Tenable SCADA Solutions
Tenable SCADA Solutions
Tenable SCADA Solutions
August 1, 2008
(Revision 6)
Table of Contents
SCADA Systems
The term “SCADA” is an acronym which stands for “Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition”. It represents a family of protocols which can be used to monitor and manage a
variety of machinery and equipment involved with many activities including:
SCADA systems are used for many different types of processes which require monitoring,
reporting or control from a computer system. SCADA devices are managed and report
information to control centers through a variety of protocols including DNP3, ICCP and
MODBUS protocols. SCADA systems are used for control of systems requiring both human
and automated interaction.
SCADA Security
Since SCADA networks control very critical processes, any discussion of hackers taking them
over or a worm causing an outage quickly escalate into “Hollywood” or “worse-case”
scenario. Too often we see examples in the movies (such as Trinity in “Matrix 2” breaking
into a power system) or books about how easy it is for these networks to be compromised.
The reality is that the actual SCADA protocols are subject to the same sorts of attack
techniques that email, web servers, and file transfer protocols are subject to. These include
denial of service, buffer overflows, and so on. Any vendor who sells a SCADA device may
have made the same sort of programming errors that Cisco, Microsoft, or any number of
other vendors have made.
To make matters worse, the SCADA devices themselves reside on a network which may
have other types of traditional vulnerabilities. For example, the servers that run a SCADA
protocol may also be running an unauthorized web server or have an un-patched kernel.
Any vulnerability in an underlying device on a SCADA network may ultimately result in a
potential to control or disable the entire SCADA network.
From a technology point of view, SCADA networks (that run over routed protocols like IP)
are like any other network. They have various nodes and communicate over various
protocols. Nodes are added and removed over time as well. However, there are two
significant technical differences.
First, SCADA networks tend to make use of older equipment. This is not to say a new
SCADA network built today would use Windows NT as compared to Windows 2003, it is that
a SCADA network built in 1995 did not see a need to upgrade to Windows 2003. This is also
true for the network infrastructure. Second, SCADA networks also run the DNP3, ICCP, and
MODBUS protocols. These protocols are just like any other type of protocol such as HTTP,
DNS or SMTP in that they have their own “expectations” and “rules” for client and server
Besides the technological differences, there are also much larger political differences.
SCADA networks often need to run 24x7 or account for a process that directly generates
revenue to the organization. Because of this, any notion of a “security issue” can become
politicized. This can directly impact how often security assessments are performed, what is
done with the information once it is discovered, and how corrective actions are
During the past decade, the “network vulnerability scanner” has become a standard tool for
quickly and actively discovering all hosts on a network, which services they were running,
and which vulnerabilities were present. Unfortunately, the techniques of port scanning,
service fingerprinting, and rapidly probing hosts to determine the present vulnerabilities has
had negative impact on SCADA networks. Vulnerability scans and network discovery scans
have been responsible for locking devices, disrupting processes, and casing erroneous
displays in control centers.
Tenable Network Security does offer both active and passive SCADA monitoring solutions.
Users of the Nessus vulnerability scanner can obtain a set of vulnerability audits for SCADA
devices available through our ProfessionalFeed plugin subscription. These plugins support
active network probes as well as traditional host-based software audits. Tenable’s Passive
Vulnerability Scanner (PVS) also can sniff network traffic and produce vulnerability reports
for systems running specific SCADA protocols and services.
Many organizations have adopted network policies and procedures that forbid “traditional
vulnerability scans” on production networks because they may cause a repeated outage.
These policies and procedures are usually adopted because it is too difficult to actually
remediate the root cause of the security issues. In these cases, Tenable would recommend
usage of the Passive Vulnerability Scanner. This would allow discovery of not only SCADA
specific information, but all network vulnerabilities.
First, because SCADA systems are typically used in private and public organizations that
provide critical services to the general population such as water, power, telecommunication
and other energy, we typically think of these as critical infrastructure. Secondly, various
studies and assessments have revealed that there is a lack of security in SCADA systems
due to their fragile nature and their susceptibility to disruption with traditional vulnerability
assessment techniques. Thirdly, private and public organizations have placed more reliance
on the Internet and COTS software which expose SCADA networks to new vulnerabilities.
Finally, SCADA networks have always been targets for terrorists, extremists and activists.
However, since 9/11 there has been an increased focus and validated threat on these
targets. So securing them is in our national best interest.
This paper will discuss a variety of SCADA security issues, including an analysis of how
active vulnerability scans can disrupt older networks and how Tenable’s solutions, including
passive network monitoring, can help avoid this. In addition, this paper will discuss how
Tenable’s solutions can be used to facilitate the Department of Energy recommendations to
improve SCADA networks.
This section of the paper will discuss various attack scenarios against SCADA networks.
They vary in complexity, intent, and require access vectors for execution. The purpose in
this section is to give the reader a sense of the many different types of security issues that
a vulnerable SCADA network represents.
A majority of SCADA networks have some sort of “master control panel” or “command
center”. For reliability, most networks have multiple control centers.
Attackers who gain access to a SCADA network can use a variety of techniques to alter the
information consumed by the control center. Insiders to the network may be able to
compromise servers on the network and change their data. Outsiders to the network may
be able to exploit a vulnerability which gives them similar access to that of an insider.
In either case, information about key processes can be altered at the source of the data to
present different information to operators and control systems.
In the case of a worm outbreak, SCADA protocols which send “update” information may be
prevented from sending their data. This could cause a display to indicate older data which is
no longer accurate. In the case of a hostile intruder who is making unauthorized changes to
the infrastructure, they may be able to hide their changes to avoid detection from a control
If the command center is not protected by security patches, firewalls, intrusion prevention
and other mechanisms, it may be possible for an intruder to gain complete control over the
SCADA networks.
Modern control centers use a combination of Unix, Windows and Web Based SCADA
management tools. Each of these tools may be installed on any number of vulnerable
operating systems and applications such as Apache or Microsoft web servers.
An attacker who has control over the SCADA network may not even need to understand the
underlying SCADA protocols. Instead they will likely be presented with any user interface
that a normal control center operator would use. These displays often include
documentation and procedures for emergencies and change control. This information can be
used by a remote attacker to understand how to control the SCADA network.
Both the Nessus SCADA checks and the Passive Vulnerability Scanner set of plugins can
identify a variety of SCADA management applications and diagnostic software. This can be
used to help create “lists” of important devices and then monitor them for attack and access
through log analysis.
Disrupting Processes
Any SCADA system which manages a real-time or 24x7 operation can be used to prevent
If direct manipulation of the SCADA devices is not possible, it may also be possible to
prevent communication from a control center to the SCADA devices. This may be all that is
required for a hostile agent to prevent “normal” operations of a SCADA network device.
Since SCADA devices are usually physically inconvenient to get access to, an intruder may
be able to keep the key systems powered off or out of commission and override any
commands sent.
These effects can also be manifested in the case of a worm outbreak. Increased bandwidth
usage, support systems being infected with viruses and loading down CPUs can keep a
control center from managing their SCADA equipment.
One of the SCADA probes supported through the Nessus ProfessionalFeed is to test if a
system that speaks the DNP3 protocol supports an unsolicited response. Typically, DNP3 is
used much like SNMP in a polling mode. However, a remote device may be configured to
send new information in real-time to the management node via a DNP3 unsolicited
response. If this is the case, it may be possible for an adversary remote to the management
station or console, to flood it with messages that may consume CPU resources, have false
data or prevent legitimate messages from being received.
Lastly, since SCADA devices control many different physical processes, it may be possible to
not only disrupt or disable operations, but it may also be possible to create permanent
There are simply too many combinations of physical processes and any safety controls
which may be in place to truly assess this vulnerability. Most SCADA plants do not have a
“self destruct” sequence we see in the movies. Instead, most high availability or 24x7
physical plants have a variety of physical and electronic safety precautions. For example,
anything that moves at all likely has a governor on it which limits a top speed, regardless of
what the SCADA control unit says. Similarly, ovens, power generators, power relay stations,
and so on all have physical safety limitations built into them for what they can and cannot
With that statement in mind, consider the side effects of an insider who knows where the
safety mechanisms are and has malicious intent to affect some sort of damage inside those
parameters. Examples include disabling air conditioning in a data center or allowing
chemical processes to occur longer (such as baking) which require physical cleaning before
the equipment can be recovered.
There is nothing really “insecure” about the core SCADA protocols of DNP3, ICCP and
MODBUS. The issue is how various SCADA manufacturers have implemented these
During a port scan, a vulnerability scanner may attempt to open up a port “listened” to by
one of the SCADA protocols. If the implementation of the SCADA protocol is not robust, it
may lead to a crash or a denial of service. The specific failure mode results in the
combination of implementation flaws and scan method. Some failure modes cause
immediate “crashes” and some may take several queries to result in a “crash”. Still other
failure modes result in slow performance or cutting off access to other services.
For example, Tenable has observed implementation issues on various embedded devices
that have a web server. When the web server was accessed with any type of URL other than
what the device was expecting, it did not crash right away, but after several requests of this
type, the web server was not accessible. What was occurring was that the web server did
not handle errors correctly and left a “socket” (for writing data to disk) opened. After so
many requests, the embedded OS did not have any more available sockets and the web
server ceased to accept new connections.
Tenable has also observed poorly written network daemons which do not handle “port
scanning” very well. A “port scan” is used by a vulnerability scanner to attempt many
different network connections to a target device. There is no data transferred by these
connections, but at the network layer, a connection is established and then immediately
severed. Any sort of embedded device running a service that always expects a certain set of
bytes or a hand-shake when it is invoked might not receive that when it is port scanned.
What can make matters worse is that some vulnerability scanners will “stuff” some payload
data into the connection in an attempt to illicit responses and perhaps fingerprint the
protocol. So there is a second case where data is received, but the daemon does not know
how to process it or recover from the error.
This is extremely relevant to SCADA protocols. A majority of the SCADA devices operate on
“embedded” devices. If any of these devices have implemented their SCADA protocols in
such a way that errors are not handled gracefully, they could open themselves up to
inadvertent denial of service attacks. During a network vulnerability scan, port scans and
network probes of SCADA protocols can cause the devices to lock up or become unavailable.
Similar to issues with SCADA devices, “older” operating systems such as Windows 95, OS/2,
Windows NT, Windows 2000, and older versions of Solaris all have a variety of “denial of
service” issues which can occur during network vulnerability scanning. Similar issues are
known for older versions of Cisco routers and switches.
Many of these attacks have been well documented and are understood by the operating
system vendors and the security community. However, for whatever reason, these systems
are often present on older SCADA network implementations.
Nessus ProfessionalFeed subscription customers and Security Center users have access to
several SCADA specific plugins. These plugins were developed for Tenable Network Security
by Digital Bond to specifically test and identify a wide variety of common SCADA devices.
The list of new plugins and a short description of what they do includes:
Tenable has the following recommendations for performing active vulnerability assessments
with the Nessus scanner:
• If you have a SCADA test lab, start scanning those devices to identify any potential
• When scanning operational SCADA devices, ensure that a second device is available
for “fail over” and also ensure that the device operators are informed of the
scheduled scanning.
• If you have access to data from a Passive Vulnerability Scanner, consider tailoring
your scan to more robust device such as operating systems which were produced in
the last five years.
• For configuring Nessus scans to be “safe”, make sure scan polices have “safe checks”
enabled and “thorough tests” disabled. Tenable has previously blogged about “safe
checks” usage for Nessus. The blog address is http://blog.tenablesecurity.com.
Political Sensitivity
In cases where there has been a prior incident that “scanning” or a worm outbreak did
impact SCADA operations, some organizations have chosen to implement routing and
firewall policies to segment the networks. These are effective as long as the perimeter does
not change, and Tenable has worked with many different companies running SCADA
networks that did not realize other network connections existed outside the firewall.
Tenable develops an enterprise security software solution suite that provides vulnerability
management, intrusion detection, and security event management across entire
organizations for effective network security management. Tenable is uniquely positioned to
detect vulnerabilities with active and passive scanning and analysis, and host-based patch
monitoring for enterprise networks. Key product lines include: Tenable Security Center, for
enterprise security management; Nessus Vulnerability Scanner, the leading global
technology utilized for vulnerability scanning; Passive Vulnerability Scanner, for passive
vulnerability monitoring; and Log Correlation Engine, for secure log aggregation and
analysis. More information can be found on these products by visiting our websites at
http://www.tenablesecurity.com and http://www.nessus.org.
The next sections will discuss how Tenable’s products can be implemented to audit, verify
and protect SCADA networks and the benefits that each Tenable module provides.
The Security Center is fully integrated with Tenable’s line of products and is used to manage
the information collected by the Log Correlation Engine, Passive Vulnerability Scanner and
Nessus vulnerability scanner. The Security Center is a web-based, role-based security
management console. It can control and manage active scans and credentialed patch audits
with Nessus, and combine this with continuous security updates from the Passive
Vulnerability Scanner. This can make auditing SCADA networks much easier. New devices
can be quickly identified and devices operating with unauthorized protocols or attempting
unauthorized communications can be managed.
The Security Center has the unique ability to automatically “discover” various parts of an
enterprise and identify them as an “asset” group. An example of an asset group would be a
list of any devices which speak the SCADA DNP3 protocol. This group could be then used as
an access control mechanism. Only certain users of the Security Center would have access
to this asset list, and only they would be able to analyze, report, or manage the
In addition, Tenable customers utilizing the Security Center can build many different types
of asset group hierarchies. Security Center groups can overlap. For example, if all SCADA
network addresses can be mapped to a physical plant or building, then groups can be
created and named after these physical locations. Similarly, if network addresses can be
Tenable Network Security offers a network monitoring product that reports a wide variety of
security data including active hosts, protocols in use and any vulnerabilities associated with
them. The product, known as the Passive Vulnerability Scanner (PVS), is deployed like a
sniffer or network intrusion detection system. It monitors network traffic 24x7 and reports
on any observed vulnerabilities.
The PVS is ideally suited for monitoring SCADA networks. It passively determines any
device which speaks client or server SCADA protocols including DNP3 and MODBUS. While
performing this discovery, the PVS can also look for thousands of vulnerabilities in non-
SCADA applications such as Apache, Bind and Exchange.
As the PVS discovers what hosts are “alive” and which applications and vulnerabilities they
are using, it also catalogs how each host communicates. For any given host, the PVS will log
what ports the device “browses” on. This is an excellent way to discern firewall rules or
access control policies. For example, the PVS can be used to identify each host on a SCADA
network which also uses port 80 for web browsing.
For more intensive analysis, the PVS can also log which unique hosts are communicated
with. So for the port 80 example, the PVS can also be configured to not only detect that
port 80 is browsed by a node, but also log which other nodes that node connects to on port
80. The same process can be used to identify which nodes communicate on SCADA
protocols as well as which other nodes they communicate with.
Since the PVS is a “sniffer”, there is NO network impact. As long as the PVS can observe
network traffic, it will create a very accurate report of all known SCADA devices and
vulnerabilities associated with the monitored network.
Tenable also offers the Log Correlation Engine (LCE) which can be used to aggregate,
normalize and correlate logs from various devices. Any application which generates logs can
be consumed by the LCE. These consumed logs can be used for correlation rules as well as
analyzed for deviations from previous behavior.
The LCE accepts logs from many applications and operating systems associated with SCADA
networks. It also accepts SCADA client and server events from the Passive Vulnerability
Scanner. Tenable has written a correlation rule set for the LCE which can specifically alert
when a new SCADA client or server is active.
The LCE can also accept input from netflow and direct network traffic monitoring. These logs
can be used keep a forensic record of every transaction on a SCADA network. If an outage
or incident occurs, the LCE can be used to analyze any traffic or activity which occurred
prior to the event.
Lastly, the LCE can analyze both network logs as well as firewall and application logs to
summarize remote access sources. This can help identify connections which are originating
Tenable produces the Nessus vulnerability scanner. It can be used to identify many different
types of applications and vulnerabilities. When managed by the Security Center, it can
effectively be used to monitor the security of SCADA networks.
Both the Security Center and the Log Correlation Engine accept logs from leading network
IDS solutions. Combining NIDS events with logs allows for deeper correlation to reduce false
positives as well as to more accurately detect a compromise or denial of service incident.
This also reduces the workload of any staff dedicated to network security monitoring. By
using only one console, security staff only needs to become familiar with one set of tools for
reporting, analyzing logs and correlating events.
The U.S. Department of Energy released a white paper named “21 Steps to Improve Cyber
Security of SCADA Networks”. The paper describes recommendations for how the security of
SCADA networks can be improved. This section will highlight how Tenable’s solutions can be
applied to facilitate a majority of these recommendations. For each of the items, how
Tenable’s solutions can help is specifically discussed.
The Passive Vulnerability Scanner can be used to identify all active SCADA devices through
passive network analysis. The Nessus vulnerability scanner can also performs scans of
SCADA devices with specific SCADA plugins.
This information can be used to create an asset group within the Security Center. This asset
group can then be used to analyze network traffic, access logs, firewall logs and other types
of data collected by the Log Correlation Engine. This analysis will identify any network
activity and report on all connections to the SCADA devices.
Since larger networks often have a certain degree of complexity in them, the Security
Center allows for many different types of asset groups to be defined or discovered. For
example, the Passive Vulnerability Scanner might identify a SCADA client, but it might also
identify it as a running a Windows operating system. These two pieces of information can be
used to help build a specific list of Windows servers running SCADA client applications.
Usually, any form of network access control is enforced with a firewall or a router. The Log
Correlation Engine (LCE) can be used to process the logs from these network devices. It can
also be configured with the network addresses which are to be denied access and alert
Similarly, many of the logs processed by the LCE can also be modified to alert when an
access control violation has occurred. For example, simple log events such as a valid web
password can be correlated with the source IP address to find evidence or alert when
unauthorized networks connect to the SCADA network.
For connections which are authorized, modern solutions to strengthen these points usually
involve combinations of firewalls, web proxies, intrusion prevention and virtual private
networks. The Log Correlation Engine can help aggregate the various logs generated by
these different devices and provide a common report about which assets are accessing the
SCADA network.
The Security Center can be used to manage multiple Passive Vulnerability Scanners and
Nessus vulnerability scanners. The data collected by each of these technologies can be used
to build different types of asset lists. These lists can then be analyzed for common services
and devices running additional services can be highlighted for analysis. Also, devices not
part of any particular business asset may also not be needed anymore and can be identified
for removal.
The Passive Vulnerability Scanner and Nessus scanner can both be used to identify several
SCADA clients and servers. The protocols for SCADA devices have been published in several
different computer security venues and more information is being disclosed as time goes on.
With Tenable’s solutions, a security manager for a SCADA network can easily discover all of
their active SCADA devices and identify when new devices are added.
Many core operating systems and network devices include fairly good auditing, securing and
logging options. The Security Center and Nessus vulnerability scanner can be used to “log
into” these devices and ensure that basic security parameters have been enabled. Tenable
calls these checks “compliance checks”.
Tenable has many customers who use these checks to ensure their devices are configured
according to a corporate policy. For example, all event logging should be enabled on all
Windows 2000 servers and all passwords should be changed every 30 days. Policies to take
advantage of the basic security features of underlying operating systems can be used to
harden SCADA networks.
The “compliance checks”, which have been alluded to in the previous step, can be used to
ensure that servers have been “locked down”. Modern operating systems can be configured
such that non-admin users do not have access to insert CDs, USB drives or PCMCIA devices
with modems on them.
8. Implement internal and external intrusion detection systems and establish 24-
hour-a-day incident monitoring
The Security Center can correlate events from a wide variety of NIDS. The correlation
includes real-time vulnerability to event correlation, such that only IDS events which target
vulnerable servers are alerted on.
It also includes “per-asset” analysis such that all IDS events going to or from a particular
asset group are considered. This makes analysis of any threat to a specific SCADA network
much easier.
Lastly, the Log Correlation Engine (LCE) can also accept logs from many different NIDS as
well as other sources of data including netflow, network monitoring, firewall logs and
application logs. The LCE can perform anomaly detection on the logs and search for changes
in behavior which traditional NIDS may miss.
9. Perform technical audits of SCADA devices and networks and any other
connected networks to identify security concerns
The Security Center can be used with distributed Nessus and Passive Vulnerability Scanner
devices to identify a wide variety of security concerns in any network which connects to the
SCADA network.
For the actual SCADA devices themselves, the ideal method to discover them without any
impact to operations is to monitor the network with a Passive Vulnerability Scanner. This
allows 24x7 continuous discovery of current and new SCADA devices.
Once these devices are “discovered”, a manual analysis of their configuration can be used,
or if the devices are modern, a direct vulnerability scan can be launched with Nessus. These
scans include several dozen SCADA-specific checks written for Tenable Network Security by
Digital Bond.
10. Conduct physical security surveys and assess all remote sites connected to the
SCADA network to evaluate their security
Although the Security Center and each of its managed devices do not specifically perform
physical inspections, it can gather a great deal of information which can make a physical
inspection much easier. For example consider how useful the following pieces of information
can be before a remote site is visited:
In addition to gathering such useful knowledge, the Log Correlation Engine can also be used
to gather logs from a variety of physical access control devices.
11. Establish SCADA “Red Teams” to identify and evaluate possible attack
For an existing Red Team, having the knowledge of what actually is in use on the network
can help them identify more realistic attack scenarios. In the last step, we showed how
Tenable solutions can be used to gather intelligence about a remote network prior to
physical inspection. Those same methods can be applied to gather information about the
entire network. For example, consider how useful the following pieces of information can be
to a Red Team:
12. Clearly define cyber security roles, responsibilities and authorities for
managers, system administrators and users
The Security Center is ideally suited to provide the correct level of access to vulnerability,
log, compliance and patching information. Almost any hierarchy of security roles and
responsibilities can be configured to ensure the right level of attention, reporting and
monitoring is given to security issues.
13. Document network architecture and identify systems that serve critical
functions or contain sensitive information that require additional levels of
Through active and passive analysis, the Security Center can be used to identify the
network architecture. The combination of groups of like devices into business-level assets as
well as knowing how the network is connected, makes the Security Center ideal for
disseminating this information.
In addition, once “critical” assets are either discovered or manually added into the Security
Center, they can be monitored at a closer level. For example, the Security Center could be
used to identify all computers as a “control center” for a coal burning power plant. Any
changes to these devices or new types of security threats and vulnerabilities can be
highlighted specifically for the “control center”.
Once the various types of assets are added into the Security Center, many different types of
assets can be reported on. For example, one view can show how all physical buildings as
part of a SCADA network compare against each other. Another view can highlight how
various devices such as desktops, SCADA clients and servers compare. The Security Center
can present this trend data in such a way that small changes can be used to identify
increased risk to key assets.
When deploying defense in depth, most solutions will employ different types of security and
access control technology. The Log Correlation Engine is ideally suited to gather logs from
many different devices and report on how that information affects each asset.
For organizations which have outlined their specific cyber-security requirements, solutions
from Tenable can be used to implement a variety of policies. Tenable has helped customers
implement a wide variety of programs that reflected an organization’s overall desire for a
uniform security policy. At an extremely high level, Tenable’s products can help identify:
The Security Center and Nessus vulnerability scanner can be used to log into a variety of
systems to audit their configuration. Tenable includes many of these audits out of the box
with Security Center, but they are also flexible enough to create new policies particular to
any organization’s needs. Non-compliance devices can have their specific configuration
issues reported on.
And for general network configuration management, the Security Center, repeated network
scanning and continuous network monitoring with the Passive Vulnerability Scanner can be
used to detect changes. Changes include new hosts, new applications and new
As with step 11 and 14, organizations which have the Security Center deployed with log
analysis, passive monitoring, or active scanning solutions can perform a wide variety of
routine self assessments. These include:
The Security Center can be used to ensure that systems are configured correctly to
participate in backup and fail-over operations. Any type of data storage or fail-over
technologies will also need their vulnerabilities and security events managed. The Security
Center can accomplish this with existing technologies.
The Security Center can be used to display a variety of security data. The data can be
presented by business unit, technology, physical locations, protocols and many other ways.
By using the Security Center to distill information out of raw security data, senior
management can be better informed about what is occurring on their SCADA networks.
21. Establish policies and conduct training to minimize the likelihood that
organizational personal will inadvertently disclose sensitive information regarding
SCADA systems design, operations, or security controls.
Tenable has made partnerships with companies like Reconnex that can monitor
communications for sensitive information. These devices can be configured to detect when
inappropriate communications containing human resources, customer data, SCADA
configuration information, etc. has been sent outside of the network. The Log Correlation
Engine can correlate these events with known asset groups or intrusion detection events.
Tenable Network Security is ready to help answer any of your questions regarding your
specific SCADA security concerns. Our solutions offer a very robust and accurate way to
discover and report about all security issues on your SCADA network, without any adverse
Tenable, headquartered in Columbia, Md., USA, is the world leader in Unified Security
Monitoring. Tenable provides agent-less solutions for continuous monitoring of
vulnerabilities, configurations, data leakage, log analysis and compromise detection. For
more information, please visit us at http://www.tenablesecurity.com.