Maha Vishnu Sapthaham Full-Com

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The key takeaways are that Srimad Bhagavatam describes various incarnations of Lord Vishnu with a focus on Krishna's life. It brings one to the path of bhakti and devotion through understanding.

Srimad Bhagavatam is considered the most important Purana as it gives a detailed account of Krishna's life and describes the various incarnations of Lord Vishnu. It is meant to clear doubts and bring one to understanding of Paramatma through bhakti.

King Parikshit was cursed to die in 7 days by a sage whose penance he disturbed. He repented and sought enlightenment from Sukadeva Gosvami who started narrating the Bhagavatam to the king.

Maha Vishnu Sapthaham

Day 1 (09 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta!! Sree Gurubhy Namaha!! Sree Guru Datta!!

Sri Krishna Jananam:

Pujya Sri Datta Vijayananda Theertha Swamiji in the course of

seven Saptahas planned to be rendered during “Chaturmasya
Vrata Deeksha” started “The Bhagavatha Sapthaha” on

After compiling the Vedic literature, Puranas, etc., Vyasadeva

still had a feeling of unfulfillment and dissatisfaction. Narada
Muni then went to Vyasadeva and instructed him to write
Srimad Bhagavatam. It is considered the most important Purana
of the Vedic literature as it describes the various incarnations of
Lord Vishnu and gives a very detailed account of Lord Krishna's
life. It is divided into twelve chapters and has 18,000
verses.Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji announced that Sri Krishna
Charitra will be discussed in detail during the saptaha.Bhakti
tatva is the most important aspect of the Saptaha that the
devotees are expected to assimilate and nurture. Paramatma Sri
Krishna is Yuga Purusha.The Dasama skanda in BHAGAVATA is
about Sri Krishna Charitra.Sloka: Krishna Vasudevaya Hare
ParamatmaneRagadvesha Nasaya Govindya Namo
Namaha.Bhajan: Hari Narayana…….Bhagavata brings a person in

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to Bhakthi path with love for God who is deviated from ones
path.Fewer doubts arise in Ramayana whereas at each and every
step one gets doubts in Bhagavata, which are again cleared by
Bhagavata itself. Bhagavata is the replica of the outer world .One
has to cross it by understanding to reach Paramatma.This is
called Bhagavata Siddhi.Vasudeva sutam devam
Kansachanuramardhanam.Devaki paramanandam Krishnam
Vande Jagadgurum.The knowledge acquired on the eternal
Paramatma continues throughout life.Bhagavata is a fruit of the
tree Veda. By tasting the fruit Sukam, added its amrita to it
and gave to the world. One can drink the juices of this fruit till
the beginning of Pralaya kala. Study of Bhavata leads one to
ParamatmaSlokam: Adau Devaka Devi garbha jananam gopi
gruhe vardhanamMaya putana jivitapahanam
GovardhaniddharanamKamsachedana kauravadihananam
Kuntisuta palanamYetadbhagavatam purana Kathitam
Srikrishna leelamrutam. Devotion, Diligence and Faith are
essential to understand Bhagavata even to Yogis, Gurus and
ordinary persons. Bhagavatam-BHA-GA- VA- TABha- Bhakthi
- through Bhakthi one getsGa- Gnana - through Gnana one
getsVa- Vairagya.- through Vairagya one attainsTa- Tatvam .(
Essence of the Divine.) Namami Narayana Pada Pankajam-
prostrations at the lotus feet of Narayana.Karomi Narayana
Pujanam sada-always perform puja to NarayanaVadami
Narayana Nama Nirmalam-sing in praise of NarayanaSmarami

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tattvamavyayam-Always keep tattva in mind.One day King

Parikshit went for hunting. After some time he went to sage’s
hut in search of water. As the sage was performing penance he
did not answer the king. The infuriated king placed a dead
serpent around the sage’s neck and was cursed by him to meet
his end after 7 days.(Pray for balanced buddhi.)The king
repented and was consoled by the Maharshis and advised him to
pray for Mukti /Moksha. Sukavadhuta came in search of king
Parikshit. (Always Guru goes in search of shishays.) Sukavadhuta
is an embodiment of enlightenment.Parikshit prayed him for
Gnana.He started telling Bhagavata starting with “Creation
All our deeds to Paramatama who is the Chaitanya.
Then he explained the avataras of Paramatma.
1. Sanatkumara devata avatara.
2. Varaha avatara
3. Nara da maharshi avatara
4. Naranarayana
5. Kapila siddheswara
6. Dattatreya
7. Yagna
8. Vrushabha
9. Prudhu.
10. Mastya
11. Kurma

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12. Dhanvantari
13. Mohini
14. Narasimha
16. Para surama
18.Sri Rama
19. Balarama
20.Sri Krishna
21. Kalki avatara.( Yet to come at the end of Kaliyuga.)
View the world with the eyes of The Ramayana and The
Mahabharata and understand with the heart of The
Bhagavata.Sage Narada initiated Bhagavata to the sage
Vyasa.The essence of Bhagavata is in Chatussloki
Bhagavata.Bhajan: Sri Krishna Kesava Vaikunta Madhava…..First
Skanda of Bhagavata explains about what is to be heard and
what is to be praised.Second Skanda explains about self
realization and self enlightenment-Atma Gnana.Third to Ninth
Skandas explain about the stories like Gajendra moksha etc.Tenth
Skanda depicts the birth of Sri Krishna. Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji
insisted on reciting Keshava namas everyday which are of great
importance in protecting and promoting the health, wealth and
prosperity of the members of the family.Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji’s
rendered Bhajans in an enthralling and captivating manner

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dipping all the devotees and viewers on webcast into the nectar
of Bhakthi tattva.Amazing was the pravachana.
Jaya Guru Datta

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Day 2 (10 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta Sree Gurubhyo Namaha Sree Guru Datta

The discourse of Bhagavatha sapthaha started on 10/08/10 by

Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji with Dhyana Shlokas.

and a Bhajan, Mammelu Maa thandri Gana Naatha Nammitini

ninu lona Gana Naatha.

Whenever cruelty and unrighteousness reach intolerable

proportions,God incarnates on Earth and destroys wrong doers.
Lord decided to incarnate to destroy the cruel and selfish Kamsa.
Every Avathara has two causes:Prayers of Devotees and atrocities
of wicked people.The blend of these two is essential for an
Avatara and hence Lord manifested as “SRI KRISHNA” in
Dwapara yuga. Prahlada Narada parasara
Pundarika,Vyasambarisha Suka Saunaka Bhishma.. Bhagavatha
gives us the nectar like narrations of stories about great people
like Prahlada,Narada,parasara Pundarika etc.Parama
Bhagavathan Smarami is the essence of Bhagavatha.Memorising
all these stories,we enter into the dasama skanda which gives us
a great boon of Sri Krishna Jananam(The Birth of Sri
krishna),which is the main event of Bhagavatha.Every skanda is a
single unit where as dasama skanda is in two parts.The first part

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is full of Krishna leelas in His Childhood whereas the second part

is all about the leelas of Lord Krishna along with Pandavas,in
protecting Dharma and slaying Adharma. Here it is very
essential to make a mention of Sri Jayalakshmi Mata,who wrote
Bhagavatha in the form of Prose and also poetry or songs in very
simple language (kannada) to explain to the innocent illiterates,
living in Mekedatu who were not exposed to the sacred texts.
Mata used to sing songs for them and narrate the stories.
Recently Sri Swamiji was given few papers on which the songs
were written by Sri Jayalakshmi Mata and Sri Swamiji
composed all those songs to bless all of us and rendered for us as
"Sri Krishna jaya" in the name of Sri jayalakshmi Mata.

The bhajan goes like this.

Kathalu vinaga randi,krishnuni,kathalu vinaga randi... Vyadhalu
tholagu nandi madilo.....
1.Saisavammulone eethadu putanu vadhanu chase,vinta
golupunatula janula maata mugaboye.
2.Mannu thinuta telisi yashoda kopamandenayyo,notilona kalige
sakala bhuvanabhandamulanu.
3.Venna dongalinche gopika dugdhamondaganu, venna nepamu
choopi manasuna papamantha doliche.
4.Kali madugulona krishnudu sarpa darpamaniche,Janulu Munulu
choosi Arere mokarilli piliche.

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5.Gopastreela naduma krishnudu adi padenandi,Swami vodini

cheri Bhakthulu thanuvu marachirandi.
6.Anni Inni kavu,krishnuni kathalakanthuledu,Vinnavari madilo
Krishnudu kadali ponepodu.

This Bhajan written by Sri jayalakshmi Mata is The Bhagavatha

in a nut shell.People should get tired of listening to Bhagavatha
but the one who speaks on Bhagavatha never gets tired.The more
we speak of Lord Krishna the more energised we are. our
Puranas and epics are such that there is huge to read,and
memorise. A devotees life style is described as below. Pratah juda
prasange, Madhyahne stree prasange,Sayam samaye Chora
prasangah, kalo gachathi dhee matah. pratah Judah Prasange :
people discuss the content of Maha Bharatha in the morning as
it will be of great use to implement raja neeti in our day to day
jobs also. Madhahne stree prasange : In the after noon time,after
luch while relaxing people think of Ramayana recollecting how
mean it was to think of other ladies and how Ravana was ruined
because of that instinct. Sayam samaye chora prasangah: In the
evening time people think of navaneetha chora,Lord Krishna who
removes our sins without our knowledge as He used to steal
“Navaneetha”from gopikas. Kalo gachathi dheematah: Wise
people spend time in this way. The Ramayana and The Maha
bharata are as important as two eyes.Where as Bhagavatha is
the soul.Krishna Gana had been sung by Brahma himself, Narada

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and Lava kusha since yugas.Bhagavatha is nothing but the

Science of Bhakti,devotion.Whenever we listen to Bhagavatha,we
feel happy,relieved and relaxed.We feel that there is a divine
relationship between us and Krishna katha,becuse it is a direct
link to all the souls. The incarnations are given different
names.But in every Avathara it is only lord Krishna that exists.
As soon as we get up in the morning,we have to think of our
parents,Guru and also our employer.All of us crave for the inner
light,to have the divine darshan of inner self.Like small children
get doubts continously,we too do get doubts with regard to our
also the future.This very thought is the real thirst real hunger.All
Datta devotees have to tread the path of Gnana marga for which
the best tool is Bhagavata.Putting forth all these doubts,
Parikshit requests Suka muni to narrate Bhagavatha to him
clearing all these doubts at the same time.Who ever seeks the
Krishna gana,who ever renders,and who ever listens are all
blessed with a drench in the Ganga of krishna Katha. The sage
starts Bhagavatha to Parikshit directly from Brahma loka.The
demons were going astray without following the vaidika
path.Tired of all these misdeeds, the Mother Earth requests Lord
Brahma to provide her relief and save her from these demonly
deeds and the demons. Brahma along with Bhoo mata, thousnds
of other angels and gandharvas traveled to lord Vishnu who was
resting on Ksheera sagara. Brahma and others started praising

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Lord Vishnu with purusha sookta .Madhava Madhu sudhana Sree

Hari Hara Madhava. Brahma, Bhoomata who is in the form of
Gomata and all other devathas could hear that " Lord Vishnu
incarnates to set all these misdeeds and the doers shortly, and
that Bala Rama will be his elder brother.
Coming to the story :: Kamsa was a King whose sister was
Devaki. Kamsa performed his sister's marriage in all grandeur
with vasudeva a highly principled person.At the time of all this
happy and gay mood of everybody,suddenly there was an
asareera vani calling out Kamsa with a commanding voice telling
Kamsa that the ashtama garbha of Devaki will be the cause for
his demise .All of a sudden,kamsa's love for his sister and brother
in law disappeared due to the instilled insecure feeling and
selfishness. He suddenly went to Devaki to put an end to her
life.Then Vasudeva convinced him not to kill her since she was
like his daughter and Vasudeva promised Kamsa that he would
handover all the new borns to Kamsa as and when a child was
born and that kamsa was free to decide as to what to do with
the child. Kamsa was compromised and Devaki and Vasudeva led
a happy life for some years for a while.After some years,Devaki
was blesses with a child and without a second thought vasudeva
handed over the child to kamsa.Kamsa too felt that the cause of
his danger is Ashtama garbha and not the fisrt child and hence
he asked vasudeva to take care of the child.In the
meanwhile,Narada reached that place and instigated kamsa

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saying that the ashtama garbha could be this child itself,if

counted in the reverse order..hence Kamsa took over the child
and killed. And continued to kill the new born ones later too. As
time passed,lord Krishna summoned “Maya Shakthi”.Devaki had
conceived the seventh child. God ensured that everything was
progressing according to His master Plan.Vasudeva had a wife by
name Rohini, prior to Devaki.She was at Nanda's place
temporarily for fear of Kamsa.The Lord instructed Maya to
transfer Devaki's seventh child into the womb of Rohini.And
Maya herself entered into the womb of Yashoda,the wife of
Nanda.The seventh child,the incarnation of Adisesha, was named
Bala Rama.That is why Bala Rama is also called
“SANKARSHANA”,meaning “Transferred” The lord told Maya, “I
will Myself enter Devaki's womb as her eigth child”. At the time
of Sri krishna's birth,Brahma and other devathas assembled near
the prison in which Devaki and Vasudeva were imprisoned and
applauded Sri Krishna saying that HE is the Truth and the giver
of happiness, positive result to karma yogis and also salvation.
They sang in praise of the lord. Vaikunta vasa nama Om!!Mrudu
manda hasa nama Om. Krishna was going to be born to protect
the good and punish the evil .With all this they instilled courage
and confidence in Devaki. Parithranaya sadhunaam Vinasaya cha
duskrithaam Dharma sansthapanaardhaya sambhavami yuge
yuge.. At a wonderful time,in Sharavana Masa,on Ashtami, the
Avatara manifested.The divinity illuminated the surroundings

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with a radiant face. Vasudeva had the first Darshan of the

manifestation...Krishna said that He took the form to impart
Gnana to Vasudeva but He would take the form a baby
later(.Man is very scared of death.He tries to escape from all the
evils and poisonous animals.But there would be no use.The one
who seeks sharanu of the feet of the Lord alone rests in peace).

Bhajan on Krishna jananam. Jayathi Jayathi Krishna Deva

jananam!!Jayathi jayathi Tattvardha jananam.
1.Raja kulammuna Puttina asurulu Saadhu janavali
2.Aditi Kasyapula pera janinchiri,Vaare Devaki
vasudevuluga,Krishnuni dayato puttiri ilalo.
3.Shravana maasapu Krishnashtamina,Madhuranagarapu
karagruhamuna,Chaturmukhundai avatharichinaa,Adbhuta
baludu hariki vandanam.
4.Koladi rojula pasi vayasunane,Putana shakata
Sachidanandude,Krishnanaamudai avatharinchenila. Lord Sri
Krishna was born on Ashtami, with Chaturbhuja,and revealed a
SECRET which is going to be discoursed the next day.

Jaya Guru Datta.

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Day 3 (11 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta Sri Gurubhyo Namaha Sree Guru Datta!

On the fourth Day of Bhagavata Saptaha during the course of

seven saptahas during Chaturmasya Vrata Deeksha of Pujya Sri
Datta Vijayananda Theertha Swamiji,the discourse was started
with Dhyana Shlokas from Guru Gita.
After writing the Bhagavatam, also known as Bhagavata
Purana,Vyasa imparted knowledge of Bhagavatam to his son
Suka Brahma Rishi. He subsequently recited the entire
Bhagavatam to Maharaja Parikshit in an assembly of learned
saints. Maharaja Parikshit was the Emperor of the world and
was a great saintly king.He was cursed by a sage that he would
die within a week. Hence he renounced his kingdom and retired
to bank of the Ganges to fast unto death and obtain spiritual
The Bhagavatam starts with emperor Parikshit's requesting
Sukabrahma Rishi to give him the knowledge of perfection and
right path of liberation. Sukabrahma Rishi,in response narrated
the Bhagavatam for seven days – till the King's death. Several
learned saints were present there when it was narrated. Later it
was narrated in Naimisharanya to several sages. Those sages then
spread the wisdom of Bhagavata to the rest of the world.

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Sri Bala Swamiji rendered a Bhajan :

1.Ganapati demudu maku kadalaka edalo kaladandi!!!

2.Achyutam,kesavam Rama NarayanamKrishna Damodaram
Vasudevam harim.
Manifested as chaturbhuja,Lord Krishna spent a while with his
parents. Krishna requested Vasudeva to shift him to Nandagopa
vraja and bring Maya, the one who was born to Yashoda and
Nanda Maharaj to the lap of Devaki with out any fear and
hesitation. Krishna assured that He would take care of other
[ lord speaks to his disciples but we should raise to that level to
receive, understand and act. When Lord Krishna instructed
Vasudeva, he could react immediately without any doubt because
he was a Gnani with upasana power and hence could understand
the secret of Krishna's yoga Maya.] Maya spread within no time
and Vasudeva carried Bala Krishna, the one who was born just
then and came out of the prison when the doors of the prison
opened on their own;[Krishna Maya.] to transfer the baby.

The gate keepers who were supposed to guard Devaki and

Vasudeva were fast asleep to such an extent that none of them
got even a bit disturbed when Vasudeva was walking through
.[Krishna Maya].Not only the guards but all the people in whole

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village were in deep sleep. All this had been pre planned by the
Lord.[ Nothing is impossible if it is planned by God himself.

Pujya Sri Swamiji says several times that He can get things
done even by a donkey. Imagine Vasudeva carrying the lord of
the universe on his head. The Lord who provides support to all
the animate and inanimate beings in the universe is being carried
by Vasudeva. How lucky was vasudeva ??? !!!.As Vasudeva was
proceeding, there was a heavy down pour of rain when Adisesha
came and protected the small child.
Crossing of the River Yamuna:When Vasudeva had to cross the
river Yamuna, just stopped its flow and gave way to
Vasudeva.[Krishna Maya].

Vasudeva walked through the paved river and reached the other
side of it without any fear and hesitation as instructed by Lord
[Here we are reminded of the sea giving way to Rama when
Rama had to cross the sea. This simile here tells us that Rama
and Krishna, both are the incarnations of Lord Vishnu and hence
is the simile for us to remember Ramayana also.]

Vasudeva had to walk miles of distance to reach the house of

yashoda and Nanda Maharaj. Since it was all pre planned,
Vasudeva reached their house,put Bala Krishna in the bed of

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Yashoda( who was tired after the delivery and picked up the girl
baby lying in Yashoda's bed and in the same pace returned back
to the prison and put her in Devaki's bed.At once after
everything is being administered as per Krishna's Master plan,
with a loud cry of Yoga Maya everybody woke up and rushed to
inform Kamsa of the child birth.

Kamsa after looking at Yoga Maya got wild since it was the eigth
child who was supposed to be his slayer and hence with rage, hit
her to a stone nearby. Within no time, Yoga Maya skipped from
the hands of Kamsa, flew into the air and shouted saying that
there was no use of killing her since his previous enemy would
definitely come to see his end for killing seven small children who
were born to Devaki and Vasudeva, a dreadful deed which was
unpardonable..Saying that with eight hands,Yoga Maya
manifested as kalika,Vijaya Chamunda and flew to Kasi as Mata

Kamsa was totally aghast and fell at the feet of Vasudeva and
Devaki and with repentance released them from prison. Kamsa
discussed with his Ministers who misguided Kamsa that they
would damage penance of the sages, cease all the cows, sages,
satya, compassion and yagna so that their energy,strength and
Shakthi would come down and that of these people of Kamsa
would increase. Kamsa and his ministers decide to kill all the

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children of the age of 10 years and below so that wherever the

ashtama garbha putra was would no more be alive. The Ministers
and their soldiers started their job of cruel deeds again and also
started killing children in different ways
[Sadhunam atikramana : God tolerates atrocities against Him to
some extent but not against His disciples, which lead to vary bad

There in Nandavraja, yashoda was quite delighted with the

arrival of Balakrishna into her life. Enjoying motherhood,Yashoda
made the whole village colourful with festivity. Rohini was blessed
with Bala Rama and yashoda with Bala Krishna. Gokulam was
decorated with pomp and show and was in a jubiliant mood,
celebrating the birth of these two gems.

Their main property being the cattle, all the cows were decked
with ornaments and clothes & the goshalas were cleaned
thoroughly to Rejoice the birth of Lord Krishna and Bala Rama.
The Village "Nanda vraja" was flourishing with abundance of Milk
and curds to reflect the gay and happy mood of the villagers.
Yashoda was totally engrossed in child care. The lullaby sheused
to sing was
Jo Achyutananda jo jo Mukunda Lali Paramananda Rama

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Bala Krishna merely stared at Yasoda with innocence brimming

in his eyes swinging to her melody and especially the words "Jo
Jo" which had been the most favorite of all infants and children.
Bala Krishna entered Nanda vraja and made it a" Goloka" which
is infact above Heaven.

The Bhajan :
Jaya Jaya Krishna Jaya Jaya Hari KrishnaJaya Jaya Krishna
Jaya Jaya Hari Krishna.
1.Devaki Nandana Yashoda Krishna
2.gokula Nandana Govinda Nandana
3.Mukunda Madhava Jaya Jaya Krishna.4.Govinda Krishna
Gopala Krishna.

Nanda Maharaj went to Kamsa to pay tax. After that job,Nanda

Maharaj went to Vasudeva to convey his condolences for the loss
of seven of his new born babies. Vasudeva advised him to leave
the place immediately and reach Nanda Vraja at the earliest
since there was going to be a danger foreseen and warned of
many more such atrocities in future. Nanda was advised to be
highly alert.

‘Putana Moksha Ghattam.’

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The happy mood of the people in Nandavraja was inexplicable.

During these happy times of nandavraja ,entered the lady Asura
–‘Putana’ who came to end the life of Kamsa'a enemy.
As she entered the house of Nanda Maharaj in disguise of a
lady,nobody could make out as to who she was and the people
were so innocent that they did not even suspect and try to verify
her identity. She originally planned to feed some children and kill
them and then go to Bala Krishna. But Krishna who never
wanted such loss, appeared himself at the entrance of the house.
Putana, unaware of the danger from Krishna, held Bala Krishna,
pampaered Him and tried to feed Him with her own milk. Bala
Krishna at once squeezed out panchaprana, ,panchendriyas,
Gnanendriyas and karmendriyas of Putana. All the evil powers of
Putana were absorbed. With this terrible pain, she could no more
be disguised and got her natural fierceful, ferocious form and
started shouting at the peak of her voice, thus falling on the
ground and felling many trees which were hit by her huge body.
There was a chaos. Declaring salvation to that treacherous lady,
Krishna thought when he was blessing such a demon with
salvation, what else could He give to the mothers who feed their
children with love, warmth and affection? He Thought that he
would grant them a divine abode.

The bhajan goes like this...

Kathalu vinaga randi,krishnuni,kathalu vinaga randi...

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Vyadhalu tholagu nandi madilo.....

1.Saisavammulone eethadu putanu vadhanu chase,vinta
golupunatula janula maata mugaboye.
2.Mannu thinuta telisi yashoda kopamandenayyo,notilona kalige
sakala bhuvanabhandamulanu.
3.Venna dongalinche gopika dugdhamondaganu, venna nepamu
choopi manasuna papamantha doliche.
4.Kali madugulona krishnudu sarpa darpamaniche,Janulu Munulu
choosi Arere mokarilli piliche.
5.Gopastreela naduma krishnudu adi padenandi,Swami vodini
cheri Bhakthulu thanuvu marachirandi.
6.Anni Inni kavu,krishnuni kathalakanthuledu,Vinnavari madilo
Krishnudu kadali ponepodu.

Bolo Sri Krishna Paramatma Ki Jai.

aghast at the incident, yashoda took care of Bala Krishna

immediately. She was the first lady to think of evil looks or eye
cast and started the deed of removing the effect of evil looks
using a lamp lit with oil or using salt or lemon. (Removing Dishti
or negative vibes caused by anyone or anything).At that juncture
arrived Nanda Maharaj who was stunned by the situation. The
huge body of Putana was lying on a big ground with the fallen
tree around her. People around, who never witnessed such
a sight were in fear and awe. Then suddenly Nanda was

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reminded of the hint given by Vasudeva and also his insist on

forcing Nanda to go back to Nanda Vraja with haste.He then
realized that it was one of the atrocities hinted by Vasudeva.

Nanda Maharaj had to immediately plan for the last rites of the
physical body of Putana. Since was very huge, Nanda appointed
people to cut the body into pieces and to burn them. Though the
body of Putana was fiery and vicious, the smell as it was burnt
was very pleasant since Krishna brought positive change to her
body ( Samskara ) by being fed.
" Ya Yetat Potana moksham"

Later, Shodasa samskaras were performed to lord Krishna.[These

are the Naming ceremony ,Cradle ceremony,Akshara Abhyasa
(first attempt at writing)etc. All the samskaras have to be
performed significantly such that the samskara cleanses the
unwanted ‘vasanas’(literally meaning smell, here it refers to
traits, features and qualities) of the previous birth if any, and the
child will be blessed with good health, intellect, education,
memory, and prosperity by all means.All these samskaras were
performed to Lord Krishna in Bahagavata.
Sukavadhuta attained Samadhi with Krishna gana.


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Neela Megha Shyama Krishna,Nitya Tripta Parandhama

1. Laitha kalalaku Jeevadharama,Nirvikara Niranjana
2.Meru Dheera veera Shura,needu Choopule Karunakaram
3.Dhanaa Mahima Ganalola Suguna rasi Sree Hare
4.Shyamalanga Komalanga lalitha pada Sree Hare
5.Manju Bhasha Kamala Netra Chinni Krishna Sree HareJAI
Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji spoke of the treasure trove of the CDs of
Datta maata, Guru Gita,and all the speeches of Pujya sri Appaji
and Sri Bala Swamiji which have to be preserved for us for
future use though we listen to now.They will be of great use to
future generations too.

During the discourse Pujya Sri Swamiji high lighted few points:

1. Where does Lord Vishnu reside?Lord Vishnu resides in

Vedas,Gomata and Satpurushas,Veda sholars,people those
who do Upasana,Mantra japa and also listen to veda and
Purana- instill confidence and courage in people

2.Nature of Yashoda Mata:There is mother's love depicted in

various epics. But yashoda's motherly love is said to be amazing
and uncomparable.Krishna is the apple of her eye. Shabari's love
for Rama, Vakula Mata's love for Srinivasa and Anasuya Mata's
love for Lord Dattatreya are also on par with yashoda's love for

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Krishna. This kind of mention is just to take us to Ramayana,

Srinivasa Kalyanam and Sri Datta Darshanam which is an
exercise to brain to recollect immediately. That is the significance
of Pravachana.

3.Exchange of Goods(Barter system): All the kings used to pay

TAX to Kamsa for their earnings.I t was Lord Krishna who
resisted to pay tax to Kamsa and introduced Exchange of Milk,
their product with the goods they wanted for use at home.

4.The word JO JO: Jo JO is a favourite word for all the children

during bed time. It sounds so good that the child goes to sleep
however is the word uttered or used in the form of a song. This
word JO JO was first used or coined by Great telugu Poet

5.Sadguru is the only soap:We come into this world with the
vasanas of the previous birth. If they are good it is fine. If they
are little bad with samskaras they get rectified. But if they are in
large numbers no soap or detergent can cleanse the bad odour. It
is only Sadguru that can act as a cleansing agent and wash our
sins and help us tread the right path.
All of us are very fortunate for being with our Reverential Datta

Jaya Guru datta

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Day 4 (12 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta Sree Gurubhyo Namaha Sree Guru


The Bhagavatha pravachana started by Pujya Sri Bala Swamijiby

reciting the Dhyana slokas and Guru Gita.
"Bhagavatham" is one of the Puranic texts of Hindu-literature,
and is Sanskrit for "The Book of God". Its primary focus is the
process of bhakti yoga (loving devotion to the Supreme Lord) in
which Krishna is understood as the Supreme all-embracing God
of Gods (Svayam Bhagavan). The Bhagavatam takes the form of
a story being told by a great Rishi known as SutaGoswami, to a
host of assembled sages, who ask him questions in regard to the
various avatars, or descents of Vishnu within the mortal world.
Suta Goswami then relates the Bhagavatam as he has heard it
from another sage, called Sukadeva. The language of the Purana
closely resembles Vedic which may indicate an early dating or a
variety of other possible reasons to resemble the archaic texts.

Krishna leelas continued:

‘Trinavruta’ was a demon who came with an intention of killing
Krishna. He came in the form of a tornado, a big huge wind. All
the big houses were destroyed and all the trees fell down with
the wind .The lord was playing with Yashoda Mata at that time.

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Everybody were frightened looking at the wind. The lord grew up

with ‘Garima siddhi’ and became huge and very strong and held
the demon's neck tightly and controlled Trinavrutha, the asura
of wind.

God has control over the panchabhutas(The five elements).The

demon collapsed and fell down. In Krishna leelas, the lord is not
scared of any evilspirit. He only fears and respects his loving
mother, yashoda and all other people had to face the threat of
the evil spirits. Since the boy was aware of everything, He never
was scared. Healways faced the evil spirits and defeated
them.That was Krishna Maya. This chapter is a bit
frightening with the involvement of wind and Thrunavrutha.
Hence thischapteris said to be "Rajo Guna Samhara Ghattam".

With this incident yashoda was very much upset and stunned.
The Boy was not growing in an ordinary manner. He played, ate
well, but at times he never behaved like a smallkid. Yashoda was
worried and she lived in Upasana of Lord Krishna remaining in
silence and awe. The boy wanted His mother to sleep since she
was tired and stressed. He was trying to put her to sleep by
yawning.( If a person yawns,t he other person also yawns
consequently and feels sleepy).But she remained still and quiet.
Hence the boy kept on opening his mouth wide and wide to
make her also yawn to put her to sleep. But as he was opening

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His mouth so wide, Yashoda was worried whether any insects

would enter his mouth. Finally Yashoda was tired and slept.

This is how an year passed in peace and quiet with yashodas

affectionate upbringing and more fun and cuteness from Lord

Arrival of Garga Muni and Naming ceremony of the lord:

Garga Muni arrived at Gokulam and the naming ceremony of
the lord was planned when Garga Muni suggested not to make it
a public function since Kamsa was in search of the Ashtam
sisu(8thborn) and that if he got to knowa bout the lord's
existence in Gokulm, it was not safe for the boy (Lord).(
Note:Garga Muni was the priest of Kamsa.)

Hence the naming ceremony was arranged in GOSHALA, the

favourite place of Lord Krishna without any publicity. Before
selecting the Name, GargaMuni went through the horoscope of
Lord Krishna, the one year old Boy, and revealed the fact that
He was born to Vasudeva and hence was named ‘VAASUDEVA’.
Since he was an incarnation of Maha Vishnu born with a blue
complexion to remove Agnana of people, he was named

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Rohini's son was named BalaRama ( Strong ) Bala Rama (liked

by every body) and Sankarshana ( Was born by embryo
transplantation )
Garga Muni informed the couple that the child was beyond
anybody's comprehension and people had to just watch Sri
Krishna Leelas. Regarding His Horoscope GargaMuni was
astound to see the entire essence of Astrology in all the oragans
of His body, since all the planets kept on moving continuously as
he was the God, The creator himself!!! Garga Muni informed
Rohini, Yashoda and Nanda Maharaj to take utmost care of Lord
Sri Krishna and BalaRama too.
People of Gokulam were extremely happy and merried with the
mischief and naughty yet lovely deeds of Lord Krishna and
called HIM with various Name like Govinda, Keshava, Achyutha,
Narayan etc.

Krishna Maji Mata KrinaMaja Pita
Krishna majhi mata
Krishna maza pita
Bahani bandhu chulata Krishnamaza
Krishna maza Guru
Krishna maza Taru
Uttari paila teeru

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Krishna mazi mana

Krishna mazi jana
Soyira sajjana
Krishna maza
Tukha mane maza
Sri Krishna vimsamva
Vatina karava
Parata jeeva

The nama Sankeertana was amzing.

The whole Ashrama reverberated with Sri Krishna Nama

Sankeertana by Pujya Sri Bala Swamiji and all the devotees.
As Krishna grew up, He performed all the activities as any
other child like crawling, walking and running around in
mischeif. He used to visit many houses and eat butter, dropping
down bits on purpose to feed the insects which showed His Bhuta
daya. He ate butter in others' houses, not because he fell short of
it in His house but to inspect the taste of butter in their Houses
and thus gracing them with his presence.

Kadhalu vinaga randi Krishnuni Kadhalu vinaga randi

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Another reason for His visiting so many houses was that He had
to feed fourteen lokas present within Him. He used to run from
House to House to create funny problems among the family
members of that house.
Once Krishna took a calf to one of the households and tied its
tail to the daughter in law's plait when she was asleep. Suddenly
when the calf wanted to run, it pulled the lady and she got
terrified by the impulse. Everybody questioned her as to why she
shouted. When she wanted to tell about the calf, it ran away
leaving everybody in suspicion for the lady. But never did Krishna
create a serious problem to anybody.

Another time Krishna smeared the butter on the face of the

lady of the house seeing which,her mother in law used to shout
at her assuming her to be stealing and eating like a kid.
When gopikas used to walk on the road carrying milk and curds
in mud pots, Krishna used to throw stones at the pots and
break them. Like this innumerable are the leelas of LordKrishna.

Lord Krishna as BalaKrishna never crossed His limits though

very mischievious. Krishna owing to his dark complexion, used
to smear his face with Milk, Curds and Butter so that He
would look very fair. Having been drenched in Krishna Gana
and divinemischief ,all the Gopikas,instead of selling Curds, Milk
and Butter used to utter Govinda Namas. Gokulum was a

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heaven which came down to Earth to bless Nanda Maharaj and

Yashoda and all the Gopikas .No other Avatara depicted such
kind of mischief displayed by krishna in child hood. But never Hi
sdeeds harmed anybody .Every deed was for "Loka
Kalyanam"(Good of the world)

He declared that HE is the God in His childhood itself. Butvery

few understood.
"VELUPULATE; nakantenu velupu mari evvadanchuvika
Said Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna collected butter from all the houses and istributed
to all His friends. All the Gopikas went to Yashoda and
complained against Krishna saying that they wanted to leave
Gokulam due to His silly mischief of stealing butter and causing
inconvenience to them.

Gopikas sang:
OYamma Nee Kumarudu Maa Indlanu palu perugu

Oh!Yashoda! Your son is stealing Milk and curds from our houses
and do not allow them to remain in our houses, due to which we
want to leave Gokulam and go to some other place.

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Yashoda felt very bad and prayed to all of them and promised
hat she would control the mischief of Krishna.
Bala Rama was very strict and watched over Krishn very
keenly.One such time,Krishna swallowed mud. Bala Rama
informed Yashoda about this deed of Krishna. Having been fed up
of several complaints against Krishna by innumerable number of
people, Yashoda caught hold of Krishna and questioned as to why
He ate mud. Krishna Said!!!
This was for the first time that Krishna spoke, rather started to
speak with the word AMMA!!

Amma! Mannu thinanga

nesisuvuno,kontino,verrino,Nammanjudaka vaari matalu..............!!!
Na vachanamul thappaina dandimpave!!!!

IN Sanskrit,Vyasa started with Tatva.starting ,

Naaham Bakshita .........
It was not me who ate That was not my form.....
Krishna asked his Mother to look at Him directly instead of
listening to others' complaints. Krishna insisted Yashoda look
into His widely opened mouth. The mouth was amazingly
growing large and larger in its size and Yashoda in her worry
tried to look at the smell of the mud that had eaten(whether
it was relatively better mud or contaminated ).But to her awe

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and surprise, she was able to see all the lokas (Padunaalgu
Bhuvana Bhandammulu-All the 14 worlds above and below. )

She totally forgot what she was looking at. She wondered
whether it was a dream or ‘Vaishnava Maya’ if it was specially
intended for her or if that was the final Truth??Having been
totally perplexed, Yashoda was doubtful about her existence itself.
She doubted whether she was in Gokulam or in a different placet
o witness this grandeur. She wondered whether she was that
fortunate tow itness such a miracle.Yashoda became
speechless.Krishna was scared of Yashoda's condition and took
back His Viswarupa and went back to his normal human form.

Vasudeva was "Vasuvu" by name- Drona and performed amazing

penance for lord Vishnu with a request to be blessed with the
God himself being born as their son and show them all the
miracles in the universe. Hence was born Krishna to the couple.
The blessing in Krishna Darshana and that power is again
manifested only through ‘Bhagavatha’. Let every one be blessed
by Bhagavata Swamy.

Krishna twadeeya padapankaja panjaraatma.

Oh Lord Krishna! My budhi is at the lotus feet of you which like a
cage. Kindly imprison my budhi there.

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Re man Re manJhumat gaavo hari ke gun
Nain Me taras rahePaane ko Sri hari darshanSravan mere taras
raheSun ne ko sri hari keertan
Hat mere taras rahekarne ko sri hari sevanJihva meri taras
raheKarne ko hari nam smaran
Dil mera machal rahaKarne ko hari alinganJiv mera taras
rahaPane ko sachchidananda gan

Thus was the wonderful discourse on the 5th day ofBhagavata

Saptaha. With the most important Ghattam of Viswarup
Darshanam. The discourse was amazing to the audience who
were online and offline.

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Day 5 (13 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta!! Sree Gurubhyo Namaha Sree

Guru Datta!!

The wonderful flow of Pravachana during Bhagavata Saptaha

byPujya Sri Bala Swamiji started with all the glory on the
6thDay.Bhakti is Bhagavatam and Bhagavatam is Bhakti. The
great sage Vyasa described the scintillating leelas of Sri Krishna
right from the time of His birth. Or manifestation. The human
world is indebted to Sage Vyasa for giving us such a boon. It's a
bliss. Lord Krishna Himself is a Miracle.
The discourse started with Dhyana Shlokas from Guru Gita and
Bhajans .
Paalaya gana Naatha Pari Paalaya Gana Naatha.!!
Krishnaya Vaasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane
Pranatah Klesha Nashaya Govindaya Namaha

Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa chanura mardanam

Devaki paramaanandam Krishnam vande jagadgurum

Sree Jai Krishna Jai Jai Krishna
Radha Ramana Neeve Naa gati.

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In Bhagavata, the childhood incidents of Krishna are

remarkable.Krishna is ‘Navneeta chora’(one who steals butter)
,fond of creating silly misunderstanding in the families and at
the same time very loving and protective. We are supposed to
sing the glory of the lord to keep our mood always pure and
pleasant .Gopikas always pondered over the glory of the lord and
hence they remained a tpeace. Krishna is also a lover of humor
and wit.
The secret behind Krishna leelas is nothing but an idea of
instilling devotion among the Gopikas who were always indulged
in the household activities like churning, preserving Milk, Curd
and Butter.
Krishna wanted to inculcate Bhakti in them and hence the leelas
by Jagannataka Sutradhari.(one who bears witness for all the
worlds activities)
Krishna had the sole wish of making people happy. Krishna stood
by the side of his mother while she was churning the butter milk
.He enjoyed His mother's company, her bangle’s jingle, the
twinkling of her ornaments, the songs she sang and the artistery
and sensitivity in her playful upbringing .

In the process of churning, the butter milk spilled out and fell on
the face and body of Lord Krishna. He being Neela Megha
Shyama(Dark as it almost looks blue, metaphorising the
sky),enjoyed white bubbles of buttermilk which decked his body

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and shone like stars in the sky. Krishna called every one and
explained how happy he was. Yashoda was ecstatic in joy at her
son’s perspective.

At this juncture Parikshit Maharaj raised a question .

When Krishna was born toVasudeva and Devaki, why are they
deprived of all this joy and happiness of enjoying he leelas
ofKrishna's childhood.
Vasu Raja by name Drona and his wife Dhara Devi performed a
penance for several years for Brahma and were granted a boon
that Lord himself would be born to them as their son and would
display all the divine leelas and make them happy .Hence the
childhood of Krishna was enjoyed by Nanda Maharaj and
Yashoda as they were realizing their boon.

Krishna asked for milk, again and again and yet again…there
are 14 lokas in Him, and that act symbolized his need to look
after them all. One such time, Krishna smeared His face with
butter and held in His hands to take it out and distribute to
others. Yashoda entered and Krishna was caught red handed…

‘Potana’ is a poet of Devotion He wrote poetry in very simple

and small words carrying huge message.
Yashoda said:

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Verevvaru Krishulu gara!!

Ennadunu vennaganarata kada!!
Dharitrinitlu ganare!!!

Krishna always told Yashoda that he never liked butter, never

stole from anybody's house but was mostly caught redhanded.
Yashoda teased Him repeating the same words uttered by Him
mocking his words and reminding him of his mischief.

When Yashoda asked Krishna's friends as to what kind of

mischiefKrishna did in their houses, they replied asking ‘What he
did not’??? and gave her a huge list of complaints.All of them
complained that they would leave Gokulam if Krishna was no
tcontrolled. Yashoda had enough and came with a stick, hoping
it would take effect while asking Him why he had been doing
mischief ?Krishna ran very fast and went out of reach of
Yashoda. Once she threw the stick, He himself came to her loving
and playful.

Chikkadu siri.....
Krishna was not with in the reach of Lakshmi, Vedas, or any
other sages but was caught in the lap of Mother. He went to her
only after she threw the stick and not when she had it in her

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hand. God is easily available to Devotees but not to intellectuals

with ego.

Gnananchatma bhutanaam.
Among the intellectuals, there is a demon called EGO, without
which an intellectual becomes a Gnani to perfection.
Since Krishna was very naughty, she was upset and inspite of
herself, had to punish him for the sake of the villagers and tied
Him to a grinder(a huge stone churner)- (Rolu)with ropes How
much ever she tried to tie Him, she was falling short of the rope
miraculously. He was pretending to be very innocent, trying to
escape at the earliest. In the meanwhile He asked mother for
Butter. She went inside, ever loving as she was .The moment she
left, Krishna noticed two tall trees at a distance. He thought that
the rope would get cut when it was kept between the trees. He
rolled himself to the trees , dragging the grinder along. He
placed the grinder between the two trees and pulled the rope
and with a huge ‘phela phela’ sound, the trees fell down and He
got rid of the rope. People around Him were aghast and
informed to his parents about the amazing power and strength
of Krishna, who never agreed with them about his divine
involvement in the incident.Yashodamma was alas, again
flabbergasted and dumbfounded!

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Krishnaya tubhyam Namaha..............

Namah parama kalyana
Namah parama mangala
Vasudevaya shantaya
Yadunaam pataye Namaha.

The gandharvas who were in the form of those trees bowed

down to Lord Krishna who in turn said that He played this game
to relieve them from a curse they got from Narada.

SECRET: Once Narada maharshi happened to go to Mandakini

to take a bath where everybody stood up in reverence of Narada
.where as these two gandhrvaas who were proud of their riches
and wealth did not pay much attention. Hence the upset
Narada, cursed them to stand still forever in the form of trees.
Then was the time for them to get relieved of their sin and
hence Krishna took it up as a leela and accomplished it!

Tattva: If rich people had to be punished for their miscreants or

egoistic deeds, it was told in Bhagavata that they were punished
with Poverty which they could not tolerate. That is how
transformation was brought among people. That was the case
with Gandharvas.

Bhajan by Jayalakshmi Mata:

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Sanakasanadula shapamu pondina

Jaya Vijayulanu Brochina Govinda
1.Ripu samharaka suragana rakshaka
deena vatsala GopalaKrishna.

2.Gandhrva Ganalola Narahari Krishna

Navabhakti vashudaNava Mohanaanga

3.Madhuripu haruda Narakaanthakuda

Hey Narayana Madhava Deva

4.Parama purusha Parandhama Sree hari

Purushothamuda Sreerama

5Damodaruda Dharani Nathudaa

Manasa chora Murahari Krishna

6.Nirupama chora Nigamanta vedya

Sachidananda neevegathivi.

This was written by Sri Jayalakshmi Mata in a typical style

called "Swara Banda Krithi",in which the first letters are
"SA,RI,GA,MA,PA,DA,NI."How well versed was Sri Jayalakshmi
Mata with the theoretical part and Science of Music.!!!

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The blessed Bare fruit seller:

So far we discussed about the mischief of Krishna. Now we look
at a new aspect oh Him where his compassion for the poor was
One day one lady sold bare fruit. Krishna wanted them, whenHis
mother refused to buy since it was not good for health. He
requested thef ruit seller to give Him the fruit. The lady asked for
Hence Krishna with His small cute palms brought paddy and
poured in her basket and took some fruits. Looking at the
lucrative smiling face of Krishna, she did not feel like selling any
more with unknown contentment and returned home.When she
looked into the basket for fruits, they were no more bare fruits
but were all gold balls studded with nine gems. That was the
kind of blessing the lady was granted by Lord Krishna. That lady
realized that Krishna was none other than the incarnation of
GOD Himself.

"Phalalake Phalamichina Swamy",,,,Lord Subrahmanya Swamy


Having witnessed enough of demonish and evil deeds, Nanda

Maharaj and Devaki decided to shift to Brindavana, a place
where the devotee spreads throughout so that the Lord would

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walk, and run on her abode. Brindavana was in lustrous green

colour, with no dirt of food for animals or people.
[Brindavan, Govardhana and Yamuna are three places which
remind us of Lord Krishna and His love for them.
Bala Rama and Madhavaf elt very happy to enter Brindavana.
They both were given the responsibility of guarding the cattle.
One day, in that crowd Krishna noticed a newGOVATSA,(calf)
,since He was familiar with each and every animal of
theGOMANDA. Immediately He caught hold of it and ceased it
since it was an Asura&tried to cheat Him.

Bakasure vadha:
After this vadha(slain), all the friends of Krishna and Bala Rama
relaxed near a lake,o n the opposite side of which, they saw a
crane and wasl ooking like a broken piece of mountain. It was
staring at Krishna without ablink.It was infact an Asura sent by
Kamsa to kill Krishna.T he crane like Asura flew into the air
causing the felling of many trees. He suddenly swallowed Krishna.
Having gone into the neck part of the Asura ,he settled across his
throat which caused severe burning sensation to the Asura. Asura
having not been able to hold Krishna in his throat pushed out of
his mouth and Krishna tore the jaws of Asura and killed
him..Looking at this amazing deed, ever y one from heaven sang
the songs of Krishna's glory.

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Friends of Krishna getting a chance to feel him:

Bala Rama, Krishna and their friends everyday used to go to
pastures along with cows and used to play with their ornaments
made off lowers, leaves and fruits.They exchanged the ornaments
for fun. They had a special game in which they threw the
ornaments to far off places and who ever ran and brought them
back first would get a chance to touch Krishna. It was a great
game indeed where everyone got a chance to touch the Lord.
How lucky are the gopalas for getting a chance of touching their
Lord whose ‘pada dhooli’(dust from the feet) itself is sacred and
blissful to put on our head.

Story of Aghasura:
When all the Goapalas were enjoying with Krishna and
BalaRama, there appeared an enormously huge Python. He was
none other than Aghasura,t he brother of Bakasura who was
killed by Krishna. Aghasura's strength was so much that even
Angels were scared of the demon Aghasura. He was lying down
on the way from where the cows, calves and Gopalas were to
walk.Krishna was about to warn them abou tt he danger but the
Gopalas proceeded since they were confident of Lord Krishna’s
presence with them.

Hence Krishna also entered the mouth of Aghasura in the form

of Ajagara (Python).But before I tcould close its mouth,

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lord Krishnamagnified the size of His body such that Aghasura

died for lack of breath. At the end the python appeared as
Aghasura the demon.
Looking at this wonderful deed of Lord Krishna,all theAngels felt
very happy and congratulated lord Krishna.
Having got this information Brahma came down to earth and
was surprised to look at an amazing deed performed
by Krishnas uch a small boy of 5 years.

Enjoyment of lunch:
At lunch time, Krishna also ate with them; with a cloth
tied across his waist to hold his flute ( Kommu Bura) and a
kolafixed under the arm, Krishna was enjoying the rice with curd
and sipping thepickle pieces. During that time they realized that
some of the calves and cows went astray .Realising this,Krishna
inthe same attire and hand,left in search of the cattle.

That was the time when Brahma looked at the cows and Gopalas
staying in the absence of Krishna and placed them all in a
place.Krishna went round in search of the missing animals and
came back since He did not find them anywhere. By the time He
returned, there was not a single Gapala nor a cow. Within no
time Krishnaunderstood Brahma'sinvolvement in this deed and

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from His own body He created similar Gopalas and cows (their
replicas).That wasKrishna!!

Just before a week after one year, one day Bala Rama while
observing all the Gopalas and cows very keenly, suddenly realized
that He literally found Lord Krishna in every being over there.
Having understood the difference He asked Krishna why he was
finding Lord Krishna in every being when prior to this Bala
Rama always considered Cows as Rishis and Gopalas as
Devatas.( with theirAmsha)

Krishna narrated as to how Brahma played with Gopalas and

cows ; and the way Krishna reacted to Brahma by creating the
duplicates of all beings since everything is present in Him
whether animate or inanimate.
One year in Bhooloka is a fraction of a second in Brahmaloka.
Infact Brahma wanted to play with Krishna just for a while but
it was oneyear for Goapalas and cows. Brahma was astonished at
the capacity of creation done by Krishna when Brahma came
back to bhooloka along with the team he stole.Brahma realized
the amazing divinity of Lord Krishna and sang in glory of
Krishna describing the attire, ornaments and divine qualities and
sought refuge, seeking for apologies for His misdeed.

Jai Guru Datta!!!!

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Day 6 (14 Aug 2010)

Jaya Guru Datta Sri Gurubhyo Namah Sree Guru Datta

On the 6th day,the pravachanam started by Pujya Sri Datta
Vijayananda Swamiji with the rendition of Dhayana shlokas from
Guru Gita.

“Inorder to deliver the pious and to annihilate the evil

miscreants,as well as to re establish the principles of religion, I
advent Myself mellinniem after millennium” said Lord Krishna.

Today’s topic for discourse is “Kaliya Mardanam”, in which who

Kaliya was and how Krishna corrected his wrong deeds to set
him right without punishing him considering the earnest
pleading of his wives and children.

One day, Krishna along with his friends and cows went to a
There was a river by name ,Kalindi. The thirsty cows and his
friends drank water from the lake and lost their lives.
Krishna understood that the water was contaminated with the
poison secreted and released by a dreadful snake by name
Immediately Balakrishna with his nectarine looks brought them
back to life.

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They were all happyfor the grace they had from Lord Krishna in
getting back their lives.

In fact there was a very deep lake in which a king of snakes by

the name Kaliyudu was living with his family and friends.
The poison ejected by the snake Kaliya used to boil the water
always due to which, the birds which were flying also used to lose
their lives. Hence Krishna had taken up a project of cleansing the
lake, so that the water would be in drinking condition and be
available to all the people as well as animals. Hence Lord Krishna
climbed a huge tree of Kadamba and jumped into the lake which
was full of boiling water and poisonous snakes. The boiling water,
having got disturbed overflew and spread around to hundreds of
miles. Having incarnated to punish the evil and protect the
righteous, Nanda Kishora the Lord , swam across the lake in
search of Kaliya. Having noticed this, Kaliya wondered at
Krishna’s deed and rotated around his body imprisoning him
with his body. The Gopalas who witnessed this started crying in
awe and fear praying for the welfare of Lord Krishna.

As Krishna was omnipresent, the Cows and Calves also were

bewildered and started shouting. There was an earthquake at
that time. Gopalas and Gopikas could foresee an unpleasant
event. Yashoda Nanda Maharaj and all otheres having suspected
a dangerous to Lord Krishna, ran towards river Yamuna. It was

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only Balarama who was not perturbed since, he knew the divine
power of Lord Krishna. All of them were prepared to jump into
the lake and were warned by Krishna. Krishna beat on the five
hoods of Kaliya vigorously. Later, Krishna caught hold of Kaliya’s
jaws, and rotated them in high speed. With this, the poisionous
fire oozed out from the eyes of the Kaliya.

Krishna took no time to jump and reach on to the tiop of the

hoods of Kaliya. Lord Krishna standing on the hoods of Kaliya
performed veriety of dance forms, existing in the Universe. He
danced in thrisra, Chaturasra, Khanda, Jhampe, Thalas. It was
an amazing thandava dance. Generally, Shiva does ‘Pralaya
Tandava’, but Krishna performed ‘Vishwa Tandava’ depecting
diverse forms of dance. Kalindi became thousand headed trying
to acquire extra strength , but Krishna’s Tandava was much
stronger and could drain out the energy of Kaliya.

For this rigorous Tandava, Kalindi vomitted blood,and his ego

had come down. Then Kalindi started realisng that the one who
was dancing on his hood was not a small and ordinary child. He
realized that, the dancing boy was a great Lord. All Gopalas
went and called their parents too.

The whole population of the village assembled on the banks of the

river Yamuna. All of them witnessed Krishna dancing on a very

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dangerous and a moving snake. (In this context, Shri Bala

Swamiji made a mention of Shri R Venkataramans gift given to
Pujyasri Swamiji. It is Tandava Krishna made out of a monolith..)
The Kaliya requested Lord Krishna not to dance any more on his
head , since it was very painful. Kalindi’s family, his wives
children and others came and praised Lord Krishna saying that
Kalindi deserved that punishment and since Krishna was born to
punish the miscreants. He was the correct person to punish. They
also prayed to Lord Krishna to grace upon him good qualities,
and make him a realized soul.

Till then Krishna had been dancing holding the tail of Kaliya in
his left hand (Tail representets chanchalam-instability and fickle
nature). The group of snakes also pleaded Lord Krishna that it
was all His creation. The form poison and cruelty were given by
Him and that Krishna was responsible and cause of such lives of
all of them. They also requested Krishna to show them a correct
path. ( Whoever listens and speaks of this Kaliya Mardhana
chapter will get relieved of wrong deeds of them if there were

(Kaliya Mardhana was discoursed on Naga Panchami day.

Pujyasree Bala Swamiji advised everybody not to trouble any
birds and humans. If we do so, we can not grow in spiritual life,
Swamiji also said that man is closely associated with snakes and

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it is in the form of Kundalini in our body). The family of snakes

was initiated instructions from Lord Krishna, that they should
not stay near the river Yamuna, since it was a drinking water.
Krishna asked them to go to the Sea. Krishna said that they had
no right to kill any animal, any human, or any bird. Listening to
this instruction all the members of Kaliya’s family left that place.

Lord Krishna’s project of making a river free from poisonous

elements was thus successful.
History of Kaliya :In Ramanaka Island the people used to adore
snakes. Once a month,they used to offer various food stuffs at
the base of the trees. Snakes were scared of Garuda(eagle which
feeds on snakes).They used to offer a part of what they got from
human beings to Garuda. Having been satisfied with the offering
Garuda used to leave that place without troubling the snakes.
But Kaliya with his ego and pride, refused to give his quota to
Garuda. Having gone wild with Kaliya, Garuda wanted to tear
the hoods of Kaliya. For the speed of wind produced by flapping
of Garuda’s wings the mountains moved. Kaliya Naga with his
wide open hoods got ready for a fight with Garuda and stung on
different places of Garuds’s claw(feet). But that poison could not
affect Garuda.

On the other hand Garuda became furious and damaged Kaliya’s

hoods thoroughly. With this unexpected defeat and with

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distorted ego, Kaliya escaped from Garuda along with wives and
friends. He left Ramanaka Island and decided to hide him self in
a lake beside Yamuna. There was a reason for Kaliya to select
this lake.

Long ago, a Rishi by name ‘Sowbhari’ used to performe penance

in Kalindi lake. Garuda used to feed on fish from that lake and
all other fish looking at this used to cry. Oneday Sowbhari Rishi
witnessed this incident and felt very bad. The Rishi shouted at
Garuda giving a curse that if Garuda would visit that lake and
ate fish from that lake he would immediately die. Having got
scared of that curse Garuda never visited the Kalindi lake again.
This event was known only to Kalindi and hence decided to live
in Kalindi lake along with his family and friends where he would
not have fear of Garuda.

Rasa leela: [This is the most important and difficult chapter to

understand Lord Krishna. It is a rasa kreeda.] The Lord sat in an
amazing pose on a tree’s branch. It was sharad(autumn)
season,the season in which mother Goddess is adored in an
auspicious manner. Lord also liked the season. He never had any
other weapon. His weapon is VENU(flute).He could steal the
hearts of thousands of people merely by playing. His one leg was
up on the branch of the tree and the other leg was kept down
with his foot touching the waters of river Yamuna. How can

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anybody not enjoy the pose of Lord Krishna? Listening to His

Nada, the animate turned to be inanimate and inanimate
turned to be animate. Yamuna was offering flowers to Krishna’a
feet on and off. All the animals kept listening to Nada. Listening
to Nada they forgot their indispositions. All Devathas watched
for some time. There was rain for some time and clear sky for
some time. All the animals and humans surrounded HIM. Krishna
continued same Nada Upasana. He himself was immersed and
involved all the beings in Nada upasana. The lord of clouds,
Parjanya stopped vayu so that there was no disturbance to
Krishna because of rain. This was the way in which Krishna was
immersed in Nada. To be continued….

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Day 7 (15 Aug 2010)

The seventh day’s pravachana of Vishnu Saptaha by Pujya Sri

Datta Vijayananda Theertha Swamiji was started with Dhyana
shlokas and Guru Dhyanam. Sri Bala Swamiji was very much
pleased with Narayana Saptaha which was set to Shravana
month.Shravana means listening.This is a favourite month of
Lord Krishna since people listen to Lord’s stories to such an
extent that they fix the Lord in their hearts.

After Kaliya Mardanam ( Lord Krishna’s dance on the hood of

Kaliya), Kaliya’s wives came running and prayed to Lord Krishna
not to kill Kaliya.Krishna,looking at them and their children left
him free. All Gopalas surrounded Lord Krishna and were worried
about His well being though they were very proud of Krishna
leela of an amazing dance on Kaliya’s hood,holding his tail in
tact.Yashoda was reported about Kaliya Mardanam and she also
went to Krishna and pampered Him. That night all of them were
fast asleep after a tiresome day,when a forest fire suddenly
surrounded all of them,and everyone remained speechless.Krishna
instructed them not to react and He swallowed the flame as
Lord Shiva swallowed kala kuta poison which emerged during
Ksheera Sagara Mathanam.People were totally amazed at this
and were very happy.

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Pralambasura Vadha: One day when Srikrishna and Bala Rama

were indulged in a game, an Asura by name,Pralambasura,
joined them stealthily and suggested a new game in which,
there would be two teams. A Gopala from one team was to
throw a ball onto a stone. Who ever failed, had to carry the
winner. Krishna headed one team and Bala Rama another.
Krishna with a foresight, kept Pralambasura in His team.
Pralambasura lost the game intentionally and had to carry Bala
Rama. Pralamba having realized that he could do nothing e
disguise took his real form and tried to fly high in the sky. But
Bala Rama, having realized the very purpose of His Avatara (
Adiseshu ) as Bala Rama beat on his Sahasrara with his fist in
such a way that the skull broke and blood oozed out. All the
angles came out to watch Bala Rama’s amazing deed and were
blessed. In the meanwhile,t here was huge fire and Krishna
swallowed it asking everybody to close their eyes. All of them
returned home. During Saradruthu, the Yuga Purusha, Krishna
kept playing flute continuously and undisturbed, on the banks of
river Yamuna.The music was so soothing that all the cows
,Gopalas and Gopikas remained spell bound. When Krishna
opened His eyes and looked at them, He declared that He was
playing Music for Himself , asking them to go away to their
homes. All the Gopikas wanted to marry Krishna and hence they
approached sage, Katyayana.He initiated “Katyayani Vratam” to
all of them which would bless them with a happy marriage.

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Vastrapaharanam: To start with the vrata, they were supposed

to take bath and hence they went to the river. Krishna noticed
that the ladies were taking bath bare bodied which was wrong as
per shastra. To teach them a lesson, Krishna performed the act
but not to tease them. It was to persuade them from the
thought of marrying Krishna. Krishna instructed very strictly to
get married and if they liked His Music and venu gana, He would
play separately for them. Wives of sages feeding Krishna with
food. Once Krishna and Bala Rama went to the pasture along
with the cattle.I t was mid noon and every one was tired and
hungry. Krishna sent some boys to Yagasala where a yagna was
taking place to go inform them of their arrival and get food for
all of them.

When the boys approached,t he priests refused to give food to

them. When they came back ,Krishna advised them to approach
the wives of the priests, performing the Yagna. The moment they
uttered Krishna’s name, immediately the women brought loads
of food and reached that place. By then,Lord Krishna was totally
immersed in playing flute in a very attractive gait and stunning
beauty,lying down on the tree trunk with beautiful hair and a
flute in His hand, on the banks of river Yamuna.He was
surrounded by Gopalas. His one foot was in Yamuna river..The
women got attracted by Lord Krishna,surrounded him offering

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food that they brought to Kishna and Bala Rama.The remaining

food was distributed to Gopalas.

Among the lot,some women missed out since their husbands did
not allow them to go to see Krishna. More over,they tied them
with ropes. When the women,(wives of priests) stayed back with
Krishna, He instructed them to go back immediately, the women
resisted. Hence Krishna went to Yagashala, met all the priests
and the remaining women and blessed all of them. The priests
too realized their mistake after they saw Lord Krishna. DATTA

Bhajan: Govinda Jai Jai,Gopala Jai Jai Radha Ramana jaya

Ramakrishna Jai Jai.
1. Vishala Rupa Jai,Vishwa Rakshaka Jai Damodaraa Jai Radha
Krishna Jai Jai
2. Dharanindra Prabhu Jai,Padmanabha Jai Ramaniya Mohana
Krishna Hari Jai
3. Jai Jai Krishna Jaya Hari Krishna Man Mohana Jai Sree
Krishna Jai Jai
4. Jai Jagadeesa, Jai Mrudu Bhasha Nam Bija Mantra Jai
Narasimha Jai Jai Jai Krishna Jaya Hari Krishna!!

Nanda Maharaj wanted to perform Yagna, since there was

drought. Nanda intended to perform (Yagna with Mantra alone

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gets accepted by Deavathas.This is a divine secret).Then

Krishna,having never witnessed Yagna, questioned as to what a
Yagna was and why it was performed and to whom it was to be
offered. When Nanda explained that Yagna was to please Indra
so that he would bless us with rain, Krishna was not satisfied and
gave an amazing suggestion.T here was a mountain by name
Govardhana with numerous trees on it.He questioned why they
did not think of the trees, mountain, earth and water sources
which were direct form of divinity and suggested to perform the
same Yagna to the trees, mountains and the earth uttering

First they started watering the plants and trees. While pouring
water,He suggested to think that it was GHEE which they were
supposed to pour in Homagunda,( Fire pit) while uttering the
Mantra. That was how Krishna brought a revolution and
awareness among people to take care of the available resources.
When Indra came to know that the Yagna intended to be
performed to please him was stopped, Indra got furious and
ordered “Pralaya Kaala Megha” the most dangerous cloud to go
in the form of a horrible rain and trouble people and animals in
Krishna’s place.

When people were getting drenched in rain,w ith all the

ease,Krishna lifted ‘Govardhana Mountain’ with his little finget

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of His left hand and provided a huge shelter to all the people and
cattle for seven continuous days since it rained for seven days
heavily. On the 8th day, there was Sun rise looking at which
Krishna decided that the rain was tired and went back and
released all of them.

Looking at this grand deed of Krishna, Indra praised and

performed Abhisheka to the Lord and Surabhi,t he Gomata also
performed Abhishekam. All devathas praised Krishna for His
amazing protection for seven days. Krishna was then called
“Govardhana Giri Dhari”. Sri Bala Swamiji remembered Meera
Bai for a while since she was very fond of this Nama of Lord
Krishna. Indra called Krishna as “GOVINDA” and honoured
Krishna with a crown,in appreciation of His Leela.

“Govinda Gopala Govinda Jai Jai” Krishna was totally immersed

in His VENU NADA.Music became His divine associate. People
used to run to Krishna to listen to His Venu Nada.When all the
women went running to Him,Krishna warned them that they
were not supposed to come out of their houses. He preached
them that their husbands were their Gods .The women folk did
not pay any heed and said that Krishna was LOKANATHA.For
such women folk, Krishna played ‘Marakata Mani Raga’.It was a
divine flute concert. Having been immersed, the women, forgot
their physical fatigue and started dancing. It went on for a long

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time. As the women were dancing for Lord Krishna’s tunes,they

felt a bit egoistic for the golden opportunity they were blessed

Immediately,Krishna disappeared with one lady who happened

to be Radha(.Whoever adores Lord Krishna would be blessed with
a blessing like that of Radha.) All the women went in search of
Lord Krishna.They found 4 foot steps. They thought that they
were of Krishna and Radha. Later they found 2 steps.They
thought that Krishna was carrying Radha since she was tired of
walking.They also found some flowers and confirmed their guess.
After some distance they saw Radha on the ground who had
fallen as she also became egoistic that she was the luckiest to be
carried by Lord Krishna. When all of them realized the fact of
ego, Krishna appeared and consoled all of them and again played
VENU GANA the whole night.

Rasaleela is an amzing chapter and who ever listens to this
chapter gets cured of Heart diseases. At that time, Akrura went
there to sing in glory of the Lord Krishna. Then he sang
Dasavatara stuti.

Bhajan: Tande tayi pandu ranga……. Akrura also went to

Brindavana. Next day,Krishna was to leave for Mathura.Krishna

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had the responsibility of releasing His parents Devaki and

Vasudeva and kill Kamsa .Infact Yashoda and Nanda were
informed of Krishna’s responsibilities.Though they were prepared,
They found it very difficult to bear with the separation of
Krishna. AVery sad and piteous Situation was it. They left for
Mathura and on the way, they stopped for Sandhya
Vanadana(evening prayers). Akrura went inside the river to take
bath. He had a wonderful vision of of “Anantha Sayana.”

Akrura tested himself for clarity of thought. But again and

again, He got the same vision and then Akrura, singing
Dasavatara reached Mathura. Lord Krishna killed Kamsa and was
called ‘Kamsa chanura Mardanam.’ Krishna released His mother
and father from the prison. Kamsa chuana Govinda!! Govinda!!
Krishna uttered that because of His birth His parents were
imprisoned. At this Juncture, Krishna preached as to how to
take care of parents and in case they Would not take care,they
would take birth in a horrible condition.

Krishna waged war against ‘Jarasandha’, an other King. Kamsas

father in law, for 17 times times but just graced him
with Compassion. Later Dwaraka city which was drowned was
brought out by Lord Krishna and He made It His Capital. When
Lord Krishna was in Dwaraka, a letter was received by Him from
the Daughter of a king, Dhenuka Her name was Rukmini.T he

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king’s daughter sent a Letter through a Veda pandit. As the

pandit entered, Krishna Himself received him With all the
Reverence and enquired whether he wanted to meet the king
Bala Rama his brother.Then veda pandit handed over the letter
to Krishna!!

The letter said: Oh!Bhuvana sundara!! You are amazing!! I adore

you! I want to submit my soul To you.You are a lion. The food
which is supposed to be taken by you is going to Be snatched by
Sisupala.! Hence kindly gift me your valour and take care of me. I
give you a clue also. Before wedding,I visit Umadevi’s temple.
Come there and Save me.”
Krishna immediately ordered for a chariot of very fast running
horses and got it Done. In one night’s time He reached Vidarbha.
People were wondering as to why Krishna arrived there and
were worried too. Bala Rama and others also followed. Rukmini
reached the temple and prayed to Uma Devi saying that she
trusted in Uma Devi that she would settle her marriag with none
other than Lord Krishna She glanced at Pandit who nodded in

She felt very happy and confident. As Rukmini was walking, the
sounds of the Anklets she wore were making a melodious and
mellifluous sound in a rhythmic Way which made everybody go
into a trance. At that time, Krishna arrived near Rukmini

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carried her with warmth and put her on the chariot. Krishna in
a jet speed Proceeded further .After reaching Dwaraka,the
marriage was performed in all Grandeur .It was a big event in
Dwaraka. Rukmi, brother of Rukmini along with a big team went
to Dwaraka and fought . Krishna fought with every one and
defeated. Rukmi abused Krishna for taking Away his sister and
used unparliamentary words, which upset Krishna. In anger
Krishna shaved Rukmi’s hair and was about to kill him when
Rukmini requested Krishna not to kill her brother.

Bala Rama intervenes and makes a compromise by explaining the

mistake of Rukmi to Rukmini and by warning Krishna not to be
impulsive. In Dwaraka everybody enjoyed when they looked at
Krishna and Rukmini entering into Dwaraka.They were reminded
of the entry of Lakshmi and Narayana into Vaikuntham after
Gajendra Moksham incidence. With Rukmini Kalyanam, ‘Dasama
skanda’ comes to an end. Let our minds be eternally devoted to
Sri Govinda,t he supreme Lord Krishna, who is the source of all
pleasures for the cows(animal Kingdom) and the senses(Man, and
other species),who is the Ultimate truth! who is “Infinite and
who is our abode of inconceivable powers, who is the indwelling
monitor of every living entity as Paramatma the supreme soul.
who is extremely competent in the protection of His

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devotees.who is the Ultimate source of all Universes, material and

spiritual and who is eternally blissful.

Jaya Guru Datta!!!

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