Getting Qualifi Ed: Vocabulary and Speaking

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3A Getting qualified Vocabulary employment

Grammar have to/had to: positive and

Student’s Book p22–p23 negative; questions and short answers

QuICK REVIEW This activity reviews language for finding b CD1 28 Play the recording (SB p155). Students
things in common. Students work on their own and write listen and check their answers.
sentences beginning with the prompts. Students take turns
to say their sentences in pairs and say if it is the same or 1B 2C 3A
different for them. Ask students to share interesting answers
with the class. HELP WITH GRAMMAR
have to/had to: positive and negative
4 a–d Check students understand necessary. Students
Vocabulary and Speaking Employment do the exercises on their own or in pairs, then check
in GraMMar 3.1 SB p132.
1 a Focus students on the title of the section and Check answers with the class.
check students understand that employment = paid
work. ● a a have to have b don’t have to go
Students work in pairs and say which phrases they c had to study d didn’t have to pay
know, then check in Vocabulary 3.1 SB p131.
● b have to; has to; don’t have to; doesn’t have to
Establish that we use job to talk about a particular ● Have to is followed by the infinitive: I have to go.
work activity and that it is a countable noun:
A What’s his job? B He’s a doctor. ● c The Past Simple positive form is had to. The
We use work to talk about something you do as part Past Simple negative form is didn’t have to.
of your job: I’ve got a lot of work to do today. Point ● Also point out that had to is the same for all
out that it is an uncountable noun: He’s looking subjects: I/you/he/she/it/we/they had to … .
for work. not He’s looking for a work. We can also ● Highlight that we use don’t have to and didn’t
use work as a verb: I work in London. not I job in have to to say something isn’t or wasn’t necessary,
London. not haven’t to or hadn’t to: I don’t/didn’t have to
You could point out that the word coworker is do that. not I haven’t/hadn’t to do that.
common in American English to talk about a
● We can use have to or have got to in the present:
colleague. I have to go. = I’ve got to go. Have got to is very
common in spoken British English. Also establish
Model and drill the phrases. Pay particular attention
that we can’t use have got to in the past: I had to
to the pronunciation of colleagues /kɒligz/ and job
work last night. not I had got to work last night.
security /dɒb sIkjυərəti/.
Note that only the main stress in words/phrases
is shown in vocabulary boxes and the Language HELP WITH LISTENING have to and have
Summaries. This Help with Listening section helps students to
b Focus students on the example phrases and the hear the difference between have to and have in
phrases in 1a. sentences.
Students do the exercise on their own.
5 a Give students time to read sentences 1–3.
c Students compare their ideas in pairs and fi nd out CD1 29 Play the recording. Students listen and
how many of the things are the same. notice the difference in pronunciation between
Ask each pair to tell the class about the things that have to /hftə/ and have /hv/.
are the same for both students. Highlight that the v in have to is pronounced /f/,
while the same letter in have is pronounced /v/. Also
Listening and Speaking point out that to in have to is pronounced with a
schwa /ə/.
a Focus students on photos A–C. Ask if they can
match the people in the photos to the jobs. Students b CD1 30 Play the recording (SB p155). Students
check answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. listen and write the sentences they hear.
Play the recording again if necessary. Check answers
A Rick is an interpreter. B Lorna is a paramedic. with the class.
C Bernie is a football referee.
1 They have to study for a long time.
b Students work in pairs and choose phrases 2 We have a lot of training.
from 1a that they think are true for each job. 3 I have to work at home a lot.
Ask students to share their ideas with the class. 4 You don’t have to go to university.
5 I have to have a degree.
3 a Check students remember have a degree. Students 6 We don’t have any exams.
work on their own and match sentences 1–3 to
photos A–C.

6 CD1 31 pronunciation Play the recording (SB p155). ● Also highlight that we can’t make questions with
Students listen and repeat the sentences. Check Have you to …? or Had you to …?.
students copy the pronunciation of have to and have
● b 1 Yes, you do./No, you don’t. 2 Yes, he does./
No, he doesn’t. 3 Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.
extra idea ● Use the examples to point out that we use the
auxiliaries do/does/did in short answers, not
● Ask students to turn to Audio Script CD1 31, SB p155. have/has/had.
They can then notice the sentence stress and the
pronunciation of have to and have as they listen 10 a Focus students on the photos of Rick and Lorna
and repeat. again and check they remember what their jobs
are. Check that students realise that they have both
7 Focus students on the photo of Bernie (the football fi nished their training and are now fully qualified.
referee) and tell students they are going to read about Students do the exercise on their own, then check in
his training. pairs. Check answers with the class.
Point out that referee can be a noun and a verb. You
could also check students understand laws, rules, 2 Why do interpreters have to work in pairs?
practical exam, deal with, backwards and decisions. 3 How many words does an interpreter have to
Note that students don’t need to understand these translate in 30 minutes?
words in order to do the exercise. 4 Do you have to go to university to become a
Students do the exercise on their own. Early fi nishers paramedic?
5 What’s the main thing a paramedic has to do?
can check answers in pairs. Check answers with the
6 What did Lorna have to do yesterday?
b Pre-teach the vocabulary. Note that the aim is to
3 don’t have to 4 has to 5 have to 6 had to
highlight which words you need to pre-teach to help
7 didn’t have to 8 had to 9 has to
students understand the recording that follows. The
10 doesn’t have to 11 has to 12 has to
vocabulary is not in the Language Summary in the
Student’s Book.
8 a Students read the text about Bernie again and Model and drill the words and phrases. Pay
answer questions 1–5. particular attention to the pronunciation of calm
b Students check answers in pairs. Check answers /kAm/.
with the class. c CD1 32 Play the recording (SB p155). Students
listen and answer the questions in 10a. Play the
1 No, they don’t have to pay very much. recording again if necessary.
2 He/She has to learn 130 pages of rules.
3 Yes, he had to do practical and written exams. d Students work in pairs and compare answers.
4 He had to give a player a red card. Check answers with the class.
5 He has to practise running backwards.
1 (He had to learn to) listen and speak at the same
time. 2 (They have to work in pairs) because it’s
extra idea impossible for one person to interpret for more
● Students discuss what they think is the most surprising than half an hour. 3 (They have to translate)
thing about a football referee’s training. about 4,000 words in 30 minutes. 4 No, you don’t
have to (go to university to become a paramedic).
5 (The main thing a paramedic has to do is) stay
HELP WITH GRAMMAR calm in an emergency. 6 (She had to) help a man
have to/had to: questions and short answers who fell off a roof.
9 a–c Students do the exercises on their own or in e Students work in groups and discuss the question.
pairs, then check in GraMMar 3.2 SB p132. Check Ask students to tell the class which job they would
answers with the class. most like to do, giving reasons for their answers.
● a We make Present Simple questions with: extra idea
(question word +) do/does + subject + have to +
infinitive + … . ● Write a list of about 20 jobs on the board. Put
● We make Past Simple questions with: (question students into groups. One student in the group chooses
word +) did + subject + have to + infinitive + … . a job from the list. The other students ask him/her yes/
● In the Present Simple we can make questions with no questions to find out what job it is, using have to and
have to or have got to: Do you have to go? = vocabulary from 1a: Do you have to get up early? Do
Have you got to go? you have your own office? etc. The turn then passes to
● Point out that we can’t use have got to in Past another student in the group.
Simple questions: Did you have to work last
night? not Had you got to work last night?

Get ready … Get it right!
Students write a paragraph about their job or a job they
11 Put students into pairs, student A and student B. would like to do.
Student As turn to SB p106 and student Bs turn
Alternatively, students write a short profile about two
to SB p112. Check they are all looking at the
correct exercise. friends or family members. They should write what they
do and say what qualifications or training they had to
a Students work on their own and tick the have or do in order to get the job. Encourage students to
things they have to do in the week and at the add details about the jobs, using the vocabulary in 1a.
weekend in both of the you columns. Students Also encourage them to say whether the people like/don’t
should tick all the in the week questions first,
like their job and give reasons.
then go on to at the weekend.
b Focus students on the examples. Point out
that all the questions are in the Present Simple. FURTHER PRACTICE
Students do the exercise on their own. While Ph Vocabulary Plus  3 Jobs p199 (Instructions p194)
students are working, check their questions for Ph Class Activity  3A Guess the job p155
accuracy and help with any problems. (Instructions p135)
c Students work with their partner and take Extra Practice  3A SB p117
turns to ask and answer the questions about Workbook  Lesson 3A p15
the things they have to do in the week and then
about the things they have to do at the weekend.
Point out that they must tick the things their
partner has to do in the your partner column.
At the end of the activity, students work out how
many things they both have to do.
d Check students understand stressful. Students
then decide whose life is the most stressful and
Finally, ask students to share their conclusions
with the class, giving reasons for their answers.

3B Job-hunting Vocabulary  looking for a job

Grammar  Present Continuous and Present
Student’s Book p24–p25 Simple; activity and state verbs

QUICK REVIEW  This activity reviews have to. Give Also establish that unemployed is an adjective, so we
students a minute or two to think of two people they know say: He is unemployed. not He is an unemployed.
with jobs. Students then work in pairs and share information Tell students that in the UK, if you are unemployed,
about the people. Students also decide which person has you get some money from the government each week
the best job and why. Ask students to share their answers to live on. This is called unemployment benefit and
with the class. is often called the dole in informal English.
Check students understand the difference between
earn money (by doing a job) and win money (by
winning a competition, a lottery or a bet).
Vocabulary and Speaking Model and drill the phrases. Pay particular attention
Looking for a job to the pronunciation of apply /@plaI/, earn /Æ:n/ and
experience /IkspI@ri@ns/.
1 a Students work in pairs and say which phrases
they know, then check new words/phrases in EXTRA IDEA
Point out that the American English word for a CV is ● Do this as a Know, Might Know, Don’t Know activity,
a résumé, and that we can say fill in a form or fill out p24.
a form.

b Students work on their own and put the phrases in ● We don’t usually use state verbs in the Present
1a in order. Check students understand that there is Continuous (or other continuous verb forms).
more than one possible order. Focus students on the list of common state verbs
c Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers in GraMMar 3.3 SB p132.
with the class. ● d Negatives: Present Continuous: subject + ’m
not/isn’t/aren’t + verb+ing + … . Present Simple:
Suggested order: 2 be unemployed
subject + don’t/doesn’t + infinitive + … .
3 get unemployment benefit 4 look for a job ● Questions: Present Continuous: (question word +)
5 apply for a job 6 write a CV 7 fill in an
am/is/are + subject + verb+ing + … .
application form 8 go for an interview 9 find a job
Present Simple: (question word +) do/does +
10 have some experience 11 earn a lot of money
subject + infinitive + … .
● Refer students to GraMMar 3.3 SB p132 for more
Reading examples of the form of the Present Continuous
and Present Simple, including yes/no questions
2 a Focus students on photos 1 and 2 and the two and short answers.
letters. Ask students where the letters are from ● Point out that we often use the Present
(a newspaper). Check students understand Continuous with now, at the moment, today and
engineering and frustrating. the Present Simple with frequency words/phrases
Students read and fi nd out why each person is like always, never, usually, every week, once a
unemployed. Set a time limit of thirty seconds to month, etc.
encourage skim reading.
Check answers with the class. You can also use
4 CD1 33 pronunciation Play the recording (SB p155).
the situation in the second letter to check students
Students listen and repeat the sentences. Check
understand count in the phrase experience doesn’t
students copy the stress correctly.
You can also ask students to turn to Audio Script 
CD1 33 , SB p155. They can then follow the stress as
Bonnie is unemployed because she hasn’t got any
experience and companies always say they want they listen and repeat.
people with experience. 5 a Check students understand parts (for cars) and
Harry is unemployed because people think he’s
that they remember responsibility. Focus students on
too old.
the email. Ask who the email is from and who it is to
b Focus on the example. Students read the letters (it’s from Harry to a friend, Frank).
again, then tick the true sentences and correct the Focus students on the example. Students do the
false ones. exercise on their own. Don’t check answers yet.
Students check answers in pairs. Check answers with Elicit where Harry is working now (he’s working for
the class. a local engineering company).
b Students compare answers in pairs, explaining
b She’s looking for her first job. why they chose the Present Continuous or the Present
c She looks at the job adverts online every day. Simple. Focus students on the example answer
d ✓ e ✓ f He lost his job four months ago. and elicit that have got is a state verb so it is in the
g He never gets an interview. h ✓ Present Simple. Check answers with the class.

HELP WITH GRAMMAR 2 Do … remember (state verb) 3 makes (things they

Present Continuous and Present Simple; always do) 4 sell (things they always do)
5 ’re doing (temporary/happening around now)
activity and state verbs
6 want (state verb) 7 ’re trying (temporary/
3 a–e Students do the exercises on their own or in happening around now) 8 like (state verb) 9 have
pairs, then check in GraMMar 3.3 SB p132. (routine) 10 ’m not working (happening at the
Check answers with the class. moment of writing) 11 ’m writing (happening at the
moment of writing) 12 work (daily routine)
● a Present Continuous: 1, 3, 5 and 6. 13 don’t work (daily routine) 14 ’s ringing
Present Simple: 2, 4, 7 and 8. (happening at the moment of writing)
● b Present Continuous: a I’m writing
b she’s looking; I’m applying Speaking
Present Simple: a She goes; I never get
b she needs; people think 6 Put students into pairs, student A and student B.
● c Activities: work, write, eat, run, do; States: hate, Student As turn to SB p104 and student Bs turn to
know, remember, understand, believe, need SB p110. Check they are all looking at the correct

a Check students understand products.
Give students time to read their information about 2 Do you want to live in a different
Bonnie’s new job and deal with any problems. country? 3 Do you need to speak English
b Focus students on the example. Students do the every day? 4 Do you read a newspaper
exercise on their own. While they are working, every day?  5 Are you reading a good book
check their questions for accuracy and help with any at the moment? 6 Do you get up before
problems. seven o’clock? 7 Are you studying for an
exam at the moment? 8 Do you have an
Student A: 2 Is the company doing well at the interesting job?
moment? 3 What time does Bonnie start work?
4 What does she like about the job? 5 Where is she 9 a Focus students on the speech bubbles and
working today? drill these examples with the class. Students
Student B: b How much does she earn every week? move around the class, asking other students
c What time does she finish work?  d Is she doing their questions, or ask as many people as they
any training at the moment?  e What is she doing can sitting near them.
now? When they find a student who answers yes, they
write the person’s name next to the question and
c Students work with their partner and take turns ask two follow-up questions. Students should try
to ask and answer their questions. Student A starts. to find a different student who answers yes for
While they are working, monitor and correct any each question. While they are working, monitor
mistakes you hear. and help with any problems.
d Students discuss in pairs which job is better, and b Students work in groups and tell one another
think of reasons for their choice. Ask students to three things they have found out about the class.
share their ideas with the class. Finally, ask students to share interesting answers
with the class.
7 Students work in groups and discuss the questions.
If you have a multilingual class, put a mix of WRITING
nationalities into each group. While students are
working, monitor and help with any problems. Students write up the results of the class survey
At the end of the activity, ask students to share from 9a. Tell them to write one paragraph about
interesting answers with the class. the things people are doing at the moment and
one paragraph about people’s daily routines and
Get ready … Get it right! things they always do.

8 Focus students on the example and the pictures.

Students work on their own and write yes/no
questions with you from the prompts. While
students are working, check their questions for Ph Study Skills  2 Your vocabulary notebook p232
accuracy and help with any problems. Check (Instructions p228)
answers with the class. Extra Practice  3B SB p117
Workbook  Lesson 3B p16

VOCABULARY Vocabulary  word building:

3C AND SKILLS What a job! noun endings
Skills  Listening: a radio interview;
Student’s Book p26–p27 Reading: a magazine article

QUICK REVIEW  This activity reviews the Present Simple Speaking and Listening
and Present Continuous. Students work on their own
1 a Give students a minute to think of three jobs they
and write the names of three people they know well. Put
would like to do and three they would hate to do.
students into pairs. Students take turns to ask what these
people usually do in their free time and what they are doing b Students compare their ideas in groups and find
at the moment. Ask students to share interesting answers out if there are any jobs they would all like to do.
Ask students to share interesting answers with the
with the class.

Word building: noun endings
Students write a paragraph about a job they would like to
do, and a paragraph about a job they would hate to do. 4 a–c Students do the exercises on their own or in
To help them start each paragraph you could write pairs, then check in Vocabulary 3.3 SB p131.
these phrases on the board: I’d like to be a ... because While students are working, draw the table from
they don’t have to ...; I’d hate to be a ... because they 4a on the board so that you are ready to check their
have to ... answers. Check answers with the class.

● a Check the table with the class (see the table in

2 a Focus students on pictures A–C. Check students Vocabulary 3.3 SB p131).
understand golf ball and fortune cookie. ● Note that there are no useful rules for which
Tell students they are going to listen to a writer, Paul ending we use to make nouns from verbs.
Owen, talking about his new book, Is That a Real ● b We use -or, -ant and -er for people’s jobs.
Job?, which is about strange jobs. ● Focus students on the TIP. Point out that we can
CD1 34 Play the recording (SB p155). Students also make jobs by adding -ist or -ian to nouns: art
listen and put the pictures in order. Check answers ➞ artist; music ➞ musician.
with the class.

1C 5 a Students work in pairs and write all the jobs they

2B know with these endings.
3A b Students compare their lists with another pair.
b Give students time to read sentences 1–6, then extra idea
play the recording again. Students listen and do the
exercise on their own. ● Find out which pair has the most words and write
Students check answers in pairs. Check answers with them on the board. Ask if other pairs have any different
the class. Ask the class which job they think is the words and add them to the list.
most unusual. If you have a strong class, encourage
students to say why. 6 a Students do the exercise on their own. Remind
students to look at the endings of the words to help
1 F Paul doesn’t think testing furniture is an
them do the exercise.
interesting job.
2✓ b Students check answers in pairs. Check answers
3 F It makes 4.5 million fortune cookies a day. with the class and help students with any new
4 F Fortune cookies started in Japan in the 19th vocabulary.
century. Model and drill the new words. Pay particular
5✓ attention to the pronunciation of examination
6 F In the UK, golfers lose about 20 million balls /IgzmIneISən/, discussion /dIskSən/ and
a year. politician /polətISən/. Highlight that all the endings
are pronounced the same, /Sən/, despite the different
HELP WITH LISTENING spellings, apart from the ending of decision which is
Linking (1): consonant-vowel pronounced differently /dIsIən/.
Establish that a cook is a person and a cooker is
This Help with Listening section introduces something in the kitchen you cook with.
consonant-vowel linking and helps students to Check students understand the difference between
understand that we often link words together in discuss (talk about a topic with someone and tell
natural spoken English. each other your ideas and opinions) and argue (to
3 a CD1 34 Play the beginning of the interview speak angrily to someone when you disagree with
again. Ask students to listen and notice the them). Point out the spelling of argument (it loses the
consonant-vowel linking in the example sentences. e from argue).
Use the examples of linking in these sentences Nouns: interviewer, examination, argument,
to show that we usually link words that end in a discussion, information, visitor, guitarist, politician,
consonant sound with words that start with a vowel examiner, employment; Verbs: decide, employ,
sound. discuss, argue, inform; Both: cook, visit
b Ask students to turn to Audio Script CD1 34 ,
SB p155. Play the recording again. Students listen, extra idea
read and notice the linking.
Note that it is the fi nal sound that is important, not ● Put students into pairs. Students take turns to say a
the spelling. For example, in Paul’s fi rst sentence in verb from 4a or 6a. Their partner says the noun. For
the recording, people ends in the consonant sound /l/, example, one student says decide, and his/her partner
so links to the next word in: … peoplein … . says decision.

7 a Students work on their own and choose the 9 a Focus students on sentences 1–6. Establish that
correct words. Check answers with the class. students have to find and underline the part of the
article that gives this information.
1 interview 2 collection 3 argue  Students do the exercise on their own.
4 decision  5 discuss 6 improve
b Students compare answers in pairs. Check answers
b Students work in pairs and take turns to ask and with the class.
answer the questions. Encourage students to ask
follow-up questions to find out more information. 1 The department accepts about 60% of these
Ask students to share answers with the class. excuses, so those people don’t have to pay. ​2 We also
help the police when they are looking for stolen cars.
In fact, we collect a lot of local information for the
Reading and Speaking police – it’s an important part of our job. ​3 And now
8 a Focus students on the photo and check students some wardens actually have video cameras as part
understand traffic warden. of their uniforms. So, if anyone gets aggressive, it’s
Students work in pairs and discuss the questions. Ask on camera. 4 When I lost my job in the shipbuilding
students for their opinions and encourage them to industry it was hard to find new employment and
give reasons. this was the only job I could get. ​5  Someone even
said he paid for a ticket, put it in the car, but his
b Pre-teach the vocabulary. Pay particular attention parrot ate it! 6 And not everyone hates us. Some
to the pronunciation of uniform /junIfOm/ and people think we do a good job.
excuse /Ikskjus/. Point out the difference between
the noun excuse /Ikskjus/ and the verb excuse c Ask students if they still have the same opinion
/Ikskjuz/. about traffic wardens and encourage them to give
c Focus students on the interview with William reasons.
McBride and questions 1–6. Establish that these are
the questions asked by the interviewer. Students read 10 Students work in groups and discuss the questions.
the interview and put questions 1–6 in the correct If you have a multilingual class, put a mix of
gaps a–f in the article. Check answers with the class. nationalities into each group. While students are
working, monitor and help with any problems.
a4 b6 c1 d5 e2 f3 At the end of the activity, ask students to share
interesting answers with the class.
● Students work on their own or in pairs and find words Ph Class Activity  3C Which word? p157
from 4a and 6a that appear in the first two paragraphs (Instructions p135)
of the article. Students then decide if the words are Ph Extra Reading  3 Famous first jobs p217
nouns or verbs. Check answers with the class. (Instructions p210)
Extra Practice  3C SB p117
Nouns: employment, decision, information
Verb: collect Workbook  Lesson 3C p18

3D I’m really sorry Real World apologies,

Student’s Book p28–p29 reasons and promises

QUICK REVIEW  This activity reviews noun endings.

1 Focus students on pictures A–C. Students work
Students do the activity in pairs. Set a time limit of two
in pairs and discuss who they think is doing each
minutes. Students swap lists with another pair, then write
thing. Ask students to share interesting answers with
verbs for the nouns, if possible. Find out which pair the class.
has the most nouns and write them on the board. Ask
the class to tell you the verbs and write them next to the 2 a VIDEO 3  CD1 35  Play the video or audio
corresponding nouns. Elicit other noun/verb pairs from other recording (SB p156). Students watch or listen and fill
students and write them on the board. in the gaps with the correct name from photos A–C.
Check answers with the class.

a David b Carol c Matt d Carol e Amy f Jackie 2 couldn’t come 3 don’t worry 4 had to
5 What happened 6 I’m sorry 7 can’t come
b Students work in pairs and try to remember who 8 have to 9 Another time 10 I’ll call
said sentences 1–7.
c Play the video or audio recording again. Students c Put students in pairs and ask them to choose a
watch or listen again and check their answers. role, Ed or Bob. Students practise the conversation,
then change roles and practise the conversation
1 Carol 2 Amy 3 Carol 4 Amy again. Remind students to copy the stress and
5 Carol 6 Carol 7 Amy intonation. While they are working, monitor and
help students with their pronunciation.
REAL WORLD 6 a Put students into new pairs.
Apologies, reasons and promises Students choose situation 1 or 2 and plan what they
3 a–e Check students understand apology and want to say. Students then write the conversation.
promise. Drill these words with the class. Make sure they use phrases from 3b and 3d.
While they are working, monitor and help with any
Students do the exercises on their own or in pairs,
then check in REAL WORLD 3.1 SB p133. Check answers
with the class. b Students practise their conversation until they can
remember it. While they are working, monitor and
● a Apologies: 1, 2 Reasons: 3, 4, 5 Promises: 6, 7 correct any mistakes you hear.
● b 1c 2b 3a c Put students into groups of four. Students take
● Point out that there is often a pattern in this type turns to role-play their conversations.
of conversation: we apologise ➞ we give a reason Finally, ask one or two pairs to role-play their
➞ we make a promise. conversation for the class.
● c All these words/phrases are followed by the
infinitive. EXTRA IDEA
● d 1 worry 2 time 3 happened 4 right; that ● Organise the class so that students sit in pairs with
● Point out that we often use Oh, right. when we their backs to each other. Students will then have to
are disappointed or angry. listen to the ‘phone call’ without being able to see their
partner, as in a real phone call.
● Ask students to look at Audio and Video Script WRITING
VIDEO 3 CD1 35, SB p156. Students work in
Give students a list of things they were supposed to do
pairs, underlining all the apologies, reasons and last week, but which they couldn’t do. Students write
promises. Check answers with the class. short emails apologising to people, explaining why they
couldn’t do each thing. Ask them to make promises if
Apologies: I’m sorry, David, I couldn’t finish it
this morning.; I’m really sorry, but I can’t come appropriate. You could use these ideas: Monday: You had
to the concert.; I’m sorry, Matt.; I’m sorry, but an appointment with a client, but you didn’t go. Tuesday:
I can’t prepare the tables for this evening.; I’m It was your best friend’s birthday, but you didn’t send a
really sorry, but I can’t say no to my mum. birthday card. Wednesday: You promised to send a report
Reasons: I had to help Henry.; I have to take to a colleague, but you didn’t. Thursday: You promised to
some clients out for dinner.; I have to phone the meet a friend for a drink, but you forgot. Friday: You had
restaurant.; So I have to go home and look after tickets for a concert, but you lost them.
my little brother.
Promises: I’ll finish it now and email it to you.;
I’ll be back before eight thirty, I promise. FURTHER PRACTICE
Ph Class Activity 3D What do you know? p158
(Instructions p135)
4 CD1 36 PRONUNCIATION Play the recording. Students Extra Practice 3D SB p117
listen and repeat the sentences. Encourage students to
Workbook Lesson 3D p19
copy the stress and intonation.
Workbook Reading and Writing Portfolio 3 p68
5 a Students do the exercise on their own. Progress Test 3 p243
b CD1 37 Play the recording. Students listen and
check their answers. Check answers with the class.

HELP WITH PRONuNCIATION b CD1 39 Play the recording. Students listen and
Word stress (1) check their answers. Check answers with the class.
1 a Focus students on the words and the stress Focus on the words ending in /Sən/. Ask students
patterns. where the stress is on these words (the syllable before
Students work in pairs and match the words to the
correct stress pattern. discussion application government collection
b CD1 38 Play the recording. Students listen and conversation interview promotion information
check their answers. Check answers with the class. musician engineering argument decision
Elicit which stress pattern is more common for two- unexpected examination
syllable nouns (stress pattern 1).
c Play the recording again. Students listen and
1 airline; language; college; colleague; yoga; concert; repeat the words. Check that students stress the
cleaner; reason; promise 2 degree; campaign; excuse; correct syllable in each word.
report; Japan Finally, ask students to say one or two of the words.
Check they stress the correct syllable and praise good
c Play the recording again. Students listen and pronunciation.
repeat the words. Check that students stress the
correct syllable in each word.
2 a Students work in pairs and mark the stress on continue2learn
each word. Encourage students to say the words out
loud to help them decide which syllable is stressed. Focus students on the continue2learn section on
While they are working, move around the room and SB p29.
help students with any problems. See p34 for ideas on how to exploit this section.

Extra practice 3
See p35 for ideas on how to exploit this section.
3 2 lost 3 ’s 4 gets 5 wrote 6 applying for
7 went for 8 have
1 job security; friendly colleagues; holiday pay;
4 2 I never finish 3 is cooking 4 he really likes
opportunities for travel; my own office; sick pay;
5 I don’t think 6 I need
long holidays; a good salary; flexible working
hours; lots of responsibility; a company car 3C
2 a 2 don’t have to 3 had to 4 have to 5 had to 5 2 visitors 3 improvements 4 decision 5 argument
6 don’t have to 7 have to 8 didn’t have to 6 employment 7 cook 8 discussion
9 had to 10 had to 3D
b 3 Did Lorna have to get up early for work every 6 a 2 I have to work late. 3 I’m sorry, but I can’t
day last week? Yes, she did. 4 Do referees have to come to the meeting. 4 I have to take my son
learn all the rules? Yes, they do. 5 Did Rick have to the doctor’s. 5 I’ll call you later. 6 I’m sorry,
to go home early yesterday? Yes, he did. 6 Do we I couldn’t finish the report yesterday. 7 I had to
have to go to work tomorrow? No, we don’t. 7 help a colleague.
Do you have to fly to New York tomorrow b 2R 3A 4R 5P 6A 7R
morning? Yes, I do. 8 Did we have to pay for the
food last night? No, we didn’t. 9 Did Claire have
to sell her house last year? Yes, she did. 10 Did progress portfolio 3
you have to do on-the-job training last month?
Yes, I did. ●  See p35 for ideas on how to exploit this section.


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