Teaching Plan
Teaching Plan
Teaching Plan
At the end of 30 I. Definition of Community health- 30 I. MATERIALS • BSN 4K, Goal Met. At the
minutes health- Words teaching (roleplay) minutes - Cartolinas Group 1 and 2 end of the health
teaching, the with - Sound System • Lecturers: teaching, the
community II. Importance of leaflets/pamphlets - Posters Community
people will be Proper Garbage - Pamphlets Mallari, people of
able to: Disposal - Writing Materials Eliza National Housing
1. define proper III. Effects of II. MANPOWER Marasigan, Blocks 7 and 27
waste disposal. Improper Waste - Head of Peace and Beatrice became more
Disposal Order knowledgeable
2. enumerate and - BSN 4-K, Groups Manaog, when it comes to
practice the IV. Diseases related 1 and 2 Jhiezellie proper garbage
proper ways of to Improper Waste - Members of the disposal as
garbage disposal. Disposal Community evidenced by the
result of the
3. practice waste V. Different Ways III.GROUP FUND Evaluation forms
segregation. of Proper Garbage accomplished by
Disposal the community
4. give examples members.
of garbage that
can be recycled.
5. utilize 4R in
waste disposal.
TEACHING PLAN: Presence of Pests
At the end of 1. Different household Health teaching in • Setting up of Materials: • BSN 4K, Goal Met. At the
the health pests. the General prop materials: • Pamphlet Group 1 and 2 end of the
teaching, the Assembly 2 minutes • Costume/props • Lecturers: presentation/health
community will 2. Causes and effects • Introduction: • Game Prizes Malabanan, teaching, majority
be able to: of pest occurrence 1 minute Michael of the invited
• Identify in the community: • Presentation: Manpower: community
factors 15 minutes • Clinical Mallari, members
causing a. Sources/Habitats • Summarization: Instructors Eliza responded they
presence of 2 minutes • Nursing have understood
pests. b. Kinds of diseases • Game: students from Marasigan, and are willing to
individuals might 10 minutes BSN4K, Beatrice apply the
• Identify the get from presence of Group 1 and 2 preventive
effects of pests Total= 30 minutes Manaog, measures in
presence of c. Ways to reduce and Jhiezellie controlling pests
pests. control pests in the as evidenced by
community Maranan, the result of the
Jeffrey Evaluation forms
• Express accomplished by
feelings or Marquez, the community
emotions Andrea members.
that may act
as obstacle Martinez,
to decision Jennivie
whether to Martizon,
adapt or not Jessica
to adapt
methods or
ways to
control pests
• Demonstrat
e ways to
control the
present in
Teaching Plan: Lack of Medicines in the Health Center
Topic: Herbal Medicines (SANTALUBBY)
Goal: After the community assembly, the community people will be able to manage their health through the use of herbal
Venue: Basketball Court, Block 28, Phase 4, Southville 3 Brgy. Poblacion Muntinlupa City
Participants: Community People of Phase 4, Block 7 and 27
Learning Objectives Content Methodology Time Frame Resource Persons Responsible Evaluation
At the end of the >Ten Herbal Lecture (through 15 minutes Public Health BSN 4K: Goal met.
health teaching, the Medicines role playing) Nurse in the Group 1 & 2 At the end of the
community will be Philippines Book presentation/health
able to: >Pictures/ Discussion Lecturers: teaching, majority
1. Enumerate Actual of the invited
the ten Image Malejana, Ruel Jr. community
herbal members
medicines. >Procedure Manasan, Joann responded they
have understood
2. Cite at least Marajokie, Jimhar and are willing to
one herbal use the herbal
medicine, its Maliwanag, Vincent medicines as
usage and evidenced by the
how to Magliquian, Jennifer result of the
prepare it. Evaluation forms
Malabanan, Michael accomplished by
the community
3. Express Magbitang, John Carlo members.
feelings or
emotions Maromas, Cynthia
that may act
as obstacle Mandane, Ira May
to decision
making: Manas, Michelle
whether to
use or not to
use the ten
4. Cite the
of herbal
COMMUNITY CARE PLAN: Improper Garbage Collection
>50 % in the Improper garbage After the >Assessed the >To determine if Goal met.
community are disposal as community community on how they can apply those The community
having problem evidenced by assembly the they understand the technique. people were able to
regarding waste scattered/bulk community people importance of understand and
disposal because garbage in the will be able to: proper garbage learn on how to
there is no available open area disposal. segregate garbage
garbage truck. >Know how to >Conducted health >To help the (reduce, reuse,
segregate garbage. teaching regarding: community people recycle and repair)
>Determine which > The to avoid them the as evidenced by the
belongs to importance of effects of improper result of the
biodegradable and proper waste garbage disposal Evaluation forms
non biodegradable. segregation accomplished by the
>Understand the community
> The community
advantage and members.
disadvantage of has no available
garbage garbage trucks they
>Demonstrate ways should provide bins
or methods on or sacks were seen
proper garbage
disposal. labeled of
and non-
COMMUNITY CARE PLAN: Presence of Pests
100% of the (100% of the total At the end of the health Discussed the ff: Goal met. After 4weeks
community has population surveyed teaching, the community participants in the
pests confirmed the presence will be able to: Factors causing To prevent the community were able to:
of pests in their presence of pests possible
65 of the houses)due to: 1. Enumerate diseases Enumerate
residents have factors causing causing the factors causing
rats in the area Improper presence of presence of presence of
garbage disposal Pests. The effects of pests Pests.
65 of the pests in the
residents have Clogged & dirty 2. Enumerate the community For early Enumerate the
Mosquito in the drainage effects of direction of the effects of
are/household presence of pests disease presence of pests
in the in the
65 of the community. community.
residents have
flies in the 3. Express feelings Demonstrate
area/household or emotions that Ways or methods
may act as to reduce &/or
obstacle to control the pests.
decision making:
whether to adapt
or not to adapt
methods or ways
to control pests
4. Demonstrate
Ways or methods
to reduce &/or
control the pests.
COMMUNITY CARE PLAN: Lacking of Medicines
>Reassess the
community if they
>Learn different have applied the
techniques on to health teaching made.
how use or prepare
the alternative
After the General I. Objectives 1. - Role Play TOTAL - Pictures -RLE Goal Met.
Assembly, the Objectives TIME: 30 of students to The
participants will able II. Definition of terms of the - Games minutes Household facilitate community
to: Health pests and discussion: gained
III. Causes and Effects of Teachings - Question - 2 minutes methods or Pests: knowledge
1. Define the having pests in the on Vector and answer Set up ways to Mhiechaela regarding
Importance of community: & Pest portion control & Andrea proper
reducing and Control - 1 minute prevent Marquez, ways on
controlling the pests. A. Sources/Habitats Introduction them Jennivie reducing
B. Kinds of Diseases 2. Martinez, the
2. State the Causes of individual might get Definition - 15 minutes -Pamphlets Jeffrey presence of
Presence of Pests. from presence of of terms Presentation Maranan, pests.
pests that are -Time and Jessica
3. State the Effects of C. Ways to reduce and going to be - 2 minutes effort Ann
presence of Pests. control pests in the used during Summary Martizon
community. the -Manpower
4. Identify the Ways discussion - 10 minutes (students to -Clinical
to reduce and control Game conduct Instructors
the presence of pests. 3. The Health to
kinds of Teaching) supervise
diseases the RLE
that might - Snacks students
come from for
pests participants -Residents
of the
4. The -Prizes & community
Methods of kids’ loot who will
prevention bags be the
recipient of
the health
Goal: To be able to give information about herbal medicine
Venue: Blk. 27 and 7 Southville 3 NHA Brgy. Poblacion, Muntinlupa City
Participants: 64 families
After the I.Objectives Discussion of Role Play Total Time: - Pictures of -RLE students Goal Partially
health objectives 15 minutes Herbal Medicine to facilitate met when we
teaching the (SANTALUBBY) discussion and share our
participants II.Definition Discussion of Role Play - 1 minute role playing: knowledge to
will be able of terms definition of Set up -Time and effort Santalubby: the residence of
to: terms Ruel Malejana, Block 7 and 27.
- 2 minutes -Manpower Joann
1.Enumerate III.Different Discussion of Role Play Introduction (students to Manasan, They are the one
the different herbal different conduct Health Jimhar who is
herbal medicine herbal - 10 minutes Teaching) Marajokie, responsible and
medicine. medicine Presentation Vincent can help
- Audio / Sound Maliwanag, themselves on
2.Identify the III.Diseases/ Discussion in Role Play - 2 minutes system Jennifer proper taking of
different Illnesses that diseases / Summary Magliquian, herbal medicine.
diseases/ can be cured illnesses that Michael
illnesses that by herbal can be cured Malabanan,
can be cured medicine by herbal John Carlo
by herbal medicine Magbitang,
medicine. Cynthia
IV.How to Discussion in Role Play Maromas,
3.State the prepare and preparing and Michelle
importance of take herbal how to take Manas, Ira
proper medicine herbal Mae Mandane,
management medicine Joanna
of such properly Maluping,
illnesses. JhiezellieMarie
V.General Discussion on Manaog, Eliza
Tips on General Tips Mallari
proper taking on proper -Clinical
of herbal taking of Instructors to
Medicine herbal supervise the
medicine RLE students
- Residents of
the community
who will be
the recipient of
the health