I Did A Lot of Research On Many Different Magazines

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How did you attract/address your audience?

I did a lot of research on many different magazines, looking

at them in shops, ones I had once brought and also on the
internet, the sites I used were Google images, and magazine
front cover, double page spread, and contents websites.
Although throughout my whole magazine I used mostly my
own thoughts and imagination, my first idea was bright
colours, to get the magazine to stand out and attract the
audience, so bold and bright colours, mostly neon was my
initi ati ve idea, the first title I made was off Dafont.com it
was a simple black and white creation however I then turned
the blocks into bright colours by filling them on paint, I did
this again so it stood out. I then used the same font and paint
effect on the titles off each page to link them together. I did
all of the writing on the front cover in Agency FB I liked this
effect as it looked retro and that’s how I wanted my
magazine to be, quite retro, and different, I used bright
colours with these fonts also. The model on my front page,
contents and double-page spread were all the same, I have
grew up with her so knew that she was quite photo genic and
is someone who would STAND OUT, I did the hair and
makeup, as if it was making a statement, the eye shadow was
made to contrast with the t-shirt and coloured writing, with
the t-shirt I changed the colours on Photoshop to merge with
the font colours and the title.
While researching I also looked at a lot of graffiti images, I
really like how the colours all fit in together when normally
they wouldn’t and how neat and tidy it is, but the main thing
being how much it stands out, I wanted my magazine to have
a graffiti edge and font however with several ideas of
Dafont.com I decided against it as I didn’t think it fit in as well
as I wanted too with my magazine and the music genre,
however I did put a page of graffiti in my magazine as it
states on the contents page. Another reason I didn’t use the
graffiti look is because it may have made the magazine have a
smaller audience as it would have targeted a smaller market
When I got my draft mark back I was quite pleased however I
knew I could do better, I didn’t take any more pictures as I
was very pleased with the outcome of them and many
people I had asked had said how she really fit in well and
stood out, many people said how she was very attractive and
because of this people may be interested in the magazine,
another reason for the make-up was to make her look like
she made a real effort, not something that was just picked up
on the street something actually worth modelling and would
attract readers to look at the magazine, also the clothes were
to make readers look at the magazine and think she has style,
the same with the headphones, to make the magazine
actually look like it was something to do with music, another
way to attract the audience. I decided I needed to look at
more magazine layouts as I hadn’t done much so it was
basically just a made up idea which looked very messy, I
changed the font, title, and colours however kept the same
colours scheme, on Photoshop I used the background tool
and put it on each page, keeping the same colour I thought
this made the magazine look much more professional and
was a key role to make sure the magazine attracted readers,
as they wouldn’t want to look at something that wasn’t
organised or neat. Another thing I changed was the font, I
used a black bold standing out font.




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