Interdependence Between Variance
Interdependence Between Variance
Interdependence Between Variance
Actual hours at the actual rate: variance. When judging the success of the price increase, it is necessary
6,500 hours x £12.00 = £78,000 to consider the two variances jointly. For example, a favourable sales
Labour rate variance >£13,000 Adv price variance of £10,000 would be unacceptable if it resulted in an
Actual hours at the standard rate: adverse sales volume variance of £20,000.
6,500 hours x £10.00 = £65,000
However, assume that (with hindsight) we discover that, due to wage The calculation of variances is not an end in itself. The main use
inflation, a more realistic standard for the period should have been of variances is to stimulate improved performance. Management
£11.50 per hour. The variance can then be recalculated as: accountants need to understand the potential causes of variances in order
to identify the variances that managers can control.
Actual hours at the actual rate: 6,500 hours x £12.00 = £78,000
Possible controllable labour rate variance >£3,250 Adv Steve Jay is examiner for CAT Paper 7
Actual hours at the revised standard rate:
Uncontrollable labour rate variance >£9,750 Adv
Actual hours at the original standard rate: Variance Favourable Adverse
6,500 hours x £10.00 = £65,000
With hindsight, it can be seen that of the £13,000 total rate variance, Material price Bulk buy discount Failing to shop
£9,750 is due to an increase in market wage rates that was beyond the around
control of managers. The remaining £3,250 could possibly be controlled
by managers, depending upon their level of control over wage rates, Material usage Careful usage Poor quality material
overtime working, and labour deployment. Holding managers responsible
for the uncontrollable element of the variance is contrary to the principles Labour rate Using less skilled Unscheduled
of responsibility accounting, which state that managers should only be labour overtime working
held accountable for items they can control. Violating these principles
would be bad for motivation and cost control. Labour efficiency Good motivation Using less skilled
Finally, when operating variances have been identified it is important to Labour idle time Not applicable Machine breakdown
consider any potential interrelationships. Appreciating the relationship
between variances can reveal causes not apparent from individual Variable overhead Careful use of Poor negotiation
variances. Favourable variances in one area often cause adverse expenditure electricity etc with suppliers
variances in another, and it is important to consider the sum of the
interrelated variances before drawing any conclusions. Examples of these Variable overhead See labour efficiency See labour efficiency
interrelationships are described in Scenarios 1 and 2. efficiency