Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric
Speaking Rubric
Students in level 1 and 2 are placed in the basic component of the Common European Framework
(Level A1). Therefore, they cannot produce as much language as an intermediate level student.
Throughout the test students are assessed on their own individual performance and not in relation
to each other.
To obtain a high grade, students should be able to use structures and vocabulary taught in the units
that he/she just completed. However, expect errors since the learners have not fully acquired the
The rating scale for CELLAP English courses has been adapted to help you grade your students in the
following linguistic criteria:
Criteria Description
Vocabulary Ability to understand and use vocabulary words and phrases.
Grammar Ability to use correct grammar and sentences structures.
Fluency Ability to speak quickly, naturally, and without many pauses.
Interactive Ability to take an active part in the development of a conversation.
Pronunciation Ability to use correct stress, rhythm and intonation patterns.
A simple 2-point system is used for each criterion (see appendix). The overall grade sums 10 points; results
can be interpreted with the following marks:
Points Mark
10 - 9 Excellent - Very good
8- 7 Good - Average
6-4 Fair to poor
3-1 Very poor
Speaking Rubric
Vocabulary Uses a variety of Uses a variety of Uses limited Uses only basic
vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary and
expressions. expressions, but expressions. expressions.
makes some errors in
word choice.
Fluency Speaks smoothly, Speaks with some Speaks with Hesitates too
with little hesitation, according some hesitation, often when
hesitation, to his/her level, but it which often speaking, which
according to does not usually interferers with often interferes
his/her level, interfere with communication. with
which does not communication. communication.
interfere with
Interaction Stays on task and Stays on task most of Tries to Purpose is not
communicate the time and communicate, clear; needs a lot
effectively; almost communicates but sometimes of help
always responds effectively; generally does not respond communicating;
appropriately and responds appropriately or usually does not
always tries to appropriately and clearly. respond
develop the keeps trying to appropriately or
interaction. develop the clearly.
Adapted from Speaking Rubric for Fluency Activities. 2005.Pearson Education: Longman.
Speaking Rubric