7 Spritual Lawof Success

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The Seven

Spiritual Laws
of Success
Deepak Chopra, M.D.

Centra Chiropractic, Inc.

Nathan Schilaty, D.C.
• Incorporate these principles • Success includes:
into life to experience success
in every endeavor. – Good health
• Success = Continued expansion
– Energy
of happiness and progressive – Enthusiasm
realization of worthy goals. – Fulfilling relationships
• A spiritual approach is needed
– Creative freedom
to experience success and – Emotional stability
affluence… not just physical. – Psychological stability
• We must nurture seeds of
– Sense of well-being
divinity within us – We are – Peace of mind
gods and goddesses in
Law of Pure Potentiality
• We are pure • The “experience of self” is
consciousness – infinite the spirit.
creativity and unbounded – Absence of fear
possibilities. – No compulsion to control
– No struggle of approval
• There is no separation of – Unfearful for any challenge
one and their spirit. – Respect for all people
– Feel beneath no one

• The more you experience

your true Self, the closer
you are to the field of
pure potentiality.
Law of Giving
• All things in universe are
in motion.

• When circulation stops –

death results.
– Blood must circulate
– Money must circulate
– Giving and receiving must

• Give that which you

desire to receive!
– Sincere intent
Law of Karma (“
(“Cause and Effect)
• Karma = the action and the consequence of
the action; the cause and the effect

• One will reap what they sow.

– If you want happiness… sow seeds of happiness

• Make choices that create peace and

– Learn to listen to sensation of comfort or
discomfort to know what choices you are making.

• The heart always knows the correct choice.

Law of Least Effort
• Nature’s intelligence functions • “…most of our energy goes into
with effortless ease. upholding our importance… If
we were capable of losing some
• Principle of harmony and love. of that importance, two
extraordinary things would
happen to us. One, we would
• The occurrence of a “miracle” free our energy from trying to
is the Law of Least Effort in maintain the illusory idea of
expression. our grandeur; and two, we
would provide ourselves with
• Least Effort takes effect when enough energy to … catch a
actions are motivate by love. glimpse of the actual grandeur
of the universe.”
– Energy is wasted with
– Energy multiplies and - The Art of Dreaming
regenerates with love
Law of Intention and Desire
• Energy and Information exist
everywhere in nature. • You are not separate from the
universe; you are an integral
• Energy and Information are part. The universe is within
influenced by Intention and you. You are inseparably
Desire. connected

• We experience Energy and

Information in the form of: • Your intent must be for the
– Thoughts benefit of mankind.
– Emotions
– Desires
– Memories
– Beliefs
– Feelings
Law of Detachment
• You cannot be attached to your
– Detachment is based on
unquestioning belief in the
power of your true Self.
– Attachment is based on fear
and insecurity

• There are infinite paths from

Point A to Point B.
– Detachment means you are
open to possibilities
– Not forcing solutions to

• Every problem is a seed of

Law of Dharma (“
(“Purpose in Life”
• Everyone has a unique
talent and a unique way
of expressing it.

• Find the reason you are

• Ask yourself how you can
serve humanity.

• Your focus in life is what

you are here to give!
Application of Principles
• Applying these powerful
principles enables one to
attain self-mastery.

• These laws make living


• You can manifest

anything you want –
affluence, happiness,
money, success.
Additional Information

• Purchase “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” by

Deepak Chopra.

• Visit Centra Chiropractic’s Webcast page.


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