Oracle Warehouse Management: Mark Mandeville

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Mark Mandeville
Sr. Solution Consultant
Warehouse Management At-a-Glance
Inbound Outbound

• Purchases • Pick • Assembly • Customer Shipments

• Mfg / Assembly • Pack • Storage • Vendor Returns
• Transfers • Inspection • Move • Transfers
• Outside Processing • Count • Replenish • Outside Processing

“Senior level executives now realize that the

automated warehouse is as much a part of
e-commerce and e-fulfillment as the Internet.”
- Supply Chain Yearbook
Warehousing Functionality Spectrum

Highly Automated Facilities
Automate physical inventory handling
Product / Order Complexity

s Warehouse Management
i t ie
abi Implement a true “execution system” using
p system directed tasks and task management

RF / Barcode Only
Improve accuracy and reduce latency
of existing transactions

Manual Inventory
Record transactions and
Low track balances

Small Transaction Velocity / Volume Large

Business Pressures
Just-in-Time Delivery Guaranteed Availability
• How can I improve the speed • How can I improve order
of warehouse operations? promise accuracy?
• How do I integrate operations • How do I create a global
to reduce order processing view of inventory?
Inbound Outbound

One Size Fits One Lowest Total Cost

• How can I manage • Where can I reduce
SKU proliferation? inventory while maintaining
• How do I ensure high fill rates?
labeling compliance? • How do I improve labor
Operational Challenges
Procurement Manufacturing Order Management

Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse

System 1 System 2 System N

RF Middleware RF Middleware RF Middleware

Integration and Operation Complexity, Localized Solutions

A Need for Change
Leading Business Trends

• Fulfillment Processes Integrated with Partners

• Support All Company Processes (e.g. Service, Mfg)

• Automated Material Handling for Improved Productivity

• Mobile and Automatic Data Capture (e.g. RF, RFID)

• Streamlined Material Flow (e.g. Cross-Docking)


Unified Information Architecture
Contracts Market • Common data model
enables a single source
Projects Sell of truth
• Comprehensive suite of
HR Customers, Order applications designed to
work together
Finance Plan • Robust set of integration
Products, …
services based on open
Maintain Procure standards
• Modular deployment
Service Make by business flow
Fulfill • Single global instance
Support for the Integrated Enterprise
Built-In, Not Bolt-On Functionality

• Eliminate
Procurement Manufacturing Fulfillment Integration
• Reduce Cost
and Complexity
MSCA & • Reduce Risk and
Upgrade Issues
• Eliminate
Problems with
Service Finance Planning Reconciliation
• Simplify Support
Oracle Mobile Supply Chain Apps (MSCA)
Support Basic Warehousing Needs…
Built-in Mobile User Interface

Mobile Manufacturing Mobile Quality

Moves, Issues, Returns, Quality Collections,
Specifications, …
Scrap, Completions, …
Mobile Receiving Mobile Inventory Mobile Shipping
Direct, Std, Inspect, Misc. Transactions, Pick, Confirm, Ship,
Cross-Dock, Print, … Transfers, Counts, … Confirm, Print, …

Built-in RF Middleware Mobile

Transaction Server
RF Base
Station LAN or Apps /
WAN Database

RF Device Telnet Over TCP/IP SQL Net

What Do I get with . . .

WMS Installed, WMS Organization

• Mobile User Interfaces for • Cost Groups
• Inventory • Rules
• Receiving • Tasks
• Shipping • Cartonization
• Manufacturing • Exception
• Quality Workflows
• Labeling
Oracle Warehouse Management Solution
…or Provide a Complete Warehouse Execution System

RMAs Cross Dock Replen-
Receive Putaway
Purchases Inspect ish
Transfers RF Support Tailorable
Cost Rules &
Workflow Move
RTVs Global Visibility Process
Orders Directed WIP
Transfers Ship Pack Pick Issues


Planning Purchasing Manufacturing Fulfillment

Oracle Warehouse Mgmt Solution

Enables you to…

 Support Lower Cost of Ownership

 Increase Warehouse Efficiency

 Integrate WMS Throughout the Enterprise

Rules-Driven Processes
Flexibly Meet Needs without Customization

User Defined Suggestions

(e.g. Pick) Strategies & Rules (e.g. LPNs
(e.g. > 30 Days Shelf Life) or Locators)

Support for: Directed Picking, Directed Put-

Tasks Assignment, Costing, Labeling

• Eliminates customizations • Improves ROI and

ongoing support
• Supports common tool
with examples • Accelerates implementation
• Easily changed and evolved • Increases long-term flexibility
Additional Ways to Avoid Customization

Characteristics Benefits

• Same application for • Maximum flexibility of

RF Device all certified devices RF device selection
Independence • Automatically adapts • Lower support costs
to any form factor

• User definable fields • Flexible interfaces

Lot & Serial
Attributes • Use throughout WMS • Support your specific
(UI, Rules Engine, etc.) data needs
Cost-Effective Global Deployment
Think Locally, Act Globally

• Deploy and manage on

a single global instance

• Support with single

worldwide organization

• Support for statutory and

customary local requirements

• Multi-lingual, multi-currency, multi-org, multi-national

- 30 languages, all installable in same unicode instance
Oracle Warehouse Mgmt Solution

Enables you to…

 Support Lower Cost of Ownership

 Increase Warehouse Efficiency

 Integrate WMS Throughout the Enterprise

Improve Warehouse Mgmt Functions
Increase Efficiency of All Resources

Warehouse Efficiency

Worker Productivity Resource Utilization Inventory Utilization

• Automate Warehouse • Optimize Total • Reduce Inventory
Processes Warehouse Space Carrying Costs
• Optimize Task • Maximize Use of • Streamline
Assignments Equipment Material Flow
• Reduce Inventory
• Reduce Worker • Optimally Locate
Travel Time Inventory to Reduce
Travel Time • Automate
Worker Productivity

Automated Task Management

Create, Organize, Dispatch Tasks to Optimal Resource
Pick Wave Task Queue

Create & Split

Allocate Merge
Task Sort

• Dispatch Tasks To • Create Paperless,

RF Devices Streamlined Processes
• Support Multiple • Align Pick Plan with
Picking Methodologies Business Mix
• Match Skills and • Reduce Safety Issues
Equipment to Tasks and Training Costs
• Perform Task Sequencing • Significantly Reduce
and Interleaving
Travel Time
Automated Compliance Labeling
Meet Customer Specific Requirements

• Support Numerous Types and Variations of Labels

- LPN, LPN content, LPN summary, material, serial, location,
shipping, shipping contents, WIP contents
• Flexible to Meet Your Business Needs
- Design and rendering choices
- Highly flexible configuration
- Adapts to changing
• Data Transmitted via XML
directly to printer or via
middleware of choice

Print at the Right Time in the Correct Format

Barcode & License Plate # Support
Perform Complex Inventory Transactions

Multiple Packages Single Unique Number

and Products for All Information

Barcode Support Container and LPN* Support

• Automatically Track All • Supports Infinite Nesting Levels
Related Product Information • Perform Complex Moves via a
• Capture All Information Single Scan
with a Single Scan • Fully Integrated with ASNs

Reduces Cycle Time & Improves Efficiency,

Improves Accuracy Accuracy, and Tracking
*License Plate Number
Cross-Dock and Direct Ship
Selectively Accelerate Warehouse Material Flow

Receive Inspect Deliver Put-Away Inventory Pick Drop Ship

Direct Receipt Direct Ship

• Configurable flows • Adjust implementation to business

• Express ASN receipt • Accelerate receiving process
• Cross-docking • Reduce handling and inventory
• Increase operator efficiency
• Express picks & load
• Support lean mfg processes
• Direct ship
RFID-Initiated Shipping & Receiving
Process Transactions with No Manual Intervention

RFID (3) Interface to readers,

Middleware clean and filter data,
(Oracle AS) then pass IDs to

(4) Access objects

(1) Load of pallets and / (2) Drive load associated with the
RFID Event
or cartons with RFID through RFID ID's (e.g. LPN's on ASN)
tags on each Reader in then raise correct
Receiving Dock Business Event

(5) Access associated (6) Process the

source document Application Business Event,
(e.g. the PO’s ASN) APIs (e.g. Receipt of
pallet or carton)

Response (7) Confirm success or

(8) Putaway, rescan
& Exception failure (e.g. trigger
or divert
Handling green light or sound
Resource Utilization

Directed Picking and Put Away

Automatically Suggest Optimal Locators

Receipt Locator


Pick Locator

• Slot dynamically based • Optimize the use of

on velocity, size, etc. storage locations
• Control hazardous • Minimize inventory
materials / co-mingling fragmentation
• Handle task exceptions • Reduce chance
with reason codes of obsolescence
Inventory Utilization

Advanced Inventory Capabilities

Provide Single Source of Truth for All Inventory

• Maintain Accurate, Real-Time Information

- Physical inventory measurement
- Holding and other associated costs
- Cycle counting

• Manage Inventory Levels

- Automated replenishment
- Kanban management
- Transfers between facilities

• Support Advanced Tracking Capabilities

- Material status control
- Inventory ownership tracking
- Advanced lot and serial control
Performance Management Tools
Proactively Manage Warehouse Performance
• View current status, perform transactions and calculate
availability via Materials Workbench
• Monitor and refine facility activity via Control Board
• Provide real-time status
with active alerts and
notification messaging
• Handle last minute
changes with
workflow exceptions
• Keep key personnel
informed with multiple
reporting options
Oracle Warehouse Mgmt Solution

Enables you to…

 Support Lower Cost of Ownership

 Increase Warehouse Efficiency

 Integrate WMS Throughout the Enterprise

Comprehensive Logistics Solution
Integrated Logistics Adapts to Changes

Carriers / Global
3PLs Customers

Collaboration &
Event Management

Pack &
Book / Manage Pick &
Plan Rate Ship Track Settle
Inbound Tender Wrhs Label Outbound
Supply Demand
Source Integrated Planning & Execution Destination
Continuous On-Time Customer Carrier
Improvement Performance Satisfaction Analysis
Comprehensive Logistics Solution
Enables Cross-Functional Process Optimization

Planning Warehouse
(Plan & Monitor) Inventory (Store & Manage)

Supply /
Dynamic Matching
Stage &
Cross Dock
& Drop Ship

(Move & Track)
WMS and Manufacturing
Extends Beyond Sales Order Inputs

• Solution Integration Enables:

- Task-managed component picks
- Cross-dock to / from manufacturing
Sales Manufacturing - Directed ship from manufacturing
Orders Processes - Compliance labeling
- LPN and lot / serial creation
and tracking

• Supports Full Spectrum of Tasks:

- Simple kitting to full BOM / work
order jobs
WMS Solution - Seamless CTO flow
WMS and Service / Spares
Integrate all Inventory Transactions

Warehouse Mgmt Manage high volume DC operations (pick,

pack and ship) with WMS and leverage
internal orders to release parts to the field

Distribution Center

• Provide a single, common view of

all inventory
• Integrate and manage internal and
Regional / Field Field Technician
field inventory locations
Warehouses Stock
• Consolidate / coordinate all field
Service / Spares Mgmt requests to maximize DC efficiency
Integrated Throughout
Entire Offering…

Business Intelligence
Deliver Daily Business Intelligence
Real-Time Access to Complete Business Information

What is my inventory accuracy for all products?

What are my labor costs for each warehouse?

What are my book-to-ship and receipt-to-putaway cycle times?

How is my warehouse space utilization changing?

How are inventory turns and quantities changing?

– Objective: Set institutional targets

Manage By… – Fact: Provide performance-based metrics
– Exception: Continuously evaluate performance
Mfg & Inventory Intelligence:
Timely, Accurate, Relevant
Flexible Flexible
Time Periods Comparisons • Daily updates on key
Real-Time indicators
• Actionable
information on
Performance Links
savings and
Measures Reports incremental revenue
• At a glance:
- Inventory quantity
and turns
- Inventory accuracy
- Pick-to-ship cycle time
- Warehouse labor costs
Oracle Warehouse Management Solution

Single global instance, mobile Support Lower Cost

applications, built-in integration, of Ownership
barcode and RF capabilities

Optimized space and warehouse

utilization, improved worker Increase Warehouse
productivity, flexible process flows, Efficiency
monitoring and mgmt capabilities

Integrate WMS
Out-of-the-box integration, full
Throughout the
logistics support for all SCM flows
Oracle Warehouse Management Products
Contracts Market

Projects Sell
HR Customers, Order
Finance Products, …
Maintain Procure Management
Service Make Warehouse
Fulfill Management
Mobile Supply Chain
Logistics Intelligence
Evolution of Oracle Logistics

Base Differentiators… New in 11i.9… New in 11i.10…

• Built-in, not bolt-on - RF/mobile • VMI & consigned inventory • Configurable picking &
technology & transaction • Task & labor plng control board streamlined shipping UI’s
integration • RFID-based transactions
• Delivery consolidation by
• Flexible rules-based processes locator and / or LPN • UCC 128 / UCC 14 support
• Configurable material flows • Cluster picking & WIP picking • Work-plan based put-away
• Inbound logistics – receiving, • eAM component picking • Catch weight support
inspections, directed put-away,
cross docking, ASN • UPC & smart barcode support • Packing workbench
• Outbound logistics – dock • Single mobile UI for all • Over picking & bulk picking
assignment, pick wave receiving transactions • Inbound transport logistics
selection, picking methods, • Additional material handling • Freight payment & audit
cartonization / packing, equipment integration
shipment execution, trip & • Delivery consolidation
• Simplified rules engine def’n
delivery planning and examples library • Truckload rating
• Advanced inventory mgmt – • Load tendering • Transportation planning – load
container & LPNs, lot/serial consolidation, continuous
genealogy, status, Kanban • Online tracking of ship status moves, automated mode and
• Reverse logistics – RMA • Carrier selection & freight rating carrier selection
receiving, supplier returns, • Automated shipping processes • International drop shipments
refurbishment & recycling • Non-conformance mgmt • Logistics-related analytics/KPIs
Case Studies
• Global manufacturer of insulated food and beverage containers,
soft coolers, and lunch kits
• Live on 11i
- Warehouse Management, Order Management, Financials,
E-Business Suite On Demand
- Saved $665K in one-time and $180K in annually recurring IT costs
- On track to save $6.2M through efficiency gains for 222% ROI
- Shortened monthly close from 6 days to 2 days
“With more demanding on-time requirements, inventory accuracy is essential. With
Oracle Warehouse Management we know exactly what product we have, and where,
at any point in time and the accuracy level is so high that our auditors no longer require
us to take a physical inventory." -- Mike Yeager, Director of Logistics

 Reduced inventory by $300K, expects to cut an additional $600K

 Raised warehouse labor productivity by 15%, expects to reach 29%
• Manufacturer, sells and distributes quality informal tableware,
cookware and mugs
- Headquartered in the UK with operations in Europe, North
America, Australia, Asia,

• Live on 11i
- Warehouse Management, Procurement, Financials, Human
- Chose Oracle WMS to streamline supply chain execution from
manufacturing to shipment
- Goal: achieve 100% paperless warehouse

 Increased small order picking productivity by 200-300%

 Ship 30% more product without an increase in headcount
 Increased inventory accuracy to over 99%
Oracle Warehouse Management

Support Lower Total Cost of Ownership

Increase Warehouse Efficiency

Integrate WMS Throughout the Enterprise

Thank You!

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