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Esol 1

Hello, this is the college reception. How can I help you? Samir: Hello, my name is Samir __________. My telephone number is 020 7946 ______. I can't come to class today because I'm not feeling well. Please can you tell my teacher?

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Esol 1

Hello, this is the college reception. How can I help you? Samir: Hello, my name is Samir __________. My telephone number is 020 7946 ______. I can't come to class today because I'm not feeling well. Please can you tell my teacher?

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1 Getting started

What is happening in the picture?

This unit is about starting a new English course. You will learn how to:

Listening and speaking

■ Greet others and introduce yourself Sc/E1.1a; Sd/E1.1a; Lr/E1.1d

■ Give information about yourself Sc/E1.4b; Lr/E1.2b

■ Ask others about themselves Sc/E1.3a; Lr/E1.2b

■ Ask for something you need Sc/E1.2a; Lr/E1.2a

Reading and writing

■ Read a simple text Rs/E1.1a

■ Spell your name and address Rw/E1.3a; Ww/E1.1a, 2a

■ Fill in a simple form Rs/E1.1a; Wt/E1.1a; Ww/E1.2b

■ Write sentences about yourself Ws/E1.1a, 3a

■ Understand words, signs and symbols Rw/E1.1a; Rt/E1.2a

E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 1

Introducing yourself
Activity A ● Saying your name
1 It’s the first day of class. Listen. How many learners can you hear?
What are their names?

Hello, my name’s Mubarak.

What’s your name?

Hello, Mubarak.
My name’s Valbona.

2 Now introduce yourself to someone. Ask his or her name.

Activity B ● Saying where you come from

Mubarak wants to know where Valbona comes from.

Where do you
come from?

I come from

1 Ask other people in your class where they come from.

2 Make a list of the countries.

3 Your teacher will show you a map of the world. Find your country.
Show others where your country is.

Page 2 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Lr/E1.2b; Sc/E1.3a, 4a

Getting to know each other
Activity A ● Asking questions

1 Alev is talking to Samir. Listen and tick (✓).

Country ✓ Languages ✓

Turkey Kurdish and Turkish

Algeria Arabic and French

2 Listen again. Alev is introducing Samir to the class.

Does she give the correct information?

Activity B ● Questions and answers

Here are some questions we use to ask for information.
Match the questions and the answers.

Question Answer

What’s your name? I speak ……

Where do you come from? My name’s ……

What language do you speak? I come from ……

Activity C ● Giving personal information

1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the same questions.

2 Introduce your partner to the class.

Lr/E1.2b; Sc/E1.3a, 4a; Sd/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 3

Asking for things
Activity A ● Where things are
1 Match the words and the pictures.

pencil ■
■ notebook pen

a b
■ rubber


f computer

■ i


drinks machine

2 Listen to the teacher. What things does she talk about?

Tick (✓) the things you hear.

3 Listen. What does Alev say when she doesn’t understand?

What does Samir ask?
Can I use your
Activity B ● Asking to borrow something dictionary, please?

1 Mubarak is talking to Valbona. Listen. What does he want?

How does he ask? No problem.

2 Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you some cards.

Ask to borrow the things on the cards.

Page 4 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.2a, 3d; Lr/E1.2a

Classroom instructions
Activity A ● Following instructions
1 Match the pictures and the words.

a a B b

b C

c A


c d

Work in pairs



e Mr / Mrs / Miss



g Mr ■ / Mrs ✓
■ / Miss ■ h Mr / Mrs / Miss

2 Listen. Match the instructions and the pictures (a–h).

Write the number of the instruction in the box.

Lr/E1.2b; Rw/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 5

Having a break
Activity A ● Talking together
Akhtar and Mubarak meet in the kitchen in the learning centre.

Hello, Akhtar.
How are you?

Would you like

some coffee?

1 Listen and put the replies in the correct order. Number them 1–4.

Hello, Akhtar. Yes, please.

How are you?

Yes, I do.
I’m fine. Would you
like some coffee?

No, I don’t take

sugar, thank you.
Do you take milk?

I’m fine, thanks, 1

And sugar? and you?

2 Work in pairs. Practise the conversation.

Page 6 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Sd/E1.1a; Lr/E1.1d, 2b

Activity B ● Positive and negative answers
Samir asks Mai Chen what she likes to eat and drink.

Do you drink tea?

Yes, I do.

Do you eat meat?

No, I don’t.

Work in pairs. Ask questions about what you like to eat and drink.
Use some of these words.




rice curry

samosa fish

I drink … I don’t drink …
He drinks … He doesn’t drink …
She drinks … She doesn’t drink …

E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 7

Activity A ● Numbers 1–100
Have you got a lucky number? Try to find it here.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

23 24 30 32 36 40 42 47 50 58

60 65 70 71 80 89 90 100

Listen to people saying their age or house number.

Circle the numbers you hear.

Activity B ● Telephoning the college

1 Samir can’t come to class. He is telephoning the college.
Listen and fill in Samir’s surname and his telephone number.

✆ Message

Mrs Smith
For: ____________________________________

Date: ___________________________________

Time: ___________________________________

Caller’s name: ____________________________

Telephone number: ________________________

Can’t come to class this

Message: ________________________________

wee‡. Moving house.



2 Work in pairs. Practise giving your name and telephone number.

Page 8 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.4b; Lr/E1.2b; Rw/E1.3b; Ww/E1.1a, 2b

An application form
Activity A ● Joining the library
1 Mai Chen is joining the library. Read the text.

My name is Mai Chen. I am 24 years old and I

come from China. I am single. I live with my family
at 73 Pearcroft Road, Durham. Our postcode is
DH1 3ZZ. Our phone number is 0191 983 7914. I also
have a mobile. My number is 0796 3048139. I am
learning English at Kingsdown Community College.
Today I am joining the library.

Now fill in her application form.

Library Membership Application Form

Mr/Mrs/Ms (delete as appropriate)

Surname ..................................................................................

First name ..................................................................................

Address .....................................................................................................



Postcode .............................................. Age ...............................

Home tel ..................................................................................

Mobile ..................................................................................

Occupation ..................................................................................

2 Your teacher will give you a form. Fill it in.

Rs/E1.1a; Wt/E1.1a; Ww/E1.1a, 2b E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 9

Kingstown? No, Kingsdown
Activity A ● Checking when you are not sure
1 When we want to check something we ask a question. Listen to these
people. Notice how their voices rise when they ask a question.

19? No, 90.

3NP? No, 3NB.

S-A-M-E-R? No, S-A-M-I-R.

Flat P? No, Flat B.

Miss? No, Mrs.

30? No, 13.

EN1 1BP? No, EM1 1PB.

2 Your teacher will say some of the things in the speech bubbles.
Write them down. Put a question mark (?) if you hear a question.

3 Work in pairs. Practise checking the information from task 1.

Page 10 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Sc/E1.1a; Lr/E1.2d

✓ Check it
Activity A ● Verbs
Complete the sentences with these verbs.

drink speak live come study eat

My name is Kim. I come

............................... from Vietnam. I ............................... Vietnamese.

I ............................... in Birmingham. I ............................... English at Midway College.

I don’t ............................... coffee and I don’t ................................ meat.

Activity B ● Numbers
Match the numbers and the words.
8 10 7
nine 3 ‰ive
three ten
9 eight 6 2
1 one
seven six
5 4

Activity C ● Questions and answers

Match the questions and the answers.

What’s your name? I speak Chinese.

Do you eat fish?

I come from China.
Where do you
come from?
My name’s Huang.
What language
do you speak? No, I don’t.

E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 11


Activity A ● Class survey
Find information about other people in the class. Here are some ideas.

Yes No
Do you ....?
How many people
walk to class?
Do you ....?
How many people
speak three lang
are Are you ...?
How many people
library members?
are Are you ...?
How many people
have Have you got ...?
How many people
got children?
have Have you got ...?
How many people
got a mobile phon

How am I doing?
I can Yes I need more practice
Greet others and introduce myself ■ ■
Give information about myself ■ ■
Ask others about themselves ■ ■
Ask for something I need ■ ■
Read a simple text ■ ■
Spell my name and address ■ ■
Fill in a simple form ■ ■
Write sentences about myself ■ ■
Understand words, signs and symbols ■ ■

Page 12 Unit 1 E1 ESOL

More reading and writing

The alphabet in English

Activity A ● The letters of the alphabet

1 Can you say these letters?

2 Write the letters in the boxes.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee F‰ Gg

Hh Ii Jj K‡ Ll Mm Nn

Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

3 Can you match these letters?


b q t r d h a e g n i l
4 Now write the letters again in alphabetical order.

a b


Activity B ● Listening to letters of the alphabet

Your teacher will read out some letters. Write them here.

1 ................. 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 ................. 5 ................. 6 ................. 7 .................

8 ................. 9 ................. 10 ................. 11 ................. 12 ................. 13 ................. 14 .................

Rw/E1.3a; Ww/E1.2a E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 13

More reading and writing

Common signs and symbols

Activity A ● Reading common signs

1 Where do we see signs like these?

2 Match the signs and the symbols. What do they mean?




3 Put these signs in pairs.



Reception CLOSED

ENTRANCE Enquiries

4 Work in small groups. Your teacher will give you cards. Can you find
a pair?

Page 14 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Rt/E1.2a; Rw/E1.1a

More reading and writing

Words to remember

Activity A ● Reading and writing

1 We often use these words in English.
Can you read them?
I he in

you one not to

and from of
a for

2 Now read these verbs.

am is come go live speak

have do learn read listen

3 Write your name, street, town or area, country, language.



Town or area



Rw/E1.1a; Ww/E1.1a E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 15

More reading and writing

Putting words together

Activity A ● Reading
Mubarak is writing about himself. My name is Mubarak. I come from

Sudan. I speak Arabic. I live in

Queen’s Park. I study English at

Kingsdown Community College.

I like this class. I have lots of

friends here.

1 How many sentences are in the text?

2 How many capital letters can you see? Why does Mubarak use these

Activity B ● Writing
Use some of the words on page 15 to write about yourself.

● Every sentence begins with a capital letter and
finishes with a full stop.
● We use capital letters for:
the names of people
the word I – I am …
the names of places
the names of countries, languages and nationalities
the names of days and months.

Page 16 Unit 1 E1 ESOL Rs/E1.1a; Ws/E1.1a, 2a, 3a

Audio scripts
Page 2 Introducing yourself Activity B
Activity A Mubarak: Excuse me, can I use your pencil, please?
Mubarak: Hello, my name’s Mubarak. What’s your Valbona: Yes, no problem.
Valbona: Hello, Mubarak. My name’s Valbona.
Page 5
Alev: Hello, my name’s Alev. What’s your name?
Samir: Hello, Alev. My name’s Samir.
Activity A
1 Tick the box.
2 Match the letters.
Page 3 Getting to know each other 3 Read the instructions.
4 Write your name here.
Activity A
5 Underline the correct word.
Part 1 6 Work in pairs.
Alev: Hello. What’s your name? 7 Circle the correct word.
Samir: My name’s Samir. 8 Listen to the audio.
Alev: Where do you come from?
Samir: I come from Algeria.
Alev: What language do you speak? Page 6 Having a break
Samir: I speak Arabic and French.
Activity A
Part 2 Akhtar: Hello, Mubarak. How are you?
Alev: Hello, everybody, this is Samir. He comes Mubarak: I’m fine, thanks, and you?
from Algeria and he speaks Arabic. Akhtar: I’m fine. Would you like some coffee?
Mubarak: Yes, please.
Akhtar: Do you take milk?
Page 4 Asking for things
Mubarak: Yes, I do.
Activity A Akhtar: And sugar?
Teacher: There are some things I want you to bring Mubarak: No, I don’t take sugar, thank you.
to class every day, if possible. Can you
please bring a pen, a pencil and a
Page 8 Numbers
notebook? And also a dictionary, if you
have one. We’ll have a break during the Activity A
lesson and you can go and buy a drink I’m 42.
from the drinks machine if you want. The I’m 30.
drinks machine is in the student café. I’m 16.
Alev: I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you I’m 50.
repeat that, please? I live at number 14 River Drive.
Teacher: If you want to buy a drink – tea, coffee, I live at 24 Morely Road.
cola – you can use the student café. My address is number 17 Avondale Road.
Alev: Ah, OK. My address is 32 Dames Avenue.
Teacher: You can also use the telephone in the hall if
you need to make a phone call. Please Activity B
switch off your mobile phones during the
Receptionist: Kingsdown Community College, can I
help you?
Samir: Excuse me, where’s the toilet?
Samir: Yes, I want to leave a message for Mrs
Teacher: Oh, yes. I’m sorry. The toilet is on the left,
Smith, please.
just as you come into the building.
Samir: Thank you.

E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 17

Receptionist: D’you mean the English tutor? Page 10 Kingstown? No, Kingsdown
Samir: Yes. My name is Samir Chergui. I can’t
come to class this week because I’m Activity A
moving house. A: 19? B: No, 90.
Receptionist: OK, that’s fine. I’ll give her the A: 3NP? B: No, 3NB.
message. Could you spell your A: S-A-M-E-R? B: No, S-A-M-I-R.
surname? A: Flat P? B: No, Flat B.
Samir: It’s C-H-E-R-G-U-I. A: Miss? B: No, Mrs.
Receptionist: And is there a telephone number A: 30? B: No, 13.
where she can contact you? A: EN1 1BP? B: No, EM1 1PB.
Samir: Yes, it’s 0796 3016192.
Receptionist: Was that 6992?
Samir: No, 6192.
Receptionist: OK, Mr Chergui, I’ll see she gets the
Samir: Thank you.
Receptionist: Bye.
Samir: Bye.

Page 18 Unit 1 E1 ESOL

A Answers
Page 2 Introducing yourself Tick – g
Match – a
Activity A1 Write – f
6 Circle – h
Mubarak, Valbona, Alev, Samir Underline – e

Activity A2
Page 3 Getting to know each other
1 g 2 a 3 c 4 f 5 e 6 b 7 h
Activity A1 8 d
Algeria/Arabic and French

Activity A2 Pages 6 and 7 Having a break

Alev says Samir speaks Arabic. This is correct, but he Activity A1
also speaks French. Yes, please. – 2
Yes, I do. – 3
Activity B No, I don’t take sugar, thank you. – 4
What’s your name? – My name’s ...... ? I’m fine, thanks, and you? – 1
Where do you come from? – I come from ...... ?
What language do you speak? – I speak ...... ?
Page 8 Numbers
Activity A
Page 4 Asking for things
42, 30, 16, 50, 14, 24, 17, 32
Activity A1/2
a notebook ✔ Activity B1
b rubber ✔ Chergui
c pen ✔ 0796 3016192
d pencil ✔
e dictionary ✔
f drinks machine ✔ Page 9 An application form
g toilet ✔
Activity A1
h telephone ✔
Activity A3 Surname – Chen
First name – Mai
Alev – I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you
Address – 73 Pearcroft Road, Durham
repeat that, please?
Postcode – DH1 3ZZ
Samir – Excuse me, where’s the toilet?
Age – 24
Home tel – 0191 983 7914
Activity B1 Mobile – 0796 3048139
pencil Occupation – student
Excuse me, can I use your pencil, please?

Page 11 Check it
Page 5 Classroom instructions
Activity A
Activity A1 My name is Kim. I come from Vietnam. I speak
Listen – d Vietnamese. I live in Birmingham. I study English at
Read – c Midway College. I don’t drink coffee and I don’t eat
Work in pairs – b meat.

E1 ESOL Unit 1 Page 19

Activity B Page 14 Common signs and symbols
1 one Activity A1
2 two
Suggested answers:
3 three
At school/college, at the cinema, in a train, at a
4 four
5 five
6 six
Activity A2
7 seven
8 eight Ladies – c
9 nine Gents – d
10 ten No smoking – a
Emergency exit – b
Activity C
Activity A3
What’s your name? – My name’s Huang.
Where do you come from? – I come from China. push – pull
What language do you speak? – I speak Chinese. open – closed
Do you eat fish? – No, I don’t. reception – enquiries
entrance – exit

Page 13 The alphabet in English

Page 16 Putting words together
Activity A3
Dd Gg Ii Bb Aa Qq Nn Ll
Activity A1
Tt Rr Hh Ee 7

Activity A4 Activity A2
a, b, d, e, g, h, i, l, n, q, r 16 – at the beginning of sentences, for the word I,
for names of places, for the name of his country and
Activity B his language
1 I 2 F 3 U 4 B 5 H 6 A 7 V
8 E 9 S 10 Y 11 G 12 W 13 P
14 J

Page 20 Unit 1 E1 ESOL

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