Navamsa (Astrology) : 2 Implication

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Navamsa (astrology)

In Vedic astrology a constant reference is made to the

Navamsa occupied by planets and the Lagna-point. Both,
the Rasi-chart and the Navamsa-chart are deemed equally
important and therefore, consulted together. Whereas the
Rasi-chart provides overall information regarding the location of planets and sensitive-points such as the Lagna,
the latter provides vital information regarding their active quality and strength. A planet may be well-placed
in the natal-chart Rasi-wise but its full eects may not
materialise if its situation in the navamsa-chart is not

In the Jaimini System of prognostication the use of seven

karakas determined according to the respective longitudes of the seven planets is recommended and their
navamsa-occupation noted. Any planet can acquire any
karakatwa but the prime indicator is the Atmakaraka
along with the various lagnas and padas.

2 Implication
A Navamsa is equal to one-ninth part of a sign or one
nakshatra-pada (one-fourth part of a constellation) and
is one of the Shodasvargas i.e. one of the sixteen subdivisions of a sign that give more and more precise good
or bad position of a planet or lagna-point in the natal-chart
vis--vis other signs and sign-lords. Birth in Vargottama
Lagna is considered very fortunate and planets in Vargottama are very strong and confer benec results if they
do not occupy inimical signs. The occupation of own
navamsa by a planet is superior to the occupation of its
exaltation-navamsa. The planet which is in its exaltation
sign in the Rasi-chart but situated in its neecha-navamsa
(debilitated in Navamsa-chart) produces its bad results
very soon, however, a planet situated in its debilitation
sign in the Rasi-chart but in its uccha-navamsa (exalted
in Navamsa-chart) invariably confers auspicious results.
If at the time of birth planets are placed in inimical signs
even if they be in Vargottama they render all Raja yogas
useless, the same is true if many planets are in debilitation. The Rajayogakarakas cease to be Rajayogakarakas
if the happen to occupy their neecha-navamsas. Saturn
occupying its own or exaltation sign does not aict natural benecs or their yoga-formations provided it does not
simultaneously occupy its neecha-navamsa but all planets occupying navamsas ruled by Jupiter usually act as
benecs and if situated in a kendra, in the 9th or in the 2nd
house from the lagna make one very learned, famous and
even establish a new school of thought or system. Rahu
and Ketu (mythology) do not rule any navamsa-division
but a navamsa of Mars is to be found in all signs.[5]


In Vedic astrology, Navamsa means one-ninth part of

a Zodiac Sign. Navamsa literally means the Ninth Division. Thus, each navamsa measures 3 degrees and
20 minutes in longitude or one-quarter of a Nakshatra
(Constellation), and the Zodiac of Signs comprises 108
navamsas divided into four groups, 1) Mesha (Aries),
Simha (Leo) and Dhanus (Sagittarius) for which signs
the navamsas are from Aries to Dhanus, 2) Vrishibha
(Taurus), Kanya (Virgo) and Makara (Capricorn) they
are from Makara to Kanya, 3) Mithuna (Gemini), Tula
(Libra) and Kumbha (Aquarius) they are from Tula to
Mithuna, 4) Kataka (Cancer), Vrishchika (Scorpio) and
Meena (Pisces) they are from Kataka to Meena; the
Lagna (Ascendant)rising or the planet situated in the rst
navamsa of Chara rasis (movable signs), in the 5th
navamsa of Sthira rasis (xed signs) and in the 9th
navamsa of Dwisavbhava rasis (common signs) will be
in Vargottama and hence strong.[2][3]
The lords of 1st, 4th and 7th navamsa of a sign represent
the Deva (Divine beings and constructive forces); persons born with any of these navamsas rising in the Lagna
are generous, religious, wealthy, powerful and inuential. Persons born in the 2nd, 5th or the 8th navamsa
whose lords represent the Naras (Human beings and
their eorts) are generally kind, good natured, engaged
in the pursuits of human welfare and reputed; and in the
3rd, the 6th or the 9th navamsa whose lords represent the
Rakshasas (Demonic beings and evil forces) are selfish,cruel, violent, destructive and possess many negative
qualities. Moreover, the Lagna-rasi and the Lagna-lord
should not form or occupy the 6th, the 8th or the 12th
bhava in the Navamsa Chart nor the lords of the 6th,
the 8th or the 12th of the Rasi Chart associate with the
Navamsa Lagna or its lord.[4]

Results of planetary periods (dashas) and sub-periods

(antra-dashas) vary in accordance with the particular location of those bhava-lords in the Navamsa-chart. A
planet otherwise strongly placed in the Rasi-chart with
reference to a specic bhava or its lord does not produce
in its own dasha/antra-dasha the anticipated good results
relating to that bhava in full if it happens to be situated
in the navamsa-chart in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from
the sign occupied by that particular bhava-lord e.g. the

lord of the Lagna situated in the 3rd house in conjunction with the lord of the 3rd gives prosperous, happy and
helpful brothers but if in the navamsa-chart the lord of
the lagna is in the 6th, the 8th or the 12th from the lord
of the 3rd then there may be enmity with brothers or sorrow to them. If the lord of the 2nd house is in conjunction with the lord of the 10th situated in the 10th house
and the lord of the lagna is involved in Rajayoga one secures a high political or administrative position during the
dasha/antra-dasha of the lord of the 2nd house but in case
in the navamsa-chart the lord of the 2nd is in the 6th, the
8th or the 12th from the lord of the 10th then contrary
results will be experienced.[6]
In Prasna Marga the author has in addition to the
Navamsa also referred to the Nava Navamsa and the
Navamsa Dwadasamsa positions, the former position
is obtained by multiplying the actual longitude (signs included) of a planet by 81, and the latter by multiplying
the actual longitude (signs excluded) of a planet by 12.[7]
In Horary astrology, the navamsa-lagna has a direct bearing on the level of success reached; it should be ruled by a
benec planet and not be in a Shunya Rasi at the time of
performing any benecial activity, be of planets whose
varas are favourable for the event. Negative eects diminish if benec are strong in the lagna, in a kendra or in
a trine, the situation of the Moon in 11th house removes
all defects.[8] The Navamsa Chart is also called the Fortune Chart, for it is the hidden force and on its strength
or weakness depends how ones destiny unfolds; it gives
the measure of destiny. This chart, which complements
the Rasi Chart, helps judge the strengths and weaknesses
of planets and their respective dispositors as at the time
of ones birth, at the time of query and for purpose of
xing auspicious muhurtas.[9]


Then, the Moon occupying its exalted navamsa will be in

a trikona-bhava from a strong Mercury. Mars in its own
sign in the house of gains (11th house) or in the 7th, casting its aspect on the lagna while occupying an unfriendly
but a benec navamsa can make one an unforgiving undisputed undefeated despot. In the case of Gemini lagna the
person will be a very wealthy ruler, and in the case of Libra lagna the person will be an all-conquering emperor.
And, for example,
Jataka Tattva states that rst nd
out in which drekkena (decanate)
the lords of the 2nd and the 11th
are placed, then nd out the lords
of the navamsas that are occupied
by the lords of those drekkenas,
if the lords of these navamsas attain Vaishesika-amsa and occupy
the kendras or the trikonas from
the lagna then the person will be
blessed with a very sound nancial
Vaishesika-amsa is attained when a planet not in its debilitation sign or combust or defeated in grahyuddha avoiding a trika-bhava (6th, 8th or 12th) happens to occupy
all ten own, friendly or exalted vargas (sub-divisions) of
a sign.[10]

As per Jaimini the nancial status of a person is indicated by the Lagnarudha and its lord. Arudha lagna
associated with benecs gives wealth, if the 2nd house
from this lagna is occupied by Venus, Moon and Jupiter
or if the Arudha rasi of the 7th house happens to be a
kendra or trikona or the 3rd or 11th from Lagnarudha
the person will be very wealthy. Poverty is indicated if the
Arudha rasi of the 7th falls on the 6th, the 8th or the 12th
3 Role in Yoga formation
from Lagnarudha. There will be destruction of wealth
through association with women of ill-repute if the 9th
Main articles: Yoga (Hindu astrology) and Raja yoga from Karakamsa is joined by Rahu.[11] Karakamsa is the
navamsa occupied by the Atmakaraka, the planet most
(Hindu astrology)
advanced in any one sign in ones natal chart.
All yoga formations follow inviolable basic rules and principles and therefore, the yogas described by the various
texts are very certain in their construction and impact. All
sub-divisions of a sign, including the navamsa situation of
planets, have prescribed roles and results and contribute
to their varga-wise awastha determination. For example,
a Raja yoga description reads as follows:
If at the time of birth the Moon situated in a trikona-bhava (trine) is in
the 8th navamsa of Aquarius, Mars
occupies the 7th navamsa of Aries
and Mercury is in the 21st vimsamsa of Gemini, a king is born.
This yoga is possible for Gemini lagna and Libra lagna.

4 References

[1] Horoscope Construction and Organisation. Sterling Publishers (P) Ltd. p. 102.
[2] T.M.Rao. Astrology for Layman. S.Publishers. p. 15.
[3] M.Ramakrishna Bhat. Fundamentals of Astrology. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 5.
[4] Usage of Navamsa Charts in prediction.
[5] Ravinder Kumar Soni. Planets and Their Yoga Formations. New Delhi: Pigeon Books India. p. 39.

[6] B.V.Raman. How to judge a Horoscope Vol.I. Delhi:

Motilal Banarsidass. p. 49,95.
[7] Bangalore Venkata Raman. Prasna Marga. Motilal Banarsidass. p. 75.
[8] Ernst Wilhelm. Classical Muhurata. Kala Occult Publishers. p. 124.
[9] Navamsa.
[10] Ravinder Kumar Soni. Planets And Their Yoga Formations. New Delhi: Pigeon Books India. pp. 3941. Retrieved 2013-01-20.
[11] B v Raman. Studies in Jaimini Astrology. New Delhi:
Motilal Banarsidass. p. 85.
[12] Gupta, Varun. Concepts to read Navamsa


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Navamsa (astrology) Source: Contributors: Carlossuarez46, Giraedata, Rsrikanth05, Second Quantization, Aditya soni, Tarun marwaha, BattyBot, Fzvarun and Anonymous: 2



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