The first step towards writing a literature review would be to select some already published
literature works on a particular subject. For example, if you have selected literature as your
subject, where you can choose a novel, short story or essay as your area of study. Once you do
this, the next step would be to collect all the research material that has already been done by
experts of the subject. You need not stick only to books for collecting information, rather you
can also make use of the facilities offered by the Internet, where you can find all the information
you want. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that all information that you have gathered
are relevant as well as reliable.
Before writing the literature review, read every piece of literature related to your subject. It is
important to acquire detailed information about every aspect of that particular subject. Once you
feel that you have understood it very well, it is time to put your analysis on paper. Your review
paper should be an amalgamation of the summary and critical review of related literature.
The literature review should first summarize whatever knowledge you have gathered from the
existing literature reviews. Followed by this would be the critical evaluation that you have done.
This part should not include what other's have said about the particular subject, but your point of
view. It should reflect your perspective and what you think about it. One should remember that
every paragraph in the literature review should relate to the thesis statement given at the
While writing the literature review, one can mention some related literature reviews to explain or
prove a point of view. However, it is important to acknowledge the fact that you have borrowed
the idea from someone else. This is called documentation and an important part of literature
review. The documentation method that you would have to follow could be different in different
institutions. You may be asked to follow the APA style or the MLA style, according to which
you have to prepare the bibliography and other required documentation.
Writing a literature review is a way of developing critical thinking skills. Knowing the literature
review format well would definitely aid you in arranging the acquired information in an
organized manner.
By Deepa Kartha