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"The Parable of the Pipeline"

by Burke Hedges
March 30, 2015

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Third BP of Incentive now is the time to focus! Build your business.

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"Pipelines are designed to take the worry out of peoples' lives by putting profits into their
pockets. But most of all, pipelines are designed to give people personal and financial
freedom and lifelong security. In short, pipelines are lifelines."
The Parable of Pablo and Bruno...
1. Who are you...a Bucket Carrier or a Pipeline Builder?
a. Do you want to get paid only when you work, or work hard for a year or two
and get paid over and over again? Time for money trap.
b. No such thing as a secure bucket carrying job...example of dentist.
Laid off as will happen to 50% of those in jobs today.
Disaster strikes: health, whatever and the income is gone.
c. There must be a better way! Be a builder of residual income.
2. We live in a Bucket-Carrying World
a. Monkey see monkey do. 99% are living paycheck to paycheck. It is the reason
Bruno (and so many we talk to) had a hard time understanding it.
"100,000 lemmings can't be wrong!" Yes they can.
b. In 2001 when book was written the average worker in America earned
$28,500...after taxes, hardly enough to meet basic needs! So yes, the majority of
people are desperate to make more money.
c. Statistics
d. Fallacy of having a bigger bucket (lawyer or doctor) because they just have
more expenses.
e. Wealth is NOT INCOME...that will eventually dry up. Pipelines produce
3. The Power of the Pipeline

a. The smaller the bucket, the bigger the need for a pipeline. Story of school
teacher versus Darryl Strawberry.
b. Strawberry lived "high off the hog"...paycheck to paycheck. How about you?
Strawberry acted as if his bucket carrying days would never end. How about
The school teacher chose to build pipelines while she was still carrying buckets.
4. Leverage: The Power behind the Pipeline
a. He used the example of the Gutenburg printing press. Whereas before the
press was made, each book had to be hand made, taking years to produce. After
the press, 100 books could be made in 2 days...1 day to set up, 2nd day to make
100 copies. The printing press leveraged the printer's time and money, thereby
dramatically increasing productivity.
b. In pipeline building model, no longer 1:1 relationship between effort and
results. With leverage, effort at 1 produces 100-1000-1 mill in results.
c. Leverage: lever meaning to make lighter. In the case of time 1 hour can result
in 100 hours of production. In the case of money, each dollar invested can
compound to many times the initial investment.
Leverage time: hire employees
Leverage money: invest in stock at $19 (Berkshire Hathaway), turns into
$100,000 in 10 years.
Find a mechanism to leverage your time and money TODAY...and enjoy a big
reward tomorrow.
5. Money Leverage: The Palm Beach Pipeline
a. The doubling concept (Emperor and the chess game creator). Emperor willing
to reward him for creating the game. He chose to receive 1 grain of rice, and
double that for each square on the board.
Emperor said sure. Turned out to be 10 times the amount of rice made in the
world! This is same as peeny doubled every day for a month or $1 mill?
b. PalmBeach Pipeline: Rule of 72
1) determine the annual interest rate on your investment
2) divide the interest rate into 72
3) the result is the number or years it will take to double your investment

This is what the rich do....they live great lifestyles and leave 10 times the amount
of money to their heirs.
c. Put money in three jars every month: spend and give, save and invest. Make
regular contributions into an investment account every day.

d. Truth is the average millionaire today grew up with no money or average

family. More self-made millionaires that ever in history. Most don't hit
millionaire status until 50's or 60's. They invest 10-15% of their income starting
in their 20's.
e. BUT what if you don't have the money? You still can build a pipeline by
leveraging your time!
6. Time Leverage: The People's Pipeline
a. Pablo kept reminding himself that tomorrow's dreams are built on today's
sacrifices. Why is this so hard for people? For Bruno?
b. Building a business helps build your pipeline in 2-5 years but sacrifice is a
must. Time levels the playing field.
c. "Now's a bad time for me." Ever hear that? True for everyone! It is called
What is amazing is how a few minutes here and a few minutes there can add up to
a lot of time! We all have it, but do we all discipline ourselves to use it?
Time we spend on small daily tasks:

Check out productive free time:

d. Time is money. If things are going great "why should I build a pipeline?" No
better time than now because when things go bad, then its too late.
e. The Fable of the Ant and the Grasshopper
By leveraging some of your leisure time now, you can build a pipeline that will
last for ever.
He calls the internet the biggest time leverage tool in history.
7. e-compounding: the Ultimate Pipeline
a. The internet is the most powerful pipeline today. It is changing the way people
live, work and play.
b. Secret to find and create customers: build relationships. The high-tech of
internet needs the high touch of personal relationships.
People trust person to person recommendations more than any form of
"e-compounding": you refer people to a specific site based on your massive
numbers of contacts...tens of thousands. How? Find 1 per month, and each new
month each finds one...12 months have 4096 contacts.
Rich people leverage money, average people leverage time.

8. Do you Prefer the 50 Year Plan or the 5 Year Plan?

a. Work for years at low paying job, saving whatever you can and after 50 years,
you now retire with extra money to really live it up (50 YEARS LATER).
You can become a millionaire by investing $3.57 a day in a mutual fund returning
12% annually...40 years later you have 1 Million.

b. What about those who wait until 55? Some have homestead as pipeline or
social security or both and feel that is enough. Why want to wait 50 years?
c. 2-5 year pipeline. Why not live your dreams earlier?? What about building
your 2-5 year pipeline at same time you are building 50 year?
Build both long term and short term.

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