Question One

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Magazine Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions
of real media products
Front cover similarities
The mastheads on both magazine are both bold, black
and white and have a similar style font which represents
the indie genre well.
Both images slightly cover the masthead which makes the
magazine more interesting to look at and most indie genre
magazines do this.
Each magazine will have a bar code, but it is normally
very small, and in the bottom corner of the cover as
its not very important for the reader.
Magazine gave a variety of sell lines on the magazine which tells the
reader what will be inside the magazine to attract their attention and
hopefully buy it.
Some sell lines will either be around the image of underneath the
Sell lines will be shown in different colours. In most indie magazine
there is normally three colours, this will attract the reader. The
colours also represent the genre of the magazine as they are
normally purples, blacks or reds. This are quite darker more
depressive colours compared to pink in a pop magazine. Therefore
in my magazine I have three colours consisting of red, purple and
Contents Page Similarities
My image is similar to the real media product example I have
used from the magazine Kerrang!. I have used and challenged
the image as the models are quite similar looking, but the angle
and sizing of the image has made it my own. I prefer the models
direct eye contact in my image as it will attract the reader
I have used and challenged Kerrang’s
contents page, I have used the box of
colour around the heading, another
convention I have kept is the layout,
everything is in line and has the same
amount of space.

I have challenged the magazine by putting

the numbers after the text, also by putting
one of the heading and text slightly to the
right as it looked more appealing.
Double Page Spread
The images in my magazine and the real media product I have
used are similar by the use of a backdrop, and the facial
expressions and poses/attitude of the models.

I have used conventions of the magazine by the colour schemes

of the magazine have the same idea of black and white with
colour added to it.

I have challenged the double page spread as my magazine has

more images added to it.
I have used and challenged the convention of the example magazine. For
example the main images are similar as they are of a similar aged boy
band, I have challenged the convention by taking my photo using a
background which I think draws more attention to the band on the cover
as there isn't a busy background to distract you.
I have also challenged the columns of text used, more magazine go along
in rows where as mine goes across.

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