We Are Going To Party Like It Is 1929!: April - 2011 Volume - 266 Founded - 1987

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April - 2011 Volume - 266 Founded - 1987

“Steer the Course”

We are going to party

like it is 1929!
Saturday - April 23
Bar Opens 6:30 pm
$10. per person includes hors d’oeuvres
and lots of surprises!
Prizes for best-dressed...

Call if you would like to be a

volunteer dealer or help set
up the cardroom or donate
prizes. Hosts: Misty Kaltreider & Lindsay Newton

Editor: Ellen Vartan

Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore
Dirk Kruidenier Bill Newton Ken Graham

veryone had fun at the ur first cruise-in of the arch proved to us all
club during the month of year was Tiburon YC that winter is still with
March and we must give for a three-day stay. us. Our annual pilgrim-
credit to our members for making They joined us for dinner on age to Loch Lomond was eventful,
Friday but missed Mardi Gras according to Cruise Captain Kurt
our Friday dinners and Saturday
featuring our own Chuck Stahr. Wind and rain combined to
night events outstanding. Joyce Youngson’s Pickle Creek make it challenging. There is an
Craven has done an incredible job String Band. The club was unconfirmed report that Charisma
taking reservations for the Friday decorated with masks, beads even had a sail up on the say home.
Night dinners. Every dinner has and Mardi Gras finery. Chef No damage...good time had by all.
been almost at capacity and Chef Anderson supplied a New Or-
Tyler Anderson’s food has been leans style menu and the bar Many thanks to our Building and
delicious. did a brisk business in rum Grounds team, Tom Nunan and
Hurricanes. One lucky partier Norm Madsen. Most visible accom-
During the month we had two (Dean Stahr) bit into a red vel- plishments so far are the change out
vet cake with “the baby” inside of the light bulb on the pole in the
successful theme nights: Mardi and won a basket of Southern parking lot, new lighting for the
Gras and a St. Patrick’s Day din- delights. merchandise display and the power
ner. Many thanks to Misty Kal- station lighting and the elevated
treider and Lindsay Newton for St. Patrick’s traditional lighting on the dock are working
their creativity and hard work on corned beef dinner was hosted again.
the Mardi Gras event. Photos on by Clay & Mary Parker and
page 5. prepared by Chef Anderson. Wednesday, April 13 , starting at
Brunch continues to be a popu- 9:00 am, we need your help with
lar once a month event. On our annual work party day. Please
Kurt Stahr was in charge of the March 27, Merrilee and I
annual March cruise-out to Loch volunteer. No special skills are re-
hosted. Charter members Bill quired and there will be jobs for
Lomond for St. Patrick’s Day. He & Jackie Finnegan and Daryl everyone who shows up. Once a
failed to spread the word to those & Kathy Nord were at the cor- year we need volunteers to do some
of us who had signed up for the ner table with Charter Mem- routine maintenance to keep our
cruise that he had decided to hold bers Barney & Evelyn Silveri. club looking sharp.
a heavy weather sailing class.
Boats that made the trip were Star Bartender Donald Buresh Next cruise out is April 9-10 to
conducted a training session Corinthian YC. Cruise Capt. Cra-
Ship, Lady Di and Charisma. for eight would-be volunteer
While evaluating the success of ven says the sign up sheet is full
bartenders in the past month.
this cruise, Kurt has said maybe with a waiting list. He promises bet-
Thanks, Donald, you deserve a
the next cruise should be by car ter weather...wait and see.
break now and then.
with boats optional.
Our social chairs, Misty & The second quarter’s safety work-
Lindsay, have many new shop will be a Saturday in May.
--Steer the Course Merrilee Newton is arranging for
events planned this year. It
takes a lot of behind the scenes CPR training. I’ll send e-mail
work to make them happen. blasts when dates are set and more
We appreciate your support so information in the May newsletter.
we can all have more fun.
April Dinners & Brunch April Events
Friday, April 1 - Menu: Roast Salmon, rice, salad,
vegetables, bread, sherbet. Hosts: Howard and Clau- April 1 - General Meeting
dia Simon. Chef Anderson $10.00. Note potluck date change. April 2 - South Beach YC Cruise in
Friday, April 8 - Potluck - Hosts: Bill & Elizabeth
April 12 - Board of Directors meeting

Friday, April 15 - Menu: Grilled Chicken, garden April 13 - Annual Work Party Day-
salad, rice, grilled vegetables, biscuits, ice cream with 9am
sauce. Host: Betty Humber. Chef Anderson $10.00
April 9-10 - Cruise to Corinthian YC
Sunday, April 17 - SUNDAY BRUNCH 9:00 - 11:00
am. Menu: Bacon scramble, veggie scramble with
April 15 - Tower Park YC cruise in
hollandaise, roast potatoes, assorted rolls, fresh fruit,
fresh coffee. Hosts: Keith & Regi Poehlmann.
Chef Anderson. $10.00 April 23 - Roaring 20’s Speakeasy
Casino Night
Friday, April 22 - Menu: Pork loin stuffed with
apples, onions, parsley; seasonal vegetables, scallop April 31 - May 1 - Opening Day on
potatoes, coleslaw, rolls, gelato. Hosts: Charles & San Francisco Bay weekend
Janeen Ehrhart. Chef Anderson. $10.00.

Friday, April 29 - Vaquero Beef, slow roasted with

May Events
tequila and mild salsa, green salad, corn bread, beans, May 6 - Seis de Mayo - Mexican
bread pudding. Hosts: Mark & Nancy Lessler. Fiesta . Chef Anderson $15.
Chef Anderson. $10.00
May 26 - RC Sailboat races - 5:30 pm
May Dinners & Brunch See p. 7


Mexican dinner, MUSIC. Menu: April Celebrations
Chicken enchiladas, sizzling steak faji-
tas, warm tortillas, taco salad, beans, rice, churros. Birthdays:
Margarita specials at bar. Hosts: Bob & Joyce Craven. Judy Garcia - 4/2
Chef Anderson. Social chairs: Misty & Lindsay.
Diane Brown - 4/4
$15.00 per person.
Betty Humber - 4/9
May 13 - Salisbury Steak, grilled onions, mashed pota- Bob Magoon - 4/10
toes & gravy, green beans, ice cream. Hosts: Bea & Avi Strugo - 4/13
Harold Moskowite. Chef Anderson. $10.00 Kristen Spence - 4/15
Howard Peterson - 4/18
May 20 - BBQ Pulled pork, slow simmered beans, Gloria Cordeiro - 4/19
biscuits, coleslaw and watermelon. Cooks: Steve & Pat Crisman - 4/24
Ellen Vartan. Hosts: Norm & Else Madsen. $10. Daryl Nord - 4/28

May 27 - Grilled chicken with grilled veggies, rice,

garden salad, biscuits, sherbet. Hosts: Dominique & Anniversaries:
Kurt Stahr. Chef Anderson. $10.00 Steve & Ellen Vartan - 4/4 (40th)
Bob & Nancy Gurley - 4/7 (60th)
May 29 - SUNDAY BRUNCH: Cheese & tomato Dirk & Seeta Kruidenier - 4/7
frittata, fluffy egg scramble, chicken apple sausage, Bob & Joy Magoon - 4/8
grilled potato, rolls, fresh fruit, coffee. Hosts: TBD Kurt & Dominique Stahr - 4/17
Chef Anderson. $10.00 3 Paul & Leanne Reyff - 4/29
Maxine Maas reports…  This and that...
PICYA Opening Day on the Bay 
Delegates Meeting  I took these photos
on March 26 from
Leadership Conference  the Riverfront
  promenade south
Many of our members are not ac- of the Third St.
quainted with the Pacific Inter-Yacht Bridge…
Club Association… a 95 member group
that represents boating interests in Doesn’t look like
Northern California so this is a timely the city is making
update from our PICYA Delegate much progress
Maxine Maas. toward being boater
PICYA Delegates were hosted on March 7 by
the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club. Attendance
was high because it was the first visit to the
club for many delegates.

The Leadership Conference was a great suc-

cess. The America’s Cup Trophy was on dis-
play to encourage all member clubs to attend
the exciting upcoming events on San Francisco
Bay. Our bartender girls
“Giants of the Bay” is the theme for Opening
Linda and Lynne
Day on San Francisco Bay on May 1, 2011. seem to be having a
Emperor Norton IV will make an appearance lot of fun.
to help judge decorated boats. The PICYA-
sponsored committee boat this year is the Maybe they can join
Hornblower at Pier 3. I will be aboard - wave
as you go by. Cody Points (see PICYA website
a biker gang on
for details) are awarded to clubs that partici- weekends.
pate in the Opening Day festivities.
Do Larry & Phil
RBOC (Recreational Boaters of California) know about those
represents boaters in Sacramento. Their bill tats?
SB643 regarding copper bottom paint was not
acted upon. There is no supporting evidence of
copper paint damaging the environment and
no substitute for copper based paint for boats.
Check their website for information on the
“bubble barrier” that is being put in place on
the Delta to help young salmon navigate. I pre-
sented a check from the NVYC for $363.00 to
support their efforts.
Can’t help but
Encinal Yacht Club will host the Wheelchair
Regatta again this year. love Sally’s
The next Delegates meeting will be April 4 at
the Aeolian Yacht Club in Alameda.

Call me if you want more information.

--Maxine (Emv)
Pickle Creek String Band, Hurricanes, New Orleans menu all add
up to a rockin’ good Mardi Gras. Thank you Misty & Lindsay!

Chuck Youngson & the Pickle Creek Band

Bob & Misty Kaltreider

Dominique, Antoinette &

Seeta Kruidenier & Angela Lewis

Lindsay & her Dad RC Bill Newton

Sharon Phillips & Donald

Bartenders Linda Parzych & Bob


Merrilee Newton & Alan

Commodore Dirk & Bill Moore

Dean Stahr won the “baby”

Photos by Lindsay Newton

We are going to party
like it is 1929!


Saturday -- APRIL 23
Bar Opens 6:30 pm
$10. per person includes hors d’oeuvres
and lots of surprises!
(Please call Misty at 252-2107 or Lindsay at 738-2464
if you want to be a volunteer dealer or help with set-up)

Save the Date!

It’s Seis de Mayo on Friday May 6

Margarita Machine
Mexican Dinner
Chicken Enchiladas, Sizzling steak
fajitas, warm tortillas, taco salad,
beans, rice, salsa, churros. Special
bar drinks

Chef Anderson - $15.person

Cruise News
At our Dock ...Back by popular demand...
Remote-Controlled Sailboat Regatta
The class of R/C Sailboat we race is called the Victor V-32. It is
available from Victor Model Boats in Downey, CA
Thursday, May 26 (www.victor-model.com) 562-803-1897 or e-mail (George@victor-
Tuesday, June 21 model.com) Mon-Thur 10am-4pm. Two versions of the V-32 are
Thursday, July 14 available: The TRS version for $355 is almost ready to sail. It has
everything ready to go including the radio control unit. All you
Thursday, August 18 have to do is put up the mast and sails and install 12 AA batteries
$5.00 entry fee per person racing (extra.) You can choose one of seven hull colors and eleven sail
Start time: 5:30 pm colors to make it easy to distinguish your boat. The kit version is
$114.95 and requires some assembly. The kit includes molded
plastic hull, keel and rudder, birch plywood deck, finished white
For information call: Nylon sails, lead shot ballast and complete wood and hardware
J.R. Robbers 225-1049 pkgs. It does not include the radio, receiver, servos or batteries.
Food available to purchase
Hosts: J. R. Robbers & Richard Goodfellow Some people have asked if other makes, sizes of R/C sailboats can
Trophies will be awarded race and YES they can compete but are not eligible for trophies.

Delta Cruise Captain Larry Wolfe

says it’s not too early to start
planning your Delta Cruise.
August 12, 13 - Benicia - Peddler’s Fair

August 14 - Rio Vista - Delta Marina

August 15, 16 - Sacramento - Sacramento Marina


August 17 - Tower Park

August 18 - Willow Berm

August 19 - Mandeville Cut (anchor out)

August 20 - Pittsburg - Pittsburg YC

August 21 - Napa - Home

(Land Cruisers are OK everywhere except

Mandeville cut unless you have a flotation device.) (Aerial images from Calif. Dept. of Water Resources
7 and CA DFG)
Cruise Captain Kurt Stahr reports on the stormy St Patrick’s Day
Cruise to Loch Lomond YC in San Rafael...

LLYC’s Charles Vick sent me this e-mail

Star Ship and Lady Di went to LLYC on Thurs- when we returned to Napa: “You left at the
day to miss Friday’s storm. Friday morning we right time as things just worsened. I clocked
woke up to strong winds and heavy rain which gusts of 40k plus. At high tide, waves banged
was pushing our stern-tied boat at an angle against the underfloor of the clubhouse, the
against the dock and away from the launch “bumper log” at the parking area was washed
ramp. ashore to the parking lot’s center and two pil-
ings were bent over 25 degrees. Inside the club
Lady Di was tied against the dock at the other end we hardly noticed anything but when we left
of the walkway. Luckily, the day before we put two around midnight, it was obvious this storm was
springlines on the starboard side of Star Ship. We tied serious.
another line to a piling next to the launch ramp that
stopped the boat from swinging too far but the wind “Inside the club we had a fine time... a bag-
was so strong we couldn’t straighten the boat until it piper, potato decorating, raffles, Irish karaoke,
died down about 1:00. Charisma arrived with Phil Irish dancers, superb corned beef dinner. Hope
Craig aboard about 2:00 and tied up securely against to see you next year. I am sure the weather will
the finger dock. They reported that their ride down be better.”
the bay was pretty good and the wind had died down.

Saturday we woke up to storm warnings for that

evening. The Marina and LLYC port captain were
concerned about us being at the dock with a predic-
tion of strong winds and heavy rain. They urged us to
head home so we did. The ride home was bumpy and
wet but manageable since wind, current and boats
were all heading in the same direction. There is an
unconfirmed rumor that Charisma might have put up a
sail on the way home.

Gary & Sherrill Schager made the trip to LLYC in

their RV but also headed for home in Oregon after the
wind warnings. Avi started down the Napa river but
turned back due to what looked like fouling on his
boat’s running gear. Dirk saw the weather forecast
and decided, rightly so, not to leave his home port.

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Thank you to our advertisers

for your support of the
Members, please support the
Officers, Board of Directors, Committees - 2011

Board of Directors:
Commodore: Dirk Kruidenier - 554.1098 Board of Directors Meeting 3-8-2011
Vice Commodore: Bill Newton - 224.0306
Rear Commodore : Ken Graham - 224.7015
Treasurer: Steve Vartan - 224.6553
Secretary: Bob Weeks - 253.2276 Meeting called to order at 1730 hours, March 8, 2011 at
Staff Commodore: Larry Wolfe - 253.9158 NVYC Clubhouse by Commodore Dirk Kruidenier.
Directors: Present: Dirk Kruidenier, Bill Newton, Steve Vartan,
Donald Buresh - 548.2545 Bob Weeks, Donald Buresh, Avi Strugo, Dana Rob-
Chris Fultz - 287.5038 bers, Dominique Stahr, Staff Commodore Larry Wolfe
Dana Robbers - 224.3973 Excused: Chris Fultz, Phil Champlin, Ken Graham
Phil Champlin - 255.3817
Dominique Stahr - 224.5157 Reports:
Avi Strugo - 337.5614
• Treasurer Vartan reported we have $90,365 in
Staff Chairs: Rear Commodore checking and CD at end of February. Report
Fleet Captain: Charlie Agnew - 255.8115 accepted.
Newsletter Editor: Ellen Vartan - 224.6553 • Bartender Buresh reported that there is now an
Advertising: Kathie Peterson - 738.3130 instruction book for volunteer bartender.
Merchandise: Angela & Art Lewis - 252.8586 • Research will continue re purchase of defibrillator.
Membership: Evelyn Silveri -255.1254
Bldg & Grounds: Norm Madsen - 224.9109
Motions Passed:
Tom Nunan - 252.7928
Public Relations: Lynn Pritchett - 255.6619 • Spend up to $200 for a wine glass rack over bar
Web: Clay Newton - • Purchase 4 pedestals to replace legs on four round
Staff Chairs - Vice Commodore dining tables
Port Captains: Kurt Stahr - 224.5157
Donald Buresh - 548.2545 Club Dates Reserved:
Galley Captain: Nancy Weeks - 253.2276 • Bob Gurley - April 16
Social Chairs: Misty Kaltreider - 252.2107
• Mark Cordeiro - April 30
Lindsay Newton - 738.2464
Bar Captains: Donald Buresh & • Mark Lessler - July 9
Sharon Phillips 548.2545 • Pat Casperson - November 11
Supplies: Merrilee Newton - 224.0406 • Danish Club - September 25
OD Coordinators: Joyce Craven 253.9147 Respectfully submitted
Steve Vartan - 224.6553 Bob Weeks - Secretary
Other Staff: Commodore (ed. note: The above is a synopsis of the NVYC Board of Directors
Long Range Planning - Steve Vartan - 224.6553 Meeting. If you wish further information, please contact Bob Weeks.)
Sunshine: Evelyn Silveri - 255.1254
Jackie Finnegan - 255.6638
PICYA Delegate: Maxine Maas - 255.4110

Eight Bells for Lou Schirm…

Lou Schirm, NVYC member since 1994, passed on March 16

after a fall. Two weeks shy of his 91st birthday, Lou was a
much-loved family man who served in World War II in Bel-
gium where he met his wife Yette. They raised 5 children in
southern California before moving to Napa in 1993 where
Lou was an active community volunteer with groups includ-
ing the Boy Scouts, Napa PC group, and several veterans
groups. While living in the Riverpark neighborhood, Lou
served as port captain at the NVYC and was a regular at Fri-
day Night dinners. Always generous and good-humored, he
treated club members to drinks on his birthday. Our condo-
lences to Nicky, Lorette, Lou IV and their families. (ev)
Napa Valley Yacht Club
100 Riverside Drive April - 2011
P.O. Box 5851 “Steer the Course”
Napa, CA 94581

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