Research: Publication Date: 1 April 2002 ID Number: LE-15-9727
Research: Publication Date: 1 April 2002 ID Number: LE-15-9727
Business activity monitoring, the next logical step for application integration vendors and
enterprises, will grow rapidly this year. BAM is not just an application integration story —
the cross-vendor activity will be loud and furious.
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"Business activity monitoring" (BAM) is Gartner's term defining how we can provide real-time
access to critical business performance indicators to improve the speed and effectiveness of
business operations. Unlike traditional real-time monitoring, BAM draws its information from
multiple application systems and other internal and external (interenterprise) sources, enabling a
broader and richer view of business activities. As such, BAM will be a natural extension of the
investments that enterprises are making in application integration.
So far, BAM is a small part of the total application integration story. We estimate that, at most, 3
percent of integration broker revenue can be said to be BAM-related in 2002. Many integration
vendors are without BAM strategies. This almost sounds like the business process management
(BPM) story of late 1999 — calm before the storm. BPM rapidly went from obscurity to become a
mainstay of application integration, driving mergers, acquisitions and new development in the
process. BAM will do likewise. By 2004, BAM will grow to become the major force driving
application integration's deployment and benefits. Vendors will depend on BAM for survival, and
enterprises will tout BAM for its competitive advantage. BAM is the next big thing that application
integration vendors want and need.
This Spotlight features research that examines the world of BAM in detail. As you read, you will
see that BAM is not just application integration. BAM also encompasses business intelligence,
network and systems management, and related areas. BAM is also heavily weighted toward the
business side of the enterprise — BAM is not just a new technology toy. Each of the following
research articles synthesizes a larger base of research pieces to give a total picture of BAM's
"market," BAM's technology and BAM's application.
• In "BAM Architecture: More Building Blocks Than You Think," AV-15-5070, Milind
Govekar and Roy Schulte take a look at the technology behind BAM. This is a "must
read" for application-integration-focused enterprises.
• In "How BAM Can Turn a Business Into a Real-Time Enterprise," AV-15-4650, Frank
Buytendijk and David Flint consider the role that BAM will play in your enterprise and
what benefits and pitfalls await.
This research is a holistic look that draws on Gartner analysts across a variety of disciplines.
Likewise, your involvement with BAM, whether as a vendor or as a consumer, will also require a
span of expertise and a wide variety of disciplines. BAM is the next great goal for IT investment.
The calm will pass. Be prepared for the storm.
David McCoy
Editor in Chief
Application Integration and Middleware