Fateand Fortune Part IIBW

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Fate and Fortune:

An Astrological Analysis of Lottery, Gambling

and Sweepstakes Wealth
Part Two
Juliana Swanson, Hawaii.

How does astrology evaluate and

predict the potential for wealth? There is
no clear formula, of course. Innumerable
rules for judging affluence (dhana) are
found in both classic and modern Jyotish
literature, from the Brihat Parashara Hora
Shastra (BPHS) to the illustrious
expositions that have followed Sage
J uliana Swanson is a practitioner of Parashara’s famous treatise. Astrology
further identifies specific sources of
astrology and the healing arts. She is an ACVA
financial wealth, whether inherited,
Level II certified Vedic astrologer as well as a
Registered Nurse (RN), Polarity Therapist earned, or granted through a windfall. In
(RPP) and Rebirthing Facilitator. Juliana lives order to discover the most compelling
with her family on Hawaii’s Big Island, where predictors of wealth, I tested many of the
she has a holistic therapy practice and works as conventional rules by analyzing the
an astrological consultant, researcher and astrological charts of 70 gambling,
private tutor. Also an instructor for the sweepstakes, and lottery winners. In Fate
American College of Vedic Astrology Online
and Fortune: An Astrological Analysis of
Program and for the International Academy of
Lottery, Gambling and Sweepstakes Wealth,
Astrology, she holds memberships in the
Council of Vedic Astrology (CVA); the British Part One1, I presented the methodology
Association of Vedic Astrology (BAVA); The and results of my quantitative study of
International Society for Astrological Research astrological patterns for wealth. Certain
(ISAR); The American Federation of key impressions that I gathered in my
Astrologers (AFA); The American Polarity research were consistently applicable to
Therapy Association (APTA); and Rebirthing-
my subsequent case study analysis of the.
Breathwork International (RBI). You may reach
her via her Web site at
or e-mail at [email protected].

1 CVA Journal, Spring/Summer 2009 edition.

The most important wealth combinations are not uncommon by themselves and do
not seem to be measurably significant when they occur singularly. However, as the number
of wealth combinations increases in any given horoscope, the potential and certainty for
sudden prosperity expands exponentially.
As previously detailed in Part One, these are some of my most noteworthy findings:
1) The AstroDatabank Factor Analysis Report exposed the following placements as
 The Sun in an Earth house (10th house was most important).
 Ruler of the 12th house in a kendra.
 The 9th lord in an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn).
 The dispositor of Jupiter and/or Rahu in an Earth house (houses 2, 6 and 10).
 Kendra and/or upachaya lord in the 10th house.
 A natural benefic and/or an upachaya lord in the 10th house.
 Saturn in a Tajika-style (bi-directional) sextile with a natural benefic or the Sun.
2) Irrespective of a planet’s natural benefic or malefic status, and (further) of its temporal
malefic or benefic status in a chart, any planet has the potential to become strong for dhana
based on its house rulership as well as its house placement, dispositorship, aspects and
associations. That said, the chief dhana karakas are Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Rahu. The
dhana karyeshas (lords of the wealth bhavas) are those that rule the 2 nd, 5th, 9th and 11th houses.
Secondary dhana karyeshas are the lords of the 1st, 4th, 8th and 10th houses. In addition, a natal
retrograde or stationary Jupiter appears to be a strong factor for wealth. Furthermore, Venus
and Mars are often in their own signs (swa-rashi).
3) In general, a highly significant factor of strength and emphasis is found in the placement
of the naisargika dhana karakas Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Rahu in the kendras of the natal
4) The natal Moon in the 3rd house and Rahu in the 6th house are additional important
5) The classics teach us that Earth is the element most directly related to wealth, and this
was borne out in my research. As mentioned above, the Sun’s placement in an Earth house
(and especially the 10th) is a very important factor in determining wealth. Similarly, dhana
karakas and karyeshas (in particular, the 9th lord) are most commonly found in Earth rashis
(Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn).
6) Classic Jyotish literature asserts the significance of certain houses when a chart is under
consideration for wealth. My research confirms the importance of houses 2, 5, 8, 9 and 11, but
I have also become convinced of the additional value of houses 4 and 10 as significators for
wealth, particularly for sudden prosperity such as that from windfalls.
7) Dhana Yogas (wealth combinations) involving the rulers of houses 2, 5, 9 and 11 are
perhaps the most significant yogas for wealth. These yogas occur when two or more of these
rulers are strong and mutually related by conjunction, aspect, exchange of signs, and

dispositorship. Dhana Yogas are especially powerful if they occur in a kendra and/or if they
influence the 1st house. The most powerful of these yogas occurs when the 2nd lord is well-
fortified in the 5th house. A dhana lord placed in a kendra is an important variation. Most
importantly, Dhana Yogas are activated in the dashas of the involved planets.
8) Other significant yogas include:
 Lakshmi Yoga: formed when the lord of the 9th house occupies a kendra or trikona in its
exaltation (ucha), moolatrikona, or swa-rashi, while the Lagna lord is endowed with
 Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yoga; created when the lord of the 9th (dharmasthana)
combines in some manner with the lord of the 10 th (karmasthana). As the most potent
Raja Yoga, this combination can be a significant indicator of sudden rise and wealth
expansion, particularly in the dashas of the planets involved.
 Trilochana Yoga: occurs when the Moon, the Sun and Mars are located in trines from
each other, a potentially powerful planetary combination for affluence.
 Chaya Graha Raja Yoga (Nodal Raja Yoga): formed when the lunar nodes conjoin trinal
lords in kendras (or when the lunar nodes conjoin kendra lords in trinal houses). This
yoga is a recipe for power, purpose and rise. In addition, lunar nodes associating with
trinal lords produce first-rate Dhana Yoga.
 Malavya Yoga: occurs when Venus is in exaltation or its own sign in an angle or trine.
This and other Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas including Hamsa Yoga, Bhadra Yoga, and
Sasa Yoga were found in the case study analysis to be consistently important for
 Gaja Kesari Yoga: formed when Jupiter is influenced by benefics and is devoid of
combustion, debilitation or enmity, while occupying a kendra from the Lagna or Moon.
This is often a combination for wealth.
 The Yogakaraka and trikonal lords often occupy or influence the 2nd and/or 10th houses
or their rulers.
 The Arudha Lagna located in an angle or trine and aspected by a temporal or natural
benefic is also a significant factor.
9) According to Sage Parashara, wealth can be analyzed from the hora or second divisional
(varga) chart. It is commonly understood that the hora chart alone is not used to determine
wealth potential. However, it can be used to verify and support the potential seen in the rashi
chart. The hora chart should be considered especially in regard to the positions of the 2 nd lord
and dasha lord, which should be in their appropriate horas.
10) The navamsha chart is important for an assessment of overall wealth potential because it
is a harmonic of the 9th house of bhagya (good fortune). A dhana planet’s strength can be
further determined by its placement and status in the navamsha chart. In my research, dhana
lords of the rashi chart quite frequently occupy the 2nd house of the navamsha chart. The most
frequent house placement of a dasha lord in the navamsha chart was in a kendra. This follows

a recurring theme of my research, which is that dhana planets occupying kendras have a
strong influence on wealth.
11) The condition of the Indu Lagna should be considered when judging any chart for wealth.
Kendras from the Indu Lagna are often well-fortified, especially by planets in dignity or by
Rahu. Placement of natural benefics or malefics in the 2nd or 11th from the Indu Lagna occurs
quite frequently. The Indu Lagna associated with a natural malefic is another highly
significant factor.
12) The Yogi Planet and Yogi Point have also proven to be strong indicators for wealth. The
Yogi Point is calculated by adding the Sun’s and Moon’s longitude plus 93° 20', all measured
from 0° Aries. The Yogi, or Yogi Planet, is the ruler of the nakshatra in which the Yogi Point is
located. The Yogi Point is a crucial and sensitive marker of dhana in a chart, and its rulership,
associations and aspects are important. The Yogi Planet’s dispositor should be strong and
related to dhana houses.
13) Rahu and Jupiter appeared to play a prominent role in the charts of lottery, gambling, and
sweepstake winners. One or the other occurred as the mahadasha lord at the time of winning
in nearly 40% of the charts surveyed.
14) Most frequent house placements of dasha lords in the rashi chart are the 4th and 9th
houses, followed by the 1st, 2nd and 10th houses.
15) The transiting dasha lords influenced dhana houses and/or lords almost every time.
Transits of the dasha and bhukti lords most frequently influenced houses 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 11.
Transiting Jupiter and Saturn were quite often found to be in their own or exalted signs.
16) In most cases, Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously influenced dhana houses and/or the
natal or transiting positions of dasha and bhukti lords, confirming the double-transit
phenomenon of Jupiter and Saturn. When these lords of dharma and karma act concurrently
in transit or in dasha progressions, important events are able to materialize.
Holistically, my case study analysis reveals dramatic evidence as to when a windfall
might manifest in a native’s life. The particular case studies that follow offer some of the
strongest evidence of the indications and patterns I discovered in my quantitative
investigation, including dasha-dependent yogas. The latter often lie dormant until they
become activated both by the appropriate dasha-bhukti sequence as well as by the exquisite
timing of the transits. These examples were chosen to further underline the significance of
the navamsha chart.

Case Study I:

Clifford Turner, American lottery winner. Male, 10/14/1951, 13:00:00, Brookline, MA, USA,
Time Zone 5.00, Lat. 42N19, Long. 71W07. On March 19, 2004, Turner picked up the first
installment of his $50,343,315 lottery win. He had learned the day before that he was the only
winner of the largest Massachusetts “Mass Millions” jackpot paid to date. Turner, who was

living in a housing project at the time, explained that he would set up a charitable
foundation for disadvantaged youth. (AstroDatabank, AA Rodden Rating)

This chart2 features a very strong Hamsa Yoga related to retrograde chart lord Jupiter
and its placement in its own sign of Pisces in the 4 th house of fixed assets. Note that this
yoga is strengthened by its placement in an angle from the Lagna, Moon, and Sun. Jupiter
benefits further from its participation in a Gaja Kesari Yoga with the Full Moon. These two
yogas in the 4th house also occur in the 2 nd house from the Indu Lagna and thus lend further
dhana strength to the chart. Atmakaraka Mercury is in its own sign of Virgo conjoined the
Sun (7th from the Moon), forming Bhadra Yoga. These two very powerful Pancha
Mahapurusha Yogas (Hamsa and Bhadra) are located in angles from each other. Mercury is
combust, so its significations are somewhat conditioned by the Sun, but in this case, the Sun
as 9th lord is a powerful temporal benefic involved in a Dharma-Karma Adhipati Yoga with 10th
lord Mercury in the 10th house, which mitigates some of the issues related to combustion.
Further strengthening this chart for dhana is 5th lord Mars’ placement in the 9th
bhagyasthana, where Mars conjoins Ketu in a Dhana Yoga (caused when a trinal lord conjoins
a lunar node). Mars further conjoins Yogi Planet and 11th lord Venus. Ketu, especially when
influenced by a benefic, will often materialize boons related to the merit of past deeds
(poorva punya). Saturn, ruler of the 2 nd dhana house and 3rd upachaya house, is located in the
10th house and benefits from a majority of benefic aspects: from Jupiter, the Moon, Mercury
and 9th lord Sun. Artha is emphasized with three planets in Earth sign Virgo in the 10 th artha
house, and note that two of these three planets are artha lords (Saturn/2nd lord and
Mercury/10th lord). The Indu Lagna is at 24 degrees Aquarius and conjoins a malefic, Rahu,
which is vargottama (strong) in an upachaya house, and which is a powerful condition for
wealth. Note that the 7th angle from the Indu Lagna (9th house) is also well-fortified by two
malefics and one benefic. The Arudha Lagna in the 4th house, as influenced by Moon, Jupiter,
Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Mars, is another essential factor.
The strength for dhana is also clearly indicated in the 11th dhana house of the navamsha
chart, which is occupied by two vargottama planets, exalted Mercury in Virgo, and the Sun.
The Moon, although not vargottama, occupies the 4th house and obtains powerful directional
strength in both charts. The Yogi Planet, Venus, occupies the 9th house in Leo and is
therefore disposited by vargottama Sun, as well as aspected by mahadasha lord Mars. The Yogi
Point, at 24 degrees Sagittarius, occupies the 1st house and is ruled by chart lord and powerful
benefic Jupiter. Other important factors include: 9th lord in earth constellation (Sun in
Virgo); the presence of two upachaya lords and one kendra lord in the 10th house (Saturn and
Mercury); Sun in an artha sign and house (Virgo/10th); and, dispositor of Rahu in an artha
house (Saturn in 10th).
Mahadasha lord Mars rules the 5th house of poorva punya in the rashi chart, and is also
the navamsha chart lord, and occupies the 9th house of good luck (bhagya) in both charts.
Although Mars is debilitated in the navamsha, the debilitation is cancelled (neecha bhanga)

2 Charts are taken using Kala Vedic Astrology software.

due to the angular positions of both the Moon and Jupiter. Bhukti lord Jupiter, as noted,
participates in two powerful yogas in the rashi chart and rules the 2nd and 5th dhana houses in
the navamsha chart, occupying the 1st house in Mars’ sign of Scorpio. In the rashi chart, Mars
aspects Jupiter by its 8th aspect, and in the navamsha, Jupiter aspects Mars with its trinal (9th)
Clifford Turner’s Transits on 3/18/2004: Mahadasha lord Mars and Yogi Planet Venus
were activated by Jupiter’s transit through the native’s 9th house in Leo. This transit
activated the 11th house of gains, by way of Venus’ ownership, as well as the 5 th house, by
means of Mars’ ownership. Transiting Jupiter cast aspects to its own sign of Sagittarius in
the 1st house, to the 3rd house where the Indu Lagna is posited, and to Mars’ sign of Aries in
the 5th house of poorva punya. Natal chart lord and bhukti lord Jupiter was in turn activated by
the Sun’s and Mercury’s transit through the 4th house and Jupiter’s sign of Pisces, also
activating the all-important 1st house via the transit conjunction with natal chart lord Jupiter.
Venus and Rahu, transiting the native’s 5th house and sign of Aries, further activated
mahadasha lord Mars, while transiting Moon in the 3rd house cast a direct glance to the 9th
bhagyasthana and the location of natal dasha lord Mars and 11th lord and Yogi Planet Venus.
Mahadasha lord Mars was transiting in an Earth house and sign (6th house in Taurus),
and Venus was transiting in Aries, thus forming a potent Parivartana Yoga (a sambhanda
exchange of rashis) between these natal 5th and 11th dhana lords. This in turn activated a
Chaya Graha Raja Yoga by transit, as the lunar nodes were transiting in the 5/11 axis (and in
the 2nd and 8th houses from the natal Moon). Rahu’s association with transiting Venus in
this wealth axis expanded the massive fortune promised by both Venus and Mars. At the
same time, the double-transit phenomenon of Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously activated
several dhana placements, most notably, the 1st house, and the 9th bhagyasthana and its
occupants (11th lord Venus and mahadasha lord Mars).

Case Study II:

Debra Houle, American lottery winner. Female, 01/21/1965, 19:13:00, Southbridge, MA, USA,
Time Zone 5.00, Lat. 42 N 4, Long. 72W2. She was one of three people who won this
particular Massachusetts lottery in the amount of $80 million, with her share calculated at
$26.6 million. She will receive an annual check of $889,021.05 for 20 years from the drawing
of 4/04/1997. (AstroDatabank, AA Rodden rating)
This chart, with Leo Lagna, features strong and well-placed Mercury as an important
Dhana Yoga planet. Mercury, lord of the 11 th house of gains and the 2 nd house of wealth and
property, occupies the 5th house conjoining Venus, ruler of the 10 th artha house. As
Yogakaraka Mars conjoins the Moon in the 2 nd house, this constitutes a Chandra Mangala
Yoga, and strengthens the chart further due to the Moon’s status as Yogi Planet. With the
Moon and Mars conjoined in the 2 nd house, and the Sun five houses away in the 6th house,
this constitutes Trilochana Yoga, which is more powerful for wealth because it involves Earth

signs and houses (2nd and 6th/Virgo and Capricorn). Fifth lord Jupiter occupies the 9 th house
of bhagya and sudden prosperity, and constitutes an arishta bhanga, which uplifts the whole
chart. Mars as 9th lord aspecting 10th lord Venus (by its 4th aspect) comprises a Dharma-
Karma Adhipati Yoga in the auspicious 5th house.

The chart also includes a moderately strong Sasa Yoga in the 7th house, where it is well
placed, given that Saturn is in its moolatrikona position (in Aquarius) and gains dik bala here
and, more importantly, occupies the same house as the Indu Lagna, which is a strong
placement for wealth. Saturn is involved in several strong bi-directional sextiles with
natural benefics Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. Also note that natural benefics Venus and
Mercury occupy the 11th house from the Indu Lagna. As indicated, the artha element is
strongly represented. The 2nd house is one of the strongest in Bhava Bala. Rahu (mahadasha
lord at the time of lottery win) occupies the rashi chart 10th house, and is disposited by
Venus in the 5th house, which (as mentioned) is tightly associated with dhana planet
Mercury, and is both disposited and aspected by strong benefic Jupiter. Jupiter’s dispositor is
in an Earth house (the 6th) and is 10th from Jupiter. The 9th lord in both rashi and navamsha
charts is in an Earth constellation (Virgo); the Sun (chart lord and bhukti lord at time of
event) in the rashi chart is in both an Earth house (6th) and sign (Capricorn), disposited by
Sasa Yoga lord Saturn in the 7th house. Note also that Saturn occupies Shatabhisak nakshatra,
whose ruler is mahadasha lord Rahu.
In the navamsha chart, dhana lord Mercury gains strength as it is exalted and forms a
strong Bhadra Yoga in the 4th house in Virgo. Mercury here also has angular strength (7th)
from the Sun and Moon, and is in a potent Chaya Graha Raja Yoga, involving mahadasha lord
Rahu, trikonal lord/dhana karaka Venus, the Moon (ruler of the 2 nd house of wealth) and the
Sun (bhukti lord and all-important ruler of the rashi chart). The navamsha chart’s 11th lord
Mars occupies the 9th house and receives a beneficial trine aspect from Jupiter in the 5 th. The
Sun gains strength in the navamsha, where it occupies the 10th house in Pisces and is
disposited by 5th house occupant Jupiter. The Yogi Planet (the Moon) occupies the 2 nd house
in the sign of Virgo and is therefore disposited by 2 nd and 11th lord Mercury, a strong
relationship for dhana. The Moon is further strengthened by its conjunction with Mars, 9 th
lord and temporal benefic for this chart. The native’s Yogi Point, at 20 degrees Virgo, is
therefore associated with 2 nd and 11th dhana lord Mercury.
Debra Houle’s Transits on 4/4/97: The native’s 2nd house of wealth was strongly
activated by Rahu’s transit through that house and particularly by (transiting) Rahu’s exact
conjunction with Yogakaraka Mars (natal 4th and 9th lord). Venus, Saturn and Sun, transiting
the native’s 8th house, further activated the 2 nd house via full direct aspects to the 2 nd.
Transiting Jupiter activated natal Rahu with the trine aspect to Rahu’s position in the 10 th
house, and also the transiting conjunction of natal bhukti lord Sun in the 6th (artha) house.
Transiting Jupiter also cast a trine aspect to the 2 nd house, further triggering natal Mars and
transiting Rahu in the 2nd house. By means of its transit through the natal 9th house,
transiting Mercury aspected natal Jupiter in the 9th but also strongly activated bhukti lord
Sun by transiting the Sun’s exaltation sign of Aries at the exact degree (10) of the Sun’s
strongest point of exaltation. Transiting Saturn and Jupiter simultaneously activated many
points of dhana, including most significantly the natal placement of 10th house mahadasha lord
Rahu, thus very richly fulfilling the double-transit phenomenon of Saturn and Jupiter.

Case Study III:

Juan Rodriguez, American lottery winner: Male, 12/16/1954, 02:00:00, Bogotá, Colombia, Time
Zone 5.00, Lat. 4 N 36, Long. 74 W 5. Rodriguez won a $149 million mega-millions jackpot on
November 19, 2004, becoming the biggest winner in New York State Lottery history. The
Queens, New York resident took the lump sum payment of $88.5 million that amounted to
about $35-40 million after taxes. As a parking attendant he was earning about $28,000 per
year, and he was in debt in the sum of $44,000 at the time of his winning. (AstroDatabank, A
Rodden rating)

This Libra Rising chart features a strong 1 st house, particularly for dhana, as it holds
both Venus and Saturn in Libra, where Saturn is exalted (Sasa Yoga) and chart lord Venus is
swakshetra (Malavya Yoga). That Saturn loses the planetary war to Venus does not seem to
harm the chart overall, as Saturn is Yogakaraka, ruler of houses 4 and 5, and benefits from
the close influence of Venus. Certain other factors mitigate the planetary war, including the
fact that it occurs between planetary friends in a powerful Raja Yoga in the 1st house.
Yogakaraka Saturn is also in two wealth-enhancing bi-directional sextile aspects to the Sun
and Rahu in the 3rd house (an upachaya house) and to the Moon in the 11th house (another
upachaya house). Dhana strength and fortune is seen as the 1st house is 2nd from the Indu
Lagna (placed in the 12th). Jupiter is also exalted in this chart and occupies the strongest
angle, the 10th, and therefore forms Hamsa Yoga. Note that the Moon, lord of this strong 10th
house and Jupiter’s dispositor, is in the 11th house of gains and therefore casts a benefic glance
on the 5th house and its occupant Mars, ruler of the 2 nd dhana house and placed in Yogakaraka
Saturn’s moolatrikona sign (Aquarius).
Jupiter is retrograde and thus especially powerful in its degree of exaltation in the
Arudha Lagna in the 11th house from the Indu Lagna. Jupiter is both a benefic and a double-
upachaya lord (ruler of 3rd and 6th houses) located in an Earth house, which is an extremely
strong position for wealth. From its position in the 10th house, Jupiter aspects the 9th lord in
the 2nd house of wealth; the 4th house of security and permanent assets, and the 6th artha
house in its own sign of Pisces. Note also that Rahu and the 11th lord Sun both occupy the 3rd
house in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius, and are therefore disposited by exalted Jupiter.
Mercury is Atmakaraka (soul indicator) and a significant planet for wealth in this chart. As
9th lord and Yogi Planet, Mercury inhabits the 2nd dhana bhava in the sign of Mars, which in
turn occupies the 5th house, reinforcing the link between houses 2, 5, and 9. Note that the
Earth element is overall weakly represented by rashi placements, but the strength of the 10th
Earth house is a compensatory factor. In addition, Mercury as the graha which represents the
Earth element (according to Sage Parashara) occupies the 2 nd Earth house (as the Yogi
Planet), which further enhances the Earth element and wealth overall.
This native’s rashi Lagna is vargottama, thereby creating strength in the navamsha chart.
Note that Mars, 2nd lord of the rashi chart, is also vargottama and therefore remains in the
fortunate 5th house of the navamsha chart, and reinforces the strong connection between the
2nd and 5th houses in both charts. The Moon, lord of the 10th house of fame and success in the
rashi chart, is placed in the 11th house of gains in the rashi chart, and occupies the 1st house of
the navamsha chart, thereby bringing gains and fame directly to the native. Mercury, lord of
the 9th house in both charts, moves from the 2 nd house in the rashi to the 5th house in the
navamsha, where it is disposited by Yogakaraka Saturn, which now joins swakshetra Venus in
Taurus in the 8th house of lottery and gambling fortune.
Dasha-bhukti lord Jupiter moves from the 10th house in the rashi to the 11th (Leo) in the
navamsha chart, where Jupiter is disposited by a now-exalted Sun in Aries in an angle (7th
house). Even though Jupiter is regarded as a mild temporal malefic (as ruler of the 3rd and

6th) for a Libra Lagna chart, Jupiter does represent a very powerful force for immense wealth
in both of these charts—in a Hamsa Yoga, exalted, disposited by 11th house occupant Moon
and located 11th from the Indu Lagna in the rashi chart, and as occupant of the 11th and
disposited by exalted 11th lord Sun in the navamsha chart. Yogi Planet Mercury is lord of the
9th house as well as the house occupied by the Indu Lagna, the 12th house. Mercury occupies
the 2nd house of Scorpio and is therefore disposited by 2 nd lord Mars, a significant dhana
planet for the chart. Dasha-bhukti lord Jupiter further strengthens the chart for dhana by its
trine to the Yogi Planet. The native’s Yogi Point, in Cancer, is disposited by a strong Moon,
lord of the 10th house in the 11th house.
Juan Rodriguez’s Transits on 11/19/2004: The native’s 2nd house of wealth was
activated by the transits of the Sun and Mercury through that house. Note that transiting
Mercury made a very close conjunction with natal Mercury on the morning of this fortunate
day. Mercury is Atmakaraka, Yogi Planet, and 9th lord, and thus represents the opportunity for
great fortune. Natal Mercury is further activated by dasha-bhukti lord Jupiter’s transit of the
Indu Lagna in Mercury’s moolatrikona sign of Virgo. Dhana karakas Mars and Venus
transiting the 1st house activated natal chart lord Venus and Yogakaraka Saturn, and Ketu’s
transit here triggered a potent Chaya Graha Raja Yoga. The transit of Saturn in the 10th house
in Cancer conjoined the Yogi Point and Arudha Lagna and activated dasha-bhukti lord Jupiter’s
sign of exaltation. The double-transit phenomenon of Saturn and Jupiter concurrently
triggered Saturn’s natal 4th bhava and 10th rashi, both of which relate to material wealth.
Dasha-bhukti lord Jupiter transited in the Indu Lagna, from where it aspected the rashi chart’s
8th house of windfall profits. Saturn transited the 10th (artha) house (11th from the Indu Lagna),
where it conjoined natal Jupiter and aspected transiting Jupiter in the Indu Lagna. Transiting
Saturn aspected transiting Rahu in the 7th kendra.


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