FNCP Matrix Cough
FNCP Matrix Cough
FNCP Matrix Cough
Child APK has mild cough and colds and mother refuse to continue medication due to fear that the child would be overdosed. The student nurses assessed the child and they gathered the following data: presence of runny nose, transparent mucous secretions and consecutive coughing.
Inability of the family to provide adequate care to its member due to: a.) lack of knowledge on the nature and extent of care needed
After nursing intervention, the family would be able to be educated about the benefits of continued medication and be knowledgeable about alternative ways in helping address the problem such as the use of herbal medicines.
After nursing intervention, The family will be able to: a.) be educated about the extent of care needed for the child. b.) realize the need for a continued medication and make appropriate actions. c.) find alternative ways in treating the sickness such as using herbal medicines
a.) provided education about the need for an extensive medication. b.) provided teaching that prescribed medicines are carefully made and it is safe. c.) taught about the alternative medicines
Home visit
Time and effort of the nurse. Visual aids about herbal meds Transportation expenses
a.) The family was able to be educated through the health teachings provided. b.) The family realized the need for a continued medication, so she decided to have her child checked up again. c.) Mother gave oregano concoction as alternative treatment through the help of the student nurses in preparing it.