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The Effect of

Video Games on
Our Children:

Bank Street School for

March 2, 2011

© 2010 by Common Sense Media. Proprietary and Confidential.


• Explore today’s video game and interactive

media landscape

• Review both sides of the research on the

effects of video games on children’s behavior

• Share tips for taking advantage of the

opportunities and avoiding the risks associated
with video game and interactive media play
Who Am I?
Anne Schreiber –
Vice President
of Education Content;
Common Sense Media

Educational media and

publishing professional

Parent of three NYC

Who is Common Sense Media?
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13,000 Common Sense
Media ratings and reviews

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education for parents,
educators, and young

Advocate: Respected
nonpartisan voice - to
national policymakers, the
media industry, legislators
and thought leaders
Common Sense Media
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Digital Literacy &
Parent Education Citizenship Student
Program Curriculum
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Educators with students;
implement with includes
parents student/parent
My media life is like a…
What exactly are kids
doing with video games
and interactive media?
The average American child, 8 to 18, spends 53 hours per
week (7.5 hours per day) using technology.

99% of boys and 94% of girls play video games.

83% of children, 8 to 18, have at least one video game

console in their homes, and of that group, 25% keep a game
console in their bedrooms.

Female gamers comprised 28% of the market in 2009.

More Americans play video games than go to the movies

each year.

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010

Hours Spent on Game Play
Most gamers do not limit themselves to one genre.
80% of teens play 5 or more different game genres.
40% play 8 or more different game types.

Most popular game genres:

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010

Most popular games for teens: (2008 data)
Guitar Hero
Halo 3
Madden NFL

Dance Dance Revolution

One of the top five (Halo 3) is rated M (mature) while two

(Solitaire & DDR) is rated E (everyone).

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010

Top Ranked Games - Boys
Top Ranked Games - Girls
Media Landscape Video
Some national data on
parent perspectives…
Impact of Media on Children is Among
Top Parenting Concerns
Peer pressure 62% 2
The impact of media and
56% 4
Drugs 55%

Your family's finances 55% 1

Bullying 51% 3
Sex 50%

Stress 46%
Celebrity culture (i.e. role
models, etc.) 41%

Obesity 29% Source: Common Sense Media Parent Survey 2010

Parents’ Biggest Concerns are:
TV, the Internet and Movies
TV 26%
Internet 20%
Movies 18%
Social networks 15%
Video games 15%
Music/audio 13%
Computer games 9%
Text messaging 8%
Source: Common Sense Media Parent Survey 2010
What does the research
say about the effects of
video games on
children’s behavior?
The Situation is Complex
“Much of what we found surprised us. The data
were both encouraging and, at times,
disturbing. The more we analyzed our own data
and looked at other research, the more we
realized that we -- parents, politicians,
researchers and child advocates -- probably
worry too much about the wrong things and too
little about more subtle issues and complex
effects that are much more likely to affect our
– (from Harvard researchers Kutner and Olson, 2009)
What are Parents Concerned About?
Will playing video games…
• lead to aggression and violent behavior?
• blur the line between fantasy and reality?
• lead to social isolation and less pro-social
• lead to addictive behavior?
• lead to obesity/sedentary lifestyle?
• take time away from other, healthier,
What Does the Research Indicate?
Will playing video games…
× lead to aggression and violent behavior?
× blur the line between fantasy and reality?
× lead to social isolation and less pro-social
× lead to addictive behavior?
 lead to obesity/sedentary lifestyle?
 take time away from other, healthier,
The Line Between Fantasy and Reality
• "Really violent games, like in Vice City where
you can just go around killing anybody, they're
less realistic. The environment, the people are
real, but not the actions.” (- middle school student)

• “For the most part, it was not the violence that

these children wanted to protect their younger
brothers and sisters from. It was the language…
It was the use of language that most easily
bridged the gulf between their fantasy game
worlds and reality.” (Kutner & Olson)
Social Isolation vs. Collaboration
Much video game play is social:
• Almost 60% of frequent
gamers play with friends
• 33% play with siblings or
•Just 18% of boys and 12% of
girls always play games alone.
• Even single player games are
often played socially.
• The majority of new and
popular games are designed for
multiple players.
Obesity and Life Balance
Spending large amounts
of time playing video
games can lead to:
• time away from family,
school-work, hobbies
• lower grades and
reading less
• less exercising and
becoming overweight
• aggressive thoughts and
( - AAP, 2006)
And There are Other Issues…
• Racial and gender
• Increase in bullying
• Reinforcement of
aggression as a
potential means to
solving conflict
• Some children may be
at risk – we need ways
to identify them
What’s the Good News?
“Many current games are
designed to be ethical testing
grounds. They allow players
to navigate an expansive and
open-ended world, make
their own choices and
witness their consequences…
we can be encouraged to
examine our own values by
seeing how we behave within
virtual space.”
Hallmarks of Progressive Education

• Community
• Collaboration
• Social justice
• Intrinsic motivation
• Deep understanding
• Active learning
• Taking kids seriously
– (borrowed from “Bank Street’s Progressive Education in
Context”, Alfie Kohn, 2010)
Hallmarks of Popular Video Games

 Community
 Collaboration
 Social justice
 Intrinsic motivation
 Deep understanding
 Active learning
 Taking kids seriously
Games as Vehicles for Deep
Understanding and Active Learning
• Games are powerful vehicles for learning
– Provide an environment for working out ethical
– Highly collaborative (many games require
forming an effective team)
– 21st Century skills - great skills for job market
– Motivation, engagement and critical thinking
• “Learning to be” rather than “learning about”
– based on trail and error
(-John Seely Brown, USC, Xerox Corp, 2006)
Games as Vehicles for Social Justice
• Teens who take part in social interaction
related to the game, are more engaged
civically and politically. ( - Pew, 2008)
– 67% stay informed about current events
– 63% are interested in politics
– 74% are committed to civic participation
• Teens who played games with pro-social
themes engaged in more pro-social behaviors
( - Anderson & Gentile, 2010)
• Teens who played games with more civic
learning are more likely to raise money or
volunteer for charities. (- Pew, 2008)
What can a parent do to
help their children safely
navigate the world of
online- and video- games?
Tips for Elementary-age Children
• Establish time limits
• Encourage balance between game play and
other activities
• Choose good (and developmentally
appropriate) games
• Monitor use as much as you can – try to keep
game play in common spaces
• Talk about Internet rules and safety
• Talk about violence and its effects
• Be aware of multi-player options
Tips for Tweens and Teens
• Discuss what you think is appropriate. Help
your child choose good games.
• Beware of addiction. Set time limits and
encourage self-regulation. Take advantage of
natural breaks in the game.
• Review multi-player options. Discuss
Internet safety.
• Watch language. Use monitoring tools if
Tips for All Ages
• Talk to your kids about what they’re playing
(even if you don’t like it). Acknowledge the
positive aspects of their game play and
• Buy the games you want them to play.
• Encourage “active gaming” (e.g. wii, kinect) –
they are calorie burners.
• Play with your kids. There’s no substitute for
an engaged parent!

Panel Discussion:

Bank Street School for

March 2, 2011
Violent Crimes are Down
Video Game Sales are Up
↓ Violent juvenile crime in the US has been
steadily declining since its peak in 1993.
↓ Murder arrests, peaked at 3,800 in 1993 and
dropped to 1,400 by 2001.
– At the same time…
↑ US video game sales rose from $3.2 billion
in 1995 to almost $18 billion in 2007.
How to Help Your Kids Self-Regulate
• Set an example. Do • Get involved. Not all
you keep the TV on screens are created
during dinner, or equal – so make sure
check your email you know what your
constantly? Model kids are doing. Take
what you want to see. the time to sit down
• Set limits. Help kids and play their favorite
create a schedule with game with them. Then
all they need to do. you can help them
Hobbies and learning make better decisions
comes first. Down about what they
time develops self- watch, play, and do.
How to Tell the Good From the Bad
From the Ugly
Some Market Statistics
• 62 % of the game market and 66% of the PC
market is 18 years old+
• 25% of children age 11-16 identify an M
(mature) rated game as one of their favorites
• 80% of retailers will not sell M-rated content
to a minor
• Huge discrepancy on data about whether or
not parents pay attention to ratings (from 10%
- 72% reporting difference)
• 83% of games purchased for children are
purchased by the parent. Parents have power!
Entertainment Software Rating Board
Common Sense Media Ratings
What to Ask When Choosing a Game
• Does the game involve some characters trying to
harm others?
• Does this happen frequently, more than once or
twice in 30 minutes?
• Is the harm rewarded in any way?
• Is the harm portrayed as humorous?
• Are nonviolent solutions absent or less "fun"
than the violent ones?
• Are realistic consequences of violence absent
from the game (- Craig Anderson, Iowa State, 2006)
A Game Primer
• Console games (Play Station, X-Box, Wii, etc)
• Online games – four types:
– Casual games found on most kid Web sites
– Online game portals (e.g. Miniclip)
– MMPOG - need to purchase and download
– Online environments (e.g. Club Penguin)
• CRISP Thinking – tool for monitoring unsavory
online communication
• Apps
– The “app” market for Smart Phones and tablets is
creating new opportunities for educational gaming
The Market is Changing
• In the 90’s, the software game dollars went to
game consoles.
– Game consoles expensive to produce for >
– difficult to publish educational games because the
demand is not great enough
• Now mobile apps are gaining in popularity.
– Easier to create > many new educational games
– Natural breaking points, smaller chunks
– Beware of “in game purchases”!
• Mobile technologies make parental
monitoring even harder.

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