Q.1 What are the real-life situations that may warrant use of Kerberos-5 based security architecture
vis-à-vis the PKCS based security architecture? [5]
Q.2 Which security architecture would you recommend for a multi-location financial institution
university that also has a huge internship programme to support? Justify your
recommendation with the help of proper technical reasoning. [10]
Q.3 Explain briefly when and why SSL & TSL will be your choice. [5]
Q.5 Evaluate the following in the context of peripheral security with respect to ease of
implementation, their effectiveness of security, and performance overhead [15]
i. Firewall.
ii. Virtual private networks.
iii. Application Gateways.
Q.6 What are the situations in which Stream Ciphers are used and which situations warrant use of
Block Ciphers and why. [5]
Q.7 Why do the Stream Ciphers seem to be inherently weaker than the Block Ciphers? [5]