Meter Data Management
Meter Data Management
Section 1
1.1 Introduction
Meter data management (MDM) systems are nearly a decade old, yet where they will end up is still very much undecided. The current market faces an inflection point, with changes in focus from billing systems to grid operation efficiencies and more effective business processes. Market approaches to MDM range from minimalist to full-feature. Minimalist solutions are those where the MDM vendor simply captures data and provides a system of record for other application vendors to use. Full-featured MDM solutions, on the other hand, include a wide range of applications under a single umbrella. Meanwhile, the competitive landscape is changing due to acquisitions such as Toshibas purchase of Landis+Gyr and Schneider Electrics purchase of Telvent. This report follows closely on the heels of Pike Researchs market forecast, Meter Data Management. Whereas that report forecasts global investment in MDM through 2018, with many drill-downs, this Pike Pulse report presents our analysis of which current MDM vendors are best positioned for the future. Because this is a mature market with well-established vendors, the scores are clustered higher rather than lower on the Pike Pulse Grid. The weighted averages assigned to the rating criteria listed below reflect the status of the MDM market. For example, we expect all viable MDM players to already have an established offering that has been installed and is in use. In addition, we expect geographic reach to be relatively strong. Innovation is less important in this market because the architectures are well established and the utilities that purchase MDM are looking for improvements to their business and operations, not technology hooks. The criteria on which the MDM vendors were scored include: Vision Go-to-Market Strategy Partners Product Strategy and Roadmap Technical Innovation Geographic Reach Market Share Sales and Marketing Product Performance and Features Product Portfolio Ecosystem Staying Power
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Alliances and partnerships abound in the MDM market. In our research, it appeared that nearly everybody is working with everybody. The recent announcement that Itron and Landis+Gyr will natively support each others communications technology shows the extent to which leading smart grid players will go to ensure that they are not locked out of business. Specialists such as eMeter and Ecologic Analytics depend heavily on partnerships to bring in MDM business because they have no AMI of their own. In contrast, Itron and EnergyICT (owned by Elster) benefit from a significant amount of pull-through revenue from their in-house AMI offerings. However, even those vendors with AMI in-house still aggressively pursue relationships with other AMI vendors, including their direct competitors. This is a fascinating market to watch. Oracle and OSIsoft are not MDM specialists per se, but have attained their market mass by applying technologies that have been successful in other markets. Oracle is obviously leveraging its enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite, plus its ability to apply existing applications to this market. For example, utilities are quite interested in improving customer engagement using data collected in the MDM system. Oracle already has a mature customer relationship management (CRM) offering that it has directly applied to
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Several MDM providers have a limited geographic reach that seems intentional. North|Star focuses mainly on North America, while Ferranti and Powel have little presence outside of Europe. Aclara also appears to be mainly focused on North America.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 2
2.1 2.1.1 Market Definition MDM Scope
MDM systems vary considerably in scope and approach. Pike Research defines an MDM system as containing the following three components, illustrated below in Figure 2.1: Interface to collect meter data from one or more AMI head-ends. The head-end itself is considered to be part of the AMI system, not part of the MDM system. Software to standardize the received meter data through functions such as validating, editing, and estimating (VEE), synchronization, storage, and versioning. In most cases, back-end applications receive and use the standardized meter data. These applications can enhance many of the business and operational aspects of a utility. Some MDM products do not themselves include the back-end applications, but enable interface with other utility applications. Figure 2.1 MDM in Context of AMI and Back-End Systems
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Middle East & Africa Asia Pacific except China China Eastern Europe Western Europe Latin America North America
(Millions of Meters)
Given this ongoing growth in the number of smart meters installed, it is likely that the market for MDM systems will grow in similar fashion. However, in some regions, the AMI deployments are rolling out smart meters as the first-ever meter at many locations. In those situations, Pike Research has noticed a greater emphasis simply on getting meters deployed so that the utilities can be paid for the energy consumed. This focus can result in a lowered emphasis on managing the data, which may decrease the immediate desire to deploy MDM in some locations. The three market trends described in the following subsections will likely affect which vendors are most successful.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Asia Pacific except China China Eastern Europe Western Europe Latin America North America
(Millions of Meters)
Smart meter deployments after 2018 are also likely to drive additional MDM investment. For example, Pike Research forecasts about four million smart meters installed in the Middle East and Africa region by the end of 2018. This region has a population in excess of one billion.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 3
3.1 Pike Pulse Grid
The MDM market is nearly a decade old now. Such longevity is reflected by the scores and placements in this Pike Pulse Grid, which demonstrate that there are no immature players. In some areas such as market share and product portfolio, there was no clear leader, so several vendors are clustered around similar scores. Pike Research has included individual charts of scores for each vendor below to more fully illustrate our view of the strengths and weaknesses of each. Several vendors have scores that could best be described as inconsistent strengths in some areas, weaknesses in others. In several cases, this is the result of a chosen strategy. However, it can also indicate that a vendor has chosen to emphasize some aspects of running their business at the expense of other aspects. Table 3.1 Vendor Overall Scores Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Vendor Oracle eMeter Itron Ecologic EnergyICT OSIsoft Aclara North|Star Powel Ferranti Telvent Total Score 87.8 81.3 78.0 70.9 70.1 60.1 57.7 50.2 47.5 43.8 43.2
(Source: Pike Research)
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Note that we have not included SAP among the vendors covered in this Pike Pulse report. SAP lacks the ability to collect meter data from AMI head-ends and perform data conditioning functions such as VEE and versioning to create a meter data system of record. We consider these capabilities an essential requirement of any product that is categorized as meter data management.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Partners Product Strategy and Roadmap Technical Innovation Geographic Reach Market Share Sales and Marketing
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 4
4.1 Leaders
Leaders are vendors that scored 75 or above in both Strategy and Execution. These companies consistently have higher scores across all 12 measurement areas in this Pike Pulse report. As a result, they are in the strongest position for long-term success. While the MDM market is well established today, it is at an inflection point. As a result, past success is not in itself a guarantee of future success. Therefore, Pike Research has appropriately weighted the Strategy scores to reflect the importance of planning for an uncertain future.
Oracle is a leading provider of integrated software and hardware systems. The company entered the MDM market through its 2007 acquisition of Lodestar. Today, it makes and sells a full suite of MDM functions, including a common meter data repository (system of record), VEE, usage subscriptions, aggregations, billing determinants, revenue protection, auditing, and reporting. Oracle Utilities Load Profiling and Settlement application supports load profile creation and utilization, data aggregation, and load and financial settlement. The Smart Grid Gateway provides productized interfaces to communicate with AMI head-ends and is directly integrated with Oracles MDM. Oracle Utilities provides integration to its Customer Care and Billing application as part of its offering. This offering enables customer portals and also includes customer care modules, meter reads, rating, billing, payment processing, credit and collections, field service, and meter management. The Work and Asset Management for Utilities application provides tracking of utilities assets, plus scheduling of maintenance tasks. Oracle Mobile Workforce Management provides scheduling and routing of field resources for any type of work a utility needs to perform. Oracles Business Intelligence capability is the basis for Oracle Business Intelligence for Utilities, which can pipe MDM data through to the business intelligence engine for data analytics, periodic reporting, and ad hoc queries. OBIU includes predefined schema for often used reports and queries. Oracles key MDM clients include Baltimore Gas & Electric, American Electric Power (AEP), Duke Energy, and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 5
Aclara Software 16 Laurel Avenue Wellesley, MA 02481 +1.781.694.3300 Ecologic Analytics 8011 34th Avenue South, Suite 205 Bloomington, MN 55425 +1.952.843.6000 eMeter 2215 Bridgepointe Parkway San Mateo, California 94404 +1.650.227.7770 EnergyICT 208 S. Rogers Lane Raleigh, NC 27610 +1.800.558.1789 Ferranti Computer Systems N.V. Noorderlaan 139 B-2030 Antwerpen Belgium +32.3.540.49.11 Itron 2111 North Molter Road Liberty Lake, WA 99019 +1.509.924.9900 North|Star Utilities 1 Antares Drive, Suite 400 Ottawa ON, K2E 8C4 Canada +1.613.226.5511 Oracle Corp. Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 +1.650.506.7000 OSIsoft 777 Davis Street San Leandro, CA 94577 +1.510.297.5800 Powel AS Klbuveien 194 NO-7037 Trondheim Norway + Telvent 4701 Royal Vista Circle Fort Collins, CO 80528 +1.970.223.1888
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 6
Advanced Metering Infrastructure ............................................................................................................. AMI American Electric Power .......................................................................................................................... AEP Automated Meter Reading ...................................................................................................................... AMR Business Process Management ............................................................................................................. BPM Commercial Off the Shelf ...................................................................................................................... COTS Common Information Model ......................................................................................................................CIM Compound Annual Growth Rate ........................................................................................................... CAGR Customer Information System .................................................................................................................. CIS Customer Relationship Management...................................................................................................... CRM Distribution Management System ........................................................................................................... DMS Enterprise Resource Planning ................................................................................................................. ERP Geospatial Information System ................................................................................................................. GIS Governance, Regulatory, and Compliance ............................................................................................. GRC Information Technology................................................................................................................................ IT International Electrotechnical Commission ............................................................................................... IEC Investor-Owned Utility ............................................................................................................................... IOU Itron Enterprise Edition Meter Data Management ........................................................................... IEE MDM Landis+Gyr ............................................................................................................................................... L+G Meter Data Management System ........................................................................................................ MDMS Meter Data Management ........................................................................................................................MDM Meter Data Unification and Synchronization ........................................................................................ MDUS Meter Transmission Unit ......................................................................................................................... MTU National Institute for Standards and Technology (U.S.) ......................................................................... NIST National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (U.S.) ..................................................................... NRECA Oracle Business Intelligence for Utilities ................................................................................................ OBIU
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 7
Section 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1 Section 2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Market Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Market Definition ........................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 MDM Scope ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.2 Key Features of an MDM System ........................................................................................... 6 Base MDM Capabilities .................................................................................................. 6 Extended MDM Capabilities ........................................................................................... 7 2.1.3 MDM Business Case ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Market Trends ............................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Utility Operations Moves Toward Center Stage ...................................................................... 8 2.2.2 The Winning Architecture Remains Unclear ........................................................................... 9 2.2.3 Interoperability Is Key ............................................................................................................ 10 2.3 MDM Market Drivers ................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Smart Meter Deployments Will Accelerate ............................................................................ 11 2.3.2 Improved Operational Efficiencies......................................................................................... 11 2.3.3 Governance, Regulatory, and Compliance (GRC) ................................................................ 12 Section 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 13 The Pike Pulse ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.1 Pike Pulse Grid............................................................................................................................ 13 3.2 Company Rankings ..................................................................................................................... 15 3.2.1 Oracle .................................................................................................................................... 15 Section 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 16 Vendor Profiles .......................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1 Leaders ....................................................................................................................................... 16 4.1.1 Oracle .................................................................................................................................... 16 Section 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Company Directory ................................................................................................................................... 17 Section 6 .................................................................................................................................................... 18 Acronym and Abbreviation List ............................................................................................................... 18 Section 7 .................................................................................................................................................... 20 Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Section 8 .................................................................................................................................................... 21 Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Section 9 .................................................................................................................................................... 22 Methodology .............................................................................................................................................. 22 9.1 Scope of Study ............................................................................................................................ 22 9.2 Sources and Methodology .......................................................................................................... 22 9.2.1 Vendor Selection ................................................................................................................... 23 9.2.2 Ratings Scale ........................................................................................................................ 23 Score Calculations ........................................................................................................ 23 9.2.3 Criteria Definitions ................................................................................................................. 23 Strategy ........................................................................................................................ 23 Execution ...................................................................................................................... 24
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 8
Chart 1.1 Chart 2.1 Chart 2.2 Chart 3.1 Chart 3.2 Figure 2.1 Table 1.1 Table 3.1 The Pike Pulse Grid ................................................................................................................ 3 Smart Meter Installed Base by Region, World Markets: 2010-2018 ...................................... 8 Total Smart Meters with an MDM by Region, World Markets: 2010-2018 ........................... 11 The Pike Pulse Grid .............................................................................................................. 14 Oracle Strategy & Execution Scores ..................................................................................... 15 MDM in Context of AMI and Back-End Systems..................................................................... 5 Vendor Overall Scores ............................................................................................................ 2 Vendor Overall Scores .......................................................................................................... 13
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Section 9
9.1 Scope of Study
Pike Research has prepared this report to provide stakeholders in the meter data management space, including utilities, systems integrators, software manufacturers, hardware manufacturers, third-party service providers, MDM vendors, AMI vendors, and others, with a study of the landscape of the major providers of MDM products. This Pike Pulse report covers the key global MDM vendors. According to Pike Researchs definition, an MDM must at least be able to capture data from AMI head-ends and perform basic functions such as VEE, storage, and data aggregation to create a meter data system of record. Whether an MDM vendor also provides applications for utility use did not affect the decision to include it in this report. However, Pike Research does consider a broader vision of the MDM market to be an advantage. The reports major objective is to provide a timely overview of the companies involved, as well as their strategy and execution in a marketplace that is mature yet changing rapidly. Note that the company ratings capture the vendor's standing at the time of the report and are not a retrospective of past accomplishments or an indication of future success. The ratings for any given vendor may change quickly in this evolving market.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Ratings Scale
Companies are rated relative to each other using the following point system. The ratings are a snapshot in time, showing the current state of the company, and are likely to be fluid as new competitors enter the market and customer requirements evolve. Very Strong Strong Strong Moderate Moderate Weak Moderate Weak Very Weak 91 - 100 76 - 90 56 - 75 36 - 55 21 - 36 11 - 20 1 - 10
Score Calculations
The scores for Strategy and Execution are weighted averages based on the subcategories. The Overall score is calculated based on the root mean square of the Strategy and Execution scores.
Criteria Definitions
Vision: Evaluates the company's stated goals in designing market solutions against the actual needs of customers based on the entire environment in which they will operate. Clear and compelling visions that are effectively communicated to the industry result in higher scores. Go-to-Market Strategy: Evaluates the company's strategy for reaching the target market, including the sales and marketing channels to be used, as well as the processes established for informing the target market about the brand differentiation and unique product value. Partners: Measures the company's established partnerships with key organizations that will provide an advantage in sales, business, and product development, as well as assist in the implementation of the whole product for the customers. Affiliations with smart grid companies, IT and infrastructure providers positively impact scores. Product Strategy and Roadmap: Evaluates the long-term competitiveness of the product plan, both as an effective solution that satisfies market requirements and as a profitable line for the company to merit continued product development investment. Technical Innovation: Evaluates whether the company has developed and/or patented technology that provides a significant business advantage over competitors that is likely
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Market Share: Evaluates the company's current share of the MDM market as defined above, including recent sales agreements and key customer accounts that are likely to impact sales during the next calendar year. Sales and Marketing: Evaluates the capabilities of the companys existing sales and marketing resources, the companys understanding of the most suitable target markets, and its ability to successfully influence customer perceptions and purchases. Product Performance and Features: Addresses the products' relative competitiveness and suitability for the business requirements of enabling utilities to improve their business and operations via meter data. Points are awarded for connectivity, communications, and interface with other products in the smart grid ecosystem. Product Portfolio: Evaluates the completeness of the company's portfolio based on customer needs. Higher scores are given if the product lineup includes more AMI interfaces and more applications. In addition, a slightly higher score is given for interoperability with other MDM systems. Ecosystem: Agreements with proven suppliers and product compatibility with related product categories (such as smart grid and home energy management systems) lead to higher scores. Staying Power: Evaluates whether the companies have access to capital for long-term investment in product development. Also evaluates companies ability to withstand competitors tactical or strategic moves, such as price discounts. Higher scores are given to companies with management teams with experience and proven track records of success.
2011 Pike Research LLC. All Rights Reserved. This publication may be used only as expressly permitted by license from Pike Research LLC and may not otherwise be accessed or used, without the express written permission of Pike Research LLC.
Published 3Q 2011 2011 Pike Research LLC 1320 Pearl Street, Suite 300 Boulder, CO 80302 USA Tel: +1.303.997.7609
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