttocks and play around with his fingers in
search of the complete satisfaction of both partners.

Taming the Horse

While sitting comfortably, the man receives his mate, who fits into his
body by sitting on his erection.
In this position, the woman can seduce her lover in many ways.
One of them is to touch and expertly caress his genital area. W h e n the
male organ reaches its maximum erection, she takes it and assists in the
penetration. Then, with her hands, she sensually cooperates in the sex-
ual maneuvers.
If both lovers desire, the man can impose his will by pressing the
woman slowly against his member while looking her in the eyes.
The passion of the embrace, the playful games with the tongue, the
kisses, and the soft massages or caresses on each other's backs cause shud-
ders in the partner and are some of the additions that make this position
a very sensual one.
9 6 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Subjected M a n
In spite of the name, this is one of the Kama Sutra positions that is most
preferred by male lovers. Male submission can be totally sexually stim-
ulating for a couple, especially for those partners who have been in a
relationship for a long time.
The man lies down, surrendering his body to his partners will. The
encounter may start with caresses and kisses performed by her on him.
He always remains in the same position, but she may eventually turn
her back to him. The woman controls the movements by aiding herself
with her arms. Deep penetration is made possible by this position.
It is very erotic for the couple to have their eyes meet when she shows
her face over her shoulder. In addition, the man has easy access to his
lover's anal area and buttocks. It is the woman who regulates the speed of
the sexual rhythm and of their movements. As she moves, both can enjoy
the anal and genital stimulation of this position, which is a very adequate
variation of the love act.

The Delight
This position should be performed in a comfortable and very intimate
place, one that allows for playfulness in freedom. The woman should
get close to the edge of a bed or chair. Her lover kneels down in order
to penetrate his mate with his genital area at the same height as her
The woman, feeling very relaxed, throws her body backward and
opens her legs to receive her lover. At the same time, she surrounds his
body with her legs. She can set the sexual rhythm in this position, but if
both have a motion that is harmonic, full, and open, the mutual delight
will be explosive.
9 8 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Deep One

The advantage of this position is that is makes total penetration possi-
ble, hence its name. The woman, with her legs raised and open, waits
for her lover to penetrate her. Then she raises her legs to the utmost
until they reach above his shoulders. The man then braces his hands on
the floor to regulate the rhythm of the act.
Many women may feel this position is complicated, uncomfortable,
or painful, but it has to be experienced. The excitement felt by the man
in this position is moving, and the pleasure that can be shared is ex-
This position provides an absolute penetration and a unique genital
contact when the testicles are placed on the glutei and the clitoris is
pressed by the opening of the legs.
The difficulty in kissing and the distance between the faces may be
interesting for the partners when they draw near each other's mouths
and feel limited by their bodies. Both can play around with the irony of
flexibility and the love they feel in the need to get near, while having to
contain each other.

The Windmill's Blade

In this position, the woman lies on her back with her legs open to be
penetrated by her lover. He penetrates her facing her legs. The differ-
ence in sensation is remarkable: the clitoris and the labia are in full con-
tact with the male pelvis and genital area. The most intense penetration
is achieved through deep circular motions.
The fact that the lovers can't see each other's faces gives a mysteri-
ous flavor to this position. The novelty of the caresses surprises and en-
riches the relationship. The woman can caress her mate's buttocks or
softly stick her nails on the back side of his knees. The man can attempt
to suck the feet of his lover and lightly bite her toes. They can both also
draw their hands near the genitals that are fusing passionately with each
100 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Acrobatic Position

This position is recommended for couples training in the art of love-
making who have flexible bodies and are willing to live very intense
experiences full of marvelous motions.
The man lies down, relaxed but excited, with his penis totally erect.
The woman sits facing away from him and lets him penetrate her while
flexing her knees and tilting her body backward so her lover can per-
form deep penetrations of her vagina.
To activate the motions needed for the act, the woman should lift
her waist and relax on her mate. The man thus has easier access to her
clitoris and genital area.
She should relax the rest of her body. The decline in muscle tone for
each area of the body is what makes this position so special, since the
woman can reach an explosive orgasm that will leave her exhausted.

The Bow
This position is a variation of the "face to face," but it modifies sensa-
tions to the extreme. The woman is lying on her back with her legs
open and flexed, bracing her arms behind her shoulders. W h e n her
partner is ready to penetrate her, she raises her hips and perches herself
on the flexed legs of her mate.
The pleasure she receives is focused on the deep penetration and es-
pecially on feeling her whole vaginal and abdominal areas covered and
protected by the heat of her lover's skin.
When this position stays firm, lovers experience formidable pleasure
during orgasm, especially if, by keeping adequate sexual rhythm, they
achieve a synchronized climax.
102 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

Savage Furor
The name of this position is due to the fact that it allows the man to
develop and fantasize with all of his instinctive potential, while his lover
surrenders to him almost completely in the love act.
For this position, the woman kneels with her flexed hands and her
bent knees on the floor. The man places himself behind her, in the same
position but covering his lover's body.
In order to be more comfortable, the woman can support her body
by placing her arms on the floor, bending her waist, and opening her
legs to expose her vulva. It is very useful for both to put a big cushion
or pillow beneath their knees to protect them.
The man takes the woman by the waist and penetrates her deeply
through the vagina or the anus, according to the couple's needs and de-
sires. He can add to the penetration by touching the breasts of his mate.
Or, if he wishes to achieve a special kind of satisfaction, he can perform
the penetration more slowly and brace an arm on the floor in order to
sustain the fused bodies in the air.
The almost complete control exerted by the man adds a very excit-
ing component to this position.

The Catapult
This position is a valuable source of pleasure, since it puts the man's
body in contact with areas of the woman's body that usually remain
untouched in more traditional positions.
The man kneels and receives his partner while she places her glutei
over the legs of her lover. The woman can stretch her legs over the
man's torso or bend her knees by placing the soles of her feet on his
chest. This is very exciting for the man when the woman is able to play
on his chest with the soles of her feet.
The man has easy access to his lover's clitoris, which is why he is
able to stimulate her genital area with his hands. In turn, the woman
can perform a sensual motion with the shifting and raising of her hips.
The rhythm is set by both partners, depending on the desire, passion,
and flexibility of each.
104 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

The Total Embrace

This position promotes passionate and creative sex, in which bodily
contact is complete. To have sex in this position, both lovers must feel a
sense of great surrender.
Both are naked, standing up and face to face to love each other. She
goes up her partner's body and hangs by his shoulders in order to em-
brace her lover's body with her arms and legs. He grabs her by the but-
tocks and draws her toward his body in order to penetrate her.
The rhythm of the love act can be set in two ways: up and down or
back and forward, depending on the intensity, surrender, time, potency,
and the need to experience a vigorous erotic rhythm.

Variation of the Subjected Man

In this variation of the "subjected man" position, the woman stretches
her body backward, bracing her arms on the arms of her partner and
stretching her legs forward. This way the man can easily stimulate the
breasts of his lover, and the woman can place her buttocks on her part-
ner in order to perform deep circular motions.
In this position, penetration is not complete, but it is a very power-
ful game prior to a more intense act of lovemaking. If she keeps up her
sensual motions, the woman will oftentimes attain a more explosive

Variation of the Fusion

Here, the rhythm of the sexual act is set by the woman through the
motion that she can best regulate and perform in this position: the up-
and-down oscillation.
If the man relaxes and supports his whole body while the woman
gets up slightly, the fusion causes a deeper penetration.
Her hands can touch her lover's chest during the love act. The man
can stimulate the clitoris, and the woman can increase the pleasure for
both by performing deep tactual stimulation of his erogenous zone.

The Teaspoon
This is an excellent position for anal sex. With her legs together and
tucked in, the woman can press against the man's penis and feel it more
intensely while she lies on her side and relaxes her head backward.
Penetration can be anal or vaginal, as preferred by the couple. If
movements are soft and coordinated, and penetration deep and slow,
the bodies fit together and fuse as if they were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
This position reinforces the friction on the clitoris, which is satisfy-
ing for her and tremendously exciting for him.




How to Spark Sexual Chemistry

In a couple, there are several reasons why the chemistry of passion
does not work the same as time goes by as it did at the beginning of
the relationship. These include stress, financial problems, changes in
schedule when a child is born, routine, and lack of communication.
But it also happens that two lovers, after a certain period, lose sex-
ual desire without any apparent cause. W h y does the sexual chemistry
that prevailed at the beginning of the relationship cease to exist? H o w
can intense eroticism be kept alive or elicited as time goes by?
Sexuality is an art and the highest point of pleasure is not the or-
gasm, but rather a state of ecstasy for an unlimited time. You need not
be a sexual athlete to achieve this.
112 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

Elements That Fuel t h e Flame

Keeping the flame alive is not easy, but it can be learned as matter-of-
facdy as when one begins loving a person through mutual contact and

Look for Complicity

Be alert to your mate's looks and thoughts. Find the proper moment,
anywhere and at any time, to let that person know something with the
wink of an eye. Use secret codes that have meaning for the two of you.
Tempt your partner to make love in some "forbidden" place or one that
will bring much excitement for you both.

Celebrate Different Events in Intimacy

R e m e m b e r moments in which you both had that chemistry and honor
those moments with a toast. Use flowers, special fragrances, and candles
to create a romantic atmosphere and to increase excitement to the ut-

Watch How You Make Love

Do you make love mechanically as if it were just one more routine, or
do you surrender without limitations? Pay attention to your lover's re-
actions, looks, and gestures, and caress his or her whole body with a
great discharge of eroticism with each move.

Do What Excites Your Partner

Find out whether you do everything that your mate really likes. If that's
not the case, try to. It might just be that whispering erotic stories in his
D I S C O V E R I N G E R O T I C C H E M I S T R Y 1 1 3

or her ear or dressing up in a certain special way opens the path to ex-

Stimulate and Sexually Provoke Your Lover

Provoke your lover sexually, and then draw back and do something else
until your partner seeks you out, burning with desire. Playfulness is an
element that generates a lot of passion in one's partner.

Don't Forget to Communicate

When you are with your partner, express your love for him or her, and
reveal the burning in your heart for him or her. This constant affirma-
tion is an indispensable step in maintaining the chemistry of love.


Pleasure Maps
When we remember our sexual experiences, the files from the past
don't always provide us with exciting images. These "post cards" gener-
ate different emotions, sometimes even frustration or impotence. These
negative memories provoke in us a deep fear of repeating a particularly
unsatisfactory sexual experience.
Recent studies have discovered the "brain m a p " that organizes ac-
quired knowledge. By means of these mental plans, we are able to
consciously replace undesirable data with more pleasant information.
We can indeed develop our erotic intelligence in order to feel pleas-
ure again without associating our new sexual experiences with bad
116 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

How Erotic Maps Are Charted

T h e workings of these brain organizers also allow us to chart our "sex
maps"—new routes to pleasure, connected directly to the sense detec-
tors we use in the sex act. The purpose is to modify negative informa-
tion and chart new love maps. There are many ways to do this, but the
simplest is by using visualization, logic, and emotional memory.

New P l e a s u r e Routes
M e n and women have different erotic zones. To find them and order
them in accordance with the feelings they give evoke, we suggest per-
forming the following exercise.
Select a photograph of your whole body. Make a copy (enlarge it if
small) and paste it on a white sheet of paper.
Mark each place of your body that causes a positive or a negative
sensation. Use different colors according to your personal criteria.
After marking these areas, write down the feelings they cause. The
parts of the body may be marked with an arrow, as in a road map, writing
down the stimulation felt in that particular zone. The most sensitive area
in women is their breasts; to be more exact, their nipples, which are the
first to react to sexual stimuli. Other major female erogenous zones are
the mons veneris, the entrance to the vagina, the anal region, and the cli-
toris (the organ of pleasure par excellence). In men, the erogenous zones
are located in the pelvis, but also in other areas such as the mouth and the
neck. It is important to work these maps in a conscientious manner and
see what changes have occurred in the performance of the sex act.
In the future you will be able to revise your erotic map to add new
associations of sensations with bodily areas.
Visualizing and associating the erogenous zones with concrete feelings
(and putting them into words) causes a conscious change in memory.


Love Food: Hugs and Kisses

There are different kinds of kisses, as many as the relationships in which
they take place and the people w h o give them: kissing with a look,
kissing at a distance, awakening kisses, magical kisses, spontaneous
kisses, virtual kisses, passionate kisses, commitment kisses, faked kisses,
ardent kisses . . . and so on.
The most common hugs are good-bye hugs, arrival hugs, re-
encounter hugs, affectionate hugs, endless hugs, and friendly hugs.
Which hugs and kisses would you like to give or receive? W h o is the
person you want to hug and kiss right now? Do you think you could
have ever prevented a separation with a timely hug or kiss?
The purpose of hugs and kisses is to show deep affection, passion,
fellowship, friendship, sexual needs, protection, mercy, consolation, wis-
dom, power, or love.

What do we feel when we kiss or hug? Excitement, appreciation,

self-esteem, safety, approval, contentment, strength, devotion, spirituality,
protection, enthusiasm, and happiness. Kissing is psychologically related
to the most primitive contact in human beings and reminds us subcon-
sciously of all our oral needs, such as the need for food, its enjoyment,
flavor, what has been wished for, and what has been rejected—every-
thing related to survival.
Practice the art of kissing every day. Prepare a list of all the people
whom you would like to hug or kiss, and the reason for it. Then try to
understand why you don't do it on a daily basis in each case.
If one of the first people on your list is your partner, awaken that
person with a kiss. If your mate does not live with you, make a phone
call and greet him or her with a kiss, send a message with kisses every
day, talk at least one minute a day, or do it by e-mail including the
words kiss and hug.
Try to do the same thing every day with all the people on your list.
Choose the most appropriate kiss or hug depending on the relationship
and degree of closeness.

Love R i t u a l
When you feel depressed, when you're having problems with your
partner, when you have low self-esteem and don't feel loved or desired,
remind yourself that this is all a reflection of your thoughts and feelings
of love for your own self. Then perform the following exercise.
Choose a quiet place and relax. You may fill the room with the
pleasant scent of incense or perfume. Listen to quiet music and try to
dress as comfortably as possible.
Lie down wherever you feel most at ease. Visualize each cell of your
skin and imagine that they turn into small kisses with different charac-
teristics and colors, for example red kisses, sweet kisses, healthy kisses,
T E C H N I Q U E S FOR B E I N G T E N D E R 1 1 9

loving kisses, ardent kisses, and sensual kisses. Imagine that you hug
your own body and that you caress yourself, or place your arms around
yourself. When you finally feel that you really love yourself, imagine the
person you desire in front of you. Kiss and hug that person in your
You'll be able to see how the energy of your love can do miracles in
your relationships. Now you only have to wait, because hugs and kisses
will come to you.


Removing Sexual Blocks

All human beings at some time in their lives have wondered: Shall I be
able to please this person who has so kindled my fancy? Shall I ever feel
the pleasure that I so desire?
To answer this question in the affirmative, we must feel that
throughout our sexual experiences we have developed enough self-
confidence to control our own bodies and feelings with complete free-
But currently, we live in a fast-moving world that leads us to doubt
our capacity to love. That is why it is important to know that there are
erotic self-suggestion techniques, based on self-hypnosis, to release the
mind and the body from the stress factors that cause a person to not be
able to relate naturally to their own sexuality.
These techniques are very simple and may be performed in approx-
imately fifteen minutes at any time of the day.
122 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

How to Practice Erotic Self-Suggestion

The first thing you have to do is try to evoke your sexual blocks and
write them down in a notebook so you don't forget. It is not always
easy to identify these conflicts consciously. In order to evoke them suc-
cessfully, you should relax your body and remember the problem with
all your senses and with a clear mind.
There are different self-suggestion methods to achieve complete re-
laxation. The quickest and most advisable one is to focus your eyes on a
point until your eyelids relax and fall by their own weight. At that m o -
ment, your whole body is devoted to investigating whatever you are
trying to know and solve.
After you achieve this state, it is important to repeat the following
phrase to yourself mentally: "Each time I close my eyes, I'm going to
relax and achieve an ever more pleasant state to be aware of all of my
being." This way, the more you practice self-suggestion, the more easily
you'll achieve an ever deeper state of visualization and self-knowledge.
Your memory will be complete if you check what you remember
with each of your senses: taste, smell, sight, touch, and hearing. To call
forth the taste you felt at the moment you were experiencing the
block, you should ask yourself, for example, "Was the taste pleasant, bit-
ter, sweet, or salty?" Then you should perform the same exercise with
the smells: "What aroma did I perceive? Was it unpleasant, stale, musty,
like plastic, or like a perfume?"
To the extent that you remember successfully with each sense, you
will be able to dissociate it from the bad experience and eventually re-
move the block completely.



The Tao of Sexual M a g n e t i s m

Your body is wrapped around me,
Your words fascinate me
like a love spell.
I'm so vulnerable
to your look that the farther I get from you,
the stronger the magnetism
of your presence inside me.

Who has not been subdued, at least once in their life, by the fascination
cast by people who possess an indefinable charisma?
Every object has its own magnetic field. Human beings possess an es-
pecially active magnetic charge, and the erotic field stands out among the
fields of action that magnetic energy can influence.

All human beings have the power to issue forth streams of the vital
energy that gives us life itself, acknowledging that these waves can in-
deed influence the people we desire sexually, even at a distance. A per-
son's magnetic field acts directly on another in a situation of trance or
suggestion. But to make use of this powerful magnetic current and be
able to transmit this attraction to others, you need to develop your own
powers of suggestion.

Understanding Sexual Magnetism

A person can have three kinds of natural sexual magnetism:

1. A physiological action known as "animal magnetism."

2. An action of a more subtle nature that acts at a distance
through will and thought.
3. An action produced by external factors: the resonance of one's
voice, a special presence, suggestive behavior, a certain look,
and other special gestures.

Suggestion and Self-Suggestion

Suggestion is a physiological process that, if you learn how to control it,
can even cause another person to follow your orders, because each idea
that is understood by the brain tends to become an action.
Is it possible to use suggestion in our conversations or contacts with
other people? Yes, but in order to achieve this, it is indispensable to have
blind confidence in ourselves. A person is as he or she thinks. That is
why we must think intensely of the idea (and the sexual charge) that
we wish to transmit to the other person.
Suggestion may also be defined as a self-affirmation intended to re-
inforce an idea with respect to oneself or to other people. By means of

self-convincing, it is possible to give rise to thoughts loaded with

strength, greatness, and power. If these powers are exercised, little by lit-
tle the ideas of power and sensuality that we want to transmit to others
become fixed in our own selves, stimulating the subconscious.

A Simple Suggestion Exercise

Every day, when you get up or go to bed, you should repeat to yourself
the following affirmation: "I have confidence in myself and great mag-
netism in my dealings with others."
Here is another possible affirmation: "I am liberating myself of all
my inner conflicts and I attract sexually whomever I desire."
It is important that you repeat these sentences for some time, with
the absolute certainty that the magnetism you are developing will be
irresistibly seductive for any mortal being.


The Keys to an I n t e n s e
Sexual First Time
Before the first erotic encounter, everybody feels a certain amount of
fear. There are some people w h o communicate with each other
through a certain affinity and attract each other physically at first sight,
but how can they be sure that their first sexual encounter won't be a
false spontaneous combustion that will end up totally extinguishing
their passion?
If you have already experienced too many disappointments with part-
ners who seemed to be sexual wild animals, and turned out to be a fi-
asco, here you'll find a short list of advice so that your next love
encounter won't become a bad combination of hormones.

Advice for Women

1. Don't go by your first impression in the case of a man who is
very passionate and, like a caged lion, wants to touch you as
soon as you get near, especially if he tries to do it the first time
you have a date with him. In general, you should consider a
congenial man w h o is not too bold, because he is surely
someone w h o will respect your needs.
2. Go with your instincts. Consider your own desire to hug him
or protect him. If this impulse arises spontaneously, don't re-
press it.
3. Some men handle excitement very well and know how to se-
duce effectively, but others don't. The best thing is not to let
yourself feel frustrated after an erotic encounter, because a
failed first experience can prevent a full future relationship.
4. Before the first erotic encounter, see if he pays attention to
you. A receptive man will listen attentively and look at your
body discreedy but with desire. He may not take the initiative,
but will observe your hand gestures and the way you look at
him, and his movements will be calm and self-assured.
5. Another thing to take into account is that many men expect
you to make the first physical move. For example, this type of
man will wait until you give him a signal that he is well re-
ceived, or for you to sit closer to him in the car, or move your
body forward while you share dinner, sitting face to face in a
6. If you really desire his body, try kissing him. If he's the right
man, his caresses will be soft and sensual and won't go directly
to your breasts or other erogenous zones. Rather, he will test
your desire and, approaching you step by step, respond to your
T E C H N I Q U E S FOR A P E R F E C T A N D E F F E C T I V E F I R S T T I M E 1 2 9

permission. He'll also be expecting your response while he ca-

resses you, sensing your most satisfying spots based on your re-
actions. These are the most astute men and the ones w h o will
really help you enjoy the experience.
7. Don't be fooled by physical attraction, and don't be impressed
by men who boast of their sexual prowess. Consider men w h o
have a more modern masculinity, w h o are less aggressive in
making decisions and who are more appropriate for a satisfac-
tory sexual relationship with you.

Advice for Men

1. There is a prototype of the subjugating, super-attractive
woman who is a trap for unwary men. She seems to move
around like a lioness looking for her mate, seduces with the
way she talks, absent-mindedly moves her legs or skirt, and is
playfully provocative. Distrust her if she is watching you while
openly showing that she desires you. This is a warning that
you are "jumping into the abyss again." Surely you'll have
good sex, but afterward you'll flee through the first door you
can find. Once again, you'll feel empty and will ask yourself:
Do I really have to be a superman?

2. Ask yourself: W h o m do I have to satisfy? Maybe you have

asked yourself this question previously. Even if myths and
petty talk tell you otherwise, after the first time a man does
need to feel protected. He needs to be sure that his mate had a
good time and that he made her enjoy the sex act.
3. Surely you don't want to simply add one more orgasm to your
score. That is why you should attentively observe this woman
you have in front of you. Smell her fragrance and caress her
130 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

skin delicately until you feel you both can be one single body.
If you're not sure, learn to wait for a more appropriate time.
4.Take as long as you need. No one is going to think you're not
manly enough.This is only a test for your own satisfaction and
sometimes it is worth it to wait a little longer.


Fragrances to Delight Yourself

and Others
For the ancient Greeks, daily aromatic baths combined with massage
opened the way to total sexual actualization. Nowadays, sensual aro-
matherapy has again become one of the most effective techniques to
revitalize passion in marital life.
Many ancient arts that were discarded for centuries by institutional
medicine indeed contain a great deal of truth in their aim to improve
personal well-being and practice the art of loving to the fullest.

Oils, Fragrances, and Other Delights

The aromatherapy that is currently the rage among the restless gen-
erations of our youth is a healing procedure performed by inhaling
different aromas. But direct aspiration through the nose is only one

of the basic methods to administer the essential oils, perfumes, and salts.
They can also be applied to the skin in the course of immersion baths
and erotic or relaxing massages, as well as in warm packs applied to the
erogenous zones of the body. Aromatherapy is advisable for those couples
who are starting an emotional and sexual relationship, because it helps them
overcome more quickly the lack of mutual trust they experience at first.
In this case, if the massage is started at the soles of the feet, the es-
sential oils will be absorbed more quickly and their stimulating effects
will generate a greater sense of relaxation and sexual attraction.

An Erotic Massage Technique to Perform as a Couple

Erotic massages can be performed with different types of oils that stim-
ulate the circulation of blood and sexual desire. In men, the technique
will be most effective if applied to the area of the testicles. In women,
this will be achieved by finding her most sensitive spots while caressing
her under the influence of these fragrances.
Pure essential oils are obtained from the bark, roots, stems, leaves,
flowers, and resins of plants and trees. To inhale their intoxicating aro-
mas, place the essence of your choice in a pressure cooker. The steam
will spread the perfume throughout the house and create a delightful
environment. The fragrance may also be burned in a special container.

Magical Love Recipes: How to

Prepare Homemade Essential Oils
In ancient times, plants and flowers were pressed and then infusions were
prepared until the process of distillation was perfected. Presently, you can
make a perfume with the plant of your choice by placing it in water and
allowing the surplus water to evaporate. Allow the product to cool, and
the essential oil will separate from the water. You can use flower petals,
fruit rinds, and all kinds of plants with their multiple potentials.

The Purpose of Each A r o m a

There are numerous books that explain aromatherapy in plain lan-
guage. In those books we can find descriptions of the various methods
of using fragrances along with specific recommendations. The brief list
given here only mentions a few of the aromas that can accompany and
enhance love. Fragrances affect everyone differently, so it is up to each
couple to find out which aromas facilitate ecstasy for them.

Orange Blossom
A sedative, relaxing. Predisposes you to a dreamlike state.

Acts against negative thoughts. Reduces fears and calms anxiety.

A special aphrodisiac for those with a lack of sexual desire.

Stimulating. A mild aphrodisiac. Calms anxiety. Lifts the spirit and puri-
fies the mind.

A tonic and stimulant for sexual desire.

A powerful healing agent for emotional disorders. Elevates the mood
and stimulates erection.

A natural energy-inducing tonic. Helps reduce inflammation of the
erogenous zones.

Strengthens the heart and improves the body.

Comes from a small plant that is native to Malaysia and India, with a
sedative and aphrodisiac effect. It may be used in the form of incense to
calm excessive anxiety toward the sexual response.

Both the Greeks and Romans believed that rosemary was a sacred plant
with magical powers. It is a stimulant for the glands and respiratory air-
ways and therefore increases the energy of the sexual rhythm.

Arabic physicians were the first to use roses as medication in the form
of zuccar, i.e., rose marmalade. This essence regulates the functioning of
the female sexual organs. It acts as an aphrodisiac, an antidepressant, a
sedative, and a tonic for the heart, stomach, liver, and uterus.


Foods to Enhance Enjoyment
There are foods that awaken the senses, increase circulation and sexual
potency, and enhance vital instincts. If you get to know them, you'll be
able to enjoy your lover more after a perfect meal.

The Origins of Aphrodisiacs

The first historical references on the stimulating effects of certain veg-
etables on sexual appetite date back to the most ancient writings. Since
the beginning of history, humans have looked for magical foods to se-
duce their mates, and in that search they have found the right ingredi-
ents. But humans have also tried to find the source of eternal pleasure,
the magical substance that will give them the ability, desire, and potency
to prolong their sexual intimacy.

In all cultures and times, experiencing the utmost pleasure has been
one of the human objectives. Prolongation, enjoyment, and permanent
innovation have caused humans to insistently seek thousand of formu-
las to heighten desire. Previously, it was believed that all food arriving
from exotic places contained magical erotic properties. That's why the
discovery of America and its various unknown crops became the rage in
European courts.
T h e idea of romantic love stimulated by extraneous substances, used
to perform all kinds of erotic feats, became the fashion during the R e -
naissance. Asparagus and carrots, because of their phallic shape, were
commonly used and famous at that time.
Observations back then were primitive and confused magical rituals
with empirical observations. For example, if the root of a plant resem-
bled the genitals, that plant was considered to have an aphrodisiac

Oriental Rites
In Japan, an aphrodisiac meal does not consist simply of the foods in-
gested. Tradition emphasizes the use of the tatami, the place of the cer-
emony, where people must come in barefoot in order to leave behind
the negative spirits that may have remained stuck to the soles of their
Observing the precept of ceremonial cleanliness, participants wipe
their hands and faces with a wet towel. The meals that are then ingested
are based on various seafoods. However, in order for them to really
have an aphrodisiac effect, the whole environment must be charged
with eroticism, as must the lovers' attitude.

A p h r o d i s i a c Foods
The following foods generate higher levels of erotic energy. However,
remember that the true food is love, and love keeps longer and better
than any aphrodisiac, stimulating all the cells of the body and keeping
the spirit forever young. Sexual pleasure is unlimited for those who lib-
erate their minds through the true knowledge of all of their sexual

This fish has an exquisite taste. Its use dates back to the Middle Ages. It
is cooked just like the stingray.


In ancient times, if a woman shared an apple with a man, it was consid-

ered to be a token for a future betrothal.


"Woman is like a fruit that won't surrender its sweetness until you press
it with your hands. Look at basil: if you don't press on it with the
warmth of your fingers, it will not yield any perfume" (Sheik Nefzawi).
This plant was consecrated to Venus, and in India to Vishnu.

Bee Pollen

Bee pollen increases virility and prolongs life.


Cacao seeds contain phenylethylamine, a natural stimulant of the body.
The Aztecs considered cacao a food for the gods.

Cardamom seeds enjoy high regard in Oriental cuisine and are an in-
gredient in curry. The Kama Sutra offers this aphrodisiac recipe: Mix
cardamom with ginger and cinnamon. Spread it over onions and peas.

Celery contains pheromones. It may be drunk as a tea, or eaten in sal-
ads, soups, and stews.

The second bark of the cinnamon tree, with a yellowish-red color, is
very pleasant and aromatic. It is used particularly in desserts, but also in
soups and stews. It's an aphrodisiac, an antiseptic, an astringent, and a

Many cultures, like the American culture, blindly believe that clams have
aphrodisiac properties, a belief that is indeed true, especially if they're
eaten raw.

Clove is used as a spice. It is a powerful ingredient in some aphrodisiac


Cockles can be eaten both raw and cooked.


The very aromatic and pleasant-tasting coriander seeds are ground and
then used in love potions.


Endive clears the body of its impurities and has an invigorating and
tonic effect.


The Greeks and Romans considered figs to be aphrodisiacs.


The recognition enjoyed by garlic as an aphrodisiac tonic probably

originated from its noticeable heating effect on the body. Current re-
search shows that it reduces blood pressure and fat levels. It enhances
vitality and health, which are indispensable ingredients to render top
sexual performance.


The early peeled root of ginger stimulates circulation.


Ginseng is called the "cure all." Almost all properties have been attrib-
uted to it, some of them contradictory, such as being both a sedative
and a stimulant. It is a general tonic and is also considered to increase
sexual potency.

Guaraná is a climbing shrub spread throughout Brazil. Its hard seeds are

Herring is a powerful aphrodisiac according to Celtic culture. In addi-
tion to being a stimulant, it is also a marvelous revitalizer.

The exquisite, intoxicating perfume of jasmine fills the evening air in
tropical climates.

According to the Kama Sutra, tea made with juniper berries is a drink
used to improve sexual vigor. It is not recommended for pregnant
women and for anyone suffering from liver failure.

Mackerel is a fish with red meat and is not too popular. Smoked mack-
erel in hors d'oeuvres is a powerful aphrodisiac due to its quick effect.

Considered to be one of the best aphrodisiacs, the powers of oysters are
intensified if eaten raw.

Black and white pepper come from the same berry, but white pepper
doesn't contain the husk. Pepper is a stimulant and a muscle toner.

Plums are energy enhancers. They were administered in Elizabethan

Saffron was used as an aphrodisiac by the Assyrians, Greeks, Phoenicians,
and Arabs. It is said to stimulate the uterus and circulation.

As an aphrodisiac, salmon is more potent than beef, and its effects are

Star Anise
With a taste similar to licorice, star anise should be used in moderation
both in drinks and in foods.


Trout has the same properties as salmon.


Truffles also contain pheromones, which is why they are considered an



Vanilla is a milder aphrodisiac.


In ancient times, it was said that if you wanted to win a person's heart,
all you had to do was rub your hands with vervain sap and touch that


Scallops are one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs, second only to oys-

Vitamin E

This vitamin has a marvelous effect on one's sexual life.




Touch Heaven w i t h Your Hands

Each area of your lover's body
is the reflection of your need to love him.
When your fingers slide down his figure,
you'll be able to read his wishes without looking.

Acupressure is the ancient technique of applying massages and subtle

pressure along the energy meridians of the body. Its function is to re-
lease energy that is blocked by emotional or physical problems, which
may lead to sexual or emotional dissatisfaction. The most frequent
problems in men are impotence and premature ejaculation, and in
women are frigidity and anorgasmy.
Acupressure is performed with the hands. It consists of massaging,
pressing, and rubbing the area that must be stimulated. Thus we manage
to relax the parts of the body that are under stress. As learning pro-

gresses, you'll find out which erogenous zones your partner needs you
to stimulate in order to maintain a full and satisfying sexual relationship.
It is important to keep in mind that massages must be sensuously
performed, so that your beloved does not perceive your moves as an in-
vasion of his or her body. The sensation must be totally pleasant. When
stress is evident, but your lover denies being tense or blocked, it is im-
portant to perform the massage in a very subtle fashion. To the extent
that intimacy progresses in the relationship, your mate will accept your
finger stimulation.

Magic Fingers, Effective Massages

It is essential to practice this massage technique on a permanent basis.
Lovers can take about ten minutes to explore their partner's body be-
fore the sex act.
Relax before you start in order to release all your daily worries.
Once you finish the relaxation, slide your hands down your lover's
body with soft caresses, using any relaxing or toning oil.
Connect with your partner through your hands and through your eyes,
speaking affectionate words that enhance the relationship.
Synchronize your breathing, especially if you are massaging each
other, so that your circulatory rhythms function as one.
Start the massage at the soles of your partner's feet and, slowly, press
slightly on the sides of the legs, advancing along the midline of the legs
with ascending motions.
In men, light rubbing should be performed up the legs, through the
hips, and then up to the area of the pelvis. If possible, use essential oils on
the testicles. This has an activating effect, but must be performed very
softly. In women, the clitoris and the labia of the vagina should be mas-
saged. Finger stimulation must be soft but direct.

The hands must work like energy radars, alert to the sensation of
pleasure expressed by your mate at each movement. W h e n your partner
shows signs of fulfillment, it is important to keep focusing on that part of
the body. That particular spot ought to be touched as often as possible at
each new sexual contact.
Let your fingers move up over the belly and the area of the groin.
Massage the body from side to side in the shape of a spiral until you
reach the pectoral muscles. This area is highly erotic for women and for
men. Continue surrounding the pectoral area in circles, around the nip-
ple, until you finally stimulate it directly.
If at this stage of the massage the sexual games have not started, you
can continue acupressure by following the line of the spine, with light
pressure on the ending point of each vertebra until you reach the neck.
Activate the ear area with light rubbing, because our organs are re-
flected in this site, from inside out. Finish with a light head massage to
tone the scalp.
If you practice acupressure with the aim of perfecting the art of lov-
ing, you'll be able to assess the results with each sexual act. Its effective-
ness will also be revealed in the growing strength of the couple's love
bond in other important areas of their lives.

Sensual M a s s a g e for Couples

A sensual massage as a means to surprise and please your mate starts
with a thorough preparation of the session and its environment, with
the proper oils, controlled lighting, music for the occasion, and selec-
tion of the ideal moment. To this we must add imagination and devoted
care. W h e n the hands talk as they move over the body, the results can be
The preparation for a sensual and relaxing massage session can in itself
146 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

be a complete experience for the senses. Attention and meticulous care

play a major role in the final result—that is why we must be imaginative
with respect to the environment we wish to create.
We must choose the ideal moment for both partners and turn the lo-
cation we have selected into a sensual space. Light, temperature, and
music are essential, though we must not forget other complements,
such as aromatic oils.
There are several kinds of oils. It is important to find the most pleas-
ant one on the basis of its texture and aroma. If you desire to achieve an
intense and effective sensual excitement, try using oils that are known
for their aphrodisiac properties. Sandalwood, for instance, is an Oriental
essence, with a woody scent and sedative effect. Patchouli, a more stim-
ulating fragrance, has a sweet-smelling, mysterious smell. Or use ylang-
ylang to provide a euphoric, sweet, and flowery perfume.
Before massaging your mate, you must first be very relaxed. You
should not massage your partner if you're tired. Intimate contact in a
couple is so close that even the deepest feelings are conveyed. The ideal
thing is for both to relax and practice deep breathing in order to open
up their minds and bodies, before beginning the massage.
It is important for the person who performs the massage to clear his
or her mind and concentrate on the massage. Slow breathing, allowing
your muscles to relax, will enhance your inner balance. Before you start
massaging, you can ask your partner to softly massage your shoulders first.
That way you have already received something before you start to give.

Massaging is synonymous with touching, and touching in turn involves
communication. The way a massage is given transmits the very feelings
of the person w h o is giving it. It's as if a communication channel were

opened whereby the person giving the massage is talking and the per-
son receiving it is responding with his or her body.
The three basic types of manipulation are soft rubbing, kneading,
and friction.

Soft Rubbing
Oil is applied in this type of rubbing to help you get to know your
lover's body. You place your hands flat on your mate's back with your
fingers relaxed and softly slide them down, trying to locate potential
tension nodes. Pressure should usually be increased as your hands near
the area of the heart. This has a relaxing effect, which is felt at the
nerves located under the skin.

Kneading consists of energetic motions that imitate the kneading of
dough, and is particularly helpful for releasing accumulated tension.
This type of manipulation is indicated for the more muscular regions.
To do it well, you must press the skin between your thumb and your
fingers and sink the thumb into the muscle mass. With your fingers,
push the muscle toward you again. Move your hands, alternating be-
tween one and the other, pressing, pushing, and lifting the skin.

Friction consists of pressing rather small, specific areas, which induces a
very pleasant, restful sensation. It is important to push the tip of the
thumb downward and perform short rotational motions to achieve a
deeper penetration. Friction has an analgesic effect and stimulates blood


Introduction to Sexual Magic

Sexual magic leads to the union of body and soul. It transcends sex,
space, and time. Sexual magic allows us to eliminate the negative as-
pects of a love relationship. It brings about a full enjoyment of life and a
state of ecstasy that expands beyond the limits of our bodies until it
achieves harmony with the universe.
When we speak of sexual magic, the reader usually associates it with
casting "love spells" or, in the worst cases, using exotic recipes and se-
cretly placing them in the food of some victim we want to win over.
Some people may compare sexual magic with the degree of hypnosis
or suggestion exerted by Count Dracula on the innocent Lucy.
In reality, sexual magic is the metaphysical explanation of how en-
ergy forces interact in a sexual relationship. They are the energies that
attract and repel each other in the game of love.
1 5 0 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

W h e n we talk about male or female energies as necessary elements

for every sexual act, it is important to understand that female energy
does not belong exclusively to women, nor does male energy belong
exclusively to men. Both are part of our system. We all have them re-
gardless of our gender.
W h y does attraction take place between two bodies? The exchange
of hormones is not the only thing that produces a pleasurable sexual
contact. In a sexual act, both feelings and mental energy exert their in-
fluence. According to the magic ritual, a state of meditation before sex
clears away the emotions that might have blocked the relationship. The
mind becomes a sexual organ and contributes to the optimum work-
ings of sexual magic.
The magical techniques used to get rid of negative thoughts and
emotions are performed before and during intercourse. Sexual magic is
not an action we mechanically perform, but rather a conscious explo-
ration of our sexual and spiritual potential.
In order to implement these techniques, we must learn to eliminate
fear. Ignorance of the limits of our sexual potential can provoke nega-
tive fantasies in a person or in the bond that binds a couple. We need to
develop the feminine and masculine aspects of our inner selves. Each
person, individually or with a partner, can attain an ever higher degree
of ecstasy, which can reach an explosive state.

How to Practice Sexual Magic

If you do the exercise as a couple, it will be unforgettable for both of
you. The lovers should sit down in front of each other and look at each
other with the same trust and intimacy they experience when they
look in a mirror, with the same attitude as when they see their own
face in the morning.
S E X U A L M A G I C 1 5 1

Observe the other person without prejudice, as if that other person

were a part of you and different only in appearance. If you are both u n -
dressed in a quiet place, the experience is much more powerful. If you
start to feel the need to touch each other, that is because you are still
avoiding the deep look I'm proposing. Observation must be, each time,
ever more innocent.Try to get rid of sexual bodily perceptions and any
emotions that may arise. Try to feel that way until you feel the other
person as being a part of yourself.
If you do this by yourself, sit down in front of the mirror and per-
form the exercise the same way. It's possible that looking at your own
body may also produce excitation. That's okay, because it shows that
your vital energy is acting in a natural way. Don't repress your feel-
ings—-just observe without making any movement.
When you both feel that your minds are empty of the compulsion
to act, then you can start to approach each other. At that moment, close
your eyes.
N o w listen to your hearts with your eyes closed. Without taking
your own pulse, each of you should try to listen to the beating of your
own heart, breathing and relaxing each time you release air. Become
aware of the state of your body and try to perceive your partner's body
intuitively without opening your eyes.This task is called centering and is
an exercise that precedes magical meditation.
The centering state is essential, and it is also very easy to achieve.
The objective is to train the body to be able to focus the mind wher-
ever the will chooses. To do this, you both must learn to be present and
relaxed and to get rid of the emotions that block sexual performance.
If you don't achieve centering after twenty minutes, you can still at-
tain an optimum state by repeating the following affirmation mentally:
"My relaxation is complete for the enjoyment of the spirit."

Magical M e d i t a t i o n :
The Path to Sexual Ecstasy
"A man and a woman . . .
The man is the eagle that flies.
The woman is the nightingale that sings.
To fly is to master space.
To sing is to conquer the soul.
The man is a temple.
The woman is the altar.
Before the temple we uncover ourselves;
before the altar we kneel down . . .
The man is where the Earth ends.
The woman is where Heaven starts."

—Victor Hugo

Relaxation exercises are part of the sexual magic technique. The first
step is to concentrate before meditating, either individually or as a cou-
ple, to achieve mental and emotional control before having sex.
Prior to learning the next steps of this technique, we have to ask
ourselves: How can we manage to concentrate on something so perfect
as divinity if at the same time our whole body is excited and we feel
the need to touch our partner?
The answer is not easy because, for thousands of years, men and
women dutifully denied their sexuality and underestimated the energy of
the sex act. But it is not that complicated either—you just need to feel a
deep love for your partner and a great need to explore your sexual power
beyond the limits of your imagination.
The act of learning to meditate ought to hold the same attraction
for us as, for example, making love for the first time. It is an endearing,
spiritual, and loving adventure, but the most important thing is to know

that once one has been initiated in this technique, it is impossible to go

back to the original state.
N o w find a private place where you continue to follow all of the
previous steps. Once you achieve this relaxed state, you should then
center on your breathing. With each inhalation you must count to
three, withhold the air, and exhale slowly. Your breathing must be al-
most imperceptible.
Once you achieve this state, locate in the area of your heart the
most perfect and ideal image of what you wish to attain with your
partner. If you can't visualize it, recreate internally a feeling or sensation
that you would like to experience, without any prejudices.You should
not see the image outside of you, as if it were projected onto a screen,
but rather very vividly and with the full sensation of immediate experi-
After completing this concentration and creative visualization, you
can take a few minutes to comment on the experience with your part-
ner, without making comparisons.
If you performed the exercise individually, you can write about each
visualization, as well as how the clarity, power, and strength of your
meditation is evolving.
The success of this meditation can be observed when you experi-
ence greater control, confidence, and, above all, a feeling of happiness,
in all aspects of your life.

The Keys to Opening

and Developing Sexual Magic
To magically create our own universe, we need magical elements, such
as light, space, time, and the channel for divine action—the human
being. But the most important thing is not to forget that all human

beings are equal or similar to our divine creator. This is the basis for the
magic. Here are the keys to sexual magic.

With your partner, look within your home for a place that is reasonably
quiet. It does not have to be your bedroom. Any place where you know
no one is going to bother you will do. Once there, get rid of all possi-
ble interferences, from the telephone to the television. Try to ventilate
the environment and spread a soft aroma by burning myrrh or sandal-
wood incense. Turn off the lights. If possible, lightly illuminate the envi-
ronment with a red candle.

Centering Yourself
Once you have succeeded in becoming centered, both of you should
undress, which is also the best thing to do to get rid of your bodily in-

Perform the Protection Ritual

The first magical exercise you can try is a simple protection ritual. All
you have to do is visualize a circle of light around your head that grad-
ually descends throughout your body. The color of the energy with
which you should meditate is brilliant white. Then imagine that same
circle around yourself and around your partner's body. If you are by
yourself, you can imagine it the same way, but you must feel as if your
partner were present, sitting in front of you. Then you can expand the
circle and surround the whole place, and then the whole house, until it
finally surrounds the whole planet with its brilliant white light.

Focusing and Deepening

Try to focus mentally on the idea that this circle is protecting you and
that nothing can happen to you, that the world is in harmony and
complete fulfillment. Try to feel the ecstasy inside you, the peace and
security of a world illuminated by a white light. If you still experience
difficulties visualizing, try to think as if you were "daydreaming," but
under your conscious control. It's like being reasonably attentive to
what goes on around you, and still continuing to dream of your lover
or partner or the whole universe surrounded by beauty and love.
With time and practice, you will be able to visualize anything you
desire. You'll be able to practice a meditation that is more easily con-
trolled each time, but it is not necessary for you to achieve this at the
beginning. Try to maintain the state of ecstasy, control your breathing,
and assess your state of relaxation on a permanent basis.

Erogenous Points
N o w that you feel more relaxed, try to center on your heart, imagining
that your mate is lying down. Visualize your partner and yourself as if
you both were the God or Goddess of Love, and with this incompara-
ble sensation imagine yourself caressing your lover's body. Think intu-
itively about the places where this person can feel the most pleasure.
Don't get ahead of yourself-—only caress your partner in your imagina-
tion. Don't focus on the parts of your lover's body that you like, but
rather on those that you know are most pleasurable to your partner.

With your eyes still closed, ask yourself: What is the level of intensity
that I need in order to excite my lover? H o w far do I have to go in my
exploration? What force or pressure do I have to exert?

Try to feel the ecstasy of the other person, and vibrate inside
your mate's body as if it were your own.
Don't lose your concentration.
Don't open your eyes.
Don't lose your level of relaxation.

Continue performing this meditation until ecstasy becomes completely



The Seven Golden Rules

O u r thoughts are creative—they create everything around us, especially
everything that we focus on and comprehend. Sometimes our thoughts
do this consciously and sometimes, in most cases, unconsciously. So if
we want to change the world around us and our relationships, we have
to start with our thoughts:

1. Our thoughts have the power to transform.

2. You are and have what you think and believe.
3. We have many thoughts per second; we need to make them
4. We can change everything we think.
5. We must be attentive to what we wish for and think . . .
6 . . . . to master our thoughts and not allow them to control us.

7. We have to exercise our thoughts daily—we need time and

space to focus our energy to transform, to learn, and to evolve.

Creative Visualization Techniques

If we observe and investigate our internal world, we'll discover to
what point our thinking is creative and powerful. To attain this excel-
lent creative visualization, there are two steps that must be followed:

First Step: Complete Breathing

Complete breathing consists of working with the lungs and the ab-
domen to achieve a proper deep respiration. You must be lying down
on the floor in a comfortable place where you won't be interrupted for
about fifteen to thirty minutes.
At the beginning, until your breathing is natural and fluid, it is ad-
visable to perform this exercise with your body at rest.
Pay attention to your thoughts and let them pass on as if they were
a shower of energy—don't identify with any of them. After a few min-
utes of relaxation, place one hand on your abdomen and the other one
on your chest. Let out all the air softly through your nose, emptying
your lungs completely. Try to keep your lungs empty for a few seconds.
Inhale slowly, inflating only your abdomen until you fill up the lower
part of your lungs—without exerting yourself, you'll feel how your di-
aphragm expands downward. At this moment, the lower and middle
parts of your lungs are full of air.
Before exhaling, take advantage of this moment and empty your
mind of all your thoughts and imagine that you're also getting rid of all
your daily tensions and emotions. T h e n move the air to the upper area
of your lungs and, little by little, let it out.
Repeat this process for a minimum often minutes.

Second Step: Mental Concentration and Creative Visualization

Before starting the visualization exercise, have everything written down
in detail so you have a clear view of what you want to achieve. You
should clearly define each affirmation that you want to come true. For

1. Improve communication with your partner during dinner.

2. Understand your children better during the m o n t h of June.
3. Not have any problems at work today.

Let's consider the first example:

Visualize your partner and you sitting at home for dinner. W h e n
you do the exercise, don't imagine that you're watching a movie in
your mind—try to feel, with all your senses, what you're visualizing as
if you were really doing it.
Then imagine a scene in which there is little communication be-
tween the two of you, and scratch out that mental image with a huge
X. Add to this imaginary action the word canceled.
Then imagine you both having a friendly and affectionate dinner,
with all the details you want included. Ideally you should do two cre-
ative visualizations a day until they come true. Once a visualization has
become real, keep working on new ones, but never visualize more than
two images a day.
The mind is very literal and orderly. Always remember that if we
have the capacity to dream, it is because we also have the ability to
make those dreams come true.

Relationships w i t h Lowe
Creating relationships with love is to participate in the celebration of love
that the universe offers each day. We have inside ourselves a dark corner

that keeps us from enjoying life. We can illuminate this corner with men-
tal clarity and a willing heart. Life is a beautiful invitation. Do you want
to enjoy all aspects of love? Don't procrastinate. It all depends on you.

The Path Toward a M i n d of Light

Visualization enables you to have a harmonious relationship with your
own self and with others. It consists of four steps:

Clearing the Mind

The purpose of clearing the mind is to quiet the roaring stream of
thoughts that flows all the time. This objective is achieved through good,
full breathing.

Observing the Mind

For visualization to be effective, you must be attentive to the thoughts
that crop up in your mind. When you lose your concentration, relax
again and pay attention to your breathing. A very interesting meditation
involves realizing how the chain of thoughts operates, how thoughts are
linked to each other.

Disciplining the Mind

In this step we have to penetrate the contents of thought, and see how
one thought leads to another and then on to another and how they are
all linked.You don't have to get involved with these thoughts; just ob-
serve how the process takes place without paying too much attention
to what the actual subject of thought is, because oftentimes it is emo-
tional energy that finds its way to the mental plane.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S W I T H L O V E 1 6 1

Discipline enables the mind to use affirmations. Affirmations are one of
the most powerful tools at the mind's disposal, and are achieved by fix-
ing the affirmation and visualizing it clearly. An affirmation can also be
repeated like a mantra. Ideally, each affirmation should be repeated fif-
teen minutes a day until it comes true.

The Different Kinds of Relationships and Emotional Energy

The world is full of positive and negative energy. Emotions are one aspect
of it. There is a separation between emotions that are incorrectly called
negative and emotions that are incorrectly called positive. Emotions are
simply energies in motion.What makes them positive or negative is what
we do with them and the effects they have on our relationships. Anger,
hate, and fear are emotions that are called negative because they block us,
make us ill, and torment us. Love, hope, and affection are called positive
because they heal us, give us relief, and protect us. All emotions are part
of life, but how can we manage our emotions?

Learning to Have Relationships

with Love
To be able to love, we have to control our fears and the negative energy
they produce. The following steps help create a good internal basis:

l. The mind cannot entertain two thoughts at the same time;

therefore, when the first negative thought comes up, clear
your mind and cancel that thought. You will discipline your
mind and learn to focus on the positive.
2. Try to discover the source of each negative emotion that
crops up. This will lead you to self-knowledge and wisdom.

3. Avoid judging or censuring others. It is better to try to reinforce

and strengthen the positive we see in others; otherwise, the fin-
ger you point at them tomorrow may be pointed back at you. If
you strive to see the good both in you and others, very soon
you'll be much happier.
4. Living in darkness is not the same as remaining in a dark
chamber—it means not being able to see the reality of life in
harmony and light.You may choose to live always in darkness,
but if you tire of it, you can turn on the light. Seeing clearly is
a mental exercise that is achieved by gaining an awareness of
all your positive emotions until you discover the best in you.
5. Observe role models or attitudes that you would like to imi-
tate. Having a positive role model can be of help, provided you
don't idealize that person.
6. Choose which emotions you want for your relationships. You
should have control over your life and your emotions. Try to
observe each stimulus that comes to you, how you react, and
what effect it produces in you. This mechanism will provide
you with permanent self-awareness.
7. Bring to mind all opportunities open to you. W h e n you be-
lieve you're hurt by the effect of your negative emotions,
make a list of all the positive ways in which you could respond
to this situation. This system creates a protective mechanism
that will never fail you.
8. Visualize this list and work on the daily affirmations until you
achieve your goal.

R e m e m b e r how many times you have lost your footing while you
were on the path of insecurity and fear. N o w is the time to tread along
the path of love. Your perfect guide will be the sweet whisperings that
always spring from your heart.


Sexual F r e e d o m : The Path to Truth

Sexual freedom is a slogan so trite and oversold that most of us have
lost sight of what it really means. Freedom is a natural gift that depends
on each human being's knowledge, clarity of mind, and internal devel-
You are free when there is coherence between your inner world
and the external universe. This is expressed when you give and receive
the best in you naturally and spontaneously—when you enjoy each ex-
perience as a game of energies that flow incessantly, and enjoy the pres-
ent without expecting to receive the approval of others. You trust and
follow the dictates of your own heart.
To maintain an active and free sexual life, we must respect the same

1. Know your inner world.

2. You are and have what you think and believe.
164 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

3. Become more aware of your powers and limitations.

4. Keep your feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions mutually
5. Enjoy each moment and each erotic encounter, aware that it
is a unique and unrepeatable moment of pleasure with your
6. Seek the satisfaction of your partner in a natural and fluid
7. Be open to receive, while giving emotional and sexual satis-
faction at each encounter.

However . . . how can you really practice all of these universal princi-
ples? What is the guidance you need? Beyond sex, color, religion, or so-
cial status, there are keys to maintaining the balance in the scales:

1. Love and protect your own body.

2. Know the whole body as a pleasure map for your own satis-
faction and for that of your partner.
3. Trust the body language in the erotic encounter.
4. Be attentive and open to all the signals your mate gives you
in a sexual relationship.
5. Understand, nonjudgmentally, the sexual fantasies that issue
from your mind.
6. Respect the desires, beliefs, and ideas of others.
7. Be open to enjoying new experiences proposed by your
partner, while remaining true to your own needs.
8. Look for and update information on new techniques to en-
hance pleasure.
9. Understand that erotic contact is a fascinating game and ex-
change between two people.

10. Take care of the health of your body and the body of your
lover, protecting it from any disease.
11. Maintain a sexual ethic with your partner, which entails re-
specting his or her availability and the codes agreed to for
each new encounter.
12. Remember your erotic dreams to try to find their uncon-
scious messages and understand the hidden meaning being
13. Try to observe any resistance to feeling w h e n you're with
your partner.
14. Always propose sexual communication without imposing
rules that are not shared by your partner.
15. Respect other people's sexual tendencies, which does not
imply participating in them.
16. Try to get information on, and clarify everything related to,
the myths that condition our sexuality.
17. Maintain a renewed attitude on the erotic plane, regardless of
how long you have been in the relationship.
18. Seek open spaces in which full harmony can flourish.

The liberation of a human being, in all areas of his or her life, and in
different forms, is endowed with an infinite essence. The wisdom of en-
joying life in full freedom consists of discovering each day a new aspect
of love.


If you can't remember the last time someone waited for you with open
arms, open your book and jot down a few tricks to prevent the decline
and decay of your life as a couple.
Go over just the past few weeks: H o w many times did you wish for
the person you love to take you in his or her arms by surprise? H o w
many other times have you felt overwhelmed by an absence of tender-
ness in your relationship? Do you feel you have lost forever the passion
of the first glorious days with your lover? Could you experience again,
with the same enthusiasm, those fleeting summer loves, brimming with
ardent fantasies? H o w long can you suffer from a lack of fulfillment b e -
fore you start to beg for a little affection due to the lack of tenderness
in your daily life?
168 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

You need to have a few ingredients handy that will improve the nature
of each encounter:

Don't Keep Track of Complaints

If you wish to have a more pleasant relationship, avoid misunderstand-
ings and exhausting arguments.

T h e ability to laugh at yourself and find something positive in difficult
situations holds a great deal of potential tenderness.

Learn to value your partner's need for silence when he or she needs to
feel you or simply to observe you. These are moments brimming with

R o u t i n e is the worst enemy of affection. A couple can transform this
state of inertia only if they learn to think of those small but eternal details
that bring happiness to their life together. Discovering how to keep ten-
derness alive is an incredible game with thousands of creative combina-
tions. In your agenda, prepare a list of surprises for your beloved.

T h e most difficult aspect of a love relationship is knowing how to find
the right moment to discuss the things that bother us, irritate us, and
hamper pleasure.

Generosity means having the intention of giving without expecting to
receive an expression of love or sexual desire from your partner.

Other Ideas
Other ingredients to promote tenderness in a relationship include re-
spect, tactfulness, understanding, and especially the willingness to pro-
pose new or different ideas to foster a more positive relationship. Be
alert to what the other person wants to express. Words don't always ex-
press what we really feel. Oftentimes emotions that are deep find a
good hideaway in and behind our words.
Being willing to love and relax, and devote ourselves in body and
soul to our partner is not a dream or an old-fashioned illusion. Giving
the other person (and ourselves) the opportunity to enjoy his or her
share of true tenderness, even for an instant, also affords us an oasis in
our daily struggle.


How to Find the Love of Your Life

Your soul longs for another who has all the qualities that are in har-
mony with yours. But your senses confuse you and distract you from
your true love. By concentrating on your heart, you will be able to find
the love of your life. N o w get ready to discover the power of love.

The C a l l i n g of t h e H e a r t
You may be in the presence of your true love and fail to notice that
person because your senses distract you from him or her. For example,
let's say you have to put away a very important object and for some rea-
son suddenly become distracted from what you're doing (it could be a
phone call or something on the radio that catches your attention).You
do put away the object, but then forget where you placed it. You lose
172 SEX A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

the object that was so important to you because it slipped through your
fingers, or you put it in a place that you can't remember.
Your existence can pass by in oblivion or in perfect harmony—it
depends solely on you.
All meditation and creative visualization techniques are based on
concentrating our thoughts on a point, object, situation, location, per-
son, archetype, image, mantra, or desire. There is a basic principle that is
the basis for all mental concentration theories: energy follows thought.
This means that anything you think will always be sustained by a phys-
ical, emotional, mental, or spiritual energy from which the object of
your desire will materialize. There is no doubt that whatever you truly
desire in your heart will first become a reality in your inner world and
then manifest itself on the external plane.

Commitment of the Divine Power to Create

Before implementing these techniques, you must become aware of the
power of your will.
First, be aware and know that we are creators of the universe, be-
cause our thoughts create.
Second, you must be very honest with yourself before going ahead
with your desire to find the love of your life. Try to answer the follow-
ing questions:

Do I wish to find my one and final lover?

Do I have a clear idea of the lover I need?
Am I ready for the love of my life?
Do I wish to experience many relationships before having a full
and true commitment to the love of my life?
Have I dreamed of the possibility of finding a harmonious and
perfect relationship?
Am I willing to live this adventure?

Am I only interested in the external appearance of my lover or

am I also interested in my partner's deeper qualities?

Finding the D i v i n e Lower

For this technique to be truly effective, prior to the visualization exer-
cise you must write down how you picture your perfect lover in as
much detail as possible.
Remember that universal energy and thought are very literal and
specific. An ancient proverb says: "Be careful what you wish for because
it just may come true."

First Step

Concentrate on the essential attributes you wish to find in your special


Second Step

Mold and shape your lover—try to see your lover's interior clearly so
that it may later be manifested on the outside. Structure the image as a
reality that is in the here and now, in the present time.
Write affirmations that create the perfect lover. For example: "I
found the person of my dreams. He/she always understands me and is
able to help me. My mate is perfect, he/she always fills me. With my
perfect lover, sexual relations bring me surprise, tenderness, and ecstasy.
My lover is very beautiful and thinks I'm perfect for him/her."
Do not write the name of a specific person but rather let the law of
attraction do its work, and trust universal energy.

Third Step
Perform full breathing when it becomes clear to you what you want to

Fourth Step
Visualize the perfect lover, following the affirmations you have created.
The purpose of this technique is twofold: to awaken your inner capac-
ity to love and to be able to recognize your lover in the external world.

Fifth Step
With your thoughts and feelings, and through daily visualization or
meditation, you have to create your self-love platform. By doing this,
each day you will become more convinced that you are indeed loved
and unconditionally accepted in a way that is perfect for you.
In order for visualization to work, it is essential to have the inner
certainty that you can bring out the best in yourself. The other major
point is being alert and always having an open heart to receive the love
of your life.

Twin Souls
The magnetic attraction between two kindred spirits is inevitable and,
even though it is said that the ideal lover cannot always be found, this
wonderful phenomenon is experienced at least once in the life of a
person. In fact, the encounter usually happens way before the concrete
discovery of that other person takes place.
It commonly happens that we have lived the experience without
knowing, because affinity is usually so subtle that our ego may ignore
the presence of that other part of our being.

Levels of U n i o n of Souls
Each human being experiences this marvelous event on different planes
of energy:

First Level

The first level of union is spiritual. This plane is reached when twin
souls are internally ready to be united. Both parties feel a great sense of
fulfillment, and, if the union is spiritual, it is possible that they will
never be apart again.

Second Level

The second plane is intellectual: twin souls are in agreement on what

they think.

Third Level

The third level is emotional. From the first encounter there is an in-
tense affinity and the feeling of having known each other for a long
time. During this stage, twin souls fall in love more easily. They share a
great sense of surrender and equilibrium.

Fourth Level

The fourth level is physical or erotic. The partners in a couple consist-

ing of twin souls surrender to each other physically and with boundless
passion. In the sexual act, kisses and embraces are intense and endless
because, in their physical contact, they feel that they have finally found
their true home. On the erotic plane, twin souls discover from the first
moment that their partner knows their body to perfection. They caress
176 S E X A N D T H E P E R F E C T L O V E R

and kiss each other as if they were one single body, and their erotic en-
counters may succeed in reaching beyond space and time because both
perceive that they are being transported to another dimension. The sen-
sation of freedom and of flight while they make love is sublime, and
they feel they can touch heaven with their hands.
Without this last physical level, twin souls cannot truly recognize
themselves as a couple. If they relate on the other planes of uncondi-
tional love, their relationship may manifest as a long-lasting friendship,
or as a special affection between two people, without merging as a
couple. This will depend on the personality, the spiritual development,
and the degree of self-awareness of each party.

How to Find Your Twin Soul

If the rational side of a person insists on ignoring the soul's desires, it's
surely because that person has a mental message that is telling him or her:
"It is impossible for someone like that to exist." Or: "All that stuff about
twin souls is a well-meaning tale, but I'll never get to experience it."
What is true is that when you are ready for the encounter, you will at-
tract the other person like a magnet, provided negative emotions or
thoughts don't hamper this process. In order to live the thrilling experi-
ence of discovering a kindred spirit, you don't need to be a certain age.
Where can you find that kindred spirit? It may be in school, college, work,
on a trip, on the Internet, or under the most unexpected circumstances.
In love, there are no recipes or conditions, and there are no rules. To
invoke your twin soul, you need to have a deep knowledge of your
own self.



Trust Yourself
You are the soil where all things rest.
You are the earth whence all things spring forth.
You are here, you are solid, you are alive.
You are the point where all things
in the universe begin.

It has always been asserted that the most erotic zone of every human
being starts and ends in oneself.
In Tantric philosophy, sex is the union between the earth and the
universe—human beings act within this sexual union like a channel or
bridge having an infinite and eternal erotic force.
Due to ignorance, the true function of sex has always been a mys-
tery, particularly its origin or the root cause that generates such an ex-
citement in every human being.

No one can deny that sexual energy is the most subtle and powerful
energy in our existence. Vitality is directly related to sexuality, combin-
ing the three spheres of life: thought, feeling, and will.
The result of the various modifications of these three factors gener-
ates the most sensual and profound sexual desire, both in relation to
oneself and to others.
If your attitude with respect to sex is not based on philosophical ar-
guments or negative or positive prejudices, you will open up to the un-
derstanding of Tantra. Only in this way can eroticism be useful, because
sexual energy is difficult to control, difficult to handle, difficult to
know, and difficult to store. If we manage to be ever more conscious of
our sexual impulses, we'll be able to live in paradise.
Our intuition will guide us to do the right thing. Conscious knowl-
edge of what causes sexual desire is part of the training and the willing-
ness to channel our vital forces in a truly beneficial way.

Making Love with the Universe

Tantra states:
"Accept yourself just as you are. You are a great mystery consisting
of many energies that combine on many dimensions.
Accept this mystery and move with each energy, with deep sensi-
with clear-mindedness, with love, with understanding.
Then each desire will become a vehicle
for self-improvement.
Each energy will be an aid to you,
and the world itself conscious light in your life.
Your own body is a temple, a sacred place,
where the universe pays homage."

The Tao Plays No Favorites

The infinite Tao flows everywhere,
creating and destroying,
actualizing the world,
minding the smallest details,
Asking nothing in return.
It nourishes all things, without controlling them;
it lacks intention,
and therefore appears to be inconsistent.

It is the substance of all things,

but it doesn't subject or control anything;
it makes no exceptions,
that is why it is important to everything.
And because it does not favor any finite thing,
it is infinite.
—Tao Te King, 34

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Editorial Dédalo, 1976.
Asín Cabrera, A. Tantra. Madrid: Editorial Analecta, 1980.
Ballesteros Arránz, Ernesto. Yogasûtras de Patâñjali. Madrid:
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Benson, Herbert, M.D. Relajación. Barcelona: Editorial Pomaire, 1977.
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Avon, 1990.
Bernard, Jean-Luis. El tantrismo, yoga sexual. Barcelona: A.T. E., 1975.
Bernard, Theos. El camino práctico del yoga: el cielo está
en nosotros. Buenos Aires: Editorial La Pléyade, 1972.
—. Hatha yoga: una técnica de liberación. Buenos Aires:
Ediciones Siglo Veinte, 1973.
Besant, Annie. El yoga. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kier, 1966.
182 B I B L I O G R A P H Y

Calle, Ramiro. La sabiduría de los grandes yoguis. Barcelona:

Círculo de Lectores, 1975.
—. Principios de yogoterapia. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide, 1979.
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Chang, Jolan. Tantra: el culto de lo femenino. Sudamericana Grupo
Comunidad del Arco Iris. Tantra, la alquimia energética, Volumen I.
Barcelona: Arcoiris, 1981.
Eliade, Mircea. Yoga, inmortalidad y libertad. Buenos Aires:
Editorial La Pléyade, 1977.
Feuerstein, George. The Philosophy of Classical Yoga. Rochester: Inner
Traditions International, 1996.
—. The Shambhala Encyclopedia of Yoga. Boston: Shambhala Publica-
tions, Inc., 1997.
—. TheYoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice.
Prescott: H o h m Press, 1998.
Guenon, R e n é . La metafisica oriental. Barcelona: Ediciones de la Tradi-
ción Unánime, 1984.
Herrigel, Eugen. Zen en el arte del tiro con arco. Buenos Aires:
Editorial Kier, 1979.
Holleman, Dona. Dancing the Body of Light. The Netherlands:
Pegasus Enterprises, 1999.
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Libras, 1999.
—. Magia sexual. Tienda de Libros, 2001.
Jung, Carl. Arquetipos e inconciente colectivo. Buenos Aires:
Editorial Paidós, 1974.
—. Contribución a los símbolos. Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidós.
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Editorial Paidós, 1982.
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—. La interpretatión de la naturaleza y la psique. Buenos Aires: Editor-
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Editorial Paidós.
—. Lo inconciente. Editorial Losada.
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—. Psicología y educatión. Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidós.
—. Psicología y religión. Buenos Aires: Editorial Paidós.
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Jung, Carl, y Wilhelm, R. El secreto de la flor de oro. Buenos Aires: Edito-
rial Paidós, 1981.
Jung, Carl, Campbell, J., Bly, Keen, Dossey, May, Branden,Wilber, Hill-
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Jung, Carl, Campbell, J., Harding, Zweig, Stein, Bly, Rich, Hillman,
Von Franz, Whitmont, y otros. Espejos del yo. Editorial Kairós.
Krishnamurti. El estado creativo de la mente. Buenos Aires: Editorial
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Lao Tse. Tao Te Ching. Barcelona: Ediciones Orbis, 1985.
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Lysebeth, Andre Van. Tantra: el culto de lo femenino. Barcelona: Ediciones
Urano, 1990.
Osho. Aqui y ahora. Editorial Libros de Osho.
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—. Sólo un cielo. Roselló Impresions.
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Ramacharaka,Yogi. 14 lecciones sobre filosofía yogi y ocultismo oriental.
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Raynaud de la Ferriere, Serge. Yug, yoga, yoguismo. Mexico:
Editorial Diana, 1975.
B I B L I O G R A P H Y 185

Reid, Daniel. El tao de la salud, el sexo y la larga vida. Barcelona: Editor-

ial Urano, 1989. Also published in English as Tao of Health, Sex &
Longevity. Redwing Book Co., 1999.
Rinpoché, Sogyal. Meditatión. Editado por:Jose J. de Olañeta. Palma,
Riviere, Jean. El yoga tántrico. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kier, 1978.
Salzberg, Sharon. Amor incondicional. Madrid: Editorial Edaf, 1987.
Sama, Meishu. Foundation of Paradise. Johrei Fellowship.
—. The Art of the Johrei. Lux Oriens.
Shankara. La joya suprema del discernimiento. Edicomunicaciones.
Shankaracharya, Sri. La joya suprema del discernimiento y la
realizatión directa. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kier.
Sing Khalsa, Gurudass. Kundalini yoga, tal como lo enseña Yogui Bhajan.
Barcelona: Editorial Alas, 1989.
Sivananda, Kalyan. Instituto tantra. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kier, 1979.
Sivananda, Swami. Ciencia del pranayama. Buenos Aires:
Editorial Kier, 1975.
—. Kundalini Yoga. Buenos Aires: Editorial Kier, 1971.
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Kier, 1973.
Stoler Miller, Barbara. Yoga: Discipline of Freedom:TheYoga Sutra Attrib-
uted to Patanjali. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.
Suzuki y Fromm. Budismo zen y psicoanálisis. Madrid:
Closas-Orcoyen, 1975.
Suzuki, D.T. La práctica del monje zen. Barcelona: Ediciones Abraxas,
Suzuki, Shunryu. Mente zen, Mente de prindpiante. Buenos Aires: Edito-
rial Estaciones, 1987.

Mabel Iam is best known as a psychotherapist and expert in relation-

ships, but she's also a favorite adviser to politicians and celebrities and
the author of several award-winning, bestselling books around the
world. She has rapidly become the number-one self-help expert in the
United States.
Her books on sexuality, psychology, angels, and psycho-astrology are
bestsellers in different countries and have earned her the Latino Liter-
ary Book Award for best self-help book, Que hay detrás de tu nombre,
granted by Latino Literacy N o w at the 2003 Book Expo in Los Ange-
les. Besides, her books Sex and the Perfect Lover and El Sueño del Amor
were nominated as best nonfiction books for the 2004 Latino Book
Award by the Latino Literacy N o w organization, at the N Y C expo.
The author has also received several awards for her career, among them
the 1999 Mercosur Research Award.
Her career has picked up extraordinarily since the publication of
Sex and the Perfect Lover, her first translation into English and her entree
into the Anglo-American market, which turned out to be such a suc-
cess that the book was subsequently translated into Hungarian, Czech,
French, German, and Portuguese, and was successfully sold in India.
Her books have also been widely acclaimed by the press, in magazines
like Latina and Penthouse, and in newspapers such as the Miami Herald,
El Diario La Prensa (New York), Journal, Críticas, Cosmopolitan TV and
other newspapers in other languages.
Mabel has also reached millions of people in Argentina, her native
country, and all over Latin America through her television and radio
shows. Since 2002, she's been reaching out to TV viewers and radio lis-
teners in the United States, where she now lives. She has a weekly col-
umn in Radio Caracol (Miami), and she writes for El Diario-La Prensa
(New York) and participates in Despierta América, Noticias 23, and De
Mañanita, on Univision and Telemundo, respectively.
From Miami, she continues to help millions of people through
alchemy, psycho-astrology, Eastern Tao techniques, tantra, creative visu-
alization, and angel invocation. Her work as an author and adviser has
been published in prestigious international magazines and is dissemi-
nated in her seminars and workshops as well as at the main book expos
in America.
In short, Mabel has always been on the cutting edge of self-help in
Latin America and she is now ready to show off her full capacity and
spiritual mastery all over the world.

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