Minolta XG-9 - Manual

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OWNER'S MANUAL Your light, compact XG-9 is a top-quality single-lens reflex camera whose electronic system will control exposure for you automatically, freeing you for more enjoyment and greater creativity. You can also override the meter’s automatic setting or set the camera for full manual operation. The aperture selected and LED auto-set speed are clearly displayed in the XG-9’s total information viewfinder and its advanced acute matte screen makes viewing brighter and focusing easier and more accurate. Electromagnetic shutter release and unique “touch switch’’ metering head a host of other features. Attaching the accessory Auto Winder G enables single-frame/continu- ous motor film advance up to 2 frames/sec. Minolta’s X-series Auto Electroflashes electronically switch the XG-9’s shutter over for strobe exposures when charged and signal flash-ready in finder; the 320X and 200X also enable continuous-sequence flash with the winder. Besides MD lenses, your XG-9 uses virtually all interchangeable Minolta lenses to date and all applicable Minolta SLR system accessories. Before using your camera for the first time, study this manual carefully all the way through — or at least all the sections needed to cover your own photographic needs. As you read, attach a lens to the camera body (see p. 10), load batteries, and handle your XG-9 and acquaint yourself with its parts and features. Then load it with film and proceed to actual picture taking. In this way, you can take good photos and begin to realize the broad potential of your XG-9 right form the start. Be sure to keep this manual for reference later as necessary. CONTENTS MAIN FEATURES ...........0.00eeee 4 NAMES OF PARTS ...............20.- 6 SUMMARY OF OPERATION (Automatich ssiociwies neareeaiees 8 ATTACHING AND REMOVING LENSES 10 BATTERIES AND POWER ............ 11 Installing batteries : : Testing batteries Main switch ........ Touch switch/operating button . Cold-weather operation LOADING AND ADVANCING FILM Film advance lever and frame counter ... 17 FILM SPEED .. Setting filmspe ASA/DIN conversion scale we Memo holder .....50;0sceseeecceees EXPOSURE CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS ..............4.5 20 METERING WITH THE XG-9 . 21 VIEWFINDER ...........-20-00 cee 22 AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL ... 24 Automatic operation Eyepiece cap .. os WAYS OF USING AUTO MODE .. General use 2.2... ...08 os Creative aperture control Creative shutter control AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT .............000 200s 29 WHEN AND HOW MUCH TO ADJUST EXPOSURE MANUAL EXPOSURE CONTROL ...... 32 “B' setting .. HOLDING THE CAMERA FOCUSING Depth of field ...... Depth-of-field scale Infrared index SELE-TIMER woswcersnesaae acces 40 REWINDING AND UNLOADING FILM: cose. ciansiiiararnreseserwis: FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY Synchronization ........ 6. ccc eee ees Connecting flash units USING OTHER THAN MD OR MIC. LENSES: ene cscs meinen ee ecneiee Auto Rokkor lenses RF (mirror-type) and Manual-Preset lenses XG-9 SYSTEM ACCESSORIES ......... 45 Auto Winder G . 45 X-series Auto Electroflashes i » 46 Remote CordS andl ... Data Back G STANDARD-LENS SPECIFICATIONS ... 49 CAMERA SPECIFICATIONS cacao OO. CARE AND STORAGE ............... 52 MAIN FEATURES Fail-safe electronic exposure system Incorporating many of the features devel- oped for Minolta’s top electronic cameras, the XG-9 covers a wide range of photographic conditions. Its electronic shutter which auto- matically locks to prevent overexposure and electromagnetic shutter release with unique touch switch metering add to the handling ease of the camera. The XG-9's system features: e Full automatic exposure by stepless shutter speeds from 1/1000 to 1 sec. plus full manual settings. e@ Electromagnetic shutter release, Unique “Touch switch” metering. ® Two tiny silver-oxide batteries as power source, @ Electromagnetic shutter release that locks to prevent overexposure when light over meter's range or battery power low. Solid-state information viewfinder ° Special focusing screen has split-image and microprism focusing aids, plus scientifically developed new type of matte field that is up to 50% brighter than conventional matte screens, Aperture set for automatic and manual modes /e “ible in the finder. LED‘s ieidicate automatic shutter speed selection and over-/under-range warning. LED and "60" position blinks as flash-ready signal when X-series Auto Electroflashes are attached and charged. Easy handling controls Lightweight and compact, the XG-9 is hu- man engineered to fit the user's hands for smooth operation: e . . Smooth short stroke film advance, Large easy to adjust shutter-speed dial. “Soft-touch” electromagnetic shutter re- lease. Minolta bayonet release button. lens mount with large * Balanced winder operation, @ Easy-to-use depth-of-field preview button. Quick attach auto winder The XG's accessory auto winder attaches quickly, without access caps to remove or store, freeing the user from advancing film in single- frame or continuous operation up to two frames per second. Its strong efficient coreless micromotor winds as many as 150 or more cartridges per set or charge of batteries. At the end of each cartridge the motor automatically shuts off. Special camera-control flash units When attached to the XG-9 and ready to fire, the X-series Auto Electroflashes start a flash-ready signal blinking in the viewfinder and automatically set the shutter for X-synchroniza- tion (1/60 sec.) when the shutter is released, The Auto Electroflash 132X features two auto settings as well as manual and a tiltable flash head for bounce flash. Its special flash distance check lamp lights to indicate when flash bright- ness is sufficient for correct exposure. The 320X and 200X provide auto flash at either of two apertures and either full-power manual operation or when powered by Ni-Cd batteries, up to two continuous-sequence flash exposures each second with the Auto Winder G. User oriented features ® Up to two stops’ continuous adjustment over or under the normal electronic setting. * X-type flash synchronization through the hot shoe or PC terminal. ®@ Electronic self-timer with blinking indicator light, «@ Eyepiece cap for unmanned or similar oper- ation, ® Exclusive Safe Load Signal monitors film alignment and advance. @ Handy memo holder and ASA/DIN conver- sion scale on back. @ Release terminal for tripod shots with elec- tronic or standard release cord. e Shutter mot operative when switch off. ® Virtually all existing Minolta interchange- able lenses and applicable system accessories can be used in either automatic or manual operation, operation 6 NAMES OF PARTS Film-advance lever Hot shoe Touch switch /operating button Shutter-speed/function selector sa Rewind crank Frame-counter window Safe Load Signal - : —— Main switch Auto-setting release Back cover release knob Strap lug . Lens-release button Film-speed window - Shutter release socket sync. terminal (on the opposite side: not shown} Stop-down button Self-timer/battery-check indicator - MC coupler lug Aperture scale Focusing grip Depth-of-field scale Aperture ring 2 Distance scale —~ - Finder eyepiece Shutter curtain een a Sprocket a Take-up spool . Back cover Pressure plate fof 4 Rewind button i Auto-winder coupler A \ ra Tripod socket \ ——— terminal \ ——— Battery chamber cover \ Guide-pin socket i 8 SUMMARY OF OPERATION (Automatic) The steps pictured on this page outline use perfectly exposed pictures with this camera and of your XG-9 on automatic mode. They give a are keyed to corresponding sections of the general idea of how very easy it is to get manual for ready reference. This brief guide SELE a , Move main switch to “ON” (p. 13) = Q, Adjust focus (p. 35) 7. Set selector dial to A" 8, Set lens aperture (p. 24) (p. 24) instructions in the rest of this manual, which should be thoroughly studied for best results. may also be useful for good results after you have not used the camera for some time. It is not, however, a substitute for the detailed ary 7] 4., Load film properly; close cover (p. 14) 7 atl 10. Release shutter (p. 38) 11. Turn power “OFF” (p, 13) 12. Rewind and remove film (p. 41) 10 ATTACHING AND REMOVING LENSES To Attach 1. Remove the body cap from the camera lens mount and the rear cap from the lens bayonet, each by turning the cap counter- clockwise. 2. Align the red mounting index on the lens barrel with the red index above the camera lens mount; insert the lens bayonet into the mount; and turn the lens clockwise until it locks into place with a click. To Remove While pushing the lens-release button, turn the lens counterclockwise as far as it will go; then lift the lens bayonet out of the mount. CAUTION |f it becomes necessary to set the lens down without a rear lens cap attached, be sure to set the lens only on its front end (except for fisheye lenses) as damage to the diaphragm contrel pin could result from rear lens contact with a hard surface. BATTERIES AND POWER Two 1,.5-volt silver-oxide batteries, Eveready S-76 or equivalent, supply the power for the meter, electronic exposure control, elec- tromagnetic release, electronic shutter settings, and LED indication. CAUTION @ The shutter will mot release when the operating button is pushed if: battery power is too low; the operating switch is at “OFF,” exposure conditions exceed the range of the automatic exposure system. ® Do not use 1.3v mercury batteries, Eveready EPX-675 or equivalent, which have a similar shape. NOTE ® If the camera is not be used for more than two weeks, it is advisable to remove the batteries. ® Fresh spare batteries may be stored in the battery holder provided with the camera strap. Installing batteries 1. Using a coin or similar object, turn the battery-chamber cover counterclockwise and remove it. 2, After wiping terminals with a clean dry cloth and handling only by the edges, insert two of the specified batteries plus (+) side out into the sleeve on the inside of the cover. {If batteries are inserted improperly, they will mot make contact, and no current will flow.) W 3. Replace the cover and screw it in clockwise as far as it will go. Testing batteries Move the main switch to align the index with “B.C.” If the red battery-check indicator on the front of the camera lights, batteries are serviceable, When released, the main switch will automatically move to the ON” position, Test batteries immediately after installing them, If the indicator does not light, make sure that they are fresh and have been inserted correctly, Batteries should be tested from time to time thereafter, preferably before starting each new roll of film and particularly before starting picture-taking sessions or trips. A set of batter- ies will generally last for about one year in Proper normal use, Main switch To operate the camera, move the main switch to “ON.” This allows current to flow to the Touch switch/operating button, The main switch also serves as the self-timer and battery check switch. To prevent accidental exposures and need- less battery drain, always be sure to move the main switch to “OFF when not using the camera, Touch switch/operating button Finger contact with the Touch switch/- operating button activates the camera’s elec- tronic circuit and when the shutter-speed/- function selector is set at “A‘’ (automatic), powers the electronic exposure control and LED circuits. If proper contact with the touch switch is not possible (i.e., while wearing gloves or when fingers are dry), slight pressure on the button will also activate the camera. 13 14 NOTE Wipe off any dust or dirt that might accumulate on the touch switch with a clean dry cloth. This will insure good contact and Proper operation. Cold-weather operation Batteries by nature tend to decrease in capacity as the temperature goes down, Though the silver-oxide batteries used for the XG-9 are superior to most others in this respect, it also happens with them, If old batteries are used at temperature below O°C (32°F), the camera’s electronic operation may not be satisfactory. You should thus replace older batteries with fresh ones before using your XG-9 in cold weather and carry spare fresh batteries with you during such use, Battery capacity will be restores to its normal level when the batteries aré warmed to their recommended operating temperature range. LOADING AND ADVANCING FILM After you have not used your camera for some time, check the Safe Load Signal and frame counter to be sure that there is no film in the camera, If the camera is unloaded proceed as follows: 1. Pull out on the back cover release knob until the camera back springs open. 2. Leaving the knob pulled out, position a film cartridge in the chamber with the project- ing-spool end toward the bottom of the camera. Then push the back-cover release knob all the way in, rotating it slightly to do so if necessary, TX 135-36 ASA 400 « 27 DIN 3. Insert the end of the film leader as shown into one of the slots in the take-up spool so that the tooth is engaged with a sprocket hold near the end of the leader. Make sure that the end of the leader does not project from ancther slot between tabs on the spool. 16 4. With the shutter speed function selector on manual setting, operate the film-advance lever slowly until the film has begun to wind firmly around the take-up spool and the sprocket teeth are engaged with holes on both edges of the film. If the advance lever stops at the end of a full stroke during this procedure, release the shutter and continue. 5. 6. Close the camera back and push in on it until it clicks loaded, A red “'S” should now appear opposite the index in the frame-counter window. Ad- vance film and release the shutter until the index points to “1” on the frame-counter dial. 7. A red bar should also now appear at the extreme left in the Safe Load Signal win- dow. This indicates that the film is loaded and winding properly on the take-up spool. If the Safe Load Signal does not appear or swings far to the right in the window, repeat steps 1 through 6 to assure that film is properly engaged on the spool, As you continue to take pictures, the red signal will move gradually toward the right in the window, indicating that film is advancing properly. CAUTION Film should be handled and loading done in subdued light — at least shaded from direct sunlight by the body. Film-advance lever and frame counter The film-advance ever is designed with 30° unengaged movement before the beginning of its engaged stroke to allow swinging it out from the body so that the right thumb will fit comfortably behind it. Continuing to move the lever until it stops, an angle of 130°, advances film and frame counter and cocks the shutter for the next exposure, 18 When the lever stops and resists further movement at the end of a film, never attempt to force it farther. (see p. 41 for instructions on rewinding and unloading film.) The counter automatically resets for film loading when the camera back is opened. FILM SPEED Each film on the market has an ASA or DIN exposure-index number to indicate its sensitivi- ty to light. For correct exposure, the meter must be set for the effective exposure index of the film in use. Setting film speed To do this, lift up on the knurled ring of the shutter-speed/function selector and turn it until the proper ASA indication appears centered in the film-speed window and locks in that posi- tion when the ring is released. Marks between numbered graduations indicate ASA numbers as shown in the ASA/DIN conversion scale below: ASA DIN | 200 24 12 12 . 250 25 « 16 13 ° 320 626 e 20 14 400 27 25 15 e 500 28 . 32 16 e 640 29 ° 40 7 800 30 50 18 ° 1000 31 e 64 19 . 1250 32 e 80 20 1600 33 100 21 ° 2000 34 ° 125 22 ° 2500 35 e 160 23 3200 36 ASA/DIN conversion scale A convenient scale for converting DIN to ASA film-speed ratings is located on the back cover of the camera, Memo holder Around the ASA/DIN conversion scale is a convenient frame that can be used to keep memos handy with the camera, It is just the right size to hold the film-box end, which can be inserted as a reminder of the film in use. DLLs vad 2 $100 or] De Mert am ate JAPAN 20 EXPOSURE-CONTROL FUNDAMENTALS The two camera exposure-control settings are lens opening (aperture) and shutter speed. The size of the aperture determines the amount of volume of light reaching the film from a given subject and lighting, The shutter speed determines the length of time this light acts upon the film. Apertures are expressed in f-numbers, which are larger for small openings and vice versa {e.g., f/16 represents a small opening, f/2 a large one). Shutter speeds are expressed in seconds or fractions thereof, which are generally the reciprocals of the numbers shown on shutter-speed scales (e.g. 60 = 1/60 sec., and 2 = 1/2 sec,). At usual apertures, each f-numbers setting (e.g., f/&) lets in twice as much light as the next numerically larger one (f/11) and half as much as the next smaller (f/5.6). Similarly, each shutter speed (e.g., 1/60 sec.) allows light to strike the film twice as long as the next higher speed (1/125) and half as long as the next lower one (1/30). The interval between two standard f-numbers (say, f/4 and £/5.6) or shutter speeds (say, 1/15 and 1/30} is one “stop.” Total exposure on the film is determined by the combination of aperture and speed. Other things being equal, using the next smaller f-number (i.e., giving one stop more exposure) will balance using the next higher shutter speed {i.¢., giving one stop less expo- sure), and so on. A great range of combinations. (e.g., #/5.6 at 1/30, f/4 at 1/60, f/2.8 at 1/125, #/2 at 1/250, etc.) will thus yield the same total exposure. The specific combination you choose under given lighting conditions will depend upon the degree to which you want the greater depth of field (see p. 36) of smaller apertures and the greate movement-blur preventing abili- ty of faster speeds {p. 28). METERING WITH THE XG-9 {Automatic mode only) The center weighted metering system in your XG-9 employs two CdS cells mounted behind the pentaprism so that light from all parts of the viewfield (picture area) is measured but influence from a broad central area is greatest, Thus the reading should yield satisfac- tory exposure without adjustment as long as the main subject area occupies a major part of the frame. lf the subject area to be measured occupies a relatively small part of the frame, move the camera so that the main subject fills most of the frame. Note the shutter speed setting in this position and compensate for the exposure difference with the shutter-speed/function se- lector or use manual speeds to set the same value when making the exposure from the original position. Further, if the most impor- tant area is very much brighter or darker than the rest of the frame and does not fill most of it, exposure should be decreased or increased with the same control from 1/2 to 2 stops, the exact amount varying with the specific bright- ness difference and the effect desired, (p. 29), As with most metering systems, strong sources of direct light or other very bright areas may influence the reading adversely if allowed to dominate the frame. Though your XG-9 finder is designed to minimize the effect on the meter of light entering through the finder eyepiece under usual conditions, care must be exercised to prevent this especially if you wear glasses, Use of a rubber eyecup is further recommended when the subject is in shade and the camera is in sunlight, when bright sidelight falls between eye and eyepiece, or when stop-down metering is used, particularly at small apertures (see p, 44). When viewing is unnecessary, the eyepiece cap (see p. 25) can be used to completely eliminate this problem. 21 VIEWFINDER As you look through the view- finder of your XG-9, you can see: @ Split-image/microprism focusing spot @ Shutter speed scale © Indicator LED's (show shutter speed being set on auto mode; LED at 60" also blinks as flash- ready signal with X-series Auto Electro-flashes) @ LED over- or under-range indica- tors {auto mode only} © F-number of lens aperture set For operation details, see the fol- lowing section on exposure control and focusing. 24 AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE CONTROL 2, Set the lens opening by turning the aperture ring on the lens barrel. The f-number set will appear centered below the frame in the finder, and the shutter speed as indicated by Automatic operation lighted LED at the right of the frame will 1. Turn the shutter-speed/function selector to vary automatically to yield proper exposure align “A” with the index, at which point it for the aperture and other settings with the is locked to prevent accidental movement. light being metered. en Ca SRE aa ser 3. It is then only necessary to confirm focus (see p. 35), compose your picture, and release the shutter (p. 38). 4, The XG's accurate range of shutter opera- tion on automatic mode is 1/1000 to 1 séc., as indicated by the shutter speed scale. When the over-range indicator lights, the shutter will lock to prevent overexposure, Lighting of the under-range LED indicates use of a shutter speed longer than one second, For either, the aperture or other conditions should be adjusted so that an LED lights within the scale’s range. NOTE @ When the over-range indicater lights, be sure not to depress the operating button while adjusting the aperture or other conditions. This will cause the shutter to release at the instant the exposure is within metering range and result in an unwanted picture. @ To continuously provide more or less expo- sure on automatic mode, see p, 29, Eyepiece cap For remote or unmanned operation or when the camera is set on a support and used without viewing on automatic mode or manual speeds longer than 1 sec,, be sure to attach the eyepiece cap as shown, This will prevent un- wanted light from entering through the eye- piece and affecting the meter reading and exposure when the eyepiece is mot being shielded by the photographer's head, as it normally would be. The eyepiece cap has a slot that allows threading it on the camera strap to avoid loss and keep it handy for use. 25 26 WAYS OF USING AUTO MODE On AUTO mode, your XG-9 will set the precise shutter speed for proper exposure for you automatically. Even so, you have consider- able control over results and can adjust, aper- ture and shutter speed over considerable ranges to suit the conditions and yourself. General use For usual good personal pictures with a minimum of care where no particular effect is desired, simply set the aperture as indicated in the table. These guide settings will provide as much depth of field (see p. 36) as possible while producing a shutter speed fast enough to stop any subject motion and guard against blur from camera movement (see p. 38). Guide to setting aperture ASA 25 (These are only guidelines for typical picture taking situations, For additional information see page 20). NOTE Use of a steady support (p. 39) or an electronic flash (p. 43) is recommended for use with shutter speeds of 1/60 or slower, Creative aperture control There may be times when it will be most important to set the lens aperture to obtain a particular effect, such as rendering a certain range in sharp focus or emphasizing a subject against an out-of-focus background. In this case, set the desired aperture, and let the A: Large lens opening camera select the shutter speed. Small f-num- bers yield a shallow field of sharp focus, as in Example A below, while large f-numbers give greater depth of field, as in Example B. To determine actual depth of field, use the depth- of-field scale (see p. 36). B: Small lens opening 27 28 Creative shutter control At other times, the subject or effect you want may make the shutter speed more impor- tant, In this case, turn the aperture ring until the lighted LED indicates the required speed on the finder scale; exposure will automatically be correct. High shutter speeds such as 1/500 to 1/1000 sec. can “freeze” fast action, as in C: High shutter speed Example C below. Such slow speeds as 1/2 to 1 sec. can be used to emphasize subject flow or motion, as in Example D. No matter how the camera is used, it is important to support it (see p. 34) and release the shutter properly (p. 38). D: Low shutter speed AUTOMATIC EXPOSURE ADJUSTMENT To deliberately give more or less exposure while in automatic mode, set the shutter- speed/function dial as follows: Depress the Auto-setting release and move the shutter-speed/function selector so that the "A" is on the side having plus (+) numbers to Produce more exposure or on the side having minus {—) numbers to produce less exposure, The numbers indicate the amount of adjust- ment in stops or EV steps {i.e,, "+1" indicates one more stop or double the narmal automatic exposure, and “+2” means two stops or four times more exposure: “—1" is one stop less or one half the exposure, and “—2" produces two stops’ less or one quarter the normal exposure), The shutter-speed/function selector will lock at normal automatic setting and there are click- stops at each half stop setting, The “A” may be set at intermediate posi- tions between +2 and —2. Always return the shutter-speed/function selector to “A‘’ (normal automatic operation) after using exposure adjustment settings. NOTE The XG‘s automatic exposure system will not operate when the “A” on the shutter- speed/function selector is moved outside the range of exposure adjustment, 29 30 WHEN AND HOW MUCH TO ADJUST ls In situations where there is a great contrast difference between the subject and back- ground and the most important area is considerably darker than the area surround- ing it, set the “A” on the Shutter-speed/- function Selector at from +1/2 to +2. Examples of such pictures are ones with strong backlighting and no fill-in illumina- A: Without adjustment EXPOSURE tion, such as Examples A and B, or subjects against a background of snow or light- colored sand, unless the bright area occupies a very small part of the image frame. 2. If the most important subject area is much brighter than the rest of the picture, set the “A” on the Shutter-speed/function Selector from —1 to —2. Examples of this kind of B: Exposure increased picture are subjects in a spotlight or shaft of sunlight, or against a very dark background, as Examples C and D, unless the background occupies only a small area in the image frame. 3. As above, when copying documents printed on white stock or other subjects that are predominantly light in color, an adjustment C: Without adjustment to +1/2 or more may be called for, Similar- ly, you will probably want to make an adjustment from —1 to —2 for predominant- ly dark copy meter or that on a dark background, 4. The above suggestions will serve as starting points for trial; individual conditions and taste will of course determine exact final exposure, D: Exposure decreased 31 32 MANUAL EXPOSURE CONTROL In situations where the contrast difference between the subject area and the background exceeds the available range of automatic ex- posure compensation, or when a desired photo- graphic effect requires a fixed speed, you will want to use the XG’s manual shutter speed. 1, While depressing the Auto-setting release if from the "A" setting, turn the shutter- speed/function selector to align a stepped speed with the index. Any shutter-speed and lens-aperture combination may then be set for full manual operation, . To determine the aperture and shutter speed settings by using the XG's métering system, move the shutter-speed/function selector to the “A” (Auta) setting, Then adjust the lens aperture for the desired shutter speed and aperture combination, After noting the shutter speed indicated by a lighted LED, reposition the selector to that manual speed and take the picture. Cale la ares al Car ey eee ee “BY setting Turning the shutter-speed/function selector to align "B” with the index (while depressing the Auto-setting release if from “A"’ setting) sets the camera for making ‘‘bulb’ exposures, That is, the shutter will open when the operat- ing button is depressed and remain open until it is released. NOTE When a standard cable release with the XG and “‘B" setting, be sure not to let any metal part of the release touch any metal part of the camera body while the shutter is open as this will cause the shutter to close and end the exposure, 33 34 HOLDING THE CAMERA Holding the camera securely when expo- sures are made is as important as focusing. Even slight movement at the instant of exposure can result in “blurred’’ photographs, especially when operating with slow shutter speeds. A recommendable way that permits ready opera- tion of important controls is shown here, To hold the camera horizontally, cradle the bottom if it in the palm of the left hand with the thumb and index or middle finger on the focusing grip of the lens, These fingers can also be used to turn the aperture ring, Grasp the camera body firmly with the right hand as shown so that the index finger rests on the operating button. In this position, the thumb can conveniently operate the film-advance |e- ver. The camera may be held in a vertical Position as shown (center) using the thumb of the right hand to push the shutter release while the left hand is used for support and focusing. Another possibility is to rotate the camera from the horizontal position and hold it so that the rewind-crank end is cradled in the left hand as shown. FOCUSING The focusing screen of your XG-9 features a split-image spot surrounded by a band of microprisms in the center of an acute matte field, To focus the camera visually with usual lenses, look through the viewfinder with lens at full aperture and turn the focusing collar on the lens until the upper and-lower subject images in the spot are exactly aligned with no broken lines between them and/or the subject image in the band does not shimmer or appear broken up. At this point, the subject image within the focusing aid should appear clearest and seem to blend with that on the matte field around it. Out of focus F Though the most satisfactory focusing aid and method depend upon the conditions and personal preference of the photographer, the above method may provide the best results with medium wideangle to medium telephoto lenses. Generally speaking, however, you will prob- ably find that using the split-image spot will Provide the easiest way to focus with subjects having vertical lines; the microprism band for lenses from medium wideangle through medium telephoto, especially with subjects not having vertical lines; and the matte field for longer lenses or macro or other work involving con- siderable lens extension, Subject in focus ’ 35 36 Depth of field The distance behind and in front of the focused distance within which the image ap- pears acceptably sharp is called the depth of field, It extends a greater distance behind the focused distance than in front and is deter- mined by three factors: the aperture size, the distance at which the lens is focused, and the focal length of the lens in use. Depth of field O )ubanahss O Profondeur de champ Distance de mise =| au point increases as the lens is stopped down (e.g., /2 to f/16) and becomes greater the farther from the camera the lens is focused. It decreases as the lens is opened up (e.g. f/16 to f/2) and the closer to the camera the lens is focused, Depth of field is greater for short focal length lenses than for telephoto’s at the same focused dis- tance and aperture. It is at its least for any given lens in normal mounting when the lens is at maximum aperture (as when metering and focusing normally with Minolta MD- or MC-type lenses) and at minimum focusing distance. Depth-of-field preview Depth of field at any aperture and focusing distance can be previewed visually by pushing the stop-down button all the way in, This will stop the diaphragm down to the aperture corresponding to the f-number preset on the aperture ring, allowing you to see through the viewfinder how much of the subject is accepta- bly sharp, The near and far limits of acceptable sharp- ness can be determined from the depth-of-field scale on the lens barrel, With the lens focused at a given point, the image will be in satisfactory focus from the nearer value to the farther value on the distance scale indicated by the depth-of- field scale marks for the aperture to be used. For example, if a 50mm lens is focused at 5m (about 16 ft.) and the aperture is f/8, the appropriate graduations to left and right af the index on the depth-of-field scale indicate ac- ceptable sharpness from about 3.4m to 9.7m (approx. 11 to 32 ft,). ai 1 B4bna 18 14228 4 6 eT For proper focus when making pictures with infrared radiation, first focus your subject with visible light as described above, then attach a red filter and turn the focusing ring to the right to align the point of proper focus on the distance scale with the index designated with small red "'R’’ in the depth-of-field scale. When making color pictures, follow the manufac- turer’s recommendations to set focus, a ere aay} ey RELEASING THE SHUTTER The way the camera is supported (see p. 34) when exposures are made and how the shutter is released are as important as focusing for best- photographic results, and to avoid blurred Pictures due ta camera movement during ex- posure these factors become more critical the slower the shutter speed, You may wish to use the figure “60° on the shutter-speed scale as the reference point to gauge the chance of camera movement. When the LED lights below it, you should pay spacial attention to both camera and subject move- ment in taking pictures. With the possible exception of highest speeds, the camera or hands holding it should generally be firmly steadied against your face or body when you release the shutter. At slower speeds, it is advisable to steady the camera against a doorframe, post, or other firm support while depressing the release. The shutter should always be released with a slow, steady squeeze — never a quick jab — preferable while holding your breath. DANGER OF BLUR FROM CAMERA/SUBJECT MOVEMENT — MORE For maximum sharpness when making ex- posures too long to permit hand-holding the camera, mount it on a tripod using the built-in socket on the bottom and trip the shutter with @ Minolta electronic Remote Card or a standard cable release screwed into the threaded socket 39 provided on the side of the lens mount. If the eyepiece is not being shielded by the Photographer’s head when the shutter is re- leased in this way, the eyepiece cap should be used (see p. 25). 40 SELF-TIMER The electronic self-timer built into your XG-9 can be used to delay release of the shutter for about 10 seconds after actuation. To operate it: 1, Advance the film. 2. With the shutter-speed/function selector at a setting other than "B,"’ move the main switch to align the index with SELF- TIMER, 3. Depress the operating button. The blinking light on the front of the camera will indicate the delay has been started. Approximately 2.5 secs. before the exposure is made, the % = indicator will blink faster to signal the end of the delay. You may cancel the self-timer by moving the main switch to “OFF”. NOTE @ After using the self-timer be sure to move the main switch from the “SELF-TIMER” setting. ® In automatic mode, the self-timer will cancel if exposure conditions exceed the upper range of the matering system. Opera- tion will resume when aperture or other conditions are adjusted sc that exposure conditions are within metering range. REWINDING AND UNLOADING FILM 1, Push the rewind button, \ lf = @. 2 2. Unfold the rewind crank and turn it in the direction indicated by the arrow on it until the red Safe Load Signal bar moves out of the window to the left. You will then feel tension on the film increase and disappear, and the crank will turn freely, 41 42 3. When you are certain that the film is completely rewound, pull out the backcover release knob to open the back and remove the cartridge. Sz 3 we me re x < eg FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY Synchronization Your XG-9 has shutter contacts for X flash synchronization as follows: Synchronized speed range in seconds On manual mode (step speeds) 1 through 1/60, B Type of flash Electronic flash (‘strobe’) Class M or MF flashbulbs Class FP flashbulbs 1 through 1/15, B 1 through 1/15, B NOTE As indicated by the table, 1/60 is the maximum shutter speed for proper X syn- chronization, Slower speeds can also be used under certain conditions if desired for particu- lar effects, Be sure not to use speeds faster than 1/60, (i.e. 1/125 and upward} with electronic or auto-flash units. Connecting flash units Cordless clip-on flash units such as the Auto Electroflash 200X are attached and electrically connected by simply sliding them into the camera's hot shoe. Sync. cords of either clip-on or bracket-type conventional units requiring them must be plugged into the cameras sync. terminal for operation. Bracket-type flash units are attached to the camera by means of its tripod socket. 43 44 USING OTHER THAN MD OR MC LENSES Metering and exposure with Auto Rokkor lenses having built in preview buttons, RF lens {reflex-mirror type), and Manual-Preset lenses are by the stop-down method as follows: Auto Rokkor lenses 1, After focusing, depress the preview button to stop down the aperture, 2. With the shutter-speed/function selector set at A,” select an aperture as explained on pp. 24 through 25. The viewfinder field will darken as the lens is stopped down, and the split-image spot and microprism band may become unusable due to darkening. 3. With the lens stopped down to the proper taking aperture or with the camera set for manual operation, release the shutter. RF (mirror-type) and Manual-preset lenses Proceed as for Auto Rokkors above, except that use of a stop-down button is not necessary as metering and exposure are always made at taking aperture, NOTE Because they have neither meter coupling nor preview buttons, the 35mm f/2,8 Shift CA lens, Auto Bellows I, and some Auto Rokkor lenses can not be used with the XG-9 on auto mode, XG-9 SYSTEM ACCESSORIES Auto winder G The Auto Winder G is an automatic film winder that helps the photographer focus his full attention on the creative aspects of photo- graphy by removing the Interruption of having to wind the film after each picture. Attaching is quick and easy with no access caps to remove or store. Just a light touch of the shutter re'ease 's all that is required to take either successive or single frames with the winder automatically advancing the film after each one. The winder drive mechanism stops automatically at the end of each cartridge and film can be easily re- wound with winder attached. All of these features combine with the XG-9 to help you to capture the fast paced action of a sports car race or the fleeting expressions of a child at play. 46 X-series Auto Electroflashes To make taking flash pictures as simple and easy as it is to take normal shots with your XG-9, Minolta offers four automatic electronic flashes designed especially for your camera. All of the four X-series Auto Electroflashes feature dedicated-flash functions that electroni- cally set the camera for proper X-sync, and activate a blinking flash-ready signal in the viewfinder when the flash is charged and ready to fire. This and other individual features make the Auto Electroflash line-up the most comprehen- sive offered by any camera manufacturer. Thyristor circuitry for winder synchronization and maximum battery life {(200X and 320X), bounce flash {132X and 320X}, filters for special effects {132X and 320X}, multiple auto-aperture settings and manual mode (all models), and Ni-Cd battery power supply (all models) are just a few of the feature available to you in the X-series line. From the compact and economical 118X to the 320X with its complete accessory flash system and exclusive Variable Guide Number/ Power Control, there is an X-series flash to meet any need. Remote Cord S$ and L These cords are designed for operating the XG-9 from a distance. Each screws into the shutter release socket on the side of the lens mount. The Cord $ is 50cm (about 20 in.) long, while the Cord L is 5m (16-1/2 ft.). These cords facilitate shots mounted on a tripod or remote wildlife pictures. In combination with the Auto Winder G, the Cord L can be used to make single or continuous sequence exposures at the subject position, from a remote location, etc. a7 48 Data Back G This convenient accessory imprints the date or other useful data on the film as the exposure is made to help identify or classify your Pictures. It attaches in place of your XG-9's removable regular back cover and synchronizes with the shutter by means of a cord which is inserted into the camera's sync. terminal. Three large dials set numbered day, month and year indications which appear in reverse order on the bottom right corner of the picture. The ability to set letters and blank spaces further increases the data back's usefulness for scientific and other purposes. A red LED which also operates as a battery check, lights to signal when data is imprinting, Data-exposure intensity can be ad- justed for either normal or high-speed black- and-white or color film. Power is provided by two tiny silver-oxide cells. STANDARD LENS SPECIFICATIONS Lens: 45mm f/2 MD 50mm f/1.7 MD 50mm £/1.4 MD 50mm 1/1,2 MD Type: Modified Gauss-type standard lens Construction: 6 elements in 5 groups G elements in 5 groups 7 elements in 6 groups 7 elements in 6 groups Angle of view: 51° Coating: Single arp Minolta Achromatic Min, focusing dist.: 0.6m (2 ft.) 0.45m (1.48 ft.) Diaphragm: Fully automatic, meter-coupled 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6,, 4, 5.6, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 1.2, 2, 2.8, 4, Aperture seale: 8, 11, 16 8,11, 16 5.6. 8, 11, 16 5.6. B, 11,1 Each with full and half-click-stops Filter thread diam. || 49mm 49mm 49mm 55mm 964mm x 30.5mm Dimensions: (92-1 /2" x 1-3/16") 64mm x 40mm (2-1/2 x 1-9/16" @64mm x 36mm 162-1/2" x 1-7/16") 065.5mm x 46,.5mm (p2-8/16" x 1-13/16"} Weight: 1269 (4-7/16 02.) 160g (5-5/8 02.) 220g (7-3/4 oz.) 315g (11-1/8 02.) 4g 50 SPECIFICATIONS Type: Lens mount: Auto-exposure contral: Shutter: Metering: Film-speed range: Auto-exposure adjustment: Mirror: Viewfinder: Compact 35mm single-lens reflex with automatic and full manual exposure control Minolta SLR bayonet, 54° rotating angle; coupling for full-aperture- metering and automatic diaphragm control with Minolta MD and MC lenses (Standard lenses MD 50mm f/1.2, 4/1.4, £/1.7 or 45mm f/2; see p. 49 for specifications) Special low-voltage, low-currént computer circuit, actuated by contact or Pressure on “‘touch switch’’ operating button, varies the shutter speed continuously and steplessly to yield proper exposure according to matering system indication at the aperture, film speed, and exposure adjustment sat Auto-expasure range: EV 2 to EV 17 (e.g., 1/2 sec. at f/1.4 to 1/1000 at f/11) at ASA 100 with f/1.4 lens Horizontal-traverse focal-plane type; electronically controlled speeds; 1/1060 to 1 sec., steplessly on automatic mode or in steps on manual mode Full-aperture TTL center-weighted type by two CdS cells mounted on either side of the eyepiece at the rear-of the pentaprism ASA 25 to 1600 set on the shutter-speed/function selector Up to #2 EV continuous adjustment of automatic exposure with 1/2 EV click-stops and lock at “‘A” (zero setting) Oversize quick-return type (PO value: 123mm) Eye-level fixed pentaprism type showing 93% of 24 x 36mm film-frame area Magnification: 0.9X with 50mm standard lens focused at infinity; Power: —1D, variable with accessory snap-on eyepiece correction lenses. Fresnel-field focusing screen having an articifically regular patterened matte field plus ceéntral split-image horizontally oriented focusing spot sur- rounded by microprism band Flash syne.: Film advance: Power: Self-timer: Other: Size and weight: Accessories: Visible in finder: stepless speeds indicated by 10 light-emitting diodes; LED over-/under-range indicators; LED at 60" position also blinks as flash-ready signal with the X-series Auto Electroflashes; f-nurmber set for automatic and manual modes. PC terminal and hot shoe for X sync, (disconnected when unit no installed): Electronic flash synchronizes at 1/60 sec. and slower step or stepless speeds; Class MF, M and FP flashbulbs synchronize at 1/15 or slower speeds, Extra contact on hot shoe receives signal from camera-control contact of Auto Electroflashes Motorized: Through built-in coupler key with accessory Auto Winder G Manual: By lever with single 130° stroke after 30° unengaged movement Film-advance release button for rewinding; advancing-type frame counter and Safe Load Signal that indicates film loading and advancing conditions Two 1,5v silver-oxide cells contained in camera base power both auto exposure control and shutter’s electronically governed operation LED battery check indicator lights when operating switch in battery check Position Shutter will not release when voltage too low for proper operation Electronic, LED indicated types; approximately 10 sec. delay 4-slot take-up spool; detachable back cover with memo holder and ASA-DIN conversion scale 52 x 88 x 138mm (2 x 3-7/16 x 5-5/8 in.) 500g (17-5/8 oz.) without lens and power cells Exclusive Auto Winder G, Auto Electroflash 320X, 200X, 132X and 118%, Data Back G, Remote Cord $ 50cm (20-in.} and Remote Cord L 5m (16-ft.); MD, MC, and other interchangeable Minolta lenses and applicable Minolta SLR system accessories. 51 52 CARE AND STORAGE ® As with all high-precision instruments, no part of your XG-9 should ever to forced at any time. If operation is not as you think it should be, carefully restudy the applicable instructions or consult an authorized Minolta service representative. ® Always keep your camera in its case with the lens capped when not in use. @ Never subject your camera to shock, high heat and/or humidity, water, or harmful chemicals or gases. ® Never lubricate any part of the body or lens. @ Always use a body cap when a lens is not installed on the body. Keep lenses, properly capped front and rear, in their cases when not in use. ® Never touch the shutter curtains or anything inside the front of the body with the fingers. These parts and the inside of the back should be dusted with a soft brush from time to time as necessary, with partic- ular care never to exert pressure on the shutter curtains, e Never touch lens or other glass surfaces with the fingers. If necessary, remove loose matter from them with a blower lens brush. Use special photographic lens tissue or a soft clean cloth to remove smudges or finger- prints with a gentle circular motion, Only if absolutely necessary, the tissue may be moistened very slightly with not more than ‘one drop of a satisfactory quick-evaporating fluid cleaner specially compounded for pho- tographic lenses. Such fluids must never be dropped directly on the glass surface, ® Smudges or fingerprints on the mirror may be removed with lens tissue slightly mois- tened with lens-cleaning fluid as above. @ External camera and lense-barrel — but not glass — surfaces may be wiped-with a soft, silicone-treated cloth, * Never leave the shutter cocked when the camera is to be stored overnight or longer. It is advisable to operate the film advance and release the shutter once or twice from time to time during extended storage. @ If the camera is not to be used for more than two weeks, the batteries should be removed @ If the camera is to be stored for a long period of time, body and lens should be returned to their original packing and kept in a cool, dry place away from dust or chemicals, preferably in an airtight con- tainer with a drying agent such as silica gel. Specifications subject to change without notice. Minolta Camera Co., Ltd. Minolta Corporation Head Office Los Angeles Branch Chicago Branch Atlanta Branch Minolta Canada Inc. Head Office Montreal Branch Vancouver Branch Minolta Camera Handels- gesellschaft mbH, Minolta France S.A. Minolta Vertriebsgesellschaft m.b.H. Minolta Nederland B.V, Minolta (Schweiz) GmbH Minolta Hong Kong Limited Minolta Singapore (Pte) Ltd. 30, 2-Chome, Azuchi-Machi, Higashi-Ku, Osaka $41, Japan. 101 Williams Drive, Ramsey, New Jersey 07446, U.S.A 3105 Lomita Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90505, U.S.A. 3000 Tollview Drive, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008, U.S.A. 5904 Peachtree Corners East, Norcross, GA 30071, U.S.A. 1344 Fewster Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 144, Canada 7575 Trans Canada Hwy., Montreal, Quebec, H4T 1V6, Canada 1620 W. 6th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., V6J1R3, Canada Kurt-Fischer Strasse 50, 0-2070 Ahrensburg, West Germany 357 bis, rue d’Estienne d'Orves 92700 Colombes, France Seidengasse 19, A-1072 Wien, Austria Zonnebaan 39, Postbox 264, 3600 AG, Maarssenbroek-Maarssen, The Netherlands Riedhof V, Riedstrasse 6, 8959 Dietikon-Zurich, Switzerland Oriental Centre Ground Floor, 67-71 Chatham Road South, Kowloon, Hong Kong Chin Swee Tower, 52-E, Chin Swee Road, Singapore 0316 Minol ind ta MINOLTA MASTERS PHOTOGRAPHY © 1979 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd. under the Berne Convention and XG-9 005E-DI-N30 Universal Copyright Convention Printed in Japan

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