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College of Office Administration and Business Teacher Education


Quezon City




Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado

Bachelor in Business Teacher Education

Assigned to:
Lagro High School
Flores de Mayo St. Greater Lagro, Quezon City

S.Y. 2010-2011

Submitted to:
Prof. Sheryl Morales

March 2011

Approval Sheet



Prayer for Teachers

I. Introduction

II. Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Profile






Organizational Structure

III. Lagro High School Profile




Lagro High School Organizational Chart

Technology and Livelihood Education Organizational Chart

School Location (Map)

IV. Final Demonstration Plan

V. Brief Synopsis of Professional Readings

- References/Guidelines in Student Teaching


VI. Local – Articles, Memos, Journal, ICT memo, learning approaches

VII. Professional Development Plan/Career Plan

VIII. Narrative Report

IX. Current Issues in Education

X. Curriculum Vitae

XI. Attachments

A. Picture

B. Daily Lesson Plan

C. Daily Time Record

D. Daily Schedule

E. Test and Exams

F. Evaluation Sheet
College of Office Administration and Business Teacher Education

Teacher Education
Quezon City

Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor in

Business Teacher Education, this special project is entitled; “Practice Teaching
Portfolio” has been prepared and submitted by Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado for

Prof. Sheryl Morales


Approved with the grade of ________


With great pleasure, I wish to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all the

people who helped and cooperated in the preparation and completion of this portfolio.

To my respectable professors, Prof. Marilyn F. Isip and Prof. Sheryl Morales for their

assistance and guidance in the preparation of the content of this portfolio.

To my family members for their support and understanding, this also serves as my


To my dear students who give me a meaningful time everyday I went to school to teach


To my classmates and friends who also expressed their support and advice.

And above all, to our Almighty God who guides and gives me strength to over come

different challenges in my practicum days.

I extend my sincerest thank you and appreciation.


I dedicate this portfolio to my much-loved mother who give her full support, patience,

understanding and most of all her love that give me strength to finish this and be inspired

everyday in my life.

To my loved ones, who served as my inspiration to do this compilation and also for their

full support.

And to all Bachelor in Business Teacher Education students of Polytechnic University of

the Philippines, who will use this portfolio as their guide and reference.

Dear God, thank you for everyday you have given to me.

Please guide me in my teaching as well as my students.

Give me more wisdom and patience.

I want to share my knowledge to my students

And teach them how to grow with worth…

To inspire them everyday,

And to face each challenges in their lives.

Oh, Lord God. Be my strength,

For me to do my part in this mission.

To lead them in a right pathway

And light their minds with understanding.

So I will feel triumph in my life as their teacher.

I ask this through Christ our lord,


One of the final actions that an education major must complete to attain a degree is

student teaching. This is usually completed under the supervision of an experienced teacher in a

classroom setting. During this period, the student teacher is exposed to school climate, student

behavior, curriculum development, instructional methods, grading systems, etc.

Student teaching is important for soon-to-be teachers, and they should make the most of

their experience, trying to learn as much as they possibly can from the experienced teacher.

Experienced teachers possess a wealth of information available to student teachers. These more

experienced teachers are there to help the student teacher through some of the issues that will

occur during the student-teaching period, and inevitably, this advice and these experiences will

help a student through the challenges of their first year in the classroom.

For student teachers, this period is generally very similar to an internship, but it is one

that is really hands-on where individuals get to experience the role of teacher as they have never

before. Yes, these individuals have sat through class after class, but nothing like student teaching

will prepare one for the rigors of the teaching profession.

The student teaching experience provides teacher candidates with the chance to practice

recently learned instruction and classroom management techniques, while receiving feedback

from the cooperating teacher and university supervisor. While sometimes the feedback can be

hard to take, it is important to keep an open mind.

Some student teachers do well from the start and their supervisor or cooperating teacher

may not have any real criticism to offer. While that may seem like a positive situation, it really

robs the student teacher of the opportunity for continued growth. If the supervisor or cooperating

teacher is only complimentary, thank them, but ask for suggestions about what to work on next,

or which other professional development resources might be helpful for ongoing improvement.

The student teaching experience provides an opportunity for practice, personalized

feedback, and professional growth. Students teachers will learn the most from their teaching

evaluations if they approach them with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

As a State University, the PUP believes that education is an instrument for the

development of the citizenry and for the enhancement of nation building. It believes that the

meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best achieved in an atmosphere of

brotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented education imbued with the spirit

of humanist internationalism.


Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at providing

appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the citizens,

and of the national economy to become globally competitive, the University shall commit its

academic resources and manpower to achieve its goals through:

1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which meet international standards of

quality and excellence;

2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and

responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment;

3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education opportunities to deserving and

qualified Filipinos; and

4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social, institutional, and individual

returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education resources.

The mission of PUP in the 21st century is to provide the highest quality of comprehensive

and global education and community services accessible to all students, Filipinos and foreigners


It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are responsive to the

changing needs of the students to enable them to lead productive and meaningful lives.

PUP shall maintain its traditional mission based on its founding philosophy and at the

same time propose additional changes that will greatly enhance the realization of this mission in

the context of a global society. Therefore, on the strength of the PUP philosophy, the University

commits itself to:

1. Democratize access to educational opportunities;

2. Promote science and technology consciousness and develop relevant expertise

and competence among all members of the academic stressing their importance in

building a truly independent and sovereign Philippines;

3. Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth and its defense, as

well as the advancement of moral and spiritual values;

4. Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural heritage;

5. Develop in the students and faculty the values of self-discipline, love of country

and social consciousness and the need to defend human rights;

6. Provide its students and faculty with a liberal arts-based education essential to a

broader understanding and appreciation of life and to the total development of the


7. Make the students and faculty aware of technological, social as well as political

and economic problems and encourage them to contribute to the realization of

nationalist industrialization and economic development of the country;

8. Use and propagate the National Language and other Philippine languages, and

develop proficiency in English and other foreign languages required by the

student’s field of specialization;

9. Promote intellectual leadership and sustain a humane and technologically

advanced academic community where people of diverse ideologies work and

learn together to attain academic research excellence in a continually changing

world; and

10. Build learning community in touch with the main currents of political, economic

and cultural life throughout the world; a community enriched by the presence of a

significant number of international students; and a community supported by new

technologies and facilities for active participation in the creation and use of

information and knowledge on a global scale.

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines envisions itself as a pre-eminent national

and international leader in higher education and an innovative global powerhouse of quality and

relevant education, dedicated to educating tomorrow’s leaders and scholars through the highest

quality learning experiences and growth in instruction, research and service to our country and

the international community.

10-Point Vision Towards a Total University

1. Foster high quality campus environment;

2. Strategize and institutionalize income-generating projects;

3. Strengthen research, publications and creative works;

4. Model quality management and fiscal responsibility;

5. Improve sense of community involvement and linkages;

6. Institutionalize principles of academic freedom and responsibility;

7. Promote academic excellence in student/faculty performance nationally and


8. Nurture and enrich cultural heritage;

9. Integrate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with instruction, research,

service and production; and

10. Evolve wholesome living and working environment for faculty, employees and students.


The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Filipino: Politeknikong Unibersidad ng
Pilipinas) commonly known as PUP is a state university in the Philippines. It was founded on
October 19, 1904 as the Manila Business School, offering commerce-related courses. The
university offers graduate and undergraduate degrees in accountancy, engineering, political
science, social science, business, arts, agriculture, media and communication and associate
programs. The University is among the leading universities in the Philippines.

The main campus is located at Santa Mesa, Manila, along the Pasig River. The PUP
Manila consists of three sub-campuses named Mabini, NDC and M.H. del Pilar. The house
where Mabini died is now located in the campus of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
The simple nipa house retains the original furniture, and some of the books he wrote, and also
contains souvenir items, while hosting the municipal library and reading facilities, hence, the
main campus is named after Mabini. Some campuses are located on the other side of the
metropolis and the rest are located across the country. The Polytechnic University of the
Philippines System is among the state universities in the Philippines with the lowest tuition.

Take a journey to the University's humble beginnings as it started being a business school.

In response to the demand for training personnel for the government service and to the felt need
to provide skills essential for private business employment, the Manila Business School (MBS)
was founded on October 1904 as part of a City School system under the superintendence of CA

It offered the prescribed intermediate curriculum and such vocational-technical courses as

typing, bookkeeping, stenography, and telegraphy.

On account of the fact that the great majority of its students came from the province, the MBS
was made into an Insular (or national) school and accordingly renamed Philippine School of
Commerce (PSC). At first, the intermediate curriculum was prescribed in addition to subjects
such as typewriting, bookkeeping, and stenography. Afterwards a four-year secondary course in
commerce was offered in addition to the courses in Bookkeeping, Stenography, Typewriting and

The PSC was placed again under the supervision of the Superintendent of City Schools for
Administrative purposes only, but retained its status as an Insular school. The PSC produced its
first batch of high school graduates. During this year the course in telegraphy was discontinued
since the Telegraph School of the Bureau of Posts offered better facilities.

The PSC offered a one-year course in Stenography for high school graduates. The course proved
to be successful and popular because of its positive results. Those who took the course got easily
employed as stenographers and later as office managers.

To keep in step with changing conditions, the PSC started revising its courses of study. Under
the leadership of Acting Principal Luis F. Reyes, it continually raised its general requisites. To
enable young people employed during the daytime to acquire further training, it opened night
classes (These classes would be discontinued in 1932 because of the government's retrenchment

From 1904, the PSC has known several homes: an old Spanish building located at the foot of a
small bridge at San Rafael Street, near the Mapa High School to an old house at the corner at
Dulungbayan Street (now Rizal Avenue) and Dolores Street (now Bustos Street), Santa Cruz,
Manila. Two years later, it was transferred to Gunao Street, corner Arlegui in Quiapo, in the
building which now housed the Manila Blue Printing. At the end of another two years, it found
itself in a building in General Solano Street, San Miguel, formerly occupied by the Bureau of
Audits and the Philippine Senate where it had the consolation of staying for four years. A
building behind the San Miguel Church was its next destination where it stayed for about twelve
years. Then back to the Gen. Solano Building. In this last place, it remained for seven years up
to 1933.

The PSC was merged with the Philippine Normal School (PNS) and the Philippine School of
Arts and Trades. During the merger, which lasted for 12 years, it operated under the supervision
and administration of the PNS Superintendent. The PSC students who completed their respective
courses were considered graduates of the PNS. The PSC replaced its secondary curriculum with
a two-year junior college curriculum.

The existence of PSC caught the attention of then President Manuel L. Quezon. In his
graduation address at the Rizal Memorial Stadium on March 26, 1940, he said in part (addressing
the graduates of the School of Commerce):

"I can tell you why you are forgotten on these occasions. It is because you do not belong here...
I will do my best to get the National Assembly to set aside a special appropriation for a building
for the School of Commerce, so that graduates of this school will henceforth be where they can
be noticed."

Subsequently, then Congressman Manuel A. Alazarte, with then department head Luis F. Reyes,
formulated a bill to this effect and was presented to Congress. Unfortunately the Pacific War
broke out. The plan was not carried out.

During the war years, the PSC was among those institutions of learning compelled to declare a
blackout on culture.

Shortly after liberation, Superintendent Luis F. Reyes resumed tasks for the re-establishment and
rehabilitation of the school. The appeal was returned with more than eight thousand pesos
allocation received from the national funds of the Bureau of Public Works for purposes of repairs
and maintenance of public buildings.

The ruins of the Normal Hall building was turned into an improvised house of learning and on
August 4, 1946, it was able to open formally regular classes to surprisingly eager students. The
PSC offered one-year and two-year courses in retailing merchandising and a complete four-year
course in distributive arts education.

Meanwhile, the PNS found it necessary to use the Normal Hall building as a dormitory. PSC, in
turn, resigned to its lot of again working in humble crowded rooms. This drove school
authorities to seek remedies for this unbearable situation. Representations were made to the
Philippine Alien Property Administrator, through Malacañang and the Department of Foreign
Affairs, for the acquisition of the Lepanto site.

Such representations were so intensified that on July 31, 1947 the two buildings in Lepanto (now
S.H. Loyola) Street in Sampaloc, Manila were turned over to the Philippine Government for the
exclusive use of the PSC. The School began to move and on August 4 the official transfer was

Luis F. Reyes was appointed PSC Superintendent.

The PSC acquired the P.E. grounds, also on S.H. Loyola Street.

Republic Act No. 415 was passed, providing for the establishment of teacher-training
departments in government schools. The PSC was one of the beneficiaries of the said Act.

Three departments were organized: Teacher Training, Business Education, and Research.

When the Philippine Educational System celebrated its Golden Jubilee, the PSC was awarded a
plaque in recognition of its achievement "for bold and successful pioneering in vocational
business education."

This period covers the time where the business school became a college whose main thrust is in

Through Republic Act (RA) 778 passed by both houses of Congress on May 20, 1952 and signed
by then Philippine President Elpidio Quirino on June 21, 1952, the PSC was converted into the
Philippine College of Commerce (PCC), with Luis F. Reyes as its first president. The PCC
broadened its program offerings with the inclusion of undergraduate courses in commerce and
related fields.

Through Republic Act (RA) 778 passed by both houses of Congress on May 20, 1952 and signed
by then Philippine President Elpidio Quirino on June 21, 1952, the PSC was converted into the
Philippine College of Commerce (PCC), with Luis F. Reyes as its first president. The PCC
broadened its program offerings with the inclusion of undergraduate courses in commerce and
related fields.Top of Form

This Institution celebrated its Golden Jubilee.

For its "dynamic leadership in vocational business education", the PCC was conferred by the
Business Writers Association of the Philippines the title of "Business College of the Year."

The Annex Building (also in S.H. Loyola St.), which had housed the Congress of the Philippines,
was officially turned over to PCC.

When Reyes retired, Prof. Pacifico A. Velilla took over the PCC presidency.

Atty. Victor dela Torre was designated Acting College President.

Immediately after assuming the presidency, Dr. Nemesio E. Prudente established an Advisory
Committee for the President, a CPA review class, a scholarship committee, and a codified set of
rules and regulations for the College.

The College Code was printed, the Public Relations Program established, and the first issue of
the PCC Faculty Journal published. Other initiatives taken during that school year include:
 Inclusion of more liberal arts courses in the curriculum;
 Establishment of the Book Bank and the Student Loan Fund;
 Elevation of high school teachers to the rank of Assistant Instructor; and
 Establishment of the Junior Executive Training Program.
Through Pres. Diosdado Macapagal's proclamation, the Pandacan site of the Bureau of Animal
Industry was reserved for PCC's use. The student assistantship program was instituted and a
system of financial aid was introduced. Instructors with masteral and doctoral degrees were, as a
matter of policy, automatically promoted to Assistant Professor 1 and Assistant Professor 2,

Important developments during that school year include:
 The reservation, through Pres. Ferdinand Marcos' declaration, of a 10-hectare lot in
Bicutan, Taguig for PCC use;
 The adoption of a policy of student involvement in PCC's official functions;
 Revision of courses of study; and
 Enrichment of the traditional vocational course with more liberal arts and cultural courses
aimed at the PCC students' holistic education as well as the reinforcement of classroom
learning with varied co-curricular activities.

The development of the preceding school year led to the rise of social consciousness among the
PCC constituents and to the revision of the college charter by the passage of RA No. 6980
authorizing the offering of courses in the social sciences related to business education. Besides,
the Sta. Mesa (A. Mabini) Campus was assigned for the use and disposition of the PCC. Also,
the titles of the lots on S.H. Loyola St. were awarded to PCC through congressional legislation.

Initiatives included the following:
 Appointment of the president of the Supreme Student Council as member of the Board of
Trustees (now Board of Regents);
 Offering of the following in lieu of the two-year basic commercial course: Bachelor of
Arts, Master of Arts, and Master of Business Administration; and
 Securing the exemption of PCC personnel from civil service rules and regulation as well
as from the application of the Wage and Position Classification Office (WAPCO) criteria.
 Short-term courses in Electronic Data Processing (EDP) were offered under the Faculty
of Accountancy.

Among the important developments were:
 Revision of the College Code;
 Transfer of the Laboratory High School from S.H. Loyola Campus to A. Mabini Campus;
 Creation of the Katipunan Foundation, Inc.

The institution's transformation from a college into a university happened during these period.
When martial law was declared, Dr. Narciso Albaraccin, Jr. was designated Officer-in-Charge
(OIC), with Dr. Pablo T. Mateo, Jr. as Performance Officer. Among the changes under
Albaraccin were:
 Abolition of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences;
 Introduction of several new courses, including technology and occupational education;
 Reorganization of different Faculties; and
 Offering of a five-year curriculum in Accounting.

Dr. Isabelo T. Crisostomo succeeded Albaraccin as OIC.

The following developments came in the wake of Dr. Crisostomo's appointment as Acting
• Offering of Bachelor of Business Administration and General Administration;
• Completion of phase 1 of the gymnasium;
• Establishment of the Center for Skills and Rural Industries Development (CSRID), which
was designed to give out-of-school youths skill training for gainful employment and in
the production of export products using indigenous raw materials in their communities;
• Construction of the marble pylon and the Mabini Circle; and
• Creation of a unit to handle short courses in Electronic Data Processing (EDP).

The PCC opened its branch in the Bataan Export Processing Zone (BEPZ), Mariveles, Bataan.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) was reestablished, the Master of Public Administration
(MPA) and the Master in Economics (ME) programs were added in the Graduate School, and the
various offices were re-structured.

After Dr. Mateo became president in May 1977, the ladder program was expanded to all degree
courses; 13 additional degree courses using the ladder approach were introduced. The "techno-
business" curriculum was developed, and introduced were adult business education and non-
degree courses in business/distributive arts.

Through Presidential Decree (PD) 1341, PCC was converted into a chartered state university and
accordingly renamed Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP). This led to the
broadening of course offerings and the restructure/streamlining of the University's administrative

Among the accomplishments of this period were:
 Face-lifting of A. Mabini Campus through construction of the main library, the
University canteen, the ecumenical chapel (Interfaith Chapel), and the 3rd, 4th, and
portion of the 5th floors of the XYZ building (Main building in Mabini Campus);
 Establishment of a branch in Lopez, Quezon (June 1979);
 Revision of undergraduate curricular programs;
 Establishment of consortia with the Construction Industry Board for the Opening of
Master in Applied Statistics, the Philippine Normal College for the conduct of teacher
education courses in PUP Lopez, and La Consolacion College for a program in
 Expansion of graduate programs to include masteral programs in Public Administration
(MPA), Public and Business Administration (MPBA), Economics (ME), Accountancy
(MAC), as well as doctoral programs in Public Administration (DPA) and Business
Administration (DBA);
 Creation of the Institute of Technology;
 Introduction of ladderized baccalaureate courses in Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant
Management, Office Administration, Government Accounting, and Library Science; and
 Start of the PUP Review Center (Summer 1981).
 The EDP/Computer Data Processing Management (CDPM) unit was created under the
Faculty of Business and Cooperatives. It started to offer a four-year ladderized course,
known as Bachelor in Computer Data Processing Management (BCDPM).

In spite of the country's economic difficulties, PUP's 71 ladderized technical and professional
programs continued to be viable. There were significant accomplishments like:
 Introduction of Bachelor of Human Behavior Technology (BHBT) under the FAS;
 Inclusion of a course in computers in all degree programs;
 Revival of the PUP Student Council, drafting of its Constitution and By-Laws by the
Student Constitutional Convention and the ratification of this by the studentry; and
 Consortium with the NMPC as well as international linkages through PASUC-Texas
Consortium, the Association of Asian Institutes of Higher Learning, the Regional
Institute for Higher Educational Development, the International Association of
Universities, and the UNESCO.

The University underwent reorganization. It adopted the "cluster colleges" set-up, where each
college prepared the program and supervised all the subjects required in the degree program
offered in the college. It set up a University Center for Technological Research, the function of
which was to conduct research and produce inventions/innovations in technology areas most
needed by the communities served by PUP. For lack of sufficient rooms, laboratories, and
related facilities, the University considered the completion of the 5th floor of the XYZ-Main
Academic Building a top priority in its infrastructure program.

The PUP also established a tie-up with the University of Life in the training of trainors/project
managers needed in the KKK program, as well as with the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of
Local Government and Community Development, and the NACIDA in these agencies'
continuing training program to upgrade their personnel.
That school year was an uneasy one...

This period brought about a dramatic change in the University firming its commitment to the role
of education as an equalizing factor.

In April 1986, the PUP presidency was reassumed by Dr. Nemesio E. Prudente, who has seen
university education as an equalizing instrument that would enable the children of the
economically disadvantaged to climb up the ladder of society - and to counterbalance the
dominating influence of the affluent few in the nation's day-to-day affairs as well as help greatly
in charting its long-term destiny.

Dr. Prudente had the PUP philosophy, mission, and strategies formulated by a multi-sectoral
committee; a new PUP logo designed; a new PUP hymn composed; and the
administrative/academic organization restructured. This led to the renaming/raising of the
following departments of the University:

Electronic Data Processing (an area in the College of Computer Management and
College of Business) Information Technology (CCMIT)
Institute of Hotel and Restaurant Management College of Hotel and Restaurant Management /
Food Science and Technology (CHRMFST)
Physical Education and Sports College of Physical Education and Sports
Institute of Economics, Banking, and Finance College of Economics and Politics (CEP)
Institute of Technology College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA)

It also led to the creation of the College of Languages and Mass Communications (CLMC), the
Institute of Social History (ISH), and the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (ILIR).

New graduate programs were introduced:

 Master in Industrial Engineering and Management (MIEM),

 Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP), and
 Master in Educational Management (MEM).

Aside from this, the nontraditional masteral programs in Business Administration were
In PUP Manila, the Community Relations Office was created under the Public Affairs Office and
the community outreach programs of the branches were strengthened.

University governance was democratized. The Academic Council was expanded to include not
only full professors but associate and assistant professors as well. The open-door policy was
institutionalized, the University Code revised, and the PUP Five-Year Development Plan (1987-
1992) drafted.

The University increased enrollment at all levels as well as the number of scholarships and
financial aid grants; it also offered short-term technical-vocational courses and maintained its
laboratory high school.

The University improved its instructional, co-curricular, and administrative facilities; it also
acquired more and bigger campuses.

Trends, the institution's official professional journal of ideas was revived.

The developments during this school year include:
 Recognition of KAWANI, an employee's union;
 Offering in Doctor in Educational Management (DEM), Master in Physical Education,
Dance, and Recreation (MPEDR), and Master in Psychology (MAP);
 Purchase of Hasmin Hostel in Sta. Mesa;
 Initial offering of PUP Maragondon of baccalaureate programs in Accountancy, Business
Education, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and
Electrical Engineering;
 Offering at PUP Manila of new baccalaureate programs in Mathematics, Applied
Sociology, Advertising and PR, Transportation Management, Information Technology,
Political Economy, Internal Trade Management, Political Science, Public Administration,
Architecture, Chemical Engineering, and Filipino;
 Initial offering by PUP BEPZ / Bataan of baccalaureate programs in Mechanical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Electronics and Communications
Engineering, and Computer Data Processing Management (BCDPM);
 Initial offering by PUP Lopez of BCDPM;
 Strengthening of the University's technical-vocational programs in Manila, Maragondon
(Cavite), and Unisan (Quezon);
 Appointment of Prof. Ofelia M. Carague to the SGV Professional Chair in Computer
Science Output;
 Improvement of physical facilities in PUP Manila and its branches;
 Enhanced co-curricular programs, upsurge in cultural activities, and maintenance of a
dynamic physical education and sports program, including retention of overall
championships in the SCUAA (State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association) and
 Implementation of national government circulars effecting salary adjustments based on
 Sending of personnel, on official time, to seminars / workshops and conferences outside
the University;
 Granting of scholarships to incoming freshmen who were editors-in-chief or journalists
of the year while in high school;
 Revival of Memorabilia, the official yearbook of graduating students;
 Increase of faculty / student newsletters;
 The degree Bachelor in Information Technology (BIT) was offered;
 Establishment of the University Center for Human Rights Education (UCHURE); and
 Improved physical set-up / acquisition of more facilities for the PUP Printing Press.

The Administration stepped up efforts to develop the physical facilities for PUP Manila and the
branches. It also followed up the acquisition of the 10-hectare lot of the National Development
Company which is adjacent to the University's A. Mabini Campus in Sta. Mesa, Manila. It
likewise followed up bills in Congress, such as those...

1. Seeking to grant faculty members and students participation in University decision-

making as full-pledge members of their school's Board of Regents and Trustees;
2. Granting financial autonomy to state universities and colleges;
3. Establishing PUP extensions / branches in Taguig (Metro Manila), Romblon, and
Masbate; and
4. Establishing a national mass communications center in PUP Manila.

The University established centers and institution for special studies with their respective
academic journals as well as consortia, linkages, and joint projects with local and international
agencies. It implemented its yearly evaluation and merit promotion scheme for the faculty and
administrative staffs. And it conferred doctoral degrees, honoris casua, to four prominent

Other developments:

 Offering of a graduate extension program in PUP BEPZ;

 Offering of more nontraditional courses
 Adoption of the policy requiring a masteral degree for a faculty member to qualify for
permanent position;
 Getting by PUP graduates of a passing mark of 81.5% in Licensure Examination for
Nutritionists / Dieticians, which was twice the national passing mark of 40.5%;
 Offering of refresher courses by College of Accountancy (CA) and the College of
Engineering and Architecture (CEA) to prepare PUP students for board examinations;
 Printing of more publications, such as Trends, Bisig, Journal of Economics and Politics,
Journal of Social History, PUP Profiles, PUP Campus Observer, and the Graduate Forum.

PUP continued to dominate the SCUAA and the PICUAA. The PUP Banda Kawayan was made
the official entertainer of the Philippine Pavilion Hotel during the opening of the World
Exposition '88 in Brisbane, Australia, and the Bagong Himig again emerged as the champion in
the national choral singing competition.

The PUP Graduate School introduced a nontraditional program to the degree of Master in

PUP Manila started to offer traditional baccalaureate degree programs in Sociology, Political
Science, and Cooperatives. PUP Lopez, on the other hand, introduced two additional courses:
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.
The Board of Regents approved the offering of Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of
Science in Criminology, Bachelor of Science in Forestry, Forest Ranger Certificate, and Diploma
in Fisheries Technology.

The University, furthermore, continued to explore the "Open University" concept. It also started
to develop the 17-hectare campus in Taguig, Metro Manila.

The University conferred an honorary doctorate in Public Administration on former Pres.

Diosdado Macapagal and in Arts and Letters on Prof. Renato Constantino, Sr.

Faculty members teaching the same subjects were required to use a common syllabus, for this
would facilitate departmentalization of final examinations, particularly in the basic subjects.

The University Textbook Board was established.

The University adopted the policy that only students who pas the qualifying examinations in the
third year of the particular specialization may continue to enroll in courses with board / licensure

Also established were Professional Chairs in Political Economy, Banking and Finance,
Computer Science, Engineering, and Marketing, as well as the Research Institute for Politics and
Economics (RIPE) and the Center for International Relations (CIR).

The University got elevated to level one status, which meant, among other things, higher salary
rates for University personnel.

It was also able to complete the P.E. Bldg. on A. Mabini Campus, the Graduate School Bldg. at
M.H. del Pilar Campus, and a two-storey building in PUP Lopez. It rehabilitated the old PNB
Bldg. for the use of PUP Bataan.

The initiatives of the University in School Year 1990-1991 include the following:
 Establishment of the "Open University" or Pamantasang Bayan of degree and non-degree
programs in San Pedro (Laguna), Calaca (Batangas), Lopez (Quezon), Mulanay
(Quezon), Lagro Subdivision (Quezon City), and Parañaque (Metro Manila)
 Granting of professorial chairs to duly selected accomplished professionals as follows:
Political Economy, Hector R. Villanueva; Banking and Finance, Antonio P. Gatmaitan;
Computer Education, Hector M. Morada; and Marketing / Advertising, Leonardo Garcia
 Retention of overall championship in both the SCUAA and PICUAA
 Assigning of the Student Union Hall, as well as certain rooms in the Main Academic
Building, to the Central Student Council and the accredited organizations under its
coordination, the cultural groups, and the staffs of major student publications
 Completion of the construction of the new University Library Building
 Continuation of construction of the CEA Building
 Offering of non-formal education, medical services, sports training, and values formation
to 51 street children in the Sta. Mesa area.
 Signing with the Dept. of National Defense of a Memorandum Of Agreement (MOA)
which stipulates respect for the sanctity of the University Campus, its academic freedom
and autonomy as well as detailing procedural agreements on police / military University
 Entering into an industry-education linkage program agreement with the Philippine
Computer Society for the furtherance of the development of Information Technology
through Practicum, faculty assistance, office/plant visits, and training center use.
 Signing with the Dept. of Justice of a MOA for the offering of a nontraditional graduate
program in Human Behavior Technology.
 Appointment of the University as training center for ATS CAD/CAI software.
 Signing of a MOA with the Philippine National Historical Society for the growth of a
nationalist historiography and for the use of disciplines to clarify current social and
national issues.
 Conduct of a summer EDP training for public elementary and high school principals in
Metro Manila (in collaboration with the PSUCCESS)
 Setting up (through the COABTE) of a summer seminar on Court Stenography for
stenographers of the House of Representatives.
 Entering into an agreement with the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR) that it shall take active role in developing and conserving environment and
natural resources, specially at Mounts Palaypay and Mataas na Gulod in Maragondon,
 Introduction of a baccalaureate degree program in Entrepreneurial Management.
 Signing of a MOA with the Philippine Historical Society, which stipulates that both
entities work for the development of the proposed AB in Philippine History course as
well as sponsor the first national conference on Urban History and lecture series on
History and Social Problems
 Institution of several computerization projects

To keep pace with changing conditions, the University underwent continuous change in this
period. This is where the first lady president of the University was appointed and the first
University president to undergo a selection.

Important events that took place in that year:
 Establishment of the Research Center for Peace, Justice, and Democracy.
 Setting of special make-up classes in English
 Inauguration of the new four-storey three-wing University Library.
 Granting of teaching and research chairs in Management by the Personnel Management
Association of the Philippines.
 Publication of five Open University modules, Sinag of the CAS, IC Balita, Student
Handbook, LBEC Handbook, RIPE monographs, STRDC monographs.
 Signing of MOA with Palawan National Agricultural College, Quirino State College, and
University of Southeastern Philippines for the offering by the University of Master of
Educational Management.
 Offering by the Pamantasang Bayan of vocational / technical and baccalaureate programs
in 25 municipalities.
 Signing of MOA with Bataan Shipyard and Engineering College, Inc., which agreed to
become a training station of the College of Engineering, PUP Bataan.
 Start of construction of Mass Communications Center of the Philippines Building.
 Retirement of Dr. Nemesio E. Prudente, designation of Dr. Zenaida A. Olonan as Officer-
 Appointment of Dr. Jaime Gellor as Acting President (April 3 - July 3, 1992), which
created confusion.
 Appointment of Dr. Zenaida A. Olonan as first lady President of the PUP.

The PUPWebSite Project began.

This is the first insignia used for this site. It began as a feasibility project of a group of computer
students who named themselves as the Abyss Creative Group

On October 11, 1997, Pres. Fidel V. Ramos conferred his support for the computerization project
of the University.

The former Bachelor in Information Technology (BIT) was revised as Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science (BSCS) while the Bachelor in Computer Data Processing and Management
(BCDPM) was improved and became Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT).
The PUPWebSite Project was changed to PUPWebSite and it served as the official Internet site
of the University. It formally launched on January 27, 1998 in

On August 1998: Pres. Joseph Estrada visited PUP during its "Linggo ng Wika" Celebration.
During that time, his Excellency conferred his support for the construction of the Information
Technology Center of the University.

November 13, 1999: Dr. Ofelia M. Carague was appointed as the 10th President of the
University and the first to undergo Republic Act 8292 (or the Higher Education Modernization
Act), wherein the selection was made through a committee

The University celebrated its 95th Foundation Anniversary with the theme: "Sandaang Taon
Para Sa Pilipino, Panimulang Pagdiriwang" (One Hundred Years for the Filipino, The Beginning
of the Celebration). This is the first of five countdown celebrations to the University's

The computerization program of the University was made into reality. This is spearheaded with
the creation of new offices - the PUP Information Linkages Systems (PUPILS, headed by Prof.
Rosicar E. Escober) and PUP Information Technology Center (PUP IT Center, headed by Prof.
Mely R. Luya).

A transition point as the University heads for the future, grasps new and emerging technologies,
and prepares itself to become globally competitive.

April 2000: PUP Information Technology Center started its operation with Prof. Mely R. Luya as
the director. Later that year, it changed its name to Information and Communications
Technology Center (PUP ICT Center).

February 2000: The University was conferred by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
as a Center of Development for Excellence (CODE) in Information Technology.
March 2000: PUP was designated by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) as a
Virtual Center for Technology Innovation in Information Technology (VCTI-IT) and during the
Year-End Commencement Exercise, PUP was declared an Information Technology Zone.

June 2000: The Master of Science in Information Technology program began with Prof. Rosicar
E. Escober as the chairperson.

On June 30, PUP ICT Center was declared as a Microsoft Certified Government Technology
Education Center (GTEC).

PUP celebrated its 96th Foundation Anniversary with the theme: "PUP @ 96: Knowledge
Connectivity to e-Economy."

Important developments during this year include:
 Generally, for the period 1998-2001, 45 major projects and 31 minor projects were
accomplished, unprecedented physical developments so far in PUP. Among these
infrastructure projects includes the CLMC Building and Theater, Student Center,
Laboratory High School Building, Interfaith Chapel, Grandstand, Gymnasium and
Swimming Pool, and PUP ICT Center Phase 1 and 2;
 Almost all the programs of the academic units of this University have been submitted for
accreditation. Four (4) programs have gone through a formal survey and sixteen (16)
programs went through the first survey to achieve the enhanced accredited status towards
accreditation level 3. In fact, it ranked third in the Top 10 SUC’s with the most number of
reaccredited (Level 2) programs which totaled to nine (9) programs. Consequently, it
ranked first in the top 12 State Universities and Colleges with the most number of
accredited (Level 2) programs which totaled to fifteen (15) programs;
 The performance of PUP graduates in Professional/Licensure Examinations in the fields
of Accounting, Architecture, Chemistry, Education, Engineering and Nutrition and
Dietetics have showed noteworthy results;
 Twenty (20) modules were reviewed, edited and evaluated and were all recommended for
student use;
 Curricular offerings of seventy-three (73) programs have been revised, and have passed
through the scrutiny of the Curriculum Evaluation Committees (CECs) in the
Department, College and University levels;
 New colleges have been created: The College of Law, College of Communication,
College of Nutrition and Food Science, College of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant
Management, College of Architecture and Fine Arts, and the College of Languages and
 New programs have been approved: The Bachelor in Public Administration and
Governance of the College of Economics, Finance and Politics and Master in Library and
Information Science;
 New subjects/courses were added into the various curricula to meet the demands of the
changing times, especially in the fields of communications, engineering and other
 The PUP through the CNTSP-ETEEAP is still one of only three (3) universities that were
able to institutionalize and implement the ETEEAP despite absence of budgetary support
from the CHED;
 A new program in the Commonwealth campus was opened - Bachelor of Science in
Entrepreneurial Management;
 The Graduate School successfully participated in the implementation of e-linked graduate
courses with UP, PNU and EAC;
 Students and faculty have actively involved themselves in various personal/professional
developments e.g. graduate school, conferences, trainings, etc.;
 Linkages to national and international entities and organizations have widened e.g.
participation to national and international conferences, national and international
networks and grant to PUP faculty of scholarships abroad.
 Implemented ATM Payroll System;
 Modernized offices in the Mabini Campus;
 Processed 891 special scholars under President GMA Scholarship Program;
 Implemented Information Systems for key operations such as human resource,
enrollment, students, and payroll;
 Through proper financial management, economic support was extended to the whole PUP
Community, first time ever in the history of the University;

PUP celebrated its 97th Foundation Anniversary with the theme: "PUP: Kabalikat ng
Pamahalaan sa Pag-aangat ng Antas ng Buhay ng mga Mamamayan" (PUP: Together with the
Government in Uplifting the Lives of the People)

Dr. Ofelia M. Carague completed her term as University President on April 20, 2003. Through
Board Resolution No. 202, Dr. Samuel M. Salvador was designated as Officer-in-Charge.

The offering of AB Theater Arts for school year 2003-2004 was unanimously approved by the
Board of Regents.
Consistent to existing Civil Service Rules and the PUP Merit System for Faculty and Academic
Staff, 176 faculty members and 30 administrative staff were promoted one step higher in rank,
and 36 faculty members and 7 administrative employee enjoyed permanent or temporary status.

On January 26, Dr. Salvador's designation was reclassified as Acting President of the
University. Preparations for PUP’s centenary became the most strategic agenda of his

Developments during this year include:

• The establishment of an Electronic and Communications Engineering Laboratory for
Wireless Engineering Program in cooperation with SMART Communications;
• Internet services returned. The University Web Site became online again;
• SMART Communications was allowed to house a self-supporting tower for its cellular
network in PUP Ragay;
• The construction of the Centennial Plaza was proposed;
• PUP introduces the BS Nursing program in PUP Bataan in cooperation with the Bataan
Polytechnic State College;
• The confirmation of a PUP Nursing Fund Account No. 148 welcomes the expectations of
an eventual establishment of the PUP College of Medicine and its own hospital;
• The PUP Board of Regents authorized the University to allocate 300 square meters lot for
the construction of a Dialysis Center;
• A Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Cooperative Management has been added in the
curricular offerings of the University;
• Fast confirmation of a Memorandum of Agreement with the Municipality of General
Luna, Quezon to offer a one-year program in Technopreneurial course in General
Secretariat in PUP Lopez. A separate MOA also commits PUP to expand its Open
University Programs in San Pedro Laguna;
• Proposed and later got the board approval of the revival of the Master in Construction
Management offered in the Open University;
• The University also expanded its academic coordination with other leading universities in
the country, notably, the Ateneo de Manila University, regarding the development of a
Modular Curricular Program;
• Endorsement and repair and rehabilitation of the Laboratory High School building,
amounting to PhP 1,346,724.34;
• Improvement of the restrooms at the Learning Resources Center. This improvement is
connected to the critical role of the said center of academic praxis in maintaining
facilities conducive to both student and faculty training and education;
• Building of perimeter fence, benches, gazebo, and lighting system in its premises;
• The completion of cable installation for distributed Internet service and local area
• Dr. Salvador supervised the purchase of equipment for the ECE laboratory in PUP
Bataan, and the reforestation of a watershed in PUP Lopez;
• Construction of a fully furnished gymnasium and 2-storey concrete classroom facility in
PUP Lopez extension;
• Dr. Salvador lobbied with House of Representatives to donate IT equipments to PUP
Ragay, which was granted.
• Nine (9) classroom facilities were constructed in Sta. Rosa, Laguna;
• The Unisan campus had humble improvements in its infrastructure: construction of
school’s stage, construction of a shop hall/function room, and a new flagpole;
• Within Dr. Salvador's first year in office, a total of PhP 41,950,000 has been allocated to
employees’ bonuses and incentives from a total of PhP 75,002,000 projected income for
2004. From the Memorandum of Operational Expenses, amounting to PhP 29,852,000,
PhP 700,000 has been allocated to training and seminar expenses - a guarantee that a
flourishing academy will be maintained;
• Most academic programs offered in the University passed the 1st resurvey assessment of
the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines
• Twelve topnotchers in different professional admission exams in just a year span (2003-
2004) have recently joined the roster of young professional achievers, conveying the
academic repute of the University to the whole nation as well as abroad where PUP
alumni have created professional strongholds;
• The University started to lay the foundations of enlightened academic self-sufficiency in
some of its countryside branches, notably, the Mulanay branch in Quezon. Graduates
courses such as Master of Science in Mathematics Education and Master of Arts in
Language Teaching are now offered in the said branch;
• In the first quarter of this year, many were promoted;
• The Commission on Audit cited PUP for sound fiscal management;
• Prof. Raoul Cawagas of the College of Science was runner-up in the Zonal Research
Center NCR-1 Zonal Awards;
• Atty. Lambert Castro of the College of Communication received a gold medallion from
Supreme Court Chief Justice Hilario Davide, Jr.;
• The Young Men’s Christian Association of Manila awarded the ‘Outstanding College-Y
Adviser of the Year’ to Prof. Elizabeth Amaranto of the College of business. The same
organization awarded Prof. Anita M. Espanol of the PUP Laboratory High School the
‘Outstanding Hi-Y Adviser’ in the high school category; and
• The ICDE cited and awarded cash prize to Dr. Carmencita Castolo of the Open
University for her paper on Information and Communications Technology.

On September 18, 2004, over 30,000 students, faculty and alumni of the Polytechnic University
of the Philippines create a "human rainbow" in a move to boost the image of the school and a bid
to set a new record for world's largest human rainbow in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Through a Board Resolution, Dr. Dante G. Guevarra was appointed Officer-in-Charge, which
took effect on July 1.

October 1, the University celebrated its 101st Founding Anniversary. Through another Board
Resolution, Dr. Guevarra was appointed Acting President extending his term for another year.
Other events that took place on that year were: DBM e-budget Training (July 11-29), Training on
Computer Literacy and Proficiency Training Program of the Office of the Vice President for
Research and Development (OVPRD), Philippine Educators Network for Training, Research,
and Development, Inc. (PENTRAD) and The Rotary International (Oct.13-14, and 17 and 18),
Microsoft Office Specialist PUP Faculty Training (Partners in Learning Program, July 13-27),
Microsoft Faculty and Student Ambassador Program Cascades (Technical and Business
Management trainings) to A. Maceda Integrated School Teachers and Students (November 10-
11), First ever PUP Technology Day at PUP ICT Center (November 18), Computer literacy
program for the disabled military of the Department of National Defense and Armed Forces of
the Philippines (September 24, October 8 & 15, 20).

PUPCET iApply, a Web-based PUP College Entrance Test (PUPCET)Application System was
pre-released on December to accommodate PUPCET applicants until January 31, 2006.


Board of Regents

PUP policy is set by the Board of Regents. Daily transactions and decisions are
performed by an appointed president who is assisted by five vice-presidents for academic affairs,
student services, administration, research and development, and finance. Dante G. Guevarra is
the president of the university. As of 2008, there are 16 members comprising the regents of the
PUP and there are seven university officials, namely:

Name Position
Dante Guevarra, DPA President
Victoria Naval, DEM Executive Vice President
Samuel Salvador, EdD Vice President for Academic Affairs
Pastor Malaborbor, PhD Vice President for Research and Development
Atty. Augustus Cezar Vice President for Administration
Dr. Juan C. Birion Vice President for Student Services
Marissa Legaspi, CPA Vice President for Finance


The PUP System is composed of 19 campuses, branches and extension campuses

throughout the country, with the flagship campus at PUP Manila located in Santa Mesa, Manila.

Campus/Branch/Extension Common Name Founded Location Status

Polytechnic University of the PUP/PUP Main/PUP Santa Mesa,
1904 Main university
Philippines, Manila Santa Mesa Manila
Polytechnic University of the PUP Technopreneurial 1947 Sampaloc, Technical
Philippines, Loyola School Manila school, defunct
Polytechnic University of the Bicutan, Taguig
PUP Taguig 1967 Campus
Philippines, Taguig City
Polytechnic University of the PUP QC, formerly called Quezon City, Satellite
Philippines, Quezon City Commonwealth Campus Metro Manila campus
Polytechnic University of the Mariveles,
PUP Bataan/BEPZ 1975 Branch
Philippines, Bataan Bataan
Polytechnic University of the General Luna,
PUP GLQ 2009 Extension
Philippines, General Luna Quezon
Polytechnic University of the
PUP LQ 1979 Lopez, Quezon Branch
Philippines, Lopez
Polytechnic University of the Mulanay,
PUP MQ 1991 Extension
Philippines, Mulanay Quezon
Polytechnic University of the Mulanay,
PUP UQ *** Extension
Philippines, Unisan Extension Quezon
Polytechnic University of the Ragay,
PUP Ragay *** Extension
Philippines, Ragay Extension Camarines Sur
Polytechnic University of the Santo Tomas,
PUP-STBC 1992 Campus
Philippines, Santo Tomas Batangas
Polytechnic University of the Santa Rosa City,
PUP SRE 2003 Extension
Philippines, Santa Rosa Laguna
Polytechnic University of the San Pedro,
PUP SPC 2002 Extension
Philippines, San Pedro Laguna
Polytechnic University of the PUP SMB/PUP Santa Maria,
2005 Extension
Philippines, Santa Maria Esyomba Bulacan Province
Polytechnic University of the Maragondon,
PUP MC 1987 Campus
Philippines, Maragondon Cavite Province
Polytechnic University of the Biñan City,
PUP Biñan 2010 Extension
Philippines, Biñan Laguna

Other extension campuses are situated in Bansud, Oriental Mindoro; Cabiao, Nueva Ecija;
Pulilan, Bulacan, Rizal, Laguna and San Juan City, Metro Manila.


The academic units of the University are called colleges or institutes. These units offer
undergraduate degrees and/or postgraduate diplomas on their specific fields of specialization.
Aside from the colleges, the University maintains a separate Graduate School which offers
graduate degrees. The Graduate School is a multidisciplinary institution. The oldest college of
the PUP is the College of Education which is the predecessor of all the degree-granting units. An
institute is a smaller unit, although it has the same footing as a full-fledged college. When an
institute gained enough student number and academic programs, the Board of Regents will
decide if they will elevate it into a college. The last institute of PUP was the Institute of
Cooperatives, which was converted as the College of Cooperatives in 2006.

The Colleges and the Graduate School are headed by their respective deans, who is appointed by
the Board of Regents of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. The dean acts as the head
of the faculty of his college and assumes administrative works assigned by the Board. The dean
has tenure of three years, which, may be extended up to two terms upon reappointment. The
University’s 18 degree granting units are the following, together with their further academic

• College of Accountancy

o Higher Accounting
o Basic Accounting
o Law

• College of Architecture and Fine Arts

o Architecture
o Interior Design

• College of Arts

o Sociology
o History and Library Science
o Humanities
o Psychology
o Library and Information Science

• College of Business

o Advertising and Public Relations

o Management and Entrepreneurship
o Marketing
o Office Administration

• College of Communication

o Broadcast Communication
o Communication Research
o Journalism

• College of Cooperatives
• College of Computer Management and Information Technology

o Computer Science
o Information Technology
• College of Economics, Finance, and Politics

o Banking and Finance

o Political Science and Public Administration
o Economics
o Political Economy

• College of Education

o Business Teacher Education

o Elementary Education
o Secondary Education

• College of Engineering

o Industrial Engineering
o Civil Engineering
o Computer Engineering
o Electronics and Communications Engineering
o Mechanical Engineering
o Electrical Engineering
o Engineering Sciences

• College of Human Kinetics

o Professional Program
o Service Physical Education
o Sports

• College of Languages and Linguistics

o English and Foreign Languages

o Filipinology

• College of Law
• College of Nutrition and Food Science

o Food Technology
o Nutrition and Dietetics

• College of Science

o Mathematics
o Statistics
o Biology
o Physics
o Chemistry

• College of Technology
• College of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Management

o Hotel and Restaurant Management

o Tourism and Transportation Management

• Graduate School
• Open University


Hon. Emmanuel Y. Angeles, Ph.D. - Chairman

Chairman, Commission on Higher Education

Hon. Dante G. Guevarra - Vice Chairman

President, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Hon. Manuel A. Roxas - Member

Senator, Senate of the Republic of the Philippines
Chairman, Commission on Education, Arts and Culture

Hon. Mario M. Taguiwalo - Representative Member

President, National Institute for Policy Studies

Hon. Cynthia Aguilar-Villar - Member

Representative, Lone District of Las Piñas
Chairperson, House Committee on Higher and Technical Education

Hon. Rhaegee B. Tamana - Representative Member

Chief of Staff, Congress Representative

Hon. Augusto B. Santos - Member

Officer-in-Charge, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Secretary, Socio-Economic Planning

Hon. Margarita R. Songco - NEDA Representative Member

Deputy Director-General, NEDA

Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro - Member

Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

Hon. Graciano P. Yumul - DOST Representative Member

Undersecretary, Department of Science and Technology

Hon. Rene A. Tanasas - Member

President, Federation of Alumni Associations in PUP, Inc.

Hon. Rufo N. Bueza - Member

President, PUP Federated Faculty Association, Inc.
Hon. Donnavie M. Pascual - Member
President, ANAK-PUP Student Council Federation

Hon. Eleuterio D. Coronel - Member

Private Sector Representative
RFM Corporation Center, Philippine Townships, Inc. (Philtown)

Hon. Marcial M. Magsino - Member

Private Sector Representative
Magsino Santiano & Associates Law Offices

Dante G. Guevarra, DPA


Victoria C. Naval, DEM Samuel M. Salvador, Ed.D

Executive Vice President Vice President for Academic Affairs

Augustus F. Cezar, LlB Pastor B. Malaborbor, PhD

Vice President for Administration Vice President for Research and Development

The development of the young into an intelligent, morally upright, responsible and

productive member of the society is the main focus of education. For this reason, Lagro High

School believes that every Filipino high school age youth must be given the right to quality

instruction in a compassionate and caring environment.


Lagro High School is an educational institution that produces academically competent,

morally upright and vocationally prepared citizens of the society.

To ensure the maximum intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of the child

and strengthen moral foundations through relevant and adequate learning experiences in a

nurturing and caring school environment.


In the early seventies, the growing number of people in the GSIS La Mesa Homeowners
Association (GLAMEHA) triggered the need for a high school in Lagro Subdivision. The
officers of GLAMEHA requested fervently for an establishment of a high school next to Lagro
Elementary School. With the aid of the city government and the education bureau, Novaliches
High School with Mr. Florencio Dumlao as principal started accepting students. This high school
annex started on June 13, 1974 with 87 students and a facility, which were humbly two housing
units in Block 59 and chairs the students provided themselves.

On August 26 of the same year, Lagro Annex was transferred to the Lagro Elementary
School compound and occupied the sawali-walled makeshift building. The high school was then
headed by Mr. Crispulo A. Pilar with Mr. Narciso M. Caingat, Mrs. Nilfa C. Caingat and Mrs.
Greta Manlapig as pioneer teachers.

Two years after, the enrolment rose to 249 from the former 87 with three sections in first
year, two in second year, and one in third year. They were all managed to stay in just four
classrooms guided by nine teachers.

The first graduation from this high school happened two years after with an increased
enrolment of 461 with Mrs. Josefa Q. Maglipon, head of the Home Economics Department in
Novaliches High School, who replaced Mr. Pilar(who left for the United States).

The School Year 1977-1978 reached 774 with 15 sections occupying seven classrooms.
With this problem on accommodation, Mr. Florencio Dumlao appealed to the national
government for a Lagro Annex Building. Through the unrelenting efforts of the department
head-in-charge and with the PTA lobbying behind, the 1.3 hectare present school site, and
building became a reality.
At the opening of classes on June 11, 1978, 923 students flocked the newly constructed
building which was a two-story 18-room structure standing proudly with Mrs. Maglipon as head
of the school. She was replaced with Mr. Silverio Reinoso. Mr. Reinoso had to continue with the
challenge to manage 19 sections of students with just 32 teachers.

It was the significant day of September 1, 1978 that Lagro High School was inaugurated
by Mrs. Commemoracion M. Concepcion, the former schools division superintendent. Thus, it
has become its foundation day.

Hand in hand with the influx of residents in Lagro Subdivision is the continuous increase
of student population. And to accommodate this increasing population, a six-room building on
the southern site of the campus was constructed. The school then also improved with the
completion of concrete fences surrounding the campus, construction of the stage and the new
steel flagpole, all to house and educate the community.

Mr. Reinoso was replaced by Mrs. Virginia H. Cerrudo on September of 1981.

Mrs. Cerrudo was replaced with Ms. Felicidad C. Gutierrez in 1987 bringing another
building funded by the city government. The same year created the Lagro High School-Payatas
Annex with 257 students. This annex was assigned to Mrs. Sheridan Evangelista, who was then
the Social Studies Department Head of the Main School.

Promoted as Principal IV, Ms. Gutierres was transferred to E. Rodriguez Jr. High School.
Mr. William S. Barcena took her place as the principal of Lagro High School on June 1991.

Three years after, Mr. Barcena was replaced by Mrs. Cristina C. Monis, the General
Education Supervisor I-English, as Officer-In-Charge on January 8, 1993.

Mr. Gil T. Magbanua replaced Mrs. Monis on June 13, 1993

To accommodate the continuous increasing enrollees, the three-story building funded by the
Quezon City Government was constructed. The third Annex in Fairview was finally opened with
Mrs. Justina A. Farolan as the Teacher-In-Charge.
Dr. Consolacion C. Montano replaced Dr. Gil Magbanua later on with more

Mrs. Sheridan Evangelista made her comeback as the principal of Lagro High School in
1998 with improved facilities and technology advancements for the school.

The dawn of more improvements was realized when Dr. Fernando C. Javier became the
principal in April 2003. The construction of the new building previously applied by Mrs.
Sheridan Evangelista was built and inaugurated by the successor, Dr. Javier. The SB Building
and the full renovation of the formerly called Social Hall was transformed into a multi-purpose
conference room conveniently equipped with multimedia projectors and modern sound
technology now being utilized for events, seminars, workshops by the whole division. The
construction of the new gate, renovations of all facilities and the covered court; Lagro High
School now boasts of not only its talents but it’s conducive learning ambience sure to provide
every learner more motivation to pursue his dreams.

Lagro High School reaped achievements in the district, division, regional and national
competition under Dr. Javier. The Bureau of Alternative Learning System was established and
soon after the Open High School. The Special Education Program was established accepting deaf
and blind students. The Guidance Program was also enhanced and improved with the
administration of Dr. Javier. International competitions, speech and debate contests sponsored by
the government and private companies, Palarong Pambansa, National Schools Press Conference
and the creation of the Special Program in the Arts which annually showcases talents in its
culminating activities.

Today, as we speak, Lagro High School does not only have a growing number of
enrollees but also consistently develops as a community that consists of highly competitive and
productive members.



MA. NIMFA R. GABERTAN English Teachers

HT III, English Dept.

HT III-Science & Tech. Dept. Science Teachers

HT VI-Mathematics Dept. Math Teachers

MA. PAZ C. REBOLLIDO Filipino Teachers

HT VI-Filipino Dept.

ARACELI S. RIVERA Supply Officer
MAKABAYAN Coordinator Guidance Counselors
Librarian Senior Bookkeeper
HT VI-AP Clerks
Asst. Librarian
Teacher/Registrar Security Guards
Clinic Teacher Utility Workers



EP Teachers TLE Teachers MAPEH Teachers




District II-B, Quezon City

Name: Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado Date/Time: February 23, 2010/1:00pm-2:00pm

School: Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Herminda V. Gonzales
Year and Section: 4th Year (Aluminum and Actinium)

Learning Component: Technology and Livelihood Education IV

Sub-Learning Component: Food Service II
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1. identify the different dinnerwares used for individual cover and for
2. explain the uses of each dinnerware;
3. appreciate the knowledge gained about the different types of
dinnerware and their uses.

II. Content:
A. Topic: Dinnerwares
B. Materials: Realia, dinnerwares, chart
C. Reference: Food Service and Catering Management by Rory C.
Subida, pp. 161-162,

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Routine Activities
Opening Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
2. Review – “Pick and Fold”
Selected students will pick one kind of table napkin folding and do
the process of making that fold.
3. Motivation – “I’ve Got the Word”
Kinds of table appointments
4. Unlocking of Difficulties – “So Match”
 Dinnerware – it is used to hold the food in place while
 Holloware – a table appointments with volume and depth
used basically for serving.
 Place plate – also known as a service or show plate.
 Demitasse cup and saucer – smaller cups and saucers that
come in pairs.
 Gravy boat – a small boat-shaped dish with a spout, used
for serving gravy or sauce.
 Chafing dish – a dish with a heating apparatus beneath it,
for cooking or keeping food warm at the table.

B. Development/Presentation of the Lesson


1. Identify the different Discussion Recitation
types of dinnerwares
used for individual
cover and for serving.
2. Explain the uses of Discussion Question and Answer
C. Closing Activities
1. Generalization:
Dinnerware or chinaware is used to hold the food in place while
eating. The name of the dinnerware reflects its use. The dinnerwares used
for serving should be appropriate for the dish; vegetable dish for serving
vegetables, rice or any saucy dish; soup tureen with an underliner and a
filled cover for soups; platters for serving varied dishes and coffee pot
with sugar and creamer bowl for hot beverages.

2. Valuing
Inculcate the importance of knowing the different dinnerware used
for individual covers and for serving.

D. Evaluation – “Who I am”

Give the names of each dinnerwares that is shown to you.

IV. Assignment
1. Topic: Flatwares
2. Words for study
a. silverware
b. ladle
c. prong
d. tong
3. Guide Questions
a. What are the types of flatware used for cover and for serving?
b. Why do we need to use different flatware in serving our food?

4. Reference: Food Service and Catering Management by Rory C. Subida, pp.

Teacher – Tested Tips

Advice for Student Teachers

As a current student teacher with an amazing cooperating teacher, I thought I'd share some tips
on how to have a positive student teaching experience!

1. Let your cooperating teacher know YOUR expectations upfront. Most student teachers
feel that they don't have a say in what goes on, but you do.
2. Remind him/her (nicely) that you are there to learn a variety of teaching methods and that
you are trying to develop your own teaching style not necessarily just take on his/hers.
3. Jump in right away! Even if you aren't supposed to begin teaching for a while get up and
join in. You will gain respect from the teacher and the students. Offer right away to do
small tasks such as grading papers or organizing morning work.
4. Treat the students as if you are the actual teacher. Many student teachers try to become
friends with them first and when it comes time to teach they have no control.
5. Go with your cooperating teacher everywhere! Sit in on parent/teacher conferences and
see if it's okay to observe a child study team in action. This is all part of teaching and you
should have experience with this also!
6. Stay in contact with your professor or advisor on a regular basis. If you only see him/her
on days they are there to observe, you will be more nervous.
7. Always try your best! I know it's scary to have people constantly observing you but if
you are doing your best whether or not they are there it won't be as scary!
8. Don't be afraid to integrate some of your own teaching techniques or classroom
management skills. Your cooperating teacher might just learn a new technique from you!
9. Try to get student input about your lessons. If you aren't sure how your lesson went, ask
one or two students what they thought. Sometimes they have wonderful suggestions!
10. Always plan too much. Since we don't have much experience organzing lessons
according to class time, it's better to have too much planned then to have the students
sitting there with nothing to do.

Advice for Cooperating Teachers

More Tips for Supervising Teachers

by: Leanne, Secondary

Having just completed a practicum experience, I thought I might add a couple of tips: **
1. If you're in a school were students need to trust teachers before they warm to teachers, tell the
student teacher ** 2. If your class is very possessive of you, consider team teaching - this will
make it a less traumatic experience for both the class and the student teacher ** 3. If your
teaching style (particularly in behaviour management) is vastly different from your prac teachers,
warn them that the students may react negatively to change and tell the student teacher what has
been working well for you and the routines that you already have established in a class -
particularly with difficult classes. Let the student teacher decide how they will handle the class
** 4. Remember that the student teacher is still a student, is nervous and is probably highly
critical of themselves. Emphasise the positives of their teaching methodology and give gentle
suggestions on how they can improve (don't tell them they're doing something wrong without
having a suggestion for how it could be improved) ** 5. Allocate a few minutes in the morning
each day for the student teacher to discuss lessons, contents and any other concerns.

Take Time To Know Them

by: T. Wide, All

Take time to know the student teacher as a person, separate from the class. Then when
possible share some positive tidbits with your students and together begin to make the student
teacher a part of the class.

Things to Remember
by: todlyn

Having been on both ends of the experience I can't say enough about how important your
role will be in shaping this new teacher. ** My own student teaching experience was lack-luster.
My cooperating teacher thought of me as her ticket out of the classroom. I saw her in the
morning, and then she was gone for hours. She gave me very little feed back. In fact, the two
major things I garnered from the experience were that I was truly unprepared for the task I had
undertaken, and, secondly, I did not know what to do about it. The only word of advice I
remember her giving me was that I needed to improve my handwriting. Like that was going to
radically improve my teaching! ** As I have continued in teaching, I have also had the chance to
serve as a cooperating teacher. From these experiences I would recommend that you: 1) provide
an open environment in which your student is able to make mistakes without fear of judgement.
** 2. guide them gently into more effective practices when mistakes are made. ** 3. monitor and
make notes on anything that you think you and your student need to discuss regarding their
teaching during your planning period or at the end of the day. Make sure you include lots of
positive feedback, too. We all need encouragement. ** 4. never assume that your student knows
anything, that includes the CONTENT they are going to teach. (I have just jumped up to fifth
grade and am going through a re-education of sorts. Can you believe that some statistics
professor forgot to inform me of Pascal's triangle, or better yet that I am teaching it to 10 year-
olds!) ** 5. teach your student how to incorporate the standards used in your state if applicable.
** 6. require them to do their own classroom and behavior management. ** 7. provide any
pointers for managing those mountains of paper we all know and love. Include information on
grading, filing, and parent communications. ** 8. stress the importance of parent involvement
and community relations, such as weekly class newsletters, class webpages, etc, ** 9. have a
work area set up for your student that includes the office basics such as note pads, stapler,
WhiteOut, etc. ** 10. don't walk out and leave him/her. I know you won't do this, or you would
not have bother posting this message in the first place. Be sure to provide emotional support as
well as a presence in the classroom, too.


How to Be a Good Student Teacher

By an eHow Contributor updated: February 04, 2011

Your student teaching year can be physically and emotionally exhausting. A good student
teacher will still manage to be responsible, independent, committed to education, and keep a
good sense of humor.

1. Consult at length with your master teacher at the start of the term. Be sure you
know what his or her philosophy of teaching and classroom objectives are before you
make large plans for classroom activities.

2. Make arrangements with your master teacher to take a few minutes each day to
discuss classroom events, possible future activities, and procedure.

3. Inform yourself about any particular school regulations that you and your students
must abide by. Know the rules by heart so you can give definite answers to your
students, who will be testing your authority.

4. Familiarize yourself with relevant legal issues, such as those concerning child
abuse, substance abuse and sexual harassment among students.
5. Show genuine interest in your students' schoolwork and progress, and leave
personal relationships with students to the school counselors.

6. Show initiative and independence by assuming responsibility for the preparation of

individual lessons or entire learning units.

7. Show resourcefulness by gathering materials and introducing educational methods

you are learning in your graduate studies.


Student Teaching Tips

5 Keys to Success
Submitted by Amy from Wisconsin
Grade 1-5; Math Support Teacher

As a second year teacher, I am not much of a stranger to the student teaching experience. In my
opinion, if you keep the following five points in mind, you will be sure to experience success.

#1 Be Original! Teachers, staff members, and administration will appreciate someone who
brings a unique personality to the student teaching experience. Teachers aren’t looking for a
carbon copy of themselves, so be yourself.

#2 Be Innovative! This is your time to take all that you have learned and apply it to your
teaching. Let the knowledge, ideas, and experiences you acquired along the way fuel your
teaching. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Ask your cooperating teacher to allow you to try that
lesson or activity you worked so hard to create.

#3 Collaborate! It is very important to network with all teachers, staff members, and
administrators within the school community. The young teachers who go the extra mile to
collaborate are the ones remembered down the road for prospective positions.

#4 Be Dedicated! Always show a passion for what you do. Take advantage of opportunities to
become involved with activities outside of school if possible. Schools will applaud the efforts of
someone who always is willing to give 110%
#5 Have fun! You can do all of the things above, but will be missing out on one of the greatest
aspects of the education profession if you forget to have fun. Enjoy the students; they will make
you smile every day. Enjoy your colleagues; they are wonderful role models. Enjoy the
experience; it is something that you will carry along into your teaching career!

16 Top Tips
Submitted by Catherine from New Jersey
Primary Teacher

1. Let your cooperating teacher know YOUR expectations upfront. Most student teachers
feel that they don't have a say in what goes on, but you do.

2. Remind him/her (nicely) that you are there to learn a variety of teaching methods and that
you are trying to develop your own teaching style not necessarily just take on his/hers.

3. Go with your cooperating teacher everywhere! Sit in on parent/teacher conferences and

see if it's okay to observe a child study team in action. This is all part of teaching and you
should have experience with this also!

4. Stay in contact with your professor or advisor on a regular basis. If you only see him/her
on days they are there to observe, you will be more nervous.

5. Always try your best! I know it's scary to have people constantly observing you but if
you are doing your best whether or not they are there it won't be as scary!

6. Don't be afraid to integrate some of your own teaching techniques or classroom

management skills. Your cooperating teacher might just learn a new technique from you!

7. Try to get student input about your lessons. If you aren't sure how your lesson went, ask
one or two students what they thought. Sometimes they have wonderful suggestions!

8. Always plan too much. Since we don't have much experience organzing lessons
according to class time, it's better to have too much planned then to have the students
sitting there with nothing to do.

9. Be On Time

10. Dress Appropriately

11. Follow the School Rules

12. Befriend the Office Staff (This is especially important if you believe that you will be
staying in the area and possibly trying for a job at the school where you are teaching.
These people's opinions of you will have an impact on whether or not you are hired. They
can also make your time during student teaching much easier to handle. Don't
underestimate their worth.)

13. Maintain Confidentiality (Remember that if you are taking notes about students or
classroom experiences to turn in for grades, you should either not use their names or
change them to protect their identities. You never know who you are teaching or what
their relationship might be to your instructors and coordinators.)

14. Don't Gossip (It might be tempting to hang out in the teacher lounge and indulge in
gossip about fellow teachers. However, as a student teacher this would be a very risky
choice. You might say something you could regret later. You might find out information
that is untrue and clouds your judgement. You might even offend someone without
realizing it. Remember, these are teachers you could be working with again some day in
the future. )

15. Be Professional With Fellow Teachers (Do not interrupt other teachers' classes without
an absolutely good reason. When you are speaking with your coordinating teacher or
other teachers on campus, treat them with respect. You can learn a lot from these
teachers, and they will be much more likely to share with you if they feel that you are
genuinely interested in them and their experiences. )

16. Don't Wait to the Last Minute to Call in Sick (You will probably get sick at some point
during your student teaching and will need stay home for the day. You must remember
that the regular teacher will have to take over the class during your absence. If you wait
until the last minute to call in, this could leave them in an awkward bind making them
look bad to the students. Call as soon as you believe you will not be able to make it to

6 Tips from 10-Year Teacher

Submitted by Angela from North Carolina
Second Grade Teacher

After teaching for more that ten years, there are several things that a student teacher should

1. It is important that you strive to get to know your parents. You should start out by trying
to introduce yourself to all the parents by the end of the first week. It can be a simple
phone call and be sure to tell the parents something good that the child did that week.
This is very important so when you have to call the parent about behavior that is not
good,so that the parent will not think that the only time you call is when the child is

2. It is also important that you be consistent if whatever behavior plan that you have. If you
say that you are going to do it. You must follow through.
3. Remember that you are dealing with children and even if you do not feel that you are in
control,you need to act like you are.

4. Give positive words to the each child and make him/her feelimportant on a regular basis.
Each child is important and is not a mistake or accident. A lot of children have very low

5. Even if a child consistently misbehaviors, you must strive to not let the child see how the
behavior affects you. This will come with time and practice.

6. Take time for yourself. It can be walking, reading a novel or a bubblebath. Remember
that tomorrow is another day and that you are making a difference in a child's life.

Prepare for Transition from Student to Teacher

Submitted by Gail from Massachusetts
Third Grade Teacher

My advice for student teachers is start to prepare for making the transition of being a
college student to a student teacher, by purchasing a few clothes to make your wardrobe a little
more professional than your college attire. Also, be sure to have a comfortable pair of shoes on

Also, since you will be collecting so many wonderful ideas from the teachers you'll be
working with, it may be helpful to have a binder separated by subject to store all of the hand-
outs, worksheets, and ideas offered by your cooperating teacher and his/her colleagues. In
addition, you may want to have a digital camera on hand to take pictures of work you have done
(i.e. bulletin boards), as well as how teachers have set up their classrooms, etc. By the end of
your student teaching practicum, you will have an organized resource that will be a valuable tool
for when you start first teaching position.

Pace yourself, and keep up with your assignments, so that you'll be able to maintain your
social life. Always allow time for making adjustments, especially when preparing to be observed.
You never know when the photocopy machine may break down, or the laminator isn't working,
so you always want to have a back up plan!

Lastly, enjoy your student teaching experience. Go into school with a smile on your face,
and know that you have the greatest job in the world because you can make a difference in
child's life, and have fun while doing it!

Learn from the Best

Submitted by Angie from Louisiana
Third Grade Teacher
As a student teacher, you are very eager and excited to save the world. However, once
you enter the classroom and it is just you and the students it can become overwhelming. My best
advice to you would be before the first day of school, go and meet some of the veteran teachers
at your school. Talk to them about the dynamics of your school. Ask them what has worked well
for them over the years. Then use what they tell you and adapt it to your style. Veteran teachers
are the best resource that you have. Remember kids are people too, and all they want is someone
to love them and guide them. You will be everything they don't have at home while they are with
you. If you respect them, they will perform well and respect you. Good Luck!

Submitted by Tammy from Texas
2nd Grade Teacher and "Toddler Time" Teacher

The most important advice I would share is to empower all (every age group) that you
come in contact with. This is done by really listening and not merely hearing what others are
sharing. Looking into their eyes when you are listening and talking can make a person feel
validated and can even boost their self-esteem. Finally, letting a person keep their dignity when
there may be a misunderstanding can speak volumes of your wisdom and self-control. Do this by
sharing your thoughts and then listening to theirs. Agree to disagree if no resolution on the
particular topic cannot be met. Respect one another and respect yourself enough to let your voice
be heard. Knowledge is wonderful and knowing how to communicate with everyone is superb.
Best wishes to you as you enter the world of teaching and making a difference in the lives of

Sherri's Six Bits of Advice

Submitted by Sherri from Pennsylvania
Second Grade Teacher

1. My advice is to be as organized as you can and do one thing at a time. Know that you
will spend long hours working both before and after school and set a schedule for
yourself so you can stay on top of things, yet still have a life. You still need to eat and

2. Keep a notebook for each subject and file everything your cooperating teacher is willing
to share with you in it.

3. Take pictures of bulletin boards and projects to file as well.

4. Ask if you can pick up one subject at a time and give back one at a time to ease the
transition for both yourself and your students.
5. Take constructive criticism constructively and at least try the suggestions. Your
cooperating teacher only wants to see you succeed and has been doing this a lot longer
than you.

6. Finally, enjoy the experience! All the hard work pays off!

Taking Initiative
Another Submission from Kathy from Kentucky
4th Grade Teacher

When you begin student teaching take the initiative, don't wait for the teacher to have to
tell you step by step what to do. Be an observer of the teacher and try to zero in on things to help
them with ahead of time. Help students immediately, this shows you are ready and willing to
assume the role of a teacher. Most great teachers jump right in and help, that is how you learn to
be a great teacher.

Traci's Ten Tips

Submitted by Traci from California
4th Grade Teacher

The TOP TEN Advice List for Student Teachers:

1. Work Hard - put in extra hours.

2. Make a good first impression - smile and introduce yourself to everyone - especially the
school secretaries! Dress appropriately and professionally - you are on one long

3. Listen and take notes every day.

4. Observe and DO what you are asked to do.

5. Ask questions and listen to the answers, use all that knowledge before proceeding!

6. Go out to recess and watch the students interact with each other - you'll learn a lot that
will help you in the classroom.

7. Stay out of teacher lunch room politics and drama!

8. Be creative and use good lesson plan formats that will be engaging and fun for the
students but include appropriate standards and assessments.

9. Be firm but loving with students from the get go - if they know the limits you are then
able to have fun and smile and laugh with your students and fellow teachers!
10. Stay positive - student teaching isn't forever - soon you will have your own classroom -
remember that's the GOAL!

Keep Them Busy!

Submitted by Vance from Florida
9th Grade English Teacher

Keep the kids busy, academically engaged. Learn what bell to bell teaching means. If you don't
have anything for the kids to do, they will find something to do and that spells T R O U B L E !

Confidence is Key!
Submitted by Karen from New Jersey

don't feel confident, pretend! The students are similar to animals , they can sense your hesitance
or fear. Therefore, establish authority at the beginning. Don't let them get away with being rude
or disrespectful to you or you will have trouble maintaining control in the classroom later on.

ALSO, Get to know the student's names as soon as possible. Use little tricks like taking pictures
or writing down a few names everyday with a few notes about the child, or relate it to their art
work. It is true that you learn the best and the most challenging students's names first, but try
really hard to learn the rest quickly. I think Knowing names helps keep the classroom in order
and keep the students in line. Student's will snap to attention it they hear thier name, but if you
yell "Hey you stop!" across the classroom, they may choose to ignore it.

Fran's Fantastic Tips

Submitted by Fran from Ohio
High School Intervention Specialist

From day one my advice would be: RESPECT! You will receive it as long as you give it in turn-
not only to your peers-most importantly to your students no matter how old they may be. Also to
their parents.

Keep in mind that you are responsible for what matters the most to them in their lives:their
children. College does not "teach" your how to do this-it should be a part of your love for

Always look & act professional- dress and act as though you might always run into someone
involved with school - you never know who you might run into.
Take time for the little extras- positive reinforcement such as "glad you're on time for class

Learn from your peers. You might not always agree with their teaching methods but there might
be something that you will be able to relate to and have a better understanding of as time goes on
in your career.
Yes, you'll be overwhelmed-who isn't when they begin something new. Keep time for yourself
EVERYDAY!!! Even if it's just for a few minutes to do whatever you enjoy doing. This will
help to ease the pressure & clear you mind.

Most important, remember that we cannot save all of them-just be there for them on a daily basis
and you'll be surprised of the difference you can make in their lives.

Sound Advice from a 35-Year Veteran Teacher

Submitted by Deborah from North Carolina
Second Grade Teacher

After teaching for 35 years and loving today more than ever I have found the secret. Keep
up. Do not procrastinate. Use every free minute you have at school to do your work at school.
Organize your system and your time. Let your goal be to do your work at school and when you
leave to go home do not take work with you. Understand now that as a new teacher you will
probably not accomplish this for the first three yaars. During this time period please designate a
day or the weekend to have "school free" taking no work home. You will be a better teacher and
less likely to burn out if you try this. Believe me!

Keep Your Sense of Humor; Ask For Help

Submitted by Cathie from Arkansas
P-4 Special Education

One of the most important things to remember when going into the teaching profession is
to never lose your sense of humor. And plan, plan, plan. Always keep something up your sleeve
to use if you need it. Never be afraid to ask for help. Learn how to dog paddle - forget the triple
flips off the high board.

Two Important Things

Submitted by Christina from Georgia
Special Education Teacher

I would tell new teachers two very important things. The first thing I would tell them is to
go home! Teaching can be a very overwhelming job and if you aren't careful you will find
yourself at work until 6 at night! By recognizing that everything cannot be accomplished in one
day, no matter how tempting it is to try. I would also tell a new teacher to remember that
education is a serious career path and that events are indeed a chance to network with other
teachers or supervisors.

Don't Be Intimidated By the Kids

Submitted by Michelle from New York
Homeschool Teacher

I think that as a student teacher you should make sure not to be intimidated by the kids.
That will show them that they can take advantage of you. I think you should be firm and be able
to listen to the students when they ask questions or have opinions. Make sure you are always
prepared for whatever questions they may have so as to not show that you don't know as much as

Prepare for Your Own Classroom

Submitted by Emily from Minnesota
Third Grade Teacher

Buy a bunch of file folders and as you and your cooperating teacher complete activities
or lessons, make a file folder and label it for that activity. Also, meet with other teachers at other
grade levels to gather materials and ideas. Take photos of bulletin board ideas you like and file
those with lessons to go with them. These resources will be so helpful when you have a
classroom of your own.

Write Everything Down and Take Pictures

Submitted by Janet from Kentucky
Third Grade Teacher

The best advice I would give a student teacher is to write everything down and take
pictures. When I was student teaching, I had a large notebook and I wrote down everything the
teacher wrote on the board, lesson plans, tricks she told me. I also took pictures of classroom
arrangements and bullentin boards. This has been very helpful when trying to arrange my room
and ideas for displays.

Be Creative. Try New Things

Submitted by Doresa from Georgia
Kindergarten Teacher

Not many times in life do you get a "test run". Use it to your advantage. Be creative. Do
the things you really thought about doing in your head. You get an opportunity to test out those
ideas in a safe environment with a level of support and encouragement you may have a hard time
finding again. Use this opportunity for all that you can get out of it.

Be Real. Some Mistakes Are OK.

Another Great Idea Submitted by Doresa from Georgia
Kindergarten Teacher

Don't try to be perfect, be real. Teach how you "really" think you may be in the
classroom when it is your own. You are still a student and you are expected to make mistakes.
However, it will be very hard for you to truly grow if you don't show your true self in the
classroom environment.

Challenges Will Make You a Better Teacher

Submitted by Rachael from New York
First Grade Teacher

You should go into Student Teaching knowing that there will be challenges that you
probably won't expect, but will ultimately make you all the better prepared for the real thing.
You will experience situations that they never taught you in college, and you may be caught off
guard from it. Just use your instincts and ask for help if you need it. There will be lots of people
to offer help--your Cooperating teacher, other teachers in the school, your supervisor, other
student teachers, etc. Getting advice and showing you're confident in what you're doing will
impress your C/T and your supervisor. By the time student teaching ends, you will be surprised
how many students' lives you have touched; regardless of the short amount of time you may be
in the classroom. Just have fun with it! The more fun you have, the more you will get out of it
and be prepared to have your own classroom soon!

Don't Be Discouraged
Submitted by Keith from New York
High School Science

For all student teachers just starting out, don't be discouraged by all the hard work you're
doing right now without being paid. When you start teaching, there's really two ways you get
paid: first by the money you get for your hard work, but second by the difference you make in a
childs life. It may seem like a difficult job, and it really is, but the reward for helping a child
achieve something they didn't think they could is worth more than anything you'd ever
experience in any other job.

Don't be discouraged by the difficulties you'll encounter, but learn from them. When you
help even one child, you've accomplished more than most people in other professions ever will.
The difference you make will be profound, even before you ever start collecting a paycheck, and
that makes it all worth it.

Something Special for Students

Submitted by Cecelia from Mississippi
Kindergarten and First Grade Muulti-Age Classroom

Student teachers can welcome back students with something just for them!! Make
magnetic nametags, goody bags, or specially addressed mail. You could also have the class
make a crafty photo frame that they can decorate and add a picture of themselves from the first
day of school. Give them something unique (not expensive) to show that your are reaching out to
them and you care. Sadly today many children don't have many caring individuals in their home

Know Your Students!

Submitted by Beth from Georgia
4th - 6th Grade, Special Education Resource Teacher

Student teachers should first strive to become acquainted with their students as
individuals. By learning their strenghts and weaknesses future teachers will not only help their
students to see their gifts-but they will be memorable to supervising teachers as well.

It is essential to learn organizational skills (observe as many effective teachers as

possible) yet it is very important to remember to be flexible! Your co workers,parents and others
will appreciate a cooperative spirit

Above all-remember to treat each child like you would want your child to be treated.
Remember to laugh and remember to love each day.

You Are Making a Difference

Submitted by Diane from North Carolina
Pre-K Teacher

I have been teaching preschool children for over ten years and I love it. Alot of people
ask me "How do you do it?" My best advice is to see each child as a unique individual, no matter
what their background is. And remember, every child is capable of learning even if it's not at the
same time or in the same manner! Most of all relax and enjoy your job... because you are making
a difference in a child's life!
Dee's Advice
Submitted by Dee from Toronto
First Grade Teacher

Being a student teacher is a challenge! It's like learning to drive from the passenger seat,
because you are not the one in charge. It's not your classroom. This can be seen as an advantage
if your host teacher is willing to jump in and rescue you when the class is acting wild, or a
disadvantage if you want to be in control but your host teacher isn't handing over the reins or
supporting you in front of the students. My advice is to clearly state your expectations to your
host teacher and ask her/him for their expectations at the same time. Be open to feedback. Be
courteous and respectful at all times, especially in the staffroom where the walls have ears and
your comments could be overheard by anyone. Above all, enjoy! These few months before you
embark on your own new career are precious and unique in the opportunity to ask questions, try
new things and soak up all the information you can about teaching and learning. The best piece
of advice I received as a student teacher: if you are using the photocopier and a permanent
teacher is waiting in line behind you, LET THEM GO FIRST!

Chin Up!
Submitted by Susan from North Carolina
First Grade Teacher

I would tell Student Teachers to take in as much as they possibly can! Have
conversations with their cooperating teacher and listen to every piece of advice they get. Go
home at night and reflect on the day and journal about the things you'd do again and what you'd
change. Learn how to organize your lessons and paperwork and make sure to get as much
experience with the kids as you can. I took loads of pictures so that I could remember what
activities looked like! Chin UP! It's not easy!

Simply Be Yourself
Submitted by Theresa from Tennessee
Elementary Teacher

Know that you are capable of being the best teacher you can be by simply being yourself,
take advantage of teachable moments that spring out of no where and use that to introduce new
ideas and if things stray from your desired path, you can always redirect them. Most of all know
that suggestion are just suggestion and teach the best way that works for you that get results.

Believe in Your Students

Submitted by Lacrecia from Georgia
Third Grade Teacher

I help to train new teachers in our system and I believe the best advice that I give them is
to believe that all students are capable of learning. As a teacher, our responsibility is to find out
how each student learns and build our lessons around that information. Yes it takes extra time
and planning. It also requires us to be flexible and creative. But, isn't that what great teaching is
all about?

Great Thoughts from Deanna

Submitted by Deanna from Utah
4th Grade Teacher

First of all, you need to remember that you are the guest in the classroom. Although you
may have great ideas, and perhaps better ones than your cooperating teacher, you still need to go
by their schedule for you. Don't forget that they will be filling out your performance sheet when
it's all over and you want as good of marks as you can get. Go with their flow.

Secondly, you will realize that most of what you learned in your college classes don't
really prepare you for this. You just have to dive into it and go. You may feel like you are glued
to your lesson plans, textbooks constantly looking at the clock to see when it's time to go on to
the next thing, etc., but don't worry, we all did that. One day it starts to click and you can multi-
task and feel like you've got it down a little better each day.

Lastly, If you feel too overwhelmed, remember that this will be ending soon. It's a hoop
you've got to jump through. One day you will have your very own classroom to manage however
you want. And that is the rewarding prize for going through student teaching.

Impress Your C.T.

Submitted by Listette from Florida
Second Grade Teacher

Well first off, be prepared for anything. Never underestimate the power of a child. Set
high expectations for the class and let them know what you want from them.

As far as impressing the cooperating teacher, take the initiative. If you've learned about
something you are interested in trying or making, do it. If the teacher questions you, explain
where you are coming from and how you feel it will benefit the students.

Communication is the best tool ever no matter what. If you do have concerns talk to your
teacher or supervisor. Don't wait until it is too late. After all, they signed up for a reason also.
This is a learning experience to try and best prepare you for your own classroom someday.

Learning Styles
Submitted by Judy from New Jersey
You should know each child's individual learning style, and teach each child keeping that
in mind. USE MANY AIDS AND manipulatives for a hands on approach. Remember each child
has a special intelligence, even though you may not see it at first.It could be verbal non verbal
musical, artistic, etc.

More About Learning Styles

Submitted by Trudy from Gradeschool Homeschool Family

As a homeschooling mother of three, it amazes me how different the learning styles of

my children are. In a classroom of 20+ children, these differences would be great. I would
encourage a student teacher to study the students and the way they take in information in order to
make the learning environment helpful to all.

Sub Before Graduating

Submitted by Monique from Arkansas
6th Grade Teacher

My advice would be....SUB before graduating!!! Remember that students are behaving a
certain way for you only because their full time teacher is close by. All education majors should
substitute teach in different grade levels (especially junior highs)before going too far in their
course work.This would give student teachers a pretty good idea of how a rough day might feel
you're on your own with 28 hormonal teenagers.

Work Well with Everyone

Submitted by Christine from Kansas
IR Special Education K-4

Get to know your custodial crew and secretaries. They can make or break how your year
will go. It is a lot easier to access thing that you want when you are on good terms with the
people who take care of the school and run the place.

I would also advise that if you have any children with disabilities and on IEPs that you
work very closely with the Special Education teacher. These children can have a hard time
adjusting to how you run your classroom and it always takes a team to make it through the first
few weeks. Keep an open mind and remember to relax and go with the flow. Everything will
eventually work its way out and if it does there will be changes made. Remember that the
children in Special Ed are just that children, and should be treated with the same respect as the
other children in your class.

Send Signals of Encouragement

Submitted by Robyn from Missouri
Grade 3 and 4 Teacher

Wow there is so much to know about working in a classroom with students that no
college course could ever teach you and that's basically your entire experience as a teacher.
College doesn't teach you as the individual being train to teach your own personal experience
and thats what you will gain from the teaching field: A personal experiences working with
Two things I do want to share is that as a new teacher, walk in the classroom aware that
the faces you see are the many different learning styles you are about to embark upon. If you
need help understanding learning styles, theorists Howard Gardener does a wonderful job
explaining the differen multiple intelligences which will help you with your journey.

My favorite tip is your signals that you send to a child. This is simply how you speak to
them and how what you say can be interpreted differently by a child. For example, if you say,
"No, that answer is wrong," a child may think you're calling them dumb. If you exchange papers
and have students grade their peers work, the student with all their answers wrong may see
themselve as a failure. So please, do me a huge favor as you enter the teaching field, send signals
of encouragement and remember, you are going to be a teacher, mentor, counselor, principal,
mother, father, grandmother, pet, doctor, lawyer, judge, and whatever else your students may
need you as but most importantly, a friend they can trust. Get ready for your muli-talented

Enjoy the Ride of Your Life!

Submitted by Melinda from Ohio
3rd Grade Teacher

The best advice that I can offer to a college student beginning their student teaching is to
realize that they are a viable part of the classroom that they are entering. They must ask questions
and observe the routines of the classroom and reflect on what works and what doesn’t.

As a new member of the teaching team it is their responsibility to be professional in

dress, preparation and commitment. It is a learning experience for both the student teacher and
the classroom students.

It is important to be on time and professional at all times. Your students are counting on
you to teach them and to have the leadership skills necessary to manage the classroom.

If you become overwhelmed, talk with your cooperating teacher. They were once in your
shoes and they can help you work through any concerns.

Don’t be afraid to try out various teaching skills and techniques because this is how an
upcoming teacher learns. College has prepared you for teaching, but it has not prepared you for
the typical classroom. You must realize that people are not as simple as the lessons that you
studied. You have to be able to make quick decisions and have the flexibility to change your
course of action at a moments notice. Be humorous, excited about what you are teaching, patient
with even the most difficult student and forgiving of yourself. Start each day with a clean slate
and enjoy the ride of your life!

Let the Principal Observe

Submitted by Annesa from Tennessee
Grade 4

Always go to the teachers around you for information from different grades. Also, allow
the principal to review your lesson plans and possibly evaluate your teaching. I looks really good
on your resume. Have fun, be firm, and enjoy what you do.

Be Positive; Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

Submitted by Chris from Georgia
Second Grade Teacher

Everyone that observes you will focus on what you need to improve. Be sure that you
focus on what it is that you are doing that is positive and working too. I always tell my student
teachers to keep your eyes and ears open to what other teachers are doing that is working. Don't
get down on yourself if something doesn't work. Next time change it up a little and try it again
and you will be successful! Enjoy what you're doing!

Live, Eat, and Breathe Teaching

Submitted by Marcy from New York
Fourth Grade Teacher

Almost in every occupation there's that moment where everything matters. In teaching,
that moment is when you student teach.

It all comes down to a few weeks of proving to everyone that you can put into practice all
that you've learned in theory. Live, eat, and breath only teaching during this time. Go above and
beyond what is expected. Have open communication with your cooperating teacher. Show up
early and leave late. The spotlight is on you- it's your time to shine. Show them what you've got.
Own your moment.

Principal Observations; Subbing

Submitted by Kim from Illinois
Third Grade Teacher
Once you are regularly teaching the class, invite the principal in to observe. This will
give you an edge if interviewing for a position within the school after you have completed your
student teaching. In addition, get to know the rest of the staff: other teachers, secretary, janitors,
special ed, etc. Become a "part" of the faculty/school. Finally, sub at the school after you student
teach (especially if graduate in Dec). In my situation, there were over 100 applications for one
position and I got it! I was more than "just another application on a piece of paper."

Organization is Key
Submitted by Janet from Florida
Third Grade Teacher

The advice that I would give a student teacher is to be very organized and to not give up
no matter what. Student teaching is a time to get a taste of what being a teacher is really like. At
first it might be overwhelming with all that needs to be done. When you finish one thing than
another thing comes up. It can get to a point that you might think that you can not make it. But if
you are organize it might make things much easier. Besides being knowledgable and creative in
the classroom, orgainztion is also a key component in being successful. In my experiences, being
organized will impress a principal or supervisor. Good Luck! (Once you complete your first
year of teaching it will get easier as the years pass by and you will become an expert at what you

The Notebook
Submitted by Linda from Florida
Guidance Counselor

My advice would be to get a notebook and divide it into sections like bulletin board
ideas, behavior managment, reading, math, etc. When they see a good idea write it in their
notebook. Observe other classrooms as much as you can. Take advantage of the opportunity to
learn from people who are teachers.

Okay to Make Mistakes

Submitted by Rodrigo from Brazil
University Teacher

You must know your students very well, try to use their English skills in the process.
Respect the differences and use them to achieve your goals. Besides this, it's important to build
an environment where the students feel free to use their own English, express their thoughts, and
make their mistakes, all as a natural part of the process.

On the Job Training

Submitted by Julia from Indiana
5th Grade Teacher
Pay VERY close attention to the veteran teacher. Watch for time management ideas that
work and ask many questions about how to manage time when filling in lesson plans. I believe a
large part of teaching is ON THE JOB TRAINING. Work hard at building relationships with the
students. RESPECT goes a LONG way!

Make kids feel like they are the "Smartest and Best!"
Submitted by Bridgette from Alabama
Pre-Kindergarten Teacher

First of all school does not prepare you for the actual classroom. There will be great
veteran teachers to guide you through your first year. My advice is to be observant of your peers.
If you see a teacher that is loving and kind but also has control of her students, GET TO KNOW
THEM FAST!! They will be a great asset. Get to know your students/parents personally. Make
yourself available for concerned parents. Give your students a high five or a hug each and every
day. Make your students feel like they are the smartest and best that your school has. Have a
discipline plan ready for the first day. Get plenty of rest and pray!!!

Hands-On Learning
Submitted by Redralynd from Texas

Last year was my first year teaching. I would tell a student teacher to be as hands on as
possible. Write lesson plans and use them in the class you are working in. You don't learn half of
what you need to know just by going to school. I have a Masters degree in special education and
I still felt like I needed to learn so much more. Working with children with autism is fun, but
challenging. Be sure you know the group of students you want to work with before it is time to
find that job.

Make a difference. Kids are counting on you!

Submitted by Susan from Florida
2nd Grade Teacher

My advice to student teachers would be to take notes and photographs of the ideas you
see your classroom teacher using that you would like to duplicate in your own classroom.
Veteran teachers are a wealth of information and ideas. Ask for copies of worksheets or lesson
plans for future use. Visit other classrooms in the school you are doing your student teaching in.
Observe the different teaching styles of other teachers to see various ways to present a lesson. If
you see something you like, mold it into your own style. Plan on arriving early to work with your
classroom teacher before the students arrive. Stay after school to discuss which lessons were
effective and what changes may need to be made. Don't feel you must deliver your lessons the
exact same way your supervising teacher did. We recently had two interns who are carbon copies
of the teachers they interned with. Be yourself! Be prepared for anything. Expect the unexpected.
Kids will be kids. Everyday is a new day. On the days you are frustrated or overwhelmed, just
remember the kids are counting on you. Making a difference in even one child's life is a
rewarding experience. Good luck!

Differentiated Instruction
Submitted by Carmen from Florida
3-5 Science Lab Teacher

Pay close attention to methods of differentiating instruction for learners as this becomes
invaluable throughout your teaching career. Steal any and all ways of staying organized.
Organization is what saves you at the end of a long teaching day. The 2 best ways to make sure
you impress your supervising teacher or edu professor are to make sure your students are
actively engaged and keep that smile on your face. :)

Combine Multiple Skills

Submitted by Adrienne from Maryland
Fourth and Fifth Grade Teacher

Remain patient and encouraging. Think of creative lessons that can combine multiple
skills like an English worksheet that asks a student to write about the lifecycle of a caterpillar
(which is also science-based). These type of lessons encourage the student to learn two subjects
in one worksheet. You may also combine music or art as some students enjoy learning lessons
through music sing-alongs (like rap songs), finger-painting their thoughts or understanding of the
lesson. Dancing along with a lesson can promote physical exercise for a healthy heart and clear
mind. Encourage children who are learning at a faster pace to also assist/encourage others who
need additional help. This will discourage competition and encourage building self-esteem,
compassion, and an overall cooperative learning environment. Remember to praise every good
effort and repeat important hints or skills because children learn faster through repetition. Make
the learning process as fun for you as it is for the student. Try dressing up similar to history
characters. This might help students to remember the lesson or add humor to a subject which
might appear less interesting. By doing this, both you and your students will look forward to
each day or lesson.

Take Initiative & Show What You Can Do!

Submitted by Stephanie from Georgia
4th Grade

A good student teacher is one that can assert him or herself in a positive way. Many
teachers aren't willing to let go of the reigns so to speak so a good student teacher will have to
take the initiative to show the classroom teacher what they are can do. When given small tasks
do them with vigor and excellence. Listen to your classroom teacher and take all criticism
constructively. Most of all get to know the students and have fun. Of course student teaching is
just wetting your whistle and will most likely be nothing like your first year on your own so take
from it what you can. Spend time with other teachers in the building and observing different
strategies and styles of teaching.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Submitted by Shari from Louisiana
5th Grade

The best advice I could give a student teacher is never be afraid to ask for help, even if
it's help with something as simple as how to use the copy machine. I know at this stage in the
game you feel like you know everything and that college has completely prepared you, but you'll
never be 100% prepared until the day you retire because every class is different and every child
different. So ask for advice and help, even with the small things.

Difference Between Friendly and Friend

Submitted by Barb from Missouri
3rd Grade

Do not try to be the students friend. You can be friendly, however, you are there to teach
not make friends. Always be fair and consistent, I know we sometimes have favorites, however,
you can not show that. If your wonderful student messes up then you need to treat them like
everyone else, that's part of being consistent and fair.

Challenge Yourself
Submitted by Cheryl Lynn from South Carolina
Grades 3-5

Go for it! This is your time to shine with a lot of support. Take the most difficult
placement you can get, be it a grade level you are not sure of teaching, a 'rough' or 'difficult'
school, whatever it is just do it. The reason I say this is if you can make it there you can make it

Know Your Students

Submitted by Terry from Mississippi
4th Grade Teacher

Be flexible. You never know the situations that each child must live with away from
school. Sometimes disruptive children may be starved to death for good, honest, and sincere
attention. Instead of constantly scolding the disruptive child, try making that child your "helper"
for the day. Be quick to acknowlege a dispruptive child when you "catch" him or her being good.
Sometimes, a child is looking for someone's approval.

Truth Revealed - Teachers' Confidence in Teaching
and Students' Competence Has Connection
By Larry Icabandi Nabiong

For a great teacher, never mediocrity be the stamp of his teaching. Students learn best when his
teacher is authentic enough to teaching basic things in learning which would make his students
learn by doing. Nary a teaching is effective if there is no clear-cut plan, sane strategies, and valid
assessments after a unit or what.

Yes, confidence in teaching is vital to ensure effective learning. Sans the mastery of the lesson
taught, of course, students will not get the skills, knowledge, values and the like that would
contribute to their success towards self-actualization. Instead, they would just be wasting time
and never be experiencing a meaningful learning encounter with the teacher who would rather be
a good worker but teaching.

Well, not all teachers have this skills in imparting knowledge, more so, if they were lacking the
passion and all to teaching. Yes, there is a need for a kind of inner strength that whatever happen
along the way still he persists doing his job-- and doing it well as he can.

Mediocrity in teaching can be seen through the attitude of students toward his teaching. Instead
of being motivated learners they learn to reject his style of teaching and never become learners
with passion. Yes, we could not give what we did not have. We can only teach what we know
and feel confident about. That is why, there is a must to ensuring mastery of the needed skills,
knowledge and all before letting one to teach. With the help of experts around, a not- so-
confident teacher must let himself be given all sorts of help and accept the fact that he needs
other people to learning teaching effectively through sane strategies for his students' welfare.

The future of the students' learning lies in the hands of the teachers and should be given the
needed support-- both not- so- confident teachers and not-so- competent students--for them to
enjoy their quest to teaching and learning. Yes, confidence in teaching can be had only if you
have the mastery of your subject taught, and competence by students can be had only through
giving them a confident teacher.

Ensuring teachers' confidence can be had through learning and getting the needed support from
experts around who would never waste time giving them the needed support. Mentors are just
around; they would be more than willing to extend help. Why not let them be of help and making
your students benefit from your collaborations and all?

Today's teaching calls for open-mindedness to accepting others' support than merely ignoring the
solution to problems making students learning not-so-pleasant an experience. Teachers can
change the scenario by changing attitudes, gaining more expertise in teaching and accepting the
fact that collaboration can make wonders to effective, efficient teaching.
Achievement test results are gauged of teachers' effectiveness. Whatever the results, teachers
must start from there and do the needed effort to augment or maintain the results, er surpass
expectations for each teacher is accountable enough to exert effort making a difference to
students' learning quest.

Yes, once we are aware of the situation we know how to deal with it, with grace and confidence.

 Article Source:

Student Teacher? Learn How to Survive in

Education and Be a Great Asset to Your School
By Tom Mickinnon Hendry

1. Join all Teacher Forums on the internet. You will learn many things from the thousands
of teachers who are members. Start with the Times Education Supplement Forum.
2. Listen to senior teachers with many years service. They are survivors. Get yourself a role
3. Be assertive, firm and always, always respectful.
4. Important. Stress causes negative emotions, short tempers and loss of control. You
MUST follow a daily De-Stressing Fitness Regime. Yoga. Dance. Running. Personal
5. Learn how to be a great communicator. Study (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming,
non-verbal body language as it accounts for 93% of your communication. Learn VAK -
visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning and teaching styles. This will allow you to teach
more effectively.
6. Inspire and motivate your students with role models, stories of achievement and success.
7. Make your subject come alive. Teach it with conviction, creativity and passion.
8. Manage your emotions by dissociating or stepping outside yourself and observing how
you speak and act.
9. Be philosophical. You will have bad days. It is how you will deal with them that makes
you a survivor.
10. Use appropriate punishment for challenging behaviour, but also empathise to get to the
root cause of the behaviour.
11. Show you are in control of yourself and your class by using relaxed, non-emotional body
language and gestures.
12. Be consistent in your discipline. Don't have favourites and treat everyone equal.
13. Focus on the behaviour not the student.
14. Tell them how their behaviour makes you feel.
15. Create a list of Do's and Don'ts.
16. Do not show dislike for any student. See Pygmalion Effect for teachers.
17. Be big enough to apologise if you have made a mistake with a student.
18. Build a positive attitude in yourself and your students.
19. Introduce yourself to all teachers. Even those who might seem a bit distant. They can be a
real help in the first weeks.
20. Plan and prepare. Get it right and don't have students laughing at your mistakes.
21. Learn as many different teaching techniques as you can. These and your personality are
what makes your subject interesting.
22. Create a comfortable, friendly environment. Use posters quotations, students' work,
colours, shapes, music, textures.
23. Be aware of and limit distractions such as windows with no blinds, noises, students
walking by, etc.
24. Seat students who either need extra help or have challenging attitudes close to you. If
possible seat them and yourself in a circle.
25. Use your students names often and in a positive way.
26. Be different. Be unique.
27. Let students help in setting rules and expectations. If they own them they are more likely
to adhere to them.
28. Emphasise individual student effort, behaviour and reward with praise, positive calls to
parents, awards/certificates, lollipops!
29. Begin class with a daily "warm-up" activity. Try our Lateral Thinking Problems.
30. Check for understanding and review during every lesson.
31. Always remember the best discipline is preventative discipline.
32. Learn classroom management techniques from the 'veterans'.
33. Watch inspirational films especially those about Teachers. Pay it Forward. Dead Poets
Society. To Sir With Love. Dangerous Minds.
34. Create your own student teacher survival guide. Grow it over the years.
35. Floss and smile.

 Article Source:

Don’t Confuse ICT Education with ICT Tools--

By Erwin Oliva 05/30/2008

MAKATI City, Philippines -- Information and communications technology (ICT)

education is not only about providing ICT tools to teachers, an educator told

Shyamal Majumdar, director general of the Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician
Education (CPSC), said ICT education has to be integrated in the learning process in schools.
"We should emphasize the pedagogical process in ICT education," Majumdar said.
"Sometimes, ICT education is confused with ICT tools."

In a paper he presented during an international symposium on "Emerging Trends in ICT

Education" organized by the CPSC in collaboration with other organizations, Majumdar showed
that there are various stages of integrating ICT in education.

He said there are at least four stages: emerging, applying, infusing and transforming.

He said that the emerging stage means that teachers are just becoming aware of the
potentials of ICT in education. The applying stage is when teachers are starting to learn how to
use ICT for teaching and learning. The infusing stage is when a host of ICT tools are used and
integrated into the curriculum. Finally, the transforming stage involves the development of new
ways of teaching and learning using ICT to explore real-world problems through innovative

"Learning is not a transfer of knowledge, rather it is an active construction," he said.

"Technology and teachers’ professional development in its use are best introduced in the context
of broader education reform which embraces a shift away from teacher-centered, lecture-oriented
training toward learner-centered, interactive and constructive learning environment," he said.

CPSC is an inter-governmental organization for human resources and development,

established in 1973 by 26 participating countries including the Philippines. The CPSC aims to
help member-countries in enhancing technician education systems.

 Sources:

Target Time

• April 2011 - to finish my baccalaureate degree in

Business Teacher Education.

• May 2011 - to take civil service exam.

• June 2011 - to find a job and earn money.

• September 2012 - to take Licensure Examination for

Teachers and be a license teacher.

• June 2013 - to take 2years course in Information

Technology, so that I will gain more

knowledge in computer.

• January 2014 - to be with my love one.. ☺

• 2015 – 2017 - to work abroad and earn more for my

Mother and my family.

• April 2018 - to have my own family.

December 6-10, 2011

In my first week in Lagro High School as student teacher of Technology and Livelihood
Education Elective (Food Service) was a good experience. I was so happy that my cooperating
teacher is very kind to me and she always guides me everyday we having a class. She allow me
to observed in my first week in her class. She gave me an idea in each section that she was
handle in every period.

But in Tuesday, in our last period I am the one who lecture to them because I feel bored.
My cooperating teacher just smile at me when she entered the room and allow me to continue to
discuss up to the end. I taught them a lesson about meat cuts and different market forms of meat.

Then, the next day I taught about poultry. They all listen to me and give attention on our
topic. I really happy in my students that time because all of them are cooperating in our

Friday afternoon I taught, fish and shellfish. I learn to my critic that there are different
market forms of shellfish and how are the proper way of cooking it. While Im discussing, my
critic only listen to me at the back and there is a question she is the one who answer it. I learn
many things from her.

I was so happy in this week. I hope there is more lessons and topic that I will learn from
my cooperating teacher. I think, I will learn also here in this elective food service, how to cook.
Well, actuallly I don’t have a talent in cooking, maybe that is God’s plan for me to learn here in
my subject. I believe that I will get more knowledge in this subject more than I expected. And I
was so thankful that I survived this first week of our practicum in student teaching.
December 13-16, 2011

It was a second week of my student teaching in Lagro High School. I really enjoy
teaching Food Service II in fourth year high school. I have a lots of knowledge that I learned in
this elective.

Im so excited in this week because our students have their project making which is
“chocolate making”. I and my cooperating teacher assist them in their project. I observed them
while they are working in our kitchen where it serves as their laboratory. I give them a hand
when they need something to use in their project. I always go around them to see if they do it

I also learn from them, what is the proper way of melting a chocolate and using mallows
as decoration in their project. In other hand, I found out that if there is a water in their chocolate
or even a little bit of drops, it will not become solid chocolate when they put it into a molder.
This procedure serve as a note for me to remember when I melt a chocolate and put it into a cold
place to be solid again.

Thanks for this week, that was full of enjoyment and experience in chocolate making. I
also enjoy the company of some of my students who share stories while they are busy in making
their projects. I hope this coming week will be more enjoying for them and have a merry
christmas. I wish that , we all having a good vacation and will see next year for a new challenges
and lessons. Have a prosperous new year to my students and teachers. ☺
January 3-7, 2011

A happy new year for my students!! This week is a great for me. A new challenges and
experience in my teaching practicum. I really miss my students and the bonding with my
cooperating teacher.

I was so excited to face another year of my teaching days. So, happy to see my students
again. I really want to teach them and handle the class. Maybe this month and the up coming
months, is my turn in teaching my students.

This week, I prepare my lesson plans and make a lecture everyday. I discussed different
topics and explain it very well. If there is a difficult part, my cooperating teacher is always there
to assist me. I’m happy that she was so supportive to me.

January 10-14, 2011

This week. I only make a review to them for the preparation of their graded recitation and
long quiz. I give them their recitation as a written, so that it will not be difficult for them to

During their examination, I follow their gesture and make sure that no one is cheating.
They really shock in my attitudes, and some of them really smile. Well, I will not let them to
cheat!.. I really want to laugh in their reactions but I didn’t, so that they will not make funny
about it.

We are also busy for the competition of table skirting. I assist my cooperating teacher in
one of our student who is incharge to be in competition in regional. I was so excited for them and
I hope that Lagro High School will win in that contest.
January 17-21, 2011

We are so busy in this week. It is a preparation for their 3rd periodical examination. We
make a review for their exams and check all the requirements that my students passed to us.

We give them their periodical a day before they having their examination in other
subject. I check it and records all their quizzes, recitation, and grades, so that my cooperating
teacher will easily compute their grades for 3rd grading period.

I also helped my co-student teachers in making cake. I learned how to bake a cake. I
really happy and felt that I was the “baker queen” while Im doing all the procedures in baking.
We are all happy that we have another experienced in cooking and baking.

January 24-28, 2011

This week is so busy. We have a laboratory for our students. They are all busy too in
cooking and preparing specific foods that was being assign to them. It was a new experience for
them and a great work that will challenge their talents in cooking a dishes. I really excited and
happy for them.

I also learned many things about cooking different dishes that was my students made. I
already know what is the proper procedure of foods they cooked. This will served as my
experienced in cooking, by observing each one of them. I hope, I can cooked too.

I really happy for all of them. They work together and cooked different foods that was
assigned to them. They do their best for that dish and presented to us. I appreciate their effort in
their laboratory.
January 31 – February 4, 2011

We collect all the papers and compute the grades of our students. I checked their papers
and make sure that all their requirements are being record.

After the examination, we are having their frequency of error and score analysis. We
record all the tests and give the result in our cooperating teachers.

Thanks for the seminar about drug abuse, it is a reason why we have our break for an 3
hours. We are having our rest even in a short time.

February 7-11, 2011

I continue to give lecture in this week and explain each topic to my students. I always
prepared my lesson plan and give my best in teaching my students. I really excited everyday I
went to school.

I am so busy in this week. I prepared everyday my lesson plan and study each lesson I
must discuss for tomorrow. Even though it was so tired but Im happy in doing this in my
practicum. I know God always guides me and give me strenght everyday in my teaching.
February 14-18, 2011

We already know our schedule in our final demonstration. Even though in our subject is
not required for demo, our TLE head commands that we should have our final teaching demo for
the complition of our requirement in Lagro High School.

We are all excited and nervous in our demonstration. We are all, planning our strategies
and prepare our lesson plans ahead of time. I also plan my schedule so that it will not be conflict
for my students.

This week is so unpredictable. I really felt nervous about what will happen for the next
week. But I pray that we will be successful in our final demo. I know, we can do it. I believe in
our abilities and strength.

February 21-25, 2011

This week is very busy week. We are all cramming for our final demonstration. We are
all busy in preparing our lesson plan and visual aids and we are so excited for our schedules.

I also busy for my final demo, in February 23. I was so happy for the result. I do my best
and my students really cooperate with me. So, happy that I overcome this challenge in my
teaching life. It was a great experience in our part and a good work for us. I’m so happy that we
are all passed in our teaching practicum in Lagro High School.

So thankful in our students and in my cooperating teacher, who supports me in my

demonstration. They are all give their efforts and guidance for me. And of course, I really
thankful to the Lord above who helped me in my life and days of teaching. So happy, for this
week even we are tired.
DepEd Supports Teachers’ Adjusted Salary
Saturday, Jun 26, 2010

The Department of Education (DepEd) expressed its support to the immediate release of
the adjusted salary of teachers that would further assure the upgrading of the quality of education
in public schools.

Education Secretary Mona Valisno said that a set of urgent concerns will be presented to
the next administration, top among which is the salary adjustment of teachers.

“I will be former secretary by July 1. But the team at DepEd will bridge with President
Noynoy our concerns as he committed that education will be a priority in his administration,”
said Valisno.

Earlier this week, an association of public school teachers nationwide pressed DepEd for
the prompt implementation of the salary adjustment of teachers under the Salary Standardization
Law III (SSL3) approved by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in June last year.

Valisno revealed that the Department will make representations with teachers on SSL III
through DepEd’s agency transition officials including Legal Affairs Undersecretary Franklin
Sunga, Undersecretary for Finance Manaros Bonansing, and Assistant Secretary Special Projects
and Legislative Affairs Jonathan Malaya.

Source: Manila Bulletin, June 26, 2010, Ina Hernandez- Malipot

U.S. Public Schools Stop Hiring Filipino Teachers

Sunday, May 23, 2010

UNITED States public schools have stopped hiring Filipino teachers this year as the
recession-proof profession faces the worst job market since the Great Depression.

Amid state and local budget cuts, cash-poor urban districts like New York City and Los
Angeles, which once hired thousands of young people every spring, have taken down the help-
wanted signs.

A number of Filipino teachers started their trek to the U.S. in 2004 when 268 were
deployed to unified school districts rising to 488 in 2005, 521 in 2006, 971 in 2007, 865 in 2008.

In 2009 only 255 were able to reach the U.S. mainland.

This year, job orders for teachers at the POEA are down as America comes to grips with
slashed school budgets. Because of this, many teachers were forced to go on leave and school
days were reduced so that the school district budgets can be stretched further.

Most of the Filipino teachers specialized in Math, Science and Special Education. Many
of them came from exclusive private schools and an exceptional few from national schools.

Recruitment consultant Emmanuel Geslani reported from Los Angeles that new
applicants are being turned away despite having passed the rigorous California teacher’s exam or
CBEST. Furloughs or forced leaves for teachers were given as California is beset with financial

At the University of Pennsylvania, most of the 90 aspiring teachers who graduated last
weekend are jobless. Many had counted on offers from the Philadelphia public schools but had
their interviews canceled this month after the district announced a hiring freeze.

DepEd Reiterates Banning of Campaign Signs in Schools

Sunday, May 2, 2010

MANILA, Philippines—The Department of Education on Thursday directed all school

heads to immediately remove all campaign posters within and around school premises.

Education Secretary Mona Valisno said the order was in accordance to DepEd Order No.
10, s. 2010 that outlines the “Clean Schools, Clean Elections Campaign” of the government.

At the same time, Assistant Secretary Jonathan Malaya reminded school executives to put
the sign: “In compliance with DepEd policy, this school PROHIBITS the posting of campaign
materials in school premises. Violators will be PROSECUTED to the fullest extent of the law.”

“We are reminding our division superintendents and school heads to place the signage
immediately and to remove all campaign posters, otherwise they will be subject to disciplinary
action where applicable,” he said.

Malaya added that monitoring teams will be organized in every region which will report
to the nearest DepEd Division or Regional Office of any violations of the said order.

According to Valisno, the order is to ensure and maintain the neutrality and non-partisan
stance of schools and the teachers in the upcoming automated elections.

“We need to maintain the integrity and neutrality of our schools and teachers in the
coming elections,” said Valisno.
She noted that public schools have been plastered with campaign posters of candidates in
anticipation of the automated elections on May 10.

“Since the school is a polling place, no campaign materials must be posted or distributed
outside school premises including grounds in front and areas around it such as walls, fences and
sidewalks,” the education secretary said.

She also urged incumbent local officials and other concerned citizens to implement and
observe the DepEd order.

“We appeal to incumbent local officials, the police and concerned citizens to help us keep
our schools free of campaign materials,” she added.


Valisno to Continue DepEd Programs

Tuesday, Mar 16, 2010
Education, Government

New Education Secretary Mona Valisno, on her first day of work Monday, assured the
nation that she has no plans of altering the smooth preparation of teachers rendering services in
the May 10 national elections, and vowed to push the Department of Education (DepEd)’s plans
and programs according to their set time-frame.

In her acceptance speech at the turnover, she made it clear that all programs and policies
that former DepEd secretary Jesli Lapus left will be implemented according to schedule.

Valisno brushed aside speculations that the change in leadership could adversely affect
the May 10 elections and the continuity of current programs and resolution of issues on certain
Magna Carta for Teachers provisions.

She stressed she has no plans of altering any preparations in the May polls, least
jeopardize the smooth flow of election activities. She has also no intentions of obstructing any
party list whose goal is to look after the benefit of teachers or educators.

As regards certain provisions in the Magna Carta for Teachers, Valisno said she needs to
be briefed on the status of all the negotiations, dialogues, and agreements that have been reached
and the next steps that have to be pursued.

“The President and I have always acknowledged how important teachers are, so we
understand the plight of teachers, we sympathize with them, and promise to take care of their
concerns,” Valisno emphasized.
Instead of spreading baseless humors, Valisno encouraged everyone to help DepEd
realize its objective of helping Filipino children, especially the poor, realize their dreams though
education. Education is the best social equalizer, “ito ang mabisang paraan para makaahon sa
kahirapan,” she said.

Being the foundation of education, basic education under the care of DepEd, therefore,
plays a crucial role for our children’s education as it carries the huge task of uplifting the lives of
poor children so they can be productive and responsible citizen someday, she added.

She added that the Arroyo administration places great emphasis on the important role of
education giving it one of the biggest shares in the national budget, representing about 29-
percent and singled out the priority for the basic education with DepEd having 95 percent of the
total budget for education.

Source: Manila Bulletin, March 16, 2010

Aquino Says He’ll Throw Book at DepEd Execs Over Error-

Filled Textbooks
Thursday, Feb 25, 2010

MANILA, Philippines—Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino IIII said he would “throw the
book” at officials of the Department of Education (DepEd) for failing to prevent error-riddled
textbooks from being used in the country’s public schools.

In an interview with Inquirer editors and reporters on Tuesday night, Aquino said
reforming the country’s education system would be a priority if he were elected.

“Why do we keep on accepting these erroneous textbooks? (Education officials) are

authorized to issue contracts every five years and yet when the book is produced, there are 500
errors,” Aquino said. “This is my pet peeve.”

He said that he would give DepEd officials a chance if he were elected but if error-filled
textbooks still came out, those responsible would face the full force of the law.

“I’ll tell them let’s say sorry to each other. There’s nonfeasance, misfeasance,
malfeasance. Throw the book at them,” Aquino said.

He said that he would also try to end the classroom shortage in the country so that
students would no longer have to endure their classes in shifts.

“You will need P20 billion at P500,000 per classroom. We had P40 billion for ZTE (the
scuttled national broadband project) but we can’t have that P20 billion for schools. So, your child
has three subjects per class period. He gets a textbook that is so full of errors,” Aquino said.
“The state wanted to have a headline ‘We’ve finished the classroom shortage problem’ but they
did it by double, triple, and even quadruple shifting,” he added.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer

DepEd Acknowledges Shortfall in Teachers’ Bonuses

Saturday, Jan 9, 2010

MANILA, Philippines—The Department of Education announced on Friday that all of its

teachers received their Christmas bonuses early this month albeit partially.

In a statement, DepEd said all of its 554,000 employees—most of them teachers—have

received their P7,000 bonus, also referred to as the Productivity Enhancement Incentive. But it
was short of the P10,000 Christmas bonus President Macapagal-Arroyo promised last year to all
government employees.

The P7,000 bonus per employee came from the national government while the remaining
P3,000 should have been sourced from the savings of the respective agencies.

To complete the bonuses, the DepEd needs P1.6 billion, of which only P550 million in
savings have been released so far.

But in the same statement, Education Secretary Jesli Lapus promised that, as agreed with
the Department of Budget and Management, “the additional P3,000 bonus of the teachers will be
paid as soon as possible.”

He added: “If we have to sacrifice funds allocated for other programmed expenditures to
give all our teachers the full benefits due them, we will do it.”

He also assured education employees in Rodriguez, Rizal, that the funds for their bonuses
stolen by robbers last month will be replaced.

Armed men took away P4.9 million in cash that DepEd personnel had just withdrawn
from a bank. The money was intended for the cash gifts of some 800 teachers.

“The regional office is doing its best to replace the amount from available funds,” the
DepEd statement said.

Source: Philippine Daily Inquirer

E-mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 09162738426
Address: 077 Kasunduan Street Brgy. Commonwealth Quezon City


- To be able to develop my skills and to gain more knowledge and experience through
your company.
- To enhance my working ability and the ability to interact with other people


• A hardworking college student pursuing a degree in Business Education

• Proficient in internet and MS Office applications
• Basic HTML, Adobe Photoshop and Multimedia application



Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Campus
Bachelor in Business Teachers Education
2007-2011 ( expected )


Batasan Hills National High School

IBP Road Batasan Hills Quezon City


Payatas A Elementary School

Ilang-Ilang Street Brgy. Payatas A Quezon City

• Lagro High School

Teaching Practicum
December 2010-March 2011

• United Coconut Planters Bank (Diliman Branch)

On-the-Job Training
November 2008 – February 2009


• 1st Dialogue – Forum of Bachelor in Business Teacher Education

PUPQC: Building and Strengthening a Learning Community
March 26, 2011

• Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Quezon City

Enhancing Teaching Skills Towards Professionalism
October 20, 2010

• Career Congress

BUILDING LEADERS: Developing Future Leaders in the Workforce
September 3, 2010


Prof. Marilyn Isip

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Quezon City Campus

Prof. Cleotilde Servigon

Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Quezon City Campus

I, hereby certify that the above information is true and correct according to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado

Students’ Evaluation

After my Demonstration
Me and My Cooperating Teacher, Mrs.

Me while Recording Test Papers

My Students while
Taking their Exams!

Are they Taking

their Exams? Or
Taking Pictures?....
Brain Drain Time!
Culminating Day!

Audio Visual Room Facility

Learning Component: Food Service II Lesson Plan No. 1
Sub-learning Component: Food Selection and Preservation Date: January 4-5, 2011

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Define the meaning of fruits.
2. Identify the classification of fruits
3. Apply the guidelines in buying and cooking fruits

II. Content

A. Topic Fruits
B. Materials Visual Aids, Chalk and Board
C. References

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Opening Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance

2. Drill: English and filipino term of different fruits
3. Review:
4. Motivation: Ask their favorite fruits.

B. Development / Presentation of the Lesson

1. Define what is fruit.

1. Explain the different classification of fruits.
2. Describe the desirable characteristics of fruits.
3. Discuss the guidelines in buying fruits.
4. Explain some principles in cooking fruits.

C. Closing Activities:

1. Generalization
Fruits are produced from flowers. As ripened plant ovaries and their
adjacent tissues, fruits are fleshy or pulpy in character, often juicy and
usually sweet with fragrant, aromatic flavors. Most fruits are edible when
2. Valuing
People who eat more fruit as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to
have less risk of most chronic diseases.
3. Application
Ask the students, what are their experiences in buying fruits.

IV. Evaluation

Oral Recitation

V. Agreement

Concept: Quiz about the topic being discussed.

Guide Questions:
Study their lesson and be prepared.

Prepared By:
Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado
Bachelor in Business Teacher Education


Learning Component: Food Service II Lesson Plan No. 2
Sub-learning Component: Food Selection and Preservation Date: January 5, 2011

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Define the meaning of vegetables.
2. Explain each classification of vegetables.
3. Participate actively in classroom discussion.

II. Content

A. Topic Vegetables
B. Materials Visual Aids, Chalk and Board
C. References

III. Procedures

A. Preparatory Activities
a. Opening Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance
b. Drill: English and filipino term of different vegetables
c. Review:
d. Motivation: Mention the nutritive value of vegetables.

B. Development / Presentation of the Lesson

1. Define what is vegetables

1. Identify the classification of vegetables.
2. Discuss the guidelines in selection and purchase of vegetables.
3. Explain the essentials of buying vegetables.

C. Closing Activities:

a. Generalization
Vegetables are edible parts of plants. They maybe roots, tubers, bulbs,
stems, leaves, flowers, seeds, or pods. In culinary arts, vegetables are
considered those plant materials eaten with the principal parts of the meal.
They may be served cooked or raw-in their natural state or in a completely
changed appearance.

b. Valuing
People who include plenty of vegetables in their diet are more energetic
and they do not get tired very easily.
c. Application
Ask the students, how they apply smart buying of vegetables.

IV. Evaluation

Oral Recitation

V. Agreement

Concept: Quiz about the topic being discussed.

Guide Questions:
Be prepared for the test.

Prepared By:
Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado
Bachelor in Business Teacher Education


Learning Component: Food Service II Lesson Plan No. 3
Sub-learning Component: Guide to Meal Management and Table Service Date: January 6,

I. Objective

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Identify the different purposes of soup.
2. Explain the classification of soup.
3. Participate actively in classroom discussion.

II. Content

C. Topic Soups
D. Materials Visual Aids, Chalk and Board
E. References

III. Procedures

D. Preparatory Activities

a. Opening Prayer, Greetings, Checking of Attendance

b. Drill: Broth, bouillon, bisques, chowders
c. Review: Essentials of buying vegetables.
d. Motivation: Show some pictures of different soup.

E. Development / Presentation of the Lesson

1. Define what is soup.

4. Explain the uses of soup.
5. Discuss the different classification of soup.

F. Closing Activities:

a. Generalization
Soup is a food that is made by combining ingredients such
as meat and vegetables withstock, juice, water or another liquid.

b. Valuing
Taking soup improve digestion and stimulate appetite. It also increase the
variety of nutrients in the meal, or even to furnish the main dish of the
c. Application
Ask the students one kind of soup and how they prepare it.
IV. Evaluation

Oral Recitation

V. Agreement

Concept: Quiz about the topic being discussed.

Guide Questions:
Be prepared for the test.

Prepared By:
Princess Tiffany E. Alvarado
Bachelor in Business Teacher Education
Days Time-in Time-out
6 12:35p.m 7:05p.m
7 1:20p.m 8:05p.m
8 1:00p.m 8:05p.m
9 1:05p.m 8:03p.m
13 1:05p.m 7:15p.m
14 1:00p.m 8:05p.m
15 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
16 1:00p.m 8:00p.m

Total hours = 57hours and 7 minutes

Days Time-in Time-out
3 1:45p.m 7:05p.m
4 2:00p.m 8:00p.m
5 2:55p.m 8:00p.m
6 1:05p.m 8:00p.m
7 2:05p.m 8:00p.m
10 12:45p.m 7:05p.m
11 10:50a.m 8:00p.m
12 10:00a.m 8:00p.m
13 1:10p.m 8:00p.m
14 1:30p.m 8:00p.m
17 2:30p.m 7:05p.m
18 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
19 2:00p.m 8:00p.m
20 7:00a.m 12:00p.m
21 7:25a.m 2:00p.m
24 1:00p.m 7:05p.m
25 1:15p.m 8:00p.m
27 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
28 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
31 1:15p.m 7:30p.m

Total hours = 131hours and 3minutes

Days Time-in Time-out
1 12:15p.m 8:00p.m
2 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
3 1:00p.m 8:00p.m
4 1:30p.m 8:00p.m
7 2:00p.m 7:30p.m
8 1:20p.m 8:00p.m
10 12:30p.m 8:00p.m
11 12:50p.m 8:00p.m
14 1:45p.m 7:30p.m
15 1:30p.m 8:00p.m
16 12:45p.m 8:00p.m
17 10:20a.m 8:00p.m
18 1:20p.m 5:30p.m
21 12:00p.m 8:00p.m
22 12:00p.m 8:00p.m
23 10:20a.m 4:30p.m
24 12:30p.m 8:00p.m
28 12:30p.m 5:30p.m

Total hours = 127hours and 3minutes

Total Hours = 315hours and 13minutes

Time Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday
1:00-1:55 Vacant Vacant Vacant Mercury/ Vacant
2:00-3:00 Zinc/ Zinc/ Vacant Vacant Zinc/
Tin Tin Tin
2:55-3:50 Vacant Tungsten/ Tungsten/ Tungsten/ Tungsten/
Manganese Manganese Manganese Manganese
4:15-5:10 Vacant Vacant Zinc/ Vacant Vacant
5:10-6:05 Vacant Palladium Palladium Palladium Palladium
6:10-7:05 Mercury/ Vacant Mercury/ Vacant Mercury/
Cobalt Cobalt Cobalt
7:05-8:00 Vacant Actinium/ Actinium/ Actinium/ Actinium/
Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum Aluminum
Technology and Livelihood Education II
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________
Year & Section: ____________________________ Score: __________________

I. Multiple Choice: Write the letters of the correct answer.

____ 1. Is a combination of well chosen crisp vegetables or fruits served with a dressing.
A. Soup C. Dessert
B. Salad D. Appetizer
____ 2. Market forms of meat has not undergone any chilling, freezing or any processing
A. Canned Meat C. Chilled Meat
B. Dried Meat D. Fresh Meat
____ 3. Is done by slitting the large or jugular vein in the animal throat.
A. Scalding C. Defeathering
B. Bleeding D. Slaughtering
____ 4. Are covered with a crustlike shells and have segmented bodies.
A. Mollusk C. Fish
B. Crustaceans D. Shellfish
____ 5. Are the red pigment in meat.
A. Red Meat C. Myoglobin
B. White Meat D. Meat
____ 6. A well tested recipe which is written for each dish in the menu.
A. Recipe C. Standardized Recipe
B. Recipe File D. Recipe Costing
____ 7. Is done to facilitate the removal of feathers.
A. Scalding C. Defeathering
B. Bleeding D. Slaughtering
____ 8. Are produced from flowers.
A. Fruits C. Meat
B. Vegetables D. Poultry
____ 9. Classification of soup a well seasoned stock from cooking meat.
A. Consomme C. Vegetable Soup
B. Bouillon D. Clear Soup
____ 10. These are fruits that develop from flower with carpels.
A. Fleshly Fruits C. Dry Fruits
B. Multiple or Collective Fruits D. Aggregate Fruits

II. Recipe Costing

Baked Sesame Chicken

Ingredients Unit Price Computed Cost Procedures
Breast Chicken 8-10 pcs. 1 kl. P140.00 1.
Evaporated Milk 2 cups P18.00/cup 2.
Unsalted Butter ¾ cup P50.00/cup 3.
Calamansi Juice 2 tbsp P1.00/1tbsp 4.
Garlic 1 whole P3.00/pc 5.
Fine Bread Crumbs 1 ½ cups P18.00/cup 6.
Sesame Seeds ½ cup P48.00/cup 7.
Salt ½ tsp P.50/tsp 8.
Ground Pepper ¼ tsp P1.00/1tsp 9.
Grated Parmesan Cheese 3 tbsp P2.00/tbsp 10.

III. Enumeration

1-5 Example of Meats 13-16 Example of Variety Cuts

1. ________________________ 13. _________________________

2. ________________________ 14. _________________________
3. ________________________ 15. _________________________
4. ________________________ 16. _________________________
5. ________________________
17-20 Classification of Meat Cuts
6-9 Parts of the Salads
17. _________________________
6. ________________________ 18. _________________________
7. ________________________ 19. _________________________
8. ________________________ 20. _________________________
9. ________________________

10-12 Example of Mollusk Bivalves

10. _______________________
11. _______________________
12. _______________________

IV. Identification

_______________________ 1. Are edible parts of plants that are used for food.
_______________________ 2. Referred to as dehydrated meat.
_______________________ 3. A seasoned beef stock free of fat and clarified.
_______________________ 4. Market forms of fish whole with the entrails removed.
_______________________ 5. This includes the white fleshy part of chicken such as the breast.
_______________________ 6. Type of mollusk with only one shell example kuhol.
_______________________ 7. Is enclosed in some type of shell.
_______________________ 8. Vegetable stock contains valuable vitamins and minerals.
_______________________ 9. Domisticated birds that are used for food.
_______________________ 10. Sometimes called as leguminious vegetables.
Graded Recitation Graded Recitation
1 2

Name: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________

Year & Section: ________________________ Year & Section: ________________________

__________________ 1. Edible parts of ___________________ 1. Are edible parts of

animals that are used for food. plants.
__________________ 2. Market forms of meat ___________________ 2. Sometimes called as
has undergone chilling and freezing. leguminous vegetables.
__________________ 3. Meat of cattle less ___________________ 3. Market forms of
than 1 year old. meat refered to as dehydrated meat.
__________________ 4. Are produced from ___________________ 4. Is a seasoned beef
flowers. stock, free of fat and clarified.
__________________ 5. These are fruits from ___________________ 5. Classification of
a single ovary which remain succulent instead fruits that are formed from many flowers that
of turning dry at maturity. have collected together.

Graded Recitation Graded Recitation

3 4

Name: ________________________________ Name: _______________________________

Year & Section: ________________________ Year & Section: ________________________

____________________ 1. Market forms of ___________________ 1. Classification of

fish, whole fish with the entrails remove. soup, a well seasoned stock from cooking
____________________ 2. Vegetable stock meat.
contains valuable vitamins and minerals. ___________________ 2. These are fruits that
____________________ 3. Are sometimes develop from a flower with carpels.
referred as rootcrops. ___________________ 3. Is encased in a shell
____________________ 4. Are domisticated and is classified either mollusk or crustaceans.
birds that are used for food. ___________________ 4. These are dressed
____________________ 5. Market forms of poultry that have been chilled or frozen.
fish refers to breathing fish during purchase. ___________________ 5. These are animals
internal organs such as liver, heart, gizzard.
Graded Recitation Graded Recitation
5 6

Name: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________

Year & Section: ________________________ Year & Section: ________________________

___________________ 1. Dipping in hot ___________________ 1. Edible parts of

water at about 30 to 75 seconds to remove animals that are used for food.
feathers. ___________________ 2. Slitting the
___________________ 2.Vegetables stock abdominal part and pulling out entrails in one
contains valuable vitamins and minerals. piece.
___________________ 3. Meat of cattle less ___________________ 3. Market forms of
than 1 year old. meat referred to as dehydrated meat.
___________________ 4. Are produced from ___________________ 4. Are domisticated
flowers. birds that are used for food.
___________________ 5. Market forms of ___________________ 5. Classification of
fish refers to breathing fish during purchase. fruits that are formed from many flowers that
have collected together.

Graded Recitation Graded Recitation

7 8

Name: ________________________________ Name: ________________________________

Year & Section: ________________________ Year & Section: ________________________

___________________ 1. Classification of ____________________ 1. May take about 2

soup, a well seasoned stock from cooking to 3 minutes to effect the proper draining of its
meat. blood.
___________________ 2. Sometimes called as ____________________ 2. These are fruits
leguminous vegetables. that develop from a flower with carpels.
___________________ 3. Feathers removed ____________________ 3. Market forms of
by rubbing. meat referred to as dehydrated meat.
___________________ 4. These are dressed ____________________ 4. Is done by slitting
poultry that have been chilled or frozen. the larger veins or jugular vein in the animal’s
___________________ 5. These are animals throat.
internal organs such as liver, heart, gizzard. ____________________ 5. Market forms of
fish refers to breathing fish during purchase.

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