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Speaking Assessment Rubrics PDF

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Performance Needs help Needs some help In progress Good Very good
level → (1 point) (2 points) (3 points) (4 points) (5 points)
Criteria ↓
Task achievement, Does not understand Has difficulty understanding Understands instructions for Understands instructions for Understands and performs
oral participation, instructions for tasks nor instructions for tasks, tasks with some rephrasing tasks with little rephrasing instructions for tasks
preparation for the performs them successfully. requires frequent repetition and performs some and performs most of them. successfully.
class, Lack of preparation for the and rephrasing and instructions well. Quite well-prepared for the Well-prepared for the
comprehension session performs some instructions Only partially prepared for session. session.
and ability to Gives simple oral phrases successfully. the session. Gives extended oral Gives extended oral
follow instructions and/or single-word answers Shows little preparation for Gives quite extended oral answers most of the times. answers.
the session answers sometimes.
Gives single-sentence oral
Interactive oral Starts and keeps the Starts and keeps the Starts and keeps the Starts and keeps the Starts and keeps the
communication conversation when conversation rarely. conversation going conversation going easily. conversation going
with the use of prompted by instructor and Interacts with difficulty sometimes. Interacts with Interacts easily. Connects successfully. Interacts
camera and classmates. Interacts with Maintains simple some hesitation. his/her contributions to the fluently and skillfully,
microphone lots of difficulty. exchanges. Needs Keeps the conversation conversation. contributing to the
Has considerable difficulty prompting and support going with very little Develops the conversation conversation.
maintaining simple when interacting. prompting and support adequately Develops the conversation
exchanges. Little use of camera and/or Uses camera sometimes Uses camera at most times effectively.
Needs additional prompting when instructor requests. and/or when instructor and/or when instructor Uses camera at all times
and support when Lots of background noise requests. requests. spontaneously.
interacting. while speaking and Background noise while Some background noise No background noise while
No use of webcam interacting in class affects speaking and interacting in while speaking and speaking and interacting in
Too much Background noise communication constantly. class affects interacting in class. class.
while speaking and communication.
interacting in class affects
communication seriously.
Accuracy of oral Fails to use the language Poor use of language Uses few language Shows a fine use of most Shows a good use of
responses: Use of structures studied in the structures studied in the structures studied in the language structures studied language structures studied
vocabulary and lesson when performing lesson when performing lesson when performing in the lesson when in the lesson when
grammar studied orally. orally. orally. performing orally. performing orally.
in the lesson Lacks vocabulary Limited vocabulary for the Fair use of vocabulary for Uses a range of vocabulary Uses a range of vocabulary
appropriate for the task. tasks. the tasks. appropriate for most of the appropriate for the task.
A lot of Spanish interference Presence of false friends, tasks.
quite a lot of Spanish

Rubrics to mark students’ performance in Speaking Assessment (UPC, 2020)

Pronunciation and Poor pronunciation Often poor pronunciation Fair pronunciation Mostly intelligible Intelligible pronunciation
fluency Words are not stressed Words are rarely stressed Fair use of rising/falling pronunciation. Intonation (rising/falling) is
correctly. correctly. intonation Intonation (rising/falling) is appropriate.
No use of rising/falling generally adequate.

• El alumno que comete una falta contra la probidad académica en esta evaluación recibe una calificación equivalente a cero en (calificación correspondiente al
criterio de evaluación LB).
• La reiterancia de la falta será informada a las autoridades para el debido proceso disciplinario.

Rubrics to mark students’ performance in each synch session (UPC, 2020)

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