Newsletter March 2010
Newsletter March 2010
Newsletter March 2010
Place: Clubhouse
KNOW YOUR DAYS Thanks Pat and all the others for providing
us with a unique evening! All of your hard
On March 14 the lawn watering work showed!
restrictions change.
Homes with ODD numbers can water on Submitted by Ann Brisson
Wednesday and Saturday. Homes with
Two boxes of knitted and sewn items were sent
EVEN numbers can water on Thursday and
to Citizen Sam in 2009 for distribution to the
military troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
All items were crafted of 100% wool, face
Water only when needed and not between
masks, helmet skullcaps, neck collars, and
10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Water for no more than
scarves. Pure wool is very expensive and hard
one hour per zone. You can always water
to find. It must be used because it does not
your plants using a hose or sprinkler.
melt, catch fire, and keeps you warm even
when wet. It must be used because it does not
melt, catch fire,
Master of Ceremonies was Ray Ballou, you IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE READING . . .
know him as our HOA president.
Talking Books is a free library service available
Who were these talented people who
to U.S. residents whose low vision, blindness,
performed? Floyd and Lois Bitler, Rusty and
or physical handicap makes it difficult to read a
Sugar Patnaude, Ginger Butler, Linda
Holtsmaster, Sandy Morin, Trudy Dunfee, standard printed page. Local cooperating
Noel Giambalvo, Ray Ballou, Pat Kivlehan, libraries throughout the United States mail
Michael LaCastro, Christine LaCastro, and National Library Service audiobooks,
Edward and Elizabeth Jones. magazines, and audio equipment directly to
Chester Soltis, our stage hand built a enrollees at no cost.
fantastic stage for our performers.
If you are interested in receiving Talking Books,
call or go online. To speak to a librarian in the
Daytona service area during normal business
hours, call 1-800-226-6075 (toll free) and follow
Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs after
the prompts. You can also visit www.elstalking
blooming. To guard next season’s blooms, for more information or for forms to
begin pruning after the last flowers fade but
submit your name for enrollment. before new buds set.
Bulbs: Plant caladiums for a showy tropical A report was given by the Activities Committee
display all summer. Chair about the “Bulow’s Got Talent” Show.
We would like to give a very special “Thank
Azaleas: If azaleas need hard pruning to shape You” to Pat Kivlehan for all of her hard work
or produce a fuller plant, do it just after plants and enthusiasm that she put into this event. It
finish blooming was a huge success.
We hope you have all had a chance to see the
There was a concern brought up about the new furniture we have at the pool. We are
number of people who have animals in the very excited about it! We will be painting the
Village and that there are several who allow shutters on the clubhouse and the overhang
their pets to go in other people’s yards. If the on the mailbox area soon to match. We ask
grass has been sprayed with weed killer or
that this furniture be taken care of as it is for
pesticides it could be harmful to the animals. It
all residents to enjoy. Unfortunately, in just a
is also a concern that if people are not picking
few short days of being at the pool, someone
u p after their pets, it could be a health issue for
threw one of the new chairs into the canal.
other people’s pets. The Board asks that
Because we have waited for so long to acquire
everyone PLEASE follow the rules in the park
these, we would hate to loose them to
to pick up after your pets and don’t allow them
vandalism. Please respect our community.
in other people’s yards.
Several complaints regarding dog waste not
The next Board Meeting of the HOA will be on remember to pick up after your pets. I have
Wednesday – March 10th at 7 p.m. The next requested that anyone who sees another
General Meeting of the HOA will be on resident who doesn’t pick up after their dog to
Wednesday, March 17th at 7 p.m. We hope to
submit a complaint in writing. Hopefully we
see you there. -- Ray Ballou, President
can eliminate this problem, all it takes is a
Remember to check out our website at: little effort on the pet owners part
Manager’s Corner
Martha Sickles 255 Osprey Lane 15 Mar
Yvonne Richards 11 Audubon 16 Mar
Barbara Courtney 22 Red Fox 17 Mar
Leila Wadington 56 Red Fox 17 Mar
Jamie Ballou 248 Osprey Lane 19 Mar
Tim Bennett 40 Red Fox 20 Mar
Owen Conner 42 Red Fox 20 Mar
Dixon Garner 57 White Feather 25 Mar
Vickie Dorais 207 Osprey Lane 25 Mar
Robert Kenny 3 White Feather 28 Mar
Pam Funderburk 196 Osprey Lane 30 Mar
Sherri Bogatzki 229 Osprey Lane 31 Mar
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